What to do if you are poisoned with methyl alcohol. Providing assistance in case of methanol poisoning. Can methanol poisoning be fatal?

Methanol is a chemical compound that is actively used in many industrial sectors. Obtained by distilling wood or through chemical compounds. This is a very dangerous poison for humans. Replacement ethyl alcohol on methyl in counterfeit alcoholic beverages often leads to fatal outcome.

How does methanol poisoning occur?

A toxic compound is added to antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, and fuel. It is part of detergents, dyes, resins. Once in the stomach, severe methanol poisoning occurs, which is accompanied by oxygen deficiency. At the same time, vascular tone sharply decreases and blood circulation quickly decreases. Toxic fumes lead to severe irritation mucous membranes of the eyes, kidneys and respiratory tract.

Having received methanol intoxication, the victim must be provided with emergency assistance, and then send to hospitalization or toxicology. To do this, the necessary aspiration of gastric contents should be carried out in the first two hours.

Suitable for inducing vomiting plain water or a solution from baking soda. A saline laxative can help as an effective antidote, and it is imperative to give an antidote, which can be ethanol in the form of pure high-quality vodka. It is recommended to drink more alkaline solutions. Then specialists carry out intravenous injection 1 liter of 5% sodium bicarbonate, and glucose is injected subcutaneously.

In case of severe intoxication, the patient undergoes blood purification using hemodialysis. First aid for methanol poisoning is very important, since without adequate therapy a person may die on the third day.

Signs of intoxication

In case of poisoning with methanol, antifreeze, brake fluid, you can find containers from technical products at the scene of the incident, as well as empty bottles from alcoholic drinks. Even a label indicating the quality of the product cannot guarantee that it is not burnt cognac or vodka, which can cause intoxication.

Signs of methanol poisoning at an early stage have the following clinical picture:

  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • centric narrowing of the boundaries of color vision;
  • headache;
  • nose bleed;
  • clouded consciousness;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • redness choroid eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • weakened pupil reaction to light;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • feeling alcohol intoxication.

Even if the patient begins to feel better, this may be a temporary phenomenon, followed by serious intoxication.

The most common pathology in this process may be visual impairment, which then turns into an irreversible process of blindness.

All pathognomonic signs can be easily identified while the victim is in a conscious state.

Symptoms of severe poisoning

The demonstrated symptoms of methanol intoxication are influenced by the amount of toxin taken. Expression can be weak or strong. The patient is listening cardiopalmus, there may be convulsions, trembling of the limbs. Blood pressure can also rise or fall greatly. Not excluded severe shortness of breath and loss of reality.

If the patient is in serious condition, he experiences painful bluish skin, difficulty breathing, and a pulse that is barely audible.

How longer person is in this state, the more complex his symptoms:

  • coma;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pathological metabolic acidosis;
  • decrease in myocardial contractility;
  • decreased heart rate.
  • After 16–18 hours, the development of visual impairment is observed:
  • ripples, veils, mesh in the eyes;
  • retinal damage accompanied by blurred vision;
  • dilated pupils;
  • not responding to light;
  • papilledema;
  • partial or complete blindness.

Early medical indicators are caused by the action of methyl hydroxide, and the following is caused by formic acid. Many may experience cerebral edema, which is a classic indicator of intoxication. But statistics say that it occurs in 10% of patients at autopsy. Death is caused by oxygen deficiency.

Consequences methanol intoxication

The main difference between methyl hydrate is that it is very quickly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, accumulates and only 10% is slowly excreted by the lungs and kidneys. The rest breaks down and is neutralized by the liver. But this produces toxic formaldehyde and formic acid.

The metabolic process in the body leads to inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation in the retina, which leads to loss of vision. In addition to the visual complication, the patient develops a pathology of the central nervous system and other organs. The pathogenesis of methanol intoxication is complex and depends on dose taken and sensitivity of the body.

Three periods of the pathological process are noted:

  • narcotic;
  • acidotic crisis;
  • disturbance of the central nervous system.

After taking a toxic portion, the patient does not feel intoxicated like regular alcohol. His condition is close to a hangover with impaired coordination motor system and headache. The man falls asleep very soon heavy sleep. For 12 hours he still feels weak pathological features their well-being, which then quickly deteriorates.

Lethal dose

The most common cases of single and mass intoxication can be observed when consuming smuggled alcoholic beverages. The danger is that such products are difficult to distinguish from high-quality ones. The contents are very similar in smell and color, so it is almost impossible to differentiate. Due to the fact that manifestations of intoxication do not occur immediately, the person continues to take dangerous dose, which is already many times higher than the lethal one.

When taking up to 10 ml dose, a person receives a bright pronounced effect intoxication, causing an irreversible process of blindness. Portions up to 40 ml lead to death.

The lethal dose of methanol may vary individually due to different circumstances. While for some people the dose can end their lives, for others it can only cause them to feel unwell.

Which doctor can help?

If you suspect methanol intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance. Treatment is carried out by a toxicologist. To make a diagnosis of intoxication, serum concentrations are measured in a hospital laboratory. In addition, other indirect indicators are used:

  • identification of osmotic pressure;
  • study of urine glow in the ultraviolet range;
  • determination of electrolyte content in plasma;
  • study of arterial or venous blood gases;
  • measuring the rate of formation and rate of utilization by the liver, heart and kidneys during gluconeogenesis in order to determine the acid-base balance.

To avoid methanol intoxication, you should adhere to certain preventive rules. Before you start using solutions containing toxic agents, rubber gloves should be worn. To avoid breathing harmful fumes, it is recommended to use a face mask. It is necessary to follow safety precautions and rules for using any dangerous products. It is recommended to buy alcohol only in specialized stores that have a license. Saving money on cheap goods can harm your health.

Maintaining personal safety and knowing how to help in a timely manner can save a person’s life. Therapy is based on medical history. But even after it is carried out, serious consequences arise.

Methanol belongs to the group of technical alcohols, which, when ingested by the human body, cause severe poisoning. Such intoxications often result in disability or death. The photo shows one of international titles methanol.

Methanol, or methyl alcohol, is an organic substance that is extracted from wood materials. It is used in chemical industry, as well as in the manufacture of certain medicines.

This substance is extremely toxic to human body, calling severe violations vital at work important organs. If methanol poisoning occurs, symptoms will appear in the coming hours.

The main substances that contain methanol and can cause poisoning are:

  • Petrol. Gasoline contains methanol as an additive.
  • Antifreeze.
  • Liquid fuel.
  • Organic solvents.
  • Alcohol substitutes.

Its organoleptic properties resemble methanol, which significantly increases the risk of it entering the body. This is due to the fact that in some cases it ends up in alcoholic beverages, which may be due to employee dishonesty or negligence.

Metabolism products of methyl alcohol are formic acid and formaldehyde, which belong to the group potent poisons. These substances in the human body have a neurotoxic effect and also have a detrimental effect on the condition of cardio-vascular system.

The greatest danger of methanol is that it is quickly absorbed into the body, but at the same time it is excreted extremely slowly. Such processes lead to rapid achievement toxic and lethal concentrations in the body.


The main symptoms of methanol poisoning are:

  • Dizziness.

  • Headache.

  • Vomiting and nausea.

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Confusion

    As well as other symptoms characteristic of alcohol intoxication.

  • Damage to the visual analyzer

    Up to complete loss of vision.

  • Increase in hemoglobin level and red blood cell count.

  • Overfilling of vital organs with blood.

Patients experience photophobia, double vision, and decreased visual acuity. This is due to the fact that swelling of the optic nerve develops, which causes atrophic changes in the fundus discs.

IN severe forms which are caused large dose methanol, patients experience psychomotor agitation and disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

This appears as:

  • Superficial and rare breathing. These manifestations occur as a result of paralysis respiratory center, which is located in the medulla oblongata.
  • Bradycardia. Paralysis of the vasomotor center leads to a slowing of the heart rate, which, together with respiratory failure, leads to deep tissue hypoxia.
  • Pronounced cyanosis of the skin.

Mild forms of poisoning occur most often when inhaling methanol vapors, while severe forms are the result of consuming it in the form of alcohol. The video in this article talks about the most common ways methanol enters the body.

Severe methanol intoxication progresses rapidly and causes cardiac or respiratory arrest. Thus, this leads to death or disability, in the presence of timely resuscitation measures.

First aid

Every person should know what to do in case of methanol poisoning. This can save a person's life. First aid begins immediately after calling an ambulance. The cost of lost time can be equal to a person’s life.

First aid for methanol poisoning is to prevent the absorption of the toxic substance into the body. This is achieved by inducing a gag reflex, taking laxatives and gastric lavage. In addition, a specific antidote for lesions methyl alcohol is ethanol.

Ethyl alcohol is taken orally at the rate of 0.5 ml per kilogram of body weight. The use of ethyl alcohol for such poisoning is justified by the fact that it uses the same receptors in the metabolic process as methyl alcohol. Since ethanol is more active substance, then it inhibits the absorption and breakdown of methanol.

Also, to neutralize metabolic products in the bloodstream, they are used alkaline solutions for intravenous infusions. The main representative of these drugs is sodium bicarbonate. It normalizes acid-base balance.

First steps in case of poisoning should also include prevention of aspiration of vomit. Vomiting, which occurs against the background of depression of consciousness, can lead to masses getting into respiratory system. This condition is fraught with the development of severe aspiration pneumonia, which is difficult to treat.

To prevent it, the patient must be laid on a flat, hard surface and his head turned to the side. Thus, vomit will be released from the body without hindrance.

Treatment methods

Treatment of methanol poisoning is carried out exclusively in the intensive care unit, since in the first days after the pathology there is a high risk of respiratory and cardiac arrest.

The treatment regimen for such poisoning includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Diuretics. The use of diuretics is a component of the forced diuresis technique. Increased urine production leads to the rapid removal of toxins from the body, significantly speeding up the process of recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Intensive infusion therapy. Along with diuretics, it is necessary to compensate for the loss of fluid by the body. This is achieved by prescribing abundant intravenous infusions of electrolyte solutions, as well as protein components.
  • Enterosorbents. Since the toxic substance is in digestive tract, then all feasible measures must be taken to prevent its absorption. Along with these drugs, placement of a gastric tube is indicated, through which rinsing is carried out using alcohol solutions.
  • Oxygen therapy. To restore normal tissue trophism, it is necessary to eliminate hypoxia, which develops against the background respiratory failure. To do this, the patient is supplied with humidified oxygen through the Bobrov apparatus.
  • Preparations for improving tissue microcirculation.

Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may use drugs to increase blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, hormonal drugs. These tools are used situationally.

In severe forms of poisoning, hemodialysis is indicated for patients. It is used for pronounced acidosis, which cannot be corrected with medication.

During all therapeutic measures the introduction of ethyl alcohol into the body continues.


The main complications that develop against the background of methanol poisoning are:

  • Brain swelling.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • Heart failure.
  • Multiple organ failure.
  • Decreased visual acuity and complete blindness.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Damage to the liver and kidneys.

These complications can occur even in the presence of adequate medical care. This is due to the fact that formic acid and formaldehyde, which are formed from methanol, as soon as possible capable of causing permanent structural changes in tissues.


Methyl alcohol poisoning is extremely serious condition, which is difficult to treat and with high probability leads to death. That is why it is necessary to create conditions under which the risk of intoxication will be minimal.

To prevent poisoning, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Compliance with the rules personal protection when working in industries involving the use of methanol.
  • Carefully read the instructions on household chemicals in order to use it correctly and prevent it from entering or being absorbed into the body. The instructions always indicate precautions if the composition contains methyl alcohol.
  • Keep substances containing methyl alcohol out of the reach of children.

Ingestion of methyl alcohol leads to the development of life-threatening symptoms. Poisoning with this substance is extremely serious, and maximum efforts must be made to prevent it, and every person should know what to do in case of methanol poisoning in order to save their life or a loved one.

Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, methanol) is the simplest monohydric representative of the homologous series of alcohols. It is widely used as a stain remover, antifreeze and solvent.

Source: depositphotos.com

Taking methanol orally is extremely dangerous, since its oxidation in the human body produces toxic substances that cause serious poisoning, often with irreversible consequences.

