Treatment of nonproductive cough in children and adults. How is a nonproductive cough in a child treated?

Cough is normal reflex reaction body to irritants. It can be wet productive or dry unproductive. Dry deep cough, as a rule, is caused by infectious, allergic and viral pathogens. It is dangerous for the body, as it irritates the mucous membranes and accompanies most inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack you feel pain in your stomach and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Causes and types

Frequent dry cough is a symptom that accompanies more than 50 diseases. Speech in in this case can be either a banal seasonal cold or a more serious illnesses, for example, tuberculosis or lung cancer. Depending on the duration, cough is divided into the following types:

  • Spicy. Lasts no more than two days, then transforms into wet bronchospasm and gradually stops.
  • Protracted. It can torment the patient from three weeks to three months.
  • Chronic. This type of cough without phlegm usually lasts for more than three months.

As mentioned above, a dry cough can be frequent companion a large number of ailments. But most often it is caused by the following reasons:


If you or your loved ones are tormented by a dry cough, you need to start therapeutic activities. Do not self-medicate or select medications, reading reviews on the Internet or listening to advice from friends. Not correct treatment is fraught with many complications. The main task in this case is to convert dry nonproductive cough into wet productive and form sputum.

To stop coughing, use A complex approach to therapy.

Medications must be combined with physiotherapy, as well as remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine. It should be remembered that the choice of specific medications will depend entirely on key reason cough. In most cases, a dry cough in the morning and throughout the day is caused by colds. Therefore, the rehabilitation course will look like this:

  • antiviral drugs.
  • antibiotics (only in case of urgent need);
  • mucolytics (“ACC”, “Lazolvan” and so on);
  • antihistamines (for allergic cough);
  • antitussives to block the cough center.

It is always worth remembering that antitussive drugs are prescribed only in in some cases, for example, in the treatment of whooping cough (and only as prescribed by a doctor). You cannot use them without the instructions of a specialist, and there is a very good reason for this.

In the process of treating tracheitis, bronchitis and other pathologies with acute inflammation upper respiratory tract It is necessary to remove phlegm from the body. Antitussive medications block coughing. Therefore, the mucus sinks lower into the lungs and leads to dangerous complications.


Dry cough in adults and children can and should be treated with physiotherapeutic techniques. The role of such procedures cannot be overestimated. In combination with drug treatment, they help improve immunity and bring the moment of recovery closer. If you suffer from a dry cough, use the achievements modern physiotherapy. They will help improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the intensity of pain and reduce inflammation.

Dry cough and pain will no longer hold you hostage if you use the following physiotherapeutic methods:

  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • hardware warm-up;
  • inhalation;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage of the chest area;
  • restorative breathing exercises and so on.

Are you suffering from a dry cough? Try an innovative method of physiotherapy - inhalation through nebulizers. We are talking about a portable ultrasonic compressor device that transports drug particles directly into the lungs or bronchi. As a result, the rehabilitation process is twice as fast and easier for the patient.

Also, do not forget about the effective preventive effects nebulizers on the body. Inhalations using such a device reliably protect against bronchial spasms and obstructive bronchitis. In addition, they protect young children from various complications, including from false croup.

Folk remedies

Now we know how dangerous a dry cough is, and it’s time to use another component from our medical complex. Traditional medicine is a source of wisdom and knowledge passed on from generation to generation. But you shouldn't use folk recipes as a key element of therapy. They will be effective only in combination with traditional drug treatment. Otherwise in best case scenario folk remedies will turn out to be useless, at worst, they will transform a cough into chronic form.

To eliminate dry throat and coughing attacks, quickly form sputum, use the following methods:

  • For coughing attacks, use a large number of liquids in the form of purified water, compotes, teas, herbal decoctions and so on.
  • Take hot milk with a pinch of baking soda and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Do not forget about compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing. Naturally, not everyone is enthusiastic about these procedures (especially young children). But it is these methods that help reduce the intensity of the cough and speed up the healing process.
  • Do traditional steam inhalations based on potatoes or soda.
  • Consume black radish juice with honey (or sugar).
  • Treat yourself with a mixture lemon juice with honey and glycerin.

A few words about diet and prevention

What's happened proper diet for a dry cough, and what foods must be included in the diet? We recommend using oatmeal, cooked in milk. Also, please note mashed potatoes(again with milk), grated radish salads with vegetable oil or sour cream. Those who drink coffee frequently should give it up for a while. Consume barley drink with milk and chicory.

