Medicinal herbs cinquefoil. Decoction for cirrhosis. Medicinal properties of the herb white cinquefoil

The drug "Endonorm", which includes white cinquefoil (root) and its use (treatment thyroid gland) have been advertised among medicinal herbal teas relatively recently.

But the cinquefoil plant itself has been known to folk healers since time immemorial. About its use in medical purposes There is information in the literature of the 13th century, and official research was carried out quite recently: in 1970.

The only part of the plant from which white cinquefoil tincture is prepared is its rhizome. Neither flowers, nor grass, nor small roots have the activity necessary for treating the thyroid gland.

You can purchase white cinquefoil root on specialized websites, in pharmacies (in herbal medicine departments) or from traditional healers.

If you wish, you can try to purchase planting material and grow it yourself.

Finding white cinquefoil in the wild is quite difficult, as it requires a good knowledge of medicinal plants and the habitats of the herb. In some regions of Russia, the species is included in the Red Book.

Cinquefoil (quinquefoil) can be found exclusively in the European part of Russia (up to the Volga), in Belarus and Ukraine, in Western European countries.

It does not grow in the northern countries and Great Britain; it is impossible to find it in Altai or Siberia.

Unlike its many yellow-crowned relatives, pentadigitum has white flower petals.

When cultivating rare medicinal plant The timing of the collection of medicinal rhizomes of white cinquefoil is important.

In order to be treated, plants that are 3-4 years old are dug up. The best time The time for collecting raw materials is autumn, since before wintering perennials accumulate a maximum of nutrients and nutrients in their rhizomes. active substances, starch, vitamins, etc. It is these raw materials that will be most effective in treating the thyroid gland.

If there is no opportunity to grow the medicine yourself, then the following drugs can be purchased in pharmacies:

  • crushed root (in filter bags of 1.5 g);
  • tablets (pressed root powder);
  • alcohol extract or tincture of white cinquefoil root;
  • dry raw materials (rhizomes) by weight or packaged in 50-100 g.

In addition to pentadigital root, the dietary supplements Endorm and Tireo-Vit also contain other herbs (chain, kelp, echinacea, etc.).

Their inclusion in the composition of the drug is due to the ability of the ingredients to enhance the effect of each other.

Iodine-rich kelp is very useful in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

About the drug Endorm

The drug is not medicine and is considered a dietary supplement. Release form - gelatin capsules of 400 mg of a mixture of herbs (200 mg of cinquefoil; licorice, kelp and string - in smaller proportions).

Endorm with white cinquefoil is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • nodular goiter;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • gynecological diseases and menopause.

AND increased function thyroid gland is caused by the action of substances contained in herbs and aimed at increasing the activity of proliferation processes in the interfollicular islets and inhibition of gland tissue cells.

Thus, the drug is effective in opposite conditions of the body and can help both with excessive thyroid function and in case of insufficient production of hormones.

And nodular goiter can be treated as a result of reducing the load on the thyroid gland.

During treatment, it is necessary to avoid the action of substances that can disrupt the processes occurring in thyroid gland. These include:

  • vegetables from the cabbage family (broccoli, turnip, cabbage, etc.) as well as soybeans and millet;
  • parathyroid hormone, insulin, phenobarbital, etc.;
  • most pesticides and herbicides.

The functioning of the thyroid gland can also be negatively affected by: heavy metals, halogens, radioactive substances.

How to take Endorm for each disease is described in detail in the instructions for the product.

There are dosages for children and adults. Therapy for Graves' disease (hyperthyroidism) is carried out in 2 stages: from days 1 to 20, and then until the end of the course of treatment (about 3 months).

The number of capsules per dose during these periods varies. Before using the drug, it is important to visit your doctor and consult with him.

How to prepare extracts yourself?

When purchasing white cinquefoil root, you need to be confident in the supplier of raw materials. A rare plant that is in high demand, it can easily be replaced by another type of cinquefoil, which has a reduced effectiveness in cases of thyroid disease or gynecological diseases.

To be more confident in the quality of raw materials, it is better to purchase it in a pharmacy chain or grow healthy and ornamental plant Location on.

