Why do you dream about trying on a skirt? Dream Interpretation: skirt long, short, new, white, black, red

Analysis of the dream in which Skirt was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Skirt - Putting a skirt on yourself - for a man, this dream means that secretly you would like to be a woman a little, to understand what it’s like. If a woman had such a dream, it means you will have to experience firsthand what lesbian love is. Sewing a skirt in a dream - the dream suggests that you are too closed off, not trusting anyone. You should be more frank and trusting.

Skirt-pants - Wearing or wearing a skirt-pants in a dream means looking for new solutions to an old problem, but if you dreamed about it from Thursday to Friday, all problems will be solved by themselves. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-trousers, it means a cooling in your relationship with the person you love. Trying on someone else's skirt-pants in a dream from Friday to Saturday is an unkind sign - this foretells that an unpleasant, annoying story will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life. A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a trouser skirt foreshadows a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

Skirt – A skirt symbolizes a love adventure.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

Skirt - Meeting with someone who arouses your special interest - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Why does a woman dream about a Skirt (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Skirt - An elegant skirt in a dream foretells that you will be especially popular with the opposite sex. A dirty or torn skirt foreshadows the publicity of the sins of your past and, as a result, a tarnished reputation.

Skirt according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Skirt - Date with a sweetheart (for a girl); new – letter; old - they will be slandered; for a woman to walk without a skirt - she will become a widow; buy - wedding; red – joy; black - sadness; putting a skirt on a man - marriage (single) // slander, quarrel with his wife (married).

I had a dream about a Skirt (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Skirt - For a man to see a skirt in a dream means a desire to possess a woman who has recently entered his life. He realizes that due to a number of circumstances his desire is difficult to fulfill. Holding a skirt in your hands, looking at it - you will take some actions to fulfill your secret desires, but they will be strictly condemned by others. For a woman, seeing a new skirt is a need for a love adventure. Trying on a skirt you like - if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures. Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt means you are dissatisfied with your sexual partner, want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

Skirt according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Skirt - Wear - a date with your loved one; soiled - unequal relationships; new - unforgettable past.

If you dream about Skirts (according to Dmitrenko’s Ukrainian dream book)

Skirt - As you can see, a skirt is good for girls - she will fall asleep with her sweetheart. New skirt - letter; torn - disgrace. If you dream that a woman walks without a skirt, then the man will die, and she will remain a widow. Buying a skirt means preparing for fun, a wedding. A red skirt is joy, a black skirt is sadness, sadness.

Interpretation of Skirts from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

Skirt – Depending on the length, respectively – sexual attractiveness, challenge; restraint, suppression of sexual impulses; purity, modesty, loneliness. Putting it on is a date for a woman, for a man it is a shame; in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

Skirt - A skirt in a dream foreshadows the insults and humiliation that you will soon be subjected to. A torn petticoat is a harbinger of broken love.

Why did you dream about a Skirt according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Skirt - To a new boyfriend

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Skirt – Hobby.

Skirt in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Skirt - A fluffy, elegant skirt can seduce you and be used to your advantage by an unscrupulous person. The lower one threatens you to find yourself in a funny position, to become the object of a dispute, purchase and sale. Dirty, torn, old, your lover cheats on you without a twinge of conscience. Nothing remarkable for a good husband (wife) who suits you in every sense.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Skirt according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Skirt – For men – a shameful hobby – for women – family discord

Ruffled skirt - To red tape, to pestering with declarations of love.

Why do you dream about a Skirt (Slavic dream book)

The skirt is a love affair. Venus.

Why do you dream about a Skirt (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Skirt - You dream of an elegant women's skirt - women will not give you a pass. A woman dreams that she is putting on a skirt - this woman will go on a date with her lover. A woman dreams of a torn skirt - sins from this woman’s past will come out. A woman dreams of a soiled skirt - this woman will be nervous in the company of some person. A woman dreams that she has lost her skirt - the dream portends trouble for this woman.

Why see a Skirt in a dream? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

I saw a dream about you having a Skirt - a new boyfriend. Trying on skirts one after another means changing partners, making new acquaintances. Wearing a skirt over your legs means being deceived. Buying a skirt is a hobby.

Meet Skirt in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Skirt - For a woman - a romantic date awaits you with an ardent admirer. For a man, a dream without meaning. Imagine putting on a full silk skirt that rustles seductively with every step.

How to understand why the Skirt was seen in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

I dreamed about a Skirt in a dream - For men - flirting; for a woman - sexuality.

The meaning of a dream about women's clothing (Russian folk dream book)

A skirt is a humiliating hobby for men; for women - family discord.

What does it mean to sleep with a Skirt, taking into account your date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of a skirt - To coquetry.

In the summer, why did you dream about a skirt - To a quarrel with your loved one over a woman.

In the fall, why did you dream about a skirt - To a new boyfriend.

In winter, what does a skirt mean in dreams? - To a complicated matter.

If a man had a dream about a skirt, this means that others condemn his frivolous behavior. If you do not change it, the matter may end in a big scandal and will have the most unfavorable effect on the dreamer’s future.

Why does a woman dream about a skirt? The dream foreshadows a new love interest that will appear very soon. If there are numerous frills on the skirt and a woman examines and sorts them out in a dream, then in real life carnal pleasures will give her great pleasure.

The number of frills on a skirt can also predict how many lovers will appear from the dreamer. A lace skirt dreams of happy love. If the skirt is dirty, torn, wrinkled, then in reality the woman will face insults, insults, and quarrels.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Freud’s dream book?

If in a dream the dreamer puts on a long skirt, then the dream should be interpreted according to the gender of the sleeping person. If this is a man, then in real life he experiences a desire to temporarily become a woman, understand the meaning of her actions, and feel emotions.

If a woman dreams about wearing a skirt, then she is prone to same-sex relationships. This may be hidden homosexuality, which will be revealed under favorable circumstances.

If a woman sews a skirt for herself in a dream, then in reality she is very withdrawn, does not trust others and is afraid to start close relationships. This is a serious problem, and we need to resolve it, try to become more frank, open, and learn to trust people.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Miller’s dream book

The dream book interprets dreams about a skirt in different ways. Why do you dream of a long skirt? To the point that the dreamer’s shameful desires will lose primary importance for him. Prudence will prevail and protect you from trouble. In addition, the dream indicates the great importance that public opinion has for the dreamer.

If you dreamed a dream in which you try on a skirt and can’t decide on the length hem, then in reality you experience constant mental discomfort. You have to constantly balance between public opinion and your own opinion, your nature and moral principles, desires and prohibitions.

Why do you dream about a red skirt? The dream predicts that in the near future the dreamer will be overcome by intense love. He will be at the mercy of flirting and will experience intense passion. If you dreamed of a red maxi skirt, then flirting will be the first step to a stormy and serious, very passionate romance. If the skirt was short, then the feelings will be fleeting and disappear without a trace.

Sew yourself a skirt- desire to change life. Whatever the emotions were, so will the changes. If in a dream a woman sees herself without a skirt at all, then in reality she may lose her lover in a spiritual or physical sense.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Vanga’s dream book?

If a woman chooses and buys a skirt in a dream, this is a bad sign. Why do you dream about a new skirt? To the appearance in the dreamer’s life of envious people who are extremely unfriendly. After such a dream you need to behave carefully.

If a woman tries on a skirt in a dream and finds that the clothes are too big, then she needs to take a closer look at her immediate surroundings. Next to the dreamer in real life is a lying friend. Pretending to be a friend, she constantly deceives and tries to harm.

Dirty, torn skirt- a harbinger of gossip spread by a person known to the dreamer. Most likely, this is a woman who is unfavorably disposed or offended by you. The sooner you discover a hostile gossip, the less harm she will be able to cause.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Hasse’s dream book

According to this dream book, the skirt symbolizes a new love interest. The appearance of the clothes determines what the new relationship will be like.

Why do you dream of a white skirt? It is a reflection of the innocence of the wearer. However, if the dreamer tries on a white skirt in a dream, then in reality she is trying to deceive someone in an attempt to hide her past.

If you dream of a new skirt, which a girl chooses and tries on in a store, then in real life she strives for change.

For what the stronger sex dreams of a skirt? The dream predicts that a man will have an unusual acquaintance with an extravagant woman. In addition, the dream may hint that he should abandon rigid gender stereotypes.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream book, wearing a skirt in a dream is a very good sign for a woman. In real life, she will go on a date and communicating with her loved one will bring a lot of pleasure.

Dirty, stained skirt- bad dream. The love relationship will soon come to an end. It will all be due to inequality, betrayal or misunderstanding.

Why do you dream about a new skirt? According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, this is not a harbinger of a new relationship, but nostalgia for unforgettable old ones, a craving for the past.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Longo’s dream book

Both men and women can dream of a torn, dirty skirt. For a man, this is a warning dream that his beloved is unfaithful. For a woman, this is a harbinger of some serious misfortune in her personal life. It’s especially bad if the girl tore her skirt herself. Most likely, she herself will cause trouble.

Why do you dream of a white skirt? This is a sign that everything is fine in a girl’s life. She has a strong relationship with a person who loves her, her husband is a decent and honest person.

Buying a long skirt indicates that the dreamer has a secret in her life. He carefully hides this secret from everyone around him and must constantly control himself.

If you dreamed of a skirt worn inside out, this is a bad dream. Usually it foreshadows a strong shame that the dreamer will have to endure.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to the combined dream book?

If the dreamer sees a skirt in a dream, then the first thing you need to pay attention to after waking up is the length. Why do you dream of a long skirt? To the help and protection that the dreamer will receive in reality. If a difficult and dangerous situation arises, a person knows where to turn.

A woman dreamed of a black skirt means that you should not suppress inner sexuality. You need to understand your needs and desires as soon as possible, otherwise life will cease to bring joy.

Why do you dream about a red skirt? If a woman had a dream, it means a desire for intimacy with a passionate man. If a man sees a red skirt in a dream, then in reality he dreams of a woman, to possess whom he needs to take certain actions.

Dreaming of a white skirt means receiving a letter, news, important message. Don't worry: it will be favorable.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to the modern dream book?

If a woman had a dream about a skirt, then she will be involved in a scandal. Troubles will be associated with gossip that the dreamer herself spreads. After awakening, she should think about her actions and abandon the intention to harm another person.

