How to recover faster from a cold at home. Quick and effective treatment for colds at home. Hot mustard foot bath

There are probably no people who have not suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis and others at least once in their lives. similar diseases caused by a cold. And although these diseases cannot be called very dangerous for human life, they cause a lot of inconvenience, disrupt the work rhythm and interfere with plans. In order not to sit idle for several days at home, you should take quick measures, since curing a cold in 1 day is much easier than walking around with a handkerchief for a week.

First aid at the first symptoms

Since recovering quickly from a cold is very important, treatment should begin immediately after the first symptoms appear. Influenza, ARVI, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis - all these diseases in everyday life are called in one word “cold”. And the signs of all diseases are similar, these can be headaches, fever, runny nose, cough, etc.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with some tips that will tell you how to cure a cold in one day:

  1. A mild form of a cold in an adult can be treated at home. It is not always necessary to go to the clinic, since you will not need to donate blood or urine for tests, and being among infected people is harmful. Therefore, it is wiser to take a few days off from work and lie down at home. A weakened body definitely needs rest and rest, it is best to observe bed rest.
  2. To quickly cure a cold at home, you need to monitor your condition. First of all, you need to measure your body temperature. It's completely wrong to shoot it down right away. Remember that the temperature is not reduced to 38º, since at this time the body fights the disease on its own. Therefore, there is no need to immediately use any famous medicines, especially the more advertised ones. This will only worsen the condition and will not allow the body to defeat the disease on its own.
  3. Very effective means Vitamin C is recognized for colds. Scientists have proven that this vitamin can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms, and at the beginning of treatment, a large dose of this vitamin will help quickly overcome a cold. Therefore, try to eat citrus fruits, spinach and drink rosehip infusion and cranberry juice.
  4. It has been noticed that treating a cold at home can be much faster if you drink a lot. The type of liquid does not matter special significance, but it’s still healthier to drink warm infusions of herbs, fruit drinks, compotes. Drinking helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body.
  5. To recover quickly, you need to sleep a lot. After a lot of warm drink with honey, put on comfortable pajamas made of natural fabric and go to bed. You might sweat in your sleep, which is good. Be sure to change your underwear and bed linen and go back to bed. It is important that the underwear is made from natural fabric. Such fabric will not interfere with free sweating and heat exchange. And this is a very important element of how to get rid of a cold in 1 day.

During treatment it is strictly forbidden to consume any alcoholic drinks. As soon as the temperature drops, go out for a walk. Short walks on fresh air strengthen the immune system and promote rapid recovery.

Get warm and sweat

A cold occurs because a person has caught a cold outside, walked for a long time in the cold, or got his feet wet in the slush. This means you need to warm up quickly. To do this, you can steam your feet in a warm bath with mustard. To do this, in a basin with hot water(temperature 40º) add a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard. Immerse your feet in the water, and the water should reach the middle of your ankles. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If the water cools down during the process, you need to add hot water, maintaining desired temperature. After the bath, you need to dry your feet, put on warm socks and go to bed. If you don’t have the strength to take a hot bath, you can simply pour dry mustard into your socks.

If your hands are cold, you need to warm them. It is very easy to do this under running hot water. This procedure should take about five minutes. The water temperature should be constantly increased until very hot. After this, you need to dry your hands well and put on mittens or gloves. However, you can simply wrap them in a towel.

To get rid of toxins, the body needs to sweat. Therefore, drink a lot more liquid than on any other day, this will help you recover from a cold quickly. To sweat faster, you can drink hot drinks. It would be good if it was tea with raspberries, lemon and honey. You can also prepare delicious and useful infusion from chamomile, linden, thyme and mint. To do this, take two spoons of dry medicinal herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Drink plenty and often. It is absolutely safe to drink more than two liters of fluid per day.

Treating stuffy nose and runny nose

It's no secret that a cold is often accompanied by a runny nose. To prevent this harmless disease from developing into a much more serious one, its treatment must be started immediately. This can be done using folk remedies. There are many recipes that will help get rid of a runny nose.

Very effective in lubricating nasal passages Kalanchoe juice. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day. And the juice of this medicinal plant You can put 2 drops into your nose twice a day.

Nasal rinsing saline solution will quickly get rid of the first snot. To prepare the solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon of table or sea salt in half a glass boiled water. Cool to room temperature. The rinsing procedure goes like this: close one nostril with your finger, and draw in the saline solution with the other, the liquid should begin to flow out through the mouth. This procedure helps moisturize the nasal mucosa, and breathing becomes easier.

Since a cold can be quickly cured by many means, pay attention to the usual onion. To do this, the vegetable needs to be cut in half, placed on plates and placed in the apartment. Phytoncides – biologically active substances– effectively destroy bacteria. To quickly cure a runny nose during a cold, you need to breathe onions for 10 minutes 3 times a day.

Treating sore throat and cough

How to cure a cold in 2 days if you start coughing? Traditional medicine comes to the rescue again. Here are some simple and effective tips about how to overcome the first cough symptoms.

To cure a cold overnight and get rid of a cough, you can rub your back and chest with the mixture before going to bed. castor oil and turpentine (2:1). This mixture can be rubbed into the soles of your feet. After rubbing, it is important to quickly get dressed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Black or green radish juice - simple and effective remedy against cough You can simply squeeze the juice out of the radish and add a little honey to it. You need to take this medicine 1 teaspoon 5 times a day. Or you can do something more interesting: the top black radish cut, cut out about 1/3 of the pulp (make a depression), put a spoonful of honey there. Place the vegetable itself on a glass, and lower the tail into the water in the glass. After some time, a very healthy juice. You need to drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Green radish is also very useful, but its healing effect is slightly weaker. But to taste green radish not so tart and bitter. Usually this variety of radish is suitable for treating children.

