Squash caviar for the winter - the best recipes at home. Real jam! Squash caviar for the winter without frying: recipe and photo

Hello! Squash caviar is one of the most popular vegetable snacks. Preparations for the winter can be made according to different recipes, for example, “You will lick your fingers” or as they used to do, according to GOST. There are other ways. And today I will introduce you to the most interesting and favorite options. For your convenience, I have made all the recipes with detailed descriptions and photos. And also with the addition of video.

As a child, to be honest, I didn’t like it, and at school it was often served as a side dish for lunch. I didn’t like its color, but then I tried it and fell in love with it. Although, I liked them, and my mother also cooked very tasty dishes from this vegetable.

Now every year I prepare at least a little for the winter. It goes great as a spread on sandwiches or as a side dish with meat; for example, it goes very well.

I would like to note that it is better to make canned food from young vegetables. It still has a delicate and soft skin, and the flesh inside is still dense, and the seeds are not large or rough. Therefore, this vegetable can be cooked whole. If the zucchini is already “matured”, it is worth peeling it and cutting out the pulp and seeds. And only after that start preparing caviar.

Make sure to sterilize your jars in advance. You can sterilize them in the oven at 50 degrees for about 30 minutes. Place them on the racks, neck down. Boil the lids in water for 5 minutes.

This recipe is my favorite. It's fast and easy, a quick fix so to speak. And the caviar turns out very tender, juicy and tasty. The store-bought one cannot compare with it. It's not for nothing that they call it that. But let's take things in order.

We will need:

  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg. (net weight)
  • Onion - 250 gr.
  • Carrots - 250 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Tomato paste -150 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Ground red and black pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar 9% – 50 ml


1. Peel the zucchini and cut into pieces. If there are rough seeds and a very soft center, be sure to cut them out.

2. Then cut the carrots and onions into arbitrary pieces.

3. Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder. First the onions and carrots, and then the zucchini itself.

3. Pour in vegetable oil, stir and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer covered for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. In the meantime, you can prepare the jars. Sterilize them over steam. Or boil it. Then you need to place them with their necks on the bottom of the pan, completely fill them with water and boil for 15 minutes. Place the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes.

5. Then remove the vegetables from the heat and puree with a blender. But if you want, you can leave it like that.

6. After this, add tomato paste, mix thoroughly and put on the stove until it boils. Then add salt, sugar and pepper.

7. Cover with a lid, but not completely, and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring. After the elapsed time, add grated garlic and pour in vinegar.

If you want it thicker, simmer for 30 minutes. More liquid will boil away.

8. Then transfer to prepared sterile jars and roll up. And leave until completely cooled, neck down, in a warm place. From the presented products we got 1.5 liters and a little more to try now. The taste is amazing.

By the way, the energy value per 100 grams. This product is 97 kcal.

The best recipe for zucchini caviar, like in childhood

As I already said, as a child I didn’t like it at first until my mother’s friend treated me to it. She spread it on my bread and let me try it with my eyes closed, asking me to guess what it is. I didn't guess right, but I liked the taste. And she cooked exactly according to this recipe. That’s why this kind of caviar reminds me of the taste from my childhood.


  • Zucchini – 1.5 kg.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 gr.
  • Tomato paste – 140 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. Peel the zucchini and cut into 1.5 cm rounds. Place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

2. After 20 minutes, remove them from the oven and chop them with a knife. You can also use a meat grinder or blender.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes. Then heat the frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it. Add chopped onion and fry until it becomes translucent.

4. Add tomato paste and chopped zucchini. Mix everything and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. When everything is ready, add salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar. Stir again.

5. Place the finished product while warm into jars and roll up. Turn upside down and place in a warm place, covered with a towel for a day. After a day, you can already consume this delicious food.

A simple and tasty recipe through a meat grinder, with carrots and onions

Try cooking this method, simple and unpretentious. But a very tasty result. Watch the detailed video. From the proposed amount of ingredients, approximately 2.2 liters of the finished product is obtained.


  • Zucchini – 2 kg.
  • Carrots – 500 gr.
  • Onion – 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 600 gr
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml.
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp.

Advice! The caviar can be blended with a blender, but after that it must be boiled for at least 5 minutes. Jars and lids must be sterile! Roll up, turn upside down and let cool under a warm blanket. Then the caviar is well stored even at room temperature.

Now watch this video and learn how to prepare wonderful squash caviar.

Everything is so tempting and appetizing that you want to run to the grocery store, buy vegetables and start cooking. But I’m not going to wait until winter to try it. I’ll eat it right away, since the winter preparations are long over. And we’ll still have time to prepare it for use.

Cooking for the winter with mayonnaise and tomato paste, without sterilization

I learned about this recipe relatively recently. Just a couple of years ago. I tried to do this then and did not regret it. Yummy. I usually don't make a lot of jars at once since I don't have much storage space. But I can preserve a couple of jars in different ways. And from the proposed products you get 2.5 liters of an awesome snack. It takes approximately 2 hours to prepare.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomato paste - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the zucchini and chop on a coarse grater. Pass the onion through a meat grinder. Place them in a deep container and place on low heat for one hour until the excess liquid has evaporated. Stir constantly to prevent burning.

2. When they are cooked, add the remaining ingredients - vegetable oil, mayonnaise, tomato paste, pepper, salt and sugar. Stir. Leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Place the finished caviar in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Then turn it upside down, place it in a warm place and cover with a towel or blanket. Leave it like this for a day for self-sterilization.

Squash caviar according to USSR GOST, as in the store

Let's remember what she was like in our childhood. Store-bought squash caviar from the USSR - this is the taste from our childhood. Of course, I like to experiment with ingredients, but I made my first winter preparations from this vegetable according to this recipe.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomato paste - 250 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the skin of the zucchini and remove large seeds, if any. Cut into pieces approximately 2 cm wide. Coarsely chop the onion.

