Mint tea: its benefits and harms, application. Medicinal properties of peppermint. What exactly is used and in what form

Mint has been considered for many centuries medicinal plant. It contains essential oils based on menthol, tannins and many others that are beneficial. can be placed on a pedestal due to its soothing and relaxing properties. But these are not all of its useful qualities; it is also used for allergic diseases, rheumatic and diseases respiratory tract. Like most plants, it brings not only benefits, but also harm in several cases. I still want to find out all its pros and cons.

The benefits and harms of herbs

Thanks to its composition, peppermint brings more benefits, than harm all because of the same composition useful substances and vitamin.

  1. It is necessary to pour 10 g of dry leaves of the plant into 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the resulting infusion.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Peppermint can be used for allergies only on the advice of a doctor. Since the essential oils included in it can worsen the patient’s condition!

Peppermint is an excellent remedy for hypertension:

  1. Need 2 tbsp. l. peppermint and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, pour 400 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Take instead of tea.

Important! Do not use peppermint for hypotension!

You should always follow the dosage and recipe. It is necessary to take decoctions and infusions in courses, with breaks between them. And you need to pay attention to individual characteristics body. Peppermint in unlimited quantities can lead to:

  • heart problems;
  • Children under 5 years of age may develop allergies;
  • occurrence of liver problems;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • when fighting insomnia, regular use- will stop giving results due to the body’s addiction;
  • mint dilates blood vessels, should not be used for varicose veins.
  • With these shortcomings, peppermint looks better in cases of other diseases, where it is used as prescribed by a doctor:
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, flatulence and others);
  • insomnia, ;
  • hypertension, toxicosis.

This list can be continued for a long time.

For men

Peppermint has various substances, which have a positive effect on many systems of our body. The positives are:

  • increased appetite, normalization of acid balance;
  • prevents nausea, promotes digestion;
  • sedative effect;
  • tones the body, improves mood;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;

As strange as it may sound, all these factors play an important role in men's health. Peppermint will support him and cheer him up. After a difficult day at work, they recommend that men:

  1. Run a bath and add a few drops (to relieve fatigue).
  2. In the basin with cool water drop some oil and stand your feet for a few minutes (it will reduce foot sweating and help cope with fatigue).

There is an opinion that mint can reduce potency. There is only a small grain of truth in this. For this to happen, mint must be consumed regularly at very large quantities. And if you add it to your bath to relax, to your tea to enjoy the wonderful aroma and a few leaves to your salad for a refined taste. It won't affect your man's health, and perhaps even vice versa.

Important! Know how to use it and follow the dosage!

For women

Although women are called the weaker sex, in many ways they are stronger than men. And when it comes to illness, they take on a lot. Almost every woman has a lot of responsibilities and great responsibility throughout her life.

Women want to look good, get married successfully, create home comfort, keep their family together, and give love to their husband and children. And this requires a lot of effort. With all this, the female sex completely forgets about themselves and their health.

To help the body get stronger, you need to use peppermint. Which has the properties:

  • normalizes sleep, calms, improves mood;
  • lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • helps pregnant women in the fight against toxicosis;
  • restores intestinal microflora, prevents dental diseases;
  • promotes the process of losing weight;
  • relieves pain during menstruation, helps overcome menopause;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent for the female reproductive system;
  • lowers the level male hormone in the body, a source of beauty (widely used in cosmetology).

During pregnancy with toxicosis:

  1. You need 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Take instead of tea.

Important! Peppermint can be harmful if used with contraindications!

Women should not use mint infusions, decoctions and teas if:

  • you have heartburn;
  • menthol causes an allergic reaction;
  • reduced .

Truly, mint is considered “ female plant».

During pregnancy

Peppermint has a number of benefits that every pregnant woman needs. Regarding the use of mint during this period, opinions are quite controversial.
Beneficial properties during pregnancy:

  • from insomnia;
  • lowers insulin when;
  • recommended for chronic;
  • prevents nausea.

Pregnant women can more easily tolerate toxicosis and get rid of swelling and constipation.

Controversial opinions are not in vain. Concerns peppermint during this wonderful period there is still:

  • the hormone estrogen can trigger labor;
  • if a woman has varicose veins and a tendency to low blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • menthol, which mint contains in essential oils, can terminate pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Important! Taking any medicinal plant without medical supervision has bad consequences.

Like other medications, peppermint should not be taken at will. If the need arises, the doctor will definitely prescribe a course of treatment for you.

From more safe recipes during pregnancy:

  1. You need 1 tbsp. l. peppermint pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 5 minutes.
  3. Drink 2-3 cups a day, no more than one month.

For children

There are sources that talk about the benefits of mint during colic (most often in infants). But all the contraindications say that it is not advisable to use it for children under 3 years of age. The herb contains menthol, which negatively affects health and can cause allergies and potential toxicity.

