Types of effective advertising. Advertising on social networks. Summary analysis of the described types of online advertising

The main feature of advertising for small businesses is that it pays minimal attention to the brand, that is, the company itself. Unlike large multinational corporations such as, say, Coca-Cola, you can hardly afford to work on brand recognition, so you need an approach that .

Focus on specific offers and avoid using “general” words such as “a lot”, “cheap”, “profitable” and others. A quarter of a century ago, this approach was effective, but today's society gives preference to numbers. No one will go to a store that offers “the cheapest sofas in the city,” while in a store that sells “sofas for 10 thousand rubles,” there will be no end to buyers.

Carry out “promotions”

If your offer is not only specific, but also limited, the effectiveness of your advertising will increase: the less time you leave for a potential buyer to think, the higher the chance of making a sale. In addition, this will reduce the likelihood of a potential client leaving for a competitor.

When a person sees an advertisement for teapots for 500 rubles, he thinks about buying hypothetically, that is, he simply takes note that such and such a company has such and such a price for teapots. If he doesn’t need a kettle yet, he won’t buy it.

But if he sees that the supply is limited, and it is possible to purchase the product at the proposed price, for example, only until the end of the month, he begins to think about the purchase from a practical point of view: if he does not need the kettle today, but may need it tomorrow, then it is better to buy it now at a low price than paying twice as much later.

Special price

This method has been used everywhere for decades, but does not lose its effectiveness: indicate the “old price” next to the price. At the same time, the “regular” price should be noticeably higher than the “special” price - this will enhance the effect of “limited supply”. The principle here is the same as in the case of “general” words and specific numbers: seeing how much more expensive the product will become at the end of the “promotion”, it will be much easier for the buyer to part with the money.

The most effective types of advertising

The advertising format must be chosen taking into account the specifics of the business and the target audience - something that demonstrates high performance among men under 35 years of age may cause only a minimal response among women over 45.

And even if all your childhood you dreamed that when you had your own business, you would advertise it on TV, it is better to refuse this option: high-quality advertising on TV is expensive and for small businesses it is ineffective.

Instead, it is better to pay attention to other formats:

  • leaflets: they can be delivered to mailboxes or handed out on the street. It is better to distribute, as this allows you to distribute advertising exclusively among the target audience;
  • announcements in elevators and entrances: a very popular (and very effective) approach - the longer a person drives (or waits for an elevator), the higher the likelihood that he will read your ad, accordingly, placing such ads in the tallest buildings gives the best result;
  • : advertising on the Internet is the cheapest, and for working with a young audience it is simply irreplaceable - be sure to create a community on a social network and place ads on several popular thematic platforms;
  • in newspapers: It’s better to advertise business through newspapers - construction, education, cleaning, etc.;
  • signs: It is best to place signs, banners and billboards in close proximity to your office or store.

How to evaluate advertising effectiveness

It's not about how much you spend, but how much you end up earning from it, so the most important indicator for you should be ROI, that is, “return on investment.” If you spend 50 thousand rubles, and the profit as a result of the actions taken increases only by 20 thousand, refuse such advertising. Remember that it is not you who should work for her, but she who should work for you.

As you can see, the most is the one that demonstrates good results for a specific business and a specific target audience, and costs less than it brings. True, to find a suitable format you will have to experiment a little. But it's worth it, no doubt about it.

In business, without advertising it is impossible to announce yourself, your services and products. There are dozens of varieties of successful self-presentation, and a sufficient range of prices allows business representatives to select suitable options for successful companies. But the question arises: where and how to advertise your business?

How to choose the best type of advertising

With a small audience, small sacrifices are sufficient. But without taking into account the features and secrets, it is impossible to achieve success in running a company.

Choosing a medium is not a matter of one minute. First, study all the indicators. Each type of advertising has both disadvantages and advantages. And when selecting a variety, the cost, location, and time of placement, as well as the number of contacts with the clientele, are important.

You should start by choosing the appropriate placement method. These are outdoor advertising, the Internet, the press, radio and television. If you can contact an agency, you don’t have to worry about selection: managers will complete this task on their own, although the outcome of the company will depend on their professionalism and the size of the budget.

The outdoor one is located on the streets. This type of accommodation is considered the most budget-friendly. For example, a cafe is open in the south of the metropolis. Place a billboard with outdoor advertising in this area - and every resident will know where to go for a get-together with friends on the weekend.

The cost increases as you get closer to the center. So no one will demand colossal sums for placing outdoor signs on the outskirts. But in the urban center, significant funds will be required.

