Selection of proper nutrition online based on blood type. Menu for group II. Criticism of the American Blood Type Diet

The fact that each person has his own blood type, there are exactly four of them, each group has a positive and Rh negative, heard everything. But not everyone knows that immunity, susceptibility to specific diseases, the functioning of the digestive tract, that is, our blooming appearance and slender silhouette may depend on this.

Are those losing weight interested? Then a little theory.

For the first time, the connection between blood composition and nutrition was established by American doctor Peter D’Adamo. Observing patients, he noticed beneficial or harmful effects on health, as well as metabolism various products for people with different blood types. And I guessed to connect this with the living conditions of man in the process of evolution. Initially, everyone had the same blood type - first. And the food ancient man didn't offer much variety.

There is logic in this, but this diet has no scientific evidence base. However, it is a fairly balanced diet and can be followed on a long-term basis.

Primitive hunters ate mainly meat, their body did not know other food (milk, grains), and was adapted to digest meat. Later, farmers and cattle breeders appeared, whose diet was completely different. The second, third, and fourth groups appeared successively. For carriers of each of them, a different diet (vegetable, dairy) became optimal.

According to Dr. D'Adamo's theory modern people With a certain blood composition, it is most correct to eat food that was relevant for the ancestors at the time of the appearance of this particular group. As a result, the same products were divided into useful, harmful or neutral for representatives different groups. More about them below, but for now let’s look at the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed approach to nutrition. For it is difficult to call Dr. D’Adamo’s belief system a diet in the classical sense.


We hasten to please you - there are practically no contraindications! Is it just individual intolerance? certain food. But they can always be replaced with others - the choice is quite wide. In many “hard” diets (you will be interested in reading about them -), the list of substitutes is much shorter.

For some diseases, eating certain foods (recommended for you) can be harmful, and the absence of others ("harmful" for you) does not contribute to recovery. nutrients. For example, with hypertension or heart disease, the amount of meat should be limited even for people in group 1, where meat is the basis of the diet. On the contrary, in case of anemia or protein deficiency, meat cannot be excluded, even if dairy or plant foods are recommended to you.

In addition, a person’s condition changes with age. For example, osteoporosis develops, in which calcium is needed. Therefore, even “meat eaters” should not remove dairy dishes from the menu. Hence the conclusion - in case of illness, age-related changes following any diet - only after consulting a doctor! It is especially important for those with kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, and coronary artery disease.

There is also no data on the benefits of any diet for children or adolescents. To be fair, it should be noted that a set of well-known healthy dietary products is recommended for representatives of each group.

Diet according to blood group 1 (I)

I (or O according to the international classification), according to Dr. D’Adamo’s theory, belonged to hunters - the first people on Earth. It was formed about 30 thousand years ago. The basis of the hunters' diet was meat. It is assumed that the representatives of the rest descended from the first as a result natural selection. Nowadays, about a third of the world's population has the former.

According to the concept of blood nutrition, all “descendants of hunters” are prescribed a high-protein diet with a predominance of animal protein. This is red lean meat (lamb or beef), seafood, sea ​​fish(especially fatty varieties), liver, other offal. Red meat is a source of protein, iron, vitamin B, and many seafood are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates thyroid function.

Vegetables should be leafy, as well as broccoli and artichokes. Oil is best olive oil. The source of microelements important for a protein diet will be sprouted grains, walnuts, prunes, figs. Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore neutralizing high acidity. They are allowed. Products with gluten (rye, oats, wheat), dairy products (especially fatty ones), eggs, cabbage, etc. are contraindicated for hunters. cauliflower, legumes, corn. All of them slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Pickles are also not suitable, fermentative(for example, cabbage or apples), including juices from them. Best drinks for hunters - rosehip decoction or Mint tea. In general, representatives of group I, as a rule, have a strong digestive tract, although they sometimes have gastritis due to increased acidity gastric juice.

But being conservative in nutrition, it is difficult to tolerate unusual food. They definitely need to combine proper diet with physical activity - without this, the diet will not bring results. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) can be found in the table.

Table of products for diet group 1

Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Beef, lamb, veal, venisonAny meat except prohibited typesBacon, ham, goose, pork
Cod, herring, mackerelAny fish or seafood, except those prohibitedPickled herring, catfish, smoked salmon, caviar, octopus, scallops
Olive and linseed oil Butter, Feta cheese, Mozzarella cheese, goat or soy milk cheeseAll other dairy products and yoghurts
Pumpkin seeds and walnutsRapeseed oil, sesame oilCorn, peanut, cottonseed and safflower oil
Spotted beanBarley, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat flour, rye breadBrazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, poppy seeds
Kale, greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinachGrapefruit, most berriesLentils red and green
Artichoke, chicory, dandelion, garlic, horseradish, cabbage, leek, parsley, parsnip, red pepper, sweet, pumpkin, seaweed, turnipChocolate, honey, cocoaCorn, wheat (bulgur, durum, sprouted, white and other wheat, germ and bran), starch, cereals. Any foods such as flour, bread and noodles
Plums, prunes, figsWineCabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens
Kelp and seasonings based on it, iodized salt Alfalfa sprouts, shitake mushrooms, fermented olives
Parsley, curry, cayenne pepper Nightshades: eggplant, potatoes
Water and teas, including herbal ones Corn
Oranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, rhubarb, melons
White and black pepper, vinegar, capers, cinnamon, cornstarch, corn syrup, nutmeg, vanilla
Ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise
Beer, coffee, black tea

Diet for blood group 2 (II)

II (or A) was formed about 20 thousand years ago among our ancestors with the development of agriculture. The food of farmers was mainly plant-based, so their “descendants” are more suitable for vegetarianism than others; about 38% of those on earth are.

The basis of their diet should be cereals, vegetable oils, cereals (gluten-containing - limit!), fruits (apricots, lemons, plums, figs, pineapples). It is better to exclude meat (especially red) completely, but fish and seafood will be beneficial. Vegetables are vital for people of group 2, providing minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. They can be eaten raw, steamed or stewed.

Health problems and overweight among “farmers” are expected due to dairy foods, which are poorly digestible and slow down metabolism, products made from wheat flour (gluten protein, which is abundant in wheat, reduces the effect of insulin), beans (difficult to digest due to high content squirrel). Tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants, and fruits such as melon, bananas, oranges and mangoes are not recommended. It is better to refrain from orange juice, as well as black tea and any carbonated drinks.

Generally digestive system"farmers" are quite hardy - provided proper nutrition. If you abuse meat and dairy products, there is a high risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The right combination of spices will be a powerful helper for the immune system. The exception is those whose acids cause irritation of the gastric mucosa: vinegar, pepper. Condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise should be avoided, as members of group 2 have increased levels of stomach acid.

