Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth? Repeated pregnancy. How long after birth

This question is relevant for most women who have recently become mothers. After all, the body, after a difficult ordeal, which is childbirth, must fully recover and rest. So, is there a risk of getting pregnant without a period?

Contraception - yes!

This risk appears after 3-4 weeks if partners do not use protection during the postpartum period. After all, even breastfeeding with a three-hour interval is a dubious protection against pregnancy before the first menstruation. It is temporary and does not work for every woman. Some new mothers are sure that before the cycle is restored during the period breastfeeding they won't get pregnant. But those who have children the same age know very well that they need to protect themselves from the moment they continue intimate life after the first birth.

Hormonal changes in the body after the birth of a baby can last different period time. It depends on how difficult the birth was and how female body after them it is restored, depending on the age of the woman in labor, general condition her health, good nutrition and help her in everyday life. As soon as the woman’s health returns to normal, hormonal balance comes back to normal sexual relations resume, and there is a huge risk of getting pregnant again. If there are no plans for a second pregnancy, and if there is no recovery reproductive system Doctors categorically do not recommend it, then it is necessary to protect yourself. Ideally, a man could take care of this, given that a woman has enough trouble with a child.

Lactation and pregnancy

From our grandmothers you can hear the opinion that young nursing mothers have nothing to be afraid of getting pregnant immediately after giving birth. Allegedly, the period of breastfeeding frees a woman from the need to protect herself if the baby is fed every 3 hours or with less interruption. This method of contraception is called “lactation amenorrhea.” This type of protection against unwanted pregnancy It works if the break in night feeding is no more than 6 hours, and the woman has not had her first ovulation. If these conditions are not met, then the method is not reliable. Although some women successfully use it before their first period. There are also many who paid for their arrogance. An example of this is brothers and sisters whose birth difference is a year or even less. They are called weather patterns. The second, unwanted and unplanned pregnancy is difficult to track. There is no menstruation, the woman has no idea about her situation until she manifests herself secondary signs. This is vomiting in the baby, refusal to breastfeed, nausea in the mother, movement of the fetus. And, of course, after the last one, no one will get rid of the child. In the long term, a woman can only give birth.

Let us remember that the cycle begins on the first day of menstruation. And they are preceded by ovulation. When, after giving birth, a woman has completed the cleansing period, the lochia has stopped, and 6 weeks have passed since the birth of the baby, she should visit a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor will assess the patient’s health. He can also offer contraceptive options. His recommendations should not be neglected. After all, in the absence of menstruation, you can easily get pregnant if you do not control and track the onset of ovulation. And this is a rather complicated process. For example, you can keep a schedule basal temperature, measuring it in the morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time. But can a nursing mother always do this if she is completely devoted to caring for the baby? She certainly has no time for such measurements. Without knowing the period of the first ovulation, you can easily get pregnant. That's why the best option- use of contraceptives or a condom prescribed by the doctor.

Young female body after normal birth recovers quickly. Can work with double strength reproductive organs, and conception occurs. But this does not mean that carrying a baby will be as easy as the first time. After all, pregnancy is always a burden, a test, and stress. That is why doctors recommend waiting at least three years between the first and second pregnancy so that the body can fully recover. And in terms of caring for children, it will be very difficult for a woman if they are the same age.

So, the absence of menstruation after childbirth is not a guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Protect yourself! Take care of your body and strength.

During motherhood, you should not forget about caution and your healthy well-being. This also applies to intimacy, to resume sexual relations. Often ladies are concerned about the question: can you get pregnant if you don’t have your period? After all, if this happens, shock often occurs, since the woman has not yet recovered from her previous delivery. A month or a month and a half after the birth of the newborn, it is advisable to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will examine you and tell you if there are complications and recommend suitable means contraception.

There is an opinion that pregnancy after childbirth without menstruation is impossible. But this is not true at all, this opinion is erroneous and there is no confirmation for it. Absence critical days- not an indicator or a guarantee. This question is very individual; here you cannot act as “a friend advised, or an acquaintance said.”

Women after giving birth often ask whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after or not? A mother who has recently found herself in a new role is faced with new responsibilities and worries. A qualified, experienced gynecologist will answer the question and say that it is not easy, but very likely and even quickly.