If a woman tries on a skirt in a dream and discovers that it is too small, then in reality the dreamer will act unfairly. She will blame another person for something that she herself is to blame for. In general, a dream about trying on a skirt can predict a date whose ending is unpredictable.

If you dream of a torn, stained skirt, then in real life the dreamer behaves frivolously and will pay in full for it. In addition, the dream means difficulties in love relationships. They need to be resolved as quickly as possible, otherwise the romance will end due to mutual misunderstanding.

Dream about a white floor-length skirt, dreamed of by a girl, means that she will marry a wealthy, decent man. And yet you shouldn’t relax: the outcome may be unexpected and unpleasant.

Why do you dream about a new skirt? According to this dream book, to money, and it will come unexpectedly and promise significant financial benefits. If you manage the money you receive correctly, you can ensure yourself a long, comfortable life.

There is another interpretation of a dream about a white or light-colored skirt. The dream foreshadows a long-term and emotionally pleasant love relationship. If the skirt in the dream was red, then meeting a new person will inevitably lead to a stormy sexual romance.

  • What to expect in the future?
  • General provisions
  • What color was it?
  • Material well-being
  • What could they have missed?

A long skirt does not suit every woman, and therefore the image you see probably hides some kind of secret. Many dream books give their own interpretations, which cannot always be compared with the dreamed picture, and therefore it is so important to analyze every detail that seems unimportant. It’s not difficult to understand why you dream of a long skirt, the main thing is to follow simple and understandable rules.

What to expect in the future?

According to the popular dream book, a long skirt symbolizes the desire to hide something from other people or protect yourself from someone. But one should not dwell only on these very pessimistic interpretations. For a comprehensive decoding, you will need characteristics of color, sensation and many other factors that are partially forgotten after waking up.

General provisions

Seeing yourself in a long dress in a dream means feeling the need for protection. The dream interpreter presents good news, according to which, even in the event of an emergency, close people will come to the dreamer’s aid, and everything will end well.

The main thing is not to pay attention to the little things, but to continue working on the problem. Was there a slit on the long skirt? This feature cannot be ignored:

  • emphasizes beauty - to success in business;
  • prevents you from moving - to the appearance of obstacles on the way to your goal that will have to be overcome.

What color was it?

For a sleeping person, the fact of what color the skirt was worn will be extremely important.


If your clothes are black, it means that in real life you will face some tests for which you will not be able to prepare. Dream interpreters recommend relaxing and understanding that your efforts will lead to success.

According to another interpretation, the black wardrobe detail that the woman dreamed about reflects her constant desire to hide her innate sexuality. The sleeping beauty must understand herself and understand what mistakes she makes.


I dreamed of a white wardrobe item

Why do you dream of a red skirt? Most likely, the dreamer feels the need for a passionate partner who could realize all her wildest fantasies. If a representative of the stronger half of humanity saw such a dream, it means he feels the need to possess such a woman. The main thing is to move from words to action, and not just dream. The darker the shades, the sexier the nature. The sleeping person will have to meet a new person who can share his passion.


The white skirt is not as popular, unlike the options described above, but it also needs to be interpreted correctly. The dream interpreter foretells the receipt of important news or a letter. If you couldn’t immediately find out the details, then the most interesting things may pass you by.

According to another interpretation, a clean skirt in a dream is a symbol of harmony and balance, and therefore the image seen reflects an improvement in affairs on the love front. If you see any spots, it means that unforeseen difficulties will appear on the way to your goal.

The dream interpreter advises the sleeping person to find a quick solution, preventing further deterioration.

Material well-being

To obtain a more accurate interpretation, the dreamer must remember the condition of the skirt.


Old or out-of-fashion dream clothes

You may dream of wearing a maxi, symbolizing marriage to an influential and accomplished man. He will not only satisfy all needs, but also give everything that the woman lacked. However, the dream book is forced to disappoint, since the man will not be with you for long, and changes will soon begin, and not the most rosy ones.


If the dreamer just took the dreamed outfit out of the packaging, it means that in reality she is destined to win a big jackpot. The dream book advises to properly manage the resources received and increase your capital, instead of spending it.

What could they have missed?

Wearing a new maxi and looking chic will bring admiration in men’s eyes and the envy of girlfriends. Of course, such a dream can be interpreted literally, since such clothes reveal a woman like a flower revealing its petals.

The female interpreter advises to give up emotional conversations with your friends if your hobby begins to develop into something serious. You have to value budding relationships because they can quickly be destroyed.

The dreamed outfit often reflects the love adventures that the sleeping lady so desires. Apparently, she has been hiding her true qualities from other people for a long time. You should wear what you want and let others experience unforgettable emotions from your appearance.

You are probably very busy with work and overwhelmed with everyday worries. Take a break - look around. Perhaps a potential partner has been showing signs of attention for a long time, but they are not reciprocated on your part.

Long white skirt according to the dream book

If an unmarried young woman dreams of a long white skirt that she puts on herself, romantic adventures and an acquaintance with a wonderful person await her soon.

Mutual sympathy will develop into a romance, but there is a high probability that the relationship will be fleeting and will ultimately lead to separation and emotional coldness.

If, despite all attempts to harmonize the union, discord is inevitable, try to do without reproaches and accusations. Maintain a friendly, benevolent attitude towards each other, then breaking the connection will not leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul.

I dreamed of a long red skirt

Why do you dream of a long red skirt? The near future will bring a whirlwind romance and passionate meetings. A real emotional and sensual explosion awaits you, which will bring a powerful charge of energy and a surge of strength. It’s as if wings will grow behind your back.

The meaning of the dream may not be related to relationships with the opposite sex: sometimes it promises a significant event in other areas of life. In any case, it will be something extraordinary, bright and pleasant.

Try not to rush headlong into an adventure. It is worth thinking about the possible consequences, weighing the pros and cons. Caution will save you from disappointments and bitter regrets in the future.

Why do you dream of a long floor-length skirt?

A dream in which you are wearing a long, floor-length skirt is a warning. There is a great risk that a person from your close circle is manipulating you for personal gain and trying to win you over to his side.

To avoid dependence on a dishonest person, do not make serious decisions based on the opinions of others. First of all, use common sense and focus on your own goals.

Long skirt with a slit according to the dream book

A long skirt with a slit in a dream can have several meanings. If the item of clothing looks beautiful and attracts admiring glances, and you do not feel awkward in your movements, the plot promises the implementation of long-standing plans and new projects.

Take advantage of this favorable period to implement the most daring and original ideas. Your activity will bring great profits. In addition, you will gain valuable professional experience and confidence in your own abilities.

If the skirt restricts movement or looks aesthetically unattractive, the dream indicates impending troubles and obstacles on the way to fulfilling your plans. You will have to make every effort to overcome them.

In the current situation, excessive persistence may be unnecessary. Listen to your inner feelings and premonitions. It may be worth temporarily going into standby mode and watching events unfold.

Seeing a long black skirt in a dream

Dreaming of a black long skirt? What you dreamed serves as a hint: you are experiencing deep disappointment and dissatisfaction. The time has come to initiate changes in your own life or reconsider your view of the world around you.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you prefer to wear a petticoat- means that you are a bright representative of the circle of romantics. But life dictates its own conditions, and in order to survive, you have to pretend to be a strong woman.

If in a dream you see how a miniskirt barely covers your buttocks, which are obviously swollen with fat- you are openly trying to be known as a kind of sex bomb who does not hesitate to date all men in a row.

A dream in which a gypsy woman rustles her silk skirts in front of you- means that you are unable to resist temptation. If in real life you still succumb to temptation, then you cannot avoid retribution.

If in a dream you wear a skirt-pants- It’s hard to call you a mature person. You still cannot clearly define what you want and what you are striving for. It seems that you cope well with the role of a strong woman, but you are not averse to pretending to be a little girl next to a strong man. To choose the only correct path, you will need time, as well as your inner instinct, which, in fact, will dictate the final option to you.

Dream book for the whole family

Wearing or wearing a skirt-pants in a dream- to search for new solutions to old problems, but if you dreamed about it from Thursday to Friday- all problems will be solved by themselves.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-pants- this means cooling in a relationship with the person you love.

Trying on someone else's skirt-pants in a dream from Friday to Saturday- an unkind sign, this portends that an unpleasant, annoying story will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a skirt-pants- portends a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

Dream book for a bitch

Skirt- disagreements in the family, you need to be more tolerant and restrained.

Modern combined dream book

Choosing a new skirt- means that you will quarrel with a good friend.

Cutting a skirt- you will not tolerate interference in your life by strangers.

If you dream that you bought a skirt that suited you in size, and when you tried it on at home, it turned out that it was too small for you, it means that you miscalculated your strength and you will be disappointed.

In a dream, put on or wear a skirt-pants- soon you will be looking for new solutions to an old problem.

Buy a skirt-pants- to change the relationship with your loved one. For an unmarried girl, such a dream foreshadows meeting a good young man and marriage.

Trying on someone else's pants- a sign that such an unpleasant story will happen to you that will force you to leave your job. Perhaps even your own home.

Sew a skirt-pants- there is a very serious task ahead, which you will not be able to complete.

Eastern women's dream book

If you are wearing a very short skirt- this means that in a critical situation there will be no one to stand up for you; on the contrary, a long skirt symbolizes security.

The skirt is dirty and torn- It will be difficult for you to justify yourself from libel and slander.

For a young woman, a dream in which she wears a culotte- means: she still cannot clearly define her position in life. You want to play the role of a “strong woman,” but deep down you want to be weak next to a strong man. You will have to decide for yourself.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Skirt for men-New fan; for woman- to purchasing an outfit for your man.

Children's dream book

Skirt- meeting with someone who arouses your special interest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Skirt- dreams of a love adventure.

Seeing yourself wearing a flared skirt in a dream- to conceit.

To coquetry.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Skirt- to a quarrel with your loved one over a woman.

Wearing a flared skirt in a dream- to go to the dance.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a pleated skirt- to a complicated matter.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Skirt seen in a dream- to cloudless, happy days, to a new boyfriend. Everyone will be happy to see you and you will be loved.

Ruffled skirt- to red tape, to pestering with declarations of love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreamed about a skirt in which you look simply gorgeous- means that in reality you will evoke admiration from men and secret envy from friends.

Dirty or torn skirt- suggests that in reality you will have to deal with people outside your circle, which, however, will give you some advantages and benefits.

