How does quitting smoking affect your skin? The harmful effects of smoking on skin condition. Will a plastic surgeon help?

The consequences of tobacco use for skin always sad. Smokers' skin is susceptible early aging; changes that have occurred in cellular level, are very slow to recover. Therefore, if you have given up a bad habit, it will take a lot of time and effort to bring your skin to a healthy appearance. In this publication we will talk about how to restore your skin after smoking, how to speed up the process of its healing from the outside and from the inside.

How does nicotine affect the skin?

Throughout the entire period active use Tobacco smoke, the body does not adapt to the forced conditions of artificially created oxygen starvation, it resists, responds with coughing, increased work of the liver, stomach and heart muscle. The consequences of each pack smoked are reflected on the skin. The results of facial changes are more noticeable in women than in men. This happens due to the thinner and more delicate structure of the epidermis, the restoration of which is not an easy task.

On initial stage When smoking just begins to become a habit, the skin gets stressed from substances that are unusual for it: nicotine, tar and other harmful components of each cigarette. Then the dermis begins to respond to the poisoning. As a result, visible differences appear smoking man(especially women) from a non-smoker. For facial skin care you have to use great amount cosmetics. .png" alt="Aging from nicotine" width="450" height="224" data-srcset=" 768w, 770w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Protein deficiency from the endless absorption of resins by the body causes a lack of collagen, which causes the elasticity of the entire skin, including the facial one, to be lost. A lack of collagen and elastin is a direct path to sagging, sagging and premature skin wrinkling. Women who smoke, as a rule, look older than their peers, and with increasing smoking experience, the difference becomes more noticeable. It is much more difficult for smokers to take care of their skin than for non-smokers. In men, the difference is not so noticeable due to the structural features of the epidermis: men's skin is much thicker.

After some time (depending on genetics), the face acquires unnatural shades: it becomes gray, yellowish and sallow.

A smoker's skin is always drier than that of a person who does not use tobacco. The reason is a lack of vitamins A, C, E and B. In winter it peels off, in summer it becomes dehydrated and shrinks. Moisturizing and nourishing creams have to be used in huge quantities, and the result is barely noticeable.

Dark circles under the eyes become more noticeable every year. This is the result of a lack of oxygen throughout the body. The face reacts to oxygen starvation one of the first.

Nicotine also affects the sclera of the eyes, spoils vision, and early on the need for glasses arises, which are not always colored. The blurred color of the iris is also not pleasing; instead of shining eyes, their dull semblances appear on the face.

Nicotine, consumed in large quantities, suppresses the production of the female hormone estrogen, secondary male sexual characteristics become noticeable: a completely invisible light fluff above upper lip turns into a visible mustache, the hair becomes coarser, thicker, and has to be dealt with.

What happens to the skin after quitting smoking

Quitting cigarettes will gradually affect the condition of all organs and skin. The olfactory organs, freed from the constant presence of smoke in them, will begin to better recognize odors, including you will begin to smell the tobacco smell coming from other people and will enjoy the feeling of freshness.

After a few days, the cells, accustomed to constant oppression, will begin to breathe freely - the cheeks will turn pink, the yellowness will gradually begin to fade from the face.

Cellular metabolism returns to normal after about 2-3 months. The skin is renewed every month, and within three renewals the signs of tobacco use will gradually disappear. .png" alt="Restoration of facial skin after quitting smoking" width="450" height="250" data-srcset=" 599w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Dark circles under the eyes gradually disappear, because the epidermis receives the amount of oxygen necessary for breathing.

The sebaceous glands begin to work normally and are no longer clogged with smoke and tar.

After six months, the face of someone who quit smoking becomes similar to the face of a person who has never smoked. But only if the age and experience of the smoker is not too long.

How to help your skin recover faster

The human body is fine-tuned to the smallest detail, every detail and all processes are carefully thought out by nature. Immunity comes into play in the fight against disease, and regeneration comes into play in the fight for skin integrity. The stronger the damage, the more effort all systems will have to spend on healing. To help the skin and make it regenerate faster, you need to make every effort. Intensive cosmetic skin care will be required. Be prepared for the fact that the recovery process is not quick, be patient and under no circumstances stop until you achieve results.