  • Billboards are placed along the roads. This option is effective, but it is difficult to remember contacts. Large font and memorable words are required. It is advisable to install several information boards. It is worth remembering that placement on the non-working side is cheaper, but ineffective.
  • Stretching– advertising placed above the roadway on a poster with text. Both pedestrians and motorists take longer to see the message. Therefore, indicating contacts and addresses here is completely justified.
  • Pointer– an arrow pointing towards the advertiser’s office.
  • Signboard– a small shield in front of the office entrance. The advantages of this type are simplicity and low cost. The brightness of the design and large font size will attract attention from afar, so this is an effective business advertisement.
  • Pavement sign– design indicating the name, telephone number and list of services of the company. Such a carrier is installed near her building.
  • Sandwich Man– a person dressed in an original suit is guaranteed to attract the attention of passers-by.
  • Pneumatic figure is an inflatable three-dimensional figure. Quite an original way, and effective advertising for business.
  • Adhesive applications– posters and stickers. Similar advertisements are pasted on walls and placed in subways and entrances.
  • A message about the company and the services it provides can be placed on a bus that travels through a certain area.
  • Elevator advertising- the method is simple and effective. A person going home has nothing to do, and he involuntarily reads the advertisement and even writes down telephone numbers and addresses.

There are dynamic and static outdoor advertising. Dynamic people are moving past. There is little time to read it, and therefore the text needs to be clear, clear, concise, and written in large font.

The use of lighting, various combinations of font types and sizes, and bright colors increases the effectiveness of advertising. The more people pass by the ad, the more attention will be paid to it. This means productivity increases.

The placement price is affected by location, size, material, and manufacturing complexity. For some options, the costs are minimal, and if you choose the right one, you won’t have to regret the money spent.

What is the most effective advertising for small businesses? Online advertising is constantly evolving. Although it is still inferior to traditional methods, it has many advantages. The first and very significant one is the relatively low cost.

And secondly, reaching a target audience of any size. Typically, sites specialize in certain topics. If your clientele uses the Internet, then why not turn to online advertising. All that remains is to select the appropriate sites that are interesting to consumers and you can act.

On the Internet it is possible to combine all types of media advertising. So you can hear, see and read advertisements posted on the Internet.

  • Banner, the most popular tool in the web space. Any information or image can be placed on it. A link to the company's website is possible. The banner size is unlimited. But the larger it is, the more expensive the price. To be published, the topic of the resource must be similar to the advertiser’s target audience.

To increase efficiency, it is worth finding out the direction of the site. Mandatory conditions are interesting text, suitable colors and location in the upper corner of the page. The banner should not annoy site visitors.

Just remember that a tenth of Russian users do not use graphics and turn them off. It is also true that small businesses cannot afford banners due to the high cost of advertising on the main pages of popular sites.

  • A few lines close to the main text– text advertising. It can also present an entire article about the company.
  • Video– the placement method is expensive. Such videos are similar to television ones. Large businesses actively use such advertising. Hidden advertising is sent or posted online for a fee. This is the main principle of viral advertising.

The first is texts and banners on pages similar in content to advertising. This method is less annoying for site visitors and is more useful for the advertiser.

The cost of online advertising is affected by the duration of placement and the number of impressions. If you pay for a week, then this is the first method, payment by the number of views is the second. That is, how many views the placement is designed for, that’s how many you’ll have to pay for.

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is gaining incredible popularity. This is a very good option for small businesses. The costs are only temporary, and you won’t have to spend money. Social networks, blogs and forums have become real advertising platforms.

Here they exchange opinions. On forums, such statements are perceived as recommendations from independent experts that are worth listening to. The promotion is hidden.

mass media

It is profitable to place such advertising in printed publications purchased by reading people, since an educated audience is valued for its ability to pay. The traditional method remains in demand.

  • Modular advertising– a brightly decorated part of the strip. It's immediately noticeable. Important information is indicated. Since reading is possible at any time of the day, the relevance remains throughout the week. I was interested in the proposal - just open the newspaper. It is advisable to place advertising three times on the first, second, penultimate and last pages, making it bright. Moreover, the larger the banner dimensions, the better.
  • Classified ads cheap due to grouping by headings. Typically, only the necessary characteristics are indicated on the line. But this advertisement gets lost among other advertisements. But it is cheap, and small businesses can afford such a company.
  • Text advertising praises a product or service to increase trust. The price is higher for other types, and not all consumers read such articles.
  • Before posting, it is important to study the media to determine geography, audience and circulation. A positive reputation is also important: the credibility of publications in the “yellow press” is zero.
  • A television– the most popular and accessible type of media. But this method is very expensive, and time is especially valuable. Therefore, small businesses are recommended to use local or regional TV networks. Placing a video there is cheaper, but the geography of the channel and product distribution must match.

The videos are shown in blocks, and the best option is the first one, before the channel switching starts, or the last one, when everyone has already switched back. Purchasing is forward, since sales are distributed over the year.

The radio audience is young people. In an audio message, the listener will not remember either the address or telephone number. In a music screen, information remains in memory for a long time. It is important to consider the time when advertising on the radio: evening or morning are the best options. It is better to place on non-local waves and select several frequencies to increase the likelihood of getting on the ad when switching.

