Pain relief during childbirth. Natural Methods for Pain Relief During Childbirth - An Overview

There is less debate today about the fact that childbirth should be anesthetized than before. The evidence “for” is obvious: from prolonged torment, a woman loses control over herself and stops following the advice of obstetricians, risking harm to herself and the child. And here method of labor pain relief– with or without medications – is still a hotly debated topic.

Supporters of natural processes are convinced: if a woman is prepared and properly tuned in to childbirth, then she can handle it herself - there are plenty of techniques, you just need to remember and apply them. Long before the appearance modern medicines the woman in labor went to a quiet place and calmly did what she needed to do. Several centuries ago, midwives appeared who possessed age-old wisdom and helped in word and deed. A little more than two centuries ago, obstetrics began to develop rapidly, and previous practices were forgotten.

Non-drug pain relief for labor: breathing

This is one of the most ancient and popular techniques in our time. Correct, rational breathing gives to mother's body required amount oxygen, which helps relieve muscle clamps and allows you to control yourself. To obtain the necessary skills, it is enough to take a course in preparation for childbirth. If you were unable to do this in advance, listen to your midwife - she will tell you how to breathe at different stages.

“Respiratory” pain relief works well for women who are capable of self-control and concentration. IN otherwise if the pain intensifies, the expectant mother, unable to cope with her emotions, will “lose” all her skills.

Methods of pain relief during childbirth: massage

There are special points that, when massaged during a contraction, can reduce pain. Some of them are accessible for independent manipulation, the rest are more difficult to reach - you will need the help of a partner. Of course, pain relief with acupressure will not be absolute, but relief will be felt. The technique is also taught in childbirth preparation courses. If the expectant mother attends classes alone, then knowledge about pain points will not be useful to her - it is not enough to influence only those located in the access zone.

A "full kit" is required. to exercise! If a woman stands up and moves actively during contractions, the pain eases. This is easy to explain: when muscles work, joy hormones are released - endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Physical activity improves blood flow in the uterine arteries, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the child. Walking and other distracting activities during childbirth may not be allowed for everyone.

If pregnancy has complications, you will have to give up vigorous activity.

Methods of pain relief during childbirth: water

Water helps you relax and relieve stress in many situations, and childbirth is no exception. Even an ordinary shower gives strength, increasing pain threshold. Some maternity hospitals and perinatal centers equipped with bathtubs with hydromassage devices. If amniotic sac burst before the cervix dilates, water treatments excluded, since the risk of infection entering the birth canal increases.

Physiotherapeutic method of pain relief during childbirth

The physiotherapeutic method of pain relief is called electroanalgesia. Weak electrical discharges transmitted through the skin block the passage of pain impulses. Four electrodes are attached to the lower back. Holding the mode switch in her hands, the woman controls the strength of the impulse. The pain goes away only temporarily, allowing the expectant mother to take a little break from contractions. It also has contraindications, for example, varicose veins or cardiovascular diseases.

Physiotherapeutic method of pain relief: nitrogen

Story drug pain relief labor began with chloroform, then it was replaced by “laughing gas” - nitric oxide. It is still relevant today because when mixed with oxygen it helps you relax a little. They also tried opiate (narcotic) analgesics, including morphine, but not for long, noticing that the baby also fell into a kind of sleep with the mother. The substances penetrated the placenta, and the baby was born lethargic and less well adapted to the surrounding changes. Modern analgesics and tranquilizers act easily, but they also “reach” the baby. No visible harm was detected, but still...

Epidural anesthesia during childbirth

Only epidural analgesia relieves painful sensations for the entire period of contractions. The method also has “side” advantages, for example, it relieves cervical spasm, a common complication in which dilatation slows down or even stops altogether. In the advanced version, the situation becomes the cause caesarean section. Epidural analgesia significantly reduces blood pressure. If a woman initially has an elevated level, then this disadvantage turns into an advantage. Other options require medical intervention. The second disadvantage of this technique is its ability to slow down labor to one degree or another.

If the epidural slows down the progress of events, you cannot do without stimulants (oxytocin).

There are also less significant disadvantages that overshadow the meeting with the baby - back pain at the injection site and headache, fever, chills, trembling of large muscles, allergies.

