Orange essential oil. How is orange oil extracted? Lotion for oily skin

Sweet orange appeared in Europe in the 16th century. But, despite the numerous beneficial properties of this fruit, medicinal purposes its oil began to be used only from the end of the 17th century.

During production essential oil(EM) of sweet orange, mainly fresh peel is used (). Finished product is a viscous yellow-orange liquid with a pleasant odor, close to the aroma of ripe fruits.

Today, sweet orange essential oil is widely used for internal and external use (most often added to dry skin care products). It is included in bath salts and foams, deodorants, creams, colognes, and perfumes.

As food additives oil is used in the confectionery industry, in production alcoholic drinks: liqueurs, alcohol tinctures, vodka, etc.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of sweet orange oil are amazing in their diversity, here are just a few of them:

  • increased immunity;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • blood purification;
  • antispasmodic and choleretic effect;
  • removal of toxins;
  • regulation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
  • improved vision;
  • elimination inflammatory processes and bleeding gums;
  • antiseptic properties (for flu, colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract);
  • pain relief for neuralgia and headaches;
  • relief of muscle, joint, and menstrual pain;
  • beneficial effects on bioenergy (relieving fatigue, depression, increasing performance, restoring the aura after stress and illness).

As a remedy for insomnia or nervous excitement very helpful aromatic baths with this essential oil, which has a calming effect.

Do not forget about cosmetic properties. Orange oil evens out complexion, has a whitening effect, activates cell renewal, gives elasticity to the skin and strengthens hair.

Also this good remedy against cellulite, obesity and edema.

Application and dosage

For aroma lamps: 4 drops per room of 5 square meters. m.

For bath: add 4 drops with emulsifier. Anything can act as an emulsifier base oil(jojoba, coconut, olive, flaxseed), as well as milk or saline solution.

For inhalation: dilute 2 drops with emulsifier in a glass of water.

For gum and oral care:

  • for applications - mixed with vegetable oil (proportion 1: 1);
  • for daily rinsing – a drop per glass of water.

Sweet orange essential oil can also be enriched in creams, tonics, face masks and shampoos (5 drops per 10 g of base) or used internally (add 1 drop twice a day to tea or juice).

Homemade cosmetics recipes

Mask for the face

K 10 ml almond oil add 1 drop each of orange, chamomile, lavender and sandalwood. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin with a cotton swab for 25 minutes, after which the excess can be removed with a damp cloth.

This mask helps eliminate flaking and dry skin.

Hair Mask

20 ml olive oil+ 2 drops orange EO + 4 drops geranium EO. The mixture is applied for half an hour to clean hair, then washed off with shampoo.

The mask works great against dandruff.

Anti-cellulite massage mixture

To 3 tbsp. l. natural honey add 2 drops each of orange, juniper, lemon and lavender oils. After thoroughly stirring the resulting mixture, apply it with patting movements to problem areas.

If you do this massage every other day for 2 weeks, combining it with other methods of combating cellulite, the “orange peel” will become significantly smaller, and with a long course, it will disappear completely.

Sweet orange essential oil is inexpensive, so everyone can appreciate its beneficial properties.

Security measures

  • allergies to citrus fruits,
  • individual intolerance,
  • hypotension,
  • cholelithiasis (only with a doctor’s permission).

In sunny weather, this essential oil (EO) should be used with great caution, as it has accumulating properties and can cause skin burns. Although a short-term burning sensation and slight tingling when applying oil to the skin or while taking a bath is normal.

Let's learn about all the secrets of essential orange oil: composition, beneficial properties, methods of use.

Essential oil obtained from the zest of everyone’s favorite “fruit of the sun” is one of the most available funds aromatherapy. It has a divine sweetish-fruity aroma, rich in airy summer notes, which has a very beneficial effect on the psychological and emotional mood. Fighting depression is not its only beneficial property; orange oil is widely used in cosmetology, folk medicine, perfumery, cooking and, of course, aromatherapy.

Composition and features

The oil is extracted from the fresh peel of Guinea and Spanish oranges using the hydrodistillation method. The product is a fluid liquid substance, which, thanks to the pigments and dyes found in the orange peel, has a rich, yellow-orange color.

This product is obtained from different varieties orange - bitter and sweet. They differ slightly in aroma and composition. Bitter fruits have a more subtle and refined smell.

The oil contains antioxidants, which allows it not to oxidize and be stored for a long time. In general, it contains about 500 different components.

Among them:

  • aldehydes;
  • esters;
  • alcohols;
  • terpenes;
  • limonene and many others. etc.

The product goes perfectly with lavender. Complementary aromas are pine and citrus, rose, juniper, cinnamon, chamomile, and incense oils.

Beneficial features

The properties of orange oil are simply limitless, here are just some of their huge number:

  • anti-cellulite effect on the skin;
  • strengthening blood circulation, normalizing blood pressure, purifying the blood;
  • improvement of stomach function, intestinal motility, removal of toxins;
  • increased appetite;
  • choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism (important in the fight against excess weight);
  • relieving nervous tension, calming effect on stress and depression;
  • improvement of complexion, skin cleansing, elimination age spots, narrowing pores, providing a rejuvenating effect;
  • relieving tension in eye muscles, improved vision;
  • stimulation immune defense body;
  • increased attention;
  • relieving fatigue and increasing performance;
  • antispasmodic and analgesic properties for migraines, joint pain;
  • promoting tissue restoration;
  • protection against infections thanks to high content vitamin C, etc.

Applications and areas of use

The benefits of orange essential oil are invaluable. It is used in the production of medicines, alcohol and soft drinks, for various cosmetic procedures, For internal use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The main thing is to choose a natural, high-quality product, since a synthetic fake cannot be compared with it.

Emotional sphere
First of all, it is worth noting its ability to have a warming effect from a psychological point of view. The soft, refined aroma perfectly improves your mood and psychological condition the person as a whole, relieves fatigue, feelings of anxiety and restlessness, and helps cope with insomnia. For such problems, you should use baths with aroma oil (4 drops per bath) or aroma lamp. The product can be used to scent a child's room, which will provide the baby with a restful, healthy sleep.

Therapeutic effect
In the medical field, the oil is used to treat colds and various kinds infections. Inhalation helps a lot: 200 ml of water + a couple of drops of oil, inhaling steam for five minutes.

For skin diseases, special lotions are used that can significantly improve the patient’s condition. To do this, you need to mix orange essential oil with a vegetable base in equal doses. For stomatitis or periodontal disease, it is recommended to rinse oral cavity using a solution of water and a few drops of oil.

The drug is taken orally when food poisoning, constipation. Its excellent cleansing properties have been revealed, promoting the removal of toxins from the body. Thanks to its diuretic effect, the oil reduces swelling. It can lower blood pressure and keep cholesterol levels normal. To take internally, one drop of oil is added to a glass of tea or juice (no more than two drops per day). In any case, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

An indispensable assistant in everyday life
Interestingly, the oil is also successfully used in everyday life. It perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors in the house, disinfects the air, purifying it from harmful substances and thereby improving well-being and increasing performance. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary aroma lamp. You just need to install it in the problem room and add five drops of oil to the water in the device.

Orange oil is widely used in cosmetology. Here it is designed to solve three main problems that are so common among women today: the fight against cellulite, problems with skin and hair. Let's look at them in more detail.

Secrets of beautiful skin
Orange essential oil – best helper in skin care, known for its restorative and protective properties.

What the skin can get when using the product:

  • healthy appearance;
  • even color;
  • excellent cleansing;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • removal of age spots and freckles;
  • normalization of fat content;
  • excellent tone;
  • elasticity and resilience.

The oil can delay the aging process, rejuvenating the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and evening out its texture.

The use of the product will be great solution for owners of dry skin with areas of roughness and peeling. It will have softening and moisturizing properties.

The oil can be used in pure or diluted form. It can be used to enrich tonics and creams (at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 10 g of cream).

Effective fight against cellulite
Orange oil is a real enemy for cellulite. To combat this problem, experts recommend massage of problem areas, as well as rubbing them with mixtures. They are prepared from ten drops of essential oil and ½ tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Plus, this procedure increases skin elasticity and makes it elastic. To ensure that the mixture is well absorbed, it is advisable to carry out the procedure on a steamed body.

Orange oil for hair
Orange oil performs several essential functions for healthy hair:

  • eliminates dandruff;
  • moisturizes the scalp;
  • strengthens the hair structure.

It can be used simply by applying it to a comb (it is better if it is made of natural wood), or adding a few drops to shampoo or balm. Special hair masks are no less effective. For example, 20 ml jojoba + 2 drops orange + 4 drops eucalyptus. The mixture is applied to clean hair for half an hour.


Orange oil, however, like other essential oils, has a number of contraindications:

  1. First of all, it is definitely not suitable for those who are allergic to citrus fruits or low blood pressure. In addition, use is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to its individual components.
  2. It is not recommended to use orange essential oil during pregnancy.
  3. When used on the skin, you must first conduct an individual sensitivity test.
  4. Due to the presence of phototoxic properties in the product, it is highly not recommended to apply it to the skin before going outside in hot sunny weather.

At proper storage and consumption, orange tree oil will become a real treasure beneficial properties and will help in solving many pressing problems.

We recommend: high-quality orange essential oil in the IHerb online store. Get $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.

Oil of Sweet Orange

Sources and methods of obtaining

Orange essential oil obtained from the peel and fruit of the orange tree (Citrus sinensis). Receipt method oils - cold pressing. The yield of orange essential oil is about 0.3-0.5%.

Orange oil has a yellow, orange, or olive-orange color color and has a fresh, fruity-aldehydic, sweet aroma smell-like orange peels. Since orange essential oil quickly deteriorates (oxidizes), it should be stored in the refrigerator.

Compound: Orange oil contains about 90% hydrocarbons - limonene, citral, decanal, esters of aliphatic and terpene alcohols and sesquiterpene aldehydes. Orange also includes myrcene, terpinene, phellandrene, pinene, camphene, sabinene, cymene, caryophyllene, nerol, geraniol and other substances.

Compatibility: basil, bergamot, vetiver, cloves, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, ylang-ylang, ginger, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, neroli, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, black pepper, clary sage, eucalyptus.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: Rutaceae (Rutaceae).

orange tree
- an evergreen tree with a dense crown. The plant has dark green whole leaves, white flowers and an orange round fruit with a thick skin and seeds. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, the membrane has no bitter taste.

It is believed that the orange tree was obtained in ancient times by mixing tangerine (Citrus reticulata) and pomelo (Citrus maxima).

The birthplace of orange is China. The tree is grown in Southern Italy (Sicily and Calabria), the USA (Florida and California), Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Israel, France, Pakistan, China, India, Iran, Turkey and Egypt. The best oranges are considered to be Maltese, Genoese, Sicilian and Malaga fruits. The main producers of essential oil: Mediterranean countries, USA, Mexico, Morocco, Brazil, Israel.

There are many varieties and subspecies of sweet orange, such as the Japanese orange (C. aurantium var. natsudaidai).


The word "orange" comes from the Dutch "sinaasappel" and the German "Apfelsine", which translates as "Chinese apple".

The orange tree originated from the East, namely from China. Here orange was traditionally used to treat coughs, colds, food problems, and malignant tumors mammary gland. Mentions of this fruit can be found in Chinese manuscripts dating back to 2200 BC. In the East, orange oil was used as incense.

It is known that orange oil was not used for medicinal purposes in Europe until the end of the 17th century, as it was considered rare and expensive. First, lemons appeared here thanks to Alexander the Great, then bitter orange, which became widespread thanks to the Arabs from Persia. Orange was brought to Europe by the Portuguese.

Many crowned persons (Charles III, Catherine de Medici, Louis XIV, Peter I and others) were very supportive of this plant, since a wide variety of beneficial properties were attributed to the orange.

Impact on the body

Orange essential oil:

  • normalizes digestive processes in the body;
  • improves appetite;
  • is a diuretic;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • stimulates lymphatic system;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves colds, flu, bronchitis;
  • helps with stomatitis, gum diseases;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • used in the treatment of spasms, convulsions;
  • inhibits the growth of microbes, sterilizes cuts and wounds;
  • helps quit smoking;
  • relieves frigidity, problems with erection, impotence;
  • is an aphrodisiac;
  • relieves nervous tension, stress, neurotic disorders;
  • lifts the mood;
  • promotes creativity and positive thinking;
  • relieves sleep problems.

Cosmetic effects

Orange oil:

  • helps cure pimples, acne and dermatitis;
  • relieves swelling of the skin;
  • tones and increases elasticity;
  • strengthens the epidermis and improves skin elasticity;
  • promotes renewal and regeneration of skin cells;
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • supports the formation of collagen in cells;
  • helps fight cellulite;
  • eliminates dandruff.

Ways to use orange oil internally

Orange essential oil helps digestive processes. It is recommended to use it internally: add 1-2 drops of orange oil to a teaspoon of honey and drink it with a glass warm water or tea.

To prevent gum disease and stomatitis, rinse with 1 drop of orange essential oil per glass of warm water.

For quick and effective tanning, and also against skin burning, you should use 1-2 drops of orange essential oil with juice.

Methods for external use of orange essential oil

Orange oil helps fight depression, fears and irritability, and also promotes recovery or prevention of colds. To do this, add 3-4 drops of orange into the aroma lamp.

To lose weight, fight cellulite, cramps, spasms and colds, you need to prepare aromatic bath Add a mixture of 5 drops of orange oil and 10 ml of emulsifier (cosmetic cream, bath salts or milk) to warm water.

Massage with orange essential oil will help cope with nervous tension, muscle spasms, insomnia: 7-10 drops of oil per 10 ml of fatty or vegetable oil.

At colds and diseases on nervous soil can help inhalation with orange oil. To do this, add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a glass of warm water and breathe deeply for no more than 5 minutes.

To improve the condition of the skin, strengthen and tone it, as well as to combat cellulite, dandruff, acne and dermatitis, you need enrich cosmetics orange oil. Add 5-6 drops of orange essential oil to a 10 ml shampoo, cream, lotion or milk.

Other uses

Orange essential oil is often added to perfume compositions and various cosmetic products: soaps, body lotions, face creams, deodorants, air fresheners, etc. Orange is especially often included in anti-cellulite products.

Orange oil is used in the production of alcoholic (liqueurs) and soft drinks, confectionery(chocolate, cookies, candies), chewing gum. Essential oil is also used as a fragrance in medicines.

Orange perfectly disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors premises.


Orange essential oil should be used with caution during pregnancy. peptic ulcers and gastritis. It has a phototoxic effect, so should not be used immediately before sun exposure.

The orange tree gives us three types of essential oils at once. Neroli oil is obtained from the flowers, petitgrain is obtained from the leaves. From the zest of the sunny fruit, orange essential oil is produced directly by cold pressing, which is the most widely used. This oil is indispensable in perfumery, cosmetology, folk medicine, aromatherapy and even cooking.

From citrus fruits, this oil inherited a yellow-orange color, a pleasant, pronounced rich smell and the ability to fight depression and give vitality (however, it is not the only one - it has similar properties).

Citrus aromatherapy

This smell is poetically called the aroma of the sun. It is believed that it brings inspiration and helps a person to be more receptive to everything positive. During the period of autumn and spring depression, stock up on orange oil - using it in aroma lamps will relieve stress and fill you up. vital energy. The invigorating smell increases performance and lifts your mood.

Insomnia and anxiety will go away, aromatherapy lovers say, if you fill the room with the aroma of orange oil. By the way, orange essential oil is a wonderful freshener. It neutralizes unpleasant odors and disinfects the air.

A relaxing bath with orange oil will help restore strength and lift spirits - 5-6 drops will be enough. For better effect You can first stir the oil in milk or honey and only then add the aromatic mixture to hot or warm water.

How to treat with orange oil?

The citrus smell will help get rid of headaches and muscle tension. It will bring relief to women during painful menstruation. In addition, orange essential oil is a good antiseptic. For acute viral respiratory diseases, upper respiratory tract infections can be inhaled with orange oil. A couple of drops are enough for 200 ml of water. You need to breathe in the citrus steam for 5–7 minutes.

For herpes, burns, dermatitis and eczema, external use of orange oil will help improve skin condition. Orange oil also helps with periodontal disease, stomatitis and other gum diseases. Rinse your mouth warm water with a drop of orange oil (per glass). You can also make lotions on sore gums, mixing orange oil with basic vegetable oil in equal proportions.

Take orange essential oil internally. It helps with poisoning and constipation. Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, participates in the removal of toxins from the body. Has a good diuretic and choleretic effect. It is taken to reduce swelling.

Orange essential oil is also used for problems of cardio-vascular system. This essential oil helps soft decline pressure in hypertensive patients, “maintains” the level.

Before drinking orange oil for treatment, it is better to consult your doctor. For prevention, you can sometimes drop it into tea or orange juice (“I drink orange juice with orange oil,” sounds a little strange, but why not?). One drop per glass, but no more than two drops per day.

About beauty with the scent of orange

For skin. Orange oil a good helper if the skin is too dry and flaky. This also applies to the delicate skin of the lips. Orange oil stimulates blood flow to the skin, which means it enhances skin regeneration.

Application of oil as in pure form, and to enrich cream or tonic (5 drops per 10 grams cosmetic product) will make the skin more elastic and reduce the number of wrinkles. In addition, such products make the skin color even and help get rid of acne and make enlarged pores less noticeable.

Against cellulite. In the fight against cellulite, essential oils are often called upon to help. Try adding a few drops of orange oil to your anti-cellulite cream. Or make anti-cellulite Massage Oil, mixing aromatic oils with base unrefined vegetable oil. Along with citrus fruits, good anti-cellulite oils are considered.

Here is one of the many recipes that have received very good reviews online: a teaspoon of orange oil and plus three tablespoons of baby cosmetic oil. When applied and massaged, the skin may sting tolerably from citrus oil - this is normal.

For hair. Orange oil eliminates dry skin and strengthens hair. It can be used in different ways. The simplest thing is to apply a few drops of oil to a comb (preferably made of natural wood), and comb your hair thoroughly, slowly. You can add orange oil to shampoos and conditioners - a couple of drops per use.

Orange essential oil for hair is suitable for frequent use– up to three times a week. Provided there are no allergies.

We choose carefully, store according to the rules

Essential oil is produced from both sweet and bitter varieties of oranges. The latter has a more subtle and noble aroma. The best orange essential oil is made from Guinean and Spanish fruits. But even this is quite budget option in comparison with other aroma oils. Along with, citrus oils are the most affordable in cost - 70–150 rubles per 10 ml. This is due to the availability of raw materials. But an even cheaper product is already an order of magnitude lower in quality.

Please note that it is necessary to properly store orange essential oil, the properties of which are quickly lost if kept in air and light. This oil oxidizes instantly, so the best place for it is in the refrigerator. And be sure to always keep the bottle tightly closed.

Caution won't hurt

Before using essential oil, be sure to study the dosage and make sure that you do not have allergies. Please note that if you or your family members have an individual intolerance to citrus fruits, this oil will definitely not suit you. This oil should be used with caution by pregnant women and those suffering from cholelithiasis, epilepsy and hypotension.

Another caveat is that orange essential oil is phototoxic. You should not go out into the sun if you have applied it to your skin, you need to wait at least an hour.

Orange oil has been used in cosmetology since ancient times. Chinese traditional healers noted its unsurpassed tonic and antibacterial properties, manifested in the restoration and rejuvenation of human skin. And even today, in the world high technology production of caring cosmetics for face and body, orange oil remains one of the most affordable and effective means self-care.

What is orange essential oil

Orange oil is an oily liquid extracted from the skin of sweet or bitter oranges by cold pressing. Sometimes the mixture is also produced by steam distillation, but in this case the oil is of lower quality.

To obtain 100 g of essential oil, about 5 kg of fruit zest is used.

The best essential substrate is obtained from Spanish and Guinean fruits

The main indications for the use of sweet and bitter orange essential oils are practically the same, however, due to different composition they differ in color and smell.

  • Sweet orange oil has a dark yellow color and a slightly sweet, tart aroma.
  • Bitter orange oil can have several shades, up to rich red or Brown. Its scent is subtle and refined, which is why these esters are very often used in the perfume industry.

Orange flavor ranks third in popularity in the world after vanilla and chocolate.

Useful properties and applications

Orange oil finds wide application in the medical, food, perfume and cosmetology industries. In addition, it is often used in everyday life to eliminate unpleasant odors - the aroma of orange disinfects the room well and increases efficiency.

In Europe, until the 18th century, only wealthy people could use oil - this product was very rare and expensive.

To the most valuable properties oils include:

  • powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulation of lymph flow, reduction of edema and tumors;
  • eliminating various skin defects, moisturizing and nourishing it;
  • skin rejuvenation by eliminating shallow wrinkles;
  • getting rid of dandruff, improving general condition hair;
  • elimination of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • normalization of work digestive system, increased appetite;
  • antiseptic effect for colds;
  • elimination of headaches, pain in joints and muscles;
  • relief of abdominal pain in case of poisoning, providing diuretic and choleretic effects;
  • increasing visual acuity, relieving overstrain during heavy eye loads;
  • providing a calming effect in case of stress, depression, emotional stress and insomnia;
  • helps to improve memory and concentration.

In addition, the fresh and warm aroma of orange increases faith in own strength, imparts an optimistic mood and charm.

Orange essential oil is often used as an incense for fortune telling as it attracts good luck, love and money.

Effect on facial skin

Orange oil is considered universal remedy, suitable for any skin type. With him regular use The following positive effects can be noticed:

  • softening and moisturizing the skin;
  • improvement of complexion, lightening of age spots, evening out the overall skin tone;
  • normalization of functioning sebaceous glands, elimination of oily sheen;
  • cleansing and narrowing enlarged pores;
  • improving blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity;
  • reducing the depth of facial and age wrinkles;
  • restoration of the epidermis, formation of new collagen fibers;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • removal of toxins through skin pores;
  • tightening of pustules, getting rid of pimples and acne scars;
  • getting rid of herpes on the lips.

Orange oil has a miraculous effect on facial skin

Mask recipes and their use

To achieve the necessary goals, citrus aroma oil is used in combination with other oils and ingredients that can enhance its effect. Below are the most common effective mixtures for the face with orange oil.

Table: Orange oil-based products for dry, oily, problem and normal skin

Skin type

Purpose of the mask

Ingredients and method of preparation

Instructions for use

Nourishment and restoration of skin

Mix 5 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. olive oil

Apply to skin for half an hour, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 8 ml of avocado oilApply the mixture to the face, lightly massaging and avoiding the areas around the eyes. Wash off after 20 minutes

Mix 1 drop of orange oil with 1 drop of Leuzea oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Add the resulting mixture to 10 ml of almond oil

Apply the mask for 25 minutes. If the oil mixture is not completely absorbed, rinse off the excess with warm water.

Softening and moisturizing the skin

Add 1 drop of orange oil, 1 drop of rosewood oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil to 10 ml of avocado oil

Apply the mask for 18 minutes. Rinse off with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 2 drops of rose oil, 5 tbsp. l. orange juice and add 2 tbsp. l. ground sprouted wheat

Apply the mixture to your face and leave until completely dry. Then rinse off and apply a thin layer of cosmetic cream.

Smoothing wrinkles and improving complexion

Mix 5 drops of orange oil thoroughly with a ripe, pre-mashed banana.

Apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with water

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 1 raw yolk chicken egg, 1 small boiled potato and 2 tbsp. l. milk

Apply the mixture warm to your face and cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse off first with warm water and then cool water

Restoring the texture of the epidermis

Pour 3 drops of orange oil into the pre-whipped chicken protein. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. white clay and 50 ml grapefruit juice. Mix all ingredients well

Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with cool water and a few drops of cucumber juice.

Cleansing and toning facial skin, tightening pores

Mix 7 drops of orange oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil with 15 ml of pure alcohol and pour in 200 ml of purified water.

Pour the mixture into a glass container and place in a dark place. Apply a thin layer to the face daily

Normalization of output sebaceous secretion, shine removal

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 10 drops of almond oil and pour in 1 beaten chicken white. Add a pinch of salt

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with water


Improving blood circulation, increasing tone and elasticity

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with mashed chicken yolk

Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. cream and add 2 ripe, pre-mashed strawberries

Apply a thick layer to the skin, lightly moistening the eyelids with cool water. Wash off after 15 minutes

Smoothing wrinkles, evening out overall skin tone

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 3 drops of rosewood oil, 2 drops peppermint oil and 1 drop of vanilla oil. Pour the mixture into 20 ml of avocado oil and mix well

Apply for 30 minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in linden infusion

Nutrition and satiety

1 drop of orange oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil, 1 drop of Leuzea oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave the liquid for 5-10 minutes

Lean over the steam bath for 10 minutes, covering yourself with a towel. Then wash your face with cool water and a few drops of lemon juice.

Combined (mixed)

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

1 tsp. Mix orange oil with 1 tsp. sour cream. Add 2 tsp. mashed cucumber pulp and mix thoroughly

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Orange oil combines best with lavender, geranium, nutmeg, avocado, grapefruit, mint, jasmine and thyme.

You need to apply masks using massage movements.

Application nuances

When applying masks, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The face should be clean and dry. All decorative cosmetics need to be washed off in advance without using tonics and lotions. Hair must be tied up in a bun or secured with a bandage.
  2. The item used to apply the mask must also be immaculately clean. Best to use cotton swab, a sponge, a thoroughly washed and dried brush or brush.
  3. Face masks should be applied according to massage lines: from the chin to the temples, from the lips to the earlobes, from the temporal areas to the nose.
  4. Achieve good result is possible only if these procedures are carried out regularly, but no more than 1-2 times a week.

In addition, to improve the overall condition of the skin ether extract It is useful to periodically consume orange internally. To do this, add 1 drop of oil to a teaspoon of honey, sugar or cream and dilute it in a cup of juice or tea.

Precautions for use

In order not to harm the skin, experienced cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use orange oil on your face in its pure form. This product contains a large number of acids that can cause severe irritation and increase sensitivity to light.
  • Those with sensitive and severely damaged skin should choose masks with least amount oils
  • After preparing the mask for the first time, test it for warning. allergic reaction: Apply a little mixture to delicate skin wrist or elbow bend and leave for 15 minutes. If the procedure does not cause itching or redness, you can safely use a face mask.
  • Apply the product before going to bed or 2-3 hours before going outside. Sun rays. Orange oil is a phototoxic agent that accumulates sunlight and often cause burns. If you applied a mask with orange oil and you urgently need to go outside, protect your skin with sunscreen.
  • When using orange oil internally, keep in mind that it causes a feeling of hunger. Permissible dose taken per day - 2–3 drops.

How to choose the right sweet or bitter orange oil

Currently, you can purchase orange essential extract at a pharmacy or through an online store. However, when buying oil from an unknown and unverified seller, you risk purchasing a fake - the usual vegetable oil with citrus flavor. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  1. Dark container. Essential oils are usually poured into dark glass containers. In light glass and plastic packaging, the product tends to enter chemical reaction under the influence of light and lose their beneficial properties.
  2. High price. Essential oil is quite difficult to produce, so if its cost is up to 150 rubles, it is 100 percent fake. If you are unable to purchase natural product, it’s better to buy oranges and make your own oil or infusion from their peel.
  3. Verified manufacturing countries. It is recommended to choose oil that is produced in the growing areas fruit trees: USA, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, etc.

The effect of using masks with oil directly depends on the quality of the ingredients

You can check the quality of an already purchased product using a regular paper napkin. You need to apply a drop of orange aroma oil to the paper and, after waiting 5 minutes, carefully examine the stain. Natural remedy will completely dissolve, leaving only an orange speck. Heavily diluted oil will leave behind a greasy colored trace, and the cheapest synthetic fake will leave a transparent fat.

Featured in the video clear example Making orange oil at home.

Video: How to prepare a miracle product at home

Conditions and shelf life

Even if you do become the happy owner of natural orange oil, do not forget that it requires certain storage conditions. The oil in sealed original packaging is stored in a dark and dry place with an air temperature no higher than 8 degrees. After opening the jar the best place storage - refrigerator. In this case, it is very important to close the lid tightly and prevent air from entering, which causes rapid oxidation of the terpenes that make up citrus oils. If all the above conditions are met, the shelf life can be about 2 years.

Do not leave the oil in the sun and do not allow air to enter the bottle.


Orange essential oil is not recommended for use as a dietary supplement:

  • people suffering from gallstone disease;
  • people who have low blood pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product.

The use of masks made from orange and its juice is contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus fruits or other ingredients of the mixture. In addition, such masks should be abandoned by people who have open wounds or pustular rashes on the face.

If an allergic reaction is detected, it is imperative to seek advice from a specialized specialist.

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use the oil externally for personal care, but in limited quantities. Decide on how to use the mask in this case the doctor will help.

With the help of orange oil, you can turn any dream of a healthy and beautiful skin into reality even at home. And the sunny aroma and invigorating properties of the oil of this fruit will improve your mood even after the hardest working day!