Home physiotherapy: we do paraffin applications. The use of ozokerite therapy and paraffin therapy in pediatric practice How to make paraffin applications at home

Paraffin is an effective remedy in the treatment of joint diseases. It fights arthritis, dysplasia and helps to recover faster from fractures. Due to its property of long-term heat retention, the temperature rise of paraffin occurs slowly and is evenly distributed over the surface.

Paraffin therapy does not leave burns or damage. In this article we will learn how paraffin affects joints and how to apply paraffin to the knee joint.

Back in the early 1900s, the benefits of paraffin for joints were discovered. The heat capacity of paraffin is very high, but the thermal conductivity, on the contrary, is low. This unique property provides a long-lasting warming effect of the treated area.

Paraffin therapy does not leave burns or damage to the skin

When the first layer of heated product is applied to the skin, it hardens almost immediately and forms a kind of film that prevents overheating.

This film hardens literally in a second and is a capsule, inside of which there is liquid and still hot paraffin, and on the outside it is already cooled and solid.

Paraffin therapy gives such positive results as:

  1. Relieving swelling. Thanks to the resulting moisture, which does not evaporate, but is again absorbed by the epidermis, the pores of the skin expand, the intercellular space increases, and only after this the remaining moist particles evaporate.
  2. Strengthening joints. Therapy using paraffin involves the removal of toxins and other harmful substances.
  3. Analgesic effect.
  4. Restoring joint mobility.

For what diseases is paraffin therapy indicated?

First of all, the remedy used in the treatment of patients with rheumatism with joint damage, this includes And . Treatment of knee arthritis also requires an integrated approach using paraffin therapy. In addition, its use is extremely effective for other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Damage to peripheral nerves, traumatic injuries, diseases of the female genital organs and even some skin diseases are all treated with the most common paraffin therapy.

Another one the peculiarity of the substance lies in its compression effect. For example, if warm liquid paraffin is applied to your hand, then after cooling it will decrease in size and a slight squeezing sensation will occur.

The so-called rubber glove effect leads to compression of blood vessels, blood circulation slows down, which promotes better and deeper penetration of heat.

Therefore, many doctors advise using paraffin after a broken arm.

But for the desired result, you need to know what kind of paraffin is needed to treat joints.

For paraffin treatment, special purified raw materials are used. Highly purified medical paraffin should have a melting point of 50-70 degrees. Such highly purified white raw materials are sold in pharmacies or specialized centers.

Paraffin therapy for joints at home

One paraffin therapy session should not exceed one hour

If you decide to treat yourself with paraffin, be sure to consult your doctor first and strictly follow the instructions. One paraffin therapy session should not exceed 60 minutes; half an hour will be enough for the desired result. The procedure is carried out once a day or every other day, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Be sure to give your body a rest after the procedure for at least 30 minutes. This will allow you to start an active blood circulation process. Treatment of joints with paraffin at home can give an instant effect and save you from unnecessary expenses and trips to special institutions.

Plus, this therapy is very pleasant. When the healing “mud” gets on the skin, it raises the body temperature by two degrees. Such a jump does not bring any discomfort at all. The body's protective function automatically produces sweat, which simply has nowhere to evaporate, creating a sauna effect.

Together with sweat, all toxins and harmful substances come out, the moisture is subsequently absorbed, leaving waste on the surface that the body does not need.

There are several types of use of the product.


The first step is to melt the paraffin; this should always be done in a water bath. It is important that water does not get into the raw materials.

First it must melt completely, and then heat up to 60-70 degrees. The whole process will take about an hour.

Melted paraffin is applied to the damaged area layer by layer until the height of the application will not reach 1-2 centimeters. Cover the top with film and a woolen blanket.

How to make paraffin applications on knee joints? After applying the wax, it is enough to bend the knee at an angle of 90 degrees and fix it.

Attention! If venous congestion occurs in the joint area, then local heat will only harm and increase pain.

In such a case, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to warm the knee joint with paraffin will depend on the severity of the disease.

The removed paraffin layer can be used again, but only after preliminary cleaning: dehydration and sterilization. An exception is paraffin, which was used to treat ulcers and open wounds, in which case the raw material must be disposed of.


Paraffin Bath

To warm up your feet or hands, this method will be the most effective. Paraffin baths for joints have a calming effect, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime.

Squeezing your fingers tightly, you need to coat your limbs with heated paraffin to 50-55 degrees, and lower them into an improvised oilcloth bag containing paraffin brought to 60 degrees, make a loose bandage and cover with a blanket.

Features of paraffin therapy for children

It is also recommended to use the product for medicinal purposes in childhood. At the first signs of colds or acute respiratory infections, paraffin treatment is prescribed as a way to warm up the extremities.

Also paraffin therapy is necessary for hip dysplasia in children. Treatment is combined with drug therapy and special physical training. Paraffin is applied to a child’s hip joints by a qualified doctor; it is better not to self-medicate.

The use of applications in early childhood should be done with extreme caution. The delicate skin of a child is very sensitive and may not tolerate temperatures familiar to adults. Therefore, in order to avoid burns or overheating, it is necessary to check the application for the temperature range before application.