Anesthesia during childbirth

If the doctor says that medical indications drug analgesia is necessary, you should not refuse it despite common sense. To remove doubts, it is better to understand the essence of each method and sensibly assess your capabilities. Information should not be obtained from dubious sources, including the Internet; contact a gynecologist, or even better, a practicing obstetrician and anesthesiologist.

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The issue of pain relief during childbirth is always relevant for expectant mothers and is decided each time on an individual basis, depending on many factors.

As the due date approaches, every expectant mother, one way or another, thinks about the upcoming difficulties that are associated with the birth of a child. It's about about the severe pain that invariably accompanies birth process. Of course, each person is individual, and for some women, pain during birth is a completely tolerable, albeit unpleasant sensation, while for others it is a source of incredible torment.

It has been proven that in most cases, a woman experiencing severe pain for a long time may, at the decisive moment, simply not be ready to give birth to a child. naturally, the body is exhausted, and the woman in labor simply does not have the strength to push. To prevent this from happening, painkillers are used during childbirth.

Pain relief during childbirth can be used for a number of other reasons:

  1. As we have already said, the task of pain relief is the woman’s comfort and her readiness for the birth of a child. A quarter of women in labor have a pain threshold so low that, experiencing pain during labor, some simply experience a feeling of panic, may perform inappropriate actions, and do not listen to the doctor’s instructions. In this case, the painkiller used during childbirth is designed to eliminate the woman's restless behavior.
  2. Painful sensations are also relieved if the baby is expected to be too large, or twins, and also during long, or, conversely, premature or “rapid” labor.
  3. It happens during birth process emergency surgery is required, such as forceps, or removal of the placenta. In such cases it is also used special drugs usually intravenous.
  4. The use of an anesthetic is considered effective if there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, or the expectant mother has weak labor. Here the effect is directed in a slightly different direction, and not towards relieving pain. In case of hypoxia, for example, the use of such drugs reduces the risk oxygen starvation at the baby's.

Regarding the risks associated with the use of drugs that relieve discomfort, then, contrary to the popular belief that this can have a detrimental effect on the child’s health, doctors believe otherwise. As we have already said, the issue is resolved individually each time, and the effect is, of course, primarily aimed at bringing benefit and not harm. Of course, each drug has its own list of contraindications, but we will talk about this a little lower when we look at what exist. modern methods pain relief during childbirth.

Types of pain relief during childbirth

Pain relief techniques during childbirth can be completely different, from the use medicines, to techniques that explain how to relieve pain during childbirth yourself. Let's start, perhaps, with pain relief during childbirth. modern conditions, that is, those methods the main principle of which is one or another introduction of medications into the body.

Drug pain relief during childbirth

Medicines designed to reduce pain during contractions may enter the body in different ways, from inhalations and compresses, to their intramuscular and intravenous administration. Let's take a closer look at how and how labor pain is relieved.


For such labor pain relief, a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is used. This combination is quite effective and is used during dilatation of the cervix. The description of this method, by the way, gives an answer to the question “is labor anesthetized in the first period?”, which includes the time of dilatation. The advantage of this method is that the woman herself determines the degree of pain and takes a breath as needed.

Intravenous anesthesia

What is injected into a vein during childbirth for pain relief? Most often, these drugs, designed to provide pain relief during childbirth, are various analgesics. By the way, they enter the body not only, but also intramuscularly and with the help of special compresses. This method of easing the prenatal period is aimed at allowing a woman to fully rest between contractions and gain strength that will be needed during pushing.

Sometimes a doctor, when deciding what kind of pain relief to use during childbirth, chooses a drug such as promedol. Although promedol belongs to narcotic drugs, it has been proven that its one-time use will not harm either the mother or the child. This drug is not used on last stage labor activity, otherwise this method may affect the baby’s respiratory activity; in other words, it will be difficult for him to take his first breath.

Often, and especially during the birth of the first baby, a situation arises that labor is significantly delayed. In such cases, to give to the expectant mother to rest, the doctors put her to sleep.

Epidural anesthesia

Here, labor pain medication is injected into the back (spine) using a catheter. This method provides almost complete elimination of pain symptoms, but you need to remember that along with the pain, the ability to move independently for some time may disappear. This depends on the dosage of the drug administered; sometimes a woman can fully stand on her feet. The downside is the fact that while using this method, the woman in labor loses the ability to fully push. Therefore, shortly before the start of pushing, the administration of the medicine is stopped.

