Reflector for warming up the nose. Correct and effective treatment with an infrared lamp. Contraindications to the use of a reflector

The legendary blue lamp, first used by the Russian doctor Minin, during the Soviet era was considered, quite justifiably, a cure for all ailments. The physiotherapeutic device was used as an anesthetic in dentistry. The anti-inflammatory and restorative effect of the blue lamp has made it popular among therapists and ophthalmologists. At the moment, Minin's reflector is blue lamp for warming up, is one of the most popular devices for treatment respiratory diseases, otitis and runny nose in both adults and children.

A reflector known to many is a lamp that has a metal shade with a mirror coating. Inside the lampshade there is an incandescent lamp with a bulb of blue color. The lamp, whose power is 60 watts, has a tungsten filament. What distinguishes such a reflector from a regular lamp is its unusual lampshade, which serves to direct the light flux. Thanks to the mirror coating inside the lampshade, the blue lamp works on the principle of a reflector - it reflects light, collects it and concentrates it.

Blue lamp treatment occurs by infrared radiation and dry heat. A directed beam of infrared radiation is absorbed by the skin, turning into thermal energy. Infrared rays, penetrating into the skin, activate blood circulation and metabolism, fight inflammatory processes and have a detrimental effect on the skin. various kinds bacteria and viruses.

Use of the Minin reflector for various diseases

Blue lamp with a runny nose is directed to the sinuses at a distance of 20-60 cm. It is necessary to adjust this distance so that during the session you experience a pronounced but pleasant warmth. Continue the session for 5-20 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a day until recovery. Usually after 2-3 warm-ups there is a significant improvement.

Dry heat when coughing used to warm the chest. It is necessary to turn on the lamp and point it at the back, chest, and lung area.

Blue lamp for sinusitis directed to the frontal sinus and projection maxillary sinuses next to the nose.

Use dry heat for arthrosis, pointing a blue lamp at the sore joint.

Blue lamp for otitis media is directed to each ear in turn.

How to use the blue lamp?

The device is plugged in and directed to the diseased area of ​​the body at a distance of no more than 60 cm from the skin. Continue the session for no longer than 20 minutes. It is recommended to do several sessions a day lasting 10-20 minutes. While the lamp is operating, you must close your eyes. The procedure itself should evoke only positive feelings. After a warm-up session with the Minin reflector, you should not go out into the cold.

Thanks to the blue color of the lamp, the following therapeutic effect is achieved:

  • Reducing pain.
  • Metabolism regulation.
  • The regeneration effect is achieved when various kinds damage.
  • Improving external respiration functions.
  • The conductivity of nerve impulses improves.
  • The process of delivery and removal of oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body improves.
  • Stimulating energy synthesis at the cellular level.
  • Blood viscosity decreases.
  • Regulation of the hemostatic system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving microcirculation.
  • Has an immunomodulating effect.
  • Treatment of candidiasis.
  • Treatment of acute respiratory diseases.
Contraindications to the use of a blue lamp

Blue lamp for warming up contraindications has the following:

  • Any sharp forms inflammatory processes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Phases of exacerbations of severe diseases.
  • Insufficiency of cerebral circulation.
  • Sympathalgia.
  • Autonomic dysfunctions.
  • Acute purulent diseases.
  • Severe forms cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heat.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Stones in the kidneys.

Also, you should not warm up areas of the body with varicose veins veins, projection area thyroid gland, thrombophlebitis, large lymph nodes.

Reflector Clear Sun

Reflector blue lamp “Clear Sun” is a compact, lightweight device that is designed for effective dry heat treatment. This is a modern and convenient analogue of the Minin reflector. Proven for decades, easy to use, it will become an indispensable device for treating colds and other inflammatory diseases the whole family.

“Clear Sun” helps with the following diseases:

  • Otolaryngeal diseases such as laryngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, ARVI, sinusitis, colds without fever.
  • Achieved positive effect when treating diseases with a blue lamp nervous system: plexitis, neuritis, radiculitis, neuroses. Excellent in treating the syndrome chronic fatigue, decreased performance, with migraines.
  • Diseases musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, pain and swelling during sprains, ligament ruptures.
  • Positive Impact Minin reflector helps with illnesses gastrointestinal tract, as well as liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice of newborns. It also effectively helps with heart diseases, including coronary artery disease.

To buy reflector Minin blue lamp “Clear Sun” in Moscow, Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Zhukovsky, Ramensky, Bronnitsy, Voskresensk, Kolomna - go to the catalog section and place an order.

Until now, many families use the old, proven method of treating a runny nose using a blue lamp for colds and runny noses. This simple device, created more than a hundred years ago, often turns out to be more effective than many medicines. This simplest physiotherapeutic remedy can be used to treat both adults and children.

What is the blue lamp?

Scientifically, this device is called a Minin reflector, named after the scientist who created it. But among the people the name “blue lamp” has long been assigned to it. The device has a simple structure: a metal body with a reflector, a handle and an incandescent lamp.

This design ensures that light is focused on a specific area of ​​the body and creates a warming effect. The most commonly used universal lamp is 16 centimeters in diameter.

The blue lamp emits infrared thermal radiation, which does not heat the skin, but penetrates into its deeper layers. The effectiveness of the device for a runny nose is ensured by the color of the light bulb - blue color prevents burns and does not dazzle the eyes.

What effect does the Minin reflector have?

Why is it so popular to treat a runny nose with this device? Experience shows that after a few days the patient’s breathing is restored and the runny nose goes away.

Based on research, it has been proven that warming the sinuses with a blue lamp has the following effect:

  • Dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation;
  • Eliminates venous stasis and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • Facilitates breathing and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • Strengthens capillaries in the nose;
  • Destroys many bacteria and reduces the rate of virus reproduction;
  • Improves metabolism and restores mucous membranes;
  • Calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Such warming turns out to be more effective for a runny nose than any other methods. The use of a blue lamp speeds up recovery. This treatment is also popular because it does not have side effects and can be used even in small children.

When can the device be used?

Despite the fact that this device is simple, not everyone is allowed to use it. Warming up in the facial area is contraindicated in case of sinusitis and other purulent processes, elevated temperature, tendency to bleeding and impaired cerebral circulation. It makes no sense to warm the nose with allergic, vasomotor and atrophic rhinitis.

But the use of a blue lamp is effective for the following diseases:

  • For a cold;
  • For rhinitis;
  • With ARVI occurring without fever;
  • For sore throat.
Doctors recommend using warming only for initial stages disease while nasal discharge is clear. At purulent runny nose the procedure will not only be useless, but may also cause harm.

How to use the lamp correctly?

For treatment, just turn on the device and direct the light to the bridge of the nose. The distance from the blue lamp to the body should be from 20 to 60 centimeters in order to feel a pleasant, non-burning warmth.

The device must be positioned so that the rays fall on the body at an angle. If the patient feels discomfort, the lamp should be moved further away.

The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the patient, usually from 5 to 15 minutes for children, 20–25 minutes for adults. Warming can be done 2-3 times a day. In most cases, a runny nose goes away within a few days.

In order for warming to have only a positive effect, you need to follow some rules during the procedure:

  • You can use the blue lamp only after consulting a doctor;
  • The eyes must be covered with a napkin, and if the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed;
  • After the procedure, you should not immediately go outside or be in a draft;
  • It is not recommended to use a blue lamp to treat a runny nose for longer than 15 days.

Features of treatment for children

Warming up with a blue lamp is very effective and safe way get rid of a runny nose at any age. The procedure can be carried out while the child is sleeping. It is advisable to cover your eyes with a piece of thick fabric, and adjust the distance to the lamp by constantly checking the degree of heating of the body with your hand.

You can also relieve nasal congestion by heating the areas behind the ears. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for young children longer than 10 minutes. If you follow these simple rules, you can cure a child’s runny nose in a few days.

Quite often in complex treatment colds heating with a blue lamp is used. This is convenient to do at home, since the device is compact and easy to use.

Dry heating of the sinuses alleviates the patient's condition and speeds up recovery. And if you resort to this method when the first symptoms of ARVI appear, you can ensure that the disease will proceed in a milder form.

As an alternative to many physical procedures, infrared lamp treatment can be effectively used at home. It really helps with many diseases, including the treatment of runny nose, joint pain and skin diseases. But treatment must be carried out following several rules.

Principle of treatment.

The basis of treatment with an infrared lamp is thermal radiation, which, penetrating into tissues, stimulates metabolic processes in the area of ​​​​warming. In addition, blood flow increases, as blood vessels dilate under the influence of heat, and the activity of leukocytes and lymphocytes is activated. It is these three main factors that provide effective treatment foci of inflammation and reduction of pain syndromes.

When using the red lamp for the first time, a short-term deterioration of the condition is possible - the pain may intensify or worsen slightly general health. This reaction of the body is explained by the fact that infrared radiation initially causes a spasm. blood vessels located in the epidermis and dermis.

Usually, after 2 - 4 hours, the condition returns to normal. And the second time you use the lamp, and throughout the course, the body’s condition noticeably improves.

Duration of the course is 10 – 15 procedures. Session duration is from 15 to 30 minutes. The optimal distance from the heated area of ​​the body to the lamp is 20–30 cm. This depends on the age of the patient, the condition of the skin and the area of ​​the body.

When treating children, in order to avoid thermal burn, the optimal distance is 30 cm. During treatment skin diseases in adults - the same distance, especially in cases where long-term non-healing wounds are treated, with acne, psoriasis.

When treating pain in muscles and joints, radiculitis, shoulder area and lumbar, the distance is 20 – 25 cm. It is not necessary to direct the radiation to a naked area of ​​the body. In order to prevent burns, it is better to carry out the procedure through cotton clothing.

Contraindications to the use of an infrared lamp.

The use of thermal infrared radiation is contraindicated in purulent processes, when oncological diseases and tuberculosis, with renal, pulmonary and heart failure, during pregnancy, during treatment hormonal drugs and immunomodulators.

Indications for use of an infrared lamp.

For muscle pain and cramps.

Thermal radiation promotes relaxation muscle tissue, more intense blood flow and oxygen supply to muscles and nutrients. The feeling of warmth causes a feeling of comfort. Gradually the muscles relax and painful sensations are decreasing. The duration of the session depends on the intensity of the pain, and can be 15 – 20 minutes

For arthritis and arthrosis.

When treating joint pain, infrared radiation provides intense blood flow, reduces the inflammatory process due to the activity of leukocytes, and removes toxins from tissues. Warming up is carried out for 20 - 30 minutes.

For acute respiratory infections and diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

Most often, at home, an infrared lamp is used to treat tonsillitis, otitis and rhinitis, and for coughs. When directing heat rays to unprotected areas of the body, be extremely careful.

The distance to the lamp should be at least 30 cm, depending on individual perception temperature regime, which is provided in the device. It varies between models, so check with your dealer and read the instructions carefully.

When warming up the area of ​​the nose and cheekbones, the eyes should be closed, and ideally protected with a bandage. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes, but it is better to start with 5 minutes.

For hypertension.

If you conduct regular courses consisting of 7–10 sessions, with a break of 5–7 days, you can significantly improve the condition of the blood vessels. This will help avoid hypertensive crisis and normalize blood pressure.

You can warm it up chest, avoiding the area of ​​the heart, arms, especially the most sensitive, back part from the wrist to the elbow, legs, occipital region. Session duration is 10 – 15 minutes.

For skin problems.

During treatment and also before cosmetic procedures To make them more effective, the session duration is 5 – 10 minutes.

When treating cellulite, as an addition, the duration of sessions is 10 - 15 minutes for each problem area.

In the treatment of wounds, burns, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, during rehabilitation period after surgery, infrared radiation can be used only after consultation with your doctor.

He will help you choose right time session and distance to the device.

Found a blue warming lamp wide application in medicine. It refers to physiotherapeutic procedures that treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat in children and adults. Such a light bulb has not ultraviolet, but infrared radiation, and helps to significantly reduce the duration of the pathology and effectively eliminates unpleasant symptoms. The great advantage of this medical device is that it can be used at home, but after consulting with a doctor.

What does the blue lamp represent?

A blue light bulb, or otherwise called a Minin reflector (Clear Sun), represents effective remedy for the treatment of many ENT diseases, including common cold, sore throat and bronchitis.

It contains a regular lamp with tungsten wire, painted blue. It is believed that this shade does not irritate the eyes and promotes good heating of the affected area. And a lampshade attached to a light bulb helps direct blue light and rays to a specific place, thereby increasing the effect of therapy.

Blue warming lamp - varieties. On the left on a clothespin, in the middle with a metal frame, on the right a glow in the dark.

The blue-violet light bulb has no effect ultraviolet irradiation, therefore does not cause harm to health, and is electric.

  • The heating device is considered old, it was invented medical device Soviet doctor Minin during the war years. In the USSR and after, a light bulb with blue light was widely used not only in medicinal purposes, but in crop and livestock farming to replace the clear sun.
  • The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that the reflector first heats up and infrared rays act directly on the skin, sometimes penetrating deeper into the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Currently on sale various analogues Minin medical reflectors, which have different diameters and color intensities, can be from blue to dark blue. With their help, it is very convenient to treat not only ENT organs, but also the back, large areas of the body and limbs.

A blue lamp and ultraviolet are completely different things, and they have different effects medicinal properties. It is believed that Minin's reflex device reflects infrared radiation and is used to warm up the superficial areas of the skin.

The blue lamp is harmless to children and is widely used in treatment

How is a lamp useful? If you use a blue lamp for treatment, you can achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  1. There is accelerated blood circulation and improved metabolism in the affected area.
  2. Swelling of soft tissues is reduced.
  3. Pain sensations are relieved.
  4. Infiltrates and other compactions resolve.
  5. The immune status increases.
  6. The condition and mobility of joints and bones improves when they are damaged.

The benefits of using a reflector for a child or an adult are enormous. Thanks to the warm color of the lamp, it does not dazzle the eyes and does not cause skin burns, which cannot be said about a regular light bulb. But before you start warming your ears, nose and throat, you should definitely consult your doctor to rule out contraindications.

Indications for use

What does the blue lamp treat and what is it for? The main indications for the use of an infrared lamp are the following pathological conditions:

The blue lamp is needed to warm the nose, ears and throat

  1. Acute respiratory viral infections and various colds, occurring without the presence of temperature.
  2. Dermatological diseases.
  3. Otitis.
  4. Pathological processes of ENT organs (, and others).
  5. Inflammatory muscle conditions.
  6. Damage to the musculoskeletal system due to bruise, blow, fall (sprains, torn ligaments).
  7. Pain in muscles and joints.
  8. Cough, bronchitis.


Treatment with a blue lamp is possible only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  1. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  2. Availability high temperature bodies.
  3. Purulent diseases.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Poor blood clotting high risks development of bleeding.
  6. Neuralgic and heart diseases.
  7. Oncological processes in the body of any localization.
  8. Violation of skin integrity.
  9. Serious injury or injury.
  10. Pregnancy period.

Also, according to the instructions for use, it is not advisable to use a blue lamp with the parallel use of hormonal, immunomodulating drugs, and in the area of ​​​​lymph nodes, varicose veins, as well as in the thyroid gland.

To achieve positive results from using a blue lamp, you must comply certain rules and use the device correctly.

  1. If the warming area is the eyes, then they should be kept closed or covered with a thick cloth. In the presence of contact lenses, they should be removed during the procedure to prevent overheating of the eyeballs.
  2. The blue lamp is connected to electricity and installed in the correct position. It is believed that the optimal workplace is an angle of 60° and in rare cases 90°.
  3. During manipulation, it is recommended to place the blue lamp 15-30 cm from the surface of the skin.
  4. The duration of use of the blue lamp for any disease is 3 days.
  5. After warming up the skin area, you should not go outside for an hour.
  6. For children and adults, the duration of the session may differ in time.

When manipulating with a blue lamp, you need to avoid drafts and follow safety rules, since the device heats up to high temperatures.

How to use a blue lamp for children

To use a blue lamp to treat children at home, you must: mandatory consult your doctor. The main indications for taking a blue lamp may be cough, runny nose, bronchitis, ear, nose and throat diseases. The duration of the session should not exceed 15 minutes. And, as a rule, children are given a blue lamp with a large diameter and reduced intensity of infrared radiation.

To avoid burns, you need to be present with your child during the entire procedure and check the heating of the skin with your hand. You should also know that the blue lamp is only suitable for use by children over 3 years of age.

Warming the nose with a blue lamp

It is believed that only mild forms of nasal disease can be treated with a blue lamp. The most common indications are runny nose and sinusitis.

How to use the device in this case? For a positive outcome of therapy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Cover the eyes with a thick cloth or make a bandage to prevent burns.
  2. 2-4 sessions must be repeated per day, with a total duration of no more than 20 minutes.
  3. You need to keep the blue lamp at a distance of about 20-30 cm from your nose.
  4. The full course of nasal treatment with a blue lamp can last up to 3-4 days.

Using a blue lamp for sinusitis

How to warm your nose and is it possible to do this for sinusitis? Although the blue lamp does not produce UV radiation, it can also negatively affect health. Since sinusitis, in most cases, is purulent disease, then in this case the use of heat is contraindicated or can only be prescribed as directed by a doctor. Therefore, to avoid complications, it is better not to self-medicate.

Can pregnant women use a blue lamp for warming up?

This period in a woman’s life is considered a contraindication, so the use of a reflector is prohibited.

Warming up the ears with a blue lamp

The blue lamp is also widely used for otitis media, congestion or inflammatory processes in the ear area of ​​a non-purulent nature. To warm up the affected ear, it is pulled back and up and treated with the Minin device.

How long should you warm your ear? In terms of time, the warming up procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. Treatment should take place in sessions and last about 7 days.

An infrared lamp is widely used to treat runny nose in children and adults. To do this, the device is placed 30-40 cm from the nasal septum and this area is heated for no more than 7 minutes. At first, the procedure lasts a minute, and 1 minute is added every day if the patient has no unpleasant symptoms.

For a runny nose, the duration of use of the blue lamp is 5-6 days.

Per day, if the patient’s condition is satisfactory and there is no reaction to infrared irradiation, 1-2 sessions can be performed after the first day.

Duration of blue lamp use

According to doctors, the optimal duration of using a blue lamp is 2-3 sessions per day with a total duration of 15-20 minutes. But the procedure time may vary depending on the patient’s age and type of disease. For small children, as a rule, 5-7 minutes per session is enough. The total duration of therapy is 3-7 days.

Blue lamp cost

A spare blue lamp for the Minin reflector (Clear Sun) costs approximately 149-250 rubles

How much does a Minin reflector cost?

The price of a blue lamp depends primarily on the choice of pharmacy, city and manufacturer. In general, the cost of the device is 1000-1600 rubles, and an incandescent lamp can be purchased for about 150-250 rubles.

Blue lamp is the popular name for the Minin reflector, which appeared and became popular back in Soviet times physiotherapeutic device. His healing effect explained by the generation capabilities infrared rays. As a result, the area of ​​use involves impact on a large number of diseases for which dry heat is suitable for treatment.

Blue lamp – what the device treats. It is an ordinary blue lamp placed in a mirror lampshade.
The device operates from the mains.
In fact, this is a familiar incandescent lamp, only blue. This color hardly penetrates through closed eyelids and does not blind. A mirrored lampshade makes it possible to focus lighting and direct it to a specific point.
According to medical literature author of the device, military doctor Minin A.V. In addition to being used for therapeutic purposes, the blue light bulb is actively used in growing plants as artificial lighting, replacing the sun, as well as in livestock farming for the purpose of raising chickens, etc.
Therapeutic effectiveness is based on infrared radiation, which affects human skin and thoroughly warms the upper layers of the epidermis, slightly affecting the subcutaneous fat zone.
Treatment with a blue lamp at home helps reduce swelling, normalize microcirculation at the site of treatment, relieve pain and stimulate the body's natural defenses. Local exposure to heat has a good effect on microcirculation in the vessels, it improves nutrition and blood supply at the site of inflammation.