Poisoning with methyl alcohol usually occurs when it is accidentally ingested or liquids containing it in order to achieve a state of alcoholic intoxication, when it is mistaken for ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol poisoning occurs much less frequently during suicide attempts.

Once inside, methyl alcohol from the stomach and small intestine quickly penetrates the blood. Metabolism occurs in the liver with the participation of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. This produces formic acid and formaldehyde - chemical compounds with high biological toxicity. About 15% of methanol metabolites are excreted unchanged from the human body through the lungs, and the rest through the kidneys, which causes kidney damage.

Methyl alcohol and its breakdown products also affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems and have a pronounced cumulative effect. When methyl alcohol enters the body, it causes a sharp depression of the functions of the central nervous system, damage to the retina, degenerative processes in the fibers of the optic nerve, as well as the development of severe metabolic acidosis.

Even a relatively small dose of methyl alcohol is toxic to humans: just 5-10 ml of this substance, taken orally, can lead to loss of visual function, and 30 ml can cause death.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of methyl alcohol poisoning:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • the appearance of a veil or spots before the eyes;
  • increased salivation;
  • tachycardia;
  • promotion blood pressure, quickly giving way to a sharp decline;
  • dyspnea;
  • aggressiveness, replaced by a state of indifference, stunning.

In the absence of medical care, signs of intoxication increase, verbal contact with the victim is lost, and his skin becomes damp and cold to the touch. Arises involuntary urination, floating movements appear eyeballs, alcoholic coma develops.

Severe coma is characterized by the appearance of marbling of the skin, which is associated with disruption of microcirculation processes and blood stasis in the capillaries, as well as hypoxia caused by respiratory distress. The pupils are dilated, the eyelids are swollen, pronounced tachycardia is noted, breathing becomes increasingly weakened, pain sensitivity is lost. Against the background of increasing respiratory and cardiovascular failure death may occur.

Source: depositphotos.com

First aid for methyl alcohol poisoning

As soon as the fact of poisoning with methyl alcohol is established, you should call ambulance and only then begin providing first aid.

If less than two hours have passed since methyl alcohol was taken orally, then first aid should begin with gastric lavage. The victim is given several glasses to drink warm water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution ( baking soda), after which they induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue.

The use of sorbents is not indicated. This is due to the fact that methanol is absorbed into the bloodstream almost instantly.

The specific antidote for methyl alcohol is ethyl. Therefore, after washing the stomach, the victim can be given 50-60 ml of good vodka. He should then be placed on his side in bed (to avoid aspiration from vomit or a sunken tongue) and covered with a warm blanket, ensuring that air flow is ensured. fresh air. The patient should not be left unattended until the ambulance arrives.

When is medical help needed?

In case of poisoning with methyl alcohol, in all cases it is necessary to seek medical help as quickly as possible.

Treatment of patients with methyl alcohol poisoning is carried out in the toxicology department, and in severe cases– in the intensive care unit.

Since the antidote for methyl alcohol is ethyl alcohol, patients are given 40-100 ml of vodka to take orally every three hours. If the patient is unconscious, 5% ethyl alcohol is administered intravenously.

To accelerate the elimination of methanol metabolic products from the victim’s body, forced diuresis with alkalization of blood plasma is indicated.

In order to speed up and improve metabolic processes Vitamin therapy with the inclusion of folic acid is prescribed.

If convulsions occur, Sibazon and Sodium hydroxybutyrate are administered.

If acute renal failure, then hemodialysis sessions may be required.

An increase in the severity of respiratory failure is the basis for transferring the patient to artificial ventilation lungs.

Possible consequences

In case of mild poisoning with methyl alcohol, the victim’s condition stabilizes within 2-3 days, but it is rarely possible to avoid the development of complications, the most common of which are:

  • loss of visual function up to complete blindness;
  • acute renal failure, which can become chronic.

Severe poisoning often results in death.


To prevent poisoning with methyl alcohol, this substance and liquids containing it should be stored in a locked cabinet. The packaging must be clearly marked to indicate that the liquid is toxic.

In industries that use methyl alcohol, to prevent poisoning, they usually add special substances to it that either cause it to color or give it a sharp, unpleasant odor.

