How to get rid of insomnia on your own! When should you start taking medications for insomnia? Folk remedies

Doctors do not recommend treating sleep disorders that are not associated with somatic disorders with synthetic drugs. Most modern pharmacological drugs cause addiction and side effects. For children and pregnant women, pills for sleep disorders can cause irreparable harm. Homemade remedies for insomnia have the least contraindications. Non-drug treatments include herbal teas, aromatherapy, relaxing baths, soothing massage and other treatments.

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    Insomnia (insomnia) characterizes a condition in which there is late falling asleep and early awakening. Night rest is interrupted, its depth decreases. In medicine, insomnia refers to mental disorders and neuroses.

    Sleep disturbance can be complete or partial. Provoke similar condition overwork, mental agitation, emotional stress.If a person cannot sleep for several days in a row, there is a risk of developing the following negative consequences:

    • depressive states;
    • decreased immunity;
    • deterioration in concentration, memory impairment;
    • loss of appetite;
    • dizziness and fainting.

    Treatment at home

    You can improve sleep for a healthy but easily excitable person with the help of the correct daily routine and traditional medicine recipes. Long-term insomnia diagnosed as a disease should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. In such cases, synthetic drugs are needed. Most of them cause side effects. Any remedy for insomnia synthetic origin It is not recommended for use for a long period of time. In old age, the dosage of drugs should not be high. It is recommended to take half the amount recommended in the instructions for the medication.

    If somatic disease is excluded chronic course, experts recommend complex treatment, based on home methods. It is necessary to exclude spicy and smoked foods from the diet. It is not recommended to eat before bed, as digestive problems interfere with proper rest. You need to install correct mode day. 2-3 hours before bedtime, you need to stop active movements, it is best to take a bath with aromatic oils. Avoid watching TV and working with electronic devices.

    Helps fight sleep disorders various techniques relaxation. Yoga or breathing exercises can help you relax and fall asleep quickly. Listening to calm classical music will help. Moderate regular physical activity eliminates the manifestations of insomnia that occurs due to physical inactivity ( sedentary lifestyle life). Taking vitamin and mineral complexes will help get rid of anxiety, increase performance and improve sleep.

    Don't go to bed irritated. Walking on fresh air and lack of strong or tonic drinks. Doctors recommend taking medications that provide mild hypnotic effect. They are harmless to health, but in combination with simple methods will help normalize your rest.

    Over-the-counter medications

    Improve night rest usually succeeds without the help of synthetic drugs. Positive result in most cases can be achieved through folk remedies. Disorders not associated with severe nervous and mental disorders can be successfully eliminated with tablets containing melatonin.

    The drug Melaxen helps to cope with insomnia. The main active component of the drug is melatonin. It is an analogue of a hormone that regulates the processes of wakefulness and sleep in the human body. It is recommended to take 1 tablet of the medicine 40 minutes before rest. Dormiplant-valerian and Valerian-forte are indicated for sleep disorders due to nervous overexcitation. They should also be taken at night.

    Sanilux - innovative tool against insomnia for children starting from 2 years of age, which is produced on the basis of plant concentrates medicinal herbs. Drops normalize rhythms and rest stages, allowing you to avoid psycho-emotional stress and irritability. When using Sanilux, the appearance of sleep paralysis, seizures and apnea. The dosage from 2 to 12 years is 2.5 ml 2 times a day half an hour before meals for 10 days.

    Persen Night capsules are indicated to eliminate symptoms of sleep disorders associated with increased nervous excitability. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take 1-2 capsules 60 minutes before rest. Popular over-the-counter medications include Passiflora Extract and Doppelherz Melissa drops. Combined herbal compositions These drugs help eliminate insomnia and relieve symptoms of irritability. Depending on the systematic nature of the violations, it is recommended to take 30-40 drops per day.

    All over-the-counter medications help you fall asleep faster. Taking them helps long sleep no night awakenings. There is no risk of addiction to active components drugs. Medicinal compositions do not cause a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Medicines for insomnia, which are approved for sale without a doctor’s prescription, do not affect mental development and performance, do not have negative impact on the cardiovascular system and do not provoke blood pressure disorders.

    Herbal preparations

    Decoctions and tinctures using medicinal fees. For short periods of insomnia, you do not need to drink medicinal products constantly. It is enough to use decoctions until the regime is restored for 2-3 days. Chronic pathology requires long-term non-drug treatment. Experts recommend continuing it for at least 5-6 months.

    Medicinal herbs are an alternative to medications.

    A calming remedy will help you quickly restore sleep. Herb tea, taken after each meal. To prepare it, mix crushed valerian, motherwort, peppermint and hop cones in equal proportions. The collection of these plants in the amount of 10 g should be poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The product must be filtered and taken ½ glass per day. If desired, you can dilute it with boiling water. Pharmacies sell ready-made Calming collection No. 2 recommended by doctors for the treatment of sleep disorders. Its composition is similar.

    At night, it is recommended to drink an infusion of motherwort herb with the addition of thyme and calendula. The components must be mixed together in equal proportions. For a one-time therapeutic dose 10 g of product is enough. You will need 200 ml of water and 0.5 teaspoons of honey. The composition must be boiled for 10 minutes and cooled to room temperature. Using similar rules, a decoction of mint, chamomile, lavender and valerian is prepared.

    Treating insomnia with honey

    Folk remedies made with honey are popular. The following recipes are suitable for combating insomnia:

    1. 1. Honey with water. For 1 glass of warm liquid you will need 1 tbsp. l. natural product. The drink should be drunk immediately before bedtime. Can be lubricated to enhance the effect lavender oil whiskey.
    2. 2. Honey and Apple vinegar. To 200 ml of product you need to add 3 tsp. vinegar. This remedy is recommended to be taken 2 tsp. before going to bed.
    3. 3. Honey with kefir. For 1 glass fermented milk product add 1 tbsp. l. honey Therapeutic therapy includes morning and evening doses of a healing drink of 50 g. You can add 1 tsp. royal jelly.
    4. 4. Honey with bran. A glass of wheat bran should be filled with half a glass of water. Add 0.5 cups of liquid honey to the resulting mixture. Every evening you need to take 2 tbsp. l. facilities. The course of therapy is at least 60 days.
    5. 5. Honey, Walnut, lemon. To 1 glass lemon juice you need to add 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat honey and chopped walnuts. Everything should be moved and used as a remedy for insomnia, 1 tbsp. l.

    Honey is used to treat insomnia.

    It is important to combine effective methods relaxation and proper daily routine with the use of healing infusions. Honey has a strengthening effect on the body, has a positive effect on nervous system, helps you fall asleep quickly.

    Treatment of sleep disorders in women

    In women during menstrual and climacteric syndrome Hormonal changes occur that provoke sleep disturbances. Taking synthetic sleeping pills during such periods is not recommended. There is a risk of developing side effects. Harmless elimination of problems with falling asleep is possible through relaxing baths and aromatherapy.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding(HB) sleep may be disrupted due to hormonal and physiological changes. Taking medications is harmful to the baby, so home remedies to combat the problem are: the best option. Walking in the fresh air plays a primary role, balanced diet and the correct daily routine. You can use special herbal pads with lavender, lemon balm or mint.

    To combat insomnia, use pillows with soothing compounds.

According to statistics, about 12% of the world's population suffers from insomnia. An inadequate night's rest negatively affects the quality of life; a person cannot work normally, constantly feels overwhelmed, aggression and anxiety appear. In addition, disruptions in the body’s functioning begin, immunity decreases, and chronic diseases worsen. Struggle for good rest for many it comes down to application sleeping pills, which may have a lot of contraindications. However, you can do without medications by using insomnia treatment at home.

How to choose the right method

To understand how to deal with insomnia at home, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you will need to visit a somnologist - he is the one who treats sleep disorders. Also, specialists such as cardiologists, psychotherapists, gastroenterologists, immunologists and other doctors can participate in determining the nature of the disorder. Only comprehensive examination will help you figure out how we can help you.

At home, the following tools and techniques will help you cope with the problem:

  • lifestyle correction;
  • taking medicinal drinks;
  • aromatherapy;
  • relaxing treatments;
  • homeopathy;
  • maintaining sleep hygiene.

But when the cause of the disorder is stress, fatigue or unfavorable external factors, the techniques that we will consider further will help make a good night's rest.

Adjusting your lifestyle

This point involves changing your habits. Before you try to get rid of insomnia at home, carefully analyze your normal day. Think about what time you wake up, what you have for breakfast, what you do during the day, how you spend your evenings, how long it takes you to fall asleep. You can write down your results on a piece of paper to see exactly where you make mistakes that prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Next you need to study general rules mode correction:

Treatment with healing drinks

Healthy drinks will also help make you sleep more soundly and give you peace of mind. They are very easy to prepare, all ingredients are available. Let's look at what you can take to eliminate insomnia.

Aromatherapy for a relaxing holiday

Using aromatherapy to treat insomnia is not only useful, but also pleasant. Certain smells have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and the entire body. By filling your bedroom with them, you will quickly and easily fall asleep and fully restore your strength in the morning.

You can use special oils for aroma lamps:

  • lavender;
  • fir;
  • anise;
  • pink;
  • orange;
  • clove;
  • oil of lily of the valley, cypress or lemon balm.

You can also make an aromatic bag for yourself that is placed next to your bed or under your pillow. You can use one or more herbs, which need to be placed in a fabric bag and sewn up.

Phytoncides (volatile components of essential oils) will have a beneficial effect on your entire body, they will help you fall asleep quickly, and make your sleep sound and restful.

The following plants can be used:

  • millennium;
  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • common hop;
  • oregano;
  • Salvia officinalis;
  • meadow geranium;
  • clover;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort.


Before going to bed, procedures that relax the nervous system will be very useful. They will help you take your mind off your worries, set yourself up for relaxation and fall asleep quickly. Let's look at what to do to combat insomnia:

Homeopathy to help

There are special natural remedies to improve sleep and correct emotional background. They contain only natural ingredients, therefore they have no contraindications and do not have side effects.

All people can take such medications, with the exception of allergies to the components. Let's take a closer look at the tools.

  1. "Sonylux". A homeopathic remedy for treating insomnia and eliminating nervous disorders was produced by Russian scientists. It contains healing components with high biological activity:

The drug should be taken immediately before bed in the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Just one course will help you get rid of chronic fatigue, anxiety, aggression, nervous overstrain. Your sleep will become deeper and more sound, nightmares will disappear, you will stop waking up at night and will be able to fully rest.

  1. DreamZzz. An effective and completely safe product for use, approved for children over 2 years old. The composition includes exclusively natural ingredients, responsible for calming the nervous system, improving blood circulation and eliminating melancholy. They stabilize the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, strengthen the body and fight migraines, have bactericidal properties and level out the emotional background. A collection of 32 herbs is aimed at complete relaxation before bed. Thanks to these active components, the drug helps achieve the following results:

  • improved sleep and reduced time to fall asleep;
  • eliminating feelings of anxiety, aggression and chronic fatigue;
  • relief from nervous tension;
  • mood improvement.

Properly organized sleeping area also has great importance for a good night's rest. You must make sure that nothing disturbs or distracts you at night; to do this, follow these rules:

  • choose orthopedic mattresses and pillows;
  • give preference to natural bed linen in soft colors, this also applies to sleepwear;
  • ventilate the room before resting;
  • try to ensure that the air temperature in the bedroom does not exceed 21° C, and the humidity is within 65-70%;
  • close the door tightly before going to bed so that household members cannot wake you up;
  • Use thick curtains to close your windows to help prevent light pollution.

Causes of insomnia

The most common causes of insomnia are stress, overstimulation, mental overload or anxiety. Sleep can also be negatively affected by taking large doses of medications, alcohol, smoking, certain diseases, heat, comfortable bed, stuffiness, bright light.

Having considered a few simple tips, we will try to answer the question - how to get rid of insomnia.

If you have chronic insomnia(i.e. you haven’t been able to sleep well for a month), then you need to see a doctor. If you experience sleep disturbances periodically, then it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.

Insomnia - what to do

Following a daily routine will help you get rid of insomnia - getting up and going to bed at the same time, having dinner 2 - 3 hours before bed, taking a walk in the fresh air before bed. Avoid taking stimulating foods at night, such as coffee, strong black and green tea, chocolate, cocoa. A walk before bed will satiate your circulatory system oxygen.

Get rid of any mental labor. Never go over negative situations that happened during the day before going to bed. Remember the good saying: “the morning is wiser than the evening.” It will be better if all thoughts are connected with pleasant moments in your life.

You should not do anything in bed other than sleep - listen loud music, watch exciting programs on TV, horror, read Soviet, sorry, Russian newspapers— you need to clearly set the task: a bed for sleeping!

The bed should be comfortable, the air temperature should be comfortable, close the curtains tightly, and use a medium-sized pillow.

How to get rid of insomnia using folk remedies

— If you suffer from insomnia, then breathing exercises while lying in bed will help you fall asleep quickly. During a ten-minute breathing exercise, try to relax the muscles of your face and entire body as much as possible. Breathe deeply—count to 7 as you inhale, then pause and count to 10 as you exhale. Breathe with eyes closed lying on your back.

