When is the best time to eat yogurt? Recipes for healthy dishes with yogurt. Yogurt dessert

From blue screens several times a day we are told that the most healthy food- this is yogurt. It is a miracle food that improves digestion and helps in weight loss. Is it so? Is it possible to eat yoghurt while losing weight? Let's figure it out.

What is yogurt?

Yogurt is one of the varieties of lactic acid products. Many people love yogurt for its taste - sweet, with pieces of fruit and with the addition of juice.

In fact, natural yogurt does not have such additives and is very beneficial for the body, like any lactic acid product. After all, it contains a lot of protein, as well as lactobacilli, which promote good digestion.

In addition, all dairy products contain calcium to strengthen bones, nails and teeth, and potassium, necessary for the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system.

What yogurt should you not eat when losing weight?

Most yoghurts on store shelves are a figure-destroying cocktail of carbohydrates and fats. First of all, all these yoghurts are sweet, that is, they contain a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated in diets. So decide whether you can eat yoghurt while losing weight. /p>

If yogurt is low-fat, then starch is added to it to create an appetizing consistency, and these are again carbohydrates.

Pay close attention to the composition and thoughtfully analyze the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some ingredients may be unfamiliar, the list of yogurt ingredients may be very long and impressive, but in fact, the shorter and simpler composition, the more useful the product.

What yogurts are good for weight loss?

Yogurt that is useful for weight loss should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. This means that there should not be any pieces of fruit, “natural” juices or other sources of sugar there.

Yogurt that is useful for weight loss should be white, moderately sour and have the simplest composition: milk and lactic acid bacteria (live yogurt cultures), preferably with the names of the bacteria and cultures.

The expiration date plays an important role in choosing healthy yogurt. All natural products They have a short shelf life, this is logical. How can healthy, natural yogurt be stored at room temperature for up to 30 days?

Natural products have long term storage outside the refrigerator in three cases: they are very salty (fish, caviar, meat, lard), very sweet (jam) or contain natural preservatives such as vinegar.

Yogurts do not fit into any of the above methods. This means that there are artificial preservatives, which are also not beneficial to our body.

Good yogurt should have a shelf life of no more than 15 days, preferably a week.

Homemade yoghurts for weight loss

In order not to worry about the naturalness and healthfulness of yogurt, you can prepare it at home. Of course, the cooking process will give you some trouble, but it is not in vain - what could be more natural and healthier than homemade products?

How to select and prepare ingredients?

To lose weight, you need to take milk with minimum content fat Be careful when choosing store-bought milk, most of them are powdered, you won't get anything out of it, it can't ferment. Choose either milk that you are sure is natural; it should have no more than 1.5% fat content if we want to get dietary yogurt.

Or buy raw cow's milk and let it sit for a while. It will separate, leaving cream on top and less fatty milk on the bottom. Carefully remove the top fatty layer, boil the rest of the milk and skim off the resulting foam, it also contains fats.

You will also need yogurt starter, which can be found at the pharmacy. If you have problems with this, then buy natural yogurt in the store. How to choose natural yogurt was written above.

How to make yogurt at home?

Cool the boiled milk to 40°C. Dilute the pharmacy starter according to the instructions on the package. If you choose the option of buying natural yogurt from the store, then dilute it with a small amount of milk until it becomes a homogeneous liquid mass.

Add starter or diluted yogurt to milk and stir.

First you need to prepare the thermos: wash it thoroughly and rinse it several times with boiling water.

Pour the milk with the starter or yogurt into the thermos, close it carefully and place it in a warm place, covering it with something to keep the heat inside the thermos for as long as possible.

After 8-12 hours, pour the resulting yogurt into a sterilized container and place it in the refrigerator to cool. Yogurt for weight loss is ready, you can start your diet.

There are dietary yoghurts that do not interfere, but rather help you lose weight

Yogurt recipes for weight loss

Yogurts for weight loss should initially be without any additives in the form of sugar, jam, honey and other things. Everything is delicious and healthy ingredients will be added later.

Calorie content of yogurt

The calorie content of yoghurt depends on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it. Calorie content from great content Proteins should not scare you - they are the main building material for your body.

Of course, there should be a minimum amount of fat, since any diet for weight loss greatly limits fat intake.

But it’s usually difficult with carbohydrates, because people on diets pay attention primarily to the fat content, and overlook the amount of carbohydrates, which contain the bulk of calories.

Low-fat yogurt

The calories in low-fat yogurt are not always as low as we expect.

