Use of walnut partitions: not in the trash can, but in a woman's first aid kit. Healing partitions of walnuts - a useful recipe for tincture and its use

They have partitions inside and should not be thrown away. They have excellent healing properties and act as the basis for the preparation of medicinal tinctures that help with large number diseases.

Useful and healing properties

  • The partitions contain iodine in large quantities, so products based on nut partitions are recommended for the prevention or elimination of iodine deficiency.
  • Since iodine deficiency can cause the development of mastopathy, prostate adenoma, fibroids, pathologies thyroid gland and decreased immunity, then taking medications from the septum will also serve as a prevention of these diseases.
  • The partitions also have antibacterial properties.
  • Walnut partitions act as astringent with diarrhea.
  • They normalize the level blood pressure, as well as glucose and cholesterol levels.
  • The infusion on the partitions of nuts has an antiseptic effect, so it is used in the treatment of wounds.
  • Using the infusion walnut partitions Helps with eye infections.
  • The use of tinctures on the partitions externally helps with joint pain. By rubbing with this remedy, the condition of radiculitis is alleviated.

Walnut and honey - very useful combination, which allows the body to saturate with essential microelements. Prepare this mixture and eat 1 tbsp. l. in a day.


Walnut partitions should not be used by people with:

  • Allergic reactions, tendency to urticaria, Quincke's edema.
  • For acute and chronic gastritis.
  • Neurodermatitis, severe dermatitis, sensitive psoriasis.
  • People with individual intolerance.


The partitions extracted from walnuts are used in the form of both infusions and decoctions. Infusions on nut partitions can be water or alcohol. The latter have gained great popularity and distribution.

Indications for the use of tinctures and decoctions of partitions obtained from walnuts are:

  • problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal disbalance;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • memory impairment;
  • pain syndrome;
  • work in places where exposure to radiation is high;
  • colitis, diarrhea, intestinal polyps;
  • diabetes;
  • insomnia, irritation, neurosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • weakened immunity;
  • scratches, cuts, wounds and other damage to the skin;
  • radiculitis, etc.

How to cook

On the water

To make a decoction, take half a glass of raw materials, pour into a saucepan, add water (several glasses) and boil over low heat for several minutes. After cooling, it is important to strain the liquid thoroughly. A decoction of partitions is recommended for diarrhea, iodine deficiency, and eye infections. This decoction is taken before meals, one sip at a time.

On vodka

To prepare this tincture, the partitions are filled with vodka in a certain amount. Often the ratio of raw materials and vodka is 1 to 3. The partitions are poured whole or crushed. The future infusion is sent to a dark place for three weeks, after which it is taken at the table. spoon twice a day before meals (twenty minutes).

Features of preparing vodka tincture for various diseases:

  • To cure colitis It is recommended to put crushed septum (two or three spoons) at the bottom of a 200 ml jar, fill the jar with vodka to the top and leave it in closed for a week. It is recommended to take this tincture ten drops daily up to four times (drop each dose into a spoonful of water). After just one or two months of taking it, colitis will be cured.
  • For polyps in the intestines crush thirty partitions and fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka. Having sealed the container, it is sent to a dark place for two weeks. Take this drug one spoon up to 3 times a day.
  • If you have diabetes, pour vodka into two spoons of nut partitions so that the vodka covers them, after crushing the raw materials. After steeping the mixture for a week, drink 5-6 drops of the resulting product daily, dissolving them in a spoon of water. You need to use this medicine for up to 3 months until your condition improves and blood glucose levels normalize.
  • For pancreatitis mix three dessert spoons raw materials with 150 ml of vodka, this mixture is infused for 7 days, and then taken 5 drops daily on an empty stomach (diluted in 0.25 glasses of water) for 14 days to 3 months.
  • For atherosclerosis The jar is filled completely with partitions, and then filled with such a volume of vodka that the raw material is completely immersed in it. In a place hidden from light, the liquid is infused for 7 days. Treatment involves daily use 30 drops of the resulting solution, diluted in a glass of water.
  • If you need to cure joint pathology or radiculitis, about 40 g of nut partitions are filled with approximately 100 ml of vodka. After infusion for two weeks, the product is used externally, rubbing the infusion into the sore spot.
  • For neuroses and insomnia approximately 40 grams of raw material is poured with 250 milliliters of vodka. After infusing the mixture for two weeks, take it three times a day, 25 drops.
  • If you have intestinal or stomach ulcers, 200 g of nut partitions are placed in a liter of alcohol. The dishes are sealed and stored in a dark place for 21 days. The resulting tincture is consumed daily, one tablespoon at a time.


For fibroids and mastopathy

Fill the partitions obtained from 25 nuts with medical alcohol (100 ml) and leave in a dark place for ten days. Take the resulting tincture for about one month three times a day. A single dose of the product will be 15-20 drops.

Tincture of walnut partitions is used to treat fibroids and mastopathy

For the thyroid gland

Numerous studies have confirmed that the membranes found inside walnuts are a rich source of iodine. One of the most frequent consequences Iodine deficiency is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Replenishing the iodine content with a decoction of partitions will help in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of this endocrine organ.

A decoction of nut partitions is usually recommended. At the same time, during treatment it is worth carrying out such a test regularly (once a week) - at night the heels should be lubricated with iodine. When the next morning the iodine is no longer absorbed, treatment should be stopped.

Walnuts are a storehouse filled with the most useful vitamins, acids and minerals. The kernels, shells and septa of walnuts, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known to us for a long time, help to get rid of many difficulties and problems associated with health. When regularly added to food, they become quite a significant product for preventing disease and maintaining good health. physical health, like the walnut itself. Beneficial features partitions cause some ailments to recede.

Walnut membranes: composition

Most of us are accustomed to the fact that walnut shells and membranes are waste that goes straight into the trash. This opinion is quite common, but erroneous.

In the membranes as well as in the nuclei in a considerable number contains the body's essential useful material:

  • Proteins – 4.3 g;
  • Fats – 5.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates 2.2 g;
  • Vitamin A (retinol) 0.07 mg;
  • B vitamins (thiamine, choline, riboflavin, folacin, pyridoxine) – 1.4 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 2.2 mg;
  • Minerals:

- macroelements (potassium - 4.5 mg, magnesium - 2.3 mg, sodium - 1.2 mg);

- microelements (iron - 1.8 mg, iodine - 0.33 mg, zinc - 0.03 mg).

Walnut partitions: medicinal properties and benefits

Walnut membranes, whose beneficial properties have unique healing effect. They are used as a basis for cooking medicinal decoctions and tinctures that help the human body overcome many ailments and diseases.

The benefits and healing properties of partitions for human health are manifested in the following:

  1. In a fairly large amount of iodine. The membranes contain more of it than the nut kernels themselves. Iodine activates the functioning of the thyroid gland and brain, and its absence negatively affects their functioning and provokes malfunctions. Walnut septums from thyroid nodules are treated quite well. With a sufficient amount of iodine in the body, brain function and memory improve, mental activity, concentration is normalized. Lack of iodine can provoke the development of many diseases: mastopathy, fibroids, prostate adenomas and simply reduce immunity. Therefore, the use of medicines produced on their basis serves as a prevention of these ailments.
  2. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The walnut membranes contain a lot of magnesium, potassium and sodium, which will be needed for everyday and good heart function. Thanks to these substances, blood circulation and heart contraction are normalized. With a lack of these minerals, arrhythmia may develop.
  3. In improving digestive activity. Beneficial influence Decoctions from partitions are used for gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases. Such decoctions have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing and enveloping properties. Excellent tool relief from indigestion and diarrhea. When consuming decoctions, you need to be aware that excessive amounts can cause constipation.
  4. Alcohol tinctures restore the level of dextrose in the blood, cholesterol and normalize blood pressure, treat hypertension.
  5. Thanks to the antiseptic effect of infusions from membranes of nuts, it can be used in the treatment of wounds and cuts.
  6. Quite often, a decoction is used to treat eye damage from infectious diseases.
  7. Rubbing with the tincture can help a lot, or at least relieve pain in the joints or during attacks of radiculitis.