Many parents, knowing about the beneficial properties of mint, treat their children themselves: they do inhalations at home. Such methods are not welcome in medicine; it is better to trust the doctor so as not to harm your child. After all, inhalations can lead to bronchospasms.

Be sure to take into account:

  • individual characteristics of your child’s body;
  • get tested for allergic reactions;
  • determine the exact course of treatment and dosage.

Using mint in strict dosage will allow you to enjoy all the unique properties of the herb.

An aromatic and pleasant drink that can be consumed regardless of the season - mint tea, beneficial features which was described by Avicenna.

In those distant times, when the terms “hyperexcitability”, “hyperactivity”, “neurosis” were unknown to humanity, and all this was considered somewhat increased emotionality, doctors advised patients who noticed deviations from the norm to put their mental state in order with a bowl of mint tea.

Centuries have flown by, and many new “fashionable” diseases caused by stress have appeared. To get rid of them, a lot of new ones have been developed. But before taking them, try brewing a cup of mint tea, relax, think - maybe this is not what you need, this expensive medicine, maybe an amazing drink made from aromatic mint will be enough?

Equanimity is your middle name

There are moments when you have had enough of everything - work, the road to the office, rush hour with its eternal traffic jams or crush in public transport, ordinary conversations that one way or another have to be had with friends or girlfriends, even one’s own family does not provide what is necessary. Usually in such a state one wants to lash out at someone, shout out, free oneself from negativity, which is what most of us do, loading those around us with the same negativity .

You can free yourself in different ways: break dishes or use them for their intended purpose - brew, for example, mint tea, the beneficial properties of which primarily lie in the ability to quickly bring nervous system in order.

With constant use of the drink, after a few weeks you may be surprised to find that former irritants practically do not bother you. Crowds of people, queues, bright light, city noise, morning lectures from the boss - everything is taken for granted and does not cause indignation.

Well, Mint tea successfully completed your mission, and you are already on your way to the title of "Mr. (Miss) Equanimity."

Women's drink

And yet, this aromatic drink is more popular among the fairer sex. And not only because ladies prefer mint tea to other varieties. Its beneficial properties are most noticeable by the female body.

Relieving spasmodic pain on days of menstruation that are not the most comfortable for any woman or relieving symptoms menopause, mint tea is becoming an effective and affordable pain reliever.

It can and should be drunk by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. But at the same time, one should observe the measure - no more than one cup per day, since what is beneficial for the mother can harm the fetus, especially if the unborn baby is male.

But the list doesn't end there physiological problems, which mint tea helps combat. The beneficial properties for women also include the ability of this rather simple drink to lower the level of male hormones. The property is very valuable for women suffering from excess body hair.

Mint tea - indispensable aid for all those losing weight and dieting: abundance in the composition of mint herb essential oils, dulling the feeling of hunger, allows you to use the drink as a “main drink” if you need to lose a few extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, there are options for drinking mint tea - a pure drink or well-known mixes: green tea+ mint, + mint.

So is it sedative or invigorating?

Like any other mint, it has its own beneficial properties and contraindications. Not without it. But the main dilemma remains which properties are more inherent in mint tea - soothing or invigorating.

According to herbalists, a mint drink is universal: it can be used both as a sedative and as an invigorating remedy, the only difference is in the quantity.

For example, if you need to calm down, you don’t have to limit yourself to drinking a drink. If you want to cheer up, then two cups a day will be enough.

Why are men afraid to drink mint tea?

At regular use mint tea can not only calm the nervous system, but also reduce male libido, which is undesirable for the stronger sex. Moreover, many men consider this process irreversible and refuse the drink even if necessary (to relieve severe nervous tension).

There is no need to be afraid, because mint tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied so well, affects male strength temporarily. It is enough to stop drinking the drink, and everything will be restored.

Mint as a supplement

Not only pure mint tea is favored by its fans. Many people enjoy using this plant as an additive to other teas. Linden, thyme, currant leaves, chamomile, herbal teas- these are the most common teas, drinks and infusions in which mint may be present. Tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in every special case, you need to use it with caution, but never deny yourself the pleasure, or, moreover, the need, to drink a cup of healing drink.

One of the recipes that has come down to us from time immemorial consists of mint, thyme, St. John's wort, rose hips and currant leaves and is the best remedy from malaise and loss of strength.

It's not just the aroma that comes from tea with thyme and mint - the beneficial properties in this case are focused on the antiseptic and analgesic effects of herbs. A double blow to pain - this is mint and thyme tea.

Take during an epidemic

It is impossible not to feel the bright menthol aroma with one touch of a mint sprig. The plant is indispensable not only as a natural air freshener (although if there is a sick person in the room, you can use mint bouquets as an oxygen purifier from pathogens), but also as a powerful antibacterial agent.