Methyl alcohol can be found in toxic concentrations in alcohol surrogates, as well as in counterfeit alcoholic beverages produced by handicraft. Therefore, to prevent methanol poisoning, you should buy alcoholic beverages only at official retail outlets whose activities are licensed.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Methanol is a clear, toxic liquid primarily used in industry. This toxic substance is also called carbinol, methyl alcohol and wood alcohol. It tends to accumulate quickly in the body, but is slowly eliminated from it. Even a small amount of this toxic liquid can kill a person. Therefore, in case of poisoning, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, and you also need to know the first symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning.

The main causes of carbinol intoxication

If methyl alcohol poisoning occurs (the causes and signs are discussed in the article), treatment provided on time will help avoid serious consequences. Intoxication with carbinol occurs, as a rule, when it is accidentally ingested in order to achieve a state of alcoholic intoxication. Most often, this toxic liquid is mistaken for ethanol. Very in rare cases Methanol is used in suicide attempts.

Once wood alcohol enters the body, it gastric tract and small intestine quickly enters the bloodstream. Metabolism of methyl alcohol occurs in the liver with the participation of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. In this process, highly toxic chemical compounds such as formaldehyde and formic acid are formed. Approximately 15% of carbinol metabolites are excreted unchanged from the human body through the lungs. The remaining substances are removed through the kidneys, which causes kidney damage.

Methanol and its breakdown products also negatively affect the cardiovascular system, as well as the nervous system. In addition, they have a pronounced cumulative effect. When this toxic liquid enters the body, it leads to damage to the retina, depression of the nervous system, and degenerative processes in the fibers of the optic nerve. In addition, wood alcohol provokes the formation of severe metabolic acidosis.

Dangerous dose of methanol

Not even a large number of this monoatomic substance is toxic to humans. About 5-10 ml of methyl alcohol drunk can lead to complete loss vision, and 30 ml - to death.

Signs of carbinol intoxication

The first symptom of methyl alcohol poisoning may not appear immediately, since the poison does not oxidize too quickly. Early signs may appear only 12 hours after the feast, and in some cases - only after 2 days. But drinking too much methanol causes death in just a few hours.

The first symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning are as follows:

  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • headache;
  • nausea and increased salivation;
  • hypertension with further sharp decline pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • depression or aggressiveness;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • confusion.

Stages of intoxication

When symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning occur, time cannot be delayed. Indeed, if assistance is not provided, the victim will experience more serious problems the very next day. severe consequences, which are usually divided into the following forms:

  • Ophthalmic (eye) stage. Colored specks begin to flicker in the eyes, which then merge into a veil. The pupils no longer react to light, vision deteriorates, and the victim goes blind.
  • Collaptioid shape. A person poisoned with methanol feels tightness in the chest, his heart rate increases. heartbeat and breathing. Cyanosis of the lips and skin also appears, hypotension, weakness and heavy sweating. There is intermittent breathing.
  • Comatose stage. The eyelids swell greatly, and skin The marble pattern becomes noticeable. Consciousness and almost all reflexes of the body are completely turned off. A disorder of cardiac activity and breathing occurs, and their work may stop altogether.

If first aid is not provided in a timely manner followed by treatment in a hospital, then death will occur within 3 days.

Methods for detecting methyl alcohol in alcohol

The risk of poisoning from this toxic liquid is very high, since it is practically no different from ethyl alcohol. Carbinol has the same smell, taste and clarity as other compounds used to make alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is imperative to know what problems arise early symptoms poisoning with methyl alcohol in order to take action in time.

If you have doubts about the quality of the purchased alcohol, it is better to refuse to take it. You can do it differently, for example, check what is contained in this liquid.

To prevent carbinol intoxication, you should drop a little liquid into a spoon and then set it on fire. If there are more green colors in the flame, then this alcohol contains technical alcohols. It must be remembered that its color when ethanol burns is always blue.

In addition, regular potatoes will help detect the methanol content in alcoholic beverages. This vegetable acts as an indicator. With its help, you can understand whether there are toxins in the liquid or not. To test the drink, you need to take some peeled potatoes and place them in a container with liquid.