Application of products from partitions

Traditional medicine and doctors ignore the healing properties of medicinal infusions and decoctions prepared on the basis of walnut partitions. In view of this high-quality composition and the effects they have on the human body have not been fully studied by scientists.

It is noteworthy that traditional healers and healers use the membranes of these nuts to treat a wide range of ailments. In this they are guided by many years of observations and experience.

Tinctures infused with alcoholic beverages are the most effective forms of use, but in certain cases it is necessary to use decoctions, as in treatment eye diseases. Tinctures are prepared in different ratios partitions of walnuts and alcohol, it depends on their further use.

Over time, the human body rebuilds its life and various changes occur in cell structures. The use of tinctures from membranes helps prevent the occurrence of many diseases that usually appear in many of us after 40 years. In women, these can be diseases such as mastopathy, fibroids, in the male part of the population – prostatitis.

Also, with age, people are susceptible to diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis. Treatment with walnut membranes helps improve well-being and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

To compensate for the lack of iodine in the body, the tincture must be taken in a course of at least two weeks. In order to determine whether there is a lack of iodine in the body, it is necessary to perform the following manipulation. Before going to bed, you need to apply a strip of iodine to your heel. If the strip disappears by morning, it means the deficiency remains, and if it remains, then the course should be stopped.

With the help of infusions and decoctions from walnut membranes, diseases such as:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. To prepare the tincture, you need to take partitions from three kilograms of nuts, mash them and pour a bottle of vodka. This infusion should be placed in a dark room for 15 days. Afterwards it must be filtered and stored in a cool room, refrigerator. The tincture should be taken on an empty stomach, one small spoonful at a time. The product will be more effective if it is prepared from the partitions of the new harvest. Also, for pain in the heart, take a decoction with the addition of other medicinal herbs. For example, motherwort herb and valerian root. The internal partitions of five nuts are ground and 5 tablespoons of each herb are added to them. Then add a spoonful of this mixture to half a liter of chilled water and pour it overnight. In the morning, boil the broth for 15 minutes and filter. You need to take the decoction three times a day, 1/3 of a glass. The decoction is best used on an empty stomach.
  • Bronchial asthma. At this disease partitions from one kilogram of nuts are poured with 0.5 vodka and left for a week. It should be taken 25 drops before meals. It is better to drink the tincture with regular warm milk. Walnut membranes and vodka tincture made from them are an excellent prophylactic against asthma attacks.
  • Infectious eye diseases caused by viruses. For instillation, a decoction of membranes is used. Boil two large spoons of partitions in a glass of water for 8-12 minutes. The course lasts about 7-10 days. The eyes can be either instilled or washed. The more often the procedure is performed, the faster the positive effect will occur.
  • Hypertension in women during menopause. In order to ease the course of menopause and hormonal changes in women, you should take a tincture of membranes. To prepare this recipe, you will need a small handful of partitions, which are filled with 250 ml of water and left for about 8 hours. Then boil this infusion for several minutes and strain. The decoction should be drunk on an empty stomach.
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers. In this case, for the treatment of gastrointestinal intestinal tract You can use a decoction and powdered walnut partitions. The decoction is prepared from membranes of 15-20 nuts and two glasses of water. This mixture must be boiled until half the liquid has evaporated. The remaining healing decoction is divided into three parts and drunk during the day. To prepare a potion for stomach diseases, you need to grind 200 g of membranes into powder and add half a liter of honey, half a kilogram butter. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave to cool in the refrigerator. This mixture is consumed an hour before meals, two tablespoons.
  • Diabetes. A decoction of membranes serves as a unique addition to traditional methods treatment of this disease. It is prepared using 250 ml of water and membranes of 15 walnuts. You need to cook for 8-12 minutes and use throughout the day.
  • Mastopathy. The decoction used for this disease is prepared with the addition of other ingredients. The partitions and kernels taken from two kilograms of walnuts should be ground in a coffee grinder. To the resulting powdery mixture you need to add 50 g of birch buds and a tablespoon healing herb centaury. Then fill it with a half-liter bottle of vodka. Then add a glass of honey and a glass of aloe juice. The mixture should sit for about two weeks dark room, sometimes shaking or stirring. You need to use this infusion three times a day, taking a small spoonful. The course of treatment lasts until the supply of the prepared tincture is completely exhausted; if necessary, this course should be repeated, but only after 60-90 days.
  • Atherosclerosis. To make an infusion, you need to purchase hawthorn tincture from a pharmacy chain and dilute it halfway with water. Then add 50 grams of membranes of nuts. This tincture should be infused in a warm place for at least 7-10 days. Take a teaspoon three times a day for 40-50 days.
  • Oncological diseases of the respiratory system. You need two tablespoons of smokeweed, three tablespoons of chaga and eucalyptus, five tablespoons of black nightshade root and partitions, ten tablespoons of strawberry grass with roots and several walnut leaves. All this is ground in a meat grinder or ground in a blender. One tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Afterwards everything is poured into a thermos for 15 minutes for better infusion. You need to take this unique collection several times a day with a large spoon.
  • During the adaptation period after a stroke, rubbing from infusions based on walnut partitions is used. In addition to the partitions, the composition includes: dry horseradish leaves, dry skin of black radish, pine nut shells. All this is poured with 500 grams of alcohol and infused for about two weeks. The mixture is shaken periodically. Hands and feet should be rubbed in the morning.
  • Pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas. An auxiliary measure to combat these diseases can be a tincture prepared from ordinary water and walnut partitions. The mixture is infused for more than two to three weeks in a fairly bright room.

Contraindications and harm

Medicines made from walnut membranes have some contraindications that cannot be ignored.

  1. Infusions and decoctions from membranes should not be used by people prone to allergic reactions.
  2. Their use is contraindicated for diseases such as: acute gastritis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use tinctures for people with individual intolerance.
  4. Due to the alcohol content in tinctures, they cannot be used in the treatment of diseases by children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and drivers.

How can you get the partitions, i.e. watch the video on how to crack nuts

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends! Let's continue the topic of treatment with walnuts. I already wrote about , and , and now we'll talk, of course, about the partitions that separate the slices of delicious nut pulp. They contain a large number of glucosides, alkaloids, vitamin C, iodine and organic substances. Knowing the medicinal properties of walnut partitions and contraindications to them, as well as recipes for preparing tinctures and decoctions, you can get rid of many diseases.

Walnut partitions: medicinal properties and contraindications

Walnut partitions:

  • are a source of natural iodine, which allows them to be used to treat patients with diseases endocrine system;
  • have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties;
  • contain tannins that help fight the symptoms of diarrhea;
  • can be used for women's health: for mastopathy, fibroids, cysts, as well as for the treatment of other neoplasms (fibroadenoma, prostate adenoma, intestinal polyps);
  • thanks to the large amount of iodine, they strengthen the body’s immune forces, improve metabolism, improve sleep quality, and have a positive effect on nervous system and human memory;
  • can be used to lower blood pressure, normalize blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol levels;
  • as a medicine for local application can be used for joint diseases.

