What vegetables are possible after childbirth? What vegetables can a nursing mother eat during breastfeeding? Fermented milk products and milk

At healthy pregnancy woman tries to eat a lot of healthy foods nutritious foods without limiting yourself in anything. But immediately after the birth of the baby, she has to adhere to a strict diet. It would seem that vitamin-filled fruits, herbs, and vegetables will only benefit a nursing mother. But strict control is needed here. After all, the newborn’s digestive system is not yet formed and can react unpredictably to ordinary cucumbers or cabbage. What vegetables can be consumed, and in what form?

The importance of vegetables during breastfeeding for mother and child

The nutritional value of milk depends entirely on what the nursing mother eats. Many women, fearing indigestion and allergies in the child, try to exclude vegetables from their diet. But in order for the baby to develop normally, he must receive everything necessary substances, which are found in large quantities in vegetables.

If there is a lack of them in the diet, a woman may experience constipation and vitamin deficiency. The natural fiber that vegetables are made of gently stimulates intestinal motility and acts as a laxative. In addition, they will have to be replaced with other products that are much higher in calories, which means that such a diet threatens a nursing mother with unnecessary kilograms.

  1. Limited nutrition during lactation deprives the baby of vital micronutrients.
  2. Vegetable products help absorb protein and iron.
  3. Every day, mom needs to eat at least 400 g of vegetables.

Allowed vegetables during lactation

In the first month of establishing lactation, a nursing mother needs to approach her menu carefully. Some vegetables provoke increased gas formation, colic, diarrhea and an allergic reaction in a newborn. Pediatricians and neonatologists will help you figure out which vegetables are possible with natural feeding.

There is a list of permitted and absolutely harmless vegetables that must be followed:

  • Potato. Contains thiamine, potassium and phosphorus, amino acids - necessary components for the full development of the child. Potatoes improve metabolic processes, removes excess fluid and salt from the body. But you should not abuse the product, as it is high in calories and leads to weight gain.
  • Beet. Excellent natural remedy against postpartum constipation. Strengthens the immune system, prevents anemia, removes toxins, helps cope with depression. Increases the body's endurance, which is important for a new mother. Beets are not eaten when diabetes mellitus, is limited in cases of osteoporosis, as it interferes with the absorption of calcium.
  • Carrot. Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. It is a source of carotene, a substance responsible for hair growth and vision. It should be introduced gradually, since a child may develop an allergy due to a large amount of vitamin A.
  • Zucchini. They include fiber, which removes bile acids from the body, pectins, which eliminate toxic substances, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Zucchini is an excellent substitute for beets without causing gas or allergies. The product can be added to any vegetable dish; they are neutral and quick-cooking.
  • Bell pepper. Great dietary vegetable. Accelerates the absorption of iron, is filled with vitamin C, removes toxins from the body of a nursing mother. Provides collagen synthesis, which is responsible for the health of gums, bones and teeth.
  • Eggplant. Normalize kidney function and urinary tract. They have a mild laxative effect and positive influence to the liver.
  • Celery. Prevents many diseases, strengthens and rejuvenates the body. Tones, relieves stress, improves sleep. By consuming celery root, a nursing mother will improve the condition of her skin, hair, lips and eyes.
  • Cauliflower. Rich in folic acid - an essential substance for development nervous system baby. Strengthens the cardiac system, has bactericidal properties. Normalizes hormonal background. No less useful is broccoli, rich in iron, potassium and zinc. The product contains substances that inhibit growth cancer cells. This type of cabbage is also used to treat ulcers.
  • Green onions. Increases appetite, improves digestion, strengthens tooth enamel. The fiber in onion feathers promotes weight loss, which is extremely important for many mothers after childbirth.
  • Pumpkin. It is a storehouse of vitamins and substances that ensure normal digestion. Pumpkin pulp relieves swelling and eliminates constipation. It's low calorie delicious product. It is administered with caution, as an allergy is possible.

Vegetable list recommended during natural feeding, quite big. They can be eaten as a separate main course, added to soups, eaten in the form of salads, cooked porridges, stews and casseroles. A vegetable side dish along with cereals increases milk flow.