So, what can you do for skin damaged by nicotine addiction?

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Helping the skin from the inside

While cleansing your body, try to stick to a diet to speed up your metabolism. The diet includes the following nuances:

  • give up too fatty and smoked foods;
  • minimize the consumption of sweets;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • exclude carbonated drinks and sweet juices;
  • do not eat dry food;
  • there should be at least 4 meals throughout the day;
  • nutrition should be balanced;
  • avoid spicy seasonings and spices;
  • give preference dietary meat, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin pharmaceutical preparations will help to restore all body systems, for speedy healing skin lesions. For example, the “Complivit” vitamin complex contains all the necessary substances.

Drink at least 2 liters clean water daily, dehydrated skin will receive the necessary moisture and the regeneration process will go faster.

The skin needs oxygen, so walking fresh air and active physical exercise will increase its supply. Your complexion will begin to change from gray to healthy much faster. .png" alt="Healthy lifestyle for skin restoration" width="450" height="252" data-srcset=" 597w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Folk remedies for skin restoration

Clear problematic skin possible using traditional methods, which will help significantly speed up the process of regeneration of facial skin cells. How to restore skin using folk recipes?

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  • Take one cucumber, peel its skin and chop it on a fine grater. To prevent the consistency from being too watery, place the cucumber mass on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Add a few drops to grated cucumbers almond oil and lemon juice. Apply to the face. Exposure time is at least 40 minutes. Using milk cleanser, remove the mask from the face.
  • Cleaning raw potatoes peel and mix with a tablespoon of homemade sour cream. Apply the resulting consistency to the face in a circular motion and leave for half an hour. Next, wash your face with water and apply moisturizer.


To premature aging does not affect the beauty of your face, give up the harmful habit of smoking as soon as possible and join a healthy lifestyle. If you follow the above tips, the skin will gradually recover. The sooner you quit smoking, the higher the chances of returning your skin to a completely healthy appearance.

Which picture shows a woman smoking? The woman in picture B smoked half a pack of cigarettes a day for 14 years, while her sister never smoked. Loose skin under the eyes is typical for smokers. This is one of several visible signs (see slides below) that the internal damage caused by tobacco smoke is reflected on the outside. Smoking affects the condition of your skin, teeth and hair in such a way that it visually adds several years to your appearance. The effects of smoking are ubiquitous - from fertility to heart, lung and bone health.

Uneven skin tone

Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients. This is why some smokers look pale and some have an uneven complexion. As a rule, in youth, the complexion of healthy person smooth, but in smokers it becomes uneven.

Sagging skin

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, and many of them cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin. These are the fibers that give your skin firmness and elasticity. Smoking and even so-called passive smoking destroys the building blocks of the skin. As a result, the skin sags and deep wrinkles appear.

Lines around the lips

Smoking is like two hits to your lips. Firstly, typical smoker's wrinkles appear. Smokers use certain muscles around the lips, which causes dynamic wrinkles that non-smokers do not have. Secondly, your skin loses its elasticity. Together, these factors can lead to deep wrinkles around the lips.

Age spots

Age spots are dark-colored patches of skin that appear on the face, chest, and arms. Although anyone who spends too much time in the sun can develop these spots, research shows that smokers are more at risk of developing them. In this image, the woman on the right has been smoking and tanning for decades, but her sister has not.

Damage to teeth and gums

Yellow teeth are one of the most well-known consequences of long-term smoking, but that's not all. People who smoke tend to develop gum disease and permanent bad smell from the mouth and other dental problems. Smokers are twice as likely to lose teeth than non-smokers.

Darkened fingers

Think about it: does your hand look sexy with a cigarette between your fingers? If you have been smoking for some time, pay close attention to your nails and hand skin. Tobacco can stain not only your teeth, but also your skin and nails. Good news: These spots tend to disappear when you quit smoking.

Hair loss

Both men and women experience thinning hair as they age, and smoking can speed up this process. Some studies show that people who smoke are more likely to go bald.


Even the eyes experience Negative influence tobacco Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related cataracts. These are dark spots in the area of ​​the lens of the eye that prevent light from reaching the retina. If they call serious problems with vision, they are removed surgically.


Psoriasis is chronic disease, which most often appears as dense, scaly patches on the skin - usually on the knees, elbows, scalp, arms, legs or back. The spots may be white, red or silver in color. Recent studies show that smokers are prone to developing psoriasis.

Crow's feet around the eyes

Wrinkles inner corners Eyes form in everyone, but in smokers they appear much earlier and in greater numbers. The heat from burning cigarettes and smoke cause the eyes to squint, which is why so-called crow's feet appear. Meanwhile, chemicals from inhaled tobacco cause internal damage skin structures and blood vessels around the eyes.

How does quitting smoking affect your appearance?

Quitting smoking can significantly improve your appearance. With increased blood flow, your skin receives more oxygen and nutrients. This promotes return natural color faces. If you give up tobacco, stains on your fingers and nails will disappear and your teeth will become whiter. In addition, there are numerous and positive consequences quitting smoking for health.

Can you quit?

Experts agree that quitting cigarettes is difficult, but it is possible. I know people who didn’t do it on the first try and quit gradually, but I also know those who quit immediately through an effort of will, for example, my husband, who one day, while on vacation, gave up smoking.

According to statistics, there are at least 48 million former smokers in the United States alone. If 48 million people were able to quit, then it is doable. Just keep in mind that most people have to try to quit several times, and only 4-7% succeed without help.

11 useful tips for those who quit smoking

1. Understand why you want to quit smoking

Why did you decide to quit? “Because it's harmful” is not the best answer. To get a motivated response, you need powerful individual reasons that make you quit smoking. Maybe you want to protect your family from secondhand smoke. Maybe the thought of cancer scares you. Or maybe you want to look and feel younger. Choose an adequate reason that outweighs the desire to smoke.

2. Don't throw abruptly

It can be very tempting to throw away your cigarettes and announce your final refusal to everyone around you. But quitting abruptly is not easy. About 95% of people who try to quit smoking without therapy or medication eventually return to smoking. The reason is that nicotine is addictive. The brain gets used to nicotine and craves it. In its absence, nicotine withdrawal symptoms appear.

3. Try nicotine replacement therapy

When you quit smoking, the lack of nicotine may make you feel frustrated, depressed, anxious, or irritable. Nicotino replacement therapy may reduce these manifestations. Research shows that nicotine chewing gum, lozenges and patches double your chances of quitting smoking when combined with an intensive behavioral program. But using these products while smoking is generally not recommended.

4. Don't do it alone

Tell your friends, family and colleagues that you are trying to quit smoking. Their encouragement matters.

5. Manage stress

One of the reasons why people smoke is because nicotine helps them relax. After quitting smoking you will need to find new way cope with stress. Try taking regular massage courses, listening to relaxing music or doing yoga and. If possible, try to avoid stressful situations during the first few weeks after quitting smoking.

6. Avoid alcohol and other similar motivators

Certain activities may increase your desire to smoke. Alcohol is one of the most common triggers, so try to consume less alcohol once you quit smoking. If coffee is a trigger for you, switch to tea. And if you tend to smoke after meals, find something else to do, like chew gum.

7. Clean your home

After you've smoked your last cigarette, throw away all your ashtrays and lighters. Wash any clothes that smell like smoke and clean carpets, curtains, and furniture. Use air fresheners to rid your home of habitual odors. You don't want to constantly see and smell anything that reminds you of smoking.

8. Try and try again

Relapse occurs in many people. Many smokers try to quit several times before giving up cigarettes for good. Examine the emotions and circumstances that cause you to relapse. Use this as an opportunity to reaffirm your desire to quit. Once you've made your decision, try again with a "drop date" next month.

9. Move

Physical activity can help reduce nicotine cravings and ease some withdrawal symptoms. If you feel like reaching for a cigarette, wear roller skates or sneakers instead. Even moderate loads In this case, for example, walking the dog, walking with a child, or weeding in the garden are useful. So you can reset excess weight and take a break from the obsessive habit.

10. Eat fruits and vegetables

Don't try to diet while quitting cigarettes - when we deprive ourselves of too much, it can backfire. Instead, try to eat more fruits, vegetables and greens. A Duke University study shows that these products make cigarettes taste worse. This way, they help fight cravings while providing you with healthy nutrients.

11. Drink more water

Drink plenty of water. When you feel the urge to smoke, slowly drink a glass of water. This will not only reduce the need for a cigarette, but will also help reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Yesterday, the online version of Elle magazine published my article about the history of the fashion for smoking and ways to combat this habit.

Is it possible to restore youthful skin after quitting smoking? This question is asked by many representatives of the fair sex who have decided to finally give up their bad habit. After quitting smoking, a global cleansing begins to occur in the human body and many recovery processes affecting all organs and systems. Facial skin is no exception.

Often this bad habit Just like smoking, it negatively affects your appearance and skin condition, so you can improve your appearance by quitting smoking. The effect of smoking on the skin is not immediately visible, but several months or years after smoking. It becomes dull, acquires a yellowish or grayish tint, and the first wrinkles quickly appear on it.

Causes of deterioration in appearance

In people who smoke, the skin takes over swipe not only from the outside, but also from the inside. During smoking, toxins interact with the epidermis. The result quickly becomes visible on the fingers with which a smoking person holds a cigarette, the cover becomes yellow or turns brown. On an internal level, nicotine promotes the destruction of collagen, which is the basis of elasticity and strength. Vitamins C and E are required for the absorption of collagen. But nicotine and toxins contained in cigarettes become an obstacle to their absorption. The result is the early appearance of wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

A woman who smokes experiences a strong constriction of blood vessels, small capillaries responsible for saturating all tissues with blood fluid. In parallel, the oxygen content and useful elements the structure of the skin decreases, it is constantly in a state of oxygen starvation.

Cell regeneration processes are disrupted. After quitting smoking, it can recover, but the regeneration process occurs very slowly.

What are the dangers of smoking for appearance?

Under the influence of nicotine and other toxic substances, complexion deteriorates, the skin suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, and the complexion becomes pale or yellow. Chemicals destroy collagen and elastin, which is fraught with the appearance of early wrinkles, sagging and thinness.

Wrinkles appear around the lips within a short period of time. During smoking, the muscle group that normally does not work so intensely is actively involved. The nasolabial folds become deeper. On outer corners crow's feet become clearer as a person squints from the smoke. Nicotine also makes the skin flabby and thin, and this provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

People who smoke begin to develop symptoms earlier dark spots on the skin of the face and body. Another unpleasant consequence is yellowing of the teeth and inflammation of the gums. This occurs as a result of the blood microcirculation being impaired. Nails and fingers quickly turn yellow. After quitting smoking, such phenomena go away on their own.

As a result of vasoconstriction and deterioration of blood circulation, disturbances in venous and arterial pressure occur. This provokes not only a deterioration in appearance, but also other unpleasant consequences for the body (for example, erectile dysfunction, diseases of the pelvic organs). Recovery processes after failure bad habit are directly dependent on the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

How quickly will the skin recover?

The human body is a complex system that has the ability to self-clean and self-heal. Therefore, after quitting smoking, an improvement in appearance can be seen within 3 weeks, and after another 3 weeks it will occur. full recovery face and body skin:

  1. The process of destruction of collagen and elastin fibers will stop, the skin will become smooth and elastic.
  2. Instead of painful pallor, yellowness or a grayish tint, blush will appear on the cheeks and a natural shade.
  3. The appearance of cellulite in problem areas will become less noticeable.
  4. Irritation and acne on the face will no longer bother you. The skin of the face after a woman quits smoking will become smooth and clean.
  5. Small facial wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable after quitting smoking.

Such changes in appearance and how quickly they occur are determined by a number of factors. Among them:

  1. Heredity. So, if there is a tendency to early appearance wrinkles or other negative changes, you should not expect perfect smoothness and evenness after a woman has been smoking for a long time.
  2. Lifestyle. If a person eats fast food, carbonated sweet drinks and other junk food, radical changes in appearance may not happen.

Reviews say that after quitting smoking you can restore youth, but you should also eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise daily care skin care, which includes massage active points, use of various masks (suitable for skin type), peeling, nutrition, cleansing and moisturizing the skin. Regular daily care improves the skin, helping it quickly eliminate the negative effects of nicotine and other harmful substances.

How to help

It is important to know that cell formation and regeneration occurs in the inner deep layers. Therefore, under the influence of nicotine, new cells can remain inside for a long time. It is possible to eliminate the negative effects of toxic substances with the help of simple care rules that will help restore the skin. One of the mandatory weekly procedures is peeling, which cleanses and removes the upper stratum corneum, helping new cells to form faster. Thanks to peeling, nourishing and moisturizing products are better absorbed.

A good aid in recovery is massage of active points. It helps to activate recovery processes, helps smooth out fine wrinkles, improves blood circulation impaired after smoking, and increases blood flow. The skin receives nutrients faster and its color improves.

Daily morning wash cool water or an infusion of green tea, a decoction of herbs helps improve the skin, tone and strengthen it, make it elastic and firm. Thanks to proper nutrition, saturation of the diet with fruits and vegetables, she receives essential vitamins And minerals. It is recommended to take additional multivitamin complexes after consultation with a doctor, the task of which is to restore youth and cell regeneration processes.

This video talks about the dangers of smoking for the skin.

It is well known what risks people who smoke expose themselves and others to. For example, what harm does smoking cause to women's health?
  • Smoking ages the skin faster than ultraviolet rays.
  • Each cigarette speeds up a woman's heart rate and increases her blood pressure.
  • If you smoke for a long enough time, then the reality of coronary disease heart rate increases several times, increasing depending on the length of smoking. This possibility is completely reversible if you stop smoking. Heartbeat is restored within six months after quitting smoking.
  • For many, it is because of smoking that their libido decreases and their hormonal balance. Smoking doubles the risk of infertility and rapidly brings menopause closer.
  • The likelihood of getting cervical cancer increases significantly.

Yeah... We don't value health. What about youth and beauty?

All the “charms” of a smoking life will become obvious in a woman’s health after 50 years - gray, dry skin, brittle nails, dull hair - these are just the “flowers”...

It is known that long-term smoking can have a very destructive effect on the skin of the face. Although no one has ever died from premature wrinkles and grayish skin color, these unpleasant changes can still become a decisive argument for women in favor of quitting smoking. This argument will be especially strong for those who started smoking because they considered it a sign of glamor.

No one argues that wrinkles are an integral sign of aging, but smoking accelerates this process so much that a woman who smokes looks much older than her true age. Premature wrinkles, dry, dull, grayish skin, sunken cheeks - this is a typical portrait of a chronic smoker. But for nicotine lovers there are even more serious consequences, including an increasing risk of skin cancer.

Already in the mid-nineteenth century, it was noticed that heavy smokers changed their appearance: premature wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity gave them an exhausted and tired appearance. However, no one provided a scientific basis for these observations.

“Smoker's face” occurs because the toxic substances contained in cigarettes create a series of changes visible to the naked eye on the skin of the face, including changes in the texture and color of the skin. When toxins penetrate the skin, they constrict blood vessels; This especially affects the tiny capillaries that are located nearby in upper layers facial skin. Due to cigarette smoke, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases and the oxygen content decreases, which means that the skin of the face is poorly enriched with oxygen and nutrients beneficial to it. The structure of the skin changes - even naturally oily skin can become dry due to the diuretic effect that nicotine has on the body.

Symptoms of "smoker's face":

* deep nasolabial folds,
* a network of wrinkles around the eyes (so-called “crow’s feet”),
* sunken cheeks (wrinkles form on them, perpendicular to the lip line),
* sharply defined cheekbones,
* saggy skin that has lost elasticity.

The color of the skin around the eyes often changes: reddish, lilac, orange and brownish shades are obtained due to the fact that the normal supply of oxygen to the skin is disrupted.

Nicotine is also dangerous because it reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body. As you know, vitamin A is involved in the process of restoration and renewal of body cells. Consequently, nicotine directly affects the ability of facial skin to regenerate, which is reflected not only in the appearance of premature wrinkles, but also in the slow healing of wounds and scars. This is precisely what is associated with the medical ban on smoking for patients during the postoperative period.

Women smokers who expect to correct their appearance flaws with plastic surgery, may never end up on the operating table. The fact is that many cosmetic surgeons measure the level of nicotine in the blood of their patients and refuse to perform operations if the level exceeds a certain value due to the fact that post-operative scars The tightening may never heal due to poor blood supply and low regenerative capacity of the skin.

Another sad consequence of smoking for women is that nicotine affects the formation of collagen, which restores the skin by creating new cells. Smoking reduces the amount of collagen, thus destroying the skin's repair process. Without enough collagen, skin loses elasticity and becomes dry, dull and wrinkled.

As you can see, there are quite enough reasons to quit smoking - it is obvious that smoking does not bring any benefits to the skin. The best way If you don’t see a “smoker’s face” in the mirror, throw away your cigarettes as quickly as possible.

Well, let's recap

1. Cigarettes add years

Source eternal youth does not exist, but there is a way to age your body. Smoking accelerates the aging process, which is especially noticeable in appearance.

2. Complexion deteriorates

3. Early wrinkles

There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. Many of them destroy collagen and elastin, which give the skin firmness and elasticity. This contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles and sagging skin. And it’s not just about the face: the previously elastic skin of the chest and arms also becomes flabby and thin.

4. Wrinkles around the lips

First, smoker's lines form around the lips. When smoking a cigarette, a person uses muscle groups that ordinary life They don't work as hard. Secondly, the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles around the lips become even stronger, nasolabial folds become deeper

5. Crow's feet

Wrinkles on outside Everyone has eyes. But for smokers they are deeper, because during the smoking process a person squints from the acrid smoke. In addition, we repeat: smoking damages the skin, making it more saggy.

6. Age spots

Age often reveals “senile buckwheat” - pigment spots. With age, they appear in almost everyone, but in smokers - earlier.

7. Damaged teeth and gums

Yellow teeth and bad breath are the most well-known consequences of long-term smoking. In addition, due to impaired blood microcirculation, smokers often develop gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis), and they lose teeth twice as often as non-smokers.

8. Yellow fingers

Do you think your hand with a cigarette between your fingers looks sexy? No. Yellow spots Tobacco on your fingers and yellow nails do not add any charm. But if you quit smoking, they will disappear.

9. Vessels

Smoking constricts blood vessels, resulting in poor blood circulation. In addition, smokers reduce the difference between arterial and venous pressure. And this leads to erectile dysfunction, because blood can no longer flow in full to the pelvic organs. Whether functions will be restored after you quit smoking depends on how long you have smoked.

10. Baldness

Both men and women lose hair as they age. Recently, scientists have proven that smoking accelerates this process - substances entering the blood from a cigarette damage hair follicles. Hair loss is also caused by impaired blood supply to the scalp.

And further:

Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from depression than others. Every attempt to quit smoking leads to depression, and they start smoking even more.

If you have a conscious and strong desire, then you should call on medicine for help. In this case, antidepressants that need to be taken together with drugs containing nicotine (replacement therapy) can help. Also for treatment nicotine addiction You can use hypnosis, acupuncture, electropuncture, homeopathy. You need to drink more during treatment mineral water without gas, it will help cleanse the body. There are tools to help you quit smoking. For example, pills that, by acting on the brain, suppress the desire to smoke. But they can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. You can also try special lozenges for resorption. The nicotine patch, due to its nicotine content, facilitates the process of quitting cigarettes. Its effect lasts 24 hours. First, you need to use the strongest patch, gradually moving to a lighter one. As an alternative to smoking, you can try using...

Majority smoking women admit that they do not quit smoking for fear of gaining excess weight. In fact, this is a myth. Nicotine does not help you lose weight or maintain weight. Having simply given up cigarettes, a woman takes up the time freed up from smoking breaks with snacks. What if you try to occupy him with something else? Cup herbal tea? A few simple exercises?

Quitting smoking will benefit your appearance. Blood flow will improve, the skin will begin to receive more oxygen and nutrients, and will acquire. Your teeth will become whiter, and tobacco stains on your fingers and nails will become a thing of the past. But what is even more important is that after 2-3 weeks, those who quit smoking experience noticeable lightness in the body, increased strength and energy. So, maybe quitting smoking means finding that very cherished way of rejuvenation?

Stop smoking! This will help maintain health and prolong youth.

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Skin is a protective cover, a boundary that protects the human body from all kinds of harmful effects– mechanical, chemical, temperature, etc. She takes the first blow if such an impact occurs, and its consequences are reflected both in her appearance and in her functional features. Smoking has an extremely detrimental effect on the skin; however, there is hardly an organ that does not suffer from the influence of tobacco smoke.


Scientists began studying the effects of tobacco smoke on the skin in parallel with the search for the relationship lung cancer and smoking, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and diseases of cardio-vascular system. The first mentions of this date back to the mid-19th century. Even then it was noted early and abundant appearance wrinkles in heavy smokers.

The problem of the effect of smoking on the skin began to be addressed most actively in the 90s of the last century, at which time the term “smoker’s face” or “cigarette skin” was introduced: an increase in the number of wrinkles and their characteristic location around the mouth; pallor, swelling, gray skin, reddish-orange complexion.

Determined that…

...there is a direct correlation between the number of wrinkles on the skin of women’s faces and their smoking experience. Hormone replacement therapy, prescribed to postmenopausal women, and having one of the goals of improving the condition of the skin and preventing its aging, does not have a significant effect in women who smoke.
...sun exposure in combination with smoking ages the skin of the face much more than either factor alone.

…other things being equal, smokers on average look older than they are biological age 2-3 years than non-smokers.
…smoking makes it worse skin problems in patients with diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
...smokers take longer and have more difficulty healing wounds and develop psoriasis more often, hidradenitis suppurativa and oncological diseases of the skin, red border of the lips and oral mucosa.
... there is a direct correlation between early graying of hair and smoking.

Mechanisms of the influence of smoking on physiological processes in the skin

The direct effect of tobacco smoke toxins on the metabolism in skin cells: free radicals damage protein-lipid structures cell wall, slowing down the process of their natural recovery.

Spasm peripheral vessels, including the small capillary network that nourishes the skin, under the influence of nicotine. The resulting oxygen starvation reduces the synthesis of collagen (a fibrillar protein that gives the skin elasticity).

Along with this, smokers significantly increase the amount of the enzyme MMP (matrix metalloproteinase), which is responsible for the destruction of elastin. Elastin fibers become thickened and fragmented.

Thinning of the skin due to poor circulation. A smoker's thinner skin has much less compensation to counteract the negative effects external factors. This includes cold, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, wind, small dust particles, and heat in the summer heat.

Tobacco smoke upon direct contact causes irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as their drying out. In addition, nicotine, acting on the skin from within the body, has some diuretic effect, which reduces the amount of moisture in lower sections stratum corneum.

The appearance of wrinkles is also promoted by infrared radiation, which is subjectively perceived as the thermal effect created by a cigarette. Under the influence of infrared radiation, the number of elastin fibers in the skin increases significantly and they thicken. This phenomenon is called IR-induced elastosis, by analogy with UV-induced elastosis. The presence of a constant source of thermal energy, which, in fact, is a cigarette, increases the likelihood of developing elastosis in smokers and increasing the formation of wrinkles on the facial skin.

Smokers are more likely to suffer from insomnia and experience feelings of fatigue and lack of sleep. This is due to sleep abstinence syndrome - the body experiences a lack of nicotine, which forces the smoker to grab a cigarette as soon as he opens his eyes in the morning. Sleep in this state is superficial, restless, and shallow. The body does not receive the necessary rest. This condition, systematically repeated, causes irreparable damage to the skin of the face - pallor, bags and dark circles under the eyes, folds around the mouth, especially noticeable “crow’s feet” on such a morning...

Smoking contributes to the destruction of vitamins A and C - some of the most powerful antioxidants, preventing the aging of the body at the cellular level. The amount of these vitamins in a smoker is sharply reduced, which leads to metabolic disorders in the skin and a slowdown in the renewal of its cells.

Aging is also an increase in the number of mutations in the genetic apparatus of skin cells. In addition to emerging naturally, many genetic damage provokes a huge number of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. Therefore, skin cancer is much more common in smokers than in non-smokers.

The following photographs will help to demonstrate the difference between the skin of a smoker and a non-smoker. One of these twin sisters (Twin B) smoked half a pack of cigarettes for 14 years, and her sister (Twin A) never smoked.
Considering that these women have exactly the same genes, we can confidently say that the different skin conditions are caused by smoking of one of the sisters.

Smoking and psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease of an autoimmune nature, the causes of which are still not fully understood. However, for its occurrence, a provoking moment is always required, a certain “button” that turns on the disease. The fact that smoking may be such a button is evidenced by data from numerous studies.

The risk of psoriasis increases by 20% in smokers who smoke a pack of cigarettes daily for 10 years.
Twenty years of smoking experience carries a 60% risk of developing psoriasis.
Even passive smoking in childhood or during pregnancy can provoke psoriasis in adulthood.

Smoking and human papillomavirus

Obviously, due to the fact that smoking weakens immune system, smokers are more likely to be infected with HPV, the human papillomavirus. This whole group sexually transmitted viruses that cause damage to the surface epithelium and mucous membranes. Manifestations of the disease may be absent, or may be expressed in the appearance of warts, genital warts and even cervical cancer in women. However, one should not be discounted interesting fact: even with an equal number of sexual partners, a smoking woman has a risk HPV infection four (!) times higher than that of a non-smoker.

"Smoker's acne"

This term was first introduced by Italian researchers from the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome. They found that women are more susceptible to smoker's acne. With this disease, the skin pores become clogged and pimples form. Data from this study were published in the British Journal of Dermatology. 1000 women aged 25 to 50 years were examined. Acne was observed in 42% of smokers, while among non-smokers this figure barely reached 10%. It was also found that patients who had problematic facial skin during puberty have the same problems in adulthood if they smoke - about 4 times more often than non-smokers.
Smoker's acne is a special non-inflammatory type acne(NIA), was recognized as new serious phenomenon in the field of skin diseases, the occurrence of which is directly related to smoking.

Cosmetological solution to skin problems associated with smoking

Most women who smoke note a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face and body, more wrinkles appear, skin color fades, and the skin itself becomes dry and thin. Despite proper anti-aging care, it is very difficult to achieve significant improvement, and there is only one way out of this situation - complete failure from smoking. Only like this radical measure will allow the skin to recover.

Quitting smoking is very difficult for many people. For improvement appearance For such patients, dermabrasion or laser photorejuvenation of facial skin is recommended. However, as you continue to smoke, the effect of these procedures quickly wears off, and wrinkles appear again.
If a smoking patient is planning a more serious cosmetic intervention, which will be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, she is recommended to quit smoking at least a month before the planned operation. For better healing wounds and prevention of scarring, there should be good blood circulation in the facial skin.

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