Medicinal properties and contraindications of Kalanchoe, indications for use, help with a cold. What heals Kalanchoe - the use of a unique plant

The name "Kalanchoe", unusual for Russian hearing, came to us from the Chinese language, and is also used in the Latin name. Under natural conditions, this plant is common in tropical regions of Africa, South and Southeast Asia and South America.

Meanwhile, Kalanchoe has long turned from an exotic guest into our good friend and family doctor. Now it can be found on the windowsills of many city apartments.

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family. All plants of this botanical community have succulent stems and fleshy leaves. No wonder the Latin name of the family comes from the word crassus - "thick". Such well-known medicinal plants as Rhodiola rosea (golden root) and various stonecrops belong to this wonderful family. The genus Kalanchoe is small by botanical standards - it includes about 200 species. But despite their relative small number, representatives of this genus offer such a rich selection of properties that it is simply impossible to resist and not have this unique plant at home. The most common species in our country - Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremont - are widely known among the people due to their healing properties. They are used not only in traditional medicine, but have been studied and evaluated by official medicine. Many amateur flower growers are attracted by the decorative properties of various Kalanchoe and the colorful variety of its flowers. Some species are distinguished by unusual forms of stems and leaves. Kalanchoe felt, for example, has a very beautiful unusual pubescence of leaves.

But most striking is the unique ability of Kalanchoe to vegetative reproduction. And not only cuttings and fragments of leaves, but also with the help of the so-called "children". Such types of Kalanchoe are called "pseudo-viviparous". Some botanists distinguish them in an independent genus - bryophyllum (Briophyllum). Translated from Greek, this name means "sprouting leaf." Such an extraordinary ability of a plant to generate many new viable organisms at one time struck the great German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe. In one of his letters, he writes about Kalanchoe: “Just as countless new shoots arise from one leaf, so from one constant love you can draw more and more happiness.” In memory of the poet, Kalanchoe is called the “Goethe tree” or “Goethe flower”.

Types of Kalanchoe

Of course, we are primarily interested in those species that are valued for their medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe Degremont (Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Briophyllum daigremontianum). The homeland of this species is the tropical regions of Africa, the Cape region, the island of Madagascar. Unpretentious - it can be found along the sea coasts, along the banks of rivers, on rocky slopes and dry open places. Like other types of Kalanchoe, it is a perennial herbaceous plant.

The leaves are fleshy, characteristic shape: narrow-ovate or oblong-lanceolate; sometimes folded along the midrib; elongated, reminiscent of the muzzle of a crocodile; quite long - in nature they can reach a length of 20 cm. The color of the leaves is grayish-green, there may be purple spots on the lower surface.

This species is the champion among Kalanchoe in vegetative reproduction. Numerous brood buds appear along the edges of the leaves in the depressions between the teeth. They develop into small plants with aerial roots. Once on the ground, they successfully develop into an adult plant.

Pinnate Kalanchoe (Kalanchoepinnata). It is difficult to establish the homeland of this plant now - perhaps these are the Cape Verde Islands, the Canary Islands, or the same Madagascar. The fact is that it has long been grown in agriculture in both hemispheres. And since reproduction does not pose any particular problems for him, the pinnate Kalanchoe is able to easily run wild and settle down in unfamiliar areas.

Under natural conditions, this plant is quite large - it can reach a height of 1 meter. The stem is woody below, the root is short, branched. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, arranged oppositely; the lower ones are simple, oval in shape, with a corrugated edge; upper - imparipinisto-dissected or divided into 3-5 lobes. Their coloration is lighter than that of the previous species. The flowers are large, tubular, greenish-white-pink, up to 3-5 cm long, collected in apical paniculate inflorescence. Blooms in the second year of life, usually in the winter-spring period (February-March), irregularly; characterized by poor fruiting.

Kalanchoe pinnate also forms brood buds, but less often and not as abundantly as Degremon's Kalanchoe. It is able to form daughter plants on leaves distant from the mother plant and placed in water.

Both Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremont - both of these plants received the honorary titles of "tree of life", "indoor ginseng", "home doctor" and even "surgeon without a knife" among the people. They say that even Goethe used their healing properties - he ate a tablespoon of "children" every day, this plant to rejuvenate the body. The story about these medicinal properties is still ahead of us.

Of those types of Kalanchoe that are valued for their decorative properties, it is worth mentioning Kalanchoe Blossfeld, Fedchenko, Bekhar, felt, tubular, and Kalanchoe Panda.

Biochemical composition

The biochemical composition of the green mass of Kalanchoe has not yet been fully studied. Scientists still have something to work on, explaining the healing effect of juice on the human body.

Succulent leaves and stem contain up to 94% moisture. The juice contains:

flavonoids (gealin, quercetin, kaempferol);

organic acids (malic, acetic, citric, oxalic);



certain enzymes (eg, malic acid dehydrase, oxalic acid carboxylase);

vitamins (including C and P);

mineral salts, micro and macro elements (aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, silicon and manganese).

The biological activity of Kalanchoe juice is primarily due to the unique combination of chemical compounds that make up its composition.

Flavonoid glycosides have P-vitamin activity. This means that they are able to have a bactericidal and choleretic effect on the body, help to eliminate toxic and radioactive substances from the body.

Tannins give the plant astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties. Enzymes are necessary participants in the metabolism, playing the role of catalysts in it. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the regulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level, in particular oxidative processes; increases resistance to infections. Vitamin P (rutin) strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Pharmacological properties

Kalanchoe has been used for medicinal purposes in our country for a long time. The first to pay attention to the "tree" of life was not at all official doctors, but lovers of indoor floriculture and began to use it not only as an external remedy, but also for oral administration.

People quickly noticed the plant's outstanding ability to heal wounds and relieve inflammation, cure a runny nose, help with colds, and serve as a prophylactic during an influenza epidemic. Fresh mashed Kalanchoe leaves stop bleeding from wounds, quickly relieve acute pain, even toothache, treat panaritium (purulent inflammation of the nail bag) and mastitis (breast); perfectly heal wounds, frostbite, burns, fistulas. Kalanchoe juice in everyday life successfully treats skin rashes and even eczema. In cosmetology, with the help of Kalanchoe juice, they successfully fight acne and age spots on the face.

Observant flower growers began to share their experience, including in the media. In the early 60s, research medical institutions became interested in reports of a unique healing plant. Kalanchoe was paid attention as a source of new medicines for domestic medicine. Laboratory testing and clinical trials have confirmed the miraculous properties of the plant. In addition, as a result of numerous experiments, its complete harmlessness was established.

Since 1966, juice and ointment based on Kalanchoe juice have been included in the state register of medicinal products, and at first the plant was used only as an external remedy for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, fistulas, burns.

As a medicinal raw material, the aerial part of Kalanchoe pinnate is used. Juice is obtained from juicy fleshy leaves and stems, then it is subjected to special processing. Due to the large number of biologically active substances, Kalanchoe juice has a lot of useful properties. He possesses:

bactericidal properties (destroys harmful microorganisms);

bacteriostatic properties (neutralizes bacteria and stops their growth);

anti-inflammatory properties (inhibits the development of inflammation);

hemostatic properties;

the ability to quickly clean wounds and ulcers from necrotic (dead tissue);

wound healing properties (promotes rapid epithelialization of the wound and ulcerative surface, restoration of the skin).

Therefore, as an external agent in the form of juice and ointment, it is indispensable in the treatment of wounds, trophic ulcers and thermal burns.

As a means for internal use, Kalanchoe juice has not yet been sufficiently studied by official medicine. But there is evidence that it has a choleretic effect, lowers cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the activity of the gallbladder. In addition, with inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, Kalanchoe juice successfully treats damage to the mucous membrane of these organs.

And now we list the main advantages of this natural drug:

Kalanchoe juice has low toxicity;

does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes;

practically has no contraindications for use.