No matter how enormous the benefits and medicinal properties of walnut partitions are, there are still contraindications to products based on this raw material.


You cannot use decoctions and tinctures of nut partitions:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the product;
  • people prone to allergic reactions (especially the development of Quincke's edema);
  • for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, severe dermatitis;
  • for acute or chronic gastritis.

Most often, a tincture is prepared from this raw material, but there are also recipes for decoctions and various mixtures.

Tincture of walnut partitions: use and contraindications

There are many recipes for making this tincture. Each of them helps with certain diseases. How and against what diseases should walnut partitions be used? They are recommended to be used for the following ailments:

  • insomnia;
  • memory impairment;
  • neuroses;
  • headache;
  • damage skin: cuts, wounds, scratches;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • low immunity;
  • Local use of alcohol tincture for radiculitis will relieve radiculitis and joint pain.

Result regular use tinctures:

  • irritability goes away;
  • the state of the nervous system returns to normal;
  • sleep improves;
  • metabolic processes return to normal, disappears excess weight;
  • the body's immune forces are strengthened.

Contraindications to the use of this tincture are:

  • skin diseases: urticaria, neurodermatitis, eczema;
  • severe allergic reactions.

Recipes for making vodka tincture

In order to prepare such a tincture, you will need whole or crushed raw materials and vodka. Often their ratio is 1/3 in recipes. After combining the ingredients, the container with the future infusion is placed in a dark place, where it is most often stored for 3 weeks.

Features of preparing vodka infusion for certain ailments:

  1. From thyroid nodules It is useful to use a remedy for which you need to take a glass of partitions and the same amount of vodka. The liquid is kept in the dark for a week. Take 20 ml 2 times a day on an empty stomach. You need to be treated this way for 3 weeks, after a week of rest the course is repeated.
  2. The use of the following remedy will help in treatment atherosclerosis. Pour a full jar of partitions and fill with vodka. Infuse the product for about a week. How to take: add 30 drops of medicine to a glass of water and drink daily.
  3. At malignant neoplasms thyroid gland partitions, pour 50 walnuts into half a liter of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Drink 20 ml every day to prevent iodine deficiency.
  4. To increase hemoglobin in the blood The following infusion is suitable: take half a liter of vodka for a glass of raw material and mix. Keep the mixture in a dark place for a week, drink 5 ml three times a day.
  5. Longevity can be achieved if you take this medicine: pour the raw materials with vodka until completely covered, leave for 2 weeks. Take 60 ml of the product every day.
  6. For those suffering from goiter will help next remedy: Remove the partitions from 1.5 kg of nuts and pour them into 0.5 liters of vodka. Cover the container with a dark cloth and leave for 10 days. The daily volume of the medicine is 15 ml in three doses 30 minutes before meals. Store the liquid in the refrigerator. After all the medicine is used, the goiter should go away.
  7. To those suffering osteomyelitis A tincture of partitions of 2 kg of mature nuts, doused in vodka, will help. Infuse the product until a rich dark brown color is obtained, filter. Divide 60 ml of the product into 3 parts and take throughout the day. The course of treatment is 20 days. If the remedy does not bring the desired result, repeat the procedure.
  8. When salts are deposited It is recommended to add a glass of raw material to half a liter of vodka and leave for 16 days. Drink 5 ml 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  9. Under stress and nervousness, you should grind the nut partitions to a powder state, pour 10 g into a glass of vodka. Leave for a week and a half, take 25 drops with a glass of water.
  10. For women, the medicinal properties of this raw material are revealed in the following recipe: pour 20 g of crushed partitions into 0.2 liters of vodka. Leave in the dark for 7-8 days, filter. How to take: 27-30 drops with a glass of water. Drink in 3 doses 20 minutes before meals. This medicine is effective for fibroids and mastitis.

Recipes for making tinctures with alcohol

For mastopathy and fibroids

Take 25 nuts, split them and select the partitions. Pour them into 0.1 liter of medical alcohol and leave in the dark for 10 days. Drink without straining 3 times a day, 15 drops diluted in a glass of water. The duration of treatment is 2 months, during which the tumor should resolve. Store the liquid in the refrigerator.

To get rid of stomach ulcers

Take 1.5 kg of nuts, separate the partitions from them, and put them in a glass container. Add 200 ml of medical alcohol, starch - 3 tbsp. l., mix. Leave the container in the dark for 10 days, covered with a thick cloth. After infusion, the remedy is filtered and taken on an empty stomach, 20 ml three times a day until complete cure.

For thyroid diseases

It is necessary to put the partitions of 15 walnuts in a jar, add 150 ml of alcohol there, and leave for 2 weeks. How to take: mix 1 tsp. medicine and 4 tsp. water. Drink twice a day 2 hours before meals. Treat in this way for 1 month; if the effect is weak, repeat the treatment after a ten-day rest.

For malignant neoplasms

Chop 25 nuts, remove the partitions and pour 0.2 liters of medical alcohol into a non-metallic container. Stay in the dark for a week. Take 15 drops of the medicine diluted three times a day.

The use of tincture of walnut partitions and contraindications in specific cases must be agreed with the attending physician.

Other uses of walnut partitions

For duodenal ulcers

A product made from this raw material will help heal the ulcer. duodenum. The following recipe is very easy to make at home. Grind 200 g of raw materials into powder, add 500 g of honey and the same amount of butter. On an empty stomach, eat 4 tsp every morning. this mass.

For thyroid diseases

To relieve inflammation of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to include 5 walnuts in your diet every day and drink a decoction from their partitions. You need to pour 20 g of raw materials into a glass of boiling water and place the dishes on a low flame. After boiling, cook for about 10-15 minutes. Filter the cooled liquid and drink 20 ml 3 times a day. Take the medicine for 10 days.

Decoction to normalize blood sugar levels

It is effective to use a decoction for diabetes mellitus, to obtain which you need to mix 50 g of raw materials and half a liter of water. Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil, and cook over low flame for 1 hour. The cooled liquid is filtered and taken 20 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. You need to be treated this way for 3 months. You can stop using the infusion earlier, as soon as the blood glucose level returns to normal. You can also drink tea from walnut leaves at the same time. In parallel with treatment with these drugs, you need to drink mixtures that have a laxative effect.

The following remedy also helps to lower blood sugar: pour 40 g of crushed raw materials into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours under a tightly closed lid. Filter the liquid and drink 20 ml before each meal an hour (3 times a day)

Cognac tincture for chronic non-productive cough and bronchitis

Chop 1 kg of nuts, removing the partitions, pour in 0.5 liters of cognac. Close the container tightly and leave in a warm place. Filtered infusion and drink 20 ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The same remedy can dilate blood vessels and improve blood composition.

Cure for ovarian cysts

Pour 40 g of raw material into 300 ml of boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then cool and filter. Drink 300 ml per day in 3 divided doses.

Decoction for cleansing the skin and gastrointestinal tract

Pour the partitions from 20 last year's nuts into an enamel container and pour 2.5 glasses of water. Place on the stove, when it boils, reduce the flame and wait about 10 minutes. When cool, filter. Drink 60 ml of the product per day in 3 divided doses. Thus, continue treatment for 14 days. In parallel with taking the decoction, it is advisable to take baths with the addition of 0.5 kg of sea salt and 1 tsp. oils of celandine, sage or wormwood.

