after hepatitis. How to restore the liver? Folic acid is the best helper. How to eat to restore the liver

Life after AVT (antiviral therapy) of hepatitis C is a rehabilitation process that can prevent an exacerbation or return of the pathology. A new remedy, patented by the Americans, made it possible to achieve high rates of treatment. In 98%, the infection disappears. You need to know what is included in the complex of antiviral therapy in advance, before the start of the treatment complex.

After recovery, the patient should be aware of the features of the condition and changes in health, possible residual effects. remain in the blood for a long time, they protect a person from re-infection. Defeating the virus is the work of an infectious disease specialist.

Further, the patient's life depends on other specialists:

  • hepatologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The disease does not disappear without a trace. After AVT of hepatitis C, disorders of the connective tissues of the organ remain. Penetrations of cellular formations are formed, replacing the original hepatic structure.

Growths have a medical characteristic:

  • early periods - fibrosis;
  • late stages - cirrhosis.

Doctors will be able to detect lesions, establish the stage of the spread of the virus. Modern pharmaceuticals relieve fibrotic lesions. Their action is aimed at stopping the development of cirrhosis. Medicinal formulations are created on glycyrrhizic acid.

The new antiviral composition of medicines allowed doctors to believe that hepatitis C is becoming curable.

Medicine brands:

  • Sofosbuvir;
  • Daclatasvir;
  • Ledipasvir.

The body's response to treatment is individual. Rehabilitation is an obligatory part of recovery activities. First of all, it is necessary to exclude a relapse, to stop getting sick. For about six months after recovery, a person limits himself in physical activity, protects the psyche and emotional state.

Hepatitis of any type makes a person's life worse. Most of them take place on a psychological level. It's scary to imagine that the usual life will no longer be. A person winds himself up, is afraid of the future. The disease during these periods progresses rapidly, taking advantage of the weakened condition of the patient. The endogenous type of depression is activated at 4 weeks of HCV. The antiviral complex reduces the symptoms, the consequences become less dangerous. Calm sets in, faith in one's own strength and the help of doctors appears.

Fibrosis takes place against the background of a serious pathology: portal hypertension. The essence of the pathology is an increase in pressure in the blood vessels passing through the liver and abdominal cells.

Dangerous consequences of hypertension:

  • varicose veins;
  • an increase in the volume of the spleen;
  • fluid accumulation.

Therapy of fibrotic lesions gives the best result in the early stages of disease detection. Hepatitis C care professionals warn of the possibility of living after hepatitis C antiviral therapy as well as those who have not suffered a serious illness. Forecasts completely coincide with the age of peers.

The immune system also reacts to the virus. But in the end, it has an effect on the kidneys, blocking the tubules of the renal tissues. Autoimmune diseases are emerging.

Recovery after hepatitis C AVT begins with a change in the menu. The patient is prescribed a special diet. Food products provide the liver with useful substances, protect it from stress and hard work.

Which food package is prohibited:

  • fatty;
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • confectionery;
  • sauces.

Under the complete ban is alcoholic products.

Changing diet:

  • small portions;
  • frequent intake;
  • plentiful and varied drink.

Drink and eat should be every 3-4 hours. That is, the body needs a small nutritional load, time for rest and new food. Together with a change in the diet, vitamin therapy is prescribed.

The daily complex of vitamins consists of the following set:

Ratio per day: 100/20/2/2/2mg.

Changes in nutrition, vitamin therapy take place in parallel with physical activity. You can not recover without special exercises. They are carried out before meals. Physical education improves blood circulation, accelerates the release of bile.

What the doctor will take into account for the development of the complex after the AVT:

  • age features;
  • preparation for physical education;
  • the severity of the cured form.

Recovery after antiviral therapy for hepatitis C can be carried out without exercising. Individual approach offers daily walks in the fresh air, walking. Walking is advised slowly, without accelerating and slowly. Dispensary observation ends with a variety of physical exercises, expanding the list of allowed products.

The exception to physical exercise is running, it is impossible to do it.

The resumption of the functioning of the liver occurs when the signs of congestion in the gallbladder are removed.

Means created according to recipes of non-traditional methods perform important tasks:

  • stimulation of bile production;
  • organ toning;
  • relaxation of the tissues of the ducts;
  • weakening of the smooth muscle tissue of the bladder;
  • expulsion of liquid;
  • increase in water concentration.

