What methods of preventing flat feet do you know? What are the measures to prevent flat feet in adults and children? Flat feet and the army

Preventing flat feet will help prevent problems with posture. It will also help avoid complications that affect other organs of the musculoskeletal system, joints, and gait.

Prevention of flat feet is necessary for every person, since this disease is quite difficult to eliminate. This is not easy to do with age, so it is better to take care of this in early childhood. Exercising leads to improved posture, and neglect of health can cause disability. In childhood, the foot is subject to changes, so it is not difficult to recover. In an adult, this process occurs more slowly.

The causes of the disease may be different, but any violation is identified by an orthopedist. Correction of diseases is necessary to correct posture, and a set of exercises to prevent flat feet will help with this. The mat is effective and is also used in the treatment of illness.

Visible signs of flat feet include the following:

  • worn out shoes;
  • legs get tired quickly;
  • cramps, heaviness, swelling appear;
  • walking in heels is difficult;
  • Slightly larger shoes fit.

If there is at least some sign, then this indicates disturbances in the morphology of the foot. In an adult, the causes of flat feet lie in the wrong choice of shoes. It is necessary not to delay treatment, otherwise disturbances in the musculoskeletal system will not be avoided.

Prevention of flat feet in preschool children is considered the most effective. In an adult, the disease occurs due to the fact that this was not paid attention to in childhood. At any age, a mat that is used to improve the condition of the feet is suitable.

Foot profile disorders can be prevented by following simple rules:

  • it is necessary to walk barefoot more often;
  • give your legs a rest;
  • You should wear only high-quality and suitable shoes;
  • Gymnastics and exercises will help improve the condition of your legs;
  • a special mat should be used;
  • It is necessary to control your posture.

These rules must be followed regardless of the reasons for the violation. The best results will be noticeable in children. It is advisable to use a mat that is needed to eliminate flat feet and restore posture.

Prevention in adults

Even completely healthy people develop signs of flat feet over time. This is due to wearing low-quality shoes. At some points in life, deformation of the legs occurs, for example, when a baby learns to walk. Disturbances can occur during growth, sexual development, pregnancy, menopause and old age. The reasons lie in the restructuring of the body at a new stage of life.

All this leads to poor posture, so an adult needs to strengthen the muscular system, massage the feet and legs. Gymnastics for the legs consists of the following exercises:

  • You need to raise and lower your toes 20 times;
  • raise and lower your heels;
  • legs should be connected, spread apart and toes connected;
  • the heels must be separated and connected without lifting off the floor;
  • lift the toe of one leg and the heel of the other at the same time;
  • without lifting the foot, the socks must be spread apart;
  • roll the stick with your feet.

Correcting the pathological condition in this way allows you to get faster results if the exercises are performed regularly. It is useful to use a rug, which will only improve the situation. All exercises are required to restore posture.

Prevention in children

Preventing such diseases is also effective for children. During the first year of life, measures must be taken to protect and eliminate rickets. When the baby has learned to walk, he should choose suitable shoes.

Walking barefoot on fresh grass is believed to protect against foot disorders.

Even when performing gymnastics, it is necessary to use special instep supports. Prevention of foot disorders is essential for beautiful posture. The school must have special desks. Girls should not wear heels or shoes with tapered toes.

A set of exercises to prevent flat feet consists of the following:

  • walking on toes;
  • emphasis on the outer edges of the foot;
  • walking in place;
  • rolling a stick with your feet;
  • throwing a ball with your feet;
  • rolling from toes to heels;
  • walking on uneven floors;
  • squatting on toes;
  • you need to place the mat in front of the crib.

Regular exercise is essential to improve your posture. At the same time, with age, the child will not develop curvatures. Children also benefit from using a foot massage mat.

Professional prevention

Professional clinics have special insoles created using computer pedobarography. Using equipment, the causes and extent of the disease are determined. It works much better compared to analogues in the pharmacy.

The doctor may prescribe orthopedic insoles, but they must be used for a specified period. The products allow you to unload the foot and reduce tension in the leg muscles. Wearing them is necessary to restore posture. You should only buy insoles at a pharmacy. The shape of the feet must be taken into account. Products are selected using the thermoforming method.

You need to walk on pebbles, grass, sand. It is better to carry out prevention from early childhood, since over time the feet ossify. For adults, this will help strengthen muscles and prevent poor posture.

Application of massage

Massage is an effective measure that eliminates muscle pain, restores metabolism and blood circulation. There is a set of exercises to prevent flat feet:

  • it is necessary to stroke, rub, knead the lower leg;
  • you should stroke and rub the foot;

For self-massage, a rubber mat and a massage roller are used. After this event, it will be useful to perform water procedures. It is necessary to prepare a basin with hot water and another with cold water. First, the legs should be steamed in one container, and then placed in another. Water can be mixed with sea salt, baking soda, and herbal infusion.

Shoe selection

Often the causes of flat feet lie in poor-quality shoes, so they should be chosen correctly. It should be made of soft leather with low heels. There are a few more rules to follow when choosing shoes:

  • the top of the product must be leather;
  • the heel should be no more than 4 cm;
  • the leather must be of high quality;
  • A flexible sole is more suitable.

You should give up platforms, because your legs get very tired from them. When treating flat feet in shoes, be sure to use orthopedic devices purchased at the pharmacy.

Properly selected instep supports train the leg muscles. They fill the free space under the arch. Just they should not be very hard, otherwise there will be even more damage to the legs. But soft insoles will not bring results either.

Folk remedies

In the prevention of flat feet, not only a mat is useful, but also medicinal decoctions and tinctures. They are prepared on the basis of herbs, so the result does not appear quickly; regular procedures are needed. To prepare the decoction you will need oak bark (100 g), to which you need to add water (0.5 liters). The product is boiled for 30 minutes, and after filtering it must be added to the bath.

You can prepare a medicinal tincture that requires immortelle. The plant is easy to find along country roads. The inflorescences are collected from July to October. After drying, the plant can be used. It is filled with alcohol and left for several days.

A preparation made from mint (100 g) and boiling water works great. The product is infused for half an hour, and after filtering, you need to wash your feet. Procedures must be performed constantly.

To prepare another infusion, you need mint and linden blossom (100 g). Everything is prepared based on the previous recipe. Regular procedures easily eliminate swelling of the legs. After steaming, fatigue and stress disappear.

Flat feet is one of the most complex diseases, since its advanced form leads to serious health problems. Performing massage, exercises and using infusions will help prevent complications. Constant monitoring of your health will protect you from many ailments.

Flat feet are a type of deformation of the foot area in which its arches are subject to lowering, resulting in a complete loss of their inherent shock-absorbing and spring functions. Depending on which arch of the foot is flattened, transverse and longitudinal flat feet are distinguished. There are also congenital and acquired flat feet. About 45% of all adults suffer from various forms of flat feet. Pathology is more often detected in women.

What is flat feet?

Flatfoot is a change in the shape of the foot, characterized by drooping of its longitudinal and transverse arches. With flat feet, the structure of the normal arch of the foot, both longitudinal (along the inner edge of the foot) and transverse - along the line of the base of the toes, is quite pronounced or almost completely changes. As a complication, pain occurs in the spine and arthrosis of the knee and hip joints.

The foot is a natural shock absorber that protects the body from shaking when walking and allows you to maintain balance when moving. When considering the shape of the foot, two arches are distinguished - longitudinal and transverse.

  1. The longitudinal arch is the curvature of the foot on the inside from the heel to the big toe joint. It is usually clearly visible.
  2. The transverse arch is less noticeable. It is an arch at the base of the toes (where the metatarsals end).

When the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is weakened, the normal shape of the foot is disrupted. The expression of the arches is lost, the foot settles and spreads out. This pathology is defined as flat feet.

Up to 50% of the world's population suffers from flat feet. Women are 4 times more susceptible to this disease than men. In 3% of cases, flat feet are registered from birth, by the age of 2 in 24% of children, by the 4th in 32% of children, by the age of seven in 40% of children, and after the age of 11, half of adolescents suffer from flat feet.


Flat feet are divided into longitudinal and transverse. Depending on how the foot expands: in width or length. Currently, there are such types of flat feet: longitudinal, transverse, combined.

To date most common form The foot deformity is transverse. There is a distinction between acquired and congenital pathology.

Longitudinal flatfoot

Longitudinal flatfoot is characterized by flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot. At the same time, its length increases and almost the entire area of ​​the sole comes into contact with the floor. It is noteworthy that longitudinal flat feet are characteristic mainly of women. It is affected by body weight: excess weight increases the load on the feet and longitudinal flat feet become more pronounced. The age at which longitudinal flatfoot most often occurs is 16–25 years.

There are four stages of longitudinal flatfoot:

  • pre-disease stage (prodromal stage);
  • intermittent flat feet;
  • flat;
  • flatvalgus foot.

At the pre-illness stage, a patient with flat feet is concerned about rapid fatigue when walking, pain in the upper part of the arch of the foot and the muscles of the lower leg after prolonged static loads.

Transverse flatfoot

If we are talking, for example, about the transverse arch (and it is deformed in 55.23% of cases), then the five metatarsal bones, on which the entire frontal part of the foot rests, diverge like a fan. In this case, the foot is shortened, there is an external deviation of the big toe and abnormal flexion/contraction of the middle toe. Typically, this happens to people aged 35 to 50 years.

The proportion of transverse flatfoot, according to various sources, ranges from 55% to 80%. The disease usually develops in middle-aged people (35-50 years old). Women suffer from transverse flatfoot 20 times more often than men.

By nature, flat feet are distinguished:

  • Congenital is detected from 5-6 years of age, because in younger children all the signs of this disease are expressed.
  • Traumatic is formed after bone fractures, accompanied by violation of the arches of the feet.
  • Paralytically flat - a complication of the suffered, appears due to paresis, paralysis of the muscles of the foot, as well as the calf muscles of the leg.
  • Rachitic is observed in children due to impaired mineralization of bone tissue.
  • Static occurs in adults when performing work that involves standing on their feet for a long time (administrator, surgeon, flight attendant, entertainer, consultant). Appears due to failure of the ligaments and muscles of the foot. It also appears in old age due to muscle atrophy, as well as in obesity and pregnancy due to increased load on the arches of the feet.

Degrees of flat feet

Insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus. The very first stage of the disease, which manifests itself as periodic pain in the legs during the day, with increased stress, at the end of the working day. With this degree of disease, visual changes in the foot are not detected. The feet retain their original healthy appearance. Brief unloading of the lower extremities quickly relieves pain.

1st degree

Weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, the foot does not change shape, pain and fatigue in the legs occur after a long walk or in the evening. After rest, pain and discomfort disappear. The gait changes and becomes less flexible.

2nd degree flat feet

The flattening of the foot is visible to the naked eye, the arches disappear, the foot is widened and flattened. The pain becomes constant and more pronounced. The pain spreads throughout the ankle joint, the entire lower leg, up to the knee joint. Gait is difficult, clubfoot appears.

Flat feet 3rd degree

Third degree: characterized by complete deformation. In this case, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system with the manifestation of corresponding diseases is diagnosed. At this stage of the development of the disease, severe pain is felt, and sports activities are impossible.


Among the main reasons provoking the development of flat feet are the following:

  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • features of activity that cause excessive physical activity;
  • heredity (flat feet in close relatives);
  • wearing shoes of poor quality, too narrow or small shoes;
  • weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the feet, due to lack of appropriate loads or age, etc.

