Medicines for the prevention of colds. Measures to prevent influenza. Necessary measures to prevent influenza, acute respiratory infections and colds: memo

Almost every person suffers from a cold at least once a year. No matter how strong the human body is, it cannot be completely protected from viruses and infections, especially if it is the off-season or winter. Manufacturers offer inexpensive cold and flu medications to combat illness. You should know which ones are not only cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

All flu and cold remedies are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These medications fight the virus and make the body's cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations for correcting the body's defense reactions to natural levels.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs in this group do not suppress infection, but simply relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs in this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and teenagers take 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those with kidney disease.
  2. "Amiksin". Adults take two 125 mg tablets on the first day of illness, and then one tablet every other day. The dosage of the children's drug has been halved. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women.
  3. "Ribavirin". A new generation drug, very effective. Adults take 0.2 g four times a day. Course – 5 days.


Inexpensive good cold and flu medicines in this category:

  1. "Cycloferon". The drug is for adults and children who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take one tablet every other day.
  2. "Kagocel". This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults take two tablets three times the first two days, and then one at a time. Kagocel should not be taken by pregnant women for the first three months.
  3. "Anaferon". Homeopathic medicine. Adults take one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove signs of the disease:

  1. Coldact Flu Plus. Paracetamol capsules and excipients. You need to drink one every 12 hours. During treatment, you must categorically abstain from alcoholic beverages.
  2. Coldrex. Helps with colds wet cough. You need to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. You should not take this drug if you have diabetes or liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rinza." Tablets are taken 4 times a day. They should not be drunk by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age, or people with heart or vascular diseases. Course – 5 days.
  4. "Fervex". The drug is produced in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. You should not use Fervex for more than three days. You should not drink more than 4 packets per day.

Cold remedies

Apart from pills, there are many other medications that effectively fight the disease. If you do not wish to accept antiviral drugs for colds and flu, drink complex remedies with symptomatic action, then you can try a different treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive drugs against colds and flu, which will ease your condition.

For sore throat

The following medications will help you relieve inflammation and irritation:

  1. "Grammidin." Fast acting tablets for resorption with anesthetic. You need to take two of them 4 times a day, following a weekly course.
  2. "Strepsils". They relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. The tablets should be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Treatment with the drug is allowed for children over five years of age. A sore throat will be completely removed in three to four days.
  3. "Faryngosept". A powerful medicine that should not be taken by children under six years of age. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets after meals and then not drink liquids for a while. Per day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

The following medications will help you get rid of a runny nose:

  1. "Sanorin". They have a vasoconstrictor effect. They do not treat nasal congestion, but temporarily eliminate it. These drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. Contains reduced concentration vasoconstrictors and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol." Medicinal drops having medicinal effects. They slowly fight the causes of a runny nose, but do not eliminate congestion.
  3. "Aqua Maris" A product for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Prevents blood vessels from drying out and speeds up the healing process. It is recommended to use moisturizing drops for any type of runny nose.
  4. "Vibrocil." Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only a runny nose, but also its cause. They have vasoconstrictor antihistamine effect, kill bacteria, relieve swelling.


The following medications will quickly reduce the temperature:

  1. "Paracetamol". Time-tested and inexpensive remedy, which removes heat, relieves pain and inflammation. Side effects he has practically none. Paracetamol is the main active component of many other drugs: Panadol, Fervex, Flucolda, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen." This medicine is more of an anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. It should not be taken by those who have ulcers, kidney or liver disease. Included in Nurofen and Ibuklin.
  3. "Aspirin" ( acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. Should not be taken by pregnant women, children under 12, or those with decreased clotting blood. Is the main component huge amount other antipyretic drugs.

For herpes

The following ointments will help overcome this unpleasant symptom of a cold:

  1. "Acyclovir". The most inexpensive remedy. Fights the virus and prevents it from multiplying. If you are pregnant or nursing a child, do not use the drug. If you get herpes often, it is better to alternate Acyclovir with another antiseptic ointment or cream so as not to become addictive.
  2. "Zovirax". The cream contains propylene glycol, thanks to which active substance penetrates cells faster and more efficiently. Absorbs well into the skin. Zovirax must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pentsivir". A very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes instantly. Prevents wounds from becoming scars. The drug should not be used by pregnant, nursing mothers, or children under 12.

Against cough

Table of drugs:

Inexpensive drug analogues

If you cannot afford even the cheapest antiviral drugs, use Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: Naphthyzin or Farmazolin nasal drops, Septifril tablets for treating sore throat, cough medicine. Gargling with Chlorophyllipt will also be effective.

Medicines to prevent flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, rather than cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. Rules prophylactic intake are described in the instructions for each of them. You can try Broncho-munal capsules, which can be combined with almost all medications. Medicines such as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, and Amizon have a good preventive effect.

Video: homemade Coldrex for colds


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of the flu, I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, Rinza or Coldrex. This prevents the infection from getting worse. I have never taken immunomodulators because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, only I bring down his temperature with Paracetamol. I trust domestic drugs more.

Lena, 35 years old: Nowadays the pharmacy offers so many names of cold medicines that it’s hard not to get confused. I try to use antipyretic drugs, for example, Aspirin or Paracetamol. If a runny nose starts, I use Pinosol. It helps a lot, although it doesn't pierce the nose. If a sore throat starts, I use Chlorophyllipt.

Tanya, 24 years old: My ARVI always goes away with fever and cough. I drink Fervex powders and also buy ACC. Thanks to this treatment, my illness goes away in three or four days. Last winter I took Arbidol for prevention, but I still got sick, so I don’t accept medications to correct the immune system. I am being treated when the cold has already started.

Flu prevention measures

Every person periodically suffers from infectious diseases that affect everyone, regardless of age or gender - influenza and acute respiratory infections. The patient is in a helpless state for several weeks, feels weak, suffers from fever, headache and intoxication. The mortality rate of the viral disease is relatively high: 1 death is registered per 2000 people. Prevention of influenza, according to doctors, serves effective way avoid infection, because a disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Preventing influenza with folk remedies for colds

Most people believe that it is possible to protect themselves from infection with just a gauze mask. However, nonspecific disease prevention is primarily based on increasing immunity. Folk remedies help increase the body's overall resistance to various pathogens. Similarly, homeopathy does not stimulate the production specific immunity in humans. This is subject only to the vaccine.

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies, although effective, is very low. For achievement significant result it is necessary to systematically carry out disease prevention. If you use folk recipes, preventive measures should be carried out constantly (as a way of life). A useful vaccine injection is given once a year. The advantages of folk remedies for preventing viruses are:

  • their action is gentle on the body;
  • minimal amount side effects;
  • no contraindications (allowed during pregnancy, allowed for children preschool age, nursing mothers);
  • universal effect (prevent not only influenza, but also other diseases);
  • they are inexpensive compared to pharmacy drugs.


A proven method of flu prevention is garlic. To avoid infection with seasonal viruses and survive the epidemic, adults and children are recommended to eat a couple of garlic cloves daily. If the child does not want to eat spicy product, it is worth trying another method of prevention - inhalation. To do this, you need to pass through a press or grate 2-3 cloves of garlic and a clove of onion. While the pulp is fresh, the baby should breathe in pairs, alternating breaths through the nose and mouth. Since the virus is concentrated in the respiratory tract, such prevention is very effective.


Relieving flu symptoms is considered the correct method of therapy. According to naturopaths, taking antibiotics in this case is not advisable, since they have no effect on the virus. The ideal solution will become traditional medicine. To saturate the body with vitamins that play the role of immunomodulators, eat honey, drink fruit drinks, berry compotes (cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries), herbal decoctions with lemon. For prevention viral diseases, you need to consume about 500 mg of ascorbic acid per day.


A quick way to overcome a runny nose is through inhalation. To prevent the flu, put 500 ml of water in a small saucepan, bring it to a boil, then remove from the heat and add to the liquid. essential oil eucalyptus or mint (5-7 drops). Inhalations are often carried out using herbal decoctions. Sage, oregano, and lavender are brewed in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then you should breathe the steam over the pan for 10-15 minutes, covering your head with a towel. To prevent viral diseases, do the procedure once a day.

