Blackthorn plum benefits and harms. Appearance and features of growing blackthorn. Why are berries valuable...

Blackthorn - prunus spinosa is a variety of one of the shrubs that grow on the earth's surface, it is a bush with thorns contained on it, it is part of the Rosaceae family, and belongs to the class of dicotyledons. This plant is somewhat similar to its own distant relative, plum. It is similar to it in almost everything, but mainly only in the fruit and structure of the flowers. But it was precisely because of this that it received another name, namely prickly plum.

One of the most important advantages of the blackthorn is that its bushes are able to prevent soil erosion, so they often try to plant it in the areas of rivers and lakes. Also, blackthorn bushes can be replaced near the slopes; it is thanks to the roots that go deep into the soil that the blackthorn serves good strengthening for them.

If we touch on history, then the thorn tree, in ancient times was a divine plant, as many people believed that it was capable of driving away evil spirits. At present, the thorn bush has found very good use both in gardening and in medicine. For example, gardeners decorate their summer cottages, namely hedges. In medicine, various medicines and infusions are made from it. It is known that in Europe and England such things are made and infused from blackthorn berries. alcoholic drinks like gin and liqueur.

The blackthorn is a small bush; its height can reach from 1 to 5 meters; it is very rare to find a bush that reaches a height of 7 meters. If the thorn bush is not pruned, then its bushes grow very strongly and form very long and very dense bushes, at the end of which very prickly thorns grow. An important fact is that in various fairy tales, princesses or main character, sometimes they pass through these very bushes of this particular thorn plant.

IN chemical composition Blackthorn contains many useful substances and some, by the way, can be extremely rare in nature. Blackthorn fruits, the so-called wild berries, are easy to contain. great amount carbohydrates and organic acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, etc.). Of the rarest components included in blackthorn, these are catechin and flavonoids, it also contains substances such as coumarin and mineral salts. Do not forget that the most useful substance that is part of blackthorn is essential oils, which are very widely used in medicine and perfumery.

  • proteins are 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.4 g;
  • mass fraction of fats - 0.3 g;
  • fiber contains up to 2 g;
  • vitamin A - 233 mcg;
  • thiamine - 0.04 mg;
  • nicotinic acid - 0.3 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 17 mg;
  • riboflavin - 0.05 mg;
  • tocopherol - 0.5 mg.

Many people know that a certain plant or product has certain beneficial properties, when the thorn has surpassed everyone in this regard and has almost everything in its “baggage” beneficial features all taken plants or their fruits. And besides the fact that in many plants, one part is useful, when, as in thorns, all its components are useful (bark, stems, fruit/berries, leaves, roots, flowers, branches).

Let's describe how each part of the turn is useful

Beneficial properties of blackthorn fruits

Sloe fruits can be consumed fresh immediately by picking them from the bush, and you can also make various jams and preserves from them. Very often they make from thorn fruits various juices, in which, in addition to the thorn fruits themselves, other berries and even vegetables are added, for example, juice containing sloe juice and carrot and apple juice is very tasty.

  • Sloe fruits bring intestinal microflora into normal condition, allowing it to function normally, normalizes its contractions and reduces flatulence, removes toxins from the body very well;
  • It is a known fact that after taking thorn fruits, shortness of breath decreases, irritability goes away, and insomnia goes away;
  • Sloe fruits are also capable of burning excess fat, which is why many nutritionists prescribe diets with the obligatory content of sloe fruits. It is thanks to the thorn chemical composition that they are able to normalize metabolism in the body. It is thanks to this that a person is able to reduce his excess weight;
  • Among other things, thorns strengthen blood vessels in the body. He is able to reduce hypertensive pressure and normalize cholesterol in the blood, can lead to virtually no heart disease;
  • Thorn can save a person from liver and kidney disease, if present in a person;
  • It is a known fact that thorns can restore the body’s protective properties and increase immunity;
  • Thorn is very useful in dentistry, as it can strengthen a person’s gums;
  • The fruits of turf reduce painful menstruation.

Beneficial properties of blackthorn flowers and leaves

Sloe flowers must be collected when they are fully bloomed, then dried in tightly closed and dark jars away from sunlight. Also, the room in which they are dried must be well ventilated.
Mainly made from blackthorn flowers various teas and decoctions that have very good beneficial effects:

  • Cleanses the body of toxins, removing them not only from individual areas body, but also from the blood itself;
  • It is a known fact that blackthorn flowers are very useful for furunculosis, as they can cure the purulent-inflammatory process (skin and erysipelas skin);
  • Sloe flowers normalize liver function and bring intestinal function back to normal;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Sloe flowers also have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Able to relieve swelling.

Sloe leaves can be infused like regular tea, without following any dosage. For example, take 15-20 grams of leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water, infuse and drink like regular tea in small sips. This decoction of blackthorn leaves can also be used as a compress or lotion.

Beneficial properties of blackthorn roots, shoots and bark

Subject to correct measures for collecting and storing fruits, roots and bark of thorns, allows them to retain all their beneficial properties, with virtually no loss.
For example, the roots should be collected, dug up, in mid-autumn and dried for 3-4 weeks in the open air. Such dried roots can be stored in ordinary canvas bags for almost three years, after which they lose their beneficial properties.
Branches and shoots should be collected only at the beginning of summer, or rather at the end of spring, when the first signs appear that summer has arrived. Branches and shoots are stored in bags outdoors throughout the summer.
Bark should be removed from trees in early spring, when the blackthorn has just begun to bloom. This should be done very carefully so as not to seriously damage the plant.

What can you cook from blackthorn?

Various compotes, decoctions, teas, compotes, preserves, jams, gins, liqueurs and even kvass are made from sloe. He simply has a huge number of recipes, which are very widespread among both summer residents and pharmaceutical companies.
Compote is very widespread, especially among young mothers, and does not require any special cooking skills. To prepare it you will need:

  • Distilled water
  • Sloe fruit
  • Sugar in the amount of 300 grams.

The process of making compote is not complicated. It means that the collected berries are placed in ordinary glass containers, sugar is added, and the required amount of boiling water is poured. Cover this entire mass with a tight lid and allow to cool for 3 hours. After which you can drink this compote throughout the day. You can also boil it and put it in the cellar for long-term storage for the winter, and drink it in winter, on a cool, dark evening. It's great!
This compote is useful not only for mothers, but also for future mothers, i.e. pregnant women and unborn child.
In addition to its beneficial properties, blackthorn also contains harmful properties, namely for people who have stomach diseases such as:

  • Ulcer and gastritis of the stomach
  • Increased acidity in the stomach

It is quite rare that people predisposed to allergies should avoid eating sloe. And also the very use of sloe has an unaesthetic character, when after eating thorn berries, tooth enamel becomes stained bluish tint, which is very difficult to wash off.
Despite all its usefulness, the use of thorns should still be reduced by people with too much overweight use the body in moderation various jams or sloe jams.

Thorn is a shrub of the rose family, the fruits of which are unique in their chemical composition and are of interest for traditional medicine.

The berries look very much like small plums with a diameter of 1.2 cm; they are sour and tart. People often call the plant prickly plum, however, it is more correct to say blackthorn or damson. The height of the shrub is usually 4–5 meters, the leaves are elliptical, serrated, 5 cm long. Small white flowers appear profusely in the spring, when there is no greenery yet.

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    Chemical composition

    Thanks to the chemical composition, microelements and useful substances the thorn occupies a special niche among medicinal plants. Not only the fruits are widely used, but also all parts of the bush, excluding the seeds.

    Vitamins are present in large quantities in the plant. different groups: B, C, E, PP, as well as vitamin A, which is contained in thorns more than in carrots. The plant contains potassium and calcium, iodine and zinc, sodium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, cobalt and molybdenum. The human body needs all these substances.

    Sloes also contain a lot of fiber, organic acids, dietary fiber, and pectin. It contains essential oils, amino acids, and tannins.

    The product itself is low-calorie. 100 g of berries contains only 55 kcal. By including thorns in the diet, a person provides the body with vitamins and minerals without disrupting dietary intake.

    Beneficial features

    Fresh berries and jams, compotes, and jelly made from them help:

    • Adjust functions gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). With their help, regular constipation and flatulence are treated. The enveloping effect on the mucous membrane reduces the risk of stomach ulcers, gastritis and colitis.
    • Cleanse the body of toxins and others harmful substances, which promotes recovery intestinal microflora, reduction pathogenic bacteria V different parts digestive system.
    • Free a person from viral infections and inflammation of the respiratory system. This is possible thanks to the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties of thorns.
    • Cleanse the liver and kidneys.
    • Normalize the activity of the nervous system. Get rid of dizziness stress conditions, irritability or depression. Thorn has a calming effect and creates a good mood.
    • Calm down toothache, secure the process of tooth extraction and treatment thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the astringent qualities of thorns will ensure treatment of the gums and oral mucosa without complications.
    • Revitalize the immune system by vitamin composition. This will enhance protection against diseases and ensure control over existing ailments.
    • Eliminate premenstrual syndrome in women, reduce painful sensations during menstruation.
    • Normalize prostate function in men and prevent the occurrence of adenoma.
    • Improve metabolism, prevent the appearance of fat deposits, lose weight.

    Potassium in berries and thorn products will be beneficial for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, will serve to strengthen the walls, and normalize rhythms. There was a decrease blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels in people who take the fruits of the plant. Fresh berries and masks made from them will help rid your skin of rashes, blackheads, and acne.


    Not everyone benefits from damson plums. Sometimes a plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance to certain components of the bush. People suffering from stomach diseases associated with increased acidity, must be careful not to consume the fruit in the acute stage.

    There are contraindications for those who are susceptible to allergies and food intolerances. Excessive consumption of berries may stain tooth enamel. Blue colour, which comes off on its own. And because of large quantity Berry jam with too much sugar can lead to weight gain.

    The danger is posed by canned berries along with their seeds, which contain the toxic component amygdalin (vitamin B17). His reaction with aqueous solution forms a toxic substance. Therefore, a product prepared with a pit cannot be stored. a long period.

    Folk remedies

    Prepared from sloe berries medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Not only fruits are carriers medicinal properties. Experienced gardeners collect the flowers of the plant when buds form and prepare tinctures from them. These remedies strengthen immune system, have a diuretic effect and diaphoretic properties. Decoctions made from flowers soothe nervous system, eliminate constipation, nausea and shortness of breath, cleanse the liver and kidneys.

    The leaves are used to prepare rinses used for diseases of the oral cavity and tinctures that normalize stool. In the fall, the roots are dug up, cleaned from the ground, dried, and then used for fever and inflammation.

    Sloe blanks

    Fresh berries can serve as additional ingredients to vegetable salads, for the second courses. The most common and popular application– these are tea, compotes, jams, decoctions.

Evolution has endowed humans with the ability to survive, thanks to which people use various natural products for food. One of these options is the thorn, which the Bible talks about. Today, roots, leaves, fruits and inflorescences of the bush are used. All of them are beneficial to a person, the main thing is to be able to use raw materials correctly. Otherwise you will harm yourself.

Chemical composition of sloe

Among all its fellows, the thorn is considered the most useful. This is so thanks to the abundance essential vitamins and minerals that are concentrated in the pulp of fruits, roots, and foliage.

Turns contain many vitamins from the B-group. Let's highlight pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, vitamins B3 and B4, riboflavin. The berries are not deprived of natural antioxidants - tocopherol and retinol (vitamins E and A, respectively).

The turn is the source ascorbic acid, therefore it is useful to use it for people with naturally low immunity. The good thing about fruits is that they contain exclusively natural saccharides, which have virtually no effect on blood glucose levels.

It makes sense to highlight tannins, nitrogenous compounds, steroid elements, pectin, coumarin and dietary fiber. Thorn concentrates a lot of flavonoids, fatty oils, fiber. It also contains alcohol and triterpenoids.

Do not exceed the permissible consumption limit. Eat 100 gr. berries several times a week will be enough.

The benefits of the turn

  1. Found the pulp wide application in cosmetology. Based fresh fruits that have not been affected by the frost, lotions for the feet are being prepared. The composition eliminates corns and softens the skin.
  2. Even traditional medicine recognized the thorn as a cure for renal colic and other diseases associated with this internal organ. The diuretic effect prevents the formation of stones and removes sand from the kidney cavity.
  3. Due to the accumulation of vitamin C and other immunostimulating substances, thorns should be eaten during viral epidemics and vitamin deficiency. Berries and decoctions based on them will replenish the balance useful elements and speed up recovery.
  4. Thorn has antipyretic properties, so it should be eaten during a fever. Berries also remove excess bile from the body and eliminate uric acid(useful for gout patients).
  5. The product is antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Thorn kills harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, thereby preventing caries and stomatitis.
  6. The fruit pulp is applied to the wound to disinfect the abrasion. Compresses with thorns treat burns, injuries, ulcers and other skin problems.
  7. After agreement with the doctor, thorn is prescribed to pregnant girls who are experiencing toxicosis. Decoctions based on berries will quickly relieve the urge to vomit and, moreover, remove excess water from the body.
  8. Thanks to the presence of acids, thorns increase appetite, it produces gastric juice. Against this background, all metabolic processes are enhanced, food is absorbed faster and does not ferment in the intestines.
  9. The beneficial properties of the fruit include the ability to cleanse internal organs from intoxication, salts heavy metals, radionuclides. Turn is also indispensable for nervous disorders, as it normalizes the psycho-emotional environment.
  10. Turn is responsible for the composition of the blood, increasing the production of red blood cells. It cleanses blood vessels and arteries, removes harmful cholesterol from the blood channels. Against this background, many heart diseases are prevented, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis.
  11. The astringent properties allow the berry to be used to treat stool disorders. The product also has a diaphoretic effect on the body, cleansing the skin. Thorn is included in the diet of diabetics because it maintains glucose levels at a normal level.
  12. The shrub concentrates certain substances that are responsible for eye health. Thanks to this, the thorn prevents glaucoma and cataracts, lubricates the eye socket, strengthens vision and relieves severe fatigue.
  13. Due to the accumulation of iron, thorns are used to treat anemia. It will be useful for men to know that the berry increases potency and enhances reproductive activity. The fruits control the condition of women during menstruation and menopause, improving their well-being.

The benefits of shoots, roots and thorn bark

You can benefit from consuming individual parts of the bush only if you prepare the raw materials taking into account all the requirements.

  1. So, the roots need to be dug up and dried on fresh air within 15-20 days. After this time, they are dried in the oven at 60 degrees. After all the manipulations, the roots are placed in a linen bag.
  2. Young shoots with branches are best collected in June, then dried and stored in open form Not longer than a year. The bark is removed from the thorn in the spring, before inflorescences appear on the bush. Drying is carried out according to the principle of processing roots.
  3. Decoctions based individual parts shrubs help relieve fever and remove excess water from the body. The drink promotes the outflow of bile, improving the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  4. In cosmetology, the decoction is used to wipe skin prone to rashes and ulcers. You can use baths to relieve sweaty feet and soften corns.
  5. The roots and branches are brewed and then used for douching and the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Benefits of thorn leaves and flowers

  1. Flowers are collected while they are in bloom. Next, the raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated and dark room. After this, the product must be stored in glass sealed container. Sun rays however, they should not hit.
  2. The composition is mainly used for brewing tea. The product is famous for its unique healing qualities. Flowers are able to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and also enrich the blood composition. Tea effectively resists inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. Regular intake of raw materials allows you to thoroughly cleanse the liver and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Behind a short time normal metabolism is restored. The product has a positive effect on the central nervous system. As a result, the feeling of anxiety disappears and depressive state. The flowers have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
  4. To prepare medicinal tea, you will need 30 g. dried flowers and 500 ml. boiling water Cover the container with a lid and wrap it with thick cloth. Brew the component for about a quarter of an hour. This drink can be consumed without a specific dosage.
  5. Decoctions based on sloe leaves have almost the same qualities as tea made from flowers. It is recommended to collect leaves in mid-summer. It is necessary to store and dry raw materials in the manner described above. You can consume the decoction like regular tea.

  1. The fruits have virtually no contraindications. It is worth limiting the amount of product consumed only if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Do not rely on the product if you have an ulcer acute form, gastritis and high acidity. Do not eat blackthorn if you have an allergic reaction. This phenomenon is quite rare.
  3. The fruits can cause significant harm to tooth enamel. In addition, after taking the product, the teeth acquire a bluish tint. The problem is that the color fades after a few days.
  4. After preparing any product based on the fruits of the plant, the berries must be removed. When fruit comes into contact with liquid, toxic compounds are formed. You risk getting poisoned.
  5. The berries have no contraindications for children and pregnant girls. Against, valuable composition will strengthen the body and prevent the development of pathologies.
  6. Overeating fresh berries can cause gastrointestinal upset. You should not rely on jams and thorn preserves. Otherwise, weight gain is inevitable.

Turn - enough unique plant with a valuable niche of beneficial enzymes. The product can be used for various purposes. Berries have only minor contraindications. Stick to it daily norm product consumption.

Video: recipe for sloe jam

Thorn is a rosaceous shrub; the fruits of this plant resemble small plums in appearance, but this is the only similarity between the fruits of thorn and plum trees. People often call blackthorn a prickly plum. The fruits of the tree are similar to plums, but in fact, blackthorn appeared much earlier than plum plants. And few people know that thorns have unique healing and beneficial properties. The main advantage of the thorn lies in its components, while almost the entire tree can be called useful parts, from the bark and roots to the juicy fruits. What is a thorn? What benefits and harms are most important for human body?

Chemical composition of sloe

The composition of the thorn includes a lot of the most useful and irreplaceable components for humans, among them the leading role is assigned to:

  • dietary fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • monosaccharides;
  • starch.

Sloes are rich in vitamin content and mineral components. First of all, it is important to note that thorns contain a unique content of vitamin A, as well as beta-carotene. In terms of the content of these components, the thorn ranks first among other fruit and berry crops. In addition to these vitamins, the fruits of the plant contain vitamins C, the entire subgroup B, E, PP. The chemical composition is also rich in the content of mineral components: molybdenum, cobalt, iron, copper, potassium, chromium, manganese, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, magnesium.

Despite the high and complete content useful components, ter refers to low-calorie foods, per 100 gr. The fruit contains only about 55 calories.

What are the benefits of thorns for the body?

Rich in vitamins and mineral composition plants proves its usefulness. How is the turn useful?

  • Sloe fruit has a laxative effect, which means it is effective for constipation. In addition, the fruits of the plant help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as reduce the risk of developing gastritis, colitis, and gastric ulcers. Sloe fruits also help get rid of flatulence; the product is indicated for use in chronic increased gas formation;
  • The fruits of the plant have a cleansing quality, thanks to which the thorn is able to remove harmful components, slagging, toxic substances from the body, and also normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • Thorn is effectively used for weight loss. Nutritionists have developed several effective diets based on the fruits of this plant. The product has been proven to improve performance metabolic processes, helps to normalize the process of digestion of incoming food, fights the risk of the appearance of fatty deposits;
  • Medicinal properties thorns are known to many healers. It has been proven that the plant has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, and antibacterial properties;
  • The plant helps cope with nervous disorders And general weakness body. The fruits are actively used for dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, nausea and increased irritability;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property terna is reliably used in dentistry. It is recommended to rinse with a decoction of the fruit oral cavity. In addition, due to its astringent effect, the plant is also used to treat gums, as well as outer surface oral cavity;
  • People with heart problems are recommended to regularly enjoy thorn fruits, because they help the cardiac system work in a normal rhythm and strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduce the risk of developing many heart diseases;
  • The fruits of this plant are actively used to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to its fully fortified composition, the product helps to stabilize the work protective forces the whole body;
  • The turn lowers the level bad cholesterol in the blood, and also helps to lower blood pressure;
  • An indispensable product is a thorn for men. This product normalizes general state prostate gland and helps prevent the development of adenoma;
  • And for women the thorn bears invaluable benefits. Regular use the fruits of this plant help reduce the risk of developing nervous diseases, significantly alleviates a woman’s condition with PMS, helps reduce painful sensations during menstruation;
  • The fruits of the plant are shown and various diseases liver. Thanks to its cleansing properties, the product is indispensable for kidney and liver pathologies.

The use of the turn is very different. But the basis of the fruits is prepared into jams, compotes, decoctions, and infusions. The pulp, as well as the juice of fresh fruits, is actively used in cosmetology. The pulp of the fruit helps cope with purulent and inflammatory processes on the skin, eliminates acne and acne.


When we're talking about about delicious berries- sloe, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product are individual. Despite the uniqueness and usefulness of the thorn, it also has contraindications for use. Sloe berries should not be consumed for diseases and pathologies such as:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • increased stomach acidity.

Sloe berries have certain harm. This circumstance mainly concerns the staining of tooth enamel in a bluish tint during consumption of berries. The benefits of thorns for gums are great, but the juice of the fruit can stain tooth enamel in a bluish tint, while this color is washed off only after a few days.

It is important to know that when preparing a decoction of sloe berries, it is strictly forbidden to leave them in liquid. The fruit seeds contain poisonous substance- amygdalin. If amygdalin interacts with aquatic environment, then subsequently it provokes the appearance of toxic components in the liquid, which accordingly cause intoxication in the body of the person drinking the decoction.

Applications of thorn fruits

The beneficial qualities of thorns, the benefits and harms of which have been fully proven, are not lost during cooking. various dishes. Most often, the fruits are used to make sweet jam, compotes and other preserves. In addition, sloe berries can be used as an additional ingredient when preparing main courses or salads. Pastilles, marmalade, smoothies, and cocktails made from sloe fruits have amazing taste and aroma.

What can be prepared from thorns?

Options for delicious and healthy dishes There is quite a lot of thorns.

Sloe compote

For cooking healthy drink you will need to take about 200 grams. thorn fruit, 1.5 l. clean water; sugar about 100 g, citric acid - at the very tip of the knife.

Place the fruits of the plant, thoroughly washed and cleared of foreign components, into a small saucepan, add the required amount of water to the saucepan, citric acid. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. After - add required amount sugar, then bring the liquid to a boil again and cook for about 25 minutes.

After cooking healthy compote, the liquid needs to be strained.

Sloe decoction

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to choose dense and whole fruits. The decoction is prepared per 500 ml. Take about 2 tbsp of clean water. spoons of fruit. Pour boiling water over the berries, cover the container with the broth with a tight lid and let the liquid brew for an hour. After the specified time, the broth must be strained from the berries.

Winter preparations made from thorn fruits are more popular. What can be made from thorns for the winter?

Jam with seeds

To prepare healthy jam, you will need to carefully sort through about 2 kg. thorn fruit. The berries need to be divided into 2 (halves) parts, and the core of each berry must be removed. Add 500 grams of prepared berries. Sahara. Leave the resulting mixture in similar condition for 1 night, no need to stir anything.

In the morning, see if the juice has released from the berries. If there seems to be little juice, then you need to add a little boiled water. Place the resulting mass on low heat, first bring to a full boil, and then cook until the fruits are completely cooked. At the end of cooking, add vanilla and cinnamon to the finished jam to your own taste.

Pour the prepared jam into sterilized jars, cool, and store in the refrigerator.

Important secrets of using thorn fruits

  1. How to choose the right healthy fruits? Sloe berries are harvested after the first frost has struck. Preference should be given to strong and elastic fruits that are free from sores and cracks. For winter processing, you should not choose fruits that have spots of rot.
  2. Norm useful consumption thorn. Nutritionists recommend not to get carried away with consuming the fruits of the plant. It is advisable to feast on useful fruits no more than 2 times and within 1 week, while one serving of berries should not exceed 100 grams.
  3. Useful storage sloe berries. To get the maximum beneficial qualities from “blue” fruits, it is recommended to expose them less heat treatment. You can store thorns in various variations: freezing, drying, drying - the berries are preserved in the specified storage option useful qualities within 12 months. And here fresh berries Sloes cannot be stored for more than 10 days.

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The blackthorn, or blackthorn, is a shrub of the plum family. It bears fruit with round berries, black or dark blue in color, the surface of which is covered with a waxy coating. The taste of the pulp is sweet, sour and tart. When frozen, the fruits become sweeter. They contain sugars, organic acids, pectins, coloring matter, essential oils, vitamins C and P.

Thanks to the availability tannins the turn has astringent properties. And the presence of pectins has an adsorbing effect. Decoctions, infusions and sloe juice have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, and expectorant properties.
Sloe-based recipes

Sloe juice: fruits should be pitted, heated to a temperature of 60–70 degrees, mashed, squeezed out the juice, and poured into jars.

Fruit decoction: 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried raw materials must be poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink the product in the morning on an empty stomach for 4 days.

Thorn flower infusion No. 1: 2 teaspoons of crushed flowers (dry or freshly picked) need to be infused in a glass cold water 8 ocloc'k. Take the medicine 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day as a diuretic for kidney and liver diseases, to cleanse the skin for allergies, acne and furunculosis.

Thorn flower infusion No. 2: you need to infuse 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 glass of warm boiled water for 40 minutes and drink 1 glass a day as a laxative.

Thorn leaf infusion: 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves should be poured into 1 glass hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze. Take the infusion 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Sloe flower and leaf tea: 2 teaspoons of raw material must be poured into 1/4 liter of water, slowly brought to a boil and strained. It is recommended to drink 2 cups of tea per day.

Sloe flowers

Flowers are harvested during the appearance of buds, leaves - after flowering. An infusion of flowers strengthens the immune system, has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, and is useful for hypertension. The decoction treats constipation and liver diseases. Antimicrobial properties help eliminate purulent processes on the skin; the decoction also relieves nausea and shortness of breath.

Decoctions have a positive effect on vascular permeability and the treatment of prostate adenoma. Their calming properties help with neuralgia.

Thorn root

Thorn roots are dug up in the fall. After the roots have dried in the sun, they are placed in a dryer or oven. Remedies from the roots have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, are used for diarrhea, during respiratory diseases, improve the general condition of malaria.

A decoction of bark and roots. Method 1: taking 1 part of the bark and roots to 20 parts of water, take the composition 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Method 2: brew 5 g of bark or root in 200 ml of boiling water, put on water bath, boil for 30 minutes and drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day after meals. The bark is cut off before the flowers appear.

Sloe tincture

There is an excellent recipe for tincture of such a unique berry. For cooking medicine It is advisable not to wash the prepared berries, select undamaged ones and pour them into a jar, then fill them with 70% vodka, covering 5 cm more than the level of the fruit. As the vodka is absorbed, it should be topped up. Three months later, the liquid must be drained and the berries sprinkled with sugar. If there are 10 kg of fruit, then 1.5 kg of sugar is needed.

The berries are kept for another month until syrup forms, then they need to be filtered and mixed with the liquid that we separated from the berries at the beginning. The incredible aroma of the tincture will appear in six months.

Thorny thorn

The prickly thorn grows in Asia, in western Europe, in the European part of Russia, in the vast Mediterranean, in Siberia and the Caucasus. This is a fruit stone crop that is specially grown in personal plot those who know about healing power berries Berry juice is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children to solve problems associated with the stomach, loss of appetite, and poisoning. Candidiasis and leucorrhoea in women are treated with a decoction.

Berry decoction: 200 ml of boiling water, 5 g of thorn bark or root should be placed in a water bath and boiled for 30 minutes. It is recommended to drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. You can do douching by diluting the decoction with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Turn wild

Wild sloe grows in abandoned areas and bears fruit well. It is the progenitor of cultivated varieties; there are about 200 species. In spring, the crown of the plant turns white, and a fragrant smell spreads around. Fed by the living juices of the soil, the bush bears fruit with berries that ripen under the sun at the end of September; they acquire the power of solar energies and give it to people.

Contraindications to the use of sloe

Remember that only the pulp of the berries is edible. They may be contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. These are minor disadvantages of the turn; it has much more advantages.