Stuffed ear: causes and what to do. Runny nose, cold, blood pressure - blocked ear: how to treat. Quick ways to fix problems with sudden changes in pressure

The person stops perceiving the world as colorful and interesting as he is when the functioning of any sense organ, for example, hearing, is disrupted.

Problems with hearing, namely, congestion - a condition when a person cannot normally hear surrounding sounds. They become muffled for him, distorting his own voice.

What is the reason for this condition, what to do at home if your ear is blocked? To eliminate this condition, you need to find the cause of the pathology.

Ear congestion: causes of this condition

The reasons for this discomfort may be natural or pathological.

TO natural reasons applies:

  • formation of sulfur plug;
  • a sharp change in atmospheric pressure (during a flight, climbing into the mountains);
  • water entering ear canal;
  • strong physical exercise;
  • hormonal changes (during pregnancy).

There are many more pathological causes and they are associated with the presence various kinds diseases. So, ear congestion can be caused by:

  • otitis;
  • runny nose, colds, ARVI, flu;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis);
  • sore throat;
  • allergies, etc.

With the pathological variant, ear congestion is never the only symptom. It is often accompanied by other symptoms: ear pain, ringing, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, headache and etc.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate if you have ear congestion that is accompanied by other symptoms. This condition requires medical attention, because a very serious illness may be hidden behind it.

If ear congestion is not accompanied by pain, then most often this condition occurs after an airplane, climbing/descending mountain slopes, or after swimming.

In the first two cases, ear congestion without pain is caused by pressure changes, and in the third case, due to water entering the external auditory canal.

What to do if your ear is stuffy but doesn’t hurt? Exist simple ways, with which you can correct the situation with the hearing organ:

What to do if water gets into your ear and it becomes blocked? The following methods will definitely help:

  1. Sometimes it is enough to tilt your head to the side for the water to flow out and the feeling of congestion to go away.
  2. Press on the auricle with your palms: press your palms tightly to your ears and pull them back sharply.
  3. Place 2 drops in the ear boric alcohol. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining water with a cotton swab.
  4. Insert a cotton swab into your ear to absorb moisture and remove discomfort.

There are times when after cleaning cotton swab stuffs up the ear. This happens under one condition - if a person cleans his ears incorrectly, it causes blockage of the ear canal with wax.

If the cause of ear congestion is a wax plug, then it is best to seek help from a specialist who will remove the wax using a Janet syringe.

You can also try to remove the traffic jam at home:

  1. Heat the hydrogen peroxide solution to a temperature of 37 degrees.
  2. Place 2 drops of medicine into the problem ear.
  3. Cover the ear canal with cotton wool for 5 minutes.
  4. Do weak solution potassium permanganate using warm water.
  5. Take the pink liquid into a syringe and pour it into your ear to clean out the plug.

Ear congestion as a symptom of some disease

If the ear does not hear normally, a person feels discomfort and this is not associated with pressure changes or water ingress, then the cause of congestion may be a symptom of some disease.

This condition can be observed:

  • with a runny nose (nasal congestion);
  • with sinusitis.
  • with the flu.
  • with ARVI.

If the ears become blocked due to a runny nose, then this process is often accompanied by the appearance acute pain . And this already indicates a disease such as otitis media.

When you have a runny nose, swelling appears not only in the nasal mucosa, but also in the ear canals. As a result of this, they narrow and a person’s ears begin to become blocked.

The situation becomes even worse if mucus accumulates in the nose, which can be pulled into the eardrum, causing a feeling of stuffiness.

A runny nose does not appear by itself; it is a sign of some kind of bacterial or viral disease. Therefore, in order to cope with ear congestion, you need to find the cause of the pathology.

At home you can do the following:

Alcohol compress

Must be mixed in equal amount water and alcohol. Cut a piece of gauze, fold it in several layers, blot it in alcohol solution and apply it to your ear.

Keep the compress for no more than 30 minutes. This manipulation can be carried out once a day, and then only if you are sure that there is no accumulation of pus in the ears.

What to put in the ear if it is blocked, what drugs will help cope with the pathology?