What herbs do healers use? There are so many of them that you can not collect the individual components, but purchase a ready-made pharmaceutical set of medicinal plants. The pharmacy sells special choleretic preparations, in which all the herbs are collected in a complex, the proportions and rules of interaction are observed. Phytopreparation - Holosas uses excellent reviews. It is based on an extract from dried wild rose berries.

To increase fluid in the body, it is advised to drink mineral drinks:

  • Slavic;
  • Essentuki;
  • Smirnovskaya.

Together with mineral water, valerian is used: the herb soothes, opens the pores for cell respiration.

One of the effective non-traditional approaches is massage. It improves the patient's well-being, stimulates blood exchange, strengthens the nervous system.

Preventive complex

Hepatitis C may return after HTP. An effective vaccine against the virus has not yet been developed. Medical scientists believe that prevention is the only way to protect the body from the return of the disease.

What is included in the complex of preventive measures:

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Everyone should have their own hygiene items. Manicure tools, combs, razors, brushes - everything can become a carrier of viruses. Cleanliness of hygiene items is a barrier to infection.
  2. Control of the sterility of instruments of the dentist and cosmetologist. Both procedures open access to viruses. When visiting offices, carefully monitor the actions of the doctor. If there is any suspicion of non-compliance with sanitary standards, you should indicate this to the specialist or abandon the procedure. Another option is to change cabinet.
  3. Safe intimate relationships. Sexual relations should be started only when the purity of the partner is certain. In other cases or when in doubt, condoms should be used. The genitals are the most accessible environment for infection.
  4. Planning for pregnancy. Preparing for the conception of a baby requires attention to your health. Pregnancy is a crucial period. It is preceded by a medical examination, tests, among which the presence of antibodies to

The hepatitis C virus is a very dangerous infectious disease, and if it is not detected in time, all contact persons fall into the risk zone, and this will lead to a mass epidemic. Often the disease progresses and becomes chronic. In the body of the patient, pathological changes in the liver occur - fibrosis and cirrhosis, and this is very dangerous and in the latter case is not compatible with life. Symptoms of fibrosis may appear only after a few years, and may not appear even once in a lifetime.

The whole complexity of the situation lies in the late diagnosis, when the disease is already in an advanced chronic form and the chance of death is high. Doctors can make an accurate diagnosis to the patient only with a complete examination and taking a number of tests. Using the PCR method, the disease can be detected just a few weeks after infection. Treatment should be started as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed.

How does hepatitis C affect the liver? Symptoms of the disease

Hepatitis C has a devastating effect on the liver, preventing it from fully coping with its purpose:

  • stop breaking down substances that enter the body,
  • bile is not produced in the right amount,
  • an increase in the concentration of toxic substances,
  • liver cells die, forming into connective tissue.

These factors can lead to fibrosis, and in advanced form - liver cancer.

Important! If you have several symptoms that have arisen, you need to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the body, having passed the appropriate tests.

Liver recovery techniques after hepatitis C

Within a few months, the liver after hepatitis C needs rehabilitation measures or otherwise requires convalescence .

For recovery after treatment, you should follow the recommendations:

  • lead mainly bed rest;
  • reduce all physical activity that leads to overwork;
  • do not lift heavy;
  • stay in the shade during the summer months;
  • exercise is better to replace yoga
  • give up alcohol.

In order for the rehabilitation to go well, you should follow all the instructions of the attending physician. Strictly take medication, give up bad habits and monitor nutrition. A specially selected diet should become integral in a new life, as well as taking vitamins.

They are necessary to maintain the state of the body as a whole. For example, vitamin C in hepatitis C boosts the immune system, which means it will fight viruses. Vitamin E will help restore the liver, protecting it from negative factors and destructive processes. Their reception and dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually.
What should not be eaten?

  • Sweets containing cocoa powder and muffins.
  • Sorrel.
  • Meat and fish with a high percentage of fat.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Acute.
  • Salty.
  • Roast.
  • Smoked.
  • Ice cream.
  • Alcohol.

Can hepatitis C return after treatment? Life after HTP

A person who has had the disease has the same risk of contracting the virus again as anyone else.
In the body of a person who has been ill with this virus, antibodies remain. Additional testing will be required. Be sure to donate blood for viral load analysis approximately six months after completion of treatment. With increased viral load, a relapse occurs. This will help, if not to avoid it, then at least to repeat the course of treatment prescribed by the hepatologist in time.

The most effective treatment for this disease the patient receives after AVT. AVT is an antiviral therapy, with the appointment of additional drugs. After AVT of hepatitis C, the patient has every chance for a full recovery. It should be borne in mind that the treatment for each patient with such a diagnosis is selected individually according to the results of the tests, as well as the duration of the medication.