— In addition to breathing exercises, inhale valerian drops. Inhale them and you will feel how your whole body is filled with strength. In addition, the smell of valerian normalizes blood pressure and relieves nervousness. Close one nostril and take a deep breath with the other, then pause, then inhale through your mouth, pause, inhale through the other nostril. And so 2 times. You will get rid of insomnia once or twice and you will sleep soundly and healthy, and in the morning you will feel cheerful and healthy.

- Old proven recipe good night- this means stomping on an armful of dried hops mixed with red clover for half an hour. You will sleep like a baby. Repeat this procedure daily and soon the joy of sleep will return to you.

First aid for insomnia

To prevent development chronic stage disease, you should adhere to the following recommendations after the first symptoms of the disease appear:

  • start going to bed and getting up at the same time, this will adjust the body to the necessary biorhythms;
  • refuse food three hours before going to bed;
  • an hour before bedtime, you should take a walk in the fresh air or ventilate the room 15 minutes;
  • five hours before going to bed, you should not drink stimulating drinks, which include coffee, tea, including green, hot chocolate and cocoa;
  • V evening time you should not do hard mental work and engage in physical labor;
  • refuse to analyze existing problems in the evening, as an unstable psycho-emotional situation will disrupt the functioning of the nervous system;
  • You should not listen to TV and music at high volume before going to bed; it is better to engage in quieter activities;
  • hang thick curtains in the room that will not let in moonlight and sunlight.

Sedatives for insomnia


Combined medicinal product, which contains oats, lemon balm, motherwort and lemon balm. Thanks to its mild effect, Fitosed has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which significantly relieves psychological distress, anxiety, and helps the body relax. The drug is available in the form alcohol solution and capsules. Phytosed should be taken with caution when doing work that requires great concentration.

When taking a sedative liquid form You should take 5 ml of solution in 20 ml of water three times during the day and once before immediately going to bed. Therapy can continue for a month. Capsules should be taken in individually prescribed doses. Therapy also continues for up to 30 days.

Persen and Persen Forte

The medication is available in the form of capsules and tablets that contain valerian officinalis, mint and lemon balm. Completely over-the-counter drug. The prefix Forte means increased amount valerian dry. One tablet of Persen Forte contains 125 mg active ingredient.

It is prohibited to use the drug for lactose intolerance and fructose allergy. During long-term courses of treatment with Persen, some patients complained of intestinal disorders such as constipation. Adult patients with insomnia should take 1-2 capsules of the medication up to three times a day, the last dose is drunk in the evening 20 minutes before bedtime. Take 2 tablets at a time, also three times a week. The duration of therapy with Persen and Persen Forte cannot last more than 6 weeks.


The drug is taken for mild forms of sleep disorders associated with frequent stress And psychological disorders. Among the active ingredients of Novo-Passit are St. John's wort, passionflower, hawthorn, hops and elderberry. It is allowed to take Novo-Passit for insomnia, which is accompanied by severe headaches, including migraines.

With long-term therapy, in some cases the drug provoked problems with gastrointestinal tract, severe vomiting, dizziness and allergic rashes. The dosage of Novo-Passit is three tablets, divided into three doses. In liquid form, the medication is taken 5 ml also three times a day. Accept depressant It is recommended before meals, but if vomiting and nausea occur, Novo-Passit should be used during meals.


Part medical product includes components such as valerian officinalis, lemon balm and ethanol, which should be taken into account in patients for whom even minimal amount alcohol. Dormiplant helps well with problems falling asleep and severe nervousness.

You should not take the medication if the patient constantly drives a car or works in a profession that requires a lot of concentration. Among adverse reactions Most often only allergies are mentioned. If you have problems with insomnia, you should take the drug in a dosage of two tablets 30 minutes before going to bed. The duration of therapy is determined individually for each patient.

Attention! Medicines should be taken in courses, and not from time to time. The exact duration of therapy should be checked with the therapist.

Strong sedatives and sedatives for insomnia


The medication acts directly on the patient’s nervous system, which reduces the activity of impulses, relieves tension and speeds up the process of falling asleep. You should not take Phenibut if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of ulcers, atrophic gastritis and renal failure. The classic dosage of the medication is 1-2 tablets three times a day, an hour after meals. Therapy continues for three weeks.


A fairly well-advertised over-the-counter drug that belongs to the class of tranquilizers. The drug perfectly relieves irritability, increased anxiety, nervous tension, problems falling asleep. When using Afobazole, allergic reactions occur quite often. The classic dosage of the tranquilizer is 10 mg of the active ingredient three times a day. Therapy lasts a maximum of 4 weeks; with the individual course of the disease, it is possible to extend treatment up to 12 weeks.

Attention! Drugs in this group are mainly prescription drugs and are prescribed for moderate and severe forms of insomnia and nervousness.

Cost of medicines

A drug Image Price in Russia in rubles Price in Belarus in rubles Price in Ukraine in hryvnia
Phytosed 100 3,3 41
Persen and Persen Forte 400 13 164
Novo-Passit 400 13 164
Dormiplant 300-500 10-16 123-205
Phenibut 300 10 123
Afobazole 400 13 164

Attention! You should check with your pharmacist for a more accurate price for the medications listed, as it may vary significantly in a particular pharmacy.

Video - 13 ways to fall asleep quickly

Traditional methods of treating insomnia

Herbal mixture

To prepare the medicine, you should take mint, motherwort, valerian rhizomes and hop cones in a ratio of 3:3:2:2. After thoroughly mixing everything medicinal plants Take one teaspoon of the mixture and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 30 minutes, the plant grounds are completely eliminated. The resulting amount of liquid is divided into 4 doses. The last dose is taken 20 minutes before going to bed.

Primrose officinalis

To prepare the medicine, you should take only a dry plant, crushed into powder. 1 tablespoon of primrose is poured into 0.3 liters of boiling water and kept under a tight lid for 1-2 hours. After this, the entire plant mixture should be removed from the water using gauze. The resulting amount of infusion should be taken 4 times during the day. The last dose of primrose is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before bedtime.

Elecampane root

First, you should thoroughly wash and peel the roots of the elecampane and pour 5 teaspoons of crushed elecampane with 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. The container with the plant should be sealed and placed in a dark place for three days, shaken every day. After this, the mixture is removed from the elecampane and 200 ml of natural honey is added. The dosage of the medication is 15 ml of a sedative mixture three times a day, an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is 3-7 days, taking into account the severity of insomnia. Sometimes patients take the drug for two weeks.