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Fear of childbirth (especially the first in life) is a standard phenomenon. But, as a rule, they are afraid not of the birth itself, but of the pain that the girl experiences at this time. Yes, labor takes place different people differently. Some say that everything is almost painless, while others say that the pain is simply unbearable. Here, a lot depends on the characteristics of the mother’s body. In this article we will look in detail at pain relief during childbirth, its types, indications and contraindications. The information will be useful for those who are planning to give birth to a child, but are afraid of pain and do not know what pain relief methods exist today.

Basic methods of pain relief during childbirth

In modern obstetric practice there are several effective ways pain relief. On this moment Epidural anesthesia during childbirth is considered optimal, allowing to completely eliminate pain in the first stage of labor - when the cervix opens. In most cases, this is the moment that is most painful for a woman. And often the longest. Epidural anesthesia during natural childbirth makes the process painless. The essence of the procedure is that the solution local anesthetic inserted into the space above the shell spinal cord. After the injection, within a couple of minutes, all Bottom part the body becomes insensitive. The signal from the brain is blocked and the woman does not experience pain. The advantage of epidural anesthesia is that, unlike general anesthesia, the woman remains conscious.

2. Inhalation anesthesia during childbirth

Less radical, but also not as effective is inhalation anesthesia. He is general anesthesia using nitrous oxide, which is supplied to the lungs of the woman in labor through a special mask. This type of anesthesia is used in the first stage of labor, just like the previous method.

3. Local anesthesia during childbirth

Its essence boils down to the fact that only certain areas of the body are anesthetized. Thus, the woman in labor remains conscious throughout the entire period of labor.

4. Narcotic analgesics during childbirth

These drugs can be administered either intramuscularly or intravenously. Under their influence, sensitivity to pain during childbirth is reduced, and the woman in labor can relax more between contractions.

This is far from full list methods of pain relief during natural childbirth without cesarean section. However, obstetricians and gynecologists recognize them as the most rational and safe for mother and child. In any case, the method of pain relief is prescribed individually in each case by the attending physician.

Methods of pain relief during cesarean section birth

A caesarean section during childbirth is often necessary. IN in this case Several types of pain relief are used. And in some cases, the woman in labor can choose which method to use. However, obstetrics and gynecology specialists strongly recommend two types:

· Epidural anesthesia;

· General anesthesia.

What determines the choice of pain relief during childbirth?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally which anesthesia is better for caesarean section. There are three main factors depending on which you should choose the method of pain relief:

1. Psychological preparedness for surgery. A woman can choose whether she prefers to sleep during labor or remain awake to see her newborn baby right away.

2. Level of equipment of the maternity hospital, where the operations will be performed. It may be that the selected maternity hospital is not equipped necessary equipment for performing certain types of anesthesia.

3. Qualification of specialists giving birth. First of all, this concerns the anesthesiologist and whether he can really perform any of the methods of pain relief equally well.

Let's look at both types of anesthesia in more detail and decide which anesthesia is better for a caesarean section.

Anesthesia is performed using three components: “preliminary anesthesia”, insertion of a tube through the trachea and supply of anesthetic gas with oxygen, and administration of a muscle relaxant. Only after all three steps have been completed can the operation begin.

The advantage of general anesthesia is that the woman in labor sleeps soundly during all stages of the operation and does not feel pain. In addition, there are almost no contraindications to it. But at the same time, quite serious side effects and complications can occur.

Complications from general anesthesia during childbirth

· Headaches, dizziness, nausea and unpleasant muscle weakness.

· Allergic reactions, infection respiratory tract, pneumonia in particularly critical cases.

Among other things general anesthesia may affect the child:

Drowsiness and general weakness;
· Temporary breathing problems;
· Perinatal encephalopathy.

Similar Negative consequences are not common, but can occur. But before you give up general anesthesia, please note that today effective techniques, helping the child to tolerate the effects of anesthesia normally.

The principle of implementation is practically no different from that described above, so we will not describe it in detail again. Let's dwell on the unmentioned details. Preparation for anesthesia begins on average half an hour before the operation. After the anesthesia takes effect, specialists proceed directly to performing a cesarean section.

Despite the fact that epidural anesthesia is considered one of the most gentle and safe methods pain relief, contraindications for its implementation everything is just like that:

· Availability skin inflammation or pustules that are within a radius of 10 cm from the puncture site;

· Problems with blood clotting;

· Allergic reactions to some of the drugs used;

· Diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis, which are accompanied by severe pain;

· Incorrect position fetus;

· Too much narrow pelvis or heavy weight fetus

It is also possible side effects. However, if we are talking about caesarean section, then with epidural anesthesia their risk is significantly higher, with anesthesia with natural childbirth. The fact is that more drugs are administered during surgery. Including narcotic substances, including fentanyl.

However, if the anesthesiologist is experienced and highly qualified, then complications in most cases are minimized. However, even in this case, certain discomfort may occur after the operation.

Consequences of epidural anesthesia

· Trembling legs, headaches and back pain. Often, all these consequences completely disappear a few hours after the operation, but headache V in rare cases lasts for several days, and sometimes even up to several months.

· Problems with urination. Rare by-effect– allergies. And almost always specialists have everything they need to eliminate such effects.

· Nerve or spinal cord injury. Extremely a rare event, which occurs only during the work of an unprofessional or inexperienced anesthesiologist.

It should also be remembered that with epidural anesthesia, a woman’s legs will go numb. This frightens many and causes severe discomfort.

Indications for anesthesia during childbirth

Both in the case of natural childbirth and birth by cesarean section, there are a number of indications for anesthesia:

· Severe pain during labor in a woman in labor. On average, about 25% of women in labor experience significant pain when anesthesia is urgently needed. About 65% experience moderate pain, and approximately 10% experience only minor pain painful sensations;

· Too much big size the fetus, since its release can cause serious pain;

· Labor takes too long;

· Weak labor;

· ALWAYS during a caesarean section;

· With fetal hypoxia. In this case, anesthesia is one of the most effective techniques reduce the risk of its manifestation;

· Necessity surgical intervention during the birth process. In this case, intravenous anesthesia is mainly used.

Pain relief with promedol during childbirth

Pain relief during childbirth with promedol is one of the most popular methods. However, it should be remembered that promedol is narcotic substance. Promedol is injected into a vein or muscle. In most cases, the injection allows you to take a break from pain for half an hour to two hours. Sometimes I even manage to sleep normally. It all depends on the body’s reaction to the effects of the drug. Therefore, some women in labor sleep soundly until the baby is born, while others only have time to take a short nap. The upper limit of the drug's effect sometimes reaches two hours from the moment of birth.

The injection is not performed after the cervix is ​​dilated more than 8 cm, since the baby must take the first breath independently. Accordingly, he must be cheerful, which is impossible if he is also affected by the drug. It is also not recommended to use promedol before the cervix is ​​dilated to at least 4 centimeters. If the injection is given before the cervix dilates, it may become main reason birth weakness. In addition to its direct analgesic effect, promedol can be used to treat various kinds pathologies of labor. It should be remembered that the drug may have a number of contraindications:

· individual intolerance;

· if there is oppression respiratory center;

presence of a blood clotting disorder;

simultaneously with taking MAO inhibitors for the treatment of central nervous system diseases;

· high arterial pressure;

· bronchial asthma;

· oppression nervous system;

heart rhythm disturbances.

Promedol during childbirth can cause complications for the child and mother:

· Nausea and vomiting;
· Weakness;
· Weakening of body reflexes;
· Violation respiratory function The child has.

In this regard, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of using promedol before making a choice in favor of the drug.

Modern methods and techniques for pain relief during childbirth, as you may already understand, are different. However, there is not always an urgent need for drug pain relief during labor. In some cases, it is quite enough to perform some exposure without drugs to ensure a reduction in pain in the woman in labor. Let's look at the main ones.

Types of natural pain relief during childbirth

1. Pain-relieving massage. In the process of performing a massage, a specialist acts on the surface of the body and nerves, while causing minor pain. At the same time, attention is diverted from labor pains. In most cases, the massage consists of stroking the back and collar area.

2. Relaxation. It is not always necessary to even require the intervention of a specialist to relieve the pain. There are a number of relaxation techniques that can reduce pain levels and provide good rest in between.

3. Hydrotherapy. Childbirth in water, during which pain is noticeably reduced, and the birth itself occurs much faster. You can use either a shower or a bath during contractions.