So the hopes placed on him by the honorary titles of "indoor ginseng" and "home doctor" are fully justified by Kalanchoe.

Treatment of wounds and ulcers

A wound or ulcer is irrigated with 1-2 ml of Kalanchoe juice using a syringe, through a small diameter needle. Then, 4-5 layers of gauze, abundantly moistened with juice, are applied to the surface of the damaged area. The napkin is cut out and applied in such a way that it repeats the contours and dimensions of the wound. The skin around the damaged area must first be treated with alcohol or a warm solution of furacilin. If the wound is purulent, an antibiotic is added to the juice - the attending physician will tell you how to do this at home. If a burning sensation appears, the phytopreparation should be diluted with an equal amount of 0.5-1% novocaine solution. Twice a day, the bandage must be re-moistened with the juice of the plant. If they treat wounds in a diabetic patient, then it is recommended to add insulin to the juice. The course of treatment usually lasts 25-30 days.

Treatment of purulent infection

In various forms of inflammatory processes (furunculosis, panaritium, phlegmon, abscesses, infected wounds), Kalanchoe ointment is used in combination with St. John's wort oil. Treatment is carried out as follows: bandages with St. John's wort oil are applied to an infected wound or after opening a purulent focus. They continue to be done until the inflammatory process subsides and the

granulation (tightening) of the wound. Then Kalanchoe ointment enters the battle - bandages are already made with it. St. John's wort oil is a powerful bactericidal agent, and Kalanchoe ointment actively stimulates the healing process of tissues. This method allows you to halve the treatment time and ensures success. In the treatment of extensive eroded areas of the skin, Kalanchoe ointment with furazolidone is used.

Treatment of bedsores

The technique is the same as in the treatment of trophic ulcers and purulent infection with tissue necrosis. The affected areas of the skin are treated with preparations with the juice of the plant. The first 3 days the dressing is changed daily, then after three days. In between, a neutral substance is applied to the sore spot - zinc ointment, petroleum jelly and other emollients.

Treatment of burns and frostbite

Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of these lesions is used in the same way as in the treatment of other skin lesions: 2-3 drops of juice are applied to the painful area. The course of treatment lasts 5-6 days.

Treatment of oral diseases

Dentists widely use Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis. Do either applications on the mucous membranes and gums, or aerosol inhalations. It is easy to do such medical procedures at home. Applications are carried out 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes.

When treating periodontitis in this way, the bleeding of the gums gradually decreases, the sensation of itching disappears, and on the 10-12th day the suppuration stops. By the end of the treatment, the papillae of the gums become dense and acquire their natural color - pale pink.

Treatment of diseases of the ear, throat, nose

Otolaryngologists recommend Kalanchoe juice for instillation into the nose as a prophylactic during influenza epidemics, with a runny nose and sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). This drug also helps with chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear.

In chronic tonsillitis, electrophoresis of Kalanchoe juice is prescribed to the submandibular region every other day.

In case of damage to the eardrum, inflammation of the middle ear, the juice is either instilled into the ear, or gauze swabs moistened with Kalanchoe tincture are inserted.

For the prevention and treatment of sinusitis, as well as for any inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, the juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and instilled 2 drops into each nostril 2 to 5 times a day. The same solution is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Treatment of eye diseases

Ophthalmologists also use Kalanchoe juice quite widely: in the treatment of burns and eye injuries, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye), corneal erosion (superficial ulceration of the cornea), as well as to combat dystrophic changes in the elements of the eye.

The method of treatment is usually the following: Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the conjunctival sac. It can be used undiluted or diluted 1:1 with isotonic sodium chloride solution or 0.5% novocaine solution. You can carry out the procedures yourself, but only as prescribed by an ophthalmologist and under his control!

Treatment of diseases

In obstetric and gynecological practice, homemade ginseng products are used successfully and quite widely.

Plant juices and ointments treat perineal wounds, cervical erosion, ruptures during childbirth, endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of the uterus).

For perineal wounds and ruptures, the treatment method is the same as in surgery for the treatment of wounds. How is endocervicitis treated? First of all, determine the type of infection. Depending on the type of pathogen that caused the inflammation, medication is prescribed. With nonspecific inflammation, that is, not caused by a viral infection, hygienic douching is necessary (for example, chamomile infusion and other anti-inflammatory and disinfectant herbal remedies). If the disease takes a chronic form, physiotherapy is also resorted to - for example, electrophoresis, mud therapy are prescribed. Kalanchoe acts in the treatment of endocervicitis and directly - it helps to fight inflammation, quickly restore the affected areas of the mucosa and indirectly - enhances the effect of physiotherapy.

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, 2-3 drops of Kalanchoe juice are applied to the affected area. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-6 days.

Kalanchoe is also an indispensable assistant for nursing mothers. After all, they often suffer from such a painful phenomenon as cracked nipples. Preparations with Kalanchoe juice will quickly relieve skin irritation in the chest area and cracked nipples. The product is applied with a pipette (2-3 drops per nipple) after each feeding of the baby.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Our "tree of life" helps with almost all diseases of the digestive system. Its preparations are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines - gastritis, enteritis, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. They have a combined effect on the diseased organ: they relieve inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, stimulate the processes of regeneration (recovery) of epithelial tissues. But since the range of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is very wide, the dosage and methods of using Kalanchoe preparations in each case are determined by the doctor.

Well, with such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn, which often occurs with diseases of the stomach, a folk recipe will help to cope: when heartburn appears, it is recommended to eat one small leaf of Kalanchoe. Usually the effect occurs within a few minutes.

Treatment of skin diseases

Kalanchoe is one of the few medicinal plants that are used in the treatment of the so-called. faces. Erysipelas is an inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, caused by such difficult-to-stop microbes as streptococci. The disease is very difficult, often with damage to large areas of the body, high fever, swollen lymph nodes. Erysipelas is treated with antibiotics, Kalanchoe is included in the general treatment regimen in the form of a liniment or ointment. In addition, 2-3 times a day, the inflamed areas are lubricated with the juice of fresh leaves of the plant.

Kalanchoe juice is also prescribed to stop bleeding from wounds, with furunculosis, skin rashes and eczema. The procedure is the same - applying 2-3 drops to the affected area; with furunculosis - on the boil itself and the adjacent area; do it 2 times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 days. Of course, pharmaceutical preparations of Kalanchoe intended for external use can also be successfully used.

Treatment of warts

Warts are not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect. This skin disease is caused by a virus that is difficult to cure. Kalanchoe can also help in the fight against warts. To do this, dressings from mashed fresh leaves are applied to the places of their appearance. You need to change the bandages 2 times a day. If a weekly course of treatment is not enough, it can be continued.

Treatment of varicose veins and trophic ulcers

With varicose veins, a gauze napkin with Kalanchoe juice is applied to varicose nodes (bumps). The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

With pain in the legs, a blue mesh of small veins, you can try another method of treatment. A half-liter bottle is half filled with chopped Kalanchoe leaves and poured to the top with vodka or 70% alcohol. The remedy is removed for infusion in a dark place for a week. In this case, the bottle is periodically shaken.

When the tincture is ready, you can begin treatment. In the evening, the legs are rubbed with tincture, starting from the foot and moving to the knees and above. Pain in the legs passes quite quickly, but for a significant improvement and cosmetic effect, you will have to be patient. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily for 4 consecutive months.

Kalanchoe in home cosmetics

Facial cleansing

Start your facial with a cleansing routine. After removing the skin from the Kalanchoe leaf, wipe your face with it. Help the healing juice absorb into the skin by tapping it with the pads of your fingers. Then apply your usual nourishing cream. Already after the first procedures, you will feel the tonic effect of this simple remedy: the skin will noticeably freshen up. By the way, ready-made cosmetics are also produced on the basis of Kalanchoe. Cream "Kalanchoe" contains 15% of the juice of the plant and is intended for the treatment of fading facial skin and the prevention of its aging.