Strengthening the immune system

If a person says: “I can’t get better, I’ve already tried everything,” then he can be advised to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs instead of regular tea. Strengthening the immune system is an important component of treatment, since a person can recover completely only when his entire body gets stronger and gains strength.

For cooking healing decoctions The following medicinal herbs are suitable:

  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • sweet clover;
  • oregano;
  • coltsfoot;
  • elecampane.

Herbs and ready-made medicinal preparations can be bought at the pharmacy. If you yourself are well versed in herbs, then in the summer you can collect and dry them. Remember that collecting plants is only possible in an environmentally friendly place.

To prepare the decoction you will need a small handful of this herb. It needs to be placed in hot water and boiled for several minutes. Then remove from heat and let sit for 15 minutes. After this, the decoction is ready, you can drink half a glass 3 times a day. Literally before our eyes, a sick person will begin to recover.

Treating a sore throat

The first way to treat throat diseases is gargling. To do this, you can use decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort. To prepare, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the herb into a glass of very hot water, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. After this, the fire must be extinguished immediately. The broth should be left on the stove for a few more minutes. Use a warm decoction for gargling, this can quickly get rid of a sore throat.

The second method is rinsing with saline solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, you can add a couple of drops of iodine (if you are not allergic to this component). This remedy should be gargled 6-8 times a day until the patient begins to recover.

Prevention of colds

Every adult should monitor their health and teach their children to do the same. There is one simple rule that says that prevention is much easier than treatment. The main preventive measures for colds are:

  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits containing a large number of vitamin C (citrus fruits, spinach, greens, sour berries). Better - fresh.
  • Hardening and playing sports. Find time for morning exercises, spend more time outside, walk more. Moderate physical exercise are always beneficial.
  • Bad habits – smoking and drinking alcohol – greatly reduce the body’s protective properties (in other words, immunity) and provoke the appearance of the most various diseases. If you do, you will very soon feel much better and catch colds noticeably less often.
  • Try to drink as much as possible. With enough fluid, the body's recovery occurs much faster.
  • A visit to a bathhouse or sauna can combat and prevent all sorts of colds and ailments.
  • Don't be stressed, relax more and worry less about trifles.

These are simple preventive measures It is better to carry out before illness. In any case, they can be started immediately after a person begins to recover from a cold.

When to call a doctor at home

If on the first day the cold is accompanied by a moderate temperature and beginning symptoms, then there is no need to worry. If you do everything on time and correctly, then the cold should go away quickly.

But what to do if two or three days have passed and the patient is only getting worse? In such cases, visiting a doctor cannot be avoided. Call a doctor immediately if a sick person exhibits the following symptoms:

  • lasts more than three days heat(above 38º);
  • cough intensifies (at night - as loud as you can), wheezing is heard when inhaling;
  • It's difficult to breathe;
  • my throat is so swollen and sore that I can’t even eat;
  • doesn't work headache;
  • pain and pain in the eyes;
  • sputum has Brown color, sometimes even with blood.

Dear readers, try not to undergo treatment, but to engage in prevention. These simple measures will in most cases protect you from unpleasant diseases. If you do happen to get sick, there are many simple, safe and effective ways that can get rid of a cold in one day. Take care of yourself, strengthen your immune system, don’t get sick.

Without being particularly dangerous disease However, a cold can cause you a lot of trouble. Identification on early stage- the key to quickly treating a cold. If you think you are sick, take action immediately. Take more vitamins, relieve sore throat, clear nasal passages. Such actions will increase the body's resistance to colds and will almost certainly shorten the duration of the disease. In addition, during a cold you need to give your body rest. IN in this case Antibiotics will not help you, since colds are caused by viruses, not bacteria.


Quick treatment for colds

    Early detection of colds. Once infected with the virus, symptoms appear almost instantly. Signs of a cold include runny nose, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, mild sore throat. different parts body, moderate fever and fatigue. For a quick cure, you must act immediately. Literally 12 hours after infection, a cold has already managed to “occupy” your body for several days. Urgently needs to be strengthened protective forces body.

    Take cough medicine. Cough medicines should only be taken for dry coughs. These include dextromethorphan and codeine. Codeine may require a prescription. Side effects of these medications include drowsiness and constipation. Dextromethorphan is sold in tablet or syrup form and may be combined with an expectorant. If you have chest cough and you are coughing up mucus, then do not take the medications described above, otherwise you may increase the likelihood of developing bronchitis. Buy from a pharmacy instead expectorant syrup From cough.

    Take nasal decongestants. Nasal decongestants (in liquid or tablet form) help narrow blood vessels in the nasal membranes and open the nasal passages. Don't accept oral agents against nasal congestion, if you have heart problems or high blood pressure. Also take under medical supervision if you suffer from diabetes, thyroid problems, glaucoma or prostate disease. Side effects of the nasal decongestant include insomnia (trouble sleeping), dizziness, and increased blood pressure.

    Proper use of nasal decongestants

    Try it over-the-counter nasal spray. It is enough to spray the spray into each nostril once, and you will immediately feel relief. Nasal sprays contain oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, or naphazoline. Use only as directed. When used more than 3-5 times a day, the feeling of nasal congestion may only increase.