2. Mix these ingredients and place on a baking sheet. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 250 degrees.

3. Then grind them through a meat grinder, add tomato paste, vegetable oil and sugar. Simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring constantly.

4. After this, add salt and pepper, stir. Grind through a sieve. Or use an immersion blender. Add bay leaf and simmer covered for another 30 minutes.

5. After cooking, remove the bay leaf, and place the finished product in sterilized jars and roll up. Place upside down in a warm place for a day. You will have wonderful, tasty squash caviar for the winter. It's impossible to resist.

Well, dear friends, you have become acquainted with simple and delicious recipes for preparing this wonderful snack. Now you understand that you can easily prepare it yourself? That's right, why buy in a store when you can make it yourself much tastier.

Good luck with your preparations!

Well, today we have a fresh selection of recipes from our readers. And for your attention, we analyze the whole 9 simple recipes zucchini caviar. And to be more precise, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Can you immediately remember that it was cooked according to USSR GOST? Mmmm...

This appetizer can rightfully be considered the queen of preparations, because it is present at almost every feast. And perhaps the next most popular will be . Although for many families, the priority is different. For example, I equally like preparations made from zucchini and pepper in the form of lecho.

In this article, I have selected for you interesting ways to prepare it, with all the nuances and subtleties. Let's get started already...

There are three variations of squash caviar:

  • puree, crushed in a blender;
  • passed through a meat grinder (it is more grainy);
  • cooked in pieces.

In addition, there are many combinations of vegetables, seasonings and so on. Below I will show you the most varied and delicious of them.

So, stock up on your fragrant harvest, we're getting started!

Tasty and tender caviar made from a minimum amount of ingredients. This appetizer is a great way to use up overripe zucchini. But young vegetables also make a great dish. Give it a try.


  • one and a half kilograms of zucchini;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • half a kilo of tomato;
  • 2 tablespoons of thick tomato paste (at your discretion, you can leave it out);
  • 2 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;
  • 1 laurel;
  • half a tablespoon of salt (coarse, without additives);
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • a third of a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • a little ground pepper.

Cooking steps:

1.Cut the onion into medium cubes. Heat the oil in a saucepan or cauldron and add the onion there for 5 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, you need to peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add to the onion and cook for another 5 minutes, until the onion is soft and yellow.

3. If you are using young zucchini, then they probably still have unformed, soft seeds and thin skin. You can simply wash them and put them to use. But larger specimens still need to be subjected to peeling and seed removal. Cut into cubes and send to stew, along with onions and carrots.

4. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder along with the garlic. Pour the mixture into the vegetables 5 minutes after adding the zucchini. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper and granulated sugar. To stir thoroughly.

5. After 40 minutes of simmering over medium heat, remove the bay leaf and beat the mixture with a blender. Adjust the degree of uniformity to your taste. Add vinegar and return to heat. Simmer covered for another 10 minutes.

Do not forget to constantly stir the vegetable mass, because it very quickly sticks to the walls of the pan.

6. Pour the finished snack into sterilized jars and seal. Cover with a warm cloth, after turning them over onto the lids. Leave until cool and then transfer to the cellar.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise for the winter

Zucchini caviar with the addition of mayonnaise turns out to be even more rich and aromatic in taste. The main thing is to choose high quality mayonnaise. Then your snack will be the most delicious. This kind of caviar is worth making at least once. You will definitely like it.


  • one and a half kilograms of zucchini. If you use overripe fruits, then you need to weigh them in a form that has already been cleared of seeds and peel;
  • 130 grams of mayonnaise;
  • half a teaspoon of ground pepper (black);
  • 250 grams of onion;
  • 130 grams of tomato paste;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • a tablespoon of coarse rock salt (you can use special salt for preparations);
  • a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar;
  • half a tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Cooking steps:

1.Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the diced onion. After it acquires a translucent color, add carrots, chopped into medium cubes. While the vegetables are frying, cut the zucchini into large cubes (about 2*2 centimeters) and also place in the frying pan.

2. Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add tomato paste and simmer for another half hour.

3. Now that the vegetables are ready, you need to add salt and granulated sugar to the mass and grind it with a blender.

If you don’t have such an assistant in the kitchen, you can use a regular meat grinder. This will make the caviar more grainy.

4. Since we are preparing a treat for the winter, the mass needs to be put on the stove again. If you cooked the caviar for instant eating, you can remove it before it cools. So, put the puree on medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Cover with a lid, because it will actively “shoot”.

5. Now you need to add mayonnaise and black pepper. Stir and simmer for 20 minutes.

6. Add vinegar, stir and turn off the heat. This completes the preparation of the snack. During this time, you had the opportunity to simultaneously sterilize the jars. You need to put caviar in them, right to the very edges. Seal and then turn upside down.

7. Wrap the jars and leave them overnight to cool. The next day they can be sent to the basement.

Quick recipe for caviar without frying according to a simple recipe

Caviar, in which the vegetables are pre-fried, is certainly delicious. But less useful, because boiling oil does not benefit the body at all. An excellent alternative to this method is stewing. The dish turns out no less tasty, but, at the same time, more healthy.


  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • a tablespoon of thick tomato paste (highest quality);
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar.

Cooking steps:

1.Chop the zucchini into neat pieces. If you plan to puree the caviar during the process, then you don’t have to pay attention to accuracy. But we will prepare the dish in pieces, so we cut it beautifully.

2. Place the zucchini in a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and cut the onion into cubes. Pour one glass of water and place on the stove. After boiling, the heat must be adjusted to medium. Simmer the vegetables for half an hour.

3. Add pasta, salt and spices to your taste. If necessary, you can add a little water. Stir and simmer for another 20 minutes. At the end of the process, taste the vegetables. Adjust salt and pepper if necessary. Pour in the vinegar a minute before it’s ready.

4. Immediately pour the finished caviar into sterile jars and seal. No additional boiling is required. It is enough to turn the closed jars upside down and cover them with something warm until they cool completely. And the next day they will be completely ready to move into the basement.

Squash caviar according to GOST (as store bought)

Lovers of store-bought caviar, this recipe is for you! It turns out very tasty and is in no way inferior to a store-bought product. Try it and see for yourself!


  • a kilogram of zucchini (young ones are better, because they are less hassle);
  • 75 grams of tomato paste;
  • a little black pepper at your discretion;
  • 1 onion;
  • 25 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • vegetable oil (30 grams + a little for frying onions);
  • 5 grams of nine percent vinegar.

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the zucchini. If they are already overripe, then you definitely need to get rid of the core and peel. Cut into cubes. Let it simmer without oil until done. If the vegetable is dry, you can add a little water. Then drain in a colander to remove excess liquid.

Don't be confused by the fact that we don't add oil in this case. After all, very soon the zucchini will release juice, in which it will be stewed. And, if necessary, as I already said, you can always add water.

2. In a separate frying pan, fry the onion until golden and cooked.

3. Combine onions and zucchini in one pan in which you plan to cook caviar. Puree them with a blender. Now you can add the rest of the products from the list, with the exception of vinegar. After all, it can evaporate during the cooking process. Simmer for 1 hour, covering with a lid and stirring frequently.

4. After an hour, pour in vinegar, stir and distribute into sterile jars.

Tasty and, as it turns out, quick to prepare caviar, ready for long-term storage.

Squash caviar - a simple and tasty recipe (to eat right away)

Very tasty and bright caviar. It looks and tastes in no way inferior to store-bought products. Only it is more useful and accessible. Try it!


  • one and a half kilograms of zucchini in its pure form;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 120 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 120 grams of tomato paste;
  • 30 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper (hot);
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

Cooking steps:

1. Peel vegetables (zucchini, carrots and onions) and pass through a meat grinder. Those who like a more delicate texture can do this several times. If you do this repeatedly, you don’t have to beat the mixture with a blender at the end. Pour into a saucepan or cauldron for cooking.

2. Add pasta, mayonnaise and butter here. Stir until even, pinkish in color. Place on the stove and turn on maximum power. As soon as the mass begins to bubble, you need to reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for about half an hour.

3. Add all other ingredients according to the list and stir thoroughly. Simmer for another 20 minutes in this state.

4. Grind the finished mass with a blender to an even, delicate consistency. Taste for salt and spices. You may want to regulate their level.

5. Caviar is ready to eat. For the best effect, it is better to cool it.

How to make squash caviar simply and deliciously? Simple recipe

This recipe is very easy to prepare. Opponents of mayonnaise may condemn its presence in the dish. But I can say for sure that the caviar with it turns out more tender and tastier. By adding just a little of this sauce, you will not cause much harm to the body. Therefore, you can safely cook caviar according to this recipe.


  • 3 kilograms of zucchini (you can use both overripe and young);
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • 500 grams of mayonnaise;
  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 300 grams of tomato paste;
  • 3 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of coarse salt;
  • a tablespoon of ground pepper.

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the zucchini from the skin and core. Grind them together with the peeled onions in a meat grinder.

2. Mix thoroughly and pour into a thick-bottomed pan or cauldron. Place on the stove and simmer for an hour and a half, stirring frequently.

3. Now is the time to add all the other products except ground pepper and vinegar. Stir and simmer the same way for 20 minutes. Then pour in vinegar and add pepper. Stir and continue simmering for another five minutes.

4. This completes the preparation. Now you can pour it into jars, which must first be sterilized. Seal with lids.

5. Turn all sealed jars onto lids and cover with a blanket. Leave until the next day, and then put it away for permanent storage.

Squash caviar pieces

Not everyone loves the creamy consistency of caviar. If you fall into this category, then you will surely love this recipe. It's quick and easy to prepare. And the taste is very delicate and piquant.


  • 6 kilograms of zucchini;
  • one and a half glasses of vegetable oil;
  • one and a half glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 2 full tablespoons of salt;
  • a glass of nine percent vinegar;
  • liter of tomato paste;
  • 2-4 large heads of garlic;
  • a large bunch of herbs (for example, dill and parsley);
  • 4 tablespoons of dry adjika.

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes. Finely chop the greens. The garlic also needs to be chopped as finely as possible.

2. Place zucchini, tomato paste, salt, adjika, granulated sugar into a large roasting pan, pour in oil and stir thoroughly. Simmer for 1 hour over low heat, after boiling.

3. Then add herbs, garlic and stir well. Simmer for 10 minutes. Pour in vinegar and remove from heat. Now the caviar can be distributed into jars.

4. Before this, jars must be sterilized in a convenient way. You can find out about them below. Turn the sealed jars of snacks upside down and cover until cool.

Squash caviar in a slow cooker

Caviar from zucchini is quite easy to prepare anyway. And if you cook it in a slow cooker, it’s doubly simple. Now I will tell you how to make it delicious too.


  • 3 and a half kilograms of large zucchini;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • a glass of pureed tomatoes;
  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • a teaspoon of ground pepper;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 2 full tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking steps:

1.Pour half a glass of oil into the multicooker bowl. Heat it in the “Frying” mode. While it is heating, peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into cubes and grate the carrots. Send them to fry until the onions are translucent.

2. In the meantime, you need to peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes. Add to the fried vegetables, stir and set the “Stew” program for 1 hour.

There is no need to add water, because the zucchini will release its own natural juice.

