Violation of intestinal motility. Increased intestinal peristalsis. Basic treatment methods

One of the types of intestinal dysfunction is a disorder of its peristalsis along with the absence of organic lesions. At the same time, the movement of gastrointestinal contents slows down or, conversely, greatly accelerates.

Failure of motor function is not only constant discomfort and frequent constipation or diarrhea. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it can cause severe disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, it requires immediate differential diagnosis and treatment.

What is intestinal peristalsis?

The normal duration of digestion processes is a guarantee of the absorption of all useful substances contained in food. And also that undigested elements will be promptly removed from the body in the form of feces. Peristalsis, or wave-like contraction of the walls of the small intestine and then the large intestine, is responsible for the movement of food from the upper to the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Certain negative factors can greatly affect the motility of the organ. As a result, disorders develop varying degrees gravity.

Symptoms of the disorder

If intestinal motility is impaired, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in different areas of the abdomen, intestinal colic. The onset and disappearance of discomfort is sometimes associated with eating, defecation, or other aspects.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Stool disorders, which are expressed in chronic constipation. Sometimes diarrhea takes over. But more often it is difficult to achieve defecation; only laxatives or a cleansing enema help.
  • Increase or, conversely, pathological decrease in weight.
  • Constant lack of feeling of comfort, expressed pain syndrome, problems with bowel movements provoke the development of depressive states. A person feels irritated and suffers from insomnia.
  • Feeling weak low-grade fever, lack of appetite, nausea and other symptoms of intoxication of the body. Can appear allergic reactions, for which there was no history. Skin lesions – rashes or pimples – also often occur.

These symptoms are characteristic of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before starting to normalize peristalsis, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of the pathology. It includes scatology, endoscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy. These studies make it possible to accurately determine the factors causing intestinal dyskinesia. They will make it possible to understand how to restore or improve its peristalsis.

Reasons for violation

Poor motor skills may be due to the following conditions:

  • Neglect of diet and principles of nutrition. An unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, heavy, high-calorie foods.
  • Chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tumor processes in elements of the digestive system.
  • Operations on the abdominal organs.
  • Physical inactivity – complete absence physical activity or exercise.
  • Elderly age. Although young women during pregnancy, newborn infants, and older children often need to improve intestinal motility.
  • The tendency to have sluggish motor skills can be genetically programmed, that is, hereditary.
  • Treatment with medications that provoke dyskinesia. For example, taking antibiotics (if it is not combined with the use of probiotics, it can cause dysbiosis). And imbalance of microflora, in turn, affects intestinal motility.

Often the cause of disorders in the digestive system is disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

How to improve intestinal motility in adults

You need to start restoring motor function with diet. This means adjusting your diet, limiting or completely eliminating a number of foods. Their entry into the stomach inhibits the digestion process:

  • Hot drinks and food.
  • Black tea, coffee, sparkling water, alcohol, potato starch jelly.
  • Fresh bread, baked goods.
  • Animal fats and products based on them.
  • Eggs.
  • Sweets – cakes, pastries, sweets, milk chocolate.
  • Barley, semolina or rice porridge (decoction).
  • Heavily crushed or pureed food, pureed vegetables.
  • Non-dietary meat, or cooked by frying.
  • Fresh or in compotes - pear, quince, chokeberry, bird cherry.

The following products improve digestion processes:

  • Moderately cold drinks - kvass, mineral water, compotes and juices.
  • Bran or bread with them.
  • Freshly prepared fermented milk products, for example, kefir or cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Fruit icecream.
  • Raw vegetables that have a high fiber content are cabbage (also sauerkraut or sea cabbage), radishes, carrots and beet.
  • Berries and fruits with sourness, including dried ones, nuts, herbs.
  • Buckwheat, egg, oatmeal.
  • All types of vegetable oils.
  • Seafood.

A must drink clean water, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract by eating watermelons, melons, cucumbers and tomatoes will help restore peristalsis.

In addition to normalizing nutrition, the doctor may prescribe medications, therapeutic exercises. You can also improve the quality and speed of digestion using folk remedies.

Drugs that improve intestinal motility

Medicines with stimulating properties can improve and restore intestinal motility in adult patients. For example, medications such as Prozerin improve muscle tone well.

Strengthening contractile function the organ will be helped by laxatives, a wide range of which is available in every pharmacy. Depending on the section of the intestine in which disturbances occur, you can take drugs from one of the following groups:

  • Means for normalizing the function of the entire organ. For example, Epsom and Glauber's salts. Therapeutic effect appears 60–120 minutes after administration.
  • Drugs affecting the small intestine sector. This Castor oil, which promotes bowel movement after 2–6 hours.
  • Laxatives that affect colon. For example, Regulax with a plant base, containing extracts of senna, plum and fig. Common chemicals medications– Phenolphthalein, Bisacodyl, Guttalax. The forms of release of such medications are varied - tablets, rectal suppositories or drops for oral use.

Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, the doctor may also prescribe medications to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In any case, it is better not to self-medicate this pathology. Only a doctor, based on medical history, can select optimal scheme therapy.


An important element in the treatment of intestinal dyskinesia is increasing physical activity. If a person is elderly, he has bad condition health, then you don’t need to strain yourself too much. Enough daily walks fresh air. It is also advisable to perform self-massage abdominal area. It can be done with your hands or with a stream of water while taking a shower.

If your health allows, you need to play your favorite sports 3-4 times a week. Particularly useful are those that help develop the abdominal area:

  • Running and walking.
  • Football.
  • Horseback riding or cycling.
  • Swimming.
  • Tennis.

At home, intestinal motility is activated with daily morning exercises. Do exercises focusing on the abdomen and legs. These are bends and turns of the body, slow squats, and jumps. You can pump up your abs without even getting out of bed.

Folk remedies

To restore intestinal motor function, reliable recipes for delicious dishes are used:

  • A laxative mixture of wheat germ, apples, oatmeal, honey, nuts and lemon juice.
  • Mix of dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, propolis, senna grass.
  • Crushed plantain seeds.
  • Wheat bran.

You can regularly drink laxative drinks - cabbage pickle, tea with dried fruits, berry decoctions and compotes, homemade juices.

Treatment in pregnant women

If a woman is carrying a child, this fact is taken into account when treating intestinal dyskinesia. This is due to the fact that some drugs or exercise can have a damaging effect on the fetus. Even intestinal peristalsis itself, if increased, can provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage. Therefore, treatment of this disease during pregnancy is the sole responsibility of the doctor.

It is better for the expectant mother not to take medications and limit herself to the safest means traditional medicine. And also, in order to strengthen intestinal motility, you need to stabilize physical activity, normalize drinking regimen, diet and daily routine.

Treatment in children

To stabilize intestinal motility in newborns, you can:

  • In case of breastfeeding, the mother should reconsider her diet, reduce or eliminate the consumption of meat, flour products and sweets. If possible, give your baby a little extra water.
  • If practiced artificial feeding– use of high-quality adapted milk formula.
  • If mixed, cancel the early introduction of protein products (meat) into the diet.

If diet adjustments do not help, contact a pediatrician who will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. These are lactulose preparations, glycerin suppositories.

Therapy for children after the first year of life consists of following a diet (foods containing dietary fiber and fermented milk). May be prescribed for treatment.

Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-forming contraction of the contraction walls that moves food along the digestive tract to the anus. Inhibition of peristalsis - dangerous symptom, which may indicate paralytic intestinal obstruction. In this article we will look at how to improve intestinal motility.

Rhythmic contractions of the intestines

Attention! IN international classification diseases of the 10th revision, paralytic ileus is designated by code K56.

What is intestinal peristalsis?

The movements of hollow organs resulting from the synchronous activity of smooth muscle cells are called peristalsis. Typical movements are wavy, with alternating phases of muscle contraction and relaxation. Intestinal peristalsis is based on contraction and relaxation of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the intestine. Contraction occurs throughout the intestine, that is, in both the small intestine and the large intestine. For this function, the intestine has a special wall structure.

The inner layer of the intestinal wall is the mucous membrane. On this mucosa lies a muscular layer, consisting of a circular and longitudinal one. The outermost intestinal layer is called Tunica adventitia. Only through the longitudinal and circular muscles is intestinal peristalsis possible.


In the intestine, there are propulsive and non-propulsive peristalsis. Non-propulsive peristalsis arises from circular, locally occurring waves of muscle contractions. Non-propulsive peristalsis helps mix food in the intestines.

In the case of propulsive peristalsis, the circular muscles also contract, but the movement continues with the involvement of the longitudinal muscles. This is called a tonic constant contraction of the intestinal muscles. Propulsive peristalsis is needed to transport food to the anus. In addition to these two forms of intestinal peristalsis, retrograde and orthogonal peristalsis are distinguished.

With orthogonal peristalsis, the intestinal contents are transported in the correct direction, that is, towards the rectum. With retrograde peristalsis, the direction of movement is reversed.

The main function of peristalsis is to stir and transport food to the anus. Peristalsis is controlled by special pacemaker cells. They establish the rhythm of peristalsis.

The smooth muscle cells of the gastrointestinal tract are also called interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). These are spindle-shaped cells located in the longitudinal muscle layer of the intestine. They act as an intermediary between muscle cells and intestinal excitatory and inhibitory nerve cells.

There is another group of Cajal cells in the intestinal muscle. They form a branched connection between the longitudinal and circular muscles and create real arrows. The cells are in close connection with the so-called Auerbach Plexus. Auerbach's plexus is a network of nerves in the intestinal wall and is responsible for peristalsis. Pacemaker cells, in turn, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

The peristaltic reflex is responsible for accelerating intestinal peristalsis after eating. Inside the wall of the stomach and intestines there are mechanoreceptors that respond to stretching. Mechanical stretch causes cells in the enteric nervous system to release serotonin. It stimulates other nerve cells in the intestinal wall, including pacemaker cells. This, in turn, causes muscle contractions intestinal muscle cells.

Reasons for violation

Impaired intestinal contractions occur in various diseases. In paralytic ileus, peristalsis stops completely due to a functional disorder, which ultimately causes intestinal paralysis. As a result, feces and food debris accumulate in the intestines. The most common cause of paralytic ileus is inflammation in the abdomen (appendicitis or pancreatitis).

Vascular occlusions, pregnancy, or various medications such as opiates, antidepressants, and medications for Parkinson's disease can also cause paralytic ileus.

In the case of mechanical obstruction, the intestinal passage is blocked by a mechanical obstruction. Mechanical obstruction occurs due to foreign bodies, gallstones and congenital pathologies intestines. Mechanical obstruction can also develop as a complication of an inguinal hernia. With mechanical ileus, the intestines try to transport food. Therefore, intestinal motility increases.


Typical symptoms of intestinal obstruction: vomiting feces, bloating, flatulence. If the intestines are severely damaged, bacteria can enter the abdominal cavity. The result is life-threatening inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).

With irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal contractions are almost always disrupted. IBS is considered the most common bowel disease. IBS is a chronic functional disorder. Its symptoms are very varied. Weak intestinal motility leads to diarrhea (diarrhea), alternating with constipation, stomach pain and bloating. Defecation is often painful. The condition of patients worsens, especially in stressful situations. IBS makes the bowels less mobile.

A sedentary lifestyle is bad for the intestines and reduces contractions. It can disrupt the human gastrointestinal tract. Physical activity in this case helps to enhance intestinal motility. Some high-carbohydrate foods also reduce peristalsis.

Walk, fractional meals, timely hydration - a list of preventative measures that will make the intestines work stronger at home in both men and women.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms and signs of weakened peristalsis in a child and an adult patient:

  • Constipation;
  • Abdominal pain (especially in old age);
  • Increased gas formation;
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.


Medicines for relief and recovery

Many people wonder how to completely restore peristalsis? Studies have shown that combinations of medications (prescription drugs) containing bupivacaine alone or in combination with opioids relieve postoperative ileus. Continuous intravenous lidocaine after abdominal surgery reduces the duration of postoperative obstruction.

A randomized trial compared systemic lidocaine infusion with placebo infusion in postoperative patients. Patients in the lidocaine group appeared to have fewer obstruction symptoms. Systemic lidocaine reduced postoperative pain. However, the scientists recommend further studies to evaluate systemic lidocaine infusion in postoperative patients.

Peripherally selective opioid antagonists are an option for the treatment of decreased peristalsis. Methylnaltrexone and alvimopan tablets are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of paralytic ileus. These agents inhibit peripheral mu-opioid receptors and reverse the adverse gastrointestinal effects of opioids.

They do not cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore do not impair the analgesic effects of opioids. They also do not slow down the functioning of other organs.

Methylnaltrexone is indicated for opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced disease receiving palliative care. In a study of 14 healthy volunteers evaluating the use of morphine plus oral methylnaltrexone in escalating doses, methylnaltrexone significantly reduced morphine-induced constipation. Another study reported that subcutaneous methylnaltrexone was effective in inducing diarrhea in patients with opioid-induced constipation. Because methylnaltrexone received relatively recent FDA approval, more rigorous testing is needed.


Another phase III, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that methylnaltrexone 12 mg and 24 mg did not reduce the duration of obstruction. Although the usefulness of intravenous methylnaltrexone has not been demonstrated, it is well tolerated in patients undergoing colectomy.

Alvimopan helps restore intestinal function and reduce the consequences of surgical intervention V postoperative period. It has a longer duration of action than methylnaltrexone. The researchers studied 78 postoperative patients randomized to receive placebo or alvimopan. Fifteen patients underwent partial colectomy and the remaining 27 underwent radical hysterectomy. All patients were on morphine.

Compared with patients on placebo, patients with this drug had their first bowel movement 2 days earlier and returned home 2 days earlier. Other completed studies include a meta-analysis comparing alvimopan with placebo. A study was conducted in which researchers found that alvimopan accelerated gastrointestinal recovery after bowel resection, regardless of age, gender, race, or concomitant medications.

The use of prokinetic agents has shown mixed results. Randomized trials have noted some benefit of the colonic laxative bisacodyl for the treatment of intestinal ileus.

Erythromycin, a motilin receptor agonist, has been used to treat functional intestinal obstruction. Metoclopramide, a dopaminergic antagonist, has antiemetic and prokinetic activity, but evidence has shown that the drugs may actually worsen ileus.

A randomized controlled trial of 210 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery showed that perioperative low dose celecoxib significantly reduced the development of paralytic ileus compared with diclofenac. The effect was independent of narcotic use and was not associated with an increase in the number of postoperative complications.


A review of meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials of drugs used for post-operative ileus has been published by British scientists. The researchers examined three meta-analyses and 18 clinical trials. Only alvimopan has been shown to be effective in preventing obstruction.

Other methods to improve peristalsis

A peripheral mu-opioid receptor blocker helps increase peristalsis. The drug binds mu-opioid receptors in the intestine, selectively inhibiting the negative opioid effects on gastrointestinal function. Five clinical studies involving >2500 patients demonstrated accelerated recovery of upper and lower back function. lower sections Gastrointestinal tract when taking alvimopan compared with placebo. Duration reduction sick days observed in the drug group compared with placebo.