Incorrect actions can worsen the patient's condition

Basic contraindications to paraffin treatment of joints :

  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases;
  • hypertrichosis (increased hairiness due to hormonal imbalance).


Paraffin therapy, in addition to its healing properties, brings another pleasant bonus in the form of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The result is noted immediately after the first procedure; in the presence of pain syndromes, the long-awaited effect of pain relief occurs. And although at first glance this is a completely harmless procedure, it cannot be done without the consent of the attending physician. Incorrect actions can worsen the patient's condition.

Since Soviet times, children have been treated in sanatoriums with paraffin and ozokerite applications. Nowadays it is very difficult for a child to get into a sanatorium - there are practically no free vouchers available, and purchasing a course of stay and treatment at a resort organization can cost a tidy sum for parents. In addition, you cannot send small children to a sanatorium alone; they need to be accompanied by their mother or father, which often turns out to be impossible. But don’t worry, there are physiotherapeutic procedures that you can perform at home yourself. Below we describe in detail how paraffin applications are made for children, and for what diseases they can be useful. They are often prescribed by doctors in clinics, relying on their deep warming effect.

For what diseases are paraffin applications prescribed for children?

The vast majority of prescriptions for paraffin baths for children are associated with the presence of congenital dysplasia of the hip joints in the baby. However, this is far from the only indication for paraffin applications.

Paraffin (like ozokerite) is a product of industrial oil refining. It conducts little heat, but retains it well, while having a low melting point (about 55 degrees). These properties make it possible to apply paraffin to the skin in a molten state in layers. The first layer will form a film that protects the skin from burns, subsequent layers will provide deep and uniform heating. On average, the temperature of tissues under paraffin increases by 1-2 degrees, which is quite enough to improve blood circulation, relax muscles and activate trophic processes in tissues. The paraffin layer does not allow moisture and air to pass through at all, so the application creates a sauna effect: sweating increases, and waste and toxins come out through the pores in the skin.

These effects are the basis for the use of paraffin baths for children in the treatment of many chronic inflammatory diseases:

  • Digestive tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, dyskinesia, colitis.
  • Musculoskeletal system: dysplasia, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, dislocations and fractures.
  • Neurological diseases: neuritis, neuralgia, plexopathies, radicular pain syndrome (radiculitis).

How are paraffin applications made for children?

There are several ways to prepare paraffin applications for children. Stick to the one prescribed by the doctor, because only a specialist can take into account the nature of the pathology, as well as its location, the age of the child and the tolerance of thermal procedures.

In all cases, only medical purified paraffin is used for applications. It can be mixed with ozokerite in a 2:1 ratio (for better ductility) or used independently.

The paraffin is heated in a water bath, for which two saucepans are used - a larger and a smaller one. After melting the paraffin pieces, you need to heat it to a temperature of 55-60 degrees or a little more. Medical paraffin does not need to be sterilized. Next, the finished mass is cooled to a temperature at which application to the skin will be tolerable. The skin should be clean and pre-degreased with alcohol or lotion. There are several ways to apply paraffin.

1. Using a paint brush. Paraffin applications for children used in this way are applied in layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has slightly hardened. The total thickness of the compress is 2-3 cm.

2. Overlay with ready-made layers. To do this, melted paraffin is poured into large flat molds (for example, a baking sheet) onto pre-lined plastic bags.

3. Paraffin mask. To prepare it, gauze folded in several layers is dipped into molten paraffin. Next, the excess paraffin is allowed to drain and the mask is applied to the surface of the body.

4. Paraffin boot or mittens. To prepare them, you need to prepare a form of thick oilcloth in advance. Paraffin cooled to 45-50 degrees is poured into it and the limb, on which a layer of paraffin has previously been applied with a brush, is immersed.

No matter how you apply paraffin applications for children, you need to put cellophane or compress paper on top of the paraffin layer and insulate it with a terry towel or woolen scarf. The duration of the procedure can be gradually increased from 15 minutes to 1 hour. It is better to carry out applications at night, but if this is not possible, you should leave the child in a warm bed for 1-2 hours after the procedure. The course of treatment reaches 20 procedures. Paraffin applications go well with massage and electrophoresis.

Dear readers! The use of paraffin has recently become quite a popular procedure, both in cosmetology and in medical practice for preventive, adaptive and restorative purposes. Today I will tell you what paraffin therapy is and how to do it at home. After reading the article to the end, you will find out how useful this procedure is and, perhaps, begin to use it for your health and beauty.

Everyone is familiar with paraffin candles. They first began to be used for lighting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. But for medical purposes, its amazing thermal properties were first proposed by the French physician Bart de Sandorff in 1902.

Later, paraffin therapy became a fairly popular method of treating wounded soldiers, and even now it is a common method of recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pathologies of internal organs, diseases of the nervous system and skin.

What is paraffin? If you have seen paraffin candles, but imagine the appearance of paraffin. However, in medical practice and cosmetology, 100% paraffin, purified from all impurities, is used.

Paraffin is a petroleum derivative, a waxy mixture of hydrocarbons. It heats up and melts quickly, and releases heat slowly. Melting point – 52-55ºС.

