Liver treatment drugs for fatty hepatosis. How does hepatosis develop? Is it possible to cure fatty liver disease?

The main cleansing factory of our body is the liver. Most of all the blood contained in the human body passes through it. The organ is a kind of filter. The liver processes nutrients which are necessary for our body. It is capable of operating for a long time at increased processing volumes, but excess loads do not pass without leaving a trace. Exposure to alcohol, toxins and fatty foods lead to liver diseases. Let's figure out what fatty hepatosis “looks like”, what it is and how it is treated.

Fatty liver hepatosis (or diffuse steatosis) is a chronic disease in which healthy cells of this organ are transformed into adipose tissue. Inflammatory processes are not characteristic of this disease (unlike hepatitis). Signs of hepatosis are shortness of breath, nausea, and jaundice. It is important to diagnose the disease in time. The processes of cell destruction and change are reversible with timely treatment.

Methods of treating the disease

The main condition for recovery and elimination of symptoms of liver hepatosis is exclusion of the cause. Drug therapy will be meaningless if you continue to drink alcohol or fatty foods. Treatment methods for hepatosis include:

  1. Therapy. Treatment fatty liver disease Liver treatment with medications, as well as diagnosis, is carried out by a specialist, especially in pregnant women. Medication assistance is aimed at restoring metabolic processes, protecting liver cells, and detoxifying the organ.
  2. Folk recipes. You should not self-medicate with acute liver hepatosis. Any methods and remedies should be discussed with your doctor.
  3. Specialized diet. Exclusion from the diet harmful products, eating foods rich in protein contributes to speedy recovery and normalization of metabolic processes in the liver.

Drug treatment

To solve this problem there are modern medications. How to treat fatty liver hepatosis with drugs? Among the verified effective solutions The following are distinguished:

  1. Essentiale. A well-known and effective drug for treating the liver. Drink 2 capsules three times a day. The course is at least 2 months.
  2. Berlition. Prescribed at the rate of 1 tablet per day. Duration – month.
  3. Heptral. Administered intravenously under supervision medical personnel.
  4. Hofitol. The base is artichoke. Use 3 tablets three times a day. The course is at least a month.
  5. Taufon. Treatment of the liver with taurine-based drugs is generally accepted and effective. It actively restores and protects the liver. Use 2-4 grams of taurine (this amount is divided into 3 doses) per day. The course is at least a month.

Find out more about what it contains and what it is needed for.


How to treat fatty hepatosis with diet? Features of nutrition for this disease: refusal of harmful foods; inclusion of natural foods in the diet healthy products. Compliance with the following recommendations will have a beneficial effect on both the liver and general condition health.

  • It is necessary to exclude:
    1. ready meat products(sausages, sausages, pates, canned food):
    2. fats ( palm oil, margarine, rapeseed, corn oil);
    3. caffeine;
    4. carbonated drinks;
    5. sugar:
    6. white pastries;
    7. fast food;
    8. alcoholic drinks;
    9. cigarettes.

  • Products indicated for use:
    1. vegetables;
    2. fruit menu;
    3. seafood;
    4. beef;
    5. brown rice;
    6. eggs, chicken (not from a poultry farm);
    7. legumes;
    8. mutton;
    9. garlic;
    10. soy sauce, Apple vinegar;
    11. nuts;
    12. spices (curry, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, turmeric).

Sample menu for fatty liver hepatosis

Developed specifically for people suffering from this disease, the menu is suitable for anyone who watches their diet. How to treat fatty liver hepatosis with regular products and dishes? Both the quality of the selected products and their quantity are important. Overeating is unacceptable with hepatosis. We offer low-calorie dishes that are good for the liver.

Breakfast. Drink two glasses in the morning on an empty stomach clean water with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After 15-20 minutes, provide your body with vitamins and microelements by drinking juice from carrots, parsley and fresh celery. List of main breakfast dishes:

  • yogurt with fruit (pieces);
  • muesli with nuts;
  • eggs (boiled, poached, omelette);
  • fruit salad with nuts (yogurt as a dressing);
  • if you're not hungry, have a drink vegetable juice and eat a handful of nuts;
  • any breakfast option must additionally contain raw vegetables or fruit.

Dinner and supper. Select by at will any two dishes from the menu below for lunch and one for dinner:

  • vegetable salad (dressing – olive oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar);
  • fish salad (fresh or canned fish in brine);
  • boiled vegetables;
  • lamb or beef (boiled or stewed only);
  • chicken breast, served with vegetable salad and avocado;
  • as a sandwich: bread with avocado, tomato, herbs, red onion, olive oil;
  • chicken soup;
  • salad: feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, herbs, avocado;
  • mixture: nuts, cheese (low-fat), fruits, vegetables, hummus;
  • berries to taste.

Folk remedies

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies at home should be agreed with the attending physician. Herbs can help beneficial effect on the body and help the liver:

  1. Decoction of herbs (mint, fennel, caraway, yarrow, wormwood). Its application:
    • take 0.5 tbsp. each herb;
    • pour boiling water;
    • keep in a water bath for 15 minutes;
    • cool, filter;
    • You need to drink about 300 ml daily. (divide this amount into 3 doses).
  2. Honey. Prepare cottage cheese with the addition of 20-30 g. honey Rowan, apple and herbal honey are suitable. No more than 3 servings of this dish are allowed per day. In addition, honey is recommended to be used in combination with cinnamon (reduces the amount of fat in the liver) and oats.
  3. Milk thistle (milk thistle seeds – 30 g, water – 500 ml). Preparation:
    • crush the seeds;
    • to fill with water;
    • simmer for 2 hours (over low heat);
    • Remove from heat as soon as half of the water has evaporated;
    • use 1 tbsp. every hour, course – at least 3 weeks.

Our body itself tries to restore the liver, but we constantly poison it with something, like other organs. The main thing is that you need to try to eliminate, or at least reduce, the risk factors that relate to you. Otherwise, any drugs and treatment methods will be ineffective, or even useless. Today we will tell you how you can cure fatty liver hepatosis. This is the name for fatty liver caused by various disorders metabolism.

Symptoms of liver hepatosis disease

Full title insidious disease hepatosis – CGD, CGD. This is a disease that affects the liver, which is caused by the increased sensitivity of liver cells to sex hormones and hereditary diseases that progress in the absence of one or another enzyme in the body. Exchange disorders cholesterol and bile acids in human liver cells are typical signs of hepatosis in pregnant women. The combination of these signs leads to disturbances in bile formation and bile secretion in the body and provokes hepatosis.

Often the only sign of the disease is itchy skin. The intensity of itching varies greatly. Increased itching is observed at night. This is how skin scratches and scratches are often detected. Region skin itching these are the hands, shins, forearms, and anterior abdominal wall.

A variable symptom of the disease is jaundice. According to statistics, it is registered in 15% of cases.

Symptoms such as itching and jaundice often disappear within 1-2 weeks after delivery. Symptoms of the disease may recur if repeat pregnancy. Recurrence of symptoms of hepatosis during subsequent pregnancies does not lead to changes in the mother’s liver.

Unbearable and painful itching forces artificial termination of pregnancy, which is a last resort. Although hepatosis itself is not an indicator for terminating a pregnancy. One of the subtypes of hepatosis is fatty hepatosis of pregnancy (FPH), which is the most severe form of jaundice. When determining FGB, immediate termination of pregnancy is recommended.

Clinical symptoms of early liver hepatosis

Mild, non-intense and intermittent pain in right side abdomen, below the chest.

At the same time, there are no other signs of liver diseases: jaundice, vomiting, nausea, etc.

On late stages Fatty liver hepatosis upon palpation reveals an enlarged, painful liver with soft, rounded edges.


Increased blood sugar.

Increased lipid content.

Symptoms of progressive fatty liver hepatosis

One of the subtypes of the disease is fatty liver hepatosis. Most often women suffer from this disease. The disease can pass without pronounced symptoms. Often it is discovered by chance, while examining the patient’s complaints that are completely unrelated to the liver. At the same time, fatty hepatosis can be clearly expressed:

presence of nausea;

in pain in the right side;

in jaundice;

at elevated temperatures.

Signs of complications in liver hepatosis

This is a chronic liver disease in which the functions of liver cells (hepatocytes) degenerate into fatty tissue. At first, this happens painlessly, without unpleasant symptoms, so doctors do not sound the alarm. Usually, they prescribe something like Essentiale Forte and the process develops further.

But after a while, problems arise with other organs whose work depends on the liver. This again affects the liver: it is less well supplied with blood, it receives more toxins from the intestines, and so on...

It is worth saying that if treatment is not started in time, then other health problems appear, namely:

the cardiovascular system suffers;

immunity decreases;

violated hormonal balance;

the digestive system is disrupted.

Diagnosis of fatty liver hepatosis

Upon examination and palpation by a doctor, the liver was not enlarged, without any features. Only when fat accumulates a large number of, the liver may become enlarged with soft, rounded edges and tender to the touch.

In the early stages of fatty hepatosis, pronounced symptoms are usually not detected. In patients with diabetes mellitus, serious insulin dependence may occur due to hepatosis.

The disease manifests itself in a number of medical syndromes and diseases. For example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, congenital lipodystrophy (a birth defect when fat accumulates in the abdominal area), etc.

Before determining treatment tactics, you need to undergo the following examination:

Ultrasound Examination (US)

Biochemical analysis blood

Bioresonance testing of the body. It precisely defines

  • all pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.),
  • intoxication of the liver and other organs.
  • the presence of atypical bile acids in the urine (formed in the absence of primary bile acids in the bile);
  • deficiency of vitamin K in the body.

Diagnostic symptoms of hepatosis in pregnant women:

Almost every third pregnant woman with CGD (cholestatic hepatosis of pregnant women) has already had premature birth, usually in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women with hepatosis often experience allergic reactions, mainly to antibacterial drugs. Pregnant women with hepatosis often have diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract.

Main signs of the disease

An increase in the size of the liver and pain are not typical;

The consistency of the liver tissue is homogeneous;

An enlargement of the gallbladder is observed.

For instrumental research liver using ultrasound.

The number of cases is growing postpartum hemorrhage in women with liver hepatosis. The reason is a lack of vitamin K in tissues, since the synthesis of coagulation factors is possible only with a sufficient amount of this vitamin.

Hepatosis can progress, leading to abnormal liver function tests. This can lead to fetal death. The disease usually appears in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Often pregnant patients with hepatosis are hospitalized with an incorrect diagnosis. Undoubtedly, this disease causes difficulties in diagnosis, so it is very important to contact qualified specialist to save the life of both mother and child. Dear women, take your health and the health of your child very seriously. Don’t ignore even minor symptoms if something is bothering you!

To summarize, we can say that the increased load on the liver, which is a consequence of the release of hormones during pregnancy, only reveals previously hidden liver dysfunction.

Consequently, hepatosis in pregnant women is a manifestation of the inferiority of enzymes that actively manifest themselves during pregnancy.

Features of the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis

Diet for fatty liver hepatosis is almost the most important element of therapy. The diet for such patients should dictate a strict restriction or absolute rejection of animal fats, food additives, canned food, sweets, etc. Diet is of additional importance when the patient is suffering overweight. For successful treatment, the problem of obesity must be solved. Weight should not be lost abruptly, with the help of diet and an active lifestyle, you definitely need to move, gradually increasing the load. The patient should not overeat so as not to overload the liver;

treatment does not involve taking unprescribed medications, since all tablets, syrups, tinctures, etc. affect the liver. If you suddenly become ill with something else, you should consult your doctor about treatment. Do not self-medicate, it always harms the body, and in this case it is simply dangerous;

To carry out effective treatment, the doctor will prescribe special medications. Some will eliminate the cause of the disease, the second group is responsible for restoring tissue in the liver and its functions. Drugs to improve metabolism are also prescribed.

Medication therapy is possible, and sometimes it needs to be combined with herbal medicine - your doctor will definitely tell you this. Pharmacies sell ready-made herbal teas, good for the liver, increasing immunity, but you can also prepare such mixtures yourself or take one type of medicinal herbs. Such remedies support the body and speed up the patient’s recovery. After completing therapy, the former patient is recommended to be observed by a doctor for some time (a year or two - this will be determined by the doctor).

Diet for this disease is the most important element of treatment. In case of non-compliance with the diet full recovery will not come. It is even more important to adhere to a diet if the patient is overweight or obese. You need to lose weight during hepatosis gradually, without stressing the body, and never use diet pills, hunger strikes, etc. You need to eat about 5 times a day, in small portions. This reduces both weight and liver load.

Drug therapy for hepatic hepatosis

For treatment, drugs such as Troglitazone are used, which increase sensitivity to insulin and, therefore, reduce inflammation and scarring of the patient’s liver. Drugs that reduce blood fat levels are also used: for example, Gemfibrozil (Lopid).

Recently, new information has been received that statins lower the level of fat in the liver. The effectiveness of Actigall was also confirmed.

Taking into account numerous experiments and studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that losing weight and taking a certain number of drugs helps positive result. These drugs include the following:

Insulin-sensitizing medications, for example, thiazolidinediones: Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone, Metformin.

Drugs that reduce the level of lipids, that is, fats in the body (statins).

Drugs for the treatment of liver hepatosis that improve blood flow in the body: Pentoxifylline.

One type of therapy will not be enough. It is necessary to combine all of these drugs, be sure to supplement them with drugs that improve metabolism (for example, Folic acid). Main condition successful treatment– this is finding out the cause of the disease and eliminating it. Diet and weight loss also promote a speedy recovery and reduce fat infiltration in the liver. Exactly A complex approach to treatment will be most effective. Sometimes gastroenterologists advise combining drug treatment with herbal medicine; it is believed that some herbal decoctions help accelerate liver regeneration. If desired or necessary, the doctor will select herbs for a specific patient.

Alternative treatment methods for hepatosis

In addition to drug treatment, doctors name several more:

autohemaozone therapy with high content ozone;

synhalent oxygen;

ultrasound therapy;


Please note that not all liver cells will be restored, but preventive therapy after enhanced treatment and diet will help maintain the normal, “working” state of the organ. That is, you have the power to direct and stimulate the regeneration of liver cells.

How to treat hepatosis during pregnancy?

I would like to highlight following tips, for pregnant women, patients with hepatosis:

Diet your diet;

To prevent hepatosis in pregnant women, avoid oral contraceptives (combined);

Monitor biological and chemical blood parameters regularly (7-14 days after birth, once a year thereafter);

Visit your hepatologist regularly;

In subsequent pregnancies, do tests to determine markers of cholestasis. Cholestasis is a disruption of the process of synthesis, secretion and excretion of bile.

Be careful when using antibacterial agents.

The liver is an organ capable of rapid regeneration, so if you start treatment on time, do it in combination, listen to the doctor’s recommendations, then the disease will be defeated soon, otherwise there is a risk of cancer diseases liver, cirrhosis. Take care of your health.

The patient at home must:

follow a diet that excludes fats but is rich in protein;

lead active image life, which will promote weight loss if necessary, as well as speed up metabolism;

take medications prescribed by your doctor, including folic acid, vitamin B12, etc. to improve digestion;

visit a doctor;

eat boiled and steamed food, if possible finely chopped or pureed.

Causes and prevention of fatty liver

Symptoms of the disease are caused by three main factors:

The presence of an excessive amount of bile elements in the blood;

Decrease in the volume of secreted bile in the intestine;

Toxic effect of bile on liver cells and tubules.

The disease can appear at any age, including in children over 10 years of age. Patients experience mild pain in the right side, in the right side of the abdomen (below the chest). This pain is not characterized by intensity; it appears from time to time and goes away.

Fatty non-alcoholic degeneration (or hepatosis) of the liver refers to a broad group of liver diseases. The essence of the disease is that fat accumulates in the liver cells (fatty liver). The cause of the disease is excessive intake of fats into the body due to improper, unbalanced nutrition, due to metabolic disorders or endocrine diseases.

The risk group includes people with excess weight (especially obesity in the abdominal area), patients with diabetes, etc.

Causes of hepatosis in pregnant women

Let us highlight the main reasons leading to the occurrence of hepatosis in pregnant women:

Increased sensitivity to sex hormones, genetically determined;

Deviations in the process of synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for transporting bile from liver cells to the bile ducts;

Defects in the process of bile acid synthesis, resulting from a deficiency of enzymes that are involved in the production of atypical bile acids.

Did you know that the pituitary gland influences the activity of liver enzymes?

Excessive accumulation of placental hormones reduces the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. During pregnancy, cholesterol synthesis increases. So, when the function of the pituitary gland decreases, the secretion of cholesterol by the liver also decreases. All this in total leads to disruption of processes such as bile formation and bile excretion.

Provoking factors of the disease

Increased levels of sex hormones during pregnancy;

Increased load on the liver;

Congenital deficiency of enzyme systems.

Genetics and features of hepatosis in pregnant women

Women who experience hepatosis have a genetically determined increased sensitivity to female hormones– estrogens. Consequently, an increased level of estrogen in women leads to the development of intrahepatic cholestasis - a “disease synonymous” with hepatosis. The conclusion arises that taking oral contraceptives containing estrogen can lead to a disease such as cholestasis. Cholestasis is a disruption of the process of synthesis and excretion of bile. During recurrent cholestasis, the risk of death of the child increases 4 times. Dear women, be careful when using oral contraception.

During pregnancy, a fairly large amount of estrogen is produced.

The production of excess estrogen slows down the flow of bile during normal pregnancy. An excess dose of estrogen undergoes metabolic transformations in the mother’s liver.

Hepatosis during pregnancy can develop when the fluidity of liver cell membranes decreases, as well as damage to the walls of liver tubules.

In case of severe hepatosis, emergency delivery is necessary. Delivery is indicated at 38 weeks, with a positive effect of therapy. Possible natural childbirth in the absence of fetal developmental disorders.

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis

It is necessary to exclude or reduce the consumption of alcohol, baked goods, and very fatty foods. Monitor your weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in as much physical activity as possible, and minimize the use of synthetic medications.

To avoid fat deposition in the liver, you need vitamin B, which is found in apricot kernels. You need to eat at least 5 of them a day to improve liver function. This vitamin is also found in sunflower oil, eat it with vegetable salads.

Fatty liver hepatosis is a chronic disease. Features of its treatment include the use of medications, as well as mandatory healthy lifestyle.

What is fatty liver hepatosis

Fatty hepatosis of the kidney is degeneration and destruction of liver cells (hepatocytes). Under the influence of certain factors, hepatocytes are replaced connective tissue and fat cells. This occurs when there is an excess of fat supplied for processing. The liver cannot cope with the resulting load, as a result, fats and porphyrins are deposited in it. Women and men aged 40-45 years are at risk.

Causes of development of fatty liver hepatosis

Fatty liver hepatosis is divided into 2 types. Congenital liver hepatosis is associated with a lack of special enzymes in hepatocytes. These enzymes break down free fat during the absorption of incoming substances into the body. Acquired hepatosis of the liver appears as a result of the influence of many factors:

  • consumption of high-calorie foods. These include chips, sweet carbonated drinks, fast food, sausages, confectionery;
  • poor nutrition. Deficiency of vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, cooked protein foods;
  • irregular eating and overeating. Lack of time to eat fully during the day and overeating in the evening before bed;
  • consumption of any alcoholic beverages;
  • the harmful effects of drugs, their toxic effects. If you look at the instructions for medications, 80% of them are contraindicated in liver failure;
  • diabetes 2 types;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of fatty liver hepatosis, their manifestation

  • Heaviness and painful sensations on the right in the area where the liver is located.
  • Feeling of nausea after eating.
  • Bitterness in the mouth in the morning.
  • White or yellowish coating on the tongue and frequent sensation dry mouth.
  • Daily bloating and intestinal upset.
  • Disruption of the nervous system. Irritability, depressed health, insomnia and lack of energy during the day.
  • Visible enlargement of the veins in the abdomen. This happens on the very dangerous stage hepatosis.
  • Jaundice. Also a manifestation and consequence of fatty liver hepatosis.
  • Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to detect this disease in its early stages. Since the symptoms are not pronounced.

Treatment methods for fatty liver hepatosis

In order to cure liver hepatosis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. The attending physician will prescribe a series of examinations to diagnose the disease.

Liver examination includes:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics. It will detect increased echogenicity and also display fat cells in the liver are lighter, and healthy ones are darker;
  • CT scan. It will show that the liver has less density, unlike the spleen. Normally, their density should be the same;
  • dopplerography. Its function is to study blood flow;
  • urine blood test for ALT and AST enzymes.

Popular medications used to treat liver hepatosis:

  • "Essentiale" and "Phosphogliv". They contain essential phospholipids that protect liver cells.
  • “Heptrol”, “Ademetionine”, “Dibikor”, “Taurine”, “Liv 52”. These drugs contain sulfoaminoslots.
  • "Hofitol" has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect.
  • "Taufon" has an antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect.
  • "Allohal", "Holosas". Their action is aimed at reducing the thickness of bile.

Products that help treat fatty liver disease:

  • cinnamon;
  • decoctions and infusions of milk thistle have a choleretic effect;
  • lemon balm and mint in weak green tea;
  • rosehip compote;
  • parsley, dill, lettuce.

Lack of sleep, little physical activity, poor diet, and alcohol abuse lead to fatty liver hepatosis. Every 3 years, check your body, undergo a liver examination to detect liver disorders. early stage. It is much easier to maintain health than to restore it.

Rhythm of life modern man dictates its terms. The average resident of a large city does not have the opportunity to devote several hours a day to eating: our contemporary is too busy. In order to somehow satisfy the need for food, a person resorts to fast food, small snacks, etc. As you know, “piecemealism” never leads to good things. The lack of rational and thoughtful nutrition will certainly lead to various diseases gastrointestinal tract. The least you can get away with is gastritis, but there is more serious illnesses. One of them is fatty liver hepatosis.

Fatty liver hepatosis is a degenerative disease of the organ with the gradual destruction of hepatocyte cells. Instead of hepatocytes, fat cells - lipocytes - take their place in the liver. Over time, lipocytes are destroyed, liver fibrosis begins, and this is a direct path to cirrhosis and fatal outcome.

What do you need to know about fatty liver hepatosis so as not to miss the trouble?

Fatty liver hepatosis: causes

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of fatty liver hepatosis lie in the nutritional factor. This means that the disease itself develops due to poor nutrition. However, not always. Among the factors leading to the disease are:

Alcohol abuse. Approximately 80% of all patients with hepatosis are people who do not know the limits of alcohol consumption. The problem of alcoholism is especially common in men, so they are the main patients of the gastroenterologist. In women, hepatosis develops more rapidly and has a worse prognosis, especially against the background of alcoholism.

Use of narcotic and psychoactive substances. This includes not only drugs, but also the notorious energetic drinks, caffeine in general and even tea, due to its content tannins(you can drink tea without fear, we're talking about about isolated cases).

Another risk group consists of people with poor nutrition. In this case we speak of a deficit normal food. This includes vegetarians and people suffering from anorexia. The body is not designed for such extreme stress. With prolonged poor nutrition, the body begins to think that the “hunger year” has come and it’s time to stock up on fat. This is extremely harmful not only to the liver, but also to the heart.

Disorders of the lungs and heart can lead to hepatosis.

Diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders in the body. The most important culprit of hepatosis among diseases is diabetes mellitus (especially type 2). It causes both external and internal obesity affecting organs.

The effects of toxins on the body.

There are many causes of fatty liver disease. Almost always the person himself is to blame for violations of its work.

Fatty liver hepatosis: first symptoms

Liver hepatosis is a silent disease. Often, until the process becomes advanced, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver, nothing is noticeable. However, this is only an appearance. If you listen carefully to your own body, you can notice something that was not observed before. The first symptoms of fatty liver disease include:

Mild pain in the right side under the ribs. This is where the liver is located. In the initial stages of damage, hepatocyte cells die. This is accompanied by inflammation and manifestation pain syndrome. The pain is dull and aching in nature and is almost unnoticeable if hepatitis or cholecystitis is not added in parallel to hepatosis.

Peptic phenomena. Common signs fatty liver hepatosis. Since the liver ceases to function normally, there is a high risk of developing problems from other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, belching. Pain may be observed in the left side, in the center of the abdomen in the epigastric region.

Phenomena of dysbacteriosis. Usually manifested in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. The stool takes on a greenish tint.

Dry skin. The skin with hepatosis becomes dry, hot and flabby. If we are talking about the later stages of the disease, then it completely turns yellow from the release of bile into the bloodstream.

Disorders of the sensory organs, in particular decreased vision.

All this - nonspecific signs fatty liver hepatosis. You can put an end to it only after going through a full diagnosis.

Diagnosis of fatty liver hepatosis

At the first suspicion of the development of hepatosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Gastroenterologists deal with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. On initial appointment The doctor conducts a survey of the patient regarding complaints, their nature and duration. This is how the specialist draws up a diagnostic strategy.

Add to list necessary measures for staging accurate diagnosis includes:

Ultrasound of the liver. Traditionally, an ultrasound examination of the liver helps to detect its enlargement, and this almost always indicates problems with the organ.

Tomographic research. MRI allows you to evaluate the structure of the liver. If fat is deposited in an organ, this will be visible on an MRI.

Blood chemistry. ALT and AST indicators are assessed. When they increase, we are talking about liver disease.

Biopsy. It doesn't happen that often. Allows you to find out whether fat is present in the structure of the organ.

In most cases, doctors are faced not with hepatosis, but with hepatitis or cholecystitis. However, you cannot diagnose yourself. The doctor will do this. The patient’s task is to clearly and consistently talk about his complaints.

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis presents many difficulties. To solve the problem once and for all, an integrated approach is required. Treatment includes a number of important aspects:

Eliminating the root cause of fat deposition in the liver. The most important step, without which the treatment will have no effect. The first thing to do is to identify the root cause. This may be alcoholism, then you cannot do without completely giving up alcohol, according to at least, during the period of treatment, there may be an unhealthy diet, then you should avoid fatty, fried and excessively salty foods. At this stage, the main role is played by the patient’s willpower and discipline.

Compliance with nutrition, diet and physical activity. If fat is broken down, it will not be deposited in the liver. But in order for fat to be broken down, effort is required. Firstly, it is necessary to refuse fatty foods and foods rich in “bad” cholesterol. This includes fatty varieties meat, sausages, baked goods, etc. Secondly, it is necessary for the reserves that have penetrated the body to be broken down. Therefore, physical inactivity should be avoided.

Taking medications. The main group of drugs used to treat hepatosis are the so-called hepatoprotectors.

Among them, preparations based on silymarin (milk thistle flavonoid) are very trusted. For example, Legalon, original German drug, containing milk thistle flavonoids (silymarin), which have undergone a special purification and standardization procedure. Compared to analogues, Legalon has increased content active component. It helps the liver cope with the load, strengthens its structure and prevents destruction by stabilizing cell membranes and additional synthesis of phospholipids. Legalon actively fights toxic substances, preventing their excess from harming the liver and the entire body.

In addition to the protective effect, the hepatoprotector Legalon has a restorative effect and helps reduce inflammatory factors. Also, Legalon is suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the load on the organ when taken medicines, fatty foods and alcohol. In addition, the drug helps prevent the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes in the liver.

These medications stop destructive processes in the liver and help restore already dead cells. Antioxidant medications have also proven themselves to be effective in preventing liver cells from dying and being replaced by scar or fatty tissue.

Contrary to popular opinion on the Internet, hepatosis should be treated with herbs with great care. Only milk thistle is suitable. The reason lies in the fact that this disease is often accompanied by cholecystitis: choleretic drugs may cause gallbladder rupture.

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis is not difficult. It is enough to follow the following recommendations:

Eat often and in small portions. This way the liver will not be overstrained.

Reduce your consumption of animal fats to a minimum. A complete rejection of them is also unacceptable.

Drink alcohol with caution, and never abuse it.

Maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity: physical inactivity has an extremely negative effect on liver function.

All these tips will help you avoid liver problems in the future.

Fatty liver hepatosis is characterized by high danger due to the risk of degeneration into cirrhosis. To prevent problems, you should rationalize your diet and physical activity regimen. And if trouble does occur, you should urgently consult a doctor for advice. It is much easier to treat hepatosis in the initial stages. This way the patient will help both himself and the doctor.

lorineвсе записи автора Fatty liver hepatosis, treatment with folk remedies.

Fatty liver hepatosis - development mechanism and symptoms.

● Our liver serves as the main biochemical laboratory, responsible for cleansing the blood of toxic elements and maintaining normal metabolism. No wonder it is called the “second heart” of a person. That is why even with a slight increase in the level of triglycerides in the blood and the presence of more than 5% fat in the liver cells, there is a real threat to the entire body.

● Gradually, the fat accumulated in the liver begins to oxidize, contributing to the development inflammatory process with all the ensuing consequences. Despite this, fatty liver hepatosis is a reversible process. The danger of this “silent” illness lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself in any way. We hardly react to such warning signs of illness as nausea, general discomfort, malaise and weakness.

● Fatty liver is usually detected during a regular examination by a doctor for another disease. To clarify the diagnosis and find primary signs of fat deposition in liver cells, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity, as well as special blood tests and additional studies.

Fatty liver hepatosis - causes.

● Fatty liver hepatosis can occur in people of different ages, but most often occurs in women over 40-60 years of age. There are many causes of the disease. This is a violation of the diet with excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcohol and smoking abuse, associated chronic diseases, contributing to an increase in the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

● Usually disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and uric acid begins in the presence of fatty malfunctions in the liver cells (hepatocytes). As a rule, these pathological changes are accompanied by an increase blood pressure, obesity or diabetes.

● Therefore, you should know that fatty liver hepatosis is often the direct cause of the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system, stroke and myocardial infarction. Therefore, a diabetic must be constantly under medical supervision by an endocrinologist, follow the suggested diet and regularly take medications that maintain acceptable blood sugar levels.

● If cholesterol levels are high, it is necessary to establish lipid (fat) metabolism.

Fatty liver hepatosis - conservative therapy

● The attending physician usually prescribes drugs for patients with “fatty” liver that reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver. Such as Crestor and Liprimar. But these drugs should be taken with caution, with individual doses selected, so that they do not aggravate fatty liver.

● As a result of clinical trials, doctors resort to treating fatty liver hepatosis with the use of essential phospholipids, which restore the structure of liver cell membranes by integrating into damaged ones and stopping the development of fibrosis. These drugs include drugs based on soybeans: phosphogliv, eslidin, essentiale forte, essentiale forte; and also based on a mushroom strain: floravit.

● In the above medicines, licorice, amino acid and vitamins are added. The attending physician prescribes 1-2 capsules with meals three times a day for three months, one or two courses per year. Floravit two courses per year: water for thirty days, a tablespoon before dinner, and oil - before breakfast, a teaspoon. Contraindications for use: cholelithiasis.

● To date, the most effective drug Milk thistle is considered to be used for the treatment of fatty hepatosis and other liver diseases, due to the content of the active substance - silymarin. Based on this miracle medicine, the pharmaceutical industry produces silymarin sedeco, silymar, karsil, sibektan, and legalon. These remedies restore damaged liver cells and prevent damage to healthy ones.

● Silymarin neutralizes poisons that damage liver cells and prevents them from penetrating the cell membrane. For fatty liver hepatosis, preparations containing milk thistle are usually prescribed one tablet (dragee, capsule) 2-3 times a day, half an hour before or after a meal, washed down with water. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days, after 2-3 months the course of treatment is repeated.

● Among the dietary supplements, there is the drug Mariol (milk thistle seed flour), which is taken 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon with porridge, salad or half a glass boiled water half an hour before meals. The course is a month.

● Natural-based preparations also include pumpkinol and ovesol, as well as those produced by worker bees from pollen“bread” for feeding the larvae is bee bread. These products are rich in flavonoids, microelements, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, they help the liver restore its previous shape and are beneficial for prevention.

Fatty liver hepatosis - treatment and preventive measures.

● If your doctor has discovered fatty liver hepatosis, you need to radically change your lifestyle. The simplest and at the same time effective method of influencing metabolic disorders in the body is to increase physical activity. Physical education essentially does not have any contraindications and does not cause side effects.

● This includes aerobics, dancing, morning exercises, swimming and walking for at least one hour every day. An equally important way to improve the health of the body is to give up alcohol and smoking. Follow these simple rules, and you won’t have to swallow pills and visit hospitals every day for many months.

● Eliminate from your menu foods that contain excess cholesterol: sausages, sausages, beef and cod liver, canned food, products with food preservatives (additives). Diabetics and heart patients should not indulge in fats and carbohydrates; fried and spicy foods should not be present in their diet. The liver “loves” any fish, even fatty ones, cottage cheese, seafood, honey, porridge and pumpkin juice. It's time for overweight people to think about effective fight with obesity.

Fatty liver hepatosis treatment with folk remedies

● Drink hot in small sips 30 minutes before meals and before bed for thirty days, an infusion of milk thistle seeds (200 ml of boiling water, a teaspoon of raw material, leave for 20 minutes). You can enhance the effect of treatment by mixing the infusion with peppermint tea.

● Drink a tablespoon of milk thistle seed powder decoction every hour for a month (boil 30 grams of seed powder in half a liter of water until the liquid volume evaporates by half).

● Mix milk thistle seeds, chamomile flowers, immortelle flowers, St. John's wort herb, and birch buds, taken equally. 1 tbsp. l. Brew the collection for one hour in half a liter of boiling water. Take a glass of decoction, adding one teaspoon of honey twice a day, half an hour before or two hours after meals. Course - 60 days. There should be 3-4 such courses per year.

● Consume three to four glasses a day of decoction of oatmeal and chopped dry pears (boil a glass of dry pears and four tablespoons of oatmeal in one liter of water, leave for three hours).

● Mix the roots and berries of rose hips, motherwort herb, St. John's wort, tricolor violet and horsetail, taken in equal parts by weight. Cook for 10 minutes 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. ¼ cup 4 times a day.
Be healthy, my dears, and God bless you!


Fatty liver hepatosis: causes

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of fatty liver hepatosis lie in the nutritional factor. This means that the disease itself develops due to poor nutrition. However, not always. Among the factors leading to the disease are:

Alcohol abuse. Approximately 80% of all patients with hepatosis are people who do not know the limits of alcohol consumption. The problem of alcoholism is especially common in men, so they are the main patients of the gastroenterologist. In women, hepatosis develops more rapidly and has a worse prognosis, especially against the background of alcoholism.

Use of narcotic and psychoactive substances. This includes not only drugs, but also the notorious energy drinks, caffeine in general, and even tea, due to the tannins it contains (you can drink tea without fear, we are talking about isolated cases).

Another risk group consists of people with poor nutrition. In this case, we are talking about a deficiency of normal food. This includes vegetarians and people suffering from anorexia. The body is not designed for such extreme stress. With prolonged poor nutrition, the body begins to think that the “hunger year” has come and it’s time to stock up on fat. This is extremely harmful not only to the liver, but also to the heart.

Disorders of the lungs and heart can lead to hepatosis.

Diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders in the body. The most important culprit of hepatosis among diseases is diabetes mellitus (especially type 2). It causes both external and internal obesity affecting the organs.

The effects of toxins on the body.

There are many causes of fatty liver disease. Almost always the person himself is to blame for violations of its work.

Fatty liver hepatosis: first symptoms

Liver hepatosis is a silent disease. Often, until the process becomes advanced, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver, nothing is noticeable. However, this is only an appearance. If you listen carefully to your own body, you can notice something that was not observed before. The first symptoms of fatty liver disease include:

Mild pain in the right side under the ribs. This is where the liver is located. In the initial stages of damage, hepatocyte cells die. This is accompanied by inflammation and pain. The pain is dull and aching in nature and is almost unnoticeable if hepatitis or cholecystitis is not added in parallel to hepatosis.

Peptic phenomena. Frequent signs of fatty liver hepatosis. Since the liver ceases to function normally, there is a high risk of developing problems from other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, belching. Pain may be observed in the left side, in the center of the abdomen in the epigastric region.

Phenomena of dysbacteriosis. Usually manifested in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. The stool takes on a greenish tint.

Dry skin. The skin with hepatosis becomes dry, hot and flabby. If we are talking about the later stages of the disease, then it completely turns yellow from the release of bile into the bloodstream.

Disorders of the sensory organs, in particular decreased vision.

All these are nonspecific signs of fatty liver hepatosis. You can put an end to it only after going through a full diagnosis.

Diagnosis of fatty liver hepatosis

At the first suspicion of the development of hepatosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Gastroenterologists deal with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At the initial appointment, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient about complaints, their nature and duration. This is how the specialist draws up a diagnostic strategy.

The list of necessary measures to make an accurate diagnosis includes:

Ultrasound of the liver. Traditionally, an ultrasound examination of the liver helps to detect its enlargement, and this almost always indicates problems with the organ.

Tomographic research. MRI allows you to evaluate the structure of the liver. If fat is deposited in an organ, this will be visible on an MRI.

Blood chemistry. ALT and AST indicators are assessed. When they increase, we are talking about liver disease.

Biopsy. It doesn't happen that often. Allows you to find out whether fat is present in the structure of the organ.

In most cases, doctors are faced not with hepatosis, but with hepatitis or cholecystitis. However, you cannot diagnose yourself. The doctor will do this. The patient’s task is to clearly and consistently talk about his complaints.

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis presents many difficulties. To solve the problem once and for all, an integrated approach is required. Treatment includes a number of important aspects:

Eliminating the root cause of fat deposition in the liver. The most important step, without which the treatment will have no effect. The first thing to do is to identify the root cause. It could be alcoholism, then you cannot do without completely giving up alcohol, at least for the period of treatment, it could be an unhealthy diet, then you should give up fatty, fried and excessively salty foods. At this stage, the main role is played by the patient’s willpower and discipline.

Compliance with nutrition, diet and physical activity. If fat is broken down, it will not be deposited in the liver. But in order for fat to be broken down, effort is required. First, you need to avoid fatty foods and foods rich in “bad” cholesterol. This includes fatty meats, sausages, baked goods, etc. Secondly, it is necessary that the reserves that penetrate the body be broken down. Therefore, physical inactivity should be avoided.

Taking medications. The main group of drugs used to treat hepatosis are the so-called hepatoprotectors.

In addition to avoiding factors that cause fatty liver disease and following a specialized diet, it is possible to take hepatoprotectors. Among them, preparations based on silymarin (milk thistle flavonoid) are very trusted. For example, Legalon, an original German preparation containing milk thistle flavonoids (silymarin), which have undergone a special purification and standardization procedure.

Compared to analogues, Legalon has a higher content of the active component. It helps the liver cope with the load, strengthens its structure and prevents destruction by stabilizing cell membranes and additional synthesis of phospholipids. Legalon actively fights toxic substances, preventing their excess from harming the liver and the entire body.

In addition to the protective effect, the hepatoprotector Legalon has a restorative effect and helps reduce inflammatory factors. Also, Legalon is suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the load on the organ when taking medications, fatty foods and alcohol. In addition, the drug helps prevent the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes in the liver.

These medications stop destructive processes in the liver and help restore already dead cells. Antioxidant medications have also proven themselves to be effective in preventing liver cells from dying and being replaced by scar or fatty tissue.

Contrary to popular opinion on the Internet, hepatosis should be treated with herbs with great care. Only milk thistle is suitable. The reason lies in the fact that this disease is often accompanied by cholecystitis: choleretic drugs can provoke rupture of the gallbladder.

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis is not difficult. It is enough to follow the following recommendations:

Eat often and in small portions. This way the liver will not be overstrained.

Reduce your consumption of animal fats to a minimum. A complete rejection of them is also unacceptable.

Drink alcohol with caution, and never abuse it.

Maintain at least a minimum level of physical activity: physical inactivity has an extremely negative effect on liver function.

All these tips will help you avoid liver problems in the future.

Fatty liver hepatosis is characterized by high danger due to the risk of degeneration into cirrhosis. To prevent problems, you should rationalize your diet and physical activity regimen. And if trouble does occur, you should urgently consult a doctor for advice. It is much easier to treat hepatosis in the initial stages. This way the patient will help both himself and the doctor.


It is almost impossible to recognize fatty hepatosis at first. Unfortunately, the symptoms are especially pronounced in last stage when the disease has already progressed. The patient develops:

  • feeling of heaviness in the liver area;
  • rashes on the skin and dull color;
  • digestive disorders, frequent nausea, possible vomiting;
  • blurred vision.

Causes of fatty hepatosis

Before starting treatment, be sure to find out the cause of the development of fatty hepatosis; if you know the basis of the disease, you can choose the right therapy. Basically, they provoke fatty hepatosis:

  • violation of lipid (fat) metabolism in the body, hypertriglyceridemia in particular;
  • diabetes mellitus, often type 2;
  • obesity.

Fatty hepatosis can also be caused by:

  • alcoholism;
  • long-term self-administration of antibiotics;
  • increased levels of radiation in the environment;
  • irrational or irregular nutrition (therefore, fatty hepatosis is diagnosed in young women who adhere to fasting and strict protein-free diets);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, when its hormone is secreted in insufficient quantities;
  • excess hormones secreted by the adrenal glands in the body;
  • a violation of the digestive process, in which fat absorption occurs incorrectly.

Degrees of the disease

As fat accumulates, fatty liver disease is divided into three degrees of development:

  1. The first degree is characterized by a slight accumulation of simple fat cells. If these accumulations are observed in several foci and a large distance is diagnosed between them, then this is diffuse fatty hepatosis.
  2. The second degree is placed when the volume of fat in the liver increases, and areas of connective tissue appear in the structure of the organ.
  3. The most severe third degree of the disease is observed when areas of liver cells overgrowing with connective tissue and large deposits of fat are clearly visible.

Diagnosis of fatty hepatosis

If any of the above complaints appear, you should soon visit a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. The doctor will definitely prescribe an ultrasound for diagnosis. Often, it is with the help of ultrasound that the diagnosis is made, as well as subsequent monitoring of the degree of development of the disease. For additional examination Your doctor may prescribe:

  • liver biopsy;
  • MRI or CT (magnetic resonance or computed tomography).


How to treat fatty liver hepatosis? First of all, fatty liver is treated with lifestyle changes. Requires physical activity, refusal bad habits and, of course, diet.

And yet, the main treatment for fatty hepatosis is diet. Food products should contain as much as possible less fat so that the body needs to use the fat that has already been accumulated. And, first of all, the body will start with liver cells. Moreover, without a diet, treatment with any, even the most expensive, drugs will not bring absolutely any results.


As a rule, fatty liver hepatosis is treated with diet No. 5, which assumes that the following will be excluded from the diet:

  • fried foods;
  • canned foods;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • fried and puff pastry products;
  • sausages;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • fresh onions and garlic;
  • smoked products;
  • legumes;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong tea, carbonated and cold drinks, in general.

At the same time, the diet during illness should consist of boiled, stewed, steamed dishes, always warm and, if possible, low-fat. With this disease, porridges, dairy-free, low-fat soups and vegetarian dishes are held in high esteem.

For example, a patient's diet may look like this:

Menu for a patient with fatty hepatosis for a week
Monday First breakfast Buckwheat porridge with a small piece of butter, weak warm tea. You can add a piece of low-fat cheese.
Lunch Baked apple.
Lunch for fatty liver hepatosis Soup without fried ingredients with bran bread is optimal for this disease.
Afternoon snack Protein steam omelette.
Dinner Apple souffle.
Just before bed A glass of low-fat kefir.
Tuesday First breakfast Oatmeal, preferably “sticky” with dried fruits and weak tea.
Lunch Low-fat cottage cheese with similar sour cream.
Dinner Vegetarian borscht, a small piece of boiled lean meat.
Afternoon snack Vegetable souffle.
Dinner Pilaf with chicken and rosehip broth.
Immediately before bedtime with fatty liver hepatosis A glass of non-acidic juice, such as peach juice.
Wednesday First breakfast Semolina porridge and tea.
Lunch Applesauce.
Dinner Puree vegetable soup, stewed veal with buckwheat.
Afternoon snack Steam omelette.
Dinner Steamed pike perch and mashed potatoes on the water.
Just before bed A glass of kefir.
Thursday First breakfast Vegetable soufflé and tea.
Lunch Sweet milk soup with noodles.
Dinner Rice soup with vegetables, fish cutlets steamed and mashed potatoes with water.
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese casserole.
Dinner Boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables.
Just before bed Cup apple-carrot juice with pulp.
Friday First breakfast Apple-rice porridge, dried fruit compote.
Lunch Tea and oatmeal cookies.
Dinner Chicken puree soup, stewed vegetables.
Afternoon snack Kissel.
Dinner for fatty liver hepatosis Boiled turkey fillet, apple mousse.
Just before bed A glass of kefir.
Saturday First breakfast Buckwheat-milk porridge.
Lunch Low-fat cheese and tea.
Dinner Beetroot soup, rabbit dumplings, stewed with vegetables.
Afternoon snack Carrot puree with apple.
Dinner Curd casserole with dried apricots, jelly.
Just before bed A glass of juice.
Sunday First breakfast Steamed protein omelette, tea.
Lunch Bran bread, a few pieces of Adyghe cheese.
Dinner Vegetable soup, steamed fish, rice and apple and carrot juice.
Afternoon snack Oatmeal cookies with compote.
Dinner Lazy dumplings with low-fat sour cream.
Just before bed Apricot juice.


Together with diet and lifestyle changes, fatty liver disease requires treatment effective hepatoprotectors. Particularly noteworthy are preparations based on milk thistle extract, from which the active ingredient of such products, Silibinin, is obtained.

Hepatoprotectors are special drugs, which can have an extremely beneficial effect on the liver and its functional responsibilities. Preparations with Silibinin have a stabilizing, protective effect on the components of liver cells, stimulate the production and excretion of bile, and also trigger a unique process of restoration of this organ in the body.

For liver hepatosis, a doctor usually prescribes the following popular drugs:

  • Karsil;
  • Legalon;
  • Silibor;
  • Gepabene.


Karsil is available in the form of dragees containing 35 mg of Silibinin.

In addition, Karsil contains sucrose, the content of which should be remembered by patients with fructose intolerance, as well as with glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Karsil has no contraindications, except for the development of allergies to its active substance. Karsil in complex therapy allowed to be used, if necessary, in the treatment of another disease in the body with vitamin complexes and corticosteroids as a protective drug.

Recommended for use by children over 5 years of age if there are symptoms of intoxication or liver dysfunction. As a rule, 5 mg per kg of the child’s weight is prescribed, which are divided into 2 or 3 equal doses used per day.

For adults treating fatty liver hepatosis, treatment is recommended with one or two tablets, three times a day; if necessary, the doctor can double the dose. The general course of treatment should last at least 3 months.

It is worth noting that it is very rare, but possible that an adverse reaction may occur in the form of disturbances in the functioning of vestibular apparatus, dyspeptic disorders and alopecia. But after stopping taking Karsil, these reactions in the body completely disappear.

The cost of a package of Karsil, containing 80 tablets, varies from 350 to 370 rubles.


Capsulated hepatoprotector of plant origin Legalon is available in two concentrations of 70 and 140 mg of the active substance - Silibinin.

In the 140 mg version, it is not used for children under 12 years of age, and for the treatment of hepatosis, adolescents and adults are prescribed 1 capsule three times a day, without chewing or releasing the powder from the capsule shell. Symptoms may also be an indication for use drug-induced hepatitis and difficulties in the functioning of the gallbladder.

The course of treatment for the disease is selected by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and its course.

An overdose when taking Silibinin preparations is officially excluded, however, if the dose is theoretically exaggerated, it is necessary to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach with a large intake of liquid and take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

The cost of packaging No. 30 and No. 60 is around 330 and 590 rubles, respectively.


Silibor is a hepatoprotector in orange tablets with a characteristic odor.

For adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, when treating fatty hepatosis, Silibor is prescribed 2 or 3 tablets three times a day, half an hour before meals.

When taking particularly toxic medicinal substances(for example, Griseofulvin for microsporia), in order to prevent damage to liver cells, can be prescribed to a child from 1 year old, the dosage and duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor.

Among the adverse reactions is an itchy rash on the skin, which disappears without a trace with the abolition of Silibor and preparations of similar active ingredients.

The course of treatment for the disease is set for a minimum of a month, and a maximum of six months. After a month of rest, you can resume taking Silibor at the previous dosage.


In combination with milk thistle, Gepabene capsules contain an extract of medicinal fume, which stimulates the production and excretion of bile.

Prohibited for patients undergoing treatment for fatty hepatosis, whose age is under 18 years, as well as in the presence of allergic reaction to any of the substances of the medicinal product.

Capsules, like other Silibinin preparations, are taken after meals for the treatment of hepatosis; adults and adolescents are recommended to take one, three times a day, every 8 hours.

The cost of Gepabene is around 500 rubles.

Traditional methods of treating liver hepatosis

As adjuvant therapy When treating the disease, traditional medicine methods can be used.

  • Half an hour before meals, traditional healers recommend drinking an infusion of seeds spotted milk thistle– herbal panacea for liver diseases. To prepare the infusion, you will need a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of seeds. Pour boiling water over the dried collection, let it brew for 20 minutes and drink it cooled in small sips. You can enhance the effect with half a spoon of peppermint.
  • The effect of milk thistle can also be enhanced with a herbal complex of chamomile flowers, dry immortelle, St. John's wort and birch buds. After mixing the mixture, brew 1 tablespoon of it in half a liter of boiling water. You will need to take the infusion in a glass, brightening its taste with a teaspoon of honey. Best effect is achieved by taking the decoction half an hour before meals or 2 hours after, and general course to cure the disease must last at least 2 months.
  • You can also drink a tablespoon of milk thistle seed decoction every hour for a month. To do this, you need to bring 30 grams of dried fruit in half a liter of water to a boil, let it brew, wrap it in a towel and cover it tightly with a lid. After cooling, store the broth for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.
  • Also famous for its restorative and cleansing effect on the liver is a decoction of rose hips, St. John's wort and motherwort, horsetail and violet flowers. Pour in the mixture selected from equal parts, into a boiling liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink a quarter glass of the cooled and strained broth four times a day.
  • Not only does it taste good, but it also has a good effect. healthy mixture from walnuts and honey, and it is better if the honey is linden. A few tablespoons of honey are added to a handful of peeled, chopped nuts to make the mixture homogeneous; for convenience, you can grind it using a blender. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Tea with mint and lemon balm, which is brewed and drunk symptomatically, will relieve nausea and heaviness, i.e. when symptoms are of immediate concern.
  • Peppermint tea has properties similar to those described above. carrot juice. Also, improvement can occur, according to healers, by drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily on an empty stomach.
  • Traditional healers also claim that an infusion of dried pears and oatmeal can help treat the disease. It is necessary to brew a glass of pears and 4 tablespoons of oatmeal in a liter of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and wrap it in a towel, leave the mixture for 3 hours, then strain. Drink the resulting infusion throughout the day, as much as your body can, three or four glasses per day. Prepare a new medicinal liquid every day.

However, it is worth remembering that folk remedies is not able to replace medications and always consult with your doctor before starting to use any of the methods.

Principle of treatment

Before prescribing drug treatment, the doctor must identify the causes of hepatosis.

The main factors leading to fatty liver may be:

  1. Poor nutrition – excessive enthusiasm for diets and sudden weight loss, on the one hand, and overeating junk food leading to obesity, on the other.
  2. Pharmacological drugs taken uncontrolled. These include many antibiotics, estrogens, glucocorticoids, antivirals and vitamin A-containing agents.
  3. Genetic metabolic diseases.
  4. Alcoholic drinks and drugs (even the so-called soft ones) with regular use.
  5. Poisonous mushrooms and industrial toxic substances.
  6. Chronic ailments: gastritis, pancreatitis, hyperuricemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, papillomavirus, thyrotoxicosis, painful obesity. A disease such as hepatosis acute form, can also manifest itself during a difficult pregnancy.

The prescribed treatment also takes into account the level of liver dysfunction.

Hepatosis manifests itself in four stages:

  • Zero degree. Hepatocytes attract microscopic fat droplets. In fact, there is no need to treat; the disease can be corrected by changing lifestyle, in particular, nutrition.
  • First degree. Hepatocyte obesity reaches medium degree, the degeneration of the liver cells themselves into lipid tissue begins. Here you will need treatment pharmacological drugs.
  • Second degree. Whole foci of transformed hepatocytes appear, the lesion is diffuse, both medium and large.
  • Third degree. Pronounced diffuse obesity of liver cells. Large fat droplets not only fill the hepatocytes inside, but also stick to the outside, forming fatty cysts.

Effective medicines

Treatment of this disease is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that caused it. In addition, it is necessary to take medications to restore healthy metabolism, tissue regeneration and get rid of toxins. Such drug treatment involves the selection of individually suitable hepatoprotectors and antioxidant agents.

The former increase the stability of liver cells by strengthening their membranes and improving the synthesis of essential phospholipids.

Hepatoprotectors also reduce the level of bile acids and stimulate the secretion of bile. Antioxidants destroy harmful substances to hepatocytes free radicals, reducing the rate of oxidative reactions, and stopping inflammatory processes.

What medications can a doctor prescribe against hepatosis?

Medicines What they contain How they work
"Essentiale", "Lecithin", "Essliver forte", "Phosphogliv" Essential phospholipids Protects liver cells. Cleanses the liver of heavy fats. They must be taken for several months.
“Heptral”, “Ademethionine”, “Methionine”, “Taufon”, “Dibikor”, “Taurine” Sulfoamino acids, in particular taurine Designed for complex impact: act as antioxidants and membrane stabilizing agents. These medications stimulate hepatic blood flow, dissolving bile acids, regulate the production of enzymes, as well as glucose metabolism. You need to be treated for one to two months.
“Gepabene”, “Legalon”, “Liv 52”, “Karsil”, “Khofitol”, “Silimar” Active extracts medicinal plants: milk thistle, smoker, artichoke and others They have choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. In addition, medications plant based usually contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, carotene, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes. The course of application is individual.

Additional maintenance medications

All of the above remedies are used only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics and side effects. Self-treatment is not permissible. Even vitamins can be dangerous if overdosed.

Hepatologists recommend combining treatment with pharmacological drugs with herbal medicine. It is best to treat hepatosis with decoctions of milk thistle and oats. They normalize the outflow of bile, relieve spasms, remove toxins, stop the oxidative process in liver cells, and reanimate damaged hepatocyte membranes. Doctors also recommend herbal teas with lemon balm, mint, and rose hips. It’s a good idea to include parsley, dill and green salads, as well as artichokes and turmeric in your daily diet. Active substances they restore liver tissue and remove heavy fats.

But treating such a disease with pharmacological drugs and medicinal herbs alone is not enough.

It is very important to change your lifestyle, follow a diet, get rid of excess weight, give up alcohol.

Don't forget about physical activity. They are important for preventing obesity and maintaining immunity. Hiking, swimming, jogging, and water aerobics are especially useful for hepatosis.

What is fatty liver hepatosis

Liver steatosis (fatty hepatosis) looks like this inside: large vacuoles (storage sites) of neutral fats accumulate in the cells. Collagen fibers appear. Areas of tissue become inflamed. Diseases associated with disorders affect the liver fat metabolism body. When performing a biopsy, the content of neutral fats in the organ is revealed to be over 10%.

Example factors that indicate the need for treatment of fatty liver hepatosis:

  1. Nutrition. Fasting, sudden weight loss in short periods of time, overeating.
  2. Medicines. The use of such drugs, especially those that have expired: Fluconazole, Amiodarone, Methotrexate, Tetracycline (in the form of ointments, injections), Tamoxifen, Didanosine, Diltiazem.
  3. Alcoholic drinks and narcotic substances. More than 350 ml of vodka per week for men and 175 ml for women, cocaine use is extremely harmful to the liver. Excesses and hazardous substances provoke not only hepatosis, but also other diseases.
  4. Poisons, toxic substances. Poisonous mushrooms, pesticides, various bacteria and fungi.
  5. Metabolism. The disease is detected in the presence of pathologies: Weber-Christian, Ray, Volman.
  6. Other factors. Gastritis, diverticula, papilloma.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs and conditions by which hepatomegaly disease is diagnosed:

  1. pain in the liver area;
  2. heaviness in the pit of the stomach;
  3. discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  4. flatulence;
  5. vomiting and nausea;
  6. loss of appetite;
  7. weakness of the body;
  8. drowsiness;
  9. deterioration in coordination of movements;
  10. jaundice;
  11. diathesis;
  12. development of abdominal dropsy;
  13. dystrophy of the body;
  14. convulsions;
  15. loss of consciousness;
  16. cirrhosis;
  17. oncological diseases.

Early hepatosis

The disease develops with constant alcohol abuse, poor diet, and obesity. As steatosis develops, a person begins to experience symptoms of liver failure. The early period of the disease is expressed by mild periodic pain in the right side of the abdomen under chest. At the same time, a person with early no illness, no vomiting, jaundice, constant nausea. Diseases that are accompanied by hepatosis are:


  • thyretoxicosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • fibrosis;
  • hepatitis.

Progressive hepatosis

Timely treatment of fatty liver hepatosis, which progresses, will protect a person from a tragic outcome of the situation. The majority of the population suffering from steatosis are women. The disease is often discovered by chance, during the diagnosis of other diseases. It is clearly expressed by symptoms such as:

  1. presence of nausea and vomiting;
  2. temperature increase;
  3. jaundice;
  4. pain in right side.

How to treat fatty liver hepatosis

The specifics of the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis lie in several rules:

  1. Diet. Observe proper diet nutrition for the patient is a must! There are strict limits on partial or complete restrictions on canned foods, animal fats, food additives, and dyes. A particularly strict diet for liver hepatosis should be observed by overweight people. It is important to avoid overeating.
  2. Medicines. Any additional treatment with tablets, syrups, tinctures affects the functioning of the liver, so you should not prescribe medications for fatty hepatosis yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor (especially during pregnancy).
  3. Losing weight. It is forbidden to lose weight suddenly: the process of losing excess weight should be gradual in order to avoid stressful situations for the body. Fasting, the use of pills and drugs for weight loss in case of liver hepatosis is prohibited.

Drug therapy

The use of one type of therapy is insufficient to completely cure the pathology. Liver hepatosis is often accompanied by other diseases. The faster the causes of the development of the disease in the body are identified, the more correct treatment will be prescribed and it will be possible to avoid additional symptoms. The liver is treated with drugs that:

  1. increase sensitivity to insulin;
  2. reduce the level of fat cells in the blood and liver;
  3. reduce the level of statin in the body;
  4. improve blood movement through the vessels.

Alternative techniques

There is not only medication treatment, but also alternative therapy for liver hepatosis. It is not possible to completely regenerate organ cells in this way, but for prevention and maintenance of normal condition, this method is productive. Alternative treatments that stimulate liver cell regeneration:

  1. autohemoozone therapy ( high level ozone);
  2. synhalent oxygen;
  3. hirudotherapy;
  4. treatment of hepatosis with ultrasound.

How to cure fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies

Traditional recipes are suitable for complex treatment. Fatty liver can be treated with the following recipes:

  1. Collection of herbs. Plantain, St. John's wort take three teaspoons, and eleutherococcus, immortelle, chamomile - two. Mix all the dry herbs and brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon three times every day before meals. Sugar, honey and other sweet substances should not be added. Treatment with this decoction requires two months.
  2. Tincture. Marigolds, nasturtium, centaury, calendula, take 1 teaspoon each. Pour boiling water (0.5 liters) over everything and leave. You need to drink this drink warm, 50 ml, 10-15 minutes before meals.
  3. Collection of herbs for removing bile (folk hepatoprotector). In equal proportions, mix dry rose hips, corn silk, immortelle, milk thistle and pour 0.5 boiling water. Leave for several hours, then take a glass before meals.
  4. Apricot. Normal functioning of the liver will ensure a regular supply of vitamins, which are found in apricot kernels, which should be eaten 5 pieces per day.

Nutrition for fatty hepatosis

Diet is the main part of the treatment of liver infiltration. What foods are allowed, and which are better to immediately limit or exclude from the menu in order to stop moderate hepatosis:


Can you eat if you have hepatosis?

Meat products

Turkey, rabbit, beef and pork (lean parts)

Fatty meats – lamb, beef, pork

Meat fat broth

Sausage and smoked meats

Canned food


Bran bread

Pastries, white bread

Sea fish (hake, sea bass)



Cereals, cereals

Oatmeal, buckwheat

Uzvar without sugar


Strong coffee

Vegetables, fruits, greens

Any vegetables, fruits

Green salad, rhubarb

Dried fruits

Onion and garlic

Milk products

Low fat - whole

Ice cream

Egg whites only

Fats, oils, sauces


Vegetable oil


Flavor enhancers

Video about treating fatty liver with natural remedies