What does foot fungus look like? Fungus on the feet, photo. Examples, symptoms and stages of the disease. Why is foot fungus dangerous?

Nail fungus is a fairly common ailment in which the plates become rough and brittle, turn yellow, and become covered with small cracks. The disease progresses slowly and progresses in the absence of adequate therapy. Treatment of onychomycosis at home will help eliminate its symptoms if you use modern medications, tools and techniques.

The origin of toenail fungus

Before starting active treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease and reduce the negative influence of environmental factors:

  • A humid, warm environment is the optimal condition for the growth of bacteria; after walking you need to dry your shoes, and completely avoid synthetic socks.
  • Fungus often occurs due to a weak immune system; you can step on any surface with unprotected feet and acquire the disease. For these purposes, multivitamin complexes are taken.
  • Extension of artificial nails is one of the causes of fungus; the procedure should be limited to once every six months.
  • The most dangerous fungus is onychomycosis, caused by living spores. They can be in a passive state and then suddenly become active. You can become infected with this form of pathology in solariums, swimming pools, baths, gyms, or through someone else's shoes.

The severity, form and nature of its course depend on the cause of the disease. Accordingly, the dermatologist can adjust the complex of therapy for each type of fungus.

Main symptoms and photos of onychomycosis

Signs of nail fungus can vary depending on the form of the infection. Among them are the main symptoms:

  • the plate turns yellow, blackens or becomes brown-white, increases in size;
  • the surface is covered with a rough crust, the nail begins to crumble;
  • the plate becomes thinner or thicker;
  • the nail becomes deformed, which is accompanied by painful sensations;
  • under the plate the dermis is constantly moist, and an unpleasant aroma emanates from it.

Signs of onychomycosis include unbearable and severe itching, the formation of bleeding microcracks and blisters with liquid on the skin.

Forms and stages of foot fungus

Pathogenic microorganisms never infect the nail plate instantly. The pathology progresses, gradually passing through stages of its development.

Initial stage of the disease

Infection is preceded by skin damage. Itching, blisters, and cracks appear in the spaces between the fingers. As it moves inside the plate, the infection affects a certain area of ​​the nail. It depends on the path of bacterial growth and the type of pathogen.

It is impossible to independently diagnose the first stage of the disease, since there are no obvious symptoms. Specks and stripes on the surface are practically invisible. A laboratory examination will help detect pathology.

Onychomycosis of nails

Doctors divide mycosis into several types:

  • The normotrophic type of pathology is a change in the texture and shade of the plate. Specks and characteristic stripes form on the surface. The thickness and shine of the nail do not change, for this reason the disease is difficult to detect.
  • Hypertrophic type of mycosis - changes in the shade and texture of the nails. Deformation, slight destruction and keratinization of the plate. The surface is matte, the color is dark green or pale yellow. The shine disappears.
  • Atrophic type of pathology - the infected part of the plate becomes thinner and moves away from the nail bed. The shade is pale yellow, rich green, there is no shine at all.

Depending on the type of onychomycosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Advanced form of fungus

The last stage of the disease is characterized by radical damage to the nails. In the absence of complex therapy, the risk of plate destruction, as well as skin infection, increases.

The main symptoms of an advanced form of the disease are crumbling, complete deformation and delamination. The change in shade and thinning of the surface occurs gradually. An immediate transition to a serious illness is possible only against the background of concomitant pathologies, which is more common in old age. The last stage is complete destruction of the nails or severe deformation, as well as serious complications.

All types of onychomycosis are extremely difficult to cure, but in the first stages it is possible to get rid of the disease using conservative methods. If the form is advanced, surgical intervention will be required.

Complex fungal therapy at home

If onychomycosis was diagnosed at the first stage of its development, treatment will not be so radical. Subsequent stages of the disease will have to be treated for a long time; in some cases, dermatologists recommend surgery.

Adequate drug treatment

With a conservative method of therapy, various medications are used for external and internal use, depending on the stage and nature of onychomycosis.

Name of the drug Characteristics and action
The most effective ointments
"Zalain"The cream is used 2 times a day, from several weeks to a month. Certiconozole nitrate, which is part of the local drug, has a detrimental effect on pathogens.
"Candide"The main active ingredient is clotrimazole, which destroys bacterial microspores. The drug is applied to infected areas several times a day. The duration of treatment is 4-5 months, but can be adjusted.
"Lamisil"Terbinafine, which is part of the ointment, is one of the most effective and safe antifungal drugs. A small amount of cream is applied to the nail bed and nearby areas of the dermis 1-2 times a day, and gently rubbed in. The course of treatment is 14-30 days. The first improvements occur after 2 weeks. If there is no effect, then Lamisil is replaced with another medicine for topical use.
"Nizoral"The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Widely used for yeast bacteria. The cream is applied to infected and healthy areas 1 time/day. The course of therapy is 2 months. Symptoms of the disease disappear after 4 weeks.
Antifungal liquid
"Creolin"A veterinary drug with a strong antiseptic effect. The drug should not come into contact with the skin; to do this, you need to stick a patch around the plate. The problematic nail is treated once a day for 3 months until a new healthy plate grows.
"Fukortsin"An effective product of red or transparent color with a specific “aroma”. Apply 1 time/day without touching the skin.
Varnishes against mycosis
"Loceril"The main active ingredient is amorolfine, which destroys the structure of bacteria. Treatment is regular and long-term. The varnish is applied several times every 7 days for 6-12 months.
"Batrafen"The drug is used in monthly courses according to the following scheme: the first stage - every 2 days, the second - every 3 days, the third and further - every 7 days until complete recovery. You can use cosmetic varnish on top.
Nail plate remover
"Nogtevit"Used to painlessly remove an infected nail. It is an alternative to radical treatment. Stearic substance, tea tree, propylene glycol, triethanolamine and urea help remove the infected plate and grow a new one.

Application: steam your nails in a special solution - a teaspoon of liquid soap and soda per liter of liquid. Wipe your feet dry and apply a patch around the plate. Without rubbing, apply a thick layer of the product, trying not to affect the healthy dermis. Cover the treated area with a band-aid, remove it after 4 days, steam the problem plate, scrape off the detached stratum corneum. The procedure is repeated until the fungus is completely eliminated.

Medicines for topical use are effective at the initial stage of the disease. Advanced forms of onychomycosis require radical treatment.

Antifungal tablets

If the pathology develops quite rapidly, the area of ​​infection is extensive, and systemic antifungal medications cannot be avoided (which only a dermatologist can select). Medicines in this group have many contraindications; they are not prescribed to children or people with kidney or liver diseases.

Drugs in this group are not compatible with some medications, for example, hormonal birth control pills.

The most effective oral medications indicated for onychomycosis:

All medications are prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly under his systematic supervision. A dermatologist will be able to decide on the choice of complex therapy only after diagnosis and laboratory testing.

Surgical treatment for advanced stages of onychomycosis

The hardware method of removing nails affected by pathogenic microorganisms is an effective technology that has been used for a relatively short time. To remove the plates, not a simple scalpel (a painful procedure) is used, but specialized equipment. The process involves gradual removal of the stratum corneum without anesthesia, since the procedure is practically painless.

Cleaning is carried out once every 14 days until the infected tissue is completely removed. Then a course of antifungal agents is prescribed. The effectiveness of treatment - 95% of patients forgot about nail fungus forever.

Folk secrets of treatment

Natural remedies are quite effective for onychomycosis in its early stages. Most of them, used at home, really help get rid of the disease.

This product is a strong antiseptic that has an aggressive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. It is used in both natural and diluted forms. Treatment with oil in advanced and initial stages has its own specifics.

How to use:

  • At the first stages of the pathology, the oil is heated and rubbed into infected and healthy areas 2 times a day for 3 months.
  • In advanced forms, compresses are applied daily. A cotton swab is soaked in the product, placed on top of the affected plate, and covered with a film. After 20 minutes it is removed. You can mix 10 drops of essential oil and a teaspoon of honey and also use it as compresses.
  • Baths. Per liter of well-heated water, 20 drops of oil, liquid soap. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Tea tree is quite effective in treating fungus and is harmless to health, completely safe.

Celandine essential oil

You can prepare it yourself, but why complicate it if you can buy the product at the pharmacy. Application is quite simple: steam your feet, wipe with peroxide, treat the plates (remove the infected part, carefully trim the edges as far as possible) and apply celandine oil. The duration of therapy is until a healthy nail grows.

Several essential oils

Rosemary, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon oil can be rubbed into problem areas (2 times a day for 3 months) or added to baths. For 0.5 liters of water, 10 drops of product and a little bath gel. Mix well and place the feet into the resulting saturated solution. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Compresses for onychomycosis

Effective remedies for foot fungus. Several compress recipes will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease:

  • Garlic is a natural remedy that is effective in situations in which medications are powerless. Garlic is taken orally in the form of tea, tincture and used in the form of compresses. The result will be noticeable within 5 days.
  • Potato. At night, apply the juice to the affected areas or massage the affected areas with a slice. Time of use is a month. The first result will be noticeable after 10 days.

Onychomycosis is an insidious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Methods of therapy, medications and folk remedies are selected individually, depending on the picture of the pathological process.

To prevent nail fungus, you should exclude exposure to provoking factors and follow some rules:

  • You can’t wear other people’s things;
  • In the store you should not try on new clothes on your bare leg;
  • You should not walk barefoot in public places with high humidity;
  • hygiene products, towels, tools for pedicure and manicure must be personal;
  • Shoes and socks should not be worn on wet feet.

Prevention primarily refers to patients who have recovered from the disease. In addition you can add:

  • Antifungal drugs are used for several months after treatment;
  • It is better to throw away or disinfect old shoes;
  • treat the surface with which pathogenic microorganisms could come into contact.

Relapse of the disease is possible in 0.5-8 percent. Therefore, you need to monitor your nails and take appropriate measures at the first sign of infection.

How long does it take to treat onychomycosis?

You won't be able to get rid of foot fungus that quickly. Treatment of onychomycosis will take about 6-12 months, depending on the form of the disease, stage and its course. After all, complex therapy involves the use of various drugs and a recovery period, during which the dermatologist prescribes a maintenance course.

Nail fungus is not only a cosmetic defect, but a serious disease that reduces the body's protective functions. Against the background of weak immunity, dangerous pathologies can develop. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid problems associated with onychomycosis. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health.

Various types of fungus on human feet are called mycoses. When the skin is affected, the disease is classified as a group of dermatomycosis (athlete's foot, trichophytosis), since derma is translated from Greek as skin. If the nail is affected, the disease is defined as onychomycosis.

Foot fungus is a common disease that occurs all over the world. More often found in cities than in rural areas. The risk group for foot fungus infection includes athletes, shower workers, and hot shop workers. Children have thinner skin that is not protected from external factors, so they are also susceptible to mycoses. Another reason is increased sweating of the feet, as a result of diseases in the body or a congenital feature. Dermatologists believe that with age, the risk of contracting foot fungus increases. Factors contributing to the disease:

  1. wearing closed, uncomfortable leatherette shoes;
  2. a warm environment with high humidity is typical when wearing shoes;
  3. impaired blood supply to the extremities;
  4. frequent visits to crowded places;
  5. weak immune system or malfunction;
  6. wearing other people's shoes.

Rapid infection

Ringworm of the feet is easily transmitted in public places from a sick person to a healthy person. Infection occurs through contact surfaces: floors, household items, personal hygiene items, other people's shoes. The fungus is transmitted by direct contact; it multiplies very quickly, which is why it is so easy to become infected. Situations of fungus transmission in hairdressing salons through tools during a pedicure, as well as towels, cannot be ruled out. The disease affects the skin of the feet. It is especially common among men, as they spend most of their time in closed shoes. Frequent visits to gyms, baths, military service, where you do not always have to wear your shoe size - all this creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic fungi benefit from an unventilated area of ​​the room for reproduction. The spread of pathogenic flora occurs very quickly. The place where the fungus predominates is the toes and interdigital spaces. Saunas and baths are characterized by high humidity and high temperature, which is ideal for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Infection with fungus can be direct or indirect. You can become infected directly through direct contact with a sick person. Indirect contamination includes the use of objects that were used by a sick person.

Manifestations of mycoses

The very first symptom of the disease is the appearance of skin scales in the foot area. Infection occurs through these elements. Increased sweating is a favorable factor for the proliferation of microbes, since the altered composition of sweat becomes a nutrient for the growth of pathogenic flora.
Dirt and thread remnants from socks also collect between the toes. When fungal infection is added to the above factors, redness occurs there. The affected area begins to itch unbearably, causing discomfort to the person. The skin begins to peel off, causing painful cracks to appear. When walking, unpleasant pain occurs due to the presence of wounds on the skin of the foot. The skin begins to thicken and infection may spread to the nails. If mycosis is not treated, it spreads and affects the nails, destroying them. The nail plate initially changes its color to a white tint. Subsequently, it may peel off. Voids form between the nail plate and the nail bed. Fungus on the feet causes an unpleasant odor. In winter, when closed shoes are worn, the foot is not ventilated, the intensity of the damage to the feet intensifies. To treat this pathology, an accurate diagnosis is necessary, because there are many types of fungal pathogens.

Main types of disease

  • The membrane type (intertriginous form) is the most common. The fungal infection is observed between the fifth and fourth toes. Gradually, the skin acquires a scaly structure with elements of cracks. Sometimes a bacterial infection is attached to the fungus, which causes even more damage to the skin of the feet.
  • Moccasin type. Manifested by pain in the foot. The skin then hardens, thickens and cracks. Severe fungal infections take over the nails, which over time can begin to crumble and peel off.
  • Vesicular type (dyshidrotic form). It manifests itself as blisters filled with liquid appearing under the skin. Often occurs along with a bacterial infection.

