Pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin, causes on the legs, face, arms. Petechiae: causes of hemorrhage and rash, how to treat? What diseases cause petechiae?

Sometimes children and adults develop red, purple or violet spots on the body, this is a petechial rash. Quite often, this disease is confused with marks from insect bites, and only a doctor can find out exactly what it is.

Why do petechiae occur?

Petechial rash is the result of rupture of small blood vessels located under the skin. Its color is due to the fact that red blood cells from the vessels enter the space between the tissues. The spots look like tiny bruises, measuring 1 to 2 mm in diameter. They are flat and smooth to the touch and can appear one at a time or in large numbers. The peculiarity of such formations is that upon palpation they do not change their color.

If petechiae appear, the reasons can be quite varied. They indicate a large number of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Their presence is mainly explained by diseases of the circulatory system, autoimmune diseases, and the presence of certain infections.

The causes of vascular rupture are divided into two groups: physiological and pathological. Most often, a rash in healthy people occurs as a result of injury. Due to the physical impact of great force on the skin, capillaries rupture and blood enters under the skin. Children often receive injuries that cause hemorrhages, which is explained by their high activity. However, adults are also often injured. The oral mucosa can be damaged by eating solid foods.

In addition, petechiae can form as a result of severe overexertion during coughing, vomiting, and crying. The consequence of such processes is rupture of blood vessels near the eyes, mouth and other areas of the face. Overexertion during labor is the cause of rashes in women in labor.

In addition, pathechial rashes may have other causes:

  • heavy physical exercise;
  • clothes that are too tight;
  • high blood pressure;
  • applying a tourniquet to stop bleeding;
  • skin aging.

All of the above reasons are classified as physiological. Often, over a short period of time, the spots become lighter and then disappear completely. Such formations can appear in different parts of the body: arms, legs, torso, face, mucous membranes of the mouth.

The group of pathological causes is quite extensive, but is mainly represented by autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, hemorrhagic vasculitis, etc.) and blood diseases (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia).

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In addition, other pathological causes are known that affect the formation of petechiae. These include:

  • deficiency of vitamins K or C;
  • hormonal disorders represented by hypercortisolism;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • the presence of various tumors;
  • drug use;
  • radiation therapy and chemotherapy sessions;
  • some infectious diseases (smallpox, typhus, sepsis, tonsillitis, meningitis, etc.)
  • long-term use of medications such as Heparin, Atropine, Penicillin, Indomethacin, Naproxen (a group of anticoagulants).

Features and types of petechiae

In appearance, petechial rashes are very similar to other skin rashes: allergic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, roseola. Despite this, they can still be distinguished by making some observations. First, you need to try to press on the stain. If it does not change color or disappear, then this is the first sign of petechiae. Secondly, you need to carefully examine the speck. It will be smooth, not protruding above the skin, without bubbles or crusts. And thirdly, such a rash does not itch, there may only be a feeling of irritated skin.

If a child begins to rash, then most likely he hit a blunt object while playing. Most often, petechiae do not pose any danger. However, in cases where the rashes recur sporadically without any injury occurring, you should seek specialized help. Your doctor can use a blood test to determine the cause of the rash.

It is important to know that a petechial rash may indicate infectious diseases or immune system dysfunction, which are serious disorders. Therefore, you should not leave the solution to chance. In infants, such skin rashes can occur due to poor skin care on the buttocks, arms, legs, and tummy. If hygiene is not observed, petechiae can actually become a very serious disease.

Hemorrhages can be a symptom of certain diseases, depending on which they will be of a slightly different nature. For example, petechiae in meningitis look like small stars and are pale in color. They appear throughout the body in a fairly short time and have the ability to merge with each other. The result of this fusion is large ecchymoses, the tissues of which often begin to die. Such manifestations of meningitis are often located on the skin of the thighs, legs, buttocks, feet, and lower abdomen.

