Medicines for the brain. A group of natural stimulants. Pantothenic acid - vitamin B5

The ability to think logically, notice and remember facts, and build chains of conclusions is what distinguishes humans from animals. The work of the brain is a subtle biochemical and electrochemical process. Attention, memory, freshness of perception primarily depend on the state of nerve cells - neurons and their nutrition. It is common to think that enhancement drugs are only needed by older people, but this is not the case. Memory and thinking disorders are possible at any age and are due to a number of reasons.

Causes of brain disorders

Doctors do not recommend self-treating even minor weakening of brain function, primarily because this may be a sign of a serious illness. Memory, attention, and learning ability may deteriorate for the following reasons.

  1. Poor blood circulation in the brain - long-term awkward position, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, hypertension, vascular thrombosis, ischemia, stroke.
  2. Improving brain function is problematic when smoking and drinking alcohol, since nicotine and alcohol are strong vascular poisons. When they enter the body, the brain is the first to suffer - after all, it needs sufficient blood supply more than any other organ.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries, general intoxication organism, infectious diseases.
  4. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of rest.
  5. General exhaustion of the body, malnutrition, dietary restrictions. In this case, the body develops chronic deficiency vitamins and minerals essential for brain function.

In order for brain function to improve, it is necessary to normalize the regime active work and rest, eat right and do exercises to normalize blood circulation cervical region spine and head. It is useful to do exercises that stimulate mental activity: master new activities, solve crosswords and puzzles, etc. When serious violations memory, you should consult a doctor. Currently there are various drugs to improve brain function, but they must be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination, select the optimal medicine, dose and determine the course of use.

Memory tablets

All medications to improve brain function can be divided into several categories.

  • Nootropic drugs are drugs that regulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow to the brain.
  • Vitamins necessary for biochemical processes in the brain.
  • Amino acids involved in transmission nerve impulses and the production of biologically active substances.
  • Herbal remedies that have a stimulating effect on the body as a whole and higher nervous activity in particular.

It should be borne in mind that of all the above, only vitamins and amino acids are relatively harmless. All other drugs have contraindications and can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Many of them are used for serious mental disorders, organic lesions brain and have side effects.

All drugs, with the exception of stimulants, must be taken in long courses. It is wrong to think that memory and attention will improve immediately after taking the Piracetam tablet. The duration of treatment ranges from several weeks to six months. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct several courses, taking a break between them.


These are drugs to improve brain function, belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. The mechanism of action of nootropics has not been sufficiently studied. It has been revealed that they have the ability to facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulate blood supply to the brain, improve energy processes and increase the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency. As a result, memory improves, learning ability increases, mental activity is stimulated and the brain is resistant to aggressive influences.

Unlike other psychotropic drugs, nootropic drugs are characterized by low toxicity and do not cause circulatory problems.

Most famous representatives this group - drugs:

  • "Piracetam" ("Nootropil"),
  • "Picamilon"
  • "Phenibut"
  • "Aminalon" ("Gammalon"),
  • "Pantogam"
  • "Acephen."

For treatment chronic conditions tablets to improve brain function are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Therapeutic effect observed two weeks after the start of treatment.

Drugs that improve blood circulation

In case of reason poor condition blood and blood vessels, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are prescribed to improve brain function. Antiplatelet agents include the following:

  • "Nitsergoline"
  • "Xanthinol nicotinate" ("Complamin"),
  • "Ticlopidine"
  • "Tiklid"
  • "Courantil"
  • "Pentoxifylline" ("Trental"),
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid",
  • "Clonidogrel."

For anticoagulants:

  • "Solcoseryl"
  • "Heparin"
  • "Cerebrolysin"
  • "Actovegin"
  • “Vazobral.”

Drugs to improve brain function in this group have side effects.

Nerve stimulants

Stimulants have undoubted advantage- the result of their use is visible almost immediately. Unfortunately, you have to pay for everything. When stimulants are abused, improvements in brain function occur for a short period of time; over time, addiction develops and an increasingly larger dose is required. It also depletes the brain, which can lead to extreme fatigue and headaches.

The most accessible stimulants are found in food.

  • Coffee contains caffeine and L-theanine, which improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate transmission
  • Chocolate and cocoa. The antioxidant flavanols contained in cocoa powder improve biochemical processes in the brain and protect it from the effects of stress factors.