During and after antiviral therapy, it is recommended to be under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

After HTP, there are temporary consequences. There are symptoms similar to the clinic with the flu, such as migraine, the whole body can shiver, discomfort in the joints. The duration of discomfort is approximately 1 to 2 months. Another unpleasant circumstance is profuse hair loss. Do not worry too much about this, as the hair will grow back.

There is also a severe emotional state. It is accompanied by a lack of appetite, a sharp mood swing, insomnia, complete indifference in all areas of life.

Important! You can't self-medicate! Any folk remedy should be discussed with the attending physician and used only with his permission!

What about alcohol? To drink or not to drink alcohol after an illness?

Should be remembered! By themselves, alcohol-containing drinks cause tremendous harm to the entire body as a whole.

The liver takes a huge hit. Liver cells begin to degenerate into connective tissue. If alcohol is consumed regularly, and even in large quantities, then there is a risk of cirrhosis of the liver.

ATTENTION! With viral hepatitis C in a chronic form and alcohol abuse in a patient under the influence of both factors, liver cancer can form.

Alcohol after HTP is categorically contraindicated for a year, beer is no exception. When used even in small doses, the consequences can be very serious. In addition, alcohol should be avoided at least six months before antiviral therapy.

With viral hepatitis C after the AVT, you can only stop the reproduction of viruses. Any alcohol-containing drinks that enter the body can aggravate the situation and the disease returns. At the same time, it can lead to death in the prime of life. This should not be forgotten, especially for those people who still managed to overcome such an ailment. The choice, of course, remains with everyone, but is there any point, due to momentary weakness, to nullify all efforts and endanger one's own life.

Where is the disease?

Where and under what circumstances is there a risk of contracting hepatitis C?

  • in tattoo or nail salons, in case of non-compliance with the standard set of rules by the master providing services of this kind;
  • in companies that use drugs directly through a common needle;
  • in places of detention.

People who have sex with different partners without the use of condoms have been and remain at risk. Also, people who share personal items with those infected with hepatitis C. These items include toothbrushes, shaving accessories, and manicure devices.

Protecting your life is easier than curing a disease.

Comprehensive treatment of viral hepatitis involves minimizing side effects from the action of modern generics and reducing the risk of repeated relapses of the disease. Modern doctors do not know the powerful capabilities of natural bioactive substances to restore the protective resources of the liver and the whole body, so they do not use them. Here are proven natural remedies that take advantage of these possibilities.

  • Traditional treatment regimens for hepatitis>>
  • Disadvantages of conventional treatment regimens >>
  • Combined treatment regimen (author's course)>>

Today, the treatment of viral chronic hepatitis has become easier. In 2016, relatively inexpensive generics of direct action on the virus appeared for the treatment of hepatitis C. They suppress the viral load well, but they do not treat the liver - they do not restore the liver's own protective resources to suppress possible relapses of the disease.

Today it is possible to compensate for these factors and increase the protective functions of the liver. But first things first.

The current situation in the treatment of hepatitis

Most viral hepatitis can be treated in one way or another. The greatest difficulty with viruses of types B and C. Hepatitis

Daclatasvir(generic Daclinza) inhibits one type of non-structural protein and destroys two stages of the viral replication process (reproduction by copying). This helps to quickly reduce the amount of hepatitis virus RNA. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, Daclatasvir is often recommended to be used in conjunction with Sofosbuvir.

Ribavirin produces a number of effects inside the hepatitis virus-infected cell, which complement the action of Sofosbuvir and, as a result, more effectively suppress the function of virus reproduction, which leads to a decrease in viral load.

Interferon alfa- immunomodulator, antiviral and antitumor agent. Suppresses the replication and transcription of viruses and chlamydia, preventing their reproduction. Due to immunomodulatory activity, normalization of immunity occurs.
It is recommended for some conditions with hepatitis C genotype 3 in conjunction with Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin, as well as for complicated forms of hepatitis B.

Active active ingredient: Interferon alpha / Interferon alpha-2a / Interferon alpha-2b / Interferon alpha / Interferon alpha-2a / Interferon alpha-2b.

The action of interferon alpha:

  • antiviral (flu, herpes, hepatitis, etc.);
  • antibacterial (bacteriostatic) against mixed infections;
  • antitumor and antiproliferative;
  • immunomodulatory (normalizes the immune status);
  • immunostimulating (strengthens the immune response);
  • anti-inflammatory.

Side effects of interferon alpha on organs and systems:

  • Flu-like syndrome: fever, chills, headache and muscle pain, joint pain, sweating, weakness, fatigue.
  • Central nervous system: dizziness, ataxia, anxiety, irritability, depression, irritability, drowsiness, insomnia, decreased attention, confusion, somnolepsy, cerebrovascular accident, tremor, neuropathy, paresthesia.
  • Sense organs: paralysis of the oculomotor nerves, visual impairment, ischemic retinopathy.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hypersalivation, dry mouth, taste disturbance, heartburn, increased peristalsis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, weight loss; stomatitis, recurrence of peptic ulcer, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract; increased activity
  • The cardiovascular system: arterial hyper- or hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias, tachycardia, cardialgia, ischemic disorders, shortness of breath (especially in patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system).
  • Hematopoietic organs: myelodepression, leuko- and thrombocytopenia, decreased hematocrit, anemia (more common with doses over 10 million IU); increased prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time, epistaxis.
  • Urogenital system: proteinuria, increased urea content, hypercreatininemia, hyperuricemia; decreased libido.
    On the part of the skin: alopecia; allergic reactions: skin rash, skin flushing, itching, dry skin, urticaria; furunculosis, herpetic eruptions, vesicular lichen.

Disadvantages of conventional hepatitis C treatment regimens

Treatment regimens are good at eliminating the hepatitis C virus, but not 100%. Honest doctors promise 93-99% efficiency. But these generics don't do a number of important things:

  • they do not treat the liver itself - they do not restore the functions of hepatocytes;
  • do not increase general (humoral) immunity and cellular immunity of the liver;
  • do not cleanse the liver of toxins and fatty deposits;
  • do not cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and do not facilitate the work of the liver.

Some exceptions are schemes where interferon alpha is present, which has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. But it has severe side effects. Similar results in boosting immunity can be achieved with safe herbal remedies.

But even in the regimen with interferon alpha, there is a risk of a return of viral activity in the future - during stress or a cold that suppresses the immune system.

Combined regimen for the treatment of viral hepatitis

I tested the scheme, where these disadvantages are excluded.

  1. Preparatory course - phytocomplex for protection against side effects of generics.
  2. The main course of generics prescribed by a hepatologist.
  3. The final course is a phytocomplex to increase the therapeutic effect of generics, compensate for their side effects and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of hepatitis virus activation in the future.

The phytocomplex of the preparatory course already makes it possible to improve the liver function indicators of ALT, AST and a number of others and significantly reduce the viral load. In this case, the main course of generics can be adjusted by the doctor in the direction of reduction.

I used this phytocomplex for many years for self-treatment of chronic hepatitis, when there were no inexpensive generics and many simply could not afford traditional treatment regimens. But even today, due to the existing shortcomings of modern drugs, this complex remains relevant - it allows you to compensate for the side effects of generics and reduce the likelihood of reactivation of the virus.

Immune plant complex - basic composition

Herbal preparations and their action in viral hepatitis

Uncaria plus - natural immunomodulator

Uncaria tomentosa , or Una de Gato (cat's claw), has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect:

As a result, Uncaria harmoniously regulates the functioning of the immune system, increasing its overall efficiency. This effect persists for a long time after discontinuation of the drug.

Compound: uncaria bark extract (Uncaria tomentosa). licorice roll, white willow bark extract

The cost is 968 rubles. 60 caps.

Peruvian Indians, who traditionally drink tea from the bark of uncaria, do not have hepatitis, cancer, or many other viral diseases and tumors.

Baofiber joy - boosting immunity through bacterial microflora

In medicine, it is known that the state of the immune system is 80% dependent on the work of the intestines. During normal operation of the intestine, its microflora produces a number of vitamins, and normal parietal digestion ensures the absorption of nutrients into the blood, which, in particular, feed on the organs of the immune system. Dry instant drink allows you to quickly normalize bowel function.

Properties of the drink Baofiber joy

  • cleanses the digestive tract from perennial deposits;
  • improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora and protects against dysbacteriosis;
  • increases the overall immunity of the body;
  • suppresses allergic diseases;
  • provides the synthesis of B vitamins and vitamin K;
  • helps to reduce excess weight;
  • has a pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • increases energy and performance.

Baofiber contains 8 types of fiber and 2 plants - an accelerator of the intestines; a balanced combination of soluble and insoluble fiber; 4 types of beneficial bacteria.

Compound: soy fiber, gum arabic, psyllium husk powder, guar gum, citrus pectin, apple pectin, corn bran, oat fiber, oat bran, L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, B. bifidum, B. longum, baobab fruit powder, powder lemon balm, ginger root, turmeric root, fennel root, fructose, vitamin C, sucralose, orange concentrate.

The cost is 2024 rubles. 180

Ecopam clearing - increasing the protective resources of liver cells

  • The drug normalizes the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and has a positive effect on the entire digestive system. Produces regeneration of damaged liver cells.
  • Restores the work of liver cells after chronic diseases, including hepatitis C. Helps to quickly restore the liver after poisoning, anesthesia and medication.
  • Contains indole-3-carbinol and sulfaraphane, which accelerate the work of the first and second phases of the conversion of toxic substances into a safe form.
  • Suppresses the papillomavirus and improves immunity.

Composition Ecopam clearing
Colostrum 30% IgG, chitosan oligosaccharides, grapefruit pectin, garcinia cambogia extract, small bubble fucus, common juniper, dandelion root, milk thistle extract, indole-3-carbinol.

These 3 drugs represent the basic composition of the immune plant complex - the minimum set for restoring immunity, which allows you to effectively fight the virus and at the same time restore liver function.

Practice shows that depending on the patient's condition, this course sometimes needs to be adjusted - to add some other drugs. Therefore, if you decide to treat viral hepatitis according to this combined scheme, I recommend filling out a small test - testcleaner >>

If there are results of surveys, it is desirable to send them.

case from practice

Unfortunately, on this sensitive topic it is impossible to provide feedback from the cured patients themselves - no one wants to advertise such diseases. But from experience I can report one, perhaps the most difficult case. It was a guest from the USA - our emigrant, Arthur. He had severe chronic hepatitis C. Here are some test results: ALT = 750, AST = 640, PCR = 15 million antibodies.

If you're aware, he's got a maximum of a year left. On the Internet, he found the website of a Russian clinic, where they promised lower prices than in the United States. However, in reality, everything turned out the same, but the family did not have that kind of money. Arthur found me on this site, we met at the manufacturer's office in Moscow, where he showed his terrible tests. I gave him a course for two months: Cleansing program and a special course for acute hepatitis of 6 drugs - only $150.

Arthur left hopelessly sad. This is understandable - there are serious clinics, tons of equipment, doctors in white coats, serious prices, but here, some boxes with dietary supplements. But two months later, via Skype, he joyfully announced that he was feeling fine, liver tests had improved a lot: ALT=170, AST=85, PCR=6.2 million. His American doctor was surprised that he was not being treated, but his condition was improving. I sent him the second course and after another 2.5 months. all tests were normal.

If you have questions, please contact<<форме обратной связи >>

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Viral hepatitis C is a serious chronic disease that occurs with damage to the liver tissue. The virus damages hepatocytes and causes inflammation of the liver, which is accompanied by acute pain and general malaise. Periods of remission alternate with acute attacks, when the pathogen is most active. Treatment is long, often the disease accompanies the patient until the end of life. The main measures against hepatitis are specific antiviral therapy (AVT) and symptomatic agents. Recovery of the liver after hepatitis C is no less responsible process, since it will not be possible to return to the usual way of life even after complete recovery.

What is this disease and how does it affect the liver?

The hepatitis C virus primarily infects the liver tissue. It accumulates in hepatocytes, which does not allow them to function normally. As a result, they can die off, and a connective tissue scar forms in their place. With proper and timely treatment, the patient is cured, which can be determined by the absence of the virus in the blood. However, the recovery process does not end there. The patient needs to restore liver tissue and improve the functioning of the organ. Proper nutrition, physical activity, medicines and folk methods will help him in this.

Recovery techniques

Repairing the liver after acute hepatitis can be difficult. After curing the disease, the patient is under the supervision of doctors for some time, who monitor changes in his state of health. The complex of measures includes a therapeutic diet, exercises and medications.

Therapeutic diet

Proper nutrition for a liver damaged from hepatitis is the main condition for recovery. The fact is that this body is actively involved in the metabolism of all substances - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are synthesized in its tissues, which are then necessary for the functioning of various organs and systems. Therefore, it is important to supply it with all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the liver is a natural filter that cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. It is important to eat only those foods that will be easily digested and not put an extra burden on the liver.

  • completely eliminate junk food: fatty, fried foods, sugar, pastries and alcohol;
  • switch to fractional nutrition, divide the diet into 5-6 small portions per day;
  • as a source of carbohydrates, eat cereals on water without oil;
  • consume large amounts of protein in the form of lean meats and fish, eggs and dairy products;
  • at any time of the year, try to get as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible;
  • drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water, at least 2 liters per day.

Healthy nutrition is the basis for liver regeneration. Such a diet is indicated for all patients with liver diseases of an infectious or non-infectious nature, as well as during the rehabilitation period. As a result, you can remove the extra load from hepatocytes, which will contribute to their recovery.

In the early stages, food restrictions will be strict, then it will be possible to gradually return to the usual way of life.

Physical activity

At first, you will have to refrain from playing sports. Treatment of hepatitis C is carried out in conditions of constant dispensary observation, and some patients are even prescribed bed rest. After recovery, you can gradually return to your usual physical form. For starters, stepping walks in the fresh air are suitable, while running is contraindicated. Then the exercises can be varied, but they should not cause pain in the right hypochondrium. With the help of sports, you can also control physical fitness. Excess weight puts an excessive burden on the liver, which negatively affects the patient's health.

TEST: How is your liver?

Take this test and find out if you have liver problems.

During the treatment of viral hepatitis, as well as during rehabilitation, doctors prescribe a set of drugs to restore liver function. They support those liver cells that have suffered from the effects of the virus, strengthen them and prevent premature aging. In addition, these drugs stimulate the synthesis of new liver cells, which can fully ensure the normal functioning of the organ. They also strengthen cell membranes and provoke the outflow of bile.

All these medicines can be divided into several groups:

  • restoring - their action is aimed at strengthening damaged hepatocytes;
  • stimulating the growth and division of cells;
  • those that strengthen the membranes and provide comprehensive protection to the liver.

Such drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition, after recovering from hepatitis, it is important to get enough vitamins and minerals (especially vitamins C, A and E). Often they are not enough in the diet, so it is recommended to take additional vitamin supplements.

Folk and alternative medicine

In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are a huge number of recipes to support the liver. Before using them, you should consult a doctor. Some of them may be ineffective or even harmful to the patient's health. Among the contraindications, some distinguish cholelithiasis (stones in the gallbladder), since herbal preparations have a choleretic effect.

Hepatoprotectors are prescribed both during the treatment of hepatitis and during the recovery period after the disease.

It is useful to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Such plants include chamomile, calendula, immortelle and yarrow. They are brewed with boiling water, insisted for several hours and taken orally in a small amount. These funds reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process, have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, supply the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Herbal collection No. 1

The composition of the collection includes calendula, St. John's wort and chicory in the same amount. 2 tablespoons of crushed dried raw materials are poured into a glass of water and left overnight. Then the solution must be brought to a boil and filtered. All liquid is divided into small portions and drunk throughout the day. The course is long, the infusion can be taken up to 5 months or more.

Herbal collection No. 2

For this recipe, you need to mix rose hips, horsetail and yarrow in equal proportions. 1 spoon of this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for several hours. The infusion is ready, it can be filtered and consumed inside. The daily dose of the medicine is one and a half glasses. Half a glass is drunk three times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment in this way can be short-lived. The course is 2 weeks, after which you need to take a month break and repeat it again.

Basic Prevention Measures

It must be remembered that a person who has had hepatitis C does not develop immunity. The risk of re-infection is especially high in people who are forced to undergo blood procedures. The disease is transmitted by blood transfusion (blood transfusion) and hemodialysis (its cleaning with the help of special preparations). Medical personnel who work with patients with viral hepatitis are also at risk.

There is a certain set of precautions that will prevent primary or secondary infection with hepatitis C:

  • do not use other people's hygiene items, especially razors and scissors;
  • choose tattoo parlors and manicure rooms where the master uses only disposable or sterile instruments;
  • do not use drugs, especially those administered intravenously;
  • during pregnancy planning, donate blood to detect antibodies to viral hepatitis, since it can be transmitted from mother to child;
  • avoid unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of hepatitis.

It is possible to fully recover from viral hepatitis C. To do this, the doctor prescribes a set of measures that will maximally relieve the load from the damaged liver and simplify its work. First of all, the patient needs to go on a diet and not break it, even as an exception. Physical activity in the early stages is also contraindicated. The complex of rehabilitation measures must be supplemented with drugs that help restore the liver. Over time, you can return to your usual way of life, but even after a long time, you should follow simple measures to prevent hepatitis.