Types of cough in a child. How to treat productive and non-productive cough? Nonproductive cough: causes, manifestations and treatment features

Most acute and chronic respiratory diseases are accompanied by. This is a reflex reaction of the body to stimuli. When you cough, sputum along with microorganisms is carefully “pushed out” from and with the help of many microscopic villi that cover all our respiratory tracts. In this case, the cough can be of two types - either unproductive, and wet, or productive.

Many diseases begin with. It is heavy, tearing and suffocating, as the body strives to get rid of irritation of the respiratory organs, and phlegm is not formed at all or it appears insufficient for cleaning respiratory tract quantity.

Such a cough can become hysterical and provoke spasms, vomiting and even loss of consciousness. It is called unproductive because the body does not produce phlegm. This form is considered more severe than a wet cough, and every effort is made to thin the sputum and increase its secretion in order to alleviate the patient’s condition and cure him faster.

Unlike dry productive cough wet, that is, it is accompanied by the production of sputum.

At the same time, the easier and faster the patient can clear his throat, the it will pass faster his illness.Doctors recommend trying not to make too much effort when coughing. If you do this very vigorously, you can cause severe irritation throats and . This is fraught with complications, since there is already an infection in the body, and it can easily get into the inflamed and injured mucous membrane when coughing.

A severe and prolonged cough can also have a negative impact on the eyes and ears. Pinpoint hemorrhages may appear in the eyes caused by a strong strained cough, and the ears may become blocked. Excessive efforts to clear your throat can also provoke ear diseases, since all these organs are interconnected. To avoid the spread of infection, very coughing will have to be “pacified” with the help of special medications, heating and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Causes of productive cough

Most diseases accompanied by cough begin with a dry form. During treatment and development of the disease, it usually passes from a non-productive form to a productive one.

There are a number of diseases that are characterized by productive:

  • Acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Chronic lung diseases – emphysema, tuberculosis, pleurisy and others.
  • Inflammation accompanied by accumulation of mucus. Flowing down back wall throats, she provokes with constant desire cough and spit out the mucus.
  • Allergies different types provoke the formation of mucus, and in a neglected state occurs moist cough.
  • A smoker's cough may be accompanied by secretion large quantity specifically colored sputum.
  • It can also provoke reflux - the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. It contains acid and can cause a severe coughing attack with the release of stomach contents, excessive saliva and nausea. If acid enters the respiratory tract, it can cause mucus production and trigger a productive cough.

If the cough lasts more than three days, it is accompanied by a convulsive desire to push out the contents of the bronchi, high or low-grade fever, chest pain during and after coughing, a feeling of lack of air, hoarseness or total loss, discharge of thick, green and foul-smelling sputum, you must see a doctor to rule out dangerous diseases or avoid complications.

When sputum is released, it must be spat out; it must not be swallowed.

By doing this, you return all those bacteria and viruses that the body worked so hard to get rid of through coughing. Leaning forward makes it easier to produce sputum, but you should try not to hunch over so as not to “pinch” the lungs and bronchi.

Methods for treating productive cough

In most cases, when productive appears, it is believed that the second stage of the disease has entered and recovery will soon begin.

The body begins to produce a large amount of sputum in order to clear the airways of accumulated microbes. At the same time, sputum becomes an ideal breeding ground for these same pathogens, so when a wet cough appears, you need to lean on it with redoubled force. various actions aimed at curing the disease.

Drink plenty of fluids

First of all, you need to try to dilute the sputum as much as possible - this will make it easier to separate. To do this, you need to drink a lot of fluid - the sputum may be too thick, including due to dehydration.

The patient's condition will be helped by frequent intake of warm herbal decoctions, hot milk with honey and butter, tea with honey, viburnum or raspberry, mineral alkaline water type "Borjomi".

These drinks make it easier general state the patient, reduce the temperature, remove toxins with urine and sweat, and also help soften the pharyngeal mucosa, dilute sputum and make it easier to cough up. Frequent intake of warm liquid is indicated for all colds, flu, and many other respiratory diseases. In this case, it is necessary to observe bed rest.

Useful video about coughing.

Indoor air humidification

Excessively dry indoor air can provoke coughing attacks. To get rid of dryness, ideally you need to purchase a special device - a humidifier.