What vegetables to avoid while breastfeeding

It is not advisable to eat all vegetables during breastfeeding. This does not mean that you need to completely exclude them from your diet. But they need to be treated with extreme caution, eaten in minimal doses, and carefully monitor the baby’s behavior.

  • Fresh cucumbers should not be eaten during the first month of breastfeeding. Despite them low calorie content and hypoallergenic, green fresh vegetables can cause stomach upset in both mother and baby. They can be introduced when the baby turns 3 months old. It is recommended to completely avoid pickled and pickled cucumbers until the end of breastfeeding.
  • Tomatoes, enriched with microelements, which have a healing effect on anemia, are not recommended at the beginning of breastfeeding. They cause an allergic reaction in infants, like all brightly colored vegetables. If mommy tries to eat a tomato when the baby is 3 months old and he gets a rash, you can switch to yellow, sweeter varieties. They are considered less allergenic.
  • It is undesirable to use during lactation. It causes fermentation, causing bloating and gas formation in the baby’s intestines. When the baby turns 2 months old, cabbage is included in the diet in stewed or boiled form.
  • Legumes often cause colic and increased gas formation in children. Their use should be stopped until the child is 3 months old. By this time, his digestion will be formed, and he will be able to quickly digest peas, beans or lentils.
  • Raw onions are excluded from the diet until the end of lactation. They give sweetish milk an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Exotic vegetables are also recommended to be completely excluded. They often call severe allergies in infants.

It is better to buy vegetable products in trusted stores. Early season vegetables that have been treated with chemicals to ripen quickly should be avoided. Imported vegetables are extremely dangerous. For presentation, they are treated with wax. It is better to eat fresh vegetables from your own garden. If this is not possible, you need to wash them thoroughly and cut off the peel.

In what form is it better for mom to eat vegetables?

It is better to introduce vegetables gradually. A three-day interval must be observed between each new vegetable type so that you can monitor how the child reacts to the new product. Small portion It is advisable to eat before lunch and then feed the baby. If after 3 days everything is fine with the baby, he has normal stool and the color of your cheeks, you can safely introduce the vegetable into your diet.

Not all raw vegetables can be eaten when breastfeeding. They are difficult to digest and cause intestinal upset in the child. It is also not recommended to eat them fried.

Ways to fit heat treatment:

  • boiled vegetables with a little salt;
  • stewed under a closed lid;
  • steamed (a steamer or a slow cooker will come in handy here);
  • baked.

Popular healthy dishes for nursing mothers:

  • fried potatoes or french fries are not the best best dishes when breastfeeding. It is better to bake or boil a healthy, filling vegetable;
  • an excellent dish is a stew, to which you can add stewed zucchini, carrots, beets, potatoes, eggplants;
  • in the summer season, if the baby’s age allows, they will be useful vegetable salads from cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • Great variety of menu cauliflower, boiled or steamed. You can make a delicious puree soup with sour cream sauce from it.

Additional reading:

Well, very tasty - Vegetable Stew

The quality of breast milk and the speed of recovery of a woman’s exhausted body after long period carrying a baby largely depends on how well the mother eats.

Poor nutrition deprives her and her rapidly growing baby of vital “building” substances, for this reason, daily diet should be safe and maximally balanced, fortified and rich in beneficial micro- and macroelements, especially in the autumn-winter period.

The main assistants in the process of enriching the body, and therefore breast milk, essential minerals are vegetables.

Actually, today we invite you to understand what vegetables you can eat while breastfeeding and why they are good, as well as which ones it is advisable to refuse in order to avoid troubles, first of all, for the child.

From this article you will learn:

What vegetables and in what form can a nursing mother eat?

It's no secret that when breastfeeding, women's menu consists of a limited food set. Fortunately, this lasts only 2-3 months from the moment the baby is born. As he grows up, the taboo on most types of foods is lifted, and the mother gradually returns to her usual diet, adjusted towards a healthy diet.

IN in this case, vegetables become its basis, and the baby learns to digest plant food, receiving from it all the useful things that it accumulated during the period of active maturation.

