Why does the tooth darken? Frightening black plaque on teeth - what is it and how to deal with it? Products with dyes

A black tooth is a reason for bad mood and a reason to urgently think about own health. To solve the problem, you need to know why it darkened, what external or internal influences led to similar discomfort, and, having changed them, conquer others and delight yourself with a snow-white smile.

Darkening of molars and baby teeth

Darkening of teeth can affect both adults and children at any age; it appears suddenly or gradually. The problem can affect the front row or wisdom teeth; darkening occurs over the entire surface or only at the base, from the outer or reverse side, from inside a living tooth or under a filling.

The reasons, as well as the visible manifestations of blackening, are varied: hereditary predisposition, unfavorable external factors, the state of the body itself (digestive and the immune system), bad habits, medical impact.

Causes of occurrence in adults

Adult man having necessary information, is easily able to analyze why he has a dark tooth and what to do about it:

Why do children's teeth turn black?

Changes in enamel color in children can occur in different cases:

In addition to those listed specific reasons darkening of teeth in children, their first teeth have general properties with constants. As in adults, blackening of teeth can be observed due to an imbalance in the acid-base balance, chronic diseases, carious destruction, individual characteristics, consumption of foods and medications that contribute to the appearance of black teeth.

How to get rid of black tooth enamel?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

To restore the original whiteness of black teeth, you can seek help from professionals or use experience traditional medicine which offers alternative methods relief from health problems for those who various reasons does not reach doctors. How effective simple recipes If a tooth has darkened, you can check it yourself, but they will not replace the work of a specialist.

Professional help

A consultation with a dentist will clarify the situation about the need and advisability of treatment and prevention. oral cavity. A dark tooth can only be an aesthetic problem or require surgical treatment, especially if it hurts.

If the color change occurs inside the filling, the doctor will suggest effective methods treatment: replacement of old material, whitening at the canal level, use of crown attachments, installation of an onlay-veneer, etc. Separately, experts stipulate the treatment of a black wisdom tooth - it is advisable either not to touch it, or to completely remove it.

Professional whitening of black teeth using modern equipment is not only aesthetically important, but also performs a preventive function - plaque is removed before it can cause caries. Dental clinics offer their patients 3 main whitening methods in case of darkening of tooth enamel. The choice of the most suitable type of treatment for teeth blackening depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the financial capabilities of the patient:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. You can quickly, effectively, and painlessly remove even hardened plaque where the tooth has turned black. The result can last for about 5 years.
  • Air Flow – cleaning using a soda jet. Unhardened plaque is easily removed, but only in easily accessible places. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every six months.
  • Laser whitening. This procedure recommended for large accumulations of tartar and old dark deposits. The effect lasts up to 7 years.

At home

You can use it yourself accessible ways make your smile more attractive.

Perfectly beautiful and healthy teeth are the dream of every person. Unfortunately, in modern world many factors negatively affecting health and appearance teeth. Basically, these reasons are food and/or bad habits, but other factors can also make a smile less attractive (incorrect or outdated treatment, suitable medications). In this regard, the question “The tooth has darkened, what should I do?” currently very relevant.

Effective whitening

Whitening toothpaste will help you whiten your teeth at home. But you can often notice that some whitening products do not cope with their task. In addition, as a rule, they contain harsh abrasive substances that are not effective, but also cause injury. tooth enamel, that leads to negative consequences. Therefore, if it darkens front tooth, it is best to purchase pasta without chemical substances and aggressive bleaches. They differ in effectiveness natural remedies, presented on the American website iHerb.

  • The Jason brand is the first to offer personal care products without harsh chemicals. This toothpaste has a unique natural composition. Its components are plant extracts, bamboo powder, silicon, and soft polishing agents. The action of the product is simultaneously aimed at removing tartar and gentle whitening. Thanks to natural composition, this toothpaste Can be used by both adults and children.
  • This paste contains 23 natural ingredients. Thanks to his unique combination, the product is effective, and most importantly, it gently whitens teeth. The concentrated form of the paste allows you to use it in small doses, so the product lasts about 3 times longer.

  • The main component of this toothpaste is xylitol (25%), which restores the natural acid-base balance in the oral cavity, protecting teeth from pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to a special combination natural ingredients, the product gently whitens teeth. This paste is intended for daily use and is suitable for adults and children over 2 years old.

By regularly using the above toothpastes, you can surprise positive result in just two weeks. Many users have confirmed this on personal experience. Teeth become whiter and stronger.

If teeth have darkened, the reasons may be hidden, either in the health of the body or in food. And then it is necessary full examination to identify the source of the disease and eliminate it. After treatment, in most cases, the color of the teeth returns to normal. IN as a last resort, light whitening is required, which can be done at home.

If only one tooth has darkened, the reasons may be of a different nature or in combination with those listed above. So why did the tooth darken?

The main reasons in this case:

  • spread of caries or development of secondary caries;
  • coloring soft fabric tooth, when filling;
  • transillumination of the material used in the placement or reconstruction of the crown;
  • injury;
  • pulp death;
  • incorrect treatment.

What to do if a tooth has darkened?

Treatment for a darkened tooth depends on the cause that contributed to it.

  1. If a tooth has darkened after treatment (incorrect or outdated) or as a result of pulp necrosis, first of all you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. Dead pulp cells can “infect” neighboring healthy teeth or spread to the gums. Although dentistry does not stand still, some small private or public clinics still use outdated materials and technologies. For example, after root canal treatment with resorcinol and formalin, a dark tooth can often be observed. What to do in this case? Unfortunately, it is impossible to whiten teeth treated with this method, and the situation can only be corrected with the help of a crown.
  2. Caries is the most obvious reason if the front tooth has darkened. What to do in this case? The answer to this question is quite obvious. The color of the tooth will be restored after proper treatment and selection of suitable material.
  3. Teeth darkened after antibiotics. If your teeth have darkened due to improper or excessive medication, it is often not possible to completely whiten your teeth. Because bone The tooth becomes thinner, and many whitening methods are excluded.
  4. Teeth darkened by chlorhexidine. Many specialists still recommend rinsing with this drug in case of tooth extraction, opening of an abscess or inflammation of the gums. But spent on this moment studies show that along with the benefits, when taking it, a complication such as “dark tooth” may occur .
  5. What to do about this? If whitening at home, as well as in a dental clinic, does not help properly, specialists have now developed a special material that prevents teeth from darkening.
  6. Often the reason is that the tooth hurts and has darkened , there may be an incorrectly performed operation to remove the canal or allergic reaction on the materials used in its course. If this does not go away within 5 days, you need to visit the dentist again.

In the case of a change in the color of one tooth, modern dentists use several types of whitening of the darkened tooth.

  • bleaching inside the canals;
  • tooth restoration with composite materials;
  • using veneer;
  • installation of a crown made of artificial materials.

Modern dentistry does not stand still and every year more and more technologies and materials appear to eliminate various kinds dental problems. Nowadays, it is quite easy to solve the problem of darkened teeth.

And if you visit a specialist regularly, it very rarely occurs. And, of course, you should not hesitate to visit the clinic if you have any suspicions. Any cause is easier to eliminate at an early stage.

A dark-colored tooth will definitely not brighten your smile. It can make a person feel complex and make him more withdrawn and silent. Despite the fact that at first glance the problem seems insignificant, it is better to solve it immediately. Why is tooth enamel dark and how to restore it to its original color?

Tooth darkens

Why does the tooth darken?

Let's look at the reasons for darkening of tooth enamel. These include:

Tooth injury;

Development of caries, including secondary (under a filling);

Transillumination of the pins that are installed in the tooth;

Staining of dental pulp with low-quality filling materials;

Pulp necrosis;

Mistakes when treating a tooth, removing the dental nerve.

Sometimes you can see dark teeth in smokers. However, in this case, the teeth are simply covered with a characteristic dark coating, and their enamel does not change its color. These two phenomena should not be confused.

Tooth darkens: what to do

First of all, you need to understand what happened to the tooth and eliminate the cause of the problem. For this it is important to contact to a good dentist who can carry out competent treatment and will correct the mistakes of the previous master, if any were made.

Only after you are sure that the health of the tooth is no longer in danger, can you think about how to restore its whiteness

Most cheap way- This is regular teeth whitening. However, it has a number of disadvantages. This procedure weakens tooth enamel, it is impossible to accurately predict its outcome, and sometimes several such procedures are required at once.

The next method is complete tooth restoration using composite material. It involves installing a kind of large filling that covers the entire visible part tooth Unfortunately, this method does not last forever and over time the procedure will have to be repeated.

Very modern way– installation of veneer. A veneer is a thin, almost transparent layer of ceramic that is placed on the front of the tooth. To install it, you will have to cut down part of the tooth, but in the end foreign body It will be completely invisible from the outside.

Well, the most expensive, but at the same time reliable option is to install a crown. If you choose this method, you will have to visit the dentist's office several times, but the crowns will last a very long time.

Since each method of restoring teeth has its pros and cons, talk to your dentist and decide which method is best for you. This way you can regain your snow-white smile.

Darkening of tooth enamel - a phenomenon that is often observed in both children and adults.

How does darkening of tooth enamel manifest?

The color of a person’s teeth does not always depend on the color of the enamel, but on what color inner part tooth, that is, dentin. The structure of the tooth is porous, both outside and inside. As a consequence, those natural dyes, which fall on the teeth with food and other things, stain the tooth from the outside. But a change in color also occurs due to the penetration of pigments from the inside. In dentistry, tooth discoloration is usually divided into several types. These include superficial changes in tooth shade, deep tooth staining, and changes in tooth color that occur with age.

Why does tooth enamel darken?

Darkening of tooth enamel can occur for various reasons. All reasons that provoke darkening of tooth enamel are usually divided into external and internal. TO external factors factors that affect the color of teeth include smoking, the appearance of teeth, and frequent consumption of coffee, black tea, red wine, and certain foods. Darkening of tooth enamel in children and adults, which is associated with external reasons, can be easily eliminated by carrying out special procedures in a dental clinic.

The tooth may darken due to the appearance of plaque or tartar. Tartar appears due to the hardening of plaque. Its formation is primarily associated with poor oral hygiene. People who brush their teeth irregularly or incorrectly, as well as those who eat mostly soft foods, suffer from tartar. Tartar can appear as a result of chewing on only one side of the jaw. It is observed in people suffering from the disorder salt metabolism substances.

When affecting tooth color internal reasons staining occurs inner layers tooth IN in this case the development of certain diseases, excess fluoride or its deficiency, taking a number of medications.

The tooth can quickly darken already initial stages development in it. Darkening of teeth is noted by people who often take it to treat diseases. tetracycline antibiotics . These medications for prolonged and frequent use contribute to tooth darkening. As a result, it takes on a yellowish or grayish tint.

If in the region where a person lives, there is a high level of fluoridation of water, that is, it contains more than 1 mg of fluoride per liter, then with constant consumption of such water, the tooth becomes dark, or dark or bright white inclusions appear on it. However, darkening of the enamel is also possible with a lack of fluoride.

People who have never smoked may develop a brownish tint to their teeth after receiving multiple fillings made from copper amalgam. If a person works in an enterprise where non-ferrous metals are processed, then darkening of the teeth may also appear after some time.

Darkening of tooth enamel is observed in older people. These age-related changes are associated with the thinning of tooth enamel and the production of darker dentin in the tooth tissue.

A common occurrence is tooth darkening after nerve removal. This occurs due to poor-quality installation of the filling. There may even be darkening of the gums around the tooth. It is possible that the dentist did not adhere to the correct filling technology during the treatment of the tooth and did not sufficiently treat the tooth with disinfectants. To prevent subsequent darkening at the base of the tooth, the disinfection solution must penetrate into top part the root of the tooth so that whitening occurs inside the canal. Therefore, with proper filling, the doctor should treat one canal for about thirty minutes. Darkening of the tooth near the gum can be eliminated by subsequent whitening inside the canals using a special gel.

Darkening of teeth in children may be due to various factors, affecting their condition. The causes of darkening of teeth are often associated with early childhood caries, which begins to develop under the influence of thermal changes (consumption of hot and cold food), impacts, injuries, as well as bacteria that multiply in the oral cavity. Because of caries Darkening of baby teeth may also occur.

The condition of a child's teeth is also determined by his diet. The dishes that a child eats should contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. If the balance of consumed carbohydrates, fats and proteins is disturbed, the baby’s saliva composition may change, resulting in darkening between the teeth. This plaque appears again, despite constant brushing of the teeth. In this case, it is important to definitely change your diet in order to achieve an optimal nutritional balance, in particular, limit the amount of sweets consumed.

How to get rid of darkening of tooth enamel?

It should not be assumed that darkening of tooth enamel is exclusively cosmetic problem . Dental diseases can worsen over time general condition body. In most cases, a dentist will help restore the color of your teeth. In addition, tooth enamel treatment is often required to restore color. Initially, the dentist conducts an examination and makes a diagnosis, determining whether the patient has developed erosion of tooth enamel or crack in tooth enamel . Sometimes the cause of darkening is thinning of tooth enamel , and the child may experience hypoplasia of enamel of primary teeth . Depending on the reasons for the darkening of the teeth, further treatments or whitening procedures are carried out.

Enamel hypoplasia in children is associated with its underdevelopment. Depending on the severity of the disease, the enamel may either become thinner or be completely absent. This disease is very common in modern children. Its main complication is the very rapid development carious processes in several teeth at once. The reasons for this phenomenon are the influence unfavorable factors during the period of bearing the baby, as well as immediately after his birth. Even after treatment of baby teeth, the consequences of hypoplasia in the form of spots, grooves, and darkening still remain. Later defects permanent teeth corrected using microprosthetics.

Erosion of tooth enamel often develops under the influence of increased saliva secretion . More often, such a defect in tooth enamel is observed in people suffering from impaired function. thyroid gland. Depending on the degree of erosion, phosphorus and calcium supplements are prescribed, vitamin complexes. Erosion of tooth enamel is treated special drugs containing fluorine and calcium.

If the darkening of tooth enamel was caused by external reasons, then it can be eliminated with the help of either professional whitening in a clinic setting, or through certain whitening procedures. With the help of professional whitening, plaque is removed from the teeth, which helps restore the natural tone of the tooth enamel. However, it should be remembered that bleaching is a fairly radical procedure and should not be carried out too often. Modern dentists carry out whitening using ultrasound, laser, chemical and lamp bleaching.

If the patient does not experience darkening of the enamel, but a change in the color of the inner layer of the tooth, then they will help overcome this defect veneers or lumires . These onlays, which the dentist fixes on the teeth, allow you to improve not only the color of the tooth, but also the shape of the crown. If the darkening of the tooth is severe, the dentist may recommend dentures.

You can get rid of darkening of tooth enamel at home using regular use special toothpastes, as well as by using some folk recipes, the basis of which is baking soda, a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ground, etc. However, such procedures cannot be carried out frequently, since the quality of tooth enamel gradually deteriorates. It is advisable to use them if the darkening of tooth enamel is associated with the consumption of coffee, tea and other products that stain the tooth enamel dark.

You should use such products very carefully, as their exposure can ultimately lead to injury to the gums and damage to tooth enamel. Some are more gentle natural remedies, allowing you to slightly whiten tooth enamel. Lemon, wild strawberries, and strawberries have these properties. Their juice can be used to regularly lubricate tooth enamel, but after this, the teeth must be brushed with a paste that contains fluoride.

By the way, special toothpastes that have a whitening effect contain enzymes and abrasives. Therefore, their effect on the tooth is very similar to the effect baking soda. Therefore, under no circumstances should you constantly brush your teeth with such toothpastes.

To prevent a significant change in the shade of tooth enamel, you should remember the following measures: prevention . Parents should teach their child to practice regular oral hygiene as early as age. early childhood. If your child’s tooth begins to darken, you should definitely take the child to a dentist for an examination. Caries on initial stage It is treated very simply, and the tooth can be protected from darkening.

Adults should also not forget about elementary rules- this means brushing your teeth twice daily, using dental floss, and preventive visits to the dentist. You cannot eat very cold and very hot food at the same time. Teeth become yellow over time in people who smoke. Therefore, as an effective preventive measure, it is worth getting rid of such a harmful habit.

All people want to have a beautiful snow-white smile. But unfortunately, modern life affects her very negatively, and despite all the efforts of doctors, even after treatment and careful care Dental problems may occur.

The enamel can turn black from constant consumption of coffee, tea, or tobacco smoke. There are also cases when one tooth is much darker than the others. And if it is in the smile zone, then a person may develop complexes due to an unaesthetic smile

Slight discoloration can be caused by smoker's stains or dye buildup in the enamel. But in other cases, if the tooth has darkened significantly under the filling, there may be internal problems.

The most basic reasons that will cause blackening:

One of the most common factors that causes blackening is caries, including secondary ones. It can occur inside the tooth, under a filling and long time remain invisible.

Many patients dental clinics are faced with situations where, some time after treatment, their teeth under the filling still turn black. This can be caused by the use of materials containing silver or tin; they always cause darkening, but this is only a cosmetic defect.

But if the tooth turns black after removal of the nerve and filling, or it is affected by caries, regardless of the previously provided treatment, You need to urgently seek help from a doctor. Darkening may cause plaque from cigarette smoke or coffee, tea, and constant use drinks with dyes.

If these factors do not answer the question of why the tooth darkened under the filling, then it is necessary to look for internal problems in the body. Even genetic diseases can provoke this.

Also, blackening of a tooth under a filling, or a healthy one, can cause problems with gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and calcium absorption, fungal diseases(candidiasis), abnormal metabolism, impaired acid-base balance, blood diseases and chronic staphylococcal infection.

If any of these diseases are present, treatment must be started first and then do it snow-white teeth. Darkening can also be affected high content iron and fluorine in water. And don’t forget that oral hygiene promotes a more natural color.

The right central incisor is darker than the left after treatment about 15 years ago

Many patients are faced with a situation where the dead tooth is darkened and hurts. There are no vessels, nerves or soft tissues in this one. In fact, it is a dead object that is connected to a living organism only mechanically.

It is held firmly by the gums, the enamel is still quite strong. If depulpation is carried out correctly, it will not chip off or crumble for a long time. Dead tooth no longer responds to various stimuli due to the absence of a nerve.

It can only hurt for some time after the procedure for removing nerve endings, or in the case of an incorrectly performed procedure, when parts of it remain nerve endings. Discomfort can be caused by problems with adjacent tooth or gum.

The dead tooth still performs almost all of its main functions. But it does not receive the necessary micronutrients. Dental tissues do not require constant access nutrients, but without them, over time they begin to lose their normal structure and crumble. Caries appears on them, since a person does not feel pain, the cavity of the caries can increase to impressive sizes, and they need special care.

If you notice darkening of the tooth after nerve removal, what should you do in this case? Even with proper treatment, the pulp can no longer be restored, there is no nutrition - this becomes the cause of darkening of the enamel. And if you end up with an unscrupulous doctor and he provides poor-quality treatment, then organic matter may remain in the canals, and the products of its decomposition will be the cause of blackening of the enamel.

What to do with a tooth with a filling

What to do if the front tooth under the filling has darkened? If darkening is caused by pulp death or poor-quality endodontic treatment, then we first carry out adequate treatment, we eliminate the source of blackening, and then decide on the bleaching method.

If a tooth is not treated, it can become a source of infection for other healthy ones, or you can lose it altogether.

Darkening of the front tooth

If a tooth has turned black and hurts due to caries, then the easiest way out of the situation is to remove the black tissue and select the correct restorative material of the desired shade so that the tooth becomes the same color and does not differ in color. general background, By at least, in the smile zone.

This way we can keep him alive and dentin and enamel will be much stronger than dead tooth , without access to nutrients. But after removal of the nerve, a completely different approach to treatment is required.

Modern dentistry uses different methods to return to its original whiteness:

  • direct restoration;
  • bleaching inside the canal;
  • veneer;
  • crown.

How can you restore the whiteness of a dead tooth?

The first method, which requires the least intervention in the tooth structure and is technically the simplest, is bleaching inside the canal. It has a relatively low cost, up to two thousand rubles.

But this method has many disadvantages:

An alternative method for whitening a blackened tooth is direct restoration or extension using composite materials.

First, the entire blackened surface is removed, then a filling is created, which in size can occupy the entire visible part of the tooth. You can build it up in one trip to the dentist and at a fairly low cost, about 3,000 rubles.

But this method also has its disadvantages:

  • the material is short-lived, over time you will have to repeat the procedure;
  • it quickly absorbs coloring elements, and accordingly will stand out among the rest;
  • repeated restoration reduces integrity.

Many patients are faced with the fact that the extended tooth has darkened, what to do in such a situation? Most likely, it may darken due to the accumulation of dyes; first of all, we exclude products that contain such substances, and then proceed with repeated restoration.

Also, the cause of darkening during extensions may be the formation of caries; do not delay its treatment and immediately consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications.

Another whitening method is the installation of a thin translucent ceramic plate on the outer surface of a blackened tooth - a veneer. First, a layer of enamel is removed to the thickness of the plate.

An experienced dentist can perform this work so that the tooth under the veneer cannot be distinguished from a healthy one.. This does not reduce the strength. Among negative qualities veneers can be called high cost, the possibility of showing through strong darkening and the fact that it is not recommended to place them on pulpless teeth.

Tooth prepared for crown

If none of the previously proposed whitening options are suitable, then the most radical option is used - installing a crown.

The required tooth is ground and polished, then plaster casts are made. The prosthesis must fit snugly healthy teeth, but without excessively deepening into the gum.

Most similar to natural ones metal-ceramic crowns , or ceramic with a porcelain base. Under a crown, the tooth is well protected from destructive factors and can withstand much more load than without a crown. You can also hide aesthetic defects under the crown. The cost of installing crowns is quite high and it takes place over several visits to the doctor.

Modern dentistry has reached high level development and can offer many options for eliminating blackening in teeth under a filling. You just need not to delay your visit to the doctor, and he will help establish the cause of the darkening and solve your problems.