Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe juice: application in medicine and cosmetology. Does Kalanchoe work as an antiseptic? How to use Kalanchoe juice purchased at the pharmacy for a runny nose for children

Registration number LS-000244

Tradename drug:

Dosage form:

alcohol solution for local and external use

Fresh Kalanchoe shoots - sufficient quantity to obtain juice 760 ml
Ethyl alcohol 95% - up to 1000 ml

Liquid from light yellow to Brown with a specific smell.
The presence of fine suspension is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Tissue regeneration stimulator plant origin.

pharmachologic effect
It has a local anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect on regeneration processes, helps cleanse wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissue.

Indications for use
Trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, burns, bedsores, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, various inflammatory diseases oral cavity and periodontal ( aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses
Externally. The wound or ulcer is irrigated with the drug (1-3 ml) and a gauze bandage (4-5 layers) moistened generously with the drug is applied. The dressing is changed daily at first, then every other day. Once a day, additionally moisten the lower layers of the dressing with the drug (removing the upper layers). Average duration treatment 15-20 days.
For cracked nipples, after each feeding, apply a few drops of the drug to the nipples with a pipette. The duration of treatment is 4-5 days. In dentistry, the drug is used topically in the form of applications daily on the oral mucosa 3-4 times a day; The duration of the application is 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Side effect
Allergic reactions. IN in rare cases- burning sensation in the wound.

special instructions
If a burning sensation appears in the wound, add 2 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine per 100 ml of the drug.
Before use, the drug should be kept at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
IN dental practice Before use, the drug is heated in a water bath to a temperature of +37 °C.

Release form
Alcohol solution for local and external use; 20 ml in neutral glass bottles. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack.

Storage conditions
In a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature of +18 to +20 °C.

Best before date
2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.

Address: 142279, Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Obolensk village, State Research Center for PM

Kalanchoe juice is used in traditional and folk medicine. Ointments, tinctures, drops, aromatherapy products - the plant is widely used. In this article we will consider for what purpose it is possible to use Kalanchoe juice, and how to be treated effectively with it.

This indoor flower is present in almost every second or third gardener these days. Caring for it is not burdensome, and Kalanchoe is valued not only for its aesthetic qualities. Kalanchoe juice (pharmaceutical) will become a panacea for you for almost any colds and not only.

However, in order for the addition of this component to home remedies to be beneficial, it is necessary to clearly understand how exactly it is prepared. healing juice. Moreover, you need to study this simple technology step by step if you want the use of Kalanchoe juice to be useful.

First of all, you need to figure out how to cut the leaves for further use (squeeze the liquid out of them). By the way, ready-made juice can be freely purchased at almost any pharmacy. But if you have your own indoor Kalanchoe on the windowsill, prepare the medicine you need at home.

First you need to prepare the leaves. Please take into account the fact that about a week before cutting the leaves from the plant, it is recommended to completely stop watering it. After this time, cut off the leaf blades from the Kalanchoe. However, it is not advisable to use them immediately to obtain juice. It is better to place the leaves somewhere cool and well-shaded, for example in the pantry.

Video “Treatment with Kalanchoe: recipes”

In this video you will learn about several recipes from medicinal plant Kalanchoe.

How to make and store juice

Kalanchoe juice – quite effective medicine, which you need to learn to cook competently. After the leaves you cut have lain in a closet or other darkened room for about a week, they can be taken out of hiding. The foliage is thoroughly crushed and then ground so that a homogeneous mass is obtained - a liquid gruel. The resulting composition must be filtered through cheesecloth and then left for another couple of days. This way you will get rid of unwanted sediment.

Indications and contraindications

Knowing how to make juice from healing kalanchoe at home, you can acquire an effective folk remedy that will serve you well when various diseases. Feel free to use the remedy you received to relieve toothache and inflammation of the gums, to treat warts, herpes and otitis media, as well as for varicose veins, colds, eye burns, etc.

As for contraindications, there are those too. Most often this is hypersensitivity to the drug. Such cases are rare, but sometimes the body reacts to Kalanchoe juice quite violently. The patient begins to feel dizzy, weak, nausea, vomiting, as well as abdominal pain or shortness of breath.

You can check if you are intolerant to Kalanchoe juice in the following way: apply a few drops (dilute with water first to avoid high concentration) on small area skin and wait a while. If redness or swelling soon appears, it is better to refuse treatment with this composition.


Know how to squeeze plant juice from Kalanchoe and how to apply it in finished form, is necessary if you want to speed up the recovery of a patient with certain ailments. Beneficial features, characteristic of such a drug, are valued not only traditional healers, but also doctors. In what cases it is necessary to prepare this kind of medicine is worth considering in detail.

Wounds and other skin damage

If the patient has trophic ulcers or bedsores, use Kalanchoe juice. They are recommended to moisten gauze and then apply it to skin lesions once a day. Don’t forget to cover it all with gauze or a cloth bandage. If a strong burning sensation occurs, 0.5% novocaine should be added to the healing liquid in equal proportions.


For inflammation of the female genital organs, it is also recommended to use Kalanchoe juice. Some new mothers often prefer to use this liquid to lubricate cracked nipples that appear due to breastfeeding. Gently treat the inflamed areas with juice, and the result will not take long to arrive.


At this disease at home it is quite possible to strengthen the vascular walls. To do this, you need to rub your feet with healing liquid in the morning and evening. You can prepare it as follows: place finely chopped leaves and stems in a glass container, then fill to the top with vodka or alcohol, and place in a dark place for several days. Strain the finished medicine and use for rubbing.

Dental problems

Pharmacy medications do not always help quickly get rid of annoying toothache. In addition, if there are still a couple of days left before the visit to a specialist, you need to find effective drug, capable of making you forget about pain in the mouth. Stomatitis, gum inflammation, periodontal disease - all these ailments can be gotten rid of with the help of Kalanchoe juice. Moisten gauze swabs with it and apply them to problem areas for 15–20 minutes about 4–5 times a day. This way you will significantly reduce gum swelling and prevent the formation of pus.

ENT problems

Use homemade juice Kalanchoe is also recommended in the case of the development of middle or acute otitis. Take a regular cotton swab, apply some liquid to it and place it in your nasal passages. If desired, instill diluted warm water juice in the nostrils. This should be done systematically, up to 5 times a day. This remedy is excellent at getting rid of mucus, as it causes the patient to sneeze uncontrollably.

For gastrointestinal problems

Ulcer formation, gastritis, and serious problems with functioning gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are often eliminated not only with the help pharmaceutical drugs. Juice from the Kalanchoe plant - optimal choice V in this case. To normalize stomach function, you need to drink 5 ml of juice 3 times a day.

Don't forget that the finished juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Pharmacy ready Kalanchoe juice

Squeeze out medicinal Kalanchoe juice - the process is not too burdensome, even a beginner can cope with it. However, not everyone grows this at home. indoor plant, and sometimes it’s a pity to cut off the leaves and stems of such beauty, because the flower may die. An alternative solution is to buy ready-made healing liquid at the pharmacy. This drug can be immediately used to treat dermatological or any other health problems. Use this product strictly according to the instructions, and you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

Burns and gastritis, sores in the mouth and bedsores, runny nose and pimples on the face - this is an incomplete list of what Kalanchoe, or more precisely, its juice, treats. This plant rightfully bears the title of green doctor. But healing properties Not all types have it. Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe pinnate are used in medicine.

Pharmacological properties of Kalanchoe juice

The active use of Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of dermatological, dental, surgical and other pathologies is explained by its composition. IN fresh leaves and stems contain:

  • flavonoid glycosides, which have a bactericidal and choleretic effect;
  • tannins, having antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties;
  • organic acids and enzymes that improve local metabolism;
  • vitamins C and P, strengthening blood vessels, normalizing interstitial metabolic processes and enhance immunity;
  • as well as polysaccharides and trace elements.

All this together ensures the sanitation of wounds, suppresses wound infection, accelerates epithelial regeneration, normalizes microcirculation in tissues, and relieves inflammation.

How to treat with Kalanchoe juice

IN pharmacy instructions According to the use of Kalanchoe juice, you can read that it is used externally and locally. The difference is that in the first case, lotions are prepared with the drug for skin, and local applications and irrigations are suitable for mucous membranes.

Wounds, burns and other skin damage

TO trophic ulcers and bedsores once a day apply generously moistened with juice gauze wipes covering the wound with a bandage. At strong burning sensation use Kalanchoe liniment or add an equal share of 0.5% novocaine solution. Treatment requires medical supervision.

To combat acne infection, cleansed skin is wiped several times a day with alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe.


To strengthen vascular walls and liquidation stagnation at varicose veins rub the veins of the legs with Kalanchoe tincture in the mornings and evenings. You can prepare it yourself: fill a glass bottle halfway with finely chopped green mass, add alcohol or vodka to the top and leave it in the dark for a week. The finished tincture is filtered, squeezing out the raw materials, and stored in the refrigerator.