With a tendency of the skin of the face to redness and dilated capillaries, a similar procedure helps. In the morning or evening, well-cleansed dry skin of the face and neck is smeared with juice or a piece of Kalanchoe leaf aged in a dark, cool place. First, you need to remove the skin from the sheet or cut it. Then, within 1-2 minutes, lightly tapping the fingertips should drive the juice into the skin of the face, after which a nourishing cream is applied to the wet skin.

After the first procedure, a burning or tingling sensation may appear, but by about the 3rd session this disappears. The procedure is carried out 10-12 times every other day or two. You can also squeeze 8-10 drops from a freshly cut Kalanchoe leaf before using the nourishing cream and apply it with your fingers on the face and neck.

Fight against wrinkles

You can prolong the youthfulness of your skin if you use a tonic lotion recipe. You can prepare it as follows: mix 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably not too thick) with Kalanchoe juice diluted with water (2 tablespoons of juice per 0.6 cup of boiled water). Wipe your face with this mixture immediately after washing. This wonderful tool nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps to maintain its firmness and elasticity.

Acne remedy

Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After that, strain. Wipe the resulting lotion on your face after each wash. It eliminates excess fat, tones, tightens pores.

Dark circles under the eyes

You can try to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon by applying Kalanchoe leaves to them, from which the skin has been removed. Another way: make lotions with cotton swabs moistened with juice before going to bed.

Neck and décolleté care

Mix 1 tablespoon of Kalanchoe juice with 2 tablespoons of heavy sour cream or cream. Apply to the skin and hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. There is another way to care for the most sensitive areas - daily wipe the skin of the neck and décolleté with plant juice.

Hand skin care

Add a few drops of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice to your hand cream, apply it in a thick layer on your hands and put on cotton gloves. The procedure is best done at night. Kalanchoe juice also helps to improve the condition of the nails. Before putting on gloves, wrap pieces of gauze soaked in Kalanchoe juice around each nail.

For freckles and age spots

In these cases, folk cosmetologists advise applying crushed Kalanchoe leaves to the area of ​​​​pigmentation. The effect appears gradually, after prolonged regular use. It should only be remembered that any bleaching and exfoliating products should not be used around the eyes and such procedures should not be done immediately before going outside.

Medicines based on Kalanchoe

In domestic pharmaceuticals, Kalanchoe preparations are produced mainly in two forms - in the form of juice and in the form of an ointment. They belong to the group of dermatotropic pharmacological substances. They have antiseptic and disinfectant properties.

In addition, preparations made on the basis of our "tree of life" are biogenic stimulants. In addition to a direct pharmacological effect on the local cause of the disease, they activate the body's immune system as a whole, increase its nonspecific resistance to various ailments.

Kalanchoe juice (Succus kalanchoes)

It is made from fresh leaves and the green part of the stems of Kalanchoe pinnate. To do this, freshly picked green mass is washed in running water and kept at a temperature of 5-10 ° C in a dark place for about 7 days, crushed until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained, squeezed, the juice is settled at a temperature of 4-10 ° C, then the juice is filtered and sterilized , canned with alcohol up to 20%, poured into ampoules or vials.

The finished juice is a clear or slightly opalescent yellow liquid with an orange tint and an aromatic odor. Contains a fine suspension that breaks easily when shaken.

Kalanchoe juice has a local anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse wounds from necrotic (dead tissue), and stimulates their healing.

This drug is used externally in the treatment of trophic ulcers (slowly healing skin defects), non-healing wounds, burns, bedsores (tissue necrosis caused by prolonged pressure on them due to forced immobility), nipple cracks in nursing mothers, aphthous stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) , gingivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums), etc. lesions.

The drug is usually well tolerated. In the event of a burning sensation in the wound, it is diluted with an equal amount of a 1-2% solution of novocaine.

Ointment Kalanchoe This drug, in addition to Kalanchoe juice, also contains furazolidone, novocaine, and the ointment base is anhydrous lanolin. Method of application: after surgical treatment of the wound, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the wound surface once a day or a gauze napkin soaked with the preparation is applied, and the wound is covered with a bandage. To suppress the infection, the effect of the ointment, if necessary, is combined with antiseptics or antimicrobial therapy. The course of treatment with ointment is 10-15 days.

Kalanchoe preparation for internal use ("Kalanchin")

Recently, in pharmacies, you can find a drug based on Kalanchoe, intended for oral administration. It is produced under the name "Kalanhin" in the form of granules. This means of combined action, has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the regeneration of epithelial tissues. When taken orally, it has a protective effect in ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. "Kalanhin" is practically non-toxic, does not irritate the epithelium. Granules are recommended for the treatment of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, chronic enterocolitis. Of the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the drug is usually distinguished. With individual intolerance, symptoms such as heartburn, diarrhea (diarrhea), and allergic reactions may occur.

Liniment "Kalanhin" - is available for external use. Helps cleanse wounds from purulent secretions, eliminates inflammation, accelerates the healing process. Like other remedies with Kalanchoe, it is practically non-toxic. Assign for burns 2-3rd degree, frostbite, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, cracks in the nipples of the mammary glands, cervicitis (inflammatory diseases of the cervical canal of the uterus). Contraindications: hypersensitivity, allergic reactions. The method of application is the same as the Kalanchoe ointment.

How to prepare Kalanchoe remedies at home

To prepare juice, the leaves and green parts of the stems of Kalanchoe pinnate are cut, washed thoroughly and placed for 5-7 days in a dark, cool (5-10 ° C) place. Then the raw material is passed through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out and allowed to settle. After a green precipitate accumulates below, the upper transparent part is drained. Juice can be preserved, for this it is diluted with alcohol - so that the final concentration of alcohol is 20%, closed with a rubber stopper or an aluminum cap.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C - for example, in the refrigerator. Shelf life of juice - no more than a year.

To prepare an ointment from Kalanchoe juice, you will need a porcelain cup with a round bottom. It is wiped with alcohol or vodka and 300 ml of juice is mixed in it with 50 g of anhydrous lanolin, gradually introducing 50 g of vaseline. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Infusion of Kalanchoe. It can be used for lotions for skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, gums, as well as for rinsing the mouth and throat. To prepare an infusion, fresh leaves are ground, poured with water in a ratio of 1:5, infused for an hour, then the mixture is boiled for 2-3 minutes and filtered through gauze folded in half.

Medical use of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe juice is used as an external agent in the treatment of:

purulent-necrotic processes;

trophic ulcers of the lower leg;


burns, frostbite, cracks and other skin damage.

They also treat other types of wounds and ulcers - with various injuries, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Kalanchoe is widely used in surgical practice in the form of tampons and dressings moistened with juice:

when transplanting skin;

to prepare wounds for secondary sutures;

with purulent wounds after opening abscesses, felons, boils.

Kalanchoe is an indispensable assistant to a dermatologist. The juice of its fresh leaves is prescribed to stop bleeding from wounds, in the treatment of boils, skin rashes and eczema.

Kalanchoe preparations have taken their rightful place in other branches of medicine: in dentistry, otolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology; in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eye diseases. And all this thanks to its unique ability to quickly remove dead tissue and stimulate the restoration of affected areas.

Leaves can be used externally fresh,

and after keeping them in a dark place. We know that at the same time they produce a large number of biologically active substances.

Fresh crushed leaves quickly stop bleeding.

With inflammation in the throat, with a runny nose, flu, you can also use Kalanchoe leaves (the leaf is chewed in the mouth). Several such procedures - and the painful symptoms recede.

The leaves of this plant, passed through a meat grinder, help with burns. Apply them to the burnt area of ​​the skin for several hours: the juice promotes faster healing, and besides, it protects against infection. Gruel from fresh Kalanchoe leaves also helps with frostbite, purulent wounds, ulcers.