A more complete list of foods (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Table of foods for blood group 2

Useful Neutral Prohibited
Carp, cod, sea bass, mackerel, red snapper, rainbow trout, salmon, sardines, sea trout, silver perch, whitefish, yellow perchChicken meatBeef, pork, lamb, veal, venison, duck, goose
Flaxseed oil, olive oilYogurt, Mozzarella and Feta cheeses, goat cheese, goat milk, kefir, ricottaAnchovies, beluga, catfish, caviar, shells, crabs, crayfish, eel, flounder, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, mussels, octopus, oysters, scallops, shrimp, squid
Peanut, pumpkin seeds Cod liver oilAll cheeses and milk, except neutral ones
Spotted beanWhite beans, green beansCorn, cottonseed, peanut, sunflower and sesame oil
Buckwheat, ryePearl barley, barley, rice, barley, oat and cornflakes Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios
Soy and rye breads, rice cakes, flours (oat, rice, rye), noodles and pasta and rice or ryeCoriander, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, Bay leaf Black beans
Garlic, onion, broccoli, carrots, greens, pumpkin, spinach Semolina, corn, rye
Artichokes, chicory, greens, dandelion, horseradish, leeks, romaine, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, tofu, turnips Products made from semolina flour or durum wheat, muesli, grain bread, wheat flakes
Berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries), plums, prunes, figs, grapefruit, lemon Peppers, olives, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms
Pineapples, cherries, apricots Acidic vegetables, especially tomatoes
Soy sauce, garlic, ginger Melons, honeydew, mango, papaya, bananas, coconuts
Hawthorn, aloe, burdock, echinacea, green tea, red wine (1 glass/day) Orange, rhubarb, tangerines
Ginger tea, coffee (1 cup/day) Vinegar, pepper (black, cayenne, white), capers, gelatin
Ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles
Beer, sparkling water, black tea

Diet for group 3 (III)

Representatives of III (or B) are descendants of nomads who appeared about 10 thousand years ago with the beginning of mass migration of peoples.

Nomads are practically omnivores, their bodies are hardy and unpretentious. Although some may be intolerant to the lactose contained in milk. The diet for carriers of this group is the most balanced of all - meat, fish (especially sea fish), cereals (except wheat and buckwheat), and dairy products are suitable for “nomads”. And also almost any fruits and vegetables (except tomatoes, corn, melons).

Most nuts and seeds are not recommended, and almost all legumes are prohibited or can be consumed in small quantities. Many grains are not recommended, for example rye contains lectin, which settles in vascular system, causing blood diseases, increases the likelihood of strokes. These foods contribute to a sluggish metabolism, fluid retention and fatigue.

Spices should be used with caution. It is better not to use pepper, cinnamon and gelatin, but ginger and curry have a warming effect.

Representatives of this type rarely need to lose weight; they most often need a diet to improve health and maintain immunity. Despite their flexibility and amazing endurance, modern “nomads” are not resistant to rare viruses and are susceptible to autoimmune diseases and often suffer from the syndrome chronic fatigue. A more complete list (allowed, neutral, prohibited) for the diet can be found in the table.

Products for blood group 3

useful Neutral Prohibited
Lamb, venison, rabbitBeef, ground beef, turkey, liver, vealChicken, duck, goose, partridge, quail, pork
Cod, salmon, flounder, halibut, trout, mackerel, sturgeonFlaxseed, cod liver oil, butterShellfish (crabs, shrimp, lobster, mussels, oysters, crayfish, clams, etc.), anchovy, beluga, eel, octopus, sea bass, snails, seaweed
Cottage cheese, Feta and Mozzarella cheese, yoghurts, milk, sour cream, curd cheeseAlmonds, walnutsIce cream
Olive oilPeas, green pea, white beans, black Eyed PeasRapeseed, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, sesame, sunflower oil
Millet, oatmeal (bran, flour), puffed rice, rice (bran, flour) Cashews, hazelnuts, pine, pistachios, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Wheat bread, rice cakes and waffles Black beans, spotted beans, lentils
Green leafy vegetables Wheat (bran, germ, bulgur, white and durum), semolina or any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from this grain
Pineapples Rye and any products made from this grain
Bananas, cranberries, grapes, papaya, plums Buckwheat, corn (corn flakes, corn flour) and products made from this grain
Ginger, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper Barley, wild rice, couscous
Ginger, peppermint, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sage, green tea Bagels, baked goods, grain bread, rye bread
Ginseng Artichoke, avocado, corn, olives, pumpkin, radish, cabbage, tofu, tomato
Liquorice Coconuts, persimmons, pomegranates, prickly pear, rhubarb, carom
Barley malt sweeteners, corn syrup, corn starch, cinnamon
Allspice, almond extract, gelatin, pepper (black and white)
Ketchup, mayonnaise
Aloe, corn silk, fenugreek, gentian, hops, linden, mullein, red clover, rhubarb, shepherd's purse
Alcoholic drinks, sparkling water

Diet for blood group 4 (IV)

IV (or AB) is the youngest and most mysterious. It arose less than a thousand years ago as a result of a mixture of the first two groups, it is found in only 7% of the world's population, they can conditionally be called “city dwellers”. Both recommendations and prohibitions for “city dwellers” can be quite unexpected.

They are shown caviar, fish, all types of soybeans (especially tofu cheese), dry red wine, rice, dairy products, green fruits, and vegetables. Type 4 usually suffers from problems with gallbladder, so nuts should be eaten with caution. But permitted varieties of nuts will strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to eat lentils as they contain anti-cancer antioxidants.

You should abstain from red meat and meat products, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, wheat, and corn. Tropical fruits are difficult to digest, but pineapple is a good helper stomach. Fruits rich in vitamin C can help fight stomach cancer.

Representatives of this group usually have a weak digestive tract and are prone to oncological diseases and nervous disorders. At the same time, they adapt well to constantly changing conditions. modern world. To maintain health, vitamins and microelements are vital for them.

If you want to lose weight, eat more rice instead of pasta. And fresh vegetables will be an important source of elements that fight cancer and prevent heart disease. Herbal teas are very useful for “city dwellers” - they increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular diseases and anemia. A little coffee won't hurt, but... alcoholic drinks have a negative impact. Full list can be seen in the table.

Table of foods for 4 blood groups

Useful Neutral Prohibited
Lamb, rabbit, turkeyPistachios, pine nutsBeef, chicken, duck, geese, pork, veal, venison, ham
Tuna, cod, sea bass, hake, mackerel, sea bass, pike, trout, sardines, sturgeon, caviar, salmon, pike perch, trout, pikePeas in any form, white beans, green beansAll shellfish, halibut, crustaceans, herring, eel and hake
Yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, egg, mozzarella, goat cheese and milk, ricotta Blue cheese, brie, buttermilk, camembert, ice cream, parmesan, whole milk
Olive oil Oils: corn, cottonseed, safflower, sesame, sunflower
Peanuts, walnuts, poppy seeds Hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Lentils Black beans
Soybeans, spotted beans, lentils Buckwheat, corn (any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them)
Millet, oat bran, oat flour, rice bran, puffed rice, rye, sprouted wheat and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from them Artichoke, avocado, black olives, all types of peppers
All types of rice and any products such as flour, bread and noodles made from it Mango, guava, coconuts, bananas, oranges
Broccoli, beets, cabbage, celery, green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, parsley, parsnips, sweet potatoes Allspice, almond extract, anise, barley malt, capers, corn starch, corn syrup, gelatin, tapioca
All types of grapes and plums, berries (cranberries, gooseberries), cherries Vinegar, pepper (white, black, cayenne, red flakes) These vegetables are a powerful tonic and natural antibiotic for group 4 Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Pineapples, grapefruits, lemons Alcohol, carbonated drinks, black tea
Kelp, curry
Garlic, horseradish, parsley
Alfalfa, burdock, chamomile, echinacea, green tea
Hawthorn, licorice root, red wine (1 glass/day)
Dandelion, burdock root, strawberry leaves
Coffee or decaffeinated coffee (1 cup/day), green tea

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main disadvantage of this diet is that it is not suitable for rapid weight loss. For those who want to lose weight in a month or three, it is better to choose another diet (for example,). This system is designed for long-term (preferably lifelong) use and brings health improvement to the body, strengthening the immune system, normalizing digestion, and as a result, weight loss.

