Medical resorts in Europe. Modern medical and health tourism. Dead Sea, Israel, Jordan

One of the most important resources of the Czech Republic is the numerous life-giving springs of mineral waters, the power and healing properties of which people have been using for more than 600 years. At their location, cupolas arose, scattered throughout the Czech Republic. Diverse in composition, mineral waters and muds cure the most various diseases, returning to people from all over the world the most valuable thing in human life - health.

basis therapeutic techniques is drinking mineral water, procedures based on mineral waters and mud, therapeutic nutrition, physical therapy, massages, walks in the fresh air. Sanatoriums and hospitals in Czech resorts have the necessary equipment to carry out the most modern medical procedures. Reception is conducted by reputable specialists who use classical and original methods and treatment programs.

Regular trips to resort looking after health is an opportunity to regain your youth, peace of mind, happiness and long life!


The cardiovascular system

Digestive tract

Diabetes, obesity (metabolic and endocrine gland disorders)

Disease respiratory tract

Peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis)

Musculoskeletal system

Kidneys and urinary tract

Gynecological diseases

Rehabilitation after a course of cancer treatment

● - main stream

● - additional directions


Primary medical examination

Follow-up medical examination

Final medical examination

Control tests of blood and urine. Further examinations are decided by the doctor according to indications.

Prescribing a drinking course of treatment, medical procedures, diets

Procedures are provided throughout the week, usually 2-4 per day. On weekends, treatment at resorts is not carried out or one procedure is provided on Saturday

You can purchase additional procedures in your sanatorium, or in resort clinics, the so-called Lazne. Here, within the resort, you can buy any procedures, including doctor’s examinations, for outpatients


We offer several options that you choose yourself:

Full board + treatment

Three meals a day (tomorrow, lunch and dinner)

Treatment (a set of procedures offered in this sanatorium as prescribed by a doctor)

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Half board + treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

Two meals a day (tomorrow - lunch or breakfast - dinner)


Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Accommodation in a boarding house with breakfast and outpatient treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

One meal (breakfast)

Ambulatory treatment

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket

Accommodation in a boarding house with provision of outpatient treatment

Accommodation in your chosen hotel or boarding house

Ambulatory treatment

Round trip transfer

Medical insurance

Air ticket


Diseases that arise in childhood must be treated at an earlier age. early stage so that the disease does not become chronic. In Karlovy Vary there is a children's spa hospital "MANES", and in Marianske Lazne "MIRA-MONTE", where it is possible to carry out comprehensive medical examination with appointment necessary procedures and treatment. The sanatoriums have created conditions for children to stay with their parents, who must also follow a daily routine. If you want to settle with your child in another sanatorium, then you can receive a medical prescription for the child in a children's sanatorium, and take all the procedures in the sanatorium of your choice.


One of the main principles of treatment at the resort for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases is dietary food. In any sanatorium you will be offered several dietary menus to choose from.

Features of Czech national cuisine when cooking: adding vegetable oils, a lot of herbal and plant additives make the dishes for visitors to the resort unusual and unusual. Boiled pork and slightly hot spinach have their own unique taste and do not harm your ailments at all. Pork in the Czech Republic is low-fat and is a dietary dish. And moderate consumption of Czech national dishes in restaurants: dumplings with pork, fried pork ribs, boiled knee with sauerkraut, will allow you to appreciate the taste, color and enjoy the experience of Czech national cuisine. Of no small importance in modern approach to improve the health of the body has an increased amount of fiber in daily diet patient. The table of any sanatorium or boarding house will offer you at least 3-4 types of salad, fresh vegetables and fruits. But trends in dietetics (the science of nutrition) are calling for even more fruits, vegetables and greens. The markets and markets of Karlovy Vary, at any time of the year, will offer you these products, from the most common to the exotic. Therefore, we recommend purchasing additional fruits and vegetables.


