Exercises to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. Tibetan eye gymnastics. Simple and effective exercises to relieve eye fatigue

Medical drops for glaucoma are prescribed for life. But is there a way to manage high intraocular pressure (IOP) without medication?

In the article we will talk about special exercises for the eyes with glaucoma, which help relieve tension and can help normalize IOP.

There are several methods of therapeutic exercises. Choose what suits you best and make it a habit to do such exercises.

Charging heals?

Eye gymnastics techniques have been known for many years. Ophthalmologists recognize its effectiveness for the prevention of accommodation disorders in adolescence. Exercises eliminate the spasm of accommodation which immediately precedes myopia. Gymnastics helps with hyperopia and astigmatism, when the eyes can quickly deplete from visual stress.

The effectiveness of gymnastics is debatable. Better to do it than just suffer from eye fatigue. But expect the return of peripheral vision is not worth it. Vision in glaucoma is reduced due to atrophy, death of the optic nerve. This is an organic defect and exercises cannot correct it. But gymnastics relieves subjective fatigue. Visual tension can become an additional factor in increasing intraocular pressure. Therefore, exercises that unload the eye muscles prevent pressure surges.

IMPORTANT: Any gymnastics is contraindicated immediately after eye surgery. If in the last six months you have undergone surgery, be sure to first consult with an ophthalmologist.

According to the Norbekov method

Exercise #1

The head is straight, the neck does not move. With two eyes we draw a mental line up the wall, up to the ceiling. We imagine that the line runs absolutely vertically, through the head.

Exercise #2

Starting position, as in the previous complex. We lead the mental line down, perpendicular to the floor, through the throat.

Exercise #3

The head is straight, does not move. We look to the right, mentally imagine how the look passes through the right ear. We repeat the same on the left side.

Exercise #4

Head, as before, keep motionless. We do not overstrain the eye muscles, the movements should be smooth and not cause discomfort. We perform actions with eyeballs in the following order:

  • left down - right up - right down - left up.

The resulting drawing should resemble a butterfly. Now let's repeat the steps in the opposite direction:

  • right down - left up - left down - right up.

At the end of two repetitions, close your eyes, blink several times, let them relax.

Exercise #5

Very similar to the "butterfly" complex is called the "eight".

Let's imagine that the figure 8 turned sideways or the symbol of infinity hangs in front of us in the air. The symbol should be as large as possible, but not go beyond the face. Its dimensions should not cause overstrain of the eye muscles. Let's mentally move our eyes along the contour of the sign, first in one direction, then in the other. After two repetitions, blink several times, relax your eyes.

Exercise #6

With the help of this set of movements, we train the oblique muscles of the eye.

First, let's find a few points:

  • at the tip of your nose;
  • several objects in front of you that are convenient to look at;
  • an imaginary point on the bridge of the nose.

Now you should alternate a smooth look:

  • on the tip of the nose - on objects in front of you - on the bridge of your nose - on objects in front of you.

Repeat the exercise 7 times, then let your eyes relax, blink.

Exercise number 7

We present ourselves with a round dial. Leads the gaze from one number to another, fixing the gaze for a second on each number. We try to end up with an even circle. We repeat the actions with the eyes in the opposite direction.

IMPORTANT: A prerequisite for the success of gymnastics according to Norbekov is the correct attitude: even posture, a raised head and a good mood.

According to the Bates / Zhdanov method

  • Look up for a second;
  • Then to the right, to the left - for a second;
  • We shift our gaze to the right up, to the left down;
  • Now vice versa: left and up, right and down;
  • Draw an imaginary rectangle in the air with your eyes. First in one direction, then in the opposite;
  • We draw an imaginary dial - we stop looking at the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9. We repeat in the reverse order;
  • Right hand in front of you, look at the tip of the index finger. Slowly bring your hand to your face without taking your eyes off your finger. We bring the hand to the nose, then also slowly take the hand back;
  • We look at the farthest point outside the window;
  • We draw a snake with our eyes, first from right to left, then in the opposite direction.
  • We close our eyes 20 times in a row.