Another argument of critics of this approach to nutrition is the lack of serious scientific research. Nevertheless, the diet has a sufficient number of fans around the world, and the number positive feedback everything is growing about her.

Discussion of diet in the program Malakhov+

Quick navigation through the article:

The author of diets for weight loss based on blood type, naturopath from America, Peter D. Adamo, argued that for stable weight loss, getting in shape and normalizing metabolism, you need to eat in accordance with your blood type. He developed a nutritional system for each blood group, depending on the time when this blood group appeared on earth and on the foods that were eaten in those days.

Product table for men and women

All products useful for people with blood type 2 are listed in the table, which is very convenient to use. You can print it out and attach it to the refrigerator so that a list of healthy foods for weight loss is always at hand.

Useful Harmful Neutral
meat Beef, veal, lamb, pork, rabbit, goose, duck, lard, ham, bacon, ham, liver, heart, minced beef Turkey, chickens, chicks, eggs
fish Carp, fresh herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, pike perch, cod, mackerel, sardines Salted herring, eel, catfish, halibut, shrimp, crayfish, lobster, lobster, catfish, squid, flounder, smoked salmon, caviar Smelt, seaweed, perch, sturgeon, pike, tuna
dairy Whole and skim milk, cream, ice cream, cow cheese and cheese, whey Yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese, processed cheese, homemade cottage cheese
fats Olive, rapeseed and linseed oil Peanut, coconut, corn, cottonseed, butter Margarine, sunflower, soybean oil, cod liver oil
nuts, seeds Pumpkin seeds, peanuts Pistachios Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower and poppy seeds
legumes Spotted beans and lentils; beans, milk and soy cheese, Other types of legumes Green peas, in pods and white beans, asparagus
cereals Buckwheat, rye, oatmeal (oatmeal), buckwheat and rye flour Semolina, pasta, muesli, wheat flakes Barley, pearl barley, corn, millet, corn and oat flakes, rice
bread, rolls Rice wafers, rye bread Bagels, buns, crackers, cookies made from wheat flour, rye gingerbread, wheat and wheat flakes, wholemeal grain bread, wheat flour Oat cookies, rye bread, corn starch
seasonings mustard Mayonnaise, ketchup, any vinegar, black pepper Cloves, coriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, curry, cumin, dill, parsley, fennel, horseradish, vanillin
vegetables Broccoli, kohlrabi, onions, parsnips, carrots, turnips, leeks, chard, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, spinach, lettuce and kale oyster mushrooms Sweet potatoes, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, champignons, rhubarb, olives Cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, asparagus, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, zucchini
fruits and berries Pineapple, apricots, lingonberries, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, figs, cherry plums, blueberries, cranberries, lemon, plums, cherries, blueberries, apples, prunes, juices from these fruits Oranges, bananas, melons, tangerines, coconuts and juices from them Avocado, watermelon, grapes, pears, raisins, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, nectarines, peach, currants, persimmons and juices from these fruits and berries
teas Burdock, chamomile, echinacea, rose hips, St. John's wort, ginseng, hawthorn, valerian Strawberries, linden, mint, dandelion, parsley, thyme, licorice root, yarrow
beverages Red wine, green tea, black coffee Coca and Pepsi-Cola, carbonated sweet drinks, black tea, beer, vodka, cognac, spirit liqueurs and tinctures White wine, champagne
sweets Fruit jam, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, dark chocolate, granulated sugar

Diet for blood group 2 positive

As can be seen from the table, many products familiar to daily menu, are completely excluded. For example, for a blood group 2 diet it is not recommended to consume:

  • Dairy products are prohibited almost completely, except for yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese and homemade cottage cheese. According to the author of blood group diets, dairy products in people with blood type 2 can cause abnormal reactions in the body that slow down metabolism. They also negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

  • Meat products, fatty and fried, which in principle is justified in any diet. The only exceptions are chicken and turkey.

The diet for 2 positive blood group involves using elements of vegetarianism. According to D’Adamo, this method of nutrition is best suited for people with the second blood group, since its carriers appeared during the period when humanity learned to cultivate the land. The abundance of agricultural crops suggests the possibility of feeding on them without the presence of meat in the diet.

Here short video, which explains why animal protein is contraindicated for people with blood type 2:

Blood type 2 diet is positive for women

Many women are looking for their own eating style that will help them maintain their figure in great shape throughout their lives.

Perhaps a diet for women based on blood type will help them learn something important and exclude fatty meats, lard, sweets, and fatty dairy products from their diet. And this will definitely benefit them.

According to Peter D'Adamo, such nutrition will help normalize metabolism and prevent the development of dangerous diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. But you still need to listen to your own body and not blindly follow the recommendations from the food table according to blood group 2.

Permitted products for women and men with blood group II+

The list of permitted foods for the blood group 2 diet is quite extensive, and if you wish, you can easily create a complete and varied menu.

In the daily menu you can use:

  • Vegetables in all their variety, with the exception of those highlighted in the table;
  • Cereals from which you can cook a variety of porridges, adding fruits or berries to them. The exceptions are those cereals that contain a large number of gluten Cereals such as buckwheat, millet, barley, rice, amaranth are especially well digested;
  • Stew, bake or boil chicken, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs;
  • Use approved oils when cooking, seasoning salads, adding them to ready-made porridges or hot dishes;
  • For the blood group 2 diet, foods can be combined with each other. For example, you can offer salads from permitted vegetables with chicken or fish;
  • Many fruits are also useful and can be used to replace sweet and flour dishes. For those who want to lose weight, you can eat an apple or pear instead of a cake, and drink natural juice from these fruits or berries during a snack. Pineapples are very useful because they speed up metabolism. Grapefruits, apricots, plums and cherries are also recommended;
  • As for drinks, the diet for blood group 2 (positive) can include freshly squeezed juices (such as cherry, banana, grapefruit, carrot); black brewed coffee, green tea, which serves as an antioxidant and removes harmful substances from the body, red wine in small doses.

Prohibited Products

The foods listed below contribute to excess weight gain, slow down metabolism and provoke the development of diseases.

  • Meat dishes, sausages, smoked meats, pickles. Meat can be replaced soy products;
  • Dairy products are poorly absorbed by representatives of blood group 2. Instead, soy products are useful, for example, Tofu cheese, soy milk;
  • Wheat dishes and baked goods made from wheat flour, legumes. The gluten present in them delays the production of insulin and slows down the absorption of substances, leading to the development of diabetes;
  • Avoid eating potatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes;
  • Remove bananas, oranges, mangoes, tangerines and coconuts, papaya and melon from the blood group 2 diet menu;
  • Completely eliminate drinks such as black tea, soda, and orange juice.

For reference:

If you decide to start the blood type 2 diet, then you need to know the following:

  1. Almost 38% of the world's inhabitants have blood type 2. Their stomach acid is often low, so they have difficulty digesting proteins. Vegetarianism is indicated for them;
  2. This "Farmer" blood type arose during the transition from active image life (“Hunter” - people with the first blood group) to sedentary and sedentary;
  3. Their strengths include: endurance, excellent immunity (provided that they adhere to nutritional recommendations), sociability, composure, organization, adaptation to changes in diet and lifestyle;
  4. Weaknesses: high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, diabetes mellitus, increased excitability nervous system, liver and gallbladder diseases.