During the period of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections or the onset of a flu epidemic, consume as much mint as possible and breathe it. Ideally, if mint grows in a flowerpot, then put it in fresh can be used all year round.

An excellent remedy for raging colds- green tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which are to improve the body’s protective abilities and relieve muscle spasm and headache - the first symptoms of the disease.

What else can mint do?

A useful plant containing healing power and which can be grown without hassle summer cottage, can stimulate brain function and cardiovascular vascular system, activate metabolic processes body, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite (but also reduce it - everything again depends on the concentration of the drink).

Tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which have been tested for more than one generation, is drunk for migraines, nervous overexcitation, the first signs of a cold and are given to hyperactive children (but a weak drink - two leaves per liter of boiling water). Peppermint tea is used as an external remedy for itchy skin rashes.

Those who need to be careful about drinking the drink are people suffering from low blood pressure, varicose veins veins, and for those who have an individual intolerance to mint and allergic reactions to it.

Today it is known quite a large number of various types mint, the main difference of which is the composition of essential oils and the properties they have on the human body. As Wikipedia points out, there are about 25 species and 10 natural hybrids. We will consider only 2 - the most popular.

Peppermint, whose leaves contain a large amount of menthol, has gained maximum popularity. Thanks to the essential oils of menthol, this type of plant is used in traditional and folk medicine, as well as cosmetology. Menthol is added to various means, used to treat certain skin conditions, is found in toothpaste, helping to eliminate oral cavity unpleasant aroma.

Medicinal mint has a lot of positive properties:

  • This is an excellent diuretic, thanks to which it is eliminated from the body. excess liquid. If you consume a large amount of pickles, it is beneficial to drink it daily fresh tea with mint;
  • turns out choleretic effect, therefore can be used as a means for;
  • used as an antiemetic - mix a few drops of pomegranate and mint juice. This composition helps relieve nausea, stop vomiting and can be taken during pregnancy;
  • provides sedative effect on the nervous system, helps relieve anxiety. To do this, it will be enough to drink a cup of tea, for the preparation of which dried or fresh mint can be used;
  • the plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. To do this, fresh herbs are brewed, the mint should be boiled for several minutes and the finished tea can be taken for migraines and headaches;
  • peppermint can be used in cosmetology to strengthen and treat hair. It is useful to regularly rinse your strands with warm broth after each wash. However, if such natural rinse aid, it is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer to dry your hair. This product perfectly nourishes the strands, restores natural shine, stimulates hair growth, and eliminates the problem of split ends;
  • It is recommended to use peppermint decoction lotions to eliminate inflammation and relieve itching of the scalp.

Regular mint

This type includes several species, usually the most used: Japanese mint (Mentha japonica), water mint (Mentha aquatica), marsh mint (Mentha pulegium) and apple mint (lat. Mentha rotundifolia).

Mint leaves contain a large amount of menthol, which has an antiseptic, antispasmodic and local anesthetic effect. Regular mint can be taken internally as tea or externally.

Mint is beneficial for angina pectoris severe pain in the stomach, intestines - taken orally. If you are worried about severe toothache, neuralgia, bronchitis or other respiratory tract disease is diagnosed, the plant is used externally. It is thanks to its properties that mint is added to a variety of ointments, tablets and other medications.

Mint infusions help relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, eliminate abdominal cramps, heartburn, and heart pain. This plant has an excellent tonic effect and can relieve rapid heartbeat, bringing it back to normal. Often used during treatment, ulcerative colitis and constipation.

And due to the presence of bitterness, the plant helps stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. Used for removing stones formed in gallbladder, helps to gently but effectively cleanse the liver.

Ordinary mint is widely used both in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries, and is added to a variety of confectionery and some alcoholic beverages.

Properties of mint

Mint has a lot of beneficial properties, thanks to which it has been used in folk medicine for many centuries, because about it positive action on the body was known to our ancestors.

The benefits of mint

  1. Beautiful and natural depressant. Mint leaves are brewed like simple tea, the drink is infused for 10 minutes and is ready to drink.
  2. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is found in various medications.
  3. It has an analgesic, astringent and expectorant effect. Mint is useful to use during treatment various diseases stomach, rheumatism and tuberculosis.
  4. A tincture made from peppermint quickly removes even severe attacks headache.
  5. Helps with flatulence.
  6. Peppermint essential oil stimulates hair growth. To do this, you need to prepare a simple decoction - take the leaves of the plant (300 g) and pour boiling water (1 l), boil the mixture for 30 minutes. The decoction is infused for another half hour and used to rinse the strands.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The calorie content of fresh mint per 100 g is 70 kcal, and also:
  • Proteins - 3.75 g
  • Fat - 0.94 g
  • Carbohydrates - 6.89 g
  • Ash - 1.76 g
  • Water - 78.65 g
  • Dietary fiber - 8 g
  • A - 212 mcg
  • B1 - 0.082 mg
  • B2 - 0.266 mg
  • B5 - 0.338 mg
  • B6 - 0.129 mg
  • B9 - 114 mcg
  • C - 31.8 mg
  • PP - 1.706 mg
Macro- and microelements:
  • Calcium - 243 mg
  • Potassium - 569 mg
  • Phosphorus - 73 mg
  • Magnesium - 80 mg
  • - 31 mg
  • Iron - 5.08 mg
  • Manganese - 1.176 mg
  • Iron - 5.08 mg
  • Copper - 329 mcg
  • Zinc - 1.11 mg

