Application of burdock oil. Using burdock oil for hair. The power of hot pepper

Burdock oil is not just a cosmetic product that can change the appearance of hair. This is a real medicine that treats strands from the inside and makes them truly healthy. With the help of burdock oil you can get rid of many cosmetic problems that are quite difficult to eliminate using other means.

Burdock oil is obtained from the burdock plant, which is also called burdock, or more precisely, from its roots. The oil is obtained not by cold pressing, but by infusing the roots with another vegetable oil. For these purposes, sesame, almond or olive raw materials are used. Burdock root is rich in vitamins for hair, it has an excellent effect on dry and weak strands. It’s not for nothing that burdock oil has always been considered one of the main healers.

  • The most important purpose of burdock oil is to combat hair loss. This product acts on the hair root, strengthens the follicles in their nests, and prevents their loss. Burdock oil improves blood circulation in the cells of the scalp, which enhances the nutrition of the roots with oxygen and vitamins. The oil also encourages frozen bulbs to develop and grow, causing them to awaken from sleep. Burdock oil is a real way to make your hair thicker. This remedy will help even with the most advanced alopecia, when noticeable bald spots and bald spots are visible. Regular use of oil will cover bald areas with new young hairs.
  • Burdock oil promotes hair renewal and increased metabolism. This helps eliminate dead cells and replace them with healthy and young tissue. Therefore, burdock oil is considered one of the most effective means for healing curls after coloring or perm.
  • Burdock oil has antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. This allows you to fight fungal dryness and flaking of the scalp. The oil gently relieves itching and irritation, fights inflammation. This product inhibits the development of bacteria that cause dandruff and seborrhea. The oil can completely eliminate such problems within a month of regular use.
  • The oil has a great effect on dry, brittle and split ends. It has a beneficial effect on the hair structure itself, making it denser and healthier. The oil seals the ends and scales of the hair, making it smooth, shiny and radiant.
  • Ascorbic acid, contained in large quantities in the oil, performs protective functions, creating a thin, weightless film on the surface of the hair. This protective barrier protects curls from external influences in the form of aggressive weather conditions, as well as thermal stress - hair dryer, straightening, curling iron. Vitamin C promotes gentle exfoliation of the scalp.
  • Burdock not only thickens the hair shaft, it increases the number of hairs. Therefore, a full course of treatment with burdock oil makes hair one and a half times thicker.
  • Burdock oil is also used in the fight against hard, unruly hair that sticks out in different directions. The oil will help make them softer, more pliable and smoother. Masks with burdock oil will help your hair maintain its given shape. Hairstyles will last a long time.
  • Burdock oil enhances the production of natural melanin, which is responsible for maintaining your own hair color. This will help prevent early gray hair.

Precautionary measures

Burdock oil, like any other component, can be an allergen for your skin. Therefore, you need to first apply a little mask composition to your wrist and leave for 15 minutes. If during this time there is no redness or swelling in the treated area, if you do not feel itching or burning, you can use the mask as directed.

Another caution in using burdock masks may be oily scalp. Burdock oil itself is quite oily and viscous. Therefore, it should not be used for oily hair types, otherwise it can aggravate the situation.

And in order to get benefit, rather than harm, from burdock, you need to know a few rules for applying it and especially rinsing it off.