Medicinal preparations from cinquefoil can be prepared with vodka or water. A course of treatment for thyroid disease requires 150 - 200 g of dry root, so pay extra for a large number of it makes no sense. Raw materials can be stored without loss of medicinal properties for only 2 years.

Alcohol tincture

Dry cinquefoil rhizomes are very hard, but to prepare the tincture they must be crushed.

You can grind the pieces of roots in a mortar or try to crush them with a hammer, wrapping them in a cloth so that they do not fly apart. When purchasing, you may prefer ready-made cinquefoil root powder.

You need vodka or ethanol, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. You will also need a 0.5 liter container for infusion (with a tight lid). White cinquefoil tincture is prepared very simply:

  1. Pour 50 g of prepared raw material into a container for infusion.
  2. Pour the root powder with vodka or alcohol (0.5 l), seal and shake.
  3. Infuse in a dark place for 2 - 3 weeks, shaking the preparation periodically.
  4. The finished tincture can be strained by pouring it into another container, but this is usually not done, leaving the root extract directly in the bottle where it was infused.

The tincture is taken 20 - 30 drops, dissolving the drug in 3 tbsp. water. The dose should be taken 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

If the alcohol extract is given to children, or an adult has discomfort from alcohol, then you can add the same number of drops of extract to 3 tbsp. milk.

The amount of tincture that will be obtained from the raw materials taken according to the recipe is enough for 3 courses of 1 month each.

Between them you need to take a break of 7 days. To completely normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, you will have to do the tincture 2 more times.

The total course of treatment is about 9 months, not counting the breaks between monthly doses of the drug.

Treatment results can be noticeable after the first 3-month treatment cycle. Usually, to consolidate the results in this case, it is recommended to take healing solution for another 2 - 3 months with appropriate breaks.

You should consult your doctor about the need for further use of the medicine.

Potentilla root aqueous extract

In some cases, using vodka preparations may be unacceptable for a sick person.

In this case, you can resort to remedies in the form of an infusion of water. You will have to brew the herb continuously throughout the course of treatment.

It is convenient to make the infusion in a thermos in the evening. With this method, a portion of the medicinal extract will be ready the next morning. Required:

  • 1 tsp white cinquefoil root powder;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.

Place the raw materials in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 6 - 8 hours (leave overnight).

The finished extract is used 3-4 times throughout the day. Take 15-20 minutes before meals.

The general treatment regimen is the same as when taking alcohol tincture: drink for 1 month, take a break for 1 week, then repeat.

Contraindications to taking cinquefoil preparations

Hypotension may be a contraindication for white cinquefoil. The herb has a strong effect only on people with chronically reduced blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

For those who have it within age norm, bloodroot is not dangerous, but when increased values AD its use may even have a concomitant therapeutic effect.

Decreased concentration can be a disservice to those behind the wheel. In case of individual sensitivity to the drug, there may be increased drowsiness and dizziness or nausea.

In such cases, it is better to stop taking the drug for several days, and then try to take it again, but in a reduced dosage. In front of everyone unpleasant symptoms You should definitely consult an endocrinologist.

Particular care should be taken when combining the drug with medications containing iodine.

You should definitely notify your doctor that you are taking cinquefoil tincture, and follow his advice, continuing to use the remedy or stopping this treatment.

Pregnant women should be especially careful. The herb itself is not toxic, but its sufficiently strong effect can provoke undesirable conditions during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should consult not only endocrinologists, but also obstetricians if there is a need for thyroid treatment.

Potent, but relatively safe remedy treatment hormonal disorders, prepared from cinquefoil rhizome, can help both adults and children.

It’s just important not to forget that any whole spectrum various substances, the combination of which makes it healing.

But decoctions or tinctures can also have Negative influence, if herbs are used haphazardly and thoughtlessly.

... But there are also lesser-known plants, healing power which are no less than their stellar green counterparts, and in some ways even surpass them. Behind the modest name “white cinquefoil” lies powerful tool from the most serious illnesses– thyroid diseases, hepatitis, heart disorders... What else is this rare herb famous for?

From the Ardennes Forest to the Volga

To those who are unfamiliar medicinal herb Potentilla, the photo will show a charming flower with a low stem, white petals with a heart and a yellow core. Carved cinquefoil leaves, divided into 5 parts, reminded our ancestors of a human palm - this is how the plant got its nicknames “five-fingered” and “five-fingered”.

White cinquefoil is a pampered European beauty that meticulously chooses its habitat. She does not like excessive heat and the harsh northern climate; she lives in Central and Eastern Europe, from the Ardennes to the Scandinavian forests. In the European part of our country you can also find white plantations of five-palm - strictly up to the middle reaches of the Volga. As sad as it is to admit, main enemy Potentilla - civilization. Boundless European forests and fields are rapidly turning into agricultural land, and today wild medicinal herbs have become a real rarity.

Treasure of Belarusian Polesie

In Europe, white cinquefoil has been known since the 18th century - its use helped cope with ulcers and purulent wounds, and then with diseases of the thyroid gland. For medicinal decoctions, ointments and tinctures use cinquefoil roots (sometimes seeds and flowers), which are collected in late autumn. It is at this time that the thrifty plant accumulates the most useful substances.

And you can’t count how many of these same substances are in the pentacle! , all kinds of acids with intricate names, magnesium, copper, iron, iodine and the miraculous “iodic acid anion”... Today, many endocrinologists advise their patients to have white cinquefoil root - contraindications (which, we note, are practically non-existent) and unique properties it can be cured by such serious illnesses thyroid glands, such as thyrotoxicosis and various shapes goiter

In environmentally problematic areas and huge cities, the endocrine system is the first to come under attack - in these conditions, sometimes it is the white cinquefoil that becomes a real salvation. Thus, in Belarusian Polesie, where cinquefoil has long been grown and decoctions from it were drunk instead of regular tea, after the terrible Chernobyl disaster there were practically no cases of endemic goiter- growth of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency...

What can white cinquefoil cure?

Finding the rare white cinquefoil in pharmacies is quite problematic - the herb is listed in the Red Books of Belarus and several regions of our country. Most often, pentadigitum is sold in specialized online medicinal stores and chain pharmacies. If you are lucky enough to find this plant on sale, do not miss the chance, because white cinquefoil is not only strong in iodine - it is important to know the use and contraindications of quinquefoil for a variety of ailments.

Why is white cinquefoil so necessary in your home medicine cabinet?

  • Normalizes endocrine disorders, restores full metabolism.
  • For women, cinquefoil is a real lifesaver: it improves hormonal balance and relieves pain during menstruation.
  • Flavonoids and healing minerals in European grass work wonders on the heart and blood vessels: they increase the elasticity of blood vessels and dissolve small cholesterol plaques, improve blood composition and activate blood flow. As a result, the heart works faster and without interruption.
  • White cinquefoil is a good diuretic, and the medicinal herb does not irritate the kidneys and has no side effects.
  • Works great in complex therapy for liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.
  • Improves digestion, stimulates the intestines when chronic constipation, helps heal ulcers and cope with colitis.
  • An excellent antiseptic is also the white cinquefoil herb: its medicinal properties are especially evident when used externally. Potentilla decoction heals stomatitis, boils and abscesses, purulent wounds, dermatitis and even such an intimate problem as hemorrhoids.

Why is cinquefoil dangerous?

Since white cinquefoil is so good, its contraindications must be very serious - this logic is true for many medicinal plants, but not for pentapalm. The only prohibition for using a European healer is hypotension.

Pentadigital significantly lowers blood pressure, so be sure to take this nuance into account before the course of treatment. And try not to drink cinquefoil before a trip (if you are driving!), an exam or an important presentation - the herb slightly reduces concentration and can cause drowsiness.

And don’t forget about individual tolerance - although cinquefoil is practically harmless, any course of herbal medicine must be approached as strictly as possible. Listen carefully to yourself and at the slightest warning signs stop herbal treatment.

Use of white cinquefoil

The outer parts of the pentacle are used surprisingly rarely in medicine: the absolute leader of the medicinal charts is the root of the white cinquefoil! The use of roots can be very different - for example, in the form of decoctions.


A decoction of white cinquefoil roots is a universal remedy for treatment internal ailments, and for external problems. The recipe is as follows: pour a large spoonful of pentacled with a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes (low heat is needed). When the medicine has cooled, strain. You need to drink one tablespoon an hour and a half before a full breakfast-lunch-dinner.

European cinquefoil decoction - effective and safe home remedy for sore throat, stomatitis. This is also a full-fledged lip balm - if you lubricate your lips, cracked in the cold with liquid cinquefoil, they will heal much faster!

White cinquefoil description.

White cinquefoil (Potentila alba L) is a herbaceous medicinal and perennial plant with a height of 8 to 25 cm. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. White cinquefoil root is a thickened rhizome, black-brown in color. The plant is covered with silky, appressed hairs. The leaves at the root are palmate, silky underneath, with 5 dark green leaflets, the stipules are lanceolate. Flowering stems with 1 - 2 leaves bearing 3 to 5 flowers. Petals are white, notched, longer than the sepals. Leaves are shorter than sepals, linear-lanceolate. Stamens - 20. Fruits are hairy at the base. The plant blooms in spring and the first month of summer.

White cinquefoil: other names of the plant.

White cinquefoil - the grass is popularly nicknamed five-fingered, five-fingered, five-fingered.

Where does white cinquefoil grow?

The plant is found in the steppe zone of the European part of Russia in steppe meadows, deciduous forests, forest edges, meadow steppes, and shrubs.

Growing white cinquefoil.

Potentilla breeds white seeded and vegetatively - parts of rhizomes with dormant buds. Since white cinquefoil seeds have low germination, seedlings develop slowly, the vegetative method of propagation by 1.5 cm cuttings becomes more relevant. From one rhizome of white cinquefoil you can get from 10 to 50 cuttings. They are planted in both spring and autumn. As such, the plants do not need care and, at the same time, they grow in just 4 years. mature plant, reached heaviest weight rhizomes and roots.

White cinquefoil - photo.

White cinquefoil: blank.

For treatment with a plant, its grass (flowers, leaves, stems) and rhizome are used. Stocks of raw materials are made during the flowering of the cinquefoil.

Chemical composition: white cinquefoil.

White cinquefoil contains iodine, tannins, saponins, iodide anion, calcium, sodium, nickel, manganese, aluminum, lanthanum, bismuth, cobalt, molybdenum, silver, copper, zinc and iron. At the same time, there are more biologically active substances in the rhizome.

Medicinal properties white cinquefoil plants.

Plant medicines treat various diseases thyroid gland.

White cinquefoil - application.

An infusion of the medicinal plant white cinquefoil is a good remedy for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis. Traditional medicine recommends drinking a decoction made from the herb white cinquefoil when the uterus prolapses. Powder of dry herb white cinquefoil is sprinkled on abscesses.

Treatment with white cinquefoil.

Infusion of white cinquefoil.

10 g of roots and grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, let stand for several hours. Use for thyrotoxicosis from 1 tbsp. l. up to 1.5 glasses 2 - 3 r. per day. The doctor can determine the dosage more precisely based on the condition of the heart and depending on the stage of the disease. Take the infusion for a month, then take a break for two months and repeat the course of treatment.

White cinquefoil tincture.

Pour 50 grams of crushed white cinquefoil root over half a liter of vodka, soak the root in it for 3 weeks at room temperature in a dark place. Use 3 r. per day, 30 drops 25 minutes before meals, with 50 ml of water, and better than infusion stinging nettle or lungwort. Continue treatment for a month, then take a break for a week and repeat treatment.

Cinquefoil is white during menopause.

For pathological menopause, mix 2:2:2:3:3:3 (in a tablespoon) and chop the plants of white cinquefoil, lemon balm, agrimony, calendula, valerian officinalis and clasp. Pour 2 tbsp. l. collect half a liter of boiling water and keep covered for 12 hours. Drink 100 grams of infusion 5 times a day after meals for 40 days.