Prevention of ARVI diseases with antiviral drugs

Drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections have a bacterial-stimulating and immunomodulatory effect. Medicines that provide protection against influenza often act on the central nervous system (CNS) organs. nervous system). It is worth studying the instructions and contraindications in detail before starting to take any drug, including homeopathic remedies. Modern pharmaceuticals do not have a panacea for the treatment of influenza, since the strains and forms of the virus are constantly changing.

Anti-flu tablets

  1. Amantadine, remantadine. Prescribed to patients with type A influenza (pandemic type, which includes avian, swine, etc.). By taking tablets during the first 2 days after infection, it is possible to shorten the duration of the disease and dull the first symptoms of the flu. For group B viruses, these drugs will be ineffective. For prevention, no more than 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight of an adult is prescribed. In children (up to 7 years), taking these medications is prohibited.
  2. Arbidol. The drug suppresses influenza types A and B and increases the body's resistance to viruses. Even upon contact with an infectious person, the product protects against the development of influenza. For prevention, take 1 capsule per day for two weeks. Antiviral drugs for influenza such as Arbidol are contraindicated in people with serious illnesses kidney, of cardio-vascular system and liver.
  3. Amiksin. The drug is used to treat and prevent many viral diseases, including influenza, hepatitis, herpes and others. The tablets suppress the development of viruses, so they are often prescribed to adults who are already sick or to those who are at risk of becoming infected while working in public places. Amiksin should be taken once a week, 1 tablet. Women during pregnancy or lactation, children under 7 years of age, and those with hypersensitivity to its components should refrain from preventing acute respiratory infections and colds with this drug.
  4. Aflubin. Syrup refers to homeopathic medicines, is able to stimulate the immune system and increase the body's protective functions. An infant under one year of age is prescribed 1 drop of the product mixed in small quantity milk or water, three times a day. Children under 12 years old should take 4-5 drops at least three times a day. Adults drink syrup 10 drops up to 8 times a day. The duration of influenza therapy is 5-10 days. For prevention, the drug is taken twice a day for 20 days.
  5. Viferon. Suppositories are used starting from the first hours of illness. Viferon effectively destroys viruses and stimulates the immune system. Doctors prescribe the drug for the prevention or treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza even for young children and the elderly due to the gentle effect of the drug on the body. Viferon dosage regimen: 1 suppository per day for 5 days. Often, a second course of therapy is carried out to consolidate the result.
  6. Theraflu. Such powders and tablets, which contain paracetamol, are considered most effective for the prevention of colds. Their disadvantage is a high degree of toxicity. Paracetamol-based products can cause stomach pain or cramps, and they also have harmful effect on the liver, kidneys. Doctors recommend not taking such drugs to prevent influenza, but using Theraflu, Coldrex and other drugs in this group only in severe cases of the disease with a persistently high temperature.

Nasal drops

  1. Grippferon. Drops, in order to prevent acute respiratory infections and other viral diseases, are instilled into the nose twice a day. For the treatment of influenza, the drug is used 4-5 times a day. As a rule, Grippferon is not used during an epidemic, but only during contact with sick people. Doctors do not recommend using the product for longer than 5-7 days. Grippferon is prescribed for prevention to both adults and children over 1 year of age.
  2. Ingaron. The drug differs from its analogues in that its effectiveness is equally equal at all stages of influenza: from development to recovery. Research has proven that viruses are not able to get used to the components of droplets. It is forbidden for women to use Ingaron during pregnancy and for children under 7 years of age. The drug is available in powder form, which should be diluted with water. The daily dosage for the prevention of viral infections is 500,000 IU.
  3. Derinat. The only antiviral drug that does not contain interferon. Thanks to the special composition, the drops are effective even against fungal infection or due to bacterial infection of the body. Derinat helps regenerate the nasal mucosa after the destructive effects of viruses. For prophylaxis, the drug is used once a day. If symptoms of ARVI have already appeared, drops are applied to the nose twice a day with an interval of about 12 hours.

Nose ointment

  1. Oksolin. Nasal ointment is used to prevent acute viral infections 2-3 times a day, lubricating it internal cavity nostrils The course lasts 20-25 days during the most dangerous period of the epidemic. For the treatment of a runny nose, Oxolin is used for 3-5 days. Prevention of influenza in pregnant women is very limited. As a result, cheap oxolinic ointment helps a lot. Along with the reception vitamin products it is the main means of preventing influenza.
  2. Fleming's ointment. Homeopathic remedy is used for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. The ointment has antibacterial effect, activates blood microcirculation and increases the protective function of the immune system. For prevention, the drug is used as follows: the contents of the tube are squeezed out in a small amount onto a cotton swab and applied to the mucous membrane of each nostril. The procedure is repeated morning and evening.

Flu shot

The vaccine is considered the most reliable way to prevent influenza during an epidemic. It strengthens the immune system, which after vaccination is able to suppress any viruses cold nature. Main function The healing injection is to prevent influenza infection. Complications after past illness, for which the vaccine is main enemy. Signs of an exacerbation of health after the flu are malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, and respiratory organs.

The most common flu vaccines include: Begrivak, Grippol, Agrippal, Influvac, Fluarix. Each person has the right to independently choose a remedy, based on their health status and financial capabilities. However, before getting vaccinated, you must visit a doctor. Vaccination against influenza is allowed from the age of six months, but for some categories of people doctors strongly recommend getting an injection. High-risk groups include:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnant women;
  • those suffering from metabolic disorders;
  • elderly people (over 50 years old);
  • children from six months to adulthood;
  • patients undergoing inpatient treatment;
  • people with kidney, lung, heart or vascular diseases;
  • schoolchildren, preschoolers and students;
  • people with immunodeficiency;
  • infected with staphylococcal infection.

A common occurrence with influenza vaccination is an adverse reaction to the vaccine. To avoid negative effects vaccination, you need to warn your doctor about existing diseases or those that you have suffered during last month. The specialist should also be aware of allergic reactions to any drugs and products. Vaccinated people report flu-like symptoms in the first days after the shot. This:

  • headache;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • redness of the vaccination site;
  • slight weakness.

Even nursing mothers are allowed to administer the ARVI vaccine. Breastfeeding does not interfere with the immune response in any way and is not considered a contraindication to the flu shot. In addition, the antibodies produced by the mother's body, penetrating through breast milk, serve as additional protection for the child from viruses. It is forbidden to give an injection to nursing mothers if they have a runny nose or other cold symptoms.

Flu is very easily transmitted. The most common methods of infection are airborne and household. When talking, sneezing, coughing, sputum containing pathogenic substances is released from the nasopharynx of an infected person, which can spread 2-3 meters around the patient. As a rule, the flu manifests itself immediately in an acute form. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 to 5 days, after which the symptoms of the virus are diagnosed. To avoid inpatient treatment in the clinic, it is important to carry out seasonal prevention diseases.

Antiviral drugs for children

Colds in children are common. It indicates a low protective function of the immune system and the baby’s body’s susceptibility to cold, viruses, and infections. The main difficulty in treating children is the inability to use effective means. They are contraindicated for small children due to complex composition. A children's antiviral drug should be free of side effects. After watching the video, you will learn about the TOP drugs for preventing viruses, including influenza, in children.

What is the difference between acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections?

Colds are more common in children than in adults. With the onset of cold weather, parents face feeling unwell a child whose temperature rises, coughs, and runny nose. The cause of such symptoms may be ARVI, acute respiratory infections or influenza. How are diseases different? Learn about this and disease prevention methods by watching the video.

Flu vaccination

The first sign of an approaching epidemic is mass flu vaccination. To prevent the spread of the virus, the state is creating an action plan that is being implemented in all institutions. These are reminders about the disease, thematic health bulletins, posters. Their main topic is flu vaccination. After watching the video, you will find out whether it is worth getting vaccinated to prevent infection with the virus.

Antiviral drugs for flu and colds

Treatment of viral diseases is complex and requires taking into account the characteristics of the patient. A person’s age, individual characteristics of the body, the level of readiness of the immune system to respond, and even the stage of the disease play a role. Antiviral medications for colds and flu are given to prevent and strengthen the immune system. You can treat with tablets, powders, injections or other methods. Patients are not recommended to choose cold medicines due to significant differences“colds” of a bacterial and viral nature. It is better to consult a doctor first.