Gynecological problems

For cervical erosion and endocervicitis, a tampon soaked in ointment or calanoe juice is inserted into the vagina at night (for 8-10 hours). The same preparations are used to lubricate cracked nipples and postpartum wounds of the perineum.

Dental diseases

For periodontal disease, gum inflammation, and stomatitis, applications are performed by applying gauze swabs with juice for 15-20 minutes up to 5 times a day. They reduce swelling and pain after surgical procedures (opening an abscess, tooth extraction), promote rapid regeneration of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and reduce the risk of suppuration.

ENT diseases

For acute otitis media, place a cotton swab soaked in juice, or instill 2-5 drops of warm juice or alcohol tincture.

To eliminate nasal congestion due to sinusitis or a severe runny nose, Kalanchoe juice diluted with water is dripped into the nose up to 5 times a day. Dilute the concentrated juice or its alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 5. Strong sneezing effectively clears the sinuses, and then the nasal passages can be moistened with a cotton swab dipped in the juice.

Pregnant women should not use Kalanchoe juice to treat a runny nose, not only because of possible allergic reactions. Sudden contractions of the abdominal muscles during sneezing are dangerous.

For tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis aqueous solution gargle with juice every hour for the first few days of illness.

Internal use of Kalanchoe juice

For gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Kalanchoe juice is prescribed orally. But in each case, the dosage can only be determined by the attending physician. Kalanchoe juice is included in the composition medicinal drinks consisting of lime juice, and other fruits and vegetables

For heartburn low acidity stomach, you can drink a teaspoon of warm juice or eat a fresh leaf of the plant.

To prevent colds and improve immunity, drink Kalanchoe juice in a spoon after breakfast.

Making juice at home

Bushes of medicinal varieties of Kalanchoe do not require care. Therefore, amateur flower growers do not purchase Kalanchoe juice at the pharmacy, but can easily obtain fresh medicine at any time of the year. To do this they cut required amount fleshy leaves and stems, crushed with a meat grinder, garlic press or just a knife, and then squeeze out the green pulp through 3-4 layers of gauze.

But this method is good only if healing solution needed urgently. To get more strong remedy, cut greens are wrapped in paper and placed in a dark, cool place. After 3-6 days, the calanoe is washed and the juice is prepared.

To avoid losing a drop, the gauze is pre-moistened with warm water.

Store homemade juice in a dark glass bottle at a temperature of up to 10°C for no longer than a week. You can extend the period by adding 20 parts of juice to 1 part of alcohol.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice in any form may be pregnancy and increased sensitivity to this plant.

Kalanchoe in the treatment of stomach ulcers - video

. The plant helps in the fight against rhinitis(about features uses of Kalanchoe for treatment baby runny nose we tell in). Drops are prepared from it for instillation into the nose, and the juice is wiped inside to protect oneself from infections in crowded places or during epidemics.

What medicinal properties does it have:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • wound healing effect;
  • blood purification and excretion harmful substances from the body;
  • hemostatic effect.

To gain strength, cheer up and wake up, you need to stand or sit near a pot with a plant for at least 5 minutes.

In what cases can it be used?

For example, runny nose treated with flower juice. It has rare healing properties due to the fact that it contains vitamins C, PP, organic oxalic, acetic, malic acids, tannins, polysaccharides, etc.

Is it possible to instill alcoholic juice?

In the sinuses

Any alcohol tincture without dilution with water in a 1:1 ratio is not suitable for instillation into the nose or eyes. The resulting product is used to rinse the nasal sinuses from mucus.

Into the ear cavity

Alcoholic juice of Kalanchoe without dilution is used for inflammation of the middle ear. It is prepared like this:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant and 200 ml of 40 percent alcohol.
  2. Mix the ingredients and leave in a warm room for ten days, tightly closing the lid.
  3. After ten days, the tincture is ready for instillation into the ear.

Unused plant leaves are wrapped in paper and stored in the refrigerator.. Shelf life – 5-7 days. After this period, they lose their medicinal properties.

Pharmacy drops

The pharmacy sells the finished drug for based on Kalanchoe for local and external use. It is available without a prescription affordable price(for a 20 ml bottle they pay 86 rubles).
Pharmaceutical medicine is a concentrated solution with a specific odor. Him yellowish tint. It is used to treat a runny nose, but before use it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Attention! The treatment regimen and dosage vary depending on who will take the medicine - an adult or a child.

