Time to collect bath brooms. Preparing birch brooms for a bathhouse is a simple science. Timing for the preparation of brooms

Experts highlight following dates preparation of brooms: approximately from the 15th of June until approximately mid-July (after Peter's Day, i.e. after July 10), you can safely prepare birch accessories for the bathhouse. By this time, the birch tree has already faded, the earrings have fallen off, and this ideal condition for cutting stems. The leaves are filled with beneficial nutrients and natural essential oils.

But there is such a thing as the individual climate of an area, when in every region of Russia a birch tree drops catkins into different time. For example, in one area the birch tree has already dropped its earrings, but in another it has not even blossomed. The task of a person who plans to knit birch brooms is to track all these points, choose the optimal period and, in compliance with all the rules, prepare the brooms for the bath.

TOP 10 tips on how and when to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse?

  1. Give preference to branches growing at the bottom of the tree crown. These are the youngest and most elastic stems.
  1. The best option tree - a young birch tree that has never bloomed. This tree has soft, smooth and silky leaves.
  1. The average length of birch branches is about 50 cm.
  1. The place where the trees grow plays a role. Those that grow near roads and industrial areas are not suitable. It is better to look for a suitable birch tree in a thicket or grove, or even better, if the tree grows near a lake or river.
  1. Check the texture of the leaves. They should be silky and with barely noticeable roughness.
  1. When to collect birch brooms for a bath? Cutting down stems are necessary when the weather is dry. The fact is that when wet leaves dry, they change color, curl into a tube, and then fly off.
  1. Branches for brooms are torn strictly in the first half of the day, approximately before 9 am.
  1. For cutting branches, choose the classic “weeping birch” - a tall tree with elastic, long, unbreakable and flowing branches.
  1. Treat wood with care. Ideal when only unnecessary branches are broken. This way you thin out the birch tree.
  2. The good thing about June and July birch is that the leaves already have enough juice and they contain high concentrations of useful substances.

In proven bathhouse complexes, bathhouse attendants work with correctly prepared birch brooms. In our catalog of baths in St. Petersburg, you can choose a suitable establishment to personally see such an ideal broom, and evaluate the quality of the massage with an impeccable bath accessory.

5 simple steps to properly tie a broom from birch branches

  • « We reach the handle" Before the weaving procedure, the stems should be cleared of leaves and small twigs by about 15 cm in order to properly prepare future "handle".
  • Forming a dense middle. The basis is laid on thicker and more elastic stems, which will become a reliable “backbone” for the future bath accessory.
  • Creating volume. We lay out thin branches around the base with bends inward. It’s easy to check whether you’ve laid the stems correctly - the leaves should “look” at you with their glossy side.
  • We tie the “bath fan” with a textile rope, but not with wire. Experts insist on tying the stems with string to avoid injuries and burns during broom massage. The ends of the branches can be additionally wrapped with braid, which protects the hands of the bathhouse attendant from chafing.
  • Drying the branches. Tied brooms are hung on a pole or rope. Note! The stems should not be exposed to direct ultraviolet rays (the sun will cause overheating and curling of the leaves) - it is better to hang them in an area of ​​active air circulation (in a draft).

The best place for drying is a veranda or an area in the natural shade provided by trees. After drying, the finished bath accessories are stored.

After tying, evaluate the weight of the broom, hold it in your hand, and perform several strokes. It should not be too heavy, even if you take into account that the stems and leaves will dry out. On average, one birch broom takes about twenty stems.

Read also

Rulesdrying and ideal storage of birch broom

  • Classic drying. The brooms are hung on a rope in a row and dried for two or three weeks.
  • Dryin Finnish. The Finns offer their own technology of “shock freezing”. According to this technique, the accessory is packaged in a sealed transparent film and then frozen at a temperature of − 40 °C. To defrost, just dip a broom in the steam room warm water and hold it over the stones for a while.
  • “Broom in the hayloft” technique. Old Russian method of drying brooms in a haystack. Birch brooms are placed on a stack in a circle, alternating with a layer of hay. With this technology, the broom retains its shape and acquires an even richer aroma.

The optimal place to store a finished birch broom is an area with above-zero temperatures (up to −15 °C) and low humidity. High temperatures and lack of air circulation will cause the broom to lose its freshness or simply “suffocate.” To get it right keep brooms, choose a place on the balcony, veranda, in a ventilated garage, shed, or on the attic floor of a private house.