What are antiviral drugs

Medicines of each category differ in the principle of action on bacteria and the human body. Antiviral drugs are proteins that help the immune system destroy viruses when they re-enter the body. Tablets are not always effective, so injections are recommended. When treating ARVI or influenza, it is important to understand the difference between antivirals and antibiotics.

Differences between drugs:

  • antiviral agents strengthen the immune system and prevent viruses from entering the body;
  • Antibiotics kill bacteria but have a negative effect on the immune system.

Many patients wonder whether it is possible to take antibiotics and antivirals at the same time. The answer will be clearly negative. Drugs of the first category block the action of drugs from the second group. Reception antiviral drugs will be useless. There are rare exceptions, so what to take for the flu should be discussed with your doctor.

Medicines to prevent influenza

Antiviral agents are divided into several categories. They differ in the form of release, packaging, recommended age for use, spectrum of action and contraindications. Medicines for flu and colds are made in the form of tablets, powders or special compounds for injection. For home treatment or disease prevention, the first two categories of drugs are used. Vaccination is organized in medical institutions.

  • immunomodulators (drugs that promote the production of interferons and temporarily enhance immune defense);
  • antiviral drugs (antiretroviral, antiherpes, anti-influenza drugs, extended spectrum);
  • means for vaccinations (the main purpose of the drugs is to stimulate the production of antibodies; vaccination is carried out before infection).

Antiviral drugs for influenza

Please note that the products listed are suitable for adult patients, pregnancy or childhood require special rules for appointment and reception. Popular remedies for viral diseases include:

  • “Kagocel” – has the ability to immunostimulate the body, is available in the form of tablets, suitable for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults or children over 3 years of age;
  • "Ingavirin" is an immunostimulant, not recommended for children under 18 years of age, increases the activity of interferon function;
  • "Cycloferon" is an interferon inducer, an immunostimulant, prevents herpes infection, contraindications include pregnancy or lactation;
  • "Acyclovir" - has an antiherpetic effect, is available in the form effervescent powder, during pregnancy or lactation, taken as recommended by a doctor, may cause allergies;
  • "Remantadine" - can be sold under the modified name "Rimantadine", a fast-acting antiviral drug, broad spectrum of action, contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation.

For children

The recommended age for medications that can be given to a child is indicated in the instructions. Keep in mind that you cannot break the rules and dosage. The following medications are suitable for treating colds and flu early in life:

  • "Rimantadine" - suitable for the prevention or treatment of early stages of diseases, used for children over 7 years of age in accordance with the instructions;
  • "Grippferon" - suitable for children from birth, used for the treatment or prevention of viral diseases;
  • "Anaferon" is contraindicated for children under 1 month, a powerful immunostimulant.

During pregnancy

Mothers who are happily expecting a baby are highly recommended not to take antiviral drugs without a doctor’s prescription. Examples of drugs that can be used during lactation and pregnancy:

  • “Viferon” - suppositories are safe not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation, they contain vitamins that help strengthen the immune system;
  • "Ocillococcylum" - used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, moderate and severe influenza, strong option with minor side effects;
  • "Grippferon" - strengthens the immune system, an antiviral drug for colds and flu, it is recommended to follow the conditions specified in the instructions.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs

The selection of drugs for the treatment of any disease must be carried out in accordance with certain recommendations. Remedies for ARVI and influenza differ in their specificity. In order not to spoil your health and not risk harming your child, it is better to check with your doctor about the nuances of replacing expensive imported drugs with cheap ones. The list of domestic options – no less effective than foreign ones – is very extensive. Replace modern expensive flu pills with cheap analogues:

  • "Kagocel" is replaced by "Remantadine" or "Arbidol";
  • "Grippferon" can be replaced with "Interferon";
  • Zovirax is identical in composition to Acyclovir;
  • "Acyclovir Acri" is replaced by the usual "Acyclovir".

Video about the rules for choosing drugs for influenza


Elena, 45 years old: B Lately colds began to haunt. The slightest hypothermia - a runny nose, cough, and fever appear within a day. I took Cycloferon on the advice of a doctor. I realized that the pills are more effective if you start a course of treatment when you suspect a disease. Thanks to the drug I can prevent colds.

Natalya, 25 years old: The child is 3 years old. Let's go to kindergarten, they began to get sick there often. To prevent colds, the pediatrician recommended children's Anaferon. We use the drug to treat ARVI or at the first symptoms of a cold. Recovery is quick and without complications. In cold or rainy weather we apply “ Oxolinic ointment" The child got sick less often.

Olga, 20 years old: Since childhood, I have not been resistant to colds. I looked at photos and videos about viral diseases on the Internet. To prevent acute respiratory infections, ARVI or influenza, I started taking Remantadine. I start a course of pills when there is a risk of a cold (hypothermia, rainy weather). The pain has become less frequent, and the drug does not cause unwanted side effects. Great positive effect.

Medicines for the prevention of flu and colds: list of the best

Winter, which is coming into its own, is associated not only with fun sledding and skiing, but also with epidemics of influenza and various colds. But today there are simple and reliable methods to avoid unpleasant ailments. In order not to join the ranks of those who sneeze, it is recommended to use medications that enhance immunity and perfectly eliminate viruses to prevent flu and colds.

Colds usually develop against the background of impaired immunological reactivity. A decrease in the body's natural defenses increases susceptibility to infections and increases the likelihood of relapses of viral illnesses. Medicines recommended for the prevention of flu and colds:

  1. Interferon inducers. These include the drugs “Cycloferon”, “Arbidol”, “Kagocel”, “Amiksin”, “Neovir”. These agents enhance the production of the body's own interferon, which increases the antiviral response. It is recommended to use such drugs in advance, in a certain preventive course.
  2. Vitamins. The body's need for them increases during the cold season. The most relevant medications are “Aevit”, “Gerimaks”, “Antioxy-caps”, “Vetoron”.
  3. Adaptogens. These are drugs that increase the human body’s resistance to environmental influences. Medicines stimulate defenses and increase performance. Preference is given to such products as extracts of Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Schisandra, and Gerimax.
  4. Immunomodulators. These drugs restore impaired immunity. It is advisable to use medications for the prevention of influenza and colds that do not require prior examination and are characterized by excellent tolerability. These can be the drugs “Immunal”, “Immunorm”, “Bioaron S”, “Tonsilgon N”, “Bronchomunal”, “IRS-19”, “Licopid”, “Imudon”, “Ribomunil”.
  5. Antiviral drugs. Such means allow you to protect the body from various viruses even during prevention. Some of the effective remedies are “Arbidol”, “Anaferon”, “Grippferon”, “Amiksin”, “Viferon”, “Kagocel”, “Cycloferon”, “Amizon”.

List of drugs

Wanting to prevent unpleasant illnesses, every person faces large selection funds. Doctors have identified the most effective and popular medications for the prevention of flu and colds. Let's look at the list of such funds in more detail.

The drug "Amizon"

This medicine is used to treat and prevent colds and flu. In addition, it is used to combat some infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, rubella, mononucleosis and others.

The active ingredient of the drug is amizon. This product should not be used on children under 6 years of age.

When treating acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, adults should consume 0.25-0.5 g 2 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

If the product is used for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use 0.25 g for 3-5 days. Then, for 2-3 weeks, use 1 tablet every 2-3 days.

One package (20 tablets) is usually enough for a course of treatment. The medicine "Amizon" is a fairly inexpensive remedy that has large spectrum actions.

The drug "Arbidol"

Need flu and cold prevention? Medicines to achieve high results, are quite varied. An excellent drug is Arbidol.

The drug is effective for the treatment of influenza A, B, ARVI. Very effective in for preventive purposes. Allows you not only to treat ailments, but also their complications. Often used in complex therapy pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, recurrent herpes.

Allowed for use by children from 2 years of age.

For the treatment of uncomplicated diseases, adults are recommended to take 0.2 g 4 times a day. The duration of such treatment is 3-5 days. If the drug is used for prophylaxis, 0.2 g is used per day. In this case, the duration is from 10 to 14 days.

Medicine "Remantadine"

The drug is in demand for control and prevention during the influenza A epidemic season. The drug is not intended for children under 7 years of age.

To treat the disease, it is advisable to use the drug according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day – 2 pills three times a day;
  • Days 2-3 – 2 pcs. twice a day;
  • Days 4-5 – 2 tablets once a day.

Prevention is based on the use of the product for 10-15 days, once a day, 1 tablet.

The drug "Anaferon"

Homeopathic medications can be used to prevent flu and colds. This is exactly what Anaferon is. It is recommended to be used in complex therapy for the treatment of influenza, herpes, and ARVI.

This drug is approved for use in infants from 6 months of age. It is recommended to use the medicine every 30 minutes during the first two hours. Then take 1 tablet three times during the day. Treatment continues until recovery.

Prevention involves taking 1 pill daily for 1-3 months.

Means "Amiksin"

It is advisable that for the prevention of flu and colds, medications for adults are recommended by a doctor. If you select medications yourself, be sure to carefully study the instructions.

A fairly effective remedy is the drug “Amiksin”. It is widely in demand for the treatment and prevention of colds, flu, and viral hepatitis.

The drug is not used for children under 7 years of age.

For treatment, the drug is taken 0.125 g 1 time per day for 2 days. Then the product in this dosage is applied 1 time within 48 hours. Prevention is based on the use of 0.125 g once a week. This technique It is advisable to continue for 6 weeks.

Treatment and prevention of children

A healthy child is always cheerful. He laughs cheerfully, touching those around him. But unfortunately, babies sometimes get sick.

It is much easier to prevent illness by using medicines for children to prevent flu and colds. To avoid illness, the baby should boost his immunity. The drugs Grippferon and Interferon are quite effective. Such medicines for the prevention of flu and colds in newborns (up to 6 months) are instilled into the nose. It is recommended to use them twice a day, one drop at a time.

From 7 months, children can be given children's drug"Anaferon". The pill is diluted in a spoon of warm water.

Below are the most effective medications for preventing flu and colds for children. However, remember that self-medication is not recommended. It is advisable to coordinate the use of this or that drug with your pediatrician.

Viferon preparations: suppositories and ointment

These medications should be stored in the refrigerator.

Suppositories are an antiviral immunomodulatory agent. This drug is prescribed, if necessary, to newborn babies and even premature babies. The product is effective for a variety of infectious and inflammatory ailments: influenza, acute respiratory infections, complications after bacterial infections.

Suppositories are administered rectally every 12 hours for five days. It is recommended to start using them at the first signs of illness.

The ointment is approved for use in children over 1 year of age. It is carefully applied to the mucous membrane of the nose 3-4 times a day with a cotton swab. This remedy is very effective in complex therapy.

Medicine for children "Anaferon"

The question often arises about what medications can be used to prevent flu and colds for children under one year of age? The drug "Anaferon" for children is approved for use by babies starting from 1 month.

This is an excellent antiviral immunomodulatory medicine. It is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes against many diseases, including acute respiratory infections and influenza.

The medicine is available in tablets. For infants, as described above, the tablet is diluted in boiled water. Older children are recommended to dissolve the pill.

Ointment "Oxolinic"

This is a proven old remedy. This ointment can be used even by newborns. For preventive purposes, they begin to use it, as a rule, from the second month of a child’s life.

The ointment is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose. The product is purely preventative. Necessary therapeutic effect it does not possess.

The drug "Aflubin"

This is wonderful homeopathic remedy, which effectively eliminates cold and flu symptoms. Its use is allowed at any age. It’s just important to follow the required dosages.

The taste of the drug is not very pleasant. Therefore, it can be diluted in tea or water required amount drops

This product has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and antipyretic properties. It is recommended to use the medicine at the first signs of illness.

The drug "Interferon"

The product is available in ampoules. Like some of the above medicines for preventing flu and colds in children, this remedy can be used from birth.

Before use, you must prepare a solution. Boiled cooled water (about 2 ml) is added to the open ampoule up to a special mark. The resulting drug is placed in the child’s nose.

Means "Grippferon"

The basis of the drug is the “Interferon” described above. The product is completely ready for use. There is no need to dilute it. The medicine is stored strictly in the refrigerator. It is also allowed for use from birth.

The concentration of the Interferon substance in the bottle is slightly higher than in the self-prepared solution described above. Therefore, babies up to one year old are instilled no more than 5 times a day.

The drug "Arbidol"

For the prevention of flu and colds, medications for children under 3 years of age are used not only those described above. The drug "Arbidol" is effective. However, it should be remembered that the product can only be used from 2 years of age.

The drug perfectly strengthens the immune system. It helps increase the child’s body’s resistance to many viral diseases. The medicine has proven itself well as a prophylactic agent.

How can pregnant women protect themselves from the disease?

The immunity of a woman preparing to become a mother is weakened. Therefore, she is more likely to catch a cold or contract the flu. Sometimes doctors recommend vaccination before an epidemic as a preventive measure. But on early stages she is undesirable.

A pregnant woman should direct all her strength to strengthening the body and increasing immunity. It is recommended to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, fresh juices. Doctors advise eating a clove of garlic or a little green onion.

It is useful to use for preventive purposes vitamin teas herbal, fruit drinks, compotes. It is recommended to choose rose hips, cranberries, viburnum, and currants. Tea with lemon is beneficial. Eating citrus fruits is effective.

What medications can be used to prevent flu and colds? Most of the products are prohibited for pregnant women. During an epidemic, before leaving home, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane with “Oxolinic” ointment. You can drip your nose with Interferon. Before going to bed, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with Calendula or Eucalyptus tincture.

In addition, it is important for all family members, during an epidemic, to take appropriate medications for preventive purposes.


During cold and damp weather, anyone becomes extremely vulnerable to viruses that cause colds. In addition, the flu can be not only an unpleasant disease that disturbs the usual rhythm of life, but also quite dangerous phenomenon. Sometimes it leaves behind various complications. Therefore, during an epidemic, you should protect your body as much as possible from illnesses. Accept quality effective drugs. In this case, you are provided with excellent protection against viruses.

For most of us, winter is the most awaited time. Many are waiting for her to enjoy traditional activities - skiing and sledding. But not everyone shares this point of view. There are also those who are not very happy about the coming of winter. After all, this is the most favorable time in order to catch the flu virus and other colds. Fortunately, people have long learned to resist diseases and fight them effectively.

If you do not want to experience the unpleasant symptoms of the flu, then you should not wait to become infected. Long before the arrival of winter, start spending preventive actions, which will help boost your immunity and prevent viruses from putting you to bed.

In most patients who have a cold, cough, runny nose, headaches and other characteristic symptoms of this disease occur due to weakened immunity. When own protective forces the body does not have enough, nothing can stop the infection from carrying out its active work V human body and cause various viral diseases. To protect yourself from flu and colds, experts advise taking the following: medications.

List of drugs

To protect themselves from the dangers of viruses and bacteria, many people have to be very careful when choosing medications. But this problem can be easily solved if you seek advice from doctors who are well familiar with the modern range of medications for the prevention of influenza and colds, and their effects on the body.

This medicine is intended for surgical treatment Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds, as well as their warnings. It can also be included as part of complex therapy for certain infectious diseases- for example, rubella, chickenpox and others.

As active component The drug contains Amizon. Instructions for use contain instructions that this product should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

In most cases, one package, which contains 20 tablets, is enough to complete a full course. This medicine against flu and colds is popular not only because affordable price, but also wide range actions.

The drug Arbidol

You can take this to prevent colds and flu effective remedy, like Arbidol. This medicine is effective with deal with influenza A and B viruses, and acute respiratory viral infection. It is ideal as a means of prevention. They can treat not only colds, but also complications arising from them. Quite often doctors include Arbidol in the composition complex treatment diseases such as recurrent herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. The drug can be prescribed for treatment children over 2 years of age.

Medicine Remantadine

The drug can become an alternative to the above-mentioned drugs both for treatment and for prevention ARI, ARVI, flu and colds. It can be given to children, but only to those who have reached age 7 years.

In order for the product to have the maximum therapeutic effect, it should be taken according to the following regimen:

  • on the first day - 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • on the second and third days - 2 capsules 2 times a day;
  • on the fourth and fifth days - 2 pills once a day.

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken in a course of 10 days. In this case, the dosage of the medicine will be one tablet per day.

Drug Anaferon

For prevention of flu and colds You can use drugs from the homeopathic group. One of known means The medicine of this class is Anaferon. It is often included in the complex treatment of diseases such as ARVI and influenza.

It can be given to children aged from 6 months. Take Anaferon during the first two hours with an interval of 30 minutes between doses. During this period, the dosage is determined as 1 tablet 3 times a day. Subsequently, the dosage regimen is not changed and is maintained until complete recovery. If the remedy was chosen for preventive purposes, then it must be taken 1 tablet 1 time per day for 1-3 months.

Treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza

Every parent is happy when he sees his child cheerful and joyful. But babies’ immunity is not strong enough, so sometimes they get sick.

It is best not to wait for illness and to help the body in advance so that it can give a worthy rebuff to viruses. Therefore, the main recommendation that pediatricians give to parents is to carry out activities that will help increase the child’s immunity.

It is for this purpose that doctors often prescribe drugs to children. Grippferon And . They ideally cope with the task of preventing acute respiratory infections in children. For newborns up to 6 months, the medicine is instilled into the nose twice a day, one drop.

If you need to strengthen the immunity of a child over 6 months of age, then in this case you can use the drug. Before use, the pills must be dissolved in a spoon of warm water. In addition to the above medicines There are other quite effective medications that can protect children's body from flu and colds. But you must not forget that self-medication may not always lead to positive results. Therefore, in order not to risk the health of your child, be sure to ask your doctor about the correct use of the drug you have chosen.

Medicine Viferon: suppositories and ointments

It belongs to the group of modern antiviral drugs that, when used, have an immunomodulatory effect on the body. It is often prescribed to newborns and premature babies. The drug is very effective as a means of preventing acute respiratory infections, other infectious and inflammatory diseases, influenza, as well as complications caused by bacterial infections.

Viferon in the form of suppositories is used rectally for a course of 5 days. In this case, the child needs to administer each suppository at intervals of 12 hours. It is advisable to start treatment with this drug when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Viferon in ointment form is suitable for use as a means of preventing colds and flu for children over 1 year old. They lubricate the nasal mucosa three to four times a day using cotton swab.

Medicine Anaferon for children

Enough difficult situation are parents of children under 1 year of age. It is not so easy for them to choose safe and effective medications for the prevention of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. However, there are medications that can satisfy them. One of them is the drug Anaferon, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children starting from 1 month.

This is one of the popular antiviral drugs that has an immunomodulatory effect on the children's body. It is perfect as a medicine for the surgical treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu, as well as a prophylactic agent.

In pharmacies, Anaferon is offered in the form of tablets, which must be dissolved in boiled water before taking. For older children, Anaferon tablets can be given at pure form, but they should not swallow them, but dissolve them.

Oxolinic ointment

Doctors are well familiar with this drug and its therapeutic effect. That's why they've been prescribing it for young children for many years. This ointment is highly safe for health and is therefore suitable for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds and flu in newborns. However, you can start using it only for children who are over 2 months.

Before use, you should prepare a cotton swab, apply the medicine to it, and then use it to treat the baby’s nasal mucosa. The drug can be used only for prevention. It is not suitable for the surgical treatment of colds and flu.

Drug Aflubin

The medicine belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines that, when used, quickly relieve symptoms of colds and flu. This is a universal remedy that can be used at any age. But you should always read the instructions before use, and then strictly follow the dosages indicated in it.

Due to the fact that the medicine does not completely pleasant taste, children may not like it. Therefore, before use, it can be diluted with tea or water.

Aflubin is a medicine with a wide spectrum of action. When taken, it has antipyretic, detoxification, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It is recommended to start taking Aflubin at the first appearance of cold symptoms.

Interferon drug

In pharmacies this drug is offered in the form of ampoules. It is practically no different from the above-mentioned means for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and colds in children. Therefore, it can be used from birth.

For better absorption, it must be introduced into the child’s body in the form of a solution. To do this, take the ampoule, open it, and then pour the contents into a glass containing 2 ml of chilled boiled water. The resulting mixture must be injected into the baby's nose.


Flu and colds are the most common and at the same time unpleasant diseases, which both adults and children are equally at risk of encountering. Most known methods, unfortunately, do not allow one to avoid infection with these diseases. Therefore, many of us turn to doctors for advice, and they prescribe well-proven medications.

Today you can find a lot of such drugs in pharmacies, and among them there are those that can be used for acute respiratory infections in both adults and children. However, you should always read the instructions before use, since some medications may have age restrictions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Every year, residents of our country spend more than thirty billion rubles on antiviral drugs for colds and flu. Some choose an effective medicine based on the pharmacist’s recommendations, others based on bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, advice from a friend or neighbor, while others do the right thing and go to the doctor. I want to present you with a list of the most popular and effective antiviral drugs. And also familiarize you with the features of each flu remedy. will quickly put you “on your feet.”

All anti-flu drugs, depending on their mechanism of action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza pathogens;
  2. drugs that increase the body’s protective properties by activating the production of interferon;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the replication of the virus by inactivating neuromidase (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (Amantadine, Remantadine).

Effective remedies for influenza and ARVI are new drugs that have been on the market for no more than 10-40 years. Their “young age” is explained by long-term testing before they went on sale. We bring to your attention a list of medications that includes the best drugs for influenza and ARVI:

  • Ingavirin;
  • Remantadine;

Ingavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, ARVI and other diseases viral etiology. Ingavirin, although a new medicine, has managed to earn good feedback those who tried it for treatment and.

The basis of the drug vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide is pentanedionic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ingavirin has a detrimental effect on adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus. Activates the production of interferons and cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutam inhibits the reproduction of the virus at the stage of nuclear formation.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug relieves inflammation.

Ingavirin perfectly relieves intoxication symptoms, catarrhal symptoms, and leads to a rapid normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of mild allergic reactions.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children.

Ingavirin is capsules for oral administration of 60 mg and 90 mg. Average price in Russia:

  • Ingavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules – 380 rubles;
  • Ingavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules – 480 rubles.

Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and ARVI, which consists of umifenovir and excipients.

Mechanism of action: Arbidol tablets have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umifenovir copes well with influenza A and B viruses, coronaviruses associated with severe respiratory syndrome by blocking the fusion of the fatty membrane of the viral cell with the cell membrane. Increases the production of interferons, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children under three years of age.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, therefore it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

Arbidol is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g,

Average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets – 180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules – 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol Maximum 200 mg, 10 capsules – 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g – 300 rubles.

Tamiflu is the most effective medicine for swine flu and influenza B. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and excipients.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other serotypes of influenza A and B.

Mechanism of action: a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Tamiflu acts directly on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity and risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. When using the drug to prevent influenza, 90% of people who take Tamiflu do not get sick.

Resistance does not develop to Tamiflu.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in case of renal failure.

During pregnancy and lactation, Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect exceeds the risk of occurrence. adverse reactions and fetal pathologies.

Side effects of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: nausea and vomiting are observed after taking the first dose. With further use, dyspepsia goes away;
  • very rarely: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, cramps, cough, insomnia, malaise, nosebleeds, decreased hearing acuity, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.

Note! Some patients who took Tamiflu to prevent or treat influenza experienced seizures and delirium-type disturbances. The reason for such reactions could not be found out.

Tamiflu is available in the form of capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg and powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml.

Average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. – 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml bottle 30 g – 1140 rubles.

Relenza and Tamiflu are antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. Active substance drug – Zanamivir. Relenza is available as a powder for inhalation through Diskhaler.

Mechanism of action: the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Zanamivir acts selectively on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Resistance does not develop to Relenza.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Patients with a history of bronchospasm require careful monitoring when treated with Relenza.

Side effects of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, rarely Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! Some patients who inhaled Relenza to treat influenza experienced bronchospasm and breathing problems. If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis When using Relenza, have an inhaler containing Salbutamol or another bronchodilator on hand.

Average price in Russia:

  • Relenza 20 doses with Dishaler. – 1200 rubles.


Remantadine is an old proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and HRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on rimantadine.

Mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral effect. Remantadine is a derivative of amantadine (an anti-Parkinsonian drug) that stops the process of viral reproduction. The drug is effective at the onset of the disease.

Remantadine is contraindicated in persons with acute pathology liver, acute and chronic diseases kidneys, thyrotoxicosis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed for pregnant women.

Adverse reactions:

  • disturbance of attention and concentration, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fast fatiguability;
  • dry mouth, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed cautiously to persons with hypertension and older people, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is available in the form of 50 mg tablets and 100 mg capsules.

Average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. – 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. – 160 rubles;

Amiksin, like the above-mentioned drugs for influenza and ARVI, is widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of Amiksin is Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amiksin has good antiviral and immune-modulating effects by increasing the formation of interferons by intestinal cells, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also suppresses the reproduction of the virus by stopping the translation of viral proteins. Amiksin is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegaloviruses,

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components, in children under seven years of age, in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions rarely occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic manifestations.

Amiksin is produced in the form of film-coated tablets of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Average price in Russia:

  • Amiksin 60 mg, 10 tablets – 600 rubles;
  • Amiksin 125 mg, 6 tablets – 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to select an effective and safe drug for you, taking into account your age, severity of the disease and concomitant pathology. Self-medication can harm your body.

Antiviral drugs for colds and flu are the most important means in the fight against these diseases. Of course, if you are in an environment where there is already a person with ARVI or flu symptoms, you need to take preventive measures. During the period of intensification of colds, you should strengthen your immune system and reduce the possibility of infection to a minimum. But most people neglect prevention and worry about health when the disease has already begun to cause the first symptoms.

If the doctor determines that the disease has viral nature(flu, ARVI), then prescribes for treatment a certain antiviral drug for ARVI or influenza.

How the body resists viruses

In most cases, the body itself can overcome the virus without special effective drugs. To counter viruses, the immune system produces special substances - antibodies and interferons. After foreign organisms penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes, they encounter immune cells, which send signals to the immune system. She, in turn, begins to produce antibodies that can bind to viral proteins. But it will take some time to produce the required amount of antibodies. As a result of this activity of the immune system, it remembers which virus it fought, and when it appears again, ready-made antibodies will quickly be able to neutralize it. True, in this way the body cannot protect itself from all viral diseases. Antibodies will be effective if you have already had rubella or chickenpox. IN in this case immunity will not allow the disease to reoccur.

Influenza and ARVI have the ability to change their structure and the emergence of new strains. Therefore, even if you have already suffered from such diseases, next time you can become infected with another type of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, with which your body is not yet familiar. In the fight against these viruses, the most effective proteins are interferons. They counteract at the intracellular level without selective action, therefore they actively fight almost all varieties pathogenic microorganisms. When interferon enters intercellular space, it begins to have an antiviral effect on all neighboring cells. As a result, they become resistant to the virus. Interferon also suppresses the development of viral proteins.

However, there are a number of microorganisms that suppress the activity of interferon, then only antiviral drugs will help. But there is always a risk that the virus has already adapted to the action of a particular drug, in which case the use of these drugs will not bring results. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe another antiviral drug.

The course of treatment for viral diseases such as influenza and ARVI involves taking special antiviral agents. If you start taking them from the first hours of development of the pathological process, then the possibility of the virus entering healthy cells will be reduced to a minimum, which means that intoxication of the body and possible exacerbations of chronic diseases can be avoided.

If you want your body to quickly learn to resist the flu, resort to preventive measures in the form of vaccination.

What viruses cause influenza and ARVI?

Let's look at the most common types of viruses that lead to influenza and ARVI:

The most important task for a virus is to penetrate the host’s body in order to actively multiply in it. After a foreign microorganism penetrates a cell, it builds its proteins in it to implement replication. As soon as such viruses begin activity in the cell body and feed on its contents, it quickly dies. So, step by step, aggressive viruses, introducing themselves into new healthy cells, begin to destroy them.

What antiviral drugs exist for influenza and ARVI?

Antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, having an effect on viruses, strive to stop their reproduction and spread throughout the human body. There are synthetic and natural based medications. They are used both to combat an already established disease and to prevent it. For today modern medicine knows about 500 types of causative agents of colds. They are often treated with three traditional types of medications:

  • broad spectrum drugs;
  • means for the treatment of herpes;
  • drugs against cytomegalovirus.

If the disease is mild, you can limit yourself to taking interferon analogues. Start taking antiviral medications for the flu as soon as your doctor prescribes it. Otherwise, the virus can multiply throughout the body to such an extent that the medicine will no longer be effective.

Taking antiviral drugs provides a number of advantages for the human body:

  • reduces the risk of exacerbation of chronic problems (asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • relieves symptoms;
  • reduces recovery time;
  • reduces the risk of severe complications.

Antiviral drugs for ARVI are also taken as preventive measures if one of the family members is already sick.

Chemical antiviral drugs for the treatment of influenza

This type of antiviral agent is the most effective. These drugs include the quite popular Acyclovir, Remantadine, Arbidol, Ribavirin and Tamiflu. The safest among these drugs is Acyclovir, but it is more specialized in a small list of infections. The most popular from the above list is Remantadine, which is produced not only in tablet form, but also in the form of syrup under the name Orvir. The significant disadvantages of this antiviral drug include its narrow range of application. It is active only against influenza viruses in the first days of infection. It will not be effective against other pathogenic microorganisms. But accurately determining whether you have the flu or not is quite problematic. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is prescribed during epidemics.

Ribavirin is active not only against influenza, but also in the fight against respiratory viruses, which sometimes cause the development of pneumonia in children in the first year of life. In comparison with rimantadine, it is more effective, since it has an antiviral effect not only during infection, but also during initial stage diseases.

Arbidol is sometimes mistakenly called a broad-spectrum drug, since the instructions for use indicate that it is effective in the fight against influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. In fact, it can only combat influenza viruses in the initial stages of the disease.

The most effective drug among those presented is the new generation drug Tamiflu. It differs in that it can effectively counteract viruses throughout the entire duration of the disease. Tamiflu can halve the duration of a fever and the risk of complications from influenza. But at the same time, it has a significant number of side effects, so it cannot be used to treat a child under 12 years of age. Under the influence of this antiviral drug, microorganisms lose their ability to penetrate the cell membrane, and intoxication is gradually inhibited and disappears.

Interferon group of drugs for ARVI and influenza

The most effective and at the same time safe group of antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza are interferons and their inhibitors. These drugs have been used for a long time; they have proven themselves in counteracting many viral diseases. As mentioned above, interferon actively fights all types of viruses, and therefore is not a narrowly targeted agent. It is produced by the body itself, so the only side effect may be a sensitivity reaction to foreign protein cells.

The action of interferon is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear on the second day from the start of taking the drug. It actively counteracts foreign microorganisms not only in the first days of a cold, but also during the acute phase of the disease. The complex of advantages of this medicine has led to the fact that pharmaceutical companies began to produce it in a variety of forms. Interferon, Cycloferon, etc. are available for sale in the form of injections. For the treatment of children, interferon analogues exist in the following form:

  • rectal suppositories Viferon;
  • vaginal suppositories Kipferon;
  • nasal drops Derinat and Grippferon.

These drugs are prescribed to infants under one year old and older children for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other similar diseases during any period of illness. They are generally well tolerated, only Grippferon can cause a slight burning sensation in the nose. It should be borne in mind that it does not have a vasoconstrictor effect.

If you compare Kipferon and Viferon, they are both good and quite effective, only the first begins to act faster due to the fact that it contains specific antibodies. Viferon is synthetic analogue interferon, so the risk of adverse reactions when taking it is lower.

When using antiviral drugs such as Cycloferon and Interferon, it should be taken into account that it will take some time for them to begin to act fully. But the flu needs to be cured quickly. Therefore, they can only be used as preventive measures.

Derinat is an antiviral agent in the form of drops that quickly has an immunostimulating effect. It is mainly prescribed to children in the first or second year of life; it stimulates the production of interferons by the child’s immune system. It can be given to children without any fear, as it is practically free of side effects. When Derinat is instilled into the nose, it begins its antiviral effect and at the same time stimulates the similar work of other antiviral drugs.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

Pharmaceutical companies have produced last years many drugs in this group. Therefore, we will focus on the most famous and effective medications. They themselves do not have an antiviral effect, however, when affecting the body, they provoke the formation of interferon, which will fight viruses.

Among immunomodulatory drugs, there are drugs that are prescribed only by an immunologist after a thorough examination. But other drugs - immunomodulators can be freely prescribed by a therapist, these include:

All of them are used only as a preventive treatment, since the first effect occurs only after two to three weeks of taking such a remedy.

Homeopathic antiviral remedies for ARVI and influenza

Recently, homeopathic antiviral medicines have been gaining popularity in the fight against influenza and ARVI viruses. Oscillococcinum, Aflubin and Vibrucol are especially popular. The technology of action of these drugs has not yet been described, but it is believed that they activate the body’s defense system, which means they have an immunostimulating effect.

In practice, such homeopathic remedies gave results only when taken during the period of ARVI infection, and then not in each case. The effect of these drugs is purely individual.

Therefore, it is better not to waste time, but to start taking a more effective remedy in the fight against colds. Homeopathic medicines should be used only if you have had a positive experience of using it previously to treat a cold in your particular body.

Treatment of ARVI and influenza with antiviral drugs

Flu, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences Therefore, its treatment should be approached promptly and with full responsibility. By its nature, influenza is a viral disease, so antiviral drugs are used against it. But perfect medicine There is no anti-flu.

The most common drugs used to combat influenza are:

  • M2 channel blockers Amantadine and Remantadine;
  • neuroamidase inhibitors – Zanamivir and Oseltamivir.

Amantadine effectively fights influenza type A. Daily dose for an adult is from one to two hundred milligrams of the drug. The duration of treatment and prevention is 10 days.

Remantadine inhibits the reproduction of influenza viruses. The result of taking it will only be in the first days of illness with influenza type A, but it also copes well with intoxication from influenza virus type B. This antiviral drug is sold in the form of tablets; adults take two tablets three times on the first day of illness, and on the second day - twice, on the third day - once. Remantadine is also used as a prophylaxis against viral colds; in this case, you need to take one tablet once a day for 14 days. When taking it there is a risk of developing side effects, for example, sleep disturbances, attention problems and irritability.

An antiviral drug for influenza, Zanamivir, is prescribed to children over 5 years of age and adults in the form of inhalations of five milligrams per day. This remedy cannot be combined with other inhaled medications, otherwise exacerbations are possible chronic diseases lungs. People without similar problems against the background of an overdose, irritation of the nasopharynx may occur.

Oseltamivir is an analogue of the well-known Tamiflu. For flu or colds, children over 11 years of age and adults are prescribed 75 mg twice a day, taken for five days. This drug begins to be prescribed to children from one year old.

Before taking any antiviral drug, consider the fact that the duration of treatment and dose may vary for each person. This depends on many factors: age, health status, weight of the patient. In addition, the regimen and dose of a particular drug depends on the purpose of administration: treatment of a disease or prevention.

Also carefully read the information about possible side effects and contraindications; it may not be used in your case.

Use of antiviral drugs during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that during pregnancy it is not recommended to take medications that are not related to the woman’s condition, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are indications for starting treatment with antiviral drugs. If therapy is not started on time, there will be serious danger health and life of mother and fetus.

Antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI during pregnancy are prescribed as soon as the first symptoms appear. The most common drug in this case is Tamiflu. And although it is better to start taking it from the first days of the disease, in severe cases it is accepted much later.

If for some reason Tamiflu is not suitable or it is not possible to purchase it, pregnant women are prescribed Zanamivir. It is taken by inhalation twice a day for five days.

Taking antiviral drugs for influenza during breastfeeding has some special features. During treatment it is better to refuse breastfeeding baby or consult a doctor about individual use antiviral drugs.

These two drugs, in terms of safety level, belong to group “C” - this means that they have not undergone special clinical trials in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women against influenza. But their effectiveness exceeds the possibility of threatening the health of the mother and fetus.

Features of the treatment of influenza and ARVI in children

Under 3 years of age

With the onset of autumn, cold season begins for kids. The cause is most often the ARVI virus, which is easy to become infected in public place, transport or in kindergarten. Children have weaker immunity than adults, so it is much easier for them to become infected. If your child is sick, call a doctor at home. He will prescribe effective medications specifically for your case. This way you will avoid possible risk complications and ineffective treatment. You should not trust the advice of friends, grandmothers or advertising on TV. Let's consider what remedies doctors recommend in such cases:

  1. Ribarin is prescribed to children under one year of age for bronchitis and pneumonia. Only doctors can prescribe it, as it has many side effects.
  2. Relenza counters different forms flu It is recommended to take it no later than two days from the moment the first symptoms appear.
  3. Vitaferon is a broad-spectrum drug that can be used to treat children under 3 years of age. It contains substances that have a stimulating effect on the immune system. The only problem with taking it may be sleep disturbance.
  4. Groprinosin also activates the immune system and blocks the spread of viral infections.

Over 3 years of age

Weakened children's immunity plays into the hands of influenza viruses. If a child gets sick more than five times a year, care should be taken to strengthen his immune system. Allergies, poor appetite, fungal and cold infections, fatigue - this whole complex of problems is a signal that immunity needs to be increased.

Of the four types of antiviral drugs, the following are used to treat children over 3 years of age:

  1. The most well-known chemical drugs are Remantadine, Ribaverin and Arbidol.
  2. Immunostimulants that have an effect after several weeks of use and are used only as prophylaxis - Imudon, Immunal, Bronchomunal.
  3. Interferons Derinat, Anaferon, Viferon have immunostimulating activity. They increase the level of interferon in the child’s body and stop the activity of the virus at early stages diseases.
  4. Homeopathic remedies Vibrukol and Aflubin are the safest and help the immune system fight viruses, but their effect affects each person individually.

Not all antiviral drugs for influenza are suitable for children. There are a number of drugs that are used only for the treatment of adults, and they are contraindicated for children:

  • medicines that help fight cough such as Ambrohexale or Bromhexine;
  • a drug with high toxicity - Amiksin or Tilaxin;
  • a number of antiviral agents, the safety and effectiveness of which have not been confirmed - Neovir, Thymogen, Cycloferon and others.

If your child has mild cold symptoms and no extreme heat more than 38.5°C, it is better to give the body the opportunity to overcome foreign microorganisms on its own. Try to cure ARVI with drink plenty of fluids, tea with rose hips or honeysuckle, chamomile decoction, honey and other well-known home remedies. If the condition does not improve within 1-2 days, you should seek help from a doctor.

Treatment of herpes with antiviral drugs

Separately, it is worth mentioning the treatment of herpes, which is also viral in nature. This disease is not as dangerous as the flu, but is accompanied by unpleasant symptom- rash on the lips. There are two groups of drugs that fight herpes: general action and local. The first include immunomodulators and interferons. The second includes products that are applied to rashes and contain active elements against the herpes virus. Such topical ointments include Zovirax, Acyclovir, Acyclostad and others. In fact, this is one drug that is produced different manufacturers under their own names. These medications are effective and by reliable means in the fight against herpes, they have been used for many years and have not lost their medicinal qualities over time.

Prevention of influenza is an extremely important issue, since it is better to prevent such a disease than to waste time, money and last energy on its treatment. That is why the selection and implementation of protective measures must be approached with particular seriousness, and not superficially.

For high-quality protection against viral infections, not only medications help, but also some folk remedies. You just need to know how to use them all correctly, so that instead of benefit you do not encounter harm to your health.

In general, the following types of influenza prevention are distinguished:

  • vaccination;
  • chemoprophylaxis;
  • hygiene (non-specific measures).

All these options should be considered in more detail.

There are different ways to protect yourself from the flu

For example, vaccination is considered the most effective method prevention of influenza and ARVI. It helps strengthen the immune system, which significantly increases the body’s chances of successfully resisting viral attacks.

It was vaccinations against viruses that once helped completely eliminate infections such as diphtheria, polio, and measles. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine yet that could protect against influenza once and for all, since infectious strains are constantly mutating and changing. That’s why you have to get vaccinated every year – shortly before the expected start of the epidemic.

Statistics confirm that people who are vaccinated are less likely to get the flu, and if they do get sick, they almost never experience complications. But among those who refuse such immunoprophylaxis, there are even complications such as mortality.

The main goal of vaccination is not the elimination of the infection itself, but the reduction of the percentage of cases of ARVI. A similar measure is recommended for all people, starting with children six months old, but is especially indicated:

  • those over 65 years of age;
  • children attending kindergarten and school;
  • medical workers and military personnel;
  • to everyone who, on duty, comes into contact with a large number of people;
  • people suffering from chronic lung and heart diseases.

Pregnant women are allowed to get vaccinated starting in the second trimester. Although, of course, you should think about this in advance and get vaccinated even before conceiving a child. One way or another, female representatives who are “in position” need, first of all, to know what to do to prevent acute respiratory infections, because such diseases pose a threat not only to the women themselves, but also to their future children.

Sometimes people are hesitant to choose a vaccine from all the means to prevent influenza because they are afraid of possible adverse reactions or believe that it is more harmful than beneficial. However, truly dangerous adverse reactions occur very rarely or when vaccination is carried out despite obvious contraindications.

Among the typical side effects, those who choose this method of preventing the disease should note:

  • headache;
  • feeling of aching in the joints;
  • feeling of unreasonable weakness;
  • promotion temperature indicators(up to subfebrile level);
  • manifestation of local allergic reactions (reddened skin, rash, swelling).

As a rule, they go away within a few hours, less often - after a couple of days. But the probability of severe adverse reactions is one millionth of a percent.

Before getting vaccinated, you need to tell your doctor what diseases you have/are suffering from. He or she must check whether you are allergic to any components of the vaccine (for example, chicken protein, which is the basis of most such drugs).

So it should be summarized that vaccination is the most effective preventative measure against influenza and ARVI. But certain contraindications should be taken into account in order to prevent possible side effects.

Prophylactic products for adults

What medications can I take to prevent flu and colds?

Most often, doctors recommend drugs such as Arbidol, interferons, and interferon inducers. Of the interferons, Grippferon (these are effective preventive nasal drops), Alfaron (another nasal drop) and special ointments are usually preferred.

Grippferon — effective drops into the nose

As for interferon inducers, benefit can be obtained from Amiksin and Cycloferon.

There are also drugs to protect against influenza made from plant crops. In principle, the use of some plants in their pure form is very useful measure. The following are considered especially effective in strengthening the body’s defenses:

  • garlic and onions, since they contain many phytoncides that destroy microbes;
  • mint – has a virucidal effect, often used in inhalations;
  • lemon, cranberry, sea buckthorn and some other berries and citruses - these crops contain vitamin C and others useful microelements, with the help of which it is possible to strengthen the immune system.

Now let's take a closer look at what medications adults can take to prevent influenza and ARVI?


This medicine not only protects but also successfully treats the infection. Among the contraindications, it should be noted that it is prohibited from use for children under six years of age. For preventive purposes, it is drunk according to:

  • 0.25 grams for five days;
  • one tablet every two days for three weeks.

In principle, one package containing 20 tablets will be enough.

The spectrum of action of the described medicine is quite wide, and it is relatively inexpensive.


It is also recommended to take these tablets for prevention. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, they are no less effective: they manage to cope with both the disease itself and its complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, herpes, and so on).

Arbidol is considered an effective prophylactic agent

This remedy can be safely taken not only by adults, but also by children, starting from the age of two. Protection against influenza infection is ensured if you drink 0.2 grams daily for a couple of weeks.


It best protects against strain A of the virus. It helps even if taken in the midst of a mass epidemic.

A tablet per day is enough for 15 days.


An excellent homeopathic remedy that helps treat influenza (as part of complex therapy) and protect against it.

You can take one pill a day for three months.


But it is not advisable for children under seven years of age to take it.

The prophylactic drug Amiksin is contraindicated for children

It is enough to drink it only once a week - 0.125 grams. The general course is at least 6 weeks.

Prevention in children


Separately, you should consider what to give your child to protect against the flu.

Firstly, the baby will need to strengthen the immune system, which is helped by such proven means as Interferon, as well as Grippferon.

If the child is not yet six months old, these medications are taken in the form of nasal drops.

One drop twice a day is enough.

Usually produced in ampoules in order to make a solution.

The medicine must be taken both during treatment and to prevent influenza. It is allowed for children and adults, regardless of age.

To prepare the solution, the contents of the ampoule are diluted in 2 milliliters of chilled water. The resulting liquid is dripped into the spout.


Allowed for children from the age of seven. The tablet can be diluted in warm water. When doctors are asked: “What is best to take to prevent influenza?”, they often focus on this particular drug.

But still, carefully read the instructions before use, read the list of possible contraindications (this, however, applies to taking all medications without exception).

Anaferon protects against influenza even during an epidemic

It is also one of the best remedies to protect children from colds and other viral diseases. You can drink it even during an epidemic so that the body is protected from infectious attacks.

Basic form of this medicine- These are tablets that need to be dissolved in water or sucked.


This brand produces not only medicinal ointments, but also candles. They should be stored in the refrigerator. In fact, it is one of the best antiviral drugs for flu prevention available today.

It is even used for the prevention of newborn babies. It also helps in complex therapy. Moreover, it is recommended to take it after the first symptoms appear.

With its help, it is possible to avoid post-flu complications, such as the addition of a bacterial infection.

The ointment is applied to the nasal mucous membranes three times a day using a cotton swab.

Oxolinic ointment

Here is another effective, time-tested remedy. Doctors prescribe this medicine even for newborns (from about 2 months of age).

What needs to be done? Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab. In treatment this drug usually not used, but it is one of the best in preventing influenza during an epidemic.

Aflubin fights against the virus and strengthens the immune system


Here's another one homeopathic medicine, which can be given to a child to strengthen his defenses against the virus.

Since not all children like its taste, it is usually diluted in tea. It has a fairly wide versatility and the ability to perform the following properties:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • detoxification;
  • antipyretics;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Moreover, taking this drug is necessary when the first signs of the disease are noted.


Allowed for children of all ages. Store in the refrigerator.

Your child can take these drops up to five times a day. To the question: “What should you take to prevent the flu?” Doctors often recommend this particular drug.

It is also effective in treatment.

Arbidol for children

Allowed as a preventative and remedy from the age of two. It acts not only as an antiviral drug, but also as an immunomodulatory drug, protecting the child’s body from large quantity viral illnesses.

If a child takes it on a regular basis for active prevention, his body will become resistant to influenza infection.

Pregnant women need to take extra care of their health

Protecting pregnant women from influenza

What to do with the prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women, because viral infection turns out to be doubly dangerous for them, since it can harm the child? What medications can I recommend to take?

First of all, you should think about strengthening the immune system, since the immune system of a pregnant woman is very weakened (which contributes to the development of various diseases).

Except good nutrition, eating natural foods (fruits and vegetables) and drinking plenty of fluids, you should consult your doctor about taking immunomodulatory drugs.

For example, the same Interferon is not in vain considered the best drug for the prevention of influenza in cancer patients who also have serious problems with the immune system. So during pregnancy, it can really help, both protect against influenza infection and cure it.

Vaccination, for example, is not advisable for pregnant women - according to at least, not earlier than the second and third trimester (and then you should consult your doctor). Therefore, doctors recommend thinking about vaccination even before trying to conceive a child.


We have reviewed the best means for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, some of which can be taken on an ongoing basis, while others can only be taken for a certain time.

Proper flu prevention reduces the likelihood of infection

One way or another, you should always carefully read the instructions, find out if there are any contraindications to its use and consult a doctor if any doubts arise. This is what adults should do, and even more so if an effective medicine is being selected for children.