The mechanism of action of paraffin

When applying paraffin, the temperature in the underlying tissues increases by 1-3ºС. As a result, hyperemia occurs and increased blood flow at the site of paraffin application, metabolic processes improve, resulting in the following therapeutic effects:

  • resorption of infiltrates,
  • the inflammatory process is reduced,
  • damaged tissues are restored,
  • regenerative processes are activated,
  • blood supply to problem areas improves,
  • muscle spasms are relieved,
  • the pain subsides,
  • metabolic processes in the underlying organs and tissues improve.

As paraffin cools down, its volume decreases by up to 10%, while slightly compressing the skin and acting like a light massage.

The thermal effect occurs due to the slow cooling of the paraffin. The skin pores expand and sweat is released from them along with toxins and various waste products. Moreover, the moisture does not evaporate: it remains under the paraffin, leaving the skin moisturized. Harmful substances released with sweat are not absorbed back into the skin; their molecules are heavier than water, but remain on paraffin, which is then thrown away.

During the cosmetic procedure, microcirculation improves, making the skin moisturized and soft. As paraffin cools, it tightens the skin, making it immobile, and this helps smooth out wrinkles not only on the face, but also on the hands, which is now often observed even in young girls. When performing the procedure on the hands, paraffin helps strengthen the nail plates, protecting them from delamination and giving them strength and a healthy appearance.

The use of paraffin for medicinal purposes

The use of paraffin is justified only in cases where irreversible anatomical changes in the affected organs or tissues have not yet occurred in the body. The greatest effect will be noticeable if paraffin therapy is one of the components of complex treatment for subacute processes or in the initial period of the chronic course of the disease. The therapeutic effect will be effective when

  • injuries and diseases of an inflammatory or degenerative nature of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations, sprains, ligament and muscle ruptures, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis),
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis),
  • chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.), liver diseases (hepatitis), peptic ulcers,
  • hypertension,
  • chronic diseases of the female genital area,
  • varicose veins;
  • adhesive disease,
  • skin diseases, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite, wounds.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

No less popular is the use of paraffin in beauty salons for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin of the face, hands and feet. Here, paraffins are used with various additives and flavors, for example, honey, vitamins, essential oils, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing components.

Paraffin baths and masks will help if you want to hide age-related skin changes, remove wrinkles on the face and hands, and get rid of a double chin.

The advantages of the cosmetic effect during cosmetic procedures include getting rid of excess weight and cellulite, and will help minimize scarring on the skin.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

But not everyone can benefit from paraffin baths and applications. Significant harm to health is possible if there is a history of:

  • acute inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis,
  • chronic glamerulonephritis, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure;
  • the presence of a large number of papillomas, moles and warts in the treated area;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Paraffin therapy - how to do it?

It is quite possible to carry out paraffin therapy at home, but provided that you do not have diseases that are contraindicated for paraffin therapy. Moreover, the cost of carrying out such a procedure in salons ranges from 500 - 2000 rubles. in one session. Carrying out the procedure at home is not difficult if you prepare in advance everything you need to perform it.

I offer you a step-by-step procedure at home.
What will you need?

  • Container for melting paraffin.
  • A container (bath) for immersing hands or feet in paraffin.
  • Brush for applying paraffin.
  • Cosmetics for moisturizing the skin before applying paraffin and nourishing creams.
  • Food film or polyethylene film.
  • Gauze face mask.
  • Depending on where you will apply the paraffin, you will need warm mittens, socks or a blanket.
  • Assistant.

For hands

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to melt the paraffin in a paraffin heater, in a water bath or in a separate container until it becomes liquid. It is important to remember that not a drop of water should get into the paraffin, otherwise you may get a skin burn during the procedure.

  1. Paraffin is applied to cleansed hand skin, so wash your hands first and remove nail polish. Instead of soap, try making this scrub: in equal parts, take powdered milk or baby formula, rolled oats (no need to grind it) and sea salt. You can prepare more scrub, put it in a closed jar and use it if necessary. Scrubbing is necessary to remove dead skin particles from your hands.
  2. Then take a little of the resulting scrub into your hands, add a little cosmetic oil (for example, jojoba, olive or almond oil) and rub the scrub into the skin with light massage movements. Don't forget to rub the palms and backs of your hands, between your fingers. Then dry your hands well with a towel and proceed to the next step.
  3. This is a very important point. Before applying paraffin, it is important to lubricate your hands with cream. And depending on what components are in this cream, those beneficial substances will then penetrate the skin. You can make this cream: take a tablespoon of wax, melt it in a water bath, add a tablespoon (or one of them) of olive oil, calendula oil, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, etc. You can also add 5 drops of vitamin A and E or add the contents of the Aevit capsule. Apply the cream to your hands and be sure to rub the cream into the skin so that your hands become warm or hot - cold hands should not be immersed in paraffin. We need the cream so that after the procedure we can easily remove the paraffin mask.
  4. Pour the liquid paraffin into a container where you will dip your hands. If you have a bath with a paraffin heater, it will be even better. First, check with one finger to see if it is hot. The paraffin temperature should be pleasant.
  5. Place your hands in a container of paraffin and immediately remove them from there. After a few seconds, repeat immersing your brushes in the paraffin, doing this several times until you end up with thick paraffin gloves. If the skin of your hands is sensitive, then apply the first layer with a special brush, and then dip your hands in a bath of paraffin, also in several approaches.
  6. Then you will need an assistant, he will help you wrap your hands with cling film or plastic wrap, and then put on warm mittens or thermal gloves.
  7. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. After this time, carefully remove the used paraffin and throw it away; it has absorbed unnecessary waste and toxins, so it is not suitable for further use.
  8. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your hands with nourishing cream and massage lightly. If the procedure was carried out in the evening, then put on cotton gloves and leave them while you sleep, and in the morning you will see how tender and soft your hands have become.