With increased mental activity, it will be useful to take vitamins to improve brain function.

  • Choline. In addition to improving the digestibility of fats in the liver, choline is involved in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. To stimulate mental activity, choline is taken 0.5-2 g per day, depending on individual tolerance. Overdose may cause headaches.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are used by doctors for complex therapy age-related depression of brain functions. They are contained in oily fish, legumes, walnuts. Daily consumption 1-2 capsules fish oil completely covers the body's need for Omega-3 acids.

Amino acids

In addition to vitamins, a number of amino acids are needed to synthesize neurotransmitters and supply brain cells with energy:

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and releases intracellular energy.
  • Tyrosine. Use with caution in case of illness thyroid gland.
  • Glycine improves brain function, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep. Relieves nervousness, normalizes mood.
  • Creatine regulates energy processes in brain tissue.

There are medications that include several vitamins and amino acids that are aimed at improving brain function and memory.

Complex drugs

  • The drug "Biotredin". Tablets to improve brain function containing threonine and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
  • Brain Booster - colloidal preparation complex composition, containing plant materials and a number of neurotransmitters - substances that improve the functioning of neurons.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies

At minor violations mental activity, they use tablets to improve brain function based on plant extracts.

  • Ginkgo biloba product - flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids from the Chinese Ginkgo tree. Normalizes microcirculation, has vasodilating effect, prevents fat oxidation and has the ability to increase tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency. Do not use simultaneously with other drugs that improve blood circulation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The drug "Vinpocetine" is an alkaloid of the periwinkle plant. Improves blood circulation in the brain and has anticoagulant activity. Contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for cardiac dysfunction, in the acute phase of a stroke.
  • “Biocalcium for the Brain” product is a set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
  • Asian ginseng has a general stimulating effect on metabolism, improves blood circulation and glucose metabolism. Recommended for improvement brain activity when tired, when bad mood, increased nervousness.
  • Rhodiola rosea affects the production of dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system, which has beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, memory, attention, ability to concentrate and visual perception.

All of these drugs to improve brain function can be taken for preventive purposes. Just like for others herbal remedies, the course of treatment is long - at least 3-4 weeks, and on average - 2-3 months.

Precautionary measures

Deterioration in brain activity can be caused by a disease that requires examination and serious treatment. Therefore, before taking pills, consult your doctor for advice. IN for preventive purposes take medications for plant based, and amino acids. Stimulants are used to quickly short-term improve thinking processes. They should not be abused, since long-term use has the opposite effect and consumes brain resources without recovery. (Moscow), 01/21/2016

Finally got around to telling you about drugs to improve memory and brain function that will help you move through life by leaps and bounds. Any person is full of ambitions, but unfortunately, the capabilities of our body are limited, and we cannot think, remember, create, and even just move forward as much as we like. Fortunately, modern medicine gives us more opportunities and opens up borders! For all active people, no matter what you do, medications and means have been created to improve brain function and memory, significantly increasing your capabilities - these are nootropics! Nootropics are necessary in almost any type of activity, since human brain and the nervous system are not always able to respond to your needs as efficiently as possible. Whether you are a designer, a lawyer, an athlete - in any type of work you need a clear mind and concentration! Therefore, pills to improve memory and brain function will help you become more efficient and successful.

What are pills to improve brain activity and memory?

Many people don't even think that in most cases our success depends on proper operation our brain, breadth of thoughts and clarity of mind. Yes, a factory worker assembling, say, bases on a conveyor belt does not put much strain on the brain, but rather works more with his hands, automatically. But even with poor concentration and brain fatigue, he will do his work more slowly and with much more waste. So even in the most seemingly “non-mental” work, nootropics are needed.

Special medications and means to improve brain function and memory - doping for our “smartest” organ, you can find here.

So what is the effect of nootropics on the human brain?

Improving mental activity, improving cortical-subcortical connections, stimulating learning and memory, increasing the brain's resistance to damaging factors - all this is the specific effect of nootropics on the higher integrative functions of the brain. Thus, modern pharmacology made it possible for a person to speed up all the processes occurring in the nerve center of our body. Nowadays, about 10 effective nootropic ingredients have already been synthesized, and new developments in this direction are regularly carried out.

Drugs that improve memory and thought processes can be divided into two types:

With dominant mnestic effects;

Influencing the improvement of memory, and with broad action.