While staying at the resort, it is very useful to develop the habit of walking every day for 1.5-2 hours. Regular daily walking helps strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve digestion, and moderately increase metabolism. Evening walks are especially recommended for patients with sleep disorders. Czech forests are truly a God-given corner of peace and health. Fresh air, the alternation of all shades of green, in the fall - yellow-crimson colors of foliage - everything unusually relaxes the nervous system, makes you rejoice in beauty and appreciate every minute of life in a new way. There are specially designed routes in the resort forests.


Each resort has everything you need for a good holiday.

You can see other medical tours and resorts. You should pay attention to the cities of Germany and Switzerland, where the Alpine air alone will good medicine, for residents of megacities and those who live in places with poor ecology.

You should also pay attention to the medical resorts of Israel, the main one of which is the Dead Sea resort, which attracts people from different countries thanks to the healing air and water. The Dead Sea Resort in Israel is a resort where water and air have healing properties. This resort has a small territory and the opportunity to travel around the country.

Some people, when going on vacation, think about how to party harder, get a brighter tan, and have a blast on all-inclusive events and excursions. And for others it is important to lie like a turtle in the spa and get rid of nervous tic right eye, rejuvenate and become prettier, like Cleopatra, cure various ailments. For you, lovers of a relaxing and therapeutic holiday, this article was created - about the famous health resorts peace! Where is the best thalassotherapy? What is good about Czech mineral water? On which sea will black clay for velvety skin await you, and where can you meditate to the sound of rain and experience the magic of Ayurveda? Find out from my review...

They say that Tunisia has the best spa hotels in the world. And thalassotherapy is their main trump card. Treatment with seafood, as well as sea ​​air and sea water itself, extracted from the depths, is prescribed for relaxation and boosting immunity, for insomnia, general fatigue, back pain, joint pain, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, tendon and muscle injuries, as well as for the presence of cellulite, which is hated by all women. Relax by the sea, restore strength, and also get fit and slim... Keep me seven! I’m packing my suitcase and flying to Tunisia for my new, firm ass :) Of course, when everything calms down there and security improves. It is here that the cost of thalassotherapy is significantly lower than in Europe.

Guests of spa centers located at many hotels are offered both two-day (weekend) and longer courses (4 - 12 days). You can choose seaweed wraps + manual massage and lymphatic drainage, enriching the body with oxygen in bubbling sea water, mud masks, toning, moisturizing and increasing skin elasticity, salt baths and much more.

Recommended about Tunisia hotels with thalassotherapy centers

Hammamet: hotel complex Royal Azur Thalasso Golf 5*, Sol Azur Beach Congres 4* and Bel Azur Thalassa 3*, Nahrawess Hotel & Spa Resort 4*, Hasdrubal Thalassa 5*, Iberostar Averroes 4*, Vincci Lella Baya 4*.

Karlovy Vary: mineral baths for all diseases

The resort of Karlovy Vary, or Carlsbad, has become famous throughout the world for its many hot mineral springs that emerge from the ground from a depth of up to 2.5 km and have unique healing properties. The first baths appeared here in the 14th century. Peter I, who introduced the fashion for “water treatment,” and the entire Russian creative intelligentsia – composers, artists, poets and writers – visited here. A special, secular atmosphere reigns here to this day, horse-drawn carriages travel, exhibitions, concerts, festivals are held, and meetings of European aristocrats are held. The whole of September is the Dvořákov classical music festival Karlovy Vary Autumn.

This is what I mean sanatorium treatment in charming Karlovy Vary you can combine it with an interesting cultural and entertainment program, as well as walks in nature!

And almost all diseases are treated in Karlovy Vary: digestive organs, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, gynecology, neurology, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, skin ailments and much more. They also provide excellent disease prevention and general health improvement body. The effect of staying in Karlovy Vary is akin to a “reboot” and the feeling of lightness, freshness, and vigor lasts up to six months!

The most common procedures are balneotherapy (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl baths), swimming in pools with mineral water, drinking courses from various sources, mud therapy, shiatsu massage, electro and light therapy. Treatment can be arranged in numerous resort SPA hotels with health centers and in sanatoriums.

RecommendedSPA hotels and sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary

Improve women's health - at the thermal lake Heviz!