It is useful to eat Kalanchoe leaves when the body is weakened after serious illnesses. They purify the blood, neutralize harmful substances and help protect against colds.

For prophylactic purposes, you can add fresh leaves to vinaigrettes and potato salads, after washing and finely chopping. This is especially useful for people suffering from inflammation of the periodontal tissues - periodontitis.

19.08.2017 1

Kalanchoe with honey is a source of health, which is why folk recipes are so popular and the medicinal properties of such a drug are widely known.

Today, almost everyone seeks to improve their health. This is not surprising, since the current environmental situation does not allow many important systems to fully function, and a person is forced to independently find ways to improve.

Someone goes to the doctor at the slightest ailment, someone tries to cope with the problems on their own. Despite the development of medicine, folk ways to bring our own body in order do not go unnoticed, and often it is natural resources that help us cope with problems.

To restore health and complete treatment using simple methods, people use a variety of elements. Someone has found the source of life in greenery, someone eats only natural products from the garden, and someone seeks to diversify their diet and exclude harmful additives from it.

In any case, it is impossible to deny the benefits of honey produced by bees without the use of additional resources - it is he who is able to get rid of many diseases, today it is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine, due to which it does not lose its popularity.

The use of honey in its pure form, of course, is useful, but a variety of plants help to increase its healing properties, which also have a positive effect on the body. Honey is mixed with lemon, Kalanchoe juice and other plants whose benefits have long been known throughout the world.

Benefits of honey

Honey has been known since ancient times as a product containing a lot of elements necessary for the human body. In ancient times, it was mined in an extremely barbaric way - bees were smoked out, hives were destroyed, thus extracting honey. Later, a person realized that it was much more profitable and convenient to leave their dwelling to the bees, after which apiaries began to appear.

The positive aspects of honey are obvious - it has an active anti-inflammatory effect, destroys bacteria and even relieves pain. Bacteria under the influence of potassium, contained in large quantities in honey, cannot multiply, the body protects itself. Honey also significantly strengthens the human immune system, due to which all organs return to normal life and are easier to recover.

All the substances contained in natural honey help the body to carry out normal activities. At the same time, the cells are strengthened, the person himself fights against all dangerous diseases.

The main useful qualities of the product are the following:

  • The bee product has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  • After eating at least one spoonful of the product, the mood improves significantly.
  • The product is used as a medicine for colds.
  • Antioxidants help substances to be absorbed in the body.
  • Cell aging is much slower.

Note! Before you start using a bee product, be sure to consult a doctor and get tested for allergies. Some people have an individual intolerance to the product, and its use can lead to negative consequences.

Kalanchoe and honey

Kalanchoe with honey is extremely popular during the treatment of colds. On the basis of these substances, medicines are created, people have learned to mix the components on their own and get an invaluable medicine.

The fact is that Kalanchoe leaves are very fleshy, so squeezing juice out of them is not difficult. To do this, you don’t even have to purchase specialized tools - you can get juice using improvised means, for example, a garlic crusher, which is in every home.

The juice of the plant and the product of bee production are mixed in equal proportions, while single portions are most often prepared - the juice is much more useful fresh, therefore it is not recommended to store the product for a long time. Such a medicine will help stop inflammatory processes, make the immune system work in an enhanced mode and fight the disease, directing all resources to it.

The medicinal properties of such a drug are often supplemented with other beneficial substances. For example, it will be effective to use an infusion of lemon balm or St. John's wort for a runny nose - thus, the effect of the medicine with Kalanchoe will be noticeable after a short period of time.

It is quite easy to cure a sore throat in this way - it is enough to dilute the resulting medicine with water and rinse the inflamed area with it. The mild effect of the drug will ensure a quick recovery and increased immunity, which guarantees the exclusion of many colds even during an epidemic.

Note! The medicinal properties of the drug can reduce inflammation in the kidneys, because this remedy is extremely effective in such diseases.

Composition of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a plant that is very popular with those who like to ennoble apartments. It takes root perfectly in pots and flowerpots, is extremely unpretentious, therefore it can be found in many homes. This plant does not grow on the territory of Russia and other nearby countries, as it loves heat very much and does not tolerate winter frosts, but it exists ideally as a home flowerpot.

To obtain medicinal juice, it is not at all necessary to cut off the houseplant that you have grown with such love. Today, juice is freely available in almost any pharmacy, and its cost is quite low, which makes it possible to provide treatment to any person. Before use, juice from a pharmacy is recommended to be diluted with water, since in such bottles it is in high concentration.

The key properties of the juice of this southern plant is the ability to heal wounds and relieve inflammation. Often it is this juice that is found in healing ointments and remedies, thereby confirming its effectiveness. Substances that are contained in the composition of the plant can have the following effects on the body:

  1. Choleretic effect.
  2. Astringent effect.
  3. bactericidal effect.
  4. Hemostatic effect.

The juice of the plant is able to relieve discomfort in the nerve endings and other surfaces. It also stimulates the human immune system, allowing the body to fight diseases on its own. Magnesium, zinc, vitamins - all this is necessary for a person, and the juice of the plant makes it possible to get these resources in full.

Other plants

Paying attention to the medicinal properties of honey and Kalanchoe, one should not forget that there are a great many plants in the world, the treatment of which today is an endless source of health. To pay attention to each of them means to permanently get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, forget about early aging, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Bee products easily complement the capabilities of plants, which is why it is so convenient to treat yourself using folk recipes. You can get acquainted with the effect of other plants on the human body in the table below:

There is an erroneous opinion that it is possible to get the whole range of necessary vitamins only from vegetables, fruits and specially designed medicines. In fact, vitamins are present in almost all plants, and even the most common parsley can be useful. Many plants go well with honey, so even highly qualified doctors often advise using them for self-treatment.

No wonder people since ancient times have known the wonderful properties of green plants, the bark of various trees. Herbal treatment is considered one of the most mysterious currents of traditional medicine, but honey invariably appears in almost all recipes, and it is he who makes it easier not only to prepare the medicine, but also to use it.

The sweet product covers the bitter taste of some herbs and allows you to be treated with real pleasure, without resorting to chemical medicines.

Note! Any therapy using alternative methods should occur under the supervision of a physician. Only a specialist can approve the use of any means, while classical medicine should not be abandoned, especially if the disease is quite serious. Also, be sure to get tested for allergic reactions, your body may be highly sensitive to many elements.

cold remedy

The common cold is a disease that can affect anyone. Any season puts a person at risk - in summer we use air conditioning, which significantly weakens our natural body defenses, and in winter we often move in the cold. Naturally, bacteria find a place to live in a weakened body and develop at an incredible rate, provoking a runny nose, cough and a number of unpleasant inflammations.

To treat a cold, you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice;
  • raspberries;
  • vodka.

All components are mixed in equal proportions, after which they are thoroughly mixed and poured with one glass of hot water. You can experiment with the components - for example, it is not at all necessary to use fresh raspberries, which cannot be found in winter - ordinary raspberry jam is perfect for treatment.

Vodka is also not an obligatory component; in no case should it be added in the treatment of colds in children.

The patient should drink the resulting drink before going to bed, after which the state of health will improve significantly. Before use, pay attention to the presence of allergic reactions.

vitamin tea

Tea in many cultures is not only a part of a daily ritual, but also an opportunity to improve one's own health. And if tea includes such valuable components as a product of bee work and vitamins, then it is practically priceless. The combination of blackcurrant with honey allows a mass of vitamins to be easily absorbed by the body, while it receives a tonic effect, all systems can function normally.

Regular tea is brewed from currant leaves using the usual method in a teapot. The drink must be allowed to brew in order to get a good fortress. After the drink has been infused in a thermos, a few tablespoons of honey are added to it and stirred until completely dissolved. It is recommended to drink such a tasty and healthy drink three times a day between meals.

Almost immediately you will feel a noticeable cheerfulness, while the internal organs will work normally, and the heart rate will be adjusted. Before drinking the drink, you can add a few slices of lemon to it to enhance the taste and effect. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of allergic reactions to all components of tea.

Video: Kalanchoe - home doctor.

Other medicines

Based on honey, there are a lot of popular remedies that help to cope with unpleasant diseases. Not only Kalanchoe helps to get rid of the problem, other plants have also become very popular after mankind appreciated the positive effect.

  1. To improve health, a product of bee labor and natural blackcurrant are mixed. The resulting puree becomes indispensable in the treatment of colds and during the period of recovery of the body after an illness.

Update: October 2018

Kalanchoe is an extensive genus of perennial plants of the Crassula family. Today, more than two hundred species of plants are known that grow in the tropics, Southeast and South Africa, Australia, some of them are grown as ornamental plants. The largest species diversity (about 100) is found on the African continent, somewhat less - in Central America, Australia, South Asia, Mexico, Cape Verde, Hawaiian, Caribbean and Canary Islands.

The most common types of Kalanchoe, which have medicinal properties and are used in recipes of traditional and official medicine, especially for the treatment of ENT pathology (from the common cold, sinusitis), are:

  • Cirrus (Kalanchóe pinnáta) is the most studied species used in official medicine for the preparation of pharmaceuticals. It is this species, as more studied, that should be used in home recipes;
  • Blossfeld (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) - a less studied variety, but also used by herbalists;
  • Degremona (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a culture that most often appears in traditional medicine recipes. Some Western sources report the toxicity of all parts of this plant species, but there are no recorded cases of poisoning in humans.

A feature of plants is their ability to take water from the air, which determines their high survival rate in adverse conditions and adaptability to such conditions.

Morphological description

Kalanchoe pinnate

It can reach a height of up to 2 m, has a strong, fleshy stem, tree-like below. On the stem opposite each other are slightly hairy petiolate leaves that have a round shape and a glossy surface. Often, leaf buds are formed in the recesses of the teeth, which are intended for vegetative propagation.

The plant blooms irregularly and not strongly, more often flowering falls on the cold season. Inflorescences are axillary panicles: large bisexual flowers sit on pedicels. Each Kalanchoe flower is the basis of 4 capsule fruits, which are surrounded by the remains of the corolla. Seeds are small, oval.

Kalanchoe Degremont

This is a popular variety of the genus, a feature of which is the presence of children located on the edges of the leaves. Children fall off the leaves very easily and take root quickly. The culture is not high, up to 50 cm, the stems most often creep, so they need support. The leaves are oblong, pointed, dark green. Flowering falls in winter - the flowers are bell-shaped, large, pink-purple.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

It is a popular plant with numerous bare, weakly branching stems. The height of the plant reaches up to 30 cm. The leaves are round or ovoid, green or dark green. Sometimes a red border runs along the edge of the sheet. It blooms for a long time, from the beginning of winter to the beginning of summer. The flowers are dark red, pink, yellow or orange, up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes.

History and popularization of Kalanchoe

The healing properties of Kalanchoe were known in ancient times - the inhabitants of the island of Madagascar, which is considered the historical birthplace of culture, were actively treated with the juice of the plant both internally and externally. In a number of countries, the plant has found application in the treatment of tuberculosis. On the territory of modern European countries, where the plant was imported as a medicinal plant, there were many adherents of non-traditional treatment, for example, Johann Goethe used Kalanchoe “babies” daily, which, in his opinion, had a rejuvenating effect.

The plant attracted the attention of scientists only in 1962, when notes began to appear about the so-called "room ginseng", which eliminated many diseases forever.

The first clinical trials were organized in 1966. The fresh juice of the plant has been used to treat fistulas, wounds, and burns in several patients, which healed very poorly. The result of the experiment was positive and proved that Kalanchoe has medicinal properties and can be used internally and externally.

The juice of the plant quickly gained popularity and began to be produced on an industrial scale. A little later, ointments appeared. All drugs were used to heal wounds, cleanse them of necrotic masses and eliminate inflammation.

Collection and preparation

Since Kalanchoe is a houseplant, it should not be harvested in advance. However, experienced herbalists do not entirely agree with this position and recommend special preparation of the plant before preparing dosage forms.

The best time for harvesting leaves is from early August to late October. The required number of leaves is cut from the plant, washed in water and placed in a dry, dark and cool place for 7 days. It is believed that during this period the leaves actively accumulate biogenic stimulants. Next, the leaves are crushed to a semi-liquid mass and juice is squeezed out of them. The resulting raw material is rather turbid, so it can be defended for several days in the refrigerator, then filtered and already used for its intended purpose.

For long-term storage of juice, it is necessary to achieve its sterility - dilute it with medical alcohol in a ratio of 5: 1 and place it in the refrigerator for storage. Such raw materials can be used within 1 year.

Chemical composition

Kalanchoe leaves, which are the raw material for the production of dosage forms, contain:

  • a large number of micro- and macroelements (magnesium, aluminum, copper, calcium, iron and manganese), which positively affect the course of redox processes, hematopoiesis, blood coagulation reactions, and also participate in muscle work;
  • enzymes - natural catalysts, protein organic substances that regulate metabolism, accelerating all chemical processes;
  • bufadienolides - steroid substances that affect the tone of the heart muscle;
  • organic acids: isocitric, malic, citric, oxalic and acetic, which have a choleretic effect, have a bactericidal effect, and prevent the processes of decay in the intestines. Reduce the processes of autointoxication, help the effective absorption of calcium and food in general. Participate in the regulation of metabolic processes, as well as biogenic stimulants;
  • tannins that have antimicrobial, astringent and hemostatic effects;
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin).

In addition to these beneficial substances, according to herbalists, during short-term storage of the leaf in the dark at low temperatures, biogenic stimulants accumulate in it. However, this theory has no evidence base.

It is believed that the rich natural composition determines the high antimicrobial activity of the plant, so it can be grown on windowsills for natural indoor air disinfection.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe

It is proved that the juice of the plant has:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bacteriostatic action.

Most often prescribed for external use and treatment of various skin lesions, especially purulent and poorly healing. Due to the culture's ability to cleanse necrotic masses, it is called the "surgeon without a knife."

In the course of research, it has been proven that Kalanchoe juice has a bactericidal effect on hemolytic and non-hemolytic streptococcus and on Staphylococcus aureus, which explains its high efficiency in sinusitis, external skin diseases, otitis media, tonsillitis, since the specified flora is most often the etiological causative agents of these pathologies.

At the Department of Microbiology, NMU named after Bogomolets A. A. studied the antiviral activity of the juice of different species of this plant: K. velutina, blossfeldiana, pinnata and crenata have the highest activity against the influenza virus, Coxsackie B1 and B6. Antiviral properties work with a runny nose of viral etiology, which makes it possible to cure ARVI in the early stages, since the respiratory tract, including the nasal mucosa, is the entrance gate for infection.

In a number of scientific works, the immunomodulatory, adaptogenic and antihistamine properties of the juice have been proven, which makes it possible to take Kalanchoe preparations prophylactically during seasonal infections, recovery from serious illnesses, etc.

The use of Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe plant is found in skin care products, ointments, and some tinctures and solutions. Treatment with Kalanchoe juice is most justified for obtaining an anti-inflammatory effect when applied externally: the juice inhibits the exudative phase of the inflammatory reaction and inhibits the formation of granulations in the proliferative phase of inflammation.

In surgery

Ointment and juice are actively used in surgery for the treatment of trophic ulcers, including post-thrombophlebitic, varicose, post-traumatic, purulent-necrotic formations, bedsores. Used to cleanse the wound before suturing.

With ulcerative lesions, sterile gauze, folded in 4-5 layers, is moistened with juice, half diluted with 1% solution of novocaine (to avoid burning). When it comes to diabetic ulcers, insulin is used instead of novocaine. In cases of contamination of the wound with bacteria and with purulent discharge from the ulcer, an appropriate antibiotic is added to the juice, to which the isolated pathogen is sensitive.