The procedure can be repeated no more than once a week. Since the procedure takes a lot of time, it is better to carry it out on a weekend. But this procedure is worth it.

For face

Before starting the scrub or peeling procedure, clean your face and apply a nourishing cream to your face. You can add various nutritional supplements to the nourishing cream, then the effect of the procedure will be even more effective.

Take a comfortable position, relax. It will be good if an assistant helps you apply paraffin to your face. Apply the first layer with a brush dipped in melted paraffin, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Having finished applying the first layer, place a piece of gauze prepared in advance on your face so that it completely covers your face and as shown in the photo above.

After a few seconds, apply the next layer of paraffin on top of the gauze pad, applying 5-7 layers at intervals of a few seconds. After 30-40 minutes, carefully remove the paraffin mask from bottom to top.

At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to your face according to your skin type.

For legs

Before starting the procedure, clean the rough skin of your feet with a scrub, pumice stone or electric file. After this, be sure to apply moisturizer.

The procedure for the legs itself is not much different from a similar procedure for the hands. You also dip your feet in paraffin several times, then wrap your feet in cling film several times and put on warm socks.

After exposure for 20-30 minutes, remove the paraffin and apply nourishing cream to your feet.

For body

First you will need to melt the paraffin to a liquid state at a temperature of 60-90º in special paraffin heaters or in a water bath. It is recommended to use sterile paraffin for therapeutic purposes. This can be achieved by heating it to a temperature of 110-140º for 15 minutes. Make sure that no water gets into the paraffin!

For applications, paraffin is used in its pure form, with the addition of therapeutic mud, ozokerite and birch powder to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Immediately before the procedure, the surface of the skin is lubricated with Vaseline or a mixture of paraffin with fish oil or cottonseed oil is applied from a spray bottle. More often, this application is used on wounds, burns and ulcerated surfaces. But I would not recommend applying paraffin mixtures to such surfaces yourself; let doctors do this better.

And as health or recovery procedures after injuries, after relieving pain from arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc. This procedure can be carried out at home.

To do this, liquid paraffin is applied to problem areas on a surface pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly in several stages with a flat brush: the collar area, the lumbar region, and the joints, so that you end up with a layer of about half a centimeter. Then cover the paraffin application with cling film or plastic wrap on top, and wrap it with something warm on top. for example, a blanket.

The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes; after removing the paraffin application, you need to rest for an hour, covered with something warm. A course of treatment requires no more than 15 procedures. A repeated course of paraffin therapy can be carried out no earlier than in a month or two.

There is a slightly different way to prepare a paraffin wax application, and I find this method to be simpler. To do this, pour the melted paraffin into a flat container to create a layer of paraffin 2-3 cm thick. Wait a little until the paraffin hardens a little, and then, overturning the container, transfer it to cling film or plastic wrap. Wrap paraffin film and place it on your lower back or joint, cover it with a blanket or towel and leave for half an hour. After the procedure, do not allow the heated area to become overcooled.

Where can you buy paraffin?

If you decide to carry out paraffin therapy at home and don’t know where you can buy it, then don’t despair. Currently, there are many online stores where the price of a package ranges from 100 rubles. The cost depends on the weight of the package and additives (herbal ingredients, essential oils and fragrances).

Cosmetic paraffin is packaged in 450-500 ml, this volume is enough for 4-6 procedures. To make a bath for your hands or feet you will need 1500 ml of paraffin.

For medicinal purposes, paraffin must be in its pure form without various additives. It is better to ask for such paraffin in pharmacies.

And in this video you will see how to properly do paraffin therapy for your hands.

Dear readers, today you got acquainted with such a useful procedure at home - paraffin therapy. I think that after reading this information, you can easily do this procedure at home.

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The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “how to make paraffin applications on the knee joints?”

For the treatment of skin diseases, as well as the musculoskeletal system, chronic pathologies of internal organs, doctors often recommend the use of paraffin therapy. The product is also widely used in cosmetology to eliminate cellulite. What is the healing effect of paraffin based on?

Paraffin is a substance with high heat capacity. During heating, it absorbs energy and, during medical and cosmetic procedures, evenly transfers heat to the skin, increasing body temperature in this area by 2°C. As a result, a sauna effect is created, which allows you to maximize the opening of pores and stimulate the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

Prolonged heating at home leads to the release of a large amount of sweat. Together with it, the body leaves toxins, the accumulation of which is caused by inflammatory processes. Immediately after the procedure, dehydrated skin begins to intensively absorb moisture, which leads to an increase in the elasticity of the surface layer of the epithelium.