Is white cinquefoil available in pharmacies?

Yes, this is the drug “Endonorm” for the treatment of the thyroid gland. This drug based on white cinquefoil treats hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Basedow-Graves disease, thyrotoxicosis, thyrotoxicosis, euthyroid goiter, thyroid hyperplasia.

Side effects of white cinquefoil.

What kind of cinquefoil has white contraindications?

Not known.

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Cinquefoil is a fairly large genus of plants that is common in most countries. Its name comes from the word “potents”, which translates as “powerful”, “strong”. But this name is not explained appearance plants belonging to this genus. They are named in this way due to the medicinal properties that are inherent in its representatives. In this article we will learn what white cinquefoil (root) is, which is used in different areas human life activity.


This is an outwardly charming plant with delicate white flowers. They distinguish it from other species. In addition, white cinquefoil can be identified by its small height, sometimes exceeding 25 cm, and special leaves, which consist of 5 rich green leaves that resemble fingers. Therefore, people often call this plant “five-fingered”, “five-fingered” or “five-fingered”. Cinquefoil blooms in April-June, while the flowers form a white blanket, noticeable from afar.


The plant's habitat is considered to be European territory, or rather most of it. It mainly grows in oak and pine forests, meadows, grassy slopes, copses and forest edges; at the same time, it is suitable for soils that are completely different in composition - dry, wet, sandy, clayey, etc. But despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, at the moment it is almost impossible to find it in natural conditions. The development of forestry and agriculture led to a sharp decline in this species.

At the moment, the plant is classified as a rare plant. At the same time, since it is endowed with unique healing properties, people are not going to forget about it. Therefore, now they are trying to artificially breed her.


The root of white cinquefoil found folk use hundreds of years ago. In the 18th century, people noticed that this plant can effectively heal various skin lesions. After a little time, other properties of the roots, flowers and leaves of this herb were discovered.

Among nature, as mentioned above, it is difficult to find cinquefoil. Mostly it is found next to strawberries, which grow on the edge of the forest. This plant is saturated with various useful qualities only by 3-4 years of age. Due to the fact that it is impossible to find weed, many people grow it on their personal plot. The plant is easily propagated by cuttings, and planting is carried out in early spring and mid-autumn.

Once upon a time, every warrior took a small fabric bag with him on a campaign. special powder. Its preparation was based on white cinquefoil (root). The powder was used for sprinkling on wounds, due to which cell regeneration became faster. To do this, the roots were washed and dried, then crushed to a powder consistency. This remedy was actively used. This property is explained high content iodine in the roots, due to which they have a lasting bactericidal effect.

Scientists recently discovered one interesting property, which is produced by white cinquefoil (root). Use for enlarged thyroid gland and to eliminate various ailments given endocrine gland can significantly improve human health. Medicinal properties All parts of this herb have thyroid-stimulating activity - only its roots. These properties have been confirmed by thorough research.

White cinquefoil root has also found application in gynecology. An excellent effect can be achieved when using the plant in the treatment of various liver ailments, hepatitis in particular. Moreover, she is on will benefit for vascular and heart diseases, lesions digestive tract, violations metabolic processes. In addition, this herb is useful for endocrine system, as mentioned above, and perfectly activates and increases the protective forces of the human body.


For medicinal purposes, the root and rhizome of the plant are most often used. These parts have the largest healing properties. They are usually harvested in the fall, as soon as the stems wither. This is due to the fact that the grass, preparing for the harsh winter, accumulates various useful material, and their concentration reaches its maximum during this period. The most valuable are the rhizomes of plants that are 3-4 years old.

After digging, the rhizomes are cleaned of dirt and thin roots, washed thoroughly, and then dried. Correctly prepared and collected raw materials can be stored, without losing their properties, for up to 3 years.

The above-ground parts of the plant are also used in medicinal purposes, but much less often roots. As a rule, above-ground parts are collected during the growing season and flowering, after which they are dried.

