Pharmaceutical chamomile beneficial properties application. Medicinal properties of pharmaceutical chamomile and contraindications for use. Chamomile tea for colds

Chamomile is an annual herbaceous rather branched plant that has an extremely wide scope of application.

Chamomile usually grows along roads, on slopes, and in rye.

A person specially grows chamomile because of its medicinal qualities.

The flowers and the herb itself are valuable in chamomile. The plant has gained fame due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative properties, which allow it to be used in the treatment of many ailments.

Composition and scope of application of chamomile

The composition of chamomile is truly unique. Its flowers contain essential oil, flavonoids, fatty acid glycerides, coumarins, polysaccharides, phytosterol, choline, vitamins, bitterness, etc.

The calorie content of chamomile is 9 kcal per 100 g of product.

The plant is especially useful for acute and chronic inflammation of the stomach. It can not only shoot unpleasant symptoms, but also to heal.

Chamomile is also used to treat a number of other diseases:

1. For eye pain They use chamomile infusion, which is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of the raw material with boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, filter and drink a portion during the day.

If the pain is severe, then drink up to 600 ml healing agent.

2. Chamomile is good for the body with flatulence. In this case, prepare a medicinal mixture consisting of chamomile and lemon balm (20 g each). The composition is poured with boiling water (1 liter), let it brew, filter and drink a glass 3 times a day.

3. The beneficial properties of chamomile allow you to use it successfully at hepatic colic . For pain, do a warm enema (1 tablespoon of the plant’s flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water), after which they take a warm bath (for 20 minutes) and go to bed.

It’s good to drink a glass in the next 2-3 hours olive oil. However, this procedure should be performed with caution.

4. Chamomile is beneficial for conjunctivitis. For treatment painful condition eyes use an infusion of 2-3 tablespoons of the plant per glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused, filtered and used to wash the eyes (warm).

5. Chamomile is good for the health of people suffering from stomach ulcer and 12 duodenum . In the treatment of these pathologies (as an additional remedy), chamomile infusion prepared traditional way(a tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water).

The mixture, as is customary, is infused, filtered and the entire dose is drunk immediately. After this, the patient should calm down and go to bed. He needs to perform simple rolls from side to side and from back to stomach every 10 minutes.

In this way you can achieve therapeutic effect, when the healing composition gradually irrigates the walls of the stomach, which leads to recovery. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 3-4 times a month.

6. Chamomile is good for the body as a whole and for a sore throat in particular. Using a simply prepared composition (1 teaspoon of inflorescences per glass of boiling water), rinses are carried out.

7. Chamomile is good for women. It is used with delayed menstruation. In this case, it is traditional to brew a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water. Drinking healing composition 100 ml during the day.

8. The plant is actively used for ear inflammation. Pre-prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon of the plant and a glass of boiling water. After the infusion and straining procedure, the solution is instilled into the ear (always warm).

This method of treating otitis should go in parallel with the main therapy of the disease and, of course, be prescribed by a specialist.

9. Chamomile is good for the body for spasms. In this case, drink an infusion of plant flowers prepared in the classic way 3-4 times a day, little by little.

10. Chamomile is not bad copes with increased excitability , cramps, insomnia. Such manifestations are treated with an infusion of the plant’s flowers (1 spoon per glass of boiling water), which is taken (always warm) a third of a glass three times a day.

11. Chamomile is good for women's health at existing erosion cervix and even with malignant ulcers. In this case, use plant oil, which is easy to prepare: pour chamomile flowers (50 g) with vegetable oil (500 ml).

The mixture is placed in an enamel container, put on fire and brought to a boil. In preparation valuable product gradualism is important. The oil is placed in a dark place for 40 days, after which it is filtered, squeezed and used for its intended purpose.

12. Chamomile helps for liver and kidney diseases. It is used as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent, drinking a tablespoon several times a day of the traditionally prepared infusion.

Drink the composition (necessarily on an empty stomach) a glass in the morning and evening.

14. Chamomile is irreplaceable at unpleasant smell from mouth and inflammation of the gums. An infusion for the treatment of oral diseases is prepared at the rate of 15 g of plant flowers per glass of boiling water. Use a rinse mixture.

15. Chamomile has found its use and in cosmetology. With its help, with some knowledge, you can prepare affordable and 100% natural products for your face and hair.

Chamomile is most often used in cosmetic ice. Regular morning facial massage with chamomile ice cubes cleanses, moisturizes, mattifies the skin, and relieves inflammation.

Infusion or decoction of the plant rinse hair after washing. Chamomile gives hair a luxurious shine. It stimulates their growth, slightly brightens and revitalizes them.

Chamomile is also used as a scrub for face and body. For cooking natural remedy for skin care, chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water (about 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liter of boiling water). Then the composition is infused and filtered.

From medicinal infusion you can prepare cosmetic cubes, and from the grounds you can make a real scrub by combining it with coffee grounds(for greater efficiency).

The composition is rubbed (with gentle movements) into the skin of the face for 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off with water.

Chamomile: what are the benefits for the body?

The beneficial properties of chamomile make it possible to use the plant as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and sedative.

Chamomile is capable of:

Calm down nervous system

Dilate blood vessels

Eliminate headache

Eliminate fermentation processes

Normalize stool

Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

In addition, as mentioned above, chamomile is simply irreplaceable for women's diseases, as well as during pregnancy.

During the period of bearing a child, the plant can be used externally without restrictions, making compresses, douching, baths, and inhalations from the infusion.