Harmful substances released with sweat are absorbed into paraffin. Therefore, for each procedure it is recommended to use a fresh substance, which should not be mixed with paraffin left over from the previous manipulation.

In addition to the effect of a sauna at home, a paraffin application can easily replace massage procedures. As it cools, the product contracts, toning the skin and activating the peripheral circulatory system.

The molten substance quickly hardens after application to the skin, but the upper part of the application still continues to generate intense heat. Thus, the bottom layer in the form of a film protects the body from burns. The effect of heat, meanwhile, lasts long enough to warm muscle tissue in myositis or joints in dysplasia.

To properly apply paraffin to the skin, you will need:

  • paraffin;
  • 2 saucepans for heating the substance;
  • small paint brush;
  • polyethylene film;
  • warm blanket

Since the substance is melted in a water bath, you need to stock up on saucepans of different sizes.

The procedure is simple:

  • For manipulation, it is better to use an ingredient that is sold in pharmacies in the form of small white pieces. This substance is purified and definitely does not contain any harmful impurities;
  • Place the pieces into a small saucepan. A large container is filled one third with water. Then place a saucepan with finely chopped ingredients in it. It is advisable that the pan is immersed almost completely in water. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no water gets into the substance when heated;
  • There is no need to heat the substance without a water bath. In this case, as the paraffin melts, it begins to release choking smoke and may even ignite;
  • Place the structure on low heat, tightly covering the container with the substance with a lid, and continue heating until the ingredient is completely melted. Typically this will take about an hour. After this, remove the saucepan from heating;
  • It is not recommended to apply the application immediately after melting, especially when treating children, as there is a high risk of burns. In a steam bath, the substance is heated to 60-70°C. You need to wait until the temperature of the product becomes tolerable, approximately 55°C. You can verify this by moistening a paint brush in the mixture and running it along the back of your hand;
  • Once the required temperature is obtained, manipulation can begin. If you need to apply the product to your neck, you will have to use the services of someone at home;
  • First thoroughly wash and dry the skin on the area of ​​the body that should be heated. A brush is dipped into the liquid mass and the product is applied to an area of ​​the body, capturing not only it, but also a small part of the surrounding tissue. Paraffin application for children and adults is performed in layers;
  • After applying the first layer, you need to wait a little for the substance to “set.” After this, they begin to make the second layer, creating an original “mask”. The finished application must have a thickness of at least 2 cm;
  • The paraffin layer is covered with cling film. If a paraffin application is performed on the neck, knee, or elbow joint, you can wrap the film around the entire part of the body. From above, the area is carefully wrapped in a warm blanket, terry towel or scarf;
  • During the procedure, it is better to lie down, relax and enjoy the warmth. Instead of cling film, you can use wax paper or oilcloth;
  • When the substance has cooled completely, it is carefully removed and discarded. If particles of the product remain on the skin, remove it using a bandage with Vaseline;
  • The duration of home procedures is 30-60 minutes. They should be performed daily or with an interval of 1 day. As a rule, a course consisting of 10-20 sessions is recommended. However, you need to consult your doctor about how often to carry out the procedures.

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It is very convenient to perform manipulations immediately before bedtime. In this case, the area of ​​the body that has absorbed the heat will take much longer to warm up. By the way, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, other equally useful components are often added to applications.

In medicine, the substance is often used during physiotherapy as a warming agent, which has a mild irritant effect, increases blood flow and optimizes metabolism. Ozokerite also helps reduce pain and resolves areas of inflammation. Paraffin applications with the addition of ozokerite are especially often prescribed for dysplasia.

Often such manipulations are practiced in the treatment of hip dysplasia in a child. In this case, it is recommended to make a “boot”.

For it you will need:

  • 500 g of purified medical paraffin;
  • 250 g ozokerite;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • thick oilcloth.

Preparing the ingredients is practically no different from how to make paraffin applications.

Melt the components in a water bath, adding a little Vaseline oil:

  • The mold for the “boot” is made of thick oilcloth. It is better to use oilcloth made according to Soviet standards. It can still be purchased in pharmacies today;
  • You need to place the “boot” on the child’s bottom. Therefore, the oilcloth should be a little wider to cover not only the butt itself, but also the sides;
  • The corners of the oilcloth are secured with clamps. You can use clothespins. The result is something like an improvised baking sheet with fairly high sides;
  • Melted paraffin with ozokerite is poured into a mold and distributed evenly. The thickness of the layer is at least 1 cm. After 5-10 minutes, you need to check the temperature of the mass by lowering your elbow. If the temperature has dropped to a tolerable level, you can begin manipulation;
  • A warm blanket is laid out on the bed, then a sheet and a “boot” on top. The child is placed on the paraffin mass with his butt. To prevent the product from moving and warming up the desired part of the body, you should wrap your butt tightly. It is impossible to warm up the body higher, since the kidneys are located in the lumbar region. Also, the genitals should not be heated;
  • The duration of the procedure for a newborn baby is 5-7 minutes. For children older than 6 months, you can increase the manipulation time to 10 minutes. It is recommended to do 20 procedures, after which a foot massage is required.

After such an application, the child’s bottom will turn red and may sweat. However, this is a natural reaction.

By following the basic rules for preparing and applying paraffin, you can significantly reduce severe symptoms of diseases and even improve the functionality of the joints. Before using paraffin, you should consult your doctor.

Video: Paraffin applications: to whom and how are they useful?

Joints are a vulnerable part of the entire musculoskeletal system.

That is why a huge number of conservative medicine methods and recipes based on the use of natural herbs and products are used to treat them.

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According to most users, one of the best methods of treating various joint diseases is based on the use of thermal therapy using paraffin.

Its beneficial properties have been known to medicine for a long time. Experts highlight the described remedy as the most effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, viral manifestations, as well as bruises, sprains and many other ailments.

The healing properties of paraffin

The therapeutic effect of paraffin for human joints is explained by its high heat capacity, but with a low thermal conductivity.

Thus, paraffin begins to melt at 52 degrees Celsius. Due to its low thermal conductivity, paraffin applied to the skin leads to an increase in the temperature of the treated area by only two degrees Celsius.

As a result, it is impossible to get a burn when using paraffin-based thermal therapy as a treatment, but a positive result due to long-term heat retention is achieved quickly.

The healing properties of paraffin include:

  1. The product leads to rapid softening of the upper layer of the epidermis and, which significantly increases the result of the procedure.
  2. Increased intercellular space and expansion of pores promote rapid penetration of heat. If paraffin is applied to an inflamed area, this property helps eliminate excess moisture due to increased sweating.
  3. Due to the expansion of pores from the body accumulated toxins and harmful substances are eliminated.
  4. Paraffin, heating the skin, leads to increased blood circulation, which significantly reduces inflammation.
  5. Paraffin masks moisturize the skin and make it more elastic.

The product described is very popular in cosmetology. With its help, women fight the first wrinkles and also try to get rid of cellulite. But paraffin has a more effective effect on joints.

Proper use of paraffin

Paraffin wax should be used correctly to avoid burns or any other damage.

It can be used several times, but it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy. This is a really useful remedy used to treat joints.

The rules for using wax include the following aspects:

  1. Heat paraffin in a water bath. There is slight disagreement regarding the heating temperature. Some argue that it is necessary to reach a temperature at which the substance completely melts and turns into a viscous mass.
  2. Cooled paraffin(up to approximately 60 degrees Celsius) is applied to the affected area. In other sources you can find a mandatory condition in the form of heating the paraffin to only 51 degrees. It all depends on the method of application. Follow the instructions for the chosen treatment method.
  3. Treatment of joints with paraffin can't be the only one.
  4. Paraffin should not be used when diagnosing hypertension, varicose veins or diabetes.. Also, do not apply the product to the skin if you have ulcers, wounds, acne or other rashes.

Consult your doctor before using this product.

Only the correct use of wax can help cope with the disease.

Indications for use

Paraffin is used to treat joint diseases such as:

  • all types of inflammatory diseases, but without the presence of a purulent process, for example, arthritis;
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints - osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other diseases;
  • treatment of joints with beeswax is recommended after injury, sprain;
  • joint tunnel syndromes – cubital tunnel or trigger finger syndrome.

Contraindications for use

Under no circumstances should you resort to using paraffin for the following diseases:

  • associated with ongoing inflammatory purulent processes in the joint;
  • in the presence of tumors of bones and adjacent tissues - lipoma, fibroma, neuroma and others;
  • with a certain tendency to hemorrhage into the joint cavity;
  • internal organs - cirrhosis of the liver, genitourinary system in women and other negative manifestations.

Before using paraffin, you should undergo a series of examinations to exclude the presence of contraindications. Otherwise, the patient risks only aggravating the situation.

Wax based recipes

There are several ways to treat joint diseases using paraffin:

  1. For the treatment of joints of the arms or legs melt the paraffin until liquid. Dip your hands or feet into it, remove it from the composition and wait for the formation of a protective layer - the paraffin hardens. Place the treated limbs in a plastic bag. Cover them with a wool blanket or wrap a scarf. The treatment session will take 15-20 minutes. As necessary and depending on the disease, the course may include from 3 to 30 procedures.
  2. For the treatment of osteochondrosis and other joint diseases, you can prepare a kind of cake from melted paraffin (after some hardening of the melted composition). The made plate is placed on the affected joint, wrapped in film and a woolen scarf. The compress is also kept on the affected area for no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Paraffin can be applied to inflamed areas using a suitable brush. The substance is melted until a liquid consistency is achieved and applied to the affected area with a brush in several layers. You should not wait for the product to harden. The treated area is wrapped with film and a scarf. This compress can be left on the skin for an hour.

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For excellent anti-inflammatory effects, you can use additional components.

For example, adding fir or ginger oil to melted paraffin will help you get rid of pain during an exacerbation of joint disease, as well as partially relieve inflammation after the first use.

Paraffin compresses are used every day. But you should be careful when using heat therapy, since excessive heating of the joint can result in trouble for the user.

Joints are quite “picky” about treatment methods, so such procedures should be approached responsibly.

If the patient feels worse after using a paraffin compress, he needs to stop further procedures and contact the clinic for additional examination in order to identify the clinical picture at the moment.

Representing one of the most effective methods of heat treatment, paraffin therapy has been used for a long time in the treatment of many diseases that can be treated with high temperatures. Maintaining the set temperature for a long time, paraffin is applied to the body in the form of applications and compresses, and additional additives can be used. This enhances the effectiveness of the procedure, allowing heat and beneficial substances to penetrate as deeply as possible into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Concept of method

The use of paraffin is based on its ability to maintain high temperature for a long time and evenly transfer it to the deep layers of the skin without causing a burn: paraffin applications make it possible to warm up the upper layer of the epidermis to a temperature of 60-70°C, while the heat acts as gently and as long as possible. Since most diseases can be cured with the help of high temperatures, paraffin applications can significantly improve the patient’s condition with many organic lesions.

Penetrating evenly into the skin, facilitating faster penetration of drugs into the body and absolute harmlessness to health have made this method especially interesting for the treatment of many organic lesions, both in monotherapy and with complex effects. Today, several basic methods are used to combine paraffin procedures with other activities and means that will enhance the therapeutic effects of their use.

The video below will tell you about this treatment method:

Its types

There are several varieties of this physiotherapy procedure, which allows you to reduce the risk of complications and increase the effectiveness of the applied method of treatment.

  • For example, paraffin-ozokerite applications, in which the natural substance ozokerite is used as an auxiliary agent. It has the properties of rapid tissue restoration, eliminates signs of inflammation, and stimulates the body's defenses.
  • Also widely used are procedures to improve the condition of facial skin, for which it is used cosmetic paraffin: quickly smoothing the skin, it stimulates the regeneration of the skin of the face, décolleté and neck, increases blood flow, eliminates signs of aging and dryness.
  • As a type of procedure using paraffin - paraffin boots, which are most often used in the treatment of children. Several layers of molten paraffin are applied to the legs up to the knees and left to act for 30-50 minutes. After the procedure, hypertonicity of the legs is eliminated, the blood circulation process is improved, and blood circulation is stimulated. The type of procedure under consideration is excellent for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, which is most often observed in children.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantages of the method under consideration include the following:

  • speed and ease of implementation;
  • long-term preservation of temperature in the material, which ensures long-term heating of tissues;
  • gentle heating and no possible risk of burns;
  • the possibility of using various medicinal additives in paraffin therapy, which enhance the degree of therapeutic effect.

The breadth of beneficial effects when using paraffin applications is also considered an important advantage of this method of treatment: a positive effect when applying warm paraffin is noted for damage to muscles, joint ligaments, diseases such as arthritis, myositis, dislocations, arthrosis, skin diseases such as trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds, burns, dermatitis, damage to internal organs and the nervous system.

The disadvantage of such a procedure as paraffin applications should be considered the impossibility of its use in case of a high degree of skin sensitivity to high temperatures, in case of allergic manifestations during the use of paraffin. Some note as a minus the need to heat the paraffin, which is a mandatory stage of preparation for the process.

A risk when performing paraffin therapy can be considered getting burns due to increased sensitivity of the skin, however, controlling the temperature when heating the paraffin allows you to avoid such a risk.

Indications for use

The use of paraffin applications allows you to quickly eliminate the painful manifestations of dermatological diseases such as skin rashes, dermatitis, eczema, fractures, and trophic ulcers. With the help of paraffin applications, the following lesions of internal organs are cured:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis.

Depending on the age, location of the lesion, and the degree of its neglect, the method of using this physiotherapy may vary slightly. This method is used in both women and men for diffuse neurodermatitis, dyshidrotic and tylotic eczema, and exudative psoriasis.


For women, paraffin therapy can be used both as a therapeutic agent to eliminate organic lesions, as well as for cosmetic purposes. The best method of using paraffin in the form of applications has proven itself for the following purposes:
  • face masks that eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, increase its elasticity, and relieve inflammation. When performing a course of paraffin mask procedures, there is an acceleration of blood flow and lymph movement, toxins and waste are removed from the skin faster, making it easier to breathe;
  • masks and baths for the extremities, which perfectly warm them up and allow beneficial substances to be absorbed more deeply into the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • paraffin wraps: this technique has shown itself to be excellent in eliminating defects such as orange peel on the thighs and traces of cellulite.

The listed methods of using paraffin applications allow women to maintain their youth, health and activity for a long time.

For men

Paraffin applications are also used by men. Their main task for them is to cure organic lesions such as muscle pain, joint diseases - these manifestations are typical for people who receive significant physical activity and athletes.

Men also use paraffin applications for symptoms of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. In some cases, cosmetic paraffin is used to eliminate skin defects.

Children and newborns

In childhood, the use of paraffin is also indicated. Warming the extremities for signs of a cold or acute respiratory infection is most often used.