The conclusion suggests itself: by following the rules of the diet for blood type 2, you can protect yourself from the development of serious diseases.

These nutritional principles must be followed throughout life. To begin with, you can try to exclude the most harmful products and stick to the diet for 2-3 months. This will improve digestion processes and speed up metabolism.

Diet for blood group 2 negative

When asked whether it is possible to lose weight on a diet for blood type 2, a nutritionist answers:

  1. There is no experimental evidence of weight loss on a diet for blood type 2, but if you stick to proper nutrition, excluding really harmful foods from your diet, then weight loss will definitely happen.
  2. The proposed diet itself excludes the abundance of meat, fatty foods, sweets and bakery products made from wheat flour.
  3. By replacing meat with soy products, you will get enough protein. In addition, the diet may contain chicken, eggs, fish, and nuts.
  4. With this diet you can organize preventive actions against the most dangerous diseases: cardiovascular, diabetes, anemia, oncology.
  5. It is better to consult your doctor before starting a diet for blood type 2.
  6. It should be remembered that this diet does not work quickly, it requires diligence and regularity.
  7. Combine a diet for the second blood type with training. You are shown leisurely and simple types sports: swimming, yoga, walking, slow aerobics, Pilates, calanetics, stretching.
  8. Diet recommendations for losing weight 2 blood types are quite general and may not be suitable for all people with this blood type.
  9. Vegetarianism is undesirable for many people, especially for the weak or for children. Animal proteins are an important component for the full development and functioning of the body. Animal protein is the source of essential amino acids.

In this video, another doctor’s opinion on diets based on blood types:

Sample diet menu for blood group 2 (for weight loss)


1st day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with dried fruits; green tea
  • Lunch: kefir
  • Dinner: vegetarian soup, baked chicken, cucumber salad
  • Afternoon snack: Cherry juice
  • Dinner: baked cod with onions, lettuce

2nd day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, black coffee
  • Lunch: Apple juice
  • Dinner: borscht with chicken, 2 boiled eggs, cauliflower salad
  • Afternoon snack: homemade cottage cheese with yogurt
  • Dinner: boiled spotted beans, kale salad with flaxseed oil

3rd day

  • Breakfast: two egg omelette soy milk, rosehip decoction
  • Lunch: Tofu cheese, grated carrots
  • Dinner: lentil soup, boiled chicken, cucumber and green pea salad with rapeseed oil
  • Afternoon snack: Pineapple juice
  • Dinner: trout, mackerel or salmon baked with vegetables from the table, stewed pumpkin, Rye bread ec

Historical reference

The popularity of American nutritionist Peter D'Adamo has skyrocketed in just a few years. This happened precisely thanks to his blood type nutrition system.

Many experts agree that you can only lose quality and significant weight if you eat in accordance with your own blood type. The peculiarity of such a diet is not in reducing calories and not in reducing the volume of the daily meal, but in the exclusion of certain foods that provoke weight gain in women with the first positive blood group. And this approach to compiling correct menu allows you to eat fully, while losing overweight.

Nutrition rules for blood type 1

The essence of the blood type diet is that all foods are divided into three groups:

  1. Harmful. During digestion, they release toxic substances inside the body that negatively affect cells, slowing down metabolic processes in them.
  2. Neutral. Products that do not affect metabolism in any way.
  3. Useful. When they are broken down, energy is released, which promotes the internal burning of fat deposits and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

The main place in the diet of representatives of the fairer sex with 1 blood group positive rhesus, takes up meat. Especially lamb, poultry and beef. But products made from flour should be significantly limited. The same applies to wheat and oatmeal. At the same time, we must not forget about plant foods. This primarily applies to radishes and turnips. These products not only saturate the body with mineral elements, but also improve activity endocrine system. Must be present in the diet buckwheat and legume products.

The most acceptable methods of cooking are boiling, stewing, steaming and grilling. But if we're talking about about meat products, the latter preparation option should not be used so often.

Meals should be five times a day. The duration of the diet in accordance with these recommendations is about two months. During this period, the woman will not experience hunger, but at the same time she will be able to achieve the coveted slimness. First, when you need to reset excess weight, you need to eat only healthy foods. And then, in order to simply consolidate and maintain the achieved result, you can add neutral foods to your diet.

In order to eat and lose weight, emphasis should be placed on healthy foods that will stimulate metabolism, a list of permitted products for women of the first positive blood group will help you in this choice.

type of product Name Nuances of use
Meat Lamb, beef, rabbit, lamb and poultry, turkey, maybe ground beef, heart and liver It is better, of course, to choose the leanest pieces for consumption. The skin should be removed from the chicken and any visible fat should be removed from the pieces. As for lamb and beef, preference should be given to the meat of young animals.
Milk Kefir, cottage cheese, milk
Seafood Tuna and halibut, cod and pink salmon, river pike, trout, seaweed, mackerel, squid and shrimp As for squid and shrimp, it is better to include them in the diet no more than once every seven days.
Cereals Buckwheat, rice and barley, millet and pearl barley It is better to take brown rice, and buckwheat should not be cooked for a long time; you can simply steam it with boiled water in advance.
Fruits and vegetables Plums and pineapple, spinach, broccoli, radishes and carrots. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw, sometimes stewed or steamed.
Oil Flaxseed and olive It is better to add vegetable oil to cold salads.
Eggs Quail and chicken Can be fresh or boiled, but not fried.
Nuts Walnuts, pumpkin seeds They can be consumed as a separate snack or as an addition to salads and cottage cheese.

For a more complete study, you can use this table

For drinks, it is most preferable to choose mint tea and dandelion infusion, as well as pineapple juice. The tea, of course, is not bagged, but freshly brewed.

The table below clearly shows which products should prevail on the table of a woman who wants to lose weight and at the same time has a positive blood group. In addition, there are neutral foods that can also be included in the diet, since they will not harm the figure, but also special benefit You don’t have to wait from them either:

  • duck meat, broiler chickens;
  • carp, flounder, perch, eel and pike perch, all crustaceans;
  • sheep cheese;
  • soy sauce, butter, margarine, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts and almonds.
  • goose and pork meat, lard;
  • ham, ham and bacon, prepared foods;
  • caviar, salmon, salted and pickled herring, catfish;
  • whole and goat milk, yogurt, processed cheese;
  • ice cream and cream, sour cream;
  • peanut and corn oil;
  • pistachios, peanuts, poppy seeds;
  • pasta, wheat, corn and oat flakes;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries and melon;
  • cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, avocados and olives;
  • mustard and ketchup.

