Sulgin or phthalazole which is better. Fthalazol: instructions for use of tablets. Instructions for use of Phthalazol for children

In addition to poisoning, many diseases are accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. Dysentery is an infectious disease of acute or chronic course, one of the pronounced symptoms of which is diarrhea. It requires immediate attention, as there is a risk of dehydration. As you know, dehydration is extremely dangerous, especially for children, in whom it develops several times faster. Phthalazol is antimicrobial agent, which are often prescribed for infectious intestinal diseases. Phthalazolum should not be thoughtlessly taken by everyone, as the product has its own contraindications and features during use.

Instructions for use of Phthalazol

Phthalazolum is approved for use not only in adult patients, but also in children over 3 years of age. The instructions for use of the product say that:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old. If the medicine was prescribed for the treatment of acute dysentery, then you should adhere to the following treatment regimen: in the first two days of therapy, you should take 1 g of Phthalazole 6 times a day, then, for the next two days (i.e., day 3-4), the drug is used in the same dose, but 4 times a day. Already on the 5-6th day of therapy, 1 g of the drug is taken every 8 hours - 3 times a day. For complete cure the disease usually requires a course of 25-30 g of medication. Having completed the first course of treatment in this way, you should wait at least 5-6 days and start the second.
    Here the dosage and method of using Phthalazolum is different: the first or second day -
    take one gram of medicine every 4 hours (at night they take a break of 8 hours), the total amount is 5 g. Then, on the 3-4th day, take 1 g of medicine every 4 hours, at night it is not prescribed at all - only 4 g per day. On day 5, the medicine is also taken at a dose of 1 g every 4 hours, but not more than 3 g per day. The second course should involve the use of 21 grams of the drug. If the disease occurs in mild form, then the second course may include 18 g of Phthalazole.

Other diseases of the intestinal infectious type, in which diarrhea is also present, require a slightly different use of the medicine for this age category. In the first couple of days of illness, 1-2 g of the drug is usually prescribed every 4-6 hours, then (2-3 days) - 0.5-1 g of the antimicrobial drug.

  • Children 3-12 years old. Phthalazole for children aged 3 to 7 years is prescribed at a dose of 500 mg at a time, 4 times a day. Patients aged from 7 to 12 years take from 500 to 750 mg of the drug at a time, also 4 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed 7 days, but the remedy relieves diarrhea in acute dysentery more quickly.

If we're talking about about the treatment of other diseases in children 3-12 years old, Phthalazolum is usually taken on the first day based on an individually calculated process: 100 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. The dose obtained by correct calculation is divided into equal parts and given to the child every 4 hours (a break should be taken at night). Starting from the second day, the child, depending on age, is given 250-500 mg of the drug every 6-8 hours. As in the case of acute dysentery, here the course of treatment with the drug is also 7 days.

Sometimes it is difficult for a child to swallow pills, not only whole, but also in halves. In such cases, the tablet should be crushed and soaked in water (boiled and cold).

What is Fthalazol prescribed for?

Phthalazolum is an antimicrobial agent. Sometimes it is prescribed in parallel with effective antibiotics, which helps to get a more pronounced therapeutic effect from the medicine. Phthalazol has the following indications for use:

  • Dysentery acute course, otherwise called shigellosis;
  • Dysentery chronic type, which has become aggravated due to a number of factors;
  • Colitis/gastroenterocolitis/enterocolitis;
  • Prevention of infections during surgical operations, for which the drug is drunk before surgery.

The necessary bacteriostatic effect that the drug provides is carried out by such an active and effective substance as phthalylsulfathiazole (phthalylsulfathiazole) 500 mg per tablet. It is worth saying that phthalylsulfathiazole is a sulfonamide that actively fights intestinal infections.

Absorption of the substance, as the description of the drug says, occurs extremely slowly. The predominant part of the active substance is retained and remains in small intestine. It is there that the extremely slow molecular breakdown of phthalylsulfathizole occurs. The main part of the drug is excreted in the feces, however, a small percentage (5-10%) is distributed throughout the body as evenly as possible, and then excreted through the kidneys and urine.

Phthalazole price

Phthalazole is a cheap-budget drug that every patient can afford without hesitation. If anyone needs to find its analogue, it will 100% not be because of the unpleasant cost.

Usually the drug is available in all pharmacies, but if suddenly the shelves of the pharmacy are empty, you can turn to the online pharmacy for help. Options for changing the antimicrobial agent may also be considered.

Available analogues of Phthalazole

Sometimes there are situations when Fthalazol requires replacement with another drug. You should not do this yourself, as in the end there is a risk of getting certain complications. Phthalazole analogues include the following agents of similar/identical action:

  • Bactrim (Bactrim);
  • Berlocid (Berlocid);
  • Biseptole (Biseptol);
  • Bripheseptole (Brifeseptol);
  • Dvaseptole (Dvaseptol);
  • Ko-trimoxazol (Co-trimoxazole);
  • Metosylfabol (Metosulfabol);
  • Oriprim (Oriprim);
  • Sinersul (Sinersul);
  • Sulotrim (Sulotrim);
  • Sulgine (Sulgin);
  • Phtazine (Ftazin);
  • Furazolidon (Furazolidone);
  • Phthalylsulfathiazole (Phthalylsulfathizole);
  • Reflor (Reflor).

The last option is a “foreign” drug that saves you from diarrhea if you are in Turkey. Eucarbon is the same Activated carbon, also sold in Turkish areas (and in resorts). Poisoning is a common occurrence for travelers and vacationers in Turkey, since all-inclusive products sometimes cause disturbances that interfere with their vacation.

All analogues of the product are located in approximately the same price category(plus or minus), and do not require large financial investments, as they are relatively budget-friendly. Before replacing it is worth mandatory consult your infectious disease doctor, as it happens that the medicine is not suitable (especially for severe/advanced cases).

Black peppercorns can help prevent frequent diarrhea. But they should not be from poisoning.


The use of Phthalazone must be responsible, so you should first study the list of contraindications that the drug has. Meaning the following contraindications(absolutely non-negotiable) to the use of the type of antimicrobial drug:

  • Intolerance to sulfonamides/individual intolerance to any of the components (idiosyncrasy);
  • Allergy to sulfonamides/their main/additional components;
  • Blood diseases (morbo hematopoietic ratio) leukemia/leukocytosis/anemia/leukopenia, etc.);
  • Diffuse toxic goiter or Bazedow-Graves disease (toxicus gutturi diffundunt);
  • Chronic kidney failure (longos renum defectum);
  • All types of acute hepatitis (acuti-Hepatitis);
  • Glomerulonephritis (longos-glomerulonephritis);
  • Intestinal obstruction (TORMENTUM);
  • Pregnancy and lactation (the active substance penetrates the placental barrier/in breast milk;
  • Children under three years of age.

Opinions about the drug

Before using this or that product, most modern patients, who have the Internet on their phone/tablet/computer, try to find all kinds of reviews about it. This helps to navigate in what situations the medicine may not work well. better side and how best to take it. The bulk of reviews about this antimicrobial agent are, of course, positive - negative reviews very little, just a few. It is worth saying that these are not positive reviews are based on the general shortcomings of the drug (perhaps all drugs have them), but do not in any way affect the overall completely positive opinion. For example, patients do not like the unpleasantly bitter taste of the tablets, as well as their excessively large size, which is difficult for children of any age to swallow and the tablet must be halved or quartered, or completely crushed and diluted with water. Also, patients do not like that in order to completely eliminate such unpleasant phenomenon, like diarrhea, these tablets must be taken after what they consider to be a period of time that is too long.

If we talk about the undeniable advantages of the drug, then patients who have used it are sure to note it high efficiency during treatment, good help for diarrhea (while more expensive and “branded” products are practically powerless), attractively low cost, available in almost all pharmacies (even in small PGTs and rural areas), a huge shelf life for medicines. It is worth noting that most patients assure that during treatment they did not encounter such phenomena as allergies/adverse reactions to the drug.

It is no secret that many people know what Phthalazol is indicated for - it is used to treat dysentery and other infectious diseases. This one is inexpensive and effective drug You will probably find it in your first aid kit. But it must be used with caution, because side effects no one can be insured. How does it affect the body? Let's get a look!

What does phthalazole help with?

So, Fthalazol is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, which also acts on pathogens of intestinal infections. The main indications for its use are infectious diseases and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of both the stomach and small intestine);
  • colitis;
  • dysentery;
  • inflammation during intestinal operations, etc.

Application of Phthalazol

The dosage of the drug and the frequency of administration are calculated individually for each patient, taking into account the disease, the nature of its course, the age and condition of the patient. Whatever the doctor prescribes Fthalazol tablets for, before starting treatment he must determine the sensitivity of the microflora that provoked the disease to this drug.

For the treatment of, for example, dysentery in acute form adults are prescribed only 25-30 grams. for the first cycle of treatment. A single dose is 1 gram, with the frequency of administration reduced every two days: in the first two days the drug is taken every 4 hours, on days 3 and 4 - every 6 hours, then every 8 hours. During the second cycle, stopping taking it at night, gradually reduce the dose of the medication. The maximum single dose for adults is 2 grams, no more than 7 grams can be taken per day; for children, the dose is calculated depending on body weight.

For other diseases, dosages vary slightly - adults, for example, are prescribed up to 2 grams. every 4-6 hours, then the dose is halved.


The use of Phthalazol is not possible in case of individual sensitivity to the drug itself, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as when the patient is diagnosed with:

  • Graves' disease(increased secretion of thyroid hormones);
  • blood diseases;
  • hepatitis.

It should not be taken by those who are allergic to certain drugs - furosemide, sulfonylurea derivatives, thiazide diuretics, etc. There is also an age restriction: the drug is contraindicated in children under 2 months of age (except in cases of congenital toxoplasmosis).

Side effects and overdose

In some patients, taking Phthalazole may cause unpleasant symptoms, first of all this:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • myocardial damage (myocarditis);
  • bluish skin color (cyanosis);
  • leukopenia and thrombocytopenia;
  • hemolysis of red blood cells;
  • aplastic anemia (with long-term treatment);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis (gum inflammation) and other lesions of the oral cavity;
  • gastritis;
  • cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts);
  • hepatitis;
  • hypovitaminosis (in particular, lack of B vitamins);
  • eosinophilic pneumonia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic reactions(rash, Lyell's syndrome, swelling of the lips and face), etc.

An overdose of Phthalazole occurs rarely, its symptoms are mainly caused by a deficiency folic acid: the patient may experience macrocytosis, characterized by large size red blood cells, and pancytopenia. To prevent such consequences for the body, doctors prescribe folic acid or calcium folinate.

Compatibility with other drugs

The use of this drug together with certain drugs may cause side effects: for example, an increased risk of developing agranulocytosis (thioacetazone, chloramphenicol), anemia or methemoglobinemia (nitrofurans).

Phthalazole can enhance the effect of other drugs (anticoagulants indirect action) or reduce their activity (oxacillin). Para-aminosalicylic acid and barbiturates can enhance the effect of Phthalazole itself, as well as drugs containing para-aminobenzoic acid esters (dicaine, novocaine). Antibiotics will also enhance the effect.

It must be remembered that Fthalazol is chemically incompatible with some substances (acids and acid-reacting drugs, hexamethylenetetramine, adrenaline solution). While using Phthalazole, you must stop drinking alcohol, otherwise it will negatively affect your health.

Now you know the medicine Fthalazol for what and how it is used. We hope that before taking this drug you will consult your doctor, because he can have quite strong effect on the body. Be healthy!

The drug Fthalazol is an antibacterial drug belonging to the sulfonamide group. Its target effect is quite narrow, directed against intestinal microflora pharmacological action. It is practically not absorbed into the blood. Phthalazole has therapeutic effect directly to the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug, as a rule, should be taken in the presence of microbial lesions in the intestinal mucosa, which are accompanied by prolonged loose stools, flatulence, and a feeling of discomfort in the intestines. abdominal cavity, nausea and vomiting. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the body after poisoning. Phthalazole is the drug of first choice in the treatment of foodborne diseases.

The drug is available only in the form of tablets, packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. This product is recommended have in every home medicine cabinet in case of the unexpected food poisoning. Thanks to it, diarrhea of ​​any etiology quickly stops, which helps reduce fluid loss. Phthalazole is not an antibiotic drug.

