How to take apricot kernels for cancer? Apricot kernels for cancer reviews

More than two thousand years ago, the first apricots came to Europe from China. Today, apricot is rightfully considered one of the favorite fruits of both children and adults. But few people know that not only the fruit itself, but also its seeds are very beneficial for health. What is their use? Let's try to find answers to this and many other important questions.

Chemical composition of apricot kernels

Vitamins: A, vitamins B, C, F, PP.

The kernels of this fruit contain rare vitamin B17 (amygdalin), which is also present in wild berries (blueberries, cranberries, strawberries). This is what gives them their bitter taste.

This vitamin contains a cyanide substance that negatively affects cancer cells and kills them. Therefore, apricot kernels are an excellent remedy prevention and control of cancer.

Minerals: iron (7 mg), potassium (802 mg), calcium (93 mg), magnesium (196 mg), sodium (90 mg), phosphorus (461 mg).

Also includes:

  • increased amount fatty acids;
  • organic acids;
  • ash substances;
  • a combination of several minerals;
  • a number of essential and non-essential amino acids;
  • proteins (25 g), fats (47 g), carbohydrates (4 g).

Thanks to organic acids and minerals, seeds have a positive effect on metabolism and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

Oleic acid, which occupies about 30% of the composition, is the basic source of energy and has a positive effect on the absorption of lipids. Linoleic acid(occupies approximately 10-12% of the composition) - an excellent antioxidant that has a positive effect on heart function and supports correct level cholesterol in the human body.

Apricot kernels are quite high-calorie product. Therefore, qualified nutritionists do not recommend that people who are trying to lose excess weight, include them in your diet.

Calorie content of apricot kernels - 440-460 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial properties of apricot kernels

The kernels of apricot kernels contain elements that have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart, brain, endocrine and nervous systems. They strengthen circulatory system and normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. At the level of cells and tissues they have a disinfecting effect.

The kernels are excellent for nephritis, bronchitis, and whooping cough. They are used in the treatment of joint and skin diseases.

They are also widely used in cooking and cosmetology: apricot kernel oil is added to ice cream, yoghurts, and other dairy products, used as an additive in anti-dandruff shampoos, massage oils, creams and scrubs.

Contraindications and harm

IN small quantities Apricot kernels are completely harmless. Adults can eat no more than 50 g of product per day, and children - no more than 25 g.

Why are there such restrictions? The fact is that the seeds contain cyanide. In small quantities, this substance kills cancer cells in the body, but has no effect on healthy ones. If it enters the body a large number of cyanide, then normal operation healthy cells is disrupted and destabilized.

Also, you should not eat very bitter-tasting kernels, because the bitter taste indicates that the product contains increased concentration amygdalin, which is a source of harmful human body hydrocyanic acid.

Today, there are many varieties in which the amygdalin content is kept to a minimum.

This product should not be included in the diet:

Storage conditions and shelf life

The nucleoli can be stored either in a hard shell or in a purified form. Give preference to the first option, because the natural shell will better preserve everything beneficial features product.

✎ The seeds must be thoroughly dried before storage.

✎ Store the product in a metal, glass or wooden container that will not be exposed to pests, direct sunlight, dust or air.

✎ Experts do not recommend storing apricot kernels for more than 12 months. If you store them longer than the specified time, the concentration of hydrocyanic acid will increase, and organic and fatty acids will oxidize. The seeds will acquire a bitter taste and become unfit for consumption.

Medicinal properties

Apricot kernels have many medicinal properties.

  • In the form of tinctures and decoctions they help with respiratory diseases.
  • Raw kernels effectively fight helminths.
  • In the form of oil, it improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • They help with gastritis and ulcers, because their light and soft texture reliably protects against aggressive and negative impact organ walls gastrointestinal tract.
  • In the form of oil, they have a positive effect on intestinal function, facilitating general state for hemorrhoids, relieve constipation.
  • In the form of tea, they prevent whooping cough, bronchitis, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, flatulence, nephritis, whooping cough.
  • They are an excellent preventative against malignant tumors.
  • Effectively fight cancer.