    Try over-the-counter remedies like syrups or tablets. Phenylephrine (Mezaton, Relief) and pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) are two nasal decongestants that are sold without a prescription.

    Take an expectorant. An expectorant is an over-the-counter medicinal product, which clears the sinuses by thinning mucus and releasing phlegm that may have settled in the lungs. This remedy will make breathing easier and improve your well-being.

    Consume more vitamin C. Vitamin C has long been known for its anti-cold properties. It not only reduces the risk of illness, but also shortens the duration of a cold.

    See a doctor. Your body can handle a cold, but your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. You should not ask to be prescribed antibiotics for a cold, as they will not improve the situation and will not shorten the course of the disease. Call your doctor immediately if you have the following symptoms:

    How to blow your nose correctly

    Close one nostril with your finger, then very carefully blow the other nostril. Then repeat the action for the first nostril. After this you need to wash your hands antibacterial soap under warm water to prevent the spread of the virus.

    Only blow your nose when absolutely necessary, using correct method Otherwise, blowing your nose may cause pressure to build up due to mucus that cannot be expelled, causing further damage to the nasal passages.

    Advice: To prevent irritation from excessive nose blowing, use a soft cotton tissue and a little Vaseline to moisten and lubricate the nostrils.

    To clean the nasal canals, you can use a special rinsing container. You can use any bottle or container with a thin spout and fill it with saline solution to liquefy and wash away mucus secretions.

    Use steam methods. Steam is extremely useful in treating a runny nose. The warmth of the steam loosens mucus and the moisture helps soften dry nasal passages. Use one of the following methods:

    • You can hold your face over boiling water. Pour boiling water into a bowl and hold your face over the steaming water. Hold a towel over your head to trap the steam. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water (oil tea tree or peppermint) to further clear the nasal passages.
  1. Take a hot shower. Yes, when you are feeling unwell, you should also not forget to take a shower every day, because it will also help you get rid of a cold faster. Adjust the water to a high, but still comfortable temperature, and then let the steam circulate throughout the bathroom. If steam makes you feel weak and dizzy, you can take a plastic chair with you into the shower.

    • A hot, steamy bath can work wonders; It will not only help you cope with a stuffy nose, but will also relax your body. Adjust the water to the maximum heat allowed. If you wash your hair (in the bath or shower), then do not forget to dry your hair thoroughly, since wet hair increases body heat transfer, and you do not need this.
  2. Drink warm liquid. When you have a cold, nothing invigorates you better than a hot drink. In addition to its soothing properties, hot drinks help treat runny noses and sore throats, making them considered one of the best remedies for colds.

    Warm drinks to ease symptoms

    An excellent choice would be Herb tea with chamomile and peppermint, as it has a calming effect and saturates the body with fluid.

    Ordinary tea and coffee They may perk you up, but overall they are much less beneficial.

    A folk remedy for colds that still works great is a simple drink from warm water with lemon and honey. Warm water helps reduce swelling. Lemon supports immune system, and honey soothes a sore throat. Just add a slice of lemon and honey to taste to a glass of hot water.

    Chicken bouillon has always been considered the best food for patients with colds, not only because it is warming and easy to digest. There is scientific evidence that chicken bouillon limits the production of leukocytes that contribute to the development of colds.

    Gargle with salt water. A stuffy nose won't be the only problem you'll have to deal with during a cold, as dry, itchy or sore throat may not cause less inconvenience. A simple and effective treatment option is to gargle with salt water. Water moisturizes the throat, and the antiseptic properties of salt help fight infection. Prepare a solution by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. If the taste is too unpleasant for you, you can add a little baking soda to reduce the salty taste. Gargle with this solution up to four times a day, but do not swallow it.

    • You can simply eat a spoonful of honey or mix it with warm water or tea. One more excellent medicine A glass of milk with a spoonful of turmeric and a spoonful of honey will cure a cold. You can buy fresh honey from beekeepers in your area, as it will help your body develop resistance to allergens present in that region.
  3. Eat garlic. Garlic has incredible health benefits due to its antimicrobial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. There is also evidence that raw garlic may weaken cold symptoms, shorten the duration of the disease and strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from future diseases.

    Garlic to relieve cold symptoms

    Chop the garlic clove and leave it for 15 minutes at room temperature. At this point, it will produce allicin, a powerful antibacterial component that makes garlic so beneficial.

    Zinc is another natural substance that prevents the proliferation of viruses and thereby shortens the duration of the disease, which is confirmed by science. It can be taken in the form of tablets, lozenges or syrup.

    Ginseng- an ancient remedy for colds, which also has the scientifically proven property of accelerating recovery from colds and strengthening the immune system. It can be taken as a supplement or made into a tea from ginseng root.

  • Be careful not to allow mucus to accumulate in your nose. Otherwise Airways will become blocked and you will have to breathe through your mouth, which is not only annoying, but also interferes with normal sleep.
  • Get distracted as often as possible. This way you can enjoy your time while you are sick.
  • Sleep with your back elevated. This technique, called reflux, will help get rid of mucus without a handkerchief. Use anything - pillows, sheets or anything else - as long as you put it under your back.
  • Stock up on mints and chewing gum. They will help clear your sinuses.
  • Don't forget a scarf to keep your throat warm.
  • Sometimes a cold is accompanied by back pain. In this case, massage and rubbing will help.
  • Drink as many hot drinks as possible - they will not only soothe a sore throat, but also help improve general condition.

I have always been interested in the question of how some people manage not to get sick during the ARVI epidemic? Don't get sick at all. Only many years later did I understand that these people get sick, but from the first symptoms of the disease they fight it, try to maintain their health and cure the “cold” as quickly as possible.

The most important thing is not to miss the onset of the disease. How many times do you have to try so hard not to take sick leave at work, do not upset your loved ones and endure fever, runny nose, pain.

There are remedies that we can take from the first symptoms of the disease in order to recover faster. It's not only medicines, but massage, including acupressure, herbs, vitamins, ointments. We know all this, but we often lack the willpower to take control of the disease.

The most common reason ailments are a cold or ARVI. There are different ARVI viruses, so the infection progresses with different clinical signs. There may be a high temperature with minimal catarrhal symptoms (no runny nose or cough); on the contrary, there may be nasal congestion, sore throat, and the temperature is low.

Some suffer from ARVI without fever at all. This also applies to weakened elderly people, in whom a cold may outwardly manifest itself as lethargy and drowsiness. Such people definitely need to call a doctor so that he can listen to the lungs, look at the throat and, if there are signs viral infection, prescribed appropriate treatment.

I had a case when I was a local therapist. One grandfather calls, and the house call says - runny nose. Well, I think it’s caused by a runny nose? The dispatcher must have made a mistake. I come to the call - indeed, the grandfather complains of nasal congestion, no fever, no cough. I looked at my grandfather. She prescribed treatment for a runny nose.

And what? I hear a cough from the next room, and there is my grandmother, with a temperature of 40 degrees, lying there, coughing, she has pneumonia. Everything in my lungs wheezes. She also prescribed treatment for my grandmother. Here's an example. One with a runny nose calls the doctor, and the other in serious condition endures.

There is no need to do either this or that. You need to know how to treat your runny nose and know when you need to seek help in order to quickly cure a cold and avoid complications.

If you want to cure a cold faster, you need prevention

Let's start with the fact that during an epidemic it is necessary to take preventive measures:

1. Flu vaccine - free of charge in the clinic at the place of compulsory medical insurance or in private clinics;

2. Wearing a mask in public places, especially if you come to a clinic where there are many sick people;

3. Apply on the nose oxolinic ointment the entire period of the epidemic, when you go outside;

4. Take prophylactic courses of antiviral drugs: Lavomax (Amiksin, Tiloram), Kagocel, Ingavirin, Arbidol, Ergoferon, Tamiflu. The instructions for each drug clearly describe how to take it with for preventive purposes. Usually prophylactic appointment from several days to several weeks. Taken prophylactically when in contact with a sick person (someone is sick at home) or during work that involves communicating with big amount people, where the risk of infection increases significantly (sellers, bank operators, teachers, educators in kindergarten etc.)

5. Wash your hands often with soap or disinfectant! Sometimes this simple action can protect us from infection. Not only wash your hands, but also disinfect door handles and keep your home clean.

6. During the epidemic, the apartment can be quartzized. Portable ultraviolet irradiation devices such as “Ray” and “Sun” are now on sale. With their help you can disinfect your apartment, you can use them as aid with the onset of illness. If there is no quartz, you can ventilate the rooms, open the windows for 15 - 20 minutes. You can ventilate and quartz at the same time.

How to recover quickly if you have a cold

If you do get sick and feel chills, you need not to let the situation get out of control, but take immediate action.

1. Antiviral drugs are no longer used as prevention, but as treatment. The medications taken are the same as for prevention, only according to a different regimen. Typically, the dosage regimen is described in detail in the instructions or on the drug’s website. Sometimes, after treatment with antiviral drugs, the initial symptoms of ARVI stop and the person recovers very quickly. For pregnant women, we prescribe children's dosages of Viferon or Genferon from antiviral drugs.

2. Gargling 5-6 times a day with a decoction of chamomile or calendula, chlorhexidine, furatsilin. In the past, an effective but unpleasant-tasting remedy called " sea ​​water" Take a glass of warm water, add 5 drops of iodine, a tablespoon of salt, and a tablespoon of soda. A couple of gargles and your throat is disinfected. Nowadays, iodine is not used so widely due to the increasing incidence of allergies. But a lot of throat lozenges appeared. They are convenient to use, but it is still better not to overuse them, because, unlike rinsing, they do not clean the surface of the pharynx, and some cause irritation because they contain a lot essential oils and preservatives.

3. Rinse the nose with saline solutions. There are many ready-made hypertonic solutions for rinsing the nose on sale; you can make your own saline solution and rinse your nose with it from a teapot. Finally, there is “Dolphin” - a special jar and powders for rinsing the nose with salt and chamomile. When rinsing the nose, viruses are mechanically washed away with water and the disease does not develop. After rinsing, you can put turundas with aloe juice or Vitaon balm into your nose; these products not only relieve inflammation, but also stimulate local immunity.

4. Loading doses vitamins B vitamins improve immunity. Ascorbic acid helps fight the virus. Vitamins are now sold in a variety of ways, from expensive complexes to cheap ascorbic acid and rosehip syrup, familiar to us from childhood.

5. Folk remedies in addition to the main treatment to recover faster:

  • milk with honey;
  • Finely chop the onion and add sugar, drink the juice that has been released;
  • warm your feet with mustard in a basin;
  • brew herbs: oregano, St. John's wort, licorice, chamomile, sage, calendula. The herbs are infused in a water bath for 20 minutes, then covered with a heating pad and infused for 40 minutes, then, when cool, drained and stored in the refrigerator, when used, warm up a little or add boiling water. Can be brewed herbal teas, maybe just one herb. Herbs are good because they have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects. That is, we get complex impact on the body. You can add a spoonful of honey to the herbs. Chamomile and calendula are suitable herbs for pregnant women;
  • carry a clove of garlic around your neck on a string, place saucers with garlic pulp around the apartment;
  • drink ginger tea. Ginger tea boiled from grated or dry ginger, you can add a little honey. Ginger tea can be recommended for pregnant women to treat colds.