Chamomile copes well with problems of expectant mothers such as bloating, gas, constipation, and stress. Whether a pregnant woman takes chamomile or not is up to her female doctor.

But you should not be afraid of limited consumption of weak chamomile tea. Such a product will only bring benefits.

Low calorie chamomile makes it useful for weight loss. But in combination with other herbs. For those who want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, a collection consisting of chamomile, birch buds, and immortelle is recommended. For greater effectiveness, add a strawberry leaf to the composition.

The collection helps to cleanse yourself of waste and toxins, as well as lose weight.

Chamomile: is it harmful to health?

Undoubtedly, chamomile has many beneficial properties. However, like any other medicinal plant, it has side effects. So, if you take an infusion or decoction of the plant for too long, you may experience headaches, nausea, and dizziness.

Chamomile should not be taken according to the principle: “what is beneficial cannot be harmful.” It is not compatible with some sedatives.

In addition, chamomile should be used with caution by people prone to allergies. After all, the inflorescences of the plant contain pollen, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Chamomile for children: good or bad?

A universal anti-inflammatory medicinal plant, chamomile is beneficial for children's health. Due to its strong antiseptic properties, the plant is successfully used in the treatment of childhood colds.

With the help of chamomile infusion, rinsing procedures for the nasopharynx and oral cavity are carried out for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, and adenoids.

During the flu epidemic, chamomile is successfully used as part of medicinal tea . And all because of its diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The plant is indispensable (as an additional remedy) for childhood bronchitis. Due to its disinfectant effect, it is used for inhalations, which help to quickly cope with the disease.

Chamomile regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is actively used for dysbiosis, bloating, lack of appetite, and flatulence.

To relax the nervous system It is recommended to give your child something to drink before bed chamomile tea with honey(if you are not allergic to honey). For greater effect, mint, lemon balm, calendula, and linden are added to the composition.

You should not combine chamomile with plants that have a tonic effect, such as aloe, ginseng, and ginger.

Irritable children can be given a bath with a few drops chamomile oil or a relaxing massage with oil. Or better yet, both.

Chamomile oil is also effective for “minor” childhood problems: wounds, insect bites, sunburn.

Of course, chamomile is beneficial for humans. Due to its properties and low calorie content, it is used in cosmetology and folk medicine.

The harm of chamomile lies in its excessive use. Only reasonable approach and taking good care of your health will allow you to benefit from maximum benefit from using a plant that is familiar from childhood.

Update: October 2018

Chamomile or medicinal chamomile is a ubiquitous annual of the genus Matricaria of the Asteraceae family. The plant can be found on various soils in Eurasia and North America and other extratropical regions of the earth. From Latin the name translates as Mother herb, since previously it was used mainly to treat female diseases.

This once wild plant is now actively cultivated by humans, providing medicinal value and being in demand. medicinal raw materials. Besides active component many medicines, is included in shampoos, creams, lotions, soaps and other cosmetics.

Chamomile: description of the plant

The herbaceous plant has an average height of 20-40 cm; a large stem length indicates a deficiency sunlight during the period of growth. The stem is thin and erect, hollow inside. The leaves are 2-5 cm long and have an alternate arrangement, sitting on the stem. The narrow-linear leaf has typical dissections with pointed lobes. The root is taproot, practically unbranched, thin. Small flower baskets have white petals on the edge and yellow flowers tubular in the middle.

Distinctive features of chamomile from its other types

The petals on the flower basket of chamomile are horizontal or drooping down. The receptacle itself has a characteristic conical convex shape. The head of the flower is hollow.

Chemical composition of chamomile

Chamomile flowers:

Dry baskets contain up to 1% (0.1-0.8%) essential oil, which is called chamomile. Oil has Blue colour and is characterized by a rich composition. The most valuable component is azulene chamazulene, the content of which ranges from 1-9%. Chamazulene is synthesized from the lactones matricin and matricarin during the process of steam distillation of raw materials. It has pronounced anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic activity.

Up to 50% of the composition are other sesquiterpenoids: farnesene, bisabolol, monoterpene myrcene, etc.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

The great scientists of antiquity actively used chamomile in their recipes. Thus, Dioscorides and Hippocrates used the plant to relieve pain and cramps. Pliny the Elder advised its use as an antidote for snake bites (all parts of the plant), and the decoction as an effective diuretic. Avicenna used the plant as a tonic that restores strength. Today, infusions and decoctions from dried chamomile flower baskets, as well as the essential oil of the plant, are used in medicine.

Beneficial properties of chamomile flowers:

  • Disinfectant – destroy a wide range of pathogenic microflora;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Choleretic;
  • Painkiller;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Sedative;
  • Weak astringent;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Carminative;
  • Antiallergic;
  • Hemostatic.

Healing properties of chamomile oil:

  • Has a diaphoretic and disinfectant effect;
  • Reduces gas formation;
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates digestion;
  • Reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions;
  • Removes pain syndrome, including migraine pain;
  • Activates the central nervous system, but at the same time relieves tension and eliminates depressive disorders;
  • Dilates blood vessels supplying the brain;
  • Relieves spasm of smooth muscles;
  • Has an antibacterial effect.

In a study conducted in medical school at the University of Nottingham Medical School, found that chamomile relaxes blood vessels and smooth muscles internal organs. These properties were confirmed in a study by Eulji University, located in South Korea.