So, the allowed vegetables during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • Potato– it is rich in thiamine – an invaluable amino acid for a child;
  • Carrot– it contains a lot of carotene and vitamin B6, a substance involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats and their complete absorption by the body;
  • Beet– it contains a huge amount of “health vitamin” (vitamin C);
  • cucumbers– they contain iodine, which is essential for health thyroid gland;
  • Zucchini and zucchini– from these, the baby and mother receive potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron;
  • Bell pepper– a source of rutin and potassium – substances that strengthen capillaries;
  • Tomatoes– good for anemia, since they contain sufficient amounts of iron and zinc;
  • Eggplant– they are famous for having in themselves huge amount pectins – substances that stabilize metabolism;
  • Green onions– rich in flavonoids, which are especially important given the deteriorating environmental situation;
  • Celerynatural medicine for bloating, enriched with vitamins B and C and carotene;
  • Broccoli– a storehouse of beta-carotene and substances that increase metabolism in the body;
  • Cauliflower– it improves intestinal microflora and contains folic acid necessary for the mental development of the child.

As you can see, the food variety is quite extensive, and if you consider that these products can be served prepared using several technologies, then you no longer have to worry about satisfying taste needs.

Ideally, it is advisable to consume vegetables during breastfeeding after heat treatment. They can be:

  • boil;
  • put out;
  • steam;
  • bake.

Darling fried potatoes Contraindicated for a nursing mother. But, it can be replaced with an equally tasty dish - baked potatoes or delicate milk puree with herbs.

Carrots, zucchini, eggplants, tomatoes and the same potatoes can become components of a vegetable stew, which is also recommended for consumption during breastfeeding. By the way, zucchini can help mom cope with swelling, so avoiding them at the height of the vegetable season means harming yourself.

“Local” cucumbers and onions, naturally in season, are available to mother in raw form and in almost unlimited quantities. As a rule, these vegetables do not have a gas-forming effect during breastfeeding and do not cause digestive problems for the baby.

Cauliflower and broccoli are delicious when steamed or added to soup. In this form, they retain all their vitamins and allow you to successfully experiment with familiar types of dishes.

For example, broccoli is a popular restaurant ingredient that can be used to make a delicious creamy soup with croutons.

As for beets and sweet peppers, you should introduce them into your diet carefully and slowly. It is also worth mentioning raw carrots. Sometimes these vegetables cause allergic reactions: redness on the skin, rash, etc.

Despite the fact that all the gifts of fields and gardens have certain valuable properties, there are still some that a nursing mother should avoid. First of all, these include products that, when consumed, cause a child to develop a congenital allergy.

They can be radishes, horseradish, tomatoes, eggplants, radishes, onions and many others. other. This also includes garlic, which when added to milk gives it a bitter taste and a characteristic repulsive odor.

However, proper heat treatment does not give the allergen/odor a chance to live.

Next, the list is replenished with non-seasonal vegetables imported from warm countries or grown in greenhouses. As a rule, there is little benefit from them, but there is more than enough harm, since farmers keep the processing methods, including methods for stimulating their growth, under seven seals.

And lastly, when breastfeeding you should not eat vegetables from jars. This refers to pickles, aromatic and tasty, but absolutely contraindicated for a nursing mother. They may contain dangerous compounds - vinegar, salt, hot spices and seasonings. The baby should get acquainted with them in last resort, allowing his digestive organs to gain strength and produce the necessary set of enzymes.

Breastfeeding mothers are most hesitant about vegetables. On the one hand, this best source vitamins and fiber, on the other hand, some of them, especially in their raw form, can lead to bloating and colic in the baby or provoke allergies. Let's try together to create an optimal list of safe vegetables.

Vegetables are an integral part of a well-structured diet. They contain a large number of minerals and vitamins, and legumes– also a complete vegetable protein. It is a storehouse of fiber, which regulates intestinal function and prevents constipation, obesity and intestinal cancer.

Finding sources of vitamins and microelements to improve quality mother's milk and prevention of vitamin deficiency is especially relevant in winter, when local vegetables become almost the only choice. After all, fruits from the supermarket are not safe and high quality. To protect fruits from spoilage and extend the sales period, they are treated with chemical agents that can negatively affect the health of mother and baby.

Minerals in vegetables (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc.) not only participate in the formation of tissues, such as bone, but also regulate water balance in the body, preventing swelling and dehydration.