Against oncology

Back in the middle of the 19th century, it became known that vitamin B17 (another name is amygdalin) is excellent remedy to combat malignant tumors. Few people know that the people living in the Himalayas have never encountered such a phenomenon as cancer. The fact is that these people ate only traditional foods, and ate several grams of apricot kernels every day. Biochemist Krebs was the first to isolate vitamin B17 concentrate from apricot kernels.

Benefits of bitter apricot kernels - Edward Griffin on vitamin B17

✔ You need to start treatment with a small dosage (5-10 seeds per day), which should be gradually increased by adding 4-10 kernels. Be sure to monitor your health.

To prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors, you need to eat 7-20 kernels every day. If the disease has already affected the body and is developing, the amount of product should be increased. The best option– 1.5-2 bones per 1 kg of person’s weight.

✔ The product must be consumed throughout the day and chewed thoroughly. To make the taste more pleasant, you can add in small quantities.

✔ Since amygdalin is highly soluble in water, it is very important to drink mineral or melt water(30 ml per 1 kg of weight). It is also necessary to take pancreatic enzymes: Creon, Pancreatin, Wobenzym. If there is no desire or opportunity to take these enzymes, then they can be replaced with half a pineapple, which should be eaten every day.

✔ To enhance the effect and make the treatment more effective, you need to combine the intake of apricot kernels with other types of seeds. Plum, bitter almonds, cherries, blue grapes, and apples are suitable.

Apricot kernels for weight gain


  • 15 g apricot kernels;
  • 20 g prunes;
  • 20 g dried apricots;
  • 50 g honey

Grind the kernels using sharp knife or blender, and finely chop the dried apricots and prunes. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Consume the resulting mixture throughout the day. The course of treatment is until the desired result is obtained.

For heart disease and against helminths

Apricot kernels are excellent for heart disease. To prepare healing mixture, you need to take:

  • 500 g lemons;
  • 20-25 apricot kernels;
  • 500 g liquid honey.

Grind the lemons in a blender or meat grinder. Then chop the seeds, add to the lemons, mix thoroughly and pour in honey. The resulting mixture should be kept in a cool place for several days, and then taken on an empty stomach every morning and every evening, 1 tbsp.

Apricot kernels are extracted from apricot kernels by cold or hot pressing. high level content of healthy fatty acids, which is widely used in cosmetology. This product has a viscous structure, pale yellow or transparent color, pleasant aroma with nutty, vanilla, apricot notes.

The oil has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face, hands, and body. After using creams, masks, scrubs that contain it, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, healthy and radiant.

Shampoos, balms, hair masks with it are suitable for those representatives of the fair sex who want to improve the condition of their hair, make it manageable and silky, and get rid of split ends. Also this product strengthens nails and makes them less brittle.

Use in cooking

Apricot seeds are widely used in cooking (both industrial and home). They are eaten raw, and they are also used to produce products that can be added to:

  • baking;
  • sweet desserts;
  • ice cream;
  • cookie;
  • confectionery.

Very often, housewives grind the kernels at home and add the resulting product to compotes, jams, and preserves. Very tasty urbech (Dagestan dish) and dona shurak (Uzbek dish) are also prepared from the seeds. Apricot kernel oil is sometimes used as a salad dressing.

Urbech made from apricot kernels. How to prepare and take

Urbech is a popular Dagestan dish that is liked by both adults and children. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy, because thanks to it you can:

  • make the body more alert and energetic;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • prevent the occurrence and development of malignant tumors;
  • minimize the negative consequences of stressful situations for the human body;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalize heart function;
  • make the gastrointestinal tract work more smoothly and efficiently;
  • get rid of joint diseases.

To prepare urbech, you need to take apricot kernels and grind them using stone millstones or makogon. A large amount of oil should be released. The substance obtained during the grinding process should have an oily structure. This semi-finished product should be added in equal proportions butter and prepared honey, which must first be mixed with vegetable oil. The ingredients are combined in the following sequence:

  • honey is heated in a water bath;
  • Without removing the honey from the heat, you should pour vegetable oil into it;
  • add grated apricot kernels mixed with butter.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, it can be removed from the heat. The finished pasta should be allowed to cool. The cooled mixture must be poured into a glass container. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Urbech should be eaten 3 times a day, 1 tsp. You can eat it as a snack with pita bread or bread.


Legend has it that apricots are sparks sunlight who did not want to live in heaven, and descended to earth, turned into apricot trees...

The cure for cancer has existed longer than the disease itself, which in some cases may be associated with metabolic disorders and, first of all, with a deficiency base component in the diet modern man- vitamin B17.

There is no need to look for a cure for cancer in chemical laboratories. It is found in some fruit seeds - for example, in apricots - and can not only prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors, but also cure them.

To prevent cancer, it is enough to eat a few apricot kernels a day. As children, many of us did this - we ate the pits of apricots and other fruits, and we were frightened by what they contained poisonous substance and forced to give up this extremely healthy delicacy.

Diet of centenarians

If a person eats incorrectly, then the mountain climate will not save him from illness.

“A Hunza woman will never follow her sweetheart to a place where apricots do not grow,” says the saying of a tribe of centenarians living among Himalayan mountains on the banks of the Hunza River and calling themselves the Hunzakuts.

Average duration The life span of the Hunzakuts is 120 years. Many live more than 160 years; women, even in their old age, retain the ability to bear children and are unaware of many diseases, including cancer. Many researchers have noted that the only difference between the Hunzakuts and their neighbors is their diet, which is based on whole-flour wheat cakes and fruits, mainly apricots.


Some doctors claim that daily consumption of 7-10 apricot seeds protects the body from the development of cancer. And if cancer has already arisen, then with the help of the same apricot kernels, or more precisely with the help of the vitamin B17 they contain, you can reduce the size of the tumor, stop the formation of metastases, and even defeat the disease itself. More on this later in the article, but for now more about the apricot itself.

History of apricot

About the origin of apricot for a long time there were disagreements. Initially, botanists believed that the birthplace of this fruit tree was Armenia. That's why they gave the common apricot Latin name Prúnus armeniáca or Armeniaca vulgaris, which translated from Latin means Armenian ordinary, as if paying tribute to its homeland. However, historians claim that the apricot still comes from China, and in support of this they cite the deciphered records of the Chinese emperor who lived 220 BC. e., in which a much earlier description of the apricot is given.

Some scientists claim that the homeland of apricot is India and, according to archaeological finds, it began to be cultivated here much earlier - about 5000 years ago (which is 3000 BC). But, no matter what happened in the distant past, today the apricot has conquered the whole world. After all, it is cultivated not only in countries of Asia and Europe with warm climates, but also in Australia and in countries with temperate climates, where winter temperatures reach -30*C.

TO early XVI centuries from Italy apricot spread throughout Southern Europe and far to the north - to Germany; England, Poland and Russia. Now apricot grows everywhere. But there are places where this plant is found in the wild, for example, in China or the mountainous regions of Central Asia, in the western and eastern Tien Shan and in Dagestan.

As a result of thousands of years of selection, today botanists know 7 species of this genus of plants and great amount varieties. At the same time, the color of the fruit is different varieties varies from various shades of yellow to deep orange and almost red. However, there are also apricot varieties with white fruits.

Despite the fact that apricots bring a bountiful harvest almost every year, the apricot season is very short. However, dried apricots (dried apricots or apricots) are available almost all year round.

Beneficial properties of apricot

Apricot fruits contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, P, PP, C, sugar, insulin, lemon, tartar, apple and salicylic acid, silver, iron... The bark contains tannins, in wood - flavonoids. The leaves contain vitamin C, carbohydrates, phenol carbonic acids and flavonoids. In flowers - provitamin A. In seeds - hydrocyanic acid, essential and fatty oils.