The latter completely improve all brain processes. In medicine, such drugs are prescribed to patients with disorders of the brain and nervous system. A healthy people You can improve the functioning of your body not only with the help of nootropics purchased at the pharmacy, but also with the help of special supplements that include complexes of similar drugs.

What pills should I take for memory and brain function?

If you want to do any task with 100% motivation and desire to get better, then we advise you to give preference complex drugs, for example (the list is simply in alphabetical order, not by effectiveness): Chaos and Pain Cannibal DaVinci - contains several popular nootropic compounds: oxiracetam, aniracetam, picamilon, etc. Enhances the production of dopamine (the hormone of joy and pleasure), improves the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, relieves headache, improves cerebral circulation;

Chaos and Pain Cannibal Genius - contains one of the best nootropics - Noopept (can reduce the side effects of alcohol and age on the brain, improve memory and attention). Improves mood cognitive abilities, cerebral circulation;

RUN Everything Onward is a vitamin and mineral complex enriched with nootropics and immunomodulators. Gives more strength and energy, improves thought processes, memory and concentration, and generally makes you more emotionally resilient and stronger!

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the effect of these supplements is felt much more pronounced! You will not only get relief from headaches and good mood, but also real drive, motivation and nervous relaxation!

Pills to improve brain activity and memory are also an option for athletes who want a more powerful focus on training, for more sophisticated muscle pumping! But if, on the contrary, you are tired of stimulants, pre-workouts and want to give your brain a little relaxation, help restore the central nervous system, then special sleep books and relaxants are what you need! They will plunge you into sweet, serene dreams, and in the morning you will get up rested, as if you slept on a cloud and woke up in paradise. They are great for restoring and relieving stress! Here are, in our opinion, the most effective ones (the list is simply in alphabetical order, not by effectiveness):

Blackstone Labs Anesthetized - contains the best relaxing substances (GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid), Phenibut, Valerian, etc.). Reduces nervous excitability throughout the body, makes it easier to fall asleep and helps fight stress and recover from it, enhances the production of growth hormone; Centurion Labz Warrior Trance - contains Melatonin, Phenibut, Hydroxytryptophan, GABA - in general, it has the coolest set of relaxing substances! Helps get rid of the effects of stress, strengthens resistance to it, makes it easier to fall asleep and prolongs sleep deep phase sleep, helps the body recover;

Chaos and Pain Hypnos - again, GABA, Phenibut, Picamilon, Melatonin, etc. - all the same cool components for quality sleep+ improvements in brain function and condition. Has a relaxing effect, calms the nervous system, protects brain cells from stress;

Chaotic Labz Hypnotic - contains Phenibut, GABA, L-Dopa, etc. Improves sleep quality and even promotes the emergence of colorful dreams;

Finaflex G8 - nooropic and relaxant in one bottle! How will it work? Firstly, you will fall asleep easier and faster, your sleep will be more restful and of higher quality. Secondly, you will wake up and get up easily, it will be easier to concentrate, think and remember throughout the day. Overall, it improves your well-being and performance.

List of the most known drugs nootropics

Those drugs that we indicated above essentially consist of several substances described below, which is why they are so effective!

Piracetam is a classic drug that reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 30-40 minutes after administration;

Aminalon - taken orally, quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching maximum concentration 60 minutes after administration;

Phenotropil is a drug that is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged. The bioavailability of Phenotropil is 100%, with a maximum concentration in plasma 1 hour after administration;

Oksibral - the drug is metabolized in the liver. Almost instantly absorbed by the body from the digestive tract;

Melatonin is instantly and completely absorbed by the body, and is almost completely excreted unchanged;

Modafinil - the most powerful drug on the nootropics market, which is not available in Russian pharmacies;

Vinpocetine is a drug metabolized in the liver and determined in the tissues of the central nervous system;

Picamilon is quickly absorbed and can be taken in any form.

Picamilon is known for its uniform distribution in tissues;

Semax is a nasal drug that significantly improves memory and intellectual abilities human brain;

DMAE is a dietary supplement that improves mood and mental processes in the brain; Coffee and tea are natural nootropics that also have a certain degree of effect on the brain and improve the speed of the nervous system.

There is an even larger group pharmaceuticals related to nootropics: nicergoline, pentoxifylline, nooglutil, nimodin, cinnarizine, glycine, pyriditol, noopept. Herbal medicines also have a nootropic effect: ginko bean extract and Huato boluses. As we said, all of these single-ingredient additives are usually included in sports nutrition and make up whole powerful complexes!