How to apply oil to your head

  • The product purchased at the pharmacy must be checked for compliance with the expiration date. Expired oil loses its beneficial elements.
  • The oil must be preheated. This is best done in a water bath. You can also heat the oil in the microwave or simply place the container with the oil in boiling water. Do not heat burdock oil over an open fire, the product will become useless.
  • Before applying oil to your head, wet your hair with water and dry it thoroughly with a towel. They should not be wet, but slightly damp.
  • Then part your head into sections and little by little, step by step, apply oil to the roots of your hair using a brush. This can be compared to the dyeing process. Do not leave untreated areas.
  • When all the roots are dyed, give a light massage to the scalp. This will increase blood circulation and improve the effectiveness of the mask.
  • Then take a wide-tooth comb, dip it in oil and comb your hair. The oil should be distributed along the entire length of the curls.
  • The final stage is to carefully treat the ends of your hair, they also need intensive care.
  • When every centimeter of hair has been processed, gather the strands into a tight bun. Secure your hair.
  • You need to wrap your head in cellophane, film, or simply put on a cosmetic cap. Insulate over this with a warm towel. This applies to all oil masks.
  • The mask should be kept on your head for at least 1 hour, maximum 3 hours. It is not advisable to leave it overnight, especially when first using it.
  • Before washing off the mask, you need to foam the shampoo directly on oily hair, adding just a little water. The shampoo will adhere to the particles of fat and will be washed off only with it. And if you immediately put your head under running water, it will be very difficult to rinse your hair. You need to wash your hair with shampoo several times.
  • After you have washed your hair, you can rinse it with lemon or vinegar water, as well as a decoction of any medicinal herbs. After the therapeutic rinse, there is no need to rinse your hair with water. Let your curls dry naturally, without a hair dryer.
  • The frequency of such masks is 2–4 times a week. The full course of restoration and treatment is 1–2 months, depending on the condition of the hair.

Burdock oil is a strong monocomponent that gives good results after independent use. But it can also be supplemented with other components of the mask.

Mask against hair loss

  • medium sized onion.

Cooking method:

  • The onion needs to be peeled and chopped using a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the mass. Dilute it half and half with warm water.
  • Heat the oil for steam.
  • Mix diluted onion juice with oil.

The prepared mixture should be applied only to dirty hair when there is a natural fat layer on the scalp. It will protect the skin from the aggressive effects of onion juice. Onions warm the scalp and increase blood circulation. Burdock oil penetrates deep into the pores and nourishes the hair roots. This combination of components treats even the most advanced cases of baldness. To prevent any unpleasant onion smell from leaving the mask, rinse your hair with lemon water (mix the juice of one lemon with a liter of clean water).

Hair thickening mask

  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • 2 tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves;
  • castor oil - a tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Nettle can be used both dry and green. Pour a glass of boiling water over the leaves and heat in a water bath for about half an hour. Then close the broth tightly with a lid and let it brew for another hour. Strain.
  • Mix the oils in a ceramic bowl and heat in a water bath.
  • Mix the oils with half a glass of nettle infusion.

This product should be applied only to the scalp. Keep the mask on for no more than an hour, then rinse your hair with warm water. After just 2-3 uses of this mask, you will see that new young hairs in the form of a fluff have begun to grow along the edges of your hair.

Mask for the treatment of dry and brittle hair

  • yolk;
  • burdock oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • half a glass of sour milk.

Cooking method:

  • For cosmetic masks, it is best to use natural products. Therefore, eggs, honey and milk should be homemade.
  • Mix the oil with honey and steam it.
  • Mix the beaten yolk with milk, honey and butter. Get a homogeneous mass.

This product should be applied to the entire hair shaft, especially dipping the ends. This mask is good for sun-burnt hair. It restores hair well after dyeing and curling, turning dry tow into living curls. The mask should be kept on for about 40 minutes. All ingredients have a rich vitamin composition.

Anti-dandruff mask

  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • celandine - a tablespoon of crushed leaves;
  • a few aloe leaves.

Cooking method:

  • Celandine can be taken either dry or fresh. Prepare a decoction from the herb. Pour a glass of boiling water over the plant and cook over low heat. Cool and strain.
  • Aloe leaves should be left in the freezer for several hours. Then defrost, chop and squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Mix heated oil with three tablespoons of celandine decoction and one tablespoon of aloe juice.

This mass should be rubbed into the scalp and left for 45 minutes. The mask fights well against any fungal manifestations, suppressing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. With this mask you can completely get rid of dandruff after just 10 sessions. However, for preventative care, you need to do this mask once a week to prevent the recurrence of dandruff.

Mask against split ends

  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • a teaspoon of baker's yeast;
  • 3 tablespoons of cognac.

Cooking method:

  • Warm up the cognac a little.
  • Mix yeast with cognac and place in a warm place for an hour.
  • When the mixture begins to “ferment”, mix it with oil.

The mask does not need to be applied to the entire length of the hair. It is enough just to thoroughly dip the ends of your hair in the prepared mixture. Warm your head and leave for an hour and a half. During this time, the components of the mask will penetrate inside the hair shaft and are activated at the cellular level. The mask seals the ends after just a few uses and also prevents the appearance of new split ends.