If the broom becomes very flat during storage, do not worry. When steamed, it will restore its volume. And he will definitely accept his perfect shape to “hug the body” of the bath guest.

Experts share secrets. Answers to questions about harvesting birch brooms

  • Does the color of the leaves on the stems that you plan to cut play a role? ?

Yes, he is playing! If the leaf has a light green tint, it’s too early to cut off the branches. If the leaves have already acquired a rich green tint, the stems are ready for cutting. Branches with yellow leaves are not suitable for bath brooms.

  • How to taste whether birch branches are ready for cutting?

Experienced bath attendants who make preparations do just that. If the leaf has a sweetish taste, it is too early to cut off the branches. And, if there is bitterness in the taste, this is what you need!

  • How many times will a well-tied and properly prepared broom last?

You can safely steam with this accessory two or three times. An impeccable birch broom seems to “play” in the hands of the bathhouse attendant. Using it is an incredible pleasure, the broom does not slip out of your hands, and most importantly, it brings maximum benefit to a person.

  • Is it possible to “mix” birch stems with other plants?

It’s not just possible, but necessary! When preparing brooms, experts advise placing branches of aromatic herbs inside: mint, yarrow, lavender, chamomile stems, currant branches, thyme. The healing mix will create a wonderful atmosphere in the steam room, and most importantly, provide a healthy massage.

  • How to understand that a broom has been prepared according to the rules?

The leaves of the finished bath accessory have a rich green color, and the broom itself has a stunning aroma (something similar to balsamic oil), fluffy, and voluminous. After steaming, the aroma will be even more intense.

We are sure that our tips will help you prepare the best birch brooms and get real pleasure from using them!

What could be better than a Russian bathhouse? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, provide moral relief and relaxation, and an integral attribute of the procedure is a bathhouse broom. Of course, in public bath You can buy a broom, but experts prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms themselves. We will tell you in this article about when and in what timeframes the preparation of bath brooms is carried out.

When are birch brooms prepared for a bath?

The brooms are prepared depending on the type of plant from which the bath accessory is planned to be made. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015 it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19th.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

Birch broom

The first 2 weeks after Trinity, as it says folk wisdom, are most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. The leaves on the trees and plants have accumulated juice and concentrated high concentration useful substances.

Depending on the plant species, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: beneficial properties and preparation time

The linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, rowan or willow. Such a broom is prepared from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow away from the industrial zone. A linden broom strengthens the skin, improves sweating, and helps relieve headaches.

Linden broom

The nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, break up salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately mid-summer. Remember that nettle broom can be used once; if you want to treat radiculitis with it, then stock up on medicinal herbs during the season.

Advice! To prevent the nettle from stinging, use a broom contrast bathing, lowering it into boiling water for 3 minutes, then into cold water for 3 minutes, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, steam the broom in boiling water and use immediately.

When are oak brooms prepared, and what are they used to treat?

Oak broom – magic remedy For oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use an oak broom in a bathhouse will give the skin matte and freshness.

Oak broom

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. The procurement of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For oak bath brooms, trees are selected under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not fall off during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the procurement of raw materials, birch trees growing in wet lowlands are selected. Preparations begin to be collected after Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin’s Day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch tree that has not yet had time to become covered with buds. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length should be about half a meter.

1 birch broom takes about 20-30 branches, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in the same direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with natural rope; remember that the branches will dry out and must initially be firmly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

The broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes irritated skin. Using a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bathing procedures tie brooms as needed, and the collected raw materials are folded in layers so that the upper branches protect the middle ones. Such a sheaf is placed in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural fabric. Direct knitting is done as follows:

Tie the broom tightly before drying

  • The branches are selected according to length and laid. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where the handle will be, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted and a handle is formed. The handle is made using twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with fabric, which will protect the bathhouse attendant’s hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm and no more than 80 cm. otherwise using a broom will simply be inconvenient.

How to properly dry finished brooms?

Drying is done outside, but the brooms are hung in the shade. Under straight lines sun rays the leaves curl, wither, lose their color and aroma. After steaming an “overheated” broom, all the leaves will fall off and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have Negative influence on the branches of a broom. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly together and sent for storage. As a result, the broom becomes flattened and during bathing procedures one gets the feeling that it is “hugging the body.”