Means for normalizing stool with tolerable diarrhea

Pour 20 g of raw material into 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid, and place on water bath for half an hour. After this, let it brew for 10 minutes, filter and take 2-4 tsp. three times a day 30 minutes before meals until signs of diarrhea stop.

Decoction for hypertension

For elimination pain syndrome and normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to take a glass of water in the evening and add 1 tsp. chopped walnut partitions, leave overnight. In the morning, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Leave in a warm place for about 10 minutes, filter. Take the product on an empty stomach after waking up.

Decoction for fibroids

Pour 3 liters of water into an enamel pan, add a glass of nut partitions there, bring to a boil and drain the water. Pour the same amount of water over the raw material again and put it on fire. After boiling, simmer the product under the lid on a low flame for half an hour. Remove the pan from the heat, cool and filter the broth. Pour 3 liters of water over the boiled partitions again, bring to a boil and leave on the fire for 45 minutes. Then strain the liquid and mix with the first decoction. You can replace tea and water with this remedy; you are allowed to drink no more than 800 ml per day.

This product removes excess cholesterol well and improves elasticity. blood vessels, blood thinning. You need to take 400 g of crushed shells and partitions of walnuts, pour 1 liter of moonshine over them. Leave for 2 months in a warm place until a dark brown liquid is obtained. Strain and take 1 tbsp every day. l. for preventive purposes.

Hair lotion

Used to strengthen hair. The resulting liquid is treated with the skin on the head.


  1. Take 50 g of raw materials and place them in a glass container.
  2. Dilute 200 ml of vodka with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Pour diluted vodka into the partitions, close the container tightly with a lid and place in the dark for 14 days.
  4. Strain the infusion and pour into a clean jar, add 1 tsp. honey and 3 drops of rose oil, mix thoroughly.


  1. Rub the liquid into the scalp, cover with plastic and wrap with a towel.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.
  3. Rinse your hair with water and citric acid (0.5 tsp per 3 liters of water).

Thus, in the absence of contraindications, the medicinal properties of walnut partitions and their correct use will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the body and help get rid of many ailments.

Walnut - favorite treat, both for children and adults. Everyone knows that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. No attention is paid to walnut partitions, although this is undeserved.

Composition and beneficial properties of partitions

The main element that gives walnut partitions their characteristic tea color and bitter taste is iodine. It is its presence that makes partitions an indispensable raw material for preparing infusions and decoctions.

  • In addition to iodine, there are vitamins: E, PP A, B, C;
  • microelements: magnesium, zinc, calcium;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins.

This composition is present in full in fresh partitions. Half is lost when dried useful elements, they leave along with the moisture. Therefore, it is better to use fresh raw materials for preparing medicinal infusions. So it will be received maximum benefit from a valuable natural product.

What diseases of the body do nut partitions help with?

All the healing properties of nut partitions are based on the high iodine content in their composition.

  1. Replenishing its level in the blood leads to strengthening of the immune system.
  2. Insomnia disappears, memory improves.
  3. Cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels are reduced, which is of great importance for atherosclerosis and diabetes.
  4. Used as a tonic for persistent diarrhea. Possessing astringent properties, it brings a noticeable improvement in condition.
  5. Used for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  6. For general malaise, mental and nervous overstrain An infusion or decoction of nut partitions will also help. It can be used as a prophylactic during viral infections.

Proper preparation and reasonable use are the key to restoring and maintaining health.

Useful properties of partitions: video

Contraindications for use

Before you start preparing infusions, tinctures, and decoctions, you should learn about cases when these drugs can cause harm to the body. It could be:

  • individual intolerance
  • allergic reaction
  • Quincke's edema
  • psoriasis
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • stomach ulcer
  • chronic gastritis
  • predisposition to urticaria

You need to be careful when using septum medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Eliminate alcohol tinctures completely. water infusions should be of low concentration so as not to harm mother and baby.

For constipation, preparations from nut partitions should not be used.

Preparation and use of infusions and decoctions

A water infusion of walnut partitions is good for colitis.

To do this, the raw materials should be crushed. Measure out three tablespoons and place in a small glass container. Add boiled water so much so that it barely covers the partitions. Infuse for a week.

Drink 10-15 drops per 1 tbsp. water, 3 times a day. After monthly intake means the intestinal condition will improve. Unpleasant sensations will disappear.

A decoction of nut partitions is used for conjunctivitis.

To do this, place half a glass of the raw material in a small bowl, add water (2-3 glasses). Put on fire and let it boil. Continue cooking over low heat. After 10 minutes of low boiling, the broth can be considered cooked. It is cooled and necessarily filtered. The resulting product should have a rich tea color.

For treatment, you need to apply a cotton pad soaked in a warm broth to your eyelids for 30 minutes.

A decoction of the same composition can be used as a preventative and tonic . One sip of the drink before meals will be enough to maintain health. It needs to be used for a long time. Minimum - one month. After the fourth month you need to take a long break.

In the treatment of prostatitis and ovarian cysts a decoction is used.

300 ml. boiling water and 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped, partitions. Place everything in a small bowl and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cover and leave to steep for an hour.

Strain the finished drink and divide into three parts and drink throughout the day.

Preparation of tinctures and their use

Preparation of tincture with alcohol (possible replacement with double distilled moonshine).

Alcohol 150 ml., with a concentration of 70%. Nut raw materials – 25 gr. Place everything in a dark glass container and leave for 10-14 days to extract all the useful elements. The place should also be dark. After this time remedy will be ready.

The tincture has a fairly wide range of applications.

For people suffering from diabetes, it is necessary to take 5 drops of the drug per 1 tbsp once, on an empty stomach. l. water.

For those with atherosclerosis and arrhythmia: once. 30 drops per 250 ml. warm water.

Pancreatitis is treated for at least two weeks by taking 5 drops diluted in 50 ml on an empty stomach. water.

Problems will decrease in people with inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, if three times a day they drink 30 drops of a folk remedy diluted in half a glass of water.

Excitability, insomnia, and irritability will disappear by taking 30 drops of the drug in half a glass of water three times a day.

For mastopathy – 15 drops per 50 ml. liquids, three times a day, for two months.

The same dosage is used to treat uterine fibroids. The treatment period is two months.

Walnut tincture is also used for external use. Pain in the joints and lower back will decrease when the product is rubbed into the affected areas, followed by keeping them warm (wrap up the treated area).

A tincture of walnut partitions will also provide invaluable help to people who have reached their fifth decade. It will serve as a preventative against the development of prostatitis, mastopathy, fibroids and other age-related ailments.

It is useful to take a healing tincture for people whose professional activity involves radiation exposure: healthcare workers (oncologists, radiologists).

Tincture on walnut partitions: video

Vodka tincture for hair

Recipe for women who have hair problems. A vodka tincture prepared according to the following recipe will help restore them:

for 250 ml. good vodka will require 50 grams. walnut partitions. Combine the ingredients, seal the container with the mixture tightly and put it in a dark place for half a month.

After extracting, add a few drops of rose oil (sold at the pharmacy) and one teaspoon of honey to the strained solution. Mix well. The resulting mixture has a very pleasant, nutty-honey aroma. It will serve as a lotion to restore dull hair.


Apply to the scalp, wrap in a warm towel and leave for half an hour. Then wash your hair as usual, and to enhance the effect, slightly acidify the rinse water with lemon juice. Apply once a week. The best place for storage - refrigerator.