Revitalizing and strengthening mask

  • a tablespoon of cocoa;
  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • vitamin E – 1 ampoule;
  • 2 tablespoons of kefir.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil in a water bath.
  • Mix cocoa with kefir, add vitamin and oil.
  • Get a homogeneous mass.

The mask is suitable for regular use on almost any hair type. This product nourishes the scalp well, saturates the roots with vitamins and moisturizes the hair itself. The mask should be kept on your head for about an hour.

Burdock oil is a multifunctional product. It can be used not only in masks. Burdock oil is added to balms and shampoos. As you know, chemical dyeing is very harmful to hair, because it contains strong aggressive chemicals. But if you add a little burdock oil to the prepared paint, you will get a more gentle product. Oil will not reduce the effectiveness of the dye, but will significantly reduce its harmful effects on the hair.

Burdock oil has a beneficial effect not only on hair, but also on skin, eyelashes and nails. This product is used as lotions and compresses in the treatment of various skin and joint diseases. Burdock oil is an excellent choice for massage. This product is a real way to restore hair in a short time, spending a penny on it. By regularly making masks with burdock oil, in just a month you will be able to enjoy flowing, healthy and vibrant curls. You just have to believe and try.

Hi all!

In our pursuit of exotic oils, we sometimes forget about such a wonderful oil as burdock. Some have been familiar with this oil since childhood, others from youth. It suits some people, not others. Let's take a closer look at burdock oil. Let's remember its beneficial properties and methods of use. Perhaps some of you have tried to make burdock oil yourself? Share your recipes in the comments to the post. :-)

Burdock or burdock- a herbaceous weed that is known to every resident of Europe. This plant is distinguished by wide leaves, a powerful stem and lilac-purple flowers with yellow sticky hooks that cling tightly to clothes and get tangled in hair. Burdock has long been used as an effective medicinal and cosmetic product. Based on this plant, life-giving decoctions and infusions with a restorative effect were prepared, which treated many ailments: peptic ulcers, arthritis, leprosy, dermatitis, gout and other diseases. Recipes with burdock are also widely used in folk medicine today.

Burdock oil is a valuable natural product that is widely used for cosmetic and medical purposes. This product is made from burdock roots using oil extraction. The method consists of prolonged infusion of the plant's rhizome in vegetable oil. Almond, peanut, olive, sesame or other fatty vegetable oil can be used for this.

Composition of burdock oil.

This product has a very rich chemical composition and contains many substances beneficial to the human body, including vitamins A, B, C and E, mineral salts, micro and macroelements, including calcium, iron, chromium, copper and others. The oil contains natural inulin, which activates metabolism and maintains the health of the hair follicle, in the case of using burdock oil for hair. It also contains fatty acids, including stearic and palmitic acids, esters, flavonoids and tannins.

Useful properties of burdock oil.

This oil is used mainly externally. In cosmetology, it is considered an effective remedy for restoring hair, softening skin and strengthening nails. This natural product enhances the protective functions of the skin, improves fat metabolism, and promotes the absorption of vitamins by tissues.
When using burdock oil for hair, it improves hair growth, strengthens weakened hair follicles, prevents hair loss, protects ends from split ends and improves hair health along the entire length, prevents dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes the scalp.
Burdock oil is especially useful, according to reviews, for dry, brittle and damaged hair. The beneficial properties of this product are explained by the fact that the biologically active components in its composition help restore metabolism in the scalp and hair follicles, increase capillary blood circulation in the scalp, which helps strengthen the hair shafts and accelerates natural hair growth.

Indications for the use of burdock oil.

This natural remedy is useful for hair loss, regardless of the reason that triggered the phenomenon. Thus, during chemotherapy for malignant tumors, the use of burdock oil will help keep the hair follicles alive, and during hair regrowth, this remedy improves the intensity of their growth.

Burdock oil is very useful for hair after dyeing, perming using chemical or biological agents, after prolonged exposure to the sun, swimming in the sea or a pool with chlorinated water, as well as when the condition of the hair deteriorates as a result of poisoning, taking medications, or unfavorable working conditions.