All drugs, including nootropics, are created to help the brain work more productively, expand your capabilities and provide motivation. Some of them have proven effective in preventing many brain diseases, improving memory not only in children, but even in adults, and even reducing destructive impact Alzheimer's disease! So we advise you to give your brain quality nutrition and... create!)

The human brain is a truly amazing and complexly organized mechanism that works without rest throughout life - from the moment of birth until death. The work of the brain is an autonomous and well-functioning process that coordinates and controls all other activities of the body. However, from time to time, even such an ideally tuned structure can give a periodic failure, characterized by a decrease in brain functions. Adequately selected therapy will help solve the problem.

What factors influence brain function?

Correct and balanced diet . For the brain to function properly, it is necessary to receive a sufficient amount of proteins (for vital important amino acids), fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The brain especially loves foods high in glucose, because it is a universal nutrient substrate for neurons. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and cereal foods.

This point also includes eating every 4-5 hours (so that the brain cells do not starve and lose their functionality) and a regular breakfast - after a long break of 7-10 hours, the brain more than ever needs to be recharged with nutrients for normal activity.

Compliance with drinking regime. For the proper functioning of neurons, the onset of a state of dehydration is extremely undesirable. Even a slight lack of fluid has a negative impact on processing information and composing complex neural connections.

Maintaining a sleep schedule. A person needs at least 8 hours a day to restore the body. Regular lack of sleep lead to irreversible death of brain cells, decreased performance and depression general condition.

Stressful situations. At high psycho-emotional stress Neural connections are broken, memory deteriorates and intellectual abilities decrease.

Bad habits. We may not mention their general negative effect on the body as a whole, but it is worth noting that they act especially aggressively on the brain.

Excessive information flow. In the absence of pauses and rest between incoming streams of new knowledge and skills, it becomes more difficult for the brain to process and retain information in memory.

Absence physical activity . Daily feasible physical activity prevents congestion, increases blood circulation and saturates it with oxygen. It is not necessary to torture yourself with grueling strength training; even banal walking for several hours can significantly improve the situation.

Indications for the use of drugs for brain function

  1. Dizziness, memory loss.
  2. Sleep disorders (, anxiety, tinnitus.
  3. Increased fatigue and decreased concentration.
  4. Medicines are indicated for people experiencing prolonged mental and psycho-emotional stress, staying in long-term stressful situations and depressive states.
  5. Recovery after strokes, alcohol intoxication, traumatic brain injuries, neuroses.
  6. Migraines (with and without aura), speech dysfunction.
  7. Mental delays and psychological development.
  8. Neurotic and neurological disorders.
  • Gingko biloba (plant antioxidant);
  • Glycine (amino acid);
  • Omega - 3 fatty acid;
  • Vitamin complexes C and E;
  • Piracetam (synthetic nootropic).


Stimulant drugs that activate metabolic processes V nerve cells, improving memory and thinking abilities. Among nootropics, it is customary to distinguish between synthetic and natural. Synthetic ones include Piracetam, Acefen. Natural ones include lecithin and gotu-kola.

Herbal medicines

Tanakan, Vitrum Memory, vitamin complexes with ginseng extract (for example, “Vision”), preparations with Eleutherococcus extract.

Medicines that improve memory in older people

  1. Piracetam (Nootropil) is very effective in senile dementia, after strokes and in the treatment of comas of various origins (vascular, traumatic, toxic).
  2. Drugs folic acid(its concentration is sharply reduced in older people, which leads to memory impairment, problems with concentration and depression).
  3. Choline (increases the content of acetylcholine in the body and eliminates symptoms senile dementia).
  4. Phenibut (with special severe conditions).
  5. Glycine (for the treatment of sclerosis and amnesia).

Medicines to improve brain function in children

Taking medications for this category of patients should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor and with careful monitoring of the dosages taken. Most often children are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Glycine. Works effectively during periods of active preparation for tests and exams.
  • Piracetam - promotes better learning of school material.
  • Tanakan. It relieves mental and mental stress well, promotes rapid memorization of information.

Mexidol is an excellent medicine for improving brain function and memory

The drug is available in tablet form. Increases the body's resistance to various types shock situations (hypoxia, ischemia) and the effects of negative factors ( severe poisoning alcohol and antipsychotics). Improves microcirculation and blood supply to the brain, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, has anti-stress characteristics (normalizes sleep, memory and brain activity), neutralizes the effects of severe stress and traumatic brain injuries.