In 90% of cases, flat feet are diagnosed in people with poorly developed muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet. Regular training of the foot muscles will help you avoid the occurrence of deformities and never experience flat feet.

Symptoms of flat feet in adults

Typically, a person who spends a lot of time on his feet does not notice the development of flat feet, and associates the appearance of pain and discomfort in the legs and feet with fatigue. There are several main signs by which you may suspect the development of this terrible disease in yourself.

Early signs and symptoms of flat feet:

  • Rapid fatigue of the legs can subsequently lead to general fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Aching pain in the feet
  • Pain in the muscles of the thighs, legs, and lower back that occurs when moving, and then when standing, the pain goes away after a night’s sleep
  • Difficulties in choosing shoes
  • Tension in the calf muscles
  • Swelling
  • The appearance of areas of rough and thickened skin that cause discomfort when walking (corns) occurs at the base of the big toe.
  • Shoes begin to wear out much faster than before, mainly on the inside.
  • From time to time you get the feeling that your foot has increased in length, and because of this you have to buy shoes a size larger.

In advanced cases, the sacrum and lower back area hurt when walking, headaches may occur, and walking long distances is painful and painful.


Flat feet, as can be generally understood from the characteristics of the course and progression of this disease, can provoke a number of specific complications, among which we highlight the following:

  • a gradual increase in pain, its nonspecific manifestation (that is, pain not only in the feet, but in the hips, knees, back, headache);
  • clubfoot;
  • unnatural posture, curvature of the spine, development of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.);
  • ingrown nails;
  • dystrophic changes developing in the muscles of the back and legs;
  • the development of diseases directly related to damage to the feet (deformations, calluses, curvature of the fingers, neuritis, spurs, etc.).

How to determine flat feet at home?

There are proven methods for determining flat feet:

  1. Obtaining a foot print. Take a white sheet of paper, apply some thick cream to your feet, place the paper on the floor and stand on it. It is important to stand straight and without support. Examine the print carefully. There should be a notch on the inside;
  2. Studying the foot using the Friedland method, based on the study of the podometric index. To do this, measure the height and length of the foot, divide the height by the length and multiply by 100. Values ​​from 29 to 31 are considered the norm.
  3. Apply any coloring and easily washable substance to your feet, and stand on any white sheet of paper. Attention! You cannot lean during the procedure. You just need to stand straight. When viewing the resulting picture, draw a conclusion. If the entire area of ​​the foot is painted over, then the disease definitely exists. If there is an indentation on the inside of the foot and space between the forefoot and the heel, then there is no problem with the legs.

These methods allow us to suspect the presence of pathology. But how to determine the degree of flat feet? Just for this you should contact a specialist.


The diagnosis of “flat feet” is made on the basis of x-rays of the feet in 2 projections with a load (standing). A preliminary diagnosis of flat feet can be made by an orthopedist based on a physical examination. The correct location of the anatomical landmarks of the foot and ankle joint, range of motion and angles of deviation of the foot, reaction of the arches and muscles to load, gait features, and shoe wear characteristics are determined.

Note: In women, flat feet are diagnosed 4 times more often than in men. Often, pathology develops during pregnancy due to a physiological increase in body weight.

The main methods that orthopedists use to make a diagnosis are as follows:

  1. Radiography. The main diagnostic method, which allows us to determine not only the presence, but also the nature and degree of pathology, is radiography in two projections. X-ray examination is carried out with a load, i.e. the patient must stand.
  2. Plantography. The technique for applying a fatty cream to your feet, which can be used at home, was described above. Instead of thick cream, doctors quite often use Lugol, which leaves a more accurate and distinct imprint on the paper.
  3. Podometry. This is the measurement of various parameters of the foot and the calculation of various indices that make it possible to determine the presence of deformities and the degree of pathology.

Treatment of flat feet in adults

How to treat flat feet in adults? Flat feet seems to many to be a simple disease, but in fact it is a rather serious and rapidly progressing pathology that is difficult to correct. It can be completely cured only in childhood, and in adults, treatment of flat feet is aimed at slowing down the development of the disease into more severe stages. The earlier flat feet are detected, the more favorable its treatment will be.

In adults, the fight against flat feet is aimed at:

  • pain relief;
  • improved tone in the muscles and ligaments of the feet.

Orthopedic insoles

Good results in the treatment of flat feet in people of any age are provided by orthopedic insoles-instep supports, individually made for each foot, taking into account all anatomical features.

Such insoles are usually made of plastic, which is flexible when heated, but becomes rigid when the temperature drops. Such instep supports can be made for shoes without heels or with heels.

  1. Wearing orthopedic insoles can completely cure flat feet in children under seven years of age if treatment begins at two to three years of age. Children need to change arch supports quite often in accordance with the growth of their feet.
  2. In adolescents and adults, wearing insoles makes walking more comfortable and slows or stops the progression of the disease. At first, the instep supports may seem uncomfortable to wear, but as you get used to them, a feeling of comfort sets in.


Physical exercise is an integral part of the treatment and prevention of flat feet. They help strengthen the muscles of the foot and stop the progression of the disease that has already begun. It takes at least six months to achieve lasting results. Regularity is important, otherwise there will be no effect.

It is necessary to begin treatment with gymnastics, which can be performed daily at home. Therapeutic form of gymnastics is used to achieve correction of the arch of the foot, strengthens muscles, trains ligaments, and forms the correct type of gait. There are a large number of exercises that are selected individually and depend on age, complaints, position of the foot and its shape.

A set of gymnastic exercises:

  1. Raising on your toes. It is enough to do 10-12 repetitions. You need to start the exercise with your basic stance: your feet are parallel to one another, slightly apart.
  2. Rolling a small elastic ball or round stick with your feet. Exercise time: 5 minutes of rolling an object with the entire surface of the foot.
  3. Rotation. You need to sit down, stretch your legs forward, rest your heels on the floor, and alternately rotate your feet in different directions. 10 times to the right and 10 times to the left.
  4. Walking on opposite sides of the foot. 10 steps on the outside, then 10 steps on the inside, then 20 steps changing the fulcrum at each step.
  5. Rolls: standing from heel to toe - 10 times.
  6. Flexion and extension of toes - 3 minutes.
  7. Holding a small ball with your feet. Another option is to move small objects from place to place, holding them with your toes.

The whole complex takes no more than 20-30 minutes daily. After performing the exercises, it is recommended to have a massage.

Walking on uneven surfaces. The exercises are performed barefoot, each 8-12 times.

  1. Walking barefoot on sand (you can use a box half a meter by meter for sand) or a foam rubber mat (or with a large pile), bending your toes and resting on the outer edge of the foot;
  2. Walking on a sloped surface with support on the outer edge;
  3. Walking sideways on a log.

It is very important that the patient performs special exercises for flat feet every day. The muscles and ligaments of the foot need to be trained constantly as a preventive measure, otherwise they weaken, and eventually symptoms of flat feet appear.

Massage for flat feet

Massage for flat feet involves the use of a large number of different techniques. These are stroking, kneading, rubbing and other methods. When massaging the foot, you need to move from the toes to the heel. Massage of the lower leg involves moving from the ankle to the knee joint. Both exercise and massage perfectly tone the muscles and ligaments of the foot. You can use special foot baths during the treatment.

The basic massage techniques for flat feet are quite simple:

  • you need to massage your legs from the ankles to the groin from bottom to top (stroking, patting, rubbing);
  • you need to massage the foot and its back side (from the toes to the ankle) by rubbing, that is, with circular movements of the fingertips connected together, or with the edge of the palm across the foot;
  • the arch of the foot can also be massaged with a “ridge”, which is formed from the joints of the proximal phalanges of the four fingers when the hand is clenched into a fist (in other words, “knuckles”);
  • It is more convenient to rub the heels (alternately), as well as the bases of the toes on the side of the foot, with the leg bent at the knee and the four fingers of both hands connected (thumbs on the instep).

Exercises to treat flat feet should be performed for at least 20 minutes and, if possible, twice a day.

Therapeutic baths using folk remedies

It has been established that water procedures are useful for preventing disease. After a hard day at work, especially if it involves being on your feet for a long time, it is recommended to let your feet relax by placing them in a warm bath.

  1. Based on oak bark. For half a liter of boiling water you need to add 100 g of dry matter, put on the fire for half an hour, strain and pour into a bowl of warm water.
  2. Salt baths. You can use iodized salt, or better yet, sea salt. One dessert spoon is dissolved in a liter of warm water and immersed in a container with a foot solution for ten minutes. Then they need to be wiped dry and massaged with hands previously lubricated with moisturizer. Such procedures improve blood circulation, help strengthen bones and are extremely relaxing.
  3. Baths with a decoction of sage, chamomile or pine needles. Pour one glass of dried plant with hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes, leave until completely cool. Dilute ½ with hot water and soak your feet in it for about half an hour.

Prevention of flat feet

You can prevent the disease by adhering to the following rules:

  1. Need to walk barefoot more. If possible, you should go into nature and spend a few minutes walking barefoot on grass, earth, pebbles, and pine needles.
  2. Wearing the right shoes. This has implications for preventing the disorder in children. For them, it is necessary to buy shoes that hold the foot tightly and do not fly off or put pressure.
  3. Exercises required from flat feet. By dedicating a few minutes a day, you can prevent the development of the disorder. You can use a massage mat as a charger. Foot massage is also necessary.
  4. You need to pay attention to your posture and the correct position of your feet. when walking and also when standing. The feet should be almost parallel to each other and rest on the outer edges of the sole.
  5. Homemade baths are a good preventative measure. with anti-inflammatory agents (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort). They help relieve fatigue from the legs after walking, as well as eliminate inflammation and swelling. Such baths before a massage help prepare the skin for relaxation.
  6. Foot massage improves blood supply to the foot. At the same time, reflex points are stimulated, of which there are about 90 on the sole. General massage for the prevention of flat feet is also prescribed for children to strengthen the body’s defenses.

Prevention of flat feet is a set of measures to avoid. The prevention program begins in early childhood and continues into adulthood. It is based on elements of therapeutic exercises, health-improving physical education, massage and a healthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of the program largely depends on regularity, thorough implementation, responsibility and serious attitude.

To prevent flat feet in children, prevention begins at the age of 1.5-2 months. Infants and infants under 1 year of age are shown rotation of the feet, manipulation of the fingers, ankles and knee joints. Until 5-6 years of age, it is difficult to distinguish imaginary flat feet from a real disease. For this reason, the treatment and preventive program for preschoolers has the following directions:

  • for legs, joints;
  • walking barefoot on hard textured surfaces - gravel, sand, pebbles;
  • physical education with objects - gymnastic stick, balls;
  • dosed physical activity, without excessive zeal;
  • massage – relaxing, tonic, restorative;
  • wearing high-quality shoes that fit properly, with arch supports;
  • prevention of rickets, polio, injuries;
  • proper balanced nutrition.

On a note!

In childhood, it is necessary to visit an orthopedist or traumatologist annually. Regular ones start at 1 year and last until 9-10 years. A qualified examination allows you to notice pathological changes in the arches of the feet in time and take appropriate measures to eliminate flat feet.

Key principles

The main task of preventing flat feet in adults is to eliminate the possibility of age-related foot deformation. This phenomenon is encountered by people crossing the 45-50 year mark. A sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and physical inactivity contribute to the gradual flattening of the arches and the development of flat feet. The preventive program includes the following methods:

  • correct choice of shoes - orthopedic models if necessary;
  • walking barefoot, walking on a massage mat, gymnastic stick or stairs;
  • self-massage or qualified specialist services;
  • traditional medicine recipes for home treatment;
  • a suitable type of activity without increased stress on the feet.

On a note!

If you are prone to flat feet, high heels or completely flat soles are not recommended. In both cases, favorable conditions are created for changes in the anatomical shape of the vaults, development and progression of the disease. Orthopedists advise giving preference to models with wide heels and medium size – up to 3-4 cm.

Foot baths

A genetic predisposition to flat feet is associated with hereditary weakness of connective tissue. It consists of ligaments, tendons of small and large joints of the lower extremities. Under certain conditions, they weaken due to overstretching and loss of elasticity. As a result, the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot gradually lower (flatten). Foot baths after a tiring day at work allow you to restore tone to the muscular-ligamentous apparatus:

  • with oak decoction – grind 100 g of oak bark, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain, pour the resulting decoction into a bowl of warm water;
  • with sage infusion – grind 100 g of flowers and pour in 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, use for evening baths;
  • with infusion of linden blossom and mint - mix 50 g of dry mass, add 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, mix the broth in a basin with warm water.

On a note!

Baths relieve fatigue, promote muscle relaxation, and increase blood circulation in the feet and legs. Regular procedures significantly improve the condition of the legs and overall well-being. It is recommended to combine folk recipes with self-massage, therapeutic exercises and physical education.

Features of massage

Among the measures to prevent flat feet, massage plays an important role. The procedures increase blood circulation in the legs, improve tissue trophism, and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Competent massage sessions prevent deformation of the arches of the feet. Simple manipulations for self-massage:

  • rubbing, stroking, patting from fingers to knees;
  • hold your heel, bend all your toes and soles one by one;
  • tingling, vibration in the direction from the shin to the knee;
  • alternate rotations of the feet with drawing in the air;
  • massaging the sole from the toes to the heel area.

On a note!

After a massage, water procedures are useful - baths, douses, contrast showers. Sessions are carried out regularly, for both feet.

Gymnastic exercises are an effective method. The preventive program includes various manipulations in sitting, lying, and standing positions. They are easily repeated by people of any age and level of physical fitness. Exercises are performed with moderate intensity, with a gradual increase in tempo and load:

Initial positionExercises
Sitting on a chairFlexion-extension of fingers.
Alternately raising and lowering the toe and heel.
Alternate rotation of the feet in one direction and the other.
Pulling your toes forward and upward.
Without lifting your toes off the floor, spread your heels to the sides.
Move your feet with finger movements.
Alternately place your feet on the outer and inner edges.
Move objects with your fingers.
Grab a small ball, a scarf with the sole.
Place your feet in a basin with warm water and pebbles at the bottom. Grab pebbles with your fingers, sort them, move them without removing your feet from the water.
Standing on the floorHaving connected your heels, spread your socks, rise on your toes and vice versa (connect your socks, spread your heels).
Stand on the outer edge of your foot and return to the starting position.
Walking in place on a massage mat.
Walking on tiptoe.
Walking with support on the outer/inner edge of the foot.
Lying on the floorStretch your legs, spread your toes wide.
Point your big toe to the side and keep it in a bent position.
Move your feet with just finger movements.
Raise your feet alternately on your toes and heels.
Roll out a rolling pin, ball, or gymnastic stick with the sole of your foot.

Prevention is carried out throughout life. All children have flat feet at birth, since the legs do not yet experience stress. The baby must be constantly monitored so that the correct arch of the foot is formed. Orthopedists prescribe physical exercises, massage and advise walking barefoot on uneven surfaces.

If flat feet are not treated, many disorders and disorders will occur. A person experiences joint pain and increased fatigue when moving. The development of flat feet can be prevented at any age. Light stroking and massaging of the heels is suitable for infants. Next comes the selection of orthopedic shoes. Lack of timely correction of the arch of the foot can lead to a number of diseases:

  • posture disorders;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • development of heel spurs;
  • problems with leg joints;
  • the presence of an ingrown nail, soft tissues are injured, creating the preconditions for infection of the body; if the infection is not treated, death is possible;
  • dysfunction of internal organs. There are various points on the human body that are responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, vision, hearing, and in case of untimely treatment, disruption of the functioning of the body systems is possible;
  • A specific bone is formed on the big toe. This disease is a common consequence of flat feet.

Professional orthopedists agree that the patient’s weight should be within normal limits. The value of optimal body weight is derived by performing a simple calculation (height – 100). By controlling your weight, you can avoid dangerous consequences.

Warning flat feet

Prevention involves using a number of important measures. After activity, doctors recommend placing your feet parallel and resting for a certain time. Massage and rubbing of the feet minimizes pain. A great option is walking on grass, forest, gravel. At home, special rugs are actively used.

The choice of orthopedic shoes should be done with the help of a specialist. Avoid models that rub, press and create discomfort on your feet. Gymnastic exercises are highly effective if combined with water procedures.

A set of general developmental exercises

The basic reason for the formation of flat feet is weakened muscle fibers and ligamentous structures of the lower leg. To prevent disease, training this part of the limb is necessary. The arch of the foot is fixed in the correct position using orthopedic shoes. Gymnastics along with a combination of strength and stretching approaches will help. If you do not adhere to therapy, diseases of the joints and various organs develop (hypertension, arthrosis, gout, spurs).