You can buy Sodium Sulfacyl drops at the pharmacy. By the way, they are suitable not only for the ears, but also for the nose, and help get rid of congestion in the organs of hearing and smell.

You can also use a solution of “Rivanol” or “Resorcinol”. With its help, you can quickly cope with an infection that leads to ear congestion.

Sometimes it happens that the ear gets blocked when you blow your nose incorrectly. If a person blows his nose too much and does not close his nostrils one by one, then mucus from the nasal passages can move into the ear cavity.

As a result, a person feels stuffy. In this case, you need to learn how to blow your nose correctly.

If the ears are blocked due to sinusitis, then in addition to this symptom there is difficulty breathing through the nose, headaches, fever, and dizziness.

If you experience ear congestion with sinusitis and it begins to hurt, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Sinusitis can develop into otitis media, an inflammatory process of a purulent nature.

You can combat ear congestion if you treat the underlying disease – sinusitis.

At home, you can deal with stuffy ears in the following ways:

  1. Instillation into the ears special drops(“Albucid”, “Otium”, etc.), and vasoconstrictors into the nose.
  2. Warm salt compresses on the ear. Heat the salt in a frying pan, pour it into a sock, and apply it to your ear. Salt will help draw it out purulent discharge, will improve blood circulation.
  3. Ivy decoction. Make a decoction from the stems of the plant: take 100 ml of water for 1 tablespoon of ivy. Boil the broth for 5 minutes, after cooling, drop a few drops into the ear canal. You can carry out the procedure several times a day.

Ear congestion due to a cold: treatment

If hearing loss occurs after an acute respiratory viral infection, this means that the cold was not completely cured or the therapy was carried out incorrectly.

If you notice that your hearing is reduced, then you need to start complex treatment at home, including taking medications, as well as physical therapy.

If a decrease in hearing acuity occurs during or after a cold, then therapy for such pathological condition should include:

  1. Application ear drops, for example "Anauran", "Otilax".
  2. Using ear phytocandles.
  3. Ear rinsing antibacterial drugs such as "Amoxiclav", "Penicillin".
  4. If necessary, use antibiotics and antihistamines.

If ear congestion occurs due to a cold, then you need to get rid of the cause. After all, when you have a cold, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the nose.

As a result, expansion occurs blood vessels, swelling appears in the auditory tube. This leads to disruption of ventilation in tympanic cavity, which is why a person feels stuffy in the ears.

It is advisable to carry out therapeutic measures and for the nose:

If your ears are clogged, it is strictly forbidden to try to correct the problem by cleaning auricle sharp objects, warm the ears (especially with pain).

If a person’s ears begin to become blocked after suffering from the flu, this means that he was unable to completely cure the inflammatory process, and bacterial flora has entered the body.

In this case, ear congestion is accompanied by painful sensations. In such a situation, you need to resort to antibiotics.

It is also intended to use the following therapeutic procedures, but only after consultation with a specialist:

  • wash your ears with warm soapy water;
  • for pain, take a painkiller;
  • if blocked ears are accompanied by an increase in temperature, then you need to take a Paracetamol tablet;
  • Place alcohol-containing ear drops into your ear twice a day.

If ear congestion does not go away for a long time, then you need to visit an otolaryngologist who will help identify the cause of this condition and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Blocked ears during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Blocked ears during pregnancy are not a consequence interesting situation. That is, the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom in pregnant women may be the same factors as in non-pregnant women.

However, there is a relationship between changes in hormonal levels and ear congestion. After all, during pregnancy everything changes hormonal background, and this can lead to congestion of the hearing organ.

However, much more often during pregnancy, ears become clogged due to inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a significant decrease in protective forces, the risk of infections increases.

Therefore, if your ears are blocked, then the pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor to determine the cause of this condition. This could be: ARVI, sinusitis, pharyngitis, allergies, low blood pressure, etc.