Glycine for brain function

Packaging of tablets - Glycine

Glycine is widely known in Russia and has been used to normalize brain functions since Soviet times. The range of applications is wide; it is prescribed to both the elderly and children. Restores sleep in patients, reduces anxiety and aggressiveness, increases performance and emotional stability. Side effects include allergic reactions, therefore, it is recommended to take it only as prescribed by a doctor and with strict monitoring for the manifestation of hypersensitivity reactions.

Folk remedies to improve brain function

In addition to the use of industrially produced medicines, patients widely use traditional medicine And traditional recipes based on natural ingredients.

Good dynamics in the treatment of memory disorders, tinctures based on clover and red rowan bark, infusions of mint and sage, healing mixtures from elecampane root with the addition of vodka are demonstrated. To further maintain the result, freshly squeezed juices of blueberries, onions, tomatoes, carrots, and beets are made. Recommended use (in in moderation) nuts, seaweed, salads from raw carrots and beets, seafood and vegetable oil cold pressed.

To improve memory and brain activity, it is enough to follow some simple rules. Thanks to them, you can maintain a bright and sharp mind for a long time.

  • Solve Sudoku and simple arithmetic problems in your head, solve scanwords and puzzles.
  • Learn poems by heart and in reverse order.
  • Drink enough water and eat right.
  • Remember the faces and names of as many people as possible.
  • Keep a diary with an accurate record of all events that occur.
  • Learn new languages, culinary recipes, master unusual hobbies - in a word, everything that was previously unfamiliar to the brain.
  • Exercise.
  • Invent and build associative chains even for the simplest objects.
  • Develop your vocabulary and use new words in the right context as often as possible.
  • Sleep enough hours a day.
  • Try to write memoirs with the most extensive coverage of all life incidents, starting with early childhood.
  • Memorize and sing your favorite songs, at the same time you can memorize melodies and motives.
  • Set your life on a positive wave, worry less about trifles and avoid stressful situations.

As many say that best medicine for improvement brain activity- this is leading the right image life and positive mood.

Perhaps everyone will agree that achievements, success and standard of living in general largely depend on mental abilities and the ability to use them in right time and in the right place. In order to get a job, you should develop thinking and memory during the learning process. To achieve results at work, you need to use your mental abilities to the maximum, and so on.

But not everyone succeeds, and even scientists cannot answer what is the matter. Not all of us are born geniuses, and the level of intelligence is also a controversial factor, because the smartest people cannot solve basic life problems. And what can we talk about here if today there is not even an answer as to what percentage of the human brain has been studied. Various groups scientists give different numbers. What is known is that we are far from using the full potential of our brain.

But if you want to increase your own memory and attention, increase the capabilities of your brain, you can resort to some simple ways. IN in this case, the main thing is the desire and compliance with the instructions. This applies to both reception medicines, so increasing brain activity using natural methods.

Causes of deterioration in brain function, memory and attention

Before using methods to improve brain function, you should understand the reasons for its deterioration. These include the following factors:

  • brain tumors;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • cerebrovascular accident due to a number of other diseases;
  • pathology internal organs;
  • bad habits, these may include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or drugs;
  • constant lack of sleep and stress;
  • excessive mental stress;
  • results of anesthesia;
  • changes associated with age;
  • depression.

Regardless of the reasons for the decline active work brain, they are by no means the norm. Anyway this is pathological condition, requiring immediate and active treatment.

It is worth noting that drugs that improve brain activity can also be taken during a sharp increase in mental stress. For example, in the process of learning or mastering a large amount of new information. They can not only improve learning performance, but also ensure healthy brain function in the future. After all, after serious mental stress comes a decline in brain activity, even - depressive state.

In what cases can you start taking memory enhancing drugs?

Deterioration of memory and attention is not a death sentence, but a “bell” to the fact that you can begin to fight this symptom. The pharmacy sells many products that do not require a doctor's prescription. But, first of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the signs indicating the need to start similar treatment:

  • absent-mindedness appears more often;
  • it is difficult to remember information;
  • appointments are missed;
  • there is a sharp decline in performance.

There are many similar examples. As a rule, a person himself realizes that something is going wrong in his life, and the reason for it all is a decline in activity, the inability to concentrate on one problem.