In addition to hair and scalp, this oil is an excellent product for caring for eyelashes and eyebrows; it restores the structure of hairs damaged by the effects of dyes and mascara, stimulates eyelash renewal and improves their growth. Reviews of burdock oil also indicate its benefits for nails. With regular use, it prevents peeling and breaking of nail plates, strengthens and gives them shine, and softens the cuticle.


Burdock oil is a natural product, so it can cause an allergic reaction. Before first use, it is recommended to apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow. If allergic manifestations, itching, rash or redness of the skin are observed, the product should not be used.

Burdock oil can be purchased ready-made or prepared at home, which guarantees that it contains only natural ingredients.

Popular recipes:

1. Fresh burdock leaves, weighing 100 g, must be thoroughly chopped, placed in a deep container and filled with 200 ml of olive oil. Next, carefully mix the resulting mixture, leave for 24 hours and strain. The resulting product must be heated over low heat.

2. Dry burdock roots, weighing 100 g, should be ground to a powder and poured with 500 ml of sunflower oil. Next, the resulting mixture must be left in a warm place for 21 days and only then used for cosmetic needs.

Ready burdock oil. Popular brands.

Evalar, Mirrolla, Home Doctor, Nivea, Clean Line, Aspera.

The main method of using burdock oil.

Direct application of it in its pure form to hair, skin or nails. When used to treat hair, the oil is applied to hair moistened with water, strand by strand at the roots of the hair, rubbing into the skin with light massage movements. Then, using a plastic comb, soaking it in oil, apply the product to the entire length of the hair. It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. After applying the oil, it is better to wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap it with a warm towel on top to further enhance the activity of the biologically active components of the product. The oil should be washed off no earlier than after 1 hour.
Burdock oil should be applied to hair in this way 1-2 times a week; the course of treatment for the best effect should be at least two months.

In addition to using this product in its pure form, burdock oil is highly effective when added to various homemade hair masks. For example, to strengthen hair follicles and give hair shine, mix 2 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. l. burdock oil and a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed on the hair and left for 30 minutes. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

I love burdock oil. I almost always have it in stock. When one bottle runs out, I buy another one at the pharmacy.
Burdock oil is a fatty oil and sometimes some people have problems washing it off. I only need 2 shampoos to remove the oil from my hair. But I never apply too much of it. 1-2 teaspoons. Your hair should not “bathe” in oil, otherwise you will be tortured to wash it off.

I apply oil not only to the roots, but also along the entire length of my hair. In some groups on VKontakte I read reviews of girls who complained about dry hair after using burdock oil. I admit, I was a little surprised. Personally, burdock oil does not dry out my hair. (As they say, everything is individual.)

I buy burdock oil of different brands: Evalar, Mirrolla, Aspera.

That's all. I hope the post was useful to you. :-)

Goodbye! I wish you all, all, all the best!

Photo: heaclub, otbabushek, rutube, apteka72, hairstyle-pro.

The image of a beautiful woman is inextricably linked with well-groomed hair. In search of miracle products that can restore lost curls, women are ready to try the most incredible “folk” recipes or shell out huge amounts of money on newfangled cosmetics. At the same time, they discount burdock oil for hair, which has been used for centuries to improve the appearance of curls.

Burr oil? But after such treatment, hair becomes oily! It cannot be washed off! This is exactly how women react to the offer to use burdock oil. They are partly right. But if you read the rules and recommendations for using the product, then there will be no problems. And your hair will acquire enviable thickness. So how to use burdock oil?

Benefits of burdock oil for hair

Which burdock oil is best? The common burdock, which is popularly called burdock, serves as a raw material for the preparation of cosmetic products. Or rather, its roots. Typically, oil is obtained by cold pressing plant materials. But the burdock product is prepared differently. insist on the finished oil. Most often they take sesame, olive, and sometimes almond.

Chemical composition

The benefits of burdock oil for hair are appreciated not only by cosmetologists, but also by doctors. The drug prevents alopecia and effectively treats seborrhea. The effects are dictated by the rich chemical composition. The table below describes the main active ingredients of the product and their effect on the strands.