An effective set of exercises for foot disease:

  • alternate leg bending;
  • moving the fingers of the lower extremities;
  • circular movements of the foot;
  • raising the patient on his toes;
  • walking alternately on the inside and outside of the foot (short in duration);
  • the heels are spread apart without tearing off the toes;
  • rolls on the foot with emphasis on the floor.

Popular exercises using additional devices:

  • catching the ball with your feet. Sit on a chair, place a round object in front of you, raise and lower it alternately;
  • working with big toes. Fix pencils and sticks with your toes for a few seconds;
  • roll a flat stick with a diameter of 5 cm with your sole;
  • climb onto the gymnastics wall and slowly lower yourself down, placing your middle part of your foot on the bars;
  • walk on a board with ribs or a special massage mat. Avoidance of disorder will be guaranteed;
  • walk on a gymnastic stick, placing your legs across the apparatus. To record the dynamics, use a special device - x-ray.

The above-mentioned massage options are effective for longitudinal and transverse flat feet. Charging is performed in specialized exercise therapy rooms or at home. The optimal frequency for physical education is 2-3 approaches per week. One lesson should consist of at least 5-6 exercises. Physiotherapy is designed to alleviate the patient's condition. A set of effective exercises for the prevention of flat feet is selected by the attending physician, and the patient is prescribed clear instructions.

Shoes and insoles

A qualified orthopedic doctor is a reliable assistant when choosing insoles for adults and children. Products with several support points will be optimal. The 3-point model is suitable for correction and support of the arch of the foot. As a result, the load on the legs is reduced. Insoles are used to fix the heels in the direction of the axis. Thus, the curvature of the foot in the vargus direction will be minimized.

Orthopedic products for adults are as follows:

  • longitudinal and transverse type;
  • for the treatment of heel spurs;
  • instep support - half-insole - used for preventive purposes;
  • frame insole for closed shoes;
  • insoles for women who wear high-heeled products.

When purchasing insoles, special attention should be paid to the insoles. A high-quality arch should have a hollow spring and dense filling. Which option should I choose? A person makes a decision on his own. The quality of the coating, pads, and metatarsal ridge should be checked.

Criteria for choosing shoes for people with flat feet, the main indicators according to Dr. Komarovsky:

  • It is useful for a baby to walk without shoes when taking his first steps. The model you choose should be one with laces or Velcro. The leg should not dangle;
  • The optimal finishing material for the upper is leather. This creates a certain microclimate, the limb “breathes”;
  • the sole should be purchased from natural materials so that the disease does not have to be corrected;
  • the heel should not be higher than 5 cm; classic ballet shoes are harmful to the foot. It is important to follow the rules for wearing shoes;
  • the wide toe fits the foot perfectly, in the preschool educational institution they focus on this;
  • shoes should not have seams on the inside that injure the skin;
  • Sneakers for children and young men with flat feet should be equipped with elastic laces, removable insoles, and arch supports. Sports models do not need to be worn every day.

Compliance with these rules will protect a person from the development of pathology.

Other methods

Traditional methods are replete with a large number of recipes for the treatment of flat feet. Common options:

  • medicinal decoction of oak bark (100 g) + 0.5 liters of water, the mixture is boiled for 30 minutes and filtered after cooling. Added to the bathroom;
  • infusion of immortelle, the inflorescences are dried and infused in alcohol for several days;
  • healing liquid from peppermint, 100 g of the plant is poured with boiling water, the infusion is kept for half an hour in a closed container. It is important to avoid souring the liquid;
  • a mixture of mint + linden blossom (100 g each), baths from the infusion relieve inflammation and fatigue on the legs, the treatment will be gradual.

No less important methods for the prevention and elimination of flat feet are an even distribution of rest and activity time. Physical activity for children should be balanced. Foot hygiene is a prerequisite for maintaining human health. Particular attention should be paid to sweating feet and growing toenails. Focus on healthy eating. Products should be rich in vitamins, minerals, and microelements. Develop a meal routine.

It is easier to treat flat feet in children than in adults. The baby has not yet fully formed bones and muscle structures. It is easier to influence them from the outside. If the disease progresses to a chronic form, the risk of surgical intervention increases. You shouldn't let it get to this point.

Possible complications of flat feet

Flat feet should be prevented in the early stages of development. Otherwise, a person risks encountering a number of complications and additional pathologies. In medical practice there are ailments:

  • increased pain in muscles and joints (a common symptom);
  • foot diseases (valgus deformity, crooked toes, spur, callus);
  • diagnosis of coxarthrosis;
  • formation of intervertebral hernia of varying degrees;
  • development of clubfoot when walking + pain in the feet;
  • the appearance of curvatures in the spine.

The list of concomitant diseases with flat feet is impressive. The chronic form of the disease is difficult to treat. It is better to carry out therapeutic measures in the early stages of development. For treatment to be effective, strictly adhere to the rules approved by the therapist. A heavy gait creates additional stress on a person’s musculoskeletal system. The joints in the knees and pelvis wear out quickly.

We should not forget about the psychological discomfort of a person suffering from pathology. First of all, this applies to children who have increased demands on society. Correction of deformation must be systematic.

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Around the world, the health of schoolchildren is a major concern. During the period of schooling, students' health indicators on average worsen if certain work is not carried out.

Relevance The chosen topic is that in recent years, in the list of diseases of schoolchildren, disorders of the musculoskeletal system (about 60%), which include flat feet, have come to the forefront.

The largest number of cases occur in weakened children with impaired health and physical development.

The purpose of the work is a study of the level of health of students, identifying students who have signs of flat feet.

Research objectives:

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Conduct a study of the health status of students in grade 4 “B”.

Hypothesis - Flat feet can be overcome if you know what caused it and follow the recommendations for preventing the disease.

Research methods:

1. Study of specialized literature.

2. Generalization and systematization of material on this topic.

3. Observation and recording of observations in the form of diagrams and tables.

4. Questionnaire.

Class 4 “B” was chosen for the research, since at this age effective foot growth occurs in boys and girls. During this period, flat feet can be effectively corrected.

Based on the results of the study, a set of exercises for the prevention and correction of flat feet was proposed.

Also, students of grade 4 "B" created orthopedic mats for foot massage. After implementing the interventions and exercises, follow-up studies were conducted showing changes after exercise and massage therapy.

2. Main part

2.1. Flat feet

2.1.1. Structure of the human foot

The foot is an “organ” of support and movement, which consists of 26 bones connected to each other by ligaments and muscles, forming “arch-shaped” longitudinal and transverse arches. When the height of these arches changes, flat feet develop with a violation of the most important function of the foot - springing, that is, softening shock loads when walking, running, jumping.

Thanks to properly formed arches, the foot performs a number of necessary functions:

distribution of body load during movement,

establishing balance and adaptation to unevenness of the earth's surface.

softening impacts on the ground when moving (shock-absorbing capacity),

accumulation and release of energy generated during the biomechanism of walking.

In general, the arches of the feet act as springs and levers, providing maximum comfort of movement with minimal consequences for the body.

2.1.2. What is flat feet? Types and reasons.

Flat feet is a disease of the human musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by a change in the shape of the foot, with a characteristic flattening of its longitudinal and transverse arches.

Usually there are 3 types of flat feet: longitudinal, transverse, combined.

Combined flatfoot is when the transverse and longitudinal arches sag and do not provide natural shock absorption.

Flat feet in most people is combined, that is, both the longitudinal and transverse arches are lowered, since lowering one of the arches inevitably leads to overload of the other.

Due to the occurrence of flat feet, they are divided into: static, congenital, rachitic, traumatic, paralytic. But regardless of which type flatfoot is, it needs systematic monitoring and proper correction.

2.1.3. Flat feet in children.

Flat feet are one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children.

According to medical statistics, by the age of two, 24% of children have flat feet, by the age of four - 32%, by the age of six - 40%, and by the age of twelve, every second teenager is diagnosed with flat feet.

Flat feet in childhood are fraught with the fact that it interferes with the correct and harmonious development of the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole.

Factors contributing to the development of flat feet in children.

Heredity (one of your relatives has/had this disease),

weakness of the ligamentous-muscular system,

wearing “wrong” shoes (flat soles without any heels, shoes that are too narrow or wide, shoes that are too soft, the wrong size, that do not secure the ankle joint, shoes that are already worn and deformed, etc.),

excessive stress on the legs (for example, when lifting heavy objects or with increased body weight),

paralysis of the muscles of the foot and leg (due to polio or cerebral palsy),

foot injuries

2.1.4. Flat feet as a cause of disease

Flat feet can lead to damage to the knee and hip joints, deformation of the spine and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. This is due to the fact that if the foot cannot cope with its function (shock absorption, balance, etc.), then the structures above begin to perform its function (knees, hip joints, spine). This leads to the following serious consequences:

Pain in feet, knees

Exercise intolerance and complaints of excessive and rapid fatigue

Poor blood circulation and lymph flow in the lower extremities

Formation of X-shaped and O-shaped installation of shins

Formation of poor posture and scoliosis

The consequences of flat feet, which can be corrected in childhood and adolescence, cause even more serious problems: arthrosis of the joints, osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernias, radiculitis, disruption of the nervous system and internal organs.

2.2. Conducting research

Since the formation of the foot is completed by the age of ten, class 4 “B” was chosen for the study. There are 27 people in the class, of which 13 are boys and 14 are girls. (Application. Table No. 1)

To determine the normal weight index (the ratio of weight to height), the formula was used: weight (in kg) divided by the square of height (in m).

The weight/height index shows the extent to which weight exceeds height. (Application. Tables No. 2 and No. 3.)

The results of a study of the health status of students in grade 4 “B” (Appendix. Diagram 1):

corresponds to this age in 9 people - 33%;

deficiency of physical development - 3 people - 11%;

have harmonious development below the norm - 5 people. - 19%;

harmonious development above the norm - 6 people. -22%;

obese physical development - 4 people - 15%.

A special survey of students was conducted to obtain additional data on the issue under study, that is, to obtain information about students who may be at risk of developing flat feet.

Knowledge of the causes and consequences of flat feet allowed us to compose a questionnaire.

Based on the results of a survey of 23 students of grade 4 “B”, the following data was obtained, which is displayed in table No. 4(Application).

2.2.1. Plantography

To find out whether we have cases of flat feet, we removed typos of the plantar part of the foot - a plantogram for students in 4th grade. An aqueous solution of a harmless dye (gouache) was used, which was used to smear the surface of the sole. Then we got a foot print on a blank sheet of paper, taking into account the even distribution of weight.

The plantogram was assessed using the method of V.A. Yaralov-Yaraland. To do this, two lines are applied to the print: MK, connecting the middle of the heel with the middle of the base of the big toe, and MN, connecting the middle of the heel with the second interdigital space. If the internal bend of the contour of the foot print extends beyond the MN line or is located at its level, the foot is normal; if it is between the lines MK and MN - the foot is flattened (flat feet of the 1st-2nd degree); if it does not reach the MK line - flat feet of the 3rd degree.

Results of the study of plantograms (Appendix. Table№ 5)

In total there are 27 people in the class, 22 completed the study, of which:

girls - 14, 10 were present, 4 had flat feet;

boys - 13, 12 were present, 8 had flat feet.

2.2.2. Making rugs

As part of the work, students independently made orthopedic mats for the prevention and treatment of diseases and deformities of the foot.

When walking on these mats, walking on pebbles and other natural uneven surfaces is imitated, which is inaccessible to city residents.

