Restoration of tooth enamel: how to safely and successfully perform strengthening. How to strengthen teeth, enamel and gums: folk and professional remedies How to strengthen tooth enamel with folk remedies

Dental health depends on a huge number of factors. First of all, it is care, hygiene, regular visits to the doctor. If all this began in early childhood, and a person does not deviate from this scheme, he can hope that his teeth will be preserved without loss until old age. Much depends on heredity, general health. Women should be especially attentive to the state of the oral cavity during pregnancy, in the postpartum and menopause periods. It is very important not to miss the moment when the teeth began to collapse.

Why teeth start to decay

Sometimes the deterioration of the condition of the teeth is a consequence of pathological processes in the gums. Often it is periodontitis and gingivitis that leads to tooth loss.

If you already have complaints about the condition of the gums: bleeding, soreness, unnatural color, consult a periodontist. Early treatment can save teeth.

Tooth decay and loosening is often due to:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • elderly age;
  • period of acute course of diseases of the oral cavity.

Of course, people who are addicted to bad habits will feel their effect on their teeth. In smokers, not only the color of the teeth changes, but also their condition, susceptibility to caries, etc. Similarly, sweet tooth - they quickly have to pay for the love of sweets.

General principle of strengthening teeth

There are simple, even primitive rules for strengthening teeth. But for some reason, common truths seem optional to many people, and they are looking for a miracle recipe that will help them strengthen their teeth. And yet there are no unique recipes, there are simple but effective recommendations.

Rules for strengthening teeth

What do we have to doHow to do it rightHow often to do

According to the scheme, at least two minutes, with a medium hard brush and a good paste recommended by the doctorIn the morning and before bedtime, in the evening

Ordinary warm water after any meal, you can use a soda-salt solution (from time to time)30-60 seconds, only with warm clean water, after or before rinsing, you can use dental floss

Every six months it is necessary to carry out a professional cleaning of the teeth with the removal of dental deposits, if there are problems with the gums - to carry out periodontal treatmentAt least once every 6 months

Pass detailed tests, go to specialist doctors if necessary, ask the therapist to choose the best vitamin course for youCourses, 2-3 times a year

These can be recipes based on vegetable oils, cranberries, sea salt, garlic, etc.Courses, every 2-3 months

Medicines to strengthen teeth and gums should be prescribed by a doctor. If there is no way to get to the doctor, but you know your body, the tolerance of certain components, you can ask the pharmacist for advice. For example, there is such a well-known drug Maraslavin, it is based on medicinal herbs. They act as an anti-inflammatory agent, antiseptic, as a good sedative for the oral cavity. And although the taste of this composition is not the most pleasant, the tool is considered very effective.

Asepta gel can be a worthy replacement for this drug, it is based on propolis. It will accelerate the healing and restoration of the gums, if they are damaged, relieve inflammation and stop bleeding gums. It is not only curative but also preventive. It is applied in a thin layer on the gums after eating.

What to eat to strengthen teeth and gums

Nutrition, of course, also plays a significant role in dental health. If the gums are weak, bleeding, the teeth in them began to stagger, it is most likely that the blood circulation in the gums is impaired. The blood supply to the tissues is reduced. Non-intensive and sluggish blood circulation in the jaws and gums is observed if the normal physiological load on them is reduced.

If a person mostly eats soft, boiled, stewed, baked food, that very load is not fully observed. Be sure to find a place on the menu for healthy solid foods - carrots, apples, turnips and cabbage. This is whole meat, not minced meat and cutlets / meatballs from it. Also worth mentioning are whole grains, seeds, and nuts.

When you eat such foods, a natural massage effect is achieved. Moreover, the effect is both for the gums and for the teeth themselves. By the way, such affordable vegetables and spices as garlic and onions, radish, horseradish and mustard will also be useful. They remarkably disinfect the oral cavity, do not allow acidity to increase in the oral cavity (and this is fraught with loosening, damage to the teeth).

Why does caries occur?

Caries is the most common disease of the oral cavity. Bone tissues are destroyed, then they soften and cavities form in the teeth. Why does caries occur? Most often, this is a consequence of malnutrition, excessive consumption of sugar, protein deficiency and an insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Of course, the deficiency of potassium and phosphorus affects the health of teeth.

Finally, the influence of microbes is an undeniable catalyst for carious damage to the teeth. Pathogenic microbes "love" the acidic environment that sugar and its derivatives create in the oral cavity. Therefore, microbes should not even be left a chance: sweets should be a rare guest on the menu, teeth and gums should be brushed, and you should also rinse your mouth regularly, there should not be food residues in the interdental space.

Folk recipes for strengthening teeth

There are a lot of effective, so-called folk recipes. They perfectly help to maintain the proper condition of the oral cavity, prevent possible problems of gums and teeth. And most of these recipes are available to everyone.

5 great recipes to strengthen teeth

  1. Take one large spoonful of dry linden flowers, pour 190 ml of water (cold). Let the composition brew for 5 hours. Then the solution properly, strain and add no more than 5 g of ordinary soda to it. You can rinse your mouth with the composition, this will be an excellent prevention of gum disease.

  2. 25 g of honey and 10 g of salt must be mixed. The composition is rubbed into the gums affected by periodontal disease. Acts fast enough.

  3. Corn porridge. It couldn't be easier - cook corn porridge for breakfast several times a week, its composition is rich in components that will help maintain healthy teeth.

  4. Before going to bed at night, you can lubricate your teeth with honey, and then with rose oil. Do the procedure for 10 days in a row, then rest for a month or two, and repeat the course again.

  5. You can make a collection of the following crushed components: calendula, chamomile, oak bark, burdock, snake mountaineer. Mix everything and pour hot water over low heat, bring the composition to a boil. You need to insist it for about an hour. After each meal, rinse your mouth with this decoction.

And you can also brush your teeth from time to time with propolis tincture, which is applied to a regular brush.

Simple and daily rinsing of the mouth with saline solution. One small spoonful of sea salt should be dissolved in a cup of warm boiled water. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with the composition after the evening brushing of the teeth, after rinsing it is no longer possible to eat.

Fluoridation of teeth - is it useful?

Very often you can hear that modern dental clinics offer their clients the procedure of teeth fluoridation. And this procedure is covered with a whole cloud of myths. The most popular is that teeth are only getting worse, it's all just a business, "pumping out" money from patients. So what to believe?

Fluoridation is a procedure for saturating hard dental tissues with fluoride compounds; special liquids are applied to the enamel. Why it can be useful: Enamel increases its natural resistance to acids, dental restorations (if we are talking about them) last longer, tooth hypersensitivity is reduced, and the risk of caries is reduced. If we are talking about children, then fluoridation contributes to the maturation of tooth enamel.

Fluoridation can be simple and deep. Simple fluoridation is the application of a special fluorine varnish to the teeth, as well as the use of fluoride preparations along with mouthguards. Fluoride varnish on the teeth can be applied 2-4 times a year.

Deep fluoridation is a more complex process. But the efficiency will be higher than the method with fluorine varnish and mouthguards. The substance penetrates not only into the enamel, but also into the internal structures of the tooth. This is a multi-step process that can be done on the advice of a doctor. The procedure is not the cheapest, but if you attribute it to the prevention of tooth decay, then this is a reasonable investment.

Children can also perform fluoridation. Usually these are courses of fluorine varnish applications. After them, the enamel layer is significantly strengthened, and the initial caries often disappears.

It is important that there are no contraindications to fluoridation: and these are individual allergic reactions, and endemic mottling of teeth, and an increase in the concentration of fluoride in water.

Anxious moments: how not to miss the destruction of the teeth

Finally, it is worth mentioning what signals the destruction of the teeth. The destruction process itself is multi-stage, everything does not happen in one day. Therefore, it is necessary to see in time that the pathological process is running.

Symptoms of tooth decay:

A separate issue is misaligned teeth. If it is broken, then the teeth will definitely begin to collapse. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the bite in a timely manner in the most effective ways. If a butt bite is diagnosed, the load on the surface of the teeth is unevenly distributed. There is a strong thinning of the teeth, the incisors of the lower jaw are especially affected.

You can find out about all the problems in the oral cavity at the appointment with a specialist. In the same place, together with a specialist, you can build treatment tactics, procedures, care for teeth and gums at home. Be sure to tell your doctor about the traditional recipes that you use, make sure they are chosen correctly.

Video - What foods destroy teeth

Hypersensitivity of teeth is one of the most frequent complaints of Russians at the dentist's office. According to experts, pain can occur for several reasons, which are based on the appearance of cracks.

Enamel cracks are the most common cause of pain

Enamel is the outer protective layer of the tooth. It has no nerve endings, and therefore in itself practically does not have sensitivity. Thus, if pain suddenly appears, this indicates damage to the enamel. These lesions are of two types:

  • carious;
  • non-carious.

In the first case, we are talking about caries or periodontal inflammation. Only a visit to the dentist will help get rid of the pain. The doctor will conduct a treatment session and seal the affected area.

The so-called non-carious enamel lesions occur due to improper oral hygiene, as well as increased stress on the teeth. For example, if a person likes to drink hot coffee with cold water. Such experiments inevitably lead to microcracks, and with them to the sensitivity of the teeth. Fluoride-containing pastes, which are applied to the tooth by a specialist and form an artificial protection, help to minimize discomfort in non-carious lesions.

Proper prevention is the key to reducing tooth sensitivity

One of the main conditions for maintaining beautiful teeth and, accordingly, reducing their sensitivity is thorough oral hygiene. The main enemies of our teeth are microbes that produce acid. It is she who selects the enamel minerals, literally dissolving it. The result of improper or negligent hygiene is pain while eating, inflammation in the gums.

Hygiene primarily refers to brushing your teeth. Experts require brushing your teeth for 3.5 minutes, making at least 30 brushing movements around EACH tooth. Horizontal movements are contraindicated, tk. they damage the enamel. It is best to move from the gum to the edge of the incisor.

Depending on the degree of sensitivity of the teeth, the brush should be medium hard or soft. However, when using a soft brush, you need to brush your teeth more thoroughly. Don't be lazy!

How to choose the right toothpaste?

Separate words deserve toothpaste. Do not take whitening pastes in the store, because. the substances contained in them aggressively affect the enamel. Prefer them pastes that reduce sensitivity. These include Sensodin and New Pearls.

Precautionary measures

An important role in maintaining healthy teeth is played by the habits of the person himself. Doctors, in particular, recommend refraining from eating ice cream immediately after hot tea or coffee, they advise against drinking very hot water.

When bleeding gums are detected, experts prescribe not to stop brushing your teeth, but, on the contrary, pay more attention to oral hygiene, massage the gums with your fingers or a soft brush without pressure.

In order to improve the blood flow of the gums and strengthen the teeth, it is necessary to eat solid foods: apples, carrots, other hard vegetables and fruits. And so that the fruit acid does not settle on the enamel, you can rinse your mouth with water at room temperature. It is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after apples or other fruits.

Despite the increased strength, tooth enamel is a vulnerable tissue of the body. The composition of the enamel does not make it possible to restore its structure in case of destruction, but artificial strengthening helps prevent the development of dental diseases. Therefore, it is required to find out how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth in order to protect them from aggressive external factors.

The first step in case of problems with enamel should be a visit to the dentist. Modern dentists use several effective methods aimed at restoring the surface layer of teeth. The choice of technique is determined by the doctor based on the specific situation.

The following situations become a sign that the enamel needs to be strengthened:

  • tooth sensitivity increases, soreness appears,
  • the surface of the enamel is damaged, there are chips, cracks, depressions;
  • the enamel becomes thinner, dark dentin shines through it;
  • hypoplasia (congenital or acquired) is observed;
  • white spots appear on the surface.

Before strengthening tooth enamel , you need to prepare them for the upcoming procedure. All medical procedures require absolute cleanliness of the oral cavity.

First, plaque is removed,. Professional cleaning of the oral cavity is carried out by a dentist. It is required to remove plaque not only from the surface of the teeth, but also from the vestibular surface, subgingival zone. For high-quality cleaning, hand tools and an ultrasonic scaler are used. After cleaning, the teeth are polished and varnished. The enamel is ready for medical manipulations.

Anna Losyakova


Important! It is possible to clean with homemade products based on soda, citric acid and peroxide. Although it is impossible to achieve the desired degree of purification on your own.

Dental methods

How to strengthen tooth enamel using modern techniques? This will become clear only after talking with the doctor. There are several options: implantation, installation of veneers, fluoridation and mineralization.

Implantation is carried out at the molecular level, indicated for hypersensitivity, when restoration of large areas is required. The material for implantation resembles tooth tissue in its composition and properties. The procedure is performed by applying the implant to the surface of the tooth, after which it is necessary to wait for it to dry. Now this surface layer performs a protective function.

In addition to strengthening tooth enamel, implantation solves additional problems:

  • the natural shape of the teeth is restored;
  • whiteness and aesthetics are ensured;
  • the correct bite is restored;
  • decreased tooth sensitivity.

The result of implantation is saved for life.

Veneers are also used to strengthen tooth enamel. . They are special thin overlays that are usually used to restore the aesthetics of teeth. Veneers are necessary to protect against aggressive external influences, while enamel strengthening does not occur.

Anna Losyakova


Important! The effect is provided only for the period of installation of veneers, when they are removed, the protection stops.


This method allows you to strengthen the enamel of the teeth. . It is considered the most effective and common method, which increases the ability of tissues to withstand the effects of acid when consuming soda, sour fruits. At the same time, the development of pathogenic microflora in the mouth is suppressed, which prevents the occurrence of various diseases.

Contact with enamel hydroxyapatite causes the formation of hydroxyfluorapatite. This substance is much more acid resistant. If a quick restoration of enamel is required, then the doctor covers the teeth with fluoride varnish (this is called deep fluoridation).

With independent regular use of toothpaste with fluoride, a gradual strengthening of the enamel occurs. This serves as a preventive measure. The greatest effect is given by the content of sodium fluoride and aminofluoride in the paste or gel.

When choosing a paste, you need to pay attention to the fluorine content:

  • for prevention, a content of 900-1100 ppm fluorine is required;
  • for treatment - 1300-1500 ppm.

How to strengthen the enamel on the teeth using the fluoridation method? The procedure is carried out in two ways:

  1. A special gel or varnish containing fluoride is applied to the surface of the teeth. They form a protective layer on the enamel surface.
  2. Applicators with a drug are applied to the teeth.

The course of treatment is a month, the procedure is carried out daily.


How to strengthen tooth enamel, in addition to the fluoridation method? It is possible to restore the properties of enamel and its mineral composition with the help of artificial nano-hydroxyapatite ( nano"mHAP"). It is a source of natural calcium and phosphorus.

It is also added to the composition of toothpaste. The active substance is embedded in the crystal lattice of the enamel, closes microcracks, the sensitivity of the teeth is reduced. Sometimes caries is cured at the white spot stage.

Mineralization is carried out by using special medicinal formulations. This substance is applied to the teeth using a special cap, after a few minutes you can brush your teeth. Sometimes ultraviolet or electrophoresis is applied simultaneously

Special gels, pastes that protect and restore enamel

Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to be treated in the dental office. Therefore, the question of how to strengthen the enamel on their own is of great importance to them. The industry produces a variety of tools to strengthen the enamel.

Amorphous calcium phosphate is added to the composition of some pastes. By combining with saliva and enamel hydroxyapatite, it forms a biofilm on the surface of the teeth. This becomes protection against an acidic environment. At the same time, bioavailable calcium penetrates into the enamel, remineralization occurs.

This substance is part of some toothpastes that are used as a tooth cream: they are recommended to be applied to the surface of the enamel for 5-6 minutes, then cleaned.

Anna Losyakova


Important! This method is contraindicated for people with intolerance to cow's milk, since the cream is made on its basis.

To strengthen tooth enamel, theobromine is used, a substance made on the basis of cocoa bean extract. Theobromine promotes the formation of its own hydroxyapatite crystals, which serves as protection against aggressive acids.

All these elements are part of the produced pastes and gels for strengthening teeth:

Means for children's teeth

How and how to strengthen the enamel on the teeth of a child? Doctors believe that parents are obliged to start taking care of this even before the birth of the child. The expectant mother should pay attention to her diet, protect herself from viruses and infections. Any infectious diseases of the mother provoke the pathology of the development of tooth germs in the child.

After birth, it is necessary to take careful care of dental hygiene. Brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after meals. Start using a soft toothbrush at 2 years old.

The child's diet includes:

  • greens, vegetables;
  • fruits: bananas, apples, pears, kiwi;
  • fish, meat;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • eggs.

It is especially important to give your child crunchy vegetables, raw carrots. After eating, you can allow a child over 4 years of age to chew gum without sugar.

Anna Losyakova


Important! For children, you can not use the same means that are effective for strengthening the enamel of adults.

If we talk about professional care, then the dentist cleans the teeth and applies a special varnish with fluorine on top, which is dried with a special lamp. This is done as soon as the first teeth appear. The procedure is carried out once every six months.

Special caps with a substance containing fluorine are used. Each mouth guard is made individually for an individual child. She is kept for 15 minutes. Requires 10 sessions.


Enamel is not able to regenerate itself after its destruction or injury. Special medical procedures will be required to strengthen it. For this, you need to see a doctor. It is impossible to restore the structure and properties of enamel. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of protecting your teeth in advance, consult a doctor, even if there are no visible problems with your teeth.

The first sign that you need to strengthen your tooth enamel is increased sensitivity of the teeth against the background of a generally healthy oral cavity. This reaction is due to its thinning and the loss of the ability to adequately protect the nerve of the tooth from the effects of hot and cold food, sweet or sour dishes. Strengthening enamel is the most important task, the solution of which serves as a prevention of caries and allows you to maintain a beautiful smile for many years.

Causes of destruction of tooth enamel

All circumstances that can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel can be divided into several categories.

Poor oral hygiene or lack of it. Bacteria present in the mouth secrete substances in the course of their vital activity that aggressively affect tooth enamel. Insufficient care or the wrong choice of hygiene products (toothbrush, paste and rinse aid) accelerate the process of its destruction.

Unbalanced diet. The absence of foods containing vitamins and microelements in the diet has a negative impact not only on human health in general, but also on the condition of the teeth. Thus, a lack of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium can lead to thinning and a decrease in the protective functions of enamel.

Bad eating habits. Frequent consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks, a sharp alternation of hot and cold dishes (for example, a portion of ice cream after a cup of hot coffee) invariably lead to weakening of tooth enamel and the appearance of microcracks in it.

Smoking. Tobacco smoke not only causes discoloration of the teeth, but also has a destructive effect due to its high temperature and chemical composition.

hereditary predisposition. In some cases, too thin and weak tooth enamel can be observed in all (or many) members of the same family. This means that this condition is due to genetic factors.

Mechanical damage. The habit of chewing on a pencil or pen, using teeth as a “handy tool” to open a bottle, using sharp toothpicks or needles instead of dental floss cause chips and cracks in the teeth.

Micronutrient deficiency. Deficiency of fluoride, magnesium and calcium can be caused by various factors - from malnutrition to the use of diuretic drugs. As a result, tooth enamel becomes heterogeneous, thinned, prone to cracking.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by dry mouth, vomiting and heartburn, which have a devastating effect on the entire oral cavity and tooth enamel in particular.

How to strengthen your own teeth

Strengthening tooth enamel is a complex task that needs a comprehensive approach. One of the directions is self-care for your teeth.

Power correction. If you are wondering how to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, start by changing your diet. Focus on eating foods high in vitamins and minerals. The presence in the diet of dairy products, fish, meat, greens, fresh vegetables and fruits will help protect the enamel from thinning and destruction, as well as strengthen it.

Getting rid of diseases. The human body is a very delicate “mechanism” in which a strict balance must be maintained: the failure of even one “screw” will inevitably entail a chain reaction. Getting rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and other problems will restore impaired functions, including the supply of necessary substances to the tissues of the teeth and gums.

Use of fluoride-containing gels and pastes. Saturation of tooth enamel tissues with the substances it needs can be achieved using oral hygiene products containing fluoride. This mineral not only helps to strengthen tooth enamel, but also increases the protection of the oral cavity against pathogens and stimulates the production of saliva - one of the most important means of maintaining local immunity.

Professional strengthening of tooth enamel

If the problem has already arisen, you need to seek help from a specialist. Today, there are several methods to strengthen thinned tooth enamel in the dental office.

Remineralization. During this procedure, a composition saturated with minerals is applied to the surface of the teeth. It forms the thinnest film on the enamel, which performs strengthening and protective functions.

Fluorination. This method involves the application of fluoride-containing compounds to the surface of the teeth. Fluorine penetrates deep into tooth enamel, restoring and strengthening it from the inside.

Strengthening tooth enamel with LISTERINE ®

LISTERINE ® EXPERT "PROTECTION AGAINST CARIES" is a mouth rinse with a complex action. Thanks to the fluoride it contains, it helps to strengthen tooth enamel by up to 88% 1 . A combination of 4 essential oils kills up to 99% of oral bacteria 2 . This becomes an important factor that helps prevent the destruction of tooth enamel, strengthen it and protect teeth from caries.

1 In vitro, Surface micro hardness, DOF 4 – 2013.

2 In vitro, Reduction in plaque biofilm, DOF 6 – 2013.

Enamel is the thinnest but strongest layer of the tooth that covers and protects it. Tooth enamel consists of the following components:

  • minerals,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus.

With the age of a person, the percentage of the composition of the enamel changes, it becomes thinner. This leads to the development of various diseases. How to strengthen tooth enamel, you will learn from the article.

What causes damage to tooth enamel?

When enamel is damaged, its inner layer (dentin) is exposed. Dentin contains a huge number of nerve endings, which is why the tooth becomes sensitive to cold, hot, and other irritants.

In addition, without enamel, teeth begin to deteriorate quickly. Enamel, unlike bones, does not have the ability to recover, so even a slight chip or crack is a serious damage to the tooth. Enamel does not contain living cells that can self-repair. Its damage or thinning is an excellent condition for the development of a carious process.

Why does enamel break down?

The destruction of enamel can occur for the following reasons:

  • heredity,
  • malfunctions in the digestive tract, resulting in dry mouth, heartburn, vomiting,
  • fluorine deficiency in enamel,
  • improper oral hygiene,
  • taking certain medications: aspirin, antihistamines,
  • bruxism (teeth grinding),
  • problems with saliva production: insufficient saliva leads to drying out of the teeth, making them vulnerable to infection,
  • plaque contains food debris and bacteria that release special toxins that destroy enamel. As a result, it wears out faster, and the possibility of developing a carious process increases significantly,
  • excessive consumption of foods that destroy enamel: carbonated water, sweets, acidic foods.

Symptoms of enamel damage

  • increased sensitivity of the teeth: cold, hot, sour foods and even cold air cause pain,
  • when a tooth is damaged, the dentin is exposed and becomes more vulnerable to external factors, so the tooth may (turn yellow or blacken),
  • chips and cracks appear
  • the formation of carious cavities.

How to strengthen tooth enamel: 5 reliable ways

If you want to strengthen the enamel, the following methods will come to the rescue, which must be used in combination:

Proper nutrition

Include the following foods in your diet to help strengthen your teeth:

  • Dairy

Milk, cheese, kefir, yogurt contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which provide enamel remineralization. In addition, dairy products contribute to the normal production of saliva, which performs a protective function. For people with lactose intolerance, calcium-fortified soy milk is suitable.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, which certainly has a good effect on tooth enamel.

  • Strawberry

Contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants. Helps to maintain in order both the teeth and the oral mucosa. Strawberries contain malic acid, which naturally cleanses the surface of the teeth from plaque, and also has a slight whitening effect.

Who would have thought, but strawberries perfectly clean teeth from plaque, thereby strengthening tooth enamel

  • Celery

Contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it possible to effectively clean the surface of the teeth from plaque. It is very useful to slowly chew celery, so you will ensure not only brushing your teeth, but also an excellent massage of the gums, as well as stimulation of saliva production.

  • VitaminD

This element plays an important role in the regulation of proteins that create tooth enamel. These are fish, fish oil, egg yolk.

  • Sesame

Contains abrasive particles that help clean bacteria from enamel. Sesame contains a lot of calcium. You can add a handful of sesame seeds to a salad, it is very tasty.

  • Parsley

This green has a powerful antibacterial property, preventing the development of infection in the oral cavity. You can add it to salads, or you can just chew it.

  • Vitamin K

Promotes bone growth and the absorption of nutrients by them. Helps strengthen teeth when combined with vitamin D (cabbage, broccoli, egg yolk, hard cheese).

  • Tea

Tea leaves are high in antioxidants and fluoride. Green tea contains a special substance - a polyphenol, which prevents plaque from attaching to the surface of the teeth.


Strengthening enamel involves saturating it with useful trace elements. For these purposes, dentistry uses several methods:

Teeth absorb fluorine through their surface, which is why to saturate the enamel with fluorine, various gels and pastes containing this substance are applied to the teeth. Special ones are also used, which are filled with a special fluorine-containing gel. Such devices are worn at night.

In addition, special applications are used: individual wax casts are made. A substance containing fluorine is poured into them and applied to the teeth.

There is a special technology that allows you to restore teeth with cracks and chips. For such purposes, materials are used that, in composition, are as close as possible to a natural tooth. They connect to the tooth at the cellular level, penetrating into the enamel and filling all the voids.

Teeth fluoridation before and after photo


To restore the enamel in this case, substances are used that maximally resemble the composition of saliva. Stay tuned for a full article on remineralization coming soon. Read a separate article here.

Folk remedies

You can strengthen the enamel using folk proven methods:

  • rinse your mouth with saline before bed
  • slowly chew the white flesh of the lemon peel,
  • brush your teeth once a week with a mixture of activated charcoal and water,
  • massage the gums with a soft brush, so you will ensure a rush of blood to the mucosa,
  • chew carrots, apples, celery, these products naturally clean the surface of the teeth from plaque,
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of propolis tincture and warm water,
  • 1-2 times a year spend,
  • use floss (dental floss)
  • rinse your mouth with tea tree oil water (3 drops of oil in a glass of water),
  • drink enough pure water.

Proper Prevention

  • brush your teeth regularly with a quality toothpaste
  • don't go for sweets
  • Don't Overdo Whitening Toothpastes
  • treat dental diseases in a timely manner
  • eat dairy and dairy products
  • limit your coffee and tea intake
  • stop smoking.