Mint treatment

  1. Blood circulation improves, mint is used to slow down and normalize rapid heartbeat.
  2. Recommended for diseases of the vascular system and heart.
  3. The oil of the plant is used during the preparation of large quantities medicines, used for stomach diseases.
  4. Regular consumption of mint helps normalize digestion, eliminate attacks of nausea and flatulence.
  5. If there are no contraindications, mint can be used to treat asthma and various inflammatory processes occurring in the bronchi and lungs.


  1. The presence of individual intolerance to the plant.
  2. With strong nervous excitability, insomnia.
  3. If infertility has been diagnosed, because... regular intake mint may make the situation worse.
  4. Low pressure.
  5. During breastfeeding(milk supply may decrease).
  6. Not recommended for men, as there is a decrease in libido.
  7. Children under 3 years of age.

Useful properties of Mint

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • the heart rhythm is brought back to normal;
  • recommended for angina pectoris, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis;
  • the tone of the vascular walls increases;
  • has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  • removed headache;
  • breathing becomes easier;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • relieves sore throat;
  • has a cooling and anesthetic effect during the treatment of pharyngitis, sore throat;
  • are eliminated inflammatory processes flowing in the maxillary sinuses;
  • the work of the kidneys and gall bladder is facilitated;
  • normalizes intestinal functioning;
  • stomach acidity decreases;
  • prevents the development of peptic ulcers;
  • the development of pathogenic bacteria is prevented;
  • relieves heartburn attacks;
  • liver cells have a strengthening effect, thereby increasing their protective functions;
  • the development of cholelithiasis is prevented;
  • the outflow of bile is normalized.


Uncontrolled use of mint leads to not the most pleasant consequences and allergic reaction, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • itching, skin rashes;
  • breathing is impaired;
  • redness of the skin;
  • bronchospasm;
  • Strong headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Application of the plant

Mint has a lot of positive properties and becomes an almost irreplaceable medicinal plant that can be used in various fields.

Mint in cooking: recipes

This plant gives dishes an interesting aroma. Mint perfectly calms and refreshes, gives a boost of vigor and energy. Most often it is used in the preparation of a variety of refreshing drinks. Mint tea can be brewed at any time of the year using fresh or dried raw materials.

A variety of dishes can be prepared with this herb - meat, fish, main dishes, desserts, drinks and decoctions.

1. Non-alcoholic mojito at home

To prepare a refreshing mojito you will need:
  • Carbonated mineral water or regular - 300 ml
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Fresh mint - 15–20 leaves
  • Sugar - 2?3 tsp.
  • Ice crushed in a blender - 2/3 glass
The cooking process is simple:
  1. Cut the lime into slices.
  2. , mint leaves and sugar put in a glass.
  3. Ceiling with a muddler.
  4. Add ice.
  5. Pour soda to the top and stir the mojito.
  6. Garnish with a mint leaf if desired and serve the drink with 1-2 straws.

2. Peppermint tea

To prepare traditional mint tea, take 1 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant and pour in 200 g of boiling water. The drink is infused for about 10 minutes. You can drink tea both hot and cold. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

3. Mint infusion

To improve performance digestive system and improving appetite, it is useful to prepare the following infusion:

  • 2 tsp. dry mint leaves are crushed;
  • raw materials are poured 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • the tincture is left for 30 minutes;
  • the product is filtered and can be taken.

4. Decoction

This product has a disinfectant and antitussive effect. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for illnesses respiratory system. The decoction is prepared according to the following recipe:
  • take 15 g of dry mint leaves;
  • pour 1 tbsp. water;
  • the mixture is placed on the stove, brought to a boil, and boiled for 15 minutes;
  • The broth is left for half an hour and filtered.

5. Oil

Peppermint essential oil is used quite widely, which is due to the large amount of menthol included in its composition. During a cold, menthol helps ease breathing, helps with asthma, sinusitis, cough, bronchitis, and headaches. Can be used to relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting, and is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Peppermint oil is useful for depression, severe stress, and emotional stress. To relieve severe tension, it is recommended to add a couple of drops to the bath.