How to steam bath brooms correctly?

Steaming determines the hardness of the broom, and it is carried out in very hot water, but not in boiling water. To obtain stiffness, the broom is dipped in a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends 40-50 minute steaming. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Bathhouse attendants recommend keeping the broom in cold water for about 20 minutes, and then sharply immersing it in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom was steamed receives part beneficial properties, therefore it is used for aromatic steam in the bath, rinsing hair and bathing.

If you dry out your broom, you should cover it overnight before using it. damp towel or put it in a container with cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are selected for storage. A barn, garage, or insulated balcony are suitable, because under the pressure of high temperatures, the broom loses its freshness and leaves.

Steaming a broom

You can also store a broom using Finnish technology, subjecting it to shock freezing at temperatures above -40 C. The brooms are first packaged in sealed bags, for example, cling film.

The preparation of bath brooms must begin within the specified time frame, otherwise you will receive a broom with leaves that are too young or old, which will fall off the branch on the way to the bathhouse. Properly prepared brooms will give you a boost of energy and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Bath brooms: photo

Brooms are an integral attribute of the Russian bath. Wellness treatments are carried out using bath brooms water procedures that have a positive effect on the body.

At the same time, it is important to know the most suitable species plants, features of their cutting, drying, mating and others important aspects preparing brooms.

By following the rules for steaming each type of bath broom, you can significantly improve the effect they provide. Brooms are always on sale, but it is much more pleasant to collect and prepare them yourself.

Types of bath brooms and their properties

Bath brooms made from various types trees and shrubs.

Each plant differs in the content of certain vitamins, essential oils, tannins.

Tannins- This organic compounds, found in many plants, can be used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal agent.

Depending on the desired effect, you need to use one or another broom, since their use not only brings pleasure, but also treats various diseases . The following bath brooms are considered the most useful:

  • birch
  • oak
  • fake
  • juniper
  • nettles
  • eucalyptus
  • maple

Birch broom

Birch is considered the best option for a broom, thanks to durability, convenience and flexibility. Birch leaves They have a rough and porous surface, due to which they effectively absorb moisture, adhering tightly to the skin. Brooms made from weeping or curly birch are especially useful.

In the first case, the broom turns out to be very light and flexible, and in the second - thick, resistant to hot steam. Using a broom helps improve the condition skin, cleansing them, healing wounds, abrasions, eliminates the feeling of aching joints and muscles, and has a positive effect on mood.

The use of birch broom will be useful for those who abuse smoking or suffer from asthmatic and other types of lung diseases.

Oak broom

Oak leaves and bark are saturated tannins and produce healing effect . After using the broom, the skin becomes elastic, matte, and stops inflammatory processes, and the oiliness of the skin disappears.

Regular bath procedures using an oak broom can improve arterial pressure, normalize its performance thanks to the aroma of oak. Compared to birch broom, it absorbs moisture worse, but is characterized greater strength.

Linden broom

The main advantage of linden leaves is that they contain a variety of bactericidal substances, as well as essential oils.

The use of a linden broom is considered especially useful for those who suffer from colds with characteristic symptoms(runny nose, headache, sore throat, cough, fever), the use of such a broom is especially useful in winter.

The spreading aroma of linden helps to get rid of headaches, can reduce fever, remove heat, has a relaxing and sedative effect. Linden also helps heal wounds and stimulate kidney function.

Juniper broom

Not everyone can use a common juniper broom due to its rough and thorny branches. Improper use causes numerous wounds on the skin, so a broom must be soft, well steamed.

However, the plant is famous for its numerous positive properties. Juniper disinfects the surface of the skin, removes inflammation, and is used in the treatment of rheumatism and radiculitis. The use of a broom is effective for colds, allergic diseases and flu.

Another type of juniper is also common - Cossack, which is known for its poisonous fruits, but the branches and bark can be used without fear.

Timing for the preparation of brooms

Any types of brooms for the bath are prepared in summer, but in different periods.

Birch brooms are best harvested in early-mid July. The ideal period for oak is from June to August. Good brooms obtained from linden trees collected in July or August.

Juniper shrubs have best properties, beginning with late spring to mid-summer.