Heviz is the only healing lake in the world with a peat bottom, which is fed by 10 thermal springs. It is located in Hungary and is open for swimming all year round!

In the bathhouse in the middle of the lake, the water temperature is +30...32 in any season. There is never any wind here, there is greenery and flowering until late autumn.

The water in the lake is completely renewed every 3 days and has sedative effect, improves blood circulation, metabolic processes. The water of Lake Heviz contains radon, magnesium sulfate, calcium, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide ions, and silicon. Holidays with swimming in the lake are recommended for people with diseases of the ENT organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system (with spinal injuries, poor posture, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism), so do not be surprised at the large number of grandparents in inflatable rings and surrounded by beautiful lilies that were brought here from India. (Not grandmothers, but plants! :) Heviz is also popular among women with gynecological ailments, including infertility, and in men with potency problems.

The highlight of Heviz – not only healing water, but also miraculous mud from the bottom of the lake, which renews and rejuvenates the body.

The lake is located on the territory of a park-reserve. Dense steam over the lake and lush vegetation around create a special microclimate that enhances the healing effect. There are not very many hotels in the town, about 20, mostly affordable 3* - 4*, there are also 5* with quite affordable prices for accommodation, which is good news. Their territories often have their own SPA centers, which will also offer wellness treatments, based on your requests.

Recommended hotels near Lake Heviz

Enjoy Ayurveda! Kerala - the center of Indian healing

Kerala in India is an emerald green state and the most popular destination among Ayurveda lovers. The resorts of Kerala invite for a wellness holiday not only those who want to overcome illnesses, but also to rejuvenate and restore strength. Ayurvedic centers at hotels offer different kinds massage, body immunization, therapy aimed at longevity, anti-stress programs. Here you can practice yoga and meditation, get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction, and lose excess weight, cure back pain, joints, skin diseases.

Panchakarma therapy in 7/14/21/28 days is an ancient program for cleansing toxins (from those places in the body where they accumulate), rejuvenating the body and freeing the mind from stress and negative thoughts, opening subtle energy channels, harmonizing the whole organism.

It is recommended to immerse yourself in the arms of Ayurveda precisely during the rainy season (from June to October), when humidity is high, and at this time nature is renewed, many medicinal plants and herbs are available. At the same time, you can save money by going to India not during the high season. And the sound of rain is the best way to get rid of fatigue and accumulated stress.

Recommended Ayurvedic Hotels in Kerala

Somatheeram Ayurvedic Resort 3* - located on a small hill near Kovalam beach. Among the famous procedures: massage pizhichil from nervous diseases, the abhyangam procedure is for obesity and diabetes; sports injuries, severe skin diseases are also treated here, and Panchakarma therapy is practiced. Attentive doctors and massage therapists, an experienced yoga instructor.

Chakra Ayurvedic Resort 3* - there are very few tourists in the off-season. Great doctors, massage therapists and yoga instructor. The hotel owner speaks Russian fluently.

Uday Samudra Leisure Beach 5* - in an excellent Ayurvedic center there is a Russian-speaking doctor who will help you individual program treatment. You can buy programs “Anti-stress”, “Beauty care”, “Neck and back treatment”, “Arthritis treatment”, etc.

Ayurveda Palace Kalari Kovilakom 5*. Rest and treatment here cost a lot of money. But I have already given much cheaper options, so I will allow myself to invite those interested to this unique place. If you are looking for real Ayurveda and want a boost of health and energy for the year ahead, then here you will be provided with maternal care and immense attention, so much so that you will leave with tears in your eyes.

You can also go to… Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village Resort 4*,

Health tours

Residents of large cities constantly face stress, which is contributed by the busy pace of life, traffic jams, conflicts and problems at work. Deteriorates health and bad ecology, And bad habits. For those who want to have a quality rest, undergo a general health course or treat some chronic disease, our company offers health tours abroad. The best water resorts in Europe await you, modern clinics, experienced specialists and the opportunity to combine a holiday abroad with taking care of your health.