Instructions for use

From leaves Kalanchoe flower prepare medicinal solution at home:

  1. After collecting, washing and chopping, place them in a garlic press.
  2. The pulp is transferred to gauze and, pressing slightly, the juice is collected in a stainless steel bowl.
  3. Before use, heat it in a water bath and cool to room temperature.
  4. After this, drop it into the nose with a pipette for a runny nose.

Runny nose in children and adults is treated differently using this medicine. Children take two drops into each nostril three times a day, and adults – 3 drops/5 times a day. After the procedure, they sneeze, and the mucus and bacteria that have accumulated in the nose are removed. First, the congestion disappears, and then a complete cure occurs.

During pregnancy

Kalanchoe juice is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, even if they have severe runny nose. The plant has a rich chemical composition, and as a result high biological activity. It is absorbed into the bloodstream quickly, spreading throughout the body. When treated, it provokes intense and prolonged sneezing. Sneezing causes the lower abdominal muscles to contract. The resulting pain and cramping can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Kalanchoe is a plant that came to us from the African tropics. Currently, it not only decorates many window sills, but also helps to cope with a large number various ailments at correct use. In addition, the plant has the ability to purify the surrounding air from harmful microorganisms.

Kalanchoe juice is a powerful medicine. Mainly in folk medicine it is used to treat rhinitis and cough. The beneficial properties of Kalanchoe are explained by the presence in its composition large quantity active ingredients: organic acids (malic, lactic, oxalic, citric, acetic and others), amino acids (threonine, phenylalanine, alanine), polysaccharides, flavonoids, tannins, enzymes, vitamins (in particular, a lot of rutin and ascorbic acid), minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, manganese, copper, aluminum).

The sap of the plant has complex impact on the human body:

  • Anti-inflammatory. Relieves swelling and inflammation in the nasal cavity, facilitates breathing through the nasal passages.
  • Antimicrobial. Effectively combats abundance pathogenic microorganisms, which accumulate in the nasopharynx area.
  • Wound healing. Helps regenerate tissues and mucous membranes damaged due to rhinitis.
  • Painkiller. Removes discomfort caused by a runny nose and swelling of the sinuses.
Kalanchoe juice is often prescribed for the following diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, purulent otitis media, any inflammatory processes that affect the nasopharynx. During epidemics of acute respiratory diseases and influenza, processed products of this plant can be used as prophylactic, since Kalanchoe has an immunomodulatory effect.

You can cook from its juice various drugs according to prescriptions traditional medicine. It can be used independently and as part of such products as ointments, alcohol tinctures, drops, etc. They can be used both externally and orally.

When used externally, Kalanchoe juice causes copious nasal mucus and a strong sneezing reflex. Thus, the nasal passages are quickly cleared of accumulated secretions. For this property, it is popularly called “sneezer”.

Currently, you can buy ready-made drops based on this plant at the pharmacy.

Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose

The specific effect of Kalanchoe on the human body (severe sneezing) determines a number of contraindications to the use of this plant in medicinal purposes. Firstly, it is not recommended to be treated with its juice by pregnant women in the last trimester, as well as those who are at risk of miscarriage.

Secondly, Kalanchoe is contraindicated for infants under one year old. One of the reasons is the risk of developing otitis media. With active sneezing, which accompanies the procedure of instilling juice into the nose, bacteria from the nasopharynx easily enter the ear. This can lead to an inflammatory process.

In addition, a person may have an individual intolerance to the plant extract. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary test before using the juice for medicinal purposes. To do this, one drop of the drug is applied inside one nostril. If swelling, itching and other signs of allergy do not appear, the product can be used.

Also, you should not use this method of treatment if you have problems with blood pressure- hypo- or hypertension. If the dosage of Kalanchoe juice is exceeded, a burn to the nasal mucosa may occur.

Before starting treatment with this remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Instructions for using Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose

The benefit of treatment with Kalanchoe juice lies, first of all, in the fact that the nasal passages begin to actively clear mucus. Therefore, during therapy it is necessary to stock up a considerable amount handkerchiefs and are advised not to leave the house.

Instructions for Kalanchoe juice for runny nose for adults

Adult patients can use Kalanchoe juice in pure form and in combination with other components for the treatment of runny nose. The simplest way consists of instilling fresh plant extract into each nasal passage. It is enough to drop three drops into each nostril. The procedure can be performed up to three times a day.

You can also take a cotton swab and moisten it with Kalanchoe juice. It is necessary to wipe the nasal cavity from the inside.