Types of fungus on the feet photos with names

Photo of fungus on the foot

There are various types of fungi, and they are associated with various diseases. The four most common types of fungus that cause foot lesions are:


Fungi related to dermatophytes:

  • microsporum;
  • epidermophyton;

Molds that cause fungal diseases:

  • hendersonula;
  • altemaria;

Yeast pathogenic fungi:

  • pityrosporum;
  • candida;
  • сryptococcus;
  • malassezia;
  • сoccidoides;
  • histoplasma;

Preventive measures

Since fungi love a warm, moist habitat, it means that these conditions must be disrupted in order to get rid of them. Therefore, to prevent fungus, feet must be clean and dry. It is important to change your socks and dry your shoes on time. There are special antiperspirants on sale that will block the development of pathogenic microflora. It is better to choose leather shoes to maintain normal metabolic processes between the feet and the environment. The foot will sweat less, and fungi will not have the conditions to reproduce. It is advisable to wear socks at home, which you will take off and wash, while indoor shoes will accumulate germs and dirt.
It is necessary to use only your own things, since you do not know about the other person’s illnesses. Your immune system may not be able to cope with infectious agents and become infected. You need to air out your shoes more often. When visiting public places, it is advisable to take personal hygiene items with you. Never walk barefoot on the floor in swimming pools or showers. The use of prophylactic antifungal creams and ointments also helps. After all, swimming pools, locker rooms, saunas and other rooms with high humidity are breeding grounds for fungus. At home, it is better to avoid porous rugs in the bathroom.

Risk group

There are people who are more susceptible to this disease than others. This may be due to problems in the body, such as:

  • excess weight;
  • impaired blood circulation in the legs;
  • flat feet and foot deformities;
  • impaired immune system;
  • people exposed to stress;
  • after treatment with antibiotics.

Diagnosis of fungal foot disease

The doctor conducts a detailed examination of the foot and asks for complaints. Skin samples are taken from the patient to be tested for fungus. A skin fragment is obtained from a minor, specially made scratch on the foot. The nail for analysis is cut off from the area infected with the fungus. The presence of mycosis is determined by special tests. To identify the type of fungus, it is cultivated, that is, it is grown. In rare cases, the patient may be prescribed a biopsy. In this case, the prepared material is studied under a microscope.

Treatment methods

In order to get results from treatment, it is necessary to clarify the type of fungus and the presence of infections, if any, associated with it. The degree of damage is also taken into account.

The basis of membrane type treatment looks like applying antifungal drugs to the affected area. It is convenient to do this even at home. These medications stop the development of bacteria or slow down the spread of the disease. Many of these drugs can be bought at pharmacies without a prescription. The action of the substances occurs locally, at the site of application to the affected skin. It is important to monitor the dynamics of treatment; if there is no improvement, the drug may not be helping you.
If there is no effect from the drug used, then it is necessary to consult a dermatologist again about prescribing another treatment. You may need to be prescribed a stronger drug. In especially severe cases of the disease, tablets are prescribed. Many drugs have side effects, so it is necessary to monitor blood counts during treatment with pills. The fungus is very difficult to completely cure, as it can recur. Treatment should not be interrupted, otherwise the mushrooms may become resistant to the components of the medicine that affect them. During treatment, you need to keep your feet clean and dry. With a moccasin-like type of infection, onychomycosis very often occurs, that is, damage to the nails. Because the skin on the leg is thicker and it is more difficult for medications to penetrate, this disease is more difficult to cure. In this case, standard drugs “do not work” and additional therapy in the form of tablets is prescribed. Onychomycosis is infection of the toenails by a fungus of the genus dermatophytes. The disease can also be caused by yeast-like and mold fungi. There are several types of onychomycosis:

  • Distal subungual. Depending on the area of ​​damage to the nail plate, three degrees of damage are distinguished. If the nail is presented in a section and conditionally divided into three parts (in depth), then the damage up to two-thirds of its volume will correspond to the first two stages of the disease. And when more than 2/3 of the nail is affected by the fungus, this is already the third degree. In this case, the disease process involves the nail root (matrix), and sometimes also the folds of skin on the sides of the nail, called periungual ridges;
  • proximal subungual. Damage to the back of the nail plate, where the hole is;
  • superficial white. This type of onychomycosis is common on the feet;
  • total dystrophic. The last final stage.

For the vesicular type, the doctor may prescribe removal of the tops of the blisters. Then all the liquid that flows out of them is blotted. This area is dried and an antifungal cream or a special compress is applied to it. If a bacterial infection is determined, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by fever. Acute forms of infections are more treatable than chronic fungal and sluggish processes. In especially severe cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Antifungal drugs are taken until complete recovery. It happens that not all of the fungus dies, and when the medications are discontinued, a relapse of the disease occurs.

If the patient is not treated, the disease will become chronic and he will develop a severe bacterial infection. In addition to the foot, the skin of the toes may also be involved in the disease.

Traditional medicine offers compresses and lotions using tea tree oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and garlic to treat nail fungus. Washing with regular detergents does not always help kill pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate fungus from clothes, clothes should be washed in hot water or, if possible, boiled. It is recommended to use bleach and hot ironing.

Mycosis is a general name for all types of fungal infections. The most common types of foot fungus are dermatomycosis and onychomycosis. The first means skin damage, in the second case microorganisms penetrate under the nail. Other classifications of fungi are based on the causative agent of the disease and the main symptoms.


The type of fungus on the feet depends primarily on the causative agent of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms are divided into several types: molds, yeasts, dermatophytes. They lead to the most common types of damage:

  1. rubrophytia;
  2. athlete's foot;
  3. candidiasis of the feet;
  4. onychomycosis.

Pathologies are united under the general name “rubromycosis”, which means damage to the feet. The disease is also divided into several groups according to clinical manifestations: membranous, moccasin-like, vesicular types.


The disease has a second name - rubromycosis. It is characterized by overcrowding of blood vessels with blood, dryness and flaking. The pathology develops gradually and unnoticed by the carrier of the infection.
The first signs in the form of itching and burning appear in the later stages of the disease. At the same stage, nail damage occurs.
External signs of the disease: blisters, crusts, plaques and pustules covering the entire area of ​​the sole. If there are too many bubbles and plaques, the person experiences pain when walking.

When treating foot fungus, the type of disease plays a key role. Treatment of rubrophytosis is prescribed after microscopy and examination of the clinical picture.
The lesions are eliminated with the help of keratolytic (exfoliating) drugs. These include ointments and creams based on salicylic acid. Therapy is supplemented with antifungal agents, which include: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Mycozolon, Triderm.

For severe forms of the disease, tablet forms of drugs are prescribed. Damage to the nails is treated by removing them using emollients:,.