It can be strong or weak, but in any case, if violated, it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Peristalsis is contraction of the intestinal muscles aimed at moving food masses throughout the organ.

What is peristalsis?

Intestinal peristalsis is understood as wave-like contractions of the intestinal walls, which help push masses of feces towards anus. This is one of several types of motor activity that occur in the intestines. It is thanks to correct contractions that normal digestive processes are realized, during which all essential microelements, and what is not absorbed leaves the body.

In order to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, you need to monitor your diet, introduce physical exercise and exclude bad habits. In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat systemic diseases that affect the performance of the organ. If these conditions are not met, then peristalsis may be increased or, conversely, decreased, which is far from the norm.

Peristalsis begins to occur after the stomach has been filled with food. The norm is considered to be the case when contractions occur per minute in the duodenum, 9-12 in the small intestine, 3 contractions in the large intestine, and no more than 3 in the rectum. If the patient experiences disruptions in peristaltic activity, constipation or diarrhea may occur. .

Reasons for violation

In adults

Peristaltic activity can be impaired due to a number of factors. Sometimes the disorder occurs due to a genetic factor or due to another disease, after which side effects began. A special risk group includes patients who:

  • Stressful situations constantly arise that overload the nervous system;
  • improper diet and diet (this includes fasting or overeating, neglecting a full meal, eating heavy products, which are difficult to digest);
  • there is practically no physical activity;

Row external factors, genes and age provoke disruptions in intestinal function in adults.

  • there was long-term use of painkillers;
  • Dysbacteriosis and various infections are observed on an ongoing basis (it is because of the emerging toxins that peristalsis decreases);
  • there are tumor formations that cause disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • there are bad habits (drugs and alcohol have a strong effect on the central nervous system, the tone of organs decreases);
  • helminthiasis was detected;
  • were carried out earlier surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disturbances are observed (people in a state of severe mental stress);
  • available various diseases endocrine system.

It must be remembered that not in all cases the factor for the appearance of atonitis is illness. Such phenomena can be observed due to stressful situations, during which an adult patient experiences a feeling of anxiety and panic, affecting the activity of peristalsis. In any case, lack of treatment will not lead to anything good.

In children

Poor peristalsis can be observed not only in mature patients, but also in children. Many people believe that a phenomenon such as atonite will go away on its own and does not require treatment. But this opinion is erroneous, because the baby’s general condition worsens and intoxication begins. What are the causes of sluggish peristalsis in childhood?

Heredity and poor nutrition provoke problems with intestinal motility in children.

  • A decrease in peristaltic activity may occur due to a hereditary factor that appears even when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Atony is typical for young patients who are experiencing stressful situations.
  • Peristalsis worsens if the baby's diet is changed. For example, this happens when the baby is weaned.
  • The syndrome can occur in cases where little water enters the child's body.

Massage will help get rid of the unpleasant symptom. In addition, the doctor prescribes special glycerin suppositories, which cause the natural release of feces from the body and improve the process of peristalsis.

In the elderly

When an elderly person moves little or has previously undergone surgery, he may experience constipation. The use of chamomile enemas, frequent walks in the fresh air, and the introduction of dairy products into the diet will help cope with this. An important point is the presence in the menu of well-ground products that cause an increase in peristaltic activity.

During pregnancy

A problem such as constipation causes some discomfort in a pregnant woman. This symptom appears due to the fact that during this period of life a special type of hormone, progesterone, begins to be produced in the body of the expectant mother. Due to its action, peristaltic activity decreases, as a result of which undigested food products are retained in the intestines more than expected. In addition, filled digestive tract puts pressure on the enlarging uterus, in which the fetus is maturing. This interaction of organs is considered normal occurrence, because they have a common innervation.

It will help to cope with this problem balanced diet and the correct mode. To maintain health, a pregnant woman should give up fatty, heavy foods (hamburgers, etc.). The expectant mother needs to drink more fluids. To avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis, you need to walk outside more often and minimize sitting. If such recommendations do not give results, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the medicine. Pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon, and when the baby is born, the body’s recovery will begin.


There are several symptoms that can be used to determine the presence of weakened peristalsis. First of all, the main symptom is constipation. They occur in cases where the patient has not gone to the toilet for 48 hours or more. In this case, pain appears in the abdomen and discomfort due to bloating. Pain can constantly occur due to stressful situations, overexertion or sudden physical exertion. As a result, the patient turns pale, weakness occurs, and the general condition of the body worsens. If a person’s atonitis lasts more than 3 days, the temperature and blood pressure increase. In this case, a person may reject food without having any interest in it. In most cases, this type of constipation is accompanied by drowsiness. Sometimes the patient gains weight, develops allergies, or has skin lesions.

Excessive intestinal motility is fraught with water depletion.

Enhanced peristalsis

Peristalsis can be not only weakened, but also increased. Excessively active peristalsis observed when the intestinal walls begin to contract faster, with stools becoming more frequent up to 8 times a day. As a result, dehydration occurs, salts are lost and useful microelements. There are several factors due to which the activity of intestinal motility is increased. First of all, these are intestinal diseases, such as acute intestinal infections, dysbiosis, oncological diseases digestive organs, exacerbations chronic illnesses. In addition, the appearance of diarrhea may indicate that the body has entered unhealthy food which has a detrimental effect. It's kind of protective function. As a result, the patient experiences increased gas formation and flatulence begins. The patient may notice small white lumps in the stool - these are compounds of some trace elements with fatty acids. Violent peristalsis is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and mucus may appear in the stool.

To get started therapeutic measures, you need to look at the reasons why accelerated peristalsis. To treat rapid intestinal motility, the doctor prescribes medications that will help reduce its activity. To stimulate a decrease in the tone of the processes, the doctor can prescribe absorbent drugs that bind harmful substances and stimulate intestinal function.


Violation of intestinal motility has obvious signs, when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a proctologist or gastroenterologist, who will establish an accurate diagnosis, identifying the factors of occurrence and prescribing medical complex. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this will only worsen the situation.

First of all, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, during which the signs that concern the person are determined. To establish the exact reasons for the weakening of intestinal motility, the doctor takes stool tests, performs a colonoscopy, and x-rays. The patient’s lifestyle and birth diseases are clarified.

Treatment methods

The treatment complex is selected by the doctor depending on whether peristalsis is increased or decreased.

Drug therapy

There are many means to restore and normalize intestinal motility. Medicine offers a wide selection of drugs that can increase the efficiency of peristalsis, while increasing the overall tone of the body. You can use such improvement tools as:

  • "Regulax", which has a laxative effect.
  • “Pancreatin”, thanks to which food digestion is normalized.
  • "Espumizan", which helps to eliminate bloating.
  • "Cerucal", which can enhance intestinal motility.
  • “Amiridine”, due to the action of which there is an improvement in impulse transmission to the muscles. This drug is used only under the supervision of a doctor!

Diet and nutrition

You can improve the functioning of your intestines with the help of a specially organized diet and a well-thought-out diet. Foods such as tomatoes, lean meats, prunes, vegetable soups and juices, and baked apples can make the organ work. Curdled milk, yogurt, kefir are excellent stimulants, the use of which activates sluggish peristalsis. The weakening of peristalsis will disappear if the patient has a proper diet. It involves eating small meals 5 times a day. In addition, peristalsis works well and remains active for a long time if a person’s regime is supported by physical activity.