However, you should not resort to self-medication. There can be any number of reasons for the decline in brain activity. Perhaps the reason is thyroid dysfunction, and taking drugs that improve memory is completely useless in this case, because they will not give any effect. It is better to immediately contact a specialist who will advise the most relevant treatment in a particular case.

As a rule, medications are prescribed to improve memory and attention. On the advice of a doctor, you can buy them without a prescription. But in this case, the likelihood that money will be thrown away is reduced to zero. After the drug is purchased, it should be taken strictly according to the prescribed prescription.

How to improve memory after anesthesia

After general anesthesia many notice that they have become absent-minded, and such patients have obvious memory problems. This can have a negative impact on communication with people and professional activity. You can wait until these disturbances go away on their own, sometimes this period is a year or two, depending on the mental stress and activity of the person who has suffered the effects of anesthesia. And you can begin to take measures to help restore brain function after anesthesia.

It should be noted that here it is necessary A complex approach. It consists of the following:

  • memory training, you can remember phone numbers, house numbers, solve crosswords and puzzles;
  • restriction in alcohol consumption; you need to spend more time on fresh air, drink more water;
  • from folk remedies, decoctions of clover and tinctures of rowan bark will help;
  • dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, which reduce forgetfulness; you can eat it without fear for your figure;
  • To improve brain function, you should take drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation, including nootropics.

But these measures do not guarantee immediate improvements in brain activity. The products help improve it gradually; for noticeable results you will need at least, three months. After anesthesia, normal brain activity takes a long time to recover, so in this case, be patient.

Nootropics for improving memory

Nootropics are proven drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation, improve attention and memory, including after anesthesia, help improve mental activity, and increase resistance to hypoxia.

This effect is achieved by improving the vital processes of brain cells and metabolic processes inside. In addition, nootropics have a specific psychostimulating effect. Such drugs include:

  • piracetam;
  • aminalon;
  • picamilon;
  • fezam;
  • phenibut;
  • acephen.

Nootropics for brain function should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor to avoid their negative effects on the body.


Glycine is prescribed by doctors more often than the drugs listed above. The reason is its complete safety, since the medicine has no contraindications and does not lead to side effects. This drug Available in tablet form and dosed at 100 mg, it is included in the metabolic processes of brain activity for cellular level, which means it can improve its activity naturally.

Glycine does not have to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It helps improve brain function after anesthesia, after mental stress, or in conditions of intense mental work. Glycine stabilizes cerebral circulation, which is why it is advisable to take it for people over 45–50 years of age. Glycine is recommended to be taken to improve sleep, memory, emotional stability and mental balance, and is often prescribed after anesthesia. Thus, glycine is universal remedy, improving or stabilizing brain function.

What herbs improve brain function?

You can not only drink medications, but also herbs that have shown themselves to be the best traditional medicines, improving memory and attention. These are plants that can be seen in every park, forest or field. Herbs, leaves and flowers are dried, then poured with boiling water, infused, after which they should be drunk as tea. These medicinal products include the following plants:

  • a combination of periwinkle and hawthorn, taken dried leaves periwinkle, flowers and leaves of hawthorn;
  • celandine;
  • valerian root, pour boiling water over it and leave for 8 hours;
  • elecampane root, it should be prepared in the same way as valerian;
  • oregano, prepared as tea;
  • wormwood, the herb is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours;
  • Pine cones, you need to insist on alcohol for two weeks, then drink, adding a little to tea;
  • coltsfoot, the grass is poured and drunk like tea;
  • Brew and take collection No. 1 to improve brain function, you should drink tea constantly at least once a day.

These folk remedies better to include in complex treatment along with the reception medical supplies. Or, you can take them on your own for minor memory and attention problems.


Dua is a type of Islamic prayer. Each of the duas is read in one way or another life situation. Strange, but there is also a dua for improving memory. Followers of Islam are confident that such prayers help achieve one goal or another. It’s not for nothing that dua for improving brain function is more popular in the east than medicines.

There is a dua for concentration, a dua for increasing knowledge, a dua for remembering something or a dua for speaking well and quickly.

Naturally, folk and religious remedies for improving brain function should also be supported drug treatment. Therefore, if you have problems with memory and attention, you should consult a specialist.

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

To ensure a person’s active and fruitful activity at work, in school, and at home, it is important to maintain an active state of the brain. This quality allows you to withstand the heavy loads that arise due to a busy daily schedule.