Apricots are eaten fresh or dried. Apricots are whole dried fruits with a seed, and dried apricots are seedless. Apricots both fresh and dried due to great content Potassium is very good for the heart. Apricots have antimicrobial properties, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove cholesterol, toxins from the body, heavy metals and decomposition products. They are prescribed to strengthen the heart muscle, prevent atherosclerosis, for anemia, vitamin deficiency, diseases digestive system, to strengthen the immune system.

Fresh and dry fruits improve digestion and activity of cardio-vascular system. The significant iron content in apricots determines their medicinal value for people suffering from anemia (100 g of apricot fruits have the same effect on the process of hematopoiesis as 40 mg of iron or 250 g of fresh liver). As a diuretic, apricots can easily replace potassium supplements, but for this you need to consume at least 1 cup of dried apricots per day - the richest source of potassium.

In medicine, apricot seeds are used to obtain apricot oil and almond water, as well as gum - a thick juice released from the bark on the surface of the trunks.

WITH therapeutic purpose Apricot seeds are used as a sedative for coughs and hiccups; they are prescribed in combination with other medicinal plants for whooping cough, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis, as well as for nephritis. Apricot oil used to prepare medicinal ointments.

A decoction is prepared from the bark of the apricot tree, which helps restore the functioning of brain cells in rehabilitation period after cerebrovascular accidents.

Patients with diabetes should limit their consumption of apricots due to their high sugar content.

Apricot kernels in cooking

Apricot kernels are added as an additive to various dishes. They are crushed or made into creams for waffles and other baked goods, added to ice cream, yoghurts, and many other sweet foods. Chopped apricot kernels can be added to compotes, jams and preserves to give them more pronounced shades of apricot flavor. It is also useful to use apricot oil as an additive in cooking.

Harvesting apricot kernels and storing them

Apricot kernels are harvested by extracting them from fully ripe apricot fruits. Seeds from not fully ripe apricots have incompletely ripe kernels; when dried and stored, such kernels shrink and lose both appearance and quality, and are of little use for food. Ripe apricot pits can be stored either in hard shells or after peeling them. In the future, all that remains is to remove from them the thin shell, the skin that gives bitterness. You can remove this skin before drying, but with it the apricot kernels will be better stored. Next, before long-term storage Apricot kernels are dried. Store in glass, metal or wooden jars to prevent pests from infesting them, such as food moths and other pests and worms. At proper storage apricot kernels can be stored for quite a long time, while retaining their useful qualities and properties.

Vitamin B17. What it is?

Vitamin B17 (Laetral, Letril, Amygdalin) is one of the most controversial “vitamins” of recent decades.

It was first identified in pure form from bitter almonds back in the 19th century. Subsequently, amygdalin was discovered in fruits, more precisely in the kernels of other plants, in particular in the seeds of apricots, peaches, cherries, and plums. Small amounts of this compound are present in pear and apple seeds. Researchers have established the presence of vitamin B17 in the leaves of bird cherry and cherry laurel, as well as in young shoots of rowan. Another more or less accessible source of amygdalin is flaxseed.

From a chemical point of view, this substance is a combination of two sugar molecules (benzendehyde and cyanide), called “Amygdalin,” which is rich in apricot kernels. Vitamin B17 is called a “perfect chemotherapeutic agent” that selectively acts on cells: it kills cancer cells and does not harm healthy ones. Also in Ancient Egypt and China, bitter almonds were used as medicine. In 1802, one chemist obtained hydrocyanic acid from it, and in the 1830s, scientists discovered that it was formed during the breakdown of Amygdalin. In 1952, Dr. Ernst Krebs modified the process for obtaining Amygdalin from apricot kernels, named the product Laetral and stated that its anti-cancer effect was much stronger than previously thought.

Why does modern medicine ignore everything? natural methods cancer treatment? The answer most likely lies not in science, but in the politics of the approach to oncology - and it is hidden in the economic motivation of those who dominate the industry. medical business. If billions of dollars are spent annually on cancer research, other billions (or rather hundreds of billions) come from sales medical equipment, surgery, hospitalization and pharmaceuticals, then a completely understandable picture emerges before us: they “live” from cancer more people than they die from it. And if the solution can be found in a simple vitamin, then overnight a gigantic industry collapses, which, of course, resists this with all its might. Pharmaceutical companies conduct research only on the chemical compounds they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they will never agree to conduct research on simple food that cannot be patented by them and is sold publicly.

The answer is simple - Western governments are bending under pressure from pharmaceutical transnational corporations: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Medical Association. All of them very successfully carried out a joint campaign against vitamin B17 at one time, based on the fact that the vitamin contains “deadly” cyanide (senyl acid salts). B12 also contains significant amounts of cyanide, however, no one has removed it from stores. Dr. Krebs Laetrile was obtained from apricot kernels and then synthesized into crystal form through its own unique processes.

But suddenly the FDA bombarded the press with a story about an unhappy couple from San Francisco who were poisoned by eating raw apricot pits. Across America, this story was on the front pages.

However, journalists working on this issue were unable to identify the unfortunate couple. But the job was done. Since then, the consumption of vitamin B17 or apricot kernels has become strongly associated with suicide.

Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to make the sale of “raw” apricot kernels illegal, as well as vitamin B17, along with information about their anti-carcinogenic effect.

A world without cancer

But, based on studies and research on the properties of vitamin B17, confirmed by documents, the book “A World Without Cancer” by Edward Griffin and Dr. Krebs was subsequently published, which has been published in many countries since 1974. They claim that Daily consumption of 7-10 apricot seeds protects the body from the development of cancer. And if cancer has already developed, then when using vitamin B17, the size of the tumor decreases, new metastases do not form, and even hopelessly ill people defeat cancer. In experiments under a microscope, it was seen that after adding vitamin B17, cancer cells were destroyed and died.

Italian Professor Guidetti from the University Medical School Turina, who presented a report before the Conference of the International Society Against Cancer, which took place in Brazil in 1954, demonstrated the results of the use of Laetrile in clinical patients with cancer. He showed how Laetrile has been shown to destroy many types of tumors, including those of the neck, rectum, uterus and breast.“In many cases,” he said, “we observed a whole group of tumors that resolved very quickly.” He reported that after using Laetrile in the treatment of patients with advanced lung cancer, he could see, using X-ray, regression of tumors or metastases.

After Guidetti's speech, an American doctor announced that laetrile had been studied in the United States and found to be unsuitable for the treatment of cancer.

Dr. Guidetti replied that he was not interested in what was recognized in the United States. “I am simply informing you of what I observe in my own clinic.” (Cancer News Journal)

A World Without Cancer reveals a wealth of information about cancer research that was halted and major scientists who were arrested when they began telling others the truth about the vitamin. It contains a report of trials conducted on Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile) at the renowned cancer institute, Sloan Kettering, New York, USA, and were closed.

Back in the 50s, Krebs proved that B17 in reasonable doses is harmless to people. After testing the vitamin on animals, he filled his syringe with a megadose and injected it into his vein. And he remained alive. And he lived for many more years after that.

The vitamin is harmless to body tissue for the simple reason that each B17 molecule consists of one cyanide compound, one benzene dehyde and two glucose (sugar) compounds tightly packed together. For cyanide to become dangerous, the molecule must first be “cracked open” and released, which only an enzyme called beta-glucosidase can do. This enzyme is present in the body in minimum quantities, but there is almost 100 times more of it in cancerous tumors. Consequently, cyanide is released only in the cancerous areas of the body with amazing results that are detrimental to the cancer cells because benzene dehyde is also released at the same time. It is a deadly poison in its properties, but when combined with cyanide it becomes 100 times stronger. The effect produced by these substances on cancer cells exceeds all expectations. Cancer cells die.

Excerpts from a talk given by Dr. Krebs (Jr.) at the Los Angeles Annual Cancer Conference in 1989:

Cancer is a consequence of a chronic metabolic disorder, which is already obvious today. Is not infectious disease which is caused by bacteria or viruses. It is a disease that is metabolic in nature. This is a metabolic disorder. Most metabolic disorders are based on an imbalance of vitamins and minerals in our body.

No metabolic disease in the history of man has ever been cured or prevented by anything other than factors having to do with the diet of the body. In the past we have had many devastating deadly diseases that are now virtually unknown. They were prevented and neutralized. The source of these diseases was rooted in the nutritional deficiency of the body.

For example, scurvy destroyed humanity by the thousands. A disease that could destroy an entire polar expedition or knock out 50 percent of the crusaders from the army. This disease is completely corrected by vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which introduced a complete factor into the human diet and extinguished scurvy epidemics.

You are probably well aware of the fact that Great Britain again gained dominion over all the seas when it experimentally discovered that adding lemon or other citrus juice to the diet of sailors lifted the curse of scurvy from the entire fleet. Before vitamin C was included in the diet of sailors, it often happened that three-quarters of the crew would become seriously ill by the end of the voyage and then those who did not die would mystically recover upon arrival on shore: they would gain access to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

In the past we also had pernicious anemia, which had a mortality rate of up to 99%. And no medical technique could cope with it. So far, researchers Dr. Murphy, Shipple and Mino have not found the cause to be nutritional deficiency. Medical institutions in 1974, were concerned that a simple dietary factor could prevent a disease whose mortality rate was almost as high as that of anemia.

But that's how it is scientific truth that the seeds of all common fruits (except citrus fruits) contain vitamin B17, the main anti-cancer vitamin. If we consume the proper amounts of the vitamin, either in pure form or through nitrilocides containing food products, we are guaranteed against developing this disease just as we were able to prevent scurvy with vitamin C and anemia with vitamin B12.

Another disease that is metabolic in nature is pellagra. At one time it spread in epidemic proportions in some parts of the world. Sir William Osler, in his book The Principles and Practice of Medicine, spoke of pellagra: “I was in the hospital of Lenoir, North Carolina, where during one winter 75 per cent of the people died from this disease. It spread like an epidemic and convinced me that beyond any doubt it was a virus.” But soon came the brilliant work of Dr. Goldberger, a surgeon at the United States Health Service, who clearly proved that the cause of pellagra is a lack of fresh greens in the diet. So another deadly chronic disorder metabolism has found itself complete cure in a simple nutritional factor, which consists in balanced diet. We have established that cancer is no exception to this rule.

Previously, fruits contained vitamin B17 not only in their seeds, but also in their pulp. Today only wild fruits contain B17. The fruit we eat today is the sad result of many years of cultivation for size and appearance, its pulp no longer contains B17. To meet the body's needs for this vitamin, we must eat the seeds of these fruits. In almost all cases of cancer, when B17 is taken in large doses, cancerous tumors are pulled together.

To prevent cancer, start with a small amount of seeds: 1-2 per day and go up to 7 - 10 pieces. Bones should be eaten within reasonable limits, the basic rule is to eat the fruit and its pit, but nothing more.

Try not to consume refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer cells), caffeine (very bad for the liver and kidneys), and high-grade flour (easily converted into sugar in the body). Try to eat more unprocessed foods.

Prepared based on website materials.

When on a sunny July day or cool evening we take a fragrant apricot from a vase and enjoy the juicy pulp, we don’t even suspect how healing its kernel is. But it contains vitamins, saturated and unsaturated acids, phospholipids, calcium, iron, phosphorus and others useful material. Peeled apricot kernel helps with diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, saves from cysts and kidneys and ovaries, effectively fights tuberculosis and thyroid diseases, and is also good for blood vessels and mental performance.

The benefits of apricot kernels for the body are priceless. In fact, they are a real panacea! By eliminating diseased cells, they stimulate the formation of healthy ones. And their anti-inflammatory effect leaves no room infectious diseases, and the ability to release energy is appreciated by athletes and anyone who wants to feel good every day of their life.