Table - Composition and benefits of burdock oil for hair

Vitamin A- Strengthens the hair follicles;
- protects against loss
Vitamin PP- Prevents the formation of gray hair;
- eliminates dandruff
Vitamin E- Activates blood circulation;
- stimulates the growth of strands;
- renews cells
Vitamin C- Strengthens local immunity;
- increases the resistance of curls to external aggressive factors
Zinc- Activates the growth of strands;
- strengthens the hair walls;
- provides volume and thickness to curls
Iron-Strengthens hair follicles;
- prevents hair loss;
- prevents sectioning;
- eliminates dryness
Manganese- Relieves dandruff
Oleic acid- Provides moisture to dry strands
Ricinoleic acid- Improves the density of curls;
- stimulates hair growth
Linoleic acid- Relieves scalp from inflammation;
- treats seborrhea
Stearic acid- Restores split, dull and brittle strands;
- gives curls softness
Palmitic acid- Eliminates hair loss;
- strengthens the bulbs;
- treats alopecia

8 problems that burdock will get rid of

In addition to hair, the product has a beneficial effect on the skin. Metabolic processes improve in tissues, blood circulation increases, and vitamins are absorbed better. After several masks of burdock oil, hair becomes stronger and thicker. Experts recommend using the cosmetic product for the following eight problems.

  1. Unruly strands. The product will help cope with coarse, curly hair. Burdock will add softness and make combing and styling easier.
  2. Dry strands. A hair mask with burdock oil will provide moisture to your curls.
  3. Frozen bulbs. If hairs do not grow from hair follicles, then burdock is recommended as an effective activator of hair growth.
  4. Damaged strands. The product will glue split ends and eliminate excessive fragility.
  5. The appearance of dandruff. Burdock product eliminates dandruff and effectively fights seborrhea.
  6. Hair loss. Using oil will stop the process of hair loss. With constant use, it is possible to treat alopecia, in which hair falls out in whole strands.
  7. Early gray hair. Burdock restores hair structure and helps slow down the aging process.
  8. Loose strands. Restores curls that have lost their original appearance as a result of constant coloring and aggressive drying. After using the product, hair that has been exposed to the negative effects of sun, wind or sea water is strengthened.

How to achieve the effect

Valuable burdock oil is undeservedly relegated to the background. The problem lies in not knowing how to use burdock oil for hair growth. As a result, instead of silky strands, women get greasy hair. To avoid such problems, you need to learn several rules for using healing cosmetics.

4 ways to use

Burdock product can act as an independent component or be an ingredient in a cosmetic product. In any role, the drug will provide a beneficial effect on curls. The following methods of using burdock oil are recommended.

  1. In its purest form. The product is slightly heated. Apply carefully to dry or damp hair. You can use a brush. Then comb the curls with a comb, distributing the mixture along the entire length. They put on a hat. After 60 minutes, rinse.
  2. Mask. The most popular method of using burdock oil for hair at home. Ready-made masks are applied according to the same principle as pure oil.
  3. Shampoo. Oil-based shampoo will protect hair from grease and effectively remove impurities. Strands washed with burdock product retain shine and cleanliness for a long time. This shampoo can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. One recipe is to mix 250 ml and a tablespoon of oil. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, strain, and wash your hair.
  4. Massage. The technique is used to eliminate dandruff. Warm oil is rubbed into the scalp with your fingertips. Repeat every other day for two weeks.

To protect your hair from the aggressive effects of dye, it is recommended to add a few drops of burdock oil to the prepared mixture. The paint will apply easier and more evenly to the strands. The curls will not become stiff after dyeing. And thanks to the content of niacin (or vitamin PP), the strands will retain the resulting shade for a long time.

Using burdock oil is easy. But in order to prevent unpleasant moments, it is important to listen to the experience of specialists. There are only six tips.