You can alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman in the following ways:

  1. Accept horizontal position. Sometimes rest and good dream help relieve ear congestion.
  2. Drink warm water.
  3. Make a few deep breaths, imitating a yawn.
  4. Slowly lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers.
  5. Drink sweet tea, which leads to increased pressure if the ears are blocked due to hypotension.
  6. If a pregnant woman's ears are blocked due to a runny nose, then she needs to thoroughly clean the nasal passages.
  7. If the cause of congestion is inflammatory disease, then the specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics, as well as ear drops.


To prevent hearing problems, you need to:

The method of eliminating a symptom such as ear congestion depends on the causes of this condition. If the congestion is natural and not pathological, then it is enough to perform simple manipulations to quickly cope with the unpleasant phenomenon.

It’s another matter when the ears become blocked due to some kind of disease. Then you need to look for the reason for the congestion in it. To do this, you should consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive treatment.

On the background various kinds diseases and under the influence external influences A condition may occur that manifests itself as a blockage of the ear canal - ear congestion.

When the ear is blocked, a person experiences not only discomfort. IN severe cases this condition is accompanied painful sensations.

Often similar problem may be a consequence anatomical features the structure of the auditory organ, disruption of the blood vessels. But the main reason for this condition is medical practice called influence external factors, contributing to disruption of work different organs and functions human body.

Blocked ears: reasons

What causes stuffy ears? There is a category of people who very often, when climbing greater height or when going underwater, your ears get clogged. The reasons for this lie in the individual sensitivity of the human body. Some people's hearing aids do not have time to adjust to fluctuations in external pressure. As a result, the eardrum is pressed into the Eustachian tube, causing ear congestion.

The most common reasons for blocked ears are:

  1. Inflammation of the ear during colds, caused by sinusitis, the formation of polyps in the nasal passages, adenoids or a deviated nasal septum.
  2. Damage auditory nerve, causing hearing loss.
  3. Diseases of the heart and brain.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries.
  5. Foreign body, falling into the outer sector hearing aid.
  6. If your ear is blocked with water.
  7. The formation of adhesions on the eardrum, the cause of which is otitis media suffered in childhood.
  8. Wax plug in the ear.

One of the most dangerous reasons consider ear infections falling into the ear with water, while the pressure in the ears increases, blocking ear canal. At untimely treatment this can lead to deafness and infection of the brain area.

Not knowing the causes of ear congestion, many people begin to practice self-treatment, which in most cases leads to severe consequences. It should be remembered: only an otolaryngologist can identify and eliminate the true cause of the disease.

There are rare cases when the ear gets blocked after an airplane. People who often encounter this problem can get rid of it by sucking on lollipops or making swallowing movements while inhaling - this helps. Similar condition Riding in an elevator also triggers some people. The most effective way get rid of ear congestion - do a purge. You should pinch your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and try to forcefully exhale air through your nose.

Cases in which the ear is blocked after being in the subway, on noisy highways, during fireworks and loud screaming nearby are not isolated. They are associated with a pressure discrepancy between inner ear and external pressure in environment. People with this reaction should avoid very noisy places.

Stuffed ear, what to do when you have a cold

When the ear is blocked due to a cold and the patient is one hundred percent sure that this is it main reason In such a condition, it is necessary to adhere to strictly established recommendations of a medical specialist. If ear congestion is caused by classic inflammation, it is treated with conventional heating using alcohol compresses.

In the case where the reason is initial stage otitis and there is a condition in which the ears and nose are blocked, warming should absolutely not be used. This can cause an abscess to break out and lead to severe consequences, including hearing loss and disability.

A much more serious condition is when the ear is blocked and there is pain in the cheek and temple area on the left or right side. It's bright pronounced symptom inflammation facial nerve, which is accompanied by ear congestion, runny nose and fever. In this condition, timely and adequate therapy is necessary. IN otherwise The treatment and rehabilitation process can take a long period of time.

IN mandatory need to go through full course cold treatment. The cause of ear congestion may be an untreated runny nose, as a result of which mucus accumulates in the nasal canal and passes into the ear. Rinsing your nasal passages with saline will help clear them and prevent mucus from spreading further. As soon as the ear is blocked due to a runny nose, it is advisable to use vasodilators - 2-3 drops three times for three days. Good thing to do in this case special exercises: hold your nose, exhale, relax. Repeat 5-10 times a day.