Weekly menu

Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: consists of tea without sugar and a few slices of pineapple.
Snack: a glass of cherry juice and cottage cheese.
Dinner: fish soup and stewed vegetables.
Afternoon snack: rosehip tea and a handful of walnuts.
Dinner: fried liver with onions and a piece of rye bread.
Tuesday Breakfast: Herb tea and fresh plums, as well as some buckwheat.
Snack: glass of pineapple juice.
Dinner: chicken meat, broccoli soup and buckwheat again.
Afternoon snack: three plums.
Dinner: steamed trout and seaweed salad and eggs.
Wednesday Breakfast: chamomile tea and salad from permitted fruits.
Snack: two cheesecakes and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: chicken broth, 150 g lamb, cucumber salad.
Afternoon snack: a glass of apricot juice and nuts.
Dinner: zucchini stuffed with shrimp, herbs and cottage cheese.
Thursday Breakfast: one banana and drink a glass of milk.
Snack: raspberry tea and a piece of curd pudding.
Dinner: solyanka, vegetable stew and beef cutlets.
Afternoon snack: carrot salad.
Dinner: baked trout with arugula salad.
Friday Breakfast: omelette with chicken meat, tea, one loaf of bread.
Snack: cucumber and radish salad.
Dinner: meatball soup, brown rice with pieces of any fish.
Afternoon snack: some fresh cherries.
Dinner: vegetable stew with a piece of veal.
Saturday Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with liver and carrots, tea.
Snack: Three zucchini pancakes will do.
Dinner: borscht, vegetable casserole and grilled steak.
Afternoon snack: chamomile tea with pumpkin seeds and apricot alone.
Dinner: fish cutlets with fresh vegetables.
Sunday Breakfast: tea, boiled egg and porridge from permitted cereals.
Snack: allowed to make a sandwich from rye toast and squash caviar, and you can wash it down with pineapple juice.
Dinner: stewed chicken with bell pepper.
Afternoon snack: one lazy cabbage roll and rosehip broth.
Dinner: squid with rice.

The rapidly developing flow of discoveries and innovations allowed nutritionists to develop a new formula healthy diet. It's about that nutrition according to a blood test is one of the most effective. It allows you to remove extra pounds without causing harm. own health. However, scientists have been approaching this diet, stumbling and making mistakes, for more than one or two years. System searches healthy eating, which will bring perfection to the human body in the process of losing weight, has taken many years. People's blood groups were divided into groups only a century ago, but research in this direction did not stop. The division into 4 types is taken as the basis for a completely unique and effective diet.

Historical background

Research by scientists claims that it was nutrition that played a fundamental role in the formation of 4 types of blood in humans. It turned out that all the varieties arose sequentially, and did not appear at once.

  • O(I). The first blood group includes peoples who lived by gathering and hunting. The main priority of these tribes is survival. Until now, there is a hypothesis that representatives of the first group are purposeful, active people. The percentage of people on the planet with this blood type is 30%.
  • A (II). The second blood group, which arose during the transition of a person to farming, includes people who are satisfied with life and have a stable nervous system. For the most part, the character of the inhabitants of the planet with the second group is dominated by calmness, measuredness and focus on results. Most people on the planet live with the second type of blood - 40%.
  • B (III). The third blood group are nomads, whose tribes roamed the expanses of the then almost deserted Earth. They were engaged in animal husbandry. This category of people is taught to adapt to environmental conditions, adapting to them, calmly reacting to all difficulties that arise. About 22% of people on the planet have blood type 3.
  • AB(IV). A unique and rare group. This happened because it was formed relatively recently (by the standards of humanity’s existence on this Earth). When types 2 and 3 merged, a new one was obtained - 4. No more than 8% of people living on Earth are carriers of this blood type.

Doctors have found that the same food is absorbed by the body of people with different types blood is absolutely individual.

In turn, according to nutritionists, people should divide all food products into three categories:

  • necessary for the body (useful);
  • those without which the body is quite able to live (neutral);
  • those without which the body must exist (unnecessary or harmful).

Nutrition according to blood type is an optional process, but desirable. When compiling a set of products for the daily menu, a person can adhere to important rules related to his type and effectively lose weight.

Diet for weight loss

A weight loss diet based on a person's blood type was developed by scientists to achieve noticeable weight loss results without harming the body. As reviews from those who have lost weight say, a person can eat everything from the menu intended specifically for him, without limiting himself in the amount of food consumed. However this system weight loss is effective only when the entire process occurs under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Each type has its pros and cons, which are fundamental links in building a diet:

  1. First blood group characterized by excellent the immune system and stable digestion, high activity and good metabolism. From negative aspects- aversion to sudden changes in diet, tendency to allergic reactions and inflammation.
  2. The second group belongs to people with immunity to changes in living conditions. They are distinguished by a weak gastrointestinal tract, frequent diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys.
  3. Third blood group- people with nerves of iron and good immunity. In case of metabolic failures there is high probability diseases of the heart, blood vessels, cancer tumors. They are highly susceptible to viral infections.
  4. Fourth group typical for people who have all the pros and cons of types 2 and 3.

The menu is selected for each blood group, taking into account indications for improving the patient’s health and losing weight:

  • For the first - food with a maximum protein content. Unwanted Products- cereals.
  • For the second - food plant origin. Undesirable products - containing a maximum amount of animal fats.
  • For the third - a diet based on a balance of products of plant and animal origin. The exception is seafood and pork.
  • For the fourth - food with a moderate content of all products. Lean meat and fish are especially desirable in the diet.


1 group

The diet for blood group 1 positive and negative includes the following foods:

Recommended for use:

  • meat with low fat content;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • sour natural juices;
  • herbal tea.

It is forbidden :

  • fatty meat and milk;
  • oil with a high percentage of cholesterol;
  • legumes, cereals (any);
  • vinegar and vinegar-containing products;
  • citrus and aromatic fruits;
  • potatoes, alcohol and coffee.

2nd group

Diet for blood group 2 positive and negative includes:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • little olive and flax;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals and rye flour;
  • mustard;
  • stone fruits and sour citrus fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables (root vegetables);
  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • herbal teas;
  • natural juices.
  • dried sea fish;
  • crayfish and shrimp;
  • full-fat milk and dairy products;
  • solid oils of vegetable and animal origin;
  • liver;
  • vinegar;
  • sweet citrus and melons;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

3 group

The diet for blood group 3 positive and negative is developed taking into account the following features:

Recommended products to eat:

  • egg;
  • dietary meat;
  • River fish;
  • olive oil;
  • legumes;
  • cereals and bread;
  • greenery;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • root vegetables and cabbage;
  • sour juices.
Not recommended for use:
  • fat meat;
  • marine fish and crustaceans;
  • ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • lentils;
  • Rye bread;
  • cinnamon;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate;
  • root vegetables with a spicy taste (radish, radish);
  • potato;
  • tomato juice;
  • alcohol tinctures with a high degree;
  • cognac and lemonade.

4 group

The diet for blood type 4 negative is identical to the diet for types 2 and 3. The set of products for weight loss is the same. At the same time, the diet for blood group 4 is positive. However, we must not forget that this group is the most unstable to the effects environment and stress and especially needs advice from specialists on choosing the right nutrition.

The remaining food products are neutral and are allowed for consumption by any blood group, be it positive or negative. Reviews from those who have lost weight say that, on the doctor’s recommendation, you can eat these foods, but with minor adjustments in the amount of food consumed.

Diet chart by blood type

The nutrition menu for weight loss for representatives of any blood type clearly shows which foods are desirable and which ones should be avoided (or minimized).