If such a device is not at hand, you can humidify the air in the patient’s room using simpler “home” methods:

  • Can be placed on a radiator central heating container with clean water, which will have to be topped up periodically and the container washed regularly.
  • Can be hung on the battery wet towel or spray purified and boiled water into the air using a spray bottle with a fine spray.

Such measures will help make the air more humid, and therefore significantly reduce irritation when coughing.


Inhalations can reduce the number of coughing attacks and ease their course. With the simplest and effective look Many of us met inhalations in childhood. This is the inhalation of vapors boiled in uniforms, sprinkled baking soda. The rising steam penetrates the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs, expanding them and small blood vessels, which helps make sputum thinner and facilitates its simple and quick removal.

Inhalations can be done using a special device - an inhaler. It is especially convenient for treating small children, who are difficult to persuade to breathe over a saucepan of potatoes, and who can easily get burned by the edges of the dish or excessively hot steam. With an inhaler this is practically impossible. Do inhalations different drugs, simply with soda, with herbal decoctions, or adding to hot water healing essential oils.

You need to be careful with oils, as they can cause allergies, and if the dose is exceeded, they will cause a burn of the mucous membranes.

If you don’t have an inhaler, you can use any suitable container, covering your head with a large terry towel. In order for the steam to penetrate as deeply as possible, you need to breathe through your mouth, but trying to do it very carefully so as not to cause a strong coughing attack.


a patient with a productive cough can be of two types:

  1. Aimed at the causes of the disease. Complex treatment with help medicines directly related to the type of disease. For bacterial infection they are used, for its viral nature are used antiviral drugs and so on.
  2. Symptomatic, that is, aimed at eliminating symptoms, in our case, a wet cough. Symptomatic treatment of productive cough consists of taking expectorants. There are now a huge number of them, some of them are made from medicinal plants, for example, from ivy. These drugs are excellent at helping to cope with a wet cough, but may have individual contraindications, cause allergic reactions or provoke intestinal disorders.

The use of such drugs must be strictly dosed and prescribed by the attending physician. Preparations such as Lazolvan can be used as a drink or in the form. It is prescribed in case acute illness, proceeding according to the asthmatic type - with difficulty breathing and difficulty coughing.

Drugs of this type should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in no case should you exceed the frequency, duration and volume of taking the drug.

If a productive cough is caused by an allergy, then first of all you need to eliminate its source (household dust, animal hair, a plant with dangerous pollen, allergenic product food or cosmetic product, a drug household chemicals and so on). After this, you need to cope with the manifestation of the disease by taking a specific antiallergic and antihistamine. Usually allergic cough After this, go away on your own, but if it persists, it is treated as a regular wet cough.

Smoker's cough copious discharge gray, yellow or brown sputum can be treated with one simple remedy - quitting smoking. After a short time the body on our own cleanses the lungs and bronchi from accumulated “dirt and soot.” If, six months after stopping cigarettes, a wet cough still torments a person, it is necessary to urgently undergo an examination with experienced specialist to identify possible serious diseases.

Physiotherapy and other treatments

At wet cough Heat has a positive effect on the human body. In the old days, all diseases that were called by the common word ““ were treated in a Russian steam room. Bath and birch brooms were the most common “medicines” for a persistent wet cough. This has a logical explanation - in a Russian bath there is hot, humid steam, it dilates the blood vessels and bronchi well, as a result of which the sputum becomes more liquid and is easily separated. In addition, heat has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient, whipping with a birch broom increases blood circulation, removing stagnation of blood and lymph. Birch leaves contain useful essential anti-inflammatory substances, which enhances the overall tonic effect of the procedure.

If our ancestors famously jumped into a snowdrift after a bath, then a patient with a productive cough should not do this. On the contrary, after a bath he should take special care of himself so as not to become hypothermic and aggravate the course of the disease.

Since a productive cough is usually already the second stage of the disease, in order to bring its end closer, it is worth using a variety of warming up.

For example, it might help infrared sauna, local warming of the bronchi infrared lamp, a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by the attending physician depending on the type and severity of the underlying condition.

A complex approach to the treatment of the disease will help to quickly and without complications get rid of a productive cough and the underlying disease.

Nonproductive cough- This is a manifestation of the cough reflex, which is not accompanied by sputum production. This pathological condition caused by the ingress of an allergen, high viscosity of mucus, or other diseases that pose a threat to human health. It is necessary to understand what a nonproductive cough is before deciding how to treat it.

Non-productive cough does not produce sputum

Description of the symptom

Coughing is a conditioned reflex that occurs when various parts of the respiratory tract are irritated. Its task is to remove from there various stimulants, which are presented in the form foreign bodies, sputum or pathological discharge, such as blood or pus.

What is a productive cough? This is a symptom in which sputum production is noted. It is considered effective because it copes with the task of removing various objects from the VDP. The non-productive form is distinguished by the fact that it is not accompanied by sputum production, which is characteristic of most inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

This type of cough also causes discomfort in the area of ​​the main bronchi and trachea. This is due to the fact that there is an insufficient amount of fluid on the mucous membrane of such anatomical structures, which leads to irritation of these membranes during coughing.

The patient feels pain in the tracheal area

With some diseases, such as bronchitis, a person may initially cough without phlegm, but it will appear over time. This is due to the fact that the pathological process has different phases of development. First comes the stage of direct tissue inflammation, which is replaced by proliferation - discharge into the surrounding space intercellular fluid, as well as the secretion of the bronchial glands.

A dry cough manifests itself in various pathologies, among which it is worth highlighting bronchitis, asthma and an allergic reaction. Depending on the duration of attacks and the manifestation of symptoms, these conditions are differentiated, which helps prescribe treatment and ensure speedy recovery or relief of symptoms.

The danger of a nonproductive cough is that dry mucous membranes may be accompanied by small tears in the membrane. This causes growth connective tissue. This process causes sclerotic changes in the walls of the bronchi, which is one of the triggers for the development of the obstructive form.

A complication of a nonproductive cough may be obstruction in the bronchi.


Today, it is customary to identify several main causes of dry cough. Among them are the following diseases:

  • Asthma.
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis.
  • Systemic pathologies of connective tissue.
  • Asthmatic cough (mostly occurs at night).

IN in rare cases the symptom is associated with the development of left ventricular heart failure, inflammation of the pericardial sac, bronchiectasis, pathologies of the nose and oropharynx, and pneumosclerosis. They account for less than 5% of clinical manifestations.

Sometimes a cough is caused by inflammation of the pericardial sac

Your baby may cough loudly and frequently with a condition such as whooping cough. Children's infectious pathology quite common, but not dangerous at this age.

Most common cause The appearance of a nonproductive cough is considered acute bronchitis. The disease occurs against the background of exposure to various pathogenic factors, such as cold air, inhalation of volatile chemicals that dissolve well in the atmosphere and are capable of forming persistent compounds on the mucous membrane, a complication catarrhal diseases nasopharynx and oropharynx, bacterial invasion, as well as the entry of viruses into the lumen of the upper respiratory tract.

Acute bronchitis occurs with moderate elevated temperature, up to 38.5-39 o C. In this case, a dry cough is noted only in the first days, and then gives way to a wet one.

Chronic bronchitis, especially a disease of smokers, is often accompanied by a dry hacking cough in the morning. This is due to the fact that a fairly large amount of sputum is collected overnight, which has a viscous consistency. This makes it difficult to cough up, leading to attacks of dry cough lasting up to 30 minutes, which are then followed by the production of copious amounts of sputum.

At acute bronchitis temperature rises

Bronchial asthma and asthmatic cough have a similar mechanism of origin, but differ only in the severity of the patient’s condition. People with such pathologies experience prolonged bouts of barking cough, which are accompanied by pain in the trachea. At the end of them, “vitreous” sputum is discharged, which is an important diagnostic criterion.

In addition, nonproductive cough occurs when foreign bodies are inhaled. The symptom occurs when inhaling dust or polluted air and when larger elements are ingested. In a child, a dry, unproductive cough during play may be a sign of toy parts getting into the respiratory tract, which requires immediate medical attention. At the same time, he will be very strong.

And according to Dr. Komarovsky, the main task of the doctor is to transform a dry cough into a productive one. This will speed up your recovery.

Cough may be caused by exposure to small parts toys in the respiratory tract


A non-productive dry cough often occurs in the form of attacks that last from a few minutes to half an hour or more, depending on the cause. Patients complain of discomfort in the trachea and larynx, which is caused by mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

IN extreme cases attacks are accompanied by a large discharge of blood, which occurs as a result of the appearance of micro-tears. This process is undesirable and requires immediate relief of attacks. A person with an ineffective cough becomes nervous and feels discomfort in the chest area.

Dry cough has the following outcomes:

  • Removing a large amount purulent sputum. The production of this type of discharge indicates that the pathological process is localized in the small bronchi, from where the discharge of sputum is difficult, especially with increased viscosity.

A nonproductive cough can cause accumulation of purulent sputum in the bronchi

  • Discharge of “vitreous sputum.” Observed when bronchial asthma or allergic reactions. None pathogenic microorganisms, but there are specific elements - Courshman spirals and Charcot-Leyden crystals, which bind the liquid part of the mucus, increasing its viscosity.
  • The end of the attack without sputum production. This process occurs more often when foreign bodies or dust particles enter. An attack of a reflex irritating non-productive cough ends when the villous epithelium removes them from the respiratory tract. Usually the duration of the attack does not exceed 5 minutes.

Provoking factors for the appearance of a dry non-productive cough include:

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Work in enterprises with high level dustiness.

Working in dusty areas causes the development of a dry cough

  • Non-compliance with the rules personal protection in the presence of production hazards.
  • Prolonged exposure to dry air.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Low level of sanitary conditions in the place of residence.

It is worth noting that a prolonged dry cough can be regarded as a violation secretory function own glands of the bronchi. This deficiency is caused by an inflammatory process or structural changes.

The manifestation of cough in an infant is quite specific. The child will be irritable, refuse to breastfeed, and have trouble sleeping. However, coughing is extremely rare.

In infants, coughing worsens appetite


The appearance of a dry form requires contacting a doctor. Self-administration of medications causes greater harm to the body, which will lead to the development of irreversible structural changes in the walls of the bronchi or the spread of pathological process into the alveolar system of the lungs, causing pneumonia.

Depending on the cause of its occurrence, cough can be cured with such groups medicines:

  • Mucolytics. It is advisable to use drugs that dilute sputum when inflammatory diseases so that the cough becomes wet. In such a situation, they reduce the viscosity of the secretion, which makes it easier to drain. There is a list of drugs, among which are herbal and chemicals. The most common: Chest collection, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, their trade analogues. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the lesion and the presence of concomitant ailments. Upon joining pathogenic flora treatment is combined with antibacterial therapy or antiviral agents. This group of drugs is prescribed in tablet form.

Mucolytics are prescribed to treat nonproductive cough

  • Bronchodilators. In asthma, a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi occurs, which is caused by swelling of the mucous membrane and spasm of the muscle rings. To ensure their normal patency, drugs are used (intravenously or inhaled) that can relax smooth muscles. Due to this effect, the lumen of the bronchi increases, allowing viscous “glassy” sputum to exit the respiratory tract. The choice of medications depends on the severity of the condition and the duration of the attack. Less often they resort to serious drugs, such as Eufilin. This is necessary when the attack lasts more than 4 hours and there is a risk of respiratory arrest.
  • Soda preparations. An effective way to transform a dry cough into a wet one. Sodium bicarbonate is a common remedy, as it has no serious contraindications and is approved for administration from the first years of life. Soda can also be administered by inhalation. In addition to thinning sputum, it prevents the spread of inflammatory process into the alveoli.

Effectively fights dry cough Sodium bicarbonate

Treatment of dry nonproductive cough is aimed at the etiological factor. If the treatment regimen is organized using this method, then select the right drug it won't be difficult. When the disease is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used. If the cause is bronchial asthma, then the main goal is to reduce the hyperreactivity of the immune system.

Full treatment is only possible if the patient has been examined.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapy is an indispensable element modern medicine, which speeds up recovery and also improves the general condition of the body.

Inhalations will help transform a dry cough into a wet one.

For patients with dry cough, the following physiotherapeutic treatment methods may be prescribed:

  • Inhalations. The use gives results not only in eliminating dry cough, but also other pathologies of the respiratory system. It is advisable to use in conjunction with medications. In such a situation, they will act at the source of the problem, which will help achieve more high concentration active elements of the drug directly on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. An adult can do such procedures on their own, but a child needs careful supervision.
  • Mustard plasters. This is a slightly outdated method, but it is still used today. Its essence lies in the fact that mustard essential oils, irritating the skin of the chest, cause a reflex blood flow to respiratory system. Essentially, this mechanism increases the number of formed elements in tissues, helping to quickly fight the disease. It is worth noting the fact that it is advisable to use mustard plasters for bacterial or viral lesions. With bronchial asthma, the patient's condition may worsen as blood flow increases and swelling of the mucous membrane increases.

