How to get rid of acne on your shoulder. How to get rid of acne on the back: the most effective solutions. Mask – sea salt, healing clay

Female representatives love to experiment with their image. Sometimes these are colossal and daring changes, and sometimes a new hairstyle is enough. The appearance of girls can easily be transformed thanks to all kinds of curls. If you know how to curl your hair into curlers, then you don’t even have to go to the salon, but create charming curls at home.


What are papillottes?

Papillots are curlers that look like foam rubber tubes with elastic wire inside. They come in a variety of sizes, volumes and lengths. They are quite simple to use.

In addition to this advantage, papillots have some more advantages:

  • accessibility due to reasonable price;
  • reliable fixation on the head;
  • thanks to the soft foam rubber, they are comfortable to wear on your head, and they do not cause discomfort even during sleep;
  • unlike other curling methods, such curlers do not harm the hair;
  • It doesn’t take much time to create a hairstyle, just put on some curlers and go to bed, and in the morning you will get a ready-made stunning hairstyle;
  • Papillots are not necessarily ready-made curlers bought in a store; they can be created from any available materials, for example, fabric or newspapers. As a result, the curls are no worse, and they are no more difficult to use than regular ones.

Curls twisted onto regular curling irons

It is necessary to twist the curlers onto clean strands, so before creating curls you need to wash your hair and dry your hair. This can be done naturally or using a hairdryer or towel.

Dry hair does not produce cool curls, but only light waves. The more moisture there is, the better the curls will be.

Therefore, you should calculate the time for curling, because too long wet strands will not have time to dry overnight.

Based on the number of curlers in the package, you need to decide on the thickness of the strands so that they are all the same. The curlers are wound, starting from the ends of the strands. To do this, you need to moisten them with styling product and carefully curl them to the very roots.

The free edges of the curler should be folded tightly inward or twisted into a knot, which will allow it to adhere well to the hair.

If you use thin curlers, you will get a lot of small curls. The larger the volume of the curlers, the larger the curls will be.

So that after removing the curlers the hair on the top of the head lies beautifully, when winding the tools you need stagger. You shouldn't stick to a certain parting. To make it more comfortable to wear curlers, put a special net or a regular scarf on your head.

After the required time has passed, when the hair is completely dry, the curlers are removed in the same order, as they were winding up. After removing the curling tools, you should get elastic vertical curls, as in the photo.

You should not separate your curls with a regular comb - your hair will become untidy and fluffy. This needs to be done either with your fingers or with a comb, which has very large teeth.

After styling the curls in the way you want, you need to spray your hair with strong hold hairspray. You need to use it in moderation to make your hair look as natural as possible.

Curls on homemade curlers

The advantage of homemade curlers is that every time you wind strands on them, you will get new, unusual curls. The hair curling technique will determine its appearance.

So, how to use papillottes from improvised means?

To begin with, you should prepare identical pieces of fabric of such length that you can twist the curls on them from beginning to end, and there will be room left for tying the edge into a knot or bow. If there is no fabric, you can take tubes of the same length, twisted from newspapers.

Washed and dried hair is divided into equal strands, and they need to be divided horizontally.

You need to twist the curls onto a piece of fabric from below. To prevent the end of the hair from sticking out, you need to secure it by folding the fabric in half, and then wind the curls.

The advantage of such curlers is that they are very convenient to use and do not damage the structure of the strands. To get beautiful voluminous strands not from the roots of the hair, curlers need to be twisted to mid-length. This will allow you to create a natural hairstyle that will be completely different from curling with ready-made products.

To prevent your hair from getting tangled and falling out of the curled strands during sleep, you need to wear a special one on your head. cobweb mesh.

The next morning, you need to carefully unravel the strands without tangling your hair and separate the resulting curls using a thin comb. Fix with varnish. This way the curls will last a long time and look very impressive.

There are many ways to style curls and curls. But how to cope with this task without subjecting your hair to daily stress? The simplest solution is to use a special type of curler: curlers, or boomerangs.

The history of curlers goes back at least three centuries - young ladies used them to curl their hair in the 18th and 19th centuries. True, then long thin strands of fabric or paper were used for these purposes. Now in the store you can buy modern, very comfortable boomerangs, which are much easier to handle.

What are they?

Papillots are curlers that are produced in the form of thin cones (sticks) made of soft materials. The most common and inexpensive ones are made from foam rubber; they are also made from rubber of varying degrees of density. Inside the product there is a wire core. Thanks to it, the curlers easily bend to the sides, taking the shape of future curls. Boomerangs come in different thicknesses, depending on the density and length of the curls you want to achieve.


Previously, women used curling irons, hot rollers, and a hot hair dryer to create curls. Hairdressing perms were also popular.

But all this is extremely harmful to the hair - it becomes thinner, splits, and falls out. Therefore, now more girls are returning to the most gentle methods of adding volume to their hair, including curlers.

The popularity of these curlers is easy to explain - they are inexpensive, accessible - even sold in supermarkets. The material (foam rubber or rubber) allows you to curl curls without kinks or sharp bends. This gives a beautiful, even curl and prevents further hair thinning and fragility.

The advantages of boomerangs include the fact that they are easy to use - even a schoolgirl who is making her own curls for a holiday for the first time can handle it.

Reference. You can sleep in foam curlers - they do not interfere, do not pull hair, and do not put pressure on the skin. In the morning, just take out the sticks, lightly smooth the curls - and your beautiful hairstyle is ready.

The combination of tubes of different thicknesses will help create an unusual effect - a cascade or waves, as well as give your head a slightly “disheveled” fashionable look.

In addition, unlike curling irons or curling with a hot hairdryer, curlers can be used every day without fear - they are absolutely not harmless.

Types of papillotes

Papillot curlers are sold in supermarkets, cosmetics departments, and chains selling household chemicals.

They differ in length, the material from which they are made, and the thickness of the tube. There are also curlers of neutral colors (gray, beige) or bright colors.

The most common, yet inexpensive, are foam rubber. There are also papillots covered with soft velor on top and rubber ones.

The softest are velor, but they are short-lived - the surface of the curlers begins to crack and peel off after 10-15 uses.

Foam or rubber ones are more practical and can last for years. Rubber ones are convenient because they can be washed.

Unlike most hair curlers, curlers do not require elastic bands—the strands are secured by bending the wand itself.

Boomerangs can be short in size (10-15 cm) and long - up to 30 cm. There are also tubes of different diameters - 1 cm, 2 and 3.

The packages most often sell curlers of the same diameter and length, but different in color - they look very elegant on the hair and lift your spirits.

Who are they suitable for?

With the help of curlers, you can create curls and curls for girls with hair of different lengths, densities and types. To curl your curls, you need to choose the right type of curler for the style that suits your face type.

  • Ladies with delicate rounded features and an oval-shaped face are suitable for curls of any length - both long and very short.
  • Square or triangular-shaped faces require long, soft curls or asymmetrical, but not short, strands to soften their features.
  • Very short hair looks good with fine curls or waves.

Thick hair lends itself well to styling without fixation - you can twist it into curling irons at night, and in the morning simply separate the strands with your hands and lightly spray with hairspray.

Thin, soft curls need to be pre-treated with foam or another styling product, otherwise humidity or wind will leave no trace of them within a couple of hours after leaving the house.

Hair curling technique

The beauty of curlers lies precisely in their versatility and ease of use. But still, boomerangs, like any curlers, have features when used that should be taken into account so that the result is inspiring.

Before curling the locks, the hair must be rinsed well using conditioner or balm, then dried with a soft towel.

Common mistakes when winding:

  • Strands too wet. In this case, the curls may not hold.
  • Curling on dry hair can result in a slightly noticeable wave, but it will disappear immediately after going outside.

To achieve perfect curls, you need to “catch” exactly the moisture content of your hair that is optimal - not wet, but not completely dry.

The maximum effect can be achieved by curling your curls before bed. They will dry completely overnight, setting into curls or waves, and in the morning all you have to do is separate the strands with your hands - the hairstyle will come out wonderful.

Reference. It is not recommended to comb the resulting curls with either a large or small comb - it will turn the curls into a lush, unkempt head. After removing the curlers, you need to carefully separate the strands with your hands, lightly “beat” the curls at the roots with your fingers, then fix with varnish. The effect will be luxurious.


For those with long (below the shoulders) hair, curl curlers are the easiest way to create curls.

To create an ideal result you need:

  • buy thin long boomerangs;
  • divide slightly damp hair into almost transparent strands;
  • Carefully, stepping back 10 centimeters from the root, twist the strands onto sticks;
  • If the strands dry out during work, you need to spray your head with plain water from a small spray bottle.

After complete drying, carefully unscrew the curlers and lightly fluff the curls at the roots. There is no need to use a comb.

If the goal is not curls, but a light wave, then you can create them by twisting boomerangs onto dry strands. In this case, you need to keep the curlers on for at least 2-3 hours.

You will get a slightly noticeable wave effect on the curls.


Medium ones, unlike long ones, need to be curled from the very roots so that the curls are smooth and natural. For an ideal result, you will need a round brush with fine bristles - it will need to hold each strand from above in order to carefully wrap it around the wand.

Secrets of curling curls:

  • The strands are twisted from top to bottom - if you do the opposite, then when you remove the curlers from your head, the curls will get tangled and fluffy;
  • sticks are brought to the very roots;
  • to keep the curls well, the ends of thin and long boomerangs can be twisted together;
  • Before starting work, make an even parting, carefully sprinkle your head with water from a spray bottle;
  • To keep the curls even, twist the strands one at a time on different sides of the head.

Another secret for creating beautiful curls is using curlers of different diameters and strands of different widths. The curls will be of different sizes, but will look natural.


It is more difficult to work on short hair, but with some skill you can create gorgeous curls in a couple of hours.

Curling is done only on slightly damp strands - there will be no effect on dry ones.

You will also need a round brush - without it, you won’t be able to separate the strands into even ones and twist them neatly.

How to use curlers on short hair:

  • the hair is divided into two halves (can be asymmetrical);
  • slightly damp curls are curled with a comb;
  • then they are “wrapped” from the roots in large strands onto sticks;
  • the ends of the boomerangs are tightly fixed;
  • The finished “lambs” can be carefully sprinkled with water on top, since the strands dry quickly when working.

After a couple of hours or in the morning, carefully remove the curlers without tangling the hair, separate the strands with your fingers, and lightly secure the top with varnish.

After use, either soak the curlers in water overnight, or, in the case of rubber ones, carefully wash them in soapy water and dry them. If this is not done, the products will crack in a couple of months, become covered with a dirty film and will be impossible to use.

Boomerangs themselves are perhaps one of the most convenient, fastest ways to create a spectacular hairstyle without harming your hair or family budget. The main thing is to follow simple rules: wind curlers onto damp strands, do not comb finished curls, and for a longer effect, fix the result with varnish or foam. Keep the curlers away from batteries and sunlight - this way they will retain their functionality for at least a couple of years.

Papillots are hair curlers that are convenient to use to create beautiful hairstyles for all occasions. You can either buy them in a store or make them yourself from scrap materials. At first you will have to learn a little to find the best shape for your curls, but over time it becomes easier to use curlers of this type.

What are papillot curlers?

Papillots (hair curlers, how to use which will be described later in the article) are devices with which you can quickly create a beautiful hairstyle for any occasion.

Papillots are sometimes called "boomerangs". They began to be used several centuries ago by court ladies for curling their hair. At that time, girls used long ropes, which they wrapped their hair around and left it on all night.

Today, papillots are called tubes of different colors, made of foam rubber of different quality, velor or rubber, which easily bend and change shape. They are based on a wire that helps to twist curlers so that the curl holds and does not fall apart.

There are many types of hair curlers; they are made from different materials, which are comfortable to sleep with and prevent injury to the scalp.

How are they used?

They are used to create curly hair. Curlers are chosen based on your face shape. With their help, they create beautiful large and small curls.

The choice between them is made on the following basis:

  • For those with soft features and a diamond-shaped (oval) face, long curls or short curls are suitable;
  • If a girl has a square-shaped face and sharp features, then curling her short hair is not recommended. Such curls visually make the hair heavier and create rough features, emphasizing the chin. Short hair can be curled in small curls.

For those with thin hair, curl curlers help create additional volume.


Papillots have the following advantages:

  • they are available for every girl. If you don’t have the money to buy branded curlers, you can make them yourself from simple and affordable means;
  • they save time on styling in the morning - to make curls beautiful and last a long time, curl curlers in the evening. In the morning, remove them and get voluminous curls;
  • such curlers do not damage the hair structure, do not burn or spoil it;
  • curls after hair curlers turn out symmetrical and natural;
  • The process of curling curls takes less time than that with a curling iron: you will have to spend about 20-30 minutes creating curls before going to bed.

Safety and ease of use make curlers popular among many girls and women.


Disadvantages of this method of curling hair:

These are minor drawbacks that do not prevent you from using this type of curler to create beautiful hairstyles. Papillots - hair curlers, how to use which on different hair will be described in the following sections, exist in several types.


In the store you can buy two types of curlers.

They differ in material and appearance:

For complete hair safety and comfort, it is recommended to choose the second type of curler. But for training and initial use, in order to understand whether this type of hair curling is suitable, you can use the first type. And after successful experiments, it is more expensive to buy curlers.

How to choose suitable curlers?

When choosing curlers from such a store, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • on the quality and strength of the material from which the curl paper is made. High-quality papillots have dense material, they bend, and the inner wire does not pierce the coating when bent;
  • how strong is the base of the curler: the inner wire should not break through the fabric that covers the curlers;
  • flexibility - the curler should bend well, the quality of fixation of curls depends on this.

There are curlers of different diameters. Each of them is designed for curls of a certain shape and optimal hair length.

The table will help you choose the appropriate diameter:

Papillot diameter (mm) Optimal hair length What kind of curl will you get?
14 ShortElastic small curl
AverageSpiral curls
LongSmall curls
16 ShortLarge curls
AverageElastic large curls
LongSpiral curls
20 ShortBody waves
AverageLarge curls
LongElastic voluminous curls
22 ShortNot suitable for this type of hair
AverageLarge curls
LongBody waves

The information in the table helps to compare the length of the hair and the volume of the curlers in order to approximately imagine the result after curling using this method. You can independently experiment with curlers of different diameters to choose the best option for your appearance.

How to make papillotes with your own hands?

At home, curling irons can be made from the following materials:

Homemade papillots are suitable for one-time use. They are used to experiment with curls before purchasing real curlers to evaluate the resulting curls and how well the hairstyle suits your face shape and hair length.

How to curl your hair correctly?

Before curling, your hair should be washed and dried well. If possible, you can let them dry naturally, without heating.

The procedure for curling curls includes the following steps:

  1. Comb thoroughly dried hair.
  2. Select one strand near your forehead with your fingers and comb it. Take the curler in your other hand and wind a strand around it, starting from the middle of the curler. The “springiness” of future curls depends on the distance between curls.
  3. Fix the twisted strand on the curler: with a hairpin, if these are homemade curlers, or twist it so that the hair does not fall apart.
  4. Do the same with the rest of your hair.

You can spray your head lightly with hairspray. The curlers should be kept in place all night.

If you wrap your head in a scarf, it will be more comfortable to sleep.

In the morning, the curls are carefully unwound. Depending on the desired hairstyle, they can be combed (then the hair will be fluffy) or styled with foam into the desired shape.

Additional materials and tools

Additionally, for a hairstyle created using curlers, you may need:

To dry long and thick hair you will need a hairdryer. It is used if there is no time for them to dry naturally. For high-quality combing, you also need a soft comb made of natural materials.

Hair curlers, how to use which are described in the article, should be used with various additional cosmetics to make curls more resistant to the influence of wind, rain, snow, and air.

By choosing the right cosmetics, you can learn how to create a hairstyle that will last all day. On thin hair, curls can last 1-2 days: on the first day they look like elastic curls, on the second they look like waves.

Many girls prefer this type of hairstyle, it saves time and money. The remaining curls can also be braided into a ponytail, which, after curling, becomes fluffy and thick.

Auxiliary means for fixing strands

To fix strands before and after curling, the following cosmetics are used:

When using any remedy, the main thing is not to overdo it. Too much mousse or hairspray will make your hair hard and take away its shine. It should be remembered that their main goal is to help with styling; the secret of a beautiful hairstyle is in technology, and not in cosmetic gels and mousses.

Instructions for use for short curls

Papillots are hair curlers that owners of different hair lengths need to know how to use. Use curlers of different diameters to get the desired curls and not be disappointed in the resulting hairstyle in the morning.

Curls on short hair are curled in this way:

It is not recommended to comb the resulting curls in the morning - the hair will become fluffy and difficult to style. And thick curls can unwind. It is best to style short curly hair with foam and secure with hairpins.

Strands at medium length

The medium length is ideal for curling with curlers. You can make large curls if you wind them in several turns, or small ones if you wind them tightly. The type of curls is chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the facial features.

The hair needs to be washed and dried. Depending on the thickness of your hair, you should use mousse or styling gel. If they lack volume, the products can be applied to the root area and dried with a hairdryer using a large round comb. The curls are curled into papillots, starting from the forehead, gradually moving towards the back of the head.

How to curl long hair

Hair curlers, which you need to know how to use to create a spectacular hairstyle, are used on a washed hair. Very long thick hair is washed a day before curling. Immediately before curling, the curls can be sprayed with styling liquid.

You can create a hairstyle in two ways:

Long hair requires more time to curl and secure the curls. They need to be wound a few hours before bedtime. If they are very thick and heavy, you will need a lot of curlers. In this case, it is more advisable to use a curling iron for curling.

Rules for storing curlers

Hair curlers (how to use them correctly was described above) also need to be stored correctly so that they do not spoil. You can extend their service life by many months if you follow simple tips.

In order for curling irons to last longer, they must be stored in accordance with the following rules:

Before each subsequent use, the curlers should be checked for integrity: the wire should not break through the outer coating. If this happens, you should get rid of them, otherwise using such items may scratch your scalp.

To create a spectacular and beautiful hairstyle, stylists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Do not curl wet hair. They need to be dried with a hairdryer and combed well. Wet hair will not dry until the morning, and the shape of the curls will not be symmetrical. It is permissible to lightly moisten only long and very thick hair;
  • to extend the life of your curls, before curling, each of them can be sprayed with styling product or a little mousse applied to them with your hands; Before curling, the strand must be combed well to avoid tangled hairs;
  • You need to start making curls near the forehead, gradually moving to the temple area. The last thing to curl is the hair at the back of the head.

Using curlers is like using the services of a salon, but much easier and cheaper. By following these recommendations, you can use hair curlers to create beautiful curls that will last all day. To create such a hairstyle, you will first have to experiment a little with different types of curlers, but each time it will be easier and easier to create curls.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about curlers

How to curl your hair with curlers:

Adalind Koss

The process of creating curls in modern times is not difficult. You can curl your hair with a curling iron, perm or styler. But there are technologies that will never grow old, because... have stood the test of time. A similar technology includes papillottes. For many years now, girls have been curling their hair to create volume and curls.

History of curlers

It is worth noting that the history of curlers begins in antiquity. Even then, people curled their hair with their help. Essentially, these are narrow strands onto which curls are twisted. This method was popular in the Middle Ages, when hot rollers and curling irons had not yet been invented.

Everyone remembers from history lessons that it was fashionable among people of that time to wear wigs with curls. It looked beautiful, which is why the fashion for curls arose. The nobility could easily buy ready-made wigs, but the poor also wanted to be fashionable, so they used curlers, making them from improvised materials.

Papillots are truly time-tested curlers. They do not harm your hair, so you can use them every day.

Later, even rich people began to use curlers. They were twisted into strands at night to look irresistible in the morning.

DIY papillotes

The process of creating papillots with your own hands is simple. This does not require any special skill:

paper curlers. To create them you need thick paper of not the highest grade. Using a ruler and pencil, divide the sheet into equal stripes. Choose the length of the stripes based on the length of your hair. If there are no hard sheets, then take regular ones, but twist them several times;

fabric papillots. Another available material is flaps. The creation principle is similar. Cut the fabric into pieces and then twist your hair around them;
fabric and paper. These curlers are much more convenient to use. But they take more time to prepare. Cut the fabric and paper into strips. Make fabric flaps 2 times wider. Wrap all the flaps in paper. The ends of the fabric are ties.

Papillots are created from all household products that are available: foam rubber, wire + foam rubber, fabric + wire, etc.

Modern papillotes

Today, modern papillots are sold in every store. In this case, the curlers will be durable, because they can be used more than once. Stores sell curlers made of soft plastic or foam rubber with a wire base. These papillots are inexpensive and easy to use. The wire inside makes it possible to bend the curlers in any direction.

Rules for using curlers

It doesn’t matter whether you use homemade or ready-made ones - the rules for using curlers are the same:

divide the washed curls into strands;
lubricate each strand with a small amount of fixative or water;
take a curling iron and wind a strand of hair around it from the ends to the roots;
fix the curler near the roots.

To make your work enjoyable and convenient, here are some tips for creating a beautiful hairstyle:

If you have curlers made of fabric or paper that you created yourself, then cover your head with a cap. It will protect the strands from unwinding;
If the curlers are from a store, then you shouldn’t leave them overnight. Check your hair's reaction. If the hair length is medium or short, then it will curl too much. If your hair is coarse, then you will be able to sleep normally, and the styling will not be too attractive;

There are several ways to curl curls. For natural curls, curl curlers are curled on dry hair, for graceful curls - on damp hair.

Remember the size of the curlers. The smaller it is, the smaller the curls. The thinner the curl, the larger the size of the hairstyle;
Do not comb your hair with a comb. This will cause the hair to look like a poodle's coat. Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to separate strands;
Instead of hairspray, use sweetened water or beer to fix your hairstyle.

Laying options

There are several options for styling hair with curlers: natural and graceful waves.

To achieve the effect of natural curls, curl curlers need to be curled onto hair that has been dried after washing. In this case, no special means for fixation are required. You should wear the curlers for no more than 2 hours, then carefully remove them.

To achieve graceful curls, curl damp hair treated with a hold product. It is better to leave the curlers overnight, then the effect will be lasting. After removing the curlers, you should fix the hairstyle with varnish and comb the curls with your fingers.

Curls will appeal to those who do not want to expose their curls to harmful influences, but want to get natural curls on straight hair. If you want to get excellent styling, then just curl your curls overnight. The result will amaze you.

Advantages of papillotes

It is worth noting that the advantages of using curlers are obvious, but we will still list the main ones to summarize:

availability. You will have the opportunity to create your own hairstyle at any time and anywhere using available tools. A regular piece of paper will save the day;
comfort of sleep. If you want to look luxurious in the morning, but don’t have time to style it in the morning, then prepare it in the evening. Curl your hair, cover it with a cap and go to rest. These curlers do not interfere with sleep because they are soft and flexible;

The advantages of papillots are obvious. They do no harm to the hair, they do not damage the structure, and do not cause split ends.

do not harm hair. You don't heat your curls or cool them. You just need to twist the strand onto the curlers. There is no harm, because the hair structure is not subject to aggressive influence, and neither are the roots. This means that curlers can be used every day;
asymmetry of laying. With curlers, all the curls turn out special, they look natural.

Be sure to try curling with curling irons. Once you try it, you won't be able to give up this styling method.

19 April 2014, 14:56

Good day)

If you love curls as much as I do and don’t want to spoil your hair with curling irons, hair dryers and flat irons. There is a way out - papillot curlers. Knowing how to use them, the process of cheating will bring only positive emotions, and the result will delight you for several days.

I will try to tell you, in as much detail as possible, all my secrets for creating magical curls from beginning to end.

ღღღ Curlers-papillotes Fix Price ღღღ

Price: 45 rub. (one year ago), 50 rub. (for now)

Place of purchase: Fix Price

Quantity: 6 pcs.

Manufacturer: China

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Size matters =)

The length of the boomerang curler is: 24 cm.

Ideal for hair FROM shoulders to lumbar infinity . For girls with short shoulder-length hair, I recommend taking a short version of curlers, about 15-20 cm. These, of course, can also be used, but you will have to do a lot of unnecessary movements during the curling process.

Diameter: 1cm

The size of the curls and the volume of styling depends on the diameter of the curler. With this copy, you can create medium and small curls with huge volume. Achieving large curls is unrealistic, even if you take a thick strand, it either will not dry completely or will fall apart for the first time a few hours after removing the curlers. Therefore, if you are interested in large curls, take from 2 cm in volume.

There are 6 pieces in a package. For my long hair of medium thickness, this amount was not enough, so I purchased another additional package.

To create medium curls, I use ≈ 9 pieces, if I want small curls then all 12 pieces.


Papillot curlers have a cylindrical shape. Inside they are equipped with a flexible metal frame, thanks to which the curlers can be easily given any desired shape.

The surface is pleasant to the touch, soft and smooth. There are plastic plugs on both sides; they are very tightly attached to the foam rubber. Hair does not get caught in them and does not get tangled, therefore, they are not injured at all.

You can twist/bend in different directions, and after alignment the curlers will take their original shape.

Wear resistance:

These are probably the best curlers I've ever had. For 1.5 years, they have practically not changed in quality. They all also hold their shape perfectly, do not slip during sleep, and the plastic plugs do not pull out hair. There are no complaints about the material at all. During the entire period of use it did not crumble or tear, just slightly wrinkled. I think they will serve me for many, many years.

Instructions: how to curl your hair with curlers

These are the general rules that I always adhere to.

  • I wash my hair with shampoo and not using balms, conditioners, masks, etc. Why? The more elastic the hair, the less long-lasting the curls will be;
  • I dry my hair naturally until it is almost completely dry:
  • I comb it well and separate it into partings;
  • I select a strand, comb it, apply foam to the entire length to fix it, while retreating 4-5 cm from the roots;
  • I try to make the strands the same volume;
  • I begin to twist it near my face and slowly move towards the back of my head; I’ll tell you about cheating methods a little later.
  • When all the hair is fixed, I do housework for 3-4 hours while the curls mature, or go to bed with them.
  • As time passes, I unravel all the curlers, starting from the back of the head and moving towards the temples.
  • I separate the finished curls with my fingers, then comb them a little with a comb with large teeth and that’s it! If you wish, you can also use a fixing varnish, but I don’t like the effect of hard, lifeless hair.

How long does the wrapping process take?

Many people complain that the promotion process takes a lot of time. For the first time, perhaps. After a couple of uses you'll get the hang of it , you will understand all the nuances of cheating, and the whole process will be reduced several times .

As an example, I’ll give you my experience: the first time I twisted my hair for 1.5 hours, now it’s a maximum of 30 minutes, and if I twist it on a ponytail, it’s 10 minutes. With a curling iron and iron, it always took me at least 2.5 hours, even with experience, the time for styling using this gadget did not decrease.

My hair:

I have straight and long hair of medium thickness. The structure is porous. Easy to install.

Proven methods of curling hair with curlers:

  • 1. Roller - from the ends of the hair to the roots. Almost all types of curlers are curled this way. For long hair this is not a very good option.

This was my first attempt at creating curls and was not entirely successful. In the morning, when I began to unwind the curlers, The hair is dry on top and damp on the inside. I had to dry the whole thing with a hairdryer until it was completely dry.

The resulting curls were not elastic and did not impress me. I decided to transform them into elegant waves, and... I started combing them with a massage brush. Do not do this under any circumstances!

On my head it turned out to be a nest of lush hair sticking out in different directions. With the help of styling products, I still managed to give them an aesthetic appearance, but it took a lot of effort and nerves.

  • 2. Spiral - from the tip and moving in a spiral to the roots.

I tested this method on a mannequin whose hair was 50 cm long from the face to the ends.

I liked these curls more than the previous ones. They hold their curl shape well. But for some reason they remind me of a lamb.

  • 3. From the middle of the strand, I first twist the lower half, and then use a roller to twist it tightly to the roots. This is my favorite option.

I fell in love with these curls, they are the most attractive, natural, airy and romantic. The volume is unreal. Just like a lioness.

  • 4. On a ponytail - the easiest and fastest way. I make a high ponytail, fix it well and curl the strands using any method. In the photo I wound it from the middle (3rd method)

The curls are clear, curly and elastic.

I separated it a little with my fingers and lightly combed it with a large-toothed comb.

I decided to experiment and did the lightest hairstyle. It is based on a ponytail and just strands pinned with hairpins.

How long does the styling last?

Much depends on the hair structure. If your hair is porous and pliable, like mine. The indicators will be approximately the same. The volume lasts 3-4 hours. Curls from 1 to 3 days. If the hair is not porous, but elastic and smooth, then most likely the styling will last a short time.



Advantages and disadvantages of boomerang curlers

If we talk about the advantages, then these are:

Gentle attitude – do not wring or pull out hair. This is why I adore them, you can do curls every day and not worry about the condition of your hair.

✔ No exposure to high temperatures.

Easy to use. No need to use additional fasteners: clips, elastic bands, etc.

✔ Suitable for different hair lengths, thicknesses and textures.

Original images. Even if you stick to the same cheating scheme, you will never get the same result. Each time there is a new type and shape of curls.

✔ Gives staggering volume without backcombing.

✔ High-quality material.

✔ Budget cost.

The disadvantages are very minor, but they still exist:

Smell. It smells like burnt rubber, I tried everything to make it less pronounced: I ventilated it, washed it with soap, shampoo, but nothing helps.

✔ I can sleep on curlers only in one case - when they are twisted into a high ponytail. In other cases, I feel them at night and wake up in the morning with a “square” head.


There is no need for straightening irons or curling irons when there are such super curling irons.

If you are in doubt about whether or not to take fixed curlers, my answer is - take it, you won’t regret it. The quality is much higher than the price.

ღ Thank you for watching, I am very pleased that you read my reviews!

My reviews on fixed hair accessories: