Benefits of dried apricots. Dried apricots beneficial properties and contraindications. Compote of dried apricots

Thanks to his mineral composition dried apricots have a good effect on the functioning of the body. It contains:



Dried apricots contain a lot of vitamins B, A and fiber. The rich composition allows you to maintain immunity during a strict diet.

Regularly consumed dried apricots for weight loss will also help prevent anemia. Anemia often develops in those who constantly adhere to a low-calorie diet.

The proteins and carbohydrates that dried apricots contain are quickly absorbed and are not stored in fat. Fructose and glucose in its composition are excellent natural substitutes sugars, the consumption of which does not lead to obesity.

Dried apricots allow you to get rid of excess fluid, due to which kilograms are lost. Thanks to fiber, intestinal motility improves.

Dried apricots can be harmful in the following cases:

If consumed in moderation, it may cause stomach upset;

Some people are allergic to it;

Contraindications are absolutely individual, and usually a person knows about them.

Despite the fact that dried apricots are recommended to be used for weight loss, if you are obese, it is better to avoid them or consume them little by little due to their high calorie content.

How to use dried apricots for weight loss?

Dried apricots can act as a sweet dessert for those who are trying to lose weight. By consuming it instead of sweets, you can lose a couple of kilograms per month.

IN dietary ration Dried apricots can be added to morning oatmeal, making the porridge more tasty. Another option is to use it as healthy snack. This will prevent you from overeating during the main meal.

Popular fasting days on dried apricots. They will help not only lose weight, but also improve your health. For one day you will need 2 cups of dried apricots. The day before, it is washed, soaked in water and left overnight.

In the morning, drink the water in which the dried apricots were located. Dried fruits are divided into 6 equal portions and eaten at regular intervals. It is important to drink as much fluid as possible. In addition to regular and mineral still water Unsweetened herbal teas are allowed.

The dried apricot diet involves daily use 200 g of this type of dried fruit. For lunch you need to eat 100 g of protein, such as chicken.

Dried apricots are usually called the fruits of the apricot tree, dried without pits (if the apricot is dried without removing the pit, then it already has a different name - apricot). Large-fruited varieties of apricots are chosen for drying. Turkey and California are considered the world's main suppliers of dried apricots.

In order to get one kilogram of dried fruit, it is necessary to subject about four kilograms to the drying process fresh fruits. They are dried in the open air under the sun - the whole process takes from 6 to 10 days. When harvesting dried apricots in industrial quantities, in order to preserve its presentation and extend its shelf life, the dried fruit is treated with food-grade sulfur dioxide - the vast majority of goods presented on the markets are prepared using exactly this method.

By eating up to one hundred grams of this dried fruit, you can provide your body with daily norm calcium and iron, as well as provide it with vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining physiological processes human life activity.


Dried dried apricots have a low calorie content - one hundred grams of the product contains 233 kilocalories, which makes it possible to use this dried fruit in dietary nutrition for those who want to reset overweight. It is noteworthy that the caloric content of fresh apricots in comparison with dried fruits is much lower, amounting to only 45 kilocalories.

If we consider in detail chemical composition dried apricots, they contain great amount various valuable components, including:

  • protein components;
  • fat components;
  • carbohydrate compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • carotenoids (vitamin A, ß-carotene);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);

  • ascorbic acid(vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • vitamin PP;
  • niacin;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

Valuable properties dried apricots are that they are rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and improves innervation conduction nerve fibers, and also contains large amounts of vitamin A, which is responsible for maintaining the immune system and reproductive ability of the body - it is thanks to carotenoids that apricots have such a rich orange color.

Another component that dried apricots are rich in is riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is responsible for visual acuity at dusk, and also takes part in antioxidant reactions that allow the cells of the body’s tissues to prolong their youth and improve their functional functioning.

Healing power and contraindications

Women who strive to lead healthy image life, actively include dried apricots in their diet. This supplement is also useful for those who want to get rid of obesity - it is known that dried apricots in combination with other dried fruits can replace a traditional meal, and therefore contributes to the desire of many women to lose weight.

In order to lose, and not gain, kilograms, the amount of dried apricots must be limited, otherwise, instead of the desired slimness, you can easily gain weight by becoming carried away by this product with a sweetish-sour pleasant taste.

Often women gain weight due to hormonal imbalance or work disorders digestive tract. Therefore, before you start switching to a diet using dried apricots, you need to be examined and determine your health status.

The benefits of using dried apricots for women trying to lose weight are as follows:

  • during premenstrual syndrome, menopause or pregnancy, the components of dried apricots normalize hormonal background body, have a positive effect on the body during toxicosis;
  • the general emotional and psychological background improves - mood rises, the consequences of stress reactions are reduced, the process of falling asleep is normalized, sleep improves;
  • dried fruit is an excellent substitute confectionery sweets and flour products;
  • the kidneys begin to more actively remove waste and toxins from the body naturally, reducing swelling and overall body weight, as well as preventing inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  • intestinal motility increases, against the background of which constipation ceases to bother you, especially during pregnancy;

  • digestion processes and food absorption are improved;
  • the level of cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels, and also improves the elasticity of the vascular wall;
  • the work of brain tissue is activated, performance increases;
  • the endurance of the heart muscle increases and blood pressure levels normalize;
  • strength improves bone tissue, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the level of hemoglobin increases, which generally increases the saturation of tissues with oxygen and accelerates metabolic processes;
  • growth and development atypical cells stops;
  • The immune defenses of the body are strengthened.

Dried apricot fruits are a unique natural component that has a beneficial effect on the human body, but if consumed in large quantities or certain contraindications are neglected, this dried fruit can cause some harm to health.

Dried apricots are contraindicated for use in the following diseases:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • excess body weight - uncontrolled consumption of dried apricots is prohibited, but fasting days with its use can sometimes be carried out;
  • diabetes mellitus - use with caution and in very small doses, only after consultation with your doctor;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the product;
  • low arterial blood pressure.

In addition to contraindications, one should also take into account the fact that in certain cases It’s not so much the dried apricots themselves that can cause harm, but chemical substances, with which it was processed to extend shelf life and give it an improved presentation.

According to scientific research it was concluded that sulfur dioxide (E220), which is used to treat dried fruits, can accumulate in the human body and in a certain percentage of people this component can cause allergic reaction, expressed as skin manifestations, and also affect the bronchopulmonary system, provoking an asthma attack.

Features of use

Nutritionists unanimously recognize the invaluable help of dried apricot fruits for a woman’s body during the period of her life when she uses this dried fruit for weight loss. A diet based on the use of dried apricots has a number of advantages.

  • Fast saturation. Eating dried apricots supports energy balance the body due to the long process of assimilation of carbohydrates, and also creates a feeling of satiety due to large quantity dietary fiber, which gastrointestinal tract also recycles slowly.
  • Dried apricot has a low glycemic index, as a result, there is no sharp release of insulin into the blood, which means there is no stimulation uncontrollable appetite. Sugary substances, of course, enter the blood when eating dried apricots, but this process occurs slowly, and we get the impression of satiety for a long time. long time.
  • A large amount of plant fiber activates the intestines and has a slight laxative effect, as a result of which the body is cleansed, excess toxins are eliminated and metabolism is accelerated, which has the best effect on a slim figure.
  • Dried apricots, being a source of vitamin-mineral complex, tones the body, ensures his endurance to physical activity and eliminates weakness, drowsy state. When taking this product, a person feels a boost of vivacity, a desire to move actively, and feels an influx of strength and energy.

Scientists have calculated how much dried apricots you can eat per day without gaining weight - this amount is about 100 grams of product, that is, only 5-6 large dried berries. If you eat large quantity, excess daily calorie content diet will lead to weight gain. Reviews from people who have tried a diet with dried apricots serve as excellent proof that if you give your body a fasting day on dried apricots at least once a week or replace one of your meals with dried apricots, you can actually lose 5 kg in 7 days.

Experts recommend not eating dried apricots in the evening, and especially not eating this product at night. The best time to enjoy these sweet fruits is in the morning or daytime, when the body is still full of strength and has enough time to process and absorb the components of the product before going to bed, when the speed digestive processes decreases noticeably. This statement is true for those who lead an ordinary lifestyle with a small amount of physical activity.

If you are a professional athlete or your activity is related to active physical activity, which occurs at any time of the day, you can consume dried apricots at any convenient time.

However daily norm however, it cannot be exceeded. Once a week you can completely switch to eating dried apricots various options preparations. In this case, its amount is calculated from the volume of calories that you need to consume per day - this volume is different for each person, and a nutritionist will help determine this number. You cannot switch to eating dried apricots for more than one day a week, so as not to provoke disruption of the digestive tract.

How to prepare diet meals?

If you decide to use dried apricots in order to improve your figure and get rid of extra pounds, these easy-to-follow, but effective recipes cooking. You can make your own changes to any recipe you like by adding other dried fruits to the dried apricots - most importantly, try to maintain the final weight of the components and do not exceed it.

  • Dried apricot drink. Rinse 250-300 grams of dried apricots well with boiling water, steam them hot boiled water and grind until fruit puree. You need to add 500 milliliters of apricot or peach juice to the finished mixture. This drink should be taken throughout the day in the form the only product nutrition, distributing the amount of composition for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Dried apricot cocktail. You will need 5 pieces of dried apricots, 100 milliliters grape juice, 100 milliliters of kefir, vanillin - add to taste. Steam apricots with hot boiling water and chop. Mix dried apricots, juice and kefir and cool. Drink in the morning, for breakfast.
  • Dried apricots with cottage cheese. Take 5 dried fruits apricot, two tablespoons oatmeal, 50 grams of 2% cottage cheese. Steam the berries and finely chop them into pieces, steam the flakes in hot boiling water. Mix all components and add dietary cottage cheese to the resulting mass. Use the product instead of breakfast or lunch.

  • To learn how to make a weight loss cocktail from dried apricots, see the following video.

It is a rare woman who is unconditionally satisfied with her appearance and does not dream of losing at least a little more weight. Almost each of us is looking for all kinds of ways to lose a couple of extra pounds without any special physical activity.

In this case, all kinds of diets will come to the rescue. Their main postulate is the refusal of fried, salty, sweet foods, limiting the consumption of flour products (a little black bread is allowed), and the last meal no later than 19 hours.

Any diet implies a certain stress for the body, and the best remedy As you know, sweets are a cure for stress. A great alternative sweet pastries, cakes, caramels and chocolates in this case it will become dried apricots.

In the process of losing weight, the benefits of dried apricots are undeniable. Firstly, it contains a large amount of fiber, which promotes comfortable digestion. Secondly, it is an excellent dessert substitute for those with a sweet tooth, and it is also a nutritious snack during strict diets.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss and in general

When asked whether dried apricots will help you lose weight, nutritionists give ambiguous answers. The fact is that the product itself cannot be classified as a product that promotes weight loss, since it has quite high calorie content. However, dried apricots are an excellent component for dietary programs, because it is able to maintain the vitamin balance in the body and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition, eating of this product during the fight against overweight reduces the risk of constant diet companions – anger and irritation.

Scientists have proven that sweet food has a beneficial effect on a person's mood. Dried apricots will allow you not to completely give up sweets during your diet. Despite the fact that the number of calories it contains is very high - 232 kcal per 100 grams, this is still less than the calorie content of sweets. In addition, dried apricot is a completely natural product, which means that it is much easier for the body to process it.

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

  • Dried apricots are a wonderful way to relieve hunger. It is enough to eat a couple in between meals to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • Dried apricots are a natural and safe substitute for sweet desserts. The sugar contained in dried apricots is not capable of causing as much harm to the figure as the sugar in sweets and cookies;
  • Dried apricots are rich in fiber. Thanks to it, the intestines are cleansed, harmful substances and toxins are removed from the body, all this leads to improved metabolism;
  • Dried apricots, oddly enough, have a slight diuretic effect, which is very useful during diets.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Representatives of the fairer sex know that losing weight on dried apricots is quite possible, you just need to periodically spend fasting days on vitamin drinks and dried fruits.

To do this, you need to chop 300 grams of dried apricots and pour in freshly squeezed juice, prepared yourself (not from boxes). The fasting day menu will consist only of the resulting mixture. Increasing the dose is highly undesirable, as the risk of getting functional disorder intestines.

There are a sufficient number of diets designed specifically for those who cannot refuse tea with sweets. One of these dietary programs was called the “sweet tooth diet.”

Its essence is that at least an hour should pass between drinking tea and eating. Tea should be drunk without sugar, as a dessert - 2-3 pieces of dried apricots, this amount cannot be exceeded. The result directly depends on the initial calorie content of the sweets eaten, which in this case are replaced with dried apricots.

Based on reviews from people who lose weight using this principle, it becomes clear that this system really works. Replacing sweets with dried apricots entails a calorie deficit, which forces the body to spend accumulated calories without storing new ones.

We all love dried fruits since childhood, they are especially good in winter, when the amount of fresh fruit is reduced. Dried fruits replenish vitamins and minerals in the body, normalize blood pressure, and improve the functioning of all human organs. One of the most delicious and healthy dried fruits is dried apricots - and this is not surprising, because in fact, it is a dried apricot, and there are more useful substances in apricots than in many fruits.

What does dried apricots contain?

The benefits of dried apricots are due to high content vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots contain alimentary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, starch, organic acids, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium.

Dried apricots contain a lot of glucose, fructose and sucrose. Vitamins: A, group B, C, E, PP. Therefore, dried apricots are useful for both adults and children. 4-5 pieces of dried apricots contain the daily requirement of iron, potassium, B vitamins, and carotene.

However, beautiful-looking, bright orange dried apricots will do more harm than good. The fact is that it is dried using sulfur dioxide, which in the European classification is defined as E220, and other preservatives are also used. IN small quantity Sulfur dioxide does not cause harm to the body, but with prolonged use it can cause allergies and respiratory diseases.

Least of all harmful substances in dried apricots, dried in the sun, without the use of chemicals, such products are not attractive in appearance, are tougher, have a brown color, but they have more benefits.

Types of dried apricots

There are several types of dried apricots, depending on the method of preparation.

The apricots are dried without removing them from the branches; if moisture gets on the fruits, they become dark. Dark color apricots indicates that it is prepared without preservatives.

Kaisa – apricots, dried without pits.

Ashtak is a seedless fruit, but with seed kernels inside. The seeds are removed before drying, the kernel is removed, and put into the apricot.

All types of dried apricots are useful, the main thing is that they do not contain harmful substances. Drying fruits in natural conditions takes a lot of time, so manufacturers dry them in special ovens, and use not only natural wood, but also materials that are completely unsuitable for this - diesel fuel, chemical industry waste.

Therefore, when choosing dried apricots on the market, you need to take a close look at it, and even smell it to see if it has the smell of gasoline or burnt rubber.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of dried apricots? Does this product raise or lower blood pressure?

Substances found in dried apricots retain calcium in the body, improve vision, remove toxins, radionuclides, and salts from the body heavy metals, waste and cholesterol.

Pectin and fiber activate the intestines, improve peristalsis, normalize the state of beneficial microflora, and eliminate constipation.

Dried apricots are very useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels; the substances in it can reduce blood pressure, clearing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. For achievement therapeutic effect You need to eat 100-150 grams of dried apricots per day; a decoction of dried apricots will also be useful. To treat atherosclerosis, dried apricots are ground in a meat grinder and 1 tablespoon is eaten with honey.

Dried apricots are very useful for women's health, since it normalizes production female hormones, and antioxidants, of which there are a lot in dried apricots, prevent the development oncological diseases, fibroids and cysts.

As a result of eating dried apricots, the body is cleansed of harmful substances and receives useful elements. As a result, they increase protective forces body, metabolism is normalized, blood composition improves, blood pressure decreases. Because it is the lack of nutrients in the body and its contamination with toxins and waste that causes high blood pressure. It is not for nothing that doctors consider high blood pressure not a disease, but a consequence of troubles in the body. Thus, dried apricots are a product that lowers blood pressure.

There are not many contraindications for dried apricots, but they do exist, such as intestinal obstruction, gastritis, ulcers, and diabetes.

Dried apricots for kids

At what age can dried apricot decoction be given to children? Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky advises giving children a decoction of dried apricots from 6-8 months. It will be especially useful for children who are on artificial feeding, because constipation in such babies is a very common occurrence. The stomach of “artificial babies” is more adapted to a variety of foods, and at the same time, the digestive system of such children is not always able to cope with its tasks, so they can be given a decoction of dried apricots from 3-4 months.

But you need to start giving decoctions of dried apricots to infants with small doses - no more than 20-30 ml at a time. In this case, you need to observe whether the child’s body will react with an allergy. If not, then you can introduce another supplement to the child’s diet; the benefits of dried apricots for children are undeniable. But if the baby develops even slight signs of allergies, dried apricots will have to be abandoned.

Apricots, and therefore dried apricots, rarely cause allergies, most likely they will benefit your baby, the main thing is to make a decoction from quality product, even if its appearance is inferior to the beautiful and soft orange dried apricots.

It is not difficult to prepare a decoction of dried apricots for babies - first you need to soak 2-3 dried apricots in clean, warm water for 30 minutes, then drain the water. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried apricots and cook for 10 minutes, cool and give to the child without sugar or honey.

Multicomponent decoctions can be given to children from 8 months, but before that each component must be “tested” separately.

Recipes for various ailments

Recipe 1.

A decoction of prunes and dried apricots for edema during pregnancy. Take 100 grams of dried apricots and prunes, rinse with running water, add 1.5-2 liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. You need to cook for 15 minutes on low heat. When the drink is ready, you can start drinking 150-200 ml of it. Prunes and dried apricots will help increase hemoglobin, reduce blood pressure, normalize stools, and relieve swelling.

Recipe 2.

Vitamin mixture. Take 200-300 grams of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, honey. Pass nuts and dried fruits through a meat grinder, add honey, mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place in a cool place.

Use the mixture 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach, and then in the evening before bed, 2 tablespoons. children can be given 1 tbsp. Wash down the mixture warm water.

Recipe 3.

Decoction at high blood pressure. Pour 50 grams of dried apricots with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 4 hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. You need to prepare the decoction for 1 day.

Recipe 4.

Alcohol tincture of dried apricots. It’s very simple to make - rinse 150-200 grams of dried apricots, cut into 3-4 parts, put in a jar, pour 1 liter of alcohol - vodka, alcohol or purified moonshine. Leave for 1 month in a dark and cool place, then strain and pour into another container. To strengthen the immune system during a flu epidemic and with high blood pressure, it is enough to drink 50 ml of tincture once a day before meals.

Recipe 5.

Mask for the face. Pour 1 cup of dried apricots with water and wait until it softens. Pass the dried apricots through a meat grinder, or grind in a blender, add 2 tsp to the mixture. powdered milk. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then clean with a napkin and rinse with warm water. The mask can be used for any skin type.

Recipe 6.

A decoction of dried apricots for weight loss. This drink should be richer. Take 200-300 grams of dried apricots, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cool and drink without sugar during the day.

To lose weight, familiar sweets - candies, cookies, cakes - can be replaced with dried fruits, including dried apricots. It’s no secret that we are used to “eating up” troubles with sweets, and in return for one problem we get another, in the form of extra pounds. Whereas sweet dried fruits in this case will be more useful - they are lower in calories, contain much more nutrients, and often act as a cleansing and laxative.

Doctor Ziganshin from Tatarstan developed own method fasting using dried apricots or apricots. This is a gentle fast, not dangerous even for older people; it is not for nothing that it is called “velvet fasting.”

Fasting according to the Ziganshin method is carried out as follows:

  • 1 day 5-7 pieces of dried apricots are brewed with boiling water, and the drink is drunk after a few minutes. Dried fruits are re-brewed several times; the berries should be eaten in the evening. In addition to the infusion, you need to drink 2.5-3 liters per day clean water. During the first day you can eat 1 tsp. powder seaweed and 1 clove of garlic.
  • On the 2nd day, the infusion and products are taken in the same way, adding 1 orange to the diet, which should be eaten gradually throughout the day.
  • On the third and fourth days you can only drink water - 2.5-3 liters.
  • From the fifth to the 14th day the cycle must be repeated.
  • Starting from the third week, the end of the hunger strike begins.

The uniqueness of dried fruits is that they retain almost all the vitamins found in fresh fruit. Dried apricots have long been considered a very healing dried fruit. It contains useful material who have positive impact on the body. It has a wonderful taste and a lot of useful properties. This article will tell you about the beneficial properties and contraindications of dried apricots.

How to make dried apricots

A cut is made in whole apricots and the pit is pulled out. The most reliable production method is to dry the fruit under straight sun rays in a specialized place. This process continues a little more than a week. During this time, the moisture evaporates and the weight is reduced by 4 times. As a result, the finished fruit has a matte copper or brown color with a slight grayish tone.

How to choose

Knowing how to choose dried apricots correctly will allow you to purchase a natural product. According to generally accepted recommendations, dried fruits are clean, large, elastic, not very transparent and a little harsh. If the color is unnatural and too bright, it means that chemicals were used during production to create a beautiful appearance of the dried fruit.

How to store

If dried fruits are stored properly, they will appearance and the taste will not disappoint. Dried apricots can be dried or dried (the calorie content of both types is approximately the same). Only dried must be stored. Due to its low liquid content, it will last longer than jerky.

The best option for preserving sweet fruits is a dry, dark place and room temperature. To avoid oxygen entering the product, it must be kept in a tightly closed glass container. When using paper or cellophane packaging, harmful insects may appear. To save dried apricots for a long time (several months), they can be placed in the freezer.

What's included

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are extensive. It contains:

  • Water.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Cellulose.
  • Pectins.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Organic acids and trace elements.
  • Vitamins (A, group B, niacin, choline, E, K, C).

And that's not all beneficial features dried apricots. The calorie content of the sweet fruit is about 235 kilocalories per 100 g.

Beneficial features

10 main beneficial properties of dried apricots for the body:

  1. Great for colon cleansing. This effect increases if you add raisins, figs and prunes. All these components need to be processed in a meat grinder, seasoned with honey if desired, and consumed daily 150 grams of this sweetness.
  2. Its use is mandatory for complications in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The amber fruit is a method of prevention in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. It lowers cholesterol levels.
  3. This is an excellent diuretic, so dried fruit can cleanse the kidneys. For this purpose, it is recommended to drink dried apricot compote.
  4. It contains a lot of carotene - a trace element necessary for the eyes. It improves vision and also has positive effect for prevention ophthalmological diseases.
  5. Useful for children. Supplies the young body valuable substances, relieves vitamin deficiency in the cold season, supports the immune system, which is important in resisting viral and seasonal diseases.
  6. Helps raise hemoglobin levels and copes well with anemia, which is very necessary during pregnancy.
  7. Has an antitumor effect. In this regard, it is recommended for people at risk of cancer. IN medicinal purposes slows down the development of oncology and softens its course.
  8. It has a beneficial effect on the removal of toxins (radionuclides and heavy metal salts).
  9. The calorie content of the product does not interfere with its good digestion and absorption in the body. It can give you a feeling of fullness for many hours.
  10. Promotes the removal of sputum during a dry cough and reduces the temperature during colds.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

The beneficial properties of dried apricots for women are certainly important. The presence of a delicious delicacy on the menu - a real find For female body. Dried apricots will give elasticity to the skin and make hair strong. Setting it up correctly digestive system, it will get rid of acne and improve the condition skin. Dried apricot strengthens reproductive function and improves the functioning of sex hormones. And also is sedative for disorders nervous system and PMS.

Beneficial properties of dried apricots for men

Of no small importance for men's health Dried apricots have an abundance of fiber. It helps improve blood circulation in reproductive organs. In this regard, the condition of the ovaries is normalized, potency increases and the functioning of hormones is stabilized. Thanks to the blood flow to groin area Prostate diseases are prevented.

Contraindications for use

Contrary to the fact that beneficial properties dried dried apricots a lot, it also has some contraindications:

  • Dried apricots can lower blood pressure, so people with hypotension should consume them with caution.
  • In the presence of excess weight or diabetes - consult a doctor before consuming the southern fruit.
  • According to nutritionists, adults can eat no more than 5 medium fruits per day. Large quantities may cause stomach upset.
  • With prolonged consumption, the preservatives and sulfur oxide it contains can cause an increase in the level of these substances in the body. This, in turn, will increase the risk of allergies affecting the lungs and respiratory system. Prohibited for asthma.
  • Damage to health can be caused by substances used during processing during drying. Some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to give dried apricots a presentable appearance - a bright orange color. It is necessary to rinse the fruits and fill them with water for 10 minutes.
  • Childhood up to 4 years.

Dried apricots for diabetes

To date, there is no exact answer to the question of whether patients should include dried apricots in their diet. diabetes mellitus. The positions of professionals are divided. Some believe that this product contains more than 80% sugar, so it should not be eaten if you have diabetes. Others believe that the sweet fruit may actually be needed by the body, since glycemic index equal to 30%.

Doctors say that the most acceptable option is to consume no more than 100 grams of dried fruits in one day. In addition, they will go well with porridge, baked goods and salads. They also go well with rice, meat and fish. It should be noted that it is undesirable to expose dried apricots to heat.

Dried apricots for pancreatitis

Dried apricots and fresh apricots contain more than 80% sucrose. The breakdown of such an amount of sugar will be associated with the production of additional insulin, of which very little is created during pancreatitis. On top of that, the load on the pancreas will come from the fiber content. Having many useful properties, dried apricots are strictly unacceptable for pancreatitis, as they can cause more problems than good.

Dried apricots for those who want to lose weight

The beneficial properties of dried apricots for weight loss have some features:

  • Thanks to its sweetness, the fruit will be a good alternative to sugar and sweet dishes.
  • Able to remove toxins from the body and eliminate excess liquid. It replenishes potassium reserves (its deficiency occurs when moisture is lost from the body).
  • Acts as a laxative - eliminates constipation, which often accompanies weight loss.
  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Helps out those who don’t like unleavened cereals and bran. Pieces of steamed dried apricots will help transform a tasteless dish.
  • Due to the low amount of fat and great content complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, the body is saturated with energy. As a result, a person feels full longer.

Nutritionists advise arranging fasting days on dried apricots in order to stabilize weight. It is advisable to eat dried fruits before lunch, when metabolic processes are more active.

The harm and beneficial properties of dried apricots for the body have many contradictions among researchers. Despite this, many people love dried fruit for its bright appearance and pleasant taste. The beneficial properties of dried apricots have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Due to its exceptional composition, it is very popular among the population.