Signs of dehydration in an 8-year-old child. Identifying signs of dehydration in a child. Moderate dehydration in children

Water is the basis of life for both adults and children. This is true, since without this fluid normal life activity is impossible. Water in the human body takes up approximately 65% ​​of the total mass, and if this balance is not maintained, dehydration can occur. For a growing person, this situation can be very difficult.

Dehydration in a child

Scientifically, this condition is called dehydration. It occurs when the body does not receive the required amount of fluid or is unable to retain it. In childhood, the slightest lack of water is especially acute. Even if the baby’s body loses only 2% of fluid, this risks illness. This is due to the fact that in newborns the percentage of water in the body is 78%, and in children over one year old it is 65%, while their metabolic processes are more intense. Also, grown-up children lead a particularly active life. The child does not yet understand that he needs to drink water and does not recognize the body’s signals, so adults should pay special attention to this issue and carefully monitor the drinking balance.

What causes dehydration?

In reality, there are different causes of dehydration. All sorts of health disorders lead to this. This may be one of those diseases that causes vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating, frequent and excessive urination - all that leads to loss of water or prevents its supply. The baby may refuse to take any liquid due to a sore throat. In addition, there may be internal problems. For example, a child has poor intestinal absorption. Also, overheating a baby who is dressed too warmly can cause dehydration.

But still, the main reason why dehydration occurs more often than others is diarrhea and vomiting. They can be caused by viral diseases or infection. These factors can cause your baby to become severely dehydrated. The younger the child, the greater the risk of contracting bacteria that cause diarrhea and its consequences. The reason is that the baby has not yet fully developed immunity, which fights germs.

Main symptoms

Depending on the intensity of the disease, dehydration may manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms in children become noticeable after about a day or two and will depend on age. In children under one year old, the skin tone may change and the fontanel may become sunken. They are also likely to noticeably lose weight. This happens due to the fact that fluid is lost not only through urine, but also through the skin and lungs, and during illness, children often refuse to drink or eat heavily. The following are the main signs of dehydration.

  • Lethargy.
  • Rare urination, and the discharge has a strong odor and is darker in color.
  • Dry eyes and lack of tears.
  • Cold fingers.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Increased heart rate and breathing.
  • Irritable, restless state.

The younger the baby, the more difficult it will be for him to tolerate dehydration. Symptoms in children, even minor ones, should immediately prompt parents to take action in order to prevent the disease and the likelihood of complications.

Types of dehydration

Dehydration in a child varies in degree and intensity. It can also be acute or chronic. In the first case, the disease occurs against the background of another disease and manifests itself in physical ailments. The chronic form acquires over time and is reflected in the perception and quality of learning. Apathy and weight loss are also noticeable.

Degree of disease

In medicine, this disease is divided into three degrees - severe, moderate and weak.

Using comprehensive signs and weighing the child, you can determine how severe the dehydration is. Symptoms in children are also an indicator. The weak form is called compensated. Diagnosed with slight weight loss - up to 5% of the total weight. It is accompanied by a constant desire to drink and slight dryness of the mucous membranes. It may also be accompanied by rare cases of diarrhea and vomiting.

Moderate dehydration is called subcompensated. In this case, the child loses up to 10% of his weight. The baby begins to become irritable, the skin becomes sagging, and the mucous membranes become dry. When crying, there are no tears, and the eyes seem sunken. At the same time, breathing changes, it becomes faster, and the course of the disease is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

Severe dehydration is called decompensated. Signs of the latter degree are noticeable weight loss (over 10%). The child becomes very lethargic, has shortness of breath and a weak pulse. Tachycardia is present. The skin is dry, flabby to the touch. A sharp reduction in urination or complete absence. No chair. Convulsions occur.

It is worth noting that water may be present in the human body, but weight falls. This phenomenon most likely indicates the development of dystrophy in the child.


Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis and extent of the disease. He compares previous symptoms, medical history and conducts an examination. If necessary, the baby can be hospitalized. Blood and urine tests taken allow you to assess the volume of fluid present in the body and the amount of microelements lost.


Having discovered even some signs, parents may not know what to do if their baby is dehydrated. But it is worth remembering that treatment cannot be delayed, therefore it is worth taking action immediately, since this is not a type of disease that can go away on its own.

First of all, invite a doctor to your home. Until help arrives, get your child drunk. The sooner you start water therapy, the sooner you can regain your fluid balance. To do this, try to give liquid to your baby often and in small portions. There are solutions that combat this problem and compensate for the lack of electrolytes and water. For example, it could be “Regidron”. In addition to the solution, the baby is given non-carbonated high-quality mineral water, jelly and weak tea. The main goal is to replenish not only the water balance, but also the salt balance, which has also been lost. You can make broth for this (but do not use store-bought cubes, they are too salty). You can also give juice. If your child is vomiting and refuses to drink, have him try putting an ice cube or a slice of orange in his mouth.

Also try to get rid of the reason why dehydration occurred. But if dehydration is severe, it is not recommended to carry out such treatment on your own, since more serious therapy is required. Here it is necessary to immediately call a doctor and entrust complex treatment to him, otherwise the consequences of dehydration can be severe.

After the water balance is restored, the baby will again become cheerful and active. His drowsiness and other accompanying symptoms will disappear.

Possible complications

If a child has suffered severe dehydration, this may affect the functioning of his body. The consequences of dehydration can manifest themselves not only in physical processes, but also in mental ones. Of course, a lot depends on the degree of the disease, but if complications arise, problems may arise in the following areas:

  • Disorders of the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Disruption of blood circulation and heart function.
  • Diseases associated with the central nervous system (spinal cord or brain).

Many parents will be consoled by the fact that all these complications may turn out to be temporary; they almost never develop into a chronic form. But this does not mean that you need to be negligent in treating your baby. If a baby’s brain in the first year of life, as a result of dehydration, cannot receive a balanced dose of fluid and salts for a long time, it will not be properly formed, and a chronic disease associated with the central nervous system will occur. Unfortunately, dehydration is one of the leading causes of child mortality worldwide.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences. The most basic method of prevention is to regularly provide the baby with adequate food and drink. But it is known that at this age it is simply impossible to avoid infectious diseases that cause disorders. Therefore, adults should always monitor the baby in order to detect dehydration in time. Symptoms in children are easy to recognize even at the very beginning of the disease. Also, if the child starts vomiting or diarrhea, after the fifth time it is better to start giving an electrolyte solution to prevent dehydration.

Dehydration is a serious pathology that parents don't notice right away. More precisely, they see some alarming signs, but attribute them to fatigue, overwork, or a cold.

And precious time is lost. It is very important to see exactly dehydration(dehydration), and quickly help the child.

Impaired water balance is a pathology that is more susceptible to namely young children. And it is for them that the condition is most dangerous; the most important metabolic processes, including brain ones, are disrupted.

The immune defense is not yet fully operational, and the child’s body is not so strong in self-regulation, because dehydration happens quite quickly(compared to an adult), and the mechanism of complications also starts quickly. We will tell you about the first signs of dehydration in a child in this article.

General concept

This is a pathological condition, it is associated with decrease in the amount of water in the body, when it falls below the required physiological values.

Dehydration is always accompanied by a failure of metabolic processes. It is not a separate disease, it is only a complication of the disease that develops very quickly.

It's especially hard recognize dehydration in an infant, meanwhile, the speed of pathological changes, as well as the scale, is very high.

There are three degrees of severity - mild, moderate and severe. Lost in mild cases no more than 5% liquid, and it usually occurs in the first hours after diarrhea.

Moderate water loss by 6-10%, develops from a day to a day and a half, usually against the background of a very high temperature and refusal to drink.

Severe dehydration is considered to be a loss of 10% or more fluid, resulting from persistent vomiting and diarrhea.

Editorial advice

There are a number of conclusions about the dangers of washing cosmetics. Unfortunately, not all new mothers listen to them. 97% of children's shampoos use the dangerous substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or its analogues. Many articles have been written about the effects of this chemistry on the health of both children and adults. At the request of our readers, we tested the most popular brands. The results were disappointing - the most advertised companies showed the presence of those very dangerous components in their composition. In order not to violate the legal rights of manufacturers, we cannot name specific brands. Mulsan Cosmetic, the only company that passed all the tests, successfully received 10 points out of 10. Each product is made from natural ingredients, completely safe and hypoallergenic. We confidently recommend the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed 10 months. Be careful when choosing cosmetics, this is important for you and your child.

When does it occur?

Most often, dehydration is a consequence viral or bacterial infection. Since bacteria and viruses provoke the production of poisons, which poison the cellular composition of the body.

And the body itself, in order to overcome the problem, turns on all means of defense - the temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea develop, and loss of appetite is noted.

Also can lead to dehydration:

  1. Diseases characterized by a sore throat, causing the child to refuse to drink.
  2. Diarrhea and vomiting due to intoxication due to poisoning.
  3. Insufficient food regimen in principle.
  4. Excessive sweating due to excessive physical activity or increased external temperature (meaning indoor air temperature).

Exactly young children are at risk- There is more water in a child’s body than in an adult. Also, children have a high rate of water-electrolyte metabolism, but the renal and neurohumoral mechanisms of the regulatory processes of water and salts are not yet so perfect.

How can you tell if your child is dehydrated? If the baby is under one year old and has vomiting, severe diarrhea, fever- you need to call an ambulance immediately. Do not run to the clinic, do not wait for the pediatrician to come, but call a medical team.

Dehydration develops almost at lightning speed, you can only notice that the child is lethargic, think that an acute respiratory viral infection is beginning, but things are already taking a dangerous turn.

Call the doctors urgently with the following symptoms:

  • the baby has dry mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue;
  • the skin has become grayish;
  • saliva viscosity increased;
  • the child is lethargic and sleepy.

Similar urgent call for doctors requires a condition when the child constantly cries, he is restless, and the crying is dry (without tears).

The baby's fontanelles on the head become sunken, the pulse quickens, he pees less often, and the urine is dark with a pungent odor. The baby's eyes become sunken and an acute feeling of thirst arises.

Babies simply won’t be able to drink a lot, it’s physically unrealistic, so parents themselves can’t do anything - actions may make the situation worse.

You need to call a doctor immediately. If the doctor sees a mild degree, he will prescribe treatment, and may even keep the child at home. But more often the baby is hospitalized.

Older children need to be given plenty of fluids. Moreover, special solutions. These are Regidron, Oralit, you can take Pedilight, Glucosolan.

In the first five hours the solution is given every 10 minutes 5-15 ml. When the child's condition improves, the solution is reduced, but it must still satisfy physiological needs. If the child doesn’t drink at all, you can use a syringe without a needle to pour the solution into his cheek.

What to do if you don’t have rehydrate at home? You don’t have to run as fast as you can to the pharmacy (especially since this is not always possible), make your own rehydration solution.

For 1 liter of boiled, cooled water, take half a teaspoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of potassium chloride.

The finished solution is used only a day.

In this case, the liquid should be at room temperature, since hot drinks take up moisture, but cold drinks will simply pass through in transit.

You absolutely cannot wait, hoping that it will go away on its own. You should not overheat the child, you should not give medications that the doctor has not prescribed. Antiemetics should not be given, these medications are given in strictly limited quantities in special cases, and to older children.

The scheme is simple: if there are alarming signs, call a doctor. For children under one year old, this is only an ambulance; older children can call a pediatrician. While he is walking, give him a rehydration solution.

What are the consequences? Dehydration is extremely dangerous for brain function. When dehydration occurs, the barrier function of the brain's capillaries is disrupted, which can result in hazardous substances entering the brain.

Water is just as important for the brain as oxygen. Dehydration is also dangerous for the circulatory system - blood thickens, and its main cells reduce their activity.

For infants, dehydration is dangerous - it leads to borderline conditions if help is not provided immediately.

Call an ambulance immediately if the child has become unusually weak, if his fontanelles are sunken, his eyes are rolling.

Too lethargic, like a sleepy child, refusing to eat and drink - this is a reason to call an ambulance.

If you expect that the ambulance will take a long time, and the children’s hospital is not far away - take the child yourself. The phone number of your local pediatrician should always be at hand.

Dial it and find out how and what to do, describe the child’s condition. This way you will calm down, be coordinated by professional advice, and will not waste precious time.

The doctor examines the child, but the information that the parents say is no less important. You should monitor how often your child pees; if there is no urination for more than 6 hours, this is the most obvious indicator dehydration.

The color and smell of urine are also indicative - when dehydrated, it becomes darker and the smell is more pungent.

Lethargic or, on the contrary, hyperactive, crying without tears - all this indicates dehydration.

After examining the baby, after determining the degree of dehydration, the doctor determines where the child is best treated.

Mild dehydration usually treated at home.

The baby takes special solutions that restore the water-salt balance. Children under two years of age are usually prescribed Regidron and Rehydrolite.

Moderate severity is already an indication for inpatient treatment, albeit short-lived. The child will be given an infusion solution and watch as the small body begins to replenish the lack of water. They are discharged home when the child feels better and starts drinking.

In case of severe dehydration, the child is urgently transferred to a hospital.

There he will undergo a full examination, infusion therapy, the treatment of the infection itself, if the latter is diagnosed.

If the child is already two years old, then in addition to the rehydration solution, he can be given still mineral water, and also a light soup with water. Can vegetable or chicken broth.

If the baby last vomited more than four hours ago, you can offer him a banana, an apple, unsweetened rice porridge, boiled potatoes or durum pasta.

For about a couple of days, the diet should be like this, carbohydrate.

Then, if the baby feels well, gradually can be translated to a normal, more varied diet.

Sweets are not included in the principle of a restorative diet. Even in minimal quantities. Remember that they are only help the infection settle more comfortably in the body and “support” the inflammatory process.

A child of any age, especially a small one, should strictly observe the drinking regime. This, of course, is the concern of the parents. Water is not a substitute for juice, soda, tea or coffee.

You can offer your baby water slightly sweetened with honey and a slice of lemon.

It is healthy and tasty, and if you give this drink to your baby from an early age(provided that he is not allergic to honey), he will not like juices and lemonades so much.

In hot dry weather and when the temperature jumps, the volumes of liquid increase. Even one-time diarrhea and vomiting require increased drinking volumes. You need to drink little, but often. You cannot refuse breastfeeding unless your doctor insists on it.

Dehydration - real serious danger for a child.

Even if parents are adherents of the theory that it is not worth calling a doctor again, in a threatening situation they should discard their arguments, because the child simply needs to be saved.

How to determine dehydration in a child? You can learn about this from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Dehydration (dehydration, exicosis) in a child is always dangerous. But the consequences are more severe the younger you are: the blood volume is smaller, the process of fluid loss occurs much faster. You don't have to wait until symptoms become obvious to begin taking steps to correct dehydration.


The causes of this problem are:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • baby's activity in games.

Why is it dangerous?

Consequences of body dehydration:

  • damage to the nervous system of varying severity: development of seizures, others;
  • Impaired lung function: pneumonia.

There are still cases where a baby died due to dehydration. Dehydration in children under 5 years of age is responsible for 2 million deaths per year worldwide.


If a child has a high fever, diarrhea or vomiting, it is hot outside or in the house, he was actively playing - it is obvious that it is necessary to replenish water in the body, even if there are no symptoms of dehydration. Too much fluid consumption in this case is not dangerous.

If on a hot day it is enough to offer a child something to drink, then diarrhea, vomiting, and fever are a reason to use electrolyte solutions. There is no need to wait for a doctor - time is very valuable in this case. Start treatment as early as possible.

Dehydration in children has the following symptoms:

  • thirst;
  • dry mouth, tongue;
  • crying without tears (in children older than 2 months);
  • retraction of the fontanel (a sign relevant for children under one year);
  • dry skin;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dry cough;
  • irritability;
  • lack of sweat;
  • drowsiness;
  • dark color of urine;
  • strong smell of urine;
  • infrequent urination.

Signs of dehydration in a child, indicating changes in the color, smell of urine, and infrequent urination are the most obvious symptoms of incipient dehydration.

How to determine?

Dehydration also varies in the percentage of salt loss. In accordance with this indicator, it is divided into:

  • Isotonic – loss of salts and fluids are the same. This is a milder type of exicosis.
  • Water-scarce – water loss predominates. Usually occurs with severe diarrhea and high fever. The child drinks willingly.
  • Salt deficiency – loss of salts predominates. Usually occurs with excessive vomiting. This type of dehydration can be recognized by the child’s refusal to drink.

Based on a clinical blood test, conclusions can be drawn about the degree of dehydration. Thus, dehydration is manifested by an increase in hemoglobin. An increase in this indicator indicates blood thickening, characteristic of a lack of fluid. The doctor also pays attention to the level of red blood cells and increased hematocrit.


  • 1st degree – loss of water up to 5% of body weight;
  • 2nd degree – from 5 to 10%;
  • Grade 3 – more than 10%.

Normal urination

Urinary norms according to the age of children:

  • up to 6 months – 20 times a day;
  • from six months to one year – 15 times a day;
  • by one year up to 3 – 10 per day;
  • from 3 years old - 7 times a day, subsequently the volume of urine increases, the number of urinations remains the same;
  • adult – from 4 to 7 times.

The brighter the symptoms of dehydration, the more signs appear, the sooner parents should consult a doctor, and the more intensively the child should be treated and treated.

What to do?

Depending on the degree of the disease, the following measures are applied:

  1. drinking plenty of water;
  2. ambient air humidification;
  3. drip.

In salt-deficient forms of dehydration, increased replenishment of lost salts is necessary.

For diarrhea

A child with diarrhea may develop moderate dehydration within 2-3 hours, and severe dehydration after 6 hours. It is important to start “unsoldering” the baby after the first loose stool. Oral rehydration medications should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Repeated vomiting can be caused by even small amounts of liquid. If your baby is vomiting, give him liquid in minimal doses. If the child is small, use a measuring syringe for an antipyretic or a syringe without a needle. Pour the minimum dose that the body can take into your cheek.

  • Take note: Nifuroxazide for diarrhea in children

If dehydration begins, do not stop the watering process, even if the baby is sleeping. You can calm down only when the main symptoms disappear - infrequent urination and dark urine.

If you have diarrhea or repeated vomiting in children under 2 years of age, you should consult a doctor. Doctors do not want to take responsibility for treatment and immediately give referrals for hospitalization. It is the parents who must make the final decision on the advisability of such a measure.

For rotavirus

Watery diarrhea (without blood in the stool during diarrhea) characteristic of rotavirus does not require treatment with antibiotics. But they are prescribed immediately upon admission to the hospital, without waiting for test results. For several hours that you will spend in the emergency room and emergency department, you will not be able to properly feed your baby. Conditions in the ward are usually far from the recommended requirements for humidity and air temperature. Therefore, try not to end up in hospitalization and prevent dehydration in a timely manner.

For acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections

Dehydration in a child often accompanies inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. By humidifying the inhaled air, the body spends a lot of liquid. The air that reaches the alveoli has 100% humidity.

An increase in body temperature is often accompanied by a large loss of fluid. This, in turn, leads to blood thickening. The viscosity of sputum increases and it is difficult to clear. Viruses are actively developing in it. Hence complications: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. ARVI and acute respiratory infections are often accompanied by profuse sweating (heavy sweat).

In addition to the need to heavily water the child to combat dehydration it is necessary to observe air temperature (not higher than 22) and humidity (not lower than 50%) in the baby's room. Drinking for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections should be warm (there is a high probability of a sore throat) and sweet.


Preparations for replenishing the salt composition:

  • Regidron;
  • Pedialyte;
  • Rehydralite.

Solution recipe

You can prepare the product yourself. Dissolve in 1 liter of water:

  1. half a teaspoon of salt;
  2. half a teaspoon of soda;
  3. 4 tablespoons sugar;
  4. half a teaspoon of potassium chloride.

How much to drink?

Daily water intake for children:

  • up to one year – 130 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • from one year to 3 – 100 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • from 3 to 14 – 80 ml per 1 kg of weight.

If diarrhea begins and mild dehydration occurs, fluids should be given:

  • up to 2 years – 50-100 ml for each case of loose stool;
  • from 2 to 10 – 150 ml;
  • from 10 years – 200 ml.

When moderate dehydration of the body begins, the amount of fluid required must be determined by a physician, and treatment is carried out by a pediatrician.

Approximate volume of required rehydrant for children :

  • from 6 months to a year – 700 ml per day;
  • from 1 year to 2 years – 800-1000 ml per day;
  • over 2 years – about 1500 ml.

Plus, it is necessary to offer water and other drinks in the amount the child wants. Drinks include dried apple compote, tea, and rice water. No need to give chamomile tea for diarrhea! Chamomile tea provokes diarrhea. Milk, juices, and lemonades should also be excluded.

Breastfed babies should continue to be fed. If the baby is on formula, you should stop feeding the formula during diarrhea (consultation with a doctor is required).


It is difficult even for an adult to analyze the presence of thirst. A child, even an older one, is unlikely to remember in time to drink.

Therefore, the task of adults is monitor timely fluid replenishment in children, avoid a situation where the symptoms of exicosis become obvious. Treatment is always more difficult than prevention. Always have rehydration supplies in your first aid kit.

Dehydration in a child is a serious symptom that leads to rapid disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, especially the nervous, cardiovascular and urinary systems. In children, this condition develops rapidly, which poses a threat to life and increases the likelihood of death. It is very important for parents to notice signs of dehydration in time in order to help their child themselves or take him to the hospital.

Dehydration in a child - when does it develop?

Dehydration, or dehydration, is a condition when the body actively loses water and electrolytes, but cannot adequately and fully replenish them. Children are much more susceptible to dehydration than adults. This is due to the fact that the child’s body contains more water at a higher rate of water-electrolyte metabolism. In addition, in infancy, the mechanism of renal and neurohumoral regulation of water-salt metabolism is still very imperfect.

Dehydration can be caused by excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea, and less commonly, intense urination. High body temperature, injuries, internal bleeding and hemorrhages, active physical activity, fasting, and lack of drinking water contribute to dehydration.

An important link in the pathogenesis is the loss of not only water, but also salts through sweat, vomit and feces, so drinking completely fresh water without adequate nutrition does not improve, but only worsens the condition. In this case, so-called blood thinning occurs - the concentration of electrolytes in it decreases. Under the influence of osmotic forces, water leaves the blood into the tissues, causing even more active loss of fluid. At the same time, the thirst center of the brain reacts precisely to the concentration of electrolytes, forms a persistent desire to drink and maintains a vicious circle. For these reasons, when dehydrated, it is recommended to drink mineral water or saline solutions rather than regular fresh water.

Common reasons

In children, dehydration most often occurs due to intestinal infections due to diarrhea and vomiting. Also, infants may suffer from symptoms of dehydration due to infectious diseases accompanied by high fever. A dangerous condition can develop against the background of viral and bacterial infections, food and drug poisoning, the manifestation of which is frequent loose stools and repeated vomiting.

A child may refuse to drink fluids during a common cold accompanied by a sore throat. In addition, chronic pathologies can cause dehydration - diabetes mellitus (with uncontrolled urination), cystic fibrosis or malabsorption syndrome.

Another reason is often improperly organized water consumption during travel. Parents need to pay special attention to this point. It should be understood that even a long walk through the shopping center can cause dehydration in infants (especially in the hot summer). How to understand that a child is dehydrated, what symptoms will indicate the development of a dangerous condition? Parents must note any unfavorable changes in the baby’s condition and know the main signs indicating dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration

Signs of dehydration in a child are quite typical. The very first of them is severe thirst and dry mouth, while the baby’s appetite decreases. The skin becomes drier and hotter. The baby feels bad, cries, but no tears are produced. If a child already knows how to speak, he will complain of a headache, and less often of pain in the heart. During physical activity, fatigue occurs faster than usual.

More severe signs of dehydration are a lack of saliva production, a change in the appearance of urine - it becomes a deep yellow color, and its amount decreases significantly. The child becomes lethargic and loses interest in what is happening around him. At this stage, severe headaches, heart pain, muscle weakness, and sometimes cramps are possible.

Dangerous symptoms

Dangerous symptoms indicating that dehydration is becoming severe are disturbances of consciousness, convulsions, delirium, lack of urine. With a severe degree of dehydration, urination is completely absent, the mucous membranes become dry, and the skin, when collected in folds, does not straighten out within a few seconds. The baby's fontanelle and eyeballs sink, and his face becomes like a mask, as there is no facial expression. The child cannot close his eyelids completely, the cornea of ​​the eyes becomes dry, the skin becomes bluish, and the limbs become cold.

If such symptoms occur, you should urgently call an ambulance and immediately take the child to the hospital. It is impossible to cure severe dehydration on your own at home; hospitalization in this case is required.

The condition of dehydration in children is characterized by rapid progression, and the younger the child, the faster the pathological process develops. Also, the rate of deterioration of the baby’s well-being is influenced by the intensity of diarrhea or vomiting, and the characteristics of the child’s sweating. As a rule, in infants, almost any disease occurs with an increase in temperature to high values, as a result of which this condition is accompanied by increased sweating and a greater risk of dehydration.

What are the dangers of dehydration in a child?

Water is the main medium in which biological processes take place, so its role in the human body is difficult to overestimate. But besides the direct loss of fluid, there are other consequences of dehydration in a child. Salts and minerals leave with water, the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and vital systems of the body.

The kidneys are the first to suffer from such disorders. Lack of water and especially sodium leads to a decrease in glomerular filtration, a decrease in the amount of urine, and in severe cases, to a complete cessation of urine formation. As a result, breakdown products that are normally excreted through the kidneys are retained in the body and cause a toxic effect.

The cardiovascular system also suffers from a lack of water, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Due to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the bloodstream, blood pressure increases due to vasoconstriction. This leads to a disruption of the capillary blood supply and the accumulation in tissues of decay products formed during the life of cells. Such processes, along with a violation of the normal water balance, lead to intoxication of the body. In addition, the loss of potassium and magnesium causes a failure in the regulation of blood pressure, which leads to heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, a characteristic sign of dehydration are symptoms of arrhythmia, interruptions in heart function and chest pain.

Effect on the nervous system

The nervous system reacts most acutely to a decrease in magnesium levels, as well as to the accumulation of breakdown products and deterioration of blood supply. When dehydration occurs, the processes of depolarization and repolarization of nerve cells are disrupted, and as a result, prolonged dehydration causes their death.

Dehydration primarily affects the brain and the hematopoietic system. The consequence may be disruption of nutrition and blood circulation in the brain, which in the future increases the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, parkinsonism or sclerosis. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, increasing its viscosity and reducing the lumen of blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of blood clots.

The immune system also suffers, since dehydration contributes to the development of chronic immunodeficiency conditions - scleroderma, bronchial asthma, and also causes metabolic disorders and leads to obesity.


How to prevent the development of a dangerous condition, and what measures should be taken to eliminate the life-threatening consequences of dehydration in a small child? Firstly, you should be wary of any illness that is accompanied by high fever, diarrhea or vomiting. If your baby experiences at least one of these symptoms, treatment must be started immediately.

It is recommended to give a sick baby more fluids. If we are talking about a breastfed baby, he must be given water to drink between feedings. If a child cannot drink due to vomiting or a serious condition, you should immediately call a doctor.

Mild dehydration in an older child can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids and limiting physical activity. The baby needs to be in a cool (never hot!) room; physical activity should be kept to a minimum to reduce sweating. For vomiting and diarrhea, you can drink intestinal sorbents (activated carbon or Smecta). Other medications for diarrhea and diarrhea can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor.

Mineral water is preferable among liquids - it restores the loss of fluid and electrolytes. If the doctor recommends saline solutions, you should purchase the drug Regidron or its analogues - Sorbilact, Ringer, Disol - at the pharmacy. With their help, it is possible to quickly restore the normal acid-base balance and replenish the loss of electrolytes.

Rehydration solutions

It’s easy to prepare rehydration solutions yourself if you can’t go to the pharmacy. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. sugar and salt.
  2. Add 2 tsp to 500 ml of cool boiled water. salt, sugar and 1/4 tsp. baking soda.
  3. Take two liter jars, pour 1 tbsp into one. l. salt, in another - the same amount of sugar and pour warm boiled water up to the shoulders. Give the child the solution alternately from each jar every 10 minutes.

Solutions should be taken in small volumes, but often. For example, every 10 minutes the baby should be given a teaspoon of Regidron or its analogues. This regimen will help prevent repeated bouts of vomiting and will normalize the electrolyte balance in the body.

You can also drink sweet, weak tea or juice, especially for vomiting and diarrhea. Sugary drinks help maintain normal blood glucose levels, which is very important for impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients. You can give your baby freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, green tea with lemon and sugar, compotes of fresh berries or dried fruits, decoctions of cereals (rice, pearl barley).

Physical activity increases sweating, so it is advisable for the baby to move as little as possible. If he is lethargic and does not show activity, there is no need to try to rouse him up or force him to carry out any errands - this will only worsen his condition.

When is hospitalization needed?

Moderate and severe dehydration in a child with vomiting, if the baby cannot drink or his condition worsens, requires hospitalization. In the hospital, the little patient will be prescribed bed rest. Fluid (saline, Ringer's solution, glucose solution 5%) will be administered intravenously. It is also necessary to select a treatment regimen for the underlying disease or intestinal infection that causes dehydration. Severe dehydration requires intensive care unit conditions.

In children in the first months of life, it is necessary to seek help from a pediatrician at the first signs of dehydration, since life-threatening conditions can develop very quickly - within a day or several hours. In older children, you can try to cope with dehydration on your own, but you should still consult a doctor immediately if the symptoms of the disease worsen and the child’s condition worsens.

Despite the dangers of dehydration in young children, this condition can be prevented and successfully dealt with if you know what to do, what measures to take and when to call a doctor. Attentive parents will not only immediately notice signs of incipient dehydration in their baby, but will also take timely measures to relieve this condition.

Diet features

Diseases accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea contribute to lack of appetite. The baby refuses to eat, as attempts to feed him result in vomiting. However, to maintain the strength of the body, the child needs adequate nutrition.

As soon as the baby’s condition improves, you can give him a little vegetable or cereal broth, liquid semolina boiled in water, or a sweet drink. Fresh fruits - banana, apple, pear - will help maintain strength. It is best to give them to your child in puree form.

As soon as the appetite appears, it is necessary to provide the most healthy, light and gentle nutrition. It is recommended to prepare light boiled porridge (rice, oatmeal, semolina), mashed potatoes, and serve steamed omelettes. Serve meat dishes in the form of small steamed cutlets, meatballs in sauce or quenelles.

After a few days, as the condition stabilizes, you can move on to your normal diet. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu, prepare cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes, give the child fermented milk drinks and natural yoghurts containing lactobacilli, which help restore normal intestinal microflora. And, of course, don’t forget to take enough fluid.

Prevention of dehydration

The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids and eat a nutritious diet. Remember that the baby must drink at least 1 liter of water per day (this volume does not include soda, tea, compote and other liquids). In this case, the volume of fluid should be increased in hot weather and during illness, if the baby has a fever.

Babies under one year old very often suffer from infectious diseases, since the immune system is not yet fully formed and does not function at full strength. Parents should especially carefully monitor the baby's condition during this period. If vomiting or diarrhea occurs, the baby should be given rehydration solutions after several episodes of vomiting and loose stools.

Healthy child from birth. When copying, an active link is required.

Source: child

The body of a newborn consists of 87% water; with age, this volume decreases to 50%. Therefore, for children, even a slight lack of fluid can cause a number of problems.

Dehydration is especially dangerous for children under three because it comes on quickly and can be very severe. This is due to the immaturity of the body and the greater fluid needs of cells compared to adults.

Causes of dehydration in a child

Dehydration in a child is called increased loss of fluid by the body with the development of metabolic disorders and severe metabolic disorders, problems with breathing, cardiovascular system and brain function.

The main causes of dehydration are pathologies and diseases that lead to massive fluid losses:

  • poisoning, intestinal infections with diarrhea and vomiting;
  • fever with increased sweating (with pneumonia, flu, colds);
  • overheating;
  • lack of drinking in hot climates and wrapping the child too warmly.

There are three degrees of severity of dehydration in children:

  • mild or first degree;
  • moderate or second degree;
  • severe or third degree.

Dehydration in a child, symptoms

For normal functioning, the human body needs 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. If for some reason a child does not receive enough fluid, his body begins to signal dehydration in all available ways.

For mild (first) degree of dehydration:

  • the child is irritable, agitated or fussy, constantly unhappy;
  • the baby is haunted by a feeling of thirst or hunger, he often asks for a drink;
  • The baby urinates little and needs fewer diapers than usual. The urine is rich in color, dark and has a very strong smell.

For moderate (second) degree dehydration:

  • the child has decreased interest in toys and favorite pastimes and is lethargic;
  • children lie down a lot, sleep often and for long periods of time;
  • baby skin is pale;
  • when crying there are very few tears, the eyes look sunken, dark circles appear under them;
  • the mouth is dry, there is very little saliva and it is thick or not at all;
  • the baby experiences severe hunger or thirst;
  • older children complain of headaches;
  • the child does not urinate for eight hours or urinates about three times a day, the urine is dark, has a strong smell and is not enough.

Signs of severe (third degree) dehydration:

  • the baby refuses to drink and eat;
  • tongue and oral cavity, lips are very dry, cracking;
  • the fontanel on the crown of the infants is sunken;
  • the child is markedly lethargic, drowsy, it is difficult for him to wake up, he sleeps almost constantly;
  • the baby's crying is dry, without tears, the eyes are sad and dry, do not shine;
  • increased breathing and heart rate;
  • the baby does not show interest in games, cartoons and other activities;
  • marble-colored skin, cold, especially in the extremities;
  • the child does not urinate for more than hours in a row;
  • The baby loses consciousness and does not respond to words and actions.

Dehydration always requires active and intensive treatment, and severe dehydration requires calling an ambulance and immediate hospitalization, especially in the case of very young children. Dehydration can very quickly lead to serious problems with the heart, lungs and brain, which can be fatal.

What to do if your child is dehydrated

If you notice signs of mild or moderate dehydration, call a doctor at home. In case of severe dehydration or in children under one year of age with any degree of dehydration, call an ambulance and go to the hospital!

1. Before the doctor arrives, perform oral rehydration (replenishment of fluid loss by feeding the child).

Soldering is carried out continuously, using special solutions for rehydration:

They replenish the supply of lost fluid, and with it salts.

Important! If you are dehydrated, you cannot give only water; you also need salts and glucose.

2. If there are no solutions, you need to prepare solutions for desoldering at home.

These will be: sweet warm tea with lemon and saline solution, which are given alternately, raisin decoction, still mineral water.

One of the recipes for the solution is to take 30 g of sugar, 3.5 g of salt, 2.5 g of soda per liter of boiled water. Stir and give to child.

3. The amount of fluid is 10 ml per kg of weight per hour; a child weighing 10 kg requires at least 100 ml of fluid per hour.

For each manifestation of diarrhea or vomiting, you need to add at least ml of liquid to the child to drink.

4. You should not give your child anything to drink in one gulp, especially if he is vomiting.

The child drinks 5-10 ml of liquid every 5 minutes, giving it from a spoon or syringe without a needle or medication dispenser.

With the start of dehydration, it is also necessary to influence the causes that caused dehydration - treat an intestinal infection, poisoning, or reduce the temperature during fever.

The criterion for normalization of the condition will be:

  • normal frequent urination with light, clear urine,
  • restoration of the condition of the mucous membranes (pink, moist),
  • appearance of tears, moist eyes,
  • weight gain.

When a child should not be dehydrated

Soldering (oral rehydration) is contraindicated if:

  • the presence of uncontrollable vomiting (when you immediately vomit everything that was infused)
  • third degree dehydration, impaired consciousness of the child
  • with a sharp decrease or complete absence of urine for more than 12 hours
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

In these cases, only hospitalization with inpatient treatment of dehydration is indicated.

How is dehydration treated in a hospital?

In the hospital, the child is in the intensive care unit. There, an intravenous system is installed with drip infusion of solutions of sodium chloride (saline solution 0.9%) and 5% glucose.

Bicarbonate (soda) solutions and potassium preparations can also be used. These substances are administered under the control of a blood test and the amount of urine excreted and the condition are monitored.

In parallel with the fight against dehydration, the pathology that caused it will be treated - antibiotics or antiviral drugs, special nutrition (diet) and additional medications will be prescribed to reduce fever.

As the child’s condition improves, they begin to give solutions by mouth and gradually switch to regular drinking. Inpatient treatment is not dangerous and cannot be refused, especially if the child is very small and dehydration can develop extremely quickly.

When the baby’s condition stabilizes, he is transferred to a standard ward and then discharged home for further treatment and recovery.

It is important to use good baby drinking water for drinking water and for the baby’s daily diet, especially in summer.

Note. Returns of food and cosmetic products are only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

We attach great importance to the quality of our products and guarantee you good service.

We express special gratitude to pediatrician Alena Paretskaya for preparing this material.

Source: organism in children: symptoms and treatment

The human body consists of liquid and solid tissues. And although at first glance it may seem that there is not much water in it, its level is approximately 70%. Liquid is necessary for all processes that take place in the body; it is part of all organs. Therefore, a decrease in the level of its balance makes itself felt.

Dehydration is very dangerous for the body; in a severe stage, it can lead to death. If we talk about a child’s body, this process is even more dangerous and therefore requires urgent intervention.

The level of fluid in a child’s body may decrease under the influence of infectious diseases and other factors. The cause and treatment methods are determined by the doctor. How to recognize symptoms of dehydration in children?

What is dehydration?

The official name of this process is dehydration or exicosis. This is a condition in which the water level in the body drops below normal. In turn, it causes disturbances associated with metabolism in the body.

This process is very dangerous for a child’s body. Firstly, it develops very quickly, and if no measures are taken in time, then in a few days a severe stage will begin. Secondly, it causes serious complications, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

In total, three degrees of dehydration are considered, depending on the level of fluid in the body:

  • Mild stage – loss of no more than 5% of fluid, this may be the result of profuse diarrhea;
  • Middle stage - fluid level decreases from 6 to 10%, usually such dehydration occurs as a result of overheating or refusal to drink;

Causes of dehydration in children

Dehydration in a child’s body, especially at an early age, is a very common occurrence. Firstly, there is more water in their body than in an adult, and secondly, water exchange processes occur faster. It can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Infections caused by viruses or bacteria that can cause vomiting, fever and diarrhea;
  • Diabetes mellitus, which causes frequent urination;
  • Diseases of the throat or mouth that cause pain, so the child refuses to eat or drink;
  • Intoxication of the body caused by poisoning;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Significant sweating as a result of physical activity;
  • Not drinking enough or not drinking properly.

In children, dehydration most often occurs as a result of diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, treatment should be directed not only at the initial disease, but also at replenishing fluid balance.

How to tell if your child is dehydrated

Signs of obvious dehydration are not immediately noticeable, it all depends on the stage and age of the baby. Mild dehydration practically does not signal itself in any way and can be relieved through normal drinking and eating.

But as the pathology develops, the symptoms become more intense and have the following manifestations:

  • The child becomes lethargic and exhausted;
  • Irritability and moodiness appear, children may refuse to eat;
  • Urination occurs less frequently, urine has a strong odor and dark color;
  • When a child cries, there are no tears or a meager amount of them; in normal conditions, dry eyes can be observed;
  • Cold fingers and toes;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Rapid breathing.

Infants may also experience other symptoms:

  • Loss of body weight;
  • The fontanelle sinks inward;
  • The skin tone changes, it becomes pale, dark circles appear under the eyes.

For newborn children, the process of dehydration is the most dangerous. It is more difficult to diagnose, and they come out of this process much more difficult.

What is the danger of dehydration for a child’s body?

Water is the basis of all processes in the body. Therefore, a decrease in its balance leaves an imprint on the operation of almost all systems. At a severe stage, conditions may develop that are very dangerous.

The following pathological processes are complications of dehydration:

  • Impaired blood supply to the brain and, as a result, the development of diseases, for example, parkinsonism, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease;
  • Violation of the blood-brain barrier;
  • The risk of blood clots due to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels and blood thickening;
  • Irregularities in the functioning of the immune system, activation of chronic diseases;
  • Obesity;
  • Development of pneumonia and other processes in the lungs;
  • Nervous system disorders, seizures.

How to treat dehydration in children?

Only a specialized doctor can determine dehydration. To do this, he needs the results of blood and urine tests.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to draw up a treatment regimen that must correspond to the degree and age of the patient. It is also very important to determine the cause.

The main method of therapy is to restore the fluid balance in the body. Therefore, the child needs to be given water. For this, all kinds of liquids for the baby are used: tea, compote, water and others. For children over 6 months old, pharmaceutical solutions can be used. Today, Regidron is considered popular. This is a liquid for restoring water-salt balance, which contains the necessary substances. But the drug has a salty taste, so many children refuse to take it.

The child should drink often, but in small portions. According to the treatment regimen, 10 ml of liquid is prescribed every 15 minutes. You should not drink in large doses, as this may cause vomiting.

It is worth paying attention to other symptoms. If there is an increase in temperature, it is necessary to reduce it; hyperthermia further reduces the fluid level. It is also worth taking special medications against vomiting and diarrhea. When choosing, the age of the baby is of great importance.

If it is not possible to overcome dehydration within 2 days, and the process has reached a moderate or severe stage, the child should be hospitalized. In hospital settings, fluid is administered intravenously to restore balance.

Abdominal injuries in children

Pulmonary-cardiac disorders in children

Infant diseases: causes, symptoms

Hearing impairment in children

Information and educational medical portal, constantly updated with medical articles, news, current diseases, symptoms and treatment methods. All rights reserved ©. Materials posted on the site, including articles, may contain information intended for users over 18 years of age, in accordance with Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” 18+. When using site materials, an active hyperlink indexed by search engines is required! Resources and persons convicted of unauthorized copying will be prosecuted according to the law (Article 7.12 of the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Violations”). The information is for reference only, please consult your doctor! Don't self-medicate! At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor! The site is not a mass media!

Source: a child’s body - what parents need to know

We often attribute the child’s weakness to teething, and whims to changes in the weather, and when we find cold limbs and pale skin in the baby, we refer to the fact that the restless little one is simply frozen. All this takes place, but more often, especially in combination with each other, these signs signal the occurrence of a serious lack of water in the baby’s body or, simply put, dehydration. How dangerous is this phenomenon for a child? What can cause a baby’s body to lack water? How to identify dehydration and distinguish it from other ailments? How to treat and is it possible to cure completely? How to prevent it from occurring? Can you answer these questions? If not, then every line of this article will help you understand everything, but even if you are completely confident in your knowledge, read it anyway - in case you forgot something, or maybe you will find new useful information for yourself.

At the first sign of dehydration, immediate action must be taken.

Dehydration? What is this?

Dehydration is a violation of the body's water balance in scientific language. The diagnosis of “dehydration” is made to a child when less fluid enters into his body and more fluid is released than is necessary according to the individual norm. Young children are much more likely than teenagers or adults to suffer from lack of water. You know why?

Where did the water go - let's talk about the reasons

Often, dehydration in children begins against the background of a viral (rotavirus, adenovirus, norovirus) or bacterial (salmonella, clostridia, E. coli) infection. Why? Viruses and bacteria provoke the production of poisons that poison the cells of the body. The latter, when fighting pests, includes all the methods of protection available to it:

  • temperature rise - at moderately high numbers on the thermometer, the process of accelerated production of protective cells occurs;

Almost always, at high temperatures, a large amount of fluid leaves the body.

  • diarrhea - this is how the body expels microorganisms through the intestines;
  • vomiting - ridding the gastrointestinal tract of microbes;
  • loss of appetite - the body tries to prevent the re-entry of evil microbes.

To prevent bacteria from entering your body, always wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

Children of the youngest age are most susceptible to all these ailments. This vulnerability of a small organism is due to a deficiency of immunity in the child (not immunodeficiency).

To avoid dehydration, give your child plain drinking water little by little but often.

Other causes of dehydration in babies are:

  1. Undiagnosed (manifested by excessive urine production by the baby) or decompensated (the child does not receive insulin) diabetes mellitus.
  2. Increased sweating, which begins in the warm summer season or because the child is not dressed warmly for the weather or is wrapped in diapers.
  3. Some hereditary diseases (malabsorption, cystic fibrosis).

When a child has a sore throat, he may refuse food and water.

An intermediate cause of dehydration can be a sore throat. The baby, realizing that the mechanical pressure of food or liquid causes him unpleasant painful sensations when swallowing, refuses to eat and drink, while continuing to produce natural excrements. It turns out that more fluid is released from a small organism than it enters. The result is dehydration.

Without water the child feels bad

How dangerous is dehydration? You probably know that every human body is mostly composed of water. 80% of 100 is the ideal fluid content in the body of a baby, 70% for teenagers, and 60% for adults. Any person, and especially a small child, cannot live without water, since it is the most important component of every cell. Water is involved in absolutely all processes occurring in the body. Its most important function is the transfer of various substances and elements from one cell to another. Water also takes a direct part in the digestion process and in removing unnecessary and dangerous substances from body cells.

Recognize the degree of dehydration by characteristic signs

If everything is so serious, then how can you determine that your baby has become dehydrated? Dehydration manifests itself in different ways. Symptoms vary depending on its degree:

  1. With mild dehydration, the baby loses about 5% of body weight - this stage of dehydration occurs in 90% of cases of infectious diseases accompanied by frequent diarrhea. The most basic symptoms for mild cases are:
  • constant thirst - the baby requires water or breasts 2 times more often;
  • bowel movements become more frequent up to 5 times per day (in babies older than six months);

Frequent loose stools are an alarm bell.

  • the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth remain unchanged, that is, they do not dry out;
  • infrequent vomiting, which can be confused with regurgitation.

Mild dehydration in a child does not cause major difficulties in treatment.

  1. The average degree implies a loss of body weight in the range of 6-9%. It develops on the first or second day after the obvious manifestation of symptoms of the primary viral infection. The main symptoms are:
  • frequent (up to 10 times in 24 hours) watery stools mixed with mucus and bloody spots;
  • repeated, almost non-stop vomiting;
  • general restless behavior of the child;

Excessive anxiety in a baby is a reason to be wary.

  • dry mucous membranes of the oral, nasal and other cavities;
  • weak, hard to palpable pulse;
  • viscous saliva;
  • the skin becomes inelastic (folds straighten out at intervals of up to 2 seconds or more) and acquires a bluish tint;
  • softening of the child’s skin (decreased muscle and tissue turgor);
  • retraction of the area of ​​the large fontanel;
  • eyeballs become soft;
  • the amount of urine excreted by the child decreases.

Many young mothers have questions: “Should infants be given vitamin D, and in what quantity?” In this article we will try to answer these and other questions.

The average degree of dehydration can be treated quite successfully.

  1. Severe dehydration occurs with diarrhea, which occurs more than 10 times a day and looks like cloudy water, and with very frequent vomiting. The child loses about 10% of his body weight. The symptoms are in many ways similar to moderate dehydration, but are much more pronounced:
  • the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are dry;
  • the skin, when gathered into a fold, does not straighten out within a few seconds;
  • the baby’s face becomes like a mask: the folds on it are smoothed out, and facial expressions are absent;
  • the large fontanel and eyeballs are significantly sunken;
  • the baby cannot close his eyelids;
  • the cornea becomes dry;
  • the skin and mucous membranes acquire a well-defined bluish tint;
  • no urination;
  • a marble pattern appears on the skin;
  • a symptom of a pale spot occurs - when, when you press on the nail bed, the latter remains pale for more than 2 seconds;
  • the child’s hands and feet become cold;

Cold hands indicate an average degree of fluid loss in the body.

  • the child may lose consciousness;
  • Tachycardia appears - rapid heartbeat.

With severe dehydration, potassium ions are washed out of the body's cells and excreted along with the urine.

  1. An extremely severe degree of dehydration is determined by a loss of fluid within 15-20% of the child’s total body weight. With such a significant lack of water in the body, serious metabolic changes begin to occur, affecting all tissues and every organ of the baby. If fluid loss exceeds 20-22%, the changes become irreversible. A severe degree is treated for a very long time and is quite difficult, but an extremely severe degree cannot be treated.

How to quickly understand that a child is dehydrated?

  1. Keep track of how often your baby urinates. The absence of urination in a child for 6-8 hours is the most obvious sign of dehydration. If your child doesn't pee, it's time to sound the alarm.
  2. Pay attention to the color and smell of urine - with dehydration, the color becomes more saturated and the smell becomes stronger.
  3. Notice every movement of your baby. If he is lethargic or, on the contrary, hyperactive, cries without tears, and his lips seem dry, then this indicates a lack of water in his body.

What parents should do if they suspect dehydration

What should you do if you notice any signs or symptoms in your toddler that indicate dehydration? First of all, don’t panic, collect your thoughts and dial the number of your local doctor or family doctor, explain the situation to him and express your suspicions, invite him to personally examine your child.

Don’t be shy, if something really worries you, call an ambulance.

Sound the alarm immediately and call an ambulance if:

  • the baby constantly sleeps and wakes up with difficulty and reluctance;
  • the baby has very severe dry mouth;
  • the child complains of pain in the abdomen;
  • you were unable to consult with your regular doctor.

Outpatient or inpatient treatment

The doctor should examine the child and, if necessary, order additional tests to accurately determine the degree of dehydration. Komarovsky very clearly and briefly explains how a pediatrician can determine the presence of dehydration in a baby.

After examining you and determining the degree of dehydration, your doctor may leave you to be treated at home or admit you to a hospital. Mild dehydration, unless any infection is detected, is usually treated at home. Treatment is based on taking special solutions that restore normal salt and water balance. Drugs prescribed to children under 2 years of age are “Rehydralit”, “Regidron” and “Pedialit”.

Rehydron is considered one of the best drugs for rehydration procedures.

Treatment of moderate degree of dehydration already requires, albeit short, but inpatient treatment. What is the therapy? The baby is given an infusion solution intravenously at certain intervals and is observed as the body begins to replenish the missing amount of water and mineral salts. When your baby can start drinking on his own, you will be discharged home to continue treatment. Medicines for home therapy are the same as those used to combat mild dehydration. The next day after discharge, be sure to invite your local doctor home to monitor the situation.

Even after discharge, the child requires medical supervision.

Maria is grateful to the ambulance staff:

“It’s a terrible state when you see that your child is very bad, but you can’t help him. And not because you have hook hands, but because there are situations when it is simply impossible to provide help. We found ourselves in an infection with a diagnosis of moderate dehydration. I was not allowed into the treatment room, even though the child was not even a year old. He screamed terribly for about 10 minutes, and then fell silent. He and I spent 3 long days in the hospital. All this time, some nasty stuff was dripped into the child’s vein. As it turned out later, it was very good “muck”. I am very grateful to the doctors that they did not heed my pleas to stay at home and insisted on immediate hospitalization. We successfully completed our treatment at home and now carefully monitor our hygiene and wash fruits and vegetables well.”

In critical cases, hospitalization of a small patient is necessary.

If the degree of dehydration is severe, then there can be no talk of any independent home treatment. All therapeutic measures, including identifying the causes of dehydration, a full examination, infusion therapy, treatment of infection (if any), are carried out only in a hospital setting. Children suffering from vomiting and diarrhea are prescribed special medications that inhibit these unpleasant processes. Antibiotics are prescribed only when the cause of dehydration is a bacterial infection.

Pharmaceutical powder can be replaced

If your child has a mild degree of dehydration, and the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not available at the nearest pharmacy, then you can prepare a medicinal solution for your little man yourself. For this you will need:

  • half a teaspoon of regular table salt;
  • a quarter ampoule of potassium chloride;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;

You can prepare saline solution at home using available materials.

  • 4 level tablespoons of sugar;
  • liter of boiled water.

Dissolve all the ingredients in water and feed the baby this solution every 15-20 minutes. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. Don't give sports drinks to your child. Yes, they contain the electrolytes that are so necessary for the baby now, but the concentration of sugar in them is much higher.

Recovery diet

If your little one is already 2 years old, then in addition to the medicinal solution, you can give him non-carbonated mineral water and soup cooked in water. If the child last vomited 4 hours ago or more, then you can give him an apple, banana, rice porridge, pasta or potatoes. Infants can try rice and carrot broth.

In order not to burden the stomach of a recovering child, give him soft purees or porridge.

This carbohydrate diet should be followed for a couple of days, and then gradually switch to normal nutrition. If you are breastfeeding, feed as often and as much as possible, even if you yourself experience stomach problems. In the process of fighting infection, your body produces antibodies, which you can pass on to your child with milk and thereby help him cope with the disease as quickly as possible.

If you are breastfeeding, do so as often as possible.

Drinking plenty of fluids is the best prevention

Is it possible to prevent dehydration from occurring? It is unlikely if the baby has contracted a viral infection. Prevention of dehydration during viral or bacterial infections comes down to timely recognition of symptoms and prompt initiation of treatment. If the baby vomits and diarrhea more than 5 times a day, then he should be soldered immediately with an electrolytic solution, and not with ordinary water. To prevent the development of dehydration, it is sometimes useful to drink probiotics, for example, “Lacidophil” or “Acidolac”.

To avoid problems, children should drink a lot, especially on hot days.

If there is no infection, then the daily amount of liquid consumed by a baby older than six months should not be less than a liter. This includes fruits, vegetables, and all foods containing liquid. In hot weather and at elevated temperatures, feed the baby often, but in small portions.

Alina says that more than half of the success in preventing dehydration is desoldering started on time:

“It was scary: Danil had vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Naturally, the child is scared and hysterical. I myself almost succumbed to emotions, but as soon as I thought that I might lose my only son due to some kind of infection, I immediately pulled myself together and began to calm him down and give him warm water. The doctor arrived and praised me for starting to give my son water on time. He prescribed probiotics and prescribed an electrolytic solution just in case, but we did without it. So, we managed with ordinary water.”

When the baby is already recovering, in addition to water, other drinks, such as tea, can be introduced into his diet. This drink, sweetened with honey and diluted with milk, is loved by children. The only thing mothers should remember is that the tea should not be too strong.

When the baby is seriously naughty, an excellent sedative is a decoction of oatmeal. Any mother can make this drink. Read how to do it correctly here.

Very often, infants suffer from constipation. A decoction of prunes will help to cope with this problem. How this drink works and the recipe for its preparation can be found on this page

  • dehydration - lack of water in the body;
  • Dehydration is more common in infants;
  • artificial children are the most unprotected children;
  • There are several degrees of severity of dehydration;
  • treatment directly depends on the severity of dehydration;
  • Prevention consists of timely treatment.

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Many infectious diseases are accompanied by dehydration. Parents often underestimate the danger of this condition, not knowing that it has irreversible consequences for the child's body.

In case of dehydration, necessary body water level decreases below normal. This is a dangerous sign, which, with a significant decrease in fluid, leads to death or serious disorders in the body.

This is especially dangerous for young children, their childish, fragile bodies. This article discusses signs and causes of dehydration in the child and options for treatment and restoration of water balance in the body.

How can you tell if your child is dehydrated?

If the baby is lethargic and lies quietly in the crib, then many parents think that he is simply tired, capricious due to the change in weather, or simply in a bad mood. Don't scare some parents and cold baby feet– they cover him and wait for the baby to warm up.

But if even under a warm blanket the baby still has cold limbs and is still not in the mood, then this may be a sign of dehydration in a baby.

Lethargy, cold extremities and infrequent urination are clear symptoms of dehydration.

You can tell if your baby is dehydrated by the following symptoms:

  • extreme thirst– the child drinks two or even three times more fluid than usual; often complains that he is thirsty - this is how the body tries to independently compensate for lost water reserves
  • stool up to 5 times a day, most often liquid - this should be the first alarm bell for you, because most likely there is an intestinal infection in the child’s body
  • vomit
  • bluish skin tone
  • restless or vice versa lethargic behavior baby

It is important to consider that There are three types of dehydration:

  1. Light (if the loss of fluid in the body is no more than 5%)
  2. Moderate (fluid loss within 5-10%)
  3. Severe (fluid loss more than 10%)

Moderate and severe dehydration is treated in a hospital setting

With each of these types of dehydration, the symptoms mentioned earlier may occur. to varying degrees of difficulty or frequencies. If with mild dehydration there may be only thirst and frequent bowel movements, then with severe dehydration the child’s condition can reach the point of loss of consciousness.

Therefore, if you see uncharacteristic manifestations in your child’s behavior, contact us immediately. to the children's doctor, because the child’s health is the most valuable thing and under no circumstances should you risk it.

Signs of dehydration

If your child is severely dehydrated will be very sleepy– it will be difficult for him to wake up, and he will constantly want to sleep. You will also see that even with severe thirst, within a couple of minutes after he drinks water, his mouth will be dry again.

Up to two months in a child no tears, if he is older and, for some reason, cries, but you don’t see tears, then this will also be an alarming signal that there is a water imbalance in the child’s body.

If a baby over 2 months old does not cry when crying, this may be a sign of dehydration.

Absence urinating for more than 8 hours- a serious reason for concern. If such signs also include vomiting or diarrhea, then it is necessary to exclude viral intestinal diseases.

Feel the pulse and listen to the baby's breathing - if you hear increased heart rate and breathing If you have the above symptoms, call a doctor immediately.

At moderate dehydration Almost all the signs that were described earlier are preserved, but in less frequency and not in such a strong manifestation.

For all stages of dehydration, be sure to look at the fontanel. A sunken fontanel on the top of a child’s head is one of the main signs of moderate to severe dehydration.

Recession of the fontanelle due to dehydration

Mild dehydration not so serious and with proper treatment all symptoms go away fairly quickly. Mild dehydration occurs thirst and slight lethargy. If viral infections are not expressed, then you can restore the lost water norm at home, without going to the doctor.

Despite the complexity of the disease, if you cannot cope with treatment on your own, do not delay in seeing a doctor. Dehydration of the body is a dangerous progressive process and, if treatment measures are not carried out in time, consequences for the body can be very difficult.

Causes of dehydration in children

Almost every time viral disease or intestinal infection the child suffers from dehydration. From such diseases, children often experience vomiting or diarrhea, which causes the body to lose water and nutrients in the body.

Dehydration may be caused by fever

Viral diseases are characterized by heat, which also contributes to dehydration of the body. If your child is sick, try to bring down his temperature and make sure he drinks plenty of water.

Infants become dehydrated due to illness happens very quickly.

Be sure to give your child water or water during treatment. dried fruit compote to restore the body's water balance.

If the child has been in the sun without a hat, then this can also be the cause of dehydration and another dangerous phenomenon - sunstroke. Therefore, parents should be vigilant and not leave their child outside in hot weather without a panama hat or cap.

Dehydration can occur due to sunstroke

Child dehydration– this is a serious reason to consult a doctor, because due to the lack of the required amount of water, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted and the general condition of the body worsens, which must be brought back to normal.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon that without intervention or treatment cannot be eliminated. Be vigilant about your child’s health and pay attention to any deviations in his behavior.

Dehydration in a child under one year old

Infants need to stay hydrated watch especially carefully. After all, the younger the child, the less time water is retained in his body. For comparison, in an adult, water molecules are retained up to 15 days, in babies under one year old only up to 3 days, and fluids in the child’s body as much as 75%.

Dehydration in a child under one year of age is extremely dangerous.

If the amount of liquid decreases by more than by 5%, then the body will be saved by its redistribution in the amount that remains in the body. And this will contribute to decrease in blood circulation volume. All this will lead to problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and will negatively affect the child’s body as a whole.

Monitor the dosage of fluid very carefully for a child under one year old. From one month to six months of age, give your child daily 150 ml liquid, as an additional component to breast milk. After reaching six months and up to one year double the dosage.

Soldering a child up to one year old if he is dehydrated with water

When did you notice that your one-year-old child is exhibiting signs of dehydration, contact your pediatrician immediately. Until the doctor arrives for an examination, give the child a little drink every half hour and try to keep the baby in a cool place to reduce fluid loss through the skin.

Children under one year of age are very vulnerable to viruses and other infectious diseases. Take care of your baby's health and pay attention to his behavior. At this age children are still cannot complain of pain or illness, so only unusual behavior or unhealthy symptoms will be indicators for you that your child needs show to a specialist.

Dehydration in a child due to vomiting

For stomach upset in the form of vomiting, which may occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in case of poisoning or high temperature, the child must immediately receive qualified assistance. Because vomit– this is not only an extremely unpleasant, but also quite dangerous phenomenon.

Dehydration due to vomiting is dangerous because it often makes it impossible to take in fluids.

Try to have your child drink in small sips. no more than 40 ml of liquid at a time. You should do this no more than once within 10-15 minutes. The liquid should be at room temperature and in no case carbonated.

If the child refuses to drink everything except cold sparkling water– pour it into an open glass and let it brew until all the gas is out, and the water reached room temperature.

You can't drink a lot of water at once, because if you drink quickly and a lot, the child’s stomach will swell from the resulting liquid, and gagging will make themselves known again. Control color and amount of urine child - if urination is frequent after drinking and the urine is light yellow in color, it means the situation has returned to normal. If these indicators do not change, then you should call a doctor and use medication as prescribed.

Dehydration in a child with diarrhea

In case of poisoning or intestinal diseases, the child may be worried not only vomiting, but also diarrhea. This is an equally dangerous condition, since it also causes dehydration due to loss of fluid.

Dehydration due to diarrhea
  • If your child loses weight due to diarrhea a kilogram in a few days, then this is a very dangerous symptom and it is better not to lead to such a situation, since an imbalance in the water balance in the body leads to renal failure, which is harmful to health and life-threatening
  • If you are observing a child extreme thirst, diarrhea, dark urine and high fever– do not delay calling your doctor. Diarrhea itself is more 3-4 times per day are also an alarming signal to parents - we can talk about poisoning, intestinal infection and dehydration
  • To restore fluid loss due to diarrhea, give your child 30-40 ml water every 10 minutes. Eliminate all foods except water, dried fruit compote and white bread crumbs

If after taking measures the symptoms are still pronounced - severe diarrhea, drowsiness, capricious behavior - it is necessary to call a doctor to prevent the child’s condition from worsening.

Fever and dehydration in children

  • For viral diseases temperature increase- The usual thing. But a negative consequence of the disease, in addition to viral symptoms, is also dehydration.
  • When a child has a high temperature, the body tries to reset it through sweating. And naturally, with such a manifestation, the body is deprived of fluid
  • To restore lost fluid, you need to give your child a little to drink. It's worth doing often enough, since in this way the water balance will be restored and the body will better fight the virus

Fever and dehydration in a child

Best to give to a child teas with lemon or raspberry- this is the best remedy in the fight against viral diseases - teas will not only restore lost fluid, but also create a warming effect. Should not be added to drinks a lot of sugar– Glucose is an additional medium for feeding bacteria.

If you have a fever or dehydration, replenish your fluids by taking a slightly warm bath, rubdowns and compresses. This way the body will receive fluid through the skin.

Fever– this is a rather unpleasant and dangerous symptom. If it is high and the body cannot cope with the disease on its own, you should call an ambulance to get recommendations for taking medications.
Before the doctor arrives, try to prevent your child from becoming dehydrated and make sure that the temperature did not rise to a critical point.

What to do if your child is dehydrated?

If you notice the first signs of dehydration in a child, first of all consult your doctor about treatment. Be sure to check with a doctor if your baby is under one year old, because babies have a very fast metabolism and fluid loss can be very rapid.

During the examination, the doctor will decide whether home treatment is possible or hospitalization is required after all, parents often underestimate the severity of the child’s condition.

Dehydration mainly manifests itself with a viral infection. Therefore, the first priority of parents is to identify the cause of dehydration and provide proper treatment to the child. During treatment, if medications are prescribed, it is necessary in parallel restore lost fluid.

It is best to feed your child a non-sweet compote

If the doctor reveals a mild degree of dehydration, then restoration is carried out at home by giving the child water to drink, unsweetened tea or fruit drink.
For moderate or severe dehydration, depending on the doctor's instructions, restoring fluid balance can be done by administering fluid intravenously.

In any case, these questions and Treatment methods should definitely be discussed with your doctor, because under no circumstances should you risk the health of your own child.

Treatment of dehydration in children

First of all for the treatment of dehydration it is necessary to pay attention to accompanying symptoms. If a child suffers from vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary to provide a diet; if there is a high temperature, support the baby’s body with broths and tea.

The doctor may prescribe to the child taking electrolytes, but this remedy can be prepared at home according to this recipe:

  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Half a teaspoon of soda
  • 4 tablespoons sugar

Treatment of dehydration in a child

This mixture must be diluted in a liter of water and given to the child. every 2 hours. You also need to drink a little non-carbonated water and low-fat soups with water. If the child does not vomit, you can feed him bananas, apples and potatoes. During 2-3 days You should not add anything to the specified menu.

If the degree of dehydration, in the opinion of the doctor, is severe and can only be restored on an outpatient basis, then treatment will be carried out within the walls of a medical institution. Treatment will depend on the degree of dehydration:

  • in case of moderate severity, the child is given an infusion solution, and if the condition improves, he is sent home;
  • in case of severe dehydration, the solution is administered over several days under the supervision of a doctor.

If you have symptoms of dehydration, you should consult a specialist

You cannot protect your child from all diseases. Therefore, if you notice signs of a viral infection and initial stage of dehydration, first of all, consult a doctor in order to be able to be treated at home, and not allow the situation to become advanced and require hospitalization.

How to hydrate a child who is dehydrated?

If you find that your child is dehydrated, you must immediately restore the lost fluid. Can you give the baby something to drink? rice broth, non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea, compote. A compote made from raisins of white grape varieties, containing in large quantities potassium, which is “washed out” from the body during diarrhea and vomiting.

At the pharmacy you can buy a special solution that represented by the following drugs:

  1. Regidron
  2. Galactina
  3. Citroglucosalan

Soldering a child with a rehydron

A decoction of raisins or carrots will also be useful. For cooking carrot broth You will need:

  • Pour 200 grams of chopped carrots with a liter of water;
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes;
  • Grate the carrots and pour into cooled water.

Raisin decoction It’s just as easy to prepare: pour 100 g of washed raisins with a glass of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, dilute the broth boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 and let the child drink. The decoction has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, refreshes well and saturates the body with spent vitamins.

Decoctions of dried fruits will be useful and soothing for the gastrointestinal tract - the simplest set of which will be apple and pear.

When restoring lost fluid, exclude from possible options juices from stores. Since, with symptoms of dehydration, the body could be weakened enough and it needs vitamins, not preservatives and dyes. Take care of your own child, and the young body will quickly get stronger and overcome all diseases.

Consequences of dehydration in children

  • If the child had mild dehydration, then with proper and timely treatment for the body this will not leave serious consequences
  • The greater the volume of fluid lost, the more seriously it affects the body’s condition.
  • If even one percent of water is lost from the body irreversible changes occur in the brain. Water is one of the main nutrients for the brain, along with oxygen.
  • And a decrease in such nutrition for a long time can lead to a number of diseases - multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease

Dehydration negatively affects the functioning of all organs, but the brain suffers the most.

Violation in the functioning of the immune system due to dehydration also occurs. After such violations the child tends to get sick more often viral infections, bronchitis, asthma and other serious diseases.
These are some of the most serious problems that can result from dehydration in a child.

Dehydration can also cause less serious but equally unpleasant illnesses such as obesity, blood thickening and others.

You shouldn’t grab your heart after reading these lines. Dehydration– this is a serious signal to see a doctor. But, fortunately, this is a symptom that, with proper and timely treatment, will not leave serious consequences for the child's body.

Monitor your child's condition Don’t brush off complaints about feeling unwell. If you provide your child with timely help and restore lost fluid, the child’s health will be out of the risk zone.

Video: Dehydration: what are its symptoms and what to do?

Dehydration is the process of complete dehydration, which is very dangerous for the baby. The body of any person consists of 80% water, so its loss is very dangerous and can lead to negative consequences. Against this background, irreversible pathologies that are dangerous to the child’s health develop. Dehydration in a baby should be stopped in time, so parents should know the first signs of this condition.

Causes of water shortage

Dehydration in infants occurs when the required amount of fluid is not regularly supplied to the body. It is important to recognize the situation in time and take all measures to eliminate the negative consequences. The causes of this condition:

  • Quite often, vomiting and diarrhea remove all fluid from the body. The situation is dangerous because additional minerals are removed from the body.
  • Infectious diseases often resolve with elevated body temperature, which helps remove all fluid from the body.
  • Taking diuretics.
  • Diabetes causes a large amount of urine to be produced. Its production requires spending additional water from the body's resources.
  • Excessive sweating, which is a consequence of various pathologies.
  • The baby may also refuse drinks due to poor health. For example, the symptom often appears during teething. The baby sometimes completely refuses mother's breast milk.

The manifestation of dehydration occurs against the background of changes in the functioning of some organs and systems or the lack of supply of a necessary component for a long time. Severe dehydration is dangerous, so it is important to respond to the first symptoms in time. Mommy must provide the baby with the necessary amount of drink.

Severe consequences of the process

Dehydration in newborns leads to negative changes in a large number of metabolic processes. First of all, it negatively affects the absorption of chlorine and potassium. The components are necessary for the proper growth and development of the central nervous system. If the pathology is not eliminated in time, the baby’s risk of kidney failure increases.

Severe illness puts the baby into shock, so he may lose consciousness. The situation is aggravated by seizures. They indicate the beginning of negative changes in the brain. During this period, it is necessary to provide medical assistance. Otherwise, the risk of death increases. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition of a small patient and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Degree of manifestation of the disease

Depending on the volume of fluid lost, the degree of dehydration in an infant is determined.

A mild manifestation is diagnosed if no more than 5% of the substance is lost from the total body weight.

In this case, the following symptoms of dehydration of this nature are distinguished:

  • The baby is constantly thirsty.
  • Bright flashes of vomiting are observed periodically.
  • Stool occurs two to five times a day.
  • The condition and character of the mucous membranes change noticeably.

The manifestation can be recorded at the first stage of dehydration development.

The balance can be restored independently, provided that fluid is regularly supplied to the body.

The average degree is diagnosed in the absence of 6 to 9% of the required volume of water in the body. The following signs of dehydration in an infant at this stage of development of the pathology are identified:

  • Stool occurs several times more often. For children older than six months, the frequency may be more than ten.
  • Excessive salivation and vomiting.
  • Lack of mucous membrane in the nose and mouth.
  • Poor palpation of pulse.
  • The skin has a characteristic blue color.
  • The skin becomes less elastic.

A severe degree poses a real threat to the child’s life. A sign of its presence is considered to be the removal from the body of more than 10% of fluid from the total body weight. The symptoms are similar, but more pronounced.

Children become cranky and have difficulty sleeping when dehydrated

The frequency of attacks also differs:

  • Profuse diarrhea.
  • Complete drying of the mucous membranes.
  • The child has no facial expressions.
  • You can additionally record the retraction of the fontanel and eyeballs.
  • In some situations, the baby cannot close his eyes completely.
  • The skin becomes blue.
  • Complete absence of urination.
  • A marble pattern is noticeable on the epidermis.
  • The limbs are completely cold.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Heart beats too fast.

The manifestation is dangerous because it occurs with complete leaching of potassium cells. In their absence, there is a deterioration in the functioning of the central nervous system, which becomes pathological.

Parents also need to know how to recognize that their child is extremely dehydrated. In this case, he can lose up to 20% of his own body weight. The changes are irreversible, because disruption occurs in the functioning of organs and individual cells of the skin. That is why mothers should be extremely attentive to their babies and, if they detect the first symptoms of the disease, immediately seek advice from a doctor.

How to properly treat dehydration?

It is also important to determine the degree of development of the negative situation. Not all parents will be able to cope with the process on their own. To do this, you should consult a pediatrician. He will carefully analyze the nature of the manifestation and select the necessary course of treatment. To eliminate severe forms, a mandatory hospital stay is required.

If parents notice the first signs of dehydration in their baby, then they should give him solutions that can replenish the fluid deficiency in the baby’s body. It is necessary to be extremely attentive to this manifestation if the situation is caused by diarrhea or vomiting. Dehydration often occurs due to a sore throat. After all, during this period the child cannot drink. It is advisable to use antibiotics to treat rotavirus infection. If a child has diarrhea for a long time, it is also recommended to use special drugs to restore stool.

Regidron helps cope with dehydration in infants

The situation cannot be left to chance, because it can only get worse.

  • If a child has a bowel disorder in the form of diarrhea, it is recommended to give him plain boiled water to drink. You should completely avoid juice, compote or tea, because these drinks can only worsen the general course of the disease. Even water should be given in small portions. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve maximum digestibility.
  • Vomiting is characterized by other manifestations. To eliminate it, you should give your baby special solutions every five minutes. A large volume is dangerous because it can lead to severe irritation of the stomach or esophagus. In this case, vomiting can only intensify, and with it the general picture of dehydration.
  • To improve the process of moisture absorption, Regidron should be used. The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted in ordinary boiled water. It should also be given to the child in small quantities, but often. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve a stable state within a short period.

Pediatricians recommend always having Regidron in your first aid kit. However, if it was not available at the required time, then a composition with similar properties can be made independently. To do this, you will need to add 0.5 tsp to one liter of water. salt and soda. To improve the properties of the mixture, 4 tbsp is also added to it. l. granulated sugar. You will also need to take one fourth of the ampoule of potassium chloride. This substance is used in the process of homemade curds.

At the first sign of dehydration, seek medical attention

Preventive actions

  • The baby must receive enough fluids for proper growth and development. On average, this volume per day ranges from 100-150 ml per kilogram of weight.
  • The child drinks much more water in the hot season. He should not be limited in this.
  • Fluid from the body may also be excreted through sweat. The situation can only be prevented if you do not wrap up the baby.
  • If during treatment it is necessary to take diuretics, then during this period it is important to provide the child with sufficient fluids.
  • Parents are recommended to always have Regidron in their first aid kit. It can only be used if its expiration dates are within the acceptable range. The drug helps cope with the consequences of vomiting and diarrhea. Thanks to this composition, it will be possible to prevent the development of complete dehydration of the body.

Dehydration is a dangerous manifestation for the fragile body of an infant. Parents should be extremely attentive to his state of health and, if there are characteristic symptoms, quickly seek advice from a doctor. In this case, they will not allow the development of negative manifestations and serious consequences.

How does dehydration occur in a child: symptoms and signs, what to do and why is this condition dangerous?

Dehydration is a condition of the body that occurs due to significant loss of fluid and electrolytes. While symptoms of dehydration are primarily associated with high temperatures and excessive sweating, it can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions.

This condition is mainly dangerous for children and the elderly.
The proper functioning of the body depends on the degree of hydration (moistening). All cells, tissues and organs use water. It is important in the processes of metabolism and transport of oxygen and nutrients. In a healthy person it makes up 75% of body weight.

How does dehydration occur in the body?

Most of the water is found in cells and intercellular space. A condition in which the body loses more water and oxygen than we can provide it disrupts the water-salt balance. This negatively affects the course of all physiological functions. Depending on the degree of loss of fluid and electrolytes, three types of dehydration are distinguished:

    isotonic – loss of water and electrolytes (salts that retain water in the body) occur at the same level;

    hypertonic – more water is lost than electrolytes;

    hypotonic – more electrolytes are lost than water.

Each type of dehydration is dangerous for the body of a child and an adult. Even minor disturbances in water-salt balance can affect a decrease in physical, intellectual ability and even mood.

Already a loss of 1.5% of the normal volume of water is an undesirable situation. The feeling of thirst, that is, a signal from our body about the need to replenish fluid, usually appears with a loss of 1-2% of volume, that is, already in this case we are dealing with mild dehydration.

Dehydration in a child: symptoms that are important to see

The most characteristic symptoms of dehydration in a child are:

    increased thirst;

    dry mouth;

    headache and dizziness;

    feeling of weakness.

In turn, problems appear with concentrating, controlling emotions, as well as a feeling of chronic fatigue. If the body does not receive the required amount of water and electrolytes, muscle tremors and rapid heartbeat often occur.

When you urinate, you may notice a small amount of urine, a stronger-than-usual odor, and a darker color. Dehydration can cause bloating, lack of appetite, and drowsiness.

The body stops producing sweat. It can lead to muscle cramps and increased heart rate. The skin becomes dry and body temperature rises. Depending on the degree of water deficiency in the body, dehydration can be divided into:

    mild (thirst, weakness, headache and dizziness);

    moderate (muscle tremors, rapid heartbeat, rare urination);

    acute (rapid breathing, fever, convulsions, loss of consciousness).

Causes of dehydration in children

Parents often consult a doctor with children who have symptoms of dehydration. This condition is most often caused by a reduced amount of fluid or a large loss of fluid. Sometimes it occurs due to these two reasons simultaneously.

Dehydration in children is most often caused by diarrhea, prolonged vomiting, or inflammation of the stomach and intestines, in which loss of water and electrolytes occurs through the gastrointestinal tract. This can sometimes be caused by serious illnesses, for example: it can cause vomiting and diarrhea, consequently leading to dehydration. Children affected are also at risk of severe dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration in a child can be caused by excessive sweating, such as in the case of a fever or a major burn (damage to the deeper layers of the skin also carries the risk of excessive fluid loss). Fluid and electrolyte imbalances can lead to excess urine production in children with diabetes.

Assessment of the state of dehydration in children is carried out on the basis of in-depth observation of symptoms characteristic of varying degrees of dehydration. Significant dehydration may be indicated by the child's weight. But in order to evaluate this, you need to know its meaning before the appearance of alarming symptoms. Mild dehydration is considered to be from 5-15% of body weight loss in newborns and infants and from 3 to 9% in older children.

Diagnosing dehydration based on body weight requires experience, knowledge and, above all, accurate knowledge of the child's weight. Since the range of permissible error is small, an error per 1 kg of body weight for a ten-year-old child means an error in assessing the degree of dehydration by up to 10%. This discrepancy changes the diagnosis from mild to acute and vice versa.

What to do when your child has symptoms of dehydration

The most important element of managing dehydration is preventing further fluid loss and correcting current deficits. In light steppe, it is recommended first of all to deliver liquid to the body: pure drinking mineral water, diluted juice, herbal tea.

We must remember that liquid should not be consumed too quickly and abruptly, especially if we are dealing with progressive dehydration. Those suffering from severe dehydration need medical attention. They are first given fluid in the form of an intravenous drip. Nutritional supplements and electrolytes are very important. The desired result will be obtained by a solution of glucose or potassium chloride in the form of an intravenous infusion.

In case of mild to moderate dehydration, you can use rehydration medications, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. To prevent dehydration in a child, he should be given plenty of fluids. It must have sufficient osmolarity. Therefore, carbonated drinks, undiluted juices or broths should be avoided. Since the water they contain is quickly eliminated from the body.

Drinks given to the child should not be too cold or hot. The best option is at room temperature. Warm liquids can aggravate the condition, while cold liquids will cause the body to protect itself from the cold by consuming energy, which is necessary to fight infection (if dehydration is the cause of the disease).

During dehydration, in addition to fluids, one should not forget about proper nutrition. It is best to give your child foods that contain plenty of water, as well as fruits and vegetables. The menu should not contain complex carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, bread, cereals.

Dehydration occurs very quickly in children. In extreme cases it can lead to fainting. Coma and even death. Therefore, if symptoms do not disappear or their severity increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dehydration in a child: symptoms, what to do from 28 Sep 2018

Dehydration (dehydration, exicosis) in a child is always dangerous. But the consequences are more severe the younger you are: the blood volume is smaller, the process of fluid loss occurs much faster.


The causes of this problem are:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • baby's activity in games.

Why is it dangerous?

Consequences of body dehydration:

  • damage to the nervous system of varying severity: development of seizures, others;
  • Impaired lung function: pneumonia.

There are still cases where a baby died due to dehydration. Dehydration in children under 5 years of age is responsible for 2 million deaths per year worldwide.


You don't have to wait until symptoms become obvious to begin taking steps to correct dehydration. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

If a child has a high fever, diarrhea or vomiting, it is hot outside or in the house, he was actively playing - it is obvious that it is necessary to replenish water in the body, even if there are no symptoms of dehydration. Too much fluid consumption in this case is not dangerous.

If on a hot day it is enough to offer a child something to drink, then diarrhea, vomiting, and fever are a reason to use electrolyte solutions. There is no need to wait for a doctor - time is very valuable in this case. Start treatment as early as possible.

Dehydration in children has the following symptoms:

  • thirst;
  • dry mouth, tongue;
  • crying without tears (in children older than 2 months);
  • retraction of the fontanel (a sign relevant for children under one year);
  • dry skin;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dry cough;
  • irritability;
  • lack of sweat;
  • drowsiness;
  • dark color of urine;
  • strong smell of urine;
  • infrequent urination.

Signs of dehydration in a child, indicating changes in the color, smell of urine, and infrequent urination are the most obvious symptoms of incipient dehydration.

How to determine?

Dehydration also varies in the percentage of salt loss. In accordance with this indicator, it is divided into:

  • Isotonic – loss of salts and fluids are the same. This is a milder type of exicosis.
  • Water-scarce – water loss predominates. Usually occurs with severe diarrhea and high fever. The child drinks willingly.
  • Salt deficiency – loss of salts predominates. Usually occurs with excessive vomiting. This type of dehydration can be recognized by the child’s refusal to drink.

Based on a clinical blood test, conclusions can be drawn about the degree of dehydration. Thus, dehydration is manifested by an increase in hemoglobin. An increase in this indicator indicates blood thickening, characteristic of a lack of fluid. The doctor also pays attention to the level of red blood cells and increased hematocrit.


  • 1st degree – loss of water up to 5% of body weight;
  • 2nd degree – from 5 to 10%;
  • Grade 3 – more than 10%.

Normal urination

Urinary norms according to the age of children:

  • up to 6 months – 20 times a day;
  • from six months to one year – 15 times a day;
  • by one year up to 3 – 10 per day;
  • from 3 years old - 7 times a day, subsequently the volume of urine increases, the number of urinations remains the same;
  • adult – from 4 to 7 times.

The brighter the symptoms of dehydration, the more signs appear, the sooner parents should consult a doctor, and the more intensively the child should be treated and treated.

What to do?

Depending on the degree of the disease, the following measures are applied:

  1. drinking plenty of water;
  2. ambient air humidification;
  3. drip.

In salt-deficient forms of dehydration, increased replenishment of lost salts is necessary.

For diarrhea

A child with diarrhea may develop moderate dehydration within 2-3 hours, and severe dehydration after 6 hours. It is important to start “unsoldering” the baby after the first loose stool. Oral rehydration medications should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Repeated vomiting can be caused by even small amounts of liquid. If your baby is vomiting, give him liquid in minimal doses. If the child is small, use a measuring syringe for an antipyretic or a syringe without a needle. Pour the minimum dose that the body can take into your cheek.

If dehydration begins, do not stop the watering process, even if the baby is sleeping. You can calm down only when the main symptoms disappear - infrequent urination and dark urine.

If you have diarrhea or repeated vomiting in children under 2 years of age, you should consult a doctor. Doctors do not want to take responsibility for treatment and immediately give referrals for hospitalization. It is the parents who must make the final decision on the advisability of such a measure.

For rotavirus

Watery diarrhea (without blood in the stool during diarrhea) characteristic of rotavirus does not require treatment with antibiotics. But they are prescribed immediately upon admission to the hospital, without waiting for test results. For several hours that you will spend in the emergency room and emergency department, you will not be able to properly feed your baby. Conditions in the ward are usually far from the recommended requirements for humidity and air temperature. Therefore, try not to end up in hospitalization and prevent dehydration in a timely manner.

For acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections

Dehydration in a child often accompanies inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. By humidifying the inhaled air, the body spends a lot of liquid. The air that reaches the alveoli has 100% humidity.

An increase in body temperature is often accompanied by a large loss of fluid. This, in turn, leads to blood thickening. The viscosity of sputum increases and it is difficult to clear. Viruses are actively developing in it. Hence complications: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. ARVI and acute respiratory infections are often accompanied by profuse sweating (heavy sweat).

In addition to the need to heavily water the child to combat dehydration it is necessary to observe air temperature (not higher than 22) and humidity (not lower than 50%) in the baby's room. Drinking for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections should be warm (there is a high probability of a sore throat) and sweet.


Preparations for replenishing the salt composition:

  • Regidron;
  • Pedialyte;
  • Rehydralite.

Solution recipe

You can prepare the product yourself. Dissolve in 1 liter of water:

  1. half a teaspoon of salt;
  2. half a teaspoon of soda;
  3. 4 tablespoons sugar;
  4. half a teaspoon of potassium chloride.

How much to drink?

Daily water intake for children:

  • up to one year – 130 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • from one year to 3 – 100 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • from 3 to 14 – 80 ml per 1 kg of weight.

If diarrhea begins and mild dehydration occurs, fluids should be given:

  • up to 2 years – 50-100 ml for each case of loose stool;
  • from 2 to 10 – 150 ml;
  • from 10 years – 200 ml.

When moderate dehydration of the body begins, the amount of fluid required must be determined by a physician, and treatment is carried out by a pediatrician.

Approximate volume of required rehydrant for children :

  • from 6 months to a year – 700 ml per day;
  • from 1 year to 2 years – 800-1000 ml per day;
  • over 2 years – about 1500 ml.

Plus, it is necessary to offer water and other drinks in the amount the child wants. Drinks include dried apple compote, tea, and rice water. No need to give chamomile tea for diarrhea! Chamomile tea provokes diarrhea. Milk, juices, and lemonades should also be excluded.

Breastfed babies should continue to be fed. If the baby is on formula, you should stop feeding the formula during diarrhea (consultation with a doctor is required).


It is difficult even for an adult to analyze the presence of thirst. A child, even an older one, is unlikely to remember in time to drink.

Therefore, the task of adults is monitor timely fluid replenishment in children, avoid a situation where the symptoms of exicosis become obvious. Treatment is always more difficult than prevention. Always have rehydration supplies in your first aid kit.

The human body consists of 65 - 70% water. And in a newborn child - by 85%. Over the years, this figure decreases, causing the body to age. The little man is actively developing, so he needs a lot of clean and high-quality water, so it is important to notice the symptoms of dehydration in a child in time.

Determining the norm of fluid in the child’s body

A newborn baby receives the necessary water with mother's milk. The situation changes with the introduction of the first complementary foods. From this moment on, mother's milk becomes insufficient to replenish the required amount of water.

Its norm is calculated using the formula: 50 ml per kg of child’s weight. Take into account the water in breast milk, which makes up 75% of the total volume. The difference between the two indicators will indicate how much water the child is missing.

For example:

  • the baby's weight is 7.5 kg, he needs water - 50 x 7.5 = 375 ml;
  • he drinks milk - 400 ml, 75% of it is water, this is: 400 x 0.75 = 300 ml;
  • difference: 375 - 300 = 75 ml.

This means that the child needs to be given 75 ml of water per day.

With age, the child becomes more active, eats more solid food, and water consumption increases, as it cleanses the body, restores strength, and participates in the supply of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, water must be available and in the right quantity. Its norm is calculated using the same formula as for children under one year old.

Causes of dehydration

Symptoms of dehydration in a child are varied, but they are all closely related to the causes that cause them:

  1. Diseases caused by viruses and infections, occurring with fever, aggravated by vomiting and diarrhea. If a child has a sore throat, he refuses to eat and drink;
  2. Poisoning with drugs and household chemicals, resulting in vomiting and stomach upset;
  3. Uncontrolled use of medications, as the body spends fluid to dissolve them;
  4. Intoxication of the body due to rotavirus infection. It manifests itself in the form of fever and cough, then vomiting and diarrhea are added;
  5. In hot weather, the baby loses moisture through sweat;
  6. Diabetes mellitus leads to frequent urination, more fluid comes out than comes in;
  7. Hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis and malabsorption lead to dehydration.

The fluid in the child’s body is replenished with plain water. Its uniqueness is that it is quickly absorbed, easily digested, and takes part in all important processes.

Types of dehydration

In the human body, water is present in the organs, circulatory system, between cells and tissues. Prolonged lack of fluid leads to dehydration or dehydration.

There are several types of it:

  • isotonic- a frequent type of dehydration, fluid loss occurs gradually, evenly, the body does not experience severe suffering;
  • hypotonic- vomiting increases the deficiency of extracellular fluid, sodium concentration decreases, which leads to renal failure, water from the blood plasma passes into the cells, causing their swelling;
  • hypertensive- prolonged diarrhea and increased sweating increase the sodium content, intracellular fluid passes into the bloodstream to ensure the functioning of internal organs, and a deficiency is created in the cells.

Consequences of dehydration

The functioning of the body as a whole depends on water content.

Its deficiency leads to changes:

  1. In the brain- blood supply and brain nutrition are disrupted, the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and atherosclerosis increases, the protective function of the blood-brain barrier is disrupted;
  2. In blood- thickens, its viscosity increases, the lumens of blood vessels decrease, its constituent blood cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets) stick together and lead to the formation of blood clots;
  3. In the immune system- immunodeficiency states develop in cells and chronic diseases appear: bronchial asthma, infertility, scleroderma, systemic diseases;
  4. Metabolism is disrupted, which leads to obesity.

Signs of dehydration

Dehydration in infants is determined by the following signs:

Older children suffer no less from lack of fluid in the body.

The following symptoms are observed:

  • prolonged diarrhea and vomiting (more than 12 hours);
  • faint consciousness;
  • labored breathing;
  • break from urination up to 7 hours;
  • complaints of pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • heat.

Symptoms of dehydration in a child are visible to the naked eye. The main thing is to carefully monitor the baby’s condition.

Normal urination

Dehydration leads to changes in the child's urine output:

  • the frequency of urination is reduced;
  • one-time and daily quantities;
  • an unpleasant odor appears;
  • color changes.

Approximate norm of urine output in children of the first year of life:

  • newborn on the first day - 5 - 6 times, volume - 60 ml;
  • up to 6 months - 20 - 25 times a day, 30 ml, total - 300 - 500 ml;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - 15 - 16 times a day, 60 ml, total - 750 ml.

Parents' doubts can only be confirmed or refuted by laboratory tests.

Determining the degree of dehydration

The child’s body loses fluid very quickly, this manifests itself in mild, moderate and severe forms. Mild degree - the baby loses up to 5% of his body.

Common signs:

  • thirst - the child constantly asks for a drink;
  • frequent bowel movements - up to 5 times a day;
  • slight vomiting - it can be mistaken for regurgitation;
  • the inner covering of the mouth, nose, and eyes does not change.

Correcting the baby’s condition does not cause difficulties. Medium degree - body weight decreases by 6 - 9%.

Lack of water is aggravated by the following manifestations:

  • intensity of bowel movements - up to 10 times per day, stool is liquid, mucus and traces of blood are present;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • the inner surface of the mouth and nose is dry;
  • skin loses elasticity;
  • the skin is dry, the folds return to their original position within 2 seconds, and acquires a bluish tint;
  • viscous saliva;
  • the fontanel sinks;
  • urine output is reduced;
  • the pulse is difficult to palpate;
  • the eyes do not produce tears when crying.

The child becomes capricious, restless, irritable. The condition is not critical and can be treated in a hospital setting. Severe degree - weight loss of more than 10%.

Has the following symptoms:

  • increased frequency of bowel movements more than 10 times a day and incessant vomiting;
  • dried inner surfaces of the mouth and nose;
  • the eyes do not close, the cornea is dry;
  • the fontanelle and eyes become very sunken;
  • the child does not urinate;
  • hands and feet lose heat;
  • the child may switch off;
  • pulse quickens.

The condition is difficult to treat. If emergency assistance is not provided in time, death is possible.

Dehydration of a child up to one year old

If the doctor considers home treatment possible, then he will prescribe drinking with electrolyte solutions in combination with glucose: the daily dose is 130 ml per kilogram of weight. They use Gastrolit and Humana Electrolyte. If diarrhea and vomiting continue, the child is admitted to the hospital for treatment through intravenous injections.

Dehydration of baby's skin

Skin dehydration is determined by the following signs:

  1. Elasticity disappears;
  2. Itching and peeling appear;
  3. Flaccid skin, when squeezed, the fold straightens out after 2 seconds or more;
  4. Cold, bluish;
  5. Takes on a marble pattern.

As a result of dehydration, the skin cannot perform its main function - protecting the body from negative external influences.

What to do if you have diarrhea

If a child has an upset stomach, the actions of parents are as follows:

  1. Give your child water as often as possible and in small portions. Use any liquid he asks for, as well as saline solutions. If he pees every 3 hours, then there is enough water in the body. If he does not drink, you should not hesitate to call an ambulance;
  2. Give medicine for fever if it is above 38.5 degrees;
  3. After each bowel movement, wash the child and lubricate the anus with baby cream to avoid irritation;
  4. Monitor the baby's condition and prevent dehydration.

What to do when vomiting

Vomiting, like diarrhea, is accompanied by the removal of fluid from the body.

  1. Call a doctor;
  2. Place the child on his side to avoid vomit from entering the trachea;
  3. Give sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Atoxil, Smecta). Even a small amount of them removes toxic substances and microbes from the stomach;
  4. Give your baby water and liquids with electrolytes (Regidron, Gastrolit).

What to do if you have rotavirus

Symptoms of dehydration in a child due to rotavirus infection do not appear immediately. First, the temperature rises and vomiting begins, then diarrhea occurs up to 10 - 12 times a day.

  • call a doctor;
  • Give the child liquid at room temperature in small portions (from a cup, spoon, bottle);
  • include in your drink means to restore salt balance (Regidron, Humana Electrolyte and others);
  • put the baby on his side so that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract;
  • do not give medications until the doctor arrives;
  • Monitor the baby’s condition and, if signs of severe dehydration appear, immediately call an ambulance.

What to do for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

Elevated temperature leads to dehydration of the body.

Tips for parents:

  1. Give your child water as often as possible. Any liquid will do: water, fruit juice, dried fruit compote, decoction of raisins and dried apricots;
  2. Use solutions for rehydration: “Rehydron”, “Normohydron”, “Gastrolit” and others;
  3. Instill the nose with saline solution (Aquamaris, Humer, Marimer). You can do it yourself: dissolve a teaspoon of kitchen salt in a liter of water;
  4. Any medication treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

What to do if you have a fever

To prevent high temperatures from leading to dehydration, parents are required to take the following actions:

  1. Create an air temperature in the room of 18 - 20 degrees, humidity 50 - 70%;
  2. Provide plenty of fluids: dried fruit compote, fruit juice, raisin decoction, sweet soda, rehydrating agents (Regidron and others);
  3. At temperatures above 38.5 degrees, give Ibuprofen or Paracetamol in liquid form.

In what cases should you not solder your child?

When helping a child with dehydration, it is important to know that rehydration is not carried out if:

  • constant vomiting;
  • critical dehydration;
  • decreased urine output, which may indicate kidney problems;
  • elevated sugar levels.

Each of these symptoms is a direct path to hospitalization of the baby.

When to urgently call a doctor

Parents should not rely on chance or their knowledge of pediatrics.

Call a doctor immediately if you have the following symptoms:

  • dry tongue;
  • dry crying;
  • does not pee for more than 6 hours;
  • does not sweat;
  • refuses to drink.

Methods for diagnosing dehydration

When identifying the type and degree of dehydration, an assessment of the clinical manifestations of dehydration is used.

Laboratory tests used:

  1. General blood test (clinical) - gives an idea of ​​the state of the body as a whole;
  2. Blood culture - determines the presence of bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics;
  3. Urinalysis - to exclude infection in the bladder, the presence of sugar, the severity of dehydration.

Treatment in hospital

Treatment in a hospital depends on the severity of the admitted patient.


  • oral rehydration;
  • parenteral treatment;
  • infusion therapy.

Peroral rehydration

This type of replenishment of lost fluid is used for mild to moderate dehydration.


  1. Solutions of glucose and salt containing sodium and potassium (“Glucosolan”, “Citroglucosolan”, “Regidron”);
  2. Liquids without salt, weak tea with lemon, compotes, still mineral water, carrot juice, rice water.

Treatment is carried out in two stages:

  1. In the first 6 hours, with a mild degree, liquid is administered in an amount of 50 ml/kg, with a moderate degree - 80 ml/kg;
  2. Over the next 18 hours, increase the administered fluid to 80 - 100 ml/kg.

The liquid is given in parts of 1 - 2 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. l. every 5 - 10 minutes.

Parenteral rehydration

Fluid replacement by intravenous injection is carried out when:

  • oral administration of dosage forms is ineffective;
  • lack of fluid becomes catastrophic;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • increased loose stools;
  • stopping urination.

The daily volume of administered drugs is calculated by adding:

  • the amount of fluid the child needs daily;
  • volume required to increase mass;
  • volume that the body continues to lose.

Additional liquid is added to the resulting volume if there is vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty in excreting urine.

Infusion therapy

They begin with the introduction of colloidal solutions (“Albumin”, “Dextrose”, “Reopoliglyukin”). Young children are given intravenous solutions containing sodium and glucose. Acesol is also used by others, but with caution.

Treatment is carried out in stages:

  1. Elimination of the consequences of shock, restoration of mass deficit, correction of hemodynamics;
  2. The solutions are injected slowly up to 15 - 20 drops per minute. Increase the volume of fluid with drinking and nutrition;
  3. A solution of potassium chloride is administered intravenously.


Dehydration in a child, the symptoms of which are discussed above, is treated with the following drugs:

  1. "Regidron" - normalizes the acid-base balance;
  2. “Humana Electrolyte” - corrects the water-electrolyte ratio, suitable for babies up to one year due to its lower sodium content;
  3. “Gastrolit” - replenishes water and electrolyte losses, chamomile extract relieves inflammation, eliminates spasms, and is an antiseptic;
  4. “Albumin” is a colloidal infusion solution for injection, restores water-alkaline balance, removes toxins;
  5. “Dextrose” is a solution for injection infusions, replenishes water deficiency, and is a carbohydrate nutrition;
  6. “Acesol” is a saline solution for injection, eliminates blood thickening, normalizes capillary circulation, removes harmful substances;
  7. "Trisol" - a similar action.

Treatment at home

Home treatment begins as soon as the child develops nausea, vomiting, and high fever.

What should parents do:

  1. Call a doctor;
  2. Observe the child;
  3. Collect stool before the doctor arrives;
  4. Do not prescribe medications yourself;
  5. Drink frequently and in small portions. Use water, still mineral water, saline solutions from a pharmacy or prepared yourself, raisin decoction. Liquids at room temperature;
  6. For diarrhea without vomiting, prepare rice water: a tablespoon of rice in 2 cups of water, cook until the liquid is reduced by half;
  7. Do not feed, if asked, give liquid porridge;
  8. If the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

Recovery diet

After normalization of the functions of the stomach and intestines, you should adhere to a gentle diet.

What can older children eat:

  • liquid pureed soups with water;
  • steamed or boiled pureed vegetables;
  • jelly from berries, compotes from dried fruits (exclude prunes).

For children under one year old and infants:

  • Infants receive mother's milk;
  • artificial - fermented milk mixtures, acidophilus milk, kefir;
  • complementary foods - liquid pureed soups and vegetables, steamed or boiled.

Do not use:

  • milk and fatty dairy products;
  • porridge with milk;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • strong broths;
  • smoked and canned products;
  • bread and pastries;
  • vegetables and fruits high in fiber.

Preventing fluid deficiency

  1. Accustom the child to drinking water with the introduction of complementary foods;
  2. Increase the amount of water for the child in hot weather and at high temperatures;
  3. Start giving your child water at the first symptoms of disease: infection, poisoning;
  4. Have saline solutions in your first aid kit;
  5. Do not stop feeding your infant during diarrhea and vomiting;
  6. The starvation diet is applicable only in the first hours of the disease.

Dehydration in a child is a pathology with a variety of symptoms. Armed with knowledge, parents will be able to help their child in time, without bringing the situation to a critical stage.

Video about dehydration in children, symptoms and ways to eliminate dehydration

Treatment of rotavirus in children, prevention of dehydration:

How to teach your child to drink enough water:

Dehydration in a child is a serious symptom that leads to rapid disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, especially the nervous, cardiovascular and urinary systems. In children, this condition develops rapidly, which poses a threat to life and increases the likelihood of death. It is very important for parents to notice signs of dehydration in time in order to help their child themselves or take him to the hospital.

Dehydration in a child - when does it develop?

Dehydration, or dehydration, is a condition when the body actively loses water and electrolytes, but cannot adequately and fully replenish them. Children are much more susceptible to dehydration than adults. This is due to the fact that the child’s body contains more water at a higher rate of water-electrolyte metabolism. In addition, in infancy, the mechanism of renal and neurohumoral regulation of water-salt metabolism is still very imperfect.

Dehydration can be caused by excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea, and less commonly, intense urination. High body temperature, injuries, internal bleeding and hemorrhages, active physical activity, fasting, and lack of drinking water contribute to dehydration.

An important link in the pathogenesis is the loss of not only water, but also salts through sweat, vomit and feces, so drinking completely fresh water without adequate nutrition does not improve, but only worsens the condition. In this case, so-called blood thinning occurs - the concentration of electrolytes in it decreases. Under the influence of osmotic forces, water leaves the blood into the tissues, causing even more active loss of fluid. At the same time, the thirst center of the brain reacts precisely to the concentration of electrolytes, forms a persistent desire to drink and maintains a vicious circle. For these reasons, when dehydrated, it is recommended to drink mineral water or saline solutions rather than regular fresh water.

Common reasons

In children, dehydration most often occurs due to intestinal infections due to diarrhea and vomiting. Also, infants may suffer from symptoms of dehydration due to infectious diseases accompanied by high fever. A dangerous condition can develop against the background of viral and bacterial infections, food and drug poisoning, the manifestation of which is frequent loose stools and repeated vomiting.

A child may refuse to drink fluids during a common cold accompanied by a sore throat. In addition, chronic pathologies can cause dehydration - diabetes mellitus (with uncontrolled urination), cystic fibrosis or malabsorption syndrome.

Another reason is often improperly organized water consumption during travel. Parents need to pay special attention to this point. It should be understood that even a long walk through the shopping center can cause dehydration in infants (especially in the hot summer). How to understand that a child is dehydrated, what symptoms will indicate the development of a dangerous condition? Parents must note any unfavorable changes in the baby’s condition and know the main signs indicating dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration

Signs of dehydration in a child are quite typical. The very first of them is severe thirst and dry mouth, while the baby’s appetite decreases. The skin becomes drier and hotter. The baby feels bad, cries, but no tears are produced. If a child already knows how to speak, he will complain of a headache, and less often of pain in the heart. During physical activity, fatigue occurs faster than usual.

More severe signs of dehydration are a lack of saliva production, a change in the appearance of urine - it becomes a deep yellow color, and its amount decreases significantly. The child becomes lethargic and loses interest in what is happening around him. At this stage, severe headaches, heart pain, muscle weakness, and sometimes cramps are possible.

Dangerous symptoms

Dangerous symptoms indicating that dehydration is becoming severe are disturbances of consciousness, convulsions, delirium, lack of urine. With a severe degree of dehydration, urination is completely absent, the mucous membranes become dry, and the skin, when collected in folds, does not straighten out within a few seconds. The baby's fontanelle and eyeballs sink, and his face becomes like a mask, as there is no facial expression. The child cannot close his eyelids completely, the cornea of ​​the eyes becomes dry, the skin becomes bluish, and the limbs become cold.

If such symptoms occur, you should urgently call an ambulance and immediately take the child to the hospital. It is impossible to cure severe dehydration on your own at home; hospitalization in this case is required.

The condition of dehydration in children is characterized by rapid progression, and the younger the child, the faster the pathological process develops. Also, the rate of deterioration of the baby’s well-being is influenced by the intensity of diarrhea or vomiting, and the characteristics of the child’s sweating. As a rule, in infants, almost any disease occurs with an increase in temperature to high values, as a result of which this condition is accompanied by increased sweating and a greater risk of dehydration.

What are the dangers of dehydration in a child?

Water is the main medium in which biological processes take place, so its role in the human body is difficult to overestimate. But besides the direct loss of fluid, there are other consequences of dehydration in a child. Salts and minerals leave with water, the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and vital systems of the body.

The kidneys are the first to suffer from such disorders. Lack of water and especially sodium leads to a decrease in glomerular filtration, a decrease in the amount of urine, and in severe cases, to a complete cessation of urine formation. As a result, breakdown products that are normally excreted through the kidneys are retained in the body and cause a toxic effect.

The cardiovascular system also suffers from a lack of water, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Due to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the bloodstream, blood pressure increases due to vasoconstriction. This leads to a disruption of the capillary blood supply and the accumulation in tissues of decay products formed during the life of cells. Such processes, along with a violation of the normal water balance, lead to intoxication of the body. In addition, the loss of potassium and magnesium causes a failure in the regulation of blood pressure, which leads to heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, a characteristic sign of dehydration are symptoms of arrhythmia, interruptions in heart function and chest pain.

Effect on the nervous system

The nervous system reacts most acutely to a decrease in magnesium levels, as well as to the accumulation of breakdown products and deterioration of blood supply. When dehydration occurs, the processes of depolarization and repolarization of nerve cells are disrupted, and as a result, prolonged dehydration causes their death.

Dehydration primarily affects the brain and the hematopoietic system. The consequence may be disruption of nutrition and blood circulation in the brain, which in the future increases the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, parkinsonism or sclerosis. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, increasing its viscosity and reducing the lumen of blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of blood clots.

The immune system also suffers, since dehydration contributes to the development of chronic immunodeficiency conditions - scleroderma, bronchial asthma, and also causes metabolic disorders and leads to obesity.


How to prevent the development of a dangerous condition, and what measures should be taken to eliminate the life-threatening consequences of dehydration in a small child? Firstly, you should be wary of any illness that is accompanied by high fever, diarrhea or vomiting. If your baby experiences at least one of these symptoms, treatment must be started immediately.

It is recommended to give a sick baby more fluids. If we are talking about a breastfed baby, he must be given water to drink between feedings. If a child cannot drink due to vomiting or a serious condition, you should immediately call a doctor.

Mild dehydration in an older child can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids and limiting physical activity. The baby needs to be in a cool (never hot!) room; physical activity should be kept to a minimum to reduce sweating. For vomiting and diarrhea, you can drink intestinal sorbents (activated carbon or Smecta). Other medications for diarrhea and diarrhea can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor.

Mineral water is preferable among liquids - it restores the loss of fluid and electrolytes. If the doctor recommends saline solutions, you should purchase the drug Regidron or its analogues - Sorbilact, Ringer, Disol - at the pharmacy. With their help, it is possible to quickly restore the normal acid-base balance and replenish the loss of electrolytes.

Rehydration solutions

It’s easy to prepare rehydration solutions yourself if you can’t go to the pharmacy. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. sugar and salt.
  2. Add 2 tsp to 500 ml of cool boiled water. salt, sugar and 1/4 tsp. baking soda.
  3. Take two liter jars, pour 1 tbsp into one. l. salt, in another - the same amount of sugar and pour warm boiled water up to the shoulders. Give the child the solution alternately from each jar every 10 minutes.

Solutions should be taken in small volumes, but often. For example, every 10 minutes the baby should be given a teaspoon of Regidron or its analogues. This regimen will help prevent repeated bouts of vomiting and will normalize the electrolyte balance in the body.

You can also drink sweet, weak tea or juice, especially for vomiting and diarrhea. Sugary drinks help maintain normal blood glucose levels, which is very important for impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients. You can give your baby freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, green tea with lemon and sugar, compotes of fresh berries or dried fruits, decoctions of cereals (rice, pearl barley).

Physical activity increases sweating, so it is advisable for the baby to move as little as possible. If he is lethargic and does not show activity, there is no need to try to rouse him up or force him to carry out any errands - this will only worsen his condition.

When is hospitalization needed?

Moderate and severe dehydration in a child with vomiting, if the baby cannot drink or his condition worsens, requires hospitalization. In the hospital, the little patient will be prescribed bed rest. Fluid (saline, Ringer's solution, glucose solution 5%) will be administered intravenously. It is also necessary to select a treatment regimen for the underlying disease or intestinal infection that causes dehydration. Severe dehydration requires intensive care unit conditions.

In children in the first months of life, it is necessary to seek help from a pediatrician at the first signs of dehydration, since life-threatening conditions can develop very quickly - within a day or several hours. In older children, you can try to cope with dehydration on your own, but you should still consult a doctor immediately if the symptoms of the disease worsen and the child’s condition worsens.

Despite the dangers of dehydration in young children, this condition can be prevented and successfully dealt with if you know what to do, what measures to take and when to call a doctor. Attentive parents will not only immediately notice signs of incipient dehydration in their baby, but will also take timely measures to relieve this condition.

Diet features

Diseases accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea contribute to lack of appetite. The baby refuses to eat, as attempts to feed him result in vomiting. However, to maintain the strength of the body, the child needs adequate nutrition.

As soon as the baby’s condition improves, you can give him a little vegetable or cereal broth, liquid semolina boiled in water, or a sweet drink. Fresh fruits - banana, apple, pear - will help maintain strength. It is best to give them to your child in puree form.

As soon as the appetite appears, it is necessary to provide the most healthy, light and gentle nutrition. It is recommended to prepare light boiled porridge (rice, oatmeal, semolina), mashed potatoes, and serve steamed omelettes. Serve meat dishes in the form of small steamed cutlets, meatballs in sauce or quenelles.

After a few days, as the condition stabilizes, you can move on to your normal diet. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu, prepare cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes, give the child fermented milk drinks and natural yoghurts containing lactobacilli, which help restore normal intestinal microflora. And, of course, don’t forget to take enough fluid.

Prevention of dehydration

The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids and eat a nutritious diet. Remember that the baby must drink at least 1 liter of water per day (this volume does not include soda, tea, compote and other liquids). In this case, the volume of fluid should be increased in hot weather and during illness, if the baby has a fever.

Babies under one year old very often suffer from infectious diseases, since the immune system is not yet fully formed and does not function at full strength. Parents should especially carefully monitor the baby's condition during this period. If vomiting or diarrhea occurs, the baby should be given rehydration solutions after several episodes of vomiting and loose stools.

Dehydration is a serious pathology that parents don't notice right away. More precisely, they see some alarming signs, but attribute them to fatigue, overwork, or a cold.

And precious time is lost. It is very important to see exactly dehydration(dehydration), and quickly help the child.

Impaired water balance is a pathology that is more susceptible to namely young children. And it is for them that the condition is most dangerous; the most important metabolic processes, including brain ones, are disrupted.

The immune defense is not yet fully operational, and the child’s body is not so strong in self-regulation, because dehydration happens quite quickly(compared to an adult), and the mechanism of complications also starts quickly. We will tell you about the first signs of dehydration in a child in this article.

General concept

This is a pathological condition, it is associated with decrease in the amount of water in the body, when it falls below the required physiological values.

Dehydration is always accompanied by a failure of metabolic processes. It is not a separate disease, it is only a complication of the disease that develops very quickly.

It's especially hard recognize dehydration in an infant, meanwhile, the speed of pathological changes, as well as the scale, is very high.

There are three degrees of severity - mild, moderate and severe. Lost in mild cases no more than 5% liquid, and it usually occurs in the first hours after diarrhea.

Moderate water loss by 6-10%, develops from a day to a day and a half, usually against the background of a very high temperature and refusal to drink.

Severe dehydration is considered to be a loss of 10% or more fluid, resulting from persistent vomiting and diarrhea.

Most often, dehydration is a consequence viral or bacterial infection. Since bacteria and viruses provoke the production of poisons, which poison the cellular composition of the body.

And the body itself, in order to overcome the problem, turns on all means of defense - the temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea develop, and loss of appetite is noted.

Also can lead to dehydration:

Exactly young children are at risk- There is more water in a child’s body than in an adult. Also, children have a high rate of water-electrolyte metabolism, but the renal and neurohumoral mechanisms of the regulatory processes of water and salts are not yet so perfect.

How can you tell if your child is dehydrated? If the baby is under one year old and has vomiting, severe diarrhea, fever- you need to call an ambulance immediately. Do not run to the clinic, do not wait for the pediatrician to come, but call a medical team.

Dehydration develops almost at lightning speed, you can only notice that the child is lethargic, think that an acute respiratory viral infection is beginning, but things are already taking a dangerous turn.

Call the doctors urgently with the following symptoms:

  • the baby has dry mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue;
  • the skin has become grayish;
  • saliva viscosity increased;
  • the child is lethargic and sleepy.

Similar urgent call for doctors requires a condition when the child constantly cries, he is restless, and the crying is dry (without tears).

The baby's fontanelles on the head become sunken, the pulse quickens, he pees less often, and the urine is dark with a pungent odor. The baby's eyes become sunken and an acute feeling of thirst arises.

Babies simply won’t be able to drink a lot, it’s physically unrealistic, so parents themselves can’t do anything - actions may make the situation worse.

You need to call a doctor immediately. If the doctor sees a mild degree, he will prescribe treatment, and may even keep the child at home. But more often the baby is hospitalized.

Older children need to be given plenty of fluids. Moreover, special solutions. These are Regidron, Oralit, you can take Pedilight, Glucosolan.

In the first five hours the solution is given every 10 minutes 5-15 ml. When the child's condition improves, the solution is reduced, but it must still satisfy physiological needs. If the child doesn’t drink at all, you can use a syringe without a needle to pour the solution into his cheek.

What to do if you don’t have rehydrate at home? You don’t have to run as fast as you can to the pharmacy (especially since this is not always possible), make your own rehydration solution.

For 1 liter of boiled, cooled water, take half a teaspoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of potassium chloride.

The finished solution is used only a day.

In this case, the liquid should be at room temperature, since hot drinks take up moisture, but cold drinks will simply pass through in transit.

You absolutely cannot wait, hoping that it will go away on its own. You should not overheat the child, you should not give medications that the doctor has not prescribed. Antiemetics should not be given, these medications are given in strictly limited quantities in special cases, and to older children.

The scheme is simple: if there are alarming signs, call a doctor. For children under one year old, this is only an ambulance; older children can call a pediatrician. While he is walking, give him a rehydration solution.

What are the consequences? Dehydration is extremely dangerous for brain function. When dehydration occurs, the barrier function of the brain's capillaries is disrupted, which can result in hazardous substances entering the brain.

Water is just as important for the brain as oxygen. Dehydration is also dangerous for the circulatory system - blood thickens, and its main cells reduce their activity.

For infants, dehydration is dangerous - it leads to borderline conditions if help is not provided immediately.

Call an ambulance immediately if the child has become unusually weak, if his fontanelles are sunken, his eyes are rolling.

Too lethargic, like a sleepy child, refusing to eat and drink - this is a reason to call an ambulance.

If you expect that the ambulance will take a long time, and the children’s hospital is not far away - take the child yourself. The phone number of your local pediatrician should always be at hand.

Dial it and find out how and what to do, describe the child’s condition. This way you will calm down, be coordinated by professional advice, and will not waste precious time.

The doctor examines the child, but the information that the parents say is no less important. You should monitor how often your child pees; if there is no urination for more than 6 hours, this is the most obvious indicator dehydration.

The color and smell of urine are also indicative - when dehydrated, it becomes darker and the smell is more pungent.

Lethargic or, on the contrary, hyperactive, crying without tears - all this indicates dehydration.

After examining the baby, after determining the degree of dehydration, the doctor determines where the child is best treated.

Mild dehydration usually treated at home.

The baby takes special solutions that restore the water-salt balance. Children under two years of age are usually prescribed Regidron and Rehydrolite.

Moderate severity is already an indication for inpatient treatment, albeit short-lived. The child will be given an infusion solution and watch as the small body begins to replenish the lack of water. They are discharged home when the child feels better and starts drinking.

In case of severe dehydration, the child is urgently transferred to a hospital.

There he will undergo a full examination, infusion therapy, the treatment of the infection itself, if the latter is diagnosed.

If the child is already two years old, then in addition to the rehydration solution, he can be given still mineral water, and also a light soup with water. Can vegetable or chicken broth.

If the baby last vomited more than four hours ago, you can offer him a banana, an apple, unsweetened rice porridge, boiled potatoes or durum pasta.

For about a couple of days, the diet should be like this, carbohydrate.

Then, if the baby feels well, gradually can be translated to a normal, more varied diet.

Sweets are not included in the principle of a restorative diet. Even in minimal quantities. Remember that they are only help the infection settle more comfortably in the body and “support” the inflammatory process.

A child of any age, especially a small one, should strictly observe the drinking regime. This, of course, is the concern of the parents. Water is not a substitute for juice, soda, tea or coffee.

You can offer your baby water slightly sweetened with honey and a slice of lemon.

It is healthy and tasty, and if you give this drink to your baby from an early age(provided that he is not allergic to honey), he will not like juices and lemonades so much.

In hot dry weather and when the temperature jumps, the volumes of liquid increase. Even one-time diarrhea and vomiting require increased drinking volumes. You need to drink little, but often. You cannot refuse breastfeeding unless your doctor insists on it.

Dehydration - real serious danger for a child.

Even if parents are adherents of the theory that it is not worth calling a doctor again, in a threatening situation they should discard their arguments, because the child simply needs to be saved.

How to determine dehydration in a child? You can learn about this from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!