6. Acupressure It helps very well with the first symptoms of the disease. Below is a diagram. We influence large or index fingers biologically active points counterclockwise up to 21 times, for better effect possible in the morning and evening.

7. Balm " Golden Star"and similar ointments and patches with essential oils are usually applied to the area near the nostrils or to the sternum, where the active points are located. These medications relieve nasal congestion well, and they also have a bactericidal effect.

6. Home physiotherapy. Now there are so many portable devices on sale that you can set up a real gym at home. These are UFO quartz (they have already been mentioned), magnet, denos, nebulizer. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions and use them only if you have no contraindications to physiotherapy.

If we overcome the disease with these means, this is very good and will allow us to cure colds much faster. But if the symptoms remain after 5 days of treatment or intensify - cough with green sputum, purulent nasal discharge, pain and stuffy ears, general weakness, fever above 39 degrees, all this is an indication for the prescription of antibiotics.

It is necessary that antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to prescribe these medications on your own, because usually people take the drug that once helped, which means they have already taken it. This should not be done, because our microbes may be resistant to this particular antibiotic.

To prescribe such treatment, the doctor takes into account many factors: what medications you have taken recently, whether you smoke, whether your work involves people, whether you often get sick, what is the condition of your cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, what time of year, how do you tolerate antibiotic treatment, side effects medicines.

Therefore, antibiotics are sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Some unscrupulous pharmacists still sell antibiotics, but this is wrong. When it comes to taking antibiotics, it is better to get examined by a doctor so as not to miss a complication.

I wish you and your loved ones not to get sick!

Therapist Maria Pavlovna Loginova

Every person gets a cold sometimes. Children typically get colds up to 6-8 times a year due to weaker immune systems. We get colds because of microscopic microorganisms called germs that we introduce into our bodies from contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs, or even by shaking hands with infected people.

Cold- This infection, which can spread from person to person. Coughing and sneezing that occurs with a cold spreads the bacteria and viruses that cause the disease, causing the infection to spread further (especially in the fall and spring).

Viruses also enter the body through phlegm, saliva and nasal secretions. If you touch your face, eyes or mouth with infected hands, these microorganisms enter your body through these openings. The main type of pathogens that cause colds are rhinoviruses.

Our bodies have the ability to fight most pathogens fast; however, in some cases they cannot immediately cope with the infection, which causes cold symptoms, such as:

  • chills (shivering with fever)
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • a sore throat
  • cough
  • increase in body temperature
  • general malaise
  • muscle pain
  • fatigue

Sometimes a cold can become complicated and turn into a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection, pneumonia, or streptococcal infection throat. These infections must be treated with antibiotics. Cold symptoms may appear 12 to 72 hours after exposure.

Who can catch a cold?

Almost everyone suffers from a cold from time to time. However, people with weaker immune systems are more likely to become infected. Children school age They are also more likely to get colds because they are in close contact with other infected children. Elderly people with more weak immunity They can also get colds up to 3-4 times a year.

Standard treatment for colds

Most health officials usually recommend drinking plenty of fluids and staying in bed to get rid of a cold. You or your child may also be prescribed a fever-reducing medicine. If the cold caused a complication in the form bacterial infection ear or sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.), the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

How to quickly cure a cold with natural remedies at home

Let's now discuss how to treat a cold at home quickly and effectively.

1. Increase your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that boosts immunity and fights damage caused by free radicals caused by toxins and pollutants. Regular intake of vitamin C may help fight colds, flu and other chronic infections. Research has shown that a high dose of up to 2000 mg of vitamin C per day can help fight bronchitis. Take vitamin C at the first sign of illness and continue to take it for a few days even though you feel better. If you develop diarrhea, reduce your dose and take up to 1000 mg per day until you feel better.

2. Drink lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the best natural remedies for treating colds. Drinking vitamin C-rich lemon or lime juice will help you cure a cold quickly.

  • At the first sign of a cold, squeeze a whole lemon into a glass of warm water and add a little honey. Drink this drink at least 6 times a day until you feel better. Lemon juice reduces toxicity in the body and strengthens the immune system, which begins to fight bacteria and viruses more effectively. This helps reduce the duration of your cold and you will begin to feel much better.
  • You can also use roasted lemons to cure a cold in 1 day. Simply roast 2-3 lemons in a hot oven until the peel cracks. Once this starts to happen, extract the juice and sweeten it with honey. Drink a teaspoon of this remedy before meals and again before bed to quickly cure colds and coughs. At very severe cold take sweetened lemon juice 3 times a day.
  • For chills and elevated temperature body, cut half a dozen lemons. Add the slices to the boiling water. Boil the mixture for at least 30 minutes. Strain. Drink a teaspoon of lemon juice every two hours until the chill subsides.

3. Consume hot soups

If you don't know how to cure a cold in 1 day, you can use this time-tested method. You can have any homemade hot soup you like, but garlic and chicken soup work best.

