Natural food for cats. Natural food and normal weight. Natural products and their substitutes

What are organic products? How to choose an environmentally friendly product? What does it say on the labels? We will answer these and other questions about natural products in our article!

It is important to know how to choose high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food products. This article explains how to shop more efficiently at the grocery store, read labels correctly, and choose organic foods. It's not difficult, but a little knowledge will be extremely helpful.

First, let's look at some general recommendations and tips on how to read food labels:

  • Both the ingredients and their nutritional value are important - one without the other does not reflect the full picture;
  • In the list, the ingredients are listed in descending order. This means that the first ingredient is most abundant in this product, and the latter contains the smallest amount;
  • Make sure that sugar and salt are at the end of the list of ingredients;
  • If you need fatty foods, remember that fat content on labels is in grams. The percentage listed next to fat is the percentage of daily intake, not the percentage of calories coming from fat in a given food item. Look at top part label that says "calories from fat" and to find the percentage, divide that number by the total number of calories. That is, calories from fat account for about half of the total calories, then approximately 50% of the calories in the product come from fat.
  • If you need carbohydrates, choose natural foods that contain fewer processed carbohydrates.
  • On bread labels, the first words in the list of ingredients should include words like “whole” and “millstone.” You'll often see "unbleached, enriched wheat flour" but that's not what you're looking for - this type of bread is processed and whole grains are added for color. The first ingredient should be whole grains
  • Quality carbohydrates should contain fiber and sugar. Try to avoid carbohydrates without fiber. At the same time, carbohydrates, which contain nothing but fiber, also do not provide the necessary nutrients. Try to have 1/6 in the product total number carbohydrates accounted for fiber. That is, 20 grams of carbohydrates should contain about 3-4 grams of fiber.
  • Whether or not to consume highly processed foods is your choice. But it is better to give preference to whole, natural foods. If there are too many Latin words on the label - for example, ingredients that you can't read or don't know, it's best to put it away.
  • Canned foods, frozen dinners, and other processed foods tend to be high in sodium. Instead, buy whole, individual ingredients and then prepare the meals yourself. You can freeze them and store them in containers.

Secrets of natural products

Mixed Ingredients

Often products are grouped by ingredient list, with the goal of presenting the elements in a specific order. Sometimes this happens legally, and sometimes it can be a scam. Most people understand that ingredients should be listed in descending order of quantity - in other words, the ingredient that is most abundant in a given product should come first. So if you are looking protein bar, then you will be happy to purchase one whose label will say:

double delicious protein blend (hydrolyzed cow hoof proteins, whey), maltodextrin

The label also states that it contains no sugar.

Of course, there is a lot more that goes into this. Special protein mixture– what is it really? Let's just say that there are 10 g of whey, 11 g of cow's hoof protein and 12 g of maltodextrin. The ingredients should be in descending order, i.e. “maltodextrin, hydrolyzed cow hooves, whey.”

Anyone familiar with sugars knows that while maltodextrin has no effect on sugar levels, it has a very high sugar content and is therefore not advisable to be top of the ingredient list (unless it's a post-workout shake). So, looking at a label like this, the average consumer will say to themselves: "high sugar content, tons of poor quality protein and very little whey."

So what to do? It's simple. The company combined protein from cow's hooves and whey. This is the “Double Delicious Protein Blend.” Since the ingredients add up to 10 + 11 = 21, this new “blend” can be listed before maltodextrin, with all ingredients listed in descending order.

It now appears to unsuspecting consumers that the product actually contains more whey than maltodextrin (sugar). But we know that there is less of it! Whey comes out on top because of what it contains in the mixture. Therefore, by reading labels on natural products, you will already know how this grouping works.

Special offers

Organic food labels sometimes indicate Special offers. You must understand exactly what this means.

When the label states, “Not a significant source of calories from fat,” the product must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving. Be careful with deli meats. They may be cut so thin that one slice contains less than 2 grams of fat. but still provide a significant percentage of fat calories.

“Not a significant source of sugar” means that the amount of sugar on the label is less than one gram. Don't take this statement at face value. Some ingredients, such as maltodextrin, are not technically considered sugar but have the same effect. That's why it's so important to consider both the ingredient list and the nutritional value.

The table contains definitions of other special offers:

Low-fat foods (NoFat or FatFree)

WITH reduced content fat

Contains less fat and calories in the original or similar product

Low fat

Contains less than 3 grams of fat per serving.

Light (Lite)

Contains 1/3 the calories or 1/2 the fat per serving of the original or similar product.

Low calorie

Contains 1/3 of the calories of the original or similar product.


(No Calorie Or Calorie Free)

Contains less than 5 calories per serving

Contains less than 0.5 g sugar per serving

No Preservatives

Does not contain preservatives (chemical and natural)

No additional preservatives (NoPreservativesAdded)

Does not contain chemicals that I add to preserve the product. Some of them may contain natural preservatives.

Low Salt (LowSodium)

Contains less than 140 mg. salt per serving

Salt-free (No Salt or Salt Free)

Contains less than 5 mg salt per serving

Baked, not fried (BakedNotFried)

Mainly used for potato chips, crackers or corn chips. This means that the product is usually sprayed with a little oil and then baked rather than simply fried in oil.

Warning signs

When reviewing the ingredient list, look for danger signs. This is not a complete list, but it will help you buy only high-quality, natural and environmentally friendly food products. Always look for these ingredients to be at the beginning (the main ones), in the middle and at the end of the list.

  • Sugar is allowed at the end. The presence of sugar in the middle of the list is possible if there is enough fiber in the product. Of course, these rules may change when it comes to a post-workout shake.
  • Salt is acceptable at the end of the list. Salt is important, but only in in moderation.
  • Any ingredient that you cannot pronounce or understand. Again, such substances do not necessarily have to be bad, but if you cannot answer how they will benefit you, it is better not to risk it.
  • Excess vitamins and minerals. It is much healthier to get them from whole foods and a quality multivitamin than from a spray or food supplement.
  • If the product is enriched with something. This must be the biggest joke in Food Industry. "Fortified" means that the product has been stripped of vital nutrients, but instead they added those substances that were initially smaller.
  • “Fortified” natural product. Control your intake of vitamins and minerals through supplements and whole foods, rather than adding them to regular foods where you don't know their quality or quantity.
  • Any food that contains more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per serving and less than 2 grams
  • , in which half or more of the total calories come from fat (unless, of course, you are looking at the ethics of a bottle of olive oil)
  • The presence of partially hydrogenated fats anywhere on the ingredient list (also known as trans fatty acids). If hydrogenated fats are at the bottom of the list, don't worry. In addition, if a product states that it is trans-free fatty acids, then it can be safely consumed, even if there are hydrogenated fats in the list of ingredients.

How to recognize the presence of sugar in natural products

It cannot be said unequivocally that sugar in organic products is harmful, however, it is important to be able to determine its amount. Below you will see some common names for sugar. Be careful with foods that list them at the top of the ingredient list, as they may contain too much sugar and cause unwanted blood sugar spikes:

  • Sugarcane juice
  • Custard concentrate
  • Falernum (sweet liqueur)
  • Fructose
  • Glucose
  • Jaggery
  • Sugarcane juice
  • Lactose
  • Levulosa
  • Malt
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Marshmallow
  • Misri (crystal sugar)
  • Molasses (black treacle)
  • Orshad (drink)
  • Panocha (candy made from yellow sugar, milk and butter)
  • Sorghum (cereal)
  • Sucrose
  • Sugar
  • Syrup
  • Turbinado (partially refined raw sugar)

Milk and its derivatives in natural products

If you are avoiding dairy products, the following items in the ingredient list are dairy products or their derivatives:

cream, cheese, butter, yogurt, koumiss, kefir, ghee, paneer, lactose, casein, whey, Rennet, Rennin

There are no fragrances in environmentally friendly products!

There is a lot of controversy regarding natural versus artificial flavors. It seems that many manufacturers are proud that organic products list "natural flavors" in the ingredient list, while consumers are willing to reject anything that even remotely resembles "artificial products." The reality is not what you think! So, what is the difference between natural and artificial flavors?

Natural and artificial flavors are defined by the Code federal laws(CodeofFederalRegulations). This means that specific laws govern what terms can be used in ingredient lists.

natural flavor contains essential oil or oleoresin extract, protein hydrolysate, distillate or any product of roasting, heat treatment or enzymatic decomposition that contains flavor components derived from spices, fruits or fruit juices, vegetables or vegetable juices, edible yeast, herbs, bark, buds , roots, leaves or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products or fermented products derived from them, the function of which is primarily to impart flavor rather than nutritional value to the food

Anything that does not meet this definition is considered artificial. Quite voluminous, isn't it? Is it possible to allow the existence of flavors in natural products?

Chemicals can be either natural origin, or obtained artificially. There is not the same difference as between wool and nylon, which are used to make clothes, however, these materials are different.

At the molecular level, natural and artificial flavors appear to be the same. By the way, there is an opinion that artificial flavors are safer because they are produced in a pure form. For natural flavors, the original product (such as an apple) must be broken down into its elements and filtered with chemicals to produce the flavoring substances. Therefore, such flavors may contain more impurities.

In this case, it is fair to note that natural and artificial flavors contain chemical additives used to improve the taste. If the label states that a product contains natural flavoring, this does not mean that the manufacturer added crushed apples - it means that a certain set of chemicals were isolated or extracted from them and artificially added to the product.

If you are not particularly interested in flavors, then pay less attention to whether they are artificial or natural, and look more at the order of the list of ingredients.

If you want natural foods, ones that you could prepare yourself, do not buy those that contain flavors other than natural spices.

And finally, take advantage of the advice called “shopping on the periphery.”

If you notice, most often in stores processed packaged foods are located in the center of the area. Fresh natural products, eggs, dairy and meat products are often located around the perimeter of the store. So stick to the walls, and then your chances of purchasing environmentally friendly and healthy foods nutrition.

Educate yourself about your food choices. This will help you acquire a wonderful one. As with everything else, strive for moderation. For example, if your weakness is fried corn chips, then you can eat them in moderation without going over your daily calorie limit. If the craving is too strong, then look for compromises and choose the baked version.

A relative of the king of beasts should not eat sausages

Cats are close relatives of lions. The basis of the king's diet
animals - animal protein of the caught prey and all the components of its stomach. Cats' prey is much more modest, but they are still a small predator. In the wild, cats feed on small mammals (catching mice), attack birds, lizards and frogs, and feast on fish.

By eating whole prey, cats receive all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. The diet of domestic cats should not differ from the diet of cats living in the wild. Therefore, food from the master's table, such as Fried fish, potatoes or sausages, not suitable for a domestic carnivore.

In order to create a diet for an animal that will not cause health problems, you need to have knowledge of the basic physiology of nutrition. It is this knowledge that we will share with you in our article.

Natural nutrition: pros and cons

Every cat needs a balanced diet consisting of foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The pet can get them from natural products prepared by the owner himself.

The advantage of feeding your cat natural food is that you will know what products are included in your pet’s diet. And definitely don’t allow any “chemistry” in there. Besides, industrial feed looks unnatural, unusual for humans. Therefore, owners often have doubts about the benefits and safety of this type of feeding.

The disadvantage of using natural products to feed your cat is that ready meals spoil quickly and require knowledge, skills and time to prepare.

If you decide to become a nutritionist for your cat and learn the basics of cooking for animals, read our article below.

Treasured BZHU: feeding cats with natural food

There are no uniform rules for creating a cat’s diet. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. Some cats like variety in their food, others prefer one or two types of food. If the pet doesn’t like the food, he will starve until the owner takes his preferences into account.

When compiling natural diet some owners include exclusively meat food in it. Remember that tailed predators need nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which are contained in plant foods. The lack of these substances affects appearance pet: the cat's fur begins to fall out, mats, and dandruff appears.

In order for a cat's diet to be balanced, it must include: quality products containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. We’ll talk about the main sources of nutrients in a cat’s diet separately.

Protein sources

The bulk of your cat's diet should be protein. They are necessary for the growth and normal functioning of the body. Proteins consist of amino acids, some of which are not produced in the pet’s body and must be supplied in sufficient quantities with food.

Protein sources for cats:

  • Meat and meat products;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Eggs.

Feed your pet lean beef. You can also give your animal lamb, rabbit, chicken and turkey.

By-products are an integral part of any cat’s diet, as they have high biological value. For example, the liver contains a lot of vitamin A, fatty acids and microelements.

Of the by-products, the cat is given beef or chicken:

  • Liver;
  • Kidneys;
  • Heart frozen, raw or boiled.

Include fish in your cat's diet: river or sea. It should be given no more than 1-2 times a week. Fish is in no way inferior to meat biological value, however it contains a large number of mineral salts that settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys and ureters. Also, eating raw food too often sea ​​fish leads to a lack of B vitamins in the cat’s body.

Sea fish is given to your pet boiled, and large bones are removed from it. river fish also fed boiled, since it is often infected with helminth larvae.

Eggs contain everything essential microelements, however, do not give them to your cat more than once a week. Raw egg white completely excluded from the pet’s diet, as it negatively affects normal process shedding and causes dermatitis. You can give boiled egg white to your cat occasionally by chopping it with a knife. Many pets like omelettes prepared with milk or water. The yolk is given to the cat both boiled and raw. It is added to porridges or offered separately.

Dairy products are an important component of a cat's diet. Milk in pure form We recommend giving it only to kittens, since most adult cats do not digest it and cause digestive problems. You can give dairy products reduced fat:

  • Kefir;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Yogurt;
  • Cottage cheese;

Include these products in your diet adult cat 1-2 times a week.

Sources of fats

A cat's diet must contain vegetable and animal fats. A lack of fat can lead to skin diseases, slow growth and development in kittens, and impaired reproductive function in adult pets. However, excess fat is also harmful, leading to obesity.

The sources of healthy animal fats for cats are:

Butter contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. They help increase immunity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate metabolism. Of the vegetable oils, the most beneficial for cats are sunflower, corn, olive and flaxseed. It is recommended to add ½ teaspoon to the food daily.

Sources of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a source of energy that cats need, but small quantity. Include cereal dishes in your pet's diet. Cook them in broth or milk diluted with water. You can add butter or sunflower oil, pieces of vegetables, meat or fish to the porridge.

Offer your pet porridge - an excellent source complex carbohydrates and fiber. They are high in calories but low in fat. Cats can be given:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Rice;
  • Corn;
  • Wheat porridge.

An excellent source of carbohydrates are raw or cooked vegetables. They are mashed, given in small pieces or grated.

From vegetables, cats are given:

  • Green beans;
  • Carrot;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pumpkin.

It is useful to introduce greens into your pet’s diet: parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach. Most cats happily eat grass grown at home. Vegetables and herbs are mixed with meat or fish, and also given separately.

Add bran to your cat's diet, which is a valuable source of fiber. Dietary fiber fiber enhances intestinal motility and improves the condition of microflora. Bran is added to both meat and fermented milk feeding.

Natural food for cats: 3 simple recipes for the lazy owner

We told you about the main components of the diet of domestic cats - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are the ones who provide energy to the pet’s body. Let's talk about how to prepare delicious and healthy food for your tailed friend from available products.

For each animal, the composition of the diet is selected individually, based on its needs, period of life and health status.

As we have already written, your pet’s menu should include four food groups:

  • Meat;
  • Dairy products and eggs;
  • Fats and oils;
  • Cereals, vegetables.

Let's give three universal recipes, which every owner can use.

Beef meatballs “Nedelka”


  • Beef – 2 kg;
  • Rice – 200 g;
  • Frozen vegetables (carrots, broccoli, corn, bell pepper) – 400 g;
  • Beef broth – 100 ml;
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.


Cut the beef into small pieces. Boil frozen or fresh vegetables and cool them. Boil and cool the rice. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder, adding beef broth, olive oil. Form portioned balls from the resulting minced meat. Place the finished meatballs in the freezer. Thaw as needed and give to your cat.

The resulting quantity of meatballs is enough for an adult animal to feed for 7 days.

Ice cream for cats “Fluffy”

This ice cream can be used as a summer treat and differs from regular “human” ice cream in the absence of ingredients harmful to cats (sugar, fat, dyes).


  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • Kefir or fermented baked milk – 100 ml;
  • Vanillin – 0.5 teaspoon.


Using a blender, mix all ingredients and pack into plastic cups. Insert a popsicle stick or plastic spoon into each cup. Place the ice cream in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Warm the finished portion a little in your palm so that the ice cream can easily separate from the walls. On a hot day, offer your pet a treat.

Chicken pate for cats “Lakomka”

You can give this pate to your cat as a treat as an addition to the main menu. Its use will help diversify your pet's diet.


  • Chicken kidneys/liver/hearts – 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Walnuts – 100 g;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Chicken broth – 200 ml.


Boil the selected chicken by-products and carrots, cool. Grind all the ingredients into a paste, mix, add chicken bouillon. After 1-2 hours of cooking, the pate will become thicker.

Store the treat in the refrigerator and offer it to your cat as needed.

Remember: for your pet to be healthy, its diet should not contain herbs and spices. Human food is not suitable for animals. The food you offer your pet should be varied and balanced. However, creating a perfectly balanced diet for a cat is difficult. That's why veterinarians It is recommended to give them special vitamins. Read on to find out what vitamins your pet needs.

Does a cat need vitamins on a natural diet?

At certain stages of life, every cat’s body experiences a need for vitamins and minerals. The body of a pregnant cat, kitten or elderly animal needs to be supported additionally, including vitamins daily diet pet. Cats that eat natural food should be treated with special care and extra vitamins, micro- and macroelements should be given to them constantly.

In addition to wool vitamins, which are most often used by owners, the pet requires multivitamins, as well as dietary supplements containing calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

Pet stores offer a large number of vitamins and fortified treats that you can purchase for your pet. The information on the packaging or a store consultant will help you choose the right complex.

Poorly cooked fish or meat can become a source of infection. And the result is a disease not only of the animal, but also of its owner. Cats share helminth infections with humans, so the owner can easily pick up worms from a pet by stroking and kissing it. Especially often children who spend a lot of time with their four-legged friends become infected with worms from cats.

The surest way to solve the problem of cat infestation with worms

In order to prevent a cat from becoming infected with parasitic worms, special anthelmintic drugs are used. When choosing a product for prevention or treatment, pay attention to its spectrum of action. Modern drug must solve the problem of infection with the most common parasitic worms: round and tapeworms at all stages of their development.

Let's take a walk around the supermarket and read and understand the composition of finished products through the eyes of loving parents. At the same time, let’s approach the matter objectively and will not pretend that since it is allowed for sale, it means it cannot be harmful to our children.

Natural products and their substitutes

The basis for the health of a child, and any person, is a complete, balanced diet. For normal physical and mental development, good performance and longer duration life needs a simple natural food: various types of meat and fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, whole grain cereals, bread, legumes, pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, vegetable oils, butter, honey, sugar, salt. According to the Japanese, these are 30 different products in raw and semi-cooked form.

Hyperactivity syndrome- a disease manifested by increased motor skills, inattention, inability to concentrate, sharp changes moods. As a rule, children with this syndrome do poorly in school, are considered capricious, and are unable to play sport games- despite the fact that they seem to have more than enough energy.
In addition, soda contains artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (E951), acesulfame (E950), cyclamate (E952). The latter, by the way, was banned in the USA back in 1969 on suspicion of carcinogenicity.

From food, the body itself extracts energy for its own needs, building materials for protein synthesis - amino acids, as well as vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances necessary for normal life.

Unfortunately, finding natural products in a regular supermarket requires a lot of effort. And even if the packaging says “100% natural,” you can’t always believe it.

Aspartame(E951) was developed in the late 1960s by the American company G. D. Searle and gained popularity as a “diabetic sugar”, exceeding the latter in sweetness by 180 times. Inexpensive, it quickly became a popular substitute in the world, and here in Russia it is sold in almost any store - in pure or combined (mixed with other substitutes) form.
Gradually, euphoria gave way to wariness due to consumer complaints. In the USA there was information that regular appointment aspartame causes leukemia, sclerosis, blindness, spasms, joint pain and fifty more diseases. When heated (including in the stomach), aspartame is split into two amino acids and methanol, which, when oxidized, releases formaldehyde (E240). Scientists agree: methanol and formaldehyde are terrible poisons! Previously, the food additive E240 was allowed for use as a preservative, but now it is banned. Now in the US, products containing aspartame are required to be labeled, and they are not recommended for consumption by pregnant women and children. In our country, aspartame is an approved food additive, including in children's products.

“The decline in quality indicators of the population’s health, in particular children’s health, is of extreme concern... Unbalanced nutrition leads to poor health immune status, which, in turn, causes the development of various infectious diseases, an increase in the number of children with stunted growth and reduced body weight, and the occurrence of metabolic disorders, including,” writes the chairman of the board of the Society of Natural Medicine, full member Russian Academy natural sciences V. A. Kurashvili in his book “Systemic Health Products”.

One of the visible reasons for the deterioration of children's health lies in the range of products and the quality that the food industry offers us. Refined, high-carbohydrate foods with introduced artificial components (E-additives), which are not always safe - this is the diet of modern children, which leads to such disastrous results. The vast majority of approved food E-additives, which are stuffed with modern products, refers to xenobiotics, non-nutritive substances, that is, foreign to the body and not consumed as food.

M. I. Chubirko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Voronezh region in the brochure “Attention - nutritional supplements! explains: “Food additives do not have biological and nutritional value. The properties and influence of many of them on the ongoing metabolic processes in the human body have not been sufficiently studied. Research and testing of new food additives requires significant financial expenditure. In addition to the toxicological aspect of a number of food additives, everything higher value becomes dangerous long-term consequences for public health."


So, the first thing we encounter on our way is carbonated drinks. Our children love soda very much. But parents are obliged to know what is going on in the child’s body when he drinks bright “fizzy drink”.

In the action-packed documentary “Caution, Food,” which was shown on one of the Russian TV channels, it perfectly explains what happens when we drink a glass of soda: “After 10 minutes, sugar, which is contained in excess in “fizzy”, is absorbed, after 20 Minutes in the blood insulin jumps, and the liver converts all the sugar into fats. After 40 minutes it increases blood pressure, adenosine receptors are blocked. After 45 minutes, the body increases production of the hormone dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. An hour after drinking soda phosphoric acid begins to bind calcium, magnesium and zinc in the intestines. After an hour and a half, phosphoric acid is removed from the body. But along with it, calcium, magnesium, zinc, electrolytes, and water that are in the bones will be removed from the body. Just 200 ml of the drink can significantly change the composition and acidity level of the body. And, in most cases, soda lovers can’t get by with just one glass. Thirst enhancers are added to drinks... Due to the acidic composition, fizzy drinks remove much more liquid than they introduce. And thirst enhancers increase thirst even more..."

Sodium nitrite(E250) is used in the production of azo dyes and in medicine, in the food industry - as a preservative (gives pink color meat products). Cases of mass poisoning and even fatal outcome due to the erroneous use of high doses of nitrite. In low concentrations it is capable of functional cumulation (accumulation), and the development of cancer is possible. It is also used in construction as an anti-frost additive in concrete.
Benzopyrene (Benzopyrene)- polycyclic hydrocarbon, found in crude oil, in smokes; carcinogen. Dangerous to human health in any quantity. Capable of integrating into the structure of DNA molecules, which can lead to malformations and deformities.
What's the alternative? Yes, only one: prepare meat products at home from meat purchased from a trusted farmer (or seller) who supplies organic products, and forget until better times about the existence of sausage and sausage products. Especially in the diet of children.

Thus, we understand that sweet and sour soda not only irritates the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach, stimulates the production of insulin (its excess production leads to obesity), but also removes structural macro- and microelements necessary for the growth of a child. And a lack of calcium alone in the body can provoke 150 diseases. The main source of calcium is milk, fermented milk products, cheese and cottage cheese. Unfortunately, dairy products have recently lost popularity among schoolchildren.

Let's pay attention to the composition of the soda. For example, orange-flavored drinks contain synthetic dyes tartrazine (E102) and sunset (E110), which you will not find in any orange variety. Among food additives, a large group consists of substances used as additives, but not found in nature, without natural analogues. Among them are many that are already prohibited in a number of other countries, but are still allowed in Russia. For example, the sweetener cyclamate E952, dyes E110 and E129 with the beautiful names “sunset” and “charming red”.

Doctors of Medical Sciences of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery A.N. Pampura and N.N. Pogomiy write: “Allergic reactions can be caused by the following main types of food additives: preservatives with antibacterial effect(sodium benzoate), preservatives with antioxidant effect (butylated hydroxyanisole), preservatives with antifermentation effect (metabisulfite, potassium sulfite, sulfur dioxide), dyes (tartrazine, carmine), colorless sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin), nutrients (protein hydrolysates), fillers ( starch), formative substances (gelatin), flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate).” If we carefully study the information in various official sources, including data from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, we will find that such dyes cause hyperactivity syndrome in children. In addition, the dye tartrazine is poorly tolerated by asthmatics and people suffering from hypersensitivity to aspirin. And you don’t need to delude yourself by exchanging colored soda for clear lemonade. Only dyes will be excluded.

Food additives that have mutagenic, carcinogenic and toxic effects
Officially prohibited in Russia.
E121 (citrus red). The additive is prohibited in most countries of the world.
E123 (amaranth). Causes malformations in the baby in the womb. Leads to the accumulation of lime in the kidneys. Banned in the USA since 1976.
E128 red 2G dye. Used in the production of sausages.
E240 (formaldehyde). Known in everyday life as aqueous solution formaldehyde. It is used as a disinfectant and deodorizing agent, for the preparation of anatomical preparations and tanning leather, in the food industry - for preserving sturgeon caviar.
E216 (Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate) - parahydroxybenzoic acid propyl alcohol, a group of parabens (preservative). Causes cancer.
E217 (Sodium Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate) - parahydroxybenzoic acid of propyl alcohol sodium salt(preservative).
Prohibited additives are those harmful effect which on the human body have been proven, as studies have shown, all of them can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors.
Dangerous dyes: E102, E110, E120, E124
Carcinogens: E103, E105, E110, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E153, E210, E211, E213-E217, E231, E232, E240, E251, E252, E321, E330, E431, E447 , E900, E905, E907, E952, aspartame
Mutagenic and genotoxic: E104, E124, E128, E230-E233, aspartame
Allergens: E131, E132, E210, E214, E217, E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-E313, aspartame
Undesirable for asthmatics: E102, E107, E122-E124, E155, E211-E214, E217, E221-E227
Not recommended for people sensitive to aspirin: E107, E110, E122-E124, E155, E214, E217
Affects the liver and kidneys: E171-E173, E220, E302, E320-E322, E510, E518
Dysfunction: E127
Lead to skin diseases: E230-E233
Bowel irritation: E220-E224
Digestive disorder: E338-E341, E407, E450, E461, E463, E465, E466
Harmful effects on the baby in the womb: E233
Prohibited for infants, undesirable for small children: E249, E262, E310-E312, E320, E514, E623, E626-E635
Affects blood cholesterol levels: E320
Destroy vitamins in the body: B1 - E220, B12 - E222-E227, D - E320, E - E925
Data provided by the Nationwide Association for Genetic Safety.

It should also be noted that almost all carbonated drinks contain the preservative sodium benzoate (E211), which is difficult to deactivate in the child’s liver. Thus, we can confidently call all lemonades a product chemical industry, but not food at all.

What could be an alternative to chemical soda? Homemade lemonade, or orangeade, fruit drinks made from fresh or frozen berries, fresh fruit compotes prepared at home, freshly squeezed juices, etc.

Sausage department

We follow the store further. Let's stop at the counter with sausages, hams, smoked meats, frankfurters and other prepared meat products. It’s no secret for parents: children love sausage, frankfurters, sausages, and ham. But at the same time, adults should be aware that an 80-gram piece of ham may contain daily norm salt consumption (5-6 grams), that there is a lot of fat in sausages and sausages, pork skins and emulsions with the addition of soy protein, that deli meats can be made from expired sausage.

Sausages contain a color stabilizer and preservative - sodium nitrite E250, the permissible daily consumption of which should not exceed 0.2 mg/kg. Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov names terrifying numbers: “200 grams smoked sausage contain as much benzopyrene as a resident of a metropolis like Moscow inhales in an entire year.” Impressive as hell!

Dangerous sweets

The next stop is at the shelves with cookies, gingerbread, and cakes. We take a package of gingerbread cookies - the shelf life is 90 days. Before the deadline Gingerbread storage period ranged from 15 to 30 days. However, additives that extend shelf life are not listed on the label. From this we can conclude that the manufacturer is unscrupulous, and it is undesirable to buy his product. It is important for parents to know that bread cannot be stored for more than 48 hours. All baked goods with long shelf life likely have preservatives added.

Hydrogenated oils (margarines, soft butters) are made from vegetable oils by exposing them to hydrogen in a high-temperature, high-pressure reactor, causing beneficial fatty acid molecules to be converted into a dangerous trans configuration. That is, modern technologies change chemical composition fatty acids in vegetable oils so that the human body cannot absorb them. Trans isomers of fatty acids are embedded in the biological membranes of cells, but cannot perform the necessary physiological functions. Once they enter the body, they linger in cells for a long time and lead to membrane damage.

Try to be selective when choosing cookies for your child. A huge number of cookies, regardless of price, contain margarine, hydrogenated, hydrogenated, that is, hardened, vegetable oils.

Natural E-supplements
To be fair, it should be noted that there are also natural food supplements created by nature. These are dyes obtained from plant juices:
E140 - green plant pigment chlorophyll, obtained from nettle, spinach or alfalfa;
E162 - beet dye;
E100i (curcumin) and E100ii (turmeric) are yellow-orange dyes obtained from turmeric and saffron;
E160b - annatto extract, obtained from the tropical shrub Bixa orellana;
E160aii - extracts of natural carotenes obtained from carrots, palm oil and algae;
E163-anthocyanins obtained from the skins of red grapes, currants, chokeberry, red cabbage, etc.
There are also natural sweeteners: stevioside E960, obtained from the extract honey grass stevia, E958 - glycyrrhizin obtained from licorice root. Natural preservatives can be malic acid E296, lactic acid E270, natural sorbic acid from rowan, benzoic acid from cranberries. Natural thickeners and stabilizers are apple and citrus pectins E440, gum carob E410, oat gum E411. Thus, there are regulated food additives of natural origin.

According to recent data, trans isomers of fatty acids contribute more to the development of atherosclerosis than saturated fats and cholesterol, and can also provoke oncological diseases. It has been established that trans isomers are passed through mother's milk to the baby. Therefore, a nursing mother should know that a “harmless” donut, white bread, chips or a pack of crackers are as dangerous for the child as margarine and cooking fats. And our children, by eating cookies with hydrogenated oil, put themselves at risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Let's try to take a strawberry butter pie (pie) from the shelf. Shelf life 3 months. The composition includes many E-additives: pectin (E440), lemon acid(E330), calcium citrate (E333), preservative (E202), strawberry flavoring, identical to natural, dye E124 ponceau (asthmatics and those who cannot tolerate aspirin should be careful with it), lemon flavoring for biscuit, propylene glycol E1520 (used as coolant, antifreeze, coolant in the cosmetics and food industries), confectionery fat, thickeners. A marvelous modern pie for Frankenstein! Just the name “propylene glycol” makes you shiver—it evokes an association with petroleum products, but not with strawberry pie. And children eat such “pies” with pleasure.

An alternative is homemade baking: pies, biscuits, pancakes, cakes made from real products, not their chemical substitutes. It's a good idea to have an automatic bread maker at home if possible, and the range of healthy baked goods can be endless.


We go to the shelves with the most “children’s” food - dairy products. Among other things, they offer milk with a shelf life of 6 months at room temperature, kefir with a shelf life of two weeks and a month, yoghurts of a wide variety of colors and flavors with additives identical to natural ones (existing in nature, but made chemically), glazed cheese curds with 2- a month's shelf life... I think there is no need to go deeper; the above has very little to do with natural dairy products.

Alternative: milk with a shelf life of no more than 5 days, kefir with a shelf life of no more than 7 days, cottage cheese with a shelf life of no more than 72 hours. You can buy milk, cottage cheese, sour cream at the market or make it yourself. It’s a pity that the culture of the “Dairy Kitchen” enterprises, where they prepared natural cottage cheese, kefir, cream, and milk for small children, has gone into oblivion.

Belkin Z.P., Candidate of Medical Sciences, immunologist, leading specialist of the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology named after. Gabrichevsky:
“Modern humanity has developed such a strong addiction to high-glycemic foods (causing a powerful influx of glucose into the bloodstream after eating) that it has become so unnatural to train the reserve capabilities of digestion ( hormonal system, which produces insulin and stress hormones, as well as the liver), which resulted in a person developing great amount somatic and psychological diseases. His arterial vessels harden, his intestines are always inflamed, both small and large, and he often has allergies. In addition, a person becomes unable to regulate the concentration in the blood of the main energy substance - glucose, as a result of which either type 1 diabetes or, with age, type 2 diabetes develops. And all this is due to an excessive addiction to high-glycemic foods.”

There is only one way out: young children need to prepare dairy products at home - sterilize the milk, ferment kefir with homemade sour cream, make homemade soft cottage cheese and add fruits and berries to it. Yes, this takes time. However, the price is too high - the health of your children!


So, modern food offered in hypermarkets:

  • causes addiction;
  • contains a lot of dangerous ingredients;
  • contains very few useful vitamin micronutrients (vital microelements, vitamins and macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium).

It is these products that lead to the development of all the diseases of civilization and destroy the organisms of both children and adults. Especially if you use them at night...

The harm from such nutrition is not always immediate. But do you want your children and grandchildren to experience it? Today, it is, first of all, the consumer who should take care of the safety of products, that is, we are parents, then manufacturers will inevitably have to change their policies and take into account global environmental standards.

And here’s another thing: following the logic of the article, first of all you need to stop drinking water and all products containing it! Water is Chemical substance, is used in the chemical industry, construction, cosmetics and even nuclear energy. Excessive use of it will definitely lead to bad consequences. We switch to dry rations. 05/02/2010 18:22:03, Marina

In fact, milk has a long shelf life because it is sterilized and aseptically packaged, and not because it contains preservatives and chemicals. Compare with home canning - any jam and cabbage are stored for a very long time, longer than the mentioned milk. However, for some reason no one thinks that there is chemistry there. And if you don’t close the lid tightly so that air gets in, the product will spoil. And opened milk will also spoil very quickly.

The article is certainly very useful for parents who do not particularly pay attention to the composition of the products they buy. I know many families where children constantly eat sausage, cookies and other products mentioned in the article. I hope this article will attract the attention of such parents.


There will always be debate about dog feeding. The right to choose remains with the owner.
You just need to remember that the approach to choosing food should be individual. Personally, I feed my six dogs natural food, and you can see the results at exhibitions and on our website.

An adult dog needs approximately 50 kcal per day per 1 kg of weight.

The following factors influence the amount of food consumed

Physiological structure ( female or male (10-15% more))
Season (in cold weather increases by 15%)
Physical exercise (15-30% more protein)
Pregnancy (1 half at 15-30%, second at 40-100%)
Estrus and false pregnancy (reduce by 20-40%)
Breeding use of a male dog from 2 times a month (10-30% more)
Age (for an elderly dog, carbohydrates are reduced by 15-20%)

What can and cannot be given?

MEAT muscular
(raw, boiled) – 30% daily ration - daily:
- steamed beef (not veal, because it has less nutrients);
- not fatty young lamb;
- beef tripe(stomach) raw, not cleaned, well washed, scalded with boiling water - from 7 months;
- not fatty beef, lamb flank (raw, boiled). The flank is the place in the carcass where the internal organs are located;
- raw beef leg (cut from the shin), as for jellied meat - from 3 months. Allow the leg to be gnawed to strengthen and clean the teeth;
- tails, cartilaginous bones (raw only);
- offal (heart - raw, liver and spleen - boil, (udder, kidneys and lungs do not give);
- rabbit meat;
- horsemeat.
Broths are poorly digestible.

FISH sea boiled ( diet doubles, since it is poorer in protein) - 1 time per week:
- hake fillet, cod, pollock (contain indigestible iron).
River water cannot be given. Red fish is highly allergenic.

(raw (tested), boiled) - 1-2 times a week:
- chicken,
- turkey (ground turkey is an ideal food for small puppies).
Boiled chicken stomachs and boiled liver are rarely given.
No tubular chicken bones.

GREATS boiled- daily:
- rice (you need to add salt, as rice removes salt from the body, mineral metabolism is disrupted),
- buckwheat,
- semolina (only for convalescent dogs),
- a mixture of 0.5 rice + 0.5 buckwheat.
Not allowed: oatmeal, barley, peas, pasta, bread.
Crackers from white bread with bran given as a delicacy.

Dairy products - daily:
- kefir, yogurt 1-4%,
- cottage cheese no more than 5%. It is better not to give low-fat foods.

Cheese (10%) is given as a treat, occasionally, as it is too salty for dogs.

EGGS(boiled, raw) - 1 time per week:
- chicken – 1-2 pcs,
- better quail – 3-6 pcs.

FRUITS and BERRIES - optional in moderation:
- green apples with sourness. You can give a little daily. Adult dogs don't always eat.
Red apples can cause an allergic reaction.
- plums, apricots and kiwis (especially for pregnant bitches),
- berries - any,
- watermelon melon.
Fruit should be grown in season without nitrates.

Dried fruits give occasionally like a treat.
- prunes,
- dried apricots.
They contain a lot useful microelements.
Raisins should not be given.

You can take 1 teaspoon once a week honey(if there are no allergic reactions).

VEGETABLES: 10-20% of the daily diet - daily:
- broccoli cabbage,
- cauliflower,
- zucchini or pumpkin, cucumbers in any form,
- raw carrots, grated on a fine grater, you can give 1 tablespoon (or more) with food every day or 1-2 times a week. Gives only a coloring effect.

You can’t - boiled cabbage, beets.
For puppies, vegetables no earlier than 2 months.
Vegetables mainly have a laxative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

GREENS - 2-3 times a week:
- dill, parsley,
- salad,
- Chinese cabbage.
Chop and add to food.
Not allowed - onions and garlic.

LITTLE VEGETABLE first cold pressed - daily:
- olive,
- corn,
- sunflower,
- linen.
Add 1 tbsp to food. spoons.
Fish oil without vitamins, 0.5-1 teaspoon per meal.

Number of feedings per day

From 1 to 2 months - 6 times
From 2 to 3 months - 5 times
From 3 to 4 months - 4 times
From 4 to 6 months - 3-4 times
From 6 to 9 months - 3 times
After 9 months - 2 times

Approximate daily diet for a puppy.

Protein foods should make up 70% of the diet. Please note that the number in the table must be divided by the number of feedings per day.

(dry weight)


2.5 kg +/- 1 kg

3 kg +/- 1.5 kg

4 kg +/- 1 kg

0.5 tsp

5 kg +/- 1 kg

0.5 tsp

5 kg +/- 3 kg

0.5 tsp

8 kg +/- 1.5 kg

1 teaspoon

9 kg +/- 1.5 kg

1 teaspoon

11 kg +/- 2.5 kg

1 teaspoon

15 kg +/- 2.5 kg

1 teaspoon

about 18 kg

1 teaspoon

5 months

about 20 kg

1 teaspoon

6 months

about 25 kg

1 tbsp. spoon

7 months

about 30 kg

1 tbsp. spoon

8 months

about 33 kg

1 tbsp. spoon

9 months

about 35 kg

1 tbsp. spoon

10 months

about 37 kg

1 tbsp. spoon

VITAMINS AND MINERALS for puppies(only with natural nutrition):

- vitamins, ("PUPPY" from "8 in 1" or V25 from Canina) - must contain calcium and phosphorus 1/7;

- calcium, (Calcidee company "8 in 1"" or Welpenkalk from Canina). Calcium is well absorbed by the body only when consumed simultaneously with vitamin D. Can be replaced with ground in a coffee grinder raw shell slaked eggs with a drop of lemon juice. For puppies up to 0.5 teaspoon per day;

- glucosamine (Glucosamine from 8 in 1 or PetVital-GAG from Canina) – a drug containing glucosamine is intended for the prevention of joint diseases in dogs.

Flower pollen for dystrophic dogs.
Refrain from physical activity within an hour before and after meals.
Bowl with food should not be constantly available.
Do not give hot or cold food; feed food at room temperature.

If you combine natural nutrition and feeding with ready-made food, the food must be soaked in warm water. In this case, dosages are calculated based on daily norm and number of feedings.

Check with your breeder for a nutritional plan, don’t reinvent the wheel, use your accumulated experience!

What do you think our bones, muscles and the whole body are made of? That's right - from what we ate yesterday, the day before yesterday or a year ago. The strength, shape and beauty of our body directly depend on what we eat. You can fill your stomach with anything, but only food will build strong and healthy cells, and from the other - weak and sick.

It is not surprising that the issue of proper nutrition has long been of interest to people. Many schemes have been proposed, often contradicting each other. Some argue that man is a predator who needs meat. They either advise or increase its consumption. And you can’t count how many diets have been invented. Supporters different schemes nutritionists are ready to argue until they are hoarse, arguing with science, medicine and even mysticism. And only one thing is clear to us - A reasonable person is still not sure that he knows how to eat properly.

Interestingly, wild animals do not have problems choosing the right food. As do indigestion, obesity, most diseases and premature aging. But pets suffer from all this. That is, those whose diet is set by a person.

Maybe nature provided animals with instructions on proper nutrition, but forgot to give them to humans? Or maybe ancient man also knew how to eat properly, without discussing or making complex conclusions? And he survived in the wild, without doctors, nutritionists or dentists. He rose to the highest level of animal development. And then he became proud, forgot everything, began to eat according to science and acquired a bunch of diseases.

Wild animals follow simple rules in their diet.

  1. Don't overeat
  2. Eat natural food
  3. Don't mix
  4. They eat what tastes good

Hardly modern man must eat like an animal. This is almost impossible, and there is no point. It is better to follow these laws as much as possible and try to ensure that most of the food complies with them. And let the rest of the food be a smaller part.

Don't overeat

Eat when you are hungry and do not eat out of habit, much less out of boredom. Don't force your opinion on your stomach. The body knows best when it is ready to absorb food. Excess will not be useful.

What is natural food

This is food that grows or runs, without undergoing additional processing. Fresh cucumber, ripe banana, freshly caught fish or grasshopper. All this is natural food, until it is boiled, fried, salted, fermented, stuffed with preservatives and flavor enhancers. Any processing only reduces the usefulness of food.

Do you know why?

Firstly, nature hardly expected that for a long time healthy life the person will need sophisticated cooking. Our body is adapted to natural food. Everything else is substitutes that people eat out of desperation. For example, if natural food is not available.

Secondly, natural food is alive. Grain can germinate after hundreds of years of storage! A fresh apple can be stored for many months. Cut it open and pretty soon all that's left is rot. Gravedigger bacteria have come into play, decomposing the tissues of dead plants and the meat of dead animals. We have learned to fight bacteria by placing the dead in chemicals, salt or sugar, freezing or frying. But is the mummy alive?

In essence, the system invented by the Creator is so clever that there is no need to put an expiration date on food bags. When natural food begins to rot, it looks unappetizing, is unpleasant to the touch, smells and tastes terrible. A classic example is a rotten apple.

Living food contains enzymes (enzymes) - substances without which digestion is impossible. The body has to use its own enzymes to digest unnatural food. Live food replenishes this stock.

Eat more living things and less dead ones.

Don't mix

This rule is especially important when eating natural foods. The enzymes contained in different live foods differ. And they may conflict, then the products will be of little use. You can create and remember complex compatibility tables, but it is better to eat only one type of food at one meal. Only apples, only nuts, only grapes.

In thermally processed food (boiled, fried, etc.), most enzymes are destroyed, the body uses up its own, so the conflict is minimal. However, even in this case it is difficult to digest everything.

Studies have shown that proteins (meat, milk) in the stomach are digested in acidic environment, and carbohydrates (bread, pasta) are alkaline. If they are together, it means that something is not digested, but rots. In addition, different foods are digested different time. As a result, something will come out of the stomach either raw or fermented.

Don't turn your stomach into a dump.

Eat delicious

This is the most important rule. The body knows very well what food it needs right now. It’s enough to listen to him, eat what you want now and... don’t deceive yourself.

And we deceive ourselves by constantly distorting the taste of food. Not only do we fry, boil and bake it, but we also supply it with a bunch of spices. To “become tastier”, to deceive the body even more.

Eat natural food with it natural taste. If you like raw meat, fish or live spider bugs, go ahead. If you want to lick salt or chalk, lick it. This means that the body needs all this. Or prefer ripe berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs, honey and nuts.

It never occurs to anyone to season a juicy peach with garlic. Do you know why? Peach is so delicious!

There is no need for extremes

It is unlikely that you should completely give up eating certain foods. Omnivorousness is a human advantage over most animals, which allows us to occupy the top of the food pyramid.

Just try to follow the laws of natural nutrition more often, making unnatural food an addition, but not the basis. Use substitutes when the original is not available. Sometimes switch completely to natural nutrition. For example, .

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