A severe dry cough during the day should be a reason to avoid excessive consumption of very sweet, salty, sour or spicy foods. All of them negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane and contribute to its irritation. As for fasting, it should not be practiced. There is no need to weaken an already exhausted body (this also applies to cases severe cough with vomiting).

Separately, it is necessary to say about preventive measures. The following simple tips will help you not get sick and always feel in good shape:

  • do not get too cold;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • start hardening your body ( cold and hot shower to help);
  • undergo fluorographic examination annually;
  • do not let the course of a cold take its course (get treated on time and consult a doctor);
  • In hazardous industries, protect your respiratory system with a respirator.

Once again I would like to note the danger of self-medication. Even if a mild cough only bothers you during the day, you should not refuse to visit a doctor.

Bronchospasm may tear your throat at night and last for a day or two. Regardless of the causes of coughing attacks and their characteristics, always seek professional help.

In any season, you can catch a cold, catch an infection and start coughing. And it’s also good if the cough is productive. Once you manage to cough up mucus, it means that the body is actively overcoming the disease, and healing is near. Much more annoying is the annoying, throat-tearing cough reflex without sputum production. He accompanies various pathological conditions. It is always necessary to find out its cause and provide timely treatment to avoid more serious systemic disorders.

Without the cough mechanism, the patency of the air passages would be threatened by the slightest foreign particles, chemicals or other harmful factors. Thanks to this unconscious reaction when dangerous agents enter the respiratory tract airways automatically narrow. Hazardous substances or objects affect cough receptors. In response, the muscles contract and forcefully push air, along with secretions, particles, and whatever is in the passages, out of the mouth.

As a rule, this is an involuntary reflex, but it can be provoked intentionally. This is a reliable mechanism that guarantees the safety and functionality of our vital respiratory system. Cough catalysts include dust particles, low air humidity, food debris, bronchial secretions, purulent discharge. The leading cause of this symptom is occupied by respiratory diseases and viral infections.

Types of cough symptoms

A cough is usually called dry without mucus coming out or with scanty discharge, coughing with great effort. A cough is considered wet, in which sputum easily separates from the walls of the mucous tissue and leaves the body.

Normally, the cough is non-productive without producing sputum for 2-3 days. Lasts up to two weeks moist cough with active coughing up of bronchial secretions. Almost two months after past illness the person may still cough slightly.

The causes, course and mechanism of each type of cough are different. A cough can be physiological due to irritation of the respiratory tissues and passages by various chemical and mechanical factors. It can also be caused by all kinds of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and worms. It is important not to confuse them by choosing the right path to healing. Errors in therapy can significantly harm the body, especially if we're talking about about the child. Be sure to consult your doctor about correct diagnosis and therapeutic appointments.

Wet cough

The productivity of a cough is expressed in the expectoration of mucus with a pathogenic environment. This important stage recovery and cleaning of air ducts. It is for this reason that the cough reflex cannot be suppressed during a wet cough. But keep in mind that certain pathologies go through stages characterized by excessive coughing (pneumonia, tuberculosis).

Other characteristics of this condition: frequency or constancy of attacks, intensity of discharge, which can be abundant or scanty. Mucus can be viscous or thin. Its color can tell the doctor about the etiology of the disease process in the respiratory system. It can be colorless, yellowish, greenish, brown.

For example, the bright yellow color of mucus gives rise to the growth of leukocytes, the cause is bronchial asthma. Bilateral bacterial inflammation lungs will color the discharge in shades of rust. And with constant inhalation of harmful dust, a person coughs up black mucus. Respiratory ailments cause green, yellow and whitish secretions. The appearance of blood in the discharge - serious signal. The cause may be tuberculosis, autoimmune pathology capillaries of the lungs and kidneys, chronic inflammation in the bronchi.

The most common provocateurs of wet cough:

  • damage by viruses;
  • various infectious diseases(tuberculosis, inflammation of the sinuses, bronchi, lungs);
  • chronic conditions in the lungs due to congenital malformations of the respiratory system;
  • reflux;
  • constant irritation of the mucous membrane tobacco smoke from people smoking nearby.