In dentistry

Juice is used in the treatment of advanced forms of gingivitis, periodontitis, severe forms of stomatitis. It is sprayed onto the damaged mucosa several times a day. Such procedures contribute to the cessation of bleeding, cleansing of purulent masses and epithelialization of foci.

In gynecology

Juice and ointment are used to accelerate the healing of perineal tears after childbirth, the treatment of endocervicitis, cervical erosion, nipple cracks.

In ophthalmology

Plant preparations help to cure erosion and injuries of the cornea, neuroparalytic, ulcerative keratitis, eye burns, etc., and are effective in patients in whom treatment with other drugs has not given the proper therapeutic effect.

In otolaryngology

Juice is used to treat chronic forms of tonsillitis, as well as the common cold, sinusitis in the early stages, uncomplicated otitis media. It is believed that the juice contributes to the restoration of a damaged eardrum. A promising direction is the treatment of simple and toxic-allergic chronic tonsillitis in children using Kalanchoe juice electrophoresis, coupled with UHF therapy, performed every other day.

In cosmetology

Effective in the fight against acne, fine wrinkles.

Homemade recipes from Kalanchoe


  • Effectively heals the skin, helps get rid of acne, as well as fine wrinkles, stop bleeding. How to use: cut the leaf of the plant from the stem, carefully remove the upper skin and wipe the face, eye area, neck or cut on the skin with this part.
  • A leaf applied to the skin under the eyes will help eliminate dark circles if carried out regularly.
  • In the treatment of colds, especially those occurring with damage to the nasopharynx, one should chew a Kalanchoe leaf 3-4 times a day after meals, and then spit out the gruel. This method will also help with periodontal disease.
  • If the leaf is crushed into gruel and applied to the warts, strengthening over the bandage, you can get rid of these unpleasant formations. The dressing should be changed to a fresh one 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out within a week.


  • Available in 10, 30 and 50 gr. Before use, the ointment is kept at room temperature for half an hour.
  • Homemade recipe: freshly squeezed or already diluted with alcohol juice in a volume of 30 g is mixed in 50 g of lanolin, heated in an enamel saucepan until dissolved, but without boiling, then poured into a sterile jar, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
  • The ointment can be used to treat various wounds, treat bedsores, fistulas, use it for skin rashes, frostbite, eczema, etc.


Grind the stems and leaves, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 to raw materials and soak for 20 minutes in a water bath. Then strain the extract, boil over low heat until the volume is reduced by 2 times. Cool and store in refrigerator. Apply for:

  • irrigation of the oral cavity and rubbing into the gums in case of dental diseases, periodontitis,
  • for lubrication of ulcers and non-healing skin wounds,
  • washing fistulas (in diluted form).


  • We have outlined the recipe for making juice above. You can buy juice at a pharmacy - the drug is available in 3, 5, 10 ml ampoules, as well as 10, 20, 100 ml bottles. Before use, it is heated to 37 C.
  • For the treatment of varicose veins, gauze folded in several layers should be soaked with Kalanchoe juice and placed on varicose veins, holding for at least an hour. Conduct a 10-day course.
  • It is effective in the complex treatment of erysipelas: the juice is diluted with 0.5% solution of novocaine in a ratio of 1: 1 and a sterile napkin is moistened in the solution, which is applied to the erysipelas. The napkin is additionally moistened with juice 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • Juice is also used in the treatment of iritis, arthrosis, peri- and polyarthritis, iridocyclitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, etc. The drug is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, acts anti-inflammatory, cleanses wounds and promotes their healing. Treatment is carried out for 15-20 days.
  • Still fresh juice can be instilled into the nose 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 r per day (in a number of sources it is advised to carry out the procedure every 1-2 hours), as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for the common cold, sinusitis, during an ARVI epidemic and flu. Instead of instillation, you can gently lubricate the nasal mucosa. Kalanchoe should be dripped after hygiene procedures.
  • In the treatment of eye diseases, 1 drop of fresh juice is dripped into each conjunctival sac after 4 hours.

Many are interested in whether Kalanchoe juice can be given to children with rhinitis?

Many use this remedy even in infants, but dilute the juice with cooled boiled water 1: 1. Such a therapeutic composition, which is dripped 1 drop into each nasal passage 2-3 r per day, eliminates nasal congestion, cleanses the mucous membrane and has a local antiviral and antimicrobial effect. If you follow the general recommendations, this dosage form can be used from 3 years.


The raw material (shredded sheet) is placed in an enamel bowl and poured with boiling water: for external use 1:5, for internal use 1:10, cover with a lid and incubate for about 20 minutes in a water bath.

Used to treat varicose veins, purulent wounds, burns, inflammation of the eyelids, gargling. Inside taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological pathologies, tuberculosis, gastritis occurring with low acidity, gastroduodenitis and chronic colitis - 1 tbsp. 2 r a day before meals for 1 month (in case of tuberculosis - 3-4 months for both the patient and those who are in contact with him).


This dosage form is rarely used, but still has a place to be. Pre-crushed leaves are placed in a half-liter bottle and 70% alcohol is added, corked and placed for 7 days in a dark place, periodically shaking the contents. Then strain and store in the refrigerator.

Tincture is used for rubbing with varicose veins of the lower extremities. The remedy also helps with panaritium, pustular skin diseases, mastopathy, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: sore spots are treated with tincture several times a day.

Combined use

Very often, plant preparations are combined with antibiotics, other herbal remedies, physiotherapy, etc. This allows you to achieve a greater effect.

Most often this is justified in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, post-traumatic ulcers, pustular lesions. In folk medicine, Kalanchoe is combined with flax seeds, chamomile flowers, sweet clover, marshmallow leaves.


  • Children under 3 years of age (due to the lack of clinical studies on the use of the plant in young children);
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Acute allergic diseases;
  • Pregnancy.

Side effects

Rarely developed. Locally, in the area of ​​application of the drug, burning, swelling, redness of the skin is possible. Of the common reactions that often develop with an overdose of the drug, nausea, weakness, epigastric pain, and headache can be noted. In severe cases, with individual intolerance, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema may develop.

In the article we are talking about Kalanchoe, we talk about the beneficial properties of the plant and its use in traditional medicine. You will learn how to make medicines with Kalanchoe at home for a runny nose, cough, varicose veins, warts, for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and joints.

Kalanchoe (Latin name - Kalanchoe) is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassula family. For medicinal purposes, Kalanchoe Pinnate is most often used, sometimes Kalanchoe Degremont and Kalanchoe Blossfeld are used.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) Kalanchoe Pinnate Kalanchoe is a succulent perennial herbaceous plant. Most often - upright, branching, up to 0.3-2 m high.

Kalanchoe leaves are opposite, petiolate, leathery, compound, pinnate. They reach a length of 5–20 cm, a width of 2.5–12 cm. Kalanchoe leaves contain a large amount of juice. The lower leaflets are oval, the upper ones are sometimes pinnate. In the recesses of the teeth, leaf buds are formed, with which the plant reproduces.

Inflorescences are axillary panicles. Pedicel length - 10−25 mm. Flowers bisexual, large, drooping. They are held by a tubular calyx, which consists of four smooth green sepals with red or red-purple stripes. The calyx is 2.1–3 cm long and 0.6–1.2 cm in diameter. The ends of the sepals are free.

Above are 4 smooth red or purple petals that fuse into a bell-shaped corolla. There are 4 stamens 2–4.5 cm long in two circles. The carpels grow together only at the bases.

The fruits of Kalanchoe are small boxes, 10-14 mm long. They contain many seeds. Seeds are oval, 0.8-1.2 mm long and 0.2-0.35 mm in diameter.

Where does it grow

Kalanchoe is native to Madagascar. Currently, the plant grows in the tropical forests of Africa, Asia and South America. Kalanchoe is cultivated in Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies, Polynesia, and Hawaii.

In many countries, including Russia, Kalanchoe is grown as a house plant.

Leaves, shoots and juice of Kalanchoe

Leaves, shoots and juice of Kalanchoe pinnate are used as medicinal raw materials.. Juice is used externally not only in cosmetology and traditional medicine, but also in surgery, dentistry, gynecology as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of Kalanchoe juice:

  • Apple acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • catechins;
  • trace elements.

Kalanchoe contains bufadinolide cardiac glycosides. These elements in therapeutic doses have cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects, but in high doses they can cause cardiac disorders. Before using Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor.

Medicinal properties

The leaves, shoots and juice of Kalanchoe have the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • antihistamine;
  • cardiotonic;
  • vasodilating;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • immunomodulatory.

Kalanchoe pinnate is used to treat infectious diseases - SARS and influenza, rhinitis and sinusitis, tonsillitis, external and otitis media. Kalanchoe juice is effective against bacteria, germs and viruses. It not only destroys pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates inflammation, but also strengthens the immune system.

Since the plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it is used in surgery.. Juice and ointment based on it are prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins, trophic ulcers, post-traumatic and purulent-necrotic formations, as well as bedsores. Kalanchoe juice cleans wounds before suturing. For ulcerative lesions, the juice is diluted with an equal amount of 1% novocaine solution, gauze folded in 4-5 layers is moistened with the agent, and applied to the ulcer. In diabetic ulcers, the juice is mixed with insulin.

In dentistry, Kalanchoe juice is used to treat advanced forms of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis. The drug relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, promotes the removal of pus and accelerates cell regeneration.

Kalanchoe is used in gynecology. Juice and ointment based on it promotes the healing of perineal ruptures after childbirth, mucous membranes with erosion of the cervix, as well as endocervicitis.

Kalanchoe-based medicines are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Kalanchoe pinnate increases the efficiency of the myocardium, dilates blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

The juice of Kalanchoe pinnate is used in cosmetology - for the face and for hair. The plant helps to get rid of acne, relieve inflammation and eliminate redness, increases the ability of tissues to regenerate. Succulent juice is added to hair masks, it strengthens hair follicles and makes hair healthy and shiny.

How to harvest

Recipes use fresh leaves and shoots or juice. Juice can be used not only freshly squeezed, but also harvested in advance.

Before collecting raw materials, do not water the plant for 1 week. Cut the leaves, rinse under running water, put in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. Then grind the leaves with a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth into a glass jar. Remove the juice for 2 days in the refrigerator until a precipitate forms. Dilute the juice with alcohol in a ratio of 20: 1, store in the refrigerator.

How to apply

Medicines based on Kalanchoe pinnate can be used internally and externally. Below are recipes for traditional medicines and instructions for use for various conditions and diseases.

Drops in the nose (for a cold)

Kalanchoe juice destroys pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammation, promotes the release of mucus and facilitates nasal breathing. For a positive effect, it is important to know how to drip Kalanchoe correctly and follow the dosage of the medicine.


  1. Kalanchoe juice - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Boiled water - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Squeeze juice from freshly cut Kalanchoe leaves, mix with boiled water.

How to use: Bury in the nose in each nostril 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. The tool can be used for sinusitis.

Cough remedy

Kalanchoe is used to treat cough. The plant eliminates inflammation, relieves bronchospasm and improves sputum discharge. To enhance the therapeutic effect, Kalanchoe juice is mixed with honey.


  1. Aloe juice - ½ teaspoon.
  2. Honey - 1.5 teaspoons.

How to cook: Mix plant juice with honey.

How to use: Take the medicine 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Solution for rinsing with adenoids

Kalanchoe juice is used to wash the tonsils, on which mucus forms during tonsillitis. Gargling with plant sap removes it, destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation and eliminates sore throat.


  1. Boiled water - 1 cup.

How to cook: Dilute the juice of the plant in a glass of warm boiled water.

How to use: Gargle for 1-2 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Juice for the stomach

Kalanchoe juice is useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. They relieve inflammation, promote healing of ulcers and protect mucosal cells from damage.

For the treatment of stomach diseases, take fresh Kalanchoe juice 1-2 teaspoons 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Ointment for varicose veins

Kalanchoe helps in the treatment of varicose veins. Ointment with plant juice helps to increase the tone of the vascular walls, relieves spasms, and normalizes blood circulation.


  1. Kalanchoe juice - ¼ cup.
  2. Melted butter - ½ cup.

How to cook: Mix butter, melted in a water bath, with Kalanchoe juice. Pour the mixture into a glass jar. Remove to refrigerator.

How to use: Apply the product at bedtime to the affected areas, the ointment can be used during the day - up to 3 times a day.

Compresses from warts (from papillomas)

For the treatment of warts, fresh Kalanchoe leaves are used, crushed to a gruel state. The mass, wrapped in a thin layer of gauze, is applied to the papillomas. Change bandages 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week. Next, you need to take a break for the same time, and repeat if necessary.

For more information about the treatment of Kalanchoe warts, see the following video:

Tincture for joints

Kalanchoe eliminates pain in diseases of the joints. For these purposes, prepare a tincture of alcohol.


  1. Kalanchoe juice - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Alcohol - 200 ml.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl. Insist 7 days.

How to use: Rub the tincture on the inflamed joints.

Solution for douching in gynecology

A solution for douching with Kalanchoe juice is used to treat cervical erosion, ruptures after childbirth, endocervicitis. The medicine has an antiseptic effect and promotes the healing of the epithelium of the organs of the reproductive system.


  1. Kalanchoe juice - ½ teaspoon.
  2. Warm boiled water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Dilute plant juice in warm water.

How to use: Douche at bedtime for 10 days.

Kalanchoe tincture on vodka

Kalanchoe tincture can be made on vodka and used for medicinal purposes, after consulting with your doctor.


  1. Chopped Kalanchoe leaves - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Vodka - 1 glass.

How to cook: Fill the raw material with vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.

How to use: Use externally for the treatment of varicose veins and joints, papillomas, take orally for diseases of the stomach and cardiovascular system.

Is Kalanchoe possible during pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers can use Kalanchoe juice externally. Most often it is diluted with water and instilled into the nose for a runny nose. The tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of rhinitis and promotes mucus discharge. However, Kalanchoe juice can only be used in the early stages of bearing a child. The medicine can provoke sneezing, which in the later stages will lead to uterine contraction and premature birth.

Do not take Kalanchoe juice and products based on it orally during pregnancy. Consult a gynecologist about the use of the plant.

Is Kalanchoe possible for children

Kalanchoe juice can be used to treat rhinitis in children. Drops based on Kalanchoe juice are allowed to be used in babies from the age of 1 year. When it enters the nasal cavity, the agent irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, in which the accumulated mucus comes out. For children, a solution with Kalanchoe juice is instilled in a warm form, 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.


Contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe-based products:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy (for internal use);
  • rheumatism;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes;
  • glomerulonephritis and other liver diseases.

In order for Kalanchoe not to harm the body, consult your doctor before using it.

Classification (taxonomic position)

Taxonomic position:

  • department: Flowering;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Stone-brittle;
  • family: Crassula;
  • genus: Kalanchoe;
  • species: Kalanchoe pinnate.


The genus Kalanchoe includes a large number of species, the most common are:

  • kalanchoe pinnate;
  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld;
  • Kalanchoe Degremont;
  • Kalanchoe Mangina;
  • Kalanchoe Kalandiva.

Kalanchoe infographics

Photo of Kalanchoe, its useful properties and application
Kalanchoe infographic

What to remember

  1. Kalanchoe is a medicinal plant with a wide range of useful properties. The most pronounced antiseptic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Kalanchoe is used in folk medicine to treat a runny nose, cough, sore throat, varicose veins, joint diseases, gynecological diseases.
  3. Now you know what Kalanchoe treats. Talk to your doctor before using herbal medicines.

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Useful succulents from the tropics are welcome in temperate latitudes. Scientists have studied the juice of Kalanchoe, aloe, agave, found out the composition and properties of these medicinal plants. The extracts obtained from them are recommended to fight infection and inflammation. For example, Kalanchoe from the common cold and sinusitis in children is widely used in the cold season of the year.

Kalanchoe - an effective remedy for sinusitis and sinusitis

Green healer in the room

The tribes of Africa and Asia are considered the first inventors of recipes for treating Kalanchoe pinnate. European flower growers in the second half of the 20th century published the results of their experiments on the medical use of plants of the Kalanchoe genus. Then research medical institutions showed interest in the medicinal properties of K. Degremont and K. pinnate (earlier this species was called "cotyledon", "bryophyllum"). Scientists have confirmed that Kalanchoe juice is a valuable product for medicine and cosmetology.

The herbaceous part of plants contains:

  • polyphenols - catechins and flavonoid compounds;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • tannins;
  • fruit acids;
  • vitamins C and P;
  • polysaccharides.
  • Flavonoids have bactericidal properties, neutralize toxins and radioactive nuclides. Catechins have an antimicrobial and astringent effect when the juice is instilled into the nose for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis. Enzymes and vitamins are important for metabolism. Rutin or vitamin P helps to strengthen the vascular walls of the capillaries. Fruit acids are very useful substances for skin care. There are no data from studies of the physiological action, medicinal properties of K. Blossfeld and K. kalandiv.

    Doubts are raised by recommendations on the use of decorative types of Kalanchoe from the common cold and sinusitis, especially in children and women during pregnancy. The hybrid K. kalandiva differs from the original species in large rounded leaves, a variety of colors of double flowers on short stems. Numerous forms of the plant are in high demand in indoor floriculture. There is no exact information, but they could be obtained using GMOs.

    Pharmacological action of Kalanchoe preparations

    The simplest recipe for therapeutic use is to attach a cut leaf of the plant to the affected area of ​​​​the skin. Kalanchoe from the common cold, sinusitis and sinusitis in children is instilled into the nose. The product is safe when applied to the face and skin of the body of a child, a woman during pregnancy.

    The most important beneficial properties of Kalanchoe:

  • acts against the inflammatory process in the nose, throat, ears, skin;
  • kills microbes, inhibits the growth of colonies;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • improves blood composition.
  • So far, there are no officially approved instructions with indications and contraindications for the use of Kalanchoe inside (all the necessary clinical studies have not been carried out). There was information that the herbal remedy has a choleretic effect, reduces the formation of "bad" cholesterol. Perhaps the healing properties of the plant will become more in demand, there will be credible recipes for the treatment of internal diseases. It is now known that Kalanchoe in its homeland is considered a poisonous plant for animals.

    Features of medical application

    Kalanchoe from the common cold and sinusitis in children - an antiseptic for the nose. A houseplant can be used for many diseases of the upper respiratory tract in a child, a woman during pregnancy. The instruction provides that Kalanchoe juice for instillation into the nose of children is diluted with water 1: 5. To cure the ears, turundas with juice are injected into the ear canals. If a woman experiences discomfort, burning, pain in the nose, eyes during pregnancy, then the remedy is diluted with saline.

    Kalanchoe acts against a runny nose with sinusitis, and the product can also be used to cleanse and care for the eyes.

    Kalanchoe extract reduces inflammation of the oral mucosa. The juice is impregnated with a napkin from a sterile bandage, applied to the affected areas, diseased gums. The duration of the treatment procedure is 20 minutes, it is carried out at least 3-4 times a day for 5-10 days. Contraindications for the use of Kalanchoe for a runny nose or for dental problems - individual intolerance to the remedy, early infancy of children.

    Plant preparations heal damage to the uterine cervix during erosion, ruptures after childbirth, and inflammation of the cervical canal. Treatment during pregnancy involves applying 2-3 drops of juice to the affected areas of the genital organs for 5 days.

    Women use the same remedy to care for nipples and treat cracks after breastfeeding.

    Indications for the use of Kalanchoe inside - gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcerative lesions of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug reduces the intensity of inflammation, promotes the regeneration of the epithelium. The dosage and methods of taking various herbal remedies inside should be determined by the doctor. Contraindications for the use of Kalanchoe in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - hypersensitivity to plant components, pregnancy, malignant neoplasms.

    Means for the treatment of skin and blood vessels

    From varicose veins, applications with juice or alcohol extract of Kalanchoe on gauze, cotton fabric help. Apply the product to the affected area for 30-40 minutes. Thanks to the medicinal tincture of the leaves in 60–70% alcohol, discomfort in the legs disappears. Make applications with Kalanchoe for skin diseases - moisten the bandage with juice and apply to the affected areas. Women during pregnancy, if the juice causes a burning sensation, can dilute it with saline or water.

    Children can apply diluted Kalanchoe juice on the skin under a bandage, change it twice a day, then once, then after one or two days. The same methods are used to treat sunburn, diaper dermatitis in a child. For eczema or furunculosis, it is enough to apply a couple of drops of juice locally twice a day for 5 days. Infected wounds, abscesses in women during pregnancy, in children are treated with ointment with Kalanchoe pinnate. Apply directly to the affected area of ​​the skin.

    Recommendations for self-preparation of herbal remedies

    Juice and ointment are best used for the treatment of women during pregnancy, children. Everyone else can still use Kalanchoe tincture (vodka, alcohol). The juice of K. pinnate and K. Degremont is harvested during the period of maximum accumulation of nutrients (from June to October). Young shoots with well-developed leaf blades are cut with a sharp knife, washed thoroughly, and stored at 5–10°C for 3–7 days. Then the raw material is crushed, placed in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. To better preserve the properties, alcohol is added so that in the end the fortress does not exceed 20%.

    They instill in children in the nose with sinusitis, sinusitis, colds, juice without alcohol.

    The ointment is prepared on the basis of melted internal lard. The product is mixed with Kalanchoe 1:1, heated without boiling, constantly stirred. After insist about 48 hours. Kalanchoe for pain in the knee is used in the form of an ointment and tincture. The ointment is also suitable for healing abrasions and burns in children.

    Kalanchoe tincture can be prepared on the basis of leaves and vodka (1:5). Leave the container in a dark place for a week, often shake the mixture. Then the product is filtered through gauze. Alcohol tincture from the leaves of a houseplant, when used externally, effectively relieves varicose veins on the legs.

    Kalanchoe and home cosmetology

    Facial care can begin with cleansing the skin with juice or a piece of Kalanchoe leaf without skin. Previously, the raw materials are kept in the refrigerator to enhance the beneficial properties. The juice of the leaves is gently applied with fingertips to the problematic T-zone of the face (forehead, nose, chin). In total, 10 such procedures will be required for two weeks. If the remedy causes discomfort, then the juice is first diluted with water. In a similar way, skin care is carried out, prone to rosacea.

    There are no contraindications for the use of Kalanchoe pinnate for facial care, with the exception of an allergic reaction to the plant.

    A remedy for the care of aging skin is prepared from 1 tsp. liquid honey, 100 ml of water and 2 tbsp. l. juice. This homemade lotion is great for fighting premature facial wrinkles. Tonic moisturizes, gives the epidermis elasticity and improves elasticity. For the care of the neck and décolleté, Kalanchoe juice mixed with low-fat sour cream is used.

    Infusion of 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate and 200 ml of boiling water are used to eliminate acne on the face, including during pregnancy. The agent is first insisted for 2 hours, then filtered. Adolescent children can use a natural tonic for problem skin care. Dark circles under the eyes, freckles on the nose, age spots are removed with peeled leaves. The product is wiped with areas of the skin that are planned to be lightened. The effect develops after prolonged use of Kalanchoe.