To clinics and sanatoriums in Europe from Moscow

For those who want to combine their vacation with health care, our company offers medical tours to Europe in a variety of destinations. We can organize treatment in leading German or Swiss clinics and sanatoriums, where the reception is carried out by experienced and qualified specialists, there are all the latest diagnostic and medical equipment, and are used in the treatment of all diseases traditional methods And Newest technologies. The advantage of these clinics is that every patient here is provided individual approach both from doctors and from middle and junior medical staff.

Popularity among tourists and health and wellness tours from Moscow to Czech, German, Bulgarian and Italian water resorts. The mineral springs of these places have enormous healing power, it is difficult to list the entire range of diseases that are successfully treated in Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, and the thermal waters of Italy. People have been using the healing properties of some springs since ancient times, for example, Roman legionnaires came to the famous Baden-Baden or the Czech Frantiskovy Lazne for treatment.

We must not forget about the huge number of thermal and mineral springs in Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia. In these countries you can receive treatment for high level, but much cheaper than in Germany. Spa treatment usually includes 3 to 5 procedures per day.

Medical tours

Medical and health tours to Europe are also noteworthy in that usually a vacationer receives advice not only from a health resort doctor, but also from all the specialists he needs: a neurologist, gastroenterologist, therapist, urologist, gynecologist, etc. Patients are offered almost any physiotherapeutic procedures, mud baths, swimming pools with ordinary and mineral water, various types of massages, physiotherapy, tennis courts, GYM's, cycling, walking and horseback riding.

Ordering tours with treatment, you can combine taking care of your health with sports, entertainment and an exciting excursion program. In addition to specialized therapeutic measures everyone is offered to take general health courses, a program for rejuvenation, weight loss, as well as tours for the treatment of psoriasis with fish in Turkey. A pleasant climate, clean air and beautiful nature perfectly contribute to restoring peace of mind.

Vouchers with treatment

Our specialists will select a treatment package for you We will be happy to take into account the specifics of your disease and all the requirements for living conditions. On treatment and vacation in Europe You can go with the whole family. Even if the accompanying people do not want to take health courses, no one will be bored. The infrastructure in European resort cities is well developed, and anyone can find activities and entertainment to suit their taste.

Health tourism, as a means of preserving and restoring health, was popular in ancient times - for example, among the Greeks and Romans, who loved to relax “on the waters”, to be treated with massage, aromatherapy and gymnastics.

In Europe, the active development of the resort industry began in the 17th century, and 300 years later the network health resorts covered almost the whole world. There are many types of resorts: climatic, mud, balneological, wellness, SPA, etc.

Resorts offering comprehensive therapeutic and health benefits are more popular and meet most of the needs of vacationers. These are natural areas, developed, but clean and protected, with the opportunity to use “to the maximum” medicinal properties nature in the conditions of modern infrastructure. European resorts, due to their “promotion”, are considered more prestigious. But in Russia there are now quite enough places where you can relax and recuperate: you just need to pay attention to them.

Health resorts in Russia

Treatment at any resort will be useful if you approach it correctly. However, visiting some resorts is contraindicated for certain diseases, so you should consult your doctor.

The best health resorts of the Black Sea

The Black Sea resorts are considered the best in Russia– in Crimea and Krasnodar region; in the Stavropol Territory; in the Baltic; in Karelia; in the Far East, including Kamchatka.

Both adults and children love to go to the sea, and the Black Sea has been loved and revered among us for hundreds of years. Marine and Mountain air, saturated with negative ions and many microelements, and no less rich useful substances sea ​​water is healing for people with chronic diseases skin, respiratory and nervous system; disorders of blood circulation and functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik and Anapa are famous both in Russia and abroad.

The resorts of Sochi are easy to reach, and there are always a lot of tourists there: the clean sea is attractive, healing waters and dirt, wonders of nature and architecture, historical sights, excursions, entertainment for every taste, and for children - amusement parks, dolphinariums and water parks. Treatment here is indicated for diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract; immune disorders; women's and skin problems; diseases of joints and muscles, etc.