Product Blood type
Orange - - N -
Grapefruit N + N +
Mandarin - - N N
Pomegranate N N - -
Lemon N + N +
A pineapple N + + +
Banana N - + -
Kiwi N N N +
Pear N N N N
Apple + + + +
Peach N N N N
Nectarine N N N N
Plum + + + +
Melon - - N N
Coconut - - + +
Avocado - N - -
Persimmon N N - -
Watermelon N N N N
Barberry N - - -
Grape N N + +
Strawberry - N N N
Cherry N + N +
Cranberry N + + +
Gooseberry N N N +
Currant N N N N
Raspberries N N N N
Cherries + + N +
Dried fruits
Raisin N N N N
Prunes + + N N
Figs + + N +
Tomatoes N - - N
cucumbers N N N +
Sweet pepper N - + +
White cabbage - - + N
Potato - - - N
Carrot N N + N
Onion + + N N
Radish N N - -
Pumpkin + + - N
Broccoli + + + +
Cauliflower - - + +
Beet N N N N
Oyster mushrooms N + N N
Champignon - - N N
Olives - - - N
Beef + - N -
Pork - - - -
Mutton + - + +
Veal + - N -
Rabbit meat N - + +
Chicken N N - -
Turkey + N N +
Duck N - - -
Carp N + N N
Salmon + + + +
Herring + + N N
Zander N + + +
Hake + - + -
Tuna N N N +
Mackerel + + + +
Crustaceans N - - -
Milk - - N -
Kefir - N + +
Cottage cheese N N + +
Cheese - - N N
Sour cream - N + +
Yogurt - N + +
Ice cream - - - -
Butter N - N -
Cereals and legumes
Corn - N - -
Peas N N N N
Beans N N N N
Buckwheat N + - -
Semolina - - N N
Rice N N + +
Wheat flour - - N N
Pasta - - N N
Oatmeal - N + +
White bread - N + N
Green tea N + + +
Black tea - - N -
Black coffee - + N +
White wine N N N N
Red wine N + N N
Beer N - N N
Spirits - - - -
Pickles - N N -
Vinegar - - N -
Ketchup - - - -
Mayonnaise N - - N
Sugar N N N N
Chocolate N N N N
Sunflower oil N N - -
Olive oil + + + +
Eggs N N + N
Sunflower seeds N N - -
Walnuts + N N +

Weight does not depend on how a person eats. It is important what products appear on the table. You can limit portions, endlessly burn calories and not have dinner after 18:00, but the kilograms will remain the same. And you can find your own “ideal” food - eat and lose weight. The blood type diet is based on the theory that people with different cellular structure The body needs different foods. Carriers of the first group can lean on meat, but in the second group, this food contributes to weight gain and is harmful to health. This is why the same diet can be effective for one, but useless for another.

This method of weight correction is based on the research of American Peter D’Adamo. This is a 60-year-old naturopathic doctor who continued the work of his famous father James D'Adamo.

Naturopathy is considered alternative medicine. She denies the generally accepted ideas about healing. Main idea: organic processes in the human body cannot be explained scientifically. At the forefront is energy, vitality, which cannot be measured.

How are blood type and weight related?

Dr. D'Adamo is one of the developers of the concept that human health is directly related to genetics. In particular, much depends on heredity and blood type.

This theory is based on observations and statistics on population morbidity. For example, people with a certain genotype are more likely to be infected, and those with a different set of chromosomes suffer more from heart disease, etc.

The same principle is used to compare a person’s weight and blood type. The naturopathic doctor believes that the path to harmony lies through the search for an individual “ration” based on blood type. For this purpose, a special table of products by blood type has been developed.

The blood type diet promises weight loss to the level you need specifically ideal forms. Reviews of the method and the results of those losing weight indicate: the average “plumb line” is from 500 g to 1 kg per week.

Products by groups

There are more than ten types of products, which are divided into three categories - recommended, prohibited and neutral for various groups blood. It is also important to introduce certain biologically active food additives. They are necessary to compensate for a possible deficiency useful substances. And it can occur when you refuse certain foods.

  1. Recommended. Products that fully suit your body according to your blood type.
  2. Prohibited. They provoke weight gain and make you feel worse.
  3. Neutral. Such foods can be included in the diet, but infrequently, especially during active stage weight correction.

The benefit is that by eating exclusively foods allowed by the diet, you can generally improve your health. After all, heavy meals will disappear from the diet of someone losing weight. And such food turns not only into fat, but also into toxins. Interestingly, Rhesus does not matter. Therefore, the menu is for people, for example, with the first positive group the same as for carriers of the first negative group.

Single food table for all types

Below is a table where the main food groups are distributed according to people's needs various types blood.

It's not difficult to figure it out. Select your group in the horizontal column and required product in a vertical column. Match the two lines and estimate the indicated value.

The “+” sign indicates that the product is useful. If there is a “-” next to the name, it is prohibited. And “0” indicates a neutral effect of food for your blood type.

Table - The influence of food on a person’s weight and health depending on blood type

Products1 2 3 4 Products1 2 3 4
Meat, poultry, eggsDairy
Ham- - - - Whole milk- - 0 -
Beef+ - 0 - Yogurt- 0 + +
Ground beef+ - 0 - Casein (food grade)- - 0 0
Veal+ - 0 - Kefir- 0 + +
Bacon- - - - Goat milk- 0 + +
Mutton+ - + + Skim milk- - + 0
Rabbit0 - + + Milk serum- - 0 0
Goose- - - - Ice cream- - - -
Duck0 - - - Cream- - 0 -
Turkey+ 0 0 + Sour cream- 0 + +
Broiler0 0 - - Cow's milk cheese- - 0 0
Egg0 0 + 0 Sheep cheese0 0 + +
Chick0 0 - - Processed cheese- 0 0 -
Ham- - - - Curd cheese0 0 + +
Heart+ - - - Homemade cottage cheese0 0 + +
Liver+ - 0 0 Oil, fats
Salo- - 0 0 Cod liver oil0 0 0 0
Pork- - - - Margarine0 0 - -
Fish and seafoodPeanut butter
Carp0 + 0 0 Coconut oil- - - -
Smelt0 0 0 0 Corn oil- - - -
Catfish- - 0 0 Flaxseed oil+ + 0 0
Caviar- - - + Olive oil+ + + +
Squid0 - 0 - Sunflower oil0 0 - -
Flounder0 - + - Butter0 - 0 -
Salmonidae+ + + + Soybean oil0 0 - 0
Salmon (Smoked)- - - - Cottonseed oil- - - -
Mackerel+ + + + Seeds and nuts
Seaweed+ 0 - 0 Peanut- + - +
Sea bass0 0 + + Walnuts+ 0 0 +
River perch0 0 0 0 Pine nuts0 0 - 0
Sturgeon+ 0 + + Almonds0 0 0 0
Halibut+ - + - Hazelnuts0 0 - -
Crustaceans0 - - - Poppy seeds- 0 + +
Pickled herring- - + - Sunflower seeds0 0 - -
Fresh herring+ + 0 0 Pumpkin seeds+ + - -
Salted herring- - 0 - Pistachios- - - 0
Whitefish+ + + + Legumes
River pike+ 0 + + Soybeans0 + + +
Som- - 0 0 Navy beans- - + +
Zander0 + + + Black beans0 + - -
Cod+ + + + Green peas0 0 0 0
Tuna0 0 0 + Green peas0 0 0 0
Acne0 - - - Soy milk+ + 0 0
Mackerel+ + + + Soy cheese+ + 0 0
Trout+ + + + White beans0 0 0 0
Hake+ - + - Spotted beans+ + - +
Grain, flourGreen beans0 0 0 0
Wheat bagels- - - 0 Lentils- + - +
Rice waffles0 + + + Spices, spices
Hot buns- - 0 0 Vanilla- 0 0 0
Buckwheat0 + - - Carnation0 0 0 0
Corn starch- 0 - - Mustard0 + 0 0
Semolina- - 0 0 Fruit jam and jelly0 0 0 0
Pearl barley0 0 - 0 Ketchup- - - -
Barley groats0 0 - 0 Coriander0 0 0 0
Corn- 0 - - Cinnamon- 0 - 0
Pasta- - 0 0 Bay leaf0 0 0 0
Buckwheat flour0 + - - Mayonnaise0 - - 0
Durum wheat flour- - 0 0 Honey0 0 0 0
Corn flour and grits- 0 - - Nutmeg- 0 0 0
Oat flour (oatmeal)- + + + Paprika0 0 0 0
Rye flour0 + - + Pepper curry+ 0 + +
Muesli- - - 0 Black pepper- - 0 -
Cracker cookies- - 0 0 Parsley+ 0 + +
Oatmeal cookies- 0 + 0 Granulated sugar0 0 0 0
Millet0 0 + + Pickles and marinades- 0 0 -
Rye gingerbread0 - 0 0 Caraway0 0 0 0
Wheat- - - 0 Dill0 0 0 0
Rice0 0 + + White vinegar- - 0 -
Rye0 + - 0 Wine vinegar- - 0 -
Grain bread- - - 0 Apple cider vinegar- - 0 -
Wholemeal bread- - - 0 Fennel0 0 0 0
Spelled bread0 0 0 0 Horseradish0 0 + +
Wheat-rye bread0 0 0 0 Chocolate0 0 0 0
Wheat bread- 0 + 0 Vegetables, mushrooms
Rye bread0 0 - + Sweet potato+ - + +
Rye bread0 + - + Swede0 0 + 0
Cornflakes- 0 - - Mushrooms (oyster mushroom)0 + 0 0
Oat flakes- 0 + + Daikon0 0 0 0
Wheat flakes- - - 0 Zucchini0 0 0 0
Barley0 0 - 0 White cabbage- - + 0
Berries and fruitsBroccoli+ + + +
Avocado- 0 - - Brussels sprouts- 0 + 0
Cherry plum+ + + + Chinese cabbage- - + 0
A pineapple0 + + + Red cabbage- - + 0
Orange- - 0 - Cabbage+ + + +
Watermelon0 0 0 0 Cauliflower- - + +
Banana0 - + - Potato- - - 0
Barberry0 - - - Kohlrabi+ + 0 0
Cowberry0 + + + Watercress+ + + +
Grape0 0 + + Bow-feather0 + 0 0
Cherry0 + 0 + Leek+ + 0 0
Blueberry0 + 0 0 Bulb onions+ + 0 0
Pomegranate0 0 - - Carrot0 + + 0
Grapefruit0 + 0 + cucumbers0 0 0 +
Pear0 0 0 0 Parsnip+ + 0 +
Melon- - 0 0 Hot pepper+ - + +
Blackberry- + 0 0 Sweet pepper0 - + +
Raisin0 0 0 0 Rhubarb- - - -
Figs+ + 0 + Radish0 0 - -
Kiwi0 0 0 + Radish0 0 - -
Strawberry- 0 0 0 Turnip (turnip)+ + 0 0
Cranberry0 + + + Head lettuce0 0 0 0
Gooseberry0 0 0 + Leaf lettuce0 0 0 -
Lemon0 + 0 + Beet0 0 0 0
Raspberries0 0 0 0 Beetroot+ + + +
Mandarin- - 0 0 Celery0 0 0 +
Green olives- - - 0 Asparagus0 0 0 0
Black olives- - - 0 Tomatoes0 - - 0
Nectarine0 0 0 0 Jerusalem artichoke+ + 0 0
Coconut nut- - + + Pumpkin+ + - 0
Peach0 0 0 0 Chicory+ + 0 0
Plum+ + + + Champignon- - 0 0
Currant0 0 0 0 Spinach+ + 0 0
Persimmon0 0 - - Juices
Cherries+ + 0 + Apricot0 + 0 0
Blueberry0 + 0 0 Alychevyy+ + 0 0
Prunes+ + 0 0 Pineapple+ + + 0
Apple+ + + + Orange- - 0 -
Herbal teasBirch0 0 0 0
Hawthorn0 + 0 + Grape0 0 + +
Valerian0 + 0 0 Cherry0 +
Ginseng0 + + + Pomegranate0 0 - -
St. John's wort- + 0 0 Grapefruit0 + 0 0
Strawberry (leaves)- 0 0 + Cabbage- 0 + +
Linden+ 0 - - Cranberry0 0 + +
Burdock- + 0 + Citric0 + 0 0
Raspberries0 0 + 0 Carrot0 + 0 0
Coltsfoot- 0 - - Cucumber0 0 0 0
Mint0 0 0 0 Celery0 + 0 +
Dandelion+ 0 0 0 Plum+ + 0 0
Parsley+ 0 + 0 Tomato0 - - 0
Chamomile0 + 0 + Apple cider- 0 0 0
Licorice root0 0 + + Apple- 0 0 0
Yarrow0 0 0 0 Other drinks
Chebrets0 0 0 0 White wine0 0 0 0
Echinacea0 + 0 + Red wine0 + 0 0
Rosehip berries+ + + + Vodka- - - -
Coca Cola- - - -
Cognac- - - -
Coffee black- + 0 +
Lemonade- - - -
Alcohol tinctures- - - -
Beer0 - 0 0
Soda drinks+ - - 0
Green tea0 + + +
Black tea- - 0 -

Individual tables and menu examples for each group

The menu for each week of the diet is compiled by the person losing weight, focusing on the lists of “bad” and “good” foods.

When planning your menu for the week, keep in mind that the diet does not limit the daily amount of calories. There is also no need to strictly regulate portion sizes, but it is important not to overeat. The number of meals is not important either. None additional conditions No. Further - detailed description dietary features for each blood group.

1 group (0) - Hunter, meat eater

More than 33% of the world's population belongs to this group. “Hunters” have a strong digestive system and immune system. The diet includes an abundance of meat and fish products nutrition for the first blood group.

People in the first group often gain weight due to their slowed metabolism. To speed it up, the diet for blood type 1 excludes wheat, corn, cabbage and oats from the menu. It is also recommended to avoid aspirin and vitamin complexes containing retinol and tocopherol.

Table - Compilation scheme diet menu for those losing weight of blood group 1

What is healthy to eat and drinkAcceptable, but rareAbsolutely notHealthy Supplements
- Meat (but not pork);
- offal (liver);
- fish;
- seafood;
- seaweed;
- eggs;
- vegetables, except potatoes (especially carrots, radishes, radishes, daikon);
- greens (especially lettuce and spinach);
- pineapples and fruits (but not sour);
- rye bread (without fanaticism);
- green tea;
- herbal tea from rose hips, mint, ginger, linden;
- high-quality mineral sparkling water
- Cereals (less often oats and wheat);
- broccoli;
- beer;
- red wine;
- White wine;
- tea made from chamomile, sage, ginseng, raspberry leaves, valerian
- Cabbage (except broccoli);
- wheat and any wheat products;
- corn and any corn products;
- legumes;
- lentils;
- tangerines and other citrus fruits;
- ketchup;
- coffee;
- strong alcohol;
- tea with the following ingredients: aloe, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, strawberry leaves
- Phylloquinone;
- B vitamins;
- calcium;
- manganese;
- iodine;
- lipase;
- amylase;
- protease

Below is an example of creating a menu for one day for blood type 1.