Principle of operation

First of all, you should understand that a blue lamp and a violet lamp are completely different devices. Accordingly, blue light has bactericidal effect, it is not suitable for solariums, and is ineffective for jaundice in infants.
An incandescent light bulb with blue light produces infrared radiation. It, in turn, affects mainly the upper layers of the skin. This is how non-contact heating is recreated, which:

  • activates blood flow;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • relieves pain during muscle spasms;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • stimulates the processes of resorption of infiltrates.

A blue lamp for warming up is effective; the use of the device allows for obvious effects, for example, on the nasal cavity. And your eyes won't be blinded by too much bright light. An ordinary lamp when used in this way causes burns.


The use of a lamp to warm inflammation is permissible only after the recommendations of a doctor. He will also explain how to use the blue lamp. Typically, the device is prescribed for the following disorders:

  • aseptic forms of myositis, simply inflammation in the muscles;
  • non-purulent inflammation in the ENT organs - otitis media in the ear or sinusitis;
  • ARVI, which is not accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - sprains, bruises or arthritis;
  • injury recovery;
  • neuroses;
  • depressive states of varying severity;
  • migraine attacks;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart disease, etc.

What are the benefits of blue color?

Color therapy experts believe that blue tint has a good effect on the state of the human nervous system. It promotes calm, teaches you to control your energy reserves, and balances. In addition, blue increases the ability to concentrate, reduces impulsiveness, but at the same time helps to become more self-confident.
There is evidence that the influence of blue light helps to get rid of sleep problems and various inflammatory processes.
Scientists agree that blue color also helps in treating diseases. It should be used to improve organ health respiratory system And skin, especially pathologies of the upper part respiratory tract– bronchitis, pneumonia.
Exposure to blue light has a positive effect on the health of the thyroid gland, helps to slow down and completely stop bleeding, and heals various wounds. The shade is suitable for women during menopause and disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
But the excessive influence of blue color provokes some negative reactions– depressed state, rapid fatigue, melancholy, suspiciousness and anxiety.


This device has contraindications. For example, when answering the question whether it is possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp if you have sinusitis, the answer is absolutely no. Contraindications also include:

  • Temperature increase.
  • Acute course chronic pathologies– – when inflamed inner ear, and, as already mentioned, sinusitis.
  • Active form of tuberculosis.
  • Disorders of blood clotting processes, risk of bleeding.
  • Autonomic neuralgic disorders.
  • Malignant neoplasms are signs of oncology of the larynx and throat.
  • Severe forms of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Impaired blood flow in the brain.
  • The period immediately after injury or injury.
  • Injury to the skin, for example, after ear piercing, especially if the manipulations were carried out independently without special conditions.
  • Low sensitivity to heat - e.g. drunkenness or with diabetes.
  • Pregnancy.

Also, the reflector should not be tested during therapy with immunomodulators or cytostatics, hormonal agents.
The lamp cannot be used in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, stomach, on the lower back, where the kidneys are located when stones form in them, in places with dilated veins and enlarged lymph nodes.

Blue light at

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp when you have a runny nose. Taking into account all the contraindications of the device, this treatment is acceptable and is often recommended by doctors.
A blue lamp helps speed up the healing process for a runny nose. The exposure time is 7–10 minutes. Treatment begins with sessions equal to three minutes, gradually increasing to 7–8 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day according to the doctor’s indications, taking into account individual characteristics body.
So, the Minin reflector and the result of its influence are based on stopping the development of inflammation in tissues with the help of heat. But results can be achieved only in the first stages of disease development or during remission. It is strictly forbidden to use the device during exacerbations, during suppuration and during cancerous tumors. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.