Diseases associated with dysfunction of the immune system are also accompanied by the formation of petechiae. First it starts to rash on the arms and legs, and after 2-4 days it spreads all over the body. A distinctive feature of this type is that along with the rash, the temperature rises, malaise appears, and arthralgia occurs. After the rash disappears, the skin at the sites of its dislocation peels off and becomes pigmented.

Petechial rash can also occur with enterovirus infection. In contrast to a number of symptoms of this disease, the resulting petechiae often bring relief to the patient’s condition and a decrease in body temperature. It is known that such hemorrhages disappear after 2 days, leaving no traces.

In addition to the described types of petechiae, there are similar rashes with gonorrhea, staphylococcal infection, vasculitis, and Schamberg's disease. Despite their similarities, they still have certain differences.

Treatment and prevention of rash

Although in most cases the appearance of reddish formations on the skin does not pose a particular threat to health, you should not leave everything to chance. If you are not sure about their safety, it is better to consult a doctor. If necessary, he will prescribe special treatment, which will depend on the causes of the rash.

So, in case of injury, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the injured area of ​​the body. With its help, you can relieve the inflammatory process and prevent the appearance of new rashes. Ice wrapped in a towel or some natural fabric is used as a cold compress. Its exposure time is 15 minutes.

If the cause of hemorrhages is an infection, then you cannot do without taking antibiotics. Antiviral drugs are also prescribed, drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease and enhance immunity.

Petechiae resulting from allergic reactions are treated with antihistamines: Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec. After this, desensitization is carried out.

In case of systemic dysfunction of the immune system, a long therapeutic course (from 4 to 8 weeks) will be required. The main drugs for such treatment: Ascorbic acid, Calcium chloride, Rutin. The following methods will also help strengthen the immune system: taking vitamins K, P, C and liver extract; blood transfusion; immunoglobulin infusion.

  1. Balanced diet. It is necessary to consume as much vegetables, liver, and grapes as possible, which are rich in iron. Fish will compensate for the lack of folic acid. For normal blood clotting, you need to eat a lot of spinach and parsley.
  2. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
  3. Limit physical activity.
  4. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and shoes.
  5. When resting while lying on a sofa or bed, you should raise your legs up. This position helps reduce blood flow.

Thus, petechiae in themselves do not pose a threat to health, but their appearance may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the best way out is to consult a specialist.

Petechial rash (petechiae) are small hemorrhages that can appear locally or diffusely, but do not protrude above the surface of healthy skin, and do not have symptoms characteristic of dermatological diseases. This symptom is not independent; in most cases it indicates the development of pathological processes of the hematopoietic system, autoimmune diseases, and some infectious diseases. The rash may be red, violet or purple in color. If such rashes occur, you should immediately seek medical help.


The appearance of petechial rashes can be caused by both physiological and pathological etiological factors. The pathological group includes:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious processes in the body - typhus, etc.;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • hematological disorders;
  • long-term use of anticoagulants;
  • oncological processes and consequences after treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy;
  • taking drugs.

Physiological factors for the appearance of this symptom include:

  • strong physical impact on the skin, which leads to rupture of blood vessels;
  • excessive stress (with a strong cough, irrational physical activity), which also leads to rupture of blood vessels;
  • isolated manifestations of a rash may be a consequence of severe nervous strain;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes for a long time;
  • age-related changes.

In such cases, the rash goes away within a few days and is not life-threatening. However, if additional symptoms are present, the cause of such a symptom may be a serious illness, therefore, you should seek advice from a qualified doctor.

A baby may experience a rash on the face immediately after birth, which may be due to strong pressure during passage through the birth canal.


If the cause of the formation of such a rash on the legs or throughout the body is not a pathological process, then, as a rule, there are no additional symptoms.

If the cause is an infectious disease, the nature of the rash may manifest itself as follows:

  • when the rashes are multiple in nature, the spots are star-shaped, often grouped together, which leads to the formation of necrosis;
  • when the spots in appearance may resemble pustules with hemorrhagic contents;
  • with hemorrhagic rashes can be present not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.

As for the general clinical picture, with this origin of pinpoint hemorrhages, the following symptoms may occur:

  • bodies;
  • sound, auditory hallucinations;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • unstable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased diuresis and stool disturbances.