Why do ears get clogged during pregnancy?

Women expecting the birth of a child experience plugging of one or both ears throughout pregnancy. Ears become clogged during pregnancy due to pressure surges that affect many expectant mothers. In women whose condition depends on meteorological conditions, intracranial blood flow is disrupted and as a result, ear congestion occurs. Most often, this condition is observed in the hot season and when taking an elevator.

There are cases when blocked ears occur due to colds, which are accompanied by complications such as sinusitis or otitis media, which are closely related to the auditory canals. If your ears are blocked and you feel dizzy for a long period of time, you should consult a neurologist. The reason for this may be hidden in the pathology of the cerebral vessels, which requires a serious examination and further treatment.

The condition of a pregnant woman does not allow such therapeutic measures like warming up, use vasodilators, so if your ear is blocked and does not go away, you should try some simple manipulations:

  • yawn several times;
  • closing your nose and mouth, hold your breath;
  • Drink a glass of water in short sips.

Sometimes during pregnancy similar discomfort may be caused rapid increase weight, which is not uncommon in women in this condition. To normalize their well-being, pregnant women should see a doctor. If the problem is due to imbalance circulatory system, it is necessary to begin therapeutic measures to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and blood pressure. It is recommended to rest more, spend more time on fresh air, control your psycho-emotional state.

The condition of a pregnant woman is worsened by rapid breathing during fast walking, physical activity and active work. There are times when without visible reasons blocked ear. Your future health will tell you what to do in this situation - sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon and passes very quickly. In a situation where ear congestion is accompanied by headaches and other malfunctions of the body, medical consultation is necessary.

How to deal with stuffy ears

There are situations when you have a headache, stuffy ears, and a person who is alone with the problem gets lost and doesn’t know what to do. It is not always necessary to contact a specialist if you have problems with blockage of the ear canal. In some cases, you can eliminate this inconvenience yourself, knowing exactly why your ear is blocked.

What to do at home if the cause is sulfur plug? It is necessary to add a few drops of solution boric acid or hydrogen peroxide in auditory canal. After a few minutes, carefully remove the plug with an ear stick using rotational movements.

A sharp change in atmospheric pressure causes ear congestion, which mild form passes quickly and painlessly. If you get a stuffy ear while taking off on a plane, diving underwater, or riding an amusement ride, you need to take a few sips or yawn. In this situation Eustachian tube opens, and the pressure in the eardrum and outside is equalized.

As soon as respiratory diseases The main symptoms include a condition where the ear is blocked; only a doctor can give a qualified answer on what to do at home. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated. Before visiting an ENT doctor, you must follow the instructions for treating the underlying disease, use local drugs to relieve the painful process of the upper respiratory tract.

It is definitely recommended to see a specialist if your head and ears are blocked. In case of migraine, the ear is blocked on the side where the painful focus is observed. As soon as the headache is eliminated, all accompanying symptoms disappear along with it.

Ear congestion often occurs as a result of fluid entering the ear canal during water procedures or diving underwater. Many patients fall into a state of panic when they cannot pour water out of their ear when tilting their head, believing that it has made its way deep inside.

These fears are sometimes not unfounded. If, after removing the water, you are concerned about ear congestion and hearing loss, some complications are possible. This may cause the appearance ear plug, which only a doctor can handle. Inflammation of the external auditory canal may occur, which can be treated with medication. Very often the inflammatory process is accompanied by itching, pain and discharge. If water enters the Eustachian tube and reaches the middle ear, a pain similar to a lumbago appears.

You can get rid of water that has entered the ear canal by jumping on one leg with your head bowed in the area of ​​the stuffy ear and pressing your palm against your ear, creating a vacuum. You can try lying on your side, with your ear holding the water at the bottom. Make a few swallowing movements and try to move your ears. These manipulations help water drain out of the ear canal faster. An equally effective method is to insert a twisted cotton cord into the ear. In this simple way, you can absorb all the water that gets into the ear canal.

The ears are one of the main organs of the human body, helping to keep in touch with the outside world. Good hearing is the key to productive and high-quality communication and development. If hearing function is impaired, a person feels inferior and loses meaning in life.