  • Breakfast . Boiled eggs. Chicken cutlet. Unsweetened green tea.
  • Reinforcement. Stewed spinach. Carrot juice.
  • Dinner . Chicken bouillon with greens. Liver stewed with carrots and onions. Salad from fresh cucumbers and radishes. Tea with linden and mint without sugar.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge with baked fish. Sea kale. Unsweetened green tea.

In the body of people with the first blood group, fat burning processes are triggered by food saturated with iodine. In particular, algae. Also contributing to the “plumb” are root vegetables - radishes and radishes. Liver and red meat are required. Intensive courses required physical exercise. You can study athletics, skiing, swimming.

Group 2 (A) - Farmer, vegan

This type was transformed from a “meat eater” when, in addition to hunting, the practice of leading Agriculture. Almost 38% of people are carriers of the second blood group. The diet for blood type 2 is based on the consumption of plant foods.

People with the second blood group have special features in their work gastrointestinal tract. In particular, low acidity. What makes it difficult for the body to digest meat products, spicy food, salty. In this case, cutlets, herring and pickled vegetables inhibit metabolic processes, which causes the accumulation of unnecessary fat reserves. You should also avoid foods and supplements rich in retinol.

Table - Scheme for creating a diet menu for those losing weight 2 blood groups

What is healthy to eat and drinkAcceptable, but rareAbsolutely notHealthy Supplements
- Fresh vegetables (except peppers, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes);
- mushrooms;
- broccoli;
- garlic;
- cereals;
- beans;
- pineapples and fruits (but not oranges, tangerines, bananas and coconuts);
- coffee;
- green tea;
- red wine;
- juices from carrots, pineapples, grapefruit and cherries;
- water with lemon juice
- Sugar (rarely);
- chocolate (rarely);

- soy milk;
- soy cheese tofu;
- eggs;
- chicken (rarely);
- turkey (rarely);
- vegetable oils
- Fish (especially salted fish) and caviar;
- seafood;
- meat;
- dairy products;
- tomatoes;
- cucumbers;
- potato;
- pepper;
- cabbage (except broccoli);
- pickles;
- sour fruits;
- sour berries;
- wheat and its derivatives;
- sweets, including ice cream;
- corn oil;
- peanut butter;
- ketchup;
- vinegar;
- spices;
- Orange juice;
- Black tea;
- soda
- B vitamins;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- calcium;
- iron;
- zinc;
- selenium;
- chrome;
- bifidobacteria

Below is an example of creating a menu for one day for blood type 2.

  • Breakfast . Oatmeal. A cube of dark chocolate. Unsweetened coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Low-fat cottage cheese and baked apples. Cherry juice.
  • Dinner . Vegetable soup, but without potatoes. Eggplants stewed with garlic and rice. Pineapple juice.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. Fresh grapefruit.

The diet for the second blood group is based on plant foods: the priority of the “farmer” should be dishes from fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals. Cottage cheese and kefir are acceptable. Daily grueling fitness is not necessary here. The emphasis should be on the psycho-emotional state. Therefore, calm and peaceful yoga classes are very helpful.

Group 3 (B) - Omnivorous nomad

Carriers of this type are almost 21% of the Earth's population. The third blood group was formed in the process of interracial mixing. If such people eat properly, then special health problems can be avoided, because they do not have congenital “Achilles heels”.

The advantage is that their body reacts flexibly to changes in diet. And the diet for blood group 3 is the most diverse. However, excessive excesses towards veganism or meat-eating can cause harm.

Table - Scheme for creating a diet menu for those losing weight 3 blood groups

What is healthy to eat and drinkAcceptable, but rareAbsolutely notHealthy Supplements
- Meat (except duck and pork);
- soy;
- fish;
- low-fat fermented milk products;
- eggs;
- cereals (except buckwheat, lentils, corn and wheat);
- beans;
- vegetables (except for corn, tomatoes, pumpkins);
- greenery;
- fruits (but not coconuts);
- green and herbal teas;
- juices from cranberries, cabbage, grapes, pineapple
- Seafood;
- orange juice;
- beer;
- wine;
- Black tea;
- coffee
- Olives;
- duck;
- pork;
- buckwheat;
- wheat;
- corn;
- lentils;
- sesame;
- tomatoes;
- pumpkin;
- peanuts
- Magnesium;
- lecithin;
- licorice (licorice)

Below is an example of creating a menu for one day for blood type 3.

  • Breakfast . Omelette. Beef goulash. Unsweetened coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Cottage cheese casserole with apple. Cranberry juice.
  • Dinner . Beef soup. Lazy cabbage rolls. Fresh cucumber and cabbage salad. Unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner . Rice with baked fish. Grape juice.

The diet for the third blood group excludes the following foods: buckwheat, millet, lentils, corn. If you regularly combine these prohibited foods, your weight may increase more rapidly. With the third blood group, a balance must be maintained between physical and moral exercise. For example, you can do swimming and yoga.

Group 4 (AB) - Discreet gourmet

The youngest and rarest blood group. Its carriers are no more than 8% of the planet's inhabitants. This is the result of a symbiosis of the second and third types.

The diet for blood group 4 provides a combined, moderate diet.

The symbiosis of the main characteristics of A- and B-types is a source of additional problems in the fight against overweight. Yes, they can be combined low acidity gastric juice, as in type A. And the need for meat, as in type B. That is, the product is needed, but there are not enough resources to digest it. As a result, a fat layer accumulates.

The food set of the diet for the fourth blood group leaves room for experimentation. For example, we don’t give up meat, but we reduce the amount of it. It appears on the table only in the company of vegetables. And we compensate for the protein deficiency by introducing soy into the menu.

Table - Scheme for creating a diet menu for those losing weight 4 blood groups

What is healthy to eat and drinkAcceptable, but rareAbsolutely notHealthy Supplements
- Meat (preferably rabbit, turkey, lamb);
- fish;
- seaweed;
- low-fat fermented milk products;
- soy cheese tofu;
- olive oil;
- peanuts;
- walnuts;
- cereals (but not buckwheat, wheat, corn);
- vegetables (but not peppers, corn);
- greenery;
- pineapples and fruits (but not sour, citrus fruits);
- coffee;
- green tea;
- teas with chamomile, ginseng, ginger, rosehip, echinacea, hawthorn
- Legumes;
- beer;
- wine drinks;
- teas with mint, raspberry, valerian
- Seafood;
- red meat;
- ham and bacon;
- sunflower seeds;
- pepper;
- wheat;
- buckwheat;
- corn;
- black olives;
- teas with aloe, hay, linden
- Bromelain;
- quercetin;
- ascorbic acid;
- hawthorn;
- echinacea;
- valerian;
- thistle;
- milk thistle;
- zinc;
- selenium

Below is an example of creating a menu for one day for blood type 4.

  • Breakfast . Oatmeal with apricots. Unsweetened coffee.
  • Reinforcement. Cottage cheese with nuts. Chamomile tea sugarless.
  • Dinner . Vegetable okroshka. Zucchini stuffed with rice and poultry. Rosehip tea without sugar.
  • Dinner . Rabbit baked with onions and tomatoes. Green tea without sugar.

It will be easier for AB type people to stay in shape if they alternate simple physical exercises with high-quality intellectual work.