The advantages of this medicine are as follows:

  • Oppressive microflora that has been destroyed active substance, excreted from the gastrointestinal tract naturally along with feces due to defecation. Together with them, the remains of the drug leave the body.
  • Because blood doesn't absorb as much medicine, then the body absorbs only a tenth of the medicine taken. It enters the liver through the blood and is excreted from the body by the kidneys.
  • The drug does not accumulate in the body, does not cause addiction in the body, and the effectiveness of the action does not decrease even with repeated use of phthalazole for diarrhea.

Sulfathiazole is the main active substance tablets. This component penetrates the structure of the pathogen's cell, inhibiting the metabolism of folic acid, which leads to a stop in the synthesis of daughter DNA and makes their abundant reproduction impossible. In tissues human body this substance does not accumulate even in the case of prolonged use of the drug, therefore the body does not get used to it and the effectiveness of the effect does not decrease.

Fthalazol: indications for use

If you follow the instructions, the tablets are recommended for use when various violations bowel function resulting from exposure quantitative composition and the amount of food consumed. Additional feature medication is that it significantly reduces increased level gas formation.

Phthalazole helps in the treatment of the following diseases:

The use of phthalazole is indicated for patients without infectious lesion mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract if they are prepared for surgical interventions. Phthalazole is prescribed children at advanced stages dysbiosis provoked as a result of taking broad-spectrum antibiotics. IN in this case The tablets suppress the symptoms of dysbacteriosis and the manifestations of diarrhea.

Fthalazol: instructions for use

Since this remedy, like its analogues, belongs to the group of sulfonamides, it is recommended to drink it half an hour to an hour before meals. Medical workers strongly recommended during the course of treatment drink at least 2-3 liters of liquid in a day. According to the instructions for the drug and its analogues, daily norm should not exceed 7 g, and one dose should not exceed 2 g. Based on the indications, adults should consume 1-2 g every six hours for at least 5-7 days in a row. One-time appointment of the drug and its analogues for a child aged 3-7 years should be 0.4-0.5 g, and for a child aged 8-14 years - 0.5-0.75. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed seven days.

Phthalazol: analogues

Phthalazol: price. Regarding the price for this drug, then he quite affordable and anyone can afford it. average price the drug is 30-40 rubles.

Fthalazol: reviews

On the Internet you can find many various reviews, according to statistics, more than half of them are positive reviews, which indicates an excellent ratio of quality and price. To avoid tormenting yourself with doubts, purchase phthalazole at the pharmacy and keep it in your family medicine cabinet in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

Medicine Ftolazol

Good afternoon everyone. I decided to leave my review, maybe it will help someone. I was diagnosed with a disease that required treatment surgical intervention. The operation was successful, but afterwards I began to feel severe inflammatory process intestinal mucosa. Fortunately, my doctor prescribed me Fthalazol, which after a while began to have the desired effect. I recommend to everyone! Thanks to the manufacturers.

Vladimir, 35 years old

For many years I have been regularly using Fthalazol to combat intestinal difficulties. Sorry for being frank, but diarrhea is a problem that plagues me long years, and these pills help me lead my usual lifestyle, and at an affordable price.

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 62 years old

I rarely leave reviews, but I just can’t help but speak out here. I have big family: husband, me and four children. Various unpleasant incidents happen, but Ftalozol always comes to our aid. It is accessible, non-addictive, and the child accepts it perfectly. We always have it in our first aid kit.

At various violations intestinal microflora, experts suggest using the drug “Fthalazol” during therapy. What does it help with? this medicine? How to take it correctly? This information is presented below.

Short description

This drug is available exclusively in tablet form.

Some experts argue that a blister with such pills should be present in every home medicine cabinet in case of sudden poisoning.

So, what exactly are Fthalazol tablets? What does it help with? this remedy? We give an exhaustive answer: this effective medicine, which helps very well with a variety of microbial lesions of the intestinal mucosa.


The drug "Fthalazol": indications for use

The drug is highly effective in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • colitis;
  • dysentery (acute and chronic forms);
  • any imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • salmonellosis;
  • infectious diseases.

When preparing a patient for surgery intestinal tract he is most often prescribed the drug Fthalazol.

What else does the above remedy help with:

  • food poisoning;
  • dysbacteriosis in children.

But not in all cases you can use Fthalazol tablets. The indications for use listed above are not taken into account if the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • severe vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • multiple loose stool(more than eight times a day).