Tincture for weight loss

This option is used for weight loss.

You will need walnut fruit partitions in the amount of 200-350 grams, 0.5 liters of alcohol. The prepared ingredients are mixed in a vessel that should be dark in color. The mixture is sent to the cellar, or to the far corner of the refrigerator, for a month and a half, sealed.

Directions: dilute 8-10 drops of the drug in a glass of water, take 3 times a day. The course is one month.

If you need to prepare a large quantity nut tincture, then take the following proportions of the components:

  • 1 kg. partitions
  • 3 liters of vodka (moonshine).

Mix and leave for a month in a dark place. Take the medicine before meals, no later than 30 minutes, 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Iodine deficiency

Manifestations of iodine deficiency such as irritability, aggressiveness, and fatigue are often attributed to external factors. But if this happens for no apparent reason, you should think about your health.

Anyone can do a simple blood iodine deficiency test. At night, draw several iodine strips in the forearm area. If they are not there in the morning, then it’s time to replenish the reserves of this element.

To replenish the level of iodine in the blood, use the following recipe for vodka tincture (you can use moonshine).

Fill the membranes of 20 nuts with half a liter of vodka (moonshine). Leave for 10 days, shaking the container with contents daily. After the infusion period has expired, the liquid is filtered.

Drink the tincture twice a day, morning and evening. Dosage: 1 tablespoon. Having consumed the entire volume healing tincture, you should take a break of 7-10 days and, if necessary, repeat the same course of treatment.

How to store

  • The dry product is stored in a clean, ventilated area in paper containers for up to 4 months.
  • Decoctions are stored for a maximum of 2 days in the refrigerator. They are always prepared and taken fresh.
  • Tinctures can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool, dark room.

Undoubtedly, the partitions of walnuts are useful. But do not forget to consult your doctor before using such potent drugs.

Among all the medicines that are prepared from this raw material, the most famous, although somewhat exotic to the ear, is the tincture of walnut partitions. What healing properties can these thin membranes contain? After all, the most delicious and desirable thing in a nut is the kernel.

However, the shell of a ripe fruit - dry and strong - is a “concentrate” of useful substances (in particular, iodine), which, under the influence of alcohol, transform into a liquid “configuration” without losing their bioactive properties. Unripe nuts contain a significant amount ascorbic acid, and there are a lot of fruits in the peel tannins, which have astringent and hemostatic properties.

Walnut-based tinctures are medicines with diverse effects, quite effective and easy to prepare at home.

Walnut is a virtually waste-free product; traditional healers use it to prepare the following types of tinctures: from green unripe fruits- “milk” nuts, from the partitions of young nuts, from green peel, shell and even from leaves.

The use of tinctures: benefits and contraindications

The use of walnut tincture is possible for various pathological conditions of the body as a preventive, therapeutic and additional measure:

  • positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • getting rid of migraines, improving concentration and memory;
  • help with poisoning and upset stomach and intestines, treatment of polyps in the intestines;
  • prevention of iodine deficiency in the body, normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body, getting rid of excess weight;
  • additional remedy in the treatment of "female" hormonal diseases– mastopathy, fibroids and uterine fibroids;
  • stopping the growth of tumors, mitigating unpleasant symptoms adenomas;
  • relief painful condition with pancreatitis and insulin-dependent form diabetes mellitus;
  • recovery from severe colds, bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • relief of nervous diseases, help with insomnia;
  • reduction of inflammation and pain in radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sprains and joints.

Prevention of endemic goiter

Many areas of our country are classified as so-called iodine-deficient - this is determined by the predominance of residents in them suffering from diseases of the endocrine system (in particular, disorders hormonal levels due to pathology of the thyroid gland). Such “risk regions,” according to scientists and physicians, are the North Caucasus, Ural, East Siberian and West Siberian, Far Eastern regions, Volga region, Mountain Altai, as well as the regions of Central Russia that suffered from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident: Bryansk, Tula, Oryol, Kursk, Kaluga.

Tip: To check whether there is a risk of iodine deficiency, you can do the following test: apply several broad “smears” of iodine on your shoulder at night or make a light iodine mesh. If by morning there are no traces left, then the body is experiencing a shortage of this microelement and it is necessary serious treatment. If barely noticeable strokes are visible, then prevention is needed.

Regular use of preparations made from walnuts (decoction, tinctures) will help replenish the lack of iodine in the body

Restoring natural immune protection By using walnut tincture, the benefits of which as an additional source of iodine are invaluable, you can strengthen the body's resistance during seasonal epidemics and solve individual health problems.

Attention: contraindications!

However, despite such a wide range of positive effects, walnut preparations can cause irreparable harm to the body, therefore, if any of the above contraindications are present, taking tinctures is prohibited:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • acute gastritis;
  • allergic reactions, intolerance to iodine preparations;

Attention: The use of walnut decoctions and tinctures is a good deed, which, however, must be correlated with the capabilities of the body and the general condition of the person. Before you decide to take any walnut-based medications, you should consult a therapist and endocrinologist. Excess iodine in the body is no better than its lack!

What are the benefits of nut partitions?

Not everyone knows that it is the walnut partitions that are natural source Yoda. They also contain rare organic acids and essential oils, vitamin C, valuable alkaloids and glucosides that have a general strengthening effect on the body. The benefits of walnut partitions are also preserved in the form of tincture, which is most often prepared with vodka or alcohol.

Walnut partitions – valuable product, which has natural healing properties that can be isolated and preserved

To prepare tinctures and other medicines (powders, decoctions, extracts), nuts of varying degrees of maturity are used. They say that it is better to use young nuts with still green partitions or young ripe nuts, just collected. Fruits that are stored for a long time gradually lose beneficial essential oils and other healing components concentrated in the partitions.

Advice: A “softer” remedy that helps improve the flow of iodine into the body is a decoction of partitions. It is better suited for children than alcohol-containing walnut tincture.

For cooking healing drink you need to take the partitions and water in a ratio of 1:2 (for example, for 1 glass of partitions you will need 2 glasses of water), bring them to a boil in a saucepan and leave to simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes. over low heat. The resulting decoction can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for 2-3 days. It should be taken on an empty stomach before meals three times a day. The recommended dose is 20-30 ml (one sip). In addition to iodine, this decoction contains useful antibacterial substances that help get rid of inflammation and remove toxins from the body. It can also be used externally, for example, in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Secrets of preparing and taking tinctures

The “classic” version of tincture from walnut partitions, which helps solve health problems in several directions at once, is prepared according to the following recipe:

Place two full spoons of partitions into a container of suitable volume and fill them with 200 ml of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol (70% strength). The drug needs to be infused for 10 days. Then it needs to be strained, poured into bottles with a dropper and stored in a cool place.

Another proven remedy is tincture of walnuts with vodka. For this medicine, only young nuts are needed.


Chop 25-30 nuts, remove the partitions, pour 500 ml of vodka over them and leave for 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking the vessel daily.

Tips for use:

  1. Orally to prevent iodine deficiency: dilute 5-10 drops of tincture in 1 tbsp. water, take daily before meals for 2-4 weeks.
  2. Orally for the treatment of cough: 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day, with 1 glass of water.
  3. Orally for insomnia and neurological diseases: 25-30 drops 3 times a day with 1 glass of water.
  4. Orally for fibroids, mastopathy: 5-30 drops 3 times a day (increase the dosage gradually), with water, 30 minutes before meals
  5. Externally for radiculitis, joint diseases: in the form of rubbing or compresses under a bandage several times a day.