Effect on lactation

Some vegetables during breastfeeding can increase lactation:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini

They are used to prepare various decoctions stimulating milk production.

An infusion of carrots that promotes lactation has proven itself well. To prepare it, grate 1 medium carrot on a fine grater. The result should be approximately 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable mush. Pour in one glass of boiled milk. Leave for 30 minutes. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a drop of honey.

Most useful

What vegetables can nursing mothers eat? Doctors advise choosing only seasonal ones, grown in your area, which you are used to eating before giving birth. A woman can try them already in the first days after the baby is born.

The most useful and safest:

  1. Potatoes are rich in thiamine, especially when boiled or baked. But you should give up fried potatoes during breastfeeding. A nursing mother can eat up to 4 medium potatoes every day.
  2. Carrots, due to their high content of vitamin A, have beneficial influence on vision. In the first months after childbirth, it is better to eat this vegetable in small quantities and boiled.
  3. Zucchini: vitamin A and copper in its composition can relieve swelling. 1 medium-sized vegetable will be enough for mom per day.
  4. Broccoli and cauliflower, as a rule, do not cause increased gas formation, so mothers can eat them from the first days of a newborn’s life. It is recommended to eat cabbage boiled, stewed or steamed. Folic acid, which is part of these representatives of the Cruciferous family, stimulates the development of the child’s brain. IN in some cases They can still cause bloating in the baby, so they should be present in the mother’s diet in small quantities.
  5. Pumpkin is a source of vitamins B, C, T and K. Regular use in food will help the mother cope with swelling and even lose excess weight, gained during pregnancy.

Allowed vegetables during breastfeeding also include: Chinese cabbage, corn (with caution), young black Eyed Peas, lettuce, fresh parsley and dill.

Requiring caution

In the first (1-3) months of a child’s life, it is better to avoid some vegetables. Next, they are introduced into the menu of a nursing mother with caution, monitoring the condition of the baby. It may also happen that a woman will start eating something from the list below almost immediately after giving birth and no problems will arise.

  1. Cucumbers have a positive effect on the thyroid gland. But you can consume no more than three of them per day, and only if the baby does not suffer from increased gas production.
  2. Beets contain significant amounts of calcium and iodine. Helps cope with digestive disorders in mothers and babies. But you can eat it provided that the child does not suffer from allergies.
  3. Tomatoes are rich in iron, potassium and zinc, so they are considered an excellent preventive measure for osteoporosis and anemia. But it is better to introduce them into the diet when the child is one month old. If the baby is prone to food allergies, choose yellow varieties rather than red ones. Tomatoes can cause sensitization symptoms in a child. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should not eat more than half of one fruit per day.
  4. Sweet pepper strengthens capillaries due to its calcium and rutin content. You can try it for the first time when the baby is one or two months old. Give preference to green or yellow fruits.
  5. Eggplants are rich in pectin and help normalize metabolism in the body of a nursing mother. But due to the presence of corned beef in their composition, it is better to postpone acquaintance for a while. Before preparing delicious vegetable dishes It is recommended to soak the eggplants in salted water.
  6. Celery will solve the problem of increased gas formation in infants, saturate the body of mother and baby with vitamins A, B and E. But it can cause allergies, especially if there is a family history allergic diseases. In this case, it is advisable to postpone the introduction of celery into the diet until the baby is three months old.

What is better to refuse?

Vegetables that a woman should avoid altogether during breastfeeding:

  1. White cabbage and other representatives of the Cruciferous family (with the exception of those mentioned earlier) enhance fermentation processes in the intestines and can cause bloating and intestinal colic in infants. Raw and fermented milk is especially not recommended in the first 3-4 months of a baby’s life. After this, a breastfeeding mother can eat stewed and boiled cabbage.
  2. Fresh onions and garlic are contraindicated during lactation, as their pungent taste and Strong smell can affect the taste of milk, which can cause the baby to refuse to feed. They can also cause colic in a newborn. Consumption in very small quantities is allowed.
  3. Beans and other legumes can cause tummy pain in a child. You should stop using them for at least 3 months from the moment of birth.
  4. Radishes and radishes contain a lot essential oils, so it is not recommended for nursing mothers to eat them.
  5. Vegetables that are unusual for the average Russian, such as avocado and Jerusalem artichoke, can not only provoke allergies, but also cause indigestion in a nursing woman, which can negatively affect the condition of the baby.
  6. Any salted or pickled vegetables contribute to fluid retention in the body. It is especially dangerous to eat products that have been prepared with vinegar, which is prohibited for nursing mothers.

When and how to introduce it into the diet?

You can start eating vegetables that are allowed during breastfeeding within a few days after giving birth. Definitely maximum benefit get from raw vegetables, but they can be eaten when the baby is 3 months old. In the meantime, it is preferable to steam or bake in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients during heat treatment.

Vegetables are introduced into the diet gradually. After trying something new, you need to wait at least 3 days. During this period, you will understand whether your baby has allergies or other negative reactions to this product.

Most vegetables can be eaten raw after being thoroughly washed and peeled. Cucumbers, red peppers, green onions, parsley is a great addition to sandwiches. And when submitting to meat dishes These foods promote the absorption of iron in the intestines, thereby preventing anemia.

In the dessert menu, vegetables can be presented as healthy vitamin cocktail: mix natural or Greek yogurt with parsley, celery, red pepper, turnips.

Vegetables consumed after heat treatment include: parsley root, celery, potatoes, broccoli. They are usually served with main courses or as part of salads.

You can cook carrots and beets natural juices– excellent sources of antioxidants and beta-carotene, which strengthen the immune system and are an important base good vision.

Cucumbers, sorrel, broccoli and other vegetables are good ingredients for a variety of soups.

Separately, it should be said about the seasonality factor. Early vegetables tend to contain large amounts of nitrates and other harmful substances. No less dangerous are imported plants that undergo chemical treatment before transportation. Therefore, experts advise nursing mothers to buy only native seasonal vegetables grown in open ground, from reliable sellers or directly from manufacturers.

In stores and markets, pay attention only to fruits with elastic, intact skin.

What to cook?

Vegetable puree soup

To prepare, take any vegetables in any quantity that you have already tried and they did not cause negative reaction at the baby's. These could be: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin.

  1. Peel and chop the vegetables.
  2. After this, place in a saucepan and fill with water or chicken broth.
  3. Cook over low heat until done. Don't forget to add salt.
  4. When they become soft, puree the soup in a blender.

You can serve this soup with herbs, a drop of olive oil or low-fat sour cream.

Stewed zucchini

Both fresh and frozen are suitable for cooking.

  1. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.
  2. Darken a little vegetable oil in a saucepan.
  3. Add finely grated carrots and a few tomato slices.
  4. Season with a little salt and sugar.
  5. Continue to simmer over low heat until done.

Stewed zucchini can be served with finely chopped herbs.

Cauliflower salad

  1. Separate a small head of cauliflower into inflorescences.
  2. Boil them in salted water until tender. Check readiness with a fork - the inflorescences should be easily pierced.
  3. Drain the water and cool the product.
  4. When the inflorescences have cooled, salt them to taste, sprinkle with a small amount lemon juice and season with natural yoghurt without additives or low-fat sour cream.
  5. Serve garnished with your favorite greens.

In the diet of a nursing mother, vegetables should occupy one of the leading places along with meat and dairy products, as well as sources complex carbohydrates. A properly composed menu gives a woman the opportunity to establish lactation and provide herself and her baby with all the necessary substances.

A nursing mother is forced to be very responsible when choosing food so as not to harm her newborn baby. It is for safety reasons that girls often completely exclude vegetables from their diet during breastfeeding. Let's figure out which vegetables you should give up, which vegetables are allowed during breastfeeding, and how best to prepare them.

Why does a nursing mother need to eat vegetables?

As you know, the composition of breast milk directly depends on the mother’s nutrition, which is why the diet should not only be safe for the baby, but also balanced. The speed of recovery of her body, exhausted by long-term childbearing, also depends on how varied and at the same time healthy a woman eats during this period.

It is not only possible for a nursing mother to eat vegetables, but also necessary; excluding them from the diet can harm the health of both mother and child.

Why you shouldn't give up vegetables:

  • The meager nutrition of a nursing mother deprives the baby of vital substances, minerals and trace elements;
  • Refusal of vegetables means refusal of a large amount of vitamins that are so necessary for the body during lactation;
  • Vegetables are an indispensable “helper” in the absorption of protein, as well as iron;
  • Vegetables are a natural laxative; if you completely avoid them, a woman will suffer from constipation;
  • If you completely give up vegetables, you will have to replace them with more high-calorie side dishes, and this will sooner or later lead to a woman gaining excess weight.


What vegetables are allowed during breastfeeding?

You should be especially careful when choosing food products in the first month of feeding, since the baby’s digestive system is very weak and reacts to the slightest changes in the mother’s diet. Some vegetables can cause gas, colic, and constipation in your baby. But there is a list of completely safe vegetables:

  • Potato– rich in thiamine, which is so necessary for the harmonious development of the baby;
  • Beet– contains a large amount of vitamin C, is effective as prophylactic agents from constipation. Useful for anemia;
  • Carrot– a source of carotene, as well as vitamins B and A, which are indispensable for good vision of both mother and child;
  • Zucchini– include valuable microelements: magnesium and potassium, iron and copper, and are also rich in calcium;
  • Bell pepper– strengthens capillaries due to high content they contain rutin and calcium;
  • Eggplant– a source of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • Celery– eliminates bloating, is rich in B vitamins, as well as carotene;
  • Cauliflower– contains folic acid, essential for babies, which is responsible for mental development. Positively affects intestinal function;
  • Green onions– rich in flavonoids and other microelements and vitamins.

As we can see, the list of vegetables that can be eaten during breastfeeding is not so meager. They can be prepared in many ways - as side dishes, independent main courses, soups or salads.

How to cook vegetables for a nursing mother?

Not all vegetables can be eaten raw during breastfeeding; it is also forbidden to fry them. Best ways heat treatment in this case:

  • Boil vegetables in slightly salted water;
  • Stew in its own juice;
  • Steam; in this case, a steamer or multicooker will come in handy;
  • Bake in the oven.

What foods are allowed:

  • Such a popular dish as fried potatoes is, of course, prohibited for a young mother, but you can eat mashed potatoes with milk or baked potatoes;
  • A tasty and healthy dish is a stew of stewed vegetables. You can use zucchini, potatoes, eggplant and carrots. This dish will diversify your diet and help get rid of swelling if you add zucchini to it;
  • In the summer season, you can safely make salads from cucumbers and tomatoes; exclude seasonings; you can dress the salad olive oil;
  • Cauliflower and broccoli can act as an independent side dish; it is better to steam them, then they will not be deprived of valuable vitamins. You can also prepare a delicious cream soup with cream from them.

Helpful advice:

Always choose seasonal vegetables that grow in your region.

What vegetables are recommended to be avoided during breastfeeding?

There is a list of vegetables that are not recommended for breastfeeding, but this does not mean that they are strict ban. They just need to be used with extreme caution. Use in small quantity and monitor the child's reaction. Among them:

Fresh cucumbers

Cucumber is a vegetable that is usually consumed only in fresh, it definitely should not be consumed in the first month of ore feeding. Although it is low in calories and almost never causes an allergic reaction, it can cause digestive problems in an infant. Sometimes this product causes increased gas formation even in adults, and in infants in most cases.


Rich in calcium and iron, they are effective for anemia, but in the first months they are not recommended for mothers with breastfeeding. They are allergenic products, like all red vegetables, can cause a rash in a child.

Helpful advice:

If a child develops even after three months allergic rash After mom consumes tomatoes, she can try yellow varieties of tomatoes; they are considered less allergenic.

White cabbage

Fresh milk is contraindicated for nursing mothers, as it causes fermentation in the intestines and provokes bloating in both mother and baby. Strictly prohibited and sauerkraut, like any marinade and pickles. After the child is one to two months old, boiled and stewed cabbage can be introduced into the mother’s diet.

Any legumes

It will cause gas formation and stomach pain in the baby. They can be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother only after the baby is three months old; it is by this period that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract will improve.

Onion and garlic

They are prohibited in the first months, but it is better to exclude them until the end of feeding, as they impart breast milk a special taste that the child may not like at all.

Exotic vegetables

They are prohibited in the first months of breastfeeding, as they often cause severe allergic reactions in the child.