This type of mycosis is highly contagious. To “catch” the fungus, it is enough to use things that the carrier of the infection has touched. If you sweat excessively, have damaged feet, or have a weakened immune system, you are much more likely to get sick.

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Tr. mentagrophytesvar. It penetrates the stratum corneum or granular layer of the skin, spreads and causes severe allergic and other reactions:

  • rash of bubbles with a dense crust;
  • the appearance of edema, pustules;
  • maceration (skin erosion);
  • spread of painful cracks, scales, crusts;
  • yellowing and deformation of nails;
  • severe itching, burning, pain when walking.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor studies the clinical picture and external signs. Clinical studies, such as microscopic examination of the scraper, are used if the causative agent of the pathology is in question.

In the acute form of the disease, the use of silver nitrate 0.25%, resorcinol 1% and calcium 10% is prescribed. Allergic reactions are eliminated by drugs of the antihistamine group: Diazolin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine.

Diazolin Suprastin

This type of fungus is much less common than rubromycosis or epidermophytosis. The pathology is caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

Microorganisms of this type are present in the body of every person, but are considered conditionally pathogenic. This means that in small quantities they do not pose a threat, but when multiplied they cause unpleasant symptoms and consequences for the body. The latter occurs under the influence of factors leading to a decrease in immunity: hypothermia, frequent stress, overwork, etc.

External factors include:

  1. frequent maceration of the skin (separation of skin layers from each other during prolonged contact with water);
  2. injuries received at home or at work;
  3. wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially in summer (in hot climates).

Candidiasis of the feet can be vesicular-pustular or hyperkeratotic. In the first case, the disease is manifested by hyperemia (overcrowding of blood vessels), maceration and severe swelling. The skin in the affected area becomes covered with pustules and small flat blisters. As soon as the inflammatory processes subside, peeling appears.

The hyperkeratotic form of candidiasis is characterized by thickening of the stratum corneum of the dermis. Wide, scaly furrows of a brownish color appear on it. Diagnosis of this disease is carried out by exfoliation - fungi of the genus Candida are detected in the separated scales.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after making an accurate diagnosis. Medicines are prescribed individually. As a rule, these are systemic and local medications:,.

Fluconazole Itraconazole

Pathology in which fungal infection of the nail plate occurs. Infection is possible in public swimming pools, saunas, and showers. The pathology is no less contagious than mycosis of the skin.
Scales containing microorganisms are easily separated from nails and end up on carpets, floors, bedding and unpainted benches. In conditions of high humidity, they not only survive, but actively reproduce, which increases the risk of infection.

Initially, the infection gets to the skin of the feet, causing severe itching. The person begins to scratch the affected area in the hope of easing the discomfort, but only aggravates the situation.

The skin affected by the fungus becomes covered with small cracks and scratches, and microorganisms spread and penetrate under the nail, where they actively multiply.

The risk of getting sick increases with injury to the nail, impaired blood supply, or serious illnesses (HIV, diabetes mellitus).

Onychomycosis is divided into 3 types:

  • Normotrophic. The color of the nail changes from normal to yellowish-brown. The thickness, shape and natural shine remain the same for now.
  • Hypertrophic. The nail plate finally changes color. The shine disappears, the shape of the nail becomes irregular, thickening and partial destruction are observed. With this type of onychomycosis, it becomes very painful to move, especially in uncomfortable shoes.
  • Onycholytic. The affected nail becomes brown, thinned, and gradually begins to separate from the bed. The exposed part of the nail bed is covered with uneven layers.

Treatment with local antifungal agents for onychomycosis is ineffective, since fungal spores are hidden under the nail. It must be removed before starting treatment. This is done with the help of keratolytic drugs and patches.

In some cases, you can remove the affected nail mechanically - the dead parts of the nail are cut off with nippers or a nail file. Please note that instruments must be sterile.

A combination of keratolytic patches and mechanical removal is the most effective way to get rid of diseased nail plates. A ready-made set of Mycospores, which contains a special ointment, a patch and files for scraping, is suitable as a keratolytic agent. After removing the nail, systemic antimycotics are prescribed: , Itraconazole, .

One of the most common and most unpleasant types of this pathology. Often occurs in the warm season, begins in the space between the 3rd and 4th fingers. Later, the infection spreads beyond this area and affects the remaining interdigital areas.

A crack, sore or crater appears in the fold between the fingers, surrounded by flaky greenish skin or diaper rash. The damage is weeping, in some cases purulent contents are released from it.

When the type of fungus is erased, the peeling becomes pronounced flour-like, the surface of the finger seems to be sprinkled with flour. This impression is created due to the many affected scales that have separated from the skin. Itching is present, but does not cause severe discomfort.

The advanced form of the disease is characterized by:

  1. pronounced yellowing;
  2. horny compaction resembling calluses;
  3. severe coarsening, multiple cracks;
  4. splitting of nails.

In more rare cases (about 8% of patients), a “wet” type of disease develops - exudative fungus. It is distinguished by rashes of vesicles - bubbles filled with liquid.

Complex therapy includes local remedies: , . Nails are treated with Lotseril, Batrafen,. In advanced cases, systemic medications are prescribed: Lamisil, Fluconazole, Terbinafine. The drugs are taken until the fungus completely disappears.

Squamosis is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the outer cells of the skin. Hyperkeratosis is a thickening of the dermis due to the formation of the stratum corneum. For this reason, the squamous-hyperkeratotic form of mycosis has 2 more names: “athlete's foot” and “moccasin fungus.”

With the squamous-hyperkeratotic type of mycosis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the plantar part of the foot is covered with a thick keratinized layer of skin, which gives the impression that moccasins are on the foot;
  • the sole becomes so rough that it becomes covered with thick and wide calluses;
  • calluses become covered with painful cracks;
  • the pattern on the skin is visible to the naked eye, and the peeling becomes flour-like;
  • the itching becomes almost unbearable;
  • Over time, nails become thinner, break, and crumble.

When treating moccasin fungus, it is important to first get rid of the stratum corneum of the skin. This is done using soap and soda baths, ichthyol ointment, salicylic compresses, and wraps. For this purpose, salicylic ointment (up to 10%), creams with Vaseline or ointments with lactic acid are used.

If you cannot cope with this task at home, contact a podiatry center. Using a hardware pedicure, specialists will carefully remove the stratum corneum of the dermis.

Further treatment depends on the pathogen and is prescribed after an accurate diagnosis has been made. It is not recommended to do this without removing the keratinized skin - the components of the medicine will not be able to reach the lesion, which will negate all efforts in treating mycosis.

In other words, vesicular fungus is the rarest type of disease. The main symptom is numerous vesicles that combine into conglomerates. These are blisters filled with fluid or pus.
When their fluid begins to become cloudy, the vesicles burst, leaving behind ulcers. The latter merge into one line and form pronounced scars on the skin. This happens because the skin dries out and flakes off.
In 70% of cases, people with vesicular fungus experience allergic rashes. Various viruses and bacteria penetrate the ulcers, which is why the disease becomes mixed and it becomes much more difficult to determine the original pathogen. For this reason, you should visit a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Treatment should be started immediately. Before treating the feet with antifungal drugs, it is necessary to remove the acute process. It is better to entrust this task to a specialist: the doctor will carefully puncture the vesicles, treat the remaining ulcers with boric acid (2%) and apply methylene blue or brilliant green solution.

When the disease is advanced, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed. When the inflammatory process is relieved, local antimycotic agents are prescribed to suppress the causative agent of the disease.

Erased form

This type of mycosis is almost invisible and is characterized by minimal symptoms. This is floury peeling, microcracks in the interdigital areas, mild burning, itching. If you do not consult a doctor at the first signs of erased fungus, the pathology turns into another form - onychomycosis. This type of lesion is much more difficult to treat, and a peeled nail takes a month to six months to grow back.

Treatment is carried out using local medications: ointments, creams, foams. With their help, a layer is created on the foot that protects against new infections.

Systemic therapy is prescribed in extreme cases. The fact is that such drugs are toxic and have a negative effect on internal organs, in particular the liver. If the local remedy copes with the lesion, there is no need to take pills.

To prevent illness, follow simple preventive measures. Use only personal belongings, treat your nails with sterile instruments and visit public places (showers, swimming pools, beaches) in slates. Make sure your shoes are comfortable to wear, allow your feet to breathe, and stay clean at all times.

In the process of treating foot fungus, clotrimazole acts on the cell membrane of the infectious agents by aggressively destroying it.

Pros: for ease of use, you can choose a convenient format of Clotrimazole for treatment, for example, ointment, cream, solution or spray.

Minuses: cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, as this may adversely affect the fetus.

Price: from 15 to 220 rub.

Reviews: Preparation for using the drug takes some time: wash your feet, clean off rough skin of the feet, dry with a towel. Then you need to apply the product and wait for absorption. But there is an effect.


Exoderil is available in drops and tubes with cream, which have the same indications for use and effectiveness. It copes well with fungus on the skin, including on the feet.

Pros: You can choose a convenient release form. The drug contains naftifine, a well-proven remedy for fungal infections on the skin.

Minuses: contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. For wounds on the skin near the area affected by the fungus, Exoderil cannot be used.

Price for 10 ml of solution - from 500-700 rubles, for cream - from 450 rubles.

Reviews: The product is easy to use and helps get rid of fungus. It’s not cheap, but it will really help cope with the problem of foot fungus.

Additional and interesting information.


The drug is indicated for fungus on the feet. Akriderm can quickly block the source of infection and prevent it from spreading to healthy areas of the skin.

Pros: In addition to destroying fungal infections, it perfectly relieves itching and external manifestations of allergic reactions.

Minuses: when there is a manifestation of skin tuberculosis, chickenpox on the body, and there are also open wounds, Akriderm cannot be smeared.

Price varies from 100 to 700 rubles.

Reviews: Almost from the first stages of use, external signs of foot fungus disappear.

More details about the drug in.

Akriderm GK

This cream is available in tubes of 15 or 30 mg, which allows you to choose a convenient format. Effective in the fight for the health of the skin of the feet.

Pros: additional active substances in the cream can not only kill infection and microbes during mycosis, but also relieve unpleasant itching and allergies.

Minuses: Akriderm GK is not one of the cheapest drugs. Contraindicated until one year of age. There are other contraindications.

Price: from 340 to 700 rub.

Reviews: easy to apply. You can choose a cream or ointment at almost any pharmacy. Differences in consistency. After applying it, the affected area stops itching, so you don’t have to be distracted by other important matters.

Akriderm SK

This ointment contains salicylic acid, so its effect is more antiseptic and keratolytic. It is not used as an independent remedy in the treatment of foot skin fungus.

Pros: It will additionally help with inflammation of the skin due to mycosis of the feet.

Minuses: If you use the drug alone to eliminate an infection, it will not give a positive result.

Price: 220-450 rub.

Reviews: The ointment perfectly relieves itching on areas of the skin inflamed by fungus.

Detailed information about Akriderm SK.


The drug is available in the form of powder, cream and solution, which are suitable for the treatment of foot fungus. As with many similar products, the composition contains clotrimazole as an active substance.

Pros: not only effectively eliminates foot fungus, but is an effective antiseptic.

Minuses: cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Itching and urticaria may occur if contraindications are not taken into account.

Price: from 100 to 475 rub.

Reviews: Some drugs with clotrimazole are much cheaper than Candide. However, there is an effect in the treatment of foot fungus. The drug works.


This product is presented in pharmacies in the following forms - tablets, solution (spray), cream. Helps cope with fungus on the skin of the feet.

Pros: for treatment, you can choose a convenient format of the drug, which can combat the fungus from the outside and from the inside.

Minuses: Terbinafine should be used with caution, so consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Price: from 100 rub. up to 550 rub.

Reviews: both cream, spray, and tablets cope with the treatment of fungus on the skin of the feet quite effectively. I am glad that it is possible to cope with the causative agent of infection inside the body with the help of tablets.

You can find out more about the drug.


Lamisil is a drug based on the active substance terbinafine, which can select affected cells and destroy foot fungus in them.

Pros: a wide variety of types of fungal remedies - gels, sprays, lotions, tablets).

Minuses: The cost of the drug based on terbinafine is quite high.

Price: from 450 rub. up to 900 rub.

Reviews: Lamisil helped with fungus on the skin of the feet quickly and with good effectiveness. I liked the large number of release forms for ease of use in a given situation.

About this effective remedy.


Mikoderil is a product based on naftifine, a substance that works well against foot fungus. Available in the form of a cream and a solution in drops.

Pros: Mikoderil penetrates deep into the affected cells and does not have a negative effect on healthy tissue.

Minuses: Contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of open wounds and severe skin lesions in addition to topa fungus.

Price: 330-850 rub.

Reviews: The drug actually treats, and does not just remove symptoms. Mikoderil is easy to use, but you should read the instructions for this drug.

Read more about this tool in this.


Like many drugs for foot fungus, Nizoral has several options for use: a cream that is used externally, as well as tablets that act internally.

Pros: A well-known drug for the treatment of foot fungus. Its effectiveness has been tested by time.

Minuses: restrictions on use during pregnancy, liver diseases in the acute stage, as well as children under 3 years of age.

Price: ointment can be bought from 500 rubles, tablets - from 700 rubles.

Reviews: the drug works for its intended purpose, copes well with foot fungus - quickly and without leaving a trace.


One of the rare drugs for foot fungus, which is available only in the form of tablets for oral administration. It also helps with other types of mycosis.

Pros: You can effectively cope with the infection from the inside using these capsules.

Minuses: For those who do not like to take tablets, capsules and other pills, this medicine is not suitable, since there are no other forms of release.

Price from 250 to 550 rub.

Reviews: capsules already after the first course of taking them effectively cope with foot fungus, obvious external manifestations are visible. And the infection is blocked from the inside, which is very important!


Thermikon is a preparation for external use - sprays and ointments. It is based on the active substance terbinafine, which copes well with foot fungus.

Pros: convenient release form for processing and treating affected skin areas.

Minuses: cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. Thermikon is also contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and babies weighing less than 20 kg.

Price from 250 rub.

Reviews: Even with advanced forms of foot fungus, the drug helps very effectively. And the price is quite reasonable compared to similar drugs in the form of cream and spray.


A drug for the treatment of foot fungus in the form of capsules for oral administration. There is also a solution for those who are comfortable using this form of release.

Pros: The cause of foot fungus is blocked inside the body for a more active elimination of the disease.

Minuses: There is no release form for external use. In addition, Orungal is a rather expensive drug.

Price: from 2800 rub.

Reviews: the drug exhibits a pronounced antifungal effect. But not everyone can afford such an expensive drug.

Forms of development

External signs of foot fungus depend on the strain that caused the pathological process and the degree of retraction of the epidermis and nails. Types of fungus on the feet:

  1. Scaly or squamous appearance. Most people do not notice any signs of the disease. Redness of the dermis and its peeling are noticeable. Itching may not occur in all people.
  2. Intertriginous. The most common form of mycosis of the feet. It can progress spontaneously or against the background of the first form. Covers the dermis between the 4th and 5th fingers. The patient develops itching, cracks appear, and the dermis burns.
  3. Dyshidrotic. If the fungus is dyshidrotic on the feet, then a large number of bubbles with a diameter of about 2-5 mm are formed. Later they merge into large lesions and form ulcers.
  4. Onychomycosis, which occurs according to the atrophic, hypertrophic or normotrophic type. With this form, the nail plates are affected. They change color. The hypertrophic form is accompanied by brittleness of the nail and its thickening. In the atrophic form, the nail structure is destroyed. Hardened dermis is visible under the modified nail.

Attention! If any symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Main types of pathogens

Skin fungus is a contagious disease. The main causative agents of foot fungus are:

  1. Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum. These are yeast-like fungi that can remain dormant for a long period of time. After the influence of unfavorable factors, they begin to become more active. The first symptoms are itching and an unpleasant odor. The color of the epidermis may not change.
  2. Trichophyton interdigitale. Affects the skin between the fingers. After a certain period of time, it grows to the dermis of the entire foot.
  3. Candida albicans. Affects the nail plates.

Stages of the disease

Infection on the sole has several stages. These include:

  1. Incubation period. It depends on the person's immunity. For some, the first symptoms may appear a few days after infection. Others will not know about the infection after two weeks.
  2. Second stage. When moving to the second stage, a person experiences itching and burning. After a couple of hours, the patient develops redness of the epidermis. The dermis begins to swell and microcracks are noticed. At this stage, it is possible to get rid of foot and nail fungus using folk remedies for fungus.
  3. If no measures are taken and treatment is not started, the disease will progress to stage of considerable damage. The dermis begins to peel off, and large spots form. The skin on the foot begins to peel. Deep cracks form. This is accompanied by pain. At this stage, the entire process usually affects not only the feet, but also the nails, which begin to become deformed. Treatment for advanced and severe forms of foot fungus takes longer.
  4. Chronic stage. If drugs for treating foot fungus are used incorrectly, the patient will only experience temporary improvement. After a certain period, the disease will recur. This means that the disease has become chronic. Treatment of an infection on the feet cannot be delayed, so you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. It may take several years until complete recovery.

Causes of fungal infection

The route of infection can be direct or indirect. TO The first includes:

  • contact with soil or plants;
  • from an infected person;
  • transmission from an animal infected with a fungus.

Indirect route of infection:

  • through household items from an infected patient;
  • through equipment for sick animals.

There are several factors that are associated with the possibility of infection with a fungus:

  1. The age of the person. Children have a weaker immune system, so the risk of contracting an infection increases.
  2. Immunity. A weakened immune system is unable to resist harmful microorganisms.
  3. The central nervous system and thyroid gland, which are associated with immunity.
  4. Endocrine disorders. Fungal infection is caused by excessive sweating. Wet microflora is ideal for the proliferation of microorganisms.
  5. Hypothermia of the extremities.
  6. Injury to the skin of the feet, which causes the appearance of microcracks and calluses.
  7. Professional factor. Sauna workers, coal mining workers, and athletes are more susceptible to infection.
  8. Abuse of antibacterial drugs.

Attention! The favorite areas on the foot for fungus are areas of callus.

Who suffers from foot fungus

The disease is seen in children as often as in adults. The child visits various public places where he has to take off his shoes. The child’s immunity is weakened, so infection occurs extremely quickly.

If a child develops mycosis of the feet, the first step is to consult a dermatologist. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the baby. In this case, self-medication is prohibited.


The signs characteristic of each form of the disease will tell you how to recognize the fungus. Symptoms of foot fungus in the case of the squamous form are as follows:

  • Initially, only one leg is affected;
  • red spots appear;
  • the reddened area begins to peel off;
  • areas with redness and peeling may vary in area;
  • itching occurs, but not in all people.

This form may not be accompanied by any symptoms at all, which leads to the progression of the disease.

Signs of fungus on the legs in the dyshidrotic form are as follows:

  1. A sufficient number of blisters form on the foot.
  2. Over time, small bubbles merge, forming large areas of damage. Erosion appears in their place.
  3. The whole process can move to the lateral and outer parts of the limb. Areas of diaper rash appear.
  4. Pain and itching occur at the site of infection.
  5. After the erosions heal, peeling of the cover occurs.
  6. Over time, a fungal infection can be joined by a bacterial one. Pus forms in the blisters. The patient feels severe pain. There is an increase in body temperature. The dermis of the foot becomes redder and swells greatly.

You can identify an intertriginous fungus by noticing the following manifestations:

  • deep cracks appear;
  • there is a burning sensation and itching;
  • erosions appear at the site of microcracks, which are accompanied by severe pain;
  • this form has a long chronic course;
  • Over time, the dermis loosens.

In the case of onychomycosis, the following symptoms appear:

  • the nail plate becomes thicker;
  • the plate has a yellowish tint;
  • the plates crumble easily;
  • When affected by mold fungi, the nail turns black.

Signs of candida fungal infection:

  • the epidermis at the site of the lesion is red;
  • swelling appears;
  • the upper layer of the dermis peels off;
  • the formation of small pustules and blisters.

Whatever the form of the disease, it requires competent, timely treatment.


The outcome of the disease depends on how correctly the diagnosis is made. A dermatologist must identify the type of pathogen, the stage of the disease and select appropriate therapy. The symptoms and effective treatment of foot fungus can only be determined by a specialist. To identify the pathogen, the patient is given:

  • nail scraping;
  • microscopy;
  • cultural research;
  • DNA diagnostics of material.

Only after receiving the results of all tests will the dermatologist be able to prescribe a competent course of treatment.


It is possible to begin treatment only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Systemic treatment

Curing the disease with medications in the form of tablets and ampoules is indicated if the form of the disease is advanced. Taking such medications should be under the close supervision of a doctor due to the large number of side effects. Treatment of legs with inexpensive but effective drugs is possible in the first stages.

In case of illness, two groups of tablets for foot fungus can be prescribed:

  1. Azoles. These include Fluconazole, Irunin, Flucoral, Mikosist, Diflazol, Flucomin, Orungal and others.
  2. Allylamine amines– Lamisil, Terbinox, Naftifine, Binafin, Terbinafine.

The most effective tablets against fungus are Terbinafine and Itraconazole. The active substances quickly penetrate the affected dermis and continue to be active for a long period.

Combination therapy

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat foot fungus after examining the patient. A remedy for foot fungus can be in the form of an ointment, cream or oil. The drugs are:

  1. Cream Lamisil. A good remedy against fungus is characterized by a fungicidal effect. The active ingredient is Terbinafine. The drug will help eliminate old infection. Strengthens nail plates and protects against onychomycosis.
  2. Cream Bofisin. An inexpensive medicine for fungus will help you quickly get rid of old fungus. Eliminates unpleasant odor. Combats excessive sweating.
  3. Spray Domix Green Stop Fungus. Characterized by powerful antifungal effects. Designed to cure mycosis of nails and feet.
  4. Liniment balsamic Vishnevsky. This is the cheapest remedy against the disease. The use of an antifungal drug is possible to cure fungus of the feet, palms, and heels. When consumed, a burning sensation and itching may occur.

Hardware treatment

How to cure foot fungus? A hardware method has been developed for this purpose. The following result is provided:

  • bactericidal;
  • drying;
  • desensitizing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The disease can be eliminated in just 3-4 sessions. This method of treatment has no contraindications. There is no risk of recurrent infection.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will tell you how to get rid of foot fungus. There are many effective recipes.


The best remedy against fungus is a solution of soda and salt. To prepare the product for 3 liters of liquid, add 2 tablespoons of each ingredient and drop a few drops of celandine or tea tree essential oil. Wipe the affected areas with the solution.

A peroxide solution will also help cope with the disease. First, the legs are steamed in a soda solution. After the nail plate becomes soft, remove the affected nails using forceps. Then soak your nails with a 3% peroxide solution. Repeat such manipulations twice a day.

Creams and ointments

If an illness appears, then it is possible to prepare creams and ointments at home. To prepare the cream you need:

  • pork fat;
  • sifted wood ash.

Using a mixer, mix the ingredients to a paste. This is the best drug prepared at home. Apply every 12 hours to dry, clean feet.

Another anti-infection cream contains goose fat, yellow sulfur and copper sulfate. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Mix and place on low heat. Allow the medicine to cool. Apply once a day to clean and dried dermis. It is the most effective ointment.


Treatment of fungus is also carried out using compresses. The best are:

  1. Compress with oil and garlic. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the affected areas of the skin. Place polyethylene on top. Manipulations should be carried out before bedtime. Duration of therapy until symptoms resolve.
  2. Sour cream. Spread the dairy product on the injured epithelium and wait for complete absorption. Fix the compress securely.


In case of illness, foot fungus baths are effective. Popular recipes are:

  1. Baths with milkweed. Pour 100 grams of herbs into 2-3 liters of boiling water and leave to steep for several hours. After this period of time, filter the product and begin the procedures. Manipulation time is at least 45 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 2 days until the disease subsides.
  2. Coffee baths. There is another recipe for treating the disease. Brew a strong coffee drink, cool to body temperature and dip your feet in it. Perform 1-2 sessions per day. With the help of such procedures you can get rid of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Treatments with vinegar. You need to use wine vinegar. Carry out the procedure at night. Wash your feet thoroughly and dip them in a strong wine solution for 5 minutes. Then put on socks.

In order to speed up the process of treating the disease it is necessary:

  • thoroughly disinfect shoes;
  • reduce your intake of foods high in sugar;
  • do not use nail polish;
  • At the first manifestations of the disease, consult a specialist.

Can it be treated at home?

Fungus can be cured at home only in the early stages of the disease. Traditional recipes are effective when the symptoms are not yet clearly expressed. In all other cases, traditional medicine can complement all main medical prescriptions. An integrated approach to the treatment of the disease guarantees the patient prompt extinguishment of all foci of inflammation.

Why is fungus dangerous?

There is a certain danger that if the disease is not treated correctly, complications will arise. Therefore, under no circumstances should the disease be neglected. The danger is as follows:

  • the risk of bacterial infection through erosions and cracks in the limbs;
  • an increase in the number of allergic manifestations from the mucous membranes, blood vessels and epidermis;
  • possible aggravation of various forms of dermatitis and other skin pathologies;
  • the risk of progression of plantar warts increases.

Prevention and care

It is better to prevent a disease than to deal with it and possible complications later. You can protect yourself from fungus by:

  1. Before each visit to a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and other places where you need to take off your shoes, treat the dermis of your feet with an anti-fungal drug.
  2. Constantly treat shoes and dry them outside if possible.
  3. Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight.
  4. Support immunity.
  5. Avoid excessive sweating of your feet.
  6. High-quality and timely foot hygiene.
  7. Disinfection of the bathroom.
  8. Use only your own personal shoes and socks.
  9. Regularly lubricate nails with iodine and essential oils.

From all that has been said, we can summarize that fungus is an infectious disease that is very difficult to treat. It is not possible to get rid of foot fungus in one application. If symptoms occur, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The fungus can settle on any part of the body, but most often it affects the skin of the feet. This is due to wearing shoes, which are much less ventilated than clothing. Feet also sweat a lot, and blood circulation in them is often slow, especially in the elderly and people with chronic diseases. All this creates excellent conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic fungi. Approximately 70% of people have encountered mycosis at least once in their lives, and in 20% it exists in a persistent form. To get rid of fungus, you first need to recognize it and identify the type of pathogen. Afterwards, the disease can be treated at home.

Fungal diseases are called mycoses. On the feet, dermatomycosis, a skin fungus, or onychomycosis, a lesion of the nails, can develop. They are often combined, as the infection quickly spreads to nearby areas.

Fungus on the feet looks different. Sometimes it can be determined at first glance. However, erased forms can masquerade as other diseases and conditions:

  • eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • onychodystrophy (changes in nails as a result of disruption of trophic processes);
  • nail injuries;
  • bacterial infections;
  • ichthyosis, etc.

This is the second important reason why you need to see a doctor to make a final diagnosis.

Symptoms of mycoses

General symptoms characteristic of mycoses:

  • itching, intensifying in the evening;
  • unpleasant sweetish odor from the feet, independent of hygiene measures;
  • peeling and peeling of the skin;
  • white flour-like coating;
  • small bursting watery blisters;
  • cracks between the toes, on the heels;
  • change in the color of the nail plates, the appearance of spots and stripes on them;
  • thickening or, conversely, thinning of nails;
  • crumbling and destruction of nails.

These signs do not always appear at the same time. If you notice at least one of them, for example, itching that is not associated with allergies, you should consult a dermatologist.

Forms of the disease

The forms, that is, the appearance of the fungal infection, depend on the pathogen, the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Determined by clinical manifestations:

  • Interdigital erosion. More often occurs when the feet sweat, wearing tight shoes, flat feet, and excess weight. Painful cracks and areas of redness appear between the 3rd, 4th and 5th toes. The skin peels off in large flakes. There is a slight itching between the fingers;
  • Moccasin-like shape. Another name for this is “athlete’s foot.” More common in men. The lesion affects the sole and sides of the foot. The skin peels, peels, and dries. The soles become rough and crack. With a long-standing disease, the nails change - they become dull, yellowish, crumble;
  • Vesicular-pustular form (dyshidrotic). It is characterized by a predominance of bubbles with liquid. When they burst, ulcers form. Often, due to the large area of ​​the wounds, a bacterial infection occurs and suppuration occurs. The disease is accompanied by itching, pain, and swelling. Sometimes the body temperature even rises;
  • Hyperkeratolytic form. It manifests itself as a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin. Furrows appear on the feet, the skin pattern deepens, and the color changes to grayish-yellow. Thick calluses and cracks appear on the soles and sides. Peeling is usually small and unnoticeable;
  • Erased form. Clinical signs of the disease are unclear. There is usually a fine flour-like flaking, which many people mistake for dry skin. However, it does not go away with the use of nourishing creams. Sometimes mild itching occurs and the feet smell unpleasant.

Treatment of foot fungus

Fungicidal preparations for external and internal use are intended for the treatment of skin mycoses. If the disease is at an early stage and has not affected the nails, it can be easily cured with an ointment, cream, or solution that can be bought at any pharmacy.

Basic antimycotic drugs:

  • imidazole derivatives (clotrimazole, bifonazole);
  • triazole derivatives (fluconazole, itraconazole);
  • allylamines (teribinafine, naftifine).

On their basis, both expensive, advertised products and cheap ones are produced. Prices can differ dozens of times, so you can ask the doctor to name alternative options if he has prescribed an expensive medicine.

Traditional methods of treating mycosis

Up to 50% of people with mycosis try to be treated with folk remedies. The reasons are different - from the desire to save money to the reluctance to see a doctor with a “shameful” sore. Some products traditionally used for fungus do help fight the infection, but you need to choose them wisely and not expect the impossible.

Features of folk recipes:

  • You need to use them for a long time and regularly - there will be no quick results;
  • It is important to take into account possible allergic reactions, individual sensitivity and intolerance to components;
  • You should not trust healers who say that you can cure nail or skin fungus with one use of some unconventional medicine. It is impossible to get rid of the disease instantly.

Onychomycosis is longer and more difficult to treat than a simple fungus. This process can be accelerated by removing the plates affected by the pathogen. Today this does not require surgery. Nails are removed with a laser, a special device with a cutter attachment, or chemical keratolytic agents.


Natural vinegar, apple or wine, helps remove foot fungus by changing the Ph of the skin. Dermatophytes love an alkaline environment, so vinegar is harmful to them. For treatment, baths with the addition of 6 or 9% vinegar (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of hot water) are used. The feet are kept in them for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly dried with a towel (it is changed every day). Repeat the baths every day before bed for two weeks.


Baking soda is useful for candidiasis, since yeast-like fungi prefer a slightly acidic environment. For a therapeutic bath, add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of hot water. l. soda and 1 tsp. Yoda. Another recipe: 2 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. After the bath, you need to rinse your feet with clean water.

The tannins and astringents of oak bark compact the top layer of skin and fungi cannot penetrate deeper. But its value does not end there. Oak bark has the following medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • deodorizing;
  • reducing sweating.

For daily baths 6 tbsp. l. bark, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath and add to 1 liter of warm water. Keep your legs for 20 minutes.

For prevention, such baths are done once a month, which allows you to forget about fungus, sweating feet, and cracked heels forever.

Celandine oil

This is a universal cosmetic and medicinal product that can be used for various purposes, including in the fight against fungus. Has the following properties:

  • wound healing;
  • antipruritic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • fungicidal;
  • painkillers.

The oil can be purchased in pharmacies and online stores. It is produced by the following companies:

  • Mirrolla;
  • LLC Natural Oils;
  • Elfarma;
  • Botanika;
  • LLC Aspera et al.

The product is inexpensive. A 50 ml bottle costs approximately 70-150 rubles.

You can prepare the medicinal composition yourself from dry raw materials. To do this, pour 250 g of herbs into 0.5 liters of oil and keep in a water bath for 1 hour. Then leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, filter and put in the refrigerator.

Apply the oil to clean, dry feet, rub the nails lightly and leave for 20 minutes. The remains are blotted with paper napkins. Put on clean socks on top. The procedure is carried out once a day for two weeks.

For interdigital erosions, you can soak pieces of cotton wool in oil and place them between your fingers overnight.

Onychomycosis in the initial stage is treated with compresses. Part of the cotton pad soaked in oil is applied to the pre-treated nail (steamed, cleaned). A finger guard is put on top. The compress is left overnight.

Tea tree oil

Another product that helps quickly get rid of foot fungus and unpleasant odor. For treatment you need to use 100% essential oil. It is better to dilute it yourself, since purchased cosmetic or massage oil may contain too low a concentration of the desired product.

Tea tree is used in the same way as celandine, after diluting the essential oil with a base oil (olive, coconut or other) in a ratio of 1 to 3. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to add it to foot baths (10 drops per liter of water).


An effective, but unpleasant-smelling and unsafe remedy for fungus. Garlic juice is very caustic and can cause severe burns if handled carelessly. In addition, the aroma of this plant is very persistent and does not fade for a long time. However, while on sick leave or on vacation, you can try the following folk recipe:

  1. Mix freshly squeezed garlic juice, medical alcohol and water in equal proportions;
  2. Leave in a warm, dark place for two days;
  3. Apply to clean feet for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water;
  4. Repeat the procedure twice a day for at least a week.

This product should not be used if there is severe damage to the skin - weeping cracks, erosions, ulcers. It will burn a lot.

The easiest way to use garlic for onychomycosis is to apply its juice with a cotton swab to prepared nails, avoiding contact with the skin. This procedure is carried out before going to bed, and in the morning it is washed off with water.