Tincture recipe for walnut partitions for diabetes:

2 tbsp. The partitions should be filled with vodka so that it completely covers them (about 100 ml will be required), and leave for at least a week. This remedy should be taken on an empty stomach, 7 drops, diluting the medicine in water. The optimal course of treatment is 2-5 weeks of treatment, month break, then the course is resumed.

You can learn how to prepare a tincture on walnut shells from this video:

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with excess weight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful? And have you already thought about radical measures? This is understandable, because a slim figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a person losing " overweight", looks younger - an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose excess weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures...Read the article >>

Walnutunique plant in every way, because everything in it can be used in medicinal purposes: starting from the root and ending with the foliage. It is surprising that such an unremarkable part of the nuts as their partitions has healing properties.

In folk medicine, decoction and tincture of walnut partitions are widely used.


Folk medicines prepared from this part of the nut perfectly help cope with the following ailments:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Iodine deficiency in the body.
  • Colitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Excess weight.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Sweating.
  • Problems with the nervous system.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Irritability.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Diabetes.
  • Memory impairment.

Walnut partitions, the use of which helps to cure great amount diseases, is a powerful tool to replenish iodine reserves in the body.

A deficiency of this element in the human body can cause dangerous ailments:

  1. Mastopathy.
  2. BPH.
  3. Myoma.

Main symptoms of iodine deficiency:

  • Absent-mindedness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • High blood pressure.
  • General weakness.
  • Hand trembling.

You can check yourself at home to see if you have iodine deficiency. For this you need overnight cotton swab Apply several strips of iodine to your forearm (you can lubricate your heels with it). If in the morning there is not a trace of iodine left on your skin, then you definitely have a deficiency of this substance.

Partitions will also help cure such an unpleasant phenomenon as conjunctivitis:

  1. You need to grind the partitions in a coffee grinder.
  2. Half a glass of the resulting powder must be poured with 1.5 glasses of cold water.
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil.
  4. Leave on low heat for 20 minutes.
  5. Be sure to strain the liquid through cheesecloth.
  6. Cotton swabs should be moistened in the decoction and applied to the eyes.

Walnut septum for thyroid gland:

  1. Fill a dark bottle (0.5 l) 1/3 full with partitions.
  2. Fill with vodka up to the neck.
  3. Leave for 21 days.
  4. After 3 weeks you need to strain the liquid.
  5. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

You can prepare a healthy decoction of walnut partitions:

  1. Pour half a glass of partitions into the pan.
  2. Pour in a few glasses of water.
  3. Boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  4. Let the broth cool.
  5. Then strain thoroughly.
  6. Take sip three times a day before meals.

You can also use walnut partitions to treat diabetes mellitus:

  1. 2 tablespoons of partitions must be poured with vodka so that it completely covers them.
  2. Let it brew for 7 days.
  3. Take the medicine 6 drops diluted in 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. The course can range from 21 days to 3 months. The result of treatment can be monitored by measuring blood sugar levels.

Tincture of walnut partitions

Treatment with walnut septa helps with such dangerous diseases like cancer, mastopathy and uterine fibroids. To prepare the medicine, you can use the following recipe (you can infuse the walnut partitions with alcohol):

  1. It is necessary to prepare partitions of 20-25 nuts and 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  2. Place the partitions in a glass container and fill with alcohol.
  3. Close the container and place in a dark place for at least a week.

You need to take the medicine as follows:

  1. In the first days of treatment, the tincture must be dissolved in water (15 drops of medicine per 30 ml warm water). Must be taken three times a day.
  2. Gradually the number of drops can be increased to 20.
  3. The course of such treatment is 60 days, after which you need to take a ten-day break and repeat everything again.

Regular use of the tincture brings excellent results:

  1. Irritability goes away.
  2. The nervous system returns to normal.
  3. Sleep problems go away.
  4. Metabolism improves and excess weight goes away.
  5. Immunity is strengthened.


Walnut partitions have some contraindications for use. They should not be used by people who have the following ailments:

  • Eczema.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Hives.
  • Individual intolerance to walnuts.


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Dear readers, many people know how nutritious, tasty and healthy walnuts are. They contain many vitamins and mineral elements. In the mid-80s, in Soviet popular science literature, this nut was even called “food of the future”, so great is its the nutritional value. Walnuts are used to make delicious and healthy vegetable oil.

But often, when buying and using walnuts for food, we simply throw away the shells. And it contains partitions that have taken a lot of value and benefit from the “main product”. Shouldn't we stock up on walnut partitions to preserve our health and treat many diseases? Today we will look at the medicinal properties of walnut partitions and recipes with them. Perhaps you will pay attention to them.

Composition of partitions

The septum is the inner part of the nut that secures the kernel in the shell. Since it is part of the whole plant, it also received many valuable components in its composition. In many ways, walnut partitions “inherit” the nut kernels themselves. The partitions contain:

  • Vitamin A, B-group, C;
  • Organic acids;
  • Glycosides;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Mineral complex zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc.

It is no coincidence that iodine should be mentioned separately from other mineral elements. The septa of walnuts are very rich in iodine. This makes them a valuable medicinal raw material for the treatment of a whole range of ailments. How are they useful?

Effect on the body

The partitions of walnuts have several effects on the body beneficial actions. It is a general tonic, antimicrobial, astringent, prevents the formation of tumors, and optimizes metabolic processes. Partitions give an antitussive effect, help cleanse blood vessels, improve sleep and memory, and calm the nerves. The ability of partitions to reduce pressure has been noted. They also help to reduce weight if necessary.

It is especially useful to use walnut partitions for people with iodine deficiency.

Partitions with iodine deficiency

Walnut partitions are rich in iodine. They restore the normal level of this valuable element in the body. Lack of iodine can give rise to the development of serious diseases. These are fibroids, mastopathy, adenoma. There is a malfunction of the thyroid gland. This entails many other disorders, from inhibition of puberty to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency - fatigue, absentmindedness, hypertension, constant colds, trembling in hands. Want to check your iodine level? Is there enough of it in the body? We will need regular iodine tincture from the pharmacy. In the evening, apply a couple of lines of iodine on the forearm or heels. If in the morning these lines are completely absorbed, not a trace remains, then there is a lack of iodine. If iodine is normal, it will not be completely absorbed through the skin. You can read more about everything in my article Iodine mesh

To replenish this microelement, you need to use a decoction of walnut partitions. This remedy will give a bactericidal effect and stimulate thyroid gland. Your overall health will noticeably improve. We will look at the traditional medicine recipe for this case below.

Medicinal beneficial properties of walnut partitions

Walnut septa, despite their modesty and inconspicuousness, help in the treatment of a whole range of diseases. Products with nut partitions are used for:

  • Lack of iodine;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Stomach disorders;
  • Mastopathy and uterine fibroids;
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Asthma and pulmonary diseases;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Overweight;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Colitis;
  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Weakened memory.

Walnut partitions will help if you get tired quickly or are weakened after an illness or surgery. Partitions give good dream, eliminate sweating and irritability.

Walnut partitions. Application. Recipes

Now let's talk about the use of walnut partitions. There are many recipes in folk medicine. Usually used decoctions or alcohol tinctures. It is important to maintain exact proportions when preparing products with partitions. Let's look at some of the medicinal recipes.

Decoction for iodine deficiency and for the thyroid gland

You will need enamel cookware. Walnut partitions are poured cold water in a ratio of 1:4. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. When the broth cools, it is filtered. There must be color strong tea. Drink three times a day before meals. Dosage is a regular sip. The course of treatment can vary from a week to a month. If you have iodine deficiency, you can control yourself by applying iodine strips to your skin before bed. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

Decoction for diarrhea

Exactly the same recipe is used for diarrhea. The only thing is that they take half a glass of partitions. Take it in the same way - three times a day, on an empty stomach, one sip at a time.

Decoction for conjunctivitis and eye infections

Walnut septums are good for eye infections. A decoction is made for this. Using a coffee grinder, the partitions are turned into powder. Take half a glass of it for one and a half glasses of water. Bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool and filter the broth. From cotton swabs Apply lotions to the eyes for 30 minutes. The course takes one to two weeks.

Decoction for adenoma, prostatitis, ovarian diseases

A decoction of partitions is used for male and female health. For two tablespoons - one and a half cups of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Infuse the decoction for an hour. You need to take everything in a day, in three approaches. Used for prostate adenoma and prostatitis. They also take a decoction for ovarian cysts.

Tincture on walnut partitions with vodka and alcohol. Application

Vodka (alcohol) tinctures on the partitions of the nut are more active than decoctions for some diseases.

Tincture on partitions for diabetes mellitus

Vodka tincture on the partitions will help improve well-being with diabetes. You will need two full tablespoons of partitions. They are completely filled with vodka so that they do not show on the surface. Place the container with the tincture in a dark place for a week. Dosage for use – 6 drops of tincture per 2 tbsp. water. Take three times a day before meals. The course lasts three weeks. Sometimes the course is longer, up to 2 months, depending on the condition. This remedy is also used when insulin-dependent diabetes, pancreatitis.

Walnut tincture for tumors and oncology

The tincture is also used for tumors, including cancer. This is an additional, auxiliary, but alleviating remedy for the patient. The partitions are taken from 20 nuts. You will need 70% alcohol. The partitions are placed in a jar and filled with 100 ml of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 7 days. Take three times a day with increasing dosage. Start taking 10 drops of tincture per 30 ml of water. The dose is gradually increased to 20 drops. Take three times a day. The course of admission is 2 months. Then take a break for 10 days. Afterwards, they resume taking the tincture. Used for mastopathy, fibroma, cancer.

Tincture for normalizing thyroid function

How to use walnut septa for thyroid nodules and normalize its functioning? The recipe is as follows: a third of a half-liter container is filled with walnut partitions. The container should be made of dark glass. Fill completely with vodka. Insist for three weeks, then filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures before meals.

Tincture for coughs and sore joints

Another use of tincture on walnut partitions is to help with coughs. The container contains partitions of 20 nuts. 0.5 liters of vodka are poured. Infuse in the dark for 10 days. The tincture should be shaken three times a day. After straining, take a tablespoon in the morning and evening. The cough goes away, the level of iodine in the body normalizes.

The same tincture is used to lubricate sore joints. In folk medicine, this remedy relieves pain in the joints and radiculitis.

Tincture for heart disease

A slightly different recipe with tincture of walnut partitions for heart disease. The partitions are taken from 3 kg of nuts. They are ground in a coffee grinder. Pour the powder into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in the dark for 2 weeks. The tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach once a day.

Tincture for gastrointestinal diseases and hypertension

The recipe is suitable for stomach and intestinal disorders and high blood pressure. Take a container of 0.5 liters of dark glass. The third part is filled with walnut partitions. Fill completely with vodka. They insist for two weeks. The strained tincture is taken one tablespoon on an empty stomach. Take the tincture three times a day.

I suggest watching a video about the use of tincture on partitions, which clearly demonstrates the simplicity of its preparation ( classic recipe) and methods of administration.

Storing nut partitions

For medicinal use fresh nut partitions are preferred. Nuts are stored for a long time, but over time the quantity useful components decreases in them. It is advisable to use the partitions immediately after removing them from the shell. Regular glass jars with lids are suitable for storing partitions. It is important that the jar is completely dry.


How to live a full life without a gallbladder

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Contraindications for taking partitioned nuts

Walnut partitions have their own contraindications. Remedies with them are not suitable if you have the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Hives;
  • Acute form of gastritis.

There may also be individual intolerance to the product. When using nut partitions, you must strictly follow the dosages and recipes. When treating serious illnesses, you need to consult a doctor.

Such a simple thing as walnut partitions can actually help in the treatment of more than one disease. Partitions will improve immunity and general condition, supply iodine in case of iodine deficiency, and reduce joint pain, restore strength and support the nervous system. Therefore, let’s not rush to throw them away; they can be useful.

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see also

Black rice dishes are exotic on our table. Walnut. Beneficial features. Treatment. ApplicationBenefits of nuts for our bodyCheese-pressed walnut oilHazelnuts - tasty and healthyWhat is good for the liver and pancreas

  • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
  • How to brew Ivan tea. Medicinal properties. Application
  • Chamomile

The healing properties of walnuts are known to many people. Their tasty and healthy kernels are used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. Walnut oil is included in many dishes and is used in cosmetology. The dense shell of these fruits is used in the manufacture of folk medicines. Few people know that the septa that separate the oily nucleoli are also useful. By throwing them away with other waste, you miss out on a lot of the benefits that this product can bring you. In this article we will look at the health benefits of walnut partitions, methods of harvesting them and methods of treating various diseases with them.

Chemical composition

Most of all there is iodine in this product. It produces a pleasant dark brown color and bitter taste. It is precisely because of the high iodine content that this product is valued. It also contains microelements such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. The vitamin composition of the partitions is rich: they contain carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins and vitamin PP. There are many amino acids, tannins and essential oils, which determine their benefits for the human body.

Important! Alcohol tincture of nut partitions and their concentrated decoction are active allergenic medications that should not be used by pregnant, lactating women and children under three years of age.

Medicinal properties

High iodine content makes partitions useful product for those who suffer from thyroid diseases, chronic fatigue, It has weak immunity and susceptibility to neurological problems. Medicines that include this natural product, treat diseases of the intestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, relieve sleep problems and alleviate diabetes. Walnut partitions are recommended for those who are recovering from an infectious disease or are constantly under the influence of stress.

Use in folk medicine

At first glance, the partitions are not suitable for anything. They are hard, dry and inedible. Since ancient times, folk healers have been able to handle this wonderful remedy and benefit from it.

For men

The general strengthening effect of this product has a beneficial effect on the strength of the immune system. This is especially true for men engaged in heavy physical labor or bearing significant responsibility at work. Folk remedies, including partitions, strengthen the nervous system, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. They contribute to improvement mental activity, reduce fatigue and restore healthy sleep.

The high content of vitamins A and C in this product stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for men's health. Zinc has the same purpose - it is responsible for hormonal balance in the male body and improves sexual function. Potassium and magnesium improve hematopoiesis and blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Phosphorus and calcium are responsible for the strength of bone tissue, and vegetable protein is responsible for the healthy formation of muscles.

If a man has a tendency to chronic disorders digestion, then the tincture of nut partitions will help his body produce a sufficient amount of enzymes and strengthen the intestinal mucous membranes.

Did you know? The nut that we all call walnut has nothing in common with Greece. There is even a saying that says: “Greece has everything except walnuts.” Nuts came to Slavic countries from Byzantium, whose citizens in the 1200s were usually called Greeks, and Byzantium itself imported these nuts from Asian countries- Turkey and Persia.