There are many advertising options, and the main thing is to choose the right one. High-quality and original in any case will not go unnoticed. It is recommended to use budget methods, combining several types to increase efficiency. Don’t forget about monitoring efficiency and measuring the number of visitors a few days after the company’s launch. Only such measures can determine the best carrier that brings maximum benefits.

For small businesses, advertising is of great importance at the initial stage. A well-constructed campaign in this area will help you get your first clients and start making money. At later stages it is also of great importance. At a minimum, the audience needs to be informed about new promotions and offers. At the same time, the business will not refuse to expand its customer base at any stage of its development. What advertising is the most effective? This question is difficult to answer without considering a specific situation, but we can still give some assessment.

Offline advertising methods for small businesses

At first, a novice businessman is forced to deal with a lot of difficulties. As long as a small number of people are aware of its products or services, and suppliers and potential clients do not even know about your existence, it is impossible to talk about any kind of business.

Proper organization of an advertising strategy helps a lot at the initial stage. You should not choose expensive advertising methods if your budget is tight. It’s better to offer a better service (product) so that people start talking about your business and spread the word by word of mouth. The advertising campaign itself must be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular business, because otherwise it will be necessary to carry out an unplanned one.

Telephone marketing

The very concept of telephone marketing implies making calls to contact the widest possible audience of potential clients of an enterprise. Whether they are private individuals or legal entities depends on the specifics of the business. The key goal is to inform you that certain goods or services can be obtained from you.

For skilled "telephone salespeople" it is not so difficult to even pre-close the deal on the first call. Positive results can be achieved with some communication skills. For entrepreneurs who are unsure of their abilities, a good solution would be to hire a special employee who will make calls through a database of numbers. The negative point is that the interlocutor may not have free time for communication or may not be interested in your proposal at all.

Distributing leaflets

This method is quite well known and is actively used to this day. Distribution of leaflets can be done effectively by agreeing with the management of the supermarket. In such cases, at the checkout, the buyer is offered a leaflet on which your offer is presented. Printing leaflets is a relatively cheap method of advertising, but conversion rates are usually not very high. To inform the audience at the initial stage, distributing leaflets is an excellent method.

You can hire street consultants who will not only hand out brochures to potential clients, but also answer a few simple questions. When using leaflets, it is important that they are made with high quality, since for an uninformed person they will become the “face of the enterprise.” The content should be concise, but succinct - it is necessary to clearly convey the essence of your activity.

Advertising signs on asphalt

This type of information dissemination is relatively new for Russia. Inscriptions on asphalt are a creative move, but not for everyone. At the preliminary stage, it is extremely important to understand where exactly your potential customers are concentrated. Sometimes placed inscriptions do not bring effect simply because:

  • they are not visible due to the large number of people;
  • potential clients do not use the route on which the inscription is placed;
  • it was worn away due to precipitation and people walking;
  • It is prohibited to place in specific places.

At the same time, high-quality, bright advertising on asphalt for a number of business areas can be an excellent tool for arousing consumer interest. For example, advertising will look great on the roads to preschool educational institutions.

Outdoor advertising on the streets

This includes all kinds of signs, banners, billboards, signs on the walls of buildings, plaques, advertising structures, car stickers and much more. They can be designed with or without LED illumination, in volume or flat form, etc. Almost every business that has its own retail space uses this type of advertising in one form or another. It is important to understand that while you can make a sign above the entrance to a store without spending a lot of money, placing your advertising banner on city billboards will often be expensive. The advantages of outdoor advertising include large coverage and a rapid increase in awareness.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost, which is quite a big disadvantage for starting a business. Difficulty of competition - many people use such approaches, which requires a lot of creativity to attract the attention of a potential client. Contact is usually quite quick, so your offer may simply not be remembered.

The most effective advertising on the Internet

Advertising your business on the Internet is almost a mandatory expense item for most entrepreneurs today. Its simplest direction is to create your own website to which visitors will be attracted. The web platform itself can serve both for information purposes and directly become an additional (or even the main) “sales floor” of your enterprise. It all depends on the specifics of your proposal. On your Internet resource you can post all the necessary information about your own business. Today it is a fairly cheap product, especially when it comes to online business cards.

You can attract visitors to your website using different methods, which differ in both cost and effectiveness, but we’ll talk about this below. Social networks have become an important aspect today. Will it be a public page, the use of advertising in other people’s communities or personal accounts to attract people to an online platform or directly to a store (office)? In each case you need to come up with your own decision. Statistics show that the cost of attracting one client on the Internet is one or several orders of magnitude lower than when using offline methods.

Internet advertising tools often need to be combined to obtain maximum results. Sometimes it happens that one of the methods shows low conversion, but if it is abandoned, the efficiency level of the other method also drops. Such things are difficult to predict, and can only be noticed in practice. The main positive side of advertising on the Internet is its speed of distribution. There may not be much time between launching an advertising campaign and receiving your first client.

contextual advertising

The fastest and most effective method of advertising on the Internet. Its main problem is the difficulty in setting it up for unskilled specialists. For this reason, you will need to contact a special agency that will conduct an advertising campaign. Fortunately, today such services are widely available, so they are cheaper than hiring a separate staff of “advertisers”.