But, most importantly, it contains a unique vitamin B17, or amygdalin. This substance is included in cyanide, and has unique property: entering the body, affected cancer cells, it either completely heals them or kills them. Therefore, apricot kernels for cancer are a super effective remedy that has earned the approval of medicine.

The grains of the fruit can be sweet or bitter to taste. Sweet is found in artificially bred varieties, and bitterness is the province of wild plants. But it is bitter apricot kernels that are able to cope with oncology due to their high amygdalin content.

Apricot kernels should be taken dried or fried. But the best medical effect have grains that have not been subjected to heat treatment, that is, raw. In Dagestan, urbech has long been prepared from apricot kernels - a natural delicacy that is loved by children and adults. The kernels are ground on stone millstones, obtaining fine cake and oil, which are then mixed in a certain proportion. The resulting paste has all healing properties apricot, perfectly restores strength and helps keep highlanders healthy for many years.

Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take

They need to be consumed raw, after peeling and grinding in a mortar. You can grind dried apricot kernels in a hand-held seed mill and mix the resulting paste with honey. This one is delicious and useful product can be stored in the refrigerator for several months and consumed every day in small quantities - better prevention cancer is hard to come up with. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to take all daily norm. Take one kernel per 5 kg of weight - this is how you calculate how many apricot kernels you can eat per day.

Anti-cancer treatment with apricot kernels can be carried out in another way. Fill your daily dose with buckwheat honey and take two tablespoons throughout the day.

Apricot kernels for diabetes

One more thing is known complex disease, successfully treated with this product - apricot kernels help with diabetes. Just eat three grains daily half an hour before meals, washing them down with water. After 21 days, take a five-day break and repeat the course again. Do not forget to monitor your blood sugar levels during treatment.

Harmful effects of apricot kernels

Many people wonder if apricot kernels can be harmful. Unfortunately yes. Under influence gastric juice, amygdalin releases hydrocyanic acid. It destroys intestinal tissue and poisons the body. But it’s easy to prevent this - just don’t eat more apricot kernels than the daily norm.

How to choose and store apricot kernels correctly

In order for the beneficial properties of apricot kernels to be fully revealed, they must be chosen correctly. Kernels of a wild plant with healing power, small in size, light brown in color, slightly pointed in shape. Garden apricot grains are larger and lighter in comparison with them, and are usually round in shape. It is not recommended to buy peeled kernels; it is better to do it yourself. Also make sure that they are not affected by mold.

To prevent apricot kernels from losing their benefits, they must be stored correctly.

Use glass jars or a plastic container for these purposes. Avoid exposure to moisture or direct sun rays. Keep in mind that peeled grains can be stored for one year, but peeled grains can be stored for only 12 weeks.

For many years, scientists and doctors from all over the world have been trying to find universal medicine, which would help defeat such terrible disease like cancer. Despite the fact that there are no positive results yet, research continues and some achievements have been achieved. For example, the latest discovery by scientists and doctors is the apricot kernel, which helps fight disease. It is this part of the fruit, which is usually sent to the trash bin, that contains a lot of vitamin B17, the lack of which leads to the terrible disease cancer. Apricot kernel for cancer after clinical trials I have already received mixed reviews.

How does apricot kernel help with cancer?

The apricot kernel is a leader in its content of unique vitamin B17, which is necessary for humans to treat cancer and prevent its occurrence. The seeds can be chewed, although in the process they give off bitterness and may not be to everyone's taste. In addition to this way to get precious vitamin B17, you can crush apricot kernels and add them to different dishes, or eat a teaspoon along with honey, yogurt or any other product that could neutralize the bitterness of the pit.

Interesting! The more bitter the apricot kernel, the more vitamin B17 it contains.

The bones that are inside are more valuable. wild fruits apricot, for example, the Zhirdel variety. Such apricots contain a small pit and a very bitter seed inside, which indicates high content vitamin B17.