In autoimmune diseases, the nature of the rash may be as follows:

  • the rash on the legs and arms turns into multiple petechiae after 3–4 days;
  • over time, the rashes transform into pigmented spots with peeling;
  • it is possible to transform spots into .

The clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • body;
  • , similar in symptoms to;
  • bouts of diarrhea;
  • , often with attacks;
  • – the patient is almost always drowsy;
  • sudden attacks of aggression.

If the cause of such rashes is drug use, the clinical picture may appear as follows:

  • auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • uncontrolled urination and defecation;
  • the rash may look like.

If you have the symptoms described above, you should immediately seek medical help, as some pathological processes are life-threatening.


Initially, an objective examination of the patient is carried out to clarify complaints, medical history and life history. To establish the etiology of this symptom, the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods may be prescribed:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical studies;
  • detailed biochemical blood test;
  • coagulogram;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • X-ray with contrast agent.

It should also be noted that the diagnostic program will be adjusted depending on the current clinical picture and the suspected etiological factor.

Petechiae (or petechial rash) appear on the skin at any age. These small red dots do not hurt or become inflamed, so they are often perceived by people as harmless. In a considerable percentage of cases this is true - the petechiae disappear over time, leaving no trace. And yet, such a specific rash may be a reason to take your health seriously and undergo diagnostics, and in some cases, urgently call an ambulance. MedAboutMe will tell you when red spots are just a minor reaction, and when they are a sign of a fatal disease.

Petechiae - small hemorrhages

Petechial rash is one of the types of hemorrhages that occur due to damage to the smallest vessels, capillaries. A small amount of blood spreads under the skin, forming a round spot no larger than 2 mm in size. This rash does not bother the patient in any way. Moreover, if petechiae are formed in small quantities and are not accompanied by other symptoms, a person may not notice their presence on the skin.

A characteristic feature of petechiae that helps distinguish them from other types of rashes is that they do not disappear with pressure. If the redness is caused by an inflammatory process, but does not lead to rupture of the capillaries, the rushing blood will flow through the vessel, you just have to press on the rash with your finger. The hemorrhage will still remain under the skin, will not move and will not turn pale.

Petechiae do not become inflamed or painful; they are flat formations that can remain for quite a long time. Even after the factor that provoked them has long been eliminated. Over time, they can change color (from scarlet to red, and then to brown), but do not increase in size or change in shape. But the progression of the pathological process is indicated by the appearance of new red dots, or more massive bruises.

Trauma and other physiological causes

The first and most obvious cause of capillary rupture is trauma. Moreover, we are talking about a large list of damages. Petechiae can result from:

Impact with soft tissue damage. Skin chafing. In infants, the rash can appear from diapers, in adults - from uncomfortable clothing. Skin squeezing. For example, at the site where a tourniquet or tight bandage is applied.

The walls of the capillaries may not withstand the increase in blood pressure that occurs against the background of severe stress. For example, with intense coughing, crying, even screaming. Severe stress or weightlifting can also affect blood pressure. A characteristic feature in cases of injury and overexertion is the local nature of the petechial rash. Red dots appear at the site of pressure, impact, etc., and with strong tension - on the face.

With age, the walls of blood vessels become less elastic, and capillary ruptures occur more often. Therefore, the formation of a small number of petechiae in old age is a natural physiological process.

Damage to the walls of small vessels can occur during treatment with various medications. Petechiae form in people taking the following medications:

Penicillin antibiotics. Warfarin, heparin. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Atropine. Indomethacin.

Also, subcutaneous hemorrhages can result from radiation and chemotherapy. The rash is often observed in drug addicts.

Diseases that cause petechiae

Weak walls of blood vessels, their frequent damage, and most importantly, the presence of bruises of various sizes can indicate more serious problems. First of all, we are talking about diseases associated with changes in blood composition. In particular, bruising occurs in various types of leukemia and aplastic anemia - diseases in which the bone marrow produces an insufficient amount of blood components. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by a low content of platelets, the cells responsible for blood clotting. If they are deficient, any wounds will take longer to heal, and in the worst cases, it is impossible to stop the bleeding at all. Therefore, with this disease, the formation of any types of hemorrhages is one of the first symptoms. Petechiae also occur in other diseases associated with poor blood clotting.

The vascular system suffers from autoimmune diseases - disorders of the immune system, in which it begins to perceive the body's cells as foreign and attack them. Against the background of such pathologies, inflammation often develops, destroying the walls of blood vessels - vasculitis. Petechiae occur when:

Systemic lupus erythematosus. Spondyloarthritis. Scleroderma. Hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Infectious diseases can affect the condition of blood vessels and lead to ruptures of the most delicate of them - capillaries. Therefore, petechiae often occur against the background of such diseases:

Angina. Scarlet fever. Cytomagalovirus infection. Enterovirus infection. Mononucleosis. Endocarditis.

Another cause of weak capillaries can be hypovitaminosis. First of all, subcutaneous bruising is caused by a deficiency of vitamins K and C. Petechiae occur in small quantities, often against the background of changes in diet or after an illness.

Petechiae in life-threatening conditions

Unfortunately, small red dots on the skin can also indicate severe, life-threatening conditions. First of all, we are talking about a complication of a bacterial infection - the development of sepsis. It occurs when bacteria and their toxins enter the blood. Against this background, various vascular damage occurs, and the microorganisms themselves spread throughout the body and lead to systemic damage. Without proper treatment, the patient goes into shock and develops acute multiple organ failure. Doctors include Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci as pathogens that most often lead to sepsis.

Another dangerous bacterium, infection of which may be accompanied by petechiae, is meningococcus. If meningococcal infection occurs in a mild form, bruising does not form on the skin. But if the bacterium enters the blood, the most severe form of the disease occurs - meningococcemia. Under the influence of the immune system, microorganisms in the blood are destroyed, a toxin is released, which causes severe harm to blood vessels, actively damaging their walls. This development of the disease is typical for children, and its distinctive feature is rapid development and progression. And the formation of a characteristic rash is one of the most accurate symptoms. Small hemorrhages appear throughout the body, their number increases before our eyes, and new ones are larger in size and more complex in shape (resembling stars). In some areas they may merge into large spots. This diagnosis has a very high mortality rate, so the sick child must be urgently hospitalized.

Symptoms that should alert you

If petechiae are not accompanied by other symptoms, their number does not increase and they are not a sign of a serious illness. In pathological processes with damage to capillaries, other changes in health status always appear. Subcutaneous hemorrhages should alert you if the following ailments appear against their background:

Heat. Headache, dizziness. Stiff neck. Impaired coordination of movements. Confusion. The appearance of pustules of various sizes or other types of rash on the body. Nausea and vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Myalgia. Inflammation and pain in the joints. Other types of hemorrhages include bleeding gums, nosebleeds, and bruising. Wounds that take a long time to bleed.

Petechiae look like flat, round spots, they form in groups, do not change color or size, and appear after a skin injury or overtightening. Essentially, these are microbruises, no more than 2 mm in diameter, when red blood cells come out. Petechiae are also formed during the development of infectious or autoimmune pathology. But a rash can also form in a completely healthy person with frequent stress and nervous shock, but then the symptoms go away on their own after some time.

Petechiae are small, rounded hemorrhages that develop under the influence of rupture of small subcutaneous vessels. They can be red, violet or purple, and the diameter usually does not exceed 2 mm. The formations are not palpable and do not protrude above the surface of the skin.

Petechiae on the skin are a symptom of many diseases - blood pathologies, systemic autoimmune lesions, infectious diseases.

Immediately, the petechiae acquire a rich red tint, but over time they become dark brown, their brightness gradually decreases until they disappear. But sometimes a faint pigment trace remains.

The main reason for the formation of red rashes is injury to the capillaries, then they rupture and blood gets under the skin. In children, this can even happen as a result of a fall. Also, in childhood, petechiae are formed due to a lack of vitamin K in the body. All causes of petechiae are divided into physiological and pathological. Unlike on the skin, petechiae are smaller.

Physiological reasons

Trauma represents a severe impact on the skin. In this case, the capillaries rupture and blood gets under the skin. In adults this happens after a strong blow, in children - after a fall. When eating too hard foods, petechiae can also form on the oral mucosa. Overexertion during coughing attacks, emotional crying, vomiting. Petechiae form near the eyes or elsewhere on the face.

Petechiae can appear after childbirth, this is the effect of tension and stress on a woman.
Single petechiae are often found in people involved in weightlifting.

Petechiae can also appear as a result of strong compression of soft tissues. The spot rashes do not threaten health and go away on their own after a few days.
Aging of the skin also causes skin defects.

Pathological causes

Under the influence of some autoimmune and hematological diseases, the formation and functioning of platelets is disrupted - then petechiae are formed. In this case, the pathological causes of petechiae on the skin are:

  • Autoimmune pathologies (scleroderma, spondyloarthritis);
  • Infections (smallpox, typhus, scarlet fever, meningitis, tonsillitis, endocarditis);
  • Lack of vitamins K, C;
  • Hormonal dysfunctions;
  • Tumors;
  • Addiction;
  • Long-term treatment with certain drugs (Heparin, Penicillin, Atropine, Warfarin);
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • Childhood scurvy.

Petechiae also appears due to improper care and malnutrition.

The main types of petechiae in various diseases

According to their origin, rashes are:

  • Primary are small purple dots that turn yellow over time, losing their clear color.
  • Secondary - will not go away on their own and require surgical removal.

The varieties correspond to diseases in which petechiae are formed:

  1. Meningitis. Its symptom is hemorrhagic rashes that are star-shaped and pale in color. This is an early manifestation of the lesion - it can develop in the first hours, quickly spreading throughout the body - thighs, legs, lower abdomen, buttocks, feet. In the center of the petechiae there is a vesicle; they can also merge into common spots - ecchymosis, then they are susceptible to necrosis.
  2. Gonorrhea. Petechiae are found on the distal parts of the limbs, above the large joints. They are represented by pustules with blood and are combined with other symptoms.
  3. Staphylococcal infection is manifested by the formation of petechiae with pus, in which, during diagnosis, the presence of gram-positive cocci is established. During the disease, the walls of blood vessels become thinner due to bacterial toxins. Petechiae are localized on the oral mucosa and sclera.
  4. Autoimmune pathologies, vasculitis. The rash appears on the arms and legs, and after a couple of days it spreads widely throughout the body. Their formation is complemented by symptoms of intoxication. After a few days, the rash goes away, and in its place areas of pigmentation and peeling remain. With hemorrhagic vasculitis, petechiae are accompanied by joint pain and abdominal discomfort.
  5. Schamberg's disease is hemosiderosis of the skin under the influence of autoimmune inflammation of the capillaries. Petechiae look like tiny needle marks. At first they are dark, over time they lighten and go away. Their feature is a symmetrical arrangement, but different morphology. The pathology is characterized by a benign course because it affects the capillaries of the skin.
  6. Enterovirus infection - petechiae are accompanied by fever, muscle pain and inflammation of the soft meninges.

Ecchymoses are large hemorrhages in the mucous surfaces and skin, the diameter, unlike petechiae, is more than 3 mm. Petechiae also have a smooth, round shape. Otherwise, ecchymoses are similar to them.

On a child's face

Petechiae on the face in children occur frequently, usually due to impacts with blunt objects. But also under the influence of pathologies - problems in the functioning of the immune system. In infants, the cause of petechiae may be unsatisfactory hygiene, then the rash will actively spread, and an infection may occur that is difficult to treat.

On the feet of an adult and a child

There are a large number of reasons for the formation of a rash on the legs of an adult or child - natural phenomena, mechanical injuries, pathologies. Petechiae appear on the legs due to falls or against the background of dangerous diseases.

Improper hygiene provokes the spread of hemorrhagic rashes to the buttocks and abdomen. Single petechiae most often go away on their own, but with an extensive process, the help of a doctor is required.

Possible complications

In advanced cases, petechial hemorrhages spread throughout the body and provoke a rise in temperature. Sometimes intoxication reaches the point of fainting, and delirium with convulsions develops. In systemic pathologies, petechiae are often accompanied by shortness of breath, increased heart rate, joint and muscle pain.


The treatment process depends on the causes of the pathology. For injuries, a cold compress with ice for 15 minutes will help relieve the condition. If red spots on the skin and petechiae continue to spread, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Drug therapy

If the nature of the rash is infectious, then a course of antibacterial agents, desensitizing drugs, immunostimulants, and drugs to suppress concomitant symptoms is required.

Petechiae arising as a result of allergies are treated with antihistamines Zodak, Suprastin, Zyrtec.

Autoimmune pathologies with hemorrhagic rash are treated for 1 to 2 months with desensitizing, vasodilating agents in combination with corticosteroids.

For patients with poor immune function against which petechiae often form, it is recommended to implement therapy with vitamins C, K, P, globulins and blood transfusions.

Petechiae of a traumatic nature resolve on their own after some time, without requiring special therapy. Other cases often involve surgical removal of the defects.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is appropriate to use only if petechiae appeared under the influence of trauma. When the cause is a disease, it is necessary to pay attention to its elimination and treatment of the primary disease.

The doctor may allow you to take herbal decoctions based on St. John's wort, chamomile, motherwort, and rosemary internally. They have a general strengthening and calming effect. For serious illnesses, self-medication and the use of traditional medicine recipes are prohibited.

Disease prevention

To prevent the formation of petechiae, the following preventive measures are required:

  • Avoid bruises.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.
  • Eat healthy foods and vitamins to strengthen vascular walls.
  • Try to promptly treat emerging pathologies, preventing their transformation into chronic forms.


If petechiae are caused by injury, the spots will go away on their own. If they are pathological conditions, they will disappear only after the causes are eliminated. The prognosis correlates with the success of treatment of the underlying disease that caused the hemorrhagic rash.

Petechiae (or petechial rash) appear on the skin at any age. These small red dots do not hurt or become inflamed, so they are often perceived by people as harmless. In a considerable percentage of cases this is true - the petechiae disappear over time, leaving no trace. And yet, such a specific rash may be a reason to take your health seriously and undergo diagnostics, and in some cases, urgently call an ambulance. MedAboutMe will tell you when red spots are just a minor reaction, and when they are a sign of a fatal disease.

Petechiae - small hemorrhages

Petechial rash is one of the types of hemorrhages that occur due to damage to the smallest vessels, capillaries. A small amount of blood spreads under the skin, forming a round spot no larger than 2 mm in size. This rash does not bother the patient in any way. Moreover, if petechiae are formed in small quantities and are not accompanied by other symptoms, a person may not notice their presence on the skin.

A characteristic feature of petechiae that helps distinguish them from other types of rashes is that they do not disappear with pressure. If the redness is caused by an inflammatory process, but does not lead to rupture of the capillaries, the rushing blood will flow through the vessel, you just have to press on the rash with your finger. The hemorrhage will still remain under the skin, will not move and will not turn pale.

Petechiae do not become inflamed or painful; they are flat formations that can remain for quite a long time. Even after the factor that provoked them has long been eliminated. Over time, they can change color (from scarlet to red, and then to brown), but do not increase in size or change in shape. But the progression of the pathological process is indicated by the appearance of new red dots, or more massive bruises.

Trauma and other physiological causes

The first and most obvious cause of capillary rupture is trauma. Moreover, we are talking about a large list of damages. Petechiae can result from:

Impact with soft tissue damage. Skin chafing. In infants, the rash can appear from diapers, in adults - from uncomfortable clothing. Skin squeezing. For example, at the site where a tourniquet or tight bandage is applied.

The walls of the capillaries may not withstand the increase in blood pressure that occurs against the background of severe stress. For example, with intense coughing, crying, even screaming. Severe stress or weightlifting can also affect blood pressure. A characteristic feature in cases of injury and overexertion is the local nature of the petechial rash. Red dots appear at the site of pressure, impact, etc., and with strong tension - on the face.

With age, the walls of blood vessels become less elastic, and capillary ruptures occur more often. Therefore, the formation of a small number of petechiae in old age is a natural physiological process.

Damage to the walls of small vessels can occur during treatment with various medications. Petechiae form in people taking the following medications:

Penicillin antibiotics. Warfarin, heparin. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Atropine. Indomethacin.

Also, subcutaneous hemorrhages can result from radiation and chemotherapy. The rash is often observed in drug addicts.

Diseases that cause petechiae

Weak walls of blood vessels, their frequent damage, and most importantly, the presence of bruises of various sizes can indicate more serious problems. First of all, we are talking about diseases associated with changes in blood composition. In particular, bruising occurs in various types of leukemia and aplastic anemia - diseases in which the bone marrow produces an insufficient amount of blood components. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by a low content of platelets, the cells responsible for blood clotting. If they are deficient, any wounds will take longer to heal, and in the worst cases, it is impossible to stop the bleeding at all. Therefore, with this disease, the formation of any types of hemorrhages is one of the first symptoms. Petechiae also occur in other diseases associated with poor blood clotting.

The vascular system suffers from autoimmune diseases - disorders of the immune system, in which it begins to perceive the body's cells as foreign and attack them. Against the background of such pathologies, inflammation often develops, destroying the walls of blood vessels - vasculitis. Petechiae occur when:

Systemic lupus erythematosus. Spondyloarthritis. Scleroderma. Hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Infectious diseases can affect the condition of blood vessels and lead to ruptures of the most delicate of them - capillaries. Therefore, petechiae often occur against the background of such diseases:

Angina. Scarlet fever. Cytomagalovirus infection. Enterovirus infection. Mononucleosis. Endocarditis.

Another cause of weak capillaries can be hypovitaminosis. First of all, subcutaneous bruising is caused by a deficiency of vitamins K and C. Petechiae occur in small quantities, often against the background of changes in diet or after an illness.

Petechiae in life-threatening conditions

Unfortunately, small red dots on the skin can also indicate severe, life-threatening conditions. First of all, we are talking about a complication of a bacterial infection - the development of sepsis. It occurs when bacteria and their toxins enter the blood. Against this background, various vascular damage occurs, and the microorganisms themselves spread throughout the body and lead to systemic damage. Without proper treatment, the patient goes into shock and develops acute multiple organ failure. Doctors include Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci as pathogens that most often lead to sepsis.

Another dangerous bacterium, infection of which may be accompanied by petechiae, is meningococcus. If meningococcal infection occurs in a mild form, bruising does not form on the skin. But if the bacterium enters the blood, the most severe form of the disease occurs - meningococcemia. Under the influence of the immune system, microorganisms in the blood are destroyed, a toxin is released, which causes severe harm to blood vessels, actively damaging their walls. This development of the disease is typical for children, and its distinctive feature is rapid development and progression. And the formation of a characteristic rash is one of the most accurate symptoms. Small hemorrhages appear throughout the body, their number increases before our eyes, and new ones are larger in size and more complex in shape (resembling stars). In some areas they may merge into large spots. This diagnosis has a very high mortality rate, so the sick child must be urgently hospitalized.

Symptoms that should alert you

If petechiae are not accompanied by other symptoms, their number does not increase and they are not a sign of a serious illness. In pathological processes with damage to capillaries, other changes in health status always appear. Subcutaneous hemorrhages should alert you if the following ailments appear against their background:

Heat. Headache, dizziness. Stiff neck. Impaired coordination of movements. Confusion. The appearance of pustules of various sizes or other types of rash on the body. Nausea and vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Myalgia. Inflammation and pain in the joints. Other types of hemorrhages include bleeding gums, nosebleeds, and bruising. Wounds that take a long time to bleed.