The advantage of contextual advertising is its clear customization to specific user requests in search engines, which allows you to select the target audience as accurately as possible. Online stores use this when attracting customers for individual popular units of goods or product groups. This is a fairly universal tool that, if configured correctly, will quickly begin to bear fruit.

SEO promotion

This is a “long-lasting” method. Search Engine Optimization allows you to get customers for free when they search for something online. It is worth understanding that getting on the first page will require quite a lot of effort, since almost every niche already has a whole host of competitors. At the same time, not using SEO is definitely a bad option, since this method includes a number of engineering works on the site and its comprehensive improvement. The best time to start working on search engine optimization is during the development of your website. This will avoid a number of mistakes in advance. The main advantage of SEO remains the free transition of the target user to the resource, whereas in contextual advertising you will have to pay for each click.

Free notice boards

This is a rather controversial instrument in many respects. The main problems when using it are the high level of competition and low user confidence in the offers initially. Another aspect remains that, against the backdrop of an increase in the number of offers in recent years, the number of those who come in search of purchases is increasing more slowly. The good news is the versatility of such platforms - you can offer both goods and services on them. It’s worth focusing on the most visited message boards - using them definitely won’t hurt.

Public pages on social networks

The largest social network on the Runet in the Russian Federation today remains VKontakte. This platform offers the opportunity to create targeted advertising and conduct retargeting (appealing to people who were previously interested in your advertising). This is an effective and fairly cheap tool that is actively used by many advertising agencies today. Similar tools are available in other social networks, but starting to work with this platform is much more promising, since it has the widest audience and traffic.

Advertising can be purchased both in groups, whose members could potentially become clients of your business, and you can order its placement in the user’s news feed. Not every business will find this type of advertising useful, but those who offer products can find buyers here, and the created group can be used as a feedback board for your services. The most common problem when using this advertising tool is choosing the right groups. If you choose the wrong advertising location, you can simply waste money. – is a separate question, so we will not dwell on it in detail here.

For each business, the “best advertising” will be different, and it is impossible to provide uniform statistical indicators in this case. In conditions of a tight budget, you will have to choose “what is cheaper” and work out the strategy for attracting customers as clearly as possible. It is advisable to try as wide a range of tools as possible to evaluate what is most effective for your case.

The most effective advertising of services

To the question of which advertising of services is the most effective, the answer is clear - high-quality execution. Of course, you shouldn’t rely solely on word of mouth, but it’s important to understand that reviews are extremely important in this case. There are specialized platforms where people share their impressions about certain enterprises in a particular field. Statistics show that more than half of consumers, when faced with information about a new seller (service provider), look for more detailed information and reviews. If friends cannot give any advice, they ask questions on the Internet.

It is important to monitor such online resources and promptly respond to complaints raised. This will not only explain that you have already solved any existing problems, but also reveal custom publications left by ill-wishers. You need to collect reviews in text and video format from customers on your website. In return, it is better to offer a discount - the client will come back again to take advantage of it. This solution needs to be implemented to increase customer trust, but it alone will not be enough.

At the initial stage of work, while there are not many clients or no clients at all, it is necessary to use active advertising methods. If your business involves providing services in one city, leaflets and outdoor advertising will be the most effective methods. For those who provide consulting, accounting and other services that can be provided remotely, it is better to resort to contextual advertising and searching for clients on social networks.

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In contact with

The World Wide Web is one of the most important media. If earlier people mainly drew knowledge from radio, newspapers and television, now almost all content has gradually migrated to the Internet. Hundreds of millions of people all over the planet use the Internet. Its audience is predominantly young and solvent. It is not surprising that marketers have begun to view the online space as an excellent place for promoting commercial products and making money.

Today, online advertising has become one of the most profitable industries in the world. It has already surpassed other types of promotion and has no intention of slowing down. For example, official data from IPG Mediabrands suggests that in 2017, global spending on online product presentation amounted to $209 billion. This is 6% more than the cost of advertising on TV. There are all prerequisites for the fact that in the near future the Internet will become the absolute leader, and other means of communication will become history.

If you are planning to master the art of PR, immediately turn your attention to the Internet. Sooner or later you will come to it, so it’s worth starting to comprehend its subtleties in advance.

The benefits of advertising on the Internet

1. Promotion on the Internet requires relatively low costs. If in order to launch a commercial on TV you need to shell out a tidy sum, then on the Internet it is quite possible to find popular platforms where you can order promotion at an affordable price.

2. Large audience reach. As a rule, a particular site is not limited to one region. Hypothetically, your ad can be seen by the entire Russian-speaking population of the world. By the way, many online stores use this: please note that they often deliver goods far beyond the country of origin.