Attention! Folk remedies should be used with great caution with sedatives, as they often contain the same active ingredients.

Additional measures to combat insomnia

If first aid does not help and you need to take medications, it is important to improve your lifestyle as much as possible to prevent your insomnia from getting worse. In some cases, the disorder reaches a stage when patients require the prescription of psychotropic substances and antidepressants. Row additional measures will prevent such complications.

  1. Use your bed only for sleeping and resting, excluding work and watching TV.
  2. Maintain the room temperature at 20-22 degrees.
  3. Take before bed hot bath or shower with relaxing oils and salts.
  4. A few hours before bedtime, dim the lights in the rooms, this will allow the body to adjust to a calm mood.
  5. Do not keep your emotions inside yourself, as internal tension is more dangerous than a quarrel.
  6. Enrich your diet with so-called sleepy foods, which include nuts, spinach, halibut, legumes and greens.
  7. Buy a good orthopedic mattress and pillow to ensure maximum relaxation for your body.
  8. Engage in physical activity, which will give your body healthy stress and cause pleasant fatigue.
  9. Do not overeat not only before bed, but also during the day, as the gastrointestinal tract will be busy digesting food at night, which will affect the quality of sleep.
  10. If there are problems with digestive system You should undergo symptomatic treatment, since such disorders provoke the retention of toxins in the body. Harmful substances negatively affect all organs, including the nervous system, which can ultimately lead to insomnia.

Attention! If the use of traditional sedatives and additional measures does not produce results and there is a noticeable psychological deterioration in the patient’s condition, you should immediately seek professional medical help to identify the causes of insomnia.

It is worth understanding that if you have problems sleeping for a month, we may already be talking about chronic form diseases. It requires mandatory medical supervision and the use of, at a minimum, sedatives and mild sedatives. IN severe cases when it is not possible to eliminate lung disease medications, daily routine and medical recommendations may be required hospital treatment. This will prevent the development of mental disorders, including depression.

A lot of people cannot sleep normally. What is the reason for this? What helps against insomnia at home? This question puzzles all those who experience sleep problems, which can occur at any age, but predominantly priority remains with people of retirement age.

As is known, good sleep It is very important for a person, it restores strength, normalizes the activity of organs and systems, and also contributes to the healing of the entire body. Having insomnia entails a lot of problems and negative reactions.

Many experts agree that taking medications for insomnia (addictive) is worth it. as a last resort, and first, it is recommended to use folk recipes that will help normalize the process of falling asleep.

If the problem of insomnia is regular, you can try the following recommendations to help improve sleep. Try to set your alarm clock at the same time and get out of bed immediately after the first signal, making no exception on weekends and holidays.

It is important to organize your affairs every day in such a way that you go to bed at the same time, so to speak, you need to follow a routine. Next, you need to have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime, thereby the food from the stomach will penetrate into duodenum and the person will not experience a feeling of heaviness when going to bed, which will make falling asleep easier.

It is necessary to avoid important tasks in the evening, which can provoke excessive emotional excitement or excitement before bed, which will negatively affect falling asleep. In addition, it is recommended to exclude daytime naps.

Before going to bed, it is important to create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom. To do this, it is recommended to ventilate the room so that there is enough oxygen; in addition, it is important to curtain the window so that it is dark, this will have a positive effect on the process of falling asleep.

Avoid watching television while lying in bed; it is advisable that there is no TV in the bedroom, which will have a positive effect on the process of falling asleep. If you try to do these general recommendations, then by the end of the first week you can already feel that sleep is gradually improving and insomnia is receding.

Of course, the above recommendations are more suitable for people without chronic diseases, it will be more difficult for the elderly, since age-related changes forced to fight insomnia more often by taking medications. But, nevertheless, no one has canceled folk recipes; they should be in the arsenal of every person who has problems falling asleep.

What helps at home?

Honey for insomnia

Perhaps this is a very good remedy that helps in the comfort of home. True, for those who are allergic to bee products, alas, it will not help. So, you can prepare a healing drink that will definitely help in the fight against insomnia. You will need a tablespoon of honey and the same amount mineral water“Borjomi”, add a teaspoon of finely chopped lemon to them. This drink is consumed in the morning, after waking up.

You can probably drink this drink before bed, too. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a glass of lemon juice and add a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped walnuts.

In addition, you can dilute a tablespoon of honey in warm water or milk. This healing drink is recommended to be consumed in the evening. Or you can simply drink tea with honey, which will also have a positive effect on the process of falling asleep.

Herbal remedies for insomnia

There are various herbal infusions that can be brewed to ensure good sleep, let’s take a look at them.

First collection

You will need to prepare a mixture medicinal herbs in proportions 3:3:2:2 (motherwort, peppermint, valerian root, hop cones). This raw material is mixed and taken in an amount of 10 grams, placed in an enamel container and filled with a glass of water. Next, place in a water bath and simmer for fifteen minutes. Then the drug is filtered and taken three times a day, a third of a glass.

Second collection

You need a tablespoon of the following mixture of herbs: hop cones, trifoliate, valerian rhizomes, mint leaves. This raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Then it is filtered through gauze, which is folded in two layers. They consume healing decoction one hundred milliliters up to 3 times a day.

Third collection

You will need 10 grams of dry oregano herb, add 5 grams of valerian root to it and pour a third of a glass of boiling water over these plants, after which the drug is boiled for ten minutes over low heat. Next, you need to infuse the decoction, and then it is important to filter it. It should be consumed before going to bed

Fourth gathering

Take thyme, motherwort herb, and calendula flowers in equal proportions. You need to pour one teaspoon of this plant collection 200 milliliters of boiling water. After which you should simmer the drug over low heat for ten minutes. Then the decoction should be infused for an hour, after which it is filtered and consumed before bed.

What also helps with insomnia?

Bath for insomnia

Water procedures before bed are also a good helper from lack of sleep, as they help relax the body. Need to take a bath warm water, and the temperature should not be more than 40 degrees. After which you can take it a couple of hours before going to bed, the procedure should last about twenty minutes.

You can add a decoction of various medicinal plants to the bath, for example, valerian, fragrant hay, pine needles or bumps. Such herbal medicine will help normalize sleep, all worries will go away, the person will relax and sleep well.

Do not doubt that sleep will soon appear against insomnia if you strictly adhere to the intake of ready-made drugs!

Be healthy!


Causes of insomnia

One of the most common reasons insomnia- nervous tension. Are stresses constant companions in your life? Your brain cannot relax, keeps itself in good shape, scrolls through something, analyzes. What for? The more you worry, the worse it is for your sleep. Remember the well-known saying that the morning is wiser than the evening, so you will get rid of insomnia, and new thoughts will come to a fresh mind.