Peppermint essential oil is widely used in cosmetologists, supporting good condition skin and hair:
  • useful for weakened, thin and brittle hair, eliminates dandruff, irritation and increased fat content scalp. To do this, just add just a couple of drops of mint essential oil to your usual shampoo, then apply it to your hair, foam, leave for a minute, and then rinse with plenty of water;
  • to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth, it is recommended to rub a few drops of mint oil into the scalp;
  • The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves irritation and itching, and helps in the fight against acne and pimples.

Video about the beneficial properties of mint and how to use it:

Mint is very beneficial for the body, helps in the fight against various ailments, and is widely used in cooking and cosmetology.

Other names - cold mint, English mint, chilli mint, peppermint, cold mint, Mentha piperita (Latin).

Peppermint- this is one of the types of mint, there are only this moment there are 25. In addition, there are 10 more subspecies of mint: Japanese mint, water mint, spearmint, apple mint, orange mint (bergamot mint), etc..

Peppermint, as well as its other types, is widely used in medicine (folk and traditional), in aromatherapy, in the production of cosmetics, in Food Industry and etc.

WITH therapeutic purpose V traditional medicine Mostly peppermint is used, less often - water mint or steppe mint.

Peppermint is an artificially bred type of mint by crossing two wild species - water and spearmint. Peppermint has 2 more subspecies: white mint (the plant is completely green without any shades), and black mint - with red-violet stems and veins of the same color on the leaves.

Peppermint is a perennial, fragrant, herbaceous plant, 60-80 cm high. Its stem is tetrahedral, often reddish in color, covered with numerous dark green leaves, oblong, sometimes with a purple tint. The flowers are small, light purple, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Peppermint blooms in the second half of summer - in July-August.

The raw materials are harvested before or during flowering: the stems are cut or the leaves are torn off and dried in the shade. And it is better to store ready-made, completely dried raw materials in glass jars with a twist, so as not to preserve the essential component (aroma) as much as possible.

The shoots, leaves, and flowers of mint contain a large amount of essential oil, tannic, bitter and biologically active substances, sugar, fats, phytoncides, vitamins C and P, carotene, mineral salts.

Peppermint is very popular among the people, and almost everyone who has such an opportunity (dacha or a private house) - it is grown near the house as a valuable medicinal, culinary and cosmetic plant.

In medicine, both traditional and folk, peppermint is used to treat headaches, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, insomnia, inflammation in the digestive organs, asthma, stomach ulcers, colds, vomiting, throat diseases, kidney and liver stones, atherosclerosis.

With medicinal, as well as culinary purposes, use fresh and dried mint leaves and shoots. They have a pleasant, cooling, spicy taste and a sharp, delicate aroma caused by high content menthol.

In cooking, experts advise using spearmint and apple mint, as it does not produce bitterness when heated. Fresh mint is used to season salads, soups, meat and fish dishes. It is used to prepare drinks, sauces, confectionery, baking bread.

Fresh mint is added to tea, decorated dishes, a bunch of fresh mint or infusion is added to medicinal baths. From crushed fresh leaves mint makes compresses and face masks.

Mint tea : 1 tablespoon of dry and crushed mint, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and you can drink. This infusion (tea) will relieve nervousness, irritability, and improve sleep. Without harm, you can drink 1 glass of mint tea during the day, that is, in 3-4 or more doses. And for colds, the allowed dosage is up to 2 glasses of infusion per day, although this may be a lot for some. This therapeutic dosage, and you can also add a little mint (0.5-1 teaspoon) to regular black tea for taste and aroma. But, do not forget that mint contains many female phytohormones.

For reference: both female and male bodies contain female and male hormones, but in the female body, female hormones significantly predominate, and in the male body, male hormones predominate. So, it is important to maintain this balance and not upset it too much. Often for this reason mint is called female grass, although this is not entirely true - men also enjoy using it. Here it is important just not to overdo it... Some women (who have a balance - female and male hormones are not normal) use mint to reduce hair growth in unwanted places (antennae, etc.).

Men, especially in at a young age, you shouldn’t get too carried away with mint, since it reduces excitability, and sexual one too. Some say - here are Georgians, they drink mint tea all the time and they don’t care... So these are Georgians, but imagine what would happen if they didn’t drink it?!.... All people are different, for some excess male hormones, and some have just a little, but I drank tea for a while... and complete indifference. Although, in some moments, this can be very useful.

In traditional medicine, mint herb is used as a raw material in the production of cardiovascular drugs, menthol, ointments and drops for the common cold, and cough suppressants.

Preparations from mint leaves have anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, appetizing, expectorant, choleretic, and moderate laxative effects.

Peppermint is included in many medicinal preparations. In the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases, it is used as an auxiliary choleretic agent. At unpleasant smell from the mouth - rinse the mouth area with mint infusion.