  1. Warm remedy. According to reviews, it is recommended to heat the oil or mask before applying it in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not rise above 39°C.
  2. For blonde hair. Burdock can lead to a slight greenish coloration of curls. To protect light strands, you need to choose a transparent product.
  3. Greenhouse effect. Will enhance the positive effects of the mask. After applying the mixture, you need to put on a cap or polyethylene and wrap it with a warm scarf on top.
  4. Duration of the procedure. The optimal mask time is 40 minutes. This is enough for the product to be absorbed into the strands and skin. If you leave the mask on all night, there will be no harm. Some recipes contain hot ingredients. In this case, the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes.
  5. Washing off the oil. When the cap is removed from the head, the hair should not be wetted with water. Initially, shampoo is applied to the head. It is better to choose one that foams a lot. The strands are soaped, working through each curl. This will allow the shampoo components to react with the remaining oil. Then washed. Preferably under a powerful shower pressure. Shampoo that has absorbed burdock will be easily washed out of your hair.
  6. Duration of use. It is recommended to use homemade masks with burdock in courses. Therapy can last two months, provided that the product is used three times a week. Then it is important to give the strands a rest for a month and a half. For prevention, two to three applications per month are sufficient.

6 recipes

Before using burdock oil, do an allergy test. Apply a few drops of cosmetic product to your wrist and wait 24 hours. Usually the reaction appears within 15-20 minutes. If during this time there is no redness, rash and the skin does not itch, then in most cases there is no allergy. The product can be used.

The power of hot pepper

Characteristic. Burdock oil with pepper is very useful for hair. The composition is recommended in case of intense hair loss. The burning component increases blood flow and accelerates tissue regeneration. Promotes the “awakening” of follicles. The combination eliminates brittleness and seals split ends.


  • burdock - 30 g;
  • red pepper - a sixth of a teaspoon.

What to do

  1. The oil is heated.
  2. A pinch of pepper is poured into the heated burdock.
  3. Apply on the head and put on a cap.
  4. According to the instructions, it is recommended to keep the mixture with red pepper for about 30 minutes. If a burning sensation occurs, wash it off without waiting until the due date.
  5. On average, this procedure can be completed for about 15-20 minutes.

Egg and honey treatment

Characteristic. The mask is recognized as an effective fighter for the beauty of strands. This is what professionals recommend for hair loss. Honey enhances metabolism, nourishes follicles, softens strands and accelerates growth. The egg prevents fragility, eliminates dandruff and protects against alopecia.


  • yolk - two pieces;
  • burdock - 30 g;
  • honey - 15 g.

What to do

  1. Burdock oil, preheated, is combined with the yolk.
  2. Honey is added to the mixture and the mask is carefully kneaded.
  3. The product must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots.
  4. It is best to combine applying the mask with a light head massage.

Honey-yeast fortification

Characteristic. Suitable for lifeless and brittle strands. This hair mask with burdock oil is recommended for hair growth. After just a few sessions, the curls will gain elasticity, become strong, and split ends will disappear.


  • baker's yeast - a teaspoon;
  • milk - 40 ml;
  • burdock oil - 15 g;
  • honey - 10 g;
  • castor oil - 15 g.

What to do

  1. Yeast is poured into milk.
  2. Add honey to the warm mixture and stir.
  3. The workpiece is transferred to heat and wait for the yeast to dissolve. 20 minutes is enough.
  4. Castor oil and burdock are added to the swollen mixture. The mask is kneaded.
  5. The consistency of the product is a little runny. This is fine.

Vitamins for silkiness

Characteristic. Another universal remedy that is in demand against hair loss is a hair mask with vitamins and burdock oil. Retinol and tocopherol ensure active growth of strands, have a beneficial effect on the hair bulbs, and prevent the loss of curls. By nourishing curls, vitamins restore vitality, strength and silkiness to them.


  • burdock - a tablespoon;
  • vitamin E - 5 ml;
  • vitamin A - 5 ml.

What to do

  1. Vitamins are added to warm oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. The vitamin cocktail must be applied immediately after preparation.

Castor oil for dandruff protection

Characteristic. The appearance of “white flakes” is a signal of excessive dryness of the scalp. To solve the problem, a mixture combining two medicinal oils is recommended.


  • castor oil - 15 g;
  • burdock oil - 15 g.

What to do

  1. In a bowl, combine castor oil with burdock.
  2. The composition is heated until the mixture is completely melted.
  3. Using a comb, carefully distribute onto the roots, allowing the product to spread on its own over the scalp.