Self Help

Cough with open mouth without preventing phlegm from coming out. If you feel a lump of phlegm rising into your throat, take a deep breath for a couple of seconds. This will cause the airway muscles to contract, causing next moment will cause contraction of the abdominal muscles and a sharp exhalation.

To help yourself speed up the release of phlegm, do this simple exercise. Sitting on a chair, spread your legs slightly, place your elbows on them, and lean forward. Your back should be straight, with your hands stretched in front of you. Don't strain your neck. Take ten deep breaths of air through your nose.

Features of dry cough

A dry, nonproductive cough occurs involuntarily. My throat feels sore, I constantly want to clear my throat, but it doesn’t work. The mucous membrane dries out and becomes irritated. The feeling doesn't go away constant discomfort in the throat. the main objective in this condition, it consists of softening and expelling secretions, changing the nature of the cough to a more moist one. Sore sensations, burning sensations and constant unsuccessful attempts to cough have a negative impact on the respiratory system and cause pain.

The acute phase passes in three weeks, while the chronic phase develops after twenty-one days painful cough. A week of unproductive coughing at night indicates asthma, inflammatory process in the bronchi. Allergic exacerbation occurs at any time of the day and is accompanied by snot, sneezing, skin and eye irritations. Be sure to find out at the hospital the etiology of an exhausting cough that has not stopped for more than a couple of weeks.

A nonproductive cough in a child can be caused by compression of the bronchial lumens due to bronchitis or asthma, the entry of foreign objects, food, liquids into the respiratory system, or exposure to allergens. Weak, regular coughing can be caused by helminth eggs in the lung tissue.

Cough is a common companion colds along with hyperthermia, muscle lethargy, decreased appetite, and moodiness. Patients with laryngitis can be distinguished by their hoarse barking voice. Pharyngitis causes tickling and soreness in the walls of the throat. The influenza virus leads to an intense, raw cough.

The following can be added to the circumstances causing this symptom:

  • consequences after taking certain medications;
  • inhalation of contaminated dust or chemicals air;
  • infection of the small bronchi and respiratory system by viruses;
  • acute inflammation of the larynx, pharynx, lungs, sinuses, external ear structures, subglottic laryngitis;
  • backflow of the acidic gastric environment into the throat, heartburn;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • cancerous tumors in the sternum;
  • severe emotional and physical stress (when the cough is of a nervous nature);
  • reaction to inhalation.

Long bouts of dry cough are dangerous due to the likelihood of accumulation of air masses in the pleural area. The reasons for this unpleasant symptom- the most diverse. Only an examination by a specialist and a comprehensive analysis of the manifestations will help to identify the true root of the ailment and effectively overcome it.

How to help yourself

Helps make you feel better drinking plenty of fluids fluids, frequent shallow breathing. Swallow saliva while holding your breath in several stages.

Some physical exercise help with a nagging dry cough. Try them. Lean against the wall with your elbows bent and your head bowed on them. At the same time, step forward with one leg bent at the knee. The back should remain straight. Inhale deeply through your nose 10 times.

Another exercise is effective for this state. Sit on a chair facing the back. Lean on it with bent arms. Lean your body forward a little, keeping your back straight. Place your head on your hands and breathe intensely 10 times through your nose.

Diagnostic techniques

When determining the source of the cough, the doctor listens to the sternum with a special device, finds out the time and conditions of the onset of the symptom, its nature, and features. The presence of other accompanying manifestations and ailments (temperature, pain syndrome etc.). Analyzing all these factors together, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Treatment regimen for wet cough

Treatment of productive cough includes expectorants that promote the rapid release of bronchial secretions. These agents also promote mucosal regeneration. Make it unnecessary thick mucus Mucolytics will help you become more mobile and fluid.

Successfully used herbal infusions from marshmallow, elecampane and licorice. Or they do inhalations that dissolve viscous sputum. However, remember: before treating a child’s productive cough in unconventional ways, it is worth finding out the opinion of your treating pediatrician regarding the admissibility of prescription treatment traditional medicine. Medicines with the effect of suppressing the cough reflex during this symptom contraindicated. But drinking plenty of warm liquid will be useful. Viral infections cannot be treated with antibacterial therapy. This may cause complications and therapeutic effect definitely won't.