Studies have shown that when apricot kernels are consumed in large doses, cancerous tumors begin to shrink. This means that the tumor not only becomes smaller, but also stops growing. This method is much more pleasant and accessible than chemotherapy, during which it is not always possible to achieve positive result. And in some cases, after chemotherapy, the growth of the tumor stops, but then it becomes the same size, if not larger.

But it is important to understand that although research has shown positive dynamics, this does not mean complete failure from other treatment, including chemotherapy. Doctors say that treating cancer with apricot kernels will give pain positive effect together with other treatment methods. Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of an oncologist, since cancer serious illness which simply cannot be done without the help of specialists.


Inga: “Yes, apricot kernels for cancer really help achieve positive dynamics. This is especially good if the tumor is operable. After shrinking the tumor by consuming apricot kernels, the tumor can be removed immediately. This good alternative Chemotherapy, however, this method works much slower; many, unfortunately, will not have that much time.”

Vitaly: “I ate apricot kernels (I have pancreatic cancer), after surgical intervention I took tests - the dynamics are positive. But along with apricot kernels, I was treated with other methods, I don’t know what exactly helped. But I think that since there is such an alternative, then why not use it; in the end, it won’t be worse. However, I would not refuse other treatment in favor of an apricot kernel. There are no 100% guarantees."

Gregory: “I’ve been undergoing chemotherapy since January of this year, and at the same time I’ve been eating apricot kernels. Unfortunately, I don’t see any results to brag about.”

Irina: “I don’t know, in my opinion, cancer is such a serious disease that cannot be cured with just apricot kernels. It is foolish to abandon another treatment that has been used for years in favor of this one. In addition, if you consume apricot kernels in large quantities, you can get poisoned! I hope people are warned about this."

Alexey Petrovich: “I don’t see anything wrong with trying and traditional treatment, And unconventional treatment. If there is at least some chance of improving your health, you need to take advantage of it! Of course, some will do everything to prevent information about some accessible and the easy way to be treated for cancer, otherwise there will be a huge collapse of the pharmaceutical empire in the field of oncology. It’s a pity that people’s health is once again just a pawn. I hope that the apricot kernel will give hope to the sick.”

People facing serious illnesses threatening life, are ready to do anything just to recover or slow down the course of the disease. Various achievements can come to the rescue modern medicine, the latest and not yet well-researched drugs, as well as techniques traditional medicine. And some of these therapies actually have a right to exist. And today we’ll talk about how apricot kernels can help against cancer and how to take them.

Found online miscellaneous information about the advisability of using apricot kernels in the treatment of cancer. Thus, adherents of this therapy claim that apricot kernels contain a unique natural substance, which they call amygdalin, vitamin B17 or leutril. And it, in turn, contains toxic elements, which, when apricot kernels are consumed, are released and lead to the destruction of cancer cells.

How to take apricot kernels correctly?

To take it, you need to break the hard shell of the apricot kernel and extract the seed. It must be taken internally. To prevent cancer, it is recommended to take seven to twenty of these seeds per day. And those people who have been diagnosed with cancer need to gradually increase the amount of seeds they eat. There is information that the healing effect can occur only when taking one and a half to two seeds per kilogram of body weight.

Apricot kernels should not be consumed at once, but in small portions during the day. It is recommended to chew them thoroughly and can be combined with honey. Reception should be started with a small dosage - from five to ten seeds per day, and over time increased to a therapeutic volume. It is important to monitor the individual reactions of the body and, if there is a significant deterioration in health, reduce the dosage of seeds for a while or stop using them.

Be careful
Oncologists warn that treatment with apricot kernels can be very dangerous to health. This natural product contains hydrocyanic acid, which can cause symptoms of poisoning and even death. Doctors official medicine They claim that to date there is no confirmed evidence of a cure due to the intake of apricot kernels. Consumption of ten to fifteen seeds is already fraught with the occurrence of alarming side effects represented by numbness of the fingers. In this case, a single consumption of thirty seeds may be enough to cause death.

Despite warnings from doctors and the European Food Safety Authority, already peeled apricot kernels are now being sold in many countries for cancer therapy.