3. Possibility of quick feedback. There are a lot of ways to communicate with clients on the Internet: you can make a page with reviews, indicate your e-mail and phone number, ask the customer to leave their details, etc. Establishing daily contact with everyone is as easy as pie.

4. Full demonstration of the product. Imagine advertising a clothing store on TV with a 30-second clip. What can the viewer understand from it? Will he search for your store? Will he rewrite your email address even if you show it full screen in huge font? Hardly. But if a person finds an identical online store, he can immediately click on an advertisement and view the entire assortment in a few minutes. It is obvious that stores that have official websites and have established online promotion are more successful than their competitors.

As you can see, advertising on the Internet is a powerful mechanism. However, in order to use it wisely, you need to distinguish between types of online promotion. Each product has its own option. You cannot advertise the sale of aerated concrete blocks and a public page with memes in the same way.

Main types of online advertising

1. Contextual.

You've probably noticed that if you type into a search engine, say, a Meizu smartphone, an LG TV, or Raffaello candies, information about these products literally begins to follow you at every step. This is not an accident. That's exactly how it works.

Its scheme is as simple as possible. Special systems read the requests of each user. Interests are automatically recorded and then suitable advertisements are offered to the person.

  • search engine;
  • thematic.

The first is targeting the keywords you Google. The second is used within individual online resources. Let’s say that if you are interested in a black dress in an online clothing store, in the future you will be offered similar black dresses or items of the same brand.

The main disadvantage: a person is not necessarily looking for what he wants to buy. Perhaps he's just writing an article about smartphones. Offering him contextual advertising is a waste of time.

2. Targeted.

This type of advertising is somewhat similar to contextual advertising. True, he focuses not only on the interests of the public, but also on socio-demographic characteristics. Its name comes from the English word target - goal. This is the whole essence of the principle. The marketer determines the target audience of the product and specifically offers it to each member of the selected group. Let's say you are promoting a toy store on VKontakte for children under 3 years old. Therefore, you need to target young mothers and fathers. You are looking for adults whose status states “married” or “married” and also “has a child.” You offer them a banner with a teddy bear.

To save money, many ways have been invented to rationally use targeted advertising. Some experts place it at certain times of the day. Others focus only on a specific region. Still others

pay attention to the gender and age of the potential client. Still others combine all these options and add something of their own. It all depends on the prevalence of the product and the size of the budget.

Main disadvantage: Usually people go to social networks to relax and chat with friends. At such moments, they are not particularly inclined to make unplanned purchases, so your ad runs the risk of going unnoticed.

3. SEO.

The success of any website, be it an online store or a blog of a famous photographer, largely depends on its position in the search engine. If it is on the first page of Google or Yandex, it will come to the attention of most users. And if he modestly huddles in position one hundred and twentieth, God grant that at least 5% of the audience reach him. Few people have the qualities of a researcher. As a rule, people choose one of the first options offered. Therefore, SEO promotion is highly desirable for everyone.

Main disadvantage: There are many subtleties in SEO that are inaccessible to the average person. Therefore, optimization is entrusted to specialists who know a lot about semantic analysis. Their services are expensive.

4. Banner.

Banners are good because they instantly sink into a person’s soul. Bright picture will be remembered faster than even the best text. There are many precedents when, after launching a competent banner advertisement, sales increased by 50% or more.

Banners are divided into the following types:

  • static;
  • animated;
  • interactive

The latter are considered the best option. If a simple drawing or GIF may not impress the user, then ignoring a survey from two options is much more difficult. And after the first interest arises, you can win over the client further.

Main disadvantage: due to the phenomenon banner blindness people often don't notice the pictures on the sides of the site. There are so many banners that the average person’s brain perceives them poorly.

5. E-mail newsletters.

6. Teaser.

“Find out why Pugacheva beat Kirkorov” or “Vanga predicted the end of the world in 2018” are the most striking examples of teaser advertising. To create it, a headline is used that instantly attracts attention, as well as a revival - the main message, which explains the big phrase and contains a call to action.

Teaser advertising is not necessarily clickbait with a catch. It is used not only by network marketing savvy people, but also by serious companies to promote branded items to the market. Sometimes they launch advertising in a comprehensive manner, sometimes the title comes out several days before the promotion. By stirring up public interest, the authors create intrigue.

Main disadvantage: because of Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Baskov, Goji berries and super-remedies for breast cancer to teaser advertising little trust. Alas, unscrupulous manufacturers adore her.

7. Video advertising.

Many entrepreneurs know about the popularity of YouTube and try to launch video advertising. I must say that it brings good results. The videos are well received by the public, especially if they are interesting and informative.

  • viral videos that you can send to a friend or post on your wall;
  • educational recordings (this method of presentation is very common among various online schools);
  • image clips aimed at presenting the product from its best sides

Video advertising is also good because it allows you to really track the reaction of viewers. People will rate the video with likes, leave positive reviews, and also criticize. This will help you see what you are doing well and what needs improvement.