Actions for dry cough

As a rule, if a patient coughs hysterically, painfully and exhaustingly, to the point of vomiting, and cannot sleep or eat normally, the list medicinal products a drug against the cough reflex will be present. They try to make a non-productive cough wetter, cause sputum production, and help it come out with the help of mucolytics and expectorants.

Combination medications that reduce intense coughing in the brain or mucous membranes and increase expectoration of secretions work well. Adults usually take tablets, but children are treated with syrups or drops based on ivy extract and others. medicinal plants. These medications, in addition to affecting secretions and the cough mechanism, fight inflammation and relieve bronchospasm.

Folk remedies include drinking warm milk with a piece of butter or animal fat, tea with a slice of lemon, raspberry jam. Children will also enjoy this last drink.

Soothes coughing attacks with freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with a couple of large spoons of honey and a spoon liquid glycerin. You should drink this mixture one spoonful up to six times a day.

Carrot juice, to which is added, will have the same softening effect on the throat. sugar syrup V equal parts. Adults take a large spoon five times a day, and children take a teaspoon.

In treating an unproductive cough, drinking birch sap and burnt sugar will also help you. The latter is obtained if you make from granulated sugar lollipop, holding a spoon with it over the flame. Dissolved sugar is quickly added to milk and dissolved. Then drink the juice.

Children can be offered one more delicious recipe: Boil a couple of figs in a glass of milk and give the little ones a drink before bed, warming up the medicine.

If you candied nettle roots and eat this mixture several times a day with warm liquid, the cough will also soften.

Timely and correct treatment will act quite quickly on productive and non-productive cough, most importantly, do not start it or ignore it bad feeling and body signals.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract reacts in this way to factors that irritate it. Any cough causes considerable discomfort to the patient. There are two types of cough: productive and non-productive. In what significant differences of these types? How to help your child recover faster?


A wet cough, otherwise called a productive cough, is characterized by the removal of phlegm from the bronchi. It helps in the fight against viruses. We breathe air that contains dust, germs and bacteria. All this enters through the respiratory tract into the sputum, and the cilia of the epithelium push it back. A person has difficulty breathing if there is a lot of phlegm. This happens due to atmospheric conditions, colds or smoking. The body reacts to the accumulation of phlegm.

After a dry cough (two days later), a wet cough appears. This fact indicates that the person has entered the recovery stage. But there are cases when it characterizes other ailments - it could be pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Cough (productive or wet) may be periodic or permanent, flow weakly or, on the contrary, strongly, and the sputum is liquid or thick. The color of the secreted sputum varies: white, transparent, green, yellow or brown. The color determines at what stage the disease process is.

At bright yellow color The level of eosinophils in the body is increased, this happens with bronchial asthma. And when lobar pneumonia the sputum comes out brown or rusty in color. With pneumoconiosis, the sputum is black. During normal respiratory diseases colorless, yellowish or greenish mucus comes out.

Diseases are dangerous when sputum contains blood clots. The patient may develop Goodpasture's syndrome, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, or thromboembolism pulmonary disease. Don't try to suppress wet cough! It removes mucus from the bronchi and prevents harmful bacteria from developing.


A dry or nonproductive cough is one in which nothing comes out of the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane becomes even more irritated due to the lack of phlegm. Unproductive is much more serious than productive. It appears in diseases: laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, cardiac asthma, dry pleurisy, otitis externa, pericarditis. After an illness, influenza can last up to several weeks in the patient.


Occurs due to pathological actions in the human nasopharynx. If left untreated, it will develop into a chronic form and its symptoms will resemble bronchial asthma. A reflex cough is a sign of serious illness. Signs may include: arterial hypertension, chronic neurosis, heart failure, etc.

A reflex cough in a child can occur when interacting with allergens. For one child, it is enough to smell the allergen, while for another, it is necessary to touch or eat it. Gastroesophageal reflux also provokes the appearance of a reflex cough in a child. The appearance is also caused by a lack of iodine in the body and an enlarged thyroid gland.

At excessive excitability The child may develop a reflex cough. Frequent neuroses cause an attack in which the child does not have enough air, he begins to choke and it becomes difficult for him to breathe.


Dry cough


  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • infections (bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis);
  • chronic diseases lungs, with congenital defects organs of the respiratory system;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease or heartburn;
  • smoking (passive).


The onset of a cough indicates that an inflammatory process has begun in the human body. The function of the upper respiratory tract is impaired. To get the right treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

Prescribe treatment that depends on symptoms and underlying causes.