Set of exercises

You can restore peristalsis with the help of a special set of exercises that will help improve the processes. For example, to increase peristaltic tone, the patient is placed in a supine position, after which he must make circular movements with elevated legs.

Helps normalize peristalsis special massage. Stimulation of digestive processes with massage is possible only under the guidance of a doctor who will monitor the situation.

How to improve peristalsis using folk remedies for the intestines?

Many of the patients are treated with folk remedies. This is a safe method for those who do not have allergic reactions, because some substances are irritants to the body. How to improve intestinal motility?

  • To reduce or increase the activity of processes, different methods are used. Strengthening and restoring peristalsis is possible when using mixtures of aloe leaves.
  • To increase the efficiency of the intestines and bring it back to normal, take powder from large-leaf teas, which are ground and taken before meals 4 times a day.
  • Regular consumption of semolina porridge without sugar and salt causes an increase in peristaltic activity, which means that the entire intestine will be normal.
  • Roast, which contains beans and pumpkin, enhances the performance of weakened peristalsis.


A decrease in the efficiency of peristalsis and a decrease in intestinal tone are factors that can provoke the appearance of a mass of unpleasant symptoms, which means that a person experiences discomfort. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately introduce therapeutic measures, because their absence will lead to complications.

To normalize the functioning of the intestines, there are many medications that are selected only with the help of a doctor. For a speedy recovery, natural medicines that do not contain chemical additives are used. But it is better not to use them for people with allergies. It will not be difficult to make peristalsis function normally if the patient does not have bad habits and adheres to correct mode nutrition.

Restoration of intestinal motility disorders

Increased intestinal motility occurs for many reasons. According to statistics, every second inhabitant of our planet has problems with the digestive system. When exposed to provoking factors, it is the intestines that are the first to lose their functions, which contributes to the development of metabolic disorders and chronic diseases. A person’s normal well-being and ability to work depend on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The slightest disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system have a negative impact on the general condition of the body and create the preconditions for a weakened immune system.

What is peristalsis?

This term refers to the rhythmic contractions of the muscular walls of the intestine, which promote the movement of food masses from the thin to the thick section. This factor plays an important role in the processes of absorption of nutrients and removal of waste products from the body.

Peristaltic contractions involve smooth muscle fibers that are present in the intestinal walls. One layer is located longitudinally, the other - transversely. Coordinated contractions contribute to the creation of waves, the frequency of which is different in different parts of the organ. Several types of contractile movements spread throughout the small intestine, which differ in speed. They can be slow, medium and fast. Often several types of waves appear simultaneously.

Food masses move slowly through the large intestine; peristaltic waves in this section have the lowest speed. 1–2 times a day, rapid contractions occur in the organ, promoting the movement of feces towards the anus. Peristalsis of the colon is based on a reflex that occurs when food enters the stomach. Normal frequency contractions of the duodenum are 10 times per minute, small intestine - 9–12 and large intestine - 3–4. At the moment food moves towards the anus, the frequency indicator increases to 12.

Weak peristalsis slows down the absorption of nutrients and makes it difficult to move feces towards the rectum. The remains of undigested food, feces and toxins linger in the body, gradually poisoning it and creating ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Impaired intestinal motility is the cause of most pathologies of the digestive system, characterized by constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, ulcers and benign neoplasms.

What causes peristalsis to be disrupted?

The causes of poor peristalsis may be:

  • Not proper nutrition with a predominance of high-calorie foods;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • benign and cancerous tumors intestines;
  • complications after abdominal surgery;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • neurological disorders;
  • constant stress;
  • taking medications that impair intestinal motility.

Improper nutrition becomes the main cause of intestinal motility disorders. Modern people We are used to snacking on the go, refusing a full hot lunch. Excess starch, fat and sugar contribute to fermentation processes in the intestines.

Toxins penetrate through the intestinal walls into the abdominal cavity, poisoning the blood and internal organs. By the age of 35, the intestines become so clogged that the fecal stones formed in it injure the mucous membranes. The patient begins to feel that the intestines are not working. Lack of peristalsis leads to fecal retention, stagnation of blood in the abdominal cavity, hemorrhoids, and the formation of benign and malignant tumors. For normal intestinal function and the functioning of beneficial bacteria, a slightly acidic environment and a large amount of fiber, which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, are required.

You need to start restoring intestinal motility with lifestyle changes. Most diseases of the digestive system develop against the background of physical inactivity, sedentary work and long-term adherence to bed rest. Moderate physical activity is the most effective stimulator of intestinal motility. To do this, you need to allocate at least 10–15 minutes to perform the exercises. Daily walks in the fresh air are especially beneficial.

Reason bad work intestines in old age are considered: the development of concomitant pathologies, hormonal disorders, muscle weakness and damage to the nerve endings that control the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased intestinal peristalsis is observed when chronic pathologies stomach, gall bladder and pancreas. Impairment of organ functions can be caused by malignant neoplasms, stress, infectious diseases and poisoning. Strengthens peristalsis and long-term use some medications. However, the majority of digestive problems are caused by poor diet, consumption of fast food and processed foods. Increased peristalsis leads to flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. This is due to the course of decay processes.

How are peristalsis disorders manifested?

The main symptom of dyskinesia is pain of varying intensity and localization. The severity of discomfort varies from minor discomfort to severe cramps. The pain disappears after defecation or release of gas. Their intensity decreases in the evening and at night. Unpleasant symptoms return after the morning meal. Enhanced gas formation is facilitated by the fermentation process. Chronic constipation gives way to diarrhea. In the future, the intestine begins to empty only after taking a laxative or giving an enema. Weakened peristalsis promotes the formation of fatty deposits.

The patient’s well-being worsens: he experiences weakness, sleeps poorly, and becomes irritable. Symptoms of intoxication increase - skin rashes, acne, headache. With increased intestinal peristalsis, body temperature often rises and persistent diarrhea appears. Absorption of insufficient nutrients contributes to weight loss. In such situations, you need to know exactly how to restore intestinal motility.

Treatment options

Restoring the digestive system involves A complex approach. The therapeutic course includes taking medications, performing special exercises, and creating a balanced diet. High efficiency have decoctions of medicinal plants that can increase intestinal motility. The stimulant drug should be prescribed by your doctor; you should not choose it yourself.

You can increase intestinal contractility using a laxative. Currently, there are a large number of drugs that affect certain parts of the digestive system. Glauber's salt stimulates peristalsis of the entire intestine. This is the most effective and fast-acting drug. Taking it increases osmotic pressure, which slows down fluid absorption. Defecation occurs 1–2 hours after taking the tablet.

A laxative that increases contractions of the small intestine, facilitating the movement of digested food towards the anus. The effect is observed 5–6 hours after consuming the drug. Drugs that improve the functioning of the large intestine can be produced on the basis of plant and chemical components. They increase the tone of the organ and accelerate the excretion of feces. To treat dyskinesia in adults, antidepressants, tranquilizers and antipsychotics can be used. How to strengthen intestinal motility with diet?

All foods are divided into 2 groups: those that strengthen contractions and those that weaken them. The latter include: chocolate, coffee, strong tea, baked goods, jelly, rice porridge, pears, apples, chicken eggs, butter. Acceleration of intestinal motility occurs when consuming berry fruit drinks, kvass, white wine, mineral water, kefir, fresh vegetables, dried fruits. You can normalize the functioning of the digestive system with the help of freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets and cabbage. These same vegetables can be used to make salads. You need to eat as often as possible, portions should be small. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, sausages, canned food, and confectionery products from the diet. Drinking a glass of water before meals helps relieve constipation. You must consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. The doctor will advise you on how to improve your bowel function using traditional methods.