Main disadvantage: You will have to spend a lot of money on a good video. At a minimum, you will need a good camera, quality editing and an adequate script.

8. Native.

Native advertising is a message that unobtrusively fits into the surrounding context. Imagine that you are reading an article about the most effective ways to learn English. And, stopping at each of them, you notice a remark that such and such a school actively uses this technique in teaching students. It would seem that these are completely neutral references, but in fact they appeared in the text for a reason.

Main disadvantage: unobtrusiveness often plays a cruel joke with native advertising. Because of this people often overlooked hidden message.

9. Notice boards.

For some reason this option has been undeservedly forgotten. Many people associate message boards with selling used items for three pennies and think that this platform is not at all suitable for promoting modern projects. But in vain. Avito is still visited by many people, and so far it is not going to fade into history.

It should be noted right away that message boards are just one way to increase your customer base. Don't put all your hopes on him. However, with the right approach, it can give good results. To really have an effect, you need to create a sales ad. Clear photographs, the most complete list of contacts, keywords in the title, simple and intelligible text are the key to success.

Main disadvantage: To prevent your message from sinking to the very end, it needs to be constantly raised. This is a rather troublesome task and often not free.

10. Spam and viruses.

Since this method of advertising exists, it is worth remembering, but we are extremely we do not recommend use it. Firstly, he is not pure from a moral and ethical point of view. Secondly, its effectiveness is in question. Your potential clients are not idiots. Gone are the days when most Internet users were fooled by incomprehensible offers and followed dubious links. Viral advertising that pops up all over the screen does not in any way push a person to make a purchase, and spam is immediately deleted from the mailbox. Therefore, if you want to gain an audience and make people trust you, choose a different method of promotion.

Efficiency and cost of advertising on the Internet

We already understand that online advertising is useful for a product. We also figured out that it can be done in many ways. However, online ads do not guarantee successful sales. Running an advertisement is a risk in any case. A lot depends on the mood of the public, the professionalism of the content maker, and the relevance of the proposal. You can protect yourself on all fronts, but there are times when even the best ideas fail.

Don't rush to get upset. Popularization of a product is not a single event that happens once in a lifetime, but a process that lasts for years. Even if your initial strategy was unsuccessful, you can adjust it until it starts working.

Contrary to popular belief, marketers do not rely on intuition. They have clear schemes by which they check the performance indicators of online advertising:

1. Hit. In Russian, a hit means the number of visits to a resource. This indicator, in isolation from everything else, says little. You can follow a link at least a thousand times from one computer.

2. Host. This refers to the number of unique users interested in the resource. You can match unique IP addresses with hits and discover some correlations.

3. CTR. In common parlance, this abbreviation is called clickability. This takes into account the number of times an advertising message is shown to a user, as well as the percentage of responses to it.

4.CTB. This is the conversion rate. It shows the number of casual visitors who become customers.

5. CTI. This indicator is responsible for counting interested visitors. An interested person is considered to be the person who has thoroughly viewed the site and also returned to it several times.

6. ROI. Return on investment.

All data is taken from special counters. Professionals who evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising can learn a lot from these numbers. They clearly show how the average user reacts to the information offered to him. Based on his behavior, you can successfully change the PR campaign until it begins to work in full force.

Where to start advertising?

And now we move from theory to practice. If you are reading this article, then most likely you have a project that is waiting to move forward. So what should be your first action?

Here you should immediately make a reservation that a lot depends on the amount you expect to invest in promotion. If you have an unlimited budget, you can order a series of promotional mentions from top bloggers and rest on your laurels. But if you expect to spend money sparingly, you will have to build a more complex scheme.

Inexpensive but effective means of online promotion are:

  • targeted advertising;
  • thematic contextual advertising (and display media);
  • site optimization.

Most likely, you will have to repeatedly catch the eye of users. Your sales are unlikely to skyrocket the first time. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on finances and running advertising regularly for some time.

Another important aspect is promotion platforms. If you are a beginner, we advise you to start with search engines and social networks. This is where the largest concentration of potential clients is. AdWords Search Network, Yandex.Direct, VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram are practically win-win options. Many people started with them, and most were satisfied with the result. Below you will find more sophisticated advertising methods, but for now, choose proven methods.


In this article we looked at online advertising from all sides. We found out what it is, identified its types, learned how to test its effectiveness, and also gave some tips on launching your first ads. From all that has been said, let us draw some final conclusions.

Firstly, Always approach online promotion wisely. As you already understand, there are many ways to properly promote a product on the Internet without investing millions. Try to choose options that are likely to work. Ruthlessly discard unsuccessful ideas. Remember that your income depends on it.

Secondly, use every possible route. Don't get hung up on one thing, especially if you see that this option is ineffective. Practice shows that the best results are achieved by those businessmen and marketers who are not afraid of change.

Third, developing a PR campaign on the Internet is no less complex and responsible task than launching advertising on TV. This article provides just the basics of online marketing. If you are just starting to comprehend it, long and painstaking work awaits you. There will be mistakes at first, just like everyone else. The main thing is not to give up if something fails.

We hope that our material has become useful to you, and you will definitely apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Let this article be the first brick in building a successful career!

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Everything is as simple as the first letters of the alphabet, like A, B, C - you are the owner of a business, you have a potential client, and he should find out about you. A B C.

Whether you are the owner of a small hardware store or the head of a chain of shopping centers, the actions required are approximately the same, just on a different scale.

At the same time, it is not always possible to turn to professionals in this regard or hire one on your staff. This is normal if the business is just starting. And it’s okay if you just want to personally participate in this side of your child’s life.

Do-it-yourself advertising, step one. “What do you call the ship?”

You are starting from scratch. You are not some small employee of an already established office. You are creating your own business. You do not have a program prepared by someone. They don’t hand you ready-made flyers for you to just hang up.

How to tell the world about your enterprise? About your product?

Sit down and think about it - what exactly do you want to achieve? What place to take in the niche? Risk for popularity or be satisfied with stability?

How do your main or possible future competitors act in terms of advertising? Do you want to stay in this business as long as possible - or not? And how exactly do your competitors advertise their companies - in the media, on social networks or on huge and expensive advertising posters along highways and avenues?

Your competitor is your enemy. But learn everything about him, and he will cease to be your enemy. He will become a pathetic envious person.

If you are the owner of a small business, then advertising for you can be done by other people, specialists, employees of advertising agencies. And it’s a good sign if you have a creative idea in your head that they just need to bring to life. After all, by and large, the main question is not the technical ability to make an advertisement with your own hands, but the ability to create key ideas for it.

What if there is not even an idea? Well, that means you are not Steve Jobs, take heart. However, Steve Jobs also once had no ideas.

By the way, the name Apple, according to legend, was chosen precisely because the team could not come up with another, more adequate idea. And it did fire.

Have you already chosen a name for your company?

Your company, your store is your child. And you would hardly name your child Akaki. So it is in this case. A catchy, bright name, but at the same time conveying the essence of your activity - that’s what you need. A good name is the starting point of your business. This is the first thing that customers learn about you.

Second step. Outdoor advertising yourself?

Once again, we will not discuss the process of cutting out advertisements from whatman paper and posting them on poles. “We make advertising ourselves” means “we come up with advertising ourselves.” Advertising agencies still take the main money for this.

A piece of paper on the entrance door, posters on the walls, advertising boards with a pasted image or screen, neon advertising (backlit), audio advertising on escalators in the metro - there are many possibilities, you are required to understand the characteristics of your target audience and the correct allocation of funds.

Ideally, your advertising stand should become part of the street landscape. So that passers-by perceive your “Best Products at the Best Prices” poster as an integral element of the environment as the trimmed bushes along the alley.

Stationary advertising structures– installed in certain places that you have agreed upon and paid for. It is desirable that these be places popular with the population - busy squares and major highways. The structure can either stand on its own or be attached to a building.

Temporary structures– installed near your retail outlet or office. They usually contain brief information of primary need - name, opening hours, discounts and promotions. They are displayed during the working day and removed at night.

Our minimum is an advertising poster on the wall or shop window. The maximum is a large screen with an advertising (staged) video in the city center. It all depends, of course, on money. But you need to fulfill the available minimum efficiently and with dignity in order to grow further.

To increase the element of dynamism in your advertising, you can install an inflatable air figure near your business. Which one depends on your financial capabilities and design imagination. The main thing is not to be blown away by the wind.

Signposts and other advertising structures can be placed at your entrance, on a building, or on a pedestrian area. Design is always important - catchy, but not tacky. An original name plus an original form of advertising and its placement are the hooks with which you will hook buyers. You don’t just need to stick a small advertising poster anywhere and sit contentedly - you need to ensure that only your advertising attracts attention, overshadowing all the others, mediocre and tasteless.

Types of outdoor advertising

  • A billboard is a large advertising board, usually placed along a highway.
  • A superboard is usually three billboards enclosed in a triangle.
  • A supersite is a type of billboard that is large in size and height, which is why it is usually placed outside the city limits.
  • Prismatron is a billboard whose surface consists of prisms alternating sides. Can show three pictures changing over time.
  • Citylight is an illuminated display case standing on the sidewalk.
  • A firewall is a large poster or billboard mounted on the wall of a building.
  • A media facade is a large display somehow built into the façade of a building.
  • Video screen and so on.

Outdoor advertising is a natural, effective and visual way to advertise yourself. A theoretical client of your company may not watch TV, may not listen to the radio at home or in the car, may not read newspapers or use the Internet, but will definitely pay attention to the bright, large and original billboard in front of his window. Or at the bus stop near the house.