Wet cough therapy

Productive cough can be treated expectorant medications. When taken, the functions of the ciliated epithelium are restored and the properties of sputum change. Recipes for folk remedies can be added.

You should not take medications to suppress the cough reflex. To thin the mucus, you need to drink more liquid and do steam inhalations. Be sure to consult a doctor to begin treatment correctly.

If the reason was viral infection, That antibiotics cannot be used in this case, they may cause by-effect and the patient's condition will become worse. Pathogenic bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics and an allergic reaction may also occur.

Dry cough therapy

Unproductive is treated by suppression of the cough reflex. Medications containing codeine are prescribed. It reduces the excitability of the cough center in medulla oblongata. Drugs with a local anesthetic effect are also used; they reduce the excitability of the mucous membrane. The cough reflex decreases and treatment becomes effective. The patient is given warm milk with butter, tea with raspberry jam or lemon.

Nonproductive cough: treatment in two ways

  1. By conversion to a productive cough.
  2. Stop treatment with antitussives.

After examination by a doctor, it is prescribed necessary treatment. This cough can be treated with folk remedies. Productive and non-productive cough can be cured quickly if treatment is started at early stages diseases.

Nonproductive cough in a child

The child’s body does not have a strong immune system that could resist the disease on its own.

Causes of symptoms in a child

The disease is treated with medications that strengthen the immune system and folk remedies are used. Antiviral agents and antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases.

They try to convert a dry cough into a wet cough as quickly as possible. Sputum, with the bacteria it contains, begins to leave the body, and the disease subsides. Antitussives are prescribed to prevent irritation respiratory organs. But more often they prescribe combination drugs, they have antitussive and expectorant effects. These products are: “Stoptussin”, “Sinekod”, “Codelac”, “Bronchicum”, “Gerbion”. The drugs produce a wet cough.

After their use, mucolytic agents are prescribed. They thin the mucus and allow it to come out faster.


  • To prevent the disease from appearing, it is necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system; for this purpose, Derinat is used. If you regularly give your child this drug, the cough will bypass him.
  • Take care of personal hygiene, wash your hands often, especially after walking with your child.
  • Constantly ventilate the child’s room; the air temperature in it should not exceed 24 °C, then treatment will not be required at all.

Cough is one of the symptoms of a cold. It can appear at any time of the year and at bad treatment causes serious illnesses. Therefore, only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe medications. There are also unproductive ones. A productive cough indicates the body’s successful fight against the virus, while an unproductive cough indicates that treatment must be taken seriously. An unproductive cough gives the patient a lot of discomfort.

A cough is also unproductive because it does not produce sputum. It is a dry cough that characterizes the onset of respiratory diseases. The mucous membrane is dry, so during coughing attacks a sore throat appears. Inflammation provokes irritation of the respiratory tract. This is a reflex process that can be caused by the following diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy.

Nonproductive cough can be divided into two types:

  1. acute, which lasts no more than 3 weeks;
  2. chronic, which lasts 3 weeks or longer.

An unproductive cough irritates and damages the respiratory system. If it becomes productive, the body will fight the disease faster. Productive and non-productive cough are symptoms of diseases affecting the respiratory system, so before you start therapeutic measures, it is important to determine the etiology.

Why is it developing?

A non-productive dry cough is characterized as inflammation. Mucus is not removed from the bronchi and the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted. This type of cough is more severe and takes longer to treat. But before taking medications, you need to determine its causes.

Physiological reasons:

  • foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • heartburn;
  • eating spicy or heavy foods;
  • getting pieces of food into the larynx.

Diseases that are characterized by a nonproductive cough:

  • bronchospasm,
  • allergy,
  • ARVI;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy.

You need to know that a dry cough can last from several weeks to several months. Treatment must be started in a timely manner to avoid complications. One of the reasons for a child's dry cough may be the environment in which he lives. Dust causes allergies chemicals for washing, washing powder or even pets. Allergies can also be caused by certain medical drug. In this case, any contact with the allergen should be eliminated.

Symptoms of a nonproductive cough

The main symptom of a nonproductive cough is the absence of sputum. Doctors distinguish the following characteristic species cough:

  • barking cough is characteristic of viral diseases;
  • deafness is the main symptom of tuberculosis;
  • paroxysmal is a symptom of asthma or whooping cough.
  • prolonged may indicate pleurisy, pharyngitis or the presence of a tumor.