Do you spend most of your time sitting? Here is the second reason for insomnia. The body needs movement, otherwise the body simply does not understand the order to rest.

The third common reason is incorrect eating behavior. If you eat before bed or drink strong tea or coffee, the body perceives this as a signal for future active actions. And, of course, he doesn’t sleep.

Another common one cause of insomnia– discomfort from the influence of extraneous factors. Stuffiness in the bedroom, an uncomfortable mattress, noise from the TV, the light of a flashlight through the window - all this can prevent you from falling asleep peacefully, so ensure yourself complete peace and comfort in the bedroom.

How to get rid of insomnia

Regardless of which cause of insomnia worries you, in order to get rid of insomnia, you need to use all available means, from folk methods to psychological tricks.

And most simple means, which is recommended by both traditional healers and medicine, are walks before going to bed, just before bed or immediately after dinner. There is exercise, relaxation, and the opportunity to calmly analyze the events of the past day.

If evening walks are not possible for any reason, try to get rid of insomnia through calming activities. This could be reading your favorite book, watching a light comedy or melodrama.

It’s good to ventilate the room before going to bed.

Any treatment for insomnia requires adherence to a daily routine. Try not to go to bed after midnight, because the time before midnight is considered the most beneficial for you. healthy sleep. To get rid of insomnia, you need to develop the habit of going to bed at a certain time. And, of course, you shouldn’t overeat before bed: it’s better to eat a few hours before you go to bed.

Avicenna to the question, how to get rid of insomnia, traditionally recommended water. He said this: sit by a stream, waterfall, river, where the water flows, all your thoughts will go away, and then you will calmly fall asleep. If you don't have a waterfall nearby, just turn on the faucet in the bathroom and sit next to the flowing water for a few minutes. You can take a warm foot bath, it will also relax you and help get rid of insomnia.

Treatment of insomnia with folk remedies

    In the evening, do not consume heavy food or irritating drinks (for example, coffee, black tea or Coca-Cola). Ask your doctor if the medications you take regularly contain stimulants or caffeine.

    Always go to bed at the same time, not too early, but not too late. Limit evening TV viewing to entertainment programs: no horror films or films full of violence. Instead, read an entertaining book, listen to harmonious music, do yoga or meditation, take a bath, or take an evening walk.

    If possible, sleep on your back, with your arms along your body. Avoid sleeping on your left side, as this position puts pressure on your heart and lungs.

    Deep breathing is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Relax, put off problems for the next day.

    Old proven home remedies include hot milk with honey and a heating pad.

    soothing tea before bed: valerian root, lavender flowers, meadowsweet leaves, fennel, linden or chamomile tea, sweet clover, bedstraw, garden marjoram.

    bath with medicinal lavender or sandalwood. Application cold water(rinsing your feet, cold wrapping your calves) can also help as it draws blood away from the brain.

    rubbing with a dry brush and washing the whole body with fruit vinegar, rinsing the thighs.

    bed: relatively firm latex mattresses that support the back and adapt to body movements. Wooden lattice made of wood (metal creates harmful force fields), adjustable foot and head parts. Mattress and bedding made from natural fibers for better moisture absorption.

  • Dill, seeds. 50 gr. Dill seeds are boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat in 0.5 liters of Cahors wine or port. Leave, wrapped for 1 hour, strain, squeeze. Take 50-60 g. Before bedtime. Harmless, ensures good sleep.
  • Hemp, seed. Finely crush 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds and sift. Pour 1 cup hot boiled water. Leave, wrapped, for 30-40 minutes. Drink warm in two doses before bedtime. First, drink half a glass 2 hours before bedtime. Then, after an hour, drink the rest along with the sediment. Be sure to drink warm. Take for 2 weeks. Used for periodic insomnia.
  • Hop. 2 tsp. spoons of hop cones per 1 cup of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 4 hours, strain. Drink a glass at night for insomnia. b) 1 part of crushed hop cones to 4 parts by weight of vodka or 50 degrees. alcohol Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, strain and squeeze. Take 5 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water. Take 2 times a day before meals. Drink the second time at night. Used for insomnia.
  • Lavender oil. Before going to bed, oil your temples. Take (suck) 3-5 drops of lavender on a piece of sugar before bed. Provides good sleep.
  • Wash your feet at night hot water. This procedure relieves fatigue, gives energy, calms the nervous system, and improves sleep.
  • For insomnia and nervous system disorders, it is useful to use an infusion of white water lily or yellow water lily seeds: 60 g of dried mature seeds are ground into powder and brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. The infusion is drunk in two doses a day. The course of treatment is until sleep improves.
  • Take common heather grass and flowering tops of common wormwood in equal proportions and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1.5 hours before bedtime.
  • It is good to use blood-red hawthorn flowers and fruits for insomnia. Take 40 g of flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, take according to tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. Or pour 20 g of ripe fruits into 200 ml of boiling water. Drink like tea.
  • An infusion from the tops of wormwood is good at calming the nervous system and inducing sleep. Take 5 g and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
  • Take a thick fabric and sew a small bag. Fill it tightly with various herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, mint, hop cones, thyme. Place under your pillow at night. Inhaling aromas stimulates falling asleep quickly and good sleep. During the day, place the bag in plastic bag to increase the shelf life of herbs.

Folk remedies for treating insomnia

  • Warm bath - effective folk remedy for insomnia, especially if you take a bath with herbs or aromatic oils. Buy herbs and essential oils at the pharmacy that have a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system. Fill the bath with water (the optimal temperature is from 36? to 40?), add a decoction of herbs or a couple of drops of oil to the water and lie in it for a quarter of an hour.
  • Excellent folk remedy for the treatment of insomnia- sachet. This is a bag of herbs that have a calming effect and will help you get rid of insomnia. Take a small bag and fill it with mint, oregano, St. John's wort is good for insomnia. Place it under your pillow and sleep peacefully.
  • If you take herbs for internal use, then traditional medicine recommends hop cones or dill seeds against insomnia. Brew a dessert spoon of the product with a glass of boiling water, wrap it and let it brew, strain, drink an hour before bed.
  • Another folk way insomnia treatment– just before going to bed, he suggests lubricating your temples with lavender oil.
  • A simple relaxation exercise will help you get rid of insomnia. Lying on your back, extend your arms parallel to your torso, clench your fists tightly while pulling your toes towards you, and remain in this position for a couple of seconds. Slowly relax your arms and legs and then tense them again. Do the exercise 7-8 times and you can go to bed peacefully.
  • Pillow for insomnia. Do not throw away old tea leaves - collect them, dry them in the oven or on a warm radiator. When you have collected enough, stuff a small pillowcase and that’s it. The faint aroma of tea emanating from it will calm the nerves and promote sleep.

Treatment with folk remedies will help you find health!

Modern people because wrong image life and everyday stress often suffer from insomnia. Only someone who has experienced this terrible condition can understand a person suffering from insomnia. It is a consequence of systemic disorders, that is, a complex set of interrelated and hidden problems in the body at the level various systems and organs.

Almost every person has such disorders, even if he has no obvious health complaints. Having reached a certain degree of expression, systemic disorders manifest themselves in certain symptoms, including insomnia.

Causes of insomnia

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • stress,
  • Bad mood,
  • strong feelings,
  • depression,
  • overwork,
  • excessive flow of information (mental work),
  • carrying out large quantity in front of the TV and computer,
  • uncomfortable bed or pillow,
  • time zone change,
  • bad habits (smoking and alcohol),
  • taking medications,
  • drinking a lot of coffee,
  • heavy and fatty foods before bed.

Sleep hormone - melatonin

It is produced in the pineal gland (pineal gland). Its main function is to debug the daily rhythms of processes occurring in the human body. If there is not enough melatonin, then sleep problems arise, blood pressure, heart, nervous and immune system. In addition, its deficiency leads to early aging. You have most likely heard more than once that sleep is the best remedy for youth. And that's why. The sleep hormone is produced only when a person sleeps.

Now you can buy Melatonin tablets in pharmacies, but we do not recommend using them, as they have side effects on health. Most The best way“accustom” your body to produce the hormone on its own. As a rule, proper nutrition and exercise come to the rescue.

The most good medicine for all diseases, including insomnia - physical activity and proper nutrition. In addition, medications are used to eliminate sleep problems. We do not recommend doing this, as they are addictive and harmful to human health. Replace them with natural and natural remedies. They have more soft action and have no side effect.

But let's take things in order.

Physical exercise increases melatonin production by 2-3 times

Exercise every day because physical activity very important for sound sleep. No massage can replace the simplest gymnastics. Physical exercise lasting one hour increases the production of the sleep hormone by 2-3 times.

In addition, sport improves blood circulation, improves mood and reduces stress. Run, bike, swim, do yoga, exercise light gymnastics- the main thing is to move more. But keep in mind that physical activity should be in the first half of the day, and not in the evening or before bed, as it will be difficult for the body to calm down and fall asleep quickly.

The following exercise will help you cope with insomnia. Lying on the bed, imagine that your body is rising above the bed and floating in the air. Feel complete freedom. Drive away extraneous thoughts, concentrate only on the fact that the body is floating in the air. After a few minutes you should feel slightly dizzy.

Now open your eyes (as wide as possible), then close your eyes. Repeat 3 times. Don't forget that you are floating.

Then focus on the pupils. Imagine that they are “retracted” back to the back of the head. Think about only one thing: the pupils are getting deeper and deeper, right at the back of your head, and now there is complete darkness around you. Switch back to the thought of floating in the air, maintain a relaxed state.

Gently turn your head from side to side. You are completely relaxed and ready for sleep.

What should your diet be like?

Melatonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, so its deficiency can lead to decreased production of the sleep hormone. To prevent this from happening, you need to include foods containing it in your diet. For example, sesame and almonds.

Also, foods that promote the synthesis of melatonin in the blood include cherry plum, bananas, cherries, corn, carrots, nuts, parsley, tomatoes, radishes and cherries.

It is recommended to include foods high in magnesium. It is famous for its relaxation qualities and is an excellent stress reliever. To replenish your reserves of this macronutrient, you should eat avocados, nuts, seeds, dark greens, beans and lentils.

Dinner should be light. Spicy foods excite the nervous system. Metabolizing food also requires energy, so if you eat before bed, your body will work at night to process the food instead of resting.

Avoid stimulants and alcohol. You need to be extremely careful with artificial stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, and it is better to completely abandon them. Their use does nothing but harm, and negatively affects the quality of your sleep.

Eat healthy food, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you include bananas and grapes in your diet, you can fill the body's need for carbohydrates, which are very important for sound sleep. Fructose and starches contained in the data plant products, stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness - which calms and normalizes a person’s breathing. All this helps you fall asleep well.

Cherries contain melatonin, which can help you fall asleep.


5. Stick to a sleep schedule. Remember that falling asleep in a timely manner is a reflex to certain external (natural) and internal (biological) rhythms. It is very important to go to bed at the same time. Your body will get used to the “routine” and it will be easier to fall asleep. In addition, do not accustom yourself to lying without sleep; for example, you should not read while lying down.

6. Colors can also help when fighting insomnia. Try to use calm shades in the interior, home clothes and bedding.

It is very interesting that the performance of the sleep hormone - melatonin - is influenced by Blue colour, which comes from computer screens, phones and televisions. It reduces the amount of this hormone, resulting in insomnia. Therefore, try to turn off all your gadgets 1.5-3 hours before bedtime.

Insomnia is one of the most common disorders in patients of any age, including children and the elderly. The problem is caused by several reasons, among which frequent stressful situations, irregular work schedule and non-compliance with sleep and wakefulness. Treatment of the first symptoms of the disease should be carried out immediately, since the disorder very quickly becomes chronic, which makes therapy very difficult and long-term. There are several ways to eliminate insomnia at night, and experts recommend combining medications, day and night routines, and traditional methods treatment.

To exclude the development of the chronic stage of the disease, you should adhere to the following recommendations after the first symptoms of the disease appear:

Sedatives for insomnia


A combined medicinal product that contains oats, lemon balm, motherwort and lemon balm. Thanks to its mild effect, Fitosed has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which significantly relieves psychological distress, anxiety, and helps the body relax. The drug is available in the form of an alcohol solution and capsules. Phytosed should be taken with caution when doing work that requires great concentration.

When taking a sedative in liquid form, you should take 5 ml of a solution in 20 ml of water three times during the day and once before immediately going to bed. Therapy can continue for a month. Capsules should be taken in individually prescribed doses. Therapy also continues for up to 30 days.

Persen and Persen Forte

The medication is available in the form of capsules and tablets that contain valerian officinalis, mint and lemon balm. Completely over-the-counter drug. The prefix Forte denotes an increased amount of dry valerian. One tablet of Persen Forte contains 125 mg of the active ingredient.