A study was conducted at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School that confirmed the pronounced antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties of the plant. In other experiments, it was found that the aboveground part of the plant (including the stem and leaves) has radioprotective properties.

The University of Texas Medical School at Galveston has experimentally proven that regular consumption of chamomile tea reduces the risk of death in people over 65 years of age.

Indications for the use of chamomile preparations, including oil

  • Skin diseases of an inflammatory nature, including purulent wounds, burns;
  • Gallbladder diseases;
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough, swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, bronchospasm;
  • Chronic and acute diseases stomach, resulting in inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane (gastritis and other gastropathy);
  • Inflammatory processes of internal organs, including the genitourinary system;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • Bronchial asthma, allergic gastritis, eczema and other diseases associated with individual hypersensitivity reactions;
  • Pain syndrome, including migraine and toothache;
  • Damage to connective tissue (sprains);
  • Insomnia.

Allowed a long period treatment for up to 3 months: as a rule, addiction and allergic reactions do not develop.

The use of chamomile and its dosage forms

Treatment with chamomile (internal use) helps with:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis) and biliary tract, liver pathologies, stomach cramps, diarrhea and increased flatulence;
  • Inflammatory phenomena, including diseases bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Uterine bleeding, postpartum metrorrhagia;
  • Painful periods;
  • Scrofula, malaria;
  • ARVI;
  • Overwork;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Insomnia, increased excitability.

The infusion is also used for external use for:

  • Sore throat, gum inflammation, gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, toothache (for rinsing);
  • Ulcers, abscesses, eczema, difficult-to-heal wounds, rashes, weeping, burns and frostbite (for lotions and compresses);
  • Hemorrhoids (in the form of microenemas);
  • Inflammation of the eye mucosa (for washing);
  • Sweaty feet and hands (for wiping);
  • Rheumatism, gout, bruises, arthritis (for poultices);
  • Rosacea, pimples (for washing, wiping);

Decoction and infusion

  • Chamomile decoction - flowers in the amount of 4 tbsp. place in an enamel pan and add 300 ml of boiling water. To put on water bath for half an hour, then cool and strain, squeezing out the remaining raw materials. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day after meals, preferably with the addition of honey.
  • Infusion - flowers in the amount of 4 tbsp. pour into a thermos, add 200 ml of boiling water, seal and leave for 3 hours. Take the strained infusion 3-4 times a day in equal parts.

The decoction and infusion can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Chamomile tea

  • Tea with a calming and carminative effect: take 3 parts chamomile (flowers), 5 parts cumin (seeds) and 2 parts valerian (roots), mix. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for about 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml morning and evening.
  • Slimming Tea- take 1 tsp for 200 ml of boiling water. dried flowers and leave for 10 minutes. During the day you should drink up to 5 cups of 200 ml. Course – 2 weeks, no more!


500 grams of raw material (the entire above-ground part) is poured with 2 liters of water and boiled for about 10 minutes, filtered and the broth is poured into the bath. Take every other day for 2 weeks in a row for 30 minutes. Useful for the following conditions:

  • Skin diseases, wounds, ulcers;
  • Insomnia, nervousness;
  • Cramps of the calf muscles;
  • Dry skin, peeling skin;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Cracked heels;
  • Tired legs;
  • After X-ray irradiation.


Take 50 g butter(low fat content 60-65%) and 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, melt everything in a water bath, add 2 yolks, 1 tsp. glycerin, 30 ml camphor alcohol, 2 tbsp. honey, 50 ml chamomile infusion. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into glass jar. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Effective for:

  • Dry skin;
  • Skin laxity and decreased turgor;
  • Cracks in the skin, peeling;
  • Irritations;
  • Redness of the skin.


1 tsp dried flowers are poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml, covered with a lid and left for half an hour, filtered. Draw the solution into a syringe and gently perform vaginal douching over the bath every night for a course of 6-8 days. The fluid is administered very slowly.

Shown for:

  • Inflammatory processes without exacerbation;
  • Thrush;
  • Cystitis;
  • Nonspecific and specific vaginosis;
  • Cervical erosions.

Douching is contraindicated:

  • Women over 40 years of age (women of this age age group there is a natural decrease in the moisture of the mucous membranes, and chamomile can provoke even greater dryness and irritation);
  • During pregnancy;
  • During menstruation;
  • For acute inflammatory diseases;
  • In the first month after childbirth, termination of pregnancy, gynecological operations.


Chamomile tampons are indicated for the treatment of cervical erosion. Before preparing the infusion, cut them and put them in the refrigerator for 2 days. Take 20 grams of flowers, pour 1 liter of water over them and leave in a thermos for 1 day; strain the finished infusion. Grind the aloe leaves to the consistency of porridge, mix them with the prepared infusion in equal proportions. A sanitary tampon is dipped in the solution and placed in the vagina overnight. Repeat daily for 10 days in a row. Contraindications are the same as for douching.

Use of chamomile for cosmetic purposes

  • To get rid of freckles (face whitening), take 20 grams of dried chamomile flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water, leave and strain, add half a liter of curdled milk and the juice of two lemons, stir. Make napkins from gauze the size corresponding to the area of ​​freckles on the face, soak them in the solution and place on the skin for 1 hour. The remaining product is washed off cool water and lubricate your face with rich cream. Make such masks 3 times a week.
  • To eliminate redness and irritation of facial skin. 1 tbsp. dry inflorescences of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 1 hour, strain, add 1 tbsp. honey, mix. Gauze wipes moisten in the solution and apply to problem areas of the skin, changing wipes as they dry for half an hour.
  • Chamomile recipe for treatment acne: take 2 tbsp. dried chamomile flowers and 1 tbsp. dry, pour 1 liter of boiling water over everything, cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours. Wipe the affected skin with the resulting solution at least 5 times a day until the acne disappears.
  • Chamomile for hair that is dry and brittle. 4 tbsp Mix the flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour, strain. Mix with egg yolk and apply the resulting solution to the entire length of the hair, leave for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly. Repeat twice or thrice a week for 1 month.

This solution has a beneficial side effect for blondes - it lightens the hair and gives it a golden shine.

Chamomile oil


Without having a pungent or exotic odor, chamomile oil is well tolerated by patients, including children and the elderly, has a positive effect on all organs and systems and disinfects indoor air. Meanwhile, you need to get used to it - not everyone likes the taste of bitterness. Add a few drops to the aroma lamp and conduct a 15-20-minute session, preferably in the evening.

Internal use

Take in a mixture with honey: 2 drops of oil per 1 tsp. honey twice a day for 5-7 days. Helps with reduced immunity, decreased appetite, ulcers and gastritis (without exacerbation), violation menstrual cycle and during menopause. Eliminates irritability, anxiety, stabilizes emotional background. Activates memory, has a positive effect on mental activity.

Pregnant, lactating women and children under 6 years of age use its oil for internal reception forbidden.

Outdoor use

Chamomile essential oil can be applied to the skin in its pure form, without dilution, but spot on problem areas in the form of applying an oil-soaked cotton pad to the skin for 5-10 minutes when:

  • diseases of an allergic nature (eczema, dermatitis);
  • inflammation after exposure to the sun or thermal burns(at the healing stage);
  • insect bites;
  • poorly healing wounds, ulcers;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • rosacea;
  • ingrown toenail (at the stage of tissue healing after surgical treatment).
  • alopecia, dandruff (in in this case rub the oil into the hair roots for half an hour, then rinse off).

Apply chamomile oil for 7-10 days in a row.

  • Essential oil can be used to enrich any cosmetic products - creams, lotions at the rate of 3 drops of oil per 5 ml of product.
  • Use the oil as a massage oil mixed with a base oil (for example, 5 drops of chamomile oil per 10 ml of olive oil).
  • To aromatize baths, 10 drops, previously diluted in a base (warm milk, honey), are enough.
  • It combines well with other essential oils, enhancing the effectiveness of the latter: bergamot, geranium, bitter orange, cypress, lavender, rose, sage, marjoram.

Chamomile for children

Children can be given chamomile tea starting from 1 year old, diluting it in half with boiled water or by buying special children's teas with chamomile, where age standards. For external use, this plant (with the exception of oil) can be used for up to a year, also reducing the concentration of the finished infusion by 2 times.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

The instructions for chamomile indicate that its use is contraindicated for pregnant women and is prescribed with caution to nursing mothers. In the presence of chronic diseases or constant reception vital medications, you should consult your doctor about the possibility simultaneous use chamomile preparations. In case of individual intolerance, the plant cannot be used for internal and external treatment.

Side effects

Possible side effects when taken internally:

  • Vomit;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Risk of bleeding;
  • Bronchospasm, Quincke's edema - with intolerance to the plant.

External use may lead to allergic rash, itching and urticaria in the presence of hypersensitivity.

Preparation and storage

Medicinal raw materials for internal use- These are chamomile flowers. They are harvested in dry weather from June to August. It is during this period that the highest concentration of essential oil in the plant is observed.

For external use, chamomile is harvested whole, collected at the same time as the flowers. The raw materials are dried in the shade, ensuring good ventilation of the room. If a dryer is used, the maximum air temperature should be 40 C. During drying, do not turn the raw materials over so that the petals from the flowers do not fall off.

Dried raw materials can be used for 1 year, provided they are stored in clothes or paper bags in a dark and dry place. The plant has a rather strong specific odor, so you should not store raw materials next to products that absorb odors.

Release forms

Chamomile is included in many dietary supplements and herbal medicines and is available in the form of:

  • Dry raw materials (dried inflorescences, tea, herbal mixtures);
  • Liquid extract or tincture;
  • Fat capsules with plant extract;
  • Chamomile oil;
  • Creams and ointments contain chamomile extract.

Chamomile filter sachets Chamomile flowers Romazulin - liquid extract chamomile Chamomile oil extract

You can buy many medications at the pharmacy that are based on natural ingredients. After all, medicinal plants have long been used by our ancestors for therapeutic purposes, and over time their healing properties have been proven by scientists. Medicines based on medicinal herbs are often prescribed by doctors, and patients use them with pleasure. After all, such drugs have excellent therapeutic effect, cause minimal side effects and have virtually no contraindications. One of the most popular medicinal plants that can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected on your own is chamomile. Let's talk about what chamomile can help with, and how chamomile is beneficial for the body?

Chamomile is a very common medicinal plant. Everyone knows it, but few people know the full range of medicinal properties of this culture.

What can chamomile help with?

Chamomile is an excellent medicinal plant for the treatment of colds. viral diseases represented by sore throat, ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza.
It is also recommended to use it to correct excessive gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract and to eliminate spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. different localization. Chamomile improves activity perfectly digestive tract, it has a gentle effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This herb somewhat activates the production of digestive juice and improves appetite.

Among other things, chamomile can be used as an adsorbent for various poisonings. It helps eliminate even very severe pain in the intestines, as it reduces sensitivity and quickly eliminates inflammatory processes.

Specialists modern medicine Chamomile is commonly used to treat gastritis (low acidity), diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, colitis and intestinal spasms. Also, drugs based on it help cope with acute and chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. The use of such a medicinal herb helps to reduce swelling of the gastric mucosa and speed up their healing.

The medicinal plant chamomile remarkably stimulates the activity of the gallbladder and its ducts. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Many medicines for the treatment of seizures or to stop bleeding are prepared on the basis of chamomile.

But chamomile is not only a medicine for sick patients. This herb will also be beneficial and completely healthy people. It can play the role of an excellent sedative, helping you fall asleep quickly, have a good night's sleep and not wake up in the middle of the night.
Chamomile is an excellent medicinal plant for people who are stressed and experiencing nervous tension. There is evidence that its use helps patients with neuralgic pain and increased excitability. This herb also treats headaches.

Chamomile also helps people suffering from various skin problems: rashes and irritations. They even recommend bathing in it infants.

Chamomile flowers are often used for the treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases genitourinary system. So this herb will help patients with thrush, erosion uterine cervix and cystitis. Sometimes it is used to correct painful menstruation, uterine bleeding etc.

The use of chamomile-based medicines helps people suffering from various diseases oral cavity: gum diseases, stomatitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. They even help eliminate toothache.

External use of chamomile is also indicated for patients with inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the eyes. This medicine will also help cope with hemorrhoids. External use of this herb will also help treat burns, boils, painful wounds, weeping and difficult-to-heal skin rashes. Chamomile is recommended to be used to treat sweaty feet, as well as to maintain fresh skin.

This medicinal plant is widely used in for cosmetic purposes: for skin and hair care.

What are the health benefits of chamomile?

Medicinal chamomile nourishes the body a huge amount useful substances. Its most valuable component is considered to be essential oil, as well as glycosides, chamazulene, flavonoids and organic acids.

Consumption of chamomile has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is also capable of eliminating spasms of various localizations. This herb has good disinfectant, diaphoretic and analgesic properties. Chamomile is also a good carminative and sedative.

Additional Information

Medicinal properties pharmaceutical chamomile are very extensive and its raw materials have virtually no contraindications. However, it should not be used in case of individual intolerance, anacid gastritis and a tendency to diarrhea. An overdose of chamomile is fraught with depression of the central nervous system, headache and weakness.

Based medicinal chamomile You can prepare a wide variety of medicines: and ordinary tea, and decoctions, and infusions. In addition, it can be combined with other medicinal plants– as a component of herbal preparations. Chamomile can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of dried medicinal raw materials.

Before using chamomile for therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to health.

Our distant ancestors discovered the medicinal properties of various plants that we use to this day. As science progressed, it only confirmed beneficial influence natural healers on the human body. Traditional healers of various beliefs and nationalities still widely use medicinal plants in their practice.

Chamomile occupies a special place among medicinal herbs. Its medicinal properties were appreciated back in the days Ancient Rome, when snake bites, warrior wounds, eye diseases and burns were treated with decoctions. Chamomile was credited with the ability to heal people during malaria epidemics. The medicinal plant is used internally and externally. We will tell you in more detail how exactly in our article.

Description of the plant

The name of the plant “chamomile” has a history of origin of several centuries. In Rome, the flower was called "chamaymelon", which meant "apple that grows on the ground." In 18th-century Europe, chamomile was called “uterus.” This is due to the fact that gynecological diseases were successfully treated with the help of the plant. In Rus', the grass was called “romannik”, “baptismal”, “roman”, “sosonka”, “romanov color”. It is not difficult to distinguish medicinal chamomile from other types of plants - its stem is hollow inside, and the smell of the flower is reminiscent of a mixture of apple and honey.

Is a description necessary? medicinal plant? Chamomile is known to many - it is easy to find in fields, slopes, and along roads. The plant propagates by seeds and easily adapts to various conditions. Therefore, it can be found in the wild on different continents: Europe, Asia and North America. It is easy to spot chamomile growing wild in mid-latitudes. In addition, due to the known healing properties of the herb, it is specially grown as a raw material for pharmaceutical products or for export purposes.

grassy annual plant with a pronounced ethereal odor. Chamomile belongs to the group of “medicinal plants”. A photo of a wild flower is presented below.

Medicinal composition of chamomile

How does grass help cure many diseases, how does it affect human health? The secret of healing lies in the beneficial substances that medicinal plants contain. Chamomile contains the following components, the medicinal properties of which have been proven by medical science:

  • organic acids: salicylic, anthemisic, caprylic, valeric;
  • acids: ascorbic, nicotinic;
  • polyene compounds;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • beta-carotene and carotene;
  • polysaccharides;
  • phytosterols;
  • vitamins;
  • macroelements;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oil, namely the substance chamazulene.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Due to the fact that the plant contains a whole range of substances beneficial to the human body, chamomile is a medicinal plant with the following properties:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers;
  • sweatshop;
  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant;
  • antiallergic;
  • has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Preparations containing chamomile are used for the following diseases:

It is used not only in folk recipes medicinal chamomile. The beneficial properties of this plant are appreciated by official medicine. There are proven medicines made from this plant, for example: the anti-inflammatory drug “Romazulan” and “Rotokan”, the remedy for bedsores “Alor”, the drug for fighting diabetes “Arfazetin”. Chamomile extract is widely used in the cosmetics industry.

Despite the long list of beneficial properties of medicinal chamomile, there are also contraindications to the use of this plant. They especially relate to internal use. It is not advisable to use chamomile for treatment if:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • kidney problems;
  • pregnancy.

Medicines containing this plant are prohibited for use by children under one year of age. also exclude the possibility of using products that contain chamomile. Useful properties and contraindications must be taken into account when drawing up individual scheme treatment.

Growing a plant

If you have even a small land plot, you can try growing chamomile yourself, especially since the plant is easy to care for. The plot of land for cultivation must be cleared, since the growth of the medicinal plant is disturbed by weeds. Sow seeds in prepared soil in spring or late summer/early autumn. The seed planting depth should be up to 1 cm, the distance between rows should be 45 cm.

In the first week after planting the seeds, you need to pay Special attention I water the plant, as chamomile needs high humidity. Growing the plant requires maintaining the optimal temperature, which is 19-21 degrees Celsius. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this grass is light-loving.

Chamomile will delight you with its first shoots approximately 15 days after sowing the seeds. The full development cycle of grass is 3-4 months. During this period, it is necessary to regularly monitor the plant’s moisture level, uproot weeds and feed the chamomile with fertilizers.

Collection and storage of chamomile

If you follow all the rules all year round will be at hand home remedy from various diseases- medicinal chamomile. Growing this plant does not present any particular difficulties, but storage has its own characteristics.

Chamomile should be harvested during the early flowering period, when the petals are still horizontal. This stage of plant development lasts about a month, so collection is carried out several times. You only need to pick the inflorescences, capturing small area stem. To do this, you can use a special metal device - combs, but to better preserve the medicinal properties of the plant, manual harvesting is recommended. If you plan to continue sowing medicinal chamomile, then you need to leave several plants evenly in each row for subsequent independent propagation.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant, so it is extremely important to preserve its healing properties. The peculiarity of collecting chamomile is that immediately after picking the flowers, it is necessary to spread the plant in a place for drying, since storing fresh flowers in a basket or bag for 3-4 hours will lead to spoilage of the product.

Chamomile is dried in the shade under canopies or in special dryers at a temperature that does not exceed 45 degrees, spread evenly in a thin layer (about 5 cm thick) on a cardboard platform or a special frame. It is extremely important to avoid direct sunlight when drying raw materials, as they destroy chamomile essential oil and some others. healing substances, included in the plant.

During drying, you should periodically carefully stir the herb so that the chamomile does not stagnate or rot. The medicinal plant has dried correctly if the flowers have become stiffer and the smell is richer. Remember that overdried chamomile loses its valuable properties, and if not dried enough, it will soon rot.

It is recommended to store chamomile in plywood or wooden boxes. The container must be dry and be able to close tightly. Store medicinal herbs in dry, protected from light places. If all conditions are met, chamomile flowers can be stored for up to 2 years without losing their medicinal properties.

Pharmacy ready collections of chamomile officinalis

Properly growing, collecting and storing chamomile is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Much easier to purchase finished product at the pharmacy. Depending on the purpose of use of the plant, it is released various shapes preparations with chamomile: packaged dry raw materials, tea bags with chamomile, extract and essential oil.

For treatment skin diseases It would be more convenient to use dried chamomile flowers, which have the medical name Matricariae flos. Their cost at the pharmacy is about 40 rubles. for 50 grams. Chamomile officinalis (the instructions for the drug describe the dosage and method of administration) is also used to make decoctions and compresses for various colds and for external use.

Chamomile flowers packaged in dried form are, accordingly, consumed as a hot drink for colds and problems gastrointestinal tract. A delicious aromatic drink will give you strength and energy for the whole day. But a cup of this warm before bed, on the contrary, will calm the nervous system and become effective means in the fight against insomnia.

The distillation method is used to produce aromatic oils based on medicinal plants. Chamomile is also available in the form of essential oil. It has a wide range of effects: it calms, relieves nervous tension, helps fight colds and problems of the ENT organs, improves immunity, and is used topically for burns and insect bites. They use the oil directly by directly applying it to the damaged area of ​​the body or conduct aromatherapy sessions using special lamps. Essential oil is also enriched in cosmetics and added to baths. But such a product is not cheap - about 450 rubles. for 5 ml.

Treatment of colds

Chamomile, a medicinal plant, is often used in the treatment of uncomplicated cases or as a aid during a medication course. Products based on the plant gently relieve inflammation, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, and essential oil improves immunity.

It is convenient to purchase warm chamomile tea in ready-packaged form. The instructions included with the herbal medicine suggest the following method of preparation:

  1. Pour boiling water over the tea bag.
  2. Cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes.
  3. Take warm, without adding sugar or its substitutes, in small sips. It is recommended to drink tea in the morning while in bed, changing after a few minutes the position of the body from one side to the other, from the back to the stomach.

In folk medicine, inhalations using medicinal plants are widely used. Chamomile is an effective remedy for dry cough and runny nose. For this procedure, you need to pour boiling water (0.5 l) into a tablespoon of dry plant material. Cover the container with a lid and let the broth brew for 15 minutes. Then you can place the infusion in a heating pad, saucepan or other convenient container. With your head bowed over the hot broth and covered with a towel, you need to deeply inhale the vapor for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be performed with extreme caution in children, as there is a high risk of burns to the respiratory tract and bronchospasm. For kids, it is better to carry out the inhalation procedure using a special device - a nebulizer.

It is easy to prepare at home and a decoction for rinsing sore throat. To do this, you need to boil a tablespoon of dried flowers in half a liter of water for 15 minutes, then strain and rinse your mouth with this infusion. This recipe also helps with toothache and bleeding gums.

An evening aromatherapy session with chamomile will clear the room of viruses, soothe, and relieve cold symptoms. To do this, you need to drop a little into the aroma lamp and stay in the room for 15-20 minutes. This procedure is completely safe for children. The only contraindication is a tendency to allergic reactions.

Individual adverse reactions are possible in the form of headaches, nausea, dizziness. Most often, such symptoms appear when there is an overdose of essential oil. Therefore, do not treat according to the “get better in one day” principle by adding large amounts of oil or performing a procedure long time, be especially careful when treating children.

Treatment of gynecological diseases

Chamomile helps with women's diseases. The use of decoctions, baths and infusions in gynecology is quite common. Chamomile effectively copes with inflammatory diseases female reproductive system, is additional remedy for genital tract infections, has a calming, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Therefore, a decoction of the plant is used both for the treatment of gynecological diseases and for their prevention. Chamomile helps with itching, burning, and redness of the genitals. Useful properties in gynecology are used to normalize the menstrual cycle, with vaginal dryness, and also to increase libido. Chamomile is used for such purposes as follows:

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( pain symptoms, flatulence, colic) it is recommended to take fees that include medicinal herbs and plants. Chamomile is an integral component of such preparations. Often used herbal teas from chamomile with lemon balm, mint, rosehip or calendula.

But pure chamomile decoction will also bring many benefits in the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases. The remedy is prepared in this way: pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Infuse under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Take the decoction three times a day, 1/3 cup. A single dose for children should not exceed a tablespoon (depending on the age of the child). It is recommended not to use this decoction more than a week, since long-term use irritates the gastric mucosa, disrupts acidity, causes heartburn and other adverse reactions.

Application in cosmetology

Medicinal plants are often used in cosmetology. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and whitening properties, which is why it is added both to medicinal cosmetics and to daily skin care preparations. Many famous brands They present in their product catalog a line of products with chamomile, for example: Avon, Clean Line, Yves Rocher. They produce creams, lotions, masks for the face, body and hair, lip balms, shower gels and many other care products. Many girls use chamomile at home. Thus, a decoction of a medicinal plant is used to wash the face, enrich industrial cosmetics: creams, shampoos, lotions, and make masks for the face, body, and hair. We offer several healthy recipes with chamomile:

  1. Chamomile lotion is an effective remedy for acne. To prepare it, you need to pour half a glass of dry raw materials with 200 ml of vodka, let the product brew in a dark, dry place for a week. Wipe the inflamed areas of the skin with lotion twice a day.
  2. This mask will help in the fight against wrinkles: mix brewed chamomile flowers with honey and egg yolk. Add a few drops of olive oil. Apply the product to the gauze, after cutting out holes for the eyes and nose. Apply gauze to your face and cover with a towel. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes.
  3. Chamomile infusion strengthens hair and gives it a golden, healthy hue. To do this, brew 200 g of chamomile in 0.5 liters of water. Insist for an hour. Rinse your hair with this product after washing.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant, useful and effective. But do not forget about possible adverse individual reactions of the body, contraindications for use. Chamomile is an excellent helper in the fight against various diseases, but this does not mean that you need to cancel visiting a specialist and taking medications. Self-medication can do more harm to your health than good.

Everyone knows chamomile or medicinal chamomile - it is also used for the throat with a sore throat, babies are bathed in a decoction of this plant, inflammatory processes in the joints are treated with it and the mouth is rinsed. What is generally known about this plant?

General information about chamomile

The plant in question has long been known to mankind - it was used to treat the most common diseases a hundred years ago. Modern scientists have clearly determined where the secret of the beneficial properties of medicinal chamomile lies - in its unique composition. When studying this plant, essential oil, coumarin, phytosterol, fatty acid glyceride, isovaleric and noyl organic acids, bisabol oxide, polysaccharides and many others were identified. The most amazing thing is that nature contains medicinal chamomile useful material in optimal proportions - this complex provides wide possibilities in terms of treating the disease.

Only flowers are collected from medicinal chamomile, and you need to choose dry and warm weather for this. Procurement work is carried out from the end of May to July, most medicinal power are those flowers whose petals are horizontal to the yellow core, and do not droop down.

Everyone knows very well that the plant in question is very useful for colds - this fact is confirmed by official medicine. It is advisable to treat with chamomile for the development of sore throat, acute respiratory and even.

Few people know that chamomile has a beneficial effect on work digestive system. But a decoction from this plant helps to cope with increased gas formation, relieves pain during intestinal spasms, increases appetite. In addition, it is useful to use a decoction of chamomile in case of intoxication of the body due to food and/or its unique composition active microelements promotes the rapid removal of waste and toxins.

Doctors recommend using chamomile-based products in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. In general, it is believed that the plant in question will help with diseases of the respiratory tract and pathologies in the endocrine system.

But even if a person is absolutely healthy, chamomile is useful for normalizing the psycho-emotional background - it will provide, reduce Negative influence on the body.

Chamomile is used not only in medicine - it is included in many skin and hair care products produced by the cosmetology industry. The ability of the plant in question to have an anti-inflammatory effect is successfully used by cosmetologists in the treatment of various skin diseases, and ordinary baby cream contains chamomile extract in its composition - this helps relieve delicate skin kids from irritation.

Experts also recommend regularly steam treatments for the face with a decoction of the plant in question - this will help open and cleanse pores, get rid of acne, and restore the natural color of the skin. You can use a strong decoction of chamomile as a hair rinse - this will restore the hair structure after too aggressive procedures (coloring, perm, etc.), stop hair loss, and return shine and silkiness to your curls.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

Despite such wonderful properties of the plant in question, you need to know and always remember the need to use chamomile with caution. The fact is that it is contraindicated if there is a tendency to diarrhea against the background of benign/tumors in the intestines and increased acidity gastric juice. Very often, an allergic reaction is observed to medicinal chamomile - in this case, you should stop using the plant within medical procedures, because this will only worsen a person’s well-being and reduce immunity.

Note:if decoctions/infusions of chamomile are taken by a person for a long time, then there may be complaints about increased irritability, unmotivated weakness, mild but constant headaches. In this case, you need to stop taking the medicine and seek advice from your doctor.

How to prepare chamomile decoction

It would seem that it would be easier to prepare a decoction of chamomile? It turns out that in medicine there are 3 ways to prepare such a medicine. Moreover, doctors insist on purchasing dried chamomile flowers at the pharmacy - to collect and dry the plant yourself, you need to know several nuances.

Recipes for chamomile decoctions:

  1. Chamomile flowers are poured with steep and boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per 300 ml of water. This remedy is infused for 60 minutes - this is the simplest recipe for preparing a decoction of chamomile.
  2. You need to take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and 200 ml of water, leave the mixture in a water bath for half an hour, then strain the broth through cheesecloth. In this way, a strong decoction of chamomile is prepared, which, if necessary, can be diluted with water in the required proportion - beneficial features will be saved.
  3. In an enamel bowl you need to boil chamomile flowers with water (proportion: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 300 ml of water), literally just bring to a boil. Then the broth is removed from the heat, cooled and filtered.

Every mother knows very well that bathing a baby in water with a decoction of chamomile is very useful. And it’s easy to prepare such a healing bath - just take a tablespoon of dried flowers, pour boiling water (1 liter) over everything and leave to infuse. Usually 60 minutes is enough, but the main indicator of the readiness of the infusion for bathing the baby will be the flowers of the plant that have sunk to the bottom.

Note:Before pouring the chamomile infusion into a bath of water, be sure to strain the product - contact of the raw material with the baby’s skin is extremely undesirable, as it can provoke the development of severe irritation.

After such bathing with chamomile infusion, a deeper and deeper restful sleep baby, his delicate/sensitive skin will always be healthy, and existing signs of irritation (heat rashes) will disappear.

Chamomile helps very well in the fight against intestinal colic child - for this, the baby is given tea from the plant in question. The product is prepared as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water (300 ml);
  • tea is infused for 30-60 minutes;
  • the resulting product must be filtered and diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

The result should be a slightly yellow drink, which children are given to drink 3-4 times a day immediately after meals in small quantities.

Note:Children should be prescribed chamomile remedies by a specialist. And in any case, such measures cannot be abused - for example, you can bathe a baby in a bath with chamomile decoction no more than once a week.

Chamomile is often used to treat certain gynecological diseases - women know very well that douching the vagina with a decoction or infusion of the medicinal plant in question helps get rid of discomfort. Most often, gynecologists recommend douching for the following diseases:

Important: You should not decide on your own to douche with a decoction of chamomile in case of the above gynecological diseases– such prescriptions should be made by a doctor. For example, a similar procedure cannot be carried out during pregnancy, and the timing is completely unimportant in this case. Women over the age of 40 should not douche with chamomile; they should also avoid the described procedure during menstruation.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea perfectly relieves stress and gives peace of mind - doctors recommend using the product even for absolutely healthy people after difficult days. Improvement in sleep is noted after drinking chamomile tea - it becomes full, deep, spontaneous waking up disappears. But it’s worth remembering - take any sedatives at the same time medications and chamomile tea is strictly not recommended.

The product in question also has a weak analgesic effect - tea can be used to rinse the mouth for some gum diseases.

Chamomile tea quickly and effectively relieves intestinal spasms and relieves diarrhea when consumed fatty foods or fermented milk products, lowers cholesterol levels. But be extremely careful - among the properties of medicinal chamomile there is the ability to influence the thickness of the blood; tea from the plant in question will thin it. Therefore, if a person is already taking any medications with, then chamomile tea will be contraindicated for him.

How to make chamomile tea:

Chamomile during pregnancy

Pregnant women are contraindicated from using most medications; restrictions are also imposed on medicinal plants. Many people doubt whether chamomile can be used during pregnancy - only specialists can answer this question.

  • chamomile decoction can be used for washing and bathing;
  • It is advisable to inhale with chamomile - this will help quickly cure a cold or respiratory infection;
  • Pregnant women can drink chamomile tea (either in its pure form or with the addition of other components), but in extremely limited quantities.

Note:chamomile promotes the release of large amounts of the hormone estrogen, which can cause miscarriage early stages or late premature birth. If there is no urgent need to drink chamomile tea, then it is better to avoid this remedy for the entire period of bearing a child.

In front of everyone positive qualities chamomile, it is worth considering the need to obtain prior consultation with a doctor - it is possible that restrictions will be imposed on the use of the plant in question.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.