It is important!

Buy only fresh vegetables from reliable sellers, avoid the first fruits of the season, as they are often treated with special chemicals to ripen quickly. Imported vegetables are also dangerous; they are often treated with wax for an attractive appearance.

How to introduce vegetables into the diet of a nursing mother?

A new vegetable should be introduced into the menu according to the following scheme:

  1. Each vegetable should be introduced into the diet separately; a pause of at least three days should be maintained between new types of vegetables.
  2. More on the topic (posts from this section)

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in the life of any woman. It entails multiple changes related not only to the daily routine, but also to the nutrition of the young mother. In today's article we will figure out whether it is possible to eat vegetables during breastfeeding and what to cook from them.

The benefits of plant foods

The quality of mother's milk depends entirely on what the woman herself eats. Therefore, her diet should be complete and well-balanced. One of the most important components of a nursing mother's menu is vegetables. They are rich in valuable vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber, gently stimulating intestinal motility.

Lack of vegetables during lactation can cause many serious problems. It not only deprives the baby of a vital set of vitamins and microelements, but also provokes disruptions in the absorption of protein and iron. Also, vegetable-free food is fraught with health problems for the mother herself. Sooner or later she will become constipated and gain weight. To prevent this from happening during lactation, you need to eat about 400 g of plant food daily.

List of allowed vegetables

In the first months after the birth of the baby, young mothers should be especially careful about their diet. After all, there is whole list products that can cause allergies, intestinal colic, diarrhea or increased gas formation in a child. Therefore, it is very important to know what vegetables a nursing mother can eat.

The list of safe foods includes potatoes rich in thiamine, potassium and phosphorus. This root vegetable stimulates metabolic processes and also promotes the removal of salt and fluid from the body.

Also, breastfeeding women are allowed to consume beets. It can be added to soup or salad. During breastfeeding, you need to eat not only tasty, but also healthy. And this product helps overcome depression and helps eliminate toxins. In addition, it strengthens immune system and serves as the prevention of anemia. Do not forget that beets are considered one of the most effective natural remedies from postpartum constipation.

Those who want to find out what vegetables nursing mothers can eat will be interested in the fact that carrots are included in the list of allowed foods. It is a good source of carotene, which affects hair health and visual acuity. Plus, this root vegetable helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism. However, it must be introduced gradually so as not to cause allergies.

Zucchini plays an equally important role in the nutrition of a young mother. They contain not only many essential vitamins and minerals, but also pectins, which neutralize toxic substances. Also on the menu of a woman breastfeeding a baby should be eggplant, pumpkin, sweet peppers, celery, green onions and cauliflower. The latter has a unique vitamin and mineral composition and is considered an excellent source of iodine, pectin, iron and ascorbic acid. That’s why it is often included in soups, salads, casseroles and other healthy dishes.

Prohibited Products

Having found out what vegetables a nursing mother can eat, you need to understand the list of prohibited ingredients. First of all, this includes exotic fruits that do not grow in our region. You should also be very careful with raw onions and garlic, as they give breast milk an unpleasant, specific taste.

Legumes contribute increased gas formation. Therefore, they will also have to be temporarily excluded from your diet. They should be administered only after the baby is three months old and his digestion has formed.

Those who are wondering whether it is possible for nursing mothers to eat tomatoes and cucumbers need to remember that these seemingly safe foods are not so harmless. On the one hand, tomatoes are rich in many vitamins, on the other hand, they, like any bright vegetables, can cause allergies. Therefore, you should try them only after your baby reaches three months of age. Plus, it is recommended to replace red tomatoes with yellow varieties to begin with. As for cucumbers, they can cause stomach upset in both a woman and her child. Therefore, they must be used with great caution.

Also, many young women are concerned about whether a nursing mother can eat cabbage. The white vegetable promotes gas formation, bloating and fermentation. As a result, it should be administered only after the baby turns two months old. Moreover, the cabbage should be boiled or stewed.

You need to buy vegetables only in trusted retail outlets that have all the necessary documentation confirming the quality of the products offered. The specimens you select should not show signs of damage or wax deposits.

Now that you know which vegetables can be eaten by a nursing mother, and which are best temporarily excluded from the diet, you need to talk about acceptable methods of heat treatment. Raw plant food poorly digested and can cause intestinal disorders. Therefore, all vegetables intended for feeding a nursing woman must be subjected to pre-treatment. They can be boiled in salted water, stewed under a lid, baked in the oven or steamed.

Pumpkin puree soup

This creamy first course is ideal for feeding new mothers. It not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also helps improve functioning. digestive system. To add variety to your breastfeeding diet, you will need:

  • 250 g pumpkin pulp.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • Big carrot.
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream.
  • Water, dill and salt.

Washed and peeled vegetables are cut into small pieces and placed in a suitable saucepan. They top it up there a small amount of salted water. All this is sent to the stove and boiled until soft. Prepared vegetables processed with a blender, supplemented with dill, seasoned with sour cream and heated for a short time over low heat.

Stew with zucchini and cauliflower

Those who care about the health of their newborn baby and try to eat right can be advised to pay attention to one more simple recipe with GV. To play it you will need:

  • 150 g cauliflower.
  • Large thin-skinned zucchini.
  • Medium bulb.
  • Big carrot.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • Water, salt and herbs.

First of all, you should take care of the vegetables. They are washed in running water, peeled and cut. Then chopped onions, potatoes and carrots are loaded into a pan filled with salted boiling water. After a few minutes, pieces of zucchini and cabbage inflorescences are added to them. All this is brought to full readiness and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Zucchini soup

First courses are quite rightly considered an integral part of proper nutrition nursing mothers. To prepare one of these soups you will need:

  • Young thin-skinned zucchini.
  • 4 medium-sized potatoes.
  • 2 medium carrots.
  • Onion head.
  • 3 ripe tomatoes.
  • Salt, any lean food and water.

First you need to tackle the vegetables. They are washed, peeled if necessary and chopped. Then put the potatoes into a saucepan with salted boiling water and boil them for a short time over low heat. Then sauteed onions, browned carrots and fried zucchini are added to it. All this is brought to full readiness and crushed with chopped herbs.


A special place in the diet of a nursing woman is given to salads. You can eat during breastfeeding dietary dishes, consisting of healthy and easily digestible ingredients. To prepare one of these salads you will need:

  • 400 g chicken fillet.
  • 100 g low-fat hard cheese.
  • 2 raw selected eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oils.
  • 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • ½ loaf wheat bread.
  • Salt and a bunch of lettuce.

It is advisable to start the process by processing the fillet. It is washed, dried, cut into strips and marinated in a mixture of salt and lemon juice. After twenty minutes, the meat is placed in a saucepan and simmered under the lid. The finished chicken is placed on a plate lined with lettuce leaves. Chopped ones are sent there too. boiled eggs and crackers made from wheat bread. Before serving, pour olive oil over the salad, add some salt and sprinkle with cheese shavings.

Spinach soup

We present to you another simple and very interesting recipe with GV. This one is delicious and healthy soup will add variety to the diet of nursing mothers. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.5 l drinking water.
  • ½ package frozen spinach.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • Selected egg.
  • A small carrot.
  • Salt and soft butter.

Pre-washed and peeled vegetables are cut into small pieces, browned in a greased frying pan and immersed in a saucepan with salted boiling water. After some time, sauteed spinach and a raw beaten egg are loaded into a common bowl. All this is brought to readiness and poured into plates.

Cauliflower Casserole

It's elegant and very tasty dish also meets all the requirements for menu components for nursing mothers. To prepare it you will need:

  • 350 g cauliflower.
  • 130 g of any hard cheese.
  • 50 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • ¼ pack butter.
  • 2 raw selected eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts.
  • Salt and any fresh herbs.

You need to start the process by processing the cabbage. It is thoroughly washed in running water, divided into inflorescences and immersed in a pan filled with salted boiling water. After seven minutes, the cooked vegetable is placed in a colander and then distributed over the bottom of the greased pan. The top of the cabbage is sprinkled with chopped walnuts and crushed with cheese shavings. At the final stage, the whole thing is poured with a mixture of salted milk and beaten eggs, and then heat-treated. Cook cabbage casserole at moderate temperature for no more than fifteen minutes.