It is prohibited to use the drug for lactose intolerance and fructose allergy. During long-term courses of treatment with Persen, some patients complained of intestinal disorders such as constipation. Adult patients with insomnia should take 1-2 capsules of the medication up to three times a day, the last dose is drunk in the evening 20 minutes before bedtime. Take 2 tablets at a time, also three times a week. The duration of therapy with Persen and Persen Forte cannot last more than 6 weeks.


The drug is taken for mild forms of sleep disorders associated with frequent stress and psychological disorders. Among the active ingredients of Novo-Passit are St. John's wort, passionflower, hawthorn, hops and elderberry. It is allowed to take Novo-Passit for insomnia, which is accompanied by severe headaches, including migraines.

With long-term therapy, in some cases the drug provoked problems with the gastrointestinal tract, severe vomiting, dizziness and allergic rashes. The dosage of Novo-Passit is three tablets, divided into three doses. In liquid form, the medication is taken 5 ml also three times a day. It is recommended to take the sedative before meals, but if vomiting and nausea occur, Novo-Passit should be used during meals.

The composition of the medicine includes components such as valerian officinalis, lemon balm and ethanol, which should be taken into account by patients for whom even a minimal amount of alcohol is contraindicated. Dormiplant helps well with problems falling asleep and severe nervousness.

You should not take the medication if the patient constantly drives a car or works in a profession that requires a lot of concentration. Among the adverse reactions, only allergies are most often mentioned. If you have problems with insomnia, you should take the drug in a dosage of two tablets 30 minutes before going to bed. The duration of therapy is determined individually for each patient.

Attention! Medicines should be taken in courses, and not from time to time. The exact duration of therapy should be checked with the therapist.

Strong sedatives and sedatives for insomnia

The medication acts directly on the patient’s nervous system, which reduces the activity of impulses, relieves tension and speeds up the process of falling asleep. You should not take Phenibut if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of ulcers, atrophic gastritis and renal failure. The classic dosage of the medication is 1-2 tablets three times a day, an hour after meals. Therapy continues for three weeks.

A fairly well-advertised over-the-counter drug that belongs to the class of tranquilizers. The drug perfectly relieves irritability, increased anxiety, nervous tension, and problems falling asleep. When using Afobazole, allergic reactions occur quite often. The classic dosage of the tranquilizer is 10 mg of the active ingredient three times a day. Therapy lasts a maximum of 4 weeks; with the individual course of the disease, it is possible to extend treatment up to 12 weeks.

Attention! Drugs in this group are mainly prescription drugs and are prescribed for moderate and severe forms of insomnia and nervousness.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in hryvnia
Phytosed 100 3,3 41
Persen and Persen Forte 400 13 164
Novo-Passit 400 13 164
300-500 10-16 123-205
300 10 123
400 13 164

Attention! You should check with your pharmacist for a more accurate price for the medications listed, as it may vary significantly in a particular pharmacy.

Video - 13 ways to fall asleep quickly

Traditional methods of treating insomnia

Herbal mixture

To prepare the medicine, you should take mint, motherwort, valerian rhizomes and hop cones in a ratio of 3:3:2:2. After thoroughly mixing all the medicinal plants, take one teaspoon of the mixture and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 30 minutes, the plant grounds are completely eliminated. The resulting amount of liquid is divided into 4 doses. The last dose is taken 20 minutes before going to bed.

Primrose officinalis

To prepare the medicine, you should take only a dry plant, crushed into powder. 1 tablespoon of primrose is poured into 0.3 liters of boiling water and kept under a tight lid for 1-2 hours. After this, the entire plant mixture should be removed from the water using gauze. The resulting amount of infusion should be taken 4 times during the day. The last dose of primrose is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before bedtime.

Elecampane root

First, you should thoroughly wash and peel the roots of the elecampane and pour 5 teaspoons of crushed elecampane with 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. The container with the plant should be sealed and placed in a dark place for three days, shaken every day. After this, the mixture is removed from the elecampane and 200 ml of natural honey is added. The dosage of the medication is 15 ml of a sedative mixture three times a day, an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is 3-7 days, taking into account the severity of insomnia. Sometimes patients take the drug for two weeks.

Attention! Folk remedies should be used with great caution with sedatives, since they often contain the same active ingredients.

Additional measures to combat insomnia

If first aid does not help and you need to take medications, it is important to improve your lifestyle as much as possible to prevent your insomnia from getting worse. In some cases, the disorder reaches a stage when patients require the prescription of psychotropic substances and antidepressants. A number of additional measures will help prevent such complications.

  1. Use your bed only for sleeping and resting, excluding work and watching TV.
  2. Maintain the room temperature at 20-22 degrees.
  3. Take a hot bath or shower with relaxing oils and salt before bed.
  4. A few hours before bedtime, dim the lights in the rooms, this will allow the body to adjust to a calm mood.
  5. Do not keep your emotions inside yourself, as internal tension is more dangerous than a quarrel.
  6. Enrich your diet with so-called sleepy foods, which include nuts, spinach, halibut, legumes and greens.
  7. Buy a good orthopedic mattress and pillow to ensure maximum relaxation for your body.
  8. Engage in physical activity, which will give your body healthy stress and cause pleasant fatigue.
  9. Do not overeat not only before bed, but also during the day, as the gastrointestinal tract will be busy digesting food at night, which will affect the quality of sleep.
  10. If you have problems with the digestive system, you should undergo symptomatic treatment, since such disorders provoke the retention of toxins in the body. Harmful substances negatively affect all organs, including the nervous system, which can ultimately lead to insomnia.

Attention! If the use of traditional sedatives and additional measures does not produce results and there is a noticeable psychological deterioration in the patient’s condition, you should immediately seek professional medical help to identify the causes of insomnia.

It is worth understanding that if you have problems sleeping for a month, you may already be talking about a chronic form of the disease. It requires mandatory medical supervision and the use of, at a minimum, sedatives and mild sedatives. In severe cases, when the disease cannot be eliminated with mild medications, adherence to a daily routine and medical recommendations, hospital treatment may be required. This will prevent the development of mental disorders, including depression.

Hello, dear friends, readers of my blog. Thousands of people suffer from insomnia, not knowing how to cope with it. I want to help you get rid of this painful phenomenon, so in this article I will tell you what to do with insomnia.

Why does insomnia haunt a person?

Causes bad sleep:

  • stress, depression, fear,
  • bad bed,
  • heat, little fresh air,
  • overeating before bed,
  • smoking, alcohol,
  • illness, severe pain.

It is impossible to list all the reasons. Let's better find something that helps get rid of it. You can, of course, take medications, but they are toxic, and you get used to them so quickly that they stop working.

1. Folk remedies for insomnia

A good remedy From this phenomenon at home there are dreams of a pleasant holiday, imagining beautiful sea or forest landscapes. You won't even notice how sweet slumber comes.

The best thing is to use folk remedies and not suffer. Have a cup warm milk with 1 tsp. honey In a few minutes, sleep will take you into its affectionate net.

An excellent remedy is tea with mint, roots, valerian leaves, and anise seeds.

How to make anise tea? Warm the kettle by rinsing it with hot water. Put 0.5 teaspoon of seeds there, add boiling water, cover, let stand for 20 minutes. Strain, drink 100 ml at night, adding 1 tsp. honey

2. Herbal teas for insomnia

If the disease has developed due to nervousness, then prepare this mixture. The main thing is to maintain the proportion – 3:3:2:2. Take mint, motherwort herb, hop cones, valerian root, mix everything. Then pour 10 grams of the mixture into 250 ml of water, place in a water bath, boil for 10 minutes, strain, top up to the original volume, drink 3 times a day. Last appointment for the night.

Recipe traditional healers : take equal parts of chamomile, mint, fennel fruits, valerian roots and mix. Take 10 g. Brew 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath, evaporate for 25 minutes. Then strain, add water to make 200 ml again.

How to take: drink one glass twice a day. You can cure neuroses, insomnia, and calm your heart.

3. Clay treatment

What is it? Start making clay figures before you go to bed. After 2 weeks you will feel like you are sleeping soundly.

Another interesting method. Dissolve in half a glass of boiling water, add 3-4 tablespoons of yarrow decoction, stir. Place the mixture in gauze pad, tie it. Apply to your temples and forehead for 20-25 minutes.

4. Dill and wormwood for sound sleep

endowed with many beneficial properties, including the fight against sleep disorders. Recipe: pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs one tbsp. hot water, leave for 1.5-2 hours. Drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day before meals, then drink 1 glass at night.

- an invaluable tool in the fight for deep sleep. Recipe: 1–2 tbsp. l. Infuse wormwood herbs in 2 tbsp. boiling water for 2 hours. Have a drink before going to bed.

5. What to do if you can’t sleep at night

How to fall asleep if your body is still full of strength and your brain is ready to “move mountains”? The answer is simple, you just need to deceive yourself. Instead of counting sheep, try to stay awake. Psychologist Julia Hirst advises: “Try to keep your eyes wide open and constantly repeat to yourself: “I don’t want to sleep.”

Oddly enough, your brain will react in the opposite way. According to the scientist, he will “rebel” and begin to prepare for bed. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the “sleep paradox.”

Well, this is something like the good old advice: “To prevent laundry from curling up in the duvet cover when machine washing, you need to stuff it there in advance, before washing. And, on the contrary, it will begin to fall out of there!”

If this doesn't work, try slowing down your breathing. As you know, during sleep we breathe much slower and more evenly than when awake. Imagine a sea wave somewhere on the shore of a warm tropical beach, and adjust your breathing to its rhythm. According to somnologists, it helps.

Somnologists are sleep specialists. I can imagine how they hold seminars and symposiums! Seriously, I myself just begin to monitor my breathing, saying to myself: “This is in-oooh... the air fills the lungs at the top-oooh, then below-oooh... This is you-exhale-xxx... the lungs are compressed and the air is out. » You know, it helps!

6. How to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy

What to take during pregnancy? Just don't take any pills. Eat natural medicines, which also help a lot. During pregnancy, you can drink valerian infusion.

But don’t overdo it here either, otherwise you’ll get a different effect. Excellent product tea made from licorice, mint, but not from hops. Juices from radishes, turnips, beets with the addition of honey will be useful.

Celery herb also gives excellent result: take 20 grams of leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. You should drink this decoction three times a day.

Except natural remedies A proper daily routine, walks before bed, a pleasant, warm shower, and a comfortable bed will save you from anxiety at night. To find a comfortable position, surround yourself with pillows, place one under your leg, and another under your back.

7. Insomnia during menopause

This trouble occurs to almost all women during menopause, due to hormonal changes in the body. The advice is the same as for all moments of manifestation of this disease.

Well-known products are useful as a remedy for insomnia during menopause:

  • Honey and milk. If a woman normal level glucose, you can take a glass of their mixture at night. Stir 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm milk. honey and drink half an hour before bedtime;
  • Tomato juice . Add a little nutmeg to it and drink it before dinner, 2 hours before. The drink has a peculiar taste, but it helps you sleep well.

The only thing is, you shouldn’t feel like a sick person, you shouldn’t reduce your physical activity, or succumb to depression.

– this is a normal physiological phenomenon that no woman can avoid.

8. Insomnia on a diet

No matter what, women are sitting on, which means we need to help them:

  • Your diet should contain foods rich in vitamins C, B, calcium, zinc, magnesium;
  • turn off the lights, because in the light the body will not produce the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for dormancy and wakefulness;
  • try sleeping without a pillow, this will relieve your neck muscles;
  • Drink a mint decoction through a straw at night, with pleasure, in slow sips. This sucking will resemble a child's sleep reflex.

9. How to deal with insomnia in old age

In old age, people very often spend sleepless night. First of all, it is necessary to create a calm environment for the elderly person and ensure the flow of fresh air into the room where he sleeps.

He needs to fall asleep at the same time, take a warm foot bath at night or put warm socks on his feet, and have a pillow stuffed with fresh hop cones.

An excellent remedy is to drink three teaspoons of poppy decoction at night.

How to prepare it: brew one head of the plant with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, then drink.

10. How to treat insomnia in men

What should a man do if he tosses and turns from side to side all night? The advice is repeated, only you need to drink less coffee, sit at the computer, move more, be in the fresh air, avoid smoking and alcohol.

It is good to sniff drops of valerian before going to bed. Start with three shallow breaths. Look at the body's reaction: an overdose will result in a headache.

Try putting garlic under your pillow - unusual, but effective technique. How does it work? You need to place a few cloves or a whole head under your pillow. The aroma of garlic envelops and strengthens sleep, and in the morning you will feel great.

Those people who have experienced this method note the appearance of good sleep, a surge of strength, the disappearance of heart pain, and pressure surges.

Folk remedies won't help you unless you throw everything away negative thoughts out of your head before you go to bed.

Try not to drink green tea and coffee after 6 pm, as these drinks contain high content caffeine The same goes for sweets, as well fatty foods– refuse such food 2-4 hours before bedtime.

Try to distract yourself and don't think about work or problems, read interesting book or watch a funny movie. You must learn to think positively, this is the only way you will get rid of sleep problems.