Mint infusion is taken for hemorrhoids, women's diseases(with insufficient or excessive menstruation), with nervous disorders, hysteria, heart disease, lung disease, gastritis, rheumatism, toothache, etc.

Peppermint infusion : 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink mint infusion throughout the day for heart pain, etc.

Peppermint decoction : 15 g of dry crushed herb, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat, leave for another 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals, for pulmonary bleeding, etc.

At increased acidity stomach accompanied by constipation and sour belching, use an infusion from the following collection of herbs: peppermint - 3 parts, St. John's wort herb - 6 parts, three-leaf leaves - 0.5 parts.
Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Drink the entire infusion during the day in 5-6 doses.

At low acidity stomach It is recommended to take an infusion of the following components: peppermint - 4 parts, yarrow herb - 3 parts, fennel fruits - 2 parts, knotweed herb - 3 parts, marsh grass - 3 parts, chamomile - 2 parts, caraway seeds - 2 parts , hop cones - 1 part.
Take 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 11 hours, strain. Drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals - 1 glass of infusion, drink the rest every 2 hours - also 1 glass, i.e. 3 more times.

In addition to the decoction, you can also take powder from mint leaves internally, 1-2 times a day, on the tip of a knife.

Alcohol tincture of peppermint (extract) is used for inhalation for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, trachea, and bronchitis. Externally, for rubbing, for headaches, migraines, skin inflammation.

Make a mint tincture in a ratio of 1:5, i.e. take 20 g of dry mint herb and 100 ml of 75% alcohol, or vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 10-15 drops orally, 3-4 times a day.

At skin diseases use mint in the form of infusion or decoction orally, and also take cosmetic mint baths (brew 50 g of mint in 10 liters of water). An infusion of this concentration is also used for enemas.
For itchy dermatoses, peppermint for baths is used together with a decoction of knotweed.

Peppermint - good remedy, for improvement physical condition body and improve mood. For depression, use the following recipe: 1 tbsp. spoon meas. mint herbs pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Take half a glass of decoction in the morning and evening.

Peppermint oil - an effective drug for abdominal pain, bloating, and reduces heartburn. Drink 2-4 drops with water or drop on a piece of sugar and eat. Peppermint oil is also good for acne, inflammatory diseases skin, eliminates nervous excitement, soothes headaches, etc.

Peppermint, contraindications . You should not use mint if you have an individual intolerance, as it can cause allergies. Peppermint oil is contraindicated during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and children under 6 years of age. Young men should not get carried away with mint, as it reduces libido. Do not overdose, since an overdose may cause worse sleep, heart pain, bronchospasms and other unpleasant moments.

Total reviews on this topic - 108 Pages - 2

we drink mint tea this way - 1/2 tsp. black tea (can also be green) 1/2 tsp. chopped mint per cup of boiling water

thanks, very interesting

I have high pressure can I use mint?

it's possible, but chokeberry will suit you better. Viburnum helps some

Thank you all for useful information! :)

Hello. Please tell me how to use mint during heavy and long periods during menopause????????

Tak poluchilosj neskoljko raz, chto posle mjatnogo chaja ne mogla zasnutj. Who to mne dazhe skazal, what mjata nekotorih vzbadrivajet
(it happened several times that after mint tea you couldn’t fall asleep. Someone even told me that mint invigorates some people).

Well, in the contraindications it is written - “...with an overdose, sleep deterioration, heart pain, bronchospasms are possible..” You need to reduce the dosage... Perhaps the amount of mint you use is too much for you... it has the opposite effect .

Very interesting. Thank you!

how to remove hair from body and face

information about female hormones not very buzzing, since I started drinking mint tea, it is very calming. Is there any analogue of mint with the same sedative properties, only an option for men? Thank you.

Calming herbs include lemon balm, but it also calms sexual excitability, valerian, milk thistle, hawthorn, blue cornflower, dill and celandine, it can also be classified as a herb that calms the nervous system. This is, of course, not the entire list of herbs, but those that I remembered

Very interesting, thanks for the info everyone.

Interesting information! I'll know how to remove facial hair!

Very informative, thanks for the information! I drink mint tea instead of regular tea. I will know not to abuse it)

Who wrote the article - well done! Laconic, clear, useful and humorous.

very useful information thank you

Ogromnoje SPASIBO - so aktualjno dlja menja!

Thanks for the useful information.

lemon balm is also very calming and sleep is excellent

help, I have a really bad headache

headache is a symptom of various diseases(pressure, poisoning, initial stage flu, inflammatory processes, etc.), you need to know the cause before treating. tea from St. John's wort, agrimony, mint, lemon balm helps in some cases

And if I’m too hairy, can I drink mint? It helps me cope with increased stomach acidity, it’s a pity I can’t drink it for a long time! Who knows what herbs reduce stomach acid production? Thanks in advance!