Wearing a skirt in a dream- have a good rest and improve your health.

Take off- to loss of property or money.

Iron your skirt- you will have to make an unwanted compromise, wash your skirt- to illness, buy new- soon your financial situation will become significantly stronger thanks to the help of a strong patron.

Women's dream book

Elegant skirt in a dream- portends that you will be especially popular with the opposite sex

Dirty or torn skirt- foreshadows the publicity of the sins of your past and, as a result, a tarnished reputation.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you were wearing a worn skirt- you will be lied to.

In a dream you bought or were given as a gift- luck will smile on you.

You dreamed that you sold or lost your skirt- luck will smile on one of your loved ones.

you broke up- this is a warning from above, in the near future you will have no luck in gambling.

If you dreamed that your skirt was stolen- You don’t have to attach any significance to everything that you dreamed that night.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Repairing a skirt- poverty; buy new- success.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Skirt- depending on the length, respectively - sexual attractiveness, challenge; restraint, suppression of sexual impulses; purity, modesty, loneliness.

put on- a date for a woman, for men- a shame.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Danilova's erotic dream book

For a man to see a skirt in a dream- to the desire to possess a woman who recently entered his life. He realizes that due to a number of circumstances his desire is difficult to fulfill.

Hold the skirt in your hands, look at it- you will take some actions to fulfill secret desires, but they will be strictly condemned by others.

For a woman to see a new skirt- the need for a love adventure.

Try on your favorite skirt- if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures.

Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt- you are unhappy with your sexual partner, you want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

Esoteric dream book

The skirt is fluffy, elegant- you can be seduced and taken advantage of by an unscrupulous person.

Lower- you are in danger of finding yourself in a funny position, becoming the object of a dispute, purchase and sale.

Dirty, torn, old- your lover cheats on you without a twinge of conscience. Nothing remarkable for a good husband (wife) who suits you in every sense.

Ukrainian dream book

If you see a skirt in a dream, then this is good for girls- I'll see my sweetheart.

New skirt- letter; torn- disgrace.

How to dream that a woman walks without a skirt- the man will die, and she will remain a widow.

Buy a skirt- prepare for fun, wedding.

Red dress- joy, black- sadness, sadness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Skirt to wear- a date with your loved one; dirty- unequal relationships; new- an unforgettable past.

Collection of dream books

Buy a skirt- change for the better; put on- new hobby; new- to spiritual delight; silk- to temptation

Seeing a man's skirt- to sexual dissatisfaction; woman- to problems with parts of the body covered by a skirt.

Skirt in a dream- foreshadows the insults and humiliations that you will soon be subjected to.

Torn petticoat- a harbinger of broken love.

When do dreams come true?

Will your dream come true?- It depends on what day it is today. lunar day. You can find out from ours.

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

How else can you find out if your dream is prophetic?

If this happens, it is very likely that your dream is prophetic!

Interpretation of dreams using Tarot cards?

These two original layouts will help you understand what is hidden behind the images from your dream.

If you saw a skirt in a dream and want to know what it is for, look in the dream book. A skirt can mean anything, depending on where you see it and what it is.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account all the details: style, color and length of clothing.

Long maxi skirt

If in a dream you are wearing a long black skirt, it means that you will soon be able to overcome your fears. And if she is white, then joy and unbridled fun are just around the corner.

Wearing a long red skirt means waiting for the return of a loved one. And multi-colored clothes warn that you should take care of your health.

  • Taking off your trousers and putting on a skirt means traveling to your favorite places.
  • A long maxi skirt with a frill - for a long journey with a good friend.
  • Going on a visit in a beautiful long skirt means a conversation with an influential person.
  • Taking it off before bed means an unpredictable turn in life.
  • Performing on stage means smoothing out conflict at work.

Giving a skirt to a friend means worrying about her health. To receive it as a gift means a significant event in your personal life.

If a red maxi skirt is worn on a mannequin, expect news from distant relatives whom you miss. And good physical and psychological health is what dreams of a skirt on a stranger mean.

If you dreamed of a miniskirt

A new red short skirt in a dream speaks of your hidden sexual fantasies. And black warns against possible deception or betrayal.

If it was white, this is a sign that a handsome young man is waiting for your attention. And blue or green means loyalty and devotion to your chosen one.

  • A new short miniskirt in a gift box is an opportunity to find out the information you are interested in.
  • Wearing it on trousers means wealth and regular cash flows.
  • Throwing a miniskirt in the trash means defending your own position, independence.
  • A miniskirt on a friend means fun gatherings with friends.

As the dream book says, a skirt on the back of a chair symbolizes a quiet family evening. And if you put it on the shelf, then expect an original declaration of love.

Dancing in a miniskirt at a disco means confidently moving towards your goal. And taking it off in front of a young man means thinking about the upcoming interview.

Other dreams

Washing a skirt in a dream means changing your attitude towards a loved one. And ironing it means receiving a gift from a work colleague.

If in a dream you try on beautiful clothes in a store, then your partner suspects you of cheating. And you dream of a new skirt, with which you wash the floor, before a long, intimate conversation with your loved one.

Thinking in a dream about what is better to wear, a skirt or trousers, means being satisfied with your family life. And going to bed in clothes means taking care of the comfort of your partner.

According to the dream book, a skirt on a doll symbolizes a rich, elegant feast. And if it is put on a small dog, then you will soon have to undergo a serious test.

  • Wearing a skirt with a hole in a dream means a tempting offer from an old friend.
  • Denim - to new ideas that will generate income.
  • An old corduroy skirt means success at work.
  • Cutting it into shreds means planning a vacation.
  • Red with white polka dots - for a fun evening.

If in a dream you saw how your beloved man put on a skirt rather than trousers, it means that you will soon go on a trip with him. And looking at a beautiful girl in a very short miniskirt means thinking about your first love.

Walking down the street and losing your skirt means buying an unnecessary thing. And if you forgot to put it on at all, then you are in for a loud, crowded party.

Getting your favorite skirt dirty in a dream means giving hope to your admirer. And to break it, catching on a nail, is to achieve reciprocity in love.

If you put on clothes, but they turn out to be small, a gift or bonus awaits you soon. And if it is large and falls off you, then you can start implementing your plans now - you will cope with the task perfectly.

Now you don’t have to guess what the skirt is for in your dreams. After all, you have a kind assistant - a dream book who will tell you what awaits you in the future. The main thing is to remember the dream in detail and compare its interpretation with real life.

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A skirt, as a symbol in a dream, should be interpreted in relation to the field of flirting and relationships. Another interpretation is closely related to such concepts as honor, reputation, image, and generally reflects how we appear to unfamiliar people.

The skirt has always been a symbol of femininity. In addition, this wardrobe item is often used by women to emphasize their sexuality. Therefore, dreams about a skirt are usually associated with love relationships in life. To understand more accurately, you need to remember the dream in more detail. First of all, you should pay attention to what color it was.

If in real life a woman is occupied with the sphere of love and building relationships, then seeing a skirt in a dream predicts a new acquaintance or a date with someone who is not yet close enough. The style and color of the skirt can suggest the nature and quality of relationships with the opposite sex - why you dream about a skirt.

Skirt color in a dream

A red skirt is a bright item of clothing that can attract attention. According to psychology, this color is associated with leadership and passion. If a woman had a dream, then in real life she lacks a temperamental partner in bed. It may also be that she wants to try something new in intimacy, but is still afraid. For men, such a dream can mean only one thing - a passionate desire to possess a woman.

A white skirt is interpreted completely differently in the dream book, since this is the color of purity and chastity. Such a dream promises well-being in a love relationship. Since white is the color of balance, they will be calm and long. However, if stains appear on such a skirt and you have to wash it, perhaps not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. In this case, it is worth discussing the problems that have arisen with your other half and not delaying their resolution.

Dreams in which a green skirt appears can also be considered a good sign. It promises peace and serenity in the near future. However, lack of change in a love relationship can lead to boredom. Therefore, it is worth inviting your other half to diversify your usual routine, for example, by going to a cafe or cinema.

A blue or light blue skirt denotes an unrequited feeling that only takes strength and does not give anything in return. It is possible that the sleeper is burdened by some kind of relationship, but cannot yet get rid of it. But it is worth breaking the vicious circle as quickly as possible, since this condition can cause deep depression.

Very often, according to the dream book, a black skirt is interpreted as a symbol of possible mourning. But it is not always the case. This color is also associated with self-knowledge. Only by going through the “black” test can you come to know your bright “I”. It is possible that in the near future the sleeper will face trials in life, but everything will end well.

A red skirt and other scarlet shades are a symbol of sexuality. If an acquaintance occurs in reality, it promises a lot of passion in the relationship. However, the red tint should not be purple, otherwise it foreshadows a quarrel with people who are obviously female.

A lilac or purple skirt is a symbol of danger. Universally, this color of women's clothing means violence, but in reality it can be expressed in persistent male advances, sexual advances, as well as male rudeness and treachery.

A yellow skirt and orange colors predict surprise or a very bright relationship, which, however, is not suitable for establishing a strong connection.

Skirt style and length

The length carries no less subtext. So, according to the dream book, a short skirt is a symbol of insolence and promiscuity. However, if a woman is uncomfortable in her, then she fears that she will become a laughing stock for other people. Then why do you dream about a long skirt? This outfit covers the entire lower part of the body, which symbolizes sexuality. It is possible that a woman is embarrassed by her sensuality, putting on a mask of integrity in public.

According to the dream book, a feminine and beautiful skirt is a symbol of romance, flirtation and coquetry. However, an overly elegant skirt hints at frivolity in a relationship in which there is a share of lies and hypocrisy.

The fuller the skirt and the more decorations (ruffles, flounces, lace) - the less serious this relationship is.
A multi-tiered or excessively long skirt that makes walking difficult is a symbol of a complex, confusing or burdensome relationship that is not easy to end.

The stricter the style of the skirt and the less decorated it is, the more serious the relationship. However, a skirt that is too simple promises a dull and dull relationship. An uncomfortable, too narrow skirt indicates an uncomfortable, constraining relationship and unpleasant emotions, which could be caused, for example, by a jealous partner.

A simple skirt that fits unevenly is not a very good dream; it often promises sadness and sadness.