For women

First of all, this product is useful for women's skin. A large number of essential oils and organic acids have a rejuvenating and tonic effect on the skin. Products containing these thin membranes smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion. Antioxidants bind free radicals and slow down the aging of the body, and a large amount of ascorbic acid strengthens weakened immunity. Walnut membranes have a positive effect on the female nervous system. They are reducing anxiety states, give healthy sleep, soothe panic attacks and treat neuroses. Specific women's diseases, such as mastopathy and fibroids, this remedy also cures or facilitates their occurrence.

It is effective in treating diseases of the female reproductive system. The zinc content in it stabilizes the synthesis of hormones and normalizes the functioning of the glands. internal secretion. This product is recommended for women with anovulation, disorders menstrual cycle, for those who are planning to get pregnant soon. For those women who are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system, walnut partitions will help strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, increase their tone and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
The thyroid gland, which is under constant influence bad ecology and unfavorable radiation background, will be strengthened thanks to high content this product contains iodine. It is also indicated for women with joint pain. The substances included in this product increase the elasticity of joints, strengthen them and prevent age-related wear and tear.

Important! Infusions and decoctions of this product do not tolerate bright lighting. It would be optimal to store them in a dark, cool place without unnecessary noise and vibration, but if this is not possible, bottle these medications in dark glass bottles.

For hair

Natural dark color The quality of nut membranes is due to the content of iodine and tannins in them. They work best on naturally dark colored hair. Decoctions and tinctures added to shampoo or conditioner strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. The hair becomes thicker and its hair shafts are strengthened.

This product is indicated for hair damaged by cosmetic procedures and weakened. Their structure is compacted and a healthy natural shine is restored. There is also a healing effect on the scalp. This has a positive effect on the scalp, which is prone to oiliness and dandruff.

What diseases are walnut partitions used for?

This folk remedy is considered almost a panacea. It is beneficial for men and women and is used in different types for the treatment of chronic, acquired ailments and simply strengthening the body.

Did you know? The best walnut groves existed during Mesopotamia (now the territory of Iraq). The world-famous Gardens of Babylon, also called the Gardens of Amytis, the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II, were planted with these amazing trees, which bore fruit twice a year in the warm and clean climate of that time.


Despite obvious benefit, walnut partitions are not for everyone. This is an active product that should not be used by people with skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, urticaria and various forms of dermatitis. Membranes are also not recommended for use by those who suffer from Quincke's edema, urticaria, or have gastritis. Young children under three years of age should not be given concentrated decoctions and alcohol tinctures of this product.

Harm and side effects

Medicines based on this nut product can be harmful only in case of individual intolerance. They also irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, which can have a bad effect on a sore stomach. Long-term use of these medications will certainly affect the health of the skin - swelling and irritation will appear. An overdose of this product leads to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and also has a long-term effect in the form of exacerbation of chronic problems.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

Walnut grows in small groves, singly in ravines and wet gorges. In urban settings you can count on cultural street and garden plantings. Fruits need to be harvested before they are ripe and the nutrients have not gone into the formation of kernels. Collect nuts in canvas bags and paper bags in late June or early July, when their shells have not yet hardened. Immediately after harvesting, place the nuts in a warm, well-ventilated area and let them dry a little.

Important! Prepare this useful raw material only in dry sunny days. On days when it rains or the weather is damp and cloudy, the nut fruits become saturated with moisture, and the infusion on them turns out watery.

Cut and remove the green pericarps; you may need them when making jam and other medicines. Divide unripe nuts into shares and peel them, separating the kernels from the shells and the partitions from the kernels. It is useless to use a nutcracker for cleaning; the nuts are too soft at this time.

Cut them up sharp knife along the line where the shells meet and pry the kernels with the tip of a knife to remove them from the shell. Spread the resulting partitions in a thin layer on a paper backing. Leave them to dry at sunlight. Turn them over and air them twice a day to prevent them from souring. It may take seven to ten days from laying to dry completely, depending on the weather.
Loosely pack the finished dried raw materials into paper envelopes, wrap them with canvas cloth on top and store them in a dry, ventilated place, removing them as needed. The shelf life of a well-dried product is two years. After this period, it will lose its properties, but will not change in appearance. Fresh partitions can also be prepared by soaking in alcohol or boiling. Such preserves can be stored for up to three years.

How to prepare and take walnut partitions

These raw materials are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions. At correct processing useful substances pass from them into the liquid phase, which the human body easily absorbs.

Did you know? The French consider walnut fruits a symbol of abundance and prosperity. To this day, it is considered good manners to keep a bag of these nuts in the kitchen, and it is customary to place it as high as possible- on a kitchen cabinet or shelf. Seductive properties are also attributed to the leaves of this nut. The French believe that a walnut leaf placed in a girl's shoe will help attract her attention and favor.

Vodka tincture: how to infuse it

Vodka - very active ingredient. This infusion does not even need to be heated; the partitions will give all their benefits at room temperature. Take the nut membranes of thirty-five large or forty medium nuts, grind them in a coffee grinder and pour into a clean glass bottle. Pour the resulting powder with vodka along the bottom line of the neck, cap the bottle tightly and leave in a cool, dark place for a week. The tincture is ready for use. This composition can be stored for one and a half to two years if the temperature is maintained (not higher than +20 °C). Use it in courses, each for two weeks with a break of a month. Internal use limited to two doses per day, 10 drops of tincture per 100 ml of warm water. This medicine will help with disorders of the nervous system, sleep disorders, digestive problems such as colitis and bloating. It is also useful for the prevention of thyroid diseases and iodine deficiency.

Important! In the case of this product, more is not better. Strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and be sure to take breaks between courses of treatment. If you notice allergic reaction After using the medicine, stop using it and look for alternative remedies.


Prepared with distilled water, preheated to 30 °C. You will need 100 g of partitions and 400 ml of water. Grind the nut product in a blender or coarsely grind it in a coffee grinder. Place it in a small saucepan, pour warm water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for half an hour, remove from heat and cool. Strain the resulting broth through a strainer. Drain it into a container sterilized with boiling water and seal it tightly. The closed decoction can be stored for a year. Regularly used decoction retains its properties for no longer than two months.

The treatment course with the decoction lasts one month, the use should be daily. Before each meal, drink 10 ml of this product. This dosage of the decoction is used to treat specific diseases such as fibroids and mastopathy. To strengthen the immune system, prevent infectious diseases and relief from diabetes, reduce the dosage to one application per day. It is advisable to drink the decoction before breakfast.
It is also used as a compress for sore joints. Moisten a clean gauze cloth with the broth, apply a compress to the sore spot and leave for half an hour. Daily treatment with such compresses for a month will relieve you of pain. Take a two-week break and repeat the course if necessary.

Did you know? Walnut trees are very sensitive to low temperatures and regularly freeze out. All the more surprising is the presence of this tree in the northernmost town of Norway called Førsunde. This unique specimen bears fruit every year and receives due attention and care from local residents. This culture grows and develops best in the mountainous regions of China and India.

Such a small part of a nut fruit, like the partition between its nucleoli, can have a positive effect on your health. In that vegetable product contains a large amount of iodine, essential oils and organic acids. It is harvested in its unripe form, dried, and then used in the preparation of decoctions and tinctures. Are these medications also beneficial for women? and men, as they strengthen the nervous system, normalize cellular metabolism and metabolic processes. Reasonable use of decoctions and tinctures on nut partitions will strengthen your immunity and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

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