Of course, hairiness is not an argument not to drink.... with increased acidity, you need to know how else to eat, not eat or limit those foods that contribute to increased acidity. it may be enough to change your menu and that’s it

And with an excess of male hormones in women, I wonder what course of mint tea? Now I drink 1 packet of mint from the pharmacy 2 times a day. I thought about drinking for three months... Is this a normal period or should I drink less? Thank you.

Valeria, I don’t think it’s worth less, because it needs to have an effect... If this is too much for you, the body itself will tell you, symptoms of an overdose will appear (described in contraindications)...

Is it true that mint lowers blood sugar? And also, if your low blood pressure is 100 to 60, you can drink fresh mint, like tea.

Hello! And if there is little hair on the head, does mint affect it? Is there any recipe for increasing hair thickness, please tell me!!

no, it doesn't. Burdock is used to strengthen hair

SOPHORA tincture is very good for strengthening and growing new hair. It also gives volume to the hair. You lubricate your hair roots every morning and get treatment and volume. Removes oiliness and odor from hair, you can avoid washing your hair for a week.

thanks for the article, it was very helpful.

For hair growth, it is very good to rub celandine juice into the skin. Tested on my husband. Bald spots began to appear on his head (I don’t know what to call them correctly). So, we rubbed celandine juice from mid-summer until frost (there is plenty of celandine in the private sector). As a result, all the spots disappeared. Now hair grows there.

For high acidity, I can recommend a very simple tip - I use it myself. Grind regular dry peas in a coffee grinder, from which we then cook something like soup. For heartburn, take 1/3 teaspoon, chewing, do not drink. That's all. Hello!

Oh, mint, just right for me! :))) otherwise I’m very hot from excess

Interesting and informative, and most importantly concise.

Please tell me how to make mint oil?

Tell me, does mint help with female inflammation, and how many times a day should you drink mint tea?

mint helps with inflammation in general terms, not only from inflammation in women. drink mint tea 1-2 times a day, but it is better to change the medication. teas periodically

Alisa, Kirovograd, ethereal peppermint oil You can buy it at the pharmacy, ready-made. but it can also be done at home, although the technology is somewhat different. For this you will need a base oil, usually wheat germ or almond oil is used. take fresh mint leaves, wash, dry from water, then put in a plastic bag and beat with a wooden mallet until the juice appears. This mass is placed in a jar and filled with base oil, covered with a lid. The next day, drain the oil (strain through cheesecloth), make a new portion of crushed mint and fill it with the drained oil. Then they do the same procedure a third time and the mint oil can be considered ready. Base oil You can buy it at the pharmacy, but it’s better to grow mint yourself. It is better to store it in the refrigerator, in as a last resort somewhere in a cupboard, but like other oils, never in the sun. It’s troublesome, but you can do it as much as you need.

I really love mint tea. Can it be used for breast cancer (hormone-dependent). Estrogens were suppressed by drugs.

Mint is unique in its aromatic and medicinal qualities a plant widely used in folk and traditional medicine, as well as in cooking.

The benefits of mint can be obtained when consumed in any form: dried and fresh shoots, in the form of essential oil (menthol), infusions, extracts. Mint is used both internally and externally; it can be used for compresses and lotions. Mint is also used for massage and inhalation.

In dried form, it is added to refreshing drinks, baked goods, and used in the preparation of meat dishes and side dishes.

Peppermint has a pungent taste and a pleasant smell. Therefore, ever since this hybrid was discovered in England, among the spearmint bushes, at the end of the 17th century, it has become one of our most beloved plants. It is used to flavor everything from candies to alcoholic drinks.

Here's what you need to know: When purchasing a peppermint preparation, be it tea or bath solution, you need to make sure that the label says “peppermint” and not just “mint.” The mint family also includes mint, lavender and rosemary. And only peppermint contains menthol.

After all, it is thanks to menthol that peppermint is a powerful medicine.

Positive effect on the stomach

Mint perfectly softens the stomach, preventing bloating and gas accumulation, which often happens after eating (even in the best restaurant).

Oil containing peppermint stimulates the flow of bile to the stomach and improves digestion. It is the antispasmodic components of this oil that prevent gastric gases from accumulating. Peppermint oil relaxes the muscles that block the passage between the stomach and esophagus, allowing gases to escape. In other words, peppermint, when taken internally, promotes good burping.

But if a person often suffers from heartburn, he should stay away from peppermint. If the sphincter muscle is too relaxed, stomach acid enters the esophagus, causing the sensation of heartburn.

Some people take peppermint to quell acute hunger pangs, as peppermint calms a rumbling stomach. But in this case the effect may be the opposite. Peppermint only increases your appetite. The muscles calm down only temporarily. Then hunger worsens with renewed vigor. And this is another beneficial effect on digestion: mint increases appetite and reduces stomach acidity.

For intestinal problems

Although it remains controversial, some research suggests that peppermint's ability to relax muscles (as in the case of the intestines) effective means, facilitating painful symptoms irritable bowel syndrome - a disease characterized by constipation, diarrhea, bloating and intestinal colic.

One study found that of the 75% of participants who took peppermint capsules daily, there was a significant reduction in IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms compared to those who did not.

Theoretically, it looks like this: peppermint interacts with substances that cause contractions of the intestinal muscles.

Peppermint tea for gastrointestinal problems

If a person often has an achy stomach, they may enjoy sipping peppermint tea. Tea is better than mint lozenges. Many peppermint teas have artificial flavors added to them.

  1. Pour boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint leaves for a few minutes;
  2. then immediately drink this tea in small sips.

But this tea should not be given to small children. For them, the menthol contained in peppermint oil can cause suffocation.

Improves liver function

Mint increases the flow of bile and thus has a positive effect on liver function. In addition to this effect, mint accelerates the process of breaking down “harmful” fat and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. All this is just positive influence to the liver.

So that your liver gets it positive impact, it is enough to drink mint tea for 10-12 days.

Cooling and pain relieving

Peppermint not only soothes the stomach and heals the intestines.

Peppermint menthol is a skin tightening agent. It produces a cooling sensation that relieves pain. This is why menthol is included in many pain relievers, such as cough drops and ointments for muscle pain.

Relaxing and concentrating effect

Due to its cooling and soothing effects, a large percentage of peppermint is found in relaxing bath preparations and tea recipes for insomnia. But there is little scientific evidence to support these properties of peppermint.

results laboratory research Animal studies have suggested that peppermint extract has a calming effect on the central nervous system. And as funny as it may seem, inhaling the aroma of peppermint helps manage concentration and attention. It's simple unique property: calming and increasing concentration.

Relieving nausea

Of course, everyone who has flown on an airplane knows about this ability of mint. If you complain of nausea, the flight attendant will offer you mints, which really relieve unpleasant symptom. The same remedy will help with motion sickness on the bus and with toxicosis (although you need to be more careful here).

If you don’t eat sugar or it’s contraindicated for you, you can simply chew a fresh mint leaf or drink mint infused water.

Regulating hormone levels

Research by scientists has demonstrated that useful quality mint for women is that it will help them reduce hair growth in places where they normally should not grow (for example, on the face). The fact is that increased hair growth in women is a consequence of an excess of male hormones, and mint reduces the concentration of the male hormone in the blood.

Also, for women, mint will help minimize unpleasant menopausal phenomena and alleviate menstrual pain and state in premenstrual period. And this is also due to the effect of mint on hormone levels.

Peppermint for hair

If you want to have beautiful and healthy hair, then you need to take good care of them. Taking care of your hair doesn't have to involve going to the beauty salons or hairdressers. It is enough to regularly make hair masks at home and wash them in various decoctions. And one of the herbs you need to pamper your hair with is peppermint.

Therefore, you should learn a few recipes that will help make your hair irresistible.

First of all, write down the recipe. rinse aid(decoction) d for mint hair.

  1. For this decoction you will need: two tablespoons of mint, which you will need to pour boiling water over and leave for half an hour.
  2. Regularly rinse your hair with it after washing and your wealth will become shiny, silky and fragrant.

You also need to know which mask can be made from peppermint.

For this you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves,
  • 1 tablespoon cosmetic white clay,
  • 1/2 cup water + 2 tablespoons boiling water.

Start by mixing water and mint. Use a blender to completely chop the leaves.

Pour this liquid into another container and add clay to it.

This mixture should be mixed with clay until it acquires the consistency of liquid dough (if you immediately get this consistency, then you don’t need to add anything. If it turns out a little liquid, add clay).

This mask should be applied to the roots of the hair and then along the length and kept for 15-20 minutes. There is no need to wash it off with shampoo, as the clay washes hair perfectly.

Very good combing with mint oil. To do this, you need to apply a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your comb. The comb is ready for refreshing and healing treatments with your hair.

Negative effects on the body

As already mentioned, mint reduces the concentration of male hormone in the blood. If this is useful for women, then men may face such unpleasant side effect, How decreased sexual desire . However, if you do not take it regularly, the effect will be very short-lived and quite weak. But it is not recommended for men to take mint often and in large quantities.

We should not forget that mint contains a lot of essential oils that can cause allergies in people . Therefore, mint should be used with caution for the first time, especially for young children.

Mint lowers blood pressure , therefore, those people for whom it is already low (hypotonics) can take it with very great caution.

Children should also not abuse this plant. under 5 years old is not recommended at all use it because their body is very sensitive, and this plant is quite strong.

So, mint is a wonderful plant that has a number of valuable medicinal properties. However, when using it, one must proceed from personal characteristics. Like any other medicine, mint is only good when used in reasonable quantities.