In a woman’s dream, a dirty or torn skirt almost always foreshadows shame, disgrace, or warns of caution in dealing with strangers.
A falling or too short skirt foreshadows behavior or action, after which the sleeping woman will be dissatisfied with herself. Some action may adversely affect relationships with people or tarnish your reputation.

Actions with a skirt

Actions with a skirt play an equally important role in dreams. They symbolize actions in real life. So, wearing a skirt from someone else’s wardrobe in a dream means that in the near future you will have to delve into the problems of another person. It’s essentially the same thing when trying on a skirt in a dream. Except when it comes to purchasing. In the dream book, a new skirt is a symbol that old troubles will soon be left behind. That is why buying a skirt in a dream is a good sign. A dream has exactly the opposite meaning if it involves darning or sewing a skirt. In real life, this means that a person will have to make efforts to maintain a love relationship, perhaps even unsuccessfully.
Washing, ironing, darning and otherwise putting a skirt in order in a dream is a reflection of the desire to put your personal life in order, a projection of thoughts about your personal life, a revision of past relationships, a desire to analyze some mistakes of past relationships. Well, tearing or throwing away a skirt in a dream means ending unnecessary connections.

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If you need to decipher the dream and understand what the skirt is for, remember what is hidden under it. After a little reflection, it will become clear why all dream books decipher this dream with erotic overtones.
Since the styles of skirts are different, you need to pay attention to the cut, color and other circumstances that will contribute to a more detailed interpretation of the dream. The more accurately you remember what you saw, the better you will understand what to expect.

Length of the product

Felomena's dream book gives the following explanation of why you dream of a long skirt - your prudence is higher than the desires hidden within you. What appears in a dream reveals that a person is constantly in a state where he is forced to make a choice between what is going on in the soul and public opinion.

Since fashion is changeable, the dream book makes adjustments to modernity. Therefore, a full-length skirt is far from being a part of monastic clothing. This dream tells you that you are at your best.

Dear ladies, be careful if you are wearing an intimate skirt in a dream. At this time, you are influenced by passions and emotions, but you cannot reason sensibly, the Universal Dream Book is sure. Therefore, you should not trust your secrets to strangers and be wary of new acquaintances.

Men can interpret this dream in the literal sense of the word: beauties in short skirts dream of a date with them, which will definitely happen.


According to the dream book, red is the most passionate color. If you see a red skirt in a dream, it means the beginning of an unusual acquaintance with sparkling flirting, although flirting may actually be the beginning of a very passionate romance.

In Grishina’s dream book we find that in addition to a surge of positive energy, the dreamer is guaranteed a good mood.
Shereminskaya's dream book says that a black skirt is dreamed of by those who are not very confident in their abilities and are afraid to admit it. The dream gives a sign that the moment has come when you need to try to fulfill your deepest desires.

Fabric condition

Miller’s dream book will help you comment on why you dream of a new beautiful skirt - from today you will be lucky in everything, your starry time has come. You can strengthen your position at work, achieve fame and interest among men. Insurmountable difficulties will suddenly be resolved on their own. In addition, such a dream promises new meetings and proposals. However, if it is torn or dirty, you will be maligned.

Try on or buy

If the skirt does not belong to you, then it is better not to try it on at all. What you see predicts trouble.

Other fitting options may indicate that the dreamer is in a state of confusion and cannot decide on something, for example, go on a date or listen to the opinions of others.
When you make a decision, do not forget that well-being depends only on you.

Aesop's dream book can tell you why you want to go shopping in search of a new skirt.
In his opinion, you are looking forward to the holiday and are completely confident that it will definitely end in success.

But if buying a skirt was not very successful, then you need to think about your decision in more detail and plan well how to proceed further, saving yourself from troubles.

Do you often have to wear a skirt in your dreams? Such a dream shows that the dreamer has a frank desire for quite bold experiments in the intimate sphere.
And male representatives hope that this outfit can help them more accurately understand the feminine essence. And they have a good reason for this - it could be great love, a serious relationship or an upcoming marriage.


If you decide to sew a skirt with your own hands in a dream, this means that you are already ripe for the upcoming changes, ready to take control of the situation and act independently. Just one warning - you need to correctly distribute your forces, otherwise you risk not finishing the job you started.

Man in a skirt

Only the Modern Dream Book will tell you the correct answer to why you dream of a man in a skirt. It turns out that at present this kind of image is interpreted completely differently than in the past. This item of women's clothing can often be seen in the gloss of fashion magazines, and it is men who pose in them. Style and lifestyle are gradually changing, fashion is changing, and outlook on life is being transformed. At the same time, dreams are interpreted differently.

For a woman, such a dream promises an interesting acquaintance, but a man needs to think about whether stereotypes occupy a lot of space in his life.

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A dream in which a person dreams of such a wardrobe item as a long skirt has many interpretations. The appearance of the product and the gender of the person who had this dream are especially important.

Despite the fact that a skirt is an item of women’s wardrobe, both men and women can dream about it. Therefore, the dreamer should find out what a long skirt is for in a dream in order to prepare for future events.

If a man sees a skirt on another woman in a dream, this means that he is subconsciously looking for communication and love with the fair sex whom he recently met. If he tears or removes this item of clothing from the desired woman, then the union will be strong and reliable.

If a married man in his dream puts on a female item of clothing, then he should expect a major quarrel with his wife. Also, this dream can mean slander from ill-wishers. This is indicated by dirty and torn women's clothing worn by a man.

For a young guy who saw a long skirt on himself in a dream, the dream means only one thing - a quick and forced marriage. It is possible that in real life his chosen one really wants to marry a single man, taking all measures for this.

Some dream books warn that if a person puts on a long one. a beautiful and unusually decorated skirt, which means he should be wary of deception, which will entail large financial losses.

For representatives of the fair sex, dreams in which they saw a long skirt are interpreted somewhat differently.

If in a dream a young girl deliberately puts on a long black skirt, it means she is tormented by her conscience for an act that is very shameful to remember. At the same time, there is a fear of her unsavory deeds being made public.

Buying a new skirt in a dream means that in real life there is a powerful patron who will protect the dreamer from all troubles and troubles. If in a dream a girl washes a long skirt and this item of clothing in water, she should expect a pleasant acquaintance that will radically change her life. If a long skirt in a dream was dirty and torn, it means sorrows and sorrows, especially if the dreamer was wearing this damaged and ugly piece of clothing.

If a married woman buys a skirt, you should be wary of the appearance of a rival. This dream signals that the dreamer’s husband is not faithful. Cutting or tearing a long skirt in a dream means monetary gain. But in order to make a profit, the dreamer will have to make a lot of effort.

Freud's dream book interprets this dream in a very interesting way: if a man dreams of a skirt, then he has a secret desire to be in the role of a woman. If a woman sees this piece of clothing in her dream, she may be consumed by a feeling of love for another girl.

If a person sees this piece of clothing on another, it means he will soon hear interesting news that will benefit him or make the dreamer happy.

If a girl sews a long skirt for herself in a dream, it means that her cherished desires will soon come true. If she cuts off this item of clothing, it means she is dissatisfied with her partner and subconsciously wants to break this connection. If the hem of the dreamer’s skirt is cut off by someone else, unpleasant facts from her biography will be made public, which the girl prefers to keep silent about.

If in a dream the dreamer tries on someone else’s piece of clothing and at the same time she really likes it, this means meeting a married man. If the dreamer’s long skirt was taken away in a dream and she is trying to return it, then she should wait for uninvited guests to appear.

Seeing a long white skirt from a wedding dress in a dream means health problems. This is especially true for married women. If in a dream a person throws away this piece of clothing, it means that in real life he will soon resolve a problem that has been haunting the dreamer for a long time. Burning a skirt with your own hands means unexpected monetary gain.

Not all dreams that a person has are prophetic. But if it was bright and the dreamer remembered all its details, it would not be superfluous to find out its interpretation in dream books. Perhaps this will be beneficial.

If we consider a skirt as a symbol of dreams, then most often it is attributed to the area of ​​​​relationships and flirting. It is also associated with such concepts as reputation, image and honor, that is, it symbolizes how people who are unfamiliar to us see us. Let's take a closer look at what the skirt is for in dreams?

The skirt has always been associated with the feminine principle, because it is this item of clothing that a woman chooses so that she can emphasize her sexuality. Therefore, it is not surprising that dreams in which a skirt is present are very often associated with intimate relationships that occur in reality. To more accurately understand the meaning of the dream, you need to remember in detail what kind of skirt you saw, its color and style.

If in reality a woman is building relationships and looking for love, a dream with a skirt promises her a pleasant acquaintance, and perhaps even a date. It is here that the important aspect is the color and style of the product; from them it will be possible to determine what to expect from this relationship in the future.

Skirt color in a dream

Red color is considered the most passionate of all, and therefore if a woman sees a skirt of this color in a dream, then she needs a more temperamental lover in bed. She may have intimate fantasies, but she is afraid to admit them.

White color is the color of purity and innocence. A skirt of this color promises you a long, calm relationship. However, if stains appear on it and you wash them off, then most likely your relationship is not so ideal.

A green skirt is also considered a good sign: it promises you peace and serenity. However, such relationships may soon bore you with their monotony. But you just have to change something in them, and they will delight you again.

Many people think that a black skirt is mourning, but in fact this is not entirely true. This color also helps to know yourself better, to find the dark and light in yourself.

Skirt style and length

A beautiful feminine skirt, according to the dream book, is a symbol of flirting, romance and coquetry.

If you dreamed of a short skirt, then this is a sign of promiscuity and insolence. A woman who feels uncomfortable in a dream is afraid of becoming a laughing stock for others in reality. A long skirt, on the contrary, hides all sexuality. The woman is probably very sensual, but this sensuality frightens her very much.

Lush, brightly decorated skirts symbolize an empty relationship that will lead nowhere.

A strict skirt, without unnecessary decorations, is a symbol of a serious, strong relationship. However, if the skirt looks too simple, then probably such a relationship is very boring, and therefore they simply need to be diversified somehow.

What are you doing with the skirt?

It is very important to remember what exactly you did with the skirt in your dream. After all, it is actions that personify real actions. So, trying on someone else’s skirt in a dream is a direct sign that in real life you will have to deal with the problems of a stranger.

But a new skirt is a symbol of the fact that all old troubles will remain in the past, and something new and pleasant will await you ahead. Therefore, we can safely say that buying a skirt in a dream is a good sign.