It's all about adding starch to create consistency, otherwise the yogurt will turn out to be very liquid, and cries will begin like “what kind of water is this, what are we paying money for?” It's better to pay for liquid low-fat yogurt with minimum quantity carbohydrates than thick low-fat with carbohydrates under 10 grams.

Carbohydrates should be no more than 5 grams per 100 grams of product, otherwise you will not see either health benefits or low-calorie content.

Natural yogurt

Natural low calorie yogurt- what you need. Everything here is in balance, everything is useful.

But it is not always possible to find low-calorie yoghurts among natural yoghurts. Do not fall for naturalness, if there is more than 2 grams of fat, you should not load the body with excess fat.

Drinking yogurt

Drinking yogurt carries the risk of consuming excess calories, just like any drink.

Even if drinking yogurt is low-fat, you will drink about 300 grams of this yogurt at a time, which is about 3 times more than in a small jar. This results in much more invisible consumption more calories than planned, and at the same time the body did not understand that it was food and would require solid food.

In general, during a diet it is better to avoid “liquid” calories; on a diet, little food is consumed anyway, and then there is the replacement of solid food intake with a drink. It will be psychologically difficult to last long on such a diet.

Yogurt with fruit additives

Low-calorie yogurt with fruit additives from the store window is a mockery of the unfortunate ones who are losing weight. All such yoghurts contain a lot simple carbohydrates in the form of sugar, as well as starch. The final calorie content is not inferior, for example, to natural fat yogurt without fruit additives.

But the psychological effect lies in a small jar: just think, it’s only 80 calories, that’s a whole serving, one glass of yogurt, you can easily eat it and not harm your figure. But 100 grams of yogurt is too little for one meal, but its calorie content is quite enough to limit your meal, or rather snack, to only yogurt.

Light yoghurts can be eaten on a diet; they improve digestion and provide nutrients

Yogurt diet

The yogurt diet is pleasant, healthy and beneficial. But only if you use natural yogurt or make it yourself.

Dietitians are allowed to “sit” on such a diet for no more than 2 weeks, since although it is tasty and healthy, it still creates a lot of stress for the body due to sharp decline caloric intake of food.

The qualitative difference between yogurt diets and other low-calorie diets is that there is a desire for balanced diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the emphasis is on the minimum possible number of calories and on natural ingredients diets without chemicals and harmful products type of coffee.

You can consume up to half a liter of yogurt per day, but not immediately and not immediately. pure form, we’ll talk about this in more detail below.

Yogurt and fruit

Excellent breakfast - yogurt and fruit, here we consume both proteins and carbohydrates. Moreover, fruits contain not only fiber, but also a considerable amount sugar, especially in oranges, but in the morning you can afford a portion fast carbohydrates to recharge your energy for the whole day.

It is better to diversify your diet, because in the end you will end up with a lot of sugar and a deficiency of protein.

Yogurt and buckwheat

Yogurt with buckwheat is also a very balanced meal; here yogurt most often serves as a dressing.

Buckwheat and yogurt diets do not limit you to just these two ingredients; buckwheat is here as a source complex carbohydrates, and vegetable proteins. In addition, buckwheat is rich in vitamins and microelements, which is important when following a diet.

Be sure to include in your daily ration one or two meals with buckwheat. This diet will help you lose weight well to the desired result and with minimal consequences for the body.

Oatmeal with yogurt

A diet based on oatmeal and yogurt is similar to a diet based on buckwheat; it also has a sufficient amount of fiber and is rich in microelements.

Please note that now on the shelves you see mainly oat flakes, and they are 5 times more calorie than oatmeal. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you find oatmeal.

There's so much more to it useful substances, and you can eat more of it on your plate while remaining within the same 50-100 calories, and for a person on a diet, the serving size and its calorie content are very important.

Yogurt and cottage cheese

A diet based on cottage cheese and yogurt partially corresponds to the advice given by athletes on nutrition for weight loss, that is, it contains a lot of protein and few carbohydrates and fats.

Cottage cheese, of course, is natural, it should be low-fat, but not with 0% fat, but about 2%, less fat- more starch, absolutely low-fat cottage cheese can not be.

You can diversify your meals on the yogurt-curd diet by mixing yogurt and cottage cheese in different proportions, but it is better to eat them separately.

Cottage cheese can be added to salads as an independent ingredient; it goes well with vegetables, as well as with porridges, such as buckwheat or oatmeal.

Yogurt and kefir

The diet based on yogurt and kefir is particularly strict; there is little variety. The main difference between yogurt and kefir, provided that both are low-fat and low-calorie, is only that yogurt is thicker and can be eaten with a spoon, while kefir is liquid and is not perceived by the body as a complete meal.