Despite the seeming, at first glance, harmlessness of the problem of congestion in the ears and easy ways to eliminate it, the wrong approach to solving it can lead to the most severe and disastrous consequences.

Don't neglect help qualified specialists, saving on treatment. A little time spent on a visit to the doctor will help prevent the most irreparable mistake, the cost of which is own health.

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Ear congestion can be a consequence of colds and viral pathologies. Sometimes this condition indicates more serious problems. Depending on the provoking factor, the doctor selects one or another therapy. So, what to do if your ear is blocked?

Provoking factors

There can be quite a few reasons for ear congestion. The main factors include the following:

Clinical picture

When ear congestion occurs, characteristic signs are observed:


If congestion is present for more than a day, it is necessary medical assistance. To assess the patient’s condition, the specialist prescribes the following procedures:

To exclude certain pathologies, the otolaryngologist refers the person to specialized specialists. So, you may need to consult a neurologist or cardiologist.

In the presence of chronic pathologies hearing loss, you should definitely consult a doctor. If not high temperature and intense pain, you can try to eliminate the problem yourself in 1-2 days.

Drug treatment

Any pathology that is accompanied by pain requires urgent appeal to a specialist. This is especially important if there is damage to the hearing organ. Any inflammation in the immediate vicinity of the brain can cause negative consequences.

The doctor should tell you what helps with congestion. Therapy is selected depending on the provoking factor. If discomfort occurs after an injury, the patient should be referred for further examination. This will help identify damage.

For pain and congestion associated with dental damage or inflammation in the area trigeminal nerve, it is very important to eliminate the causes of discomfort. Can be used to remove wax plug various techniques- it all depends on the severity of the violation.

It is strictly forbidden to try to extract it yourself this education using improvised means. This can lead to the thickening of the plug and its penetration into the deeper structures of the hearing organ. There is also a high risk of damage to the walls of the ear canal and disruption of the integrity of the eardrum.

A soft plug will help remove hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3%. This substance helps soften the formation. As a result, the liquid comes out easily.

Primary otitis media can be treated by heating and administering special drops. In more difficult situations there is a need to use antibiotics. IN in this case It is quite possible to apply warm compresses and use warm scarves.

If there is pronounced pain syndrome, the otolaryngologist will prescribe painkillers. To improve the patient's condition, boric or camphor alcohol can be instilled into the ear. To decompose the ear, hydrogen peroxide is often used. All these remedies help eliminate the infection.

However, doctors most often use special ear coughs.

  • To treat ear infections, you can use carbolic acid-based products - Otipax.
  • Medicines that have an anti-inflammatory effect are also often prescribed - sofradex.

When using the listed funds, you need to take into account the specifics and contraindications. Thus, Otipax is prohibited for use in case of perforation of the eardrum.

To speed up the healing process, you can use a nasal spray that has a vasoconstrictor effect. Such drugs are used even in the absence of rhinitis.

If the disease is present long time and is accompanied severe pain, you have to use antibiotics. They can only be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics every patient. It is important to consider that some antibacterial agents have an ototoxic effect. These include, in particular, gentamicin. This substance can cause severe hearing impairment, including complete deafness.

Effective folk remedies

When ear congestion occurs, effective folk recipes will come to the rescue:

  1. Whenever slight inflammation and congestion, you can use geranium leaves. They need to be slightly kneaded, rolled into a tube and carefully inserted into the ear. The product should be kept until the condition improves.
  2. No less effective method therapy will be the use of a combination of horseradish and honey. Every day you need to instill 3 drops of horseradish juice into the affected ear. At night, it is necessary to insert into the ear canal cotton swab, soaked in honey. The procedure should be repeated until complete recovery.
  3. It will also help to cope with congestion in the ear. onion. To do this, 4 tablespoons of vegetable juice should be mixed with 1 spoon of vodka. It is recommended to instill the resulting solution into the ears twice a day. Apply 2 drops of the product at a time.