Onion “tears” against baldness

Characteristic. Onion juice helps with hair loss. Due to the specific smell, women often refuse this product. But in vain. Onion effectively prevents hair loss and gives hair a shiny and well-groomed appearance. Experts recommend this composition even in cases of advanced alopecia.


  • onion juice - 30 ml;
  • egg - one;
  • burdock - 30 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml.

What to do

  1. Onion juice is mixed with warm oil.
  2. Beat the egg a little. If your curls are prone to oiliness, then it is better to take only protein.
  3. The egg is added to the oil-onion mixture.
  4. Add honey.
  5. It is recommended to warm up the product before application.

Before using burdock oil for hair growth, be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates. An expired product will not bring the desired result. After opening the bottle, all the beneficial components of burdock are stored for two months. Its further use will not cause harm, but will not provide any benefit to the strands.

Burdock oil is produced from burdock root, but unlike other vegetable oils, it is obtained by extraction. That is, burdock root is infused with almond, sesame, olive or peanut oil. This product has unique properties that have a positive effect on the hair structure. The oil enhances capillary blood circulation, restores metabolism in the scalp, strengthens hair shafts, and accelerates hair growth.

With the help of burdock oil you can stop progressive hair loss. The use of this unique product provides nutrition to the scalp and hair follicles, thereby eliminating dry dandruff, itching and dryness. It is recommended to use the oil for poorly growing, damaged and thinning hair, and excessive hair loss.

You can use burdock oil for owners of any hair type. The simplest method of using it is to wet your hair with warm water, squeeze out excess moisture or pat your hair with a towel, then part it, apply heated oil to the roots. Gently rub it into the scalp using massage movements. Distribute the remaining warm burdock oil over the entire length of your hair using a wide-toothed comb. Wrap your head with film and a towel. Keep the mask on for at least one hour. After the time has passed, wash off the oil with warm water and shampoo, repeat the procedure twice if necessary.

The frequency of using burdock oil for hair is 1-2 times a week. The course of hair treatment is 2 weeks. Then take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the course again.

The next way to use burdock oil is to prepare hair masks based on it. To strengthen, stimulate dew and nutrition, as well as eliminate brittleness of hair, a mask of burdock oil with the addition of chamomile and wheat germ oil is well suited. Mix one tablespoon of the listed ingredients in a glass bowl, heat slightly in a water bath (to improve the effect, because under the influence of heat the pores open and blood circulation improves, the oil penetrates more easily to the hair root), thoroughly rub the composition into the hair roots and scalp for 40 -50 minutes before washing.

To wash off burdock oil, you need to use a shampoo that suits your hair type. It is advisable to soap your hair 2 times, this way you can get rid of any remaining oil.

A mask with egg yolk has an excellent effect. It gives hair shine and silkiness, has the ability to strengthen hair follicles, and eliminates dandruff. To make your own mask, mix 1 tablespoon of warm liquid honey with two egg yolks, add 3 tablespoons of burdock oil. Mix all the components of the mask thoroughly, distribute evenly throughout the hair, and rub into the scalp with your fingertips. Warm your head with cling film and a scarf, and after half an hour, rinse off as usual. It is recommended to use this mask once a week.

The scalp and hair always need proper care. There are many cosmetological opportunities to make your hair beautiful and your appearance beyond your expectations. However, not all chemicals can help people. Frequent cases of intolerance to ingredients, as well as paradoxical results of use, often force us to turn to proven natural products. An excellent option is burdock root oil. The composition and properties of burdock oil are ideal for making hair strong and the scalp healthy.

In this article we will try to understand how burdock oil affects hair, how to use it correctly, and how often you can apply burdock oil to your hair and scalp.

What are the benefits of burdock oil for hair?

Burdock root extract, obtained industrially, mixed in classic proportions with a peach base - this is the main component of natural burdock oil.

Thanks to this composition, the properties of burdock oil for hair are that it:

  • eliminates fragility;
  • heals split ends;
  • normalizes scalp moisture;
  • restores hair color;
  • stimulates growth;
  • activates blood supply to subcutaneous tissue;
  • protects the scalp from damage;
  • gives hair shine, silkiness and well-groomed appearance.

This product has long been an assistant in preserving not only female beauty (it is also used effectively), but also male beauty, because its usefulness has been proven.