3. Grind the tomatoes in a blender. Before doing this, they must be cleaned. This is easy to do if you first make a small cut on them and pour boiling water over them. Now the peel can be easily removed. Add them to the caviar after 20 minutes of stewing.

4. Add all remaining ingredients (except acid and remaining oil) and blend everything with a blender. Put on “Stew” for another hour. The puree will actively “shoot”, so I recommend placing a steamer attachment on top.

For a bright color to the dish, you can add a little turmeric.

5. After 30 minutes, add oil and citric acid. Stir and continue simmering.

6. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars. Distribute the hot snack into a glass container and seal. Now the contents need to cool slowly. This can be ensured by wrapping the jars in a blanket. In the morning, move them to a cool place.

Squash caviar in a bag (sleeve), cooked in the oven

You can also prepare delicious squash caviar in the oven. It's very simple. You only need the products on the list and a baking sleeve. I invite you to try this interesting recipe and rate it.


  • 2 medium zucchini (you can even use overripe ones);
  • 3 small sweet peppers;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse table salt;
  • a full teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of khmeli-suneli;
  • some greenery;
  • a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar.

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the zucchini and remove seeds. This applies only to ripened and overripe vegetables. Young zucchini does not need to be subjected to these procedures. Peel all vegetables except garlic and cut into cubes. Add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, seasonings and stir well.

2. Place in a baking bag and secure the corners. Place on a baking sheet. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and place the vegetables there for 1 hour.

To prevent the bag from bursting at the bottom and the juice leaking out, pierce it in several places before sending it to the oven, usually with a toothpick.

3. Transfer the vegetables from the bag into a thick-walled saucepan. There is no need to pour juice. Otherwise, the caviar will be liquid. Blend the mixture with a blender.

4. Add garlic, crushed in a special press. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then pour in the vinegar and remove from the heat. Pour the mixture into jars and seal them.

How to sterilize jars for preparations

Any type of preparations for the winter requires sterilization of dishes. Even if some recipes state that this is not necessary, such a precaution will never be superfluous. Today we will look at six basic simple ways to prepare glass jars for long-term storage. They are suitable not only for squash caviar, but also for any other preparations.

1. Steam sterilization. To do this, you need to choose a wide pan and prepare a grate that will fit it. This could be, for example, an oven grill or a special mesh to prevent oil splashes. You need to install such a grate over boiling water in a saucepan and place the jars on it, neck down. They must first be washed with water or a soda solution.

2. Microwave sterilization. It is very comfortable. But there is one important condition - you must pour water into the jars, literally one and a half centimeters from the bottom. Otherwise they will burst. Set the power to 900 watts and the time to 3 minutes.

3. Processing at high temperatures in the oven. Place the jars in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, upside down. You can also put lids here. Sterilize for about 15 minutes.

4. Boiling. If you need to prepare 1-2 small jars, it will be more convenient to boil them in a saucepan. Fill them with water and place in a saucepan. This, in turn, is also filled with water so that it covers the jars. Boil in this form, after boiling, for 5-10 minutes.

5. In a solution of potassium permanganate. This is very convenient for those who do not want to work with high temperatures. Jars washed with soda should be thoroughly rinsed with a bright solution of manganese.

6. Pour boiling water over it. This method is suitable for new cans that have not been previously used. In addition, if your recipe provides for further sterilization of the workpiece directly in the jar, then it is enough to process them this way. Fill clean jars with boiling water up to the hangers and cover with lids. Leave for 10-15 minutes.

Today we were once again convinced that it is very easy to prepare delicious and everyone’s favorite zucchini caviar. We also learned that jars must be sterilized and even learned about the basic methods of this procedure.

I hope you find this article useful and some of the recipes become your favorites. Share your impressions in the comments. We will be glad to receive any feedback and wishes. Until new, delicious meetings!

Zucchini caviar is an integral dish during any holiday, so many housewives try to diversify the classic recipe and make their own changes to it and experiment. Zucchini caviar for the winter with tomato paste and mayonnaise is an excellent option for a savory snack that is prepared quite simply, quickly and has excellent taste.

Features of preparing squash caviar with mayonnaise

Often, mayonnaise, garlic, tomato paste and other ingredients are used to prepare squash caviar, which improve the taste and aroma of the product.

First you need to select high-quality fruits without damage, wash them thoroughly to remove dirt and heat-treat them. The processing method depends on the recipe: you can fry, stew, boil or even bake. Combine the zucchini with the rest of the chopped vegetables and additional ingredients and keep on fire until desired condition.

Carrots and onions are the main components that are usually added to caviar, but if you wish, you can experiment with the taste properties and add apples, sweet and hot peppers, fresh tomatoes, garlic and various spices, such as ginger and cinnamon.

Advice! Before you start preparing the snack, you need to read the recipes and follow all the steps.

Recipes for squash caviar with tomato paste

Zucchini caviar with tomato paste for the winter is prepared quickly and easily. The product has a delicate, refined taste and pleasant aroma, which during cooking will awaken the appetite of all family members.


  • 2 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 150 g tomato paste;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 60 g salt;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 50 ml vinegar;


  1. Wash and peel the main ingredients, cut the peeled onions and carrots into small cubes.
  2. Pour onions and carrots into a saucepan, add oil, salt and pepper, stir thoroughly, boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Add chopped zucchini, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Cook for 30 minutes, then add tomato paste, stir, hold for 10 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated, add vinegar, boil and remove from heat.
  5. Allow the mixture to cool, grind until smooth, return to low heat, boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Place the hot mixture into sterilized jars and seal.

Squash caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste

The recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise for the winter does not require heavy manipulation. This original and spicy dish will be the best appetizer on the dinner and holiday table.


  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 250 g mayonnaise;
  • 300 g tomato paste;
  • 150 ml oil;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 3 g ground pepper;
  • 1 laurel leaf.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the zucchini, remove the peel.
  2. Peel the onion and chop together with the zucchini using a meat grinder.
  3. Add mayonnaise, tomato paste and season with oil, stirring thoroughly, simmer for 1 hour over moderate heat.
  4. Salt, sweeten, add bay leaf and pepper, simmer for 1 hour.
  5. Remove the bay leaf and pack the resulting mixture into jars and roll up.

Recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise and carrots

The taste of homemade zucchini caviar with mayonnaise for the winter is practically no different from store-bought products. But the benefits from such a preparation will be much greater than from a purchased version filled with various flavor enhancers.

Required Products:

  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1.5 kg carrots;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 250 g tomato paste;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%);
  • 5-7 peas of black pepper.
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;


  1. Peel carrots, onions and zucchini and chop using a meat grinder.
  2. Place all the vegetables in one container, mix thoroughly, and keep on medium heat for 2 hours.
  3. Add mayonnaise, tomato paste, vinegar and all the desired spices, keep on fire for another half hour.
  4. Pack into jars, previously sterilized in a double boiler, and roll up.

Squash caviar without mayonnaise

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can add other spices, focusing on your own taste preferences. This winter appetizer will be a real boon for your holiday table.

List of ingredients:

  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 40 ml oil.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel the zucchini, cut into slices, removing the seeds, and cut into cubes if desired.
  2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and put chopped zucchini in it.
  3. Chop the onion into rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry all vegetables for 20 minutes.
  4. Using a blender, puree the vegetable mass after cooling.
  5. Salt, sweeten, add tomato paste and citric acid.
  6. Mix everything well and place on low heat for another 10-20 minutes.
  7. Pack the finished dish into sterilized jars, roll up and store after cooling.

Calorie content of squash caviar with mayonnaise

The recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise allows you to create a dish that is not only healthy, but also harmless to your figure. Nutritionists recommend adding this product to your diet because of its low calorie content. This preparation has a positive effect on many organ systems, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

The table shows the nutritional value of 100 g of finished caviar:

Advice! Due to its low calorie content, you can not refuse the product during a diet, since it will saturate the body with useful substances and relieve hunger for a long time.

Terms and conditions of storage

Squash caviar with tomato paste for the winter is prepared very quickly, so many housewives prefer it. Properly preparing a snack is only half the process; it is important to preserve it for the winter so that all the beneficial and tasteful qualities of the product are not lost. It is recommended to store the workpiece in a room with special conditions, where the temperature is 3-15 ° C and the air humidity level is quite low.

The shelf life is no more than 1 year; it is advisable to consume all preparations during the winter. After opening, keep the product in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks, checking the freshness of the product before use.


Squash caviar for the winter with tomato paste and mayonnaise is an excellent appetizer that will diversify the daily menu, and will also look amazing on the holiday table and will definitely surprise guests with its excellent taste.

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Good afternoon, dear readers of our blog!

The zucchini harvest season is coming very soon. Therefore, it is worth preparing such a tasty and affordable vegetable for future use. Then in winter you can enjoy fragrant squash caviar. It turns out no worse than store-bought, and even better. After all, it does not contain various preservatives or harmful additives.

The main thing is to choose the right zucchini. Then the dish will be delicious. Vegetables should have a thin skin, without stains or damage. No more than 20 cm long. Then they will not have to be peeled from skins and seeds.

But if you grow larger and more mature zucchini, don't worry. They can also be used in the preparation, but already peeled.

A real recipe for store-bought squash caviar according to USSR GOST

Very tasty caviar comes from the past. It is not inferior to current analogues. And you can only find such a recipe in old cookbooks. Therefore, if you don’t have any of these, feel free to use our cooking method according to GOST USSR.

Required Products:

  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 30 ml plant. oils;
  • 4 tbsp. tomato. pastes;
  • 9 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 g ground black pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. chopped parsley root;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Wash the zucchini and clean it if necessary. Cut into small pieces. Place in a frying pan heated with a small amount of oil. Simmer over medium heat without covering with a lid. Then the excess moisture will evaporate. Once the pieces are soft, you can remove the pan from the heat.

Do not fry them under any circumstances.

2. Peel the remaining vegetables and rinse well. Cut the onion into cubes. Three carrots on a large grater. Mix the vegetables, add chopped parsley root. Sauté in vegetable oil for about 5-10 minutes. They also don't need to be fried. Transfer the mixture to a clean bowl. Pour the remaining oil into it.

3. Peel the garlic and put it through a press. We should have a homogeneous paste. We put it aside.

4. Mix all the vegetables and pass through a meat grinder or blender. The result will be a mass of homogeneous consistency. Pour it into a cauldron or saucepan.

5. Place the cauldron on low heat. Close the lid. Stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from burning. After an hour, add: sugar, tomato paste, pepper and salt. Mix well and continue cooking for another 30-40 minutes. Finally, add the garlic and vinegar. Cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove.

6. Place the not yet cooled caviar into pasteurized jars and close the lids tightly. Turn it upside down and wrap it in a terry towel. After cooling, store in the refrigerator or basement.

This is such a delicious dish in just 2-3 hours. Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cool, covered with a blanket or blanket.

Winter vegetable appetizer is ready!

Classic recipe with mayonnaise and tomato paste for the winter, just like in the store

Amazingly tasty and aromatic caviar, just like in childhood. If the dish is eaten quickly and you are not going to leave it until winter, you don’t need to add vinegar. Pepper is also an optional ingredient, but it does add some heat.

Required Products:

  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 150 g tomato. pastes;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 8 tbsp. rast. oils;
  • 2 tbsp each salt and sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Peel the zucchini and onions. Three zucchini on a grater. Pass the onion through a meat grinder. Mix them in a large saucepan. Place on low heat. Cook for about 1 hour until all the moisture has evaporated. Don't forget to stir the mixture, otherwise it may burn.

2. Add: oil, tomato paste, mayonnaise, pepper, salt and sugar. Mix everything well.

3. Continue cooking over low heat for up to 30 minutes, stirring constantly. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar. Mix. We wait 2 minutes and remove from the stove.

4. Pour the hot dish into pre-prepared jars and roll up the lids.

Cool the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket.

The most delicious fried zucchini caviar, just like in childhood

Another interesting recipe that will not leave anyone indifferent. The taste is just like in the store. Despite this, it is quite simple and consists of a minimum of ingredients.

Required Products:

  • 3 kg of peeled and prepared zucchini pulp;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 3 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • rast. oil for frying.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Chop the vegetables into cubes. Then fry them separately in vegetable oil. Pass through a blender. Add salt and mix well.

2. Transfer the vegetable mixture to a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. After the time has passed, add tomato paste and vinegar.

3. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes. As a result, the caviar will become thick. Next, pack into pasteurized jars and close the lids tightly. Cool by wrapping it in a blanket or towel.

A simple recipe for squash caviar with tomatoes in a slow cooker. Real jam!

This is a way to prepare delicious vegetable preparations at home. Suitable for happy owners of multicookers. The ingredients in it are varied. And their combination is simply amazing! Be sure to try this recipe.

Required Products:

  • 1.2 kg of zucchini pulp;
  • 250 g white cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 sweet bell peppers;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt;
  • 2 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • rast. oil for frying.

Step-by-step preparation:

Fry all vegetables under a closed lid.

1. Cut the onion into cubes. Turn on the “Frying” mode on the multicooker. Add oil to cover the bottom. Throw the cooked onion into the multicooker bowl. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. Cut the carrots into cubes. Pepper - into strips. Add carrots to onions. Mix. Cook for another 5 minutes.

3. Cut the zucchini into cubes. At this time, the vegetables were fried in the slow cooker. Add pepper to them. Mix. Fry for another 5 minutes.

4. Then add the zucchini. Mix. Cook for another 10-15 minutes.

5. At this time, chop the cabbage. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Add cabbage to the mixture. Mix.

6. And finally, all that remains is to add the chopped tomatoes. Mix.

7. Close the lid of the multicooker. Select the “Baking” mode for 1 hour and press “Start”.

8. Carefully open the multicooker. Mix. Add salt and sugar. Mix again.

9. Grind the vegetables with a blender until pureed.

10. If desired, add ground pepper. Mix. And we arrange the caviar in sterilized jars. Let's roll up.

Turn the workpiece upside down and wrap it in a warm towel or blanket. And we wait until our winter vegetable puree cools down.

Preservation is ready!

Cooking squash caviar with mayonnaise and flour in a blender

Very tasty caviar. Fried flour gives it a store-bought taste. The blender here is used only for pureeing the finished product.

Required Products:

  • 3 kg of peeled zucchini pulp;
  • water;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • rast. oil;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 3 pinches of ground black pepper.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Cut the peeled zucchini into cubes. Place in a saucepan. Don't worry if the pan is completely filled. Gradually the zucchini will settle. Pour 200 g of water into them. Close and place on low heat. Cook for 40-50 minutes, stirring constantly. The vegetables should become soft.

2. At this time, cut the onion into cubes. Grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in 100 g of vegetable oil. All this can take up to 50 minutes.

3. When all the vegetables are cooked, you need to puree them in a blender. If you do this in portions, the caviar will be more uniform and tasty. Then add tomato paste, salt and 4 tbsp. vegetable oil.

4. Mix. Close and turn on low heat. Stir the mixture every 5 minutes to prevent it from burning. In this way we cook the dish for 50 minutes. It will thicken and cook down.

5. At this time, fry the flour. This is done in a dry frying pan without oil. Stirring continuously. Fry until the flour darkens slightly and the aroma appears.

6. Add flour to the caviar. We also add pepper there. Mix thoroughly and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

7. Pack the finished dish into jars and sterilize in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then we roll up the lids.

We store the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar.

Delicious video recipe for making tomatoes and vinegar at home

I found a very simple recipe for making squash caviar for the winter on YouTube. It looks very appetizing, and not at all complicated. I think it’s worth trying this homemade version. If you want, you can take a look and see if you like this version of the preparation...

Recipe for zucchini caviar with citric acid without vinegar, even better than in the store

And finally, we offer a flavorful dish. Vinegar here is replaced by citric acid. The blank, like all previous options, is above all praise.

Required Products:

  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 250-300 g tomatoes;
  • 300 g sweet bell pepper;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 150 g onion;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp. citric acid (dilute in 1 tbsp water);
  • rast. frying oil;
  • ground black pepper.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. We take young zucchini. Therefore, we wash them well and cut them into cubes.

2. Peel the tomatoes. This is easy to do if you cut them crosswise at the top. Then immerse in boiling water for 1 minute. Then transfer to cold water.

3. All that remains is to carefully remove the skin and cut out the core. And then cut the tomatoes into cubes.

4. Now let's take care of the pepper. Peel the peel using a vegetable peeler. Cut out the core. And also cut into cubes.

5. Peel the carrots and onions, wash them and cut them into cubes. Grind the garlic in a garlic press.

6. Fry each vegetable in a small amount of oil. This must be done separately. This way each ingredient will reveal its taste and aroma. Combine everything in one large saucepan. Add sugar, salt, pepper and citric acid.

8. Mix thoroughly and simmer under a closed lid for about 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir periodically.

9. All that remains is to puree the vegetables. This is done with a blender. Do not use a meat grinder under any circumstances, otherwise the caviar will simply lose its desired taste. If necessary, simmer further to the desired consistency. And roll into pre-prepared jars.