In these cases, pills that improve performance come to the rescue. brain cells and properties to remember.

Why are medications designed to improve brain activity needed?

When a person feels that they are experiencing symptoms associated with mental activity, this is primarily a signal that blood circulation in the brain is deteriorating. Can help with this problem experienced doctor. After spending additional examination, he will prescribe those drugs that restore blood flow to the brain cells. This just helps improve memory and fast response to events.

Taking these drugs provides the following results:

  • Improving the transmission of nerve impulses
  • Destroying free radicals that destroy cell walls
  • Improves the supply of blood cells to brain cells
  • There is an improvement in memory and performance
  • A person recovers more actively after traumas suffered head, stroke

What to take to increase concentration

There are many drugs on the market that improve brain activity.

The most popular of them include the following drugs:

  • Nootropil
  • Piracetam
  • Fenotropil
  • Lutsetam
  • Noopept

Tablets that act to improve blood properties are no less important for a person engaged in intense mental activity.

The most common of them are:

  • Vazonin;
  • Flexital;
  • Agapurin;
  • Cavinton;
  • Telektol.

No less valuable are the preparations that are created using a plant such as gingko biloba:

  • Vitrum memory;
  • Gingko biloba
  • Memoplant;
  • Gingkoum;
  • Doppelhertz.

When choosing pills that regulate brain activity, in particular improving blood circulation, you need to pay attention to the presence of contraindications or side effects. To do this, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In this case, his knowledge will help protect the body from troubles.

In addition, if you buy pills without a prescription on your own, and not as prescribed by a doctor, you can either harm yourself or not get any effect.

How to choose medications depending on age and activity

Action chemical substances, contained in drugs to improve brain function, manifests itself differently on various groups people, and have differences in application. Let's consider the most common categories of consumers of such drugs in terms of their effectiveness and safety:

Preparations for adults over 40 years of age engaged in intense mental work are a complex that improves mental activity. It contains tablets that prevent frequent stress, memory impairment, decreased concentration, increased fatigue.

These are the following drugs:

  • Phezam;
  • Vitrum Memory;
  • Nootropil, etc.

Tablets for children and adolescents act as additional sources of energy, since this age is characterized by increased activity, spending a large amount nutrients. Providing the body with the missing elements helps children develop normally and not suffer from complex manifestations of their mental state.

A medicine such as Glycine works best in this case. These tablets have a calming effect. In addition, they help to overcome rapid fatigue due to nervous and mental stress, and better perceive information in class.

For students more often you have to suffer from overexertion, which is both psychological and mental in nature. This is especially true during exams. Processing and taking over a large number of information, students are required to remember everything and keep it under control.

Therefore, concentration must be high. Anyone can help you get the desired effect. nootropic drug. Moreover, its use should be started no later than two weeks before the start of active brain activity.

Aged people, especially over the age of sixty, require the provision of complete vitamins and microelements to brain cells. These people often experience unwanted symptoms (dizziness, increased level fatigue, sleep disturbance). This is caused by disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.

In this case, drugs such as Tonakan and Cortexin will help prevent these processes or weaken their effect. With their help, you can improve blood circulation.

Tablets to improve brain activity and memory as recommended by doctors

Of all the listed remedies, it is necessary to highlight those that under no circumstances should you buy or use on your own without consulting a doctor. Since this practice is very common, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of some medications that can cause harm to human health if taken incorrectly.

  • Piracetam is known as a nootropic medicine that has a stimulating effect on the psycho-emotional state. It has a warning for use in cases of kidney disease, pregnancy, depression and other manifestations of an excited state. Allergen;
  • Encephabol is a potent drug for congenital pathologies brain Used for small children, starting from the third day after birth. It is prescribed for adults when cognitive function is impaired. Contraindicated for disorders of the liver, kidneys, or hypertensive manifestations. Allergen.
  • Phenotropil is prescribed to improve the function of thinking, memorization, and enhance concentration. Particularly effective after injuries, strokes, and neuroses. It is forbidden to use for children, in pregnancy, in the presence of liver disease, kidney disease, neurosis, hypertension.


So, tablets for improving brain activity and memory allow people with mental work to maintain their working capacity. high level. In addition, drugs of this type normalize the condition of people after suffering head injuries or stress.

The main thing is to handle medications carefully and consult your doctors in a timely manner for recommendations.

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