4. Electroanalgesia. In this case it is used electricity, which affects key biological active points and allows you to better tolerate labor pain.

5. Fitball. The fitball makes it easier to endure contractions; you can sit or lie on it.

Additional types of anesthesia

Spinal anesthesia– a single injection using a local anesthetic. The duration of action is from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the chosen anesthetic and the characteristics of the mother’s body;

Combined technique- combines best sides spinal and epidural anesthesia. This method prescribed by an anesthesiologist;

Regional anesthesia– pain relief individual areas. One of the most effective, safe and comfortable ways.

Every woman in labor has the right to choose the method of pain relief that is most suitable for her. However, the final decision is made together with the attending physician. To achieve the desired result and complete pain relief in each specific case, you need to choose different methods. Otherwise, there may be negative consequences for the mother and child, as well as pain. Therefore, no matter what kind of birth is coming, the approach to choosing a pain reliever should be responsible and balanced.

We all know that the process of childbirth is accompanied by painful sensations for every woman in labor. Moreover, the pain threshold of every woman giving birth is completely different, as is the psychological attitude towards childbirth. Therefore, it is extremely important even before the moment of birth to try to tune in to the positive and believe that everything will be fine. Well, both the doctor who is managing the pregnancy and your loved ones and friends whom you trust can help you overcome the fear of childbirth. If your local gynecologist becomes your obstetrician, then this perfect option For . After all, during pregnancy you will become a team, discuss everything exciting questions and, for so much long time, thoroughly prepare for childbirth. In addition, you will be able to discuss in detail, consider all the options and choose the one that suits you perfectly.

What types of anesthesia are used during childbirth?

  1. General anesthesia with medications helps eliminate pain sensitivity all parts of the body, and also has an impact (usually negative) on consciousness and psychological condition women in labor.
  2. General anesthesia, which will provide general anesthesia with artificial ventilation lungs. This method provides a long-term effect, but it is used either for caesarean section or in case of emergency. In this case, the woman in labor is unconscious.
  3. Mask anesthesia is a form of anesthesia where an anesthetic is administered through a mask. As a rule, the mask is used during the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​dilated and the pain threshold is highest. This anesthesia is used when there is no need to completely turn off the consciousness of the woman in labor, but anesthesia is required.
  4. Local anesthesia relieves pain in specific parts of the body. As a rule, for local anesthesia an injection with an analgesic is used.
  5. Epidural anesthesia also refers to local method anesthesia, where an anesthetic is injected into the space above the dura mater of the spinal cord. After the injection, the lower part of the body becomes insensitive, but the woman in labor is fully conscious and can talk.
  6. Local anesthesia is used after childbirth to relieve pain during suturing of soft tissue. In this case, the anesthetic is injected directly into the area of ​​the body that requires intervention.
  7. Intravenous anesthesia is used when performing short-term operations during childbirth: releasing the retained part of the placenta, suturing. This anesthesia lasts only 10-20 minutes, during which the woman in labor sleeps.
  8. Intramuscular and intravenous use narcotic analgesics. These medications reduce pain during childbirth and allow you to completely relax between contractions.

When is anesthesia necessary during childbirth?

Drug anesthesia is usually necessary in the following cases:

  • the contractions are very painful, the woman in labor behaves restlessly;
  • the woman in labor has a very
  • premature birth;
  • C-section;
  • long labor;
  • multiple births;
  • fetal acid deficiency.

Alternative methods of anesthesia during childbirth

TO alternative methods Anesthesia during childbirth refers to measures that can reduce pain without resorting to painkillers. These include: massage, rational breathing, choosing the correct and comfortable position during childbirth, etc. All these methods of pain relief do not require the intervention of a doctor and are noted as very efficient look pain relief for childbirth, without complications. Well, if suddenly something goes wrong, your doctor will immediately decide on one method or another of drug anesthesia.

In conclusion, we note that today there are many ways to eliminate or muffle pain during childbirth. Therefore, you should not be afraid or worry about this. Tune in to the positive, look forward to the moments of anticipation with your “happiness” and be healthy!