If there is no temperature, mustard plasters can be installed

  • Massage. An effective method of stimulating the discharge of viscous sputum and eliminating dry cough. Its effectiveness is shown by its vibrational variation. Depending on the severity of the condition, one session per day or more is performed. In addition, rubbing skin chest improve blood flow.
  • Electrophoresis. A current of a certain frequency conducts drugs deep into the tissues, which is considered a good analogue of inhalations. It is worth noting that electrophoresis is recommended for use in hospital treatment.

Physiotherapeutic methods are combined with medication. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics body. It is necessary to approach the use of physiotherapy during pregnancy with caution.

Chest massage speeds up recovery

Unconventional methods

Treatment of dry non-productive cough can be carried out using folk remedies. For this purpose they are used herbal teas or variations of inhalation treatment.

It is worth noting that to obtain the maximum effect, you should consult your doctor. traditional medicine. This specialist is sufficiently qualified to appoint unconventional means treatment. Independent choice can be fraught with an allergic reaction or aggravation of the condition.

For relief, gargles and compresses are used. chest, as well as various infusions. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that most plants contain harmful impurities, leading to poisoning when long-term use. Because of this, it is recommended to drink infusions and decoctions in short courses.

At home, a soda solution is used to treat dry cough.

Most popular recipes for the treatment of dry cough are:

  • Soda solution. For a glass of water you need to take 1 tsp. powder. Gargle at least 3 times a day. The duration of treatment may vary, depending on the severity of the disease. It is worth noting that this remedy is suitable for various etiological factors.
  • A decoction of calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus.

Plant materials can be mixed and matched. One of the basic rules is that you need to prevent liquid from entering digestive tract, as this may lead to the manifestation of other therapeutic effects which are inappropriate in this situation.

Get treatment folk remedies possible as adjuvant therapy, along with generally accepted schemes.

A decoction of calendula will help get rid of the symptom.

Dry cough is a sign various violations in the human body, but it cannot be ignored, especially if we're talking about about the child. They can hide behind a mask of a dry barking cough serious illnesses that pose a direct threat to human life.

Productive cough in a child is natural protective reflex, aimed at o cleaning the upper respiratory tract from foreign contents. Depending on the form of manifestation, cough is divided into dry, non-productive and productive, characterized by sputum production.

Young parents often panic when their child develops a cough, but in about half of the cases, such a reaction has no reason. Cough in children younger age may turn out to be physiological and not be a symptom of the disease. Normally, a child can cough 10–15 times a day.

The following pathologies may be the causes of a productive cough in a child:

  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • expectoration of the contents of the nasopharynx during a runny nose;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating the appearance of pathological changes in organism. To begin treatment, it is necessary to determine the pathology that led to the child’s cough. For diagnosis, you need to consult a pediatrician. You can make sure that the cough is pathological and not physiological in nature by looking at some signs.


Symptoms indicating a productive cough that needs treatment are as follows:

  • duration– the attack begins suddenly and lasts longer than a minute;
  • heard when coughing wheezing;
  • in the expectorated contents you can notice admixture of blood;
  • cough doesn't go away longer than three weeks;
  • child's complaints about the appearance chest pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased temperature(up to 38 degrees and above).

If a child has at least two accompanying symptoms, visit to the doctor to establish final diagnosis and warnings possible complications postponing is not recommended.


How to treat such a cough? The treatment regimen for the child is selected depending on the nature of the sputum produced and the age of the patient. A productive cough lasts longer in children than in adults. The child’s sputum is more viscous and difficult to come out of the bronchi., the amount of sputum produced in children is an order of magnitude higher.

Complex with difficult to separate sputum can be divided into two stages: taking mucolytics(to thin mucus) and expectorants(for its removal from the bronchi).


Mucolytics – drugs aimed at thinning mucus. Medicines in this group have chemical composition, therefore, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before giving them to your child, especially if we are talking about infants.

The main drugs used in the treatment of cough in children include: Ambrobene, Flavamed.

  • Interesting read:


Expectorants - used in the second stage of treatment, when the amount of sputum increases and its nature changes to more liquid and easily separated. Expectorant drugs include syrups plant origin , which act less aggressively on the body, help to successfully complete the treatment.

To facilitate the removal of mucus from the upper respiratory tract, use Gedelix (based on medicinal ivy) or Alteika (with marshmallow extract).

At home

In addition to the medications prescribed by the pediatrician, you yourself can help your child get rid of unpleasant manifestations productive cough. To do this, you can do some simple things at home:

  • Foot baths. Can be used in children over two years of age, provided that the patient does not have a fever.
  • Mustard plasters. They are used from the moment of the first manifestations of the disease, but in the same way as in the case of foot baths, you need to monitor the temperature.
  • Balms. warming balms will help you quickly survive all stages of a productive cough until complete recovery. The recommended drug is Doctor Mom.
  • Massage. You do not need a medical diploma to give your baby a massage. It is enough to gently rub the baby’s chest and back; this measure is the best way to quickly remove phlegm from the body. Massage is especially effective in treating infants.

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With proper treatment, a productive cough goes away quickly enough and does not leave behind unpleasant consequences. To prevent coughing, you need to follow simple preventive measures.


Prevention of cough is due to prevention colds, which are the most common cause of mucus accumulation in the upper respiratory tract. So, in order to minimize the risk of manifestations, it is vital for children:

  • Breast-feeding. With every appointment breast milk, the baby receives the lion's dose of immunity, which helps him get sick less often.
  • Hardening. Relevant from the first days of life. Sun and air baths, regular ventilation of the room - all this helps to ensure that the baby will be less susceptible to frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin complex. Apply according to age, preferably in the cold season. You can also take a plant-based immune-modeling complex for prevention.
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At any time of the year or without visible reasons we may be bothered by a cough. It is protective and natural reaction the body to harmful factors that irritate the respiratory tract. Depending on the nature of the discharge, a distinction is made between productive and non-productive cough.

Each of these types interferes with normal existence, limiting physical activity and delivering psychological discomfort. It is not surprising that we are ready to buy any medicine that a work colleague or neighbor recommends to us. But before you start treatment, you need to find out the features of this symptom.

Productive and unproductive symptom: how to recognize?

Productive, wet or chest cough characterized by the discharge of sputum. It can be periodic or constant, strong or weak. The nature of the disease can be determined by the color of the mucus secreted. Bright yellow color observed in bronchial asthma. Rusty-colored sputum appears in patients diagnosed with lobar pneumonia.

Black mucus is characteristic of pneumoconiosis. Green or yellow sputum is produced when respiratory diseases. White color indicates fungal infection, and a brown tint is often a sign of pneumonia. Mucus with blood clots is especially dangerous: to exclude tuberculosis or other serious pathologies respiratory system, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With a non-productive (dry) cough, sputum is not released from the respiratory tract. Due to its absence, the respiratory tract becomes even more irritated by constant spasms, and the voice becomes hoarse. The patient is tormented by loud and barking cough which can last from two days to several weeks. Attacks usually occur at night. In some cases, they can cause rupture of the mucosa.

Why does a productive wet cough and a non-productive dry cough appear?

There are many reasons why adults and children develop a productive cough:

  • pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • excess nasal contents;
  • passive smoking;
  • pneumonia.

A non-productive (dry) cough can occur for the following reasons:

  • viral diseases;
  • allergy;
  • side effects when taking medications;
  • foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchospasm;
  • croup;
  • increased emotional irritability;
  • inhalation of cigarette smoke.

How to get rid of productive and non-productive cough using pharmaceutical drugs?

If a patient has been diagnosed with a productive cough, he may be prescribed the following medications:

Bromhexine is taken in the form of tablets and syrup. Adults are prescribed one tablet up to four times a day. Children are recommended to take Bromhexine in syrup form. Children under six years old are given a teaspoon of medicine three times a day. Children and adolescents from six to fourteen years old - two teaspoons three times a day. Children over fourteen years old are prescribed three teaspoons of syrup three times a day.

Treatment can last from four days to a month. Bromhexine should not be used for stomach ulcers or pregnancy.