Garlic soup

Garlic has antimicrobial properties, which helps you suppress the pathogens that cause colds. Garlic also has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Its use reduces the aches and pains that usually occur at the onset of a cold. Here is the garlic soup recipe:


  • 2 liters chicken or vegetable broth
  • 8-10 peeled and chopped garlic cloves
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 medium onions (finely chopped)
  • 2 cloves (spice)
  • ½ teaspoon ground smoked paprika
  • 5 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 medium tomatoes (chopped)
  • sherry vinegar

Cooking method:

  • Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the garlic and fry it until it turns brown. You can now remove the garlic from the oil.
  • Now add onion to this oil. Fry it until it turns brown. You can re-add the garlic at this point after pureeing it using a spoon or blender.
  • Add the remaining spices and tomatoes and fry.
  • Once the tomatoes have softened, add the chicken/vegetable broth.
  • Boil for 30 minutes.
  • Add a little sherry vinegar to the soup for extra flavor.
  • Drink this soup 3-4 times a day to get rid of cold quickly.

Apart from eating garlic soup, you can also include garlic in all your dishes such as stews, salads or sandwiches. If you can tolerate its taste, you can also consume raw garlic. Nowadays, garlic oil capsules are also widely available which will also help you get rid of any infection quickly. Choose ones that contain at least 300 mg of garlic extract. To boost your immunity and reduce the severity and duration of colds, take 3 of these capsules every day.

Chicken soup

You can also drink chicken soup at the onset of a cold. In fact: chicken soup is one of the best folk remedies for fighting colds and coughs. This remedy has even been used in Ancient Egypt to prevent fever and colds. Although consuming it cannot directly cure the condition, it will definitely help you feel better. The thing is, when you're sick, you don't feel like eating anything. By drinking chicken soup, you can keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range. This will help you feel better and also give your body energy to fight the infection. You can make out chicken soup cold medicine by adding other ingredients such as ginger, garlic and hot pepper, which improve blood circulation and get your white blood cells moving.

4. Ginger

5. Steam inhalations

How to cure a runny nose and cold in one day? Together with other means listed in this article, steam inhalation will help you with this. This is a fantastic remedy for relieving nasal congestion that usually accompanies a cold. To do this: boil water, add 2-3 drops eucalyptus oil into boiling water, tilt your face over a pan of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the hot steam for 10 minutes. Inhaling steam will help you get rid of a sore throat, runny nose, and persistent nasal congestion.

6. Drink plenty of fluids

Your body uses fluids to fight infections. Therefore, drink at least 8-10 glasses of fresh, clean water every day and even more on days when you are sick. This will help you get rid of bacteria and viruses through sweat and urine. Avoid drinking sweetened sodas and fruit juices. Sugar lowers your immune system, which will further weaken your body. You can also drink herbal teas, which should preferably be decaffeinated.

7. Take Echinacea

If you want to learn how to treat a cold with folk remedies that also work flawlessly, try echinacea. Echinacea is one of the best herbal remedies to fight colds, coughs and flu viruses. Today, Echinacea is available in several forms, such as tea, tinctures, or tablets. Look for a product that contains at least 125 mg of echinacea extract, containing up to 4% of total number echinacosides - compounds that help boost immunity. Do not take echinacea for more than 12 weeks. Patients with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple sclerosis, should avoid taking echinacea. Also avoid using products based on this plant if you are allergic to chamomile or other similar plant families.

8. Sleep with your head elevated

When you have a stuffy nose, it can interfere with your sleep. Sleeping with your head elevated can help you breathe much easier. You can also use a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your nasal passages from drying out, which will also help clear mucus and speed up recovery. This will help you prevent using nasal drops that irritate your throat. Use two or three soft pillows or raise your bed a couple of inches to help mucus leave your nose more efficiently.

9. Gargle with saline solution

This the best remedy to get rid of the sore throat that accompanies a cold. Boil some water and add a teaspoon of sea salt to it. Dilute boiling water cold water so that the saline rinse solution is warm. Gargle with this solution three times a day - this will help eliminate phlegm, reduce pain and inflammation of the throat. However, if the infection has penetrated deep into the tissue of the tonsils, then gargling will not be of much use.

10. Use a neti pot

To relieve nasal congestion and the accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses, you can use neti pot, which is used to rinse the nose. Fill the neti pot with warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Tilt your head in right side, place the spout in left nostril and start pouring water into it. The water should come out of the opposite nostril. Do the same procedure on the other side. You may need practice correct use neti pota. After a few tries you will become an expert! Use neti pot regularly to clear mucus from your nasal airways and sinuses.

11. Drink herbal teas

Many herbal teas can quickly relieve cold symptoms.

  • Licorice tea. A fantastic remedy for helping to quickly cure a cold. Licorice has a sweet taste, but its natural sugars boost energy, reduce sore throats (see 7 Natural Sore Throat Remedies), and suppress the cough reflex. To make licorice tea, boil water, pour it into a cup and add a teaspoon of licorice root. Let the tea steep for a few minutes, after which you can drink it. Drink at least 2-3 cups of this tea in one day.
  • Tea with thyme (thyme). This excellent herbal remedy also helps fight cough. Thyme is rich in antimicrobial compounds and also has an expectorant effect that removes phlegm and mucus. It relaxes the airways and throat muscles, thereby reducing cough. To make thyme tea, boil some water. Add ½ teaspoon of dried thyme leaves to water. (Make sure you buy medicinal thyme and not the spice you can get at regular grocery stores!). Cover the cup with a lid, let it brew for 10 minutes and strain. Drink this tea three times a day for three days or until your cold goes away. Details about beneficial properties you can find out about tea with thyme on this page - Tea with thyme: beneficial properties and contraindications, application.
  • Mint tea . Great for treating colds and flu.
  • Sage tea. This is an old German remedy for Get well soon for a cold. Boil some water and pour it into a cup. Place a pinch of dried sage in water, cover the cup with a saucer and leave for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink this tea hot before bed. Despite the rapid relief of cold symptoms, do this for 2-3 nights until the illness goes away completely.
  • Tea with yarrow. Another amazing tool for quick treatment colds.
  • Tea with tansy. This is very good natural remedy to combat colds and coughs, especially at night. Take a teaspoon of tansy, put it in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Drink hot.
  • Strawberry leaf tea. This tea also helps quick elimination cold symptoms.
  • Tea with monarda. This remedy has been used for centuries by the native Indians. North America to fight colds and coughs. Pour 2-3 teaspoons dried leaves monarda with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink a cup of this tea 3 times a day.

12. Use baking soda

One of the best natural remedies that can help you get rid of a cold quickly is baking soda. You can use baking soda to fight a cold different ways. For example:

  • You can add some baking soda and salt to warm water and use this solution as a nasal rinse. Simply fill a clean syringe with this solution and rinse your nostrils. This will help you get rid of allergens such as mold and dust that can cause cold symptoms.
  • You can also drink warm water with baking soda to make internal environment the body is more alkaline. When your body's pH shifts toward the alkaline side, it helps it fight inflammation and infections more effectively.
  • You can also gargle with water containing a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 aspirin tablets. Gargling with this solution at least 3-4 times a day helps to quickly get rid of colds, coughs and flu.

13. Make a breast rub using essential oils

Buy high quality essential oils such as camphor, eucalyptus and menthol. These are natural decongestants that can help those suffering chronic colds. Make your own rubbing solution chest with the addition of these essential oils. If oils are highly concentrated, they can irritate the skin; so first try putting a small drop on your wrist and wait for 30 minutes. If there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then you can safely use these oils. Before applying the mixture to your forehead and chest, you can also dilute the oils using a little base oils such as coconut or corn oil. Also apply to your temples, under your nose, pulse points and neck.

14. Use a bow

Onions and onion juice are excellent remedies for treating colds quickly at home.

  • You can make an onion poultice by frying it in a little oil and drying it first. Apply the poultice to your chest. Keep your body warm while using this product. Change the poultice frequently. You can also apply onion juice on your forehead and chest. Frequent use onion juice It is also a proven natural way to prevent colds.
  • Another way to use onions for quick relief from colds is to do onion inhalations. Add the crushed pieces to hot boiling water and boil until an onion smell starts to emanate from the water. Make up water from the stove. Lean over a pot of water and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the onion vapor for 10 minutes. This remedy will help you sleep well at night and quickly get rid of cold symptoms.

15. Use vinegar

Vinegar - excellent remedy to relieve sinus congestion. Inhale the vinegar vapor while heating it in a saucepan. This will immediately clear the blockage in your sinuses. You can also have a drink Apple vinegar, mix 1 teaspoon of this product with a glass of warm water and honey several times a day to get rid of cold quickly. Make sure you choose only organic, unfiltered, and raw apple cider vinegar. This will balance the body's pH and get rid of inflammation.

16. Drink whiskey

If you have a cold, hang your hat on the bedside. Then drink whiskey until you see 2 hats!! Let's put humor aside. Whiskey is an excellent natural remedy for treating all types of colds. There are several ways you can use whiskey to quickly fight a cold:

  • Mix one glass of honey with 1/3 glass of whiskey. Take one teaspoon of the mixture every 2 hours to quickly cure a cold.
  • If your illness is accompanied by a cough and sore throat, prepare homemade syrup for cough by mixing whiskey, honey and lime juice (in equal proportions). Take one teaspoon of this remedy at a time.

17. Use turmeric

Turmeric helps fight inflammation, prevent colds and coughs, and even prevent cancer. There are several ways to use turmeric to fight colds:

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and mix in a glass warm milk. You can sweeten this mixture with sugar or honey. Drink this remedy before going to bed to get rid of cold and cough overnight.
  • You can burn a piece of turmeric root and inhale the smoke emanating from it. This remedy helps clear phlegm and mucus, reducing nasal congestion caused by a cold.
  • Eat some honey mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric every few hours to relieve coughs, colds and flu. This remedy eliminates the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Make a chest rub consisting of: ground turmeric, ghee and black pepper. Apply this mixture to the chest and throat area. This will quickly cure irritation in the bronchi and clear the accumulation of mucus in the chest.

18. Use zinc lozenges at the first sign of a cold.

Zinc lozenges taken at the onset of a cold may prevent your condition from getting worse. You can also take zinc supplements to boost your immunity. A large amount of research has been conducted on the beneficial properties of zinc and its ability to reduce the duration of colds and flu. So, swallow lozenges containing at least 75 mg of zinc at the onset of a cold. This will help you shorten the duration of the disease by preventing the virus from multiplying. (Note: Choose zinc lozenges rather than sprays as they are more effective).

How to quickly cure a cold at home in a day. So, the next time you feel the signs of a cold; make sure you try one of these 18 natural ways to get rid of it fast. Remember: if your cold lasts more than a week, or you experience symptoms such as vomiting, severe headache or high body temperature (over 37.8°C); you should consult a doctor immediately.

The modern social world requires high productivity and lightning-fast reactions to achieve personal success. But diseases that negatively affect all areas of life prevent you from becoming successful and happy.