Possible complications

If the cause of congestion is otitis, a common complication will be damage to the membrane. To prevent hearing problems from occurring, you should immediately begin treatment for otitis media.

Ear plugs cause the following complications:

  • inflammatory process associated with infection of the contents;
  • hearing loss caused by the cessation of sound penetration into eardrum.

Hearing is completely restored after the plug is removed. The most difficult consequence will be hearing loss or total loss hearing This condition may occur under the influence various factors. The most dangerous of them is considered to be violation internal structure ear and damage to nerve fibers.

Ear congestion is a fairly common condition that causes people a lot of inconvenience. The most common causes of problems are viral and cold pathologies. However, sometimes provoking factors are more serious violations. To cope with the disease, it is very important to start therapy in a timely manner.

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The feeling of a stuffy ear is quite unpleasant for anyone. It doesn’t seem to hurt or be fatal, but it’s a terribly disturbing and annoying feeling, as if something is stuck inside and won’t come out.

And if you don’t know how to get rid of it, then you can suffer with this trouble for quite a long time. As they say, he who is forewarned is armed. So let's find out what to do at home if your ear is blocked. Apart from this, we will also look at possible reasons this condition.

What happens when your ears are clogged?

The structure of the ear is quite complex. Thus, the Eustachian (auditory) tube is a canal that is connected to the nasopharynx and the middle ear and is designed to equalize the pressure in the middle ear. But if for some reason the Eustachian tube closes, then the pressure in the middle ear does not have the opportunity to adapt to changes in environmental pressure.

Because of this, the eardrum seems to bend inward, which leads to the blockage of the ears.


Let's look at the symptoms of ear congestion, according to concomitant diseases:

  1. — (purulent discharge, headache, ear pain, increased body temperature);
  2. Turbootite, eustachite– (swallowing saliva causes ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus);
  3. Vascular diseases– (irrhythmic, rapid heartbeat, sudden change in body position, simultaneous congestion of both ears);
  4. Malfunctions of the auditory nerve– progressive gradual deterioration of hearing.

Depending on the cause of ear congestion, what to do at home will differ significantly.

Causes of ear congestion

Currently, this problem has received sufficient attention and it has been determined that there are a number of reasons that can cause ear canal congestion.

The main and most common of them are considered to be the following reasons:

  1. A cold is the first and main reason why a person may have one or both ears blocked. Most likely, infectious process is either at the peak of its development or has given post-morbid complications.
  2. If you have a blockage in only one ear - left or right, then the cause of this phenomenon may be hidden behind a cerumen plug. When the ear does not hurt, but there is a feeling of pressure, stuffiness, and also unpleasant itching, then you need to check the ear canal.
  3. Ears are blocked for a reason high blood pressure in elevators, during air travel or when diving to depth. In this case, the ear does not hurt, but simply creates unpleasant feeling, and in some cases ear ringing.
  4. Ear congestion can occur as a result of diseases that occur in the human body. This could be Miniere's syndrome, middle ear cyst, neuroma,.
  5. It also happens that after swimming or after shower stuffy ear - this is due to moisture getting into the ear canal. Foreign fluid can easily come out, limiting hearing for an extremely short period of time, but there are also more difficult circumstances under similar conditions.

Due to the existing close connection between the nasopharynx and ear canal, the resulting ear congestion requires integrated approach to treatment. Among the great variety therapeutic techniques used to relieve ear congestion, the most common is the use medicines. Their purpose depends on the identified cause of ear gold.

What to do with a stuffy ear at home

Do you know what to do if you have a stuffy ear and how to quickly get rid of this problem at home? It should immediately be noted that without the real reason this phenomenon, it will be difficult to eliminate it. Ear congestion can occur as a result of ordinary water ingress, or serious inflammatory process. Therefore, it is better to resolve this issue with a specialist.

In some cases, traditional medicine will help with the problem of congestion and pain in the ears:

  1. If there are no special drops for the ears, you can soak a cotton swab in the tincture calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus. These herbs have both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  2. Wash the raspberry roots well, peel and chop. Take two tablespoons of roots (chopped) and pour boiling water (1 liter), wrap and let it brew for 12 hours. Take the resulting tincture orally 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Place a few drops in each ear onion or garlic juice: They are excellent natural antibiotics.
  4. Pinch your nose and try to exhale forcefully through it. A popping sound inside the ear will mean that the pressure has returned to normal.
  5. In the old days, they got rid of ear congestion in the following way: take a clean piece of material, dip it in warm melted butter and place it in the ear overnight.

