Economy drainage pit Arrangement of a drainage pit at the dacha. Sealed container - plastic and reinforced concrete

Often in a dacha or on the site of your own house you can find an equipped cesspool, which is a 2-meter depression on the surface of the earth. The shape of such a structure can be square or rectangular, since this structure is much easier to make. It is believed that the most suitable option is round-shaped pits, since there is little load on the walls.

What types of drainage pits can there be?

Typically, various materials are used to construct cesspools, but the most commonly used are brick, stone and concrete. The walls of such a recess can be secured with boards treated with bitumen, but this is extremely rare.

Despite the wide variety of methods, pits can be:

  • with waterproofing and bottom;
  • without a base for constructing a bottom.

It is much easier to construct a cesspool made of concrete rings without a bottom, but there are some limitations. For example, it cannot be used if the daily volume of wastewater is more than one m3. Also, this method is not suitable for areas with high groundwater levels. In the worst case scenario, dirty liquid may enter the drinking water source.

When a hole without a bottom is completely filled, it is simply filled up, so this solution can hardly be called economical. This is explained by a gradual decrease in the usable area of ​​the territory. Another important disadvantage is the spread of unpleasant odors.

Pit for a cesspool with or without bottom

To build a waterproofed recess, relatively significant costs will be required, and some difficulties may arise during the construction process. Despite this, this option is considered the most convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages of cesspools

Important advantages of waterproofed pits include:

  • The environmental friendliness of the design is explained by the fact that waste is removed using a sewer truck;
  • You can use sewerage regardless of changes in groundwater levels;
  • such a pit cannot pollute the earth with waste;
  • It is possible to build structures yourself.

The disadvantages are:

  • the presence of an unpleasant odor, which can only be eliminated with the use of special chemicals that accelerate the process of decomposition of biological waste;
  • fragility, especially for brick cesspools;
  • silting of such a depression. If year-round use of the sewer system is planned, then the sewer truck will have to be called once every few weeks.

The disadvantage of any cesspool can be an unpleasant odor

Which cesspool is better to make - with a bottom or without a bottom?

When constructing a cesspool, you should first of all focus on the groundwater level; it is this indicator that will determine which septic tank is best to make.

If the groundwater is 3-5 meters below ground level, then you cannot make a septic tank without a bottom. In this case, it is better to give preference to local cleansing systems.

The same restrictions apply to situations when there is a well or well at a distance of 25 meters.

In fact, the advantages and disadvantages of cesspools are obvious. This design is easier to make and does not require significant financial expenditure. But you will have to call a sewer truck more often and be content with unpleasant odors and other inconveniences.

If groundwater is close to the surface, preference should be given to a local treatment station

How to choose the right place for a cesspool?

There are norms and rules according to which you should choose a place for cesspools. The main requirement is that this septic tank be remote from various types of buildings.
So, you need to focus on the following requirements:

  • the pit must be at least 12 meters away from residential buildings;
  • the distance from the pit to the fence should be more than one meter;
  • the cesspool should be 30 meters away from a well or other drinking source.

The last requirement applies more to structures without a bottom. When planning to equip a cesspool, compliance with these standards is considered mandatory.

How to calculate the size of a cesspool?

The pit must be constructed based on the fact that 0.5 m3 of water is sufficient for one person living in the house. Thus, for a family of five people, it is necessary to build a cesspool with a volume of at least eight cubic meters.

If water heating devices and a bathroom are installed in a country house, then the water consumption for one person will be approximately 150 liters per day. The whole family will use 700 liters of water per day, that is, 0.7 m3. If the country house is intended for permanent residence, then the pit will need to be pumped out once a week.

The size of the wastewater pit will also depend on the type of rocks in the area. If the soil throughput is good, then the volume of such a depression can be reduced by 40%. If the soil is clayey, then you need to make a hole with a reserve that will be more than the monthly waste norm.

There are also requirements regarding the distance to the surface in the case of a maximum drainage level, this is at least one meter. If you ignore this requirement, then the appearance of bad odors is inevitable. The pit itself should be no more than three meters deep.

When calculating the volume of the cesspool, you should take into account the total volume of waste of the entire family

Construction of a wastewater pit

The process of equipping a cesspool without a bottom must be treated with the utmost responsibility, since waste entering the ground can pollute groundwater. For this reason, when constructing such a structure, it is necessary to fulfill all sanitary and technical conditions for a particular facility.

Important! You cannot make a cesspool without a bottom if more than one cubic meter of waste is discharged into it per day.

  • Immediately before work, you should decide on the location of the septic tank. As a rule, the distance from the foundation of the house to the structure should be at least five meters. In addition, you need to retreat a few meters from the neighboring site. Since there is a risk of dirty wastewater penetrating into drinking water, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance from the pit to the well or borehole. If the soil on the site has an average density, then this indicator should be approximately 30 meters. In the case of clay soil, this distance can be reduced to 20 meters. If there is more sand and sandy loam on the site, then you need to increase the distance to 50 meters. A cesspool will be a safe and inexpensive object if you choose its location correctly.
  • After determining the location of the structure without a bottom, they proceed to the stage of digging a pit of the required size. As mentioned earlier, the volume of the pit is determined taking into account the number of people living in the house and the daily volume of incoming wastewater. Depending on the volume of such a pit, the frequency of its pumping and maintenance is determined. As a rule, a sewer truck is called for these purposes. The recommended depth of the structure is no more than three meters. This requirement is explained by the fact that it will be easier for the machine to reach the bottom of the pit.

Important! Careful attention must be paid to the depth of the hole. When performing appropriate calculations, one should take into account the likelihood of ground level rising with increased precipitation and the onset of floods. To eliminate the risk of melt and rainwater getting into the pit, you need to strengthen and insulate the walls of the recess. For such purposes, you can make brickwork or construct a cesspool from concrete rings of the required size.

When determining the depth of the cesspool, it is necessary to keep in mind the flood level
  • Using concrete, it is necessary to seal the inside of the structure, with special attention paid to the joints. Next, these same walls are treated with liquid bitumen. In any case, you cannot do without waterproofing work.
  • Between the sources of wastewater disposal and the cesspool, trenches are dug into which sewer pipes will be laid. They are dug on a slope with mandatory consideration of the depth of freezing of the ground, which depends directly on the terrain. The slope of the pipes will depend on their chosen diameter. To do everything correctly, you can read the regulatory and technical literature. If the pipes are laid correctly, then you don’t have to worry about clogging communications or freezing in cold weather.
  • After laying the pipes, they are connected to all points of plumbing and other fixtures. Also at this stage all earthworks are completed. Very often, on a private plot, in addition to the house, there are other buildings, in particular this applies to a summer kitchen and a bathhouse. If all calculations of the volume of the pit are performed correctly, then there will be no need to make additional tanks.
  • Now you can safely close the dug pit. To do this, you can use a concrete slab or make a cast concrete platform with your own hands. As a rule, it is impossible to completely close the pit, since a sewer hatch will also be installed through which waste will be pumped out.

Features of cesspools without a bottom

The land for constructing cesspools is not the same everywhere, so there are certain features in one case or another.

Important! As a rule, wastewater is able to quickly pass through sand and loess, so it enters the ground without prior filtration. This is dangerous because nearby water sources can quickly become unusable.

Cesspools without bottoms can contaminate drinking water sources

To ensure effective protection of groundwater, it is necessary to carry out some work:

  • If possible, reduce the surface area of ​​the earth through which wastewater seeps. A good way out of the situation is to partially fill part of the bottom of the pit with concrete mixture. Due to this design, wastewater will not penetrate into the ground too quickly, remaining in the tank as long as possible;
  • As for clay soils, they provide the opposite effect. Clay allows water to pass through slowly and difficultly, which is why the sewage system does not work at the proper level. In this case, it is advisable to lay additional outlets at the bottom of the pit. To do this, you should drill several holes in the ground into which perforated plastic tubes will be installed. As a rule, the more such waste, the better the throughput;
  • When determining the length of the pipe, it is worth considering that it should rise at least 1.5 meters above the surface of the pit. In a filled tank there is always a risk of pipes clogging, and to prevent this from happening, special plugs should be put on them. If a large number of holes are made in the pipe, then the water will quickly go into the ground, while solid inclusions will remain at the bottom of the hole in the form of sediment.
  • You can dig another pit near the already finished hole. A sewer pipe is laid at an angle between these tanks. This slope is made away from the first hole towards the second recess. The diameter of the sewer pipe laid in the trench must be at least 5 cm. Thus, when the water approaches the level of this pipe, it will overflow into the second hole, while the solid fractions will remain at the bottom of the first tank.

Important! If you do not clean out a bottomless cesspool in a timely manner, it may simply overflow. In order to eliminate this risk, it is recommended to install an overflow system. Such work does not take too much time, and a tangible result will be observed.

A cesspool is a relatively quick and economical solution with which you can improve the sewage system in a country house or suburban area. One of the disadvantages that affects the cost of maintaining such a structure is the fairly frequent use of a sewer truck to pump out wastewater, since the pit fills and becomes dirty quickly. Also, the frequency of calling the car will depend on the number of people permanently residing in the house. In the process of constructing such a tank without a bottom, it is imperative to follow sanitary rules and take into account all the requirements regarding the location of choice for the pit, as well as the distance from neighboring buildings and structures.


Modern urbanization has spoiled city dwellers with all sorts of amenities - gas pipelines, central heating, cold and hot water in the apartment and, of course, sewerage. But these circumstances do not mean at all that you cannot use these amenities in a village or dacha.

A well-equipped sewer system and cesspool in a private house or country house will help create conditions for comfortable living far from the city.

In Russia, regulatory documents have been created to determine the status of cesspools. They regulate the location of the cesspool on the site. According to SNiP, the cesspool should be located:

  1. At a distance of 20 m from residential buildings.
  2. The distance from the cesspool to any fence should be more than 1 m.

According to SNiP, the optimal location for the pit is selected. Also, when constructing a pit without a bottom, the distance to the source of drinking water should be more than 30 meters.

The dimensions of the cesspool are calculated based on the following parameters:

    How many residents live in the house permanently? The average daily water consumption per person is 150-180 liters. In 30 days, a family of 2-4 people consumes up to 12 m 3 of water, which goes into the cesspool.

    Taking into account the reserve, a cesspool for 3 people should have a volume of about 18 m 3.

    The influence of soil behavior on the site. This factor is used as follows: if the soil contains porous rocks, then the volume of the cesspool can be reduced to 40% of the monthly water consumption.

    If the soil mostly consists of rocks that do not allow water to pass through well, then the volume of the pit should exceed the drainage rate by 20-30%.

The depth of the cesspool should optimally be more than 3 meters. A cesspool requires periodic cleaning, and the help of a cesspool service cannot be avoided, but you can make the hole deeper, and then the drain water can be pumped out once a year, or even less often.

If the cesspool design is sealed, then the water will have to be pumped out 1-2 times a month.

If you are not confident in your construction abilities, then we recommend using construction services in Yekaterinburg, they build houses, gazebos and much more, everything is turnkey.

Budget tire cesspool

Car tires - what could be simpler and more economical for building a cesspool?

Since recycling car tires is an expensive pleasure, getting such tires is not difficult, and many service stations will also pay extra if you ask them for 8-12 pieces.

This is exactly how much you will need to build a tire cesspool.

How to make a cesspool with your own hands using tires?

  1. Select tires of the same thickness and diameter. Calculate how many tires you will need, calculating the depth of the well to be 2.5-3 meters.
  2. You need to mark the contour of the hole along the contour of the tire. This must be done at a distance of at least 5 m from the house. Add another 10-20 cm to the diameter of the hole so that the tires fit freely into the hole, and start digging with a regular bayonet shovel. It is more convenient to throw out the soil with a shovel.

    When going deeper into the ground, change the shovel to another one with a longer handle so as not to fall into the hole, as it will be too narrow for you. The edges of the shovel must be bent to make it more convenient to take soil at great depths.

  3. After preparing the hole, you need to drill a drainage hole in its center. This can be done with a regular garden drill. Drainage is needed to ensure that water flows into the ground better and faster, so you need to drill through all the water-resistant layers - loam, etc.
  4. A drainage pipe is inserted into the well - its end must be brought above the hole 1-1.5 meters. The upper part of the pipe must be covered with a mesh. The bottom of the pit should be covered with a layer of crushed stone of 10-20 cm.
  5. Tires are laid on the crushed stone. First, one inner side of each tire is cut off. Now water will not linger in the recesses.
  6. In the last or penultimate tire you need to make a hole for the gutter using a jigsaw.
  7. The finished pit is filled with earth and compacted.

    To prevent the cesspool from filling with groundwater, you can lay a layer of roofing material or plastic film over the walls of the pit and car tires.

  8. The lid for such a cesspool must be made of a very stable material. Thick plastic is best for this. On top of the lid you need to pour a layer of earth in the form of a hill so that the water drains from it. The tire pit is ready.

Pit made of concrete rings - reliable design

Having carried out all the calculations and determined the location for the cesspool, you can begin preparations: purchase building materials, prepare the tools that will be needed for the construction of the cesspool. Please note the following points:

  1. The bottom of the pit must be concreted. Such a pit will create fewer problems for you when cleaning.
  2. The walls are also concreted. A ceiling is made over the cesspool; it is necessary to make a ventilation hatch through which gases will be vented. A hatch is also needed for pumping out wastewater using sewage equipment or manually. The ceiling is best made from a concrete slab that has a hole.

If the hatch cover is not insulated, then it is necessary to calculate the depth of the hole so that the hatch is 20-30 cm below the ground surface. Having installed the floor slab, it must be covered with soil. This measure will prevent the pit from freezing in winter.

  1. Concrete is calculated based on the area of ​​the bottom of the pit, and, if necessary, the floor. Concrete is made as follows: 6 parts of fine or medium fraction crushed stone, 1 part cement and 4 parts sand. Water is added until a thick solution is obtained that does not flow from the shovel.
  2. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm or steel wire with a diameter of 6-8 mm is placed in the bottom of the pit and filled with concrete. The reinforcement is laid in increments of 30-40 cm. After the bottom has hardened (2-3 days), concrete rings can be installed.

    For a cesspool with a volume of 5-6 m 3 you will need 4-5 rings. The diameters of the rings can be from 800 to 1500 mm.

  3. The seams between the rings need to be concreted, and after the mortar has completely hardened, the top slab can be laid. While the concrete is drying, you can connect the sewer pipes.

Made of brick

The bottom of the cesspool is made in exactly the same way as in the first case. The floor slab can be made from wood by impregnating the boards with creosote or bitumen.

Don't forget about the hole for ventilation and pumping.

It is not advisable to use a concrete slab for a brick pit, since its large weight can crumble the edges of the brick pit.

The amount of brick for a cesspool is calculated as follows: the height of the walls must be divided by the height of the 1st brick and add 6-10 mm of joint thickness (cement mortar). The result will be the number of rows of bricks.

The use of cinder block, foam block or similar building materials is not recommended. When exposed to moisture, cinder blocks quickly collapse. Such a cesspool will not last very long. The only advantage of this material is fast and low-cost construction.

Multiple cleaning methods

There are at least four effective methods for cleaning a cesspool with your own hands and with the help of specialists. Manual cleaning, pumping, assistance from sewage equipment and biological products. Let's look at each separately.

The work of biological products will bear fruit - the wastewater will begin to be more actively absorbed into the soil and, perhaps, the pit will not even have to be pumped out. Chemical preparations are also available, but they must be chosen very carefully.

Now you know about all the ways to clean a cesspool on your site. By doing everything according to the rules, you will clean the pit effectively and quickly.

If you want to add a piece of urban comfort to your summer cottage, namely to provide it with sewerage, a tire cesspool is one of the possible options.

Installation of this type of pit is characterized by simplicity and does not require you to have specific construction skills. However, before installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its device.

Advantages and disadvantages of tire pits

System advantages

Advantages. A cesspool made from tires is the best solution if the volumes of wastewater are small, that is, if you come to the dacha only on weekends.

The advantages of the design include:

  • ease of installation work;
  • material benefit - no major investments are required, unlike, for example, a brick cesspool or a pit made of concrete rings.

It is worth noting that the use of any tires is allowed: passenger cars (R 12-13) or trucks with a diameter of more than a meter.

Disadvantages of the system

But you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the system’s shortcomings:

  • the service life of pits made from car tires does not exceed 10-15 years;
  • the sealing of the pit can quickly break down;
  • the minimum distance from wells and boreholes is 30 meters;
  • unpleasant odors may appear;
  • difficulty of repair and dismantling.

Work on constructing a cesspool from car tires

To begin with, we suggest taking a look at the schematic image of the final structure below.

Step-by-step technology for constructing a cesspool with your own hands:

  1. If you want to install a toilet with a cesspool on your property, you will need several car or tractor tires. The quantity depends on what volume of the cesspool you consider optimal, on average it is 10 pieces, no more.

Pro tip: If you don't have old tires, take a trip to the auto repair shop before purchasing new tires for the pit. Perhaps somewhere you will be offered to pick up used ones for free.

  1. The digging of cesspools begins after all the materials have been prepared. Place the tire on the ground in the location chosen for the hole, mark what its size will be. Start digging, taking into account that the bottom should have a slope in relation to the future hatch. Be prepared for the fact that this work is hard and will take several days. If you don’t know how to dig a cesspool correctly, you can resort to the services of a tractor, this will help optimize the process and complete the task in less than an hour.

  1. After digging the hole to the required depth, a drainage hole is drilled in its center using a garden auger. It is needed to allow wastewater to pass through all water-resistant layers of soil without stagnating.
  2. A drainage pipe is inserted into the resulting hole, the upper end of which should be 1 meter above the bottom of the cesspool. This will avoid clogging the pipe with large waste particles. Holes are made on the sides; water will flow through them. The holes, as well as the top of the pipe, are additionally protected with polypropylene mesh.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with large crushed stone, a layer of 10 cm. Next, car tires are laid out. To ensure that water flows freely and prevent it from accumulating inside the tires, the inner rim is cut off from each tire using a jigsaw.

  1. Then the inlet pipe is installed. Using an electric jigsaw, a hole of the required diameter is cut on the side surface of the tire.
  2. Tires should be laid in such a way that the topmost one is at a slight elevation from the soil level. The voids between the tires and the walls of the cesspool are filled with earth, and the internal joints between the tires are carefully insulated with sealant.

Pro tip:

The top layer of soil formed as a result of digging a cesspool is fertile, and it is reasonable to use it to create beds on the site. Don't forget to also leave some soil for filling the hole on top. You can safely get rid of unused soil.

  1. The top of the cesspool is closed with a hatch - a polymer lid. The system must be well ventilated; for this purpose, build a ventilation pipe that will rise 60 cm above the ground.

The simplest septic tank (with overflow) made from car tires

Car tires can also serve as a building material for creating simple treatment facilities, for example, a cesspool with an overflow. Such a septic tank will be able to purify small volumes of wastewater; it is also relevant for a country house in which you do not live permanently, but visit periodically.

A cesspool with overflow is designed as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the pit under the tires, crushed stone is laid out in a layer of 30-40 cm.
  2. The inner rims of the tires are also cut off to maximize the volume of the septic tank.
  3. A vertical concrete pipe is installed in a well lined with tires. Its diameter should be half the diameter of the pit, and the upper limit should be 10-15 cm lower than the height of the well.
  4. The lower end of the pipe is hermetically filled with concrete, and at the upper end, a mesh with small holes is made using a drill, through which the overflow will occur.
  5. In the upper part, a hole should be prepared for. When the sewer pipe is brought inside the concrete pipe, the inlet is hermetically sealed.

A cesspool in a country house is an irreplaceable thing; it is easy to install and operate. All kinds of building materials are suitable for its construction: concrete, brick, wood. But the cheapest option is to install a tire pit.

Recently, there has been a tendency for city residents to move into their own homes. Accustomed to the benefits of civilization, city dwellers even in country houses strive to make their lives as comfortable as possible by installing water supply and sewerage systems.

And villagers do not lag behind the townspeople, taking all measures to install hot and cold water supply and warm bathrooms. Both receive drinking water directly from the bowels of the earth, from wells or boreholes, where wastewater products may fall. Therefore, the issue of wastewater disposal is now acute.

There are three ways to solve this problem:

  • installing a shambo or constructing a simple cesspool, from where the contents will be periodically pumped out by a sewer truck;
  • installation of a septic tank with two or three chambers with biological wastewater treatment, through the natural process of decomposition of organic and inorganic waste;
  • installation of septic tanks with deep wastewater treatment using bacteria and microbes.

But regardless of the chosen method of waste disposal, all structures must be made in accordance with the rules and sanitary standards.

The most economical and simple option for wastewater disposal for many is to build a cesspool at their dacha with their own hands, this is especially true for people who have limited financial resources.

A cesspool is a container, naturally sealed, into which all sewage water from the house is drained.

According to the rules, you cannot make a cesspool with an earthen bottom.

As sewer waste accumulates, the homeowner calls in special equipment that pumps out the contents of the pit and then transports it to certain places.

When installing a cesspool, you should calculate the daily water consumption of everyone living in the house. Based on these calculations, the volume of the cesspool is selected.

It should be noted that with a large volume of water consumed (more than 1 cubic meter), this type of waste disposal is not suitable, purely for economic reasons, since pumping will have to be done quite often, and the cost of special equipment services is not small.

On average, water consumption rates per person per day are distributed as follows:

  • If there is running water, but without a bath, the water consumption will be 90-120 liters;
  • By adding a bath and a solid fuel water heater, the water consumption increases and amounts to 140-180 liters;
  • All the same parameters, but with a gas water heater they also increase water consumption by 20-30 liters per day;
  • A large number of water points in the house (washing machines, dishwashers, showers, bathtubs, washbasins, toilets, kitchen sinks, etc.) increases water consumption to 190-250 liters.

A cesspool can be built from various materials - baked clay bricks, reinforced concrete rings, monolithic concrete, metal, plastic containers, etc.

Regardless of the material used from which the cesspool is made, the standards for its design regulate the presence of:

  • durable lid
  • inspection hatch,
  • exhaust ventilation pipe to remove gases that are invariably formed during the decomposition of organic residues.

In addition, a sewer pipe from the house must be inserted into the pit, laid with the proper slope.

Rules for constructing cesspools

The depth of the cesspool is selected depending on:

  • depth of soil freezing in a given area,
  • groundwater level.

But it is not recommended to build a cesspool below 3 meters from the surface of the earth, since not every special equipment for pumping out wastewater has suitable hoses.

Here we can also say about the location of the cesspool - it should be chosen so that there is free access for the machine pumping out sewage.

The inlet pipe should be laid as high as possible to the ground surface to maximize the volume of wastewater accumulating in the pit.

In this case, you will have to call the sewer truck less often, which will save a lot of money.

The walls and bottom of the cesspool must have high-quality waterproofing. The simplest method of waterproofing is coating with hot bitumen in one or two layers.

The rules for arranging cesspools regulate the installation of a ventilation exhaust pipe to remove the resulting gases. The height of the ventilation pipe must be at least 0.7-1.0 meters above ground level.

If necessary, the cesspool cover is insulated with one of the types of insulation - mineral wool materials or expanded polystyrene.

When using mineral wool, it is necessary to waterproof it in order to protect it from moisture.

Controlling the level of wastewater in the cesspool is carried out:

  • in a visual way
  • using a float switch.

Rules for laying sewer pipes from the house to the cesspool

When constructing a cesspool, SNiP standards regulate:

  • Sewer pipes with a diameter of up to 100 mm should be laid with a slope of 1%; with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, the slope can be 0.8%.
  • When laying sewer pipes in places where there is heavy traffic or other significant loads, the depth of the pipes must be at least 70 cm, counting from the top of the pipe to the surface of the ground. In other places not subject to loads, the sewer pipe can be laid at a depth of 50 cm, if winter temperatures allow.

According to the standards for constructing pits for collecting sewage, the depth of laying sewer pipes should be below the soil freezing level.

If it is not possible to withstand such a depth, then the pipes are insulated in various ways. These can be either bulk materials in the form of expanded clay, slag or sawdust, or modern ones - mineral wool, polystyrene foam. When insulating sewer pipes, measures are taken to waterproof the insulation, since when wet it loses its ability to retain heat.

If sewer pipes are not laid in a straight line, then the angle of rotation should be greater than 90 degrees to avoid stagnation of solid sewage waste.

The cesspool should not be located at a distance less than 6 meters from the house and 50 m from sources of drinking water.

Cesspool or septic tank?

For better wastewater treatment, it is preferable to make a septic tank, since it involves gradual removal of suspended particles in the first chamber, and subsequent biological treatment in the second chamber using various microorganisms that process organic and inorganic waste.

Discharge of purified water can be carried out directly on the site into a drainage well, which is constructed without a bottom and must be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the wells or wells. In this case, you save money on calling a sewer truck.

Cesspool or septic tank more often it is made of concrete rings - economical sewerage for a dacha is very popular; installing this type of sewerage system in a private house will be the most inexpensive option, but at the same time it will be reliable and durable. The drainage pit can be made of concrete rings or cement mortar.
Pre-purchased reinforced concrete structures are installed in the prepared pit. But before this, the bottom of the future well needs to be concreted. Rings with a diameter of 1.0 m or more are installed on the prepared bottom using specialized equipment.
Having installed all the components of the well, the sewerage system of a private household is supplied to the pit. To do this, a trench is dug at a slope of 15°. A pipe with a diameter of at least 110 mm is laid. Having laid the pipe, a control drain of water is carried out. If everything is functioning normally, the trench is filled with soil.
Installing a sewer system in a private house in this way will bring its advantages to the owner:
1. This option is the cheapest and simplest
2. The service life of this design is quite long.
3. After time, the pit does not silt up and does not decrease in volume.
4. This type of sewerage system in private homes does not require additional care.

The disadvantage of this type of sewerage is the need to use the services of a sewer truck. Naturally, if you make the reservoir leaky, then part of the wastewater will be filtered into the soil; this technology can only be used in cases where the groundwater level does not exceed five meters from the surface level.


The cost of a 3-ring cesspool with a diameter of 1.5 meters will be 37,000 rubles.
The cost of supplying sewerage from the house to the cesspool is 800 rubles per linear meter*
*the price includes digging a trench, laying pipes in insulation, and backfilling.