One of these diseases is the cold, which, despite its apparent simplicity, turns a dynamic life into loss of performance and prolonged deterioration in well-being. The accumulated experience and developed medicine offer effective ways recover at home and regain your health in short term.

Preparation and Precautions

Please note that the flu can easily be confused with a cold and, instead of recovery, you get serious complications. Treatment at home is not recommended for pregnant women and young children. Any infection without qualified medical care may entail death. Some people, instead outpatient treatment, suffer from diseases on their feet, which leads to loss of health and complications. It is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of a viral or bacterial infection and receive full treatment.

Why do we get colds

Cause respiratory diseases- penetrated into cells pathogenic virus. IN healthy body the infection is quietly destroyed by the immune system, but when weakened, it quickly develops and spreads, causing the well-known cold. The catalysts for the process are hypothermia, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency and other factors that cause weakening protective functions.

Symptoms in adults and children

At the onset of the disease, a person feels general weakness. Symptoms such as runny nose, headache, sweating, and sore throat gradually develop. Sometimes redness appears on the mucous membrane, and herpes appears on the lips and nose. The condition worsens along with an increase in temperature, which sometimes reaches 39.9 °C. Depending on the general condition, symptoms may be combined or not appear at all.

How to cure colds in adults

The number and combinations of drugs vary depending on the health condition, but the principle of treatment is always the same. Prescribed drugs that act on the virus, support the body, and relieve symptoms.

Traditional methods

  • Tea with lemon, honey, currants or raspberries. Drink freshly prepared throughout the course of the disease.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and honey 1:1. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • A cocktail of hot milk, honey, vanilla, allspice, cinnamon. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for two hours, and drunk throughout the day.
  • Mulled wine. Add a little cloves, sugar, sweet pepper, honey, chopped apple, lemon slices to 1 liter of sweet red wine. nutmeg. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for 25 minutes, and taken warm until the condition improves.
  • Vodka with red pepper. Eat half a red pod hot pepper and wash it down with 50 ml of warm vodka or make a tincture with pepper.


  • Antiviral - Tamiflu, Relenza, Amiksin, Arbidol.
  • Antipyretics, painkillers - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Oralsept”, “Gramidin”, “Septolete”, “Ingalipt”, “Strepsils”.

Video tips

Treatment of children

Treatment methods for colds in children vary depending on physiological characteristics and age. Sometimes what helps an adult can harm a one-year-old child. You need to be aware of this when using medications.

Folk remedies

  • Diaphoretics - warm tea with honey, viburnum, chamomile, lemon, wild berries, linden or milk with honey (in the absence of allergies).
  • Against a runny nose - warming your feet, rinsing your nose with saline solution.
  • Inhalation of 0.9% saline solution.

Potions and tablets

  • Antiviral - “Anaferon”, “Aflubin”, “Engistol”.
  • Antipyretics - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Multivitamins – vitamins A, B, C, D, E.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Orasept”, “Gexoral”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Septolete”.

Is it possible to be cured in 1 day?

Treatment does not require much time, but sometimes it doesn’t even exist, so a way was invented to be cured in one day. If you adhere to this principle, the virus will be destroyed even at the stage of the first symptoms appearing. As soon as suspicions appear, the first symptoms or there was contact with a sick person, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Take an antiviral drug. The dosage is selected individually, depending on age and physiological characteristics. You can find out more in the instructions.
  2. Taking multivitamins, antipyretics, antiseptic drugs. Bed rest required healthy eating, drinking plenty of fluids, including warm tea with lemon.

It is advisable to inhale with saline solution and hot foot baths with addition mustard powder. For irrigation therapy, you can use a solution of sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus, but only at body temperatures below 37.3 °C. Hot foot baths are carried out twice a day at a body temperature of up to 37.8 °C. You can add it to water sea ​​salt, listed herbs.

As a result, symptoms will stop developing and the virus will be almost destroyed. But this will only happen when a person has good health. If the body is weakened or there is chronic illness, treatment will not help so quickly.

How to quickly and effectively be treated during pregnancy

The main principle is not to harm the developing fetus, therefore the use of most antiviral drugs and procedures is unacceptable. Before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor! You cannot take medications, steam your feet, or do inhalations. You can use antiseptic drugs in the form of sprays for the throat and nose.

If the process is acute, antipyretic and multivitamin medications are acceptable. You can drink tea with lemon, honey, currants, raspberries, and use cough drops with natural ingredients. All drugs purchased at the pharmacy must be approved and safe for pregnant women.


Passive prevention is carried out throughout life. For this they adhere healthy image life, playing sports, drinking healthy food, observe the daily routine. Active prevention is carried out during the cold season, when the likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases. For this purpose, seasonal vaccinations are given and taken in prophylactic doses. antiviral drugs, multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Treatment of colds is effective if you follow the rules and follow the doctor's requirements. Any conscious or unconscious deviation from the course leads to the spread of the virus, weakening of the body, and deterioration of health.

Generally accepted rules are based on the experience of recovered people, so they are effective. Self-medication or the use of ineffective remedies leads to complications.

Cold sore on the lip or nose

A decrease in the body's protective functions, under the influence of a viral infection, causes the appearance of herpes on the skin around the lips or on the nose. It can be easily eliminated using antiviral tablets and ointments affecting the herpes virus, in combination with methods traditional medicine.

Apply products based on natural ingredients, herbs Honey is often used for this toothpaste, decoctions of chamomile or calendula, oak. Used for cauterization alcohol tinctures medicinal herbs, propolis, even Corvalol.