Then we turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. So they remain with us until they cool completely. I keep it for at least a day. Then I put it away in the pantry.

The preparation is ready!

This concludes our selection of recipes. We wish you bon appetit! And see you again in the next articles! Don't forget to write in the comments which recipe you liked the most!

I wish you successful preparations!

[Updated edition - August 2018. Denis Povaga]

And now, in the midst of preparations for 2018, we decided to update the article with new recipes. And today you will learn not only the best recipes for squash caviar for the winter, but overall delicious recipes that will make you lick your fingers!

The older generation remembers the taste of squash caviar from childhood. In the 90s of the last century, besides it, there was practically nothing on the shelves. Zucchini ripens in early autumn, so it's time to make canned vegetables for the winter.

The preparation contains a minimum amount of calories and does not burden the digestive system. Therefore, the dish can be consumed for various diseases and during weight loss.

In this article we will look at the most successful options for preparing vegetable preparations.

If you have never prepared squash caviar at home, you can use a simple recipe. Despite the simplified cooking process, the preparation turns out very tasty. Therefore, be sure to roll up several cans for the winter.


  • 3 kg of zucchini.
  • 1 kg of fleshy tomatoes.
  • 1 kg of onion.
  • 1 kg carrots.
  • 150 ml vegetable oil.
  • 1 tbsp 9% vinegar.
  • Granulated sugar, black pepper and table salt according to preference.

Cooking procedure

Zucchini needs to be washed well. To prevent caviar from having a greenish tint, it is recommended to peel the peel. An overripe fruit may have large seeds; they must be removed. Cut the vegetable into small pieces. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the zucchini in several portions.

When the vegetables are slightly fried, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes until they become soft. Then transfer them to a large enamel pan so that all the necessary products can fit in it.

Finely chop the onion. To prevent splashes and steam from the vegetable from getting into your eyes, it is recommended to grease the cutting board with a small amount of salt and use a sharp knife. Then fry the onion in sunflower oil.

At the next stage, wash the carrots, remove the top layer if necessary and grate the vegetable. Sauté in oil in a deep frying pan until the vegetable becomes soft. Add all prepared ingredients to the container with zucchini.

Wash the tomatoes and place in boiling water for a few seconds. After this, you can easily remove the skin.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender. Add the resulting juice to the rest of the products and mix with a mixer.

Place the zucchini mixture on the stove and cook over low heat for 2-3 hours. The time depends on the volume of the mass. If necessary, pepper, salt and add a small amount of sugar.

A few minutes before cooking, add vinegar. After which the caviar can be poured into jars, which must first be sterilized.

Wrap the inverted jars in a blanket or towel and leave for 12 hours in a cool place. If you do not violate the cooking technology, the caviar will not spoil at room temperature.

Caviar with tomato paste for the winter at home

To prepare caviar, you can use tomato paste instead of fresh tomatoes. The difference between homemade preparation is that you can control the consistency and quantity of ingredients, so the snack can be prepared according to your preferences.


  • 2 kg of ripe zucchini.
  • 150 g canned tomato paste.
  • 1 kg of onions.
  • 1 kg carrots.
  • 200 ml sunflower oil.
  • 1 tsp 70% acetic acid.
  • A small amount of water.
  • 2 tbsp table salt.
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar.

Step-by-step preparation of caviar

All vegetables must first be washed and peeled, and the jars must be treated with boiling water. Cut the carrots into medium-sized cubes. To prepare caviar, you can use a thick-walled saucepan, deep frying pan or cauldron. Heat vegetable oil in a container and add chopped carrots to it. Pour water over the vegetables, sprinkle with sugar and salt, then mix thoroughly. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil, simmer the carrots for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the zucchini into small cubes. Then chop the onion. If desired, you can use hot green pepper for cooking, from which you need to remove the seeds and finely chop. Add the prepared ingredients to the container with carrots and mix. Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil, then simmer until the vegetables are soft (about 20 minutes).

Add tomato paste to the vegetables, stir and simmer for 10 minutes. Leave the roof slightly open to allow all the liquid to evaporate.

Add acetic acid to the container and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then transfer the products into a blender bowl and grind them thoroughly.

Place the zucchini mass back on the stove and bring to a boil. After this, the snack can be placed in jars. The lids must be boiled. From the products used, 4 jars with a volume of 750 ml are obtained.

Your loved ones will definitely love caviar prepared this way. Perhaps it will become your favorite dish.

The best recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise

Vegetable caviar can serve as a separate dish or in addition to fish or meat. Each person has their own preferences, so you can use different ingredients to prepare the snack. If you don’t like squash caviar with a sour taste, then it is recommended to add mayonnaise to it.


  • 6 kg of zucchini.
  • 500 grams of mayonnaise.
  • 500 grams of tomato paste.
  • 6 onions.
  • 200 ml sunflower oil.
  • 4 tbsp vinegar.
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 2 tbsp table salt.

Cooking method

At the initial stage, you need to prepare the zucchini. If they are young, then it is enough to peel them. If there are large seeds, they must be removed. Then cut them into small cubes.

Place the chopped zucchini in a large enamel pan. Vegetables must be stirred periodically so that they do not burn, otherwise the preparation will be spoiled. After boiling, simmer the zucchini with the lid closed for 2 hours. When they give juice, the heat needs to be reduced.

Grind the onion in a blender to obtain a mushy mass, as shown in the image below.

When the zucchini is ready, grind it using a mixer or blender.

Add chopped onion, tomato paste, mayonnaise, vinegar, malo, salt and sugar to the pan with the zucchini. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

Place the zucchini mass on the stove and cook for 45 minutes over low heat. After this time, pour the snack into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Squash caviar for the winter. The best recipe through a meat grinder

To simplify the process of preparing caviar, it is recommended to mince all the vegetables. In this case, the products do not lose their beneficial properties, and the snack turns out nutritious and tasty.