After a while, when it's finished chemical reaction, the root vegetable may acquire a pale pink tint. With such changes, it is immediately clear that carbinol is definitely present in the alcohol.

First aid

We discussed the symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning and the stages of intoxication above. What needs to be done to avoid a fatal outcome? First of all, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, the victim must be given a weak soda solution. He must drink it and induce vomiting in order to remove as much unabsorbed alcohol and its products from the body as possible. This procedure should be repeated several times.

Then the patient needs to take a laxative to enhance the excretion of wood alcohol and improve intestinal motility. It is appropriate to perform such actions only when mild form intoxication. If symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning first appeared, and then the person lost consciousness, then he should be laid on his stomach and his head turned to the side. This will prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract. You should not touch the victim until doctors arrive.

You must always remember what signs appear if methyl alcohol poisoning occurs. First aid in such a situation should be provided immediately. The best antidote for methanol intoxication is, oddly enough, ethyl alcohol. It neutralizes the effect of this toxic liquid on the human body.

During the interaction of these alcohols, the process of breakdown and removal of carbinol is accelerated. The effect of ethanol is based on the competitive binding of enzymes with alcohols. All this leads to a decrease in the production of formic acid in the body. The permissible amount of antidote is no more than 0.5 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Treatment and prevention

Further therapy is carried out in a medical institution. Methyl alcohol poisoning (symptoms of treatment require immediate treatment) involves the following steps. First, doctors perform a control gastric lavage with a probe. For these purposes, as a rule, a sodium bicarbonate solution is used.

To reduce the negative effects of methanol, ethyl alcohol is prescribed orally or intravenously. First, the patient drinks no more than 50 ml of liquid, and then 13 grams every hour. To eliminate acidosis, sodium bicarbonate is used. It is consumed or administered intravenously every 60 minutes.

For mild and moderate intoxication, forced diuresis is performed, and for severe poisoning- peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. To treat exotoxic shock, solutions of polyglucin, sodium bicarbonate, rheopolyglucin and hemodez are used.

Functional therapy is carried out for convulsions, cerebral edema, respiratory failure, failure of the cardiovascular system, and low blood pressure. During treatment, various medications are prescribed, for example, Prednisolone, Riboxin or Piracetam.

To return visual functions atropine and hydrocortisone are administered. During recovery period the patient is recommended to use nicotinic acid, vitamins PP and E.

Complications of methanol poisoning

Ingestion of this substance in large doses leads to negative consequences. Such complications include:

  • Impaired functioning of the heart muscle and oxygen starvation. Such disorders appear due to a coma and the effects of methyl alcohol on the nervous system.
  • Tissue compression syndrome. Occurs when the victim is in alcoholic coma longer than 4 hours, resulting in muscle is destroyed. In turn, this can lead to malfunction of the liver, kidneys and blockage of blood vessels.
  • Deterioration of vision. Happens varying degrees up to its complete loss.

Wood alcohol, even in small doses, affects the performance of all organs and systems.

How to avoid methanol poisoning?

Car enthusiasts should use wood alcohol-based products very carefully. It must be remembered that their vapors are also toxic, so it is better not to breathe them. It is advisable to cover your face with a mask and use rubber gloves. If, however, symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

You should drink only high-quality and proven alcoholic products. It must be purchased in specialized stores that have a trading license. You shouldn't buy drinks secondhand to save a little money, it can be life-threatening!

Among different types Alcohol used in the chemical industry and pharmacology can be divided into methyl or wood alcohol, that is, methanol. It is part of varnish, a solvent, an additive to gasoline, and also a liquid that is used in copy machines and alcohol lamps. Methanol poisoning can have a detrimental effect on human health.

Methanol is widely used in the chemical industry

It is obtained from methane gas through oxidative reactions. Methanol does not differ in appearance or smell from ethyl alcohol. Bringing great benefit people, he at the same time can have mortal danger if it is not used for its intended purpose. Alcoholics who can ingest this alcohol instead of ethyl alcohol are most often at risk. It happens that low-quality alcoholic drinks are often sold on the market, which lead to mass poisoning.

Car drivers need to be careful because this alcohol is contained in windshield freeze fluids. If you wipe the glass while in the car, closed windows, you can be poisoned by evaporated methyl alcohol.

Methanol is strong poison. It primarily affects the human body systems: vascular and nervous. When ingested, it is quickly absorbed and excreted very slowly. You can be poisoned by contact with skin and its fumes.

Signs of poisoning

When methanol enters the body, a person begins to feel headaches and muscle pain, nausea and vomiting, dizziness. These signs may appear within a few hours or days. The victim begins to behave like a drunk person. Observed decreased sensitivity, unsteadiness when walking, confusion.

Alcoholics are most often at risk

Characteristic signs by which one can recognize that a person has been poisoned by methanol is visual impairment. The person begins to see objects blurry, is afraid of light, the pupils dilate, and swells. optic nerve and retina, blindness occurs. As a result of blood and urine analysis, the following signs are revealed: red blood cells grow and hemoglobin increases, protein is detected in the urine.

A large amount of methanol drunk, from 30 to 100 ml, is especially dangerous to life; there are known cases severe poisoning from 5–10 mg. Severe poisoning occurs, which has the following symptoms:

  • pupils enlarge;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • breathing becomes frequent, the person suffocates from lack of oxygen;
  • skin and lips turn blue;
  • the pulse is initially rapid, then weakens;
  • there is a decrease in pressure;
  • convulsions may occur.

If first aid is not provided, the victim will suffer cerebral edema and fall into a coma, then die. Methanol can cause poisoning if you use it at home, in indoors. Poisoning occurs due to the evaporation of alcohol and its vapors. This type of poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of weakness;
  • the occurrence of dizziness and headache;
  • irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes and throat;
  • intoxication.

Caution must be exercised when using glass antifreeze

Even if signs of poisoning do not appear immediately, when a person receives small doses from methanol fumes, due to accumulation in the body, chronic poisoning. Here are the symptoms of chronic poisoning:

  • the victim gets tired very quickly;
  • becomes whiny and irritable;
  • memory deteriorates;
  • work is disrupted gastrointestinal tract;
  • there is pain in the right side;
  • deformation of the fundus vessels;
  • redness of the eyes.

Relief measures

If it is determined that the victim has been poisoned by methanol, first aid will have to be provided until doctors arrive. the main thing is to remove the poison from the body and prevent its toxic effects. First aid consists of the following:

  • it is necessary to rinse the stomach using a probe;
  • provide drinking;
  • give a laxative;
  • the victim should drink ethyl alcohol as an antidote;
  • give an injection of sodium bicarbonate.


After first aid has been provided, the patient is sent to hospital treatment. When organizing medical procedures, the main task is to normalize water-salt and acid-base metabolism. Symptoms of acidosis are eliminated if alkaline solutions are prescribed. To prevent brain swelling, diuretics are prescribed.

Methanol poisoning has serious consequences

In case of severe methanol poisoning, a large dose, when symptoms begin to appear indicating damage to the organs of vision and the functioning of the nervous system, treatment is hemodialysis, that is, cleansing the blood of poisons. Glucose and calcium supplements are also administered intravenously. If you don't provide timely assistance, then death will occur, most often on the 3rd day.

Methanol poisoning and its consequences

Even if you provide timely assistance, perform procedures to cleanse the blood, or carry out treatment, the consequences of poisoning with this substance still remain. Can be observed the following consequences, after poisoning:

  • blurred vision or complete blindness;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • nervous system disorder.

Carrying out preventive work

In order to reduce the number of victims of methanol poisoning, it is necessary to carry out preventive work with the population. Activities include:

  • familiarizing the population and enterprise workers with the dangers of contact with methanol;
  • organizing training sessions for employees where methanol is used;
  • conducting classes with workers at chemical plants who have contact with methanol, including topics: symptoms of poisoning, how to provide assistance and perform artificial respiration;
  • familiarization with protective equipment;
  • label containers with methanol, write that it is poison;
  • checking the quality of alcoholic beverages.

Having become familiar with the causes of methanol poisoning, everyone should take caution and safety measures, especially those who are forced to come into contact with this poison. Wear rubber gloves and respirators. All work must be done outdoors.