The dream in which you see yourself sewing up your old skirt has just the opposite meaning. Such a dream suggests that you will make a lot of effort to maintain the relationship, but it will probably turn out to be meaningless.

If you see in a dream how you are putting your skirt in order (darning, ironing, washing), this is a direct reflection of your life. You need to “clean up” in your personal life, put everything in order, analyze all the mistakes you have ever made in a relationship.

If you tear up and throw away your skirt, then in real life all unnecessary connections will be terminated.

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What does a skirt mean in Miller's dream book?

If you dreamed of a long skirt, this indicates that prudence in your life will still prevail over your secret and possibly shameful desires.

But, if it was a full-length skirt, the dream suggests that public opinion is of excessive importance to you, and your inner principles border on puritanism.

Trying on a skirt at a tailor in a dream and not being able to decide how long it will ultimately be is evidence that you are constantly balancing between your needs, desires, your inner nature and public opinion.

If in a dream you were wearing a very short mini skirt, then in reality you should be careful and vigilant, because at this moment in your life you are guided by passions and emotions, but not by reason.

If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of a beauty in a short skirt, the interpretation of the dream is trivial - he is looking for satisfaction of his natural desires.

A red skirt in a dream foreshadows strong passion and sparkling flirtation. If it was short, then all this will be a fleeting episode in the dreamer’s life. If you dreamed of a long red skirt, then this acquaintance, this passionate period will turn out to be only a prelude to a further romance, filled with a storm of emotions and passions.

In a dream, a yellow skirt symbolizes a positive attitude and a surge of vital energy.

A long black skirt is dreamed of as a sign that the person wearing it is afraid to admit something, including even to herself (if the hostess of the dream was wearing this black skirt).

If it was a dirty black skirt, then in this case we are talking about something shameful, indecent, vulgar.

A blue skirt also indicates a carefully hidden secret in a dream, but in this case we can talk about something hidden, dear to the heart, but not intended for others.

A pink skirt indicates that the sleeping person or the one wearing this piece of clothing can be humiliated and insulted.

A green skirt in a dream is an alarming sign for its owner, indicating easy accessibility.

If a girl happened to try on a green skirt in a dream, in real life she may be tempted, which is better not to give in to.

If a young man dreams of a green skirt being worn by a girl he knows, then he is unlikely to encounter big obstacles when getting to know her more closely.

Sewing a skirt for yourself is a dream of ambiguous meaning; you should remember the color, style, and length of this product. In any case, it will indicate what changes, including in terms of your re-awareness of yourself, await you in the near future.

If you had a chance to sew a skirt for someone else in a dream, this product will indicate what you would like to change in this person.

Walking without a skirt in a dream is a danger of losing your beloved man, including physically.

Why do you dream about a skirt - Hasse's dream book

A white long skirt in a dream is the color of innocence of its owner.

Trying on a white skirt means trying to mislead someone about your past.

Choosing a skirt, trying it on in a store - such a dream indicates a readiness for change.

A man dreams of wearing a skirt to signify an extravagant acquaintance.

If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of a man in a skirt, it means that gender stereotypes occupy too strong a place in his mind.

Why do you dream about a skirt - esoteric dream book

A new skirt symbolizes changes in your personal life.

If it was a white skirt, you'll have to start something from scratch.

A blue skirt says in a dream that you have high hopes for what is happening in your life now.

If you dreamed of trying on a skirt - you are just looking closely at what you would like to change, what to achieve, etc. Most often this applies to a woman’s personal life.

Wearing a blue skirt is a sign that you should keep something from your past secret, then you will thank yourself for this precaution.

If you dreamed of a very full skirt - you are too frank with strangers.

Ironing a skirt in a dream means a compromise that is unwanted for you.

Buying a skirt with a thick lining symbolizes pride in owning something, although in reality it may cause ridicule from your friends.

Washing a skirt in a dream is an attempt to whiten your reputation, to justify a morally ugly act.

If in a dream you are walking in a skirt that is dirty with something, but you don’t feel any worries about it, this indicates that you were able to overcome worries about the opinions of others. Now your life will be much easier.

Why do we dream about skirts, Longo’s dream book

If a woman walked in a dream in a white skirt, then in reality she will have or already has an honest and decent husband.

Tearing a skirt in a dream means bad luck in your personal life.

If a man dreams of a torn skirt on his woman, then in reality she is not faithful to him.

A dream in which you buy a skirt of maximum length suggests that you have something to hide from your personal life.

A skirt worn inside out means shame.

A colored skirt symbolizes light flirting.

Trying on skirts in a dream means a good choice in your personal life. It is important not to be left alone after this.

If your skirt was stolen in a dream, then in reality your loved one will be taken away from under your nose.

Stealing a skirt yourself means the same actions, but on your part.

Why do you dream about skirts - a modern dream book

Dreaming of someone else's skirt means gossip in which you will be the main instigator (a dream for a woman).

If in a dream your skirt was too small, then in reality you will blame someone for your own sins.

A torn skirt in a dream symbolizes frivolous behavior for which you will be judged.

Trying on a skirt means a date with an unpredictable ending.

Wearing a long skirt in a dream means being faithful to the only man.

To rent means loss of property or money.

Ironing a skirt means you will have to make an unwanted compromise, washing your skirt means illness, buying a new one means your financial situation will soon be significantly strengthened thanks to the help of a strong patron.

Skirt – For men – a shameful hobby – for women – family discord

Ruffled skirt - To red tape, to pestering with declarations of love.

If you dreamed that you were wearing a worn skirt, you will be lied to.

In a dream, you bought something or it was given to you - good luck will smile on you.

You dreamed that you sold or lost your skirt - good luck will smile on one of your loved ones.

You broke up - this is a warning from above; in the near future you will have no luck in gambling.

If you dreamed that your skirt was stolen, you don’t have to attach any significance to everything that you dreamed that night.

If you dream that you bought a skirt that suited you in size, and when you tried it on at home, it turned out that it was too small for you, it means that you miscalculated your strength and you will be disappointed.

In a dream, putting on or wearing a trouser skirt means that soon you will be looking for new solutions to an old problem.

Buying a skirt-pants means changing your relationship with your loved one. For an unmarried girl, such a dream foreshadows meeting a good young man and marriage.

Trying on someone else's skirt-trousers is a sign that such an unpleasant thing will happen to you that will force you to leave your place of work. Perhaps even your own home.

Sewing a skirt-trousers is a very serious task that you will not be able to complete.

If you are wearing a very short skirt, it means that in a critical situation there will be no one to stand up for you; on the contrary, a long skirt symbolizes security.

The skirt is dirty and torn - it will be difficult for you to justify yourself from libel and slander.

For a young woman, a dream in which she wears a trouser skirt means: she still cannot clearly define her position in life. You want to play the role of a “strong woman,” but deep down you want to be weak next to a strong man. You will have to decide for yourself.

for men it is a shameful hobby; for women - family discord.

Skirt - You dream of an elegant women's skirt - women will not give you a pass. A woman dreams that she is putting on a skirt - this woman will go on a date with her lover. A woman dreams of a torn skirt - sins from this woman’s past will come out. A woman dreams of a soiled skirt - this woman will be nervous in the company of some person. A woman dreams that she has lost her skirt - the dream foreshadows trouble for this woman.

I saw a dream about you having a Skirt - a new boyfriend. Trying on skirts one after another means changing partners, making new acquaintances. Wearing a skirt over your legs means being deceived. Buying a skirt is a hobby.

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you were buying (choosing, hemming) a skirt, then in the near future you will be able to completely change your life. To make changes for the better, pour corn oil on an old skirt and burn it.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you stained your skirt, then someone will try to ruin your reputation. To prevent a person from succeeding, read the spell in front of a burning candle: “We paint prolen with taren” (“From whom it came, to him it went”). Or, if you are a believer, the Lord's Prayer.

put on - a date with your loved one; soiled - unequal relationships; new - unforgettable past.

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt in a dream means looking for new solutions to an old problem, but if you dreamed about this from Thursday to Friday, all problems will be solved by themselves.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-pants, this means a cooling in your relationship with the person you love.

Trying on someone else's skirt-pants in a dream from Friday to Saturday is an unkind sign; it foretells that an unpleasant, annoying thing will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a trouser skirt foreshadows a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

A dream about a skirt is a hint that you are at risk of quarreling between your friends.

Cut it - be careful, someone decided to interfere in your personal affairs.

It turned out to be small - you are too arrogant, so the failure of your plans is inevitable.

If it is torn or dirty, you will communicate with those who are quite far from you and are little known to you.

If you dream of a long skirt, you are trying to protect yourself from any troubles in life, but if you yourself are not able to cope with them, then you can safely count on the assistance of family and friends.

Seeing a skirt for a man means sexual dissatisfaction; for a woman - to problems with parts of the body covered by a skirt.

A dream in which you prefer to wear a petticoat means that you are a bright representative of the circle of romantics. But life dictates its own conditions, and in order to survive, you have to pretend to be a strong woman.

If in a dream you see how a miniskirt barely covers your clearly swollen fat buttocks, you are openly trying to be known as a kind of sex bomb who does not hesitate to date all men in a row.

A dream in which a gypsy rustles her silk skirts in front of you means that you are unable to resist temptation. If in real life you still succumb to temptation, then you cannot avoid retribution.

If in a dream you wear a trouser skirt, it is difficult to call you a mature person. You still cannot clearly define what you want and what you are striving for. It seems that you cope well with the role of a strong woman, but you are not averse to pretending to be a little girl next to a strong man. To choose the only correct path, you will need time, as well as your inner instinct, which, in fact, will dictate the final option to you.

For a woman, seeing a new skirt is a need for a love adventure.

Trying on a skirt you like - if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures.

Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt means you are dissatisfied with your sexual partner, want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

If you see a skirt in a dream, then this is good for girls - they will see their sweetheart.

New skirt - letter; torn - disgrace.

How to dream that a woman walks without a skirt - the man will die, and she will remain a widow.

Buying a skirt means preparing for fun, a wedding.

A red skirt is joy, a black skirt is sadness, sadness.

A skirt is a meeting with a special person who arouses your special interest.

If you remember what parts of the body a skirt hides, it becomes obvious why interpretations of dreams about this element of the wardrobe in most cases have erotic overtones. It is no secret that there are differences between outfits, which is why the dream book advises paying attention to color, cut and accompanying circumstances, which will help to more accurately interpret what you see. The more accurately you describe the skirt you dreamed of in a dream, the more accurately you will understand what awaits you. Do you want to know why this wardrobe item is dreamed of? Read everything described below as carefully as possible.


A description of why a long skirt is dreamed of is given by Miller’s dream book. He points to the triumph of prudence over hidden desires. To dream means that you constantly feel the need to balance between your nature and public opinion.

The modern dream book makes allowances for fashion trends: a floor-length skirt today is far from an ascetic piece of clothing. So today such a dream means that you are at your best.

Dear ladies, if you are wearing a short skirt in your night dreams, be careful. The universal dream book is convinced that you are now under the influence of emotions and passions, but not of reason. Don’t rush to open your soul, hand over the key to your heart and the password to your credit card to a man you don’t know.

Representatives of the stronger sex can interpret the dream literally: beauties in miniskirts are the ones who are looking for a meeting with them. And they will certainly find it!


Any dream book recognizes that red is traditionally considered one of the most passionate and life-affirming colors. It is not surprising that the plot, in which a red skirt appears, is a dream of an unusual acquaintance and sparkling flirtation, which in reality will turn out to be only a prelude to a whirlwind romance. Grishina's dream book also promises a surge of energy and a positive attitude.

Shereminskaya tactfully reports that a black skirt can be a dream for those who are afraid to admit something to themselves. For example, the fact that intimate life leaves much to be desired - you are not satisfied with the quantity or quality. The dream gives a signal that deepest desires have no place in the depths of the soul and now is the time to try to fulfill them.

Fabric condition

An explanation of why you dream of a new skirt is available in the Wanderer’s interpreter. The Wanderer's Dream Book is convinced that from now on you will succeed in literally everything. The fortuneteller has no doubt that this is your finest hour to strengthen your professional position, gain popularity and close attention of the opposite sex. Problems that previously seemed insurmountable will suddenly resolve themselves. The dream also promises new acquaintances and interesting offers.

Buy or try

It’s better not to even try on a skirt in your sleep if it’s someone else’s. The dream foreshadows quarrels and troubles. Other fittings do not threaten anything, except that they indicate your state of confusion. The dream may mean that you can’t decide whether to agree to a date or are too concerned about the opinions of others. Remember that only you are responsible for your happiness.

You can find out why you dream about having the intention of buying a skirt by turning to Aesop. Aesop's Dream Book suggests that you are looking forward to the holiday and deep down in your soul you are sure that it will certainly be a success. The dream book offers a wide choice: a special event, good news or a long-awaited visit, an entertainment event.

But if in a dream the skirt was purchased unsuccessfully, it indicates the need to think through your decisions more carefully and plan actions in order to avoid disappointments.

Does it often happen to wear a skirt in a dream? This dream reveals your genuine interest in the most daring sexual experiments, including bisexual ones. The man hopes that this outfit will help him understand the feminine essence. In addition, he has reasons for this, for example, an upcoming marriage, a serious romance or passionate love.


Since you dared to sew a skirt with your own hands in a dream, it means that you are ready for changes in reality. The dream suggests that you are determined to take control of the situation and act at your own discretion. The only caution is to try to time your strength, otherwise you risk biting off more than you can chew. The modern dream book recommends not to rush to refuse the offered help.

Man in a skirt

If you dream of a man in a skirt, only a modern interpreter will tell you the correct answer. The fact is that today such an image is not interpreted as clearly as it was several decades ago. This item of women's wardrobe is increasingly appearing in men's clothing collections. Over time, lifestyle, fashion, worldview change, and with them the interpretation of dreams.

Nowadays, a woman’s dream promises a very extravagant acquaintance or an unusual pastime, and a man needs to think about whether stereotypes, especially gender ones, occupy too much space in his life.

my mother-in-law gave me a large white beautiful wedding skirt and a lot of multi-colored threads, I was very happy with this gift, and she bought herself a long white veil with glitter. about myself: I am married for 20 years and have a very good relationship with my mother-in-law. Not so good with my husband, no children.


I don’t remember the whole dream, but only one moment. in a dream I saw myself as if from the outside. but not all of yourself, but only from the waist down. it was all about the skirt. it was a new skirt. dark blue. narrow. and with frills. I really liked her. I admired myself in her. but I only saw myself from the back. What was strange to me was that I was thin in it, my hips were very narrow, but not bony, but slender. I was spinning in it, spinning...


It all started when I started getting ready for prom. I bought a skirt with a corset and I see that I don’t like the skirt at all, I’m going to the market to change my skirt. The market is almost empty. I chose for a very long time, but I didn’t like anything, I started crying then I calmed down and started to get angry. In general, I took some kind of white skirt and calmed down with that. Then there was a sharp change in the situation and I was already walking with a young man (not with my own, but with a guy who really likes me, his name is Andrey, and he does me too, but he lives in a civil marriage with someone else), well, so, we are walking along a narrow straight path, we have a river on our left, high hills on our right. All this is happening in my village. The day is just wonderful, the sun is shining and everything is around Tsvetnt, a beautiful summer day. In general, we are walking with him, or rather we are riding a horse, then she climbs off it and goes further, and we climb the slope to the top (by the way, we got off the horse before the turn. The path turned over the hill). We enter we go into the house with him and sit on the bed, sit reclining and watch TV. He starts kissing and hugging me, and then again there is a sharp change in the situation and I already find myself in another village. My relatives are gathering guests about my graduation. And they tell me to I allowed Andrei, oh, how strange it is that I lived in the next house. I went with some girl to get Andrei, his common-law wife opened the door, she allowed him, he came out to me. The two of us stood together and talked about something. Then he hugged me and began to collect his and my things (I just didn’t understand how my things ended up with him). Then he took me by the hand and we ran away from everyone to be alone... That’s the whole dream. I’m 18 years old. girl. It seems to me that this is because I want something new in a relationship, but with Andrey this most likely will not happen.


I dreamed that I was in a store, choosing a short skirt. I don't like anything. In the end I find some kind of skirt that I don’t really like - it’s just a compromise option. I go into the fitting room, but suddenly I see that the skirt is clearly too small for me in the hips. then for some reason I go down (without any transition) I go down to the basement, it is huge, light, plastered walls (without painting), many many rooms and little rooms, concrete floor, no objects, just the floor, walls, light, and many rooms, no windows , obviously. with doors. I walk into rooms and in many of them I see white bathtubs. some have water (1/4). suddenly I meet my grandmother. she invites me to light candles so that I can better see the rooms. For some reason the dream is pleasant, although meaningless.


I had a pair of knee-length Scottish skirts: made of thick wool, wrapped at the waist. They were slightly different shades, but made in the same style. The most striking thing is that they are hung with military medals. Not real ones, but imitation, an exact copy of the real ones. My husband said it looks extremely cool. I saw for myself how cool it was. In the spirit of Dolce-Gabanna! (I really respect Dolce-Gabanna for its creativity). However, I felt that the coolness was somewhere on the edge: WWII participants might be offended by the use of shrines, blood-stained awards as trinkets for the butt. The skirt glowed golden in the sun, there was something ethnic and historical about it, but there was also a strong feeling that this creativity would hurt someone. I understood that it was impossible to show off in front of many of my compatriots. What a pity! After all, it’s crazy beautiful and conceptual. I tried on crazy skirts, but didn’t dare go anywhere in them.


A skirt, in addition to the general meaning of clothing (i.e., a stereotype alien to me, but rooted in society), personifies the part of the body that it covers. Therefore, all military awards belong to this unit. Of course, this is very touching, although it is associated with “war” and aggression.


I dream that my husband is holding my skirt in his hands (the skirt is only mine in the dream, but in reality I have never had such a skirt) of a lilac color with a wrap and is walking outside. I looked out the window and saw that someone else’s car had driven up to our house, a man was getting out of it, and my husband was opening the gate and giving this skirt to him. Then I see that the man’s wife gets out of the car and says something to her husband. At this point the dream ends.
Tell me, why did I have this dream?


Our psyche determines our habits. Everyone has their own.
Behavior associated with conventions - when we are forced to “pretend”, “pretend” - is symbolically reflected in a dream as clothing.
Accordingly, a skirt is some kind of behavior. Perhaps this is something you associate with typical female behavior. Therefore, it is represented by a (women's) skirt, and not, say, (men's) trousers.

So, there is a “skirt” as a symbol of some of your behavior.

Now it is important to understand what dynamics the “skirt” is subject to. First it is “yours.”
But due to some internal reasons, it is repressed. Repression is a departure from conscious, personally mediated behavior into unconscious, poorly or generally uncontrollable behavior. For example, in one dream you are driving the car and in control of the situation, and in another you are a passenger.
Also with clothes. She goes to the “other”.
Usually, “others” in a dream reflect our repressed, unacceptable from a conscious point of view, parts of our personality. When a mother tells a child that “it’s bad to do that, you can’t (be greedy),” then one child realizes this as his will/ability for sole ownership (of candy) or for sharing with someone. Another child can “split” into a good self and a greedy self. Then he will have a dream that in a dream he is interacting with an unpleasant rival boy. This boy, a rival, is now a shadow, the focus of all repressed habits. Someday this child will unite all his sub-personalities into one whole one (that’s why they say that in old age a person gets wiser - in fact, he becomes more whole, more harmonious, more understandable)

Returning to everyday life. There are moments in your relationships with men in which you are uncomfortable and you are forced to pretend (wear clothes, or rather, a skirt). The dream emphasizes that now you have even less conscious control over your behavior and your reactions (the skirt from your possession goes to the “other” woman, your shadow).
It is possible to find out in more detail what exactly we are talking about in face-to-face consultations.

If you remember what parts of the body a skirt hides, it becomes obvious why interpretations of dreams about this element of the wardrobe in most cases have erotic overtones. It is no secret that there are differences between outfits, which is why the dream book advises paying attention to color, cut and accompanying circumstances, which will help to more accurately interpret what you see. The more accurately you describe the skirt you dreamed of in a dream, the more accurately you will understand what awaits you. Do you want to know why this wardrobe item is dreamed of? Read everything described below as carefully as possible.


A description of what a long skirt means in a dream is given by Philomena. Felomena's dream book indicates the triumph of prudence over hidden desires. To dream means that you constantly feel the need to balance between your nature and public opinion.

The modern dream book makes allowances for fashion trends: a floor-length skirt today is far from an ascetic piece of clothing. So today such a dream means that you are at your best.

Dear ladies, if you are wearing a short skirt in your night dreams, be careful. The universal dream book is convinced that you are now under the influence of emotions and passions, but not of reason. Don’t rush to open your soul, hand over the key to your heart and the password to your credit card to a man you don’t know well.

Representatives of the stronger sex can interpret the dream literally: beauties in miniskirts are the ones who are looking for a meeting with them. And they will certainly find it!


Any dream book recognizes that red is traditionally considered one of the most passionate and life-affirming colors. It is not surprising that the plot, in which a red skirt appears, is a dream of an unusual acquaintance and sparkling flirtation, which in reality will turn out to be only a prelude to a whirlwind romance. Grishina's dream book also promises a surge of energy and a positive attitude.

Shereminskaya tactfully reports that a black skirt can be a dream for those who are afraid to admit something to themselves. For example, the fact that intimate life leaves much to be desired - you are not satisfied with the quantity or quality. The dream gives a signal that deepest desires have no place in the depths of the soul and now is the time to try to fulfill them.

Fabric condition

An explanation of why you dream of a new skirt is available in the Wanderer’s interpreter. The Wanderer's Dream Book is convinced that from now on you will succeed in literally everything. The fortuneteller has no doubt that this is your finest hour to strengthen your professional position, gain popularity and close attention of the opposite sex. Problems that previously seemed insurmountable will suddenly resolve themselves. The dream also promises new acquaintances and interesting offers.

Buy or try

It’s better not to even try on a skirt in your sleep if it’s someone else’s. The dream foreshadows quarrels and troubles. Other fittings do not threaten anything, except that they indicate your state of confusion. The dream may mean that you can’t decide whether to agree to a date or are too concerned about the opinions of others. Remember that only you are responsible for your happiness.

You can find out why you dream about having the intention of buying a skirt by turning to Aesop. Aesop's Dream Book suggests that you are looking forward to the holiday and deep down in your soul you are sure that it will certainly be a success. The dream book offers a wide choice: a special event, good news or a long-awaited visit, an entertainment event.

But if in a dream the skirt was purchased unsuccessfully, it indicates the need to think through your decisions more carefully and plan actions in order to avoid disappointments.

Does it often happen to wear a skirt in a dream? This dream reveals your genuine interest in the most daring sexual experiments, including bisexual ones. The man hopes that this outfit will help him understand the feminine essence. In addition, he has reasons for this, for example, an upcoming marriage, a serious romance or passionate love.


Since you dared to sew a skirt with your own hands in a dream, it means that you are ready for changes in reality. The dream suggests that you are determined to take control of the situation and act at your own discretion. The only caution is to try to time your strength, otherwise you risk biting off more than you can chew. The modern dream book recommends not to rush to refuse the offered help.

Man in a skirt

If you dream of a man in a skirt, only a modern interpreter will tell you the correct answer. The fact is that today such an image is not interpreted as clearly as it was several decades ago. This item of women's wardrobe is increasingly appearing in men's clothing collections. Over time, lifestyle, fashion, worldview change, and with them the interpretation of dreams.

Nowadays, a woman’s dream promises a very extravagant acquaintance or an unusual pastime, and a man needs to think about whether stereotypes, especially gender ones, occupy too much space in his life.

Why do you dream about a skirt?

Almost every night people see dreams, which can be hints or recommendations, as well as messages about the future. In order to understand and correctly interpret the symbols seen, it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account all the details.

Why do you dream about a skirt?

Such a night vision can symbolize a new hobby, in which direction will depend on the appearance of this item of clothing. A full skirt is a warning that you can be used for their own selfish purposes. An old, damaged skirt promises betrayal of a loved one. If you are sewing a skirt, it means that in real life you are already ready for change.

Why do you dream of a long skirt?

A piece of clothing like this is a symbol of the fact that you often give up your own opinion due to public disagreement. This is also a sign that your friends will help you in a critical situation.

Why do you dream of a short skirt?

Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of a short-term relationship, which will ultimately leave behind only disappointment. It may also be a symbol of the fact that you do not have a defender and in a critical situation you need to rely solely on your own strength.

Why do you dream about a new skirt?

For a representative of the fair sex, a dream where she puts on a new skirt promises a successful marriage. If you buy a skirt, it means that you should expect changes in your personal life in the future. Such a dream predicts success in any endeavor.

Why do you dream of trying on a skirt?

If you try on someone else's skirt, it means that you can expect scandals and problems in the future. In another case, such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of being confused.

Why do you dream of a beautiful skirt?

An elegant piece of clothing is a symbol of joyful events that will happen in the near future. This dream is also a sign that men will admire you and women will envy you.

Dream Interpretation Skirt white

Why do you dream about a white skirt in a dream according to the dream book?

If you saw a white skirt in a dream, you should expect some important news or message in the near future.

Trying on skirts

Dream Interpretation Trying on skirts dreamed of why you dream about trying on skirts? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on skirts in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt, petticoat

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Also see Pant Skirt.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

(See interpretation: clothing)

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Trying on someone else's skirt

Dream Interpretation Trying on someone else's skirt dreamed of why you dream about trying on someone else’s skirt? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on someone else’s skirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt, petticoat

If a bachelor dreams of a woman's skirt, he will soon get married.

For a married man, he will quarrel with his wife.

Wearing a skirt means suffering from slander.

If a woman puts on a beautiful new skirt, in reality she will have a date with her loved one or she will be deceived by someone.

A torn, dirty skirt means unequal relationships in the family, an unequal marriage.

Sewing a new skirt means incurring financial losses.

If a man dreams that a woman's petticoat is peeking out from under her dress, he will fail in courtship due to being too assertive.

For a woman, such a dream is a sign of regret about an act that led to separation.

Especially elegant petticoats are a sign of friendly ridicule.

Torn or dirty - a danger to your reputation.

If a girl dreams that she is wearing a silk or simply dazzlingly pure petticoat, she will have a courageous and devoted husband.

Losing a petticoat is bad luck.

If the petticoat falls off in front of a large crowd of people, expect the daughter of your lover and all sorts of disappointments.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Choosing a new skirt means a quarrel with a good friend;
cut a skirt - you will not tolerate interference in your life by strangers;
buy a skirt that fits your size, and when you tried it on at home, it turned out that it was too small for you - you miscalculated your strength and you will be disappointed;
cutting a leather skirt is evidence of nervous tension and distrust of people;
You washed your skirt and it changed its color beyond recognition - you are in vain to believe that everything planned will bring good, since you do not take into account the overall picture of affairs, and this is fraught with surprises.
Also see Pant Skirt.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

A skirt - a skirt like you see in a dream, then for girls it’s good - she’ll see her sweetheart. New skirt - letter; torn - disgrace. If you dream that a woman walks without a skirt, then the man will die, and she will remain a widow. Buying a skirt means preparing for fun, a wedding. A red skirt is joy, a black skirt is sadness, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

(See interpretation: clothing)

For a man, a dream about a woman’s skirt indicates that his frivolous behavior causes condemnation from others and can end in a big scandal for him, which will have the most unpleasant consequences for his future.

For a woman to try on a new skirt in a dream - a sign of an imminent new love adventure. Looking at frills on a skirt in a dream means that you will happily indulge in carnal pleasures. The number of frills on the skirt means the number of lovers. See interpretation: fabric, color, ribbons, buttons, lace.

A lace skirt in a dream is a harbinger of happy love.

A dirty, torn, wrinkled skirt in a dream means insult or resentment.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

For a man to see a skirt in a dream means a desire to possess a woman who has recently entered his life. He realizes that due to a number of circumstances his desire is difficult to fulfill. Holding a skirt in your hands, looking at it - you will take some actions to fulfill your secret desires, but they will be strictly condemned by others.

For a woman, seeing a new skirt is a need for a love adventure. Trying on a skirt you like - if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures. Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt means you are dissatisfied with your sexual partner, want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dreaming of a skirt in which you look simply gorgeous means that in reality you will arouse the admiration of men and the secret envy of your friends.

A dirty or torn skirt indicates that in reality you will have to deal with people outside your circle, which, however, will give you some advantages and benefits.

Wearing a skirt in a dream means you will have a good rest and improve your health. To rent means loss of property or money. Ironing a skirt means you will have to make an unwanted compromise, washing your skirt means illness, buying a new one means your financial situation will soon be significantly strengthened thanks to the help of a strong patron.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt - soon you will be looking for new solutions to an old problem;
buying a skirt-pants means changing the relationship with your loved one;
for an unmarried girl - such a dream means meeting a good young man and getting married;
trying on someone else's skirt-trousers is an unpleasant story that will force you to leave your place of work, perhaps even your home;
Sewing a trouser skirt is a serious matter that you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt in a dream means looking for new solutions to an old problem, but if you dreamed about this from Thursday to Friday, all problems will be solved by themselves.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-pants, this means a cooling in your relationship with the person you love.

Trying on someone else's skirt-trousers in a dream from Friday to Saturday is an unkind sign; this foretells that an unpleasant, annoying story will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a trouser skirt foreshadows a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Seeing a new skirt in a dream means receiving a letter.

A dirty skirt means unpleasant chores around the house.

If you see a skirt on a boy in a dream, he will invite you to a disco.

What if this boy is Scottish? You say to him: “What kind of skirt are you wearing? For fun? and he: “I’ve been wearing it all my life!” This is our national dress." This is going to be an embarrassment!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Skirt - Putting a skirt on yourself - for a man, this dream means that secretly you would like to be a woman a little, to understand what it’s like.

If a woman had such a dream, it means you will have to experience firsthand what lesbian love is. Sewing a skirt in a dream - such a dream suggests that you are too “closed”, not trusting anyone. You should be more frank and trusting.

White lace skirt

Dream Interpretation White lace skirt dreamed of why you dream about a white lace skirt? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a white lace skirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt, petticoat

If a bachelor dreams of a woman's skirt, he will soon get married.

For a married man, he will quarrel with his wife.

Wearing a skirt means suffering from slander.

If a woman puts on a beautiful new skirt, in reality she will have a date with her loved one or she will be deceived by someone.

A torn, dirty skirt means unequal relationships in the family, an unequal marriage.

Sewing a new skirt means incurring financial losses.

If a man dreams that a woman's petticoat is peeking out from under her dress, he will fail in courtship due to being too assertive.

For a woman, such a dream is a sign of regret about an act that led to separation.

Especially elegant petticoats are a sign of friendly ridicule.

Torn or dirty - a danger to your reputation.

If a girl dreams that she is wearing a silk or simply dazzlingly pure petticoat, she will have a courageous and devoted husband.

Losing a petticoat is bad luck.

If the petticoat falls off in front of a large crowd of people, expect the daughter of your lover and all sorts of disappointments.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Choosing a new skirt means a quarrel with a good friend;
cut a skirt - you will not tolerate interference in your life by strangers;
buy a skirt that fits your size, and when you tried it on at home, it turned out that it was too small for you - you miscalculated your strength and you will be disappointed;
cutting a leather skirt is evidence of nervous tension and distrust of people;
You washed your skirt and it changed its color beyond recognition - you are in vain to believe that everything planned will bring good, since you do not take into account the overall picture of affairs, and this is fraught with surprises.
Also see Pant Skirt.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

A skirt - a skirt like you see in a dream, then for girls it’s good - she’ll see her sweetheart. New skirt - letter; torn - disgrace. If you dream that a woman walks without a skirt, then the man will die, and she will remain a widow. Buying a skirt means preparing for fun, a wedding. A red skirt is joy, a black skirt is sadness, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

(See interpretation: clothing)

For a man, a dream about a woman’s skirt indicates that his frivolous behavior causes condemnation from others and can end in a big scandal for him, which will have the most unpleasant consequences for his future.

For a woman to try on a new skirt in a dream - a sign of an imminent new love adventure. Looking at frills on a skirt in a dream means that you will happily indulge in carnal pleasures. The number of frills on the skirt means the number of lovers. See interpretation: fabric, color, ribbons, buttons, lace.

A lace skirt in a dream is a harbinger of happy love.

A dirty, torn, wrinkled skirt in a dream means insult or resentment.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

For a man to see a skirt in a dream means a desire to possess a woman who has recently entered his life. He realizes that due to a number of circumstances his desire is difficult to fulfill. Holding a skirt in your hands, looking at it - you will take some actions to fulfill your secret desires, but they will be strictly condemned by others.

For a woman, seeing a new skirt is a need for a love adventure. Trying on a skirt you like - if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures. Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt means you are dissatisfied with your sexual partner, want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dreaming of a skirt in which you look simply gorgeous means that in reality you will arouse the admiration of men and the secret envy of your friends.

A dirty or torn skirt indicates that in reality you will have to deal with people outside your circle, which, however, will give you some advantages and benefits.

Wearing a skirt in a dream means you will have a good rest and improve your health. To rent means loss of property or money. Ironing a skirt means you will have to make an unwanted compromise, washing your skirt means illness, buying a new one means your financial situation will soon be significantly strengthened thanks to the help of a strong patron.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt - soon you will be looking for new solutions to an old problem;
buying a skirt-pants means changing the relationship with your loved one;
for an unmarried girl - such a dream means meeting a good young man and getting married;
trying on someone else's skirt-trousers is an unpleasant story that will force you to leave your place of work, perhaps even your home;
Sewing a trouser skirt is a serious matter that you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt in a dream means looking for new solutions to an old problem, but if you dreamed about this from Thursday to Friday, all problems will be solved by themselves.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-pants, this means a cooling in your relationship with the person you love.

Trying on someone else's skirt-trousers in a dream from Friday to Saturday is an unkind sign; this foretells that an unpleasant, annoying story will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a trouser skirt foreshadows a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Seeing a new skirt in a dream means receiving a letter.

A dirty skirt means unpleasant chores around the house.

If you see a skirt on a boy in a dream, he will invite you to a disco.

What if this boy is Scottish? You say to him: “What kind of skirt are you wearing? For fun? and he: “I’ve been wearing it all my life!” This is our national dress." This is going to be an embarrassment!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Skirt - Putting a skirt on yourself - for a man, this dream means that secretly you would like to be a woman a little, to understand what it’s like.

If a woman had such a dream, it means you will have to experience firsthand what lesbian love is. Sewing a skirt in a dream - such a dream suggests that you are too “closed”, not trusting anyone. You should be more frank and trusting.

Why do you dream of trying on a new white knee-length skirt in a store? What do you think?


Nadezhda Lomaeva

clothing that is pleasing to the eye and to wear means everything joyful and cheerful that is happening and will happen in the near future

Maxim Antonov

soon there will be red days on the calendar)) don’t wear white)))

Only yours..

a skirt in a dream foretells that you will be especially popular with the opposite sex.


Towards a new relationship



Relationship. And the gentleman will be light.

Dmitry Dontsov

Relationships that are painful for you.

Tried on a new skirt before

Dream Interpretation Merila a new skirt before I dreamed about why I dreamed about trying on a new skirt in front? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Meryl wearing a new skirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt, petticoat

If a bachelor dreams of a woman's skirt, he will soon get married.

For a married man, he will quarrel with his wife.

Wearing a skirt means suffering from slander.

If a woman puts on a beautiful new skirt, in reality she will have a date with her loved one or she will be deceived by someone.

A torn, dirty skirt means unequal relationships in the family, an unequal marriage.

Sewing a new skirt means incurring financial losses.

If a man dreams that a woman's petticoat is peeking out from under her dress, he will fail in courtship due to being too assertive.

For a woman, such a dream is a sign of regret about an act that led to separation.

Especially elegant petticoats are a sign of friendly ridicule.

Torn or dirty - a danger to your reputation.

If a girl dreams that she is wearing a silk or simply dazzlingly pure petticoat, she will have a courageous and devoted husband.

Losing a petticoat is bad luck.

If the petticoat falls off in front of a large crowd of people, expect the daughter of your lover and all sorts of disappointments.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Choosing a new skirt means a quarrel with a good friend;
cut a skirt - you will not tolerate interference in your life by strangers;
buy a skirt that fits your size, and when you tried it on at home, it turned out that it was too small for you - you miscalculated your strength and you will be disappointed;
cutting a leather skirt is evidence of nervous tension and distrust of people;
You washed your skirt and it changed its color beyond recognition - you are in vain to believe that everything planned will bring good, since you do not take into account the overall picture of affairs, and this is fraught with surprises.
Also see Pant Skirt.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

A skirt - a skirt like you see in a dream, then for girls it’s good - she’ll see her sweetheart. New skirt - letter; torn - disgrace. If you dream that a woman walks without a skirt, then the man will die, and she will remain a widow. Buying a skirt means preparing for fun, a wedding. A red skirt is joy, a black skirt is sadness, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

(See interpretation: clothing)

For a man, a dream about a woman’s skirt indicates that his frivolous behavior causes condemnation from others and can end in a big scandal for him, which will have the most unpleasant consequences for his future.

For a woman to try on a new skirt in a dream - a sign of an imminent new love adventure. Looking at frills on a skirt in a dream means that you will happily indulge in carnal pleasures. The number of frills on the skirt means the number of lovers. See interpretation: fabric, color, ribbons, buttons, lace.

A lace skirt in a dream is a harbinger of happy love.

A dirty, torn, wrinkled skirt in a dream means insult or resentment.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

For a man to see a skirt in a dream means a desire to possess a woman who has recently entered his life. He realizes that due to a number of circumstances his desire is difficult to fulfill. Holding a skirt in your hands, looking at it - you will take some actions to fulfill your secret desires, but they will be strictly condemned by others.

For a woman, seeing a new skirt is a need for a love adventure. Trying on a skirt you like - if the opportunity arises, you will gladly indulge in carnal pleasures. Seeing yourself wearing a long, dark-colored skirt means you are dissatisfied with your sexual partner, want to make significant changes in your relationship or end it altogether.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Dreaming of a skirt in which you look simply gorgeous means that in reality you will arouse the admiration of men and the secret envy of your friends.

A dirty or torn skirt indicates that in reality you will have to deal with people outside your circle, which, however, will give you some advantages and benefits.

Wearing a skirt in a dream means you will have a good rest and improve your health. To rent means loss of property or money. Ironing a skirt means you will have to make an unwanted compromise, washing your skirt means illness, buying a new one means your financial situation will soon be significantly strengthened thanks to the help of a strong patron.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt - soon you will be looking for new solutions to an old problem;
buying a skirt-pants means changing the relationship with your loved one;
for an unmarried girl - such a dream means meeting a good young man and getting married;
trying on someone else's skirt-trousers is an unpleasant story that will force you to leave your place of work, perhaps even your home;
Sewing a trouser skirt is a serious matter that you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt-pants

Putting on or wearing a trouser skirt in a dream means looking for new solutions to an old problem, but if you dreamed about this from Thursday to Friday, all problems will be solved by themselves.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday in which you buy a skirt-pants, this means a cooling in your relationship with the person you love.

Trying on someone else's skirt-trousers in a dream from Friday to Saturday is an unkind sign; this foretells that an unpleasant, annoying story will happen to you, which will force you to change your usual way of life.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday in which you sew a trouser skirt foreshadows a very serious matter, which you will not be able to complete.

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Seeing a new skirt in a dream means receiving a letter.

A dirty skirt means unpleasant chores around the house.

If you see a skirt on a boy in a dream, he will invite you to a disco.

What if this boy is Scottish? You say to him: “What kind of skirt are you wearing? For fun? and he: “I’ve been wearing it all my life!” This is our national dress." This is going to be an embarrassment!

Dream Interpretation - Skirt

Skirt - Putting a skirt on yourself - for a man, this dream means that secretly you would like to be a woman a little, to understand what it’s like.

If a woman had such a dream, it means you will have to experience firsthand what lesbian love is. Sewing a skirt in a dream - such a dream suggests that you are too “closed”, not trusting anyone. You should be more frank and trusting.

Why do you dream of trying on a skirt?



There are dates ahead.

Munir Nasyrov

you'll soon be without pants


This is a reflection of feelings. The desire to draw a person's attention to oneself. The dream does not foretell anything.

I dreamed that I was trying on a skirt: on one side it was made of blue jeans, and on the other side the skirt was made of some kind of white



skirt - love life... that means there are still obstacles


If you communicate with people opposite to you, try to answer correctly

~Bad Girl~

new thing for a successful life


Trying on a skirt means a fun life; taking it off means the end of a carefree life, difficulties.
I assume that you will have an easy period in life, everything will be easy for you, it will be easy and good, but then difficulties will come