Have an easy birth!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

From Guest

Well, it so happened that I had an unplanned cesarean section, but they did an epidural, everything was fine, only my head hurt a little afterwards, but still better than general anesthesia. A strong little baby was born, this is the most important thing)))

Nature arranged everything very wisely and harmoniously. Childbirth is natural process, and if it proceeds normally, the sensations that arise during childbirth cannot even be called pain. It is clear that these sensations cannot be called pleasure either. It is rather difficult, but very joyful and productive work, which any woman can handle.

The most beautiful thing about a normal, natural birth is the feeling that your body is doing great work, which inevitably leads to great joy. It is very important for a woman give birth yourself, experience all stages of childbirth, and fully enjoy your well-deserved reward. The moment when a mother takes her newly born child in her arms and puts it to her breast is truly an incomparable moment of the most complete happiness.

Natural childbirth without stimulation and other drug interventions, it is possible easy and effective pain relief natural methods. These are methods that the mother herself can come to intuitively, they are suggested by nature and confirmed by scientific research.

Relaxation is the basis of labor pain relief

The biggest and important secret, which will help the mother relieve labor pain as much as possible and even get joy from the process- this is relaxation. This skill must be acquired during pregnancy. A calm, relaxed state of the mother greatly contributes to a successful and easy birth.

All methods natural pain relief work to relax a woman, give her pleasant sensations, and therefore effectively relieve pain. During childbirth painful sensations can only occur during contractions, pushing is painless. Relaxing during a contraction can significantly reduce pain, and relaxing between contractions significantly restores strength.

Let's take a closer look at all the methods that can help with this.

Breathing during childbirth: diaphragmatic breathing

This is breathing with the diaphragm, when in order to inhale we expand the belly, rather than raising our shoulders. This is how babies breathe opera singers and just healthy people. You should learn this type of breathing during pregnancy.

During childbirth, it is very effective to combine with relaxation of the perineal muscles and pelvic floor on the exhale. Don't forget to relax your facial muscles as well.

From 37 weeks, it is recommended to perform daily diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing in combination osteopathic gymnastics and continue to use it during childbirth. You can find out more about this in the “Guide to Preparing Parents for Birth and Raising.” healthy child" and on the disk " ".

General relaxation and diaphragmatic relaxation breathing in the second stage of labor until the moment when the midwife asks the woman in labor to actively push, allows the woman to restrain the desire to push. And this ensures labor pain relief, smooth movement of the child towards the exit, slow stretching of the perineal tissue, reducing the likelihood of ruptures.

Relaxation and positive mental images

Take advantage of every opportunity to relax during labor. Exercise during pregnancy by practicing relaxation “” During labor, start by simply telling yourself “Relax” between contractions. Provide yourself with pleasant music or sounds of nature; dim the lights, create an atmosphere of privacy and comfort. A short prayer helps many people relax. Very effective positive thoughts . Think that the fight will definitely end and there will be rest.

With a contraction lasting 60 seconds, only 20 of them are the most painful. Try to determine the end of this peak - the moment from which the pain begins decrease. At the next contraction, the onset of this moment will be a signal for you to exhale with relief and additionally relax your perineum and the whole body. In addition, increasing intensity of contractions is a signal that you are getting closer to your reward - the birth of your baby.

During the fight exhale the air along with the pain. Imagine that you are packing the pieces of pain into lumps and that they are floating away from you like clouds.

After the fight is over, do deep breath. Then, as you exhale, try to release the accumulated tension. Don't remember the previous contraction or try to imagine the next one. Be transported to another planet - pleasant memories, pictures, images.

Think about the baby, focus on how he is moving along birth canal. During and between contractions, imagine how gracefully rose petals bloom, this will help your body open up and release the child. During a fight, tell yourself: “Don’t resist. let the baby out" It is very important not to resist the process, but to internally agree with it with all your soul. When a contraction approaches, you want to clench your teeth and shout “no,” but do the opposite, relax your mouth, smile and whisper “yes”.

Singing and sounding

Voiced slow exhalation helps to relax and removes “clamps”, which contributes to more rapid opening cervix. You can sing during childbirth in different ways, all options are effective. You can sing the sound " A" With open mouth. The sound is open and loud. Can buzz through closed lips, using the closed sound “M”. At the same time, the sensation in the body resembles vibration. You can make low, drawn-out moans, or even growl- such “deep” sounds help a lot. Be sure to keep your face, lips and larynx area relaxed.