IMPORTANT: At the end of the complex, you should let your head and neck relax - make several rotational movements, tilts.


This set of exercises is aimed at relaxing and relieving tension from the eyes at the end of the working day. Palming helps to eliminate nervous excitement, relieves headaches due to visual fatigue.

Before you start gymnastics, you should find a comfortable position, relax, put your elbows on the table and warm up your palms.

  1. We close our eyes and cover them with our palms. The fingers intersect in the forehead at a right angle. We press the palms to the face, but do not press on the eyes;
  2. Relax. As a rule, eyes that are tired during the day see a lot of flashing colored dots in front of them. The success of palming is achieved if the points have disappeared and only darkness is before the eyes.

Massage for the eyelids and around the eyes

With soft massaging movements of the fingers, we draw along the brow arches. We pass to the lower edge of the eye socket, repeat the movements. Do not press too hard, massage should not cause pain and discomfort.

Next, in a circular motion, massage first the outer, then the inner corners of the eyes. In the inner corner, we make stroking movements from the eye down to the nose. This is where the nasolacrimal canal is located, through which excess tears drain into the nasal cavity.

Useful video

This video clearly explains the benefits of exercise for our eyes:

Therapeutic exercise definitely benefits vision. With glaucoma and cataracts, it will relieve tension and prevent surges in intraocular pressure. But you can not fight glaucoma with the help of gymnastics alone. It should only complement the medications and lifestyle recommended by the doctors. Such an integrated approach will bring maximum benefit to the eyes!

Glaucoma is one of the most common ophthalmic pathologies that develop with age.

Accumulation of fluid inside the chambers of the eye and increased pressure lead to atrophy of the optic nerve, narrowing of the visual fields and progressive blindness.

It is possible to completely cure this disease only in rare cases, the main goal of the therapy is stop the progression of the process and maintain existing vision. Along with drug treatment, massage techniques and special gymnastics are widely used.

How does massage help treat illness?

Massage helps relax muscles, improve blood circulation, prevent lymph stagnation. Due to this, intraocular pressure (IOP) decreases, which, in combination with drugs, gives a good effect.

Eye massage techniques for glaucoma

For glaucoma, intense exposure to the eyeballs is prohibited- do not press or rub your eyes with force, this can provoke an increase in IOP.

Manipulations should be easy, short. By type they are divided into massage:

  • eyeballs and eyelids;
  • skin of the face and head;
  • collar area and neck.

The procedure in front of the eyes is carried out with fingertips through closed eyelids, the touch should be light, gentle. Massage done in circular motions no more than two minutes. This effect relaxes the muscles around the eye, contributes to a better outflow of intraocular fluid.

Facial skin massage begins with a light stroke periphery (from the forehead and temples to the eyes), gradually increase the intensity and move on to rubbing, tapping. Such techniques help improve blood circulation and lymph flow. At the same time, you can use acupressure - stimulation of certain active zones.

Combination with gymnastics for vision

Manual exposure to the eyes is well combined with special gymnastics, a combination of two procedures gives a more pronounced effect.

Most exercises available for home use and does not require special training. You can do the following simple exercises:

  • rotational movements eye clockwise and then counterclockwise;
  • concentration for a few seconds on one, closely located point, and after blinking movements during 10 Seconds;
  • consider within a minute close item, then look away into the distance.

Warming up the neck and collar area

This type of massage should only specialist, because with inept exposure, pressure can be increased and cause deterioration. The peculiarity of massage of the collar zone in glaucoma is that it is impossible to carry out the procedure in a horizontal position face down.

Photo 1. The specialist performs a neck and back massage. Colored lines mark the location of problem areas and key points.

Recommended vertical posture, the patient is sitting on a chair. The impact begins with light stroking from top to bottom, gradually increasing the effort, moving on to rubbing, kneading, patting. Wherein improves microcirculation in the collar area reduced pain, swelling, reflexively increased outflow of intraocular fluid.

At home, self-massage is performed while sitting, resting your elbows on the table. The following tricks:

  • hold with your fingertips from neck to back stroking movements at least five times;
  • edge of the palm carry out with pressure movements of medium intensity top down;
  • rub in a circular motion back of neck with fingertips within two minutes.

Finish self-massage with a light stroke.

Useful video

Check out this video showing Chinese eye massage techniques to help restore blood circulation and relax your muscles.

Eye diseases should be treated immediately, because otherwise complications develop in the form of a sharp decrease in vision, up to complete blindness. When glaucoma occurs, one of the effective methods of therapy is exercise. Gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma slows down the deterioration of vision, restores it, strengthens muscles and improves the patient's condition. In addition, there is a massage. This normalizes blood circulation in the eyeball. With normal blood flow, pressure on the eye is relieved and the work of the nerve improves, which helps to see better.

Causes of glaucoma

The main causes of the onset of the disease are disturbances in the fluid flow of the eye. This leads to a breakdown in the functionality of the optic nerve and an increase in pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma usually develops for the following reasons:

  • deterioration of metabolism and cells inside the eye;
  • performed operations on the visual organs;
  • violation of the lens;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • hereditary factor;
  • during childbirth from mother to child;
  • fetal developmental defects.

As we found out, the disease can be both acquired and congenital, if the pathology arose at birth or was transmitted from parents, then it can manifest itself in adulthood, and before that it does not show itself in any way. Various factors can accelerate the development of the disease, including:

  • malnutrition;
  • irrational lifestyle;
  • low blood pressure;
  • poor vision, in particular myopia;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system;
  • dysfunction in the nervous system.

Symptoms of glaucoma

This disease is dangerous because it does not appear suddenly, but develops for many years. Often in the first stages, a person does not even suspect the presence of glaucoma, since the disease does not show almost any symptoms. There are two types of glaucoma: open-angle and closed-angle. Consider their features and main features.

With open-angle, symptoms are observed:

  • the presence of a large volume of fluid in the eyeball;
  • poor vision in the dark;
  • lack of visual acuity in one visual organ;
  • the presence of rainbow circles;
  • pain in the head.

  • eye pain, the presence of inconvenience;
  • redness of the eye;
  • the presence of rainbow circles;
  • feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • partial loss of visual acuity;
  • the impossibility of a wide view of the world around;
  • feeling unwell, dizziness;
  • fog in the eyes;
  • lack of response to light;
  • headache, nausea.

The benefits of exercise for the eyes in case of disease

Exercises for the eyes must be included in the course of treatment of the patient. They will restore the damaged nerve and protect the patient from the development of glaucoma and other eye diseases in the future. To perform gymnastics, you do not need to spend a lot of money, excessive effort, or a huge amount of time. Performing exercises is easy and done quickly, causing the most positive effect.

Important! Only gymnastics for the treatment of glaucoma, of course, is not enough. Therapy should also include medication and certain nutrition, as well as physiotherapy.

Exercises for glaucoma and gymnastics for the eyes should be performed only after consulting with your doctor. In no case should the visual organs be overstrained. Exercise and massage, on the contrary, should relieve pain and tension, and not increase them. . Gymnastics for glaucoma is aimed at preventing visual impairment in the future. It is best to start training the muscles of the eyes at a young age, so that in old age you can see well and not suffer from eye pathologies. However, even at an older age, charging will not be superfluous.

Eye exercises for glaucoma

Charging for the eyes is carried out in a state of rest. The patient should be relaxed, breathe calmly and evenly, discard all bad thoughts and emotions. After the patient has restored and calmed breathing, one should gradually increase the depth of inhalations and exhalations. You need to inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.

Basic exercises for glaucoma:
  1. Find a vast area in which there are many objects. It can be a park or the main street of the city. The task of the patient is to concentrate on each object, but not to stop looking at anything for a long time. The gaze must constantly move from one object to another. It is necessary to inspect the entire neighborhood of the park or street quickly within five minutes.
  2. Another exercise: fast blinking for one minute.
  3. Next, it is necessary to make circular movements of the head with open and closed visual organs.
  4. The head is motionless. In this exercise, only the eyes work. Draw various shapes and letters with your eyes closed.
  5. Read a book for a while, then sharply turn your eyes to another object and stop your gaze on it. After that, you need to return to the place where the reading was interrupted.
  6. Put your hands straight in front of you and start a chaotic movement of your fingers. Watch the movements carefully with your eyes. Hands can also be taken back and forth without ceasing to follow the fingers.

Relieve eye fatigue

To relax the eyes with glaucoma, use exercises aimed at relieving fatigue and strengthening the muscles of the eyes. To carry out, you need to be calm and focused on each exercise.

Exercising to relieve fatigue:

  1. Slowly and carefully look to the left, then to the right. We look away as much as possible. Repeat 10 times.
  2. We perform circular movements with our eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, and everything must be done slowly.
  3. Close your eyelids, then open them wide. Repeat 10 times.
  4. We stand in front of the window and look into the distance. Next, focus on the nose, hold it for a few seconds. After that, relax your eyes, look down. We repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Normalization of blood flow

There are exercises that help to establish the processes of blood circulation inside the eye. Gymnastics helps to strengthen muscles and reduce pressure inside the eye. Charging also reduces fatigue and eye fatigue. To improve blood flow, it is recommended to use three exercises:

  1. Blink frequently, about half a minute.
  2. Grab the back of your head with your hands. Slightly lower your head in a downward direction, then look forward with your eyes. Continue to press the palms on the back of the head. Then slowly inhale and exit.
  3. Put your palms on your cheeks. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, lower them. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds.

Massage for glaucoma

In addition to the above, an effective method of therapy in the treatment of glaucoma is eye massage for glaucoma. It helps to stop the progression of the disease and gradually get rid of the signs of glaucoma. There are many types and methods of massage, so before using any of them, you should first consult with your doctor. This is due to the fact that not all types are useful for glaucoma. Massage includes the following activities:

  1. In a circular motion, massage the forehead area above the eyebrows with your fingers. Slowly move from forehead to temples. Massaging should be slow and soothing.
  2. Next, stop at the temples and massage them for two minutes.
  3. Slowly massage the eyes. Closed eyes massage in circular motions for a minute.
  4. Make a few soft pressures on the eyelids.

Physical activity for glaucoma

With this disease, it is also useful to perform physical training, which helps to improve the general condition of the body and restore vision. Among the main exercises are:

  • skiing;
  • swimming;
  • sport;
  • stretch marks;
  • aerobics;
  • yoga.

Sports and various fitness activities have a beneficial effect not only on vision, but also on the whole body. Training restores damaged organs. With glaucoma, you need to carefully choose sports exercises. All actions must be approved by a doctor, because not all sports are allowed for eye diseases.

If you regularly perform gymnastics, massage and physical exercises of the body and eyes, then after a while the pressure and blood circulation will normalize, and the muscle activity of the eyeball will also be restored. With the correct implementation of all these actions, you can stop the deterioration of vision.

Glaucoma is the most common eye disease. When it occurs, the patient, in addition to local treatment, must observe a certain lifestyle and work regimen. Many doctors recommend light physical as well as intellectual work to patients. In order not to aggravate the problem, you need to limit nervous tension. To improve the condition, you will also need gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma.

Eye exercises

It allows you to slow down the process of deterioration of vision and improve the condition of the eye muscles. With normal blood flow, eye pressure is relieved and the functioning of the optic nerve improves. In this article, you will learn what exercises to perform for glaucoma.

The benefits of exercise for the eyes

Many experts argue that special exercises should be included in the treatment of the patient. They allow you to almost completely restore the damaged nerve of the patient. You don't need to spend money or spend a lot of time to complete the course.

It is important to know! Of course, doing a certain list of exercises will not be enough. Therapy must necessarily include medication, proper nutrition, and physiotherapy.

Gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma should be performed only after consulting a doctor. This is due to the fact that if the exercises are chosen incorrectly, then you can harm your health. Certain exercises can help prevent vision loss in the future. It is best to train the eye muscles at a young age. Thanks to this, vision in old age will not deteriorate, and you will see well.

List of exercises

Physical education for glaucoma includes a specific list of exercises. Let's look at this list in more detail:

  • No. 1. Lightly stroke your fingers along the superciliary surface, starting from the middle of the forehead towards the temples.
  • No. 2. You should stroke your forehead from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  • No. 3. Stroke in a circular motion with your fingers in the temporal region for 2-3 minutes.
  • No. 4. Tap your forehead with your fingertips for 2 minutes.
  • No. 5. Close your eyes for a few seconds and then open your eyes. The exercise should be repeated 8 to 10 times. This will normalize blood circulation.
  • No. 6. You need to go to the glass and look at the objects that are located outside the window. After that, concentrate on the glass itself.
  • No. 7. Look ahead for a few seconds. Then you need to put your index finger at arm's length and concentrate your eyes on it. The number of repetitions should be at least 15 times.
  • No. 8. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fingers for a minute.
  • No. 9. Press the pads of your fingers on the upper eyelids, and then slowly lower them. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  • No. 10. First look to the left and hold your gaze for a few seconds, and then to the right. The gaze also needs to be held for a few seconds. This element must be performed 10 times.
  • No. 11. Roll your eyes in a circle, first in one direction, and then in the other. This therapeutic gymnastics is especially useful for glaucoma.

Massage for glaucoma

In addition to exercise, some doctors also recommend using massage for glaucoma. In the future, it will help stop the progression of the disease and save the patient from the signs of glaucoma. Now there are a lot of different methods of massage, but before using them, be sure to consult your doctor. Almost any massage includes the following activities:

  1. With circular movements of the fingers, massage the forehead area above the eyebrows. Then you need to slowly move from the forehead to the temples. Massaging must be slow and soothing.
  2. Now you can stop at the temples and massage them for two minutes.
  3. Eye massage should be done slowly and gently. For a minute, massage your closed eyes in a circular motion.
  4. Perform a few gentle pressures on the eyelids.

Massage procedure

Diet for glaucoma

Gymnastics for glaucoma does not always achieve the desired result. Therefore, it must be combined with a proper diet. Dairy and vegetable foods are beneficial for the eyes. The daily diet should contain:

  • useful trace elements;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • vitamins;
  • vegetables and fruits.

List of foods that can be consumed with glaucoma

Doctors say that you need to limit yourself from drinking coffee, smoking. The total amount of fluid you drink per day should not exceed 5 glasses. It is recommended to eat about 5 times a day in small portions. The diet should be free of fatty meat, smoked meats, and spicy seasonings. When cooking, use only vegetable oil, as it does much less harm. With glaucoma, various dairy products are also considered useful.

If the patient has a tendency to be overweight, then you need to limit the use of honey, sugar, sweets and confectionery. The work of the intestines must be constantly regulated and if constipation occurs, immediately take laxatives. It is better to sleep on a high pillow, otherwise there will be stagnation of fluid and blood in the eyes. In the presence of glaucoma, it is forbidden to use medicines in which the "" component is present.

As you can see, glaucoma is considered a fairly serious disease and if the problem is not treated, then partial or complete blindness will occur. Modern treatment will prevent the further development of this difficult disease.

/ Does massage help with glaucoma?

Does massage help with glaucoma?

Eye diseases and visual impairments are a real "scourge" of modern developed society. One of the most common eye diseases is glaucoma, which disrupts the outflow of fluid from the eye and increases intraocular pressure. In addition, as the disease progresses, atrophy of the optic nerve develops, and defects in visual perception gradually appear.

Eye massage for glaucoma is an effective way to prevent aggravation of symptoms and further development of pathology. There are many types of massage, but all of them should be performed only after a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist. This limitation is due to the fact that some types of massage have contraindications for glaucoma, myopia or hyperopia, and self-treatment in this case will not be beneficial, but, on the contrary, can be harmful. In addition, glaucoma cannot be cured only with the help of massage, therefore visits to the doctor and other methods of treatment should not be neglected either.

Massage techniques for glaucoma

With increased intraocular pressure, a light eye massage gives a good effect. It is performed with index fingers - the left finger closes the right eye and rhythmically moves the eyeball towards the temple, slightly pressing. The duration of the massage is about half a minute for each eye.

Of great importance in glaucoma is the normalization of blood flow in the eye area. The following massage gives a good effect. First, the specialist performs light stroking movements on the forehead, in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples. After that, the temporal areas are rubbed with a little effort. Then - gentle patting movements on the forehead (duration - about 1.5 minutes). Excessive efforts are not needed, it is not worth pressing on the forehead. Massage helps improve blood flow to the eyeballs.

There is another, simplified, type of massage that you can perform on your own every day. It consists in gently massaging closed eyelids with fingertips for a minute or two. This massage can be done on the way to work or in short breaks while working at the computer. Massaging the eyelids helps not only improve blood flow in the eye area, but also relax the muscles and promote freer circulation of intraocular fluid. During the massage, do not press too hard on the eyelids, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Glaucoma massage is also used to relieve excessive eye strain. The easiest way is to make circular movements with your eyeballs clockwise and vice versa, 10-15 rotations in each direction. A simple exercise also gives a good effect - to look left and right, 10-12 times in each direction. All exercises are performed slowly, at a calm pace, with maximum concentration. After completing the exercises, close your eyes and gently massage the eyelids with your fingertips. After that, the muscles of the eyes relax, and the eyes get a rest, tension decreases and intraocular pressure decreases.


Acupressure for glaucoma is performed to relieve the symptoms of the disease, as well as after the treatment of glaucoma with a preventive purpose. Points of influence - the area around the eyes, the bridge of the nose, the upper part of the nose.

First, a gentle massage of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose is performed, without pressure. After that, the points under the eyebrows, located on the edge of the cranial bone, around the eyes are massaged. The exposure time for each point is about 20-25 seconds. It is necessary to press with gentle, vibrating movements, moving in the direction from the inner edges of the eyes to the outer. Massage is performed around the entire circumference of each eye in turn. Then you should massage the points on the temples - from the outer edge of the eye to the hairline. If during the massage of a point painful sensations appear, then the pressing force should be reduced, and the exposure time should be increased.

Preventive measures

Eye massage is also widely used to prevent glaucoma, as well as with a high risk of relapse after a course of treatment for this disease. However, do not forget that the effectiveness of both treatment and prevention depends on lifestyle:

  • You should not overwork - you need to work as much as your health and age allow. Overload is the worst enemy! Lifting weights, hard long work, overwork - all this must be avoided.
  • Overheating of the head in the sun is also undesirable - in the summer it is necessary to use hats.
  • Work at the computer and watch TV should only be in sufficient light.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol are also undesirable.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to sleep - sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Fluid intake should be limited to 1.5-2 liters per day. Drinking coffee and strong black tea should be avoided - these drinks increase blood pressure.
  • If angle-closure glaucoma is diagnosed, sudden changes in lighting should be avoided. In the event that they cannot be avoided, special drops should be used to help prevent an attack of glaucoma.
  • You should carefully monitor the level of blood pressure, avoid stress, hypothermia, colds.

Finally, you should regularly visit an ophthalmologist - even if the intraocular pressure has stabilized, a preventive appointment should be taken every 2-3 months.