Gelendzhik is a beautiful city in a beautiful bay, with developed infrastructure, wonderful views and comfortable beaches: there are pebble and sandy ones, with a flat bottom - convenient for small children. The resort is considered environmentally friendly; Lots of entertainment, from yachting to jeep rides along forested mountain slopes.

Tuapse is not so clean in terms of ecology - it is an industrial zone, but the beaches are well-maintained, with a large range of water activities. But prices are lower than in Sochi and Gelendzhik, and there are fewer vacationers.

Anapa, with a mild Mediterranean climate, is considered a children's resort. The beaches are also flat and comfortable, there are many summer camps and health centers for children, and in the city itself there is entertainment, from zoos to aquariums. From mid-July to early November in Anapa, many patients are treated with grapes - this is called ampelotherapy.

All of these resorts are suitable for treatment of the diseases mentioned above, as well as chronic intoxication, diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and genitourinary system.

The best health resorts in Stavropol region

The resorts of Stavropol are, first of all, Caucasian Mineral Waters (KVM) - a unique region with beautiful nature, significant for the whole country.

Photo: Russian health resorts

The most famous resorts are Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk, described by classics in novels, as well as Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Mineralnye Vody. Kislovodsk alone includes more than 1/3 of all local health resorts: in the Russian Federation it is considered the second most important after Sochi.

Photo: Russian health resorts

The water in local springs is classified as medicinal and medicinal table: it has a different composition and acts in different ways. “Narzan” and “Essentuki” are known not only here, but there are others, no less useful and healing. They are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver and kidneys both internally and externally, endocrine problems: It is difficult to find a disease for which there would be no help mineral water Caucasus. In addition to modern medical procedures, climatotherapy is used: air and sunbathing, sea and land trips, excursions, etc. By the way, just excursions and walks around the KMS region improve your health: in the summer you can admire the waterfalls and beauties of the Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, go down into the mountain gorges and explore ancient temples, and in the winter you can ride on the slopes of Elbrus and the Dombay Mountains. The infrastructure is well developed: cafes, restaurants and bars, dance halls, cinemas, entertainment centers and children's complexes, nightclubs and museums - your vacation will not be boring.

Photo: Russian health resorts

Health resorts in the Baltic

Russian resorts in the Baltic are the Kaliningrad region: Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk. In Svetlogorsk there are mineral waters, peat mud, seaweed, water and air saturated with forest phytoncides, iodine and salts of other minerals: in autumn their concentration is especially high. The beaches are sandy and pebble, the water is clean and clear. The main diseases for which treatment is indicated: endocrine, nervous, osteoarticular and respiratory systems, blood vessels and circulation.

In Zelenogradsk, patients with hypertension are also successfully treated, gynecological problems, conduct rehabilitation courses after a heart attack. Nearby is the Curonian Spit National Park, with unique relief and landscapes. Here, sand dunes and forests, meadows, swamps and lakes are closely adjacent. The variety of flora is amazing: trees grow nearby different breeds and species - broad-leaved and coniferous, southern and northern.


In Karelia one of the best sanatoriums– White Keys: patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, kidneys, genitourinary area, lungs, joints and muscles, diabetes. Water, mud, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, therapeutic nutrition and massage are used, but balneotherapy remains the main type of healing: medicinal baths, souls, etc. The second most important method is treatment with the mud of Lake Gabozero. Sulfide-silt muds, which do not dry or irritate the skin, but contain substances similar to human hormones by structure; have general health-improving, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects.

The Far East also has healing mud and mineral waters, as well as a moderate monsoon climate, which allows you to have a wonderful rest and improve your health. Kamchatka resorts are considered almost “places of power”: untouched nature is the most important component therapeutic effect this region. Thermal springs are the main “trump card”, although others are also used in parallel, including the most modern methods recovery. Living conditions are not yet as comfortable as in the western and southern resorts of the country, but are improving every year. Kamchatka is included in the list of ecological regions of world importance: for this reason alone it is worth coming here at least once in your life.