For use in early childhood, paraffin applications should be used with extreme caution in order to prevent the possibility of burns on delicate children's skin: checking the temperature of the paraffin before applying it to the skin will avoid the risk of burns.


The use of paraffin therapy has a number of limitations in its application. These include the following conditions and diseases:

  • acute stages of skin inflammatory processes;
  • feverish state of the body with elevated temperature;
  • cardiac lesions;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and during menstruation, the use of paraffin applications is undesirable. The listed contraindications should be taken into account when drawing up a plan for using paraffin therapy.

Preparation for paraffin applications

To use paraffin applications, you must first clean the skin on which the paraffin will be applied. Cleaning can be done with a neutral detergent or soap.

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How is the procedure performed?

Before use, paraffin should be melted in a water bath, for which it is placed in a container that is heated in a pan of water. Paraffin melts when the temperature rises above 45°C.

Now melted paraffin is applied to the cleansed skin, for which a spatula or a wooden stick can be used. The substance should be applied in several layers, after which the paraffin should be allowed to harden. Retaining heat for a long time, paraffin warms the skin without causing burns or skin irritation - heat transfer is carried out gradually and does not have a negative effect on the body.

The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 minutes in children to 30-45 minutes for adults.

In special institutions

Medical institutions providing services in the form of physiotherapy may offer paraffin applications. The conditions for performing the procedure are identical to how it is carried out at home.

The paraffin is heated in special tanks, after which the warm substance is applied to the surface of the skin. At the same time, the temperature of heating the substance is controlled, and skin cleansing after the procedure is also carried out professionally.

At home

At home, applying applications to the skin is also quite simple. The paraffin is heated in a steam bath, and it is applied in molten form to previously cleansed skin.

During the selected time, gradual and gentle penetration of heat into the epidermis and adjacent tissues occurs, which allows you to warm up the desired area and obtain the necessary positive therapeutic effect. The course of procedures averages 8-12 repetitions.

Paraffin boots at home - the topic of the video below:

Consequences of use and possible complications

After a course of procedures, positive results appear in the form of improved skin condition, smoothing of its surface, and elimination of its defects. Healing inflammation, symptoms of colds, eliminating pain due to damage to muscle tissue, tendons and joints - all these are positive consequences of using paraffin applications.

A complication may be an increase in the manifestations of inflammatory manifestations occurring in the body, the appearance of an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes with skin sensitivity.

Recovery and care after use

Taking a course of paraffin applications does not require any special changes in your usual lifestyle or habits. Treatment should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, using medications that stimulate a rapid recovery.

After the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol or ether to remove any remaining paraffin.

For dysplasia, massage, physiotherapy and paraffin are usually prescribed. If you did not get an appointment for paraffin, then it is quite possible to carry out the procedure at home. Such a post would have helped me at one time, maybe it will be useful to someone else!

So, to do paraffin therapy, you need to prepare several things:

1. Cosmetic paraffin - 500 g (2 packs), sold in a pharmacy for 80-90 rubles

2. Ozokerite - 250 g (1 package) I took from the same company as paraffin, although not all pharmacies have it. It also costs 80 rubles

3. Vaseline oil - 1 bottle, costs 14 rubles

4. Soviet thick oilcloth - still sold in pharmacies)))

All. Now melt two parts of paraffin and one part of ozokerite in a water bath. Add Vaseline oil there.

While the paraffin is melting, prepare the oilcloth mold. It should be about the same size as your baby’s butt, and a little wider so that it can grip the barrel a little. Just fold the oilcloth and clamp the edges with clothespins. It’s good if you have a mold or baking tray of the same size so that you can put the oilcloth inside and the paraffin will definitely not spill. But if not, just make the sides of the oilcloth higher.

Check to see if all the paraffin has dissolved and pour it into the mold.

It is necessary that the thickness of the paraffin be at least a centimeter (I got even more). After about 10 minutes, the paraffin will set, check its temperature with your elbow and you can remove it from the oilcloth.

Make sure that it freezes throughout its entire thickness and does not leak in the middle.

And now we put: a warm blanket - a sheet - paraffin - the baby's bottom on the paraffin. And we wrap the butt tightly so that the paraffin does not move. Paraffin cannot be applied above the butts - there are kidneys there, and on the genitals, of course, too. But you can at the same time make “boots” on the calves if the child, for example, stands on his toes and the calf muscles are not developed. For children up to six months, 5-7 minutes of paraffin is enough; after six months, you can do 10 minutes. There are 20 sessions in total, and it is advisable to do a massage after paraffin with an emphasis on the legs - frog, bicycle, leg spread, etc.

Well, that seems to be all! The main thing is to monitor the temperature of the paraffin, but be prepared that the baby will not be delighted in any case when his butt is placed on paraffin. although after a couple of minutes it calms down :) After the procedure, the butt should be red, maybe even sweaty. However, in the photo the color is paler)))

I didn’t take this instruction out of my head - the masseuse suggested it. Good luck to everyone, good health to the children!!!

ps The used paraffin is then melted again and used, over time it will be possible to simply add ozokerite. And yet, paraffin can also be used by adults, for example, if you have a cold, apply it to the chest area to warm it up.