An orthopedic mat is used in the following cases: - flat feet; - disorders of the musculoskeletal function of the foot - pushing, spring (shock absorption) and balancing; - load on the plantar surface of the foot; - asymmetrical and arrhythmic walking.

2.2.3.Exercises for flat feet

A set of exercises to prevent flat feet will help prevent this disease. The complex is based on special therapeutic exercises, which must be performed at home every day.

2.Static exercise. Bend your fingers as much as possible and hold them in this position until tired (20-40 seconds).

3. Contracting the muscles of the foot without bending the toes (!), shorten the longitudinal arch and hold in this tense position for some time until fatigue (20-30 seconds).

4. Holding a pencil between the first and second toes, make circular movements from right to left and back. The goal is to draw circles on paper.

5. When walking and jumping, try to push off the floor not with the heads of the metatarsal bones, but with the toes.

6. Types of self-massage of the plantar surface of the feet: walk barefoot on an uneven surface.

The above set of exercises for the prevention of flat feet actively strengthens the muscles of the foot and lower leg.

All exercises are performed barefoot, with a minimum of 10 repetitions. They should be performed several times a day, every day. Gymnastics should become a habit and become a daily activity.

For students with identified signs of flat feet, the following recommendations were given:

Constantly performing a set of physical exercises to prevent the development of flat feet

Using an orthopedic mat

Wearing comfortable orthopedic correct shoes.

To study the effect of exercises and orthopedic mats, students were surveyed about the implementation of the recommendation.

The plantograms were also taken again. (Application. Table No. 7)

3. Conclusion

Results of the study

1. We were able to verify that ignorance of the causes that cause foot diseases leads to such an ailment as flat feet.

2. We noticed that in students who, according to the results of the questionnaire, were included in the risk group during the initial foot examination, signs of flat feet were identified.

3. The results of the study showed that performing physical exercises to strengthen the feet and wearing the right shoes lead to a positive result in the correction of flat feet.


We all know that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, each of us has the right to choose. Which path to take depends on the person. This can be a path with flat feet, and a huge number of diseases to boot. Or realize that the foot is a mirror of your body and live the life of a healthy, full-fledged person.

All conditions have been created at our school to lead a healthy lifestyle: there are sports sections, there are various exercise equipment. It is necessary to carry out measures to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system among students.

The state of a person’s health depends on his attitude towards the state of his health.

And most importantly, in the course of research we found the answer to the question “Is it possible to overcome flat feet?”

4. List of resources used

1. Gishberg L. S. The use of physical therapy for diseases of flat feet // [text] M.: SMOLGIZ, 1998. - 258 p.

2. Kozyreva O.V. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of flat feet // [text] M.: “Education”, 1993. - 312 p.

3. Flat feet: causes and consequences [electronic resource] #"#">http://www.ortopediya.ru/flat-foot.php

5. Popov S. N. Physical therapy: a textbook for students. Higher Textbook Establishments // [text] Popov S. N., Valeev N. M., Garaseeva T. S. [etc.]. M.: "Academy", 2008. - 416 p.

6. http://www.ploskostopiya.net/ - text document (Part No. 2)

7. http://www.ploskostopiya.net/kak-opredelit-ploskostopie/ -text document

8. Belaya M.A. Manual of Massage Therapy, 2nd ed. - M.: Medicine, 1983 - 124 p.

9. Nazarenko L.D. Health benefits of physical exercise. M.: Vlados-Press, 2002 - 236 p.

10. Potapchuk A.A., Matveev S.V., Didur M.D. Therapeutic physical culture in childhood. Publishing house "Rech", 2007 - 180 p.


Table No. 1

Table No. 2

Weight/height index

weight index

Auzyak Jadwiga

Belyakova Olesya

Borzov Kirill

Borisenkov Andrey

Butenko Alina

Gnusina Daria

Goncharova Arina

Elshina Alisa

Ignatov Ilya

Karaseva Maria

Kiselev Denis

Kozhina Valeria

Kuzin Mikhail

Mironov Daniil

Ochnev Ilya

Redkin Danila

Rusakova Irina

Susin Mikhail

Uvarov Denis

Fedorova Valeria

Flegintova Irina

Chepernataya Natalya

Shapovalov Nikita

Shepelev Vitaly

Yavorskaya Diana

Table No. 3

Weight/height index

Diagram 1

Health status of students in grade 4 "B"

Table No. 4

Results of a student survey on the issue under study.

What shoes do you prefer to wear?

What kind of heavy loads do you carry often?

Do you feel tired in your legs in the evening?

Do you have any complaints of pain?

Are your heels worn out?

Do you do morning exercises?

Table No. 5

Plantogram study results

Last name, first name


Auzyak Jadwiga

Belyakova Olesya

Borzov Kirill

Borisenkov Andrey

Butenko Alina

Gnusina Daria

Goncharova Arina

Elshina Alisa

Ignatov Ilya

Karaseva Maria

Kiselev Denis

Kozhina Valeria

Kuzin Mikhail

Mironov Daniil

Ochnev Ilya

Redkin Danila

Rusakova Irina

Susin Mikhail

Uvarov Denis

Fedorova Valeria

Flegintova Irina

Chepernataya Natalya

Shapovalov Nikita

Shepelev Vitaly

Yavorskaya Diana

Table No. 6

Results of student surveys on implementation of recommendations

Table№ 7

Results of re-removal of plantograms

Last name, first name

Factor 1

Factor 2

Auzyak Jadwiga


Gnusina Daria

Ignatov Ilya

Kiselev Denis

Mironov Daniil

Ochnev Ilya

Redkin Danila

Susin Mikhail


Fedorova Valeria

Shepelev Vitaly

Photos of massage mats made by students of grade 4 "B"