But only a doctor can determine the exact causes of a nonproductive dry cough. Need to carry out full inspection patient, establish the duration of the cough, its nature, the presence of temperature, etc. Treatment should also be prescribed qualified specialist. Dry non-productive cough – very unpleasant and often painful symptom, violating general health human, quality of life.

Drug therapy

Therapy for dry non-productive cough consists of taking medications whose principle of action is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex, softening the cough, as well as diluting mucus and removing it from the respiratory tract.


To eliminate a cough, you first need to destroy the cause of its occurrence. But symptomatic treatment is also carried out. To cure a non-productive cough, you need to make it productive. For this purpose, antitussive drugs are prescribed. They thin out thick mucus and help remove phlegm from the body. Antitussives can be in the form of tablets, syrups or drops. There are also drugs with narcotic effects that can be prescribed for whooping cough or pleurisy:

  • Ethylmorphine;
  • Dimemorphan.

Non-narcotic antitussive drugs are not addictive:

  • Butamirat;
  • Glaucine;
  • Oxeladine.

Mucolytics and expectorants

If the cough is infectious, treatment is carried out with mucolytics. They also have an expectorant effect, thin the mucus and help the bronchi clear of mucus. Prescribed if the mucus is very thick and viscous:

Expectorants are prescribed already at productive cough when the sputum is not too thick. Expectorant drugs are also divided into:

  1. Drugs reflex action. They irritate the gastric mucosa and cause vomiting reflex, which as a result helps the production of mucus. These are mainly drugs for plant based: Althea preparations, Thermopsol tablets, Kadelak broncho, chest preparations.
  2. Resorptive action. Irritate the mucous membrane and increase the secretion of liquid sputum. These include Amtersol.

Homeopathic medicines

In cases prolonged cough, a homeopathic doctor can help. In addition to the physiological examination, the patient’s psychology and the atmosphere in the family are also studied. Mostly the doctor prescribes one drug. It could be:

  • Drosera;
  • Bryony;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Bronchialis Hel;
  • Gepar sulphur.


Cure cough quickly. Only a doctor should prescribe them. If the disease is caused bacterial infection, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. Among them are:

  • Augmentin;
  • Ampiox;
  • Sumamed;
  • Amoksikalav;
  • Ecoball;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Suprax.

Inhalations for the treatment of cough

They will also be useful in treatment. They are used in case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Their benefit lies in the fact that sputum is actively moistened and this helps the coughing process. For inhalations, you can use eucalyptus, raspberry root and mint. But you need to remember that if there is no mucus in the respiratory tract, then inhalation is not needed.

Drainage massage

As aid when treating a child’s cough, doctors prescribe. It consists of rhythmic tapping on the chest, which helps remove mucus from the bronchi. You can master this simple combination yourself. Massage also improves blood circulation and strengthens respiratory functions.

Folk recipes

Except drug treatment, folk recipes will help in the fight against cough. They are often quite effective:

  1. Mix finely chopped onion with two tablespoons of honey and sugar. Pour a liter of water and cook for 3 hours over low heat. Take no more than 6 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  2. Mix ground hazelnuts with honey. Take a teaspoon once a day. You can drink it with warm milk.
  3. Grate the carrots and pour hot milk. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink before bed.


Physiotherapy studies action physical factors per person and applies these methods in medicine. For the treatment and prevention of cough and other respiratory diseases, the following physiotherapy methods are used:

Physiotherapy - safe method treatment, but also has its contraindications. It is not prescribed for elevated temperature, patients with epilepsy, hypertension and cancer.


I can be hot, cold and warming. The compress should consist of three layers:

  • soaked in ethereal or alcohol solution gauze or bandage;
  • insulating paper or oilcloth;
  • the third layer, which warms the painful part.

You should not apply compresses when high temperature at the patient. Compresses made from butter, cheese and potatoes are used against coughs.

At the first symptoms of cough, you should consult a doctor. It is the cause that needs to be treated, not the cough itself. In addition to medications, the patient is also prescribed plenty of fluids. The air in the patient's room must be moist and fresh. Hot and dry air will provoke coughing attacks. And, of course, you should definitely follow your doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate.