Dry incipient cough in an infant. So, how do I treat cough in infants with camphor oil? Such a different cough

Coughing occurs quite often in infants, but it is not always a sign of a condition that needs to be treated. This reflex reaction respiratory tract, which occurs when they get hit by any foreign bodies, including liquid. In babies, mucus, saliva, and milk often flow into the bronchi, and in order to clear them from the respiratory system, the child begins to cough. As soon as the irritant is eliminated, all the symptoms that alarm parents stop.

But a cough in a newborn and infant can also develop with a cold, an inflammatory process in the ENT organs, or bronchitis. And this is a problem that requires treatment.

Possible causes of cough in infants

Coughing in children in the first month of life, when the cough reflex is just developing, is rarely observed. The baby, especially if he is on breastfeeding, maternal antibodies protect against viruses. So a cold is not often the cause of a cough in a newborn.

More likely in one month old baby such situations:

  • The baby starts coughing immediately after waking up, but is calm the rest of the time. Most likely, the reason for this is the mucus that has accumulated during sleep and flowed into the respiratory tract.
  • The child cried, then coughed. Explanation: tears and snot got into the throat, which caused irritation.
  • Cough accompanies eating. The baby is probably in a hurry, swallows too much milk and begins to cough and choke.

  • The cough is dry and occurs without visible reasons. It is worth analyzing the environment in which the baby is located and the diet of the nursing mother for the presence of allergens (for artificial babies, pay attention to the mixture). Although in children in the first months of life, allergies manifest themselves predominantly in the form skin reactions, But respiratory symptoms are also possible.

In the first 3 situations, the problem solves itself as soon as the baby clears his throat. When a cough occurs, it usually has to be treated with antihistamines. But the first priority is to identify and eliminate the allergen.

In an infant during teething, another cause of cough is added: increased salivation and saliva flowing into the throat. Parents may confuse a newborn with coughing and wheezing in the respiratory tract. noisy breathing- stridor. It is due age characteristics structures of the larynx of children under one year old. Despite the frightening hoarse sound, this phenomenon is harmless, it does not need treatment, it goes away with age.

What diseases can cause cough

One of possible reasons A cough in the first months of a child’s life may be a cold or ARVI. The baby is at risk of becoming infected from others by airborne droplets, and weakened immunity and hypothermia contribute to the development of the disease. In children one month old, as well as older babies, up to a year old, colds are manifested not only by cough. They are a stuffy nose, snot (usually quite liquid and transparent), lethargy.

Often, due to a cough and runny nose, sleep is disturbed, possibly. ARVI needs to be treated before it becomes complicated by more serious diseases. First of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor on the selection of medications that are appropriate for the baby’s age..

Coughs are also accompanied by: independent diseases and complications of the common cold:

  • laryngitis - cough is dry and hoarse, painful;
  • sinusitis (most often sinusitis). Along with a cough that gets worse at night, his characteristic feature there is a discharge of purulent snot;
  • whooping cough - severe infection accompanied by a prolonged intense cough that lasts for months;
  • , can develop both in a month-old baby and at a later age. It manifests itself first as a dry, then wet cough.

Another cause of cough that is not related to illness, but requires immediate action, is aspiration. In children, foreign bodies, liquid or solid, quite often enter the respiratory tract. Besides the strong painful cough in such situations, suffocation often develops. It is not always possible for a child to cough on his own and get rid of foreign object. If your baby begins to cough and begins to choke, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some children suffer from reflux esophagitis, a pathology of the digestive system. In this case, the baby begins to cough due to the fact that acidic, irritating stomach contents have entered the esophagus and throat. This problem occurs mainly when the baby is lying down. It requires examination and treatment, but not at all the same as for colds.

Cough treatment

When a cough is caused by a disease in a newborn or infant, this disease must be treated, and the cough, if it is dry, should be tried to soften and make it moist. must correspond to the nature of the disease (antiviral for acute respiratory viral infections, antihistamines for an allergic reaction, antibiotics for a bacterial infection, for example, whooping cough). The pediatrician must determine the cause of the cough, the nature of the disease, and prescribe mild but effective therapy.

The cough itself can be treated with a number of pharmaceutical drugs:

  • dry cough medicine. Designed specifically for children, suitable even for one month of age and even from the first days of life. Composition on plant based, is available in sachets; the contents of one sachet contain 15 ml of water. Children under one year old should be given 15-20 drops per dose 3-4 times a day;
  • Alteyka is another popular cough medicine for children, including infants. Also with plant extracts, but in syrup form. For preschoolers it must be diluted with water;
  • Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine and many other cough syrups should be given to children under 2 years of age minimum dosage. The lower age limit is not indicated in the instructions for these drugs; it is better to consult a pediatrician about what month of life you are allowed to give such drugs.

Non-drug treatment

In addition to using ready-made medications, you can treat your baby with prepared products.

  • A gentle chamomile decoction will help a 1-2 month old baby. To prepare it, chamomile (1 tablespoon of flowers) needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water, and after a couple of hours, strain. Give the baby a teaspoon every hour, but when severe cough this will not be enough;
  • A decoction of coltsfoot and plantain leaves is indicated from 4 months. A tablespoon of raw materials mixed in equal proportions is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours; it is better to use a thermos. This expectorant, which can cause vomiting reflex, in this case, a dosage reduction is required. If side effects are absent, the baby can be given 2 tablespoons a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • Licorice root helps a lot. Best effect achieved when used together with the roots of marshmallow and elecampane. The components must be mixed in equal proportions. The infusion is prepared as follows: half a liter cold water You need a tablespoon of the mixture, the raw materials will have to infuse for 8 hours. 2-3 doses per day, 50 g at a time.

In addition to expectorants taken orally, warm compresses help eliminate coughing. But they can only treat a child with normal temperature bodies. It is recommended to apply compresses not directly on delicate skin baby, but on a diaper folded in several layers. A second diaper, wax paper or polyethylene is placed on top, and this entire structure is wrapped with a bandage or cloth.

You can also rub with badger, heated goat fat. It is best to treat the chest and legs. When making warm compresses and rubbing, you need to treat only the chest area, not the back. It is also important to exclude exposure to the heart area.

Small children do not know how to do inhalations, but you can saturate the air with healing vapors by pouring them into the bath hot water with eucalyptus tincture. Then you just need to go into the room with the baby in your arms and stay there for about 10 minutes. It is better to bring him into the bathroom naked, and after the procedure, wipe him dry and wrap him up.

Measures to relieve and prevent cough in a child

To alleviate the condition of an infant and soften the cough, you need to provide him with a gentle regime, but not limit his activity completely. If the baby is already receiving complementary foods, it is better to give it up for a while. Don't worry if your baby starts drinking less milk. It is better to give him more other liquids during infancy the best option is ordinary drinking water.

It is important to maintain indoor humidity, especially with a dry cough. You should not protect a sick baby from the slightest breeze and block all the windows. Ventilation during the period of illness of the baby is mandatory, but at this time it is better to take it to another room. IN good weather walking or sleeping is recommended fresh air, If . Helps with cough light massage chest, reflex zones on legs.

How to treat a cough in a baby? The choice of drugs depends on the type of cough and disease. Cough is a symptom, it is important to identify its cause. Also, in babies under one year old it can be physiological in nature. Sometimes coughing in a baby alarms the mother. And this may just be a reaction to the mucus that accumulates on back wall nasopharynx, especially during teething.

Coughing in infants is much less common than in older children. If your baby is breastfed, the risk of getting ARVI or influenza is even lower. What is important? If a cough is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, this is a sure sign of ARVI. If the nose does not run, there is no fever, and the infant is coughing, this may indicate an allergic nature of the cough or whooping cough. Treatment of cough in children under one year of age can only be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your baby coughs, you should definitely see a pediatrician. In infants, the respiratory muscles are poorly developed. Inflammatory processes during ARVI can result in complications due to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and lungs, because the child is unable to cough it up.

About dry and wet cough

Coughing, like sneezing, is a protective reflex of the body. Normally, a baby can cough up to 10 times a day and be absolutely healthy. A slight cough in infants may be a physiological norm.

  • Dry cough in infants. The reasons for it can be very different. Therefore, sometimes difficulties arise with setting accurate diagnosis. A dry cough can be the beginning of an acute respiratory viral infection. And at the same time, it is characteristic of the first weeks of whooping cough and parawhooping cough. May be a symptom of an allergy or bronchial asthma(alas, it also occurs in infants). Sometimes the cough seems dry to the mother, but the doctor comes, listens and says that it is wet. The fact is that a 3-month-old baby still does not know how to spit out mucus and swallows it.
  • Wet cough in an infant without fever. Indicates the productive nature of the cough. It usually appears during the recovery stage after ARVI. If you cough clear liquid mucus, which means there are no complications. Sputum is greenish and yellowish color speaks of a bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Sometimes a prolonged wet cough without fever may indicate chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

The bronchi have the property of self-cleaning. Cough in a newborn, as in a 5-month-old baby, may be associated with the immaturity of this function. It also often occurs when mucus runs down the back of the nasopharynx and irritates it.

What the doctor can prescribe

How to treat a cough in an infant? The treatment regimen depends on the disease. What can a doctor prescribe if a baby has signs of ARVI?

  • Antiviral drugs. Immunomodulatory drugs are often prescribed with antiviral effect. Most often, “Viferon” is used in candles, which does not have age restrictions. It can be given to newborns.
  • Nasal rinsing. Important procedure, especially before bed. If a baby has a clogged nose, he breathes through his mouth. This leads to rapid drying of the mucous membranes, which then intensifies the baby’s cough. You need to rinse the spout saline solutions. You can use regular saline solution: drop 3 drops into each nostril, at least every hour. After washing, you can instill 1 drop oil solution“Ectericide”, which will cover the mucous membranes with a thin protective layer. It is strictly forbidden to bury antibacterial drops. IN in rare cases pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictors into the nose. Usually they are not used for ARVI.
  • Antipyretics for fever. Syrups based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are used.
  • Homeopathic medicines. Widely used in modern pediatrics in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children of different ages. Homeopathic syrup "Stodal" is popular. It has an expectorant, bronchodilator, and mild antitussive effect. It is prescribed for dry and wet cough, also relieves bronchospasms well.

With ARVI, a baby sometimes has a cough and runny nose without fever. These symptoms can also occur when allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Read more about cough medicines

How to treat cough in a child under one year old? There are three large groups of drugs for treating cough. The most acceptable and safe dosage form for infants - syrups and drops.

  • Antitussives. They suppress the cough reflex and are used for dry, obsessive, paroxysmal cough in children, more often for whooping cough. Most of these medications are contraindicated in children under 2–3 years of age. Sinekod syrup is a drug with central non-narcotic action, approved from 2 months. Panatus syrup is also a drug of central non-narcotic action, approved from 6 months under the strict supervision of a doctor. The dosage is prescribed depending on body weight.
  • Mucolytic drugs. They may be based on the following substances: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, hydrochloride. Promote liquefaction thick mucus in the respiratory organs. The most famous trade names syrups: “Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Bromhexin”, “Mukosol”, “Fluditek”, “Flavamed”, “Mukodin”. Most of these drugs can be given to infants, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Expectorants. Prescribed for wet cough, when viscous mucus is difficult to cough up. Herbal expectorant syrups with ivy and plantain extract are considered to be the safest for children under one year of age. The preparations may also include: thyme, anise, licorice, marshmallow, elecampane, oregano, thyme, wild rosemary, coltsfoot and other herbs. However, allergic reactions may occur to them. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition. If a rash, swelling, or anxiety appears, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. The most well-known trade names: “Gedelix”, “Doctor MOM”, “Prospan”, “Bronchicum”, “Dr. Theiss." “Prospan” syrup, for example, can be given to a baby at 4 months, “Bronchicum” can be safely used at 7 months. It is permissible to use expectorants in more early age, in newborns. This is decided only by the doctor, who accurately calculates the dose of the medicine.

An overdose of herbal expectorants should not be allowed, because this will lead to lingering cough. The volume of sputum may increase, and the baby will not be able to cough it up. A combination of expectorants and antitussives is considered dangerous. They are not compatible. Most instructions for expectorant syrups warn about this. Suppression of the cough center and the formation of excess sputum result in pneumonia.

How to help your baby

What should parents do if their baby coughs?

  • Drink as much as possible
    . If a newborn coughs, then at that age you should not give anything other than water. Perfect option- breast milk. If your baby has a fever, dehydration occurs much faster. This must be taken into account. How can you tell if your baby is getting enough fluids? By filling the diaper. If urination occurs once every 4 hours, this is a signal that the baby needs to be hydrated. In addition to water, an 8-month-old baby can be offered dried fruit compote, non-concentrated juices, decoctions of linden, rose hips, and raisins.
  • Don't dress too warmly. The child will lose even more moisture, and the mucous membranes will dry out faster.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible. If a baby has a cough without fever, and the child feels well, there are no contraindications for walking (except for severe frost outside the window). After walking, the baby may begin to cough more severely. There is no need to be afraid of this, because when the cough intensifies, the phlegm comes out better.
  • Humidify the air in a baby's room. Important condition in order to dry, nonproductive cough became moist, productive without any medications. Air humidity should be from 50 to 70%. Air temperature is no less important. Ideally it should be 18°C. At temperatures above 22°C, the mucus in the respiratory organs quickly becomes thick and viscous.

  • Natural inhalations
    . Infants are prohibited from doing steam inhalations for safety reasons, so as not to accidentally burn the skin and delicate mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. You can install an ultrasonic humidifier next to the crib. During attacks of dry obsessive cough It is recommended to go into the bathroom with the baby. Bathtub needs to be filled hot water, add soda to it and breathe in the steam filling the bathroom. The humidity in the bathroom will be very high, which is useful for dry coughs. If the cough is wet, then it is better not to add soda.
  • Water treatments. Is it possible to bathe a child with a cough? It depends on the nature of the disease, general condition baby. In the first days of ARVI, with elevated temperature It is not recommended to bathe the baby, you can only wipe the body damp towel. When the baby's condition improves, you can take medicinal bath. You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water (pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile, wild rosemary and others), sea ​​salt. After water procedures babies usually begin to cough up the remaining sputum well.
  • Drainage massage. Indicated for wet cough with difficult to separate sputum. It helps well in infants whose respiratory muscles are poorly developed. How to carry it out? If possible, you should invite a professional massage therapist who works specifically with infants. But there are some things mom can do herself. You need to lay the child on his back, clasp his chest with his palms and perform stroking movements from bottom to top. Then turn the baby over on his stomach and stroke his back in a circular motion without touching the spine. After stroking, more intense patting movements are performed from bottom to top. It is better to lay the baby so that the buttocks are higher than the head.
  • Folk remedies. Pediatricians do not recommend resorting to traditional recipes if the baby is coughing. Wrong and thoughtless actions of parents sometimes lead to disastrous results. It is strictly forbidden to use compresses with vodka, vinegar, or dry mustard. The baby may get burns, poisoning, and spasms of the larynx and bronchi may occur. Also, decoctions and infusions, and breast preparations should be used with great caution. Young children are often allergic to medicinal herbs.

What are the dangers of complications in infancy?

Against the background of ARVI, an infant may develop acute bronchitis or pneumonia, secondary bacterial infections. The baby will have to be treated with antibiotics and many different medications. They are not advisable during the formation of the immune system. Also, when pneumonia was suffered at 2 months or earlier, the alveoli of the lung are affected, which will remain undeveloped in the future.

More about whooping cough

Whooping cough has a number of characteristic features. That's why experienced doctor will immediately determine whether it is whooping cough or not. If the child received DTP vaccination, he can transfer this disease to mild form. Today, whooping cough is becoming more common and is diagnosed late, in the second or third week, or even later. This is explained by the massive refusal to vaccinate. Severe forms Whooping cough is dangerous for babies. hysterical, seizure different cough can lead to respiratory failure, severe vomiting, respiratory arrest. How to recognize whooping cough?

  • At the first stage, it is similar to a dry cough during ARVI.
  • However, it does not become productive, it becomes more and more intrusive.
  • Has a paroxysmal character.
  • Cough shocks occur during exhalation.
  • After a series of coughing jerks, the child makes deep breath(reprise).
  • Inhalation is accompanied by a whistle.
  • The attack ends with vomiting, sometimes viscous mucus comes out.
  • Attacks of whooping cough can occur up to 50 times a day.

How to treat a cough in an infant with whooping cough? Antibiotics are used because whooping cough is bacterial infection caused by pertussis bacillus. Treatment antibacterial drugs effective on initial stage illness until the cough center is overexcited. Even if whooping cough is detected in the third or fourth week, the doctor still prescribes antibiotics so that the baby is not contagious. The doctor also prescribes antitussive medications. They relieve a baby's debilitating cough. Whooping cough is a disease that can last for months. It can be cured with time and fresh air.

Treatment of cough of any nature in children under one year of age is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Babies recover quickly if they are not overheated and given enough water. Walking is also important feeling good baby, humidified and cool air in the room.


In infants, cough can be physiological in nature or be a symptom of one of the upper respiratory tract diseases. Before treating a cough in an infant, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, so you need to consult a pediatrician. But it is important for parents to know what causes a child’s cough and how to help the child get rid of it.

Why does an infant cough?

Normally, a baby can cough up to 10 times per day, because coughing and sneezing are protective reflex body. When cleansing the bronchi in newborns, mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, which becomes irritated and causes coughing. Besides, natural causes symptoms are:

  • expectoration of milk;
  • the baby does not yet know how to swallow saliva;
  • lying on your back for a long time;
  • there are elements in the air that irritate the mucous membranes in the form of dust, chemical substances, tobacco smoke.

Cough can be a symptom of the disease and has several varieties:

IN last years cases of newborn births have increased congenital pneumonia. If a baby develops a debilitating, prolonged wet gurgling cough, you should immediately consult your doctor.

If your baby coughs in his sleep

During the heating season, the room forms dry air, which may cause coughing. In this case, it is recommended to keep wet rags or towels on the batteries at all times. You can use a special humidifier and place it in your baby's room.

The period of teething is characterized by copious secretion of saliva. At that time saliva flows down the throat and causes itching. This causes coughing.

May cause coughing horizontal position with a runny nose. Both symptoms indicate the onset of the disease, so you need to contact your pediatrician.

Dust, wool, fluff in the room or bed of a newborn may cause allergic reaction. Allergens can become harmful substances in washing powder and even toys. The cough will go away, if the allergen is identified and eliminated.

How to treat cough in a newborn?

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, making a diagnosis based on examination and tests:

Cough preparations for infants

For children under one year of age, cough medicines are prescribed in the form of drops or syrups. There are three groups of drugs for treatment.


Apply with a wet cough to facilitate the removal of sticky mucus. The most effective and popular are:

  • Prospan syrup - for children from four months of age;
  • Bronchicum - for babies from 7 months;
  • Dr. Theis;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix.

The composition of herbal expectorant syrups includes extracts of plantain, ivy, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, thyme, oregano, elecampane, marshmallow, licorice, anise, thyme or other medicinal herbs. Despite their harmlessness, they can cause an allergic reaction in some children, so you need to monitor the child’s condition while taking syrups. If rash, restlessness and swelling appear, stop taking the drug.

Mucaltic drugs

These are medications that help thin the thick mucus accumulated in the respiratory organs. Remove phlegm and strengthen immune system In the first months of life, the baby can be treated with the mucaltic drug Ambrohexal. Popular and effective means are:


Apply with an obsessive, dry cough, suppressing the cough reflex. Often used for whooping cough, when a child coughs paroxysmally. Most cough suppressants medicines Can only be used from the age of two. Suitable for younger children:

  • for children from 2 months - the central non-narcotic drug Sinecot;
  • for babies from 6 months - Panatus syrup.

Their dosage is prescribed by the doctor and depends on body weight. These types of medications must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

An infant is coughing - what should parents do?

Newborns should not be given anything other than breast milk and water. At high temperature Dehydration may occur and should be monitored closely. This should be done according to the frequency of urination. The baby needs give more water , if the diaper is filled only once in four hours. Eight-month-old children can be given linden decoctions, non-concentrated juices, compotes of dried fruits, raisins, and rose hips.

An important condition for recovery is the temperature and humidity in the baby’s room. When the room temperature is above +22 degrees, the mucus becomes viscous and thick. Ideal conditions for a child, air temperature of +18 degrees and humidity from 50 to 70% are considered.

If a newborn has a cough without fever, and there is no severe frost outside, then walks simply necessary. And if even after them the baby begins to cough more strongly, this means that sputum is coming out.

Inhalations. It is dangerous to do steam inhalations for infants, as it can burn the delicate mucous membrane. To improve well-being and treat cough, it is recommended to use a procedure in which the baby will breathe in the vapors coming from a bathtub filled with hot water in the bathroom. For a dry cough, you can add soda to the water.

Massage. If the cough is wet and phlegm is difficult to clear, infant appointed drainage massage. If possible, this procedure should be performed by a professional massage therapist. But parents can do some manipulations themselves:

  1. Place the child on his back.
  2. Grab your chest with your palms and stroke it gently from bottom to top.
  3. Turn the baby onto his stomach.
  4. Without touching the spine, stroke your back with light circular movements.
  5. Using upward movements, perform intense pats on the back.

In order for sputum to drain, the baby should lie so that his buttocks are higher than his head.

Bathing. The use of water procedures depends on the nature of the disease. At high temperatures, the baby can only be wiped with a damp towel. At normal temperature and good health, the child should take medicinal baths, adding sea salt or decoctions of wild rosemary, chamomile, eucalyptus, pine needles or other medicinal plants to the water. After such procedures, the remaining sputum is coughed up very well.

Folk recipes. Attending doctors have a very negative attitude towards the use of folk remedies for treating infants. Various compresses from mustard, vinegar, vodka can not only burn the baby’s delicate skin, but also cause spasms in the larynx, bronchi, and poisoning. Breast training, infusions and decoctions for medicinal herbs should be used with great caution. They should absolutely not be given to newborns, and in older children the body’s reaction must first be checked, since medicinal plants may cause allergies.

Under no circumstances should a baby start coughing, otherwise complications may arise. Give immediately medications not worth it. It is necessary to first identify the cause of coughing. It is recommended to consult a pediatrician already in the first days. Only he must decide whether treatment is necessary or whether certain procedures are sufficient to eliminate the cough.

Coughing in children is a reflex of their small body to the influence of external factors. As a result of the expulsion of air, the airways are cleared of foreign bodies and mucus that appears inside. Very often, an infection that enters the body becomes the main causative agent of a dry cough. So, let’s look at how to treat a cough in a baby, and what folk remedies help to quickly overcome this disease.


A dry cough in a newborn can be mild, barely noticeable, or deep, which can cause nausea and pain in the respiratory tract. If left untimely, it can cause the development of many diseases: hoarseness, anxiety or sleep disturbance.

  1. Mainly viral infections (ARVI), which in 90% are symptoms of cough. Inflammatory process infections can occur in both the lower and upper respiratory tract.
  2. Foreign bodies. Penetrating into the bronchi and trachea of ​​a newborn, they can pose a great threat to the baby, and therefore require treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. The cause of a dry cough in an infant can sometimes be a simple inflammation of the larynx, trachea or pharynx. Even a small amount of phlegm can be a very painful process for our children.
  4. With a wet cough, thick sputum is much more difficult to cough up, as it requires significant effort. It becomes deeper and causes a lot of inconvenience to our beloved baby. Usually the child stops coughing when the sputum production has stopped.
  5. A runny nose is also one of the causes of coughing. But here parents should not worry too much: after all, the reason for coughing lies in the fact that mucus (when the nose is clogged) enters the sinuses of the respiratory tract, thereby causing irritation.
  6. Other diseases not related to the respiratory tract (for example, heart disease).

Folk remedies

Treatment of cough in newborns with traditional methods will create the basis for overcoming other colds. In the list of main expectorants medicinal products that are effective at home include:

  • Mustard plasters. Wrapping mustard plasters has long been a success among our grandmothers and is effective. therapeutic effect to date. You will need: mustard, flour, honey and vegetable oil(all in equal proportions). Mix thoroughly in the pan and bring to a boil. Then we apply it to a gauze cloth and carefully wrap the newborn’s back and chest. If necessary, you can wrap the baby in a terry towel.
  • A bag of salt. Heat the salt in a frying pan and pour it into a bag (15x10 cm) which we place diagonally on the baby’s chest. Remove after the salt has cooled (about two hours).
  • Onion tincture. Mix the onion cut into small slices with honey and let the mixture brew for about eight hours. Before feeding the baby, you can give this tincture one teaspoon at a time.
  • Herbs- an effective remedy for children from 2 months. In every pharmacy you can buy chamomile tea or “mother and stepmother”, they are not expensive, but medicinal properties They are not inferior even to children's syrups.
  • Pharmacy products. Medicines will help you quickly get rid of a cough and sore throat. For example, to speed up the treatment of the respiratory tract, a remedy such as Eucalyptus is often used. The process of treating a child is as follows: the bathtub is filled with water to 15-20 cm, and Eucalyptus tincture is sprayed on the walls. The baby's time in the water should not exceed 15 minutes, after which he should be wiped dry and wrapped in a warm towel. After taking 3-4 procedures, the intensity of the cough will decrease and subsequently go away forever.
  • Rubbing in honey. Apply to palms a small amount of honey and rub the chest and back of the baby. After the procedure, carefully wrap the baby in a warm blanket.

Traditional methods of treating cough using medicinal herbs will be effective if used in combination with inhalation.

If a baby's cough is caused by a common cold, then you can use traditional methods treatment. In cases where the disease takes more than acute form with a stable temperature, you need to urgently contact your pediatrician.

Many young mothers often wonder - how to treat a cough infant?

Women who already have older children cope with this problem on their own, relying on their past experience.

However, those families where the newborn is the first-born approach this issue with special responsibility, and amateur efforts are inappropriate here. After all, the health of the child depends entirely on this.

Symptoms of the disease

First you need to find out the cause of your baby’s cough. In fact, its occurrence may be a symptom various diseases respiratory tract (upper and lower), influenza, bronchitis or bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections or ARVI. And these are not all diseases that result in coughing.

Main features

As is known, this disease manifests itself in different forms: either dry or wet (accompanied by sputum). It is necessary to pay attention to this moment Special attention, because this is the main indicator of the severity of the disease.

In the event that the discharge has a tint greenish color or bloody spots, you should urgently seek medical help.

We should also not forget the fact that babies may not have sputum at all, since up to a year the child’s bronchi are still poorly developed.


Doctors often prescribe treatment in the form of various expectorants (potions, syrups). Many people recommend giving babies massage. This is also effective means from cough, as it affects the discharge of sputum without forming stagnation in the child’s bronchi. For the same purpose, you need to drink liquid in large quantities.

The massage is quite simple and safe to perform. Rib cage and the baby's feet are massaged with light patting and tapping. In this case, you can use herbal balms to improve the result.

If there is a wet cough, it is necessary to place a pillow under the child’s head, this will help ease breathing and prevent mucous secretions from entering the respiratory tract.

Traditional medicine for coughs in children

Exists great amount folk recipes which help relieve cough.

Some of them are really effective. The most common one is warm milk with honey or melted butter. This mixture is believed to be excellent for sore throats.

Many people prefer decoctions of wild rosemary, coltsfoot, and ivy leaves. But it should be taken into account that such a “homemade” medicine is used taking into account a strict dosage. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Safe cough recipes for children.

  • Boil: 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in one liter of water over low heat until the amount of water is approximately half as much. Give the resulting warm decoction to children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Fresh squeezed cabbage juice with added sugar 1:1 is useful as an expectorant for coughs. A decoction of cabbage with the addition of honey in the same proportion also works well.
  • Boil 1 tbsp. spoon pine buds in 1 glass of water and leave for about 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Honey and olive oil: mix in equal proportions natural honey and warm olive oil. Give children a teaspoon 4-5 times a day. The product is effective even in the treatment of whooping cough.
  • Cook for 10 minutes. over low heat, one whole lemon with peel. Cool, peel, squeeze out juice. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin (buy at the pharmacy) and honey 1:1 to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly, take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, preferably an hour before meals. The mixture is tasty and harmless, and cleanses the lungs very well.

All these recipes will help adults too - we increase the dose three times.
In conclusion, I would like to note that it is best to follow the recommendations of a pediatrician and not abuse traditional medicine recipes.

After all, from proper treatment The baby's health depends.

Therefore, the question “how to treat a cough in an infant” should be directly asked to a specialist.