  • 2 kg of young zucchini.
  • 800 g tomato.
  • 600 grams of onion.
  • 500 grams of carrots.
  • 1 kg sweet pepper.
  • 2 heads of garlic.
  • 500 ml vegetable oil.
  • 1 tsp 70% vinegar essence.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking process

  1. Rinse vegetables with cold water. If the zucchini is overripe, you need to remove the peel and remove the large seeds, then cut into large pieces. Remove the skin from the tomatoes; to do this, place them in boiling water for a few seconds.
  2. Grind all vegetables separately using a meat grinder. The products do not need to be mixed, so you need to prepare several deep plates. Pass the garlic through a special press.
  3. Place a thick-walled saucepan or deep frying pan on the stove and heat the sunflower oil.
  4. First of all, you need to fry the onions and carrots for a few minutes so that the vegetables acquire a golden color.
  5. After this, add the remaining pureed ingredients.
  6. When the vegetable mixture boils, add vinegar, table salt, sugar and garlic to the container. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  7. While the vegetables are cooking, you need to pour boiling water over the jars or put them in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  8. When the caviar is ready, it should be immediately packaged in glass jars. Roll up the lids and cover with a blanket so that the snack gradually cools.

After 12-15 minutes, squash caviar can be consumed. A snack prepared in this way can be stored for about 6 months.

Squash caviar without tomato paste. Simple recipe

Zucchini caviar is most often prepared with tomato paste. However, not all people like this taste or it is contraindicated for certain diseases. In this case, you can do without tomatoes.


  • 3 kg of zucchini.
  • 4 medium sized sweet peppers.
  • 1 kg carrots.
  • 10 cloves of garlic.
  • 600 grams of onion.
  • 200 ml sunflower oil.
  • Black pepper and table salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

Vegetables must be washed, peeled, and cut into small cubes. Cook the products over medium heat until soft. To preserve beneficial properties and vitamins, it is recommended to add the ingredients to boiling water.

While the vegetables are cooking, you need to chop the onion and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil. After this, mix the products and grind them using a blender. You can also use a meat grinder.

Add salt and pepper to the vegetable puree. Place the container on the stove and cook the caviar for 40 minutes over low heat. To ensure that all the liquid evaporates, it is not recommended to cover the pan with a lid. The appetizer must be stirred periodically, otherwise it may burn.

You must first sterilize the jars and dry them. You need to pour the caviar while it’s hot, then roll up the lids. If it is not possible to store the snack in a cool place, then it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar to the jar.

Squash caviar for the winter - a recipe just like in the store

If you like store-bought zucchini caviar, you can make it yourself at home. To do this you will need simple and affordable products. You can prepare the snack in a slow cooker.


  • 1 kg of zucchini.
  • 0.5 kg of onions.
  • 0.5 kg of fresh carrots.
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.
  • 80 grams of canned tomato paste.
  • Table salt and sugar according to preference.

Cooking method

Wash the onions and carrots, peel and cut into small cubes. Add to the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” mode. Add salt with sugar, sunflower oil and a small amount of black pepper to the container. Mix all ingredients and fry for 15 minutes.

Peel the zucchini and grate on a medium grater.

To prepare squash caviar, you can use canned tomato paste or make it yourself. Grate the tomatoes and put them on the stove so that all the liquid evaporates. Add a small amount of salt and sugar.

Add zucchini to the fried vegetables and turn on the “Stew” mode. Do not rush to add water to the multicooker bowl, as the zucchini may produce a sufficient amount of juice. Cook for 40-60 minutes. The caviar must be constantly stirred and ensure that it does not burn.

About 10 minutes before the snack is ready, you need to add homemade tomato paste to the container.

At the next stage, grind all the products using a blender until they form a mushy mass.

Cook the vegetable puree for a few more minutes.

After this, the caviar can be consumed immediately or rolled into sterilized jars. The caviar really turns out just like in the store.

Everything will be delicious! Another recipe for squash caviar

It is impossible to review all recipes for making squash caviar in one article. But let's consider another option.


  • 1 kg zucchini.
  • 300 grams of sweet pepper.
  • 300 grams of tomatoes.
  • 150 grams of onions.
  • 200 grams of carrots.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt, sugar and black pepper according to preference.

Cooking process

You need to prepare all the ingredients. By the way, the taste of future caviar depends on the freshness of each product. Therefore, you need to carefully select all ingredients.

Peel the young zucchini and chop finely. If you use overripe fruits, you must remove the core and seeds from them.

Tomatoes are very important; they must be ripe, tasty and juicy. To remove the skin from them, you need to make a small cut, place them in boiling water, and then in ice water. Then cut into small cubes.

You also need to remove the skin from bell peppers, but this is not so easy. To do this, the vegetable must be baked or fried over an open fire, placed in a plastic bag for 10 minutes, then remove the film. If you don’t want to complicate the process, you can simply remove the top layer using a vegetable cutter. The pepper also needs to be chopped.

It is better to take sweet and young carrots. Grind the root vegetable into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Then all the ingredients need to be sautéed separately for a few minutes until half cooked. To prevent anything from burning, you need to systematically stir the food. After this, mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt, pepper, sugar, citric acid and mix. It is recommended to add the last ingredients to taste, depending on what you like best in caviar.

Place the enamel pan on the stove, cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables over low heat for at least 40 minutes. If you want to roll caviar for the winter, then you need to simmer for at least 1 hour. Then grind the ingredients using a blender and cook for a few more minutes. The finished snack can be transferred to a container or rolled into glass jars.

Do you like zucchini snack? Maybe you have your own cooking secrets? Share them with blog readers.