Alternative medicine

To restore the functions of the digestive system, there is a recipe that increases peristalsis. To prepare you need to take 1 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat grains, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 medium apples, 1 small lemon and 1 tbsp. l. honey Apples are grated and mixed with the rest of the ingredients and warm water. The drug is used in any quantity throughout the week. A mixture of dried fruits has a laxative effect. 0.5 kg of prunes and dried apricots are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with 50 g of propolis, 200 g of senna and 200 ml of fresh honey. The medicine is taken 2 tsp. before going to bed with a glass of cool water.

Buckthorn decoction has a pronounced laxative effect. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 3 hours and consumed instead of tea. Plantain seeds increase in size after entering the intestines, which promotes the rapid elimination of digestive products. Crushed seeds take 1 tsp before meals. Wheat bran Eat with warm water. They are necessary for the formation of a sufficient amount of feces. Fruit and vegetable juices, cabbage pickle, apple and cherry compote have a mild laxative effect.

The course of treatment should be accompanied by an increase in physical activity. You should not lie down immediately after eating; it is recommended to take walks or just walk around the house. Active species sports - swimming, running, aerobics - restore the functioning of the digestive system. Are useful light massage abdomen, hardening, special exercises. They are performed in a supine position. The legs are bent at the knees and raised, making circular movements. This increases the strength of the abdominal muscles, restores blood supply to organs, and improves peristalsis. Improved intestinal tone is the best prevention diseases of the digestive system.

With increased intestinal motility, it is necessary to cleanse the organ of toxins. Enterosorbents help with this - Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel. They bind harmful substances and remove them from the body. Increased bowel contractions are often a symptom of irritable bowel disease. Treatment involves giving up foods instant cooking and foods that provoke fermentation. Antispasmodics are used to relieve pain. If you have frequent bowel movements, you must take an antidiarrheal drug (Loperamide or Imodium).


Opium preparations (opium tincture and powder) have long been used to treat diarrhea as symptomatic medications. Their therapeutic effect was associated with a decrease in the tone and peristaltic activity of the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.

This drug turned out to be loperamide (Imodium), a synthetic analogue of meperidine.

Pharmacokinetics. Imodium selectively accumulates in smooth muscle structures and nerve plexuses intestinal wall, and, unlike morphine, does not enter the systemic circulation, despite its absorption in the intestine. This is due to the fact that the imodium then enters the system portal vein to the liver, where it is intensively metabolized and conjugated, after which it is excreted in bile. As a result of rapid and almost complete metabolism during the first passage through the liver, very low levels drug (1-10 ng/ml or 0.3% of the dose taken). Therefore, imodium, unlike other opiates, does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier and does not produce central side effects. The half-life of imodium ranges from 9 to 14 hours, averaging 10.8 hours.

Pharmacodynamics. The mechanisms of the antidiarrheal action of imodium are presented in Table 7.

Imodium binds to opiate receptors in the intestinal wall. As a result, the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in propulsive motor activity of the intestine and an increase in the transit time of its contents. Due to this effect, Imodium reduces the loss of fluid and electrolytes through the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract, and also possibly reduces the loss of immunoglobulins that are released into the intestinal lumen during acute infectious diarrhea. By increasing the intestinal transit time, the absorption of water and electrolytes increases, and the duration of action of immunoglobulins, which play a protective role, increases.

In addition, it has been established that with accelerated intestinal transit, the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria increases; therefore, slower intestinal transit helps to reduce their proliferation. This phenomenon has been proven, in particular, in clinical studies conducted in patients with travelers' diarrhea caused by pathogens such as E. coli, S.

For a long time it was believed that the main mechanism of the antidiarrheal effect of imodium was the suppression of intestinal peristaltic activity. Later studies showed that imodium also has an antisecretory effect, which is realized through both opiate and non-opiate receptors. In addition, Imodium affects intestinal secretion by inhibiting calmodulin and blocking calcium channels, as well as suppressing the effects of intestinal peptides and neurotransmitters that increase plasma membrane permeability.

Other mechanisms of the antidiarrheal action of Imodium are associated with its ability to increase the tone of the anal sphincter and thus reduce the frequency and severity of the urge to defecate, as well as reduce hypersecretion of mucus in the colon.

The effectiveness of imodium in acute and chronic diarrhea. In cases of acute diarrhea of ​​a non-infectious nature, as well as infectious diarrhea For mild to moderate cases, Imodium is currently the first-line drug of treatment.

In the treatment of acute diarrhea, Imodium is prescribed in a dose of 4 mg (2 capsules) simultaneously and then 2 mg after each act of defecation ( maximum dose when taking the drug under medical supervision - up to 16 mg per day, when taken independently - up to 8 mg per day). When treating children aged 2-5 years, Imodium is used (only under the supervision of a doctor!) in liquid form and dosed at the rate of 1 measuring cap (5 ml) per 10 kg of body weight 2-3 times a day. If, during treatment with Imodium, acute diarrhea does not stop within 48 hours, then the patient needs a more detailed examination.

Currently, the method of choice in the treatment of patients with acute diarrhea is the administration of the lingual form of Imodium. This form was registered by the Russian Pharmacological

Committee in April 2000. When taking the lingual form of imodium (in a single dose - 1-2 tablets per tongue), absorption of the drug occurs in the oral cavity. The advantages of the lingual form of imodium include rapid dissolution on the tongue (within 2-3 s), rapid (within the first hour) achievement of the required concentration of the drug in the body with subsequent rapid achievement of the effect, no need to drink water, the possibility of use in patients with difficulty swallowing and increased gag reflex.

When treating patients with functional diarrhea, the usual dosage form of imodium is prescribed. In this case, the total daily dose of the drug is selected individually and averages 2 capsules in adults, and 1 capsule per day in children. A promising form of imodium can be considered Imodium-plus, which in addition to imodium (at a dose of 2 mg) includes simethicone (at a dose of 125 mg), which effectively adsorbs gases in the intestines. Studies have shown that Imodium-plus better eliminates diarrhea and abdominal discomfort in patients with irritable bowel syndrome compared to regular Imodium.

Safety of use. Imodium was first registered in 1971 and received over-the-counter drug status in the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany and other countries. Side effects that occur when taking it include constipation (develops in approximately 1.4% of patients), dry mouth, fatigue, headaches, and sometimes allergic reactions. Intestinal obstruction occurs extremely rarely and is usually caused by improper use of the drug (overdose). Toxic megacolon, which rarely occurs during the use of Imodium, is usually associated not with the effect of the drug itself, but with the course of diarrhea caused by certain microorganisms or the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, in order to avoid the development of this complication, the drug should not be prescribed to patients with pseudomembranous colitis and common forms of chronic inflammatory diseases intestines (nonspecific ulcerative colitis). A recent analysis of 5 years of data regarding the safety of imodium use worldwide identified 333 adverse events, none of which were serious. This is evidence of the high safety of the drug, given that about 90 million people take it annually.

diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, occurring with a picture of functional diarrhea. In the first case, given the speed of onset of the antidiarrheal effect, it is advisable to prescribe the lingual form of Imodium, in the second - its usual form. The use of imodium is highly safe and is accompanied by a low incidence of side effects.

Increased intestinal motility

Intestinal motility plays a particularly important role in the digestion process. After all, it is the intestines that are the redistribution center of digestion, sorting food and absorbing nutrients. Slow peristalsis leads to stagnation of food in the intestines, which in turn has an adverse effect on the entire body.

What is intestinal peristalsis?