Be sure to add it to your diet vitamin complex to minimize damage to health. Such shocks to the body do not pass without leaving a trace and it is better to resort to them only in extreme cases.

Yogurt diet for 7 days

Below is an example of a diet based on yogurt. The remaining ingredients can be replaced with analogues. This diet is low-calorie and should be followed for two weeks.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, peach and half a banana;
  • 2nd breakfast: apple;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup from broccoli and carrots, the second half of a banana, a piece of boiled chicken breast 50 gr;
  • Afternoon snack: carrots 200 g;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, seasoned with 100 grams of yogurt;
  • 2nd dinner: 200 grams of yogurt.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and a handful of berries;
  • 2nd breakfast: two peaches;
  • Lunch: puree soup of potatoes, zucchini and green onions, yogurt dressing 50 g, the other half of a banana;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber and tomato 200 g;
  • Dinner: chicken fillet 50 g, baked with vegetables 150 g, yogurt dressing 50 g;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and half a spoon of honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: pear;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew of potatoes, bell peppers, carrots and zucchini, yogurt dressing 50 g, the second half of a banana;
  • Afternoon snack: bell pepper red or yellow 2 pcs.;
  • Dinner: appetizer of baked eggplants 150 g with a piece of boiled lean fish 70 g, yogurt dressing with seasonings 50 g;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and several walnuts;
  • 2nd breakfast: 3 apricots;
  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat 100 g with a piece of baked meat 50 g with vegetables 50 g, yogurt dressing 50 g, the second half of a banana;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cabbage 200 gr;
  • Dinner: zucchini salad, boiled rice and lemon juice 150 g, yogurt dressing 50 g;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and half a pear;
  • 2nd breakfast: the second half of a pear, a handful of nuts;
  • Lunch: puree soup from boiled chicken breast 50 g, potatoes 100 g and carrots 100 g, yogurt dressing 50 g, the other half of a banana;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 tomatoes;
  • Dinner: rice casserole 100 g with pate 50 g boiled beef, yoghurt dressing with herbs and spices 50 g;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and 100 grams of cherries;
  • 2nd breakfast: 30 grams of dried fruits;
  • Dinner: oatmeal 100 g with the second half of a banana, steamed vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini) 200 g with yogurt dressing 50 g;
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts;
  • Dinner: finely chopped lean meat 50 g, baked with red rice 50 g, yogurt dressing 50 g;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: smoothie made from 200 grams of yogurt, half a banana and 30 grams of oatmeal;
  • 2nd breakfast: apple;
  • Lunch: lentil soup with broccoli, the other half of a banana, boiled rice 50 g with corn, yogurt dressing 50 g;
  • Afternoon snack: two fresh cucumber 200 gr;
  • Dinner: buckwheat 100 g with baked lean fish 100 g and vegetables 50 g, yogurt dressing;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt 200 gr.

Following a diet requires a lot of willpower, as well as good body reserves. You can look attractive only in a body that is full of health. So choose your diet and foods wisely, stay healthy and fit.

The benefits of yogurt have been talked about more and more often over the past few decades. Many doctors recommend it as a means to improve digestion and as a dietary product. It suits everyone - men, women and children.

Benefits for the body

To understand the effect of this product on the human body, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its preparation.
Many thousands of years ago in the East, during long journeys, they began to cook drink from. Milk was poured into a special wineskin (animal skin bag) and hung on the back of a horse or camel, on which they set off on the road. The hot sun gave high temperature necessary for the fermentation process; the oscillatory movements of the animal's body whipped the milk, resulting in a fermented fermented milk product, which later became known as yogurt.

Did you know? According to Holy Scripture, the progenitor of the Jewish people Abraham received from the Angel the secrets of fermenting milk, thanks to which he lived about 175 years.

In the last century, the culture of consuming yogurt as a food product that has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was recommended by the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov, who advised the use of fermented milk with the addition of bacteria called “Bulgarian bacillus”.

To obtain live yogurt nowadays it is necessary meet three conditions:

  1. Take natural milk as a basis.
  2. Start the fermentation process by heating.
  3. Use live lactobacilli for fermentation.

It is known that milk in its pure form is not digestible by some adults due to the lack of enzymes that break down lactose, the main component. But milk contains milk, which is necessary for humans to build cells throughout the body. Animal proteins also have another name - proteins (from the Greek word "protos", meaning originality, primacy). It is very important to constantly have a source of proteins for the healing and restoration of the body.