In addition, you can use homemade drops prepared according to one of the recipes:

  1. If you are prone to nosebleeds, weak blood vessels and increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to use Kalanchoe juice in diluted form. Mix it in a 1:1 ratio with water. We instill the solution into the nasal sinuses three times a day, 2-5 drops.
  2. Mix equal parts of aloe and Kalanchoe juices. We drop 2-5 drops into the nasal passages at least twice a day.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the onion and Kalanchoe and mix them in a 1:2 ratio. Place the mixture in an amount of no more than two drops into each nostril three times a day.

How to use Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose for a baby

Doctors advise using Kalanchoe juice to treat runny nose in infants with extreme caution. The concentrated extract may cause complications in young children. Therefore, if you still decide to use this folk method treatment, then you should take not the juice, but a decoction of Kalanchoe leaves. There is a rule: the younger the baby, the lower the concentration of the substance should be.

The decoction cleanses the nose well of mucous secretions, and has a much gentler effect than pure juice. Preparing it is quite simple: pour the leaves of the plant cold water and put it on fire. After boiling, remove from heat and leave to steep for one hour. The proportions should be selected independently. Optimally - a few leaves of the plant and half a liter of water.

It is necessary to bury the nose with the decoction in the same way as with the juice - three times a day, a few drops into each nasal passage.

You can also prepare a mixture of aloe and Kalanchoe juices for babies. However, before use they must be diluted with water at least twice. But you cannot use a mixture of onions and Kalanchoe to treat infants.

You can also soak the plant in juice or decoction. cotton swabs and place them in the child’s nostrils for a minute if this does not cause severe discomfort to the child. little patient. To prevent colds and runny nose, children are recommended to wipe their nasal passages. cotton swabs, moistened with Kalanchoe juice (pure or diluted).

Pure Kalanchoe juice can be started dripping into the nose of children over two years old.

How to use Kalanchoe juice purchased at the pharmacy for a runny nose for children

If you do not have access to the Kalanchoe plant and cannot prepare the juice from its leaves yourself, then you can purchase the finished product at the pharmacy.

Drops based on Kalanchoe juice are produced by some pharmaceutical companies. They are inexpensive, but it is important to correctly determine their quality. To treat a runny nose, the extract must be pure. Unsuitable alcohol solutions and various homeopathic remedies.

When choosing Kalanchoe juice, check its concentration. Pharmacies sometimes sell the so-called “evaporated” composition. Its concentration is much higher than usual. Therefore, even adults should not use it undiluted, otherwise it will cause side effects.

Juice with 100% concentration also needs to be diluted. clean water, if you plan to bury it in children.

The medicine is used in the same way as juice homemade- 2-3 drops in each nasal passage three times a day.

Rules for using Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose during pregnancy

Pregnant women should use Kalanchoe juice for medicinal purposes with caution. This is especially true for women who are latest dates. You cannot use the drug if rhinitis is caused not by a cold, but by an allergy.

Before starting use, you should definitely consult with your doctor to weigh the need for such treatment.

Expectant mothers can also use the following: nasal remedy: mix Kalanchoe juice, chamomile decoction and saline solution in equal doses. We use it like regular nasal drops - three times a day. The maximum period of use is a week. After this, it is recommended to take a break from treatment.

How to make Kalanchoe juice at home

Leaves of a plant that is more than three years old are suitable for medicinal purposes. Young Kalanchoe does not yet have enough useful substances. However, it is the young plant that is intended for the treatment of children, since it has a weaker effect.

Of course, when a runny nose appears, it is necessary to act immediately, so there may not be time to “track” the raw materials. Most often, such leaves are used for the preparation of prophylactic drugs.

To get juice from Kalanchoe leaves, you need to wash them, cut them into small pieces and squeeze them in a garlic press. If the leaves are fleshy, then you can simply crush them with your fingers. This extract is not subject to long-term storage, and its concentration is quite high.

If you use Kalanchoe leaves that have been left in the refrigerator as raw materials, then the juice from them can be kept for two days at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees Celsius. The substance can also be filtered and sterilized. As a rule, such a drug is produced by pharmaceutical companies, and it can be stored for many years.

Before use, the plant juice must be heated in a water bath to room temperature.

How to use Kalanchoe juice - watch the video:

Kalanchoe juice - popular folk remedy to fight a runny nose at home. You can easily prepare it if you have healthy ingredients on hand. mature plant. Both adults and children can instill the resulting drops into their sinuses. However, you must first consult with your doctor and conduct a small allergy test to avoid negative side effects.