Benefits of white cinquefoil

Pentapalm is a grass that is different unique combination various substances. It is rich in amino acids, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, and iridiodes. The roots of the plant contain rutin, while the leaves contain kaempferol and cyanidin; in the plant also great amount vitamins, iodine, macro- and microelements. One of the most valuable components is albinin, a substance that has thyroid-stimulating activity, which is what white cinquefoil (root) is also known for.

Use for thyroid problems (reviews about this can be read in the article below) helps with it various diseases, since the plant contains hyper- and hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, some forms of goiter, etc. Its use helps to equalize the balance of hormones, improve metabolism and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. Besides, white cinquefoil has these properties.

  • Has a beneficial effect on the heart. Improves its functioning, lowers blood pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, restores blood flow, normalizes blood composition, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, is an excellent antiseptic.
  • Improves liver function and also helps with some of its diseases, for example, cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.
  • When used externally, it helps get rid of abscesses, boils, poorly healing wounds, weeping eczema, etc.
  • It has an excellent antitumor effect, and also helps in the treatment of cysts and fibroids.
  • Can be used for rinsing for periodontal disease and stomatitis.
  • Removes radionuclides and also prevents their further accumulation.
  • Improves fat metabolism, improves immunity, slows down processes that cause cell aging.
  • Improves digestion, in addition, it is effective in the fight against enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, dysentery.
  • Helps in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids, rheumatism.
  • Normalizes the level of sexual female hormones, very useful for ovarian dysfunction, painful menstruation, failures menstrual cycle and prolapse of the uterus.
  • It has an effective diuretic effect without irritating the kidneys.
  • Helps to quickly cope with mental trauma, depression and stress.
  • Has a mild analgesic effect.
  • Improves general health, mood and performance.

White cinquefoil (root): application, treatment of the thyroid gland

As mentioned above, the plant is mainly used to treat all kinds of thyroid diseases. In addition, it is used for diseases of the heart, blood vessels and stomach, cholecystitis, atherosclerosis, colitis, hepatitis, hypertension, ulcers, for effective removal radionuclides, for all kinds of skin lesions externally. But this is not the entire list of diseases for which cinquefoil can help. Next, we will consider the most popular methods of its use and preparation.


Tincture of white cinquefoil root has been used for all of the above problems with the human body, including diseases of the thyroid gland.

To do this, crush 20 g of roots with a hammer and put them in a dark bottle. Pour 2200 g of vodka into it, then cover the container with a lid. Place the bottle in a dark, cool place for at least a month, shaking it periodically during this time. After the product is completely prepared, it needs to be strained and poured into a more convenient container. Take 30 drops, diluting them in ¼ glass of water before meals.


For people who cannot tolerate alcohol infusions for some reason, white cinquefoil root is also suitable for treatment. The use of the plant for the thyroid gland and all the above problems with the human body is also possible in the form of its infusion.

To do this, grind a tablespoon of root, place it in a suitable container and steam with one glass of hot water. Wrap the product in a blanket or towel and leave for 6-8 hours (you can also use a thermos to prepare it). In this form it is very easy to use white cinquefoil root - application is carried out according to the following scheme: 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals.

Thyroid treatment

As has already been said many times, white cinquefoil root has been used for the thyroid gland for a long time. In the presence of her diseases, it is recommended to make and consume an infusion of the plant according to the scheme indicated below.

Prepare on the first day water infusion from a spoon of crushed roots with a glass of hot water. It needs to be kept in a thermos overnight, then strained. This remedy should be drunk 3 times, it is better to take it before meals. You need to prepare an infusion in the evening for the second day, but now from 2 tablespoons of the root, poured with a glass of boiling water. From 3 spoons of root - for the third day, etc. For the 7th day, prepare the infusion according to the same scheme, after which every day the amount of root is reduced by one spoon.

External use

White cinquefoil root has also been used externally in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. In this case, the decoction is best suited. It has wound-healing, regenerating, antiseptic and deodorizing effects. For bleeding gums, scurvy and stomatitis, it is useful to rinse their mouth. Lotions from this decoction will help in the treatment of bruises, boils, eczema, purulent wounds and other skin diseases.

To do this, place 20 g of root in a small saucepan, add a glass of hot water and boil for 15 minutes.

Use for uterine bleeding

Because the uterine bleeding can cause many reasons, and they are often dangerous for girls; before you start self-medicating, try to visit a doctor.

White cinquefoil root has been used for bleeding that is hormonal in nature. The plant normalizes hormonal levels, improves blood composition, and also has a general strengthening effect. To solve such problems, it should be prepared and taken in the following manner.

Place a tablespoon of roots in a saucepan, pour a liter of boiling water into it and remove everything water bath. Heat the product for 15 minutes, then let it cool. Take the resulting decoction three times a day, ½ cup, until the condition returns to normal.


We learned what uses white cinquefoil root has. But it also has contraindications. Among them, severe hypotension should be highlighted. When treated with this plant, heart activity should be kept under strict control. This is especially important to do in menopause and with frequent exacerbations of tachycardia. In the first case, you need to reduce to minimum dosage medicines. In any case, you should consult your doctor before using this herb.

White cinquefoil (root): application, reviews

So, we found out in what cases this plant is used. Interestingly, when reading reviews about it, it becomes clear that it actually helps people cope with the diseases mentioned in the article above. But negative reviews are present, the main ones relate to the impossibility of finding this plant in nature or on sale. Some statements are negative because the plant has contraindications.

Known in folk medicine like the cinquefoil due to its five-petaled flower buds reminiscent of strawberries, white cinquefoil is a small perennial plant. Listed in the Red Book, considered one of the most valuable natural remedies from diseases of the endocrine system. To a greater extent therapeutic properties The plants have long roots, and the grass is used only in mature plants. How to work correctly with white cinquefoil, in what situations does it help?

What does white cinquefoil root treat?

The chemical composition of this plant is different high content rutin (mostly in the roots), cyanidin (in the leaves), iodine, glycosides, flavonoids. Experts also mention saponins, iridoids, tannins (their maximum concentration is during the flowering period), beneficial amino acids and substances that remove radiation. The presence of albinin, which has thyroid-stimulating properties, is also important. Due to this, white cinquefoil is highly valued folk healers as a fighter against diseases of the endocrine system. It is mainly used to treat the thyroid gland - against:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • increase in goiter;
  • hyperplasia of the thyroid gland;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

In addition to its use for thyroid problems, white cinquefoil root is known as effective remedy for normalization hormonal levels women and metabolic processes. Some experts consider this plant useful for eliminating pain during the menstrual cycle, restoration of ovarian function and menstruation schedule, treatment of uterine prolapse.

Mostly in folk medicine, this plant is combined with walnuts or cetraria, as well as cocklebur. To a greater extent, this applies to recipes, the products based on which should provide the body with a sufficient amount of iodine. However, there are many options without additional components:

  • Classical alcohol tincture: Take 10 g of ground root per 100 ml of vodka, infuse the mixture for 21 days in the dark. You need to drink 30 drops daily, 3 times a day. The medicine is diluted a small amount warm water or milk. Take before meals (15-20 minutes before), the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease: standard for the thyroid gland is a month, then a week's break is needed.
  • Water infusion: 200 ml cold water- a full tablespoon of chopped roots. Leave for 3 hours, boil, cover with a blanket for 10 hours. Top up with warm boiled water to get a glass of liquid. Take 75 ml warm in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals. Take the medicine with a break of 2 days after each, i.e. take on the 1st, 4th, 7th, etc. After 2 weeks, take it daily for another 15 days.
  • Decoction: take a glass of boiling water for a large heaped tablespoon of raw material. Heat in a water bath for 5 minutes, let stand for 4 hours and filter. Drink starting from the 1st tbsp. l. and bringing it to 4 over 4 days (i.e., increase the dosage by 1 tbsp every day). The intake is 5 times a day and does not correlate with food. After resting for 3 days, repeat the course several more times (with the same break). Its full duration is a month.

You can rinse with the same decoction oral cavity for stomatitis, use it to strengthen the gums, and also make compresses and lotions based on it for purulent wounds, boils, eczema, any areas of increased bleeding and skin lesions.