Did you know? Yogurt contains in its composition a deficiency of which leads to metabolic disorders. The daily requirement for this vitamin is 1 mcg. To get enough vitamin B12, just eat one or two cups of yogurt a day.

Those whose bodies are unable to break down lactose should replace natural milk with fermented milk products, in which lactose has already been digested by microorganisms that live in fermented milk. In this sense, yogurt is suitable product to replenish the body with proteins and carry valuable composition bacteria to restore intestinal microflora.

Let's take a closer look at how the body reacts to it. different people and what benefits does this bring? fermented milk drink.


Women take more care of their health than others and appearance. Therefore questions healthy eating are in one of the first places among them. One of the main products using special attention women, is yogurt.

There are several properties of this fermented milk drink that make it so useful, namely:

  • increases the digestibility of milk protein, already digested by microorganisms contained in yogurt (about 90% of the eaten product is digested within an hour);
  • improves the condition of the intestinal microflora, thereby improving metabolism and normalizing weight;
  • live yogurt acts as an antibiotic, neutralizing streptococcal and staphylococcal infections;
  • restores the body after drug therapy;
  • slows down the processes of decay in the intestines, cleanses it of putrefactive bacteria, which promotes rejuvenation of the body;
  • helps in the absorption of micro- and macroelements, vitamins (, and others);
  • at daily use increases the production of interferon, which significantly increases the body’s resistance to all kinds of infections;
  • reduces the risk of development;
  • reduces arterial blood pressure;

Yogurt is especially beneficial for women. This fermented milk product becomes a safe replacement for antibiotics, slows down the development of fungal infections, does not cause allergies, replenishes the body with milk protein, and relieves constipation that can occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to using yogurt as a food product, doctors may also recommend that pregnant women use special capsules containing yogurt bacteria.

This fermented milk product is also used as cosmetic product for external use. It softens the skin, moisturizes and enriches it well. Face masks are prepared in combination with starch and honey.

Hair masks made with the addition of any of cosmetic oils, used to reduce oily hair, for.


Along with the properties of yogurt described above, in last years also noticed positive impact this product on the urinary system and sexual function male body. This was stated by representatives of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who conducted a special study.
The high protein content in yogurt helps improve digestion, weight loss, and build healthy skin.

In 2013, a French company, manufacturer of a huge line fermented milk products, created a special yogurt for men.
Also, American manufacturers took care of the strong and courageous, and created Greek yogurt with zero fat content and high content protein (25 grams per serving). The formula of this fermented milk product was agreed upon with famous sports trainers and nutritionists.

PowerFul is good for men who lead active image life and take care of their health. This drink used as an excellent natural replacement protein shakes, which are usually taken before or after an intense workout.

But men don’t have to consume only “men’s” yogurt. Regular product has the same properties and brings no less benefits to the male body.


The health of our children is the concern of the entire adult population. And the nutrition of children must be treated very responsibly.

Real live yogurt is beneficial for children of any age, starting from eight months. Thanks to its use in baby food is being formed healthy microflora in the baby's intestines, which provides him with good protection from pathogenic bacteria.

Let us recall the complex of useful macro- and vitamins, contained in this fermented milk drink, and their influence on the baby's body:

  1. Milk protein serves building material for cells.
  2. and strengthens the teeth.
  3. and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Vitamins of the group strengthen the organs of vision, increase antioxidant protection body, increase interferon levels.
  5. improve metabolism, promote work nervous system, relieve the consequences of emotional stress and.
  6. reduces the level of “bad” in the blood.

Manufacturers of fermented milk products have developed special yoghurts for children, with a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enriched various vitamins. These drinks do not contain preservatives, dyes, or sweeteners. Available in liquid form and thicker (due to the addition of pectin).

You can also feed your babies homemade yogurt.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of yogurt as a food product for any category of consumers. If the product is made from natural milk using living microorganisms - lacto- and bifidobacteria, it will only bring benefits.

The only limitation when consuming this fermented milk product will be individual intolerance.

A product that has been subjected to heat treatment to increase shelf life. Under such conditions, the necessary bacteria die, and the drink loses its healing and nutritional properties.
If preservatives made from genetically modified corn (indicated by code E1442) are added to yogurt, the drink will be hazardous to health, as it can negatively affect the functions of the pancreas, causing its damage or even necrosis (cell death).

A drink that contains sodium nitrate (code E331), which increases stomach acidity, will also be harmful.

The content of various flavorings and dyes will also degrade the quality and reduce the benefits of the fermented milk product.

How to choose when purchasing

When choosing a drink for yourself or your family that will not only be tasty, but also beneficial, pay attention to several points:

  1. The name should contain only the word “yogurt”, and not its various variations (for example, “yogurt product”, “yogurt”, “frugurt”, etc.). This will serve as confirmation that this is an original, and not a fake similar in name.
  2. The shelf life does not exceed 7 days (this is how long live bacteria remain in the finished drink). If the label indicates a longer shelf life, it means that the product was subjected to heat treatment, which killed beneficial microorganisms.
  3. The drink should be made from natural milk, not powdered milk.
  4. The product does not contain dyes, preservatives, thickeners in the form of starch, various flavors and taste stabilizers.
  5. The drink should not contain pieces of fruit and berries, which some manufacturers process through radiation sterilization.
  6. The hole under the cap in plastic or polyethylene packaging must be hermetically sealed.
  7. The packaging must be intact, without visible damage and dents.

How to store at home

Proper storage of the product ensures its usefulness. Storage conditions at home correspond to the type of drink and indicated on the packaging requirements:

  • if yogurt contains live microorganisms, it must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days;
  • if we are talking about drinks that imitate yogurt, with preservatives and without starter culture, then the shelf life increases to three months, and not necessarily in the refrigerator (can be stored at temperatures up to +25 ° C);
  • Storage periods and temperatures must correspond to those indicated on the packaging.

When is the best time to eat it?

There are many opinions regarding the pattern of yogurt consumption: both without special restrictions and with strict adherence to recommendations.

Nutritionists advise taking into account the peculiarities of how food is absorbed by the body and the amount of energy needed during the day.
Based on this, to obtain maximum benefit developed Recommendations for taking yogurt:

  1. Heavy foods that take a long time to digest are taken in the first half of the day, and light fermented milk products are best consumed in the afternoon and before bed. , contained in the drink, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and promotes better sleep.
  2. On an empty stomach, this fermented milk drink can be consumed by those who have low acidity, since yogurt improves the secretion of gastric juice.
  3. This drink can be consumed before, during and after meals. And in each case he will provide beneficial influence on the digestive process.

Now you know that a “live” product will give you energy and improve your body’s health, while a “dead” product, with preservatives and thickeners, will add problems. Choose only healthy fermented milk drinks, store them correctly and enjoy valuable product nutrition - tasty and healthy yogurt.

Is yogurt good for human body? What is this product? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Today, yoghurts are extremely popular. This is a fermented milk product, a close relative of kefir.

One person in Europe consumes on average from 10 to 40 kg of yogurt per year, in our country this value reaches barely 2 kg, which is also quite a lot. Yogurts are popular due to good advertising, which says that this product can significantly improve human health. Let us find out further whether yogurt is really good for humans.


So is yogurt good for humans? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that only homemade yogurt made from milk and a special starter culture that contains two or more live active bacteria has a beneficial effect on the body. Their concentration must be at least 10 million cells - only in this case the product will be

These bacteria have a very short lifespan, so natural yogurt can last no more than a week at 7 °C. So think about it: what is the composition of store-bought yogurt if its shelf life reaches 30 days or even more?

The benefits of yogurt

Many people ask, “Is yogurt good for you?” It is known that natural yogurt differs from kefir only in the presence of fruit and sugar in it. Its benefits are as follows:

  1. It is rich in mineral components and vitamins, which make our bones strong and promote their full development, prevent the harmful effects of infections and have a general strengthening effect.
  2. Strengthens the activity of the immune system. If you eat 300 g of yogurt every day, which contains active microflora, this will significantly strengthen the immune system and will prevent viral and colds. After a couple of months of systematically taking the product we are considering, you will find that you begin to get sick less.
  3. Ensures gastrointestinal health. Daily consumption of yogurt has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. It helps with metabolic disorders and diarrhea. Some types of yogurt preserve microflora and protect the gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics, which destroy beneficial bacteria in it and contribute to the emergence of new infections in the body. Moreover, yogurt contains calcium and lactobacilli. The first of them not only preserves the elasticity and integrity of our bones, but also supports intestinal activity and even prevents the activity of bacteria that provoke the appearance of oncological diseases this organ. Lactobacilli provide beneficial intestinal microflora.
  4. Helps in the treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis). Taking natural yogurt reduces the number of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of plaque on the mucous membrane.
  5. Useful for people who are lactose intolerant. The lactic acid bacteria in yogurt perform the functions of digesting lactose. That is why it can be eaten by people whose bodies have too few enzymes to fully process milk.
  6. Removes unnecessary cholesterol from the body. If you eat 100 g of yogurt a day, you can get rid of the harmful and increase the number good cholesterol in blood. Thereby general state your body will improve.
  7. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms. This is caused by the product's ability to synthesize lactate.

What is contained in 100 g of yogurt?

Now you know the answer to the question: “Is drinking yogurt healthy?” Yes, very useful. It should be noted that only 100 g of this product contains 25% daily norm calcium and 15% phosphorus. It contains easily digestible protein, which allergic reactions doesn't call.

For whom is it effective?

Next we will talk about the projects “Are all yoghurts healthy?”, and now we will find out for whom the product we are considering is effective. It is known that healing qualities yogurt are similar to the benefits of kefir. This product is indicated for:

  • those suffering from dysbacteriosis;
  • old people;
  • improving the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • treatment and prevention of enteritis and colitis;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • strengthening the central nervous system, preventing depression and improving mood (thanks to phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B5, iron);
  • prevention and treatment of diseases characterized by decreased activity of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • activation of brain function;
  • weight normalization;
  • balancing hormonal levels women;
  • cleansing the body after poisoning and blocking carcinogens.

Harm of yogurt. Preservatives

Answer to the question "Useful Are there drinkable yoghurts? obvious. Yes, they are useful. Can they harm the human body? All the previously listed qualities apply only to natural yogurt. However, today stores sell yoghurts with a shelf life of about a month (as we talked about earlier), which means that such a product, in best case scenario, will be useless, and at worst, harmful.

Almost all yoghurts contain the preservative E1442. It is needed in order to increase the shelf life of the product. At the same time, this substance eliminates all useful qualities components of yogurt that could truly have a positive effect on the body. Many practicing doctors claim that E1442 (hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate) provokes the development of pancreatic necrosis.

E1442 is a large molecule found in corn starch, which is part of genetically modified corn and gradually destroys the pancreas, reduces its activity and contributes to the appearance of serious illnesses.

Harmful effects of sugar in yogurt

Homemade yogurt contains only 6 g of sugar per 150 g of product, while store-bought yogurt contains 5-6 times more. Yoghurt manufacturers add sugar to this large quantities in order to increase the popularity of their products and make them more attractive than kefir, sourdough or cottage cheese.

Eventually delicious product people eat in huge quantities, and this is fraught with obesity, damage to the teeth and oral cavity, and edema. Such products are dangerous especially for diabetics. Sugar also promotes calcium leaching.

It should also be noted that different types yogurts differ from each other not by the content of different fruits and juices, but by flavorings that are harmful human health. In many commercial yogurts you can find sodium citrate (E331), which increases stomach acidity.

Useful ingredients

Useful components in yoghurts they are destroyed very quickly. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are necessary for our body, die after a couple of days of storing yogurt. And the fact that this product stored in stores for a month or more, and people do not buy it within the first 24 hours after the date of creation, which means that they can only “enjoy” the flavorings and stabilizers.

Fruit and yogurt

Fruits cannot exist together with lactic acid bacteria. Then what are these components contained in yogurt? Pieces of peach, strawberry, kiwi and other fruits are added to it, frozen or canned.

Very often, enriched citric acid or sugar and flavored extracts that remain after creating marmalade or jelly. Such pieces are quite sterilized in an unusual way, exposing them to radiation.


Yogurt forms dangerous carcinogens in the body. Its attractive taste is known to be liked by everyone. For the fact that it is present in store-bought yoghurts, we must “thank” the manufacturers. After all, they are the ones who add aspartame or the flavor enhancer E-951 to it. This substance, once in the body, begins to release formaldehyde, formic acid and other harmful carcinogens.


Yogurt can also ferment. When a product expires, yeast appears in it, molds, putrefactive bacteria. Microbes begin to multiply, which promotes the release carbon dioxide. As a result, the packaging swells.

The human immune system destroys most of these bacteria. The same microorganisms that were able to overcome the attack of the immune system provoke the appearance of diarrhea and gas. It is these signs that indicate the entry of toxins and harmful microbes into the body.

When should you not drink natural yogurt?

  • flatulence (increases the creation of gases);
  • gastritis associated with high acidity stomach;
  • weak kidneys (may induce renal failure);
  • diarrhea (has a laxative effect);
  • stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • babies under 1 year of age (irritates the stomach of a fragile body).

As you can see, the benefits and harms of yogurt are quite controversial issue. We can say with confidence that this product has alternative replacement, which affects the body much better, for example, the same kefir.

Store-bought yogurts are just a marketing ploy and deception on the part of manufacturers who want to make money at the lowest cost. They don't care about your health! If you still want to treat yourself to yogurt, make it yourself. After all, this way you will know that there are no harmful chemical additives in its composition.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

It is known to be 68 kcal. It contains:

  • 3.2 g fat;
  • 5 g proteins;
  • 86.3 g water;
  • 3.5 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.7 g ash;
  • 1.3 g organic acids.

This product also contains the following vitamins:

  • 0.2 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • 22 mcg vitamin A (VE);
  • 0.31 mg vitamin B5;
  • 0.05 mg vitamin B6;
  • 0.02 mg retinol;
  • 1.4 mg vitamin PP;
  • 0.6 mg vitamin C;
  • 40 mg vitamin B4;
  • 0.04 mg vitamin B1;
  • 0.2 mg niacin;
  • 0.43 mcg vitamin B12;
  • 0.01 mg beta-carotene.

It also contains the following macroelements:

  • magnesium - 15 mg;
  • potassium - 147 mg;
  • phosphorus - 96 mg;
  • calcium - 122 mg;
  • chlorine - 100 mg;
  • sodium - 52 mg;
  • sulfur - 27 mg.

Yogurt also contains the following microelements:

  • 10 mcg copper;
  • 0.1 mg iron;
  • 5 mcg molybdenum;
  • 2 mcg selenium;
  • 9 mcg iodine;
  • 0.4 mg zinc;
  • 1 mcg cobalt;
  • 2 mcg chromium;
  • 20 mcg fluoride;
  • 0.006 mg manganese.


It is known that in Russian schools since 1999 the program “Talk about proper nutrition" This educational unique project developed at the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Academy of Education of the Russian Federation on the initiative and with the support of Nestlé Russia.

Today, 48 regions of the Russian Federation and more than 850 thousand schoolchildren and preschoolers participate in the project every year. They willingly conduct master classes and classes where they talk about healthy eating, are participants in various competitions. It is known that every research“Are all yoghurts healthy?”, carried out as part of this program, is excellent. Children use testing methods:

  1. Practical - observation, questioning, experiment.
  2. Theoretical - comparative analysis data.

In the process of exploration, kids discover many interesting facts about yogurt. So, many of them already know that the most important condition ripening is the participation of living microorganisms from the family of lactobacilli (Streptococcus thermophilus and Bacillus bulgaricus).

Few of you know whether Activia yogurt is healthy. But the kids found out that Activia is low-calorie product and the benefits from it are the same as from kefir. But since it contains different flavoring additives, they believe that it is better to use kefir, which can be combined with berries or dried fruits.

Surely you don’t know the answer to the question “Is Miracle yogurt healthy?” And the kids conducted research and determined what this product contains great amount stabilizers.

How to choose the healthiest yogurt?

If you want to buy yogurt in a store, give preference to the product that is made from milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria. It should also be free of gelatin and chemical additives.

Choose yogurt that either has no sugar or contains very little sugar. Always pay attention to the expiration date.

Do you want to improve your work? digestive system and strengthen the immune system? There is nothing simpler - include it in your daily diet yogurt. This fermented dairy product known to man hundreds of years old, simply stuffed with useful nutrients. Yogurt improves digestion and helps the body cope with infections. Eat yogurt every day and you'll soon be able to... by example Convince yourself of the benefits of yogurt.

Nutritional value of yogurt

Yogurt is a product of the oxidation of milk by beneficial, “good” bacteria, lactobacilli bulgaricus and lactobacilli thermophilus. During the processing of milk protein, these bacteria produce nutrients necessary for the human body. Yogurt has great nutritional value. It is absorbed better than whole milk (by about 60%).

As a result of the activity of these bacteria, yogurt contains more vitamin B12, vitamin B3 and vitamin A than milk! B vitamins are necessary for obtaining energy from food, normal operation nervous system and regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin A helps keep your skin and eyes healthy and is also essential for fighting infections. Therefore, regular consumption of yogurt - this tasty and healthy product - provides the body required quantity nutrients and vitamins.

Improved digestion

Beneficial bacteria, which are contained in yogurt, help maintain the desired acidity of the digestive system, which helps prevent constipation and diarrhea, and improves the absorption of nutrients contained in foods. Calcium in the product plays a significant role in protecting the body from celiac diseases. It creates an environment for the development of beneficial microflora and inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora. Yogurt is very useful for those who suffer from diseases and disorders of the digestive system, such as chronic indigestion, gastritis and other diseases.

Yogurt can be consumed even by those who cannot tolerate the protein found in fresh milk. Under the influence of lactic acid formed as a result of bacterial activity, milk protein breaks down into small flakes and its digestibility increases.


The works of I.I. played a major role in the spread of fermented milk products, especially yogurt. Mechnikov. He believed that premature aging the human body is a consequence of constant exposure to it toxic substances, accumulating in the intestines as a result of the activity of putrefactive microorganisms. At constant use yogurt, lactic acid, formed as a result of the development of lactic acid bacteria, changes the reaction of the environment in the intestines and suppresses the activity of putrefactive microflora, protecting the body from slow poisoning by poisons. Ilya Mechnikov discovered that yogurt can treat some bacterial infections. Bulgarian spoiled milk(BKM) stimulates the immune system not only of the intestines, but of the entire body. Regular appointment BKM increases the number of cytokines, lymphocytes and natural killer cells, as well as the synthesis of interferon gamma, which blocks the reproduction of viruses; substances with antitumor effects are synthesized, irritation of the mucous membrane is eliminated, and the risk of colon cancer is reduced. Also, daily inclusion of yogurt in food reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Doctors recommend eating yogurt every day, but be careful - yogurts sold in regular stores and supermarkets may contain preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavors, dyes, a lot of refined sugar and very little bacteria. It is best to prepare yogurt at home to ensure its freshness and quality.

From cow's milk get yogurt (dahi), which also refers to useful products in Vedic cooking.

What's healthy about yogurt?

Yogurt contains: a lot of protein - about 8g per glass of yogurt,calcium – about 400 mg of calcium per glass of yogurt, potassium, vitamin B. Thanks to living bio-bacteria, which are found in some types of yogurt:
    strengthens the immune system, hematopoietic systemcreates an unfavorable environment for the development of colon and breast cancer,prevents constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, inflammatory diseases intestines,an unfavorable environment for development is being created vaginal infections, such as candida (thrush).
Yogurt also helps:
    prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis,enhance hematopoiesis and reproductive fluids of the body,reduce the risk of high blood pressure,the quality of skin, hair and nails improves.

How to choose the most healthy yogurt?

    Give preference to yoghurts that are made from milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria without admixtures of gelatin and chemical additives. Yogurt containing live probiotics helps improve the functioning of the digestive system.Give preference to yoghurts that either do not contain sugar or contain it in very small quantities.Pay attention to the expiration date of yogurt.

You will never get tired of a healthy fermented milk drink if you know how to eat yogurt different ways. The healthiest yogurt is made yourself from high-quality milk. You can read how to do it correctly.

  • Yogurt is very useful for those who suffer gastrointestinal diseases, overweight people.
  • Average rate product intake - 200-250 ml. per day, you can divide it into two times and eat yogurt in different dishes for breakfast and dinner.
  • It is preferable to take low-fat yogurt. If you make it yourself, use low-fat milk.
  • After taking antibiotics, taking yogurt with live bacteria is mandatory! This will help restore microflora and maintain immunity.
  • The shelf life of yogurt with live lactocultures is no more than 7 days; if the manufacturer specified a longer period, the quality of the yogurt will not be high.

Yogurt first courses

  • The soup made from unsweetened low-fat yogurt with the addition of fresh young herbs is very tasty. You need to take about 100 grams of various herbs - parsley, cilantro, basil, you can even add dill and sorrel. Wash all the greens thoroughly, remove the stems, chop, sprinkle with salt so that the herbs release juice. After this, pour 200 ml of the mixture. yogurt. This soup is eaten with dry croutons made from coarse bread. Yogurt in this form is very useful for losing weight.
  • The second version of yogurt soup will definitely appeal to children and those with a sweet tooth. Yogurt should be poured over freshly prepared berry or fruit puree. For this dish, use seasonal berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, currants, plums. Thoroughly wash and grind 100 g of prepared raw materials with a blender, then add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 200 ml. yogurt. We get a wonderful soup that can replace both the first course and dessert.

Salad dressing

Typically, those who are interested in how to eat yogurt use it as healthy drink and they completely forget that they can replace unhealthy mayonnaise in salads. For 200 ml. unsweetened low-fat yogurt, take a couple of crushed garlic cloves, a pinch of ground black pepper, two teaspoons of tomato paste. Salt on the tip of a knife and half a teaspoon of sugar will make the sauce tasty and piquant. Mix all the ingredients, leave for half an hour and season any salad.

Yogurt dessert

Yogurt is used as the main ingredient delicious desserts. If you pour chopped fruits or berries into a bowl, pour yogurt over them and freeze them a little, you will get not only tasty, but also very healthy dessert. If you are not concerned about your weight, then you can add broken cookies, ground nuts or chocolate chips to fruits or berries.