Experts note that in such a situation the patient should seek medical care, and under no circumstances take Phthalazol tablets on your own without a doctor’s prescription. The use of the medicine in question can be harmful to the patient’s health, since dehydration and disruption occur in the body. electrolyte balance blood.


The instructions prohibit the use of the drug "Fthalazol" for the treatment of imbalances of intestinal microflora and other concomitant diseases if the patient has the following problems:

  • blood diseases;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • Graves' disease.

For young patients under two years of age, the drug Fthalazol is contraindicated. Indications are also not taken into account if the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the above drug.

In addition, the instructions prohibit the use of this drug for therapy intestinal disorders which are caused by fungal infections of the mucous membrane. IN otherwise The patient’s well-being may worsen, because the drug does not have a damaging effect on bacteria, it only inhibits their growth.

The drug "Fthalazol" should be used with extreme caution in patients suffering from nephritis and nephrosis.

Side effects

As a result of taking the above medication, the gastrointestinal tract in in some cases The patient may experience the following side effects:

  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • decreased appetite;
  • development of intestinal candidiasis;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty in defecation;
  • vomit.

Sometimes patients experience symptoms of allergic reactions, such as watery eyes, skin rashes, and regular sneezing. IN similar cases the patient should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor.

Mode of application

When observing symptoms of dysentery, the patient is prescribed a course of therapy according to the following scheme:

  • the first two days he needs to take 1 g of medication six times a day;
  • on the third and fourth days the patient should take 1 g of the drug four times;
  • on the fifth and sixth days he is prescribed no more than 1 g of medication three times.

Then patients should undergo a second course of treatment according to the appropriate regimen:

  • in the first two days he should take 1 g of the medicine six times a day (at night, it is taken every eight hours, so the final dose of the drug during this period is about 5 g daily);
  • over the next two days, the patient needs to take 1 g of the product every four hours (do not take it at night).

During the entire course of therapy, the patient must take at least 21 g of the above drug.

If the disease is in a particularly mild form, then minimum dosage can be reduced to eighteen grams. Any changes to the dosage regimen must be agreed with a specialist.

How to give Phthalazol tablets to children? For young patients who have not yet reached three years old, it is allowed to take the drug at the rate of 0.2 g per kilogram of body weight. This dose is then divided into three parts and given to children every eight hours (that is, about three times a day).

If little patient for more than three years, he is prescribed medication in the amount of 0.4 - 0.75 g per kilogram of body weight. This dose is then divided into four parts. The drug is given to the child every six hours, that is, no more than four times a day.

Other disorders of the intestinal microflora are treated with other dosages of the drug:

  • adult patients can take 1 g of medication 4 times in 24 hours in the first three days, in the next three days the above dosage is halved;
  • For small patients, specialists prescribe the drug at the rate of 0.1 g per kilogram of body weight four times a day (this is on the first day), then the dosage is reduced by 50%, the drug is taken three times a day.

Patients who are pregnant are allowed to take the pills in question only under the strict supervision of a specialist. It should be noted that the active substance of the above medicine does not penetrate into breast milk, so if necessary, it can be taken without fear by nursing mothers.

Experts advise patients to take B vitamins (nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin) during therapy. This will inhibit the growth of E. coli, which is responsible for the synthesis of the above vitamins.

Interaction with other drugs

The effectiveness of the above medicine is greatly enhanced by antibiotics. The same interaction is observed when combining the drug "Fthalazol" with sulfonamides.

In addition, experts note that the manifestation of hepatotoxicity of the above drug is enhanced by myelotoxic drugs.

The drug "Fthalazol" is an excellent assistant in the fight against intestinal infections of various etiologies.

Phthalazole- antimicrobial agent, has wide range actions, including pathogens of intestinal infections. Acts primarily in the intestinal lumen. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect on the pathogen, stopping the growth and reproduction of the microorganism. The cellular process of synthesis of factors of reproduction and growth of the bacterial cell is disrupted. Sulfathiazole enters the pathogen cell through cell wall, inhibits folic acid metabolism, which is necessary for most bacteria to synthesize nucleic acid components, namely purine and pyrimidine nitrogenous bases, which stops the synthesis of daughter DNA and makes reproduction impossible. The drug is absorbed slowly after oral administration, most of it is retained in the intestinal lumen, which explains the advisability of its use in intestinal infections and invasions. In the lumen digestive tract the substance undergoes chemical destruction with the release of the active part - sulfonamide group molecule, resulting in the molecule being transformed into sulfathiazole, which has the prescribed pharmacological effect.
Phthalazole is active against the following group of microorganisms:
Shigella dysenteriae (Shigella, the classic causative agent of dysentery)
Escherich coli ( coli, which is part of the healthy intestinal flora, there are pathogenic and opportunistic strains)
Various types of gram-positive cocci: staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, meningococci, gonococci
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
Proteus vulgaris (Proteus)
Additionally, the drug can have an anti-inflammatory effect due to some limitation of the migration ability of leukocytes, a decrease in their total number in the intestinal mucosa. The ability to partially increase the release of glucocorticosteroids, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, has been noted.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug Phthalazole are: dysentery (intestinal disease caused by protozoa), colitis (inflammation of the colon), gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine), intestinal surgery.

Mode of application

Before prescribing the drug Phthalazole it is desirable to determine the sensitivity of the microflora to it that caused the disease in a given patient. In the acute form of dysentery, adult patients are prescribed 6 g per day orally on days 1-2 (every 4 hours, 1 g), on days 3-4 - 4 g per day (every 6 hours, 1 g) , on the 5-6th day - 3 g per day (every 8 hours, 1 g). The course of treatment is only 25-30 g.
After the first cycle of treatment (after 5-6 days), the second cycle is carried out: 1-2 days - 1 g every 4 hours (at night after 8 hours), a total of 5 g per day; 3-4th day - 1 g every 4 hours (do not give at night), only 4 g per day; Day 5 - 1 g every 4 hours (do not give at night), only 3 g per day. During the second cycle, the total dose is 21 g; at mild flow illness, the dose for the second cycle can be reduced to 18 g.
Higher doses for adults orally: single dose - 2 g, daily dose - 7 g.
For children, phthalazole is prescribed in smaller doses: up to 3 years - up to 0.2 g/kg per day; daily dose give three in equal parts during the day without disturbing night sleep. The drug is given at the indicated dose for 7 days. Children over 3 years old are prescribed 0.4-0.75 g (depending on age) per dose 4 times a day.
When treating other infections, phthalazole is prescribed to adults in the first 2-3 days, 1-2 g every 4-6 hours, in the next 2-3 days - half doses.
Children are prescribed 0.1 g/kg per day on the 1st day. The drug is given in equal doses every 4 hours with a break at night. IN next days give 0.2-0.5 g every 6-8 hours.

Side effects

Use of the drug Phthalazole may cause the following side effects: allergic reactions (rash, fever), deficiency of B vitamins (due to inhibition of intestinal microflora), agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia.


Phthalazole contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, Graves' disease, acute hepatitis, blood disease, children under 2 years of age.


During pregnancy, use Phthalazole permitted only when necessary when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. The drug must be completely eliminated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Due to low absorption and toxicity, the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been determined; no teratogenic or developmental inhibitory effects have been identified, but reactions from the maternal body are possible. There were no cases of disturbances in the course of pregnancy and childbirth after taking the drug. During lactation, the use of phthalazole is permissible if absolutely necessary, since part of the absorbed drug passes through the bloodstream into breast milk and can cause long-term use disruption of the child's intestinal biocenosis. When treating with the drug during breastfeeding, you should try to take it immediately after feeding; it may be advisable to use eubiotics in the child’s diet as a preventive measure for microflora disorders. It is very rare for a child to have kernicterus and hemolytic reaction in children suffering from glucose-6-FDG deficiency.

Interaction with other drugs

Phthalazole in combination with salicylates, diphenine can lead to an increased toxic effect.
The drug is not compatible with oxacillin and nitrofurans. In combination with calcium chloride and vitamin K, blood clotting is reduced.


In case of drug overdose Phthalazole side effects increase. Nausea, vomiting. Apply symptomatic treatment.

Storage conditions

Phthalazole store in a dry place, protected from light, at temperatures up to 25°C.

Release form

Powder; tablets 0.5 g in a package of 10 pieces.


1 tablet Phthalazole contains 0.5 g phthalylsulfathiazole.

Main settings

ATX code: A07AB02 -