Will it be possible to conceive a baby if you are absent? menstrual cycle? The opinions of experts in this field are based on the fact that the female body is designed in such a way that the cycle sometimes does not recover until the woman stops breastfeeding. Since the body is subjected to heavy stress during the period of gestation and it needs time to full recovery. For example, it takes 1-1.5 months for the uterus to recover and return to shape. During this period, lochia is secreted.

But is it still possible to get pregnant or not in the absence of menstruation after childbirth? Doctors say that there is such a possibility, and they recommend protection when breastfeeding. Do not forget about methods and means of protection.

After what time do critical days begin? For one lady, this process may resume in two months, and for another, in a year or more.

Should you think about your next pregnancy right away?

Many experts do not recommend repeat pregnancy immediately after the birth of the first child.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Breastfeeding a baby. At new pregnancy further changes will occur in the body hormonal levels. And this will affect the quality and taste breast milk. Also possible: stagnation, lactostasis, mastitis.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins. After all, all the vitamins will go to the development of the fetus, which means there will be no useful substances and it will not benefit the baby.
  • Health conditions will worsen (hair loss, dental problems, brittle nails, mood swings, nausea, weakness).
  • Blood flow to the placenta deteriorates (the fetus does not receive vitamins and minerals, which can lead to pathology of its development; the pregnant woman may develop anemia).

Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth without menstruation? The answer is yes, but it is very undesirable.

If pregnancy occurs immediately after the birth of one newborn, this can be very harmful to the body.

Gestation during this period often leads to negative results: possible miscarriage, premature delivery, various pathologies. Because of this, it is advised to take a break between births (at least for a year, with a natural successful birth, and for two years, after surgery caesarean section). Again, everything is very individual.

Some young mothers think that getting pregnant right after is unrealistic. Others are sure that conception cannot occur with breastfeeding. These thoughts do not correspond real facts. Conclusion: you need to be very careful and judicious.

Breastfeeding is not a birth control measure

Often women are sure that while the baby is fed only milk from the breast, there is no need to use protection during sexual intercourse. Of course, they are right in some ways. But there are facts that are very difficult to argue with and cannot be rejected. Even with constant breastfeeding, the contraceptive lactation barrier loses its protective properties over time. This happens approximately when the baby turns six months old. At this stage, the mother begins to introduce complementary foods, which means that the baby needs less breast milk. This reduces lactation.

Breastfeeding is not 100% protection against conception.

GW at the “new position”

Sometimes mothers worry and worry about how the process of breastfeeding during pregnancy is going, if this happens in a short period of time after the previous birth. There is an opinion that breastfeeding a baby after 32 weeks of pregnancy can lead to premature birth. But this fact has not been scientifically confirmed. The lady must control her sensations herself and follow the doctors’ instructions. And if a specialist prohibits breastfeeding, then this must be done as quickly as possible.

It also happens that nature helps solve these problems. Due to the influence of hormones, the flow of milk may decrease and it becomes tasteless. Which leads to the child refusing to suck the mammary glands. If pregnancy begins when the first baby is 12 months old, then it is necessary to gradually prepare it for weaning.

When is conception ready to occur again? According to some statistics, conception already occurs three to four weeks after the birth of the baby. This statistic is especially true for young mothers who stopped breastfeeding early. Under these conditions, the cycle will recover faster, the body will return to normal more quickly and will be ready for reproductive function.

Is it possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth, the answer is yes. The lady should be careful even in the first months after.

Some consider the main argument to be the fact that as long as there are no “red” days, it is impossible to conceive a child. But this is a misconception, because an egg ready for fertilization begins its maturation at the beginning of a new cyclicity. What if sexual intercourse occurs at the moment of ovulation? Therefore, it is better not to experiment and be vigilant.

Selecting protection methods

As you can see, the answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the article are affirmative and the likelihood of conception is very high. This is not affected by either breastfeeding or the number of times it is applied to the mammary glands. It is better to think about everything in advance and resolve all the nuances of interest regarding this delicate topic. Consult your doctor, let him advise you in detail, weigh the pros and cons. Then he will prescribe a protection option that suits you. In our modern world contraception huge selection(condoms, suppositories, creams, tablets, spirals). But everything is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the body.

Ovulation occurs, and if there is no menstruation! It's better to be safe!

You should select medications that are compatible with hepatitis B and are not prohibited during this period of time. If a couple pays attention to this nuance and uses contraceptives, then conversations on this topic will not be relevant for them. It is necessary to think about the consequences so that they are not sad and completely undesirable. Take care of your health and the health of your family.

The likelihood of conception after childbirth is of interest mainly to those who are in no hurry to immediately have another after the birth of one child. However, there are (albeit much less frequently) other situations: parents want the difference between their children to be as small as possible; Unfortunately, tragic circumstances occur (for example, artificially induced premature birth due to severe fetal deformity or high risk for the life of the mother). Regardless of the reasons for which you are interested in the likelihood of conception after childbirth, it is useful first of all to understand what happens to a woman’s ovarian-menstrual cycle during postpartum period.

Even during pregnancy, a woman’s pituitary gland begins to actively produce the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for lactation, stimulates lactation and at the same time suppresses ovulation. At the moment when the baby suckles, the secretion of prolactin intensifies, and as the time between feedings increases, it decreases. As a rule, while a woman is breastfeeding only, prolactin completely suppresses ovulation - lactational amenorrhea occurs (lack of menstruation during breastfeeding). However, there are, and often are, cases when, with sufficient lactation, the menstrual cycle is restored relatively quickly.

Regarding the likelihood of conception, the following can be stated.

When can you get pregnant after childbirth?

Firstly, it is almost impossible to establish any patterns in the timing of restoration of the ability to conceive. That is, of course, it is known that breastfeeding causes a delay in ovulation, but it is impossible to accurately predict the date of the first postpartum ovulation. The timing of the resumption of ovulation after childbirth is very individual. Moreover, they may be different for the same woman after different kinds, so you should not rely on your previous experience in this matter. The main indicator of ovulation restoration is the first postpartum menstruation. Non-breastfeeding women begin menstruation earlier than breastfeeding women. It is known that the most early ovulation registered in the fourth week after birth in non-breastfeeding women and in the seventh week in nursing women. In order not to miss the first postpartum ovulation, it is recommended to use a temperature test1. Breastfeeding women should start measuring basal temperature from the 6th week after birth, and non-breastfeeding women from the 4th week: so as not to miss the moment of its increase, indicating ovulation.

Secondly, after the restoration of menstruation, there may be anovulatory cycles(i.e. menstruation without ovulation).

Thirdly, the absence of menstruation does not mean that a woman cannot conceive a child. The fact is that the moment of conception may occur exactly in the middle of a newly restored cycle.

It has been noticed that when the next pregnancy occurs, the child often refuses mother's milk. It is assumed that one of the mechanisms of a child’s refusal to breastfeed in this situation is the following. At the moment when the baby begins to suckle, the mother reflexively releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles. This leads to a reduction in the terminal ducts of the mammary gland (milk is, as it were, “injected” into the baby’s mouth). At the same time, the muscles of the uterus contract. This is very useful after childbirth, but in the case of a new pregnancy, increased uterine tone can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, apparently, when the next pregnancy occurs, the secretion of oxytocin is suppressed, and the baby becomes unusually difficult to suck. Moreover, under the influence hormonal changes in the body that accompany the onset of pregnancy may change taste qualities milk. However, there is no natural connection between a child’s refusal to breastfeed and re-pregnancy.

How long does it take to recover after childbirth?

Modern medicine claims that for the complete restoration of the female body after childbirth, the interval between births and next pregnancy must be at least two years, although of course this should be considered more like a recommendation, rather than an immutable rule: many women have successfully given birth and continue to give birth to children of the same age.

Moms, don't rush. How long should you wait before planning your next pregnancy?

Agree, if there are certain WHO medical recommendations on the length of the interval between births, then it was not without reason that they were developed and written? In addition, unfortunately, not all women who want to have a bunch of children can be called practically healthy. For them, a certain period of break between children is not the last thing.

Why is the period measured: what should be the break between pregnancies?

From a physiological point of view, nothing prevents a healthy woman from becoming pregnant again literally immediately after giving birth (as you know, lactation does not prevent this at all). Often this is what happens, and identical brothers and sisters are born just a year or so apart. If the mother is healthy and the previous pregnancy went well, then everything will most likely go smoothly this time too.

Although, probably, there are very few parents who consciously plan for the same weather. Because, having barely given birth to one baby, immediately bearing the next one is not a lifting burden for all modern women (and their husbands). And the reasons do not always lie in the fatigue of the body after recent childbirth. The fact is that both physically and psychologically the female body at this time is not yet fully adapted to external life. Woman giving birth with baby for a long time is in sufficient closed system"mother - child". All the strength and feelings of a woman are directed towards the baby, for whom, in turn, the whole world is concentrated for a long time in one single person - the mother. Such a relationship continues as long as the baby is breastfed, which means at least a year or two.

Officially, doctors believe that the optimal interval between births should be at least two years. Please note that this is the period between births, that is, before the next conception and pregnancy, the body needs to rest for a little more than a year. The basis for similar medical recommendations served a number of anatomical, biochemical, hormonal and other studies. According to doctors, the body needs to be given at least a year and a half (before conception) so that the functioning of all organs is finally restored, vascular system, blood flow, hormonal levels returned to normal.

All the will of God?

It is quite natural that women who intend to endure a certain period of time and recover properly need to use protection. However, there are many in Russia who do not do this for fundamental, most often religious, reasons. Some of these women are already experiencing their sixth or seventh birth by the age of 25. Unfortunately, almost all of them are at risk. In practice, this means the threat of bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period, the development of diseases such as anemia, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis lower limbs and external genitalia (since veins located at the same level as the inferior vena cava experience permanent syndrome squeezing).

Due to the short break between pregnancies, the uterus does not have time to grow the necessary basal layer, to which the placenta should normally attach. As a result, fetoplacental insufficiency is formed, or a violation of blood flow between the placenta and the child. Children born to such mothers are often prone to malnutrition (stunted growth in the womb and low birth weight).

And all these problems are caused by one thing - insufficient time between births. After all, even if absolutely healthy body do not give rest, at some point violations cannot be avoided. Some may argue that in the past, children were born one after another, without thinking about the timing. In general, it was believed that if a woman is able to get pregnant immediately after giving birth, this is normal. So be it. However, it is also known that not all children survived, and many were born weakened. It would seem that the progress of medicine instills certain hopes these days. But on the other hand, the environmental situation and living conditions leave much to be desired. All this does not make a person healthier.

What issues need to be resolved before getting pregnant again?

Of course, plans to expand the family are a purely personal matter. And yet, the recommendations of doctors should not be neglected. They are usually based on how your first pregnancy went. When making predictions for the future, doctors must take into account the difficulties that the woman encountered the previous time. The patient may be suffering from illness general. In this case, they need to be eliminated and only then think about a new pregnancy. If serious anomalies affected labor activity, we need to carefully understand the reasons. Women who have undergone surgery during childbirth are automatically at risk. There is a certain order for them mandatory examinations. It also applies to those who suffer from chronic somatic diseases, blood diseases (clotting disorders, chronic anemia). Special attention required by patients with nephropathy. Against the background of this disease, in the last trimester of pregnancy, pressure increases significantly, swelling and unfavorable changes in the urine appear. If a woman is not cured or at least has not undergone the necessary examination, her new pregnancy will be more difficult than the previous time. Old problems inevitably overlap with new ones. And of course it’s better to get rid of them before the next pregnancy.

When should you wait before planning another pregnancy?

When preparing to become a mother again, a woman who is Rh-negative should take special care. It is not uncommon for the first child to be born with a positive Rh factor. But doctors don’t carry out necessary examinations, in the first 24 hours after birth, the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin necessary in this situation is not administered. The consequences of such mistakes are quite serious. Firstly, antibodies entering through mother's milk into the child's body can cause major changes nervous system, up to kernicterus. Secondly, if antibodies are detected already during another pregnancy, artificial labor has to be induced ahead of time so as not to aggravate the situation.

With a caesarean section, doctors recommend waiting at least 2-2.5 years in order to then conceive and carry to term normally. next child. Will mom be able to give birth this time? naturally, depends on the reason for which the cesarean section was performed. It’s one thing if a woman had a large fetus, breech presentation, or the weight of the fetus did not correspond to the size of the mother’s pelvis. In this case, after passing necessary examinations, she can give birth herself. If we're talking about about diseases in which it is impossible to independently endure such a load as childbirth (indications of a neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist), then avoid reoperation it won't work. It is clear that chronic diseases of the spine, an obliquely displaced pelvis or a fracture of the spine are better next births they won't.

Extensive cervical ruptures that occur during childbirth also limit a woman’s desire to become pregnant again as soon as possible. In this situation, cervical plastic surgery and appropriate adaptation period. Moreover, in this case natural childbirth impossible. The only option left is a caesarean section.

At multiple pregnancy uterus healthy woman returns to normal within the same time frame as during normal childbirth. However, according to doctors' observations, mothers of twins do not soon decide to have a second birth. Their workload is already considerable.

If a woman has suffered diseases such as syphilis and hepatitis, then several years must pass between present and future births.

The golden mean: the optimal break between pregnancies

The interval between births should not be too long. After all, when a woman decides to have a child 15-20 years after her first birth, it is difficult for both doctors and her. Over time, as a rule, sores appear in the form of infection, inflammatory processes in the appendages, often fibroids, mastopathy. Abortion is often added to this. Age cannot be discounted either. The woman has become older, which means that in addition to medical problems psychological ones also arise.

After so much time, they decide to have a second baby, as a rule, for the sake of a new husband. It is fair to assume that a woman is tormented throughout her pregnancy by questions: how will the stepfather treat the first child, and the older child - the newborn, etc. A woman is often forced to seek the help of a psychologist.

Of course, it is better to stick to the golden mean. However, it is clear that you need to prepare and plan for a new pregnancy in the same way as the previous one. Again, you will have to take the same tests and undergo all the necessary examinations.

By the way, in schools for expectant parents you can often meet experienced mothers who have decided to have another baby in our difficult times. They want everything to work out well this time too.

Elena Petrovna Ozimkovskaya, chief physician maternity hospital

There are cases when a married couple is expecting a new baby, having barely had time to experience the happiness of the birth of a little one some time ago. Sometimes this happens unexpectedly and spontaneously for everyone, and sometimes the spouses themselves want to quickly become dad and mom again. Both situations are complex and require detailed consideration and analysis.

It is important to understand that the mother’s body is not yet strong enough and restored enough to become pregnant again for a long time. You need to be especially careful about your women's health to avoid complications and unforeseen outcomes.

A bunch of married couples They want to get pregnant again quickly after the baby is born, so that the difference between them is as short as possible. In order to successfully achieve the desired goal (or prevent it), you need to understand in detail the intricacies of female anatomy.

The hormone prolactin, which is actively produced during breastfeeding, pauses the ovulation process for some time, slowing down the appearance of menstruation (critical days). Theoretically, the chance to conceive a son or daughter is then equal to zero. But even when the mother has not yet returned to her menstrual cycle, she can become a mother again. It is a mistake to think that lactation is...

You should also be aware of the risks that exist. Tragic circumstances often arise that cannot be prevented - disability, fetal death due to umbilical cord entanglement or large quantity intrauterine waters. There is also a danger for the mother, and it is associated with a direct threat to life, among less dangerous outcomes are premature contractions, inducing an artificial birth process, long and difficult efforts, health complications, infection, thrush, and other unpleasant diseases).

It is impossible to determine with certainty how long it will take to get pregnant safely; each organism and the processes in it are individual, and sometimes even the most experienced doctor is unable to predict them.

Time to recover

Planning a pregnancy after childbirth and the imminent birth of another baby should be based on the minimum required recovery period. This is very important and must be taken into account. If a woman has previously had a number of complications or difficult diagnoses, she simply needs a certain period of time for proper rest. How long after giving birth can you start trying?

It is not in vain that such a period of time is provided by specialists, because only after this period of time (1.5 - 2 years) the body completely comes into its own. normal position: work is getting better internal organs, of cardio-vascular system, blood flow improves, and hormonal levels are normalized.

If certain severe symptoms and there are no contraindications, then there are no compelling reasons to deny yourself the next baby. You just need to be very careful about everything that worries you during the waiting period.

A certain break is required

Ignoring the need to restore the body is the reason why you cannot get pregnant. It is extremely rare for the body to easily withstand such tests several times in a row without a break.

After the birth of the baby, the girl is in a state of extreme stress, feels tired and squeezed like lemon. The mother now has a huge responsibility for her baby, and new responsibilities include bathing, feeding, care and concern. And you should not forget about a delicious dinner, cleanliness in the house and comfort, all of this falls heavily (sometimes too much) on the fragile shoulders of girls.

What problems may arise if the new mother has not yet returned to normal:

  • there is a risk of bleeding;
  • thrombosis of the genital organs and lower extremities;
  • anemia (in varying degrees neglect);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency (the uterus does not have time to grow a sufficient basal layer for reliable attachment of the placenta);
  • genital tract infections;
  • premature baby with catastrophically low weight;
  • child's mental retardation.

It would be wrong to say that this awaits every woman who decides to undertake the following experience. But it’s definitely worth thinking about the decision more carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.

Those who are thinking about how to quickly get pregnant after the first birth should take into account several points.

  1. Doctors recommend remembering all the difficulties associated with the first pregnancy. This method will help eliminate possible risks and complications.
  2. It is necessary to eliminate general ailments that a woman suffers from at this stage. This is important to do before conception.
  3. A consultation with your attending physician will be required.

When is it better not to take risks?

A woman will be at risk if:

  • I experienced it the day before surgical intervention(there was a caesarean section or other operations).
  • Suffering from blood diseases (chronic anemia or blood does not clot).
  • Has nephropathy (there is a danger sharp increase pressure, swelling and bad tests urine),
  • It is characterized by Rh-negative affiliation (an infant with positive Rh factor, may suffer from disorders that occur when antibodies enter the mother’s milk; This is also the reason why doctors induce artificial contractions, which does not always have a positive outcome).
  • Suffering from injuries, fractures or disorders in the pelvis and spine (well-being tends to worsen and categorically excludes natural way birth of the baby).
  • Has twins or twins.


There are cases when it is really better to wait and not succumb to risks. Repeated pregnancy after artificial birth is immediately extremely undesirable and can cause a number of significant problems:

  • inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • dysfunction of the uterine mucosa;
  • ovarian disease;
  • increased risk of miscarriage.

Such complications are also typical for pregnancy after premature birth. The problem that arose last time tends to repeat itself. It will be much more difficult to bear a fetus, and will also require expensive treatment and consultations experienced specialists and a lot of invested own effort.

How long after childbirth you can get pregnant, each couple of spouses decides for themselves.

To play it safe own health(and life) it is necessary to take into account the age of the middle-aged mother. After all, the older she is, the more difficult it will be to cope with difficulties. Not only age complicates the situation, but also excess weight, chronic illnesses, problems of a gynecological nature, as well as those related to the musculoskeletal system.

If you firmly decided

Although doctors recommend refraining from making a very quick decision, you definitely shouldn’t delay it too much. By postponing conception for several decades, you have the opportunity to experience the complexity of pregnancy and birth. Therefore, you need to listen exclusively to own body and not be afraid of anything.

It is important to understand that restoring the body is not a whim, not a demonstration of weakness, or a useless demand from doctors. This is extremely required period for a young mother. This is important not only for appearance, beautiful figure and skin, but also for all organs and systems of the body.

The stress that the body has experienced does not go away without a trace, so waiting a year or two will be the best way out to avoid negative consequences and unexpected turns.

If the family still decides, to the expectant mother They advise you to be extremely attentive to yourself. Namely:

  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • give preference to light sports;
  • monitor your diet;
  • try to keep your weight within the normal range and not increase it;
  • remain calm and control your emotional perception, avoid stress;
  • undergo routine examinations more often;
  • do not ignore your own health signals;
  • go to the clinic for conservation (if required by doctors);
  • don’t be shy to ask about what’s bothering you.

You need to listen to doctors and their advice, because this way you can control the situation, avoid difficulties in time, and prevent negative aspects.


It is possible and necessary to plan a pregnancy after childbirth, but with care, then every woman will be ready to happily bear the fetus. Those who often say “I can’t get pregnant” are advised not to rush. Treatment, diagnosis, taking medications and undergoing procedures, and most importantly, patience - best help for such cases.

The health of the mother and baby is the most significant and significant point at this stage. It cannot be ignored.

Issues of restoring the body after childbirth are always of great concern to young mothers. One of the most popular is whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth while not having periods.

Previously, lactational amenorrhea was considered quite effective method contraception, but modern doctors refute this opinion. Therefore, women should not forget to be careful and take precautions, even if the menstrual cycle has not yet returned.

It is known that immediately after giving birth, a woman experiences special discharge for several weeks -.

After about six weeks they stop completely and from this time you can begin to have sex. At the same time, it is important not to forget about contraception, unless, of course, you plan to give birth the same age.

In breastfeeding women, the pituitary gland produces a special hormone - prolactin. It regulates milk production and at the same time inhibits the functioning of the ovaries. Therefore, during the entire period while the mother is breastfeeding, she may not have ovulation and, accordingly, menstruation.

Theoretically, it is impossible to get pregnant in such a situation, but do not forget that ovulation can resume at any time and it is extremely difficult to determine it yourself. Therefore, it is possible to become pregnant unplanned.

To prevent ovulation from returning and to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to put the baby to the breast on demand and at least 8 times a day, this means every three hours or even more often.
  • Feeding breaks should not be allowed for more than 5 hours, even if it is at night and the baby is sleeping.
  • Complementary feeding or supplementary feeding cannot be introduced, so after six months the effectiveness of the method decreases sharply.

Not many women manage to follow these rules, since not everyone can and wants to spend most of the day with a child on their chest. And the baby himself may refuse such frequent feedings.

Therefore, in most cases, after a few months, women’s menstrual cycle is restored. It is impossible to predict exactly when this will happen. Therefore, it is possible to become pregnant in the absence of menstruation and it is necessary to protect yourself.

How soon can you get pregnant after giving birth?

The recovery time for the body after childbirth is very individual. If a woman does not breastfeed, in most cases her body will mistake the last day of her period for her due date.

But, if hormonal stimulation was used, this may affect the cycle. It is also very important how often the mother feeds the baby. To slow down the return of ovulation, you need to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.

If you are feeding little, or using supplementary feeding, be prepared for the fact that ovulation can occur at any time, which means you can get pregnant again.

Do I need to use contraception after childbirth if I don’t menstruate?

If you are not planning a pregnancy, you definitely need to use protection. Even if you would like to give birth to similar babies, you should think about whether it’s worth risking your health and your future baby.

Pregnancy is a huge burden on a woman’s body. It can provoke an exacerbation chronic diseases, anemia and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, coping with bearing two children in a row is very difficult, and the likelihood of miscarriage and premature birth increases.

This is why it is so important to think about contraception before returning to sexual activity after childbirth. The best option- condoms, as they protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections. During the postpartum period, a woman’s genital organs are very susceptible to foreign microflora, so protection against infection will not be superfluous.

If condoms don't work for you, you can choose another method. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many hormonal oral contraceptives for nursing, the so-called “mini-pill”. You can also get an IUD about six weeks after giving birth.

The menstrual cycle after birth is restored in the same way as after childbirth.

Therefore, it is impossible to predict the exact timing of ovulation. After cesarean contraception It is especially important, because you cannot become pregnant after such an operation for at least two years.

During this time, a dense and durable scar will form on the uterus, and the risk of its rupture during a subsequent pregnancy will greatly decrease.

Rupture of the suture on the uterus - most dangerous situation, which threatens the death of mother and fetus.

It is possible to become pregnant after childbirth, even if you have not had your period yet, and even after a cesarean section. But we must try to avoid this.

For birth healthy offspring It is necessary to take a sufficient break between pregnancies. This will give the woman the opportunity to get stronger and prepare to bear the next baby.