Forest of the Lucky. “The main characters of Ostrovsky’s play “Forest”

The case takes place in the domain of Gurmyzhskaya, she is a very rich landowner. Mr. Budanov tactfully pesters the girl Aksinia. The young lady leaves Bulanov, and his lackey invites Bulanov to start courting the lady.

At that very time we see Gurmyzhskaya with Bodaev and Milonov. Raisa Pavlovna wants to help everyone: to marry Aksinya to Bulanov and find her only heir. Vosmibratov, a merchant, wants Aksyusha to marry his son Peter, and at the same time wants to buy a forest. He does not bring money for the forest, and he is refused marriage.

But, in spite of everything, he buys timber and it’s very profitable. Father and son leave without even leaving a receipt. Gurmyzhskaya forces Aksyusha to play the role of Bulanov’s bride, but since she hates her “groom,” she thereby infuriates Raisa.

Secretly from everyone, lovers Pert and Aksyushka see each other alone in the forest. Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev spontaneously collide on the way. One traveled from Vologda, the second from Kerch. They share that there is no troupe neither here nor there and they won’t be able to play. And they continue their journey on foot and without finance.

Gennady Demiyanovich Neschastlivtsev carries in his backpack a couple of good dresses and a broken pistol. Schastlivtsev has a bundle containing a light coat, several books and medals that he stole somewhere. Both of them want to create a troupe, but a good actress is very difficult to find.

After talking a little and having a friendly quarrel, Gennady and Arkady leave. Raisa Pavlovna flirts with Mr. Budanov, telling him a dream about her missing relative, in which his nephew kills him. But they soon end this ridiculous conversation. The master arrives.

Neschastlivtsev tells everyone that he is a retired officer, and introduces Schastlivtsev as his lackey. Peter and Vosmibratov enter the room. Karp refuses to report their arrival, citing a ridiculous excuse. Communicating with Neschastlivtsev, Bulavinov notes that studying is not for his mind, since he has an amazing mind by nature.

Bulavinov is eager to learn how to bluff in card games. Guests settle in in the gazebo. Vosmibratov lies to Gurmyzhskaya, taking the receipt, and hints at refusal of matchmaking. Raisa Pavlovna is unhappy and tells Bulavinov about this situation. Vosmibratov and his son were caught, but as soon as the conversation turns to deception, he begins to scream loudly, pretending to be quite formidable. As a result, Neschastlivtsev still takes the money and gives it to Gurmyzhskaya.

Raisa Pavlovna is very pleased that they helped her and promises that she will give him exactly the same amount of money. Neschastlivtsev doesn’t believe her. But very courteously, making almost direct hints, he shows his attraction to Gurmyzhskaya. He vows to make her his idol, and promises to pray for him.

Arkady looks at everything that is happening from behind a bush, and sees how Raisa Pavlovna mocks the actor, giving all the finances to Bulanov. At night, Arkady boasts to Neschastlivtsev that he is smart, since he managed to have dinner with the master at the same table and borrowed money from the housekeeper. Arkady is frightened by Neschastlivtsev, finishing his sentence from the bushes.

Neschastlivtsev is sure that he will never forgive the lady again. Julitta and Karp arrive. After them, Schastlivtsev enters. Karp jokes with Julitta, who appears here because of a date. He gossips about the lady's novels. Julitta stays with Arkady and pours out her heart and soul to him about how she doesn’t like her situation.

The unlucky ones are still kept in fear by Arkady and inadvertently tells Julitta that in fact he is not an officer, and that he and his lackey are actors. Peter and Aksyusha are in the garden. Vosmibratov agrees to a smaller dowry. A couple in love asks Gennady for money, he easily wins them over. Aksyusha is desperate, but he explains to her that his finances are even worse than hers. Aksinya wants to commit suicide by drowning herself in the lake. Gennady stops her. Neschastlivtsev leaves everyone, encountering Peter and his beloved.

Gennady is inspired, he invites Aksinya to work as an actress in his troupe. Aksinya agrees. Gennady is happy. He tells Aksinya that they will be able to hit all of Russia. Neschastlivtsev, Peter and Aksinya leave. Raisa and Julitta appear. Julitta tells all the news to Gurmyzhskaya. Julitta calls Bulanov and leaves.

Gurmyzhskaya flirts with Bulanov, forcing him to guess what she likes. Raisa Pavlovna kisses Bulanov and pushes him away, saying that he has lost his mind. And she wants him to leave her estate. Bulanov does not leave and in the morning he offends Karp with jokes. He explains that he will not tolerate disorder in the house. Bulanov is a little afraid of Neschastlivtsev. And he, in turn, mocks Bulanov, but he has no choice, and he leaves, explaining this with the desire of the lady. Leaving the room, he accidentally sees a box with money.

Bulanov talks to Raisa on a first-name basis. Aksinya feels sorry for the money for the dowry. Gurmyzhskaya begins a conversation with Aksinya about Bulanov. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya is jealous of Bulanov for Aksyusha. Aksinya is replaced by Gennady. The unfortunates persuade the hostess to give the box with threats. Raisa gives him a thousand rubles, but he threatens her to shoot himself. He asks to harness the horses, anticipating very profitable agreements for himself. Aksinia is looking for Peter in order to say goodbye to him and leave to work as an actress. Vosmibratov agrees to take 1000 rubles as a dowry and Aksyusha begs the lady to give them this amount.

Milonov and Bodaev appear. Raisa and Bulanov decide to get married. For the sake of the holiday, Gennady tries to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give her a dowry, but she refuses. The groom supports her. Neschastlivtsev himself gives money to the lovers. Aksinya is openly grateful to Gennady, and Bodaev is so surprised by this act that he wants to write about it in the newspaper.

Ostrovsky's comedy "The Forest" ends with a monologue, it says that old women can marry young guys, young girls want to quickly leave their home. Arkady tells Karp that if a cart with horses arrives, it must be turned back so that all the young people can take a walk.

We haven't looked at everything here yet. And - the talent is getting stronger, the sculpting is becoming more confident. Here again - the nobles, in a new way. A refined man in a pink tie, soft-spoken, readily flattering; and an old retired cavalryman, rudely sputtering sober ridicule. (About zemstvo: “No use, just robbery,” “I won’t pay a penny while I’m alive.”) And both of them are presented side by side in the living room of the fifty-year-old landowner Gurmyzhskaya, a widow, from the first remarks of a hypocrite, much more subtle than Kabanikha: “Am I for I live myself? all my money belongs to the poor.” (True, after the death of her husband, she was left with a 15-year-old nephew; she left him to wander around Russia without help, and also for 15 years.) At the ready, though, about peasant reform: “What a pity that our fatherly measures towards our smaller brothers have stopped!” - “Only our governor and Father Gregory understand me...” (Flattering guest: “You decorate our province with the severity of your life.”) - “Having experienced it, I received an aversion to marriage.” (Cavalryman: “But not to men?”) - And in the very first act, at first with restrained half-hints, it is revealed to us that the lady is supporting an idle young uneducated nobleman, according to the secret plan of her lust, and for cover, she is supposedly preparing a poor relative Aksyusha for him in the bride, but she will never give her away - and she won’t let her marry her beloved either, Aksyusha’s every move is watched by a spy-housekeeper. (Alas, the author did not trust the viewer’s guess enough; then everything is explained to us too directly.) - And in stark contrast to this noble house - here is a tight-fisted merchant of savvy men, who came to bribe the forests from the landowner, and at the same time woo Aksyusha (if with a dowry ) for his son, he doesn’t notice the local weaving of tricks: “If we forget God, our merciful Creator, in those days, madam, we have nowhere to go.” – And this whole scene is skillfully woven into the reading of an old letter to Gurmyzhskaya - in sublimely dramatic phrases, from that husband’s nephew who sometimes sends his aunt outlandish gifts from different parts of Russia, but never gives his address.

Forest. Film by V. Motyl based on the play by A. Ostrovsky, 1980

And the second act, with a scene in the forest, at a fork in the road, after Aksyusha’s inconsolable, secretive meeting with her lover, shows us a meeting of two actors wandering on foot, one from Vologda to Kerch, the other from Kerch to Vologda (this has become an aphorism in our classics) in search of acting work and means of living - the tragedian Gennady Neschastlivtsev (here we understand the style of the letter we heard) and the comedian Arkady Schastlivtsev. And their entire meeting further is a brilliantly witty, sparkling dialogue about the wandering life of an actor - an unexpected gift from the playwright not only to the audience, but to the theater fraternity itself, a play within a play. (For twenty years Ostrovsky began to think about his acting destiny.)

When visiting his aunt’s estate, the tragedian puts on a more similar costume with fake orders from his travel backpack, pretends to be a retired colonel, and portrays the comedian as his lackey. At first, the aunt is very concerned about the arrival of her unexpected nephew. But then he happens to successfully intervene in Gurmyzhskaya’s dispute with the merchant. Clash of psychologies. From a noblewoman: “If only there was more land, and the landowner understood his interest; otherwise you can live without your mind” - and the merchant’s calculation is not to overpay for the forest plot. The tragedian sublimely and angrily intervenes in the conflict, flowerily uses quotes from his various roles and forces the stunned merchant to concede a thousand. (The situation is very new in the theater, and is conveyed in an amusing dialogue.) The tragedian himself, to the joy of the virtuous landowner, generously refuses to take the won thousand as a gift.

However, revelations immediately follow: the comedian reveals to the tragic the truth about the pious aunt, sniffed out from the housekeeper, and in exchange to the housekeeper - about the actor’s deception of the “Colonel”. (All of them, and the prudent, sensible lackey of the hostess, are very loyal characters.) And Aksyusha was overcome with grief: either two thousand for a dowry, or the merchant will not accept her as a daughter-in-law. Aksyusha’s thought: ask her brother-colonel. Here he is, on a moonlit night in the garden. He reveals to Aksyusha that he is poor, saying “don’t refuse me a copper coin when I knock on your window and ask you to get over your hangover.” But he is shocked by the passion of her grief and with great inspiration persuades her with the highest noble words, and from “Hamlet”, manages to prevent her from rushing right into the lake, and - an idea! - “Why waste your soul for nothing!”, your such vivid suffering! “If you throw half of these treasures to the public, the theater will fall apart from applause, you will be showered with flowers, gifts... You will be my pride, my glory. And I will be your father. I initiate you into an actress!” (A rich role!) And calls on the comedian: now they have a troupe! they will tour all theaters in Russia. – A very diverse play: the theatrical theme breaks in almost like the main one.

And Gurmyzhskaya, having learned everything from the housekeeper, only rejoices at the actor’s self-exposure: now - everyone away from the estate! Her young favorite took charge of her, but the tragedian abruptly interrupted him: “What are you? squire, page? minstrel?.. You can’t talk to a kitten indifferently.” (The tragedian himself consoled Aksyusha last night with inspirational monologues, from memory.) And Gurmyzhskaya announces to Aksyusha that the minstrel is no longer planned to be her groom, and she needs to leave the house. The tragedian comes across the thousand he has saved and, with a fake pistol, convinces the landowner to give it to him for his journey. Now - on a troika to the pier, and then the carefree actors will travel first class on the ship. "Let's have fun, brother!" - But then it turns out that the merchant has become rich: he is ready for a dowry of only one thousand. Gurmyzhskaya refuses (her page also tells her to save her money), Neschastlivtsev: “Auntie, I’m blushing for you... Yes, if only I had...” And what is this? I remembered: he has a thousand in the pocket on his chest. “It wouldn’t hurt the old dog to save them for a rainy day...” And he gives them to Aksyusha. “Meanwhile, guests we already knew arrived—that flatterer and that cavalryman.” Dressed smartly, the hostess announces to them: “I’m getting married... With all my desire to remain a widow forever.” And the groom to the guests: “You will find in me the most ardent defender of our interests and privileges.” And the lady-bride: “He was born to command, but he was forced to study something in the gymnasium.” And the footman is already serving, pouring champagne. Traveling actors also drink goodbye.

This comedy is one of Ostrovsky’s best, and its plot is quite different from others. But the author cannot resist: it is necessary to serve public opinion, to clarify. And Neschastlivtsev pronounces a farewell revealing monologue: “Brother Arkady, why did we come, how did we get into this forest, into this dense forest?.. No, we are noble artists, and you are the comedians. All your life you talk about the good of society, about love for humanity. What did you do? Who did you feed? Who did you console? – And in a new voice, the most sublime: “People, people! The generation of crocodiles... Oh, if only I could infuriate all the bloodthirsty inhabitants of the forests against this hellish generation!” – Young groom: “But excuse me, you can be held accountable for these words!” Cavalryman: “Yes, just to the police officer. We are all witnesses!” – He takes out the unfortunates from his bosom "Robbers" Schiller: “Censored. Look! Approved for presentation."

Note. The first performances of the comedy “The Forest” took place on November 1, 1871 at the Alexandrinsky Theater, and on November 26 at the Maly Theatre. "The Forest" was widely staged on the provincial and private stages. In Soviet times, the play was extremely popular, in addition to many productions in large cities and republican capitals of the USSR, it was staged in Prague, Berlin, Dresden, Helsinki, Oslo, Milan, Stratford (Royal Shakespeare Company), etc. Many productions were carried out in post-Soviet times. There is a full-length film (1980, Lenfilm) and several film-performances: Leningrad Drama Theater named after. A.S. Pushkin (1953), Maly Theater (1975, 2002), Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov (2004).

Brief summary of the comedy
In the estate of Raisa Pavlovna Gurmyzhskaya, “a very rich landowner,” Bulanov, “a young man who did not finish his studies at the gymnasium,” accosts his pupil Aksyusha. Aksyusha leaves, and the footman Karp hints to Bulanov: should he pay attention to the lady herself.
At this time, Gurmyzhskaya herself appears and along with her “rich landowner neighbors”: retired cavalryman Bodaev and Milonov. The hostess says that she wants to do “three good deeds at once” - marry Aksyusha to Bulanov and take care of her late husband’s nephew; She hasn’t seen him for fifteen years, and he is her only relative and legal heir. He sends her small gifts from all over Russia, but where he is, what’s wrong with him is unknown.
The merchant Vosmibratov came to buy the forest and marry his son Peter to Aksyusha. However, he “did not take the money for the forest he had already purchased.” Gurmyzhskaya refuses: “There is already a groom, he lives in the house. Maybe they are talking some nonsense in the city, so you know: this is the groom.” “You’re only making a fool of your father. Wait a minute with me!” - the merchant threatens his son. But the forest was bought at a profit. This time, as if by chance, the merchant does not leave a receipt. Father and son leave. Karp brings Aksyusha and Julitta. Trying to humiliate Aksyusha, Raisa Pavlovna tells her to play the role of Bulanov’s bride: “I need it that way.” But the contempt shown by Aksyusha to Bulanov infuriates her. She asks Julitta about them, she pleases her: “She is very affectionate towards him, but he seems to be so... ... I don’t want it.”
Peter and Aksyusha meet in the forest. They love each other, but Peter's father does not want to hear about his daughter-in-law without a dowry. They are going away. Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev, two familiar actors, appear from different sides: a comedian and a tragedian. They meet by chance on the way, one from Vologda to Kerch, the other from Kerch to Vologda. And now they tell each other that there is no troupe either in Kerch or Vologda, there is nowhere to play. Both are walking, without money. In Gennady Demyanovich Neschastlivtsev’s backpack there is “a good pair of dresses”, “a folding hat”, something else and a broken pistol. Arkady Schastlivtsev has all his property - a bundle on a stick and the “lightest” coat, and in the bundle there is a “library”, “thirty plays”, and fake orders. “And did you acquire all this?” (meaning stole, pulled). “And I don’t consider it a sin: the salary is withheld.” They dream of their own troupe: “If only we could find a dramatic actress, young, good. A woman will throw herself headlong into the maelstrom of love - that’s an actress. Yes, I should see it for myself, otherwise I won’t believe it. I’ll pull you out of the pool, then I’ll believe you. Well, apparently, let’s go.” "Where?" - asks Arkady. And he reads the inscription: “To the estate “Penka” of Mrs. Gurmyzhskaya.” They are “slowly leaving.”
In the morning, in the garden of the estate, Gurmyzhskaya, flirting with Bulanov, tells him a dream that her nephew “came and killed you with a pistol in front of my eyes.” She is concerned: “... And suddenly he will appear! We'll have to give him some of it too! And I will have to take it from the one I love.” They decide it’s better not to talk about their nephew. Karp comes in and reports: the samovar is ready, and at night “the master has arrived.” And with the words “Don’t believe in dreams,” Gurmyzhskaya and Bulanov leave to drink tea.
The actors enter. Neschastlivtsev, “dressed very decently,” decides to declare Arkady, who is in “the same suit,” here as his lackey, and himself as a retired officer.
Vosmibratov and Peter arrive. Karp does not want to report them to the lady: “... Busy with the colonel. Their nephew has arrived.” “Colonel?” “Of course, Colonel.” The merchants are leaving.
Bulanov opens up with Neschastlivtsev: “Mama says, my mind is not like that, not for learning, sir.” “Which one?” “Practical, sir.” “Well, thank the creator that at least “some” exists. And it often happens that there is none.” “Yes, and that’s nothing, sir. If only there was more land, and the landowner would understand his own interests; Otherwise, you can live without your mind, sir!” “Oh, brother, you’re really good!” exclaims the actor when Bulanov asks him to teach him card “volts” in order to cheat.
The guests were accommodated in the gazebo. And when Neschastlivtsev goes there with Bulanov, Vosmibratov immediately appears to Gurmyzhskaya and deceives her in the simplest way, taking the receipt, not giving her a thousand rubles and hinting at an unsuccessful matchmaking. “Daytime robbery,” says Raisa Pavlovna and shares the trouble with Bulanov, who has entered. Neschastlivtsev is with him. In response to Gurmyzhskaya’s words: “Now there’s nothing to do,” according to the remark “with fervor,” he exclaims: “What’s there to do? Turn him back! (Raising his eyes to the sky.) What will I do with him! God, what will I do with him! Arkashka, give me my medals!”
Vosmibratov and his son are brought in, and the tragedian uses the loudest words to portray the formidable master. The hostess is frightened, the merchants - not so much. But in the end, the actor manages to offend the merchant’s “honor,” and he gives the money.
“Here is your money, get it,” says Neschastlivtsev to Gurmyzhskaya. (“He moves to the side and stands with his arms crossed and his head turned.”) Gurmyzhskaya thanks and says that she owes him “exactly this amount” (which was discussed even before his arrival at the estate). The actor answers: “I don’t believe it,” says flowery phrases about the delicacy and nobility of Gurmyzhskaya and with tears and the words: “Enough favors! Quite affectionate! I will become an idolater, I will pray for you!”, he covers his face with his hands and leaves. The indignant Arkady hides in the bushes and watches as Gurmyzhskaya, laughing at Neschastlivtsev, gives the money to Bulanov.
And at night in another part of the garden he boasts to Neschastlivtsev: “A smart person will not disappear anywhere.” "Smart? Who are you talking about?” “About myself, sir.” “Well, who told you that you are smart? Don’t believe it, brother, you were deceived.” But Arkady is quite pleased with himself: he ate dinner from the master’s table, “said that he was accustomed to this from you,” “he got along with the housekeeper and for this occasion borrowed money from her, and I also have a bottle of liqueur in the corner next to the bed, like polish.” And he reproaches his comrade: “You say that you are smart, but the high school student is apparently smarter: he plays a better role here than you.” “What role, brother? Well, what is he? Boy, nothing more.” “What role? First lover, sir.” "Lover? Whose?" “Your aunty! He’s playing a lover, and you’re... a simpleton!” Arkady says his last words “from behind a bush,” fleeing from the now seriously enraged tragedian. Arkady runs away, but the job is done. “He lied, he lied shamelessly,” the tragedian begins the monologue. And he continues: “But if my pious aunt...”, ending like this: “Laugh at the feeling, at the warm tears of the artist! No, the Unfortunate does not forgive such an insult!”
Karp, Julitta, then Arkady appear. Karp is making fun of ULITA, who has apparently come on a date; gossips about the mistress’s ruinous novels: he himself took money to the post office for a French doctor, a topographer, some Italian. Julitta gasps, and remaining with Arkady, begins to pour out her soul to him, complaining about her dependent position. Arkady is afraid of Neschastlivtsev, who is wandering around the garden, and out of annoyance blurts out to Ulita that he is not an officer, he himself is not his servant, both are actors “and both are drunkards.”
Peter and Aksinya come to the garden. Vosmibratov’s father again scolded his son for an hour, but now he agrees to take a dowry of two thousand - but no less. The couple comes to the idea of ​​asking money “from their brother, from Gennady Demyanovich” - there is no one else. Aksinya, meanwhile, begins to despair: “Everything is drawn into the water, I keep looking at the lake.” Peter is frightened, she calms him down, he leaves, and Aksinya suddenly meets with Neschastlivtsev. He is in some ecstasy and acts in front of himself and Aksinya: “A woman, a beautiful woman... Are you a woman or a shadow?.. Ah! I see that you are a woman. And on this beautiful night I would like to talk with the inhabitants of the grave... They took many secrets, a lot of suffering with them to the grave. My soul is gloomy, I don’t need the living... Get away!” “Brother, I have suffered and am suffering a lot.” Aksyusha’s lively, completely open speech suddenly falls into the tone of Neschastlivtsev’s affectation - he apparently inspires complete confidence in Aksyusha - and most importantly, both have their own misfortunes. They immediately become clear: to a desperate request for two thousand, the actor can only answer: “Forgive me, forgive me!” I’m poorer than you, it’s not for you to ask me for money, and you don’t refuse me a copper coin when I knock on your window and ask for a hangover. I want a piglet, a piglet! This is who I am.” Here the tragic pathos fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev shouted: “No, no, sister! It’s too early for you to die!” With the words: “Well, he ran away somewhere. Shouldn't we drown ourselves? That would be good. That’s where he belongs…” – Arkady goes to the gazebo.
While getting ready to leave, he runs into a friend and the girl he saved. The tragedian is at the peak of spiritual elation: everything seems to follow his tone, words, declamations: a woman threw herself into the water out of love before his eyes. And he convinces Aksyusha to become an actress: literally, now to join his troupe. Desperate, half-bewitched, Aksyusha seems to agree: “It won’t get worse. As you please. I’m ready for anything.” “I have several roles, I’ll read to you. This night I initiate you into an actress. Stop, fugitive! I am generous, I forgive you. Celebrate, Arkashka! We have an actress; You and I will visit all the theaters and surprise all of Russia.”
The three of them go into the gazebo, they are replaced by Raisa Pavlovna and ULITA, who conveys the news to the lady; She is satisfied with the turn of events.
Julitta invites Bulanov and disappears. Raisa Pavlovna recklessly flirts with Bulanov, demanding that he guess what she loves. And when, hearing: “You, fool! you!”, he muttered: “Yes, sir, you should have been a long time ago... That’s better, Raisinka! It would have been a long time since you…” climbs in to kiss him, pushes him away: “Are you crazy? Go away! You ignoramus, scoundrel, boy!” and leaves. Bulanov is horrified. “What a foolish thing I did! Tomorrow I’ll be... Three necks from here! Guilty, sir! Gone, gone, gone!”
But Bulanov did not disappear. The next morning in the hall he swaggers over Karp: “I won’t tolerate disorder in the house! I’m not Raisa Pavlovna…” Karp leaves with sarcastically emphasized humility. “Hello, Mr. Neschastlivtsev!” - Bulanov greets the actor. “Do you know that I am Neschastlivtsev?” "I know". “I'm very glad, brother. This means you know who you are dealing with, and you will behave carefully and respectfully.” Bulanov is clearly afraid of the actor, and he aptly mocks him; but still, now he has to leave, since such is the will of the mistress. LEAVING, he notices a money box accidentally left on the table.
Gurmyzhskaya enters. Bulanov is on friendly terms with her, he is making plans. It’s a pity for Aksyusha’s dowry. Raisa Pavlovna and Bulanov are in difficulty, and then Aksyusha herself enters. Bulanov is sent away, and Gurmyzhskaya starts talking with Aksyusha about him. They only lead to an exchange of barbs not in favor of the hostess, and in the end she admits that she is jealous of Bulanov for Aksyusha. When Aksyusha says that she herself decided to leave Penki, Raisa Pavlovna is almost touched. Aksyusha is replaced by Neschastlivtsev, and very decisively. “They don’t listen to any reason,” says Karp. The actor sends him away: “Don’t let anyone in.” He's in his traveling suit. He takes the bell from the lady and puts the pistol near the box. “Don’t be afraid, we will talk very peacefully, even kindly. You know what? Give it to me as a souvenir (box).” “Oh, you can’t, my friend, there are important papers here, documents on the estate.” “You’re wrong, there’s money here.” So, by intimidating, the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the box. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya gives the thousand that she owes (which she admits) and says that she “isn’t angry” - otherwise the tragic man threatens to shoot himself right there. The actor orders a threesome, anticipates lucrative contracts and benefit performances. Arkady is delighted. Guests are gathering in the house. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out that the father’s last condition was: “At least they gave a thousand for you, you fool.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask auntie, now you only need a thousand rubles, only a thousand.” “What about being an actress, my child? With your feeling...” “Brother... feeling... I need it at home.” And the actor with the words “Let me inspire myself well...” goes to the dining room.
Milonov, Bodaev, the hostess and Bulanov enter, and the reason for the celebration becomes clear: Gurmyzhskaya is marrying Bulanov. Neschastlivtsev appears. At the door are the Vosmibratovs, Aksyusha, Arkady. “Auntie, are you happy?” - asks Neschastlivtsev and convinces her to do a good deed - to arrange the happiness of her niece with a small amount for herself: Gurmyzhskaya refuses. Bulanov agrees with her. And the actor, to Arkady’s horror, gives the money to Aksyusha. Vosmibratov takes them and counts them. Aksyusha warmly thanks Neschastlivtsev. Milonov wants to “publish his act in the newspapers,” and Bodaev invites him to come to him, but they refuse to have a drink with the actor. “It seems you are planning to go,” reminds Bulanov. “And really, brother Arkady, how did we get into this dense forest? Everything is fine here, as it should be in the forest. Old women marry high school students, young girls drown themselves from bitter life with their relatives: forest, brother,” says the tragedian. “Comedians,” Raisa Pavlovna shrugs. “Comedians? No, we are artists, and you are the comedians. What have you done? who did you feed? who was consoled? The girl runs to drown herself, who pushes her into the water? Aunt. Who saves? Actor Neschastlivtsev. “People, people! Spawn of crocodiles!” And the actor reads Karl Moor’s monologue from “The Robbers,” ending with the words: “Oh, if only I could enrage all the bloodthirsty inhabitants of the forests against this hellish generation!” “But excuse me, you can be held accountable for these words!” “Yes, just to the police officer. We are all witnesses!” - Milonov and Bulanov respond.
"Me? You're wrong. Censored. Look: “approved for presentation.” Oh, you malignant man! Where can you talk to me? I feel and speak like Schiller, and you like a clerk. Well, that's enough. On the road, Arkashka. Listen, Karp! If the troika arrives, you, brother, return them to the city and say that the gentlemen have gone on foot. Hand, comrade!” (Gives his hand to Schastlivtsev and slowly leaves.)”

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You are currently reading: Summary Forest – Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

In the estate of Raisa Pavlovna Gurmyzhskaya, “a very rich landowner,” the pupil Aksyusha is accosted by Bulanov, “a young man who did not finish his studies at the gymnasium.” Aksyusha leaves, and the footman Karp hints to Bulanov: should he pay attention to the lady herself.

At this time, Gurmyzhskaya herself appears and along with her “rich landowner neighbors”: retired cavalryman Bodaev and Milonov. The hostess says that she wants to do “three good deeds at once” - marry Aksyusha to Bulanov and take care of her late husband’s nephew; She hasn’t seen him for fifteen years, and he is her only relative and legal heir. He sends her small gifts from all over Russia, but where he is, what’s wrong with him is unknown.

The merchant Vosmibratov came to buy the forest and marry his son Peter to Aksyusha. However, he “did not take the money for the forest he had already purchased.” Gurmyzhskaya refuses: “There is already a groom, he lives in the house. Maybe they are talking some nonsense in the city, so you know: this is the groom.” “You’re only making a fool of your father. Wait a minute with me!” - the merchant threatens his son. But the forest was bought at a profit. This time, as if by chance, the merchant does not leave a receipt. Father and son leave. Karp brings Aksyusha and Julitta. Trying to humiliate Aksyusha, Raisa Pavlovna tells her to play the role of Bulanov’s bride: “I need it that way.” But the contempt shown by Aksyusha to Bulanov infuriates her. She asks Julitta about them, she pleases her: “She is very affectionate towards him, but he seems to be so... ...I don’t want him.”

Peter and Aksyusha meet in the forest. They love each other, but Peter's father does not want to hear about his daughter-in-law without a dowry. They are going away. Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev, two familiar actors, appear from different sides: a comedian and a tragedian. They meet by chance on the way, one from Vologda to Kerch, the other from Kerch to Vologda. And now they tell each other that there is no troupe either in Kerch or Vologda, there is nowhere to play. Both are walking, without money. In Gennady Demyanovich Neschastlivtsev’s backpack there is “a pair of good dresses”, “a folding hat”, something else and a broken pistol. Arkady Schastlivtsev has all his property - a bundle on a stick and the “lightest” coat, and in the bundle there is a “library”, “thirty plays”, and fake orders. “And you acquired all this?” (meaning stole, pulled). “And I don’t consider it a sin: the salary is withheld.” They dream of their own troupe: “If only we could find a dramatic actress, young, good […] If a woman throws herself headlong into the maelstrom of love - here’s an actress. Yes, I should see it for myself, otherwise I won’t believe it. I’ll pull you out of the pool, then I’ll believe you. Well, apparently, let’s go.” "Where?" - asks Arkady. And he reads the inscription: “To the estate “Penka” of Mrs. Gurmyzhskaya.” They are "slowly going away."

In the morning in the garden of the estate, Gurmyzhskaya, flirting with Bulanov, tells him a dream that her nephew “came and killed you with a pistol in front of my eyes.” She is concerned: “...And suddenly he will appear! […] We’ll have to give him some part too! And I will have to take it from the one I love.” They decide it’s better not to talk about their nephew. Karp comes in and reports: the samovar is ready, and at night “the master has arrived.” And with the words “Don’t believe in dreams,” Gurmyzhskaya and Bulanov leave to drink tea.

The actors enter. Neschastlivtsev, “dressed very decently,” decides to declare Arkady, who is in “the same suit,” here as his lackey, and himself as a retired officer.

Vosmibratov and Peter arrive. Karp does not want to report them to the lady: “...Busy with the colonel. Their nephew has arrived.” "Colonel?" "Of course, Colonel." The merchants are leaving.

Bulanov opens up with Neschastlivtsev: “Mama says, my mind is not like that, not for learning, sir.” “Which one?” "Practical, sir." “Well, thank the creator that at least “some” exists. And it often happens that there is none.” “Yes, and that’s nothing, sir. If only there was more land, and the landowner would understand his own interests; or even without your mind You can live, sir!” “Oh, brother, you’re really good!” exclaims the actor when Bulanov asks him to teach him card “volts” in order to cheat.

The guests were accommodated in the gazebo. And when Neschastlivtsev goes there with Bulanov, Vosmibratov immediately appears to Gurmyzhskaya and deceives her in the simplest way, taking the receipt, not giving her a thousand rubles and hinting at an unsuccessful matchmaking. “Daytime robbery,” says Raisa Pavlovna and shares the trouble with Bulanov, who has entered. Neschastlivtsev is with him. In response to Gurmyzhskaya’s words: “Now there’s nothing to do,” according to the stage directions, “with fervor,” he exclaims: “What’s there to do? Turn him back! (Raising his eyes to the sky.) What will I do with him! God, what will I do with him! […] Arkashka, give me my orders!”

Vosmibratov and his son are brought in, and the tragedian uses the loudest words to portray the formidable master. The hostess is scared, the merchants are not so scared. But in the end, the actor manages to offend the merchant’s “honor,” and he gives the money.

“Here’s your money, get it,” says Neschastlivtsev to Gurmyzhskaya. (“He moves to the side and stands with his arms crossed and his head turned.”) Gurmyzhskaya thanks and says that she owes him “exactly this amount” (which was discussed before his arrival at the estate). The actor answers: “I don’t believe it,” says flowery phrases about the delicacy, nobility of Gurmyzhskaya and with tears and the words: “Enough favors! Quite affectionate! I will become an idolater, I will pray for you!”, he covers his face with his hands and leaves. The indignant Arkady hides in the bushes and watches as Gurmyzhskaya, laughing at Neschastlivtsev, gives the money to Bulanov.

And at night, in another part of the garden, he boasts to Neschastlivtsev: “A smart person will not disappear anywhere.” "Smart? Who are you talking about?” “About myself, sir.” “Well, who told you that you are smart? Don’t believe it, brother, you were deceived.” But Arkady is quite pleased with himself: he ate dinner from the master’s table, “said that he was accustomed to this from you,” “got along with the housekeeper and on this occasion […] borrowed money from her, and I also have a bottle of liqueur in the corner next to the bed, like wax " And he reproaches his comrade: “You say that you are smart, but the high school student is apparently smarter: he plays a better role here than you.” “What role, brother? Well, what is he? Boy, nothing more." “What role? First lover, sir." "Lover? Whose?" “Your aunts! […] He’s playing a lover, and you’re... a simpleton!” Arkady says his last words “from behind a bush,” fleeing from the now seriously enraged tragic man. Arkady runs away, but the job is done. “He lied, he lied shamelessly,” the tragedian begins the monologue. And he continues: “But if my pious aunt...”, ending like this: “Laugh at the feeling, at the warm tears of the artist! No, Neschastlivtsev does not forgive such an insult!”

Karp, Julitta, then Arkady appear. Karp is making fun of ULITA, who has apparently come on a date; gossips about the mistress’s ruinous novels: he himself took money to the post office for a French doctor, a topographer, some Italian. Julitta gasps, and remaining with Arkady, begins to pour out her soul to him, complaining about her dependent position. Arkady is afraid of Neschastlivtsev, who is wandering around the garden, and out of annoyance blurts out to Ulita that he is not an officer, he himself is not his servant, both are actors “and both are drunkards.”

Peter comes to the garden -

and Aksinya. Vosmibratov’s father again scolded his son for an hour, but now he agrees to take a dowry of two thousand - but no less. The couple comes to the idea of ​​asking money “from their brother, from Gennady Demyanovich” - there is no one else. Meanwhile, Aksinya begins to despair: “Everything is drawn into the water, [...] I keep looking at the lake.” Peter is frightened, she calms him down, he leaves, and Aksinya suddenly meets with Neschastlivtsev. He is in some ecstasy and acts in front of himself and Aksinya: “A woman, a beautiful woman... Are you a woman or a shadow?.. Ah! I see that you are a woman. And on this beautiful night I would like to talk with the inhabitants of the grave... They took many secrets, a lot of suffering with them to the grave. My soul is gloomy, I don’t need the living... Get away!” “Brother, I have suffered and am suffering a lot.” Aksyusha’s lively, completely open speech suddenly falls into the tone of Neschastlivtsev’s affectation - he apparently inspires complete trust in Aksyusha - and most importantly, both have their own misfortunes. They immediately become clear: to a desperate request for two thousand, the actor can only answer: “Forgive me, forgive me! I’m poorer than you [...] it’s not for you to ask me for money, and don’t refuse me a copper coin when I knock on your window and ask for a hangover. I want a piglet, a piglet! This is who I am." Here the tragic pathos fully corresponds to reality: Aksinya runs to the lake. Behind her, Neschastlivtsev shouted: “No, no, sister! It’s too early for you to die!” With the words: “Well, he ran away somewhere. Shouldn't we drown ourselves? That would be good. That’s where he belongs…” Arkady goes to the gazebo.

While getting ready to leave, he runs into a friend and the girl he saved. The tragedian is at the peak of spiritual elation: everything seems to follow his tone, words, declamations: a woman threw herself into the water out of love before his eyes. And he convinces Aksyusha to become an actress: literally, now to join his troupe. Desperate, half-bewitched, Aksyusha seems to agree: “It won’t get worse. […] As you please. I'm ready for anything." “I have several roles, I’ll read to you. […] This night I initiate you into an actress. […] Stop, fugitive! I am generous, I forgive you. Celebrate, Arkashka! We have an actress; You and I will visit all the theaters and surprise all of Russia.”

The three of them go into the gazebo, they are replaced by Raisa Pavlovna and ULITA, who conveys the news to the lady; She is satisfied with the turn of events.

Julitta invites Bulanov and disappears. Raisa Pavlovna recklessly flirts with Bulanov, demanding that he guess what she loves. And when, hearing: “You, fool! you!”, he muttered: “Yes, sir […] You should have been a long time ago... That’s better, Raisinka!” It would have been a long time since you…” he goes in for a kiss, pushes him away: “Are you crazy? Go away! You ignoramus, scoundrel, boy! and leaves. Bulanov is horrified. “What a foolish thing I did! Tomorrow I... From here […] Three necks! Guilty, sir! […] Gone, gone, gone!”

But Bulanov did not disappear. The next morning in the hall he swaggers over Karp: “I won’t tolerate disorder in the house! I’m not Raisa Pavlovna...” Karp leaves with sarcastically emphasized humility. “Hello, Mr. Neschastlivtsev!” - Bulanov greets the actor. “Do you know that I am Neschastlivtsev?” "I know". “I’m very glad, brother. This means you know who you are dealing with and will act carefully and respectfully.” Bulanov is clearly afraid of the actor, and he aptly mocks him; but still, now he has to leave, since such is the will of the mistress. LEAVING, he notices a money box accidentally left on the table.

Gurmyzhskaya enters. Bulanov is on friendly terms with her, he is making plans. It’s a pity for Aksyusha’s dowry. Raisa Pavlovna and Bulanov are in difficulty, and then Aksyusha herself enters. Bulanov is sent away, and Gurmyzhskaya starts talking with Aksyusha about him. They only lead to an exchange of barbs not in favor of the hostess, and in the end she admits that she is jealous of Bulanov for Aksyusha. When Aksyusha says that she herself decided to leave Penki, Raisa Pavlovna is almost touched. Aksyusha is replaced by Neschastlivtsev, and very decisively. “They don’t listen to any reason,” says Karp. The actor sends him away: “Don’t let anyone in.” He's in his traveling suit. He takes the bell from the lady and puts the pistol near the box. “Don’t be afraid, we will talk very peacefully, even kindly. You know what? Give it to me as a souvenir (box).” “Oh, you can’t, my friend, there are important papers here, documents on the estate.” “You’re wrong, there’s money here.” So, by intimidating, the actor manages to persuade Raisa Pavlovna to give him money from the box. As a result, Gurmyzhskaya gives the thousand she owes (which she admits) and says that she “isn’t angry” - otherwise the tragic man threatens to shoot himself right there. The actor orders a threesome, anticipates lucrative contracts and benefit performances. Arkady is delighted. Guests are gathering in the house. Aksyusha is looking for Peter: to say goodbye. It turns out that the father’s last condition was: “At least they gave a thousand for you, you fool.” Aksyusha rushes to the tragedian: “Ask auntie, [...] now you only need a thousand rubles, only a thousand.” “What about being an actress, my child? With your feeling...” “Brother... feeling... I need it at home.” And the actor with the words “Let me inspire myself well...” goes to the dining room.

Milonov, Bodaev, the hostess and Bulanov enter, and the reason for the celebration becomes clear: Gurmyzhskaya is marrying Bulanov. Neschastlivtsev appears. At the door are the Vosmibratovs, Aksyusha, Arkady. “Auntie, are you happy?” - asks Neschastlivtsev and convinces her to do a good deed - to arrange the happiness of her niece with a small amount for herself: Gurmyzhskaya refuses. Bulanov agrees with her. And the actor, to Arkady’s horror, gives the money to Aksyusha. Vosmibratov takes them and counts them. Aksyusha warmly thanks Neschastlivtsev. Milonov wants to “publish his deed in the newspapers,” and Bodaev invites him to come to him, but they refuse to have a drink with the actor. “It seems you are planning to go,” reminds Bulanov. “And in fact, brother Arkady, [...] how did we get into this dense forest? Everything is fine here, as it should be in the forest. Old women marry high school students, young girls drown themselves from bitter life with their relatives: forest, brother,” says the tragedian. “Comedians,” Raisa Pavlovna shrugs. “Comedians? No, we are artists, and you are comedians. […] What did you do? who did you feed? who was consoled? […] A girl runs to drown herself, who pushes her into the water? Aunt. Who saves? Actor Neschastlivtsev. “People, people! Generation of crocodiles!” And the actor reads Karl Moor’s monologue from “The Robbers,” ending with the words: “Oh, if only I could infuriate all the bloodthirsty inhabitants of the forests against this hellish generation!” “But excuse me, you can be held accountable for these words!” “Yes, just to the police officer. We are all witnesses!“ Milonov and Bulanov respond.

"Me? You're wrong. Censored. Look: “approved for presentation.” Oh, you malignant man! Where can you talk to me? I feel and speak like Schiller, and you like a clerk. Well, that's enough. On the road, Arkashka. […] Listen, Karp! If the troika arrives, you, brother, return them to the city and say that the gentlemen have gone on foot. Hand, comrade! “(Gives his hand to Schastlivtsev and slowly walks away.)”

Act one

Raisa Pavlovna Gurmyzhskaya, a widow, in her early 50s, a very wealthy landowner, dresses modestly, almost in mourning, always with a work box on her arm.

Aksinya Danilovna (Aksyusha), her distant relative, a poor girl of about 20, dressed cleanly, but poorly, a little better than a maid.

Evgeniy Apollonych Milonov, about 45 years old, smoothly combed, dressed elegantly, wearing a pink tie. Gurmyzhskaya's rich neighbor.

Uar Kirilych Bodaev, about 60 years old, a retired cavalryman, gray-haired, smooth-haired, with a large mustache and sideburns, in a black frock coat, tightly buttoned, with crosses and medals like a soldier, with a crutch in his hand, slightly deaf. Gurmyzhskaya's rich neighbor.

Ivan Petrov Vosmibratov, a merchant who sells timber.

Peter, his son.

Alexey Sergeevich Bulanov, a young man who dropped out of high school.

Carp, footman Gurmyzhskaya.

Julitta, housekeeper.

Gurmyzhskaya estate, about five versts from the district town. Large hall. There are two straight doors: one is the exit door, the other is in the dining room; to the right of the spectators there is a window and a door to the garden; to the left are two doors: one into the interior rooms, the other into the corridor. Rich antique furniture, trellises, flowers, a work table by the window, a round table and several armchairs to the left.

First appearance

Carp stands at the door to the garden, enters Aksyusha .

Aksyusha. Was my name Raisa Pavlovna?

Carp. So accurate; Only now the guests have arrived, so they are in the garden.

Aksyusha (taking a letter out of his pocket). Listen, Karp Savelich, can you?..

Carp. What do you want, sir?

Aksyusha. Hand over. You already know who.

Carp. How about it, young lady? Now it’s just so awkward. Is it true or not, my auntie has such a desire that you should be behind the little bark.

Aksyusha. Well, don't; as you wish. (Turns to the window.)

Carp. Yes, you're welcome. Why for you... (Takes the letter.)

Aksyusha (looking out the window). Did Raisa Pavlovna sell the forest?

Carp. Sold to Ivan Petrov. We sell everything, sir, but for what?

Aksyusha. He doesn’t want it to be left to his heirs; and you can give money to strangers.

Carp. One must believe, sir. Wisely created.

Aksyusha. They say she wants to give me this money as a dowry.

Carp. God forbid!

Aksyusha (very seriously). God forbid, Karp Savelich!

Carp. Well, whatever you like, sir. My point is that it’s still better to let them go as a dowry than to go to the same place as the others.

Aksyusha. Where are the others... and where are the others?

Carp. Well, it’s impossible for you, young lady, to understand, and you can’t even dare to tell you. Alexey Sergeich is coming. (Moves away from the door.)

Aksyusha looks out the window, Bulanov enters.

Second phenomenon

Aksyusha , Bulanov , Carp, Then Julitta .

Bulanov (Karp). Well, did you fill my cigarettes?

Carp. No way, sir.

Bulanov. Why not? After all, I told you to.

Carp. Little did they say! When should I?

Bulanov. No, you're getting too arrogant here. That's what. I’ll tell Raisa Pavlovna.

Carp. You won't say; You’re afraid to smoke in front of them.

Bulanov. Afraid... To be stuffed! I don’t have to tell you ten times! (Seeing Aksyusha, he approaches her and very cheekily puts his hand on her shoulder.)

Aksyusha (quickly turning around). What do you! Are you crazy?

Bulanov (offended). Oh!! Sorry! Why are you looking like such a duchess, my beauty?

Aksyusha (almost through tears). Why are you insulting me? I didn't do anything to you. What kind of toy am I here for everyone? I am the same person as you.

Bulanov (indifferent). No, listen; I really like you.

Aksyusha. Oh, what do I care about that! What right do you have to touch me?

Bulanov. Why are you all angry for no reason? Eka importance! You can’t even touch it! Don't touch yours! Who will stop me?

Aksyusha (strictly). What if it’s not yours, what if it’s someone else’s? What then?

Bulanov. What a whim! Tired of it. That way you'll ruin the whole thing.

Aksyusha. What's the matter?

Bulanov. What... As if you don’t know? Here it is: Raisa Pavlovna wants me to marry you. And what does Raisa Pavlovna want...

Aksyusha. So be it?

Bulanov. Of course. You and I are poor people... Should we wait until they drive us away? No, I humbly thank you. Where should I go? Again to mommy? Killing magpie-crows in someone else's yard?

Carp. Be quiet, sir! Julitta is coming.

Included Julitta and is looking for something.

What do you want here?

Julitta. I seem to have forgotten...

Carp. You haven’t forgotten anything, it’s in vain. You have your own department, we don’t come to you.

Julitta leaves.

That’s better!.. The most damned woman!

Bulanov. Direct calculation; seems understandable.

Aksyusha. Yes, I understand.

Bulanov. So there is no point in being stubborn. In front of whom are we pretending to be inaccessible? After all, Raisa Pavlovna promises to give a lot of money; what else? You need to cross yourself with both hands.

Aksyusha. Some things can be bought with money, but others cannot.

Bulanov (smiling contemptuously). Philosophy! (Seriously.) You don’t know much about money, that’s why you talk like that. Apparently you didn’t see the need? And here there is a pleasant life ahead... People lay down their souls for money, let alone refuse.

Shown Julitta .

Carp. Why are you running back and forth? Didn't see you here? The rooms here are clean.

Julitta. You can’t even enter!

Carp. How come you can’t find peace for yourself? You are rushing around like a mad cat. If they call you, then it’s a different matter.

Julitta leaves.

Aksyusha. You won’t be nice by force, Alexey Sergeich.

Bulanov. Well, yes, I will achieve my goal; You can't get away with me. After all, you won’t find me better here.

Aksyusha (quiet). You are wrong. If I want to look, I’ll find it; Or maybe I already found it. (Karp.) If Raisa Pavlovna asks, I will be in my room. (Leaves.)

The third phenomenon

Bulanov , Carp .