Bronholitin is available in the form of syrup. Adults take a tablespoon of the drug three times a day. Children from three to ten years old - a teaspoon three times a day. Children who are ten years old are prescribed two teaspoons of the drug three times a day.

Broncholitin should not be used in the following cases:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under three years of age;
  • insomnia.

The following pharmaceutical preparations will help cure a dry cough:

  • Codelac phyto (codeine has an antitussive effect);
  • Herbion with plantain (herbal expectorant with anti-inflammatory effect).

Codelac phyto is available in syrup form. Daily dose must be divided into two or three doses. For children from twelve years old and adults it is fifteen milliliters, for children from five to twelve years old - ten milliliters, for children from two to five years old - five milliliters.

Contraindications to this drug are:

Herbion syrup contains mallow flower extract, plantain extract and vitamin C. Adults take two scoops of the drug three to five times a day.

For children from seven to fourteen years old, pediatricians prescribe one or two measuring spoons three times a day, and for children from two to seven years old - one measuring spoon three times a day.

Gerbion syrup is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • allergy to plantain and mallow flowers;
  • age less than two years;
  • fructose intolerance.

Treating productive cough with folk remedies

Coltsfoot, wild rosemary, Thermopsis lanceolata, plantain and pine buds have proven themselves well as expectorants. For cooking healing tea you need to take two tablespoons of any of the presented remedies, pour five glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. Take a third of a glass of tea up to four times a day.

Radish with honey also helps. To prepare this remedy, you need to make a hole in the vegetable, add a few spoons of honey and leave it in the dark for four hours. The extracted juice should be taken one spoon three times a day.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of non-productive cough

Milk with sage helps with non-productive cough. Pour a tablespoon of sage into one glass of milk and bring to a boil over low heat. The decoction is taken warm.

Viburnum decoction is also an effective remedy. To prepare it, one hundred grams of berries are boiled for ten minutes in one liter of water.

The cooled broth should be strained and three tablespoons of honey should be added. Medicine take half a glass four times a day.

The patient's condition can be alleviated with honey and milk. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of milk and take it before bed. To soften your throat, you can add a piece of butter to this drink.

There are many causes of cough, so at the first disturbing symptoms you need to contact medical institution. Only a doctor, after a careful examination and diagnosis, can prescribe effective therapy. Remember that self-medication is harmful to your health!

Cough is one of the leading symptoms of many diseases of an infectious or other nature. Pathology often causes inconvenience, contributes to a decrease in the quality of life and a deterioration in the general well-being of the patient. Experts distinguish between a nonproductive cough and a productive one. Both syndromes have different mechanisms of development and different treatment options. In order to choose the right remedy for treatment, it is first necessary to take into account its form and the provoking factor of development.

Difference between non-productive and productive cough

A nonproductive cough is a condition that does not produce mucus from the respiratory tract. Its name is associated with the lack of mucus formation, which leads to even greater irritation of the respiratory system.

An unproductive or dry cough often becomes loud and barking. The pathology can disturb the patient throughout different periods time - from 2 days to several weeks. Under the influence of constant spasms it develops characteristic feature disturbances – hoarseness of voice.

Attacks of unproductive cough predominantly develop at night. In particular severe cases they become unsafe, as they can cause rupture of the mucous membranes.

A productive cough (wet, chesty) is characterized by the discharge of bronchial or pulmonary mucus. This process often replaces the unproductive syndrome and can have a different character:

  • periodic;
  • constant;
  • weakly expressed;
  • strong.

Unlike a dry cough, a productive cough is lighter and easier to treat. It is not recommended to eliminate it abruptly - coughing up phlegm is an important protective function that helps remove viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies from the body.

Why does a dry cough develop?

The dry variety is associated with various diseases. This symptom often accompanies:

  1. Acute viral pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Rhinitis.
  4. Laryngitis.
  5. Sinusitis.
  6. Pericarditis.
  7. False croup in children.

Coughing without complete discharge of mucous secretions occurs due to prolonged inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, allergic reactions, penetration of foreign small objects into the respiratory system.

Unproductive cough becomes frequent companion smokers (both active and passive), can act as side effect caused by taking certain medications, accompany increased emotional stress. This type of syndrome is not always associated with diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Gastric pathologies, heart disease, liver disease, and thyroid disease also lead to its development.

