Some tips on what to do to make your period go faster. How to make your period end faster

Are you home alone, bored, waiting for some event or just waiting? If you're like most of us, then you have moments in life that you wish you could experience forever. But there are also days when time itself seems to drag on forever. The next time you feel like climbing walls out of boredom during a business meeting or class, a really long trip, or while waiting for someone, try these techniques to speed up the passage of time.



    Take a walk. Go outside and get some fresh air, this will help pass the time and also relieve stress. Try a quick walk around your neighborhood or just around your office. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, walking is a great way to pass the time.

    Meditate. At first you may feel like it doesn't make time pass any faster, but once you become comfortable with meditation, you will be able to enter a timeless state. It is your mind that keeps track of time, and meditation is a cleansing of the mind.

    Take a nap. A short nap may not seem like a very fun activity, but it will help you pass time and also give you energy. When you find yourself nodding off during the afternoon slump at the office, when you work a night or double shift, or when you struggle with drowsiness while driving, a quick nap in a safe place will make you more alert and productive.

    • Try taking a 20-minute nap to recharge your batteries, or sleeping longer to kill time.
  1. Write in a journal or start a blog. Writing down notes is a great way to sort through your thoughts and can also help time pass faster. Try journaling about what's on your mind or starting a blog about something that interests you. You can start a blog about creative writing, cooking, video games, or any other hobby you have!

    • Take time every day to write in your journal or blog. This can be done in the morning for 30 minutes or right after school.
    • Sites like Wordpress and Blogger make creating your own blog an easy task, but it will still take some time, so it's a great way to make time pass faster. You can customize your blog with color schemes, fonts, and images to make it special.

    Entertain yourself

    1. Chat with friends. Spend a few hours talking, joking, or doing your favorite social activity to pass the time with your friends. Boredom is afraid of company, so the more people, the merrier. Even if you find just one person to talk to, it will be much more interesting than time alone.

      Listen to music. Whether you're at home, at school or at work, music will help your day go by faster and make it more enjoyable. Try listening to music during the day to speed up time, or listen to a new or favorite song between classes or assignments.

      • For example, if you are studying, you can listen to some fun, electronic music to make the time go by faster.
      • And if you're at work, you can listen to a song and use it as a small reward after completing each item on your to-do list for the day.
    2. Watch your favorite old TV show or movie. If you're at home and want to kill time somehow, pick a show and go on a TV binge! This will help speed up the time as it will prevent you from getting bored.

      • Turn on YouTube or Netflix and watch your favorite childhood TV series: Charmed, Friends, The X-Files, Beverly Hills 90210, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charles in Charge, Are You Afraid of the Dark? ", Quantum Leap - See how the shows you loved as a kid have stood the test of time.
      • Or catch a new movie you missed at the theater, like the latest Marvel superhero movie or an award-winning movie your friends have been talking about.
    3. Play games on your phone. Most phones have at least one free game, like Tetris or Pac-Man, that can keep you distracted for a much longer period of time than you're likely to want to kill. But this option is not recommended when you are at school or at work.

      • If you're at home and have a gaming console or computer games, these are another great way to kill time.

    Be productive

    1. Work on what you enjoy. One of the best ways to pass the time is to choose a project that interests you. If you're at work or school, see if you can do something that's more enjoyable and interesting than your other tasks. If you're at home, think about what you like to do just for fun and do what's most fun for you.

      • For example, if you're at work or school and you have a creative project to work on, then pull it out and do it. If you're at home, pick a favorite hobby or activity, such as knitting, baking, playing the guitar, or playing video games.
    2. . Time can fly by with a great, interesting book! Learn more about Amelia Earhart, the history of Rome, or read a book about a foreign country. Whatever you read, you will acquire new knowledge.

      Do your homework. Who would have thought that studying algebra or reading about Grigory Pechorin would help pass the time? You may not like doing homework, but once you get into it, you won't notice how quickly time flies. And if you turn doing homework to pass the time into a habit, it will make you the top student in the class!