Why is burdock oil good for hair? Such a multifaceted effect is achieved by the ideal balance of burdock oil ingredients. This includes:

  • many vitamins;
  • a set of microelements;
  • fatty acid;
  • phytoactive substances;
  • natural reparants and regenerants.

The basis of burdock oil is linoleic acid. Thanks to this ingredient, optimal stimulation of not only the immune defenses after application to the hair is achieved, but also easy diffusion of active extracts into the deep layers of the skin.

How to use burdock oil for hair?

One of the beneficial properties of burdock oil, like any fat-based product, is that it moisturizes the skin well. This is exactly what is needed when using burdock oil for dry hair, combined with the formation of dandruff or irritation of the epidermis. However, for oily hair, burdock oil may increase the external shine, which goes away after thoroughly rinsing off the product.

However, burdock oil is equally suitable for dry and oily hair to enhance hair growth, give strength and energy, and eliminate split ends.

To obtain optimal results, you need to know how and on what hair burdock oil is applied, how long you need to keep it on and how to wash burdock oil off your head. Below are the main factors that influence the final result of exposure to burdock oil.

How to properly smear your head with burdock oil?

Before applying to hair, it should be slightly moistened. Direct washing is not required - this must be done after completing the procedure. However, if prolonged exposure to burdock oil is expected, the hair should be washed under running water with a neutral shampoo.

Burdock oil should be heated to body temperature - 36-37 degrees. In this case, the application will be pleasant and the effect will be longer lasting, since the active ingredients diffuse better into the hair structure and scalp.

The product should be applied with firm massaging movements, lightly rubbing into the scalp. If your hair is short, then you do not need to distribute oil over it. For long hair, use a comb to apply the product evenly over the entire length. This will help achieve the desired concentration of ingredients even at the very ends.

After application, place a towel or plastic bag on the scalp. It should not be removed throughout the entire exposure of the natural product.

How long should you keep burdock oil on your hair?

Duration of application – 1 hour. The maximum time that burdock oil can be on the head is 3.5 hours. It should then be removed. A common mistake is to use burdock oil on your hair at night - this will not enhance the effect of the natural product, but can lead to the spread of bacterial flora in the scalp.

Application time depends on the desired result. Even 40 minutes is enough to give aesthetic beauty to your hair. If a therapeutic effect is needed, especially in the presence of seborrheic crusts at the hair roots, you should achieve the maximum duration of contact of burdock oil with the scalp.

How to wash burdock oil from hair?

It is necessary to wash off immediately after finishing the procedure. Use running water and neutral shampoo. It is better if it contains anti-dandruff ingredients. You need to rinse it off carefully, but be sure to massage your scalp.

Does burdock oil wash off well?

It should be noted that, like any fat-based product, burdock oil is quite difficult to wash off. It is necessary to show some restraint and patience, and also use a more powerful stream of high-temperature water. What shampoo is best to wash off burdock oil? To help remove oil residue, concentrated shampoos containing zinc pyrithione are suitable.

Is it true that burdock oil removes hair dye?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether the paint is washed off from burdock oil. When applied to dark hair, you don't have to worry about coloring it. If we are talking about light hair, then it may darken after applying burdock oil. The paint is quite difficult to wash off, usually only after the third wash.

How often can you use burdock oil?

The minimum number of procedures to obtain a good effect is 1 time every 7 days. If there are serious problems with the condition of the skin and hair, it is necessary to increase the frequency to 2 times a week.

The optimal course of use of the product is 3 months. Since the product contains only natural ingredients, it is unlikely to get a lasting result in a shorter time. However, after the first use, the positive effect is clearly visible.

How to enhance the effect?

To get maximum results in a short time, sometimes the isolated use of burdock oil is not enough. Burdock oil helps well, but the effect of the application can be enhanced if you combine the application of the product with various additives. The most suitable are:

  • egg yolk;
  • nettle extract;
  • lemon juice;
  • avocado oil;
  • camomile tea.

With proper use of all the properties and use of burdock oil, you can achieve the maximum effect: it will safely help strengthen your hair and also perfectly improve the health of your scalp. It is suitable for almost all people, with the exception of cases of individual intolerance.