Intestinal peristalsis is the process of wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls, helping to transport its contents from the upper sections to the outlet openings. In this process, the main role is played by smooth muscles, two layers of which are located in the intestinal walls. In the first layer, the muscle fibers are located longitudinally, and in the second layer, circularly. The interrelated movements of these two muscle groups form a peristaltic wave, the frequency of which varies in certain areas of the intestine.

For example, in the small intestine, the speed of peristaltic waves, depending on the section, can be slow, very slow, fast and rapid. Several peristaltic waves can pass along the small intestine at the same time.

It is worth noting that in the small intestine, the rate of peristalsis is much slower than in other parts of the intestine, so the rate of passage of food through it takes much longer. Just a few times a day, strong contractions are formed in the small intestine, directing the contents of the cavity to the anus.

After food fills the stomach, peristalsis occurs in colon under the influence of a reflex. The norm of intestinal peristalsis is: duodenum – contractions per minute, small – 9-12, thick – 6-12, in the rectum up to 3 times.

In order to protect your body from unpleasant consequences, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the risk factors that have a negative impact on intestinal motility.

Causes of intestinal motility disorders

The main factors provoking impaired intestinal motility are:

  • Chronic diseases of the digestive organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas);
  • Poor nutrition, mainly eating small amounts of high-calorie foods;
  • Malignant and benign tumors intestines;
  • Previous surgical operations on the abdominal organs;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Age factor (most often people over 60 are affected);
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Reception medications, which affects intestinal motility;
  • Prolonged stress and disruption of the central nervous system.

The main causes of intestinal motility disorders, which affect the majority of the world's population, are poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Grabbing sandwiches and fast foods on the run, and washing it all down with strong coffee or sweet carbonated drinks, a person has no idea how much fat and sugar ends up in his body. Namely, the “explosive” combination of sugar and fat leads to the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. The consequences of poor nutrition are the formation of hemorrhoids, polyps and tumors. In addition, when toxins enter the cavity of the colon, they poison not only the digestive organ, but also affect the kidneys and liver. In the slagged intestines, fecal stones begin to form, irritating the mucous membrane of the organ.

Absence or too slow peristalsis leads to constipation and blood stagnation in all pelvic organs. If you want to avoid the threat of diseases associated with impaired intestinal motility, pay attention to the reasons that contribute to the development of this disease.

Most often, intestinal motility is impaired in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To accelerate peristalsis, adequate and dosed physical exercises, focusing on the abdominal cavity, are necessary.


The main symptoms that appear when intestinal motility is impaired:

  1. Pain in the abdominal area, varying in intensity. So, they can manifest themselves in the form of acute cramps or mild discomfort, very often they fluctuate throughout the day. Most often, they decrease after bowel movements or the release of gas. Most often, pain does not bother you during sleep. When consuming caffeine, on the contrary, they can increase. And also, their degree increases from stress and emotional stress.
  2. Flatulence - most often occurs during digestion.
  3. Symptoms of body intoxication, allergies and the appearance of rashes, pimples and ulcers on the skin.
  4. Abnormal bowel movements often become chronic and may be followed by constipation. Defecation becomes impossible without laxatives.
  5. Weight gain is due to indigestion and poor absorption of nutrients.
  6. Poor state of the whole body: insomnia, general weakness, irritability.

The symptoms of digestive diseases are similar. If they occur, you should consult a doctor to determine correct diagnosis and drawing up a treatment plan so that in the future it does not develop into a pathology of internal organs.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of dyskinesia do not have manifestations unique to it, so diagnosing the disease based on patient complaints is very difficult. First of all, doctors exclude tumors and polyps of the digestive organs, diverticula and colitis. The standard examination consists of scatology, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy, with a biopsy if necessary. The examination will help not only accurately identify the disease, but also clarify the cause of its occurrence.

As a rule, the treatment of peristalsis includes a whole range of measures: prescription of medications, exercise therapy (therapeutic physical education) and nutritional adjustments. In addition, often among gastroenterologists there are those who resort to traditional medicine to treat the disease.

To enhance and accelerate intestinal motility and increase its tone, the evacuation of all contents in the cavity is prescribed. Typically, a number of specific laxatives are used that affect individual parts of the organ. The following laxatives can be prescribed:

  • Laxatives that affect the entire intestine are most often prescribed for acute constipation;
  • Laxatives that affect the small intestine are most often products based on castor oil. By increasing intestinal motility, a laxative can cause acute spasms that subside with bowel movements.
  • Colon laxatives are of plant or synthetic origin.

Treatment of the disorder takes a long period time. The most harmless are plant-based laxatives.

Treatment of intestinal motility is sometimes accompanied by the use of antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. This treatment is prescribed for stress-related illness.

Proper nutrition is the key to restoring the functioning of all digestive organs. Eating healthy food will help normalize the digestive system and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Some foods should be excluded from the diet, while others, on the contrary, should be increased.

Undesirable foods that inhibit peristalsis:

  1. Caffeine-based drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea);
  2. Chocolate;
  3. Butter;
  4. Butter pastries and white bread;
  5. Porridge (rice, pearl barley, semolina);
  6. Puree soups and vegetable purees;
  7. Fruits – pear, quince;
  8. Berries (cherry chokeberry, chokeberry);
  9. Berry jelly prepared with starch.

Enhanced intestinal motility is possible by consuming the following foods:

  • Greenery;
  • Seafood and seaweed;
  • Nuts;
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt, sour cream);
  • Vegetables containing a large amount of fiber (radishes, carrots, cabbage, radishes, beets). Evacuation from the digestive organs is most effective when consuming the following vegetables: tomatoes, watermelon, melon, onions and cucumbers;
  • Vegetable oils (except butter);
  • Bran bread;
  • Porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • Dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • Fruits and berries (apricots, persimmons, sour apples, grapes, plums, gooseberries, etc.).

Treatment of peristalsis also includes dosed physical activity, including: running, swimming, horse riding, abdominal exercises and tennis. This treatment will be especially effective with cold water dousing and abdominal massage.

Treatment should be prescribed directly by a doctor. Intestinal peristalsis (increased) will facilitate faster removal of waste products from the body. Such treatment requires the patient to strictly follow medical recommendations, ensure balanced physical activity and proper food intake. Such measures will normalize all functions of the gastrointestinal tract and ensure complete recovery.

Peristalsis is a grasping and compressive, wave-like contraction of organs in the form of a tube (hollow): stomach, intestines, esophagus, ureters. Under the influence of such contractions, the contents (food bolus, feces) of the organs move towards the exit openings. The state of the digestive tract depends primarily on intestinal motility. If it is disrupted (this condition is called dyskinesia), trouble begins. Failure in the functioning of the intestines leads to a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the quality of life, and the development of diseases and pathologies in other organs. Below we will look at what intestinal motility is, how to maintain it normally, and what to do to restore this function if it weakens.

The motor function of all parts of the intestine or peristalsis is wave-like compression of the walls of organs, at the moment of which the contents move to the anus. In another way, peristalsis is also called “food contraction”, because it ensures the correct digestive process, absorption and assimilation of necessary and beneficial substances and the removal of indigestible and unnecessary substances to the body.

Peristalsis in the intestines allows the bolus of food to move from the upper sections downwards. This occurs with the help of the smooth muscles of the organ, which are located in its walls in two layers. The first layer has longitudinal muscles, the second – perpendicular, and their coordinated wave-like movements are “food contractions”. For each section of the intestine, these contractions have characteristics.

Intestinal walls

The small intestine is endowed with muscles that contract at different speeds: very quickly, quickly, leisurely and very slowly. At the same time, several types of such contractions are triggered here, depending on the state of the body, the time of day, and the characteristics of the passing food.