Important! Brooms made from untimely harvested plants fall apart at the first use due to weak or too old leaves.

Rules for preparing bath brooms

cutting branches should be in dry and clear weather, perfect time- the first half of the day. Several bushes and trees are used for cutting.

Young plants whose branches have the necessary flexibility are best suited. Avoid trees and bushes located next to the roadway. The optimal length of a branch cut is 50-60 cm.

After cutting the branches, they are laid out in 1 layer in the shade so that the leaves become a little limp ( an hour is enough). When transporting, it is not recommended to carefully pack the workpieces - due to elevated temperature, which forms inside the package, the leaves may fall off.

Drying and knitting bath brooms

They don't fit fresh plants, A dried– it is enough to spread the branches in the shade for 2 days.

Before knitting the branch in place of the handle, carefully are cleared from leaves and twigs. When assembling a broom, lay out each branch so that the leaves are directed in one direction - you will get a kind of fan.

This broom turns out thick and, when used, fits tightly to the skin. When assembling the broom, the following must be observed: subsequence:

  • a broom is assembled (long and thick branches are on the inside, short and thin branches are on the outside)
  • the place of the future broom handle is tightly wrapped with a cord (closer to the leaves)
  • The cord is tied with several knots for strength
  • the ends of the handle are trimmed to the same length

Advice! To make the aroma emanating from the broom even more intense during use, add sprigs of mint, sage or thyme to the broom.

Drying brooms are carried out in a shady, dry and cool place. In the sun, the leaves curl, as a result, the leaves lose their beneficial properties, aroma, and original color.

Turn each broom over daily so that the branches dry evenly. You can dry them in in limbo- this is the simplest way. The result should be fan-shaped brooms of a matte green hue.

Storing bath brooms

Improper storage can ruin brooms from the most the best plants, make them yellow, stale, with a barely noticeable odor.

Brooms are well preserved indoors, where they are not exposed to sunlight, but there is ventilation. The main thing is that there is dry and dark. In urban conditions, brooms are placed in paper bags, and if possible, it is best to cover them on all sides with hay.

You can buy ready-made brooms from various materials in any bathhouse. They are sold at affordable price: from 70 to 150 rubles per piece depending on the size and plants used.

Brooms are often found in vacuum packaging which were previously frozen. Thanks to freezing, brooms retain both beneficial substances and odors. And vacuum packaging helps preserve the brooms.

How to steam bath brooms correctly

Brooms are getting tired differently depending on the type of trees used.

  • Eucalyptus should be soaked in a basin with hot water for half an hour. Eucalyptus is not used as a base for a broom, but as an addition to the composition
  • Birch washed under running water, immersed once for 3-4 minutes in cold water and for 5 minutes in hot water. Then the broom needs to be scalded with boiling water directly in the basin and left there under the lid for 10 minutes
  • Oak the leaves are denser and require a different approach. They are steamed in boiling water for about 20 minutes, immersed in cold water, and then again in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  • Juniper It is not dried, but used fresh due to its specific qualities. The steaming process takes a long time - more than half an hour in hot water. This is necessary to soften the branches and needles. If desired, you can use branches that have not been treated with water, but after such use, many small scratches will appear on the skin.

You can watch how to properly prepare brooms for a bath in this video instruction.

Bath brooms are now, as before, given special attention. It is simply impossible to imagine a bathhouse without them, since it will no longer be her, but something else. In fact, steamers are deprived of the emotional and healing effect, so you need to know when to prepare brooms for a bath and how to do it.

But only correct preparation brooms for a bath, when all the conventions are met, can be beneficial - help you improve your health and get real pleasure from the procedures. Otherwise, you will simply “whip” yourself with wooden branches, and even damage your skin. This is not just a bath tool, it can be called complex design, the foundation of which is laid at the stage when it is necessary to prepare brooms for the bath.

The deadline for preparing brooms for a bath is very important and cannot be missed. Only then can you get that one from them.

During the period when brooms are prepared for the bathhouse, almost all parts of the plant - leaves, buds, thin branches - begin to be filled with useful medicinal substances.

In addition, they are obtained:

  • durable;
  • elastic;
  • soft,

and the leaves on the branches will hold on as tightly as possible. Such a “tool” will be able to withstand more than one steam room, which is also important.