      Clean up your room. Start by throwing out all the wrappers, cardboard boxes, trash you can't donate, and anything else cluttering your space. Then go through your things, one piece of furniture at a time, until you have your bed, desk, dresser, closet, etc. clean and perfect. And if you only have an hour or two to kill, then pick one part of your room, tidy it up, and be proud of the work you did.

      Learn a few phrases in a foreign language. You certainly won't learn a foreign language in a day, but you can learn to say "Hello, my name is..." and "How are you?" in just a few minutes. Pick a foreign language you've always wanted to learn and spend a few minutes (or more) learning the most popular phrases.

      • Try keeping a phrase-a-day calendar on your desk, at home, or in your backpack. Take five minutes every day to read the phrase to yourself and out loud. This will give you a break and give you something to look forward to every day.
    3. Reply to old emails. Do you have a backlog of emails waiting for your response? If so, perhaps it's time to fire up your computer and respond to all those people—teachers, friends, business partners—who have been waiting for you to respond. You'll feel relieved to finally get through the backlog of emails, especially if you've had nothing better to do.

It would be very convenient if you could manage your periods: start them on weekends when it rains and guess when to stop them, make your own schedule...

Is it possible to reduce the length of your periods?

Of course, there are ways to speed it up, as well as ways to bring menstrual days closer. But such experiments can be harmful:

  • provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle,
  • disrupt hormonal levels.

No doctor would approve of such actions, and yet there are times when it is very necessary to carry out a maneuver. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to partake, only in an emergency!

Some tips:

  • Decoctions. Ideally, a nettle decoction should help normalize the disrupted menstrual cycle. During menstruation, nettle preparations increase contraction of the uterine muscle while reducing bleeding. Other herbal decoctions from: fennel, onion peel, a mixture of chamomile flowers, valerian root and mint, decoction of burnet, shepherd's purse, and water pepper have similar properties. But, each of the decoctions has its own indications for use. Using decoctions to make your periods go faster today, do not be surprised if in a month your periods will be twice as heavy;
  • Sex. It has been scientifically proven that sex makes menstruation easier and shortens. There is only one condition: prolonged sexual intercourse without the use of contraception and with a pronounced orgasm. The fact is that sperm contains prostaglandin, which comes to the aid of prostaglandin in the endometrium of the uterus. With double effort, this group of lipid active substances helps the body get rid of the endometrium, and menstruation passes quickly;
  • Vitamin C and E. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, increases blood circulation in the pelvis, and reduces pain. Lemon juice helps a lot. You need to dilute a glass of fresh juice with boiled water in a ratio of 3:7. Starting from the third day of menstruation, drink a glass every day, but not all at once, but divide it into several times after meals, so as not to harm the stomach. Vitamin E is a good antioxidant. Vitamins E and C increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and increase blood flow in the woman’s genitals. To make your period end faster, you can start taking vitamins two weeks before your period. Menstrual flow will be intense and short;
  • Sports and physical activity. Athletes' periods are not heavy, they only last a couple of days, but this is the result of more than one month or more than one year of intense exercise. Their muscles are accustomed, and if you are not a professional athlete, then playing sports during your period can lead to endometriosis. With increased physical activity, the endometrium can penetrate into the abdominal cavity and provoke the disease.
    It is better to take a break in the first three days of menstruation. Fitness classes, yoga, callanetics, stretching generally have a positive effect on the course of menstruation: your well-being improves, their pain and duration decrease;
  • Tampons. Many reviews can be found that highly absorbent tampons significantly speed up the process. But, in fact, it takes more than one day for the endometrium to completely exfoliate, and tampons are not able to affect this procedure. They are good to use in the last days of menstruation, when the endometrium has come out and there is only remnants of blood. A tampon that is too large can harm the vaginal walls, which are very sensitive during menstruation;
  • Hemoglobin. To make your period end faster, you can try to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood: drink hematogen, fresh pomegranate juice. It's tasty and harmless;
  • Medicines. There are drugs that stop internal bleeding, but taking them is very dangerous, unlike hormonal contraceptives. They normalize the frequency of menstruation, their abundance and pain. To get your period earlier, you can take OK, and then, without finishing it, quit or drink two packs without a break. Knowing such tricks, it is easy to manipulate “these” days.

Among medications, you can use Postinor to make your periods come earlier. In addition to inducing menstruation, he also disrupts pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. It has very bad side effects. Duphaston can be used as an alternative. Pulsatilla gives faster results.

A large dose of ascorbic acid causes periods not as planned. To enhance the effect, you can steam your legs.

There are many methods in folk medicine. Herbs, decoctions of which cause menstruation ahead of time: oregano, bay leaf, dill, parsley, elecampane root, tansy and others. Or take a hot bath with iodine and salt and take it.

Tips to help you say goodbye to your period prematurely. All adult women understand that menstruation, although an unpleasant period, is very important and necessary. Unfortunately, several “bloody” days become a real test for most, causing discomfort and a lot of trouble. Neither sunbathing nor having sex, wearing snow-white underwear is also very risky. This is why many young ladies are racking their brains over how to make their periods end faster? Don’t worry, there are many different and, most importantly, safe ways to reduce not only the amount of discharge, but also the duration of this process.

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How to make your period end faster at home?

Try to drink more regular still water during menstruation. Please note that coffee and tea, due to the content of vasodilating and stimulating substances, can, on the contrary, increase and prolong bleeding.

To reduce pain, heaviness and period of menstruation, it is useful to drink diluted lemon juice on an empty stomach (literally 2-3 teaspoons of juice per glass of water). Herbal decoctions are very useful and effective: nettle, shepherd's purse or burnet. How to cook them is always written on the packaging. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to drink one glass of decoction in the morning during breakfast.

Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Include cereals, nuts, and dairy products in your diet. Eat more protein, as it helps speed up the recovery of the female reproductive system during menstruation.

To make your period end faster, try to sleep at least 8 hours. Taking a shower should bring comfort (water temperature 38-40 degrees) and relief.

What is recommended to exclude so that your period ends faster?

Above, we gave you an example of simple tips that will help you shorten the duration of “these” days. But all of them will not lead to the desired result if you do not take precautions and exclude from your diet some foods that provoke greater blood loss.

So, during menstruation it is strictly forbidden to eat spicy food. Hot spices are a strong irritant and cause vasodilation, which in turn contributes to greater blood loss. It is not recommended to load the body with heavy, fatty or fried foods, as fatigue, weakness and discomfort in the abdominal area may appear.

To make your period end faster at home, make sure that during this time you can rest as much as possible. If possible, take a day off and be in a calm home environment. Limit yourself from physical activity, stress and other strong experiences, so as not to increase the abundance and duration of menstruation.

Even if you go to the gym and try not to miss a single session, this period is taboo. By neglecting caution, you not only intensify and prolong your suffering, but also risk developing endometriosis.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about getting your period to end faster. Agree, our recommendations are easy and pleasant to follow, because they do not bring any pain or discomfort; on the contrary, they are aimed at creating ideal conditions for your well-being.

Our expert - herbalist Svetlana Olkhovskaya.

Headache is a serious symptom, so it is better not to take this phenomenon lightly and undergo a comprehensive examination by a therapist and neurologist. You will probably need to check the condition of the cervical spine, and perhaps the blood vessels of the brain. But if specialists do not find any neurological pathologies in you, you can try to cope with the problem on your own.


But first, about what you shouldn’t do if you suddenly have a headache:

● Take pills. This is not the best solution, especially if they are abused. The fact is that most analgesics and many vasodilators have an echo effect, that is, over time they themselves begin to provoke an attack of pain.

● Drink alcohol. It dilates the blood vessels and at first it actually becomes easier, but then the condition worsens.

● Drink coffee. If you have high blood pressure or are prone to atherosclerosis, even one cup of coffee can be harmful. However, for hypotensive people, on the contrary, a couple of sips of coffee will be a salvation. For those who constantly take large doses of this drink, an extra dose will not help, but will only make it worse.

● Smoking. Nicotine causes a sharp spasm of blood vessels, which will make the pain even more intense.

● Pamper yourself with delicacies. It is known that the so-called “gourmet migraine” can be provoked by hard cheeses, legumes, chocolate, nuts, cocoa, citrus fruits, spices, red and sparkling wines, crabs, and smoked meats.

It's time to get a grip!

And now about what you should do to cope with the attack yourself.

1. The easiest way is to do nothing, but just lie down, close your eyes and relax in complete silence, wait 10-15 minutes until it goes away on its own. In most cases, the method works.

2. Massage your head with light stroking movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Next, walk from the crown down to the ears and from the crown to the back of the head, smoothly going down to the neck. You also need to remember to massage your neck.

3. It is good to ventilate the room or, if time and weather permit, go for a walk in the fresh air.

4. Darken the room and humidify the air using devices or simply by hanging wet rags on the radiator.

5. Take a warm (but not hot) bath, adding a few drops of essential oils to the water: lavender, lemon, peppermint, marjoram. Fragrant foam and sea salt are welcome! Or stand in a hot shower - this will help ease spastic headaches caused by muscle spasms on the back of the neck and head. You can take mustard foot baths - they reduce blood pressure in the brain.

6. Apply cold compresses - they constrict the blood vessels in the painful area and reduce painful pulsation. A bag of ice cubes wrapped in a towel should be applied to the forehead, temples or back of the head for approximately 10-15 minutes.

7. Apply menthol ointment to the temples or the back of the head (ordinary Vietnamese balm will do) or essential oil (citrus or rosemary).

8. Drink a glass of still water. Often, cramps arise from dehydration of the body, which can occur not only on a hot day, but also, for example, after a workout in the gym.

9. Eat something warm: soup, porridge. Irregular eating often leads to headaches. This is likely due to fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

10. Listen to calm, pleasant music or watch an interesting comedy program. Laughter not only tones blood vessels, but also promotes the production of pleasure hormones, endorphins, which have an analgesic effect.

11. If your head hurts quite often, and examinations do not find any neurological disorders in you, try constantly wearing a thread of natural yellow amber around your neck. It is believed to relieve migraines.

Medicines from the refrigerator

Traditional medicine knows many ways to help a sore head. Some recipes contain quite exotic ingredients, such as bear fat. But still, most of the recommendations are quite feasible.

Since ancient times, our savvy ancestors have used various natural substances to treat headaches. Moreover, most of them were edible: cabbage leaves, apple cider vinegar, honey, potatoes and other products. Well, why are we any worse? Let's open the refrigerator and see what we have there that is delicious and can also become healing?

1. Take a cabbage leaf, dip it in boiling water for a short time, cool it and apply it to your forehead, temple or back of the head - where it hurts. You can also boil potatoes in their jackets and apply mashed warm potatoes directly in the skin to your forehead and temples. Another excellent remedy is lemon peel, peeled from the white pulp.

2. Drink freshly brewed black or green tea with a few mint leaves, generously adding sugar or, even better, honey. Honey contains potassium and magnesium, which relax arteries, allowing it to improve blood flow to the brain. Apple cider vinegar is rich in these same elements. Dilute a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of boiled water and drink - you should feel better.

3. Look in the kitchen and look for rosemary among the herbs. This herb is good not only as an addition to fish or meat, but also as a cure for migraines. It prevents some stress-related headaches. Rosemary helps to resist spasms of blood vessels. The best way to use it is to brew it as a tea. Pour one teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves into a glass of boiling water, cover, let steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink.

4. Many medicinal herbs effectively relieve headaches. For example, tea made from lavender leaves and flowers is useful for this scourge. Regular chamomile has excellent pain-relieving properties. You can also prepare a mixture of equal amounts of peppermint, oregano and fireweed. For 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture - half a liter of boiling water. Leave, covered for 30 minutes, strain. Take 0.5-1 glass. But it is dangerous for pregnant women to take herbs.

5. If you have frequent migraines, you need to change your diet and eat foods rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Most often, brain cells in people who suffer from headaches do not receive enough necessary components, and therefore energy. Therefore, you need to periodically “feed” your brain cells with vitamin B2. It is found in liver, yeast, rose hips, eggs, milk, pulses, spinach, apricots, dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and cabbage. A good “cure” for migraines is a fresh apple.

Although the main causes of headaches are poor diet, stress and fatigue, dental problems can also cause headaches. The basis of headaches is malocclusion and an incomplete set of teeth. If the headache is localized in the area of ​​the eyeballs, you notice pain in the masticatory muscles, grind your teeth, feel clicking in the jaw joints, suffer from pain or ringing in the ears, pain in the neck or lower back, experience dizziness, consult a dentist .


Headaches are no small matter, warn Dutch doctors. They argue that it may be a sign of focal brain lesions, which can be detected with careful examination. After testing about 300 people who complained of headaches, as well as 140 people from the comparison group, on a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, the scientists identified 60 foci of cerebral infarction in 31 experiment participants who complained of migraines. At the same time, in patients with headaches, heart attacks were detected seven times more often.

Many people are familiar with headaches. It comes in different intensities and different reasons lead to its appearance. Frequent headaches cannot be ignored. To find out the cause of their appearance and treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

But there are situations when you have a headache and need to relieve the pain, but there are no medications at hand. I want to tell you how you can try to cope with any headache using the means at hand. All these methods have been tested by traditional medicine, are easy to perform, and the means necessary for their implementation can always be found in every home.

This seems strange to many, but often headaches occur because the body simply does not have enough fluid. For headaches, simply drink one glass of hot water (this can be unsweetened tea) and the headache will soon subside. Remember that you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.

Garlic will help get rid of headaches. As soon as your head starts to hurt, try eating a couple of cloves of garlic.

Fresh cabbage is a good remedy for headaches. For treatment, you need to take two large cabbage leaves and apply them to your forehead. You just need to lie down with cabbage leaves for a while and the pain will go away.

A time-tested remedy for relieving headaches is dill oil. Dill oil is applied to the temples and forehead. The headache disappears within half an hour.

If headaches are a frequent occurrence for you, potato juice may help. Squeeze the juice from the peeled tubers and take two tablespoons before meals. The course of therapy with freshly squeezed potato juice is up to one month.

Lemon is great for headaches. To treat headaches, lemons are peeled. The resulting fresh lemon peel is applied with the inside to the temples for a while until the headache goes away. Usually 20-30 minutes is enough.

Juice is extracted from red beets. Cotton swabs are moistened with the resulting juice and placed in the ears for 20-30 minutes.

Cut a small onion in half. Halves of the onion should be applied to the temples and lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Plantain infusion helps with frequent headaches. Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped plantain leaves into one glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes. The resulting infusion should be taken half a glass twice a day.

It should also be noted that you cannot tolerate the headache going away on its own. If you have a constant headache and no methods help to get rid of the pain, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. Perhaps you have a headache as a result of a certain disease. The sooner the cause of the headache is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment. Be aware that headaches can lead to complications that may be more difficult to manage.

Try to be less nervous, walk outdoors more often, and experience positive emotions. It has been proven that people who experience joy, pleasure, happiness, have an increased pain threshold, and accordingly they do not react so sharply to pain. Don’t forget also about getting a full night’s sleep, alternating work and rest, and changing physical and mental stress. Follow these simple tips and you will soon forget how much your headache hurts.