The large intestine has very slow peristalsis, but once to three times a day (it happens once every two to three days, this is individual) contractions of great force occur for a while, which push the contents into the intestine. anus. It is at this moment that a person feels the urge to defecate. These accelerated “waves” occur when the stomach is completely filled with food, and are necessary as a signal for a person to visit the toilet and make room.

Medicine has measured and identified the norms of peristaltic contractions in healthy person. Let's look at this information in table form.

Table 1. Norms of peristalsis

If the violation is not corrected at this stage, problems will certainly begin. serious problems– inflammatory and pathological processes, defecation disorders, formation of tumors, growth, appearance of ulcers, cracks in the digestive tract. Let's consider the causes of intestinal motility disorders so as not to miss risk factors.

Video - How intestinal motility occurs

Why is peristalsis in the intestines disrupted?

The weakening or even complete cessation of “digestive waves” may be the result of one or several factors, external and internal. These include:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Age factor (infancy, or, conversely, old age).
  3. An unbalanced diet, one where food with a large number of calories predominates in a small portion size.
  4. Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Stress, severe moral fatigue, depression.
  6. Bulimia, anorexia.
  7. Tumors of malignant or benign origin.
  8. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  9. Taking pharmaceuticals that depress intestinal motility and the like.

For example, in older people, peristalsis is impaired due to muscle atrophy, a decrease in the overall tone of the body, hormonal “failure,” and the progression of a host of diseases. At older ages, people often suffer from atonic constipation, which occurs due to weak gastrointestinal motility, impaired innervation of nerve connections, and hypoxia of the tissues of the digestive organs.

Also, constipation in people of any age can occur due to the wrong diet. Some people prefer fast food, some eat “on the run” and dry food, some eat little during the day and gorge themselves in the evening. Modern people eat a lot of flour and sweets, washing this food down with soda, strong tea, cocoa, coffee. The intestines react negatively, food lumps are poorly digested, begin to ferment, and rot. These processes are inevitable when frequent meals fatty, starchy foods.

An incorrectly selected diet is a possible cause of constipation.

Toxins and wastes, toxic substances enter the peritoneum, and the liver and kidneys receive their dose of poison. By the age of forty, a person who does not pay attention to proper nutrition has a heavily clogged intestine, fecal stones form, damaging the mucous membrane when moving. Peristalsis weakens, as a result, blood stagnates in the pelvis, chronic constipation begins, and hemorrhoids develop. Often tumors and polyps are added to this condition.

Symptoms of weakened intestinal motility

Intestinal dyskinesia (impaired “food contractions”) manifests itself in a number of ways various signs. The body will suffer and will certainly signal its feeling unwell. What should you pay attention to?

Table 2. Symptoms of decreased intestinal contractions

How it manifests itselfExtended information
Frequent abdominal painThe pain has different localization, the strength ranges from slight discomfort to quite acute spasms. As a rule, the pain returns after eating or drinking strong or alcoholic drinks. After defecation, on the contrary, the pain syndrome becomes dull or subsides altogether.
Bloating, gasFlatulence and the sensation of a balloon in the stomach are signs of poor digestion. Most often, these symptoms occur before bedtime.
Stool disordersAt the first stage, constipation alternates with diarrhea, later constipation becomes regular, chronic, up to the inability to empty the intestines without a laxative or Esmarch's mug.
Weight gainExtra pounds appear due to a disrupted digestive process, lack of quality healthy food and poor absorption of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins, fats.
IntoxicationHeadache, bad smell from oral cavity, allergies, problems with skin(acne, purulent pimples, rashes).
General deteriorationSleep disturbance, frequent shifts moods, susceptibility colds, decreased immunity, irritability, rapid feeling of fatigue due to lack of activity.

Discuss your symptoms with your doctor and undergo prescribed examinations to identify the problem and begin to eliminate it.

Diagnosis of poor intestinal motility

As you can see, the symptoms of insufficient intestinal motor function are differentiated from a host of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the doctor will not be able to be content with taking an oral history and examining the patient. Diagnosis requires a comprehensive, thorough, consisting of a number of studies.

In addition, it is important to exclude more serious illnesses, such as colitis, tumors, polyps, oncology. Therefore, you should not be surprised when the hospital prescribes a series of tests: coprogram, blood and urine donation, hardware examination of the rectum (coproscopy), ultrasound of the pelvic organs and peritoneum. In this way, it will be possible to accurately determine the illness that is tormenting the person and prescribe adequate therapy.

Note that insufficient intestinal motility is treated conservatively, that is, with the help of pharmaceuticals. Also, the healing process necessarily includes adjusting the diet plan, using traditional recipes and exercises adapted to neutralize this disease. Let's look at how this happens.

Therapy for intestinal dyskinesia

As a rule, when treating intestinal motility disorders, a number of drugs are prescribed that help awaken motility and have a stimulating effect that increases the tone of the intestinal muscles. To normalize this function, laxatives are prescribed to enhance peristalsis and force the process of defecation to occur at the right time. Conventionally, these drugs are divided according to the localization of action.

For drugs that work in thin section, can be attributed It improves and softens the process of movement of intestinal contents, stimulates motility, causes the urge to defecate, and reduces trauma to the mucous membrane. It lasts for two to three hours and may cause mild abdominal cramps. Medications like: "Regulax". They contain plant components, increase the tone of the rectum, relieve atony caused by poor diet and stress. Fight constipation. They can be addictive and therefore not recommended for regular use.


Often used for stimulation Epsom salt. The product acts very quickly, helps well with acute constipation - the effect is achieved within one hour. This is a budget product that can be found in any pharmacy. There is one significant disadvantage - the saline solution tastes unpleasant, so not everyone can drink it.

Diet to improve intestinal contractions

Healthy and literate diet - important point in case of intestinal motility disorders. The main rule is to exclude as much as possible from the diet foods that inhibit peristalsis and replace them with those that stimulate the work of “food contractions.” These two groups include a lot of products; we will look at this list using the most common examples.

Table 3. How to eat to normalize intestinal motility?

Included in the menuWe limit
Cool mineral water, kvass, juices from vegetables, berries, fruitsRed wines, wine drinks such as sangria
White winesHot drinks containing caffeine
One-day dairy products (yogurt, kefir, sour cream, yogurt)White pastries, muffins, breads, buns, cakes
Ice cream, fruit iceMilk chocolate, sweets
Watermelons, melonsKissel, mousses, jelly
Beets, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, onionsRice porridge, semolina, pearl barley, decoctions of these cereals
Dried and dried fruits, ripe soft persimmons, apricots, apples of any varietyPuree dishes (potatoes, vegetables, soups)
Gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapesButter
Porridges made from egg, oatmeal, buckwheat, baked goods with these grainsEggs
Vegetable oilsPear, quince
NutsBird cherry, chokeberry

It is recommended that the maximum inclusion in the diet of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, freshly squeezed juices, salads with vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, walnut, linen. You need to eat five to six times a day, choosing a fist-sized portion. An hour before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir, and in the morning, before breakfast, a glass of water, you can add half a spoonful of honey. This method enhances peristalsis. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean, cool water per day.

Folk remedies for stimulating peristalsis

To restore intestinal motility, you can resort to folk, time-tested recipes. There is nothing complicated in their preparation or use, and they do not contain any questionable components or components that could harm the body.

One of effective methods strengthening peristalsis is the use of bran. You can choose wheat or oatmeal, taking one or two tablespoons before meals with water. You can also eat bran as a separate dish by soaking it in a glass of yogurt or kefir. Bran will help cleanse the intestines, forming feces, preventing constipation and loose stools.

Using the same principle, dry plantain seeds are used, which help ease bowel movements and stimulate the intestines. The seeds should be crushed and eaten on a spoon before meals or added to various salads, cereals, and main courses.

Another safe and recommended remedy is a mixture of dried fruits. In a container you need to mix dried apricots and prunes in half, then pass them through a blender or meat grinder. Add a tablespoon of propolis, honey, nuts to the resulting mass and pour into a glass jar. The mixture is eaten before bedtime, washed down with water.

Exercises to normalize bowel function

Physical activity is needed to prevent gastrointestinal motility from falling asleep. You need to move every day, walk at least a couple of kilometers, visit the pool, master horse riding. Tennis, dancing (especially oriental), and doing exercises also contribute to increased peristalsis. Here are some exercises to stimulate intestinal function:

  1. Abdominal pumping. It is acceptable to perform it in the morning right in bed, lifting the body 15-20 times.
  2. Slow deep squats.
  3. Jumping, you can use a jump rope to perform it.
  4. “Bicycle” - a person lies on his back, raises his legs bent at the knees, and imitates pedaling.
  5. “Boat” - a person lies on his back and presses his bent legs to his chest, wraps his arms around them and sways slightly on his back.

Exercise to improve gastrointestinal function

Let's sum it up

Weak intestinal motility is a nuisance for the whole body, but, fortunately, it can be easily eliminated. In the initial stages of slow motor skills, you can cope with the disease in a matter of days by building a diet and drinking a course necessary medications prescribed by a doctor. The main thing is not to wait for complications, and to show attention and care to your own health in a timely manner!

The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first to lose its functions, which entails the development of all kinds of diseases and pathologies. The ancients advised: when you get sick, you need to change your lifestyle, and if this doesn’t help, change your diet. In men, the rectum is adjacent to the seminal glands, bladder, prostate gland. In women - to the walls of the vagina and uterus. If these organs begin to become inflamed, the disorders can spread to the rectum.

If you have not had a bowel movement for 32 hours, then this can be explained as constipation ( poor peristalsis intestines).

There are times when peristalsis does not work, and this creates the main causes of constipation:

  • bad breath;
  • coated tongue;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • attacks of headaches;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • isolation;
  • decreased appetite;
  • irritability.

One of the main reasons for the lack of peristalsis is high-calorie food taken in small volumes and with short breaks in time.
If you constantly start eating boiled and starchy foods (flour products, potatoes, butter), refuse vitamins and minerals, a special “scale” appears on the walls of the stomach and intestines - a kind of fecal film.

In order to determine functional state intestinal mucous membranes, you need to drink two spoons beet juice. If the urine turns red, beet color, it means that all is not well with the mucous lining of your intestines.

Often, by the age of forty, a person’s large intestine becomes very clogged fecal stones, which compress the walls of the colon, causing blood stagnation.

This gives rise to diseases such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • polyps;
  • phlebeurysm;

Sluggish peristalsis provokes the formation of frequent constipation.

It is necessary to consume more foods that improve peristalsis:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • nuts;

sprouted grain.

A person feels much better if he limits his diet to boiled (dead) food and switches to natural products necessary to maintain the microflora of the intestines and stomach. Don't forget to cleanse your internal organs.

Pay attention to the exercise for intestinal motility:

every morning for nine days, while in bed, index finger right hand press on your navel until your finger feels the pulse beating in your navel. When your finger feels the rhythmic beating of the pulse, you need to stop the exercise.

After eating, the stomach begins to perform systolic movements of the pyloric region, the body of the stomach begins to shrink, and peristaltic contractions appear. The speed of the wave of intestinal peristalsis (about 1 centimeter per second) increases. The amplitude and pressure in the stomach increases, the pyloric sphincter opens and the contents of the chyme pass into the intestines.

In order to know how to improve intestinal motility:

  • need to be correct and healthy image life;
  • monitor your diet;
  • eat foods rich in fiber.

To improve intestinal motility, stool functioning, and to forget about constipation, use this recipe:

  • take four hundred grams of prunes and dried apricots;
  • grind the raw materials in a convenient way (you can grind them in a meat grinder);
  • add a packet of senna to the resulting mixture;
  • 10 ml propolis (20%); two hundred grams of liquid honey.

Use the resulting mixture 1-2 teaspoons during dinner, washed down with water or unsweetened tea.

Increased intestinal motility will be observed if you use medicinal suppositories with the addition of propolis. You can buy them in pharmacies, but you can also prepare them at home:

  • take 100 grams of wax;
  • melt it in a water bath;
  • add 5 ml of soft propolis extract;
  • form candles from wax;
  • put them in the refrigerator.

It is better to use the resulting candles at night. They help with:

  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genitourinary “female” diseases;
  • prostate adenoma.

Restoration of intestinal motility can be achieved by drinking 15-20 drops of propolis tincture (15%) diluted in a glass of warm water an hour before breakfast. After about a week, weak peristalsis will improve significantly.

A good effect can be shown by:

  • carrot juice;
  • a mixture of carrot and cabbage juice;
  • salad of cabbage, beets and carrots.

How to improve intestinal motility? Follow a few of our tips:

  • To normalize bowel function, do not forget to use an enema;
  • watch your diet (the best option would be 5-6 one-time appointment food);
  • use less easily digestible foods (semolina porridge, puree and so on);
  • try to eat foods with increased content fiber;
  • do not forget about the laxatives of plums, spinach, beets, figs;
  • Kefir and yogurt, fresh juices will help restore intestinal motility, mineral water with gas;
  • try a mixture of a tablespoon of sprouted grains of wheat, apple, two tablespoons of honey and water, chopped nuts, lemon juice, two tablespoons of raw oatmeal;
  • drink brewed buckthorn bark (brew 15 grams with a glass of water);
  • do physical exercises that shake your stomach (running, swimming, horse riding, etc.);
  • Do not indulge in excessive use of laxatives.

Increased intestinal motility requires limiting (or completely eliminating) foods with a laxative effect.

Reduced peristalsis is facilitated by:

  • hot drinks and food;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • jelly;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • strong tea.

Promotes the accumulation of gases in the intestines:

  • fresh bread;
  • pears;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage.

Active peristalsis leads to diarrhea (diarrhea) - emptying of the intestines with liquid feces. Liquid and frequent stool is a consequence of strong, accelerated intestinal motility.

A symptom of surgical chronic gastrointestinal diseases that appear during the difficult passage of a peristaltic wave can be visible peristalsis.

One type of peristalsis, caused by a feeling of fear, may be accompanied by increased nervous peristalsis. There is also reverse peristalsis (antiperistalsis) - a wave-like contraction of the walls of the intestines and stomach, in the direction opposite to the usual.

Intestinal motility disorders may have the following causes and risk factors:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • elderly age;
  • surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity and others.

Treatment for intestinal motility is often prescribed depending on the individual characteristics organism and the type of disease. So, for diarrhea:

  • symptomatic therapy with intramuscular or intravenous administration of glucose-salt solutions;
  • sorbents are used that bind koalin and pectin;
  • Opiates are prescribed that reduce intestinal activity (diphenoxylate, loperamide).

For constipation, warm and cold compresses are prescribed. You need to start with warm:

  • soak the towel in warm water and apply to the stomach for three minutes;
  • then apply a cold towel to your stomach for one minute.

Drugs to improve intestinal motility:

  • hay leaves;
  • Dulcolax;
  • bisacodyl;
  • guttalax;
  • weakcap;
  • laxigal;
  • regulaks.