Dry cough tends to last for a long time. It often bothers the patient for several weeks or even months. Poor quality treatment of pathology is fraught with its rapid transition to chronic form, development of asthma, neuroses, heart failure.

Factors leading to wet cough

The appearance of this type of pathology is preceded by:

  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in lung tissue.

Attacks with sputum production can occur in the presence of congenital anatomical features respiratory organs, against the background of the development of heartburn, with a sharp change temperature regime environment.

When wet coughing develops, it is important to monitor the color of the secretion. If it is transparent or has a whitish tint, therapeutic tactics chosen correctly. You should be wary if yellow, green or black sputum or bloody impurities appear. Such phenomena often indicate the development of a dangerous inflammatory process and require detailed diagnostics.

It is unusual for a wet cough to develop against the background of an allergy. It also rarely appears due to the occurrence of cardiac, gastric and other diseases associated with disturbances in the functioning of organs not related to the respiratory system.

What is considered more dangerous?

A danger to the patient's condition may arise when severe attacks dry, hacking cough. This type of syndrome can lead to intense irritation of the pharynx and nasal cavity. In some cases, increased coughing provokes the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhages in the organs of vision, blocked ears. If the syndrome does not stop over a long period of time, the patient may experience a sharp increase in blood pressure(with a tendency to hypertension).

A progressive nonproductive cough can provoke cramps, vomiting, and even loss of consciousness. This form of pathology is always considered more severe in comparison with the productive syndrome; it requires effective dilution of sputum and an increase in its separation. Only in this case it is possible to improve the patient’s condition and speed up recovery.

How to treat a nonproductive cough

Medicines prescribed for the development of dry syndrome are of three types:

  1. Antitussives.
  2. Mucolytics.
  3. Combined medications.

Antitussives lead to immediate relief of cough syndrome by acting on certain parts of the brain. The drugs included in this group are divided into narcotic and non-narcotic. Both varieties inhibit the development of the cough reflex.

Popular antitussive products include:

  • Libexin;
  • Terpincode;
  • Omnitus;
  • Codelac Phyto;
  • Codeine;
  • Levopront;
  • Glaucinth.

Mucolytics are drugs that help speed up the transition of a nonproductive cough to a wet one and activate the liquefaction of viscous sputum. Patients are often prescribed the following means from this category - Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Mucaltin, licorice root syrup, ACC.

Combined products are multicomponent medications that can simultaneously relieve inflammation, thin and remove mucus, and improve overall well-being due to the inclusion of vitamin components. This type medicines are represented by such drugs as Halixol, Bronholitin, Stoptussin, Codelac Broncho.

Medicines for dry cough are available in tablets, capsules and liquid form. The first 2 drug options are prescribed to adults and adolescents. Syrups and suspension – traditional means combating the disease in children of early (preschool) age.

Medicines for the productive type of the syndrome

The most effective means of helping in the treatment of wet cough syndrome are medications with expectorant properties. The action of such drugs is aimed at eliminating phlegm from the lungs and bronchi, restoring the full functioning of the respiratory system.

On the list effective medicines for a wet cough are:

  1. Bromhexine.
  2. Bronchosan.
  3. Fluimucil.
  4. Libexin Muco.
  5. Fluicort.
  6. Fluditek.

In addition to the above pharmaceutical medicines, there are drugs that can simultaneously eliminate both types of illness. These medications include syrups that help treat productive and dry coughs in children and adults - Joset, Stodal, Doctor MOM, tablets and suspensions Flavamed, Amrogexal.

How to make a cough productive using folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a variety of treatment methods for both types of cough syndrome. One of the most effective ways Inhalations are used to cure a coughing patient and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system.

For the nonproductive type of syndrome, inhalation is used:

For the successful transition of a dry cough to a wet one, rubbing means a lot. Used to treat children and adults camphor oil, goat, badger, lamb or goose fat.

Methods of unconventional treatment of the wet variety

Indicated for wet cough steam inhalations with mint, infusion of raspberry roots. It will be effective to inhale a mixture of essential oils eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree, steam from cooked potatoes.

Ingestion helps overcome wet cough healing decoctions. Popular products are made from licorice roots, flaxseed, and a composition of pine buds, cooked with milk. Treatment of the productive type of syndrome with aloe juice is common. This product combine in equal proportions with honey and lingonberry juice, consume a little throughout the day.