Discharge from the body in women. Normal and pathological discharge in women: color, volume, smell and consistency. Normal vaginal discharge and causes of abnormalities

Every day a representative of the fair sex can meet in her underpants. This is both the norm and a deviation. It all depends on the nature of the discharge, smell and shade. Below in the article we will figure out which discharge is considered normal and which is not.

What does normal discharge mean?

Even a completely healthy girl can experience white discharge. And this is considered the norm. They are accompanied by a slightly sour aroma.

White or almost transparent mucous discharge is normal. They have an excellent effect on a woman’s overall health and protect the microflora of the internal genital organs from infections.

There are a number of symptoms by which a girl herself can distinguish pathological discharge from a normal natural process:

  1. The smell may be slightly sour or absent at all.
  2. At different periods of the cycle, they may differ slightly in shade (white, yellow, cream or translucent).
  3. They can be either liquid or viscous.
  4. No more than one teaspoon should be released per day.
  5. Before menstruation, sexual intercourse or during periods of arousal, their number may increase.

Attention! As soon as the color of the discharge acquires a different shade and also appears, this is a reason to seek help from a doctor. Don't delay this, otherwise it will end very badly.

Why does the character of leucorrhoea change?

So, above we determined that white discharge is considered normal. Changes in their shade and character can be affected by hormonal levels. However, this does not indicate any violations of women’s health.

There are a number of factors that affect hormonal levels, which subsequently affects discharge:

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If you notice white discharge and are not sure whether this is normal or not, seek help from a medical facility. Based on the results of a series of studies, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

Why does discharge with a specific odor occur?

Normal natural discharges are those that do not have an unpleasant odor. However, a representative of the fairer sex should also not feel:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen
  • burning
  • swelling

The presence of a strong sour odor may indicate a disease such as candidiasis or thrush. Almost every woman has encountered such a pathological process. It is accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. The main causes of candidiasis:

  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Onset of pregnancy
  • Emotional stress
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules
  • Poor quality underwear
  • Poor nutrition
  • Taking certain antibacterial drugs
  • Abrupt change in climatic conditions
  • Allergic reactions

Abnormal discharge in women

It is simply impossible to independently determine the disease, since many of them have similar symptoms. As soon as a woman notices slight deviations from the norm, she should definitely consult a doctor. Only diagnostic measures will help establish the exact problem and the cause that could influence its occurrence.

The nature of vaginal discharge directly depends on the condition of the reproductive organs. If inflammatory or infectious processes begin to develop in them, this immediately leads to a change in their consistency, color and smell. And it is very important to pay attention to such changes in time to prevent the development of serious complications. And in order to understand what signs may indicate the occurrence of pathologies, you first need to know exactly what there arenormal discharge in women, because their character can also change under the influence of certain physiological conditions.

Natural secretions

Talking about what kind of discharge should there be?in women, it should be noted that normal vaginal secretion consists of:

  • Dead epithelial cells.
  • Leukocytes.
  • Mucus produced by the gonads.

It is for this reason that vaginal secretions have a mucous consistency. However, it is produced in very small quantities and is practically invisible to a woman. As for the color of the discharge, it can be white, transparent or milky. Depending on external factors, the level of leukocytes in them constantly increases and decreases, as a result of which the vaginal secretion periodically changes its color.

Important! Speaking about what kind of vaginal discharge a healthy woman should have, it should be said that their appearance should not be accompanied by a specific smell or burning sensation in the vagina, since these signs always indicate the development of pathological conditions.

However, the nature of the discharge depends not only on the level of leukocytes in it, but also on the hormonal background, the change of which occurs several times during one menstrual cycle. The first time a hormonal surge is observed immediately after menstruation and is characterized by increased production of progesterone. It is under its influence that the follicle matures. And when it reaches full maturity, ovulation occurs, during which an egg is released from the follicle.

In addition, progesterone helps to thin the cervical mucus, which is why in the middle of the cycle a woman may notice an increase in vaginal discharge (it can even become like water in consistency). Moreover, they may also contain ichor, which occurs as a result of rupture of the follicle and damage to its small capillaries. However, it is observed, as a rule, not for long - only a couple of hours.

If during the period of ovulation a woman did not engage in unprotected sexual intercourse and fertilization of the egg did not occur, then the production of progesterone decreases and instead of it, estrogen begins to be actively produced, which prepares the ovaries and uterus for the upcoming menstruation. It becomes especially active a few days before the start of menstruation. At the same time, women experience not only abundant mucous discharge, but also bloody streaks, the volume of which gradually increases, after which menstruation begins.

And talking aboutWhat is the normal vaginal discharge in women?, it should be noted that regardless of the physiological processes occurring in the body, they do not smell of anything, do not cause irritation and do not require the use of sanitary pads.

If pregnancy occurs, how does the nature of the discharge change?

If fertilization of the egg occurs during ovulation, the level of progesterone in the body increases even more. This is due to the fact that it is this hormone that ensures the maintenance of pregnancy and the normal formation of the embryo. Therefore, in the early stages of gestation, women often experience thin, transparent or whitish discharge.

At the same time, after 6-7 days from the moment of conception, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches to its walls. As a result of this, small vessels and capillaries are also damaged, which causes spotting. However, they should not be considered a sign of deviation by a woman. They do not last long and stop on the same day. And to eliminate the feeling of wetness in the perineum, simply use a panty liner.

It should also be noted thatnormal vaginal discharge that occurs during pregnancy, should not provoke irritation in the intimate area, even despite its abundance. They can be released in large quantities throughout the first trimester, and in the second trimester their volume decreases and they become almost invisible.

But already in the third trimester, at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, the body’s production of progesterone increases again, due to which vaginal secretions begin to be released in large quantities again. It is thanks to the increased concentration of progesterone in the body that the tone of the uterus weakens and prepares it for the upcoming birth.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman should pay special attention to vaginal discharge, since it is by its nature that she can predict the imminent opening of labor. As a rule, before childbirth, the so-called plug, which forms in the cervical canal in the early stages of pregnancy, comes out. It has a slimy consistency, a whitish tint, and may contain streaks of blood. As soon as the plug comes out of the cervix, the amniotic fluid begins to recede and contractions begin.

Important! If a woman notices a mucus plug coming out, she should immediately call an ambulance without waiting for the amniotic fluid to break. Since for some women, even the first birth proceeds quickly, against the background of which some complications can occur, which affects not only women’s health, but also the health of the newborn.

Since pregnancy is often accompanied by various complications, a woman must know how they can manifest themselves. The following conditions should be alarming:

  1. The opening of bleeding and the appearance of severe cramping pain in the abdomen. If a bloody clot is also noted, this already indicates a miscarriage and requires immediate medical examination.
  2. The appearance of a brown spot, accompanied by weakness and nagging pain in the abdomen. This condition is a signal of placental abruption and the threat of miscarriage. If in this case, medical assistance was received in a timely manner, there is every chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

When an ectopic pregnancy occurs, the nature of vaginal discharge also changes. It not only begins to stand out profusely, but also acquires a brown or pink color. Brown spotting is observed not only for the first day, as is the case with implantation bleeding, but until the pregnancy is terminated. In this case, pain appears in the left or right side of a pulling nature, and an increase in temperature is also observed.

Important! An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition characterized by the attachment of the fertilized egg to the fallopian tube. And since it grows very quickly, this can lead to pipe rupture and internal bleeding.

Does vaginal discharge change after childbirth?

After childbirth, the female body begins to gradually recover and return to its previous “mode” of work. However, this does not happen quickly. During the postpartum period, all women experience cleansing of the uterus, which is manifested by heavy uterine bleeding. It is observed for about 2-3 weeks, after which the amount of bloody discharge decreases and is first replaced by pink and then scanty brown discharge.

And speaking of how long it takes for postpartum cleansing to occur, it should be said that on average this process takes from 7 to 9 weeks. Then the bleeding stops and leucorrhoea appears instead.

If a woman is breastfeeding, the discharge may also be copious and thin, white, clear, or creamy. This is due to increased production of prolactin in the body, which ensures the production of breast milk. As soon as lactation stops, the woman's menstrual cycle is restored and vaginal discharge becomes the same as it was before pregnancy.

How does vaginal discharge change after 40 years?

After 40 years, every woman begins to actively develop aging processes in her body, which lead to the decline of reproductive functions (menopause occurs). Naturally, this also affects the nature of vaginal discharge. As hormone production decreases, the amount of cervical mucus also decreases. Therefore, during this period, women may feel that they have completely stopped producing vaginal secretions. But that's not true. It is released, but in very small quantities.

At the same time, a woman experiences other symptoms of menopause:

  • Menstruation becomes irregular (frequent delays are noted).
  • The nature of menstruation changes (it becomes either heavy or scanty).
  • Sweating increases.
  • There are hot flashes.
  • Frequent surges in blood pressure occur.
  • Psychological disorders are observed (insomnia, tearfulness, irritability, etc.).

As soon as reproductive function completely subsides, postmenopause occurs, which is characterized by the absence of menstruation and normalization of the general condition.

What discharges can be signs of pathologies?

Every girl and woman should know how pathologies of the reproductive system manifest themselves in order to promptly seek medical help. As they develop, the nature of vaginal discharge almost always changes.

Conventionally, all gynecological diseases are divided into 3 types:

  • inflammatory;
  • oncological;
  • infectious.

Inflammatory diseases include erosion, endometritis, cervicitis, oophoritis and others. Their development has a similar clinical picture:

  • nagging pain in the abdomen;
  • brown or bloody spotting.

To get rid of these diseases, you will need to undergo a special course of treatment, which involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. If the general clinical picture is supplemented by an increase in temperature, then this already indicates the late stages of the development of the disease and the addition of a bacterial infection to them, requiring an antibacterial course of treatment.

Oncological diseases include:

  • cancer;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps.

A distinctive feature of these diseases is that their development is asymptomatic. The only thing is that with these pathologies, some women begin to smear brown from the vagina after mechanical impact on the cervical canal and uterus (for example, after sex).

However, the development of cancer has slightly different symptoms. When it occurs, women experience severe abdominal pain, dark brown (almost black) discharge, which may contain clots, indicating the beginning of rejection of the affected epithelium.

Important! Cancer is a disease that develops rapidly and can be fatal within a few months. Therefore, you cannot delay your visit to the doctor and treatment.

As for infectious diseases, their provocateurs are:

  • gonococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • fungi, etc.

If a woman develops an STD, she experiences the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge takes on a greenish or yellowish tint.
  • The intimate area may smell like rotten fish or a missing egg.

Discharge in women is an indicator of the functioning of the reproductive system. Normally, they should be transparent and odorless. Their abundance and density depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. But the presence of yellow or brown discharge may also be normal, depending on the physiological state. Discharge changes during pregnancy, after menopause, during sexual intercourse, and during illnesses and pathologies. In the latter case, their character helps to make a more accurate diagnosis.

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    Vaginal discharge in women

    There are two types of discharge:

    1. 1. pathological;
    2. 2. normal.

    The patient herself must carefully monitor her body and know which discharges indicate a normal state of health and which indicate abnormalities. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of the most common pathologies.


    Signs of normal female discharge:

    • before ovulation, abundant mucous transparent leucorrhoea may appear;
    • the first half of the menstrual cycle may be accompanied by creamy or jelly-like discharge in large quantities;
    • the second half is characterized by scant discharge of a creamy or jelly-like structure;
    • the presence of white or transparent indicates recent sexual contact;
    • before ovulation, streaks of bloody or reddish color may appear;
    • If hormonal contraceptives are used, brown discharge may occur in the first week of taking OCs.
    • white, odorless mucus appears during pregnancy and may become more intense.

    During menstruation, normal discharge may change in consistency and color: it becomes thick or thin, turns white or loses color, but should not have an unpleasant odor. Such leucorrhoea indicates the normal state of the body of a mature woman. Some diseases or deviations from the norm are caused by the appearance of discharge of a different consistency or color.

    Deviations from the norm

    The most common causes of disorders manifested in the color of discharge:

    • pregnancy;
    • menopause;
    • recent birth;
    • taking certain medications;
    • diseases of the genital organs;
    • venereal diseases.

    These deviations are accompanied by various variations in shades, different densities, the appearance of odor and other features.


    The most harmless and natural discharge is transparent. They appear with every menstrual cycle. During this period, they contain: dead cells, mucous secretions, lactic acid bacteria, vaginal microflora. The discharge is rarely profuse and has no odor other than a slightly sour odor (this is imparted by lactic acid bacteria, which are found in healthy female discharge).

    The presence of transparent leucorrhoea is characteristic of the following female conditions:

    • Puberty of a girl (usually from 9-10 years). During this period, the body prepares to activate the reproductive system; discharge can become quite abundant. They should not smell unpleasant or cause discomfort.
    • Ovulation is approaching. A couple of days before ovulation, the volume of mucus increases, it becomes sticky and viscous.
    • The first phase of the cycle: leucorrhoea is profuse and transparent.
    • Second: scanty and thick.

    In rare cases, they interfere with a woman’s comfort. This happens in the presence of disease or inflammatory processes. If the clear discharge acquires a repulsive odor, itching in the groin area, and the process of going to the toilet or sexual intercourse is accompanied by discomfort and pain, then a visit to the gynecologist is necessary. The most common diseases with the following symptoms:

    • Endometritis. Vaginal mucus increases in volume, blood clots and a strong unpleasant odor appear.
    • Salpingo-oophoritis. Accompanied by an increase in the volume of mucus secreted.
    • Cervical disease. The discharge contains bloody impurities.
    • Dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis. The smell of rotten fish appears. Leucorrhoea becomes thin, watery, and sexual intercourse is often accompanied by pain, the outer part of the genital organs becomes hyperemic.


    The presence of a green color indicates pathology and indicates many diseases transmitted through sexual contact and inflammatory processes in which leukocytes fight against infection that enters the vaginal secretion.

    The most common causes of green or yellow-green discharge are:

    • Bacterial vaginosis. It happens due to unprotected sex, stress or at the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes itching and burning appear in the groin area.
    • Trichomoniasis. This is a dangerous disease that is quite difficult to diagnose, because green discharge is almost the only symptom. To confirm the presence of the disease, it is necessary to do a test specifically designed for this purpose. An urgent visit to the hospital is required.
    • Thrush. Greenish clots have a jelly-like or cheesy consistency.
    • Pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, green discharge often appears. They talk about changes in the female body and changes in the balance of hormones. This is a normal physiological process, but consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, as hidden infections may be activated.
    • Gonorrhea. It is a dangerous disease that requires an immediate visit to a gynecologist and treatment.
    • Inflammatory process. The discharge has a yellow-green tint.

    Green vaginal mucus signals changes in the female body.


    This color is normal if the volume of discharge is limited and has no odor. But sometimes this may indicate changes in the female body that are pathological in nature. Such discharge is normal if:

    • Their volume does not exceed 1 teaspoon per day.
    • There is no smell.
    • The shade is muted and dim.
    • The consistency is uniform, watery, without clots.

    Other cases indicate both the norm and a sign of the presence of a pathological disease:

    • Recent birth. After the birth of the baby, for 6-8 weeks, yellowish discharge may appear, accompanied by a pronounced color. This is the norm, but it is at this moment that there is a high probability of acquiring an infection, since the female body is most susceptible during this period. If yellow-brown discharge causes discomfort to the patient, then a visit to the doctor is necessary.
    • Adnexitis and salpingitis. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
    • Vaginitis. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and is accompanied by severe pain, discomfort and itching during sexual intercourse.
    • Gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Such diseases are classified as sexually transmitted diseases and are manifested by the presence of yellow-green discharge, sometimes gray, indicating inflammation. An important symptom of such diseases is the sharp and unpleasant smell of rotten fish.


    The presence of white discharge in any woman is the norm. Usually their number increases before the menstrual cycle, after it and during pregnancy. They should not cause concern as long as their quantity is small, the consistency is uniform, and there is no odor. In another case, the presence of leucorrhoea can be a sign of diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, various fungal infections or inflammatory processes. Diagnosed causes may be as follows:

    • Vaginitis.
    • Adnexitis.
    • Incorrect choice of hygiene products.
    • Colpitis or prolapse of the vaginal walls.
    • Presence of candidiasis.
    • Long-term use of hormonal drugs.
    • The consequences of douching, which washes away the vaginal flora.
    • Inactive and sedentary lifestyle.
    • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.

    A large amount of leucorrhoea may appear before ovulation. If discharge in a large volume is present at another period of the cycle or is accompanied by an unusual condition or symptom, you need to contact a gynecologist.


    Such discharge is the most dangerous and is the main symptom of a number of diseases. Bloody ones differ in color, abundance and smell. A large number of them should worry a woman, especially if accompanied by symptoms such as pain, itching and burning. Discharge may indicate the presence of diseases such as:

    • cervical erosion;
    • fibroma;
    • endometritis;
    • adenomyosis;
    • tumor.

    Since the pathologies from this list are extremely dangerous for the continuation of a woman’s normal life, an urgent visit to the doctor is mandatory. But sometimes spotting does not indicate a serious illness. They can be a sign of such deviations as:

    • Polyps, small ulcers, warts and other growths in the internal genital organs.
    • Infectious inflammation.
    • Dryness of the vaginal mucosa. This happens in women close to menopause.
    • The period after an abortion.
    • Incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives.
    • Climax. A small amount is normal.

    Each reason requires attention. In case of blood clots, a visit to the doctor is necessary.


    This is a variant of bloody discharge, only of a more saturated color; the mucus in this case is thicker and does not have a uniform consistency. Black color indicates the following:

    • metabolism and functionality of the endocrine system are disrupted;
    • sudden change in weight – obesity or rapid weight loss;
    • chemotherapy;
    • stress;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • incorrectly selected contraceptives or sudden refusal of them;
    • polyps on the genitals;
    • human systemic diseases.

    Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of black discharge.

    With smell

    A clear sign of genital disease is an unpleasant odor. Normally it is slightly sour or absent. If you notice a smell reminiscent of rotten fish or sour milk, you can talk about a sexually transmitted disease, an inflammatory process, or the presence of an infection.

    Basically, smelly discharge indicates the following number of diseases and abnormalities:

    • Inflammation caused by microorganisms. In this case, the discharge is abundant.
    • Metabolic dysfunction for various reasons.
    • Hormonal imbalance in the body.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Douching with antibacterial agents that wash away the vaginal flora.
    • Tumor.
    • Thrush.
    • Bacterial vaginosis.

    Discharge from thrush

    The listed aspects are the most common. You should consult a doctor immediately after detecting an unusual odor.


    To get rid of a disease accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal mucus, it is important to consider the following factors: the cause of its appearance, the type of problem, the menstrual cycle and individual characteristics. Correct treatment is determined by diagnostics, which allows you to accurately find out the causes of the discharge. A woman should be prepared to:

    • passing cytology;
    • smear test for STDs;
    • blood tests for various diseases;
    • cultural research;
    • pH-metry – analyzes the acidic environment of the vagina;
    • mycological study of analyses.

    Afterwards, therapy is prescribed, consisting of specially acting drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases are treated with one set of medications, inflammatory processes with another.

    The most common diseases and methods of their treatment:

    • For trichomoniasis, Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Nimorazole, Tinidazole are prescribed.
    • Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is carried out with Clindamycin, Metronidazole (gel or tablets), Ornisid forte.
    • Candidiasis (thrush) is treated with antifungal drugs: Clotrimazole (vaginal tablets and cream), Irunin, Orungal, Isoconazole, Fluconazole, Mikomax, Flucostat.

    For each specific case, a prescription from a doctor is required, based on examination and test results. Self-medication does not lead to results and is dangerous.

    Constant relapses of gynecological diseases may indicate HIV infection. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a test in a specialized clinic.

    Discharge before and after menstruation

    The body's reaction to the upcoming menstruation is expressed in abundant, transparent, odorless discharge. This happens due to hormonal changes. There is no need to worry if you experience dark brown or brown discharge 1-2 days before your period. If there are more than three days left before the menstrual cycle, then the development of a gynecological disease is possible. This also applies to discharge after a cycle. If dark brown clots persist for more than 2 days, then you may have:

    • chronic inflammatory process occurring in the uterus or appendages;
    • endometriosis;
    • venereal disease;
    • various dysfunctions of the reproductive system;
    • cervical erosion.

    If discharge is detected before the menstrual cycle, then we can talk about a systemic disease that affects the performance of other organs that are not related to the reproductive system - hematological deviation and ademiosis.

    When the discharge differs in frequency and is accompanied by pain, itching, burning, and a change in odor during menstruation, a doctor’s consultation and treatment are necessary.

    During sexual intercourse

    Discharge during and after sexual intercourse is of a different nature. Normal ones can be thick, sticky, their volume can increase both during sexual intercourse, during arousal, and after a couple of hours after it. If the mucus is white and has no repulsive odor, it is a natural lubricant. When such discharge is absent, the vaginal walls become dry, which signals pathology.

    Sometimes during or after sexual intercourse, the appearance of dark or bloody discharge is noted, which is a signal of disorders, including:

    • Mechanical damage to the vagina. If sexual intercourse is too intense, the discharge becomes strong and pain appears.
    • Venereal disease. Chlamydia is characterized by mucus during sexual intercourse, as microorganisms negatively affect the vaginal mucosa.
    • Polyps of the cervical canal.
    • Presence of cervical cancer. The only symptom of this dangerous disease is bloody discharge. Immediately after their detection, you must consult a doctor.

    For girls

    If normal discharge, present in every mature woman, appears in a girl, this means the presence of inflammatory processes or a disease such as vulvovaginitis. It almost never occurs in mature patients, since their vaginal microflora is too acidic for the development of coccal flora. The little girl has no natural protection against pathogens.

    If a child has heavy discharge, the following pathologies are possible:

    • Bacterial vulvovaginitis. Symptoms are the presence of hyperemia of the external genital organs, purulent formations, and yellow mucus.
    • Vulvovaginitis caused by enterobiasis. Manifested by the presence of worms.
    • Exudative diathesis. The mucous membranes of the genital organs are dry, causing hyperemia.
    • Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal disease that occurs due to stress or a malfunction of the immune system.
    • Presence of a foreign body in the vagina. Relevant for very young girls. A baby may not deliberately harm himself, trying to place an object in the ear or nose - in the same way, a girl can injure her genitals.
    • Trichomonas - green discharge. They talk about a disease that is transmitted in everyday life, but most often a newborn girl gets it from her mother.
    • Chlamydia, herpes or mycoplasmosis. Infection with such diseases occurs in utero or later, in domestic conditions from parents.
    • Allergic reaction to children's underwear or intimate care products.

    If there is discharge in girls (the reason is not important), you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, as this may indicate a serious pathology.

    Before and after childbirth

    During pregnancy, the body changes and the changes for each woman are purely individual, so the reason for the discharge can be found out only after a gynecological examination. The most common ones before childbirth:

    • 37-38 weeks of pregnancy and subsequent weeks may be characterized by the appearance of brownish clots after a gynecological examination. This is a normal reaction of the body, since the fetus has already formed, and the uterus begins to prepare for the birth of the child.
    • If mucous secretions are produced in large quantities, this signals the removal of the plug. There may be blood in the discharge. This is also normal, but only if the woman feels comfortable.
    • Thrush. In this case, the mucus will be thick and have a white, cheesy consistency. Before giving birth, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo treatment, as there is a high probability of transmitting the infection to the newborn.
    • Placental abruption. Usually appears before childbirth. This becomes dangerous if you do not undergo treatment.
    • Presence of clear liquid discharge. This is a sign of the release of amniotic fluid, which is dangerous before childbirth. Need help from a specialist.
    • Fetal hypoxia - green or yellow mucus. Discharge of this color occurs when infected with certain sexually transmitted diseases.

    Mucus plug before childbirth

    After an abortion

    Medical abortion can cause various types of discharge. They can be dark and bloody. This occurs due to exposure to a drug that causes the cell to be rejected (like a miscarriage). Surgical abortion can be a source of various infections or complications. The following aspects of the formation of discharge after abortion are traditional:

    • The blood coagulates. This is evidenced by brown discharge. They can bother a woman for about a week after termination of pregnancy.
    • Presence of polyps. The mucus has a light brown tint and is accompanied by pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
    • Endometriosis. When the menstrual cycle is restored, a woman may experience pain, which is normal if it does not cause significant inconvenience. If there is discomfort, it is necessary to conduct a gynecological examination, since other diseases may develop due to this.
    • Bacterial infection. The discharge is yellow in color, sometimes there is a greenish tint.
    • A sexually transmitted disease (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.) acquired through sexual contact. An infected woman may have yellow or greenish discharge after an abortion.

    If any discharge appears after an abortion, you should consult a doctor.

All women are familiar with the phenomenon of vaginal discharge. These discharges accompany our lives almost every day, and in most cases they do not cause concern. There is a sufficient amount of mucus in the vagina, so it is not surprising that some type of vaginal discharge occurs almost constantly.

But sometimes the vaginal secretion changes and begins to cause concern to the woman. Again, it is important to understand which types of vaginal discharge should cause concern and which are natural.

Types of normal vaginal discharge

Most daily vaginal discharge is understandable and normal for a healthy woman. Such discharges have the following signs:

They are clear, white or red mucus,

They do not cause irritation or itching,

Such vaginal discharge does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor,

They are not accompanied by increased body temperature, pain, discomfort, etc.,

This vaginal discharge is small.

By the way, the last point requires a little clarification. In a woman’s everyday life, there is a situation where there is quite a lot of vaginal discharge, but this is a variant of the norm.

An increase in the amount of discharge occurs during sexual intercourse (especially unprotected). It's no secret that during sexual intercourse and for some time after it, so-called lubricant is released - and there can be a lot of it - and this is the norm.

Also, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase under stress, with a sudden climate change or with chronic fatigue syndrome.

What types of normal vaginal discharge are there?

1. Scanty discharge of a creamy or jelly-like consistency - in the second half of the cycle;

2. Transparent vaginal discharge with a mucous consistency, similar to raw egg white - normal discharge in the middle of the cycle, before ovulation;

3. Mucous discharge with bloody streaks - in the middle of the cycle after;

4. Copious discharge of a creamy or jelly-like consistency - before the onset of menstruation in the last days of the cycle;

5. Scarlet discharge, gradually becoming more abundant and bloody - normal vaginal discharge on the first day of menstruation;

6. Brown spotting is normal discharge in the first months after starting hormonal contraceptives.

7. White, transparent or yellowish thick discharge is normal in the first hours
with sperm entering the vagina;

8. Scanty, creamy white discharge is normal after sex with a condom, when sperm does not enter the vagina (vaginal lubrication);

9. Copious white discharge is normal after unprotected sexual intercourse, when sperm enters the vagina;

10. White discharge, similar to milk, and the same liquid, does not cause itching and does not have an unpleasant odor - normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy;

11. Pink discharge, similar to ichor, is a normal phenomenon after childbirth (lochia).

Pathological vaginal discharge

Pathological vaginal discharge can be very different and have many features and differences from normal female discharge. Let's figure out what these or other distinctive features of vaginal discharge indicate.

Bloody issues

If spotting is not associated with the onset of menstruation, this may indicate problems with women's health.

But even bloody discharge released during menstruation may have its own characteristics. For example, if this discharge becomes brown or even black, it means that the blood in the uterine cavity is oxidized and destroyed. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Copious bloody vaginal discharge with a foul odor is also a reason for timely consultation with a doctor - even if this discharge occurs as part of the cycle.

In the first months after starting to take oral contraceptives, you may also experience scanty bleeding - and this is normal. But if such discharge continues for 3-4-5 months, this is a clear reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this contraceptive is simply not suitable for you.

It is worth remembering that any heavy bleeding from the vagina (including during pregnancy) that causes you concern should be an important reason for immediately visiting a doctor. Such discharge may be signs of internal bleeding, endometriosis, threatened miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, advanced erosion, or even cervical cancer.

Whitish, greenish or yellowish discharge

Any whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge that is not associated with the reasons described above and has an unpleasant odor or causes itching or pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may indicate some kind of women's health problem. And if the discharge is greenish, even more so, you need to urgently run to the doctor!

Among the diseases manifested by such symptoms may be: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, adnexitis, salpingitis, chlamydia, thrush.

Curdled, thick, foamy, flaky, etc. discharge

Normal vaginal discharge should be mucous (exception: liquid during pregnancy, creamy after sexual intercourse). Any other consistency is an indicator that something is wrong with women’s health. Most often, a different consistency of vaginal discharge is caused by some kind of infectious disease: candidiasis, gardnerellosis, chronic endometritis, chronic endocercitis, etc.

Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor

An unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge always indicates the presence of an infection, since it is pathogenic microorganisms that emit specific gases that have this kind of odor. The smell of vaginal discharge can be very different: fishy, ​​rotten, sour, etc.

Most often, diseases that provoke the appearance of this kind of “fragrant” discharge are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, urogenital trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginitis.

If you notice strange discharge with an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor immediately. In rare cases, but it happens that such discharge may be a consequence not of infection, but of hormonal imbalance - and only a doctor can find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Vaginal discharge before and after sexual intercourse

Vaginal discharge before, during and after sexual intercourse, as already mentioned, is normal. True, this pattern applies only if the discharge is not accompanied by pain, itching and has a transparent color. Sometimes it happens that after sexual intercourse, bloody discharge from the vagina appears. This may signal that the woman has.

If, some time after sexual intercourse, yellow, white or green discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, it is most likely that you have become infected with some kind of infection.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal. True, there are some types of vaginal discharge during pregnancy that should alert the expectant mother and be a worthy reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist.

If there is spotting in the early stages of pregnancy, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or.

Any green or whitish discharge may be a signal of a sexually transmitted infection - and in this case, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

Brownish vaginal discharge in late pregnancy may indicate problems with the vessels of the uterus - and this can be considered sufficient reason to visit a doctor.

Any vaginal discharge should not scare you or make you panic. In order to adequately cope with the problem or, conversely, to be happy to know that all your fears are in vain, you need to visit a doctor. And remember - with correct and timely diagnosis, any disease that causes changes in vaginal discharge can be cured!

Leucorrhoea is a specific vaginal discharge that performs the function of self-cleansing of the genital tract. They occur in sexually mature women and are associated with their ability to reproduce.

Normally, in a healthy woman, the amount of white discharge per day does not exceed 1 ml. If there are more of them, then this may be associated with the following physiological conditions:

  1. Puberty in girls.
  2. Ovulation.
  3. Menstrual cycle. Their number increases before menstruation and decreases after it stops.
  4. Pregnancy and postpartum period.

But you should be wary of opaque discharge, which has a pungent odor and is accompanied by itching and burning, as well as pain in the genital area. Such symptoms indicate the presence of a particular disease.

Abnormal white discharge in women is classified according to the location of the lesion. There are several types:

All these leucorrhoea are classified as pathological types, since their occurrence is associated with certain diseases.

They differ from normal discharge in color, the presence of a specific odor, as well as the presence of pain and other unpleasant sensations.

The main reasons for the appearance

Leucorrhoea appears in women for various reasons. If they are associated with physiological processes (puberty, pregnancy, ovulation, menstrual cycle), then there is no need to worry. The causes of pathological white discharge in women are:

Also, the cause of leucorrhoea in women can be non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Proper daily care of the reproductive system is mandatory for every woman.

Is odorless leucorrhoea in women normal or pathological?

Vaginal discharge consists of uterine mucus, microorganisms that make up its normal microflora, as well as dying epithelial cells.

Such secretions occur in small quantities in the body of a healthy woman.

Sometimes there is a slight sour odor due to the presence of lactobacilli, but it may be absent altogether.

Leucorrhoea performs a protective function in a woman’s body - it prevents infection from entering the genitals. In some cases, their quantity may increase or decrease, and the consistency will thicken without changing the smell. This is often due to a number of reasons:

  1. Hormonal surges due to puberty, ovulation, pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Menstrual period.
  3. Beginning of sexual activity or changing sexual partner. The discharge becomes abundant and thick, which indicates processes of adaptation to foreign microflora.
  4. After sexual intercourse without using a condom, heavy discharge is observed, which sometimes contains clots. After a couple of hours, the leucorrhoea becomes more liquid.
  5. Long-term use of hormonal-based contraceptives. In this case, the amount of discharge decreases (as with lactation), since the reproductive activity of women decreases.

But under some circumstances, odorless leucorrhoea may indicate the presence of pathology. If there is no discharge or if it appears in the form of curdled clots, if the color changes (from dirty white to dark brown), or if pain occurs in the groin area, you should be wary.

What does it mean to have itching and white discharge with an odor?

Normally, leucorrhoea should not be accompanied by itching and a strong odor. If there are such symptoms, this indicates the presence of diseases. First of all, thrush is a fungal infection of the external genitalia. It occurs due to the following reasons:

Also, leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor and itching accompany bacterial vaginosis. It is often confused with thrush, but they are not the same thing. These gynecological diseases have different origins and require different treatment methods.

Thick and thin white discharge in women

In a healthy woman, white discharge is normal. At the same time, they must have the following characteristics:

  • be transparent or white;
  • do not have any strong unpleasant odors;
  • not be accompanied by itching and burning, as well as pain in the groin area;
  • can be thick or liquid.

Thus, the consistency of leucorrhoea is not a direct indication of the presence of pathology. Thick and thin white vaginal discharge without additional symptoms is a sign of healthy functioning of the protective mechanisms of the female genital organs.

Treatment methods with medications and folk remedies

Treatment methods vary, from the use of medications to eliminating symptoms using traditional recipes. Drug treatment of pathological leucorrhoea occurs in several stages.

The first stage is aimed at eliminating the cause of abnormal leucorrhoea. Depending on the pathogen, treatment may be:

  1. Antibacterial. Antibiotics are prescribed - Penicillin, Tetracycline.
  2. Antiviral. Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  3. Antifungal. The most common fungal disease that affects the external genitalia is thrush. It is treated quite effectively with Fluconazole and Clotrimaxozole.

The second stage is aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of the disease and restoring normal microflora. Doctors also recommend adhering to a balanced diet and carefully monitoring the cleanliness of the genitals.

Some folk remedies are often used to treat leucorrhoea. They are used in several ways:

  1. Douching with herbal decoctions. For this, St. John's wort, oak bark, mistletoe, calendula, eucalyptus and others are used.
  2. Ingestion of decoctions and infusions. Juice from viburnum and barberry berries, tea from strawberries and nettles effectively combat leucorrhoea.
  3. Baths based on herbs and plants.

Traditional methods are not always effective for treating a disease that causes leucorrhoea. They will only help relieve symptoms.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Prevention of leucorrhoea in women consists of following a few simple rules:

  • hygiene of the external genitalia (especially during menstruation);
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • timely treatment of gynecological and other diseases;
  • safe sex;
  • use of high-quality contraceptives.

Leucorrhoea in women is a normal physiological process.

If they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (pungent odor, pain, itching and burning), you should consult a doctor. You should not neglect the disease or self-medicate.

The gynecologist talks about what kind of discharge should be alarming in the following video.