You must show that this area in this niche is occupied by you. Let your logo become a kind of mark - a sign that competitors have nothing to do here.

Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

  • Outdoor advertising is damaged by various weather conditions. It breaks, rusts, falls off, fades, and is simply blown away by the wind. The condition of your outdoor advertising needs to be constantly monitored, maintained - cleaned, and updated frequently.
  • Outdoor advertising is viewed by potential buyers in just a few seconds. Therefore, the key to the success of such advertising is brightness, catchiness, laconic content (who will pay attention to a pale poster with several paragraphs of barely legible text?), an original logo or emblem. And again, such advertising must be constantly updated so that the buyer does not become bored with a picture that he has looked at for a long time and has not aroused interest. The more often, the more varied and persistent, the better.
  • should not have provocative or offensive content;
  • should not disturb the harmonious appearance of the environment.

The fulfillment of these conditions is monitored by many regulatory authorities. So that the content of outdoor advertising is not overly erotic, provocative or even immoral.

But it is not federal law that controls outdoor advertising alone; compliance with the conditions for its use is monitored by various services and committees, which make their own amendments based on the format and location of advertising.

So it is better to initially consult with the municipality before displaying your advertisement. It’s better to play it safe just in case than to pay fines later or even lose profitable advertising space.

We do advertising ourselves, step three - business cards

Like many things in our modern world, business cards were invented in China. More precisely, in Ancient China, even before our era. Brevity, conciseness and business dexterity are traits of the Asian character. As they say, the East is a delicate matter. So is marketing.

A business card can be made of paper, cardboard, plastic, metal or even wood. Remember: your business card is your face; it is the shortest and most succinct form of advertising of your person and your organization. What would you prefer – colorful cardboard or a minimalist metal plate? Depends on your income and how you position yourself.

There are three types of business cards:

  • personal business card;
  • corporate business card;
  • business business card.

Personal business card

Simply includes the contact information of its owner. Both the CEO of a large company and the owner of a tire repair shop must have a personal business card if he wants his business to be taken seriously.

Remember: your business card is your face. Freelancers and freelancers can also use business cards. Personal business cards are often exchanged during informal interactions.

A personal business card is:

  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • type of activity and position held;
  • telephone;
  • official site;
  • e-mail.

Corporate business card

A corporate business card includes brief information about your company. Nobody's names, positions or private contact details are written here. Corporate business cards are needed to briefly introduce your company, advertise and present in a favorable light. This is the face of your company. This means it must have a good design and dense material. It should look great, be happy to be held in your hands and always be kept in your wallet among other important and high-quality business cards.

A corporate business card is:

  • company name and logo;
  • brief information about the field of activity;
  • address, travel route;
  • official site;
  • telephone.

Business card

Includes a minimum of information. No unnecessary words and a minimum of design - no decorations, standard font. Often, the exchange of business cards takes place at official events, negotiations and business meetings. This happens because a business card has a narrow focus - a direct invitation to future partnerships and joint activities.

A business card is:

  • First Name Last Name;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • scope of the company.

Using business cards is very convenient. This gives you a wide range of opportunities so that you can properly advertise yourself. It will immediately show how you present your event and how serious you are about the matter.

How to distribute business cards?

  • hand out;
  • put in a mailbox or send by mail;
  • negotiate with other retail outlets so that they have a stack of your business cards on the counter (and in return you can put their business cards behind your tray).

The most popular business card size is 90x50 mm. But it’s better – the size is 85.6x53.98 mm. Credit cards are the same size, and sections in wallets are made to fit this size.

Step four: how to properly create advertising through leaflets, booklets, flyers and stickers

Leaflet- a simple, ancient and effective method of self-promotion. Even the minimal impact of a leaflet is effective - bright colors, huge font size and meaningful pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. Everyone is sure to at least briefly familiarize themselves with the contents of the leaflet, and thanks to visual photographs or pictures, even a child will understand - at least roughly - what it says.

  • distribute on the street in crowded areas;
  • hand out at the entrance to your store;
  • put in mailboxes;
  • like an insert in a magazine or newspaper.

How you distribute your flyers will determine their appearance. A bright and eye-catching design if leaflets are distributed on the street by promoters or dropped into mailboxes. Or a discreet, discreet design of a leaflet if it is sent to the addresses of clients who are already using your services.

Booklet- almost the same leaflet, only with an image on both sides, and folded in half or three.

Flyer- almost the same leaflet, only smaller in size and with a more structured presentation of information of short-term importance. For example, about new discounts, events, company promotions. Often, a flyer is also an entrance ticket to such an event - or a coupon for which you can get a discount.

Sticker/sticker/magnet- almost the same leaflet, printed on self-adhesive paper in order to, in fact, be glued to various surfaces - walls, pillars and packaging.


The range of opportunities to properly advertise yourself, advertise yourself and your company is incredibly large. Make good use of all the methods available to you, and you will succeed.