Stuffed ear: what to do? It is necessary to fight the cause, and not just its consequences. Treatment folk remedies does not cancel the obligatory trip to the doctor.

How to treat stuffy ears when you have a cold

When you have a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane develops, which can cause the Eustachian tube to narrow and even become completely blocked. Thus, the pressure in the middle ear cannot adapt to the air pressure outside and becomes constant. In this case, the eardrum begins to bend inward, which is what causes stuffy ears when you have a runny nose.

In the treatment of ear congestion due to a cold, the doctor, as a rule, along with cold and antibacterial drugs, prescribes:

  • ear drops (Anauran, Otipax, Otium, Sofradex, etc.);
  • ointments (Oxycort, Hydrocortisone)
  • solutions based on sea ​​salt for rinsing the sinuses (for example, Rivanol);
  • phytocandles for ears (Reamed, Tentorium, etc.);
  • therapeutic compresses for the parotid area.

In order to alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor, you can use some simple techniques. For example, pinch your nostrils with your fingers and exhale forcefully through your nose. This procedure helps equalize pressure in the middle ear.

What to do if your ear is blocked due to high blood pressure

When atmospheric pressure suddenly changes dramatically, our internal pressure cannot keep up with it. This is exactly what happens when an airplane takes off or lands, on rides that involve ups and downs, or when using an elevator.

To get rid of congestion at this time, use one of the following methods:

  1. Make several strong swallowing movements, while straining your larynx. During one of these sips, hearing should be restored.
  2. Try chewing gum.
  3. Yawn widely and sharply several times in a row.

If your ear is blocked precisely because of a pressure difference, then as a result of pressure redistribution, the load on the ears will decrease.

What to do if your ear is clogged due to wax plug?

If the ear is blocked from wax plugs, treatment should consist of safe removal. Under no circumstances should you use sharp objects– the risk of damaging the eardrum is extremely high.

When a visit to the doctor is postponed for objective reasons, and ear congestion does not go away and causes discomfort, use hydrogen peroxide (3%). Place 2-3 drops into your ear; after a few minutes, the excess will dissolve and flow out. After this, clean your ear with a cotton swab.

If these tips do not help, consult an otolaryngologist. Better and more professional than a specialist sulfur plug no one will delete it. It's fast, reliable and not painful at all.

The fact is that flying in airplanes, going up and down in elevators, and also riding on carousels such as roller coasters can cause these sensations. It’s one thing if something like this happened in just such a situation - then there’s no need to worry, your hearing will recover on its own within some time. But it's another matter when it happens for unknown reasons. Let's look together at the topic "If you have What to do, where to go and how to deal with such a problem? Let's try together to find answers to these questions.

What to do in such a situation?

The first thing you need to do is find the reason, if this is, of course, possible. If it is clear to you (you just got out of the elevator, took off on a plane, etc.), then a few simple exercises will help in this situation:

  1. Yawn several times as widely as possible.
  2. Chew some gum.
  3. Draw more air into your chest, pinch your nose with your hands, close your mouth and try to exhale with all your might, as if through your ears. If everything is done correctly, you will hear a light pop and your hearing will immediately improve. But this is contraindicated for those who have previously suffered an eardrum injury.

Cold. in this case?

During colds None of us are immune from ear pain. In this case, the exercises listed above will no longer be enough. Even with a runny nose, you may feel that your ears are blocked. What to do? If this really happens, immediately rinse your nasal passage saline solution. You can use vodka or salt compress, wrapping his head in a warm scarf. But this can only be done if you are sure that there is no inflammation.

Other causes of ear congestion and their solutions


Don't delay treatment. The problem needs to be solved using fresh tracks. If you don’t know what to do and how to fix the problem, never self-medicate. Consult your doctor.