Touch and massage during childbirth

During different periods of labor, your attitude towards touch and massage may change - you just liked them, but after a few minutes they are already annoying and distracting. But in any case, your assistants should master the techniques of pain-relieving massage:

  • massage with pads thumbs pit area lower back and sacrum;
  • light massage faces fingers;
  • massage uterine projection points on the palm (between the bases of the third and ring finger);
  • stroking the back of the fingers upwards along the spine and down the sides;
  • scrolling fists on both sides of the sacrum, in the area of ​​the center of the buttocks, in the area of ​​the ridges iliac bones;
  • placing palms on area lower back and the sacrum crosswise;
  • « disclosure» pelvis with palms - two palms on both sides of the spine in the lower back, then we spread the bases of the palms outward, sliding over the skin;
  • pressing“cup” the palms on the pits and warm them up, massage the iliac crests with the palms;
  • pressing on the sacrum- place the palm of one hand on the other and press on the sacrum, gradually increasing the force by five counts, and also gradually loosening the pressure by five counts. This technique will help with strong contractions;
  • sawing- as you inhale - from top to bottom, rub your lower back and sacrum in a zigzag manner with the edge of your palm, as you exhale - from bottom to top;
  • kneading hands and feet; large muscles of the shoulder, thigh, buttocks, legs;
  • stroking on the back and hips for better relaxation.

More about pain-relieving massage techniques you can read. To help you, massage techniques, along with birthing positions and partner support, are clearly shown in the video guide “Preparing for Natural Childbirth.”

Birth positions and movement ()

During childbirth you need to move, take different positions, special birth positions. The worst thing you can do is just lie there. just consists of birth positions. Having mastered it during pregnancy, you will make childbirth easier for yourself. After all, it will be easy and comfortable for the body to take familiar poses that will make it easier pelvic opening and child advancement.

Liberty movements during childbirth- the right of a woman in labor. In modern Russian maternity hospitals, women giving birth are often asked to simply lie down with contractions. Choose a maternity hospital for natural childbirth, taking into account the capabilities and rules of the particular maternity hospital. Read more about the criteria for choosing a maternity hospital for partner natural childbirth.

Our friend is water

Warm water (shower or bath) has a wonderful analgesic and relaxing effect. Only the temperature should not be higher than 38° C. In the first stage of labor, while you are still at home, warm water will help you relax and gain strength.

Maternity hospitals may have their own rules in this regard. It makes sense to find out in advance about the possibility and conditions of taking a bath during childbirth in.

Warmth on the sacrum

Extremely simple and effective remedy, available to everyone.
Warm compress on the sacrum helps to relax and relieves pain. Make sure the temperature heating pads was not higher than 38° C. It is better to wrap the heating pad soft cloth so that her touch causes pleasant sensations.

Homeopathy ()

During pregnancy, you should consult a homeopathic doctor. Before birth, he can choose individually for you homeopathic remedies to prevent complications during childbirth. You can stock up in advance homeopathic first aid kit for childbirth in accordance with the recommendations of the homeopath. The “Guide to Preparing Parents for Having and Raising a Healthy Child” contains a list and description of homeopathic remedies that can help with different periods childbirth

Aromatherapy ()

This is also recognized natural remedy pain relief during childbirth, promoting relaxation of the woman in labor and an easy, harmonious birth. Particularly effective during childbirth essential oils lavender and verbena.

When choosing essential oils, pay attention Special attention on their quality. As a rule, cheap oils are diluted with synthetic substitutes, which means they have less effect. Essential oils can be used different ways: in an aroma lamp, aroma pendant, or adding a couple of drops to Massage Oil or a bath.

Attention! It's worth keeping in mind that homeopathic medicines should be used separately from essential oils, since essential oils can neutralize effect of homeopathic remedies.

Choose the methods that you like for your birth

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to make your childbirth less painful, easier and more harmonious. Natural childbirth without pain- this is reality! You can combine natural methods painkillers, as you wish, use all, or only those to which your heart lies. Think over your birth, draw up a plan, discuss it in every detail with your assistants and maternity hospital staff.

And when the big day comes, remember that you need to fully relax, let go of all worries, achieve complete peace of mind. Your assistants must also be absolutely calm. Then the hard work of giving birth to a child will be remembered as the most joyful experience in your life, and your happy meeting with your baby will be a well-deserved reward for your efforts.