What kind of broom is there?

Their range and price are quite diverse, everyone can choose exactly which one they like best. At the same time, you can take into account the opinion of “bath experts” who claim that each of them has its own healing properties.

The most common are considered to be:

  • birch;
  • oak;
  • eucalyptus;
  • linden trees

Less commonly used:

  • nettle;
  • fir;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • from wormwood;
  • cherry shoots;
  • rowan;
  • ashen;
  • aspen;
  • from bird cherry.

also in Lately Combination options have gained popularity, when a few aromatic or medicinal plants are added to the main components:

  • linden;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • fireweed;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon balm;
  • nettle;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile;
  • currants;
  • raspberries

When they are steamed in a bathhouse, the aromas of coniferous forests, garden and meadow plants appear.

Tip: Place stinging and thorny branches inside, except when stinging poultices are needed during the treatment.

Preparation - general knowledge

The most optimal time When it is better to prepare brooms for a bathhouse, it is considered time for the grass to bloom. During this period, the leaf becomes tender, soft and fragrant, and also already strengthened.

Start preparing on the 49th day after Easter - Trinity Sunday, which usually occurs at the beginning of summer. The best time is the first half of the day after dew in dry weather. Finish on “Ilya’s Day”, August 2, since according to popular beliefs, after this day they no longer have healing power, except eucalyptus and oak.

Advice: make sure that the leaf holds well and there are no resin or thorns on the branches.

When you need to prepare brooms for a bath, also take into account the following factor; do not use growing raw materials:

  • next to the road;
  • near industrial enterprises;
  • close to high voltage lines.


  1. Treat your plants with care; do not cut off all the branches with your own hands, but only those that are necessary.
  2. Choose young plants that are approximately 2-3 years old; their branches bend well.
  3. Birch that grows near water, which is called “weeping”, is especially valued:
    • the best ones are to take branches close to the ground;
    • shoots should be thin, flexible, straight, hanging and long;
    • the sheet should be velvety, not rough.
  4. Cut side shoots using pruning shears for convenience.
  5. Do not transport brooms in bags or other containers. It is better to tie them with a rope and leave them open.
  6. As it says folk instructions, upon arrival, they must be immediately untied so that they do not pack together, otherwise they will not become elastic and loose.
  7. You can start knitting only 2-3 days after they have dried in the utility room, where they should be protected from direct sunlight.
  8. Sort branches by length before tying.
  9. Clear about a third of the leaves from the butt of each branch, then the broom will disintegrate less and will be enough for 2-3 steam rooms.


Most often it is oak, which is no coincidence.

It is no longer a secret that birch has long been used in folk medicine and in modern times as a means:

  • diuretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • restorative for colds, as well as during surgical operations;
  • disinfectant.

In the vast expanses of our country, you can find birch almost everywhere; more than 100 species grow here. Steamers love it because of its small and soft leaves, which easily glide over the body during the procedure and can be used by everyone without restrictions.


May - best time When to prepare brooms for a birch bath, at the moment young leaves appear on the branches. By Trinity, the shoots will have already collected the required amount of juice and the emerging foliage will reach the required size.

If you miss the moment when to prepare brooms for the bath, they will no longer give the expected healing effect, and the leaves from them will quickly fall off.


Birch branches are flexible and long, so they require certain knowledge and skills to use in a steam room. Sometimes, to make it easier to use, it is “strengthened” with several oak branches, which are placed inside. Now the “tool” will not be so flexible, but this will not affect the efficiency in any way.


It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties. A broom made from oak branches is more durable in use than a birch one, and is heavier, which allows it to produce more steam. Recommended for people with skin problems, such as hives or eczema, as well as those who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet and hands.

You high blood pressure and don't know what to do? Use an oak broom in the steam room; naturally, before doing this, you should consult a doctor.


You need to know when to prepare oak brooms for a bath in order to fully benefit from their use. The best option is from June to September.

At the same time, when preparing oak brooms for a bath, you should take into account its weight and volume, so select the branches in such a way that they are convenient to use. Remember, due to their characteristics, they are much more difficult to use, especially after steaming.

Tip: if you want more humidity in the steam room and thick steam, take an oak broom with its broad-leaved branches.


The most Russian bath broom is made from linden.

The wood of this tree was also used in ancient times:

  • for the construction of a bathhouse;
  • benches, shelves, tubs were also made from it;
  • they made mats and washcloths.

The aroma of a linden broom in a bathhouse is reminiscent of the smell of an apiary, where there is fresh honey and propolis.

Healing properties of linden
  • Helps fight diseases respiratory tract, for example, tea is used to treat chronic cough, sore throat, etc.;
  • General strengthening and sedative;
  • Linden blossom clears the skin of acne, various rashes, can remove freckles;
  • Linden decoction, honey and tea are used to strengthen brittle hair and whiten skin.

Early spring is the period when it is the most appropriate time to prepare linden bath brooms. At this time, the plant begins to flower.


The end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the period when it is already possible to prepare a broom for a bath from eucalyptus. In this case, use only the twig-like type of plant. It helps with illness respiratory system, neuralgia and joint pain, heals wounds well and reduces pain.

Two or three uses are enough. Plus, it's hard to find anything better for natural inhalation.

Tip: When using, reinforce the eucalyptus broom with oak branches to make it easier to use.


In the form of brooms, you can use shoots and branches of bushes or bunches of different medicinal herbs. For example, nettle, cherry, mint are suitable for this. Wormwood, currant and others. Prefabricated brooms are also made when they are excessively flexible, like eucalyptus or birch.

They are in no way inferior in their healing characteristics to similar options.

When making a choice, remember that the use of a broom depends on its flexibility and shape:

  1. Massive oak brooms generate more steam. They should be moved with caution so as not to burn the body.
  2. Soft and long - require more sweeping and powerful movements.
  3. When you use a broom yourself, you get not only a healing effect, but also physical activity. Together, this will improve blood circulation, metabolic processes in the body and will provide an opportunity to lose excess weight.


Preparation of brooms - important stage preparation for bath procedures. Every tree at some point becomes a treasure healing properties, so you can't miss this moment. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

The bath not only allows you to wash yourself, but also helps improve your health. IN heat allows all muscles to completely relax, pores to open and help the body get rid of impurities in the form of waste and toxins that come with food, water, and air.

Literally, after a steam bath, a person becomes younger - the skin becomes more beautiful, acquiring a healthy appearance, metabolism is normalized, and work improves of cardio-vascular system and the overall tone of the body rises.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “Whoever takes a steam bath does not grow old for a long time!”

But not only high temperature is important for improving well-being. An accessory such as a broom is no less important.

Today, brooms are made from a variety of plants - there are juniper, oak, wormwood, tansy, nettle, eucalyptus, rowan, and linden brooms.

But one of the most popular for many centuries in a row is the birch broom. Why is he so good? Let's find out in this article what the benefits of an oak broom are, how to properly prepare, store, and then steam a broom from birch branches.

What are the benefits of birch broom?

A broom in a bathhouse can work real miracles. Branches and leaves steamed in hot water are a source of not only a subtle aroma that fills the steam room, but also a source of many useful substances - phytancides, flavonoids and aromatic essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Penetrating the skin, they saturate it useful microelements, restoring beauty and elasticity, and volatile essential oils inhaled with air improve the functioning of the respiratory system, cleansing the lungs. This is especially true for smokers and people working in hazardous industries.

Skillful wooing with a broom different parts body, improves subcutaneous blood flow and lymphatic drainage, helping to destroy and remove plugs of waste and toxins that interfere with normal blood circulation and form unpleasant " orange peel" cellulite.

In this case, you do not need to whip the broom hard on the skin. The movements should resemble light pats, and the broom should act as a fan, driving up waves of healing hot air.

After sweating properly with a broom, a person is literally transformed - his mood improves, and he feels a surge of strength. The energy charge remains after visiting the sauna for a long time, keeping the body in good shape.

When to harvest birch brooms?

From time immemorial, a very specific time was chosen for preparing brooms, when it was believed that the plants were in their sap and the benefits from such a broom would be maximum.

As a rule, brooms were collected and knitted on the 50th day after Easter or 2 weeks after Trinity. At this time, the leaves are in their juice and have the strongest and most pleasant aroma.

Birch brooms are harvested in the 2-3rd decade of June before catkins appear on the trees. By this time the leaf should become smooth and velvety.

How to harvest birch brooms?

It is better to choose dry weather for collecting brooms. The brooms collected during the dry period have strong leaves that hold well and do not fly off when drying.

Brooms collected in rainy weather darken, their leaves curl and fall off the branches.

If rainy weather sets in after Trinity, you should not rush, you must wait until it clears up and the rain stops.

It is best to collect branches for brooms away from roads and large cities. If possible, it is better to go to some remote corner where trees are not exposed to harmful substances contained in vehicle exhaust gases and industrial emissions.

To collect branches you will need pruning shears, which should be purchased in advance.

The best branches for brooms are the thin lower branches, those that grow closer to the ground. They are softer, but still quite durable. If you like to be whipped with a broom, then you can choose branches that are more elastic.

How to knit a birch broom?

For tying a broom, branches 40-80 cm long without dry knots and with big amount leaves. If you like to steam alone, then it is better to choose longer branches. This will allow you to make a broom with which you can steam your back without outside help.

Before you start tying a broom, the branches need to be cleared of knots and also freed of leaves bottom part branches, where the broom handle will be.

Long branches are trimmed with pruning shears.

After this, collect the broom and tie all the branches with ropes.

Exist different ways mating. The main thing is that the broom is strong and does not crumble when used in the bathhouse.

As you can see, tying a broom is not that difficult. After this, the brooms should be thoroughly dried so that they are stored for a long time and the wood and leaves do not deteriorate.

How to properly dry a birch broom?

In order for the brooms to retain their properties, not to deteriorate and become rotten or moldy, they must be thoroughly dried.

In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • the broom should not dry in a draft;
  • the broom should not dry in direct sunlight;
  • the broom should not be dried in a room with high humidity;
  • The broom should be dried in a room with good ventilation.

A wooden shed is perfect for drying brooms, where you can hang them on ropes to dry.

If you live in a city apartment, it is best to purchase a ready-made broom. But you can also dry it on the balcony. To do this, you can hang brooms on clotheslines, protecting them from direct sunlight.

You can dry brooms in a hanging or lying position. In a lying position, the brooms are dried and then stored in the hayloft, turning them over periodically. Such brooms then look flatter and bristle less.

How to choose the right broom when buying?

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to collect twigs yourself, knit and then dry brooms, then you can purchase ready-made ones.

But when purchasing, you should carefully choose high-quality specimens so that the broom delivers the greatest benefit.

To do this, you should first pay attention to the size of the leaves. The leaf size of a birch broom should not be more than 3 cm. The leaves on a birch tree reach this size just in time for the best time to harvest brooms.

Leaves should not be curled. Most of the leaves should be even. This indicates that they were dried correctly, following the drying regime. If brooms are dried by heating or in the hot sun, they wither and the leaves curl, losing their shape and beautiful appearance.

Also pay attention to the color of the leaves in the broom. If the leaves have a yellow or brown tint, then such brooms were probably prepared in the fall from branches that had already lost all their healing properties.

How to steam a birch broom correctly?

Why do you need to steam a broom at all? First of all, this is done in order to soften the branches and make them more flexible and less prickly. Soaked twigs and leaves will not damage the skin, will not hurt or scratch. In addition, having absorbed moisture, the broom begins to evaporate medicinal essential oils, and the leaves and bark of birch branches release beneficial substances that saturate the skin when “cooling” with the broom.

But for this, the broom needs to be properly steamed. This is done as follows. First you need to rinse the broom warm water and place in a basin or bucket of cool water for a few minutes.

After that the broom takes them out cold water and immerse in water heated to approximately 40 degrees, where it is left for 5-7 minutes.

After this, add boiling water. To make the water really hot, cover with a lid and let stand for another 10-15 minutes.

A birch broom steamed in this way becomes elastic and begins to exude a subtle aroma. To enhance the pleasant smell, you can hold the broom over the heater, turning it slowly. The heat from the stones will enhance the release of volatile essential oils. contained in birch branches.

How to steam with a birch broom?

You need to steam with a broom so that it acts as a fan, pumping hot air to the skin. You should not whip with a broom. Touching should not be painful or strong. The broom should barely touch the skin. This will stimulate blood flow and nourish the skin. useful substances, while simultaneously increasing sweating and